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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 637 KB, 770x1200, 106747986_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47932394 No.47932394 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな
Previous: >>47789269

>> No.47932400
File: 652 KB, 1200x675, 107341344_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84
Nekoko Store: https://nekoko.shop/
Booth: https://mikenekoko.booth.pm/
【Original Song】drop/みけねこ: https://youtu.be/sHl2-rH6GnU
>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna
Shop: https://store.vshojo.com/collections/nazuna

>> No.47932425
File: 106 KB, 1180x894, 1682209325728106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute stream, cute wife. The kusoge was more entertaining to watch that i remember.
Pic related is getting closer, i'm feeling it.

>> No.47932455

I love my wife!

>> No.47932465
File: 2.65 MB, 1450x1062, 1681755014478769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, I love my wives!

>> No.47932491
File: 184 KB, 1080x1162, FsYj0asaMAA8dP0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47932505
File: 200 KB, 683x683, FuY8yjragAEJjp6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute stream
Love wife

>> No.47932545
File: 204 KB, 1403x2233, 1682214826920368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just came home and your wife gives you this look. What do you do?

>> No.47932572

Rushia, Mikeneko and Nazuna are made for bondage

>> No.47932798
File: 126 KB, 771x770, 1681018248005611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love wife so much

>> No.47934823
File: 123 KB, 2048x1003, 20230418_133313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47935922
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>> No.47936250

I've enjoyed all this time with my cute pon wife but I don't know if I can stay awake for much longer

>> No.47937608

Loving my wife

>> No.47939500

Wifing my love

>> No.47939769

I love mikenyan so very much. So much.

>> No.47939897
File: 411 KB, 2387x1639, Fd1wvrGUUAIAMqi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time goes fast, but one thing remains I will always love her.

>> No.47941999

Wife wife wife (mine)

>> No.47942028 [DELETED] 

What was the thing she said at the end of the stream about men and women and losing female friends because of mike and her friend showing showing her a photo. I got the impression kaigai did something bad regarding etiquette

>> No.47942829

She isn't just a Wifi Angel
She's my wife Angel.

>> No.47943221

she turned herself into a wifi
funniest shit I've ever seen

>> No.47944013
Quoted by: >>47952851

Do you guys think that if I pretend to be from the id Software/Bethesda marketing department and give her money for a fake sponsorship of DOOM 2016 pretending it's a new game she would play it?
I know, I know, very deceptive; but I'm getting desperate here bros.

>> No.47944088
Quoted by: >>47944208

There's a Japanese arcade where I live that has stickers of Holos all over one of the cabinet. It still has a Rushia one... I miss the good old days...

>> No.47944208

surprised gecen still exist

>> No.47945983

Hey everyone! Welcome to my 4 hour long lecture.
Here's the topic of this lecture:
"Wife. She's so cute, I love her!"

>> No.47946039
Quoted by: >>47946565

I'd like to see a collaboration with Kirsch.

>> No.47946371

I'd like to see a collaboration with 5ch people and their gay lover 大輔

>> No.47946565
Quoted by: >>47946738

I would prefer a collab between her and another human

>> No.47946738

Human females only

>> No.47946829

every morning I thank god for not making me a 5ch poster

>> No.47947139

Her lawyer is scamming her. It's nearly impossible to sue someone on an American website for talking shit. America has freedom on speech, it is not communist like Japan.

>> No.47947161

Everyday I thank Jesus for having Mikeneko in my life.

>> No.47947184
File: 228 KB, 738x546, 1680871803396551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47947442

Zaibatsu semiconductor industry was dismantled by Korean systemic sabotage and one sided Western accords. So was the Japanese Music and Entertainment taken over by S Korea. The only thing Japan produces anymore is disgusting pornography.

>> No.47947641
Quoted by: >>47948159

Ahh, classic burgers calling everything they don't like or understand communist.

>> No.47948159 [DELETED] 

That's not wrong. Japanese industries were sabotaged under allegation by Marxist thinkers in the 1960s that a few Japanese families monopolizing the industry "was not democratic". Meanwhile South Korean, China and pretty much every other country has had their industries controlled by a few families and that's considered OK.

>> No.47948646
Quoted by: >>47948734

Mikeneko is a Marxist.

>> No.47948734

She communized the means of production of my heart.

