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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.48280729
File: 245 KB, 640x480, 1667800578485919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shalt not override the discussion of thy neighbour.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys’ numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thy words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr—
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.48280752

I'm out

>> No.48280770


>> No.48280800
File: 153 KB, 1000x1320, Fo8AAKnaQAAZndo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48280874

Make sure to do your playlist reps and leave a like on VODS! *chu*

>HAKKA'S BIRTHDAY MERCH IS LIVE! (On sale until May 22th 18:00 JST)

>April fools merch/voice packs are live! (On sale until May 8th 18:00 JST)

>HQ/VG Acrylic Stands still live! (On sale until out of stock!)

>Fes Chibi pop stands are still live (on sale until out of stock!) (all HQ boys keychains are now sold out! good job everyone!)

>Valentine's Situation Voice Packs still available!

>> No.48280813


>> No.48280823


>> No.48280857
File: 43 KB, 714x670, IMG_6329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vesmachi love!!!!!!! great csgo stream, it always catched me off guard how well they bounce off each other

>> No.48280859

This guy: https://www.twitch.tv/yuukikoubyou

>> No.48280861
File: 235 KB, 371x336, flaybye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread baked i can finally sleep good night /mans/

>> No.48280874

fuck i did forget to like, thanks anon

>> No.48280875

my oshi is back, i’m happy. good night, /MANS/.

>> No.48280916

<3 CATBOY???? <3 CATBOY???? <3 CATBOY???? <3 CATBOY???? <3 CATBOY????

>> No.48280925
Quoted by: >>48280964

You'll be awake in time to bake the next one, right anon?

>> No.48280934

gn, thanks for the bread chu~

>> No.48280937

I'll just do this now, since the stream seems to be closing real soon.

>> No.48280964

You leave that poor baker alone

>> No.48280974

boys gaming!/10

>> No.48280987

This catboy is a WHORE

>> No.48280989

one of my fav duos/10 I love these two weirdos so much

>> No.48280988

should've let that hakkito bake and infect them

>> No.48281018


>> No.48281030
Quoted by: >>48281118

Surely /MANS/ will go back to normal after I wake up in 5 hours

>> No.48281035
Quoted by: >>48281526

ah, he's had better redirects... well it makes me happy that he does it, i can't imagine how i'd feel to be raided by a holostar

>> No.48281065

Shinri's got like 3 hours left right?

>> No.48281067

poor bettel/10

>> No.48281118

when has it ever been normal

>> No.48281128
Quoted by: >>48281398

that cleavage is unsettling.

>> No.48281179


>> No.48281184

CS was really fun but I'd like to see if they can learn to not mess around sometimes. I believe they can actually pull real strats with some focus.

>> No.48281204
File: 87 KB, 1000x994, 1674773714207359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48295254

It means I want Flayon to overpower me with his size. Probably not building-size though, and I'm not especially into vore. Something giant-size, or as big as the room where his big haunches are just enough for me to probably smooch and worship

>> No.48281289
File: 98 KB, 331x349, BADF348A-C38E-4FED-9A90-8D02366DFB30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48281343

i fucking fell asleep .... missed the whole thing kms

>> No.48281324


>> No.48281343

stupid dingo

>> No.48281370

i'm high as hell and the posts here look like steps in a church so it looks like all the picrels are the people in the pews. axel is catholic

>> No.48281398

Wow I just noticed.
>male voice
>flat chest, nothing is bulging in his clothes
>big long cleavage down his chest for no apparent reason


>> No.48281445

Sounds like a good time

>> No.48281471

you're having a vision, anon. tell us everything.

>> No.48281481

damn he got him into League, boys

>> No.48281511
Quoted by: >>48281591

who to who?

>> No.48281526

Yeah, I wasn't feeling this one - just seemed like a lot of fanservice and not much else. Some of the others he picked before did a lot better at showcasing their signature skills for all the new viewers.

It's sweet that Altare always tries to pick someone with a much smaller fanbase to raid though.

>> No.48281582

how much longer does shin-chan have to beat re4?

>> No.48281591

Bettel convinced Altare

>> No.48281647

I am now a Bettel Anti

>> No.48281669

If he convinces him to play on stream, I will become a Bettel anti

>> No.48281674
Quoted by: >>48281889

I opened Shinri's stream to hear him say
>I really need a vacation
was that a joke/reference or was he serious?

>> No.48281699
Quoted by: >>48283603

i'm going to kill him

>> No.48281774

was it in his joke-y, defeated voice? because he might've just been self-depricating

>> No.48281826
Quoted by: >>48281897


>> No.48281889

he HATES you
pretty sure he was talking about leon

>> No.48281897
Quoted by: >>48282146


>> No.48281998

man, all the boys' art tags got spammed.

>> No.48282146


>> No.48282155
File: 390 KB, 2048x1272, FuqZiPpagAA8K5U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48282226

>> No.48282162

/mans/ dies as soon as shinri's the only one streaming
feels bad mans

>> No.48282226
File: 150 KB, 943x762, 4982D053-F925-4491-A9D2-466627B4C70B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48282908

Would coom if he released that

>> No.48282230

Someone requested cataxel and flay but i got lost in the sauce, my bad

>> No.48282242

unsubbed unmembered WHY

>> No.48282325
File: 354 KB, 1312x1916, 1A699030-4588-4DE2-A85D-3C3A161F6E62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was me, very cute nekoflay never the less

>> No.48282355

What even is this one, it's not like it's a link leading to a virus or whatever

>> No.48282391
Quoted by: >>48282439

watching shinri feels like taking meds, no wonder anons wouldn't want to stay on this schizo site

>> No.48282439

but shinri is by far the most schizophrenic member of tempus, and maybe all of holopro

>> No.48282467
Quoted by: >>48282718

I havent being able to catch dingos last Rust stream yet. Is the event over?

>> No.48282524

that kind of thinking is exactly why you're here, anon

>> No.48282628
Quoted by: >>48283322

shinri is the type of extremely high level schizo who could sleuth past loony doctors. maybe that's just too much for people /here/ to appreciate

>> No.48282699

why is that koiyume not being cancelled yet? she pictures herself as a loli drawing horny shinri fanart and is being a shotacon openly based.

>> No.48282718
Quoted by: >>48282789

It ends today at 12am JST, so on around 8 hours from now.

>> No.48282721
File: 228 KB, 2048x945, Ft4DLrzaEAAtdEo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48282833

Shinri cute~

>> No.48282726

wait, who?

>> No.48282748

koipanions are too starved to cancel her

>> No.48282772

catching up to cult of the mag why do everyone in magnation know each other

>> No.48282789

Ah damn, okay. It have been such a blast so far, sad that it is ending so soon.
I have no idea who is even hosting this but hopefully is not a yearly thing, it was so much fun.

>> No.48282820

there's nothing wrong with being a short flat asian woman who lusts after short asian men

>> No.48282829

It's a cult.

>> No.48282833
Quoted by: >>48283068

is he one of the only members to not threaten to eat or kill his fans?

