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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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477181 No.477181 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like Kiara? Tried to watch her but she seems like she has a "plastic" personality. She's also overly annoying and on collabs she always seems rude or selfcentered.

>> No.477216

tako hands wrote this

>> No.477218
Quoted by: >>477893

She's autistic, please understand.

>> No.477227
Quoted by: >>481721

>Thinly veiled pro-Kiara thread

>> No.477536

Don't you mean Callie?

>> No.477863

She's fine

>> No.477893
Quoted by: >>479381

anon they are all autistic

>> No.479381

there's alot type of autisme tho

>> No.479392

Because your taste isn’t everyone else’s and there are reasons to like her that just wouldn’t make sense to you
I’d say what but I’m not particularly interested in Kiara either

>> No.479483
Quoted by: >>479568 >>482506

>on collabs she always seems rude or selfcentered.

>Hey Ina your tree looks weird!
>You know what else looks weird?

Yeah its ok for her to get aggressive on others but its not ok if others get aggressive on her. It's like she thinks she is entitled to something.

>> No.479568
Quoted by: >>480854 >>481792

>on collabs she always seems rude or selfcentered.
the latest EN drawing collab. Jesus someone needed to gag her after the first 5 minutes

>> No.479666

imagine if such a kawaii morning kid became a vtuber. that's what kiara is

>> No.479721
Quoted by: >>482539

>Froot and Kiara swap roommates
>Suddenly Kiara is far more adorable and tempered, and Froot matches the Vshojo energy
ahh, if only

>> No.479725

she's the kind of bitch that turned me off from 3DPD women

>> No.480335

I don't know about other but she always comes across as forcing a character rather than being herself or filling the character naturally. I also get the sense that she expected to be the biggest Holo EN talent from the start and got knocked down.
What turned me off of her was a stream where she was complaining about her $700 piece of computer equipment (might have been a mouse) and from past experience with shallow people they'll fall back on materiel possessions to show superiority.

>> No.480386

She is incredibly self centered, even if it is not malicious.
She unironically thinks she is the protagonist and leader of holo EN, which is why she acts so fucking rude in collabs.

>> No.480528

It was a microphone. She was talking about sound problems in her stream and she said she didn’t think the problem was her mic because of the fact that it was given to her by Calli and because it’s supposed to be a high end piece of equipment.

>> No.480664
Quoted by: >>482880 >>483482

Doesn't she hate trannies?

>> No.480690
Quoted by: >>482907 >>482934

What I find the most funny is Kiara is very thirsty for those subs and yet she is neck and neck with Ina who obviously doesn't let sub count bother her and does her thing.

>> No.480717
Quoted by: >>480758

>I also get the sense that she expected to be the biggest Holo EN talent from the start
There was some discussion not too long ago that Cover might've thought that, hence her getting a popular rigger, a popular artist (let's not talk about the actual design), the early shipfaggotry with Calli, and the potential for collabs with the whole main branch due to JP fluency.

>> No.480736
Quoted by: >>481269 >>481343

How the hell did you think a mouse could be $700. You'd have to be crazy to buy that

>> No.480758

I don't get why with the design as you allude to. Pretty obvious that Calli and Gura would be the most popular with their designs from the get go, giving off the most fetish energy in different directions.

>> No.480771


sometimes "plastic" personality is actually the real personality.

>> No.480795 [DELETED] 
File: 539 KB, 450x799, 1612426142444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.480812

I don't understand it either. She's seems really mean at times. And she's not even aware of it.

>> No.480836

That's why I give her money

>> No.480842

Glad more and more people here are starting to realise what she is actually like. The mask is coming off and her true personality and annoying mannerisms are showing.

>> No.480847
Quoted by: >>480888 >>480912

I wouldn't be surprised if she was into J-Fash, that lot tend to be very very picky about what you spend and how genuine it is. Didn't she tell some story where she was broke as hell but still decided to drop about the equivalent of $800 on a higher end phone?

>> No.480854
Quoted by: >>481750

>Hey guys, did you know that Mori cries in her sleep? Isn't that hilarious?

>> No.480888

God I hate people like this. You should always just spend $100-150 on three year old flagships rather than new phones. The average person doesn't need the highest goddamn specs

>> No.480891

Must be an austr[al]ian thing.

>> No.480912
Quoted by: >>481013 >>490675

My problem with this whole line of reasoning is Coco brags about ever expensive piece of garbage she buys daily and pointing it out makes you an anti according to her defense squad, Kiara occasionally talks about her streaming equipment or something else she bought like a phone and she is showing off. People should at least be consistent, being into nice clothes is no less shallow than buying expensive brands for the sake of the brand in other areas.

>> No.480924
File: 61 KB, 463x498, 1023497821498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desperate numberfag
>self centered "me me me"
It's not har to see why she's the least liked EN.

>> No.480942

She's trying her best and just gets carried away

>> No.480960
Quoted by: >>481009

I mean, despite playing up the character I'm not sure she's being fake-fake. From what I understand of their roommates history their personality and demeanour are spot on.

>> No.480961

>It's not har to see why she's the least liked EN.
That's Calli

>> No.480978

Convince me to watch any other HoloEN than Kiara.

>> No.480991

Ina has some nice gesture drawing streams

>> No.480995

Mori's deranged paypigs and her 1M subs prove you couldn't be more wrong, anon. I'm not even a deadbeat, this is just common sense.

>> No.481004
Quoted by: >>481566

Look, just because Callie is the most loved doesn't mean she's the least liked, it doesn't work that way.

>> No.481005

i really think she is just socially inept

>> No.481009

>From what I understand of their roommates history their personality and demeanour are spot on.
That's a fair point actually. There isn't much of a difference in personalities.