>> No.47949767
File: 81 KB, 1600x900, 1680641197318383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mikeneko checking to see if you've wifeposted yet
>You haven't

>> No.47951044


>> No.47951483


>> No.47952296
File: 429 KB, 933x933, 1680183329359168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47952475
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>> No.47952599
File: 181 KB, 862x900, 1680272420124126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47952787
File: 240 KB, 938x1200, 2680212315028233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47952851
File: 7 KB, 386x66, one wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47960831


>> No.47952910
Quoted by: >>47953103

Please join Varium kudasai

>> No.47953103

They have auditions going on: https://varium.jp/audition/index2.html . I'm sure they'll let you join. We don't like Vshojo. Varium is the perfect company to join.

>> No.47955177
File: 316 KB, 1845x1293, FqXP-AsaYAAvftI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47955580

>> No.47955580

Hmmm...they forgot some clothes. Pon moment

>> No.47957488

Nazuna and subsequently streaming in multiple platforms is a good decision:
>it reaches more viewers that otherwise wouldn't watch her content in other platforms
>it allows some members (like me) to double dip and buy membership in two platforms
>it diverts and spreads out haters
>it makes Mikeneko is less susceptible to Youtube algorithm changes, bans, cancelling
>multiple personalities is a plain cool creative concept
>more tags = more mindspace
>more fan art = more engagement

>> No.47957768
Quoted by: >>47959102

Vshojo created a ton of drama and to be honest drama is fun.

>> No.47958011

She'd probably have gotten more fan art as just Mikeneko honestly. Still love the Nazuna design

>> No.47958772

True. I hope she starts streaming in bilibili, niconico and tiktok too. I got too used to follow her on 9 different SNS/streaming websites so i want more.

>> No.47959102

I like youtube more than twitch, but what's most important is that Varium is a Japanese idol company. They are like a mini Hololive, but better. They don't have western side branch whores; everyone speaks japanese; its an idol company and no one collabs with men; and the members play her favourite games, Apex and Minecraft. If she joins Varium, we can go back to the carefree and fun days like when she was in Hololive. It would be perfect. And they make their talents actually stream too, so we won't be seeing this constant Twitcast bullshit all the time.
They don't have whores like Matsuri, Laplus, or Towa either. It's perfect. Instead of begging her for ASMR, we should be begging her to join Varium. She's already said she wanted to quit Vshojo and this would be the perfect company to join next.

And maybe this is just me, but I don't like seeing 3d women so much. I never knew about Mikeneko until the February incident and I would have always preferred to just watch Rushia. If she were mainly streaming on Varium, I wouldn't have to see a 3d women so much.
This is a cryptic way of saying you like cuckoldry. All Vshojo has done is raise the constant fear of male collabs.

>> No.47959376 [DELETED] 

>but I don't like seeing 3d women so much
Highly agree. Mike only does handcams and a Valentine's and Christmsa streams so I make an exception.

>> No.47959439

>but I don't like seeing 3d women so much
Highly agree. Mike only does handcams and a Valentine's and Christmas streams so I make an exception.

>> No.47959524

>I wouldn't have to see a 3d women so much.
Now that's just gay. She's really cute and I hope she does a facecam stream one of these days as Mikeneko. I want to kiss her cute face

>> No.47959552

mikechan is cuter than any 2d girl and i would really like to see more of my cute 3d wife. so please take your gay takes somewhere else homo

>> No.47959558

I love it when Mikeneko does camera streams because I get to see her cute hands/legs and cute mannerisms

>> No.47959675
Quoted by: >>47959965

anyone who wouldn't want to kiss these lips is simply crazy: https://twitter.com/95rn16/status/1634847663958155264

>> No.47959703
Quoted by: >>47959965

I love my beautiful wife, regardless of if she's 2D or 3D

>> No.47959756

I agree, I think her leaving vshojo like she apparently wishes to is a good idea

>> No.47959965

Based thread. I want more of my wife in 2D, 3D and even voice only. I can't get enough of her.
Though 3D streams being somewhat rare and special makes them more exciting, i will concede.

>> No.47960066

Anime women don't grow old, they are always clean, they don't stink, they aren't mean, and they never act like rotten bitches.
3d women are dirty, they're mean, they stink, they rot like raisins, and they're all vapid whores that only care about money and looks.
If you like 3d women, what are you doing wasting your time watching Vtubers? Fucking normies

>> No.47960109
Quoted by: >>47960240

My beautiful wife who I can't post on this board because it would go against her wishes and I will be banned!!!!