>> No.48282880

Reported and muted. Not sure if reporting actually does anything in twitter but I enjoy being a petty bitch

>> No.48282908

>Shinri sing
>make you horny
Let's be real sister

>> No.48283068

I think he's actually the only one on Tempus who hasn't done that, yet

>> No.48283169

He just boring streamer and He has a bad deep voice
At least when I think of a good deep voice type for a vtuber, what comes to mind is Oga or Belmond from niji jp.

>> No.48283241

I jerked off to KobAlt porn and now I feel guilty...

>> No.48283276

you should

>> No.48283278
Quoted by: >>48283546


>> No.48283308

Do not go out at 3am

>> No.48283312

where do you even find such a thing

>> No.48283322

Isn’t that the plot of Hannibal kek

>> No.48283369
Quoted by: >>48283538

Is shinri close enough geologically to have an offcollab with bettel, I fear for the menhara with how lonely he is....

>> No.48283376

I just assume the females and fags of every fanbase all hang out with each other on discord.

>> No.48283447
File: 471 KB, 2048x1638, FpTU47KacAA7E6r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48283525

I wonder how everyone in a cult would know each other too

>> No.48283531

Lambda who is /here/ and her crew of SEAsisters and Amerifags are pretty well known in the discord and twitter Tempura community

>> No.48283538
Quoted by: >>48283629

Opposite sides of the country going by timezones

>> No.48283546
Quoted by: >>48283590

Thats how people see your fujo tought

>> No.48283564
Quoted by: >>48283571

thanks for the spoonfeed lambda

>> No.48283571


>> No.48283590

not even a fujo

>> No.48283603

Kill yourself first

>> No.48283614 [SPOILER] 
File: 173 KB, 455x466, 1621043223811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL have sex with Lambdadelta!

>> No.48283626
Quoted by: >>48283665

The one who was stalking Altare at FF14? Explains a lot, she was giving me weirdo vibes

>> No.48283629
Quoted by: >>48283689

will magni be able to survive as long as he has his new kitties? I wish he would do a voice tweet of cat sounds

>> No.48283630

Why do you keep talking about who is /here/ or not? Who cares if a Twitter user is /here/ too

>> No.48283662

We're not gonna doxx you don't worry lambda

>> No.48283665

I thought that was skycompass the discordmite

>> No.48283667

let him do his thing
4channers who are snobby about their social media are fucking hilarious

>> No.48283689

I think so. my girlfriend told me that Bettel mentioned he’s moving soon, so maybe he’ll wind up in Magni and Shinri’s timezone

>> No.48283691
Quoted by: >>48283747

been happening in this thread for a while I think since people were stalking that one random vestie

>> No.48283704

both, actually, now that I think about it. A lot of the cult of the mag members were in FF14 too

>> No.48283709

Pretty sure you are right

>> No.48283720

I never go to discord tempura ,is that place better than this place?

>> No.48283747
Quoted by: >>48283791

The japanese OL one from way back then?

>> No.48283757
Quoted by: >>48283784

everywhere is better than this place

>> No.48283780

the only place better than an online community is to not be in one at all

>> No.48283782

Only thing that I know about the Tempura discord is that you need a personal invite in order to join the server that actually has porn on it.

>> No.48283784

*except twitter that's more or less as bad my bad

>> No.48283788
Quoted by: >>48283965

Depends, do you want to make actual online friends within the community? Then yes. If you want to stay anonymous though, the better place for discussing the boys would be the niji doxxsite, but it has much lower traffic compared to this place

>> No.48283791


>> No.48283868

What's wrong with stalking Tempuras? Some of them are cute and they have funny reactions, especially the jp Tempuras

>> No.48283913

how good 4chan is for you is entirely dependent on how horny you are. other sites are much more restrictive about porn/hornyposting, so if you can tolerate the olympian amount of shit on this website it's the place to be. horny generals are always better than not-horny generals for that reason, because the only alternative is typical 4ch faggotry.
the smart move is to use 4chan for porn/hornyposting, ignore the schizos and leave when threadshitters come out, and everywhere else for everything else

>> No.48283942

its fine to stalk but nobody needs updates on literal whos

>> No.48283965

which site is this?

>> No.48283997

Alexis if you are here I just want to say thank you for fucking off nijiEN and supporting our boys instead

>> No.48284094
Quoted by: >>48284144

see you next stream /mans/
i hope your own motivation returns asap, and i wish you luck with whatever pursuits you currently have

>> No.48284144
File: 141 KB, 350x350, me when shanty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.48284165 [SPOILER] 

[Spoiler] the only person I stalk is the one who makes Altare porn using koikatsu, who I found like yesterday. They are such a blessing, I owe my life to them [/Spoiler]

>> No.48284200


>> No.48284221

I fucking hate you retarded newfags

>> No.48284240


>> No.48284315
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 1606168545414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this thread have so many newfags anyway

>> No.48284328
Quoted by: >>48284387

Now that the dust has settled, wdsdib?

>> No.48284355

/vt/ in general is newfag central

>> No.48284358

When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror?

>> No.48284387

I don't speak moon

>> No.48284394

shinri's so sad to kill another buff guy...

>> No.48284404

Read the last few posts, people are openly talking about how they come here from discord or the doxx site to shitpost and post porn

>> No.48284452

>to shitpost and post porn
so you're saying that the quality of this board is going up with recent immigrations?

>> No.48284487

You could also read it as the other way around

>> No.48284582
Quoted by: >>48284804

Roberu is freaking out on Nana and Axel's oneeshota VP

>> No.48284647
Quoted by: >>48284766


>> No.48284766

That guy really is reading this thread as he plays rust

>> No.48284800
Quoted by: >>48284870

Bros... he doesn't like it...

>> No.48284804
Quoted by: >>48284870

he does not approves it kek. went on a rant about how oneeshota should be

>> No.48284846
File: 125 KB, 321x277, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48284870
Quoted by: >>48285008

They should've asked him for a script, but he's not online that day...

>> No.48284924
File: 231 KB, 479x450, 1662194530611866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48285016

How was the last Rust stream? I am still going through it but I saw just Axel talking about how much he bonded with Nana-sensei ever since the whole shota voicepack. The fact that they were just casually talking like friends and thinking of collabs and even a song together is just so cool and cute to me.

>> No.48284944

>seven and a half hour stream so far
shinman why are you doing this to me it's 4am i'm sleepy my eyes hurt

>> No.48285008

That's more because the second VP is shotaone instead of oneshota.

>> No.48285016

They pretty much just did the main raid with some gambling before and after. They all bet their winnings on 20 in the roulette wheel one after the other and Matsuri actually won 42k

>> No.48286067

is this shinri's longest stream yet?

>> No.48286219

>leader tried british "Japanese food"
Imagine his reaction if he eats actual Japanese food in Japan.