>> No.481013
Quoted by: >>481098

I personally have a line drawn into aesthetic stuff like fashion or collectibles, and stuff with utility use like technology. Both are money sinks, but the former is just for fun no matter what, while the latter can be a flat out waste if the user doesn't use what they have to the fullest.
But Coco in particular is impossible to criticize because of the whole China fiasco, so everyone's overly defensive about her.

>> No.481026
File: 461 KB, 756x711, Grapefruit’s Grandpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking can’t with you people

>> No.481069

Personally I think her design kind of sucks. If her and korone were switched for example I would probably be more into her. I was gonna say her voice too but I would probably think it was cute if I liked her.

>> No.481098

It must be hard being Coco these days. She had a pretty steady gig as the reddit meme ambassador and gateway drug for overseas viewers, but who needs reddit memes and bilingual dragons as their entry point when HoloEN exists?

>> No.481127

It was her choice to lean more into the JP culture and language though in all her projects. She could be the Texas dragon who speaks English with EN and the INdoggos, but she doesn't. She doesn't want to be there and is happy where she is.

>> No.481142
File: 563 KB, 1540x1054, 1209478912947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>481992

Cute, with some genuine humor in her streams. Her karaoke streams are one of the big highlights of this gen. Despite having the highest sub count remains humble.

Also humble as she knows she lacks many of the skills her genmates has, but makes up for it with her fun streams. Can get short tempered, but can play off it quite well. Membership interaction is maybe the best out of the ENs.

Funny in her own awkward way. Can get high energy in her streams without going overboard with it. Talented musician (even if its not to your taste, she's good at what she does). Fun banter with her chat, pokes fun at them in a playful way which is endearing.

Very comfy streams. A true 'what you see is what you get' streamer, where no curtain is used to hide her personality. Immensely talented artist who's drawing streams gives a decent insight to how it all works. A genuine and relatable personality.

>> No.481145

First time im visiting this board and I never noticed Kiara being rude or something (don't watch her streams though, just clips)
Could anyone link some examples?

>> No.481236
Quoted by: >>484011

How much of Mori's dislike for Kiara's lesbo antics is her playing along and how much of it is real? I get that they wouldn't go on a trip together if they weren't genuine friends. But something tells me Mori gets tired of that shit, even if it's just meant to be a running joke.

>> No.481269

Booze and I recalled it started with an "M"

>> No.481343
Quoted by: >>481377

Don't some high end Razrs or Zowies cost like $400? That plus custom airbrushing can easily come out to well over $700.

>> No.481370

Fuck off redditor

>> No.481377

That's crazy. And here I thought I overspent on my Zowie mouse. $100 for a fucking mouse.

>> No.481390

I don't know, ask her meme reviews that always get 50k live viewers

>> No.481391
Quoted by: >>481661

it's mostly just schizos reading way too much into small things

>> No.481409

For some reason there is a very vocal handful of people here who constantly make anti-Kiara threads

>> No.481417

Cope chicken fag
There's a reason your oshi has the lowest views and almost the lowest subcount (having to use dirty tactics and leeching to BARELY beat an Ina that is not even trying)

>> No.481424
Quoted by: >>481661

Mainly a bunch of cocofags who are pissy that Kiara is a better EN/JP bilingual streamer

>> No.481436
Quoted by: >>481661

>For some reason
I mean. They're not totally without merit.

>> No.481450
Quoted by: >>481661

>for some reason
The real reason is that people like to fuck with KFP because they are retards that always take the bait.
Then they can screenshot it and brag about how they dunked on some random person because they said Kiara sucks.
Don't get me wrong, Kiara is the worst EN, but the vitriol she gets is almost entirely made with the objective of riling up KFPfags

>> No.481510
Quoted by: >>484043 >>484097

where can I discuss her roommate's onlyfans

>> No.481566
Quoted by: >>481607

>Callie is the most loved
kek. cope more deadshits. Nobody likes your roastie boy.

>> No.481607
Quoted by: >>481713

Yes chickenfag, everyone hates Callie the most, that's why only Kiara gets anti-threads

>> No.481645 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

Okay since you guys don't like her, why don't you do what the nijichads did with a talent they didn't like?

>> No.481661

It's not just people who want to dunk on her fans or people who have some legititmate criticism. In fact, Kiara has had people hating her more or less continously for the past ten years, basically ever since she first came to Japan (most of this was obviously in her roommate's time). These people are actually obsessed with her on a personal level, everybody else just wants (you)s.

>> No.481713


>> No.481721
Quoted by: >>481769 >>481802

More like a thinly veiled anti-Kiara thread. I can smell the bat soup from here, Chang.

>> No.481750
Quoted by: >>481775

Why did I she do /ourboi/ like that?

>> No.481769 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>481786 >>485457

What does hating Kiara have to do with being a Chink? The only ones they hate is Coco you mongoloid

>> No.481775

She's ribbing her best friend. If Calli really didn't like Kiara IRL then she wouldn't go on holidays with her.

>> No.481776

It's 100% an ESL thing

>> No.481787

Could be worse. She could be making reddit meme reviews or something.

>> No.481786
Quoted by: >>481809 >>481883


>> No.481792

After that one minecraft stream collab with ina she really made me hate her with her self centered attitude

>> No.481802
Quoted by: >>481836

But she has a Chinese fanbase, you faggot conspiracy theorists are hilarious because of how easily you are wound up over nothing.

>> No.481809 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>481882 >>485457

fuck off chink
I see you're projecting now, Chang

>> No.481813
File: 1.34 MB, 952x870, coco aaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>481841


>> No.481836 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

Yep everyone outside of KFP hates her, simple as

Also why don't you guys give her the Aloe treatment and get it done with? Shes a liability and before she does any damage, why not get rid of her earlier?

>> No.481841
Quoted by: >>481858

Both are orange haired, bottom left bimbos who have expensive tastes though, the comparison fits even if you can't cope with it

>> No.481848
Quoted by: >>481871

Anybody who looks too deeply into tweets and thinks this is real is the kind of mouthbreather who thinks wrasslin' storylines and characters are also real.