>> No.47960164

I love my wife's IRL streams because they're super cute and I always look forward to them

>> No.47960197

Her Handcam streams really only need an overlay to pass as Hololive content.

>> No.47960240

Shut up lemon

>> No.47960457

Mikeneko is the most beautiful woman (my wife) in the world

>> No.47960510

Anon, i know this revelation may be hard for you so i'm going to give you some time to assimilate it but...
Behind vtubers....
there are 3D women.
I'm so sorry you had to learn it this way.

>> No.47960830

The more she leans into normalfag content the more it ruins her brand. Mikeneko is the image of an otaku she KNOWS that makes her special. Instagram thot with avatar is not special.

>> No.47960831
File: 29 KB, 479x387, kitatsuki milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47960895
Quoted by: >>48072885

The more she posts cute pics and stories on insta the more I fall in love with her
She's so cute!

>> No.47960969
Quoted by: >>47961352

incel lmao

>> No.47961053

Where is this milk meeting, i have to go.

>> No.47961078

In a proper Vtuber company like Hololive or Varium, we would not know about their 3d lives at all. We would better immerse ourselves in the 2d fantasy experience without having to think about the unpleasant facts of real life. This is not the case with Mikeneko, nor is it in a company that values "talent freedom" to such an extant where members like Kson, among others, flaunt their real 3d bodies around to break the immersion. This kind of content is more likely to attract normies, the people posting about the evils of "parasocial" relationships n shit. I don't mind if she does 3d content, but keep it on a seperate account that I don't have to look at because she regularly streams on her 2d anime account. That way I can just pretend it doesn't exist, like I did when I only knew about Rushia.

>> No.47961129
Quoted by: >>47961249

I like it when Mikeneko does IRL streams and I wish she keeps doing them!

>> No.47961183

Rather than milk, I'd gladly gulp down a fresh glass of piss.

>> No.47961249 [DELETED] 

I hope you get your head ran over by a shuttle!

>> No.47961340

I am in love with the actual 3d woman Mikeneko and I want to be with her forever. She is very beautiful and talented and I am lucky to have an amazing woman like her. I enjoy her cosplay and camera streams because it gives her a chance to show us how cute she is and I like seeing how happy she gets when complimented.

>> No.47961342

cute pictures and stories on insta are always great

>> No.47961352

Incels worship 3d women retard. They're failed normies. Liking 2d women more than 3d makes you a volcel, not an incel.

>> No.47961384


>> No.47961413

There's nothing voluntary about your faggotry

>> No.47961435
Quoted by: >>47961750

I love my beautiful wife Mikeneko and I fell for her personality before I ever saw what she looked like. But when I did see what she looked like, I realised that she was the most beautiful girl in the world.

>> No.47961723

My wife Mikeneko is an amazingly beautiful woman and I love her. I am happy I get to see her be cute and show off her cosplays.

>> No.47961750

She doesn't like doing flesh streams herself so the whole argument is moot.

>> No.47962174 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47962360

Has she ever said whether she prefers 2d men or 3d men before?

>> No.47962360 [DELETED] 

She's talked before about how she has no eyes for other men because she's already dating us and gushes over anime characters like Bakugo or Mikey

>> No.47962776

She can't reciprocate love if it's one sided.
Make sure to show and give a lot of love for her.

>> No.47962819 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47962858

I think my wife is very cute

>> No.47962858
Quoted by: >>47962934

Say that in chat not just here.

>> No.47962885
File: 287 KB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47962947

I think my wife is very cute

>> No.47962934

I tell her I love her every opportunity I have

>> No.47962947

Make sure to tell that to her in chat. Not just here.
I think Mikeneko is very cute!

>> No.47963070
File: 356 KB, 512x358, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47963451

She is incredibly resilient and at the same time so frail.
To be honest, I rather enjoy how difficult she can be.
Mikeneko is the best at everything ever.

>> No.47963931

I think we owe her an apology.

>> No.47964134

I can't stop thinking about protecting her smile every minute of my life.

>> No.47964137
Quoted by: >>47964299

Sorry for being so cute
I’m sorry for being born this way

>> No.47964299

I love you Mikechan!

>> No.47964622


>> No.47965033

Opinion on her new chat emoji?
I like the question mark.

>> No.47965367

I love her more than anything in my life.

>> No.47967384

wife love

>> No.47967418

Her voice is so cute I can't believe it.