>> No.48286247
Quoted by: >>48287267

>did you listen to the oneeshota voice?
>yeah, I did
>it was "huh, I see"
Axel really just dropped by and got fried kek

>> No.48286280
Quoted by: >>48286329

>I'm going to commission the most renowned yaoi artist to draw strep throat or ebola chan
>They'll wear earrings and it'll be in the design of their actual diseases
I told you fuckers shinri's the most schizo

>> No.48286329
Quoted by: >>48286445

VGsisters I'm sorry but this guy is so fucking cringe

>> No.48286358

Somehow, Ashley's less dead weigh when she's half dead.

>> No.48286445

it's in his delivery, anon. gap moe kinda thing.

>> No.48286949

How was Axel during the entirety of Rust arc? I see people shitting on him a lot for being desperate and nobody wants to hang out with him. Not that I trust them but, is he doing something particularly bad that pisses off people on the server? is he actually being a creep to other people like Nana or Vspo girls?

>> No.48286983
File: 73 KB, 506x680, Fr0jLdhagAILM14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48287020

thread is dead.

>> No.48287020
Quoted by: >>48287134

just like this ship

>> No.48287096
Quoted by: >>48287487

It's not that bad, he's had a few awkward moments where he tried to force interactions with people who weren't that interested but he's also met some cool people, especially in the last few days.

>> No.48287109
Quoted by: >>48287487

He was awkward around new people at first, that’s all. The last couple days he’s been great and meshing

>> No.48287120
Quoted by: >>48287537

>I see people shitting on him a lot for being desperate and nobody wants to hang out with him.
Do you mean axelschizo? That should answer your question.

>> No.48287134
File: 49 KB, 200x200, 5SzfY9_HD-eH_9EP9PujsA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48287267

Who are you quoting

>> No.48287303
Quoted by: >>48287426

Aniki frame is up


>> No.48287350

slutty shinri keeps rubbing his tits against the screen

>> No.48287392
Quoted by: >>48287516

Shut the fuck up

>> No.48287426
Quoted by: >>48287575

>using art where there are people who aren't confirmed to be in the stream
Leech behavior

>> No.48287470

Altare's comback stream worth watching?
Altare + Bettel CS worth watching?
I like Altare but more in a way like "yeah he's kinda cool I guess" so I'm not obsessed and insane

>> No.48287478

I love Axel!

>> No.48287487
Quoted by: >>48288811

like with who for example? do they got along with him in the end?

well, I only focused on Astel and planned to watch others vod after this ends. been missing a lot of voice pack turf wars since Astel didn't really want to get involved with it

>> No.48287497

He talks about his travel stories, it was nice
CS is CS

>> No.48287516


>> No.48287537
Quoted by: >>48287549

mean for this

>> No.48287549
Quoted by: >>48288148

we believe in you anon. you can do it

>> No.48287573

It's classic Altare content, you should know what he's like by now. He talked a lot about his travel woes and showed us pictures. CSGO with Bettel was great, they are really fun together and have a very unique dynamic, I'm liking this duo even more each time they collab.

>> No.48287575
Quoted by: >>48287701

Nice to see you again, Axelschizo, here is your (You)! Don't forget to drink water, that helps to bring down the saltiness!

>> No.48287701
Quoted by: >>48291485

??? How is that being a schizo? It's an unspoken rule for vtubers to not include people who aren't confirmed to be in the stream in your thumbnail, that's just clickbaiting

>> No.48287709

Finished my senior project, never have to make a game for school again. Motivated to actually make what I want.
As a hypothetical passion project, what type of fangame would be best for the anniversary? Don’t want to get called a ripoff of Holocure...

>> No.48287767

Racing game, just like Magni's sonic MV

>> No.48287771

Gambling simulator. No, seriously.

>> No.48287794
Quoted by: >>48288103

Maybe an rpgmaker game? Or a platformer?

>> No.48287843

Metroidvania, but the power ups are getting more tempus members

>> No.48287847
File: 13 KB, 598x351, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48295426

There used to be a flash game I think on cartoon network and i think about cow & chicken where you had to wrangle chickens into a small pen by creating fences around them and manipulating their movement. that, but magmites

>> No.48287954

Card game could be fun

>> No.48288067

Stick war legacy, but with Tempus

>> No.48288103

Darkest dungeon-style Tempus game could work. Everyone has their own set afflictions (Altare and Bettel have low crit due bad luck, Vesper and Magni gain stress more easily when near death, Axel is kleptomaniac, etc)

>> No.48288130
File: 30 KB, 521x380, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48288338

skins for all tempus members would be easy, and you can choose to be nice to them or not

>> No.48288148

I fucked up the reply again, nvm lol

>> No.48288338

memory unlocked holy shit i havent seen this in a long while

>> No.48288415

He's fine, he was just a bit shy and cautious at first

>> No.48288521

The zatsu was good fun. Lots of talk about his trip and shitty British food. The CS:GO was entertaining too, but skippable

>> No.48288811

>well, I only focused on Astel and planned to watch others vod after this ends. been missing a lot of voice pack turf wars since Astel didn't really want to get involved with it
He mainly hung out with RPR and his daughters and their immediate friends. Also met some interesting people briefly like Shiromanta sensei (who he went to a raid with), Akasaka, Kenjiro Tsuda among others. He's hung out quite a bit with Nana and discussed doing some stuff together maybe after the Rust arc ends.

>> No.48288909
File: 36 KB, 256x384, SM64DS_Picture_Poker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not that anon but I always wanted to make my own Tempus game too. I am not an expert on drawing and even less programming so I wanted to make a very tiny project involving the boys that isn't too hard.
A rough idea I have is making a card game like picrel and having to draw all of the boys with an unique fancy costume sprites giving out cards or playing agaisnt you with random flavor text in between turns and unique sprites for losing or winning.
But I still think is kinda a boring idea to just play like poker with just a tempus coat of paint. If I actually end up making this, I would really appreciate any cool ideas you guys can tell me to make it less boring.

>> No.48290011

I love you

>> No.48291015

Even if it's a basic idea you should go for it. Just today Altare used this coin flip app some tempura had made, all it had was a coin with tempus logo and a pixel Altare.
Maybe you can earn coins to buy stuff, that way they have a reason to keep playing? Either way it sounds cute and fun.

>> No.48291051
File: 210 KB, 490x394, Capturemag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. Did someone get their panties in a twist and make another schizo thread?

>> No.48291155

Catching up on some vods, these boys are so good, man. Like good people.

>> No.48291353

The best
A retard who'd rather run away instead of solving the problem

>> No.48291447
File: 28 KB, 150x150, 1678723335960440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them!! So glad to have entertainment every single day from these boys!

>> No.48291485

3/4 will be on stream, Towa is a maybe. Stop being such a fag.

>> No.48291487

>Another big Hololive event
>zero Stars involved, JP or EN
Thanks for nothing, Yagoo.
So glad that our bois are doing more shit with Niji and elsewhere.