>> No.481858 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

>uses bottom left "meme"
Chickenfag detected

>> No.481871 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>481880 >>485457

Cope, Kiara simp. She's a rude bitch

>> No.481880

ok mark

>> No.481882

>Hating reddit makes you a chink
Based anon.

>> No.481883
Quoted by: >>481923

>get called out for your idiotic statement
>respond in all-caps with gibberish like a 10 year old
Yeah. That's KFP defenders for you.

>> No.481891
Quoted by: >>481906 >>481925

If Coco ever graduates or gets bored of reddit meme review, you know Kiara's going to be stealing that shit the very next day.

>> No.481903
File: 79 KB, 400x410, 1600570068816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love chikim!

>> No.481906 [DELETED] 

Yeah, she's a tactless cunt who would do that, that's why we need to graduate her first. Any ideas?

>> No.481908

kiara is a stacy and its massively intimidating to the autists here. anyone thinking she's "rude" is basically coping. those kind of playful jabs are normal and common in normal social interactions, just look at coco's reaction to the "shade" thrown by kiara. anyway, its nothing you spergs could possibly understand, so dont feel bad

>> No.481923 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

yeah KFPs are subhuman beings who deserve the rope. Even SEAnigs are better than them

>> No.481925

Nice, can't wait to shit on reddit without insecure redditor Cocofags yell Chang everytime.

>> No.481929
File: 285 KB, 1470x1850, 1612127730040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>481950

Good Thread

>> No.481950 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>481974 >>485457

Yeah, finally people are going to realize that Kiara is a cold calculating manipulative menhera cunt

>> No.481967

Nice projecting.

>> No.481974
Quoted by: >>481991

I'm actually kinda liked her kamen rider design, what a waste..

>> No.481978 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

go back to your hugbox /hlgg/

>> No.481983

She thinks she's extremely unlikeable, so she puts on a fake "likeable" personality that is overdone and off-putting.
She's like that loser kid in school that tries to fit in with the cool kids, she fails by seeing herself as the loser kid in the first place.

>> No.481991 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

Maybe we could salvage the situation by getting the VA replaced by someone else.

>> No.481992


Loli bait for pedophiles. Completely and utterly. Has the highest sub count and remains humble in ways such as: Not reading any kind of critique that is sent to her through superchat, "you can't get angry at me, i'm too cute!", etc.


Also a pedophile bait, but, unlike the first, she has tons of innuendos, tongue-slips, general condescending tone when talking to some of her "peers" that's too real for it to be acting. Since they can't act that well normally, almost every Vtubers persona is too forced and fake. It's like getting raisins stuck in your teeth.

I've never watched her and i've got no idea.

I genuinely do not understand why she is Vtubing. Even as a regular streamer she'd go leagues. Not my kind of music, but she enjoys it and tries hard, so kudos. Unlike other En-Vtubers she knows that she can't act for shit and doesn't have a Vtuber persona like the first two mentioned, and many others. She's acting like a normal living person with an avatar. The only problem with her is that she cannot decide whether the whole lesbo-roommate situation, with kiara is comfortable for her or not. And that's very visible sometimes. Speaking of...


The most toxic and talentless Vtuber out of them all. The way she treats others, jokes about others, talks about them or to them. People who just watch clips of her will never see this, but goddamn she's such a bad person. I'm not even gonna talk about her shitty acting skills and how she can't Vtube. Just personality is enough to barf.

>> No.482020
Quoted by: >>482065

Here comes the pedo obsessed Anon. At this time every day, without fail.

>> No.482065
Quoted by: >>482083 >>482118

keep convincing yourself that you're not a pedo. I've got nothing to say to degenerates like you.

>> No.482076

I think one of the bigger issues with Kiara that doesn't get mentioned enough is that English isn't her native tongue. My own mother is like that as well, and no matter how long she's been in an English-speaking country, no matter how close to perfectly fluent she gets, there's always something slightly, maddeningly off about the way she speaks. People can understand and sympathize with how Haachama sounds like a retard when she speaks English, but Kiara is juuuust close enough to native speaker levels of fluency that it's so much more frustrating to hear her fuck up the language. You instinctively feel like she SHOULD know better, even if she doesn't.

>> No.482083

Ok have a nice day

>> No.482088

>and on collabs she always seems rude or selfcentered
And that's why I watch

>> No.482110
Quoted by: >>482152

This say more about you than it does anyone else. Go to therapy and take your meds.

>> No.482113

This. This is why she comes off as abrasive and rude so (comparatively) often: Her grasp on english just barely isn't good enough to realize what she just said would be considered rude.

>> No.482118
File: 258 KB, 1200x1144, 1612578250654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem pretty angry, are you alright?

>> No.482151

You're probably right - what she says can sometimes sound rude, when really she should know better given her level of English. I'm told that native German speakers come off in this way when speaking a foreign language, when they don't mean to.

>> No.482152

You're a guy who is so anti-social, so empty in your social/personality department, that you need to not only watch, but DEFEND girls who're faking their whole persona and streams to get money out of you. And here you are telling me to go to therapy. It isn't even funny. This is just sad. This whole Board is sad.

>> No.482191

>It must be hard being Coco these days. She had a pretty steady gig as the reddit meme ambassador and gateway drug for overseas viewers, but who needs reddit memes and bilingual dragons as their entry point when HoloEN exists?
Because some of us still are weebs and want her as the gateway to Hololive JP. The EN crew are fine but they are still talking about western stuff i already know.

>> No.482193

>waifu war shit
Not even leddit does this, you gay faggots. How embarrassing.

>> No.482194

you sound like a seething roastie

>> No.482198 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>482249 >>485457

Please this is the Kiara criticism thread, not the Vtuber criticism thread. Shit on Kkara, but not anyone else please.