>> No.47967722
Quoted by: >>47969198

Shhh give me the beef on arigathanks

>> No.47968954 [DELETED] 

Her voice is healing.

>> No.47968999

I'm being healed by her voice.

>> No.47969198

he is a cat

>> No.47969867
Quoted by: >>47975952

Nazuna please play Bio4 at the same time as Doom while doing ASMR collab with Canaan

>> No.47971088

She’s always been the comfort of my heart, she makes it feel like she never left. And I will never let her go again. We have been together for six months. You are the light in my life. Hugging her tight to my heart. The way it feels like a part of me. And the way it always will be. Even if one day I am no longer by her side.

>> No.47973318

Mikeneko I love you so so so much. I will stay loyal by your side for as long as you want me to.

>> No.47975693

Mikeneko was the best thing that ever happened in my life. She is so smart, kind, beautiful. I love her so much. Her voice has healing super powers.

>> No.47975952
Quoted by: >>47976960

Are you jerking off to Noel's ASMR? Cheater!

>> No.47976960


>> No.47978775

Being with mikeneko is like a dream I don't wanna wake up.

>> No.47981679
Quoted by: >>47983770

stream doko?

>> No.47983770
Quoted by: >>47983949

you got your wish

>> No.47983949


>> No.47987144
File: 626 KB, 2000x3000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47988042

Wife is very very sexy

>> No.47987234

Does she not like it when we speak english? I can only say simple thing in Japanese. I can somewhat understand what she says without a translator, but speaking my thoughts is too difficult.

>> No.47987397


>> No.47988042

sex with her!

>> No.47989528

She said she was a shrine maiden

>> No.47990339

I wonder why she's been streaming at this time instead of the old Ru time recently
Aren't most of the Japanese still at work now? This definitely feels like a time more suited to the US than Japan.

>> No.47990632

that was a good one

>> No.47990738

It's after midnight for the east coast so this isn't a very good time for US either

>> No.47991157
Quoted by: >>47991358

Again best time for everyone worldwide would be around 9-10PM JP time

>> No.47991358

Then I wonder if this is a time that's better for her to get TLs or something.

>> No.47991995

built for rough hair-pulling sex

>> No.47992031

>We don't like Vshojo
you've been with them for almost a year now, was it really that bad.

>> No.47992118
Quoted by: >>47992316

>She's already said she wanted to quit Vshojo
Do you have a source for this?

>> No.47992316
Quoted by: >>47992745

It’s called making shit up, that guy is always shilling varium(whoever the fuck that is) and samefags all the time

>> No.47992745
File: 327 KB, 459x451, 1677177216879007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48072508

oh okay, not the answer I was expecting
i see deet hasn't taken his meds

>> No.47993885
Quoted by: >>47995591

crazy to think that this same girl beat Undyne and tried to beat sans for the longest time
she gets frustrated so easily compared to before

>> No.47994038
Quoted by: >>47994069

NTA but it was worse than I had expected

>> No.47994069
Quoted by: >>47995790

how so?

>> No.47995220

can someone tell the varium anon to fuck off. Stop shilling some random corpo

>> No.47995489

>western side branch whores
the irony

>> No.47995591

shes a lot less happy than she used to be so she gets upset easily

>> No.47995790

No box for her, no support for her and I can't trust the company to not interfere

>> No.47996569


>> No.48000229
File: 92 KB, 328x233, fandeadmusk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48000356

is musk a fandead

>> No.48000356
Quoted by: >>48000518

see >>47908609

>> No.48000518
Quoted by: >>48001379

Oooh, thank you... tho I wanted to believe :(
Then again if I was musk and a fandead id have bought the Rushia IP and given it to her as a gift... even if she just would burn it

>> No.48001379

She hates the management not hololive itself.
Rushia is actually special to her.

>> No.48002458

Elden Ring streams are pretty chill somehow

>> No.48003368

[EN] Nazuna: sleep stream? probably wont do that again

; ;

>> No.48003802
Quoted by: >>48004344

I love her so much. See made good progress today, can't wait to see her beat some bosses next time.

>> No.48004344


>> No.48004658
File: 426 KB, 709x709, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My beautiful angel wife is very good at the game, she just gets lost sometimes.

>> No.48004881

I love my wife so so so much

>> No.48005582
File: 670 KB, 2480x3508, FuZwyQ0aQAEbV9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48005930
File: 288 KB, 1536x2048, FuZLFWBakAAdnCw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48010275

>> No.48006294

too big

>> No.48006636

Perfect size for my perfect boing boing wife.
P.S: Mike, please main Chun-li on Street Fighter.