>> No.48291533


>> No.48291538
File: 730 KB, 783x783, shota axel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last day is starting

>> No.48291586
File: 368 KB, 2480x1000, 1681594967548793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its really heartwarming to see more anons work on projects whether it be games, neocities shrines, or art. and also an extremely funny juxtaposition while the others itt cant go a few posts without fighting like dogs. i love the chaos, i love this menhera shithole sm

>> No.48291591

who the fuck cares about some amusement park shit when you have Rust?

>> No.48291609
Quoted by: >>48291637

why is Altare so tall

>> No.48291610

kys nijinigger

>> No.48291637
Quoted by: >>48291684

he drew this himself

>> No.48291652


>> No.48291684

>Taller than everyone but Shinri

>> No.48291693
Quoted by: >>48291877

So what are they doing to finish this server?

>> No.48291694

Stars will forever be the underdog.
That's why it feels great, supporting them.
Imagine only listening to Top 10 Most Popular Arists in Spotify.

>> No.48291698


>> No.48291717

murder day

>> No.48291718
File: 114 KB, 706x674, 329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48291728
Quoted by: >>48291767

Happy that Axel had a lot of fun with Rust but man am I glad this is the last day

>> No.48291744
Quoted by: >>48291830

why is magni dezmond like this...

>> No.48291767
Quoted by: >>48291783

Same, no more 12 hours back to back streams

>> No.48291783


>> No.48291786

I woke up at 420am for this, LET'S GO

>> No.48291830

3 cats isn't crazy status... just close

>> No.48291833

Into the sex van

>> No.48291874

The chaos. It's starting lmao

>> No.48291877
Quoted by: >>48291921

They're raiding one last area, and then gambling all the money away. I don't know if they got bits involved.

>> No.48291918
Quoted by: >>48291982

Doxxmites don't you have another place to have this discussion?

>> No.48291921

Would've been great to see an all out battle but that works too

>> No.48291948
Quoted by: >>48294465

It's just the fujoschizo acting up again, ignore him

>> No.48291982

He talked about his kittens in dredge

>> No.48292013
Quoted by: >>48292042

He did, but I am assuming you are referencing something else right now since there was no new tweet or membership post

>> No.48292014

this game is so dark at night, my poor old eyes

>> No.48292042
Quoted by: >>48292171

im watching the vod?

>> No.48292071

nice fireworks

>> No.48292085

How long do you think the cats will live? Considering being holo's pets is basically death sentence nowadays

>> No.48292094

Looks like a heist van kek

>> No.48292117

10+ if taken care right

>> No.48292144

All of the stars pets will live at least 10 more years. Axel included.

>> No.48292171

In that case I'm sorry, my bad

>> No.48292177

>being holo's pets is basically death sentence nowadays
it's not because they're holos, it's because they're women and not only women, but NEET women

>> No.48292191
Quoted by: >>48292229

ngl I think the raids are the least enjoyable part of this

>> No.48292224

Chungus is 10+ years right? Magni knows how to take care of his pets, even though he is a mess

>> No.48292229

Just hanging out for me. Reminds me of the high school days.

>> No.48292264
File: 383 KB, 1876x2048, 1682630182957222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48292295
Quoted by: >>48292806

Ironically, watching Stars succeed is the full idol culture experience.

>> No.48292300
File: 61 KB, 200x200, 1661926078092164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this image, the more I stare at it the happier I feel. They look so cute, their personalities were captured so well in these little doodles.... I love tempus so much, /MANS/ is good too.

>> No.48292309

this crew is so dumb

>> No.48292344
Quoted by: >>48292456

I hope if Magni ends up playing Apex he will at least play with Vesper andor Axel

>> No.48292455

Dingo sounds tired

>> No.48292456

If there's another tournament, he sure will

>> No.48292497

He just spent a ton of brain power working on something behind the scenes. wtf he just never stops

>> No.48292505

catching up on mag menshi. what do you think is magni's gacha game? genshin? honkai star rail? nikke?

>> No.48292534

12hours of Rust for a week plus relentless discord sex with the boys does that to you

>> No.48292545

I'm thinking either Nikke or star rail

>> No.48292552

The fact he talked about gacha the day star rail came out it feels pretty obvious. nikke would be funny though

>> No.48292565
Quoted by: >>48292863

boys aka kagura nana

>> No.48292585 [SPOILER] 
File: 413 KB, 732x980, 1681723230327883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48292913

damn, magni really be sucking him dry

>> No.48292612

Did the Axel/rpr group ever give themselves a name?

>> No.48292637

/race join
come on anon

>> No.48292648

Axel can't fly kek

>> No.48292677


>> No.48292693

Is the control that hard or is he dumb?

>> No.48292709

Axel you cannot make fun of anyone's driving skills after this...

>> No.48292716


>> No.48292729

How the fuck did kohaku not make it past the first checkpoint? She's an ace

>> No.48292735

>why am I going backwards?
Retard love

>> No.48292749

if it's anything like squad or arma, maybe

>> No.48292806

It's been 4 years and they are on the verge of getting axed now...

>> No.48292816
Quoted by: >>48292925

the gays

>> No.48292825
File: 328 KB, 1080x1168, 1667132063822914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big Hololive event
This is nowhere close to being big newchama

>> No.48292847


>> No.48292863 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.71 MB, 1254x1771, Ft1qNSlaMAAkp-U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nana WILL drain axel an inch away from death and i WILL let her
controls are inverted

>> No.48292883

Did that really just happen...

>> No.48292890


>> No.48292913 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 369x414, 1680608189191641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48293196

I'd feel bad for him if I weren't so jealous

>> No.48292925

Straight to the point, I like it

>> No.48292947

cute laughs

>> No.48292968

nice art kek

>> No.48292973

Aw cute

>> No.48293026
Quoted by: >>48293100

Man I just really want some action in rust today. Idk if I can make it through another 10 hours for one full out fight

>> No.48293040


>> No.48293057


>> No.48293080
Quoted by: >>48293122

who's dingo talking to?

>> No.48293092

hope the last 30 minutes just devolves into all out war but it'll probably just turn into a sniper war which is no fun

>> No.48293100

i think there's only 6 hours left so

>> No.48293122
Quoted by: >>48293182

itoi toi from neoporte

>> No.48293136

What the fuck was that fire kek

>> No.48293182
Quoted by: >>48293296

thank you anon

>> No.48293196 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 508x680, Fdg9K0dVIAAku1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48294203

I'd agree, but I don't think either of us have the capability to deal with Magni

>> No.48293245

Toi cute

>> No.48293281

It's La Familia

>> No.48293296

sure thing! you might be seeing her again soon if you keep up with stars. since there's talks of a starsxneoporte valo tourney, i'm sure she and leo will show up there.

>> No.48293324
Quoted by: >>48293376

100% Star Rail. I have critical info.

>> No.48293376

oh, got it.

>> No.48293411

FGO. We all know how much he likes femboys

>> No.48293472
Quoted by: >>48293522

I curse Japan for normalising pedophilia to the point that women feel like they have to sound like chipmunks to be desirable

>> No.48293492

Can Axel turn the flashlight off?