>> No.482202
Quoted by: >>482241

okay so why are you here

>> No.482239
Quoted by: >>482275

>w-well you're even more mentally ill!
Congrats. You're still mentally ill.

>> No.482241 [DELETED] 

Well unlike the western whores of HoloEN, the JPs are much more genuine

>> No.482249
Quoted by: >>482293

The thing is, anon, a lot of people are already noticing how bad/toxic Kiara is, so there's really no reason to just talk about it endlessly. The way they don't see how the other Vtubers, with very few exceptions, are slightly more subtle about how they do it.

But, i'll grant these degenerates one thing, sometimes Vtubers do something funny, and it seems that every one of them has done it, except for calli probably. They make fun of their viewers and tier subs, they make fun of their relationships and how they're watching Vtubers. And when the whole chat filled with degenerates takes that as just having a bit of fun, it's actually pretty damn fun.

>> No.482253
Quoted by: >>482273 >>482503

Came up with some reasons I like Kiara
-she's cute
-she's a bird
-kiara is adorable

>> No.482258


>> No.482269


>> No.482273 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>482334 >>485457

Well here's my list:

>> No.482275

Yeah, i do have something fucked with my head, but i go to therapy and treat it. Yet, there you are, giving in more and more to degeneracy and dependency to these fake-ass vtubers. also

>quoting something that someone said with a stuttering effect

Congrats, you've just made fun of yourself more than anyone here could ever do.

>> No.482283


>> No.482293

damn dude this is epic. can you post your trad twitter so i can see all the femboy porn in your likes?

>> No.482294
Quoted by: >>482313

Sure you can make the (retarded) argument that loli = pedo, but what exactly about Ame makes her pedo bait? If anything she is just sexual/girlfriend bait i.e. superliminal playthrough and goslingposters. Also im not a deadbeat and have watched very little callie but from what ive seen she doesnt seem to act like a normal girl. Maybe she just has too much tism for me to handle. The one who acts like a normal girl the most is kiara shes just not a likeable girl

>> No.482296
File: 57 KB, 438x445, 1482289306175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken haters can SEETHE

>> No.482313
Quoted by: >>482372

And you're here, right now, on a board for things you hate. Starting arguments in the AMs.
I'm going to guess that the therapy isn't going so well.

>> No.482334

oops my list got cut off!
she tries really hard
-she's fun to watch
-the mamaloni

>> No.482343
Quoted by: >>482451

I wonder if half this salt is coming from failed holo hopefuls.

>> No.482351

You have been sucessfully brainwashed. Congratulations.

>> No.482354

think its roasties desu...

>> No.482372
Quoted by: >>482386

I just finished having violent sex with my girlfriend thank you very much, about to go make a 6 fig salary. Anyways I was just wanting to have conversation but its obvious you cant do that :)

>> No.482370

EOP hands wrote this post.

>> No.482374

If Mori's roommate is awkward as she is I can see why she'd prefer having an avatar to be honest. Some people are just uncomfortable showing their faces.

>> No.482385

Pretty much this. Kiara's very carefree no-filter attitude makes people seethe and it's funny to me. It's part of why I have a hard time getting into the other girls, they just feel so safe in a way that's almost condescending. You watch Amelia Watson and she talks to her chat like they're a kindergarden classroom. I mean she literally had a stream where she was teaching them to trace their hand and draw a turkey on it. I guess there are people who would find that soothing in the way that things like adult coloring books are popular. I find it boring and uninteresting. Kiara is a fucking riot. Nobody even comes close to her in her gen. I guess she doesn't give the kind of experience some people are looking for, but she fills an important niche and I know I'm not the only person who considers her the best of the bunch.

>> No.482386
Quoted by: >>483385

please be nice to your girl friend

>> No.482451
File: 43 KB, 463x451, 1608810035136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes anon, you finally see the truth. Everyone in /vt/ (except for KFP) is a cover tranny/cglfag/failed holo/SEAnig/vtweeter conspiring against Kiara. Every single anon. That's why random threads turn into Kiara anti threads, they were always Kiara anti threads from the start.

>> No.482486 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

Wow you summed up the KFP cope pretty nicely

>> No.482503

Here's mine
-She doesn't make reddit meme reviews

>> No.482506
Quoted by: >>483690 >>483721

It's like you actually don't understand a joke. It seems like a lot of people get this with Kiara. She will say something that is an obvious joke and people who dislike her will take it 100% literally. I know it's not something she intends but it always makes me laugh how it creates this runoff seethe effect among her antis. All she's trying to do is play into the "smug boss lady" character and people are like "wow, Kiara treats her fans bad and tells them she's going to put them into a torture room, that's so terrible, Amelia writes us love songs and tucks us in at night and whispers to us while we masturbate, she's so much better." Etc etc. It's great that you are so fucking insecure that you need a virtual girlfriend to tell you you're special and wonderful but please realize there are people who get nothing out of that.

>> No.482511
Quoted by: >>482526

Kiara sucks, but you lot will never be a woman
If you don't want to enjoy vtubers get the fuck out of my board

>> No.482526

Enjoy vtubers.
I just dislike Kiara

>> No.482539

this but Gura

>> No.482550
Quoted by: >>482576 >>482596

Kiara is clearly psychotic as shown by sources we can't refer because it's against the rules. This girl got some huge psychological problems and it's very noticeable as soon as you take off the gachikoi glasses.

>> No.482565
Quoted by: >>482580

>the least liked EN
that would be Ina

>> No.482576 [DELETED] 

So why don't we give her the Aloe treatment ASAP before she does any real damage to Cover? It's obvious that she's a liability to this company's health

>> No.482580
Quoted by: >>482660

>consistent over 10k live viewers at all streams
>kiara struggling at 2-3k
Uhh... not even close

>> No.482596
Quoted by: >>482614 >>482636

Imagine if she hadn't had a constant tide of online hate based on exaggerations and outright lies for her entire independent life

>> No.482614
Quoted by: >>486713


>> No.482617
Quoted by: >>482664

This is a shitposting board, anon. Not your personal army
Don't mistake KFP bait with actual intent.