>> No.48008206
Quoted by: >>48008997

is she not doing a one year vtuber anniversary stream?

>> No.48008997
Quoted by: >>48009801

That's in July.
Mikeneko is a weird case apart that's not mainly a vtuber, at least as far as today.

>> No.48009801
Quoted by: >>48009836

Juli is nazuna
Mikeneko as a vtuber is today

>> No.48009836
Quoted by: >>48010218

You're not getting what i'm saying.

>> No.48010218

She brought it up on Twitcast but looks like she isn't celebrating it
Birthday will be the big stream each year, it seems

>> No.48010275

Nekomata Okayu

>> No.48010577

Her mood has improved a lot, my beautiful wife is healing! I just want to watch her work towards a goal, the game is not important. I will even enjoy APEX streams.

>> No.48010712

My wife, you're so beautiful.

>> No.48011338

I could only catch a bit due to work, but it's streams like this that make me want to stay with her forever

>> No.48013753

wife love

>> No.48014560

wife big love

>> No.48015873
Quoted by: >>48016463

Really? I just try to catch some sleep and i miss two twitcast and one of them seems to be a flirty one or something which is the one without an archive? ;-;
Bizarrely enough It was the public one.

>> No.48015881
File: 216 KB, 2026x2865, 20230305_164258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Wife!

>> No.48016463
Quoted by: >>48017823

>>48015873 (me)
I just saw sakana's illustration. Please don't tell me it was the ASMR test...

>> No.48017598
File: 70 KB, 185x287, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>48031172

Gremlin wife

>> No.48017823

I'm sorry anon, if it makes you feel better I missed it too due to work.

>> No.48018690

Ahhhh I knew it. From twitter comments, it was either ASMR or that pseudo-ASMR she did before. If it was the second one it's still a big loss but well, maybe less traumatic.
I don't know if it makes me want to shout or cry.
I've been one waiting for months for it, keeping guard on everything she could for like a week since she announced possibly doing ASMR test (but never said exactly when) which means flipping day and night to me.
And this day; after I watched 5 hours of Nazuna very early (or very late, depends on how you see it), I waited 2 hours and a half for possible twitcasts. I lower my guard thinking maybe she got enough and I'm so damn tired on a random Monday that I fell asleep.
And that's when she does it. 40 minutes long, guerilla and unarchived (despite being public).
I'm going to kill myself, be right back.

>> No.48018860
Quoted by: >>48019301

I'm pretty sure (correct me if I'm wrong) the actual ASMR will be on YouTube

>> No.48019112

I wish she met Pikamee

>> No.48019301
Quoted by: >>48034529

I cross my fingers on this.
As i said, if it was a pseudo-ASMR it's still a shame for missing it because she's really sweet in them but i already listened to one she did live and it's not really ASMR at all; so it's not the end of the world.

>> No.48021439

Please open the archive Mike...

>> No.48023959
File: 66 KB, 951x951, FuezZrCagAA5Ze1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48026894
File: 296 KB, 2048x2048, FX-7PyyVUAAJrnw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48028609
Quoted by: >>48028988

Mikeneki is the love of my life and my dream come true.

>> No.48028988
File: 350 KB, 614x1000, Wife covered in blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this woman? You're not a cheater, are you?

>> No.48029602
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>> No.48031172

I hope she uses this model for 1 stream at least all the other vshojo girls got theirs

>> No.48031368
Quoted by: >>48033206

Is it better to use deepl japanese or english in chat?

>> No.48031701

Why isn’t Nazuna verified? Even Haruka has her badge.

>> No.48031932
Quoted by: >>48037663

cuz she's leaving Vshojo for Varium

>> No.48032021

So for the company verification you have to accept the verification invitation
so 3 possible scenarios
1. She didn't see the invitation
2. She saw it but didn't accept it
3. They never sent her one

I'm leaning to she never saw it but who knows

>> No.48032668

Mikenyan is a FANTASTIC streamer
I love her so much
I could listen to her voice for a trillion hours

>> No.48033206

She likes seeing people write English in her chat even if she doesn't understand it. In fact if she sees a lot of people writing in English she's more likely to dedicate some time to talk to us exclusively. If you really really want her to understand something then DeepL.
And again, this should be obvious but it apparently isn't for many so let me reiterate. You're writing in her stream chat with the intention of her reading it and maybe replying to you
So long phrases, fancier words, western memes and slang generally won't work. She will just attempt to read the message (which she does as a sign that she's not ignoring them), realize she doesn't understand shit and move on (this happens to a ton of messages btw). Maybe if she gets curious she will ask and learn about what some word means.
Your best bet is to keep it simple and maybe include 1-2 japanese words (in romanji) for her to have something to hold into as context.
I see some from time to time someone writing some long copypasta or meme as a joke that could only be possibly understood and enjoyed by a fluent speaker with western internet culture knowledge and i cringe the hell out.