>> No.48293503

NU: Carnival

>> No.48293522

It's more of an obsession with cute things, the higher the voice the cuter

>> No.48293545

axel should bring back the swearjar but for yo

>> No.48293597

The swear jar looked so cool for no reason. He should make it into a tip jar for the axelotls cause they got that one injoke going on + cafe bg theme

>> No.48293643
Quoted by: >>48293697

why doesn't he use it more? I completely forgot about that

>> No.48293697

He has the attention span of a dog, once he forgets something it's gone forever

>> No.48293804
File: 57 KB, 710x354, 1679551657115026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48293885

This is what we could have had with begni if sisters did not misbehave...

>> No.48293889

unity stream soon.

>> No.48293958

Why do we have a split thread now?

>> No.48294058

We don't

>> No.48294119

just some anons reminiscing and blowing off some steam

>> No.48294134

We don't. What you may be referring to is a schizo/faggot thread like /nowa/

>> No.48294157

Magni doesn't use twitter enough to have these kinds of interactions anymore

>> No.48294198

what? did vesties make their own split again? i know it, i never trust those faggots

>> No.48294203 [SPOILER] 
File: 177 KB, 1310x1509, 1680052609484431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48294587

You are right, that man is insatiable

>> No.48294229
File: 123 KB, 1115x1080, Altare T-pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48294382

Nikke: Impossible considering Hololive standards
StarRail: Mihoyo Chink Game. Ever heard of the Taiwan incident?
>Most likely?
Cookie Run Kingdom. I will jack off to Oga if he does play Cookie Run

>> No.48294259

Another /schizo/ thread, ignore it.

>> No.48294382

It's something he can't stream, or seemingly even mention what game it is. We know that they aren't supposed to talk about genshin so it's very likely it's starrail

>> No.48294393

what we should call them besta?

>> No.48294423

wait until they stream together

>> No.48294437

Where did rrat of holos not allowed to talk about genshin come from? Is it just because it's a chink game?

>> No.48294465

The schizo is shitting up both threads too. I’ll never understand shitposting tourists

>> No.48294476

skill issue, Kobo and Altare did voice impressions of the characters in the Phogs collab.

>> No.48294501

Besta save it if they actually do collab

>> No.48294520

Axel keeps beating Toi Toi.

>> No.48294576

Magni said in a Sonic heroes stream how he is never supposed to mention the name but that the mechanic reminded him of a certain popular game

>> No.48294587
File: 46 KB, 680x680, FgFF0DGacAEYJkS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, good thing Axel has years of pent up energy and a love for mentally unstable menheras. Real G for taking one for the team

>> No.48294632

Nah several IDs have talked about genshin a lot. Kobo even tweeted about some genshin leak one time.

>> No.48294728
Quoted by: >>48295300

he shouldn't sing..

>> No.48294761

Altare and Kobo did talk about it, didn't mention the name tho

>> No.48294774

He should sing YATTA!


>> No.48294840
Quoted by: >>48294910

Why do people ship Axel with Magni, it's such a shit ship

>> No.48294893
Quoted by: >>48294934

Why do people ship Hakka with Flay, it's such a shit ship

>> No.48294910
File: 428 KB, 560x560, 1661505840551831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be shy, just ask for the pic

>> No.48294931

Altare talked about genshin like 2-3 times in his solo streams, aside from that kobalt collab. But it’s the man with “illegal” menshi so who know

>> No.48294934
File: 151 KB, 1491x1725, 1681862744938868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I hate it so much

>> No.48294935

axel should kill everyone then say, we call this in English, triggerhappy

>> No.48295069
File: 405 KB, 1430x2048, 1678547248135570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48295079

Why do people ship Magni and Me, it's such a banger ship

>> No.48295192

Stop paying attention to schizo dramaniggers

>> No.48295242

I wish people would ship Axel and (me)

>> No.48295254

ahhh, so "Amazon" basically, nice nice~

>> No.48295300
Quoted by: >>48295443

oh god is axel singing?? i know eurice suddenly busts out the guitar and makes everyone listen to him ala leader but dear god axel don’t be that guy

>> No.48295336
File: 31 KB, 277x447, 1666974750214551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tune in to Aniki stream, anything interesting happened to my favorite shotagaki in the last hour and a half?

>> No.48295426
Quoted by: >>48295453

Damn, I remember that!

>> No.48295443

you dumb fucks that was amatsuki, it was cute seeing axel starstruck for a moment
also he didn't sing

>> No.48295453

Ok, I just got back from work. Why is there an HQ split?

>> No.48295495

some anons got a little too silly :3

>> No.48295500

just ignore it

>> No.48295508

retards that didnt learn from the vesper thread that died after a week

>> No.48295578

W-why you asking me, I just woke you....

>> No.48295600

a terrorist attack...

>> No.48295640
File: 106 KB, 256x472, D2DBCC36-CF6E-4358-8DEA-5E24C6A5B4AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48295713

it will die in like 2 days dont worry

>> No.48295695

will he chuck it?

>> No.48295707
File: 508 KB, 1024x640, image_2023-04-28_212855707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like the good ol days of 9/11

>> No.48295713


>> No.48295721

fujoschizo dumb

>> No.48295788


>> No.48295816

Axel probably pissing his pants after meeting him

>> No.48295839

Nothing new

>> No.48295877
Quoted by: >>48295922

Is this a talent show, what's happening?

>> No.48295921

>This is a shitpost thread. Don't take anything here seriously lol
Yeah okay bro

>> No.48295922

It's a play

>> No.48295946


>> No.48295968

such a compelling performance....

>> No.48296110
Quoted by: >>48296274

damn he's fucking massive for a utaite, and about to break 2mil subs

>> No.48296143

>people eating during the performance
Fucking rude yo

>> No.48296164

the fucking munching noises KEK

>> No.48296189

NO idea what's happening, but this play is pretty impressive

>> No.48296238


>> No.48296274

Amatsuki is part of the old guard of utaite, it's wild seeing the guy still being active nowadays

>> No.48296278

Peak entertainment right there

>> No.48296319

this will never happen for an EN rust server

>> No.48296320
File: 116 KB, 321x326, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48296416

>retards on nanasen's chat begging her to meet up with axel

>> No.48296334

mother3 going for the oscar

>> No.48296337

Garbage yume.

>> No.48296347

a lot of them are still active especially since vtubing blew up and some do it part time, amatsuki was even in some of shibuya hal's customs

>> No.48296416

god fucking DAMMIT. normies ruin fucking everything

>> No.48296431

There's so many people wtf

>> No.48296443
Quoted by: >>48296533

kek did the jannies delete the split thread? i love this on going mans telenova drama

>> No.48296460

holy shit /hlgg/ is actually watching Axel hahaha

>> No.48296509
Quoted by: >>48296579

No we aren't

>> No.48296523
Quoted by: >>48296973

IIRC 96neko ,Gero and Hanatan is still around? Although they are no where as big as Amatsuki.