>> No.482636
Quoted by: >>482735

The thing is, you don't throw wood at a burning forest. Giving Kiara a spotlight is making her even crazier.

>> No.482656

Haha, well, I dunno, just I know some /cgl/ types who can be real, real obsessive about their feuds and salt throwing. I just watch from the sidelines bemused mostly.
And you can't deny theres a lot of personality crossover, every other J-Fame, Idol, maid or cosplay nerd I know wants to be a vtuber now, and see holo as the #goal

Then again most of my friends want to be, if only to do our own goofy thing.

>> No.482660
Quoted by: >>483187

Cherrypick harder. Kiara does more streams than Ina and has plenty that are over 10k views.

>> No.482664 [DELETED] 

I don't know. A lot of the dislike of Kiara seems genuine, so why can't we use the combined dislike of her into something productive?

>> No.482669
Quoted by: >>482699

lol, what are you going to do? write a poem?

>> No.482699 [DELETED] 

Do what the nijichads have done. But lack the motivation, because no one is using their potential

>> No.482735
Quoted by: >>482763

[citation needed]

>> No.482749

>we again
/vt/ is not a hivemind
This reads like one of those teens in /b/ thinking they finally got into Anonymous.
Does your mom know you are using 4chan instead of doing your homework?

>> No.482750
Quoted by: >>482834

>Do what the nijichads have done.
People keep saying this in all the threads I pass through and I'm still no closer to figuring out what the hell the nijis actually did.

>> No.482763

She's already past breakdown point.

>> No.482764

You seem like a braindead nigger, a subhuman life-form that only exists to draw retarded conclusions about things you know nothing about. Have you attempted suicide yet? If not, now would be a good time, nijinigger.

>> No.482775


>> No.482798

implying any of the pathetic people who let online personalities live in their heads rent free are anything close to a chad is hilarious. If you actually think this is productive or conducive to any sort of value, fucking kill yourself for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

>> No.482834
Quoted by: >>483390

It wasn't the nijis themselves, a lot of people lay the blame for anything going wrong for Holos being as a result of Niji fans coordinating attacks, ever since Aloe got harassed out of Hololive.

>> No.482835
Quoted by: >>482899

I just wanted to say that I think kiara is the worst hololive girl, and mori is the second worst in EN

>> No.482843
Quoted by: >>482869

>nags on you and isn't even your gf
If it wasn't for the anime avatar, everyone would be furious. Let's be honest here.

>> No.482869


>> No.482880


Doesn't everyone?

>> No.482899 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>483086 >>485457

Why don't you join me and make her the third non existing hololive girl?

>> No.482907
Quoted by: >>483001 >>483534


>Thirsty for subs

Seeing as she seems to be playing mostly unpopular games (or at least, non-streamer friendly), I'd say you're wrong about that.

>> No.482934
Quoted by: >>483049

>and does her thing.
Kiara specifically plays debuff games because she likes them and has acknowledged many times that she doesn't care if they get less views than her other stuff. She has other content that has wider appeal. You are obviously just interpreting whatever she does in a way that fits your preconception of her.

>> No.483001
Quoted by: >>483864

heck even if he were right, in the scheme of things she is *stupidly* successful. People who have only ever watched Hololive have no sense of scale in terms of how hard it is to even pick up a couple of hundred concurrent viewers for a stream, let alone multiple thousands as a guarantee. Kiara is literally in like the top percentile of vtubers, and probably not that far off for streamers overall.
And honestly I think that's part of the reason why any of the HoloEN girls can farm seethe like no one else, cause no matter how much you hate them, they are orders of magnitudes too successful for you to ever even hope to have your personal hate-fantasies lead anywhere.

>> No.483049
Quoted by: >>483134

it's so funny to me how Kiara passing Ina in subs made all the Kiara anti masks start slipping so we could see how many of them were butthurt Ina fans

>> No.483054

You retards are a lot of things... productive is not one of those things.

>> No.483086

Better idea: kill yourself.

>> No.483110
Quoted by: >>483907

>Goofus Kiara makes her congratulations about herself
>Gallant Amelia congratulates her senpai and compliments them too

>> No.483134
Quoted by: >>483161 >>483164

What's even funnier is that Ina can get all those subs naturally, just being herself, while psycho chicken has to launch herself in front of all HoloJP senpais to promote herself over and over again just to get on the same level.

>> No.483161 [DELETED] 

Yep pretty pathetic. Why don't we just graduate her already?

>> No.483164
Quoted by: >>483235 >>483588

lol yep, just keep up the seethe anon. it's not like Ina wishes she could collab as much as Kiara did or something. How are those sour grapes tasting?

>> No.483187

But that's the thing. Ina barely needs to try and still pulls in the same amount effortless. She just does what she wants at her own pace instead of pushing too hard.
No you retard.

>> No.483218 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

You dislike Kiara, right? So why not get rid of her?

>> No.483235
Quoted by: >>483252 >>483266

Remember to always attack Ina. She is scum and so are the fans she enables. Put them on the defense for once so they can't attack Kiara now that we know it is them.

>> No.483238

what makes you think Kiara does things she "doesn't want" to do?

>> No.483252

I have nothing against Ina, I just hate her fans

>> No.483256

I mean, I find the main appeal of Ina is that she's quite relatable deep down, Ame is pretty fun, and Gura too, it's obvious they are having fun and don't have to put up too much of a facade.

>> No.483266 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>483312 >>485457

I knew KFP were the backstabbing faggots.