>> No.48033419

Japs do the switcharoo where they say they love her and then turn around and go NOOOOT. English speakers are much more upfront. Must be SOV language thing.

>> No.48033577

Did you miss the part yesterday where she told us to use simple Japanese because she can't understand English? I think reading all the English is stressing her out.

>> No.48033832

I LOVE her English because it's effortlessly cute. I don't want her to become fluent.

>> No.48034396

I want her to get to Pikamee's level. That way she still sounds cute but not fluent enough to be uninteresting.

>> No.48034529
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glad to see i'm not the only one losing his head over this

>> No.48034994

Just Communicating with kaigai at all is good.

>> No.48035323

That's because she was looking for heavy backseating in the chat while playing Elden Ring. You have to understand the situations sometimes, anon.
As i said before, 3-4 months of somewhat regular streams with no translator but using some dictionary or some inverse yomichan and attempting to communicate different things (and maybe some grammar lessons) and she would improve vastly in her English.
And no, don't be silly about her becoming fluent. She has a lot of terrain to gain while still being a beginner in English. She struggles even with basic grammar and very common words.
Also, i have been always against the idea that her English is cute because is deficient. She can be really cute in Japanese if she want to and with more control in English there's more opportunities for her to control her cuteness too. For japanese women learning how to be cute is like the studying the blade meme.
Also it would make her less tired trying to communicate in it which would lead to her speaking more in English.
I've seen her many times in twitch streams getting frustated over not being to tell about something something she was excited about because she lacks the skill (in streams with no translator) and it frustrates me too that the language barrier is this high.

>> No.48035543

It makes me feel a bit relief to see i wasn't the only one. Sharing the pain...

>> No.48036472

Stop begging for ASMR

>> No.48036494

Last year all the vshojo girls had meet ups at AX I hope they somehow they do one for her this year just for a quick "Hello, I love you"

>> No.48036579

She doesn't even have a passport.

>> No.48036867
Quoted by: >>48036926

>Virtual meet ups

>> No.48036926


>> No.48037172

Based wife pure from globohomo poison.

>> No.48037576

she just used her phone as always and whispered the whole time like an ASMR stream.

>> No.48037663


>> No.48039617
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Quoted by: >>48045643

I am the last fandead floating. Love my wife.

>> No.48040727

Mikenyanko is a natural born talent at this.

>> No.48041459

She must've looked just like Miko when she was working as a shrine maiden. In baggy red pants and white robes on top, just like in the anime. I wonder what kind of god she was worshipping too.

>> No.48041611

Shrine maidens do look really good.

>> No.48041959

And she worked at a maid cafe too. Anime is real. She said she wouldn't like it if we went to a maid cafe, but I wonder if she got jealous if we go to see some shrine maiden too.
I also don't think its fair for her to stop us from going there because these things don't exist in my country. What's the point of going to Japan if I can't go to a maid cafe and see shrine maiden? I want to see what I like from anime and manga.

>> No.48042407

Maybe we're gonna get a shrine maiden cosplay someday. She used to work at a maid cafe, so she gave us maid cosplay. Next up is shrine maiden cosplay since she used to work as a shrine maiden.

>> No.48042507

Shrine maiden nowadays is just a normal part time job for some pretty young girls in college and while some retain their faith for most it's more about preserving traditions and the touristic industry.
So yeah, no need to be a devout or even trained for years in the shrine to do it.

>> No.48044788

Love her me too

>> No.48045643

I made this post

>> No.48047215
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Quoted by: >>48047767

>Nazuna ready to be covered with your wifeposts

>> No.48047486
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>> No.48047563
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Quoted by: >>48047886


>> No.48047767
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Quoted by: >>48047886


>> No.48047886

these ai memes are dogshit
don’t use my posts for your faggotry

>> No.48048386
Quoted by: >>48050607

Yesterday's iPhone ASMR was fantastic.
I feel sorry for anyone who missed it.