>> No.48296531

More after the break

>> No.48296533

what happened this time

>> No.48296545

What does /hlgg/ stand for? I know it's hololive global but what's the extra g?

>> No.48296579

usual place cycled through Axel's stream for a bit

>> No.48296610
Quoted by: >>48296641

How much longer until the server goes boom?

>> No.48296620

Very cute catboy. I wish to breed him

>> No.48296641

1 hour

>> No.48296642
Quoted by: >>48296681

What the fuck do you think lol

>> No.48296681

>asks about something
>why dont you know
true women moment

>> No.48296696
Quoted by: >>48296887

Fucking finally. Hopefully we get actual good streams from Axel now. I did enjoy the morning timeslot from him though, felt like a cheap TSB replacement

>> No.48296699

what do you think /hlg/ on jp stand for?

>> No.48296702

No... that's so soon...

>> No.48296707

How preciously tsun~
I wanna cuddle with him on my loveseat

>> No.48296733

Why is axel looking for nana? I don’t like this puppy routine

>> No.48296760


>> No.48296771

come on anon, use your pattern recognition

>> No.48296786

savior complex and the fucking chat being annoying

>> No.48296791

So what are you going to do after this rust arc ends axelschizo

>> No.48296792

dog kayfabe pls andastand

>> No.48296799

Hololive Global General. Newfags will tell you it's not a general because they bought in a a VERY old meme from the /jp/ days

>> No.48296806

Didn't he comission an art from her?

>> No.48296820

Lterally think about it for even just one second. /hlgg/ is a general for Hololive global, therefore the g stands for...?

>> No.48296828

>ironic that Axel's chat is more behaved compared to Nana's chat with EOPs

>> No.48296860

and THIS is why Zetaxel will never work. And it's for the better desu

>> No.48296871


>> No.48296887
Quoted by: >>48296976

>le fujo dragon good
>Interact with other f*male bad
your hypocrisy is showing femcel.

>> No.48296901


>> No.48296900
Quoted by: >>48297147


>> No.48296903
Quoted by: >>48297493

Did Altare make some unity tempura mad last night? I haven't watched any csgo vods yesterday

>> No.48296923
Quoted by: >>48296947



>> No.48296947
File: 102 KB, 908x1042, 1660624583314132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that dude.

>> No.48296973

Soraru and mafumafu too, they're the owners of neoporte leo's corpo aside from their utaite activities

>> No.48296976

What you on about? This shit is just boring compared to the Apex training arc. Maybe it would've been good if Axel spoke in english but as it stands there's just too many long boring in-betweens

>> No.48297008
Quoted by: >>48297186

Do your reps sister...

>> No.48297032
File: 32 KB, 434x415, 1629214642156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297139


>> No.48297038
Quoted by: >>48297186

>the EOP complains
naruhodo ne, just because you don't understand, that doesn't mean it's boring for anyone else

>> No.48297066 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 2480x3508, 1666985181370786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48297085 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 936x1226, 1667217202584094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48297103

EOPsister... I'm sorry

>> No.48297107

maybe if you spent less time complaining and more time doing your reps you’d have fun like everyone else

>> No.48297113

I disagree.

>> No.48297115 [DELETED] 
File: 944 KB, 2900x3700, 1681639474818998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297358

>> No.48297121
File: 44 KB, 680x664, 44871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rust tourists and catalogfags, hlgg, domo!

>> No.48297130 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 1368x2269, 1670502679389352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297358

>> No.48297139

fucking dumb menhera bitch, should've trusted your friend more

>> No.48297143

too big
too small

>> No.48297147
File: 61 KB, 410x330, FsNI8LKXwAMEGgM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say GELD

>> No.48297150

I love Ina but left thread queen.

>> No.48297160 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 1440x2048, 1665253240412469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297358

>> No.48297168
File: 15 KB, 324x436, IMG_20230124_210553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 hour left! It's gonna be sad to see something like this end, feels like just yesterday Axel joined in, but! I'm not sure about you guys, I think the vibes are still high! Everyone's been putting together so many cool things to end it off and I love that! It's a celebration tonight for all the memories made along the way- really glad to have been apart of it. And I'n gladder yet that Axel was too! I can't wait to see what comes from his experiences here!! And I just know that this guy's gonna play with some of the new friends he's made soon! It's been fun watching together with you all as well! I hope you've all enjoyed!!!

>> No.48297184 [DELETED] 
File: 495 KB, 640x640, 1679190610764796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297358

>> No.48297186

It's not even really about the language barrier. Rust is just so... Rusty? Like there are good things but there's most of the time there isn't anything interesting going on. Like a whole 10+ hour stream the only true fun moments are like 10-15 minutes. Props to the host for trying to make it engaging with the addition of events and mods but my point still stands, just too many uninteresting moments...

>> No.48297212 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 2508x3541, 1665941615030598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297358

>> No.48297221

Would the boys be allowed to take sponsorships on twitch with drops? Or does youtube block that?

>> No.48297219
Quoted by: >>48297300

I just miss Axel's regular streams, solostreams especially. It's been so long I miss that guy in a weird way even though he has been streaming every day.. Even so it's nice to see that he has been having a lot of fun

>> No.48297229
Quoted by: >>48297282

>91 IPs
Looks like tourists and catalogfags are raiding as usual.

>> No.48297234 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 893x970, 1657521969191445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297358

>> No.48297250

I think exclusivity stops that yeah

>> No.48297259

What's with the holoEN imageposts off cooldown?

>> No.48297265 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 2607x1229, 1668225616834164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297358

>> No.48297270

This is by no means to shit on Axel, but it's kinda his fault there isn't anything fun going most of the time. Tune in to Roberu or Gamma's POV and the difference is just night and day. But then again, Roberu is literally max Charisma while Gamma has his art skills

>> No.48297276

they did a whole Twitch week but uhh no, management wouldn't allow them either.

>> No.48297278
File: 199 KB, 359x361, 1669227073833916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree, the time they were doing random stuff like the birthday party or the voice pack it was fun but all those hours try harding raids were miserable

>> No.48297282

It's just that splitschizo and his smart fridges because jannies deleted his thread kek

>> No.48297293 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 2362x3341, 1661250655645041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297358

>> No.48297300

the rust arc is literally over. just wait and he’ll be back to his regular zatsus

>> No.48297317

Take the L and do your reps sister

>> No.48297320 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 1200x1657, 1679523948272374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297358

>> No.48297322

it's a raid as usual

>> No.48297324
Quoted by: >>48297440

Oh that's just the anti-holo schizo who tries to own "holofags" by posting more pictures of holos

>> No.48297344
Quoted by: >>48297384

Is it going to happen now? An actual fight?