>> No.483279
Quoted by: >>483298

actually just checked Playboard quickly, and apparently the average viewership Ina and Kiara pull are pretty close, according to it (around 9,800, apparently). This pulls from about 30 streams in the last 90 days, so I don't know if it just picks their most recent 30 or what, but just an interesting fact that I didn't expect honestly.

>> No.483291
Quoted by: >>483329 >>483338

If there is something wrong with Ina's fans then there must be something wrong with Ina.

>> No.483298
Quoted by: >>483331

wow, interesting fact, and that's even including Kiara's extreme debuff streams like Ryza. it's almost like Takos are completely full of shit.

>> No.483312
Quoted by: >>483357 >>483407

What are you going to do, cry about it?

>> No.483329
Quoted by: >>483366

no, I recognize that different Holos appeal to different tastes, I even like Ina in collabs. I want her to collab with Kiara more. the reason there are so many antis in her fanbase is just because she's /hlg/'s favourite and so many Ina fans have this "Ina is the only good EN" attitude. This also includes a high amount of extreme Kiara antis given how much /hlg/ hates her.

>> No.483331

Takos are shit. Never let them forget that ever. They have brought it on themselves.

>> No.483338

That is really shitty logic anon, literally any person with a following online is going to have shitty fans, because even shitty people like to watch things.

>> No.483348

I don't get why you faggots are pretending she is any different from the other girls. They are all loud, obnoxious and overreacting. They look cute and do funny things, that's their shtick. Pretending there is a deeper element here is just pathetic, get laid.

>> No.483354
Quoted by: >>484098

“Hmm this person who plays a character is annoying and kind of a mean person sometimes. Lets harrass her, ruin her career and make her go full menhera. That worked last time and it wont have repercussions if we do it again for sure.”

Sure its fine to dislike kiara ,or any vtuber for that matter, and to say the shit she does wrong. But to honestly think that this is the answer to the problem means you should take a break. Go make some friends, lose weight, learn a language. All that is 100x more productive than doxxing the chicken. The chicken fucking sucks i agree but making her aloe 2.0 isnt going to help anyone

>> No.483357 [DELETED] 

No but I have now more proof that KFP is the worst fanbase

>> No.483366
Quoted by: >>483377

If they are busy trying to defend Ina then they can't attack Kiara and will reveal themselves. This isn't about Ina, it is about Kiara.

>> No.483367
Quoted by: >>483641

ESL-chama, your syntax reps

>> No.483376
Quoted by: >>483641

people like different things then you

>> No.483377
Quoted by: >>483416

I disagree but I respect the quality of your shitposting

>> No.483385

>he doesn't powerbomb girls off the roof of his house during fucktime

>> No.483390

Do Holofans actually believe most of her harassment came from Nijifans?

>> No.483396
Quoted by: >>483417

Cry more little ina fan, you're shit and you like the worst and most failing HoloEN. Ina should just graduate already if she isn't going to take this seriously.

>> No.483407

She may be shit, but at least she isn't a deranged psycho bitch.

>> No.483416

It isn't shitposting, it is Kiaraposting, even when it needs to be talking about other girls.
Always Kiarapost anon.

>> No.483417 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

Do chickenfags really?

>> No.483478
Quoted by: >>483539

That explains my dislike of Coco.

>> No.483482

It's the opposite, she's a huge "ally," she stopped responding to Artemis because she felt that there was no financial benefit in being friends

>> No.483487
Quoted by: >>484164

>Why do people like Kiara?
I have wanted to fuck her roommate for years.

>> No.483531

You guys remember how Mori got so much better after she dropped her 'scythe-swinging lessons?' The same thing is probably going to happen to Ina when she's free of her contractual art obligations. I just hope for KFP's sake that their oshi reaches 1 mil before Ina starts putting in real effort, or the chicken is going to have a fucking meltdown.

>> No.483534

She doesn't actually enjoy games, you can tell the trip with calli was something she actually liked doing, she is a vlogger through and through, unfortunately for her, you can't really make a career as a vtuber being a vlogger, which I why people keep saying she is just trying to funnel subscribers to her roommates channel

>> No.483539
Quoted by: >>483580 >>483598

Anyone with two working brain cells dislikes this bitch.

>> No.483580 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

ogey Chang

>> No.483588

Most of Kiara's anti's are JOP.

>> No.483598


>> No.483617
File: 92 KB, 819x1024, 1604287898472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>483771

Just because she tried so hard

>> No.483635 [DELETED] 

Good I hope she gets a meltdown in full display so people see her true skin that lies behind her facade and people finally want her graduated

>> No.483641

Say that to your own people lmao >>483376

>> No.483659

This. She tries to say something cool or surprising to someone and the ESL filters it into something dickish or banal. Moona has this problem too but it's on top of her autism. If the ESL girls sound curt or rude it's probably because they can't smoothly express something in English.

>> No.483664
Quoted by: >>483698 >>483792

I don't really watch Ina that much, but isn't she doing the Vtuber thing as a hobby/side-gig and just to have fun?

>> No.483690

Tako hans wrot this post.

>> No.483693
Quoted by: >>483733 >>483843

>so people see her true skin
What else is there to show? Those who have eyes already have seen everything. KFC fags are the only ones in denial at this point.

>> No.483698 [DELETED] 

Yes and if she decides to go full power, then Kiara is finished. I hope she graduates out of shame

>> No.483721

>kfp needs to shit on ame to make an argument

>> No.483733 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>483804 >>485457

Yep but there are many Chickenfags who are still in the dark. Mainly the ones not here. Once she loses their support, she has no choice but to graduate

>> No.483761

I don't think that Ina is going to give up the illustrator job to be a full-time virtual cabaret hostess. Tho if she were to go hard with the GFE shit she'd own the #1 spot in superchat, ezpz.