>> No.48048401

Loving my wife with my wife

>> No.48049546
Quoted by: >>48049708

Mikeneko gives me reason to get up in the morning.

>> No.48049708

morning wood

>> No.48049733

Mikeneko is the most precious thing to me ever.

>> No.48050607


>> No.48052045

She gave her own life away in order to warn us that this world was but a fake imitation created by the Demiurge. I shall soon reunite with her in everlasting sleep.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his supreme best Waifu, that whoever believes in her shall not perish but have eternal life. "
John 3:16

>> No.48052868
Quoted by: >>48052936


Dime Miguelito dime por qué
Ya no te preocupa
Ese apodito cómo te llaman
Miguel el gato te ha dado fama

Eres ya tan conocido
El gato más popular
Todos te quieren ver esa imagen
Eres un gato original

Gato que toma traguito
Que te vas al parrandón
Tomando alegre no la descuidas
Vaya que gato y su vacilón
(Vaya que gato
¡Cuidado con ese gato compadre!)

Dime Miguelito dime por qué
Ya no te preocupa
Ese apodito cómo te llaman
Miguel el gato te ha dado fama

Eres ya tan conocido
El gato más popular
Todos te quieren ver esa imagen
Eres un gato original

Gato que toma traguito
Que te vas al parrandón
Tomando alegre no la descuidas
Vaya que gato y su vacilón

Este es el gato Miguel (x8)

(Oye, que gato)

(Y otra vez, !miauuuu!)

Este es el gato Miguel (x8)

Este es el gato Miguel (x8).

>> No.48052936

Yo te amo miguel gato

>> No.48054931

Mikenyan was the best thing that happened in my life.

>> No.48057983

I love Michael

>> No.48060544


>> No.48060694


>> No.48061991

Reminder https://streamable.com/94kwvu

>> No.48064399

love her mee too

>> No.48065097

She's getting good at this.

>> No.48065329


>> No.48065426


>> No.48066056

I'm grateful everyday for Mikenyan. Sorry for being such a hassle.

>> No.48069154

My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world

>> No.48070451
Quoted by: >>48070876


>> No.48070464
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>> No.48070876


>> No.48071333


>> No.48072409

y-you too

>> No.48072508


>> No.48072816

NTA but as an anon who came in way more optimistic than most I ended up disappointed
Not for the reasons people expected though, the majority of my complaints have ended up being extremely mundane and sane. Quite literally, she expected something she would've known wasn't going to be the case had she actually done research about the company, and some of those expectations are also not ones Vshojo could realistically see coming
Which is just kinda boring
Also I can't fault either her or Vshojo for it because speaking as a frustrated long time fan, there's things I instinctively know will eventually rub her the wrong way and she will come to dislike, that she will deny vociferously if told such...and then in a few months time, she will talk about hating exactly the thing she defended.
Like, it literally happened here. She caused herself months of stress for something her oldest fans warned her against. Because it was shiny at the time. And because it's shiny she goes ahead and creates grand mental narratives about said shiny thing.
And then later realizes she doesn't like it
I think she has, as a person, literally just outright forgotten the concept of people having a set of unchangeable preferences and it is so dumb.

>> No.48072885

when was the last insta post

>> No.48073250
Quoted by: >>48075487

Not like there was a lot of information about vshojo available in Japanese before she debuted. As much as I hate the she can't do no wrong mentality, in this instance you can hardly fault her for it. Any expectations she had, aside from her own experience, must have been based on her only available source of information, vshojo itself.

>> No.48074158

I think it's fine.
At least she knows now.
She's too pure, so she still has a lot more to learn.

>> No.48075461
Quoted by: >>48077128

Mikeneko please pee on me

>> No.48075487

Apparently Kson didn't even realise that the company has had a bad reputation for years before joining

>> No.48075601

Lmao she isn't your wife niggers

>> No.48075636

She is my wife and fuck off /pol/tard

>> No.48075652
File: 977 KB, 1920x1285, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife

>> No.48075874

bruh I read all that and I have no fucking clue what you just said

>> No.48075913

I love my precious wife Mikeneko

>> No.48077005


>> No.48077046


>> No.48077076


>> No.48077128

mmm wife's pee.

>> No.48077226

Wifes pee love
Wife's milk love
Wife's love love love loooove

>> No.48078581
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