>> No.48297358
File: 76 KB, 728x542, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297403


I suppose these are spam

>> No.48297360

kek based jannies

>> No.48297364

Thought this was coco kaine from the thumbnail

>> No.48297375
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, FmLdM8LaYAAvhZ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just report and ignore does anyone have the police nowa drawings? i forgot to save them

>> No.48297384

>actual fight
kek. the closest thing we got to a fight was Matsuri accidentally killing that one girl

>> No.48297398
Quoted by: >>48297490


>> No.48297403
File: 86 KB, 405x720, 03d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meido-san I kneel

>> No.48297417
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>> No.48297424

Gamma by far had the best POV for the stars and I'm honestly happy he's gaining traction

>> No.48297436

that laugh kek

>> No.48297439

i love that rpr laugh kek

>> No.48297440

That has to be the most counter productive thing i have seen in awhile, i mean i understand the psyops angle but this is just too obvious.

>> No.48297445
File: 62 KB, 199x187, 1679694632349283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you meido-sama

>> No.48297480

That's not true lol, Roberu spent a bunch of time running around solo and farming random shit and he played like 20% of the time that Axel did and didn't ever try to accomplish anything in game.

>> No.48297493

Altare makes someone mad literally every day just by existing

>> No.48297490

arigato chu~

>> No.48297548

>Soraru and mafumafu
Funny enough i never pay too much attention to them even back than, i kinda found them too generic. But than again i am a dude, so they might appeal more to women.

>> No.48297550
File: 4 KB, 126x125, n0wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48297801

kowai supportive primo axelotl where have you been i missed you ;~; i hope you and your oshi had and will have a good warm meal <3

>> No.48297559
Quoted by: >>48297607

I kinda feelin ToiXel

>> No.48297591

Axel stopped going to WoW wednesday for this

>> No.48297607

I kinda feelin my dick x your mouth

>> No.48297616

If you understood JP, it's kinda better. At least I prefer it.

>> No.48297627
Quoted by: >>48297691

He can always play with the boys while this is a one time occurrence

>> No.48297632

Yeah, funny how the thread became full of offtopic hologirl images and whining as soon as his split got deleted...

>> No.48297634

I fucking hate clip watchers

>> No.48297647

Axel doesn't have any good chemistry with it's current roster anyway. Except for Vesper

>> No.48297691

I doubt it. Bettel and Vesper kinda implied some of the boys are giving up and might stop because they can't catch on the level gap

>> No.48297699
Quoted by: >>48297766

>Hanging out with neechans
>Making BL with rpr
life good ngl

>> No.48297722

Catching up would only take a few hours if they wanted to but I can't imagine Axel enjoying vanilla wow

>> No.48297739
Quoted by: >>48297813

yeah axel and magni are not coming back to wow

>> No.48297741

nana will never see the oneshota art

>> No.48297752
Quoted by: >>48298064

Love forever anon axelotl. I will miss the rust arc. glad you are enjoying your night

>> No.48297766

>get made fun of for his oneeshota vp

>> No.48297769

I enjoyed the way he and Flay interacted, it was funny

>> No.48297773

here's to a kino next week after today, very likely Axel's taking a rest tomorrow after 12 horas de rusto

>> No.48297780
Quoted by: >>48297892

I love watching axel interact with cute girls.

>> No.48297786


>> No.48297789

she did already. she saw it before her stream started. she was in axel's stream.

>> No.48297801
File: 30 KB, 456x452, 20221231_223626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48298926

Always scared vestie!!! MWAH MWAH MWAH! You're so sweet! I'm always still around, in the (my) early mornings, though I've been getting very busy these days. I did have a good meal, actually! And I hope the same for you, chu~! Please sleep well and have a healthy and happy life!

>> No.48297805


>> No.48297810
Quoted by: >>48297884

that's not a bad thing anon

>> No.48297813


>> No.48297832
Quoted by: >>48297867

She hasnt? i thought she should've seen it by now.
Gan-chan did a pretty good job on that.

>> No.48297867
Quoted by: >>48297998

she's seeing it now anon, watch the stream pls

>> No.48297869
Quoted by: >>48298064

rabu you! it's been nice waking up and not worrying about no stream because the madlad's been in rust for 12 hours every day

>> No.48297878

i don't really care i only watch Axel and Altare anyway

>> No.48297884

>bad thing
You are right, its a KINO thing.

>> No.48297892

but girls have cooties

>> No.48297894


>> No.48297897
Quoted by: >>48297985

The girl they raped yesterday in the gambling area was singing near a bunch of people just now, she's really good

>> No.48297901
File: 140 KB, 326x254, 1665954479676465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry. I unironically dumped all that in the wrong thread. I thought this was global and just set it on auto-post and went to make breakfast and just came back I'm actually sorry.

>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming.
>This block will expire in 3 minutes.

>> No.48297905


>> No.48297948

Which sides enjoy oneeshota more? Women who want to coddle boys or dudes who want to be coddled by older girls?

>> No.48297951

I mostly watch Axel and Magni, having them in wow Wednesday was fun

>> No.48297971

jobber san...

>> No.48297979
File: 161 KB, 258x254, 1677150808514043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48297985
Quoted by: >>48298013

Yeah, she's a professional singer

>> No.48297992


>> No.48297998

Yes, i realized only after i posted, my JP reps is pretty bad, i have to concentrate to understand what they are saying.

>> No.48298003
File: 7 KB, 107x108, IMG_0752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, how are you alive? i would die instantly from cringe, that was pretty unfortunate timing with the schizo thread nuke too

>> No.48298007
File: 90 KB, 691x620, Fs_1ZzyaMAAVqg-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jobber anon.. at least it wasn't malicious and janny took care of it

>> No.48298013
Quoted by: >>48298416

I had no idea, this server's full of cool people

>> No.48298020

I always follow two maximas: Never post past 2am and never post after waking up. Please follow Maxima 1

>> No.48298064
File: 183 KB, 1300x908, 1676739573952741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm glad you've enjoyed the arc! I'm always happy to see you supporting Axel while he's off having fun! So, thank you once again for watching it with everyone! CHU~!
I know how that feels! Axel's usual timeslot is at a bit of a bad time for me, but I still watch in secret hehe. I've enjoyed the sense of waking up to his streams! I'm glad you've enjoyed it, and please take this kiss from me to you! Chu!

>> No.48298075
Quoted by: >>48298161


>> No.48298079


>> No.48298113

Same, except I also watch Shinri, so the three of them being free to do something else together would actually be a plus for me.

>> No.48298119


>> No.48298121

How else are they going to build chemisty? There's only 8 members in tempus avoiding collabs with over 40% of the guild is pretty retarded

>> No.48298156

God I can't wait for this Rust shit to end so I can finally get my Shiny Spicy collabs again soon

>> No.48298161

Anon you do know SOVL is code for bad but he/she is trying right?

>> No.48298196
Quoted by: >>48298262

That sounded really bad for me... maybe it's the proximity chat quality ruining it

>> No.48298207

>HQ members collab
nice joke

>> No.48298262

>proximity chat quality
Well i will give you that.

>> No.48298278

Altfujos are so greedy

>> No.48298281

Shiny Spicy just collabed for like a month straight dude

>> No.48298316

I'm not a fujo, I just want to hear their boys talk again while they go full chuuni

I classify that more as a TSB collab than a Shiny Spicy collab

>> No.48298320
Quoted by: >>48298409

altare and axel love each other

>> No.48298330

This feels like the titanic sinking...