>> No.483771

People don't like Kiara for a multitude of reasons, but trying hard isn't one of them, fubuki tries harder than any other girl, plays with homostars and nonhololive vtuber constantly, and everyone loves fubuki

Except Kiara, who told her that she is actually fubuki's senpai as an idol to her face, spitting on everything she did for the company while Kiara's roommate was making videos seen by no one for 10 years

>> No.483792
Quoted by: >>484156

Vtubing isn’t about fun you tako shit.

>> No.483804

sup chang

>> No.483812
File: 729 KB, 610x646, 1612987762795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love to see antis seethe, stay mad fuckers.

>> No.483817
File: 481 KB, 600x600, Until_You_Ratt_It.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this R.RAT.

>> No.483828 [DELETED] 

Really? this is grounds for graduation. Why is yagoo is incompetent and hasn't graduated Kiara already?

>> No.483843
Quoted by: >>483927

What the other anon said, KFP's are in this weird echo chamber where they don't realize she says shit that makes every other fanbase hate her and think it's just people hating her for no reason

>> No.483864
Quoted by: >>483919 >>484025

It's EN though. The girls can watch a movie and get a few thousand concurrent views. You can't help be incline in HoloEN. Ina might overtake Kiara if she collabs more outside of EN.

>> No.483868

>why don't we give her the Aloe treatment ASAP before she does any real damage to Cover?
Wouldn't that do damage to Cover too? Besides, it isn't your business whether Cover decides to keep her or not.

>> No.483869

Kiara is just being honest, something fubuki wouldn’t understand with her completely fake persona.

>> No.483897

There is no other explanation and you know it.

>> No.483907
Quoted by: >>483988

I promise you the JP girls respect Ame and Ina most out of EN. Ame especially because she understands social order and reached out to senpai first.

>> No.483919
Quoted by: >>483987

Kiara is not a leech you tako piece of shit.

>> No.483923
Quoted by: >>483972

Holotalk is voluntary, so it just means the JP girls know how she really is, matsuri spent 2 IRL hours with her and never talked to her again

>> No.483927 [DELETED] 

Yep every fanbase hates Kiara. From the Hoshiyomis to the Lunaitos. The 35Ps and Nousagis. All of them hate Kiara and KFP. The chumbuds, Teamates, deadbeats and takodachis merely tolerate them because otherwise they would have to deal with a sperging fanbase. It's impressive to become the most hated fanbase and holo in 6 mere months. I think Kiara should graduate to compensate for that fact

>> No.483947

Ah yes, starting a shitstorm because you, an armchair psychologist, decided that a woman you've never and hasn't actually done any damage is a "danger" to Cover. Very productive.

Get a hobby. Go meditate. Talk to your friends and family. Or better yet: go the fuck outside.

>> No.483958
File: 37 KB, 456x244, 1592384371709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>483999

Why are ENfags like this...

>> No.483972 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>484168 >>485457

Yeah I hope the JPs with Pekora as their spearhead demand Kiara's graduation and if Yagoo doesn't deliver they should boycott until he does.

>> No.483979
Quoted by: >>484057

>no one is using their potential
Yes! We should UNLOCK the hidden power our autism has bestowed upon us and start
a massive sperg out for no reason. Chuuni

>> No.483987
Quoted by: >>484061

Yeah, she just leeches on her HoloJP colleagues for your sake, not her own personal narcissistic delusion.

>> No.483988
Quoted by: >>484151

But ina is Korean.

>> No.483999 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

It's not a ENfag, it's a chickenfag, most ENfans have shunned them and merely tolerate their presence.

>> No.484011
Quoted by: >>484101

None of it is real, it's fully kayfabe. They've both talked about it before separately and they have both said if either was uncomfortable they'd stop doing it.

>> No.484025
Quoted by: >>484069 >>484093

Just as an initial point, I am neither KFP nor a Tako (I'm actually a Hoshiyomi who just likes sticking their nose into the various other areas to get a lay of the land). So you can take me at my word when I say I don't actually care who is ahead of who between them. I will agree that the nature of the EN market makes it hard not to outpace the JPs but I think that's severely missing my initial point, I was the one who did a bit of research on playboard and found that Kiara and Ina both had around 9800 concurrent viewers for their streams on average over the most current measuring period, and that number is nearly triple the expected amount of viewers for channels their size - so even if one or the other could get more viewers they are still hitting far above their weightclass, so it just comes off as petty to even try and turn it into a dick measuring contest.

>> No.484032
Quoted by: >>484213

That sounds so awkward & funni, haha
iirc she also makes this small mistakes here and there constantly.
Guess nothing can be done to it
a-anon, i ..
It's fine, our oshi is not perfect

>> No.484043
File: 237 KB, 1000x577, f22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>484076 >>484097

Her roommate has an onlyfans?

>> No.484057
Quoted by: >>484193

Yeah i havent see pure chuuni chuuba
To bad any of us will never be a girl

>> No.484061

I just said kiara isn’t a leech. Are you not able to read?

>> No.484066
Quoted by: >>484104

She a tactless buffoon. If she were American, you'd despise her. FBK is nothing but kind and accommodating to her kouhai and Kiara had to treat her like that on stream. Jenma should've chewed her ass out over that .

>> No.484069

the "concurrent viewers" canard is just something Takos started posting about because they just wanted some metric to claim Ina was still ahead of Kiara on.

>> No.484076 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>484097 >>485457

Yeah she's getting pretty desperate. She just opened it like 2 days ago. pathetic whore

>> No.484090

Honestly you're right. This is the only place with such Kiara hate. She just seems like a normal woman to everyone else.

>> No.484093
Quoted by: >>484161 >>484570

I don’t believe you.

>> No.484097
Quoted by: >>484142 >>484564

It was just a rickroll though, check the link she posted.