>> No.48298338

Axel should have taken the opportunity to sing, since it's one of his best talents.

>> No.48298356

Its just the same anon seething about the rust arc, just ignore.

>> No.48298373

>singing live without choking

>> No.48298377

sasuga fanta san

>> No.48298386

leader and axel have grown really close throughout the months

>> No.48298391

Axel isn't exactly the best at singing live

>> No.48298396

>best talents
>live singing

>> No.48298403
File: 167 KB, 2048x1448, IMG_5263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48298487

TToTT https://twitter.com/magmil8/status/1651957632062885888

>> No.48298409

All of HQ love an appreciate each other, all of Tempus even

>> No.48298416

You got globally reknown mangaka, utaite, comedians, and a bunch of vtubers. Really mixed bag, fun way to discover people.

>> No.48298418
File: 952 KB, 1082x705, 1680333203424225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48298463

Yes Aniki, let the hee hee haa haa take over

>> No.48298431

thanks for the yuri art

>> No.48298460
Quoted by: >>48298491

I wanna rape Kohaku

>> No.48298463

finally... time to show these japs why moot hates aussies

>> No.48298464

hes like super nervous rn dude

>> No.48298476

Based Psycho Lolicon, ive always kinda liked her style

>> No.48298487
Quoted by: >>48298665

Got the thank Nana sensei for the shota arts coming out, Shotafags eating good.

>> No.48298491

over my dead body

>> No.48298497

>anon missed qpi grenading 9 people

>> No.48298501
Quoted by: >>48298721

Oh no, his laughs are so cute today.

>> No.48298576
File: 3.53 MB, 1542x1199, 1682555221289237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48298990

I already have my Vesper url set on the shrine website. Just need to get some uni stuff out of the way and i'm gonna teach myself how to code a webpage from scratch. It's cheesy but i've become more creative since they debuted. love Tempus simple as

>> No.48298610

This reminds me of the end of freshers week

>> No.48298615

Aniki has a great voice but, poor tech and there a literally utaites that he looks up to in the server. I bet he is super nervous.

>> No.48298647

I would make a La Familia tattoo if I drunk enough but some people would unironically think I'm part of the Mafia and that's not good

>> No.48298665

Got to*

>> No.48298679


>> No.48298708
Quoted by: >>48298787

Holy cringe

>> No.48298721

Aniki is happy, i am happy, simple as.

>> No.48298747
Quoted by: >>48298831

It's crazy they've been saying it wrong the whole time tho... It's famiglia

>> No.48298750
File: 172 KB, 850x1325, __axel_syrios_holostars_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48298963

I'll miss this arc for Axel, we got:

>Fish out of water, does'nt know how to anything in rust
>became a gambling addict
>Raiding with friends
>VP of shota and bl axel
>Became a king pin and turf warred over bl vp
>generally funny moments like the birthday party surprise

I'll miss this moments, Thank you Aniki for the joy and fun I got to share with you.

>> No.48298787

Yeah, being drunk is doing cringe things

>> No.48298793

SOVL is code for good kusoge in my book. Or good kusostrim.

>> No.48298831

Yeah, I tried correcting at first but after Axel tweeted I just went with it. He somehow mixed Italian and Portuguese

>> No.48298834

did magni let the magmites collab hate seriously get to him or something?

>> No.48298865

No, he's just really busy with PL work

>> No.48298881
File: 2.82 MB, 1959x2447, FtDiHBJX0AkAR17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, isn't it?

>> No.48298885


>> No.48298919

What I found weird is how his fishing week turned out to be just playing dredge, not that I think it's wrong but I thought it would be something more special, I don't know.
But he is teasing something very very special in the future so I'll give him that

>> No.48298926

Enjoy your day anon axelotl. Don't work too hard.

>> No.48298945


>> No.48298951

Reminder that Vesper doesn't hate his fans, but I do

>> No.48298963

Same. Aniki also got to make alot of new friends.

>> No.48298967

This Rust ar also made me find out so many cool vtubers from other agencies/indies. Thanks Aniki.

>> No.48298990
File: 157 KB, 620x461, grim2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48299182

just today i was thinking about a vesper fanpage with an old pc rpg ui like everquest/pc98 games/etc. godspeed anon

>> No.48298997

It is. This feels like my last day of HS where I walked around talking with everyone like we were best friends reminiscing that 1 moment we had 2 years prior and talking about doing something together in the future.

>> No.48299033

>just playing dredge
That wasnt planned. he tried the game and i guess he liked it.

>> No.48299060

Yea. feels like an after graduation ceremony

>> No.48299062

I was waiting for my parents to pick me up during my last day in HS

>> No.48299088

Now that you've said that I got really nostalgic man...

>> No.48299121

I didn't attend last day of middle school/high school because i absolutely hate this feeling, but i'm still getting quite a bit of it after all these goodbyes recently
Jumping from Vsaikyou into VCR was really crazy

>> No.48299136

On something unrelated, I did a work interview about 6 hours ago. I hope I end getting in.

>> No.48299137

powerpoint show

>> No.48299147

I've been enjoying the fishing week, it was a funny little gimmick. The fish costume has been fun, especially during the zatsu.

>> No.48299156

Man, you're right....right in the kokoro...

>> No.48299176

I want a collab week...

>> No.48299182

oh shit nice. I was gonna make a gothic esque 90s style page for him
This looks neat and creative as hell. Would love to see this one in action anon!

>> No.48299183

>kawm suhsser Todd

>> No.48299212

Axel WILL organize a group cover with La Famiglia

>> No.48299224
File: 65 KB, 769x769, 1674663962155582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48299425

good luck anon!

>> No.48299235

>everyone is conversing and having fun
>Aniki is quietly sitting somewhere
He really is just like me fr fr

>> No.48299271

we are...

>> No.48299313

I hope the last 5 mins just breaks into this horrible deathfest, I wouldn't normally like that, but thats what RUST is, ya know?

>> No.48299328

He already talked with some people around, but the game is kinda crazy now so he's lost kek

>> No.48299327

Literally me fr fr...

>> No.48299402

The game is melting

>> No.48299419

no, it was the fortnite gamer baby arc

>> No.48299425

It's a 8 to 1 then 3 to 6 work with a break for lunch. Getting it would be great as I would be able to stop being idle.

>> No.48299476

>ojiji love letter

>> No.48299482

>more special
He was always talking about it in a meme way dude, how did you think that

>> No.48299643
File: 51 KB, 481x680, Fse4BMmXsAw3E8_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48299772


>> No.48299679

I hope you got the holostars spot, anon!

>> No.48299729

It's over

>> No.48299732

owari... da.......

>> No.48299755

it's over..

>> No.48299772
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>> No.48299774

it's over...

>> No.48299801
File: 5 KB, 335x37, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>48298997 (Me)
I swear this is not me