>> No.484098
Quoted by: >>484137 >>484166

She doxxes herself, Kiara's channel is just a funnel for her IRL main channel, she went from 4000 subs to 40,000+ on a dead 10 year old channel where she talks with her real voice and last came out with a video last month
Kiara herself neither expects to last too long at hololive and only sees it as an opportunity to grow her own personal channel, her last video got more views than some of her Kiara videos

>> No.484101

This is true, but how much discomfort do you think it would take for Mori to actually say something offscreen? When there's money AND friendship on the line, it can't be easy to know exactly where to draw the line and tell off the bird.

>> No.484104 [DELETED] 

Or better, cover should've graduated her over that. I think we hololive fans should put more pressure on them and warn them of this trojan horse that is Takanashit Krapiara

>> No.484109

I cant believe someone said this
Everyone, go home

>> No.484120

who is (((zion)))-senpai

>> No.484123
File: 457 KB, 1317x828, SEA Gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread
But if you close your eyes...

>> No.484137

Based as FUCK

>> No.484142
File: 85 KB, 550x969, 1599913132070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How lewd

>> No.484151
Quoted by: >>484195

>the Lunaitos
What did she say about our Hime? Luna never brings up EN so she doesn't deserve any shade from chicken.

She a pro mangaka basically and the JP girls that are moderately otaku know her roommate's work. Ina has done art for Azur Lane and other gacha games. Marine called her Tako-sensei as well.

>> No.484156

Anon, I literally said I wasn't watching Ina much and you call me a tako?

>> No.484161

Which part don't you believe? I'm willing to point you to the info that will prove that I'm not trying to mislead you.

>> No.484164

cmon you probably deserve better anon...

>> No.484166 [DELETED] 

Isn't that a reason for contract breach? Why hasn't cover graduated her already?

>> No.484167
File: 89 KB, 640x786, ztetq1rsvgf61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't KFP admit she is a try hard retard? Other fanbases celebrate their trainwrecks.

>> No.484168
Quoted by: >>484240

found the Zhang

>> No.484172

Che's kiss post. Summed up nicely of the retarded chicken fanbase.

>> No.484193

The haato haachama thing was extremely chuu2.
Nene was a chuu2 when younger, complete with wearing unnecessary bandages and wanting an eyepatch. Once she was on a swing and bit her cheek while jumping off; her first thought was to gather up some blood in her mouth to spit it out like a badass.

>> No.484195 [DELETED] 

Well you see she called Luna's fake baby act out and said itbwas pretty cringy.

>> No.484211
Quoted by: >>484260

She is a tryhard

>> No.484213

Kiara telling Fubuki that she is the senpai here when her "idol work" was her getting humped on the ground in a wrestling match by an asian man in drag, is not only peak narcissism, but embarrassing for everyone who knows better

>> No.484224

>contract breach
No that's not a reason, because the funneling is an old rrat at this point.

>> No.484228
Quoted by: >>484288

>Thinking the Kino that is Haato Club is a trainwreck

>> No.484233
Quoted by: >>484290 >>484501

Trying hard is a good thing. A tako wouldn’t understand.
Also kiara doesn’t try hard, it just seems like it because she is so talented that it seems hard despite being easy for her.

>> No.484240 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>484331 >>485457

Not a Zhang but a concerned hololive fan

>> No.484251
Quoted by: >>484281 >>484340

Any chance she's doing this constantly intently?

>> No.484260

You are one of the good ones annon

>> No.484269

If kiara said it then it must be right.
The fake baby act is gross and problematic. Clear pedo pandering.

>> No.484281 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>484379 >>485457

100%. She is a cold manipulative bitch. She knows what she's doing. I hope Cover is smart enough to see through her and terminate her contract

>> No.484282

After the China incident, hololive changed their policy, basically saying the girls have ownership over their own social media
When gura's family got doxxed, jenma yelled at Kiara to atleast turn off replies to her IRL twitter, but otherwise hololive won't step in

>> No.484288

Oh it's kino, but anytime she mentions IRL she is basically a hikki

>> No.484290
Quoted by: >>484533

>it just seems hard for her because it's actually easy because she's talented
Either I am just ESL or I don't understand what you are saying. Please explain.

>> No.484294

That is literally the joke. Her character is a smug brat. Pretty common in japanese comedy routines for the 'idiot' character to be a smug dumbass who thinks they're a know it all.

>> No.484297

Kiara is right and fubuki is just jealous.

>> No.484314
Quoted by: >>484325

hi Kiara

>> No.484325 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457 >>485490

unironically all me

>> No.484331
Quoted by: >>484351

Now you know how coco antis feel.

>> No.484335

Samefag shit. gtfo shitflinger

>> No.484340
Quoted by: >>484354

The risk she takes are calculated.
But man she’s bad at math.

>> No.484348

Her character is 3dpd

>> No.484351 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>484396 >>485457

No they're brainwashed bugs. They have no justification

>> No.484354
Quoted by: >>484379

You're thinking of Gura, anon.

>> No.484379

That's some 300 IQ plays, Holy Shit

>> No.484386

>That entire post
What the fuck are you even talking about? It's like your perception of reality is turned inside out. I'm kinda creeped out to know that such people are even writing posts here.

>> No.484396
Quoted by: >>484442

>Everyone who criticizes Coco is a chink
Okay sweetheart.

>> No.484413

Kiara is not a dumbass, she doesn’t even know what a boke is so stop talking shit.

>> No.484442 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>484505 >>485457

Coco brought more money than the entirety of china. She brought the EN market to hololive and catapulted cover from being in the shadow of Nijisanji to being the face of Vtubers all over the world.

>> No.484457 [DELETED] 

>we could have gotten giant tiddy degenerate cringe gigguks girlfriend sydsnap
>cover instead hired failed gravure model and talentless mentally ill vlogger keeki
Were there literally no other choices?

>> No.484466
File: 1.94 MB, 2560x1440, 1612089176464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>484518 >>484565

>> No.484488 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

There were but Kiara cheated her way through the competition by using her body on cover stuff

>> No.484501

>A tako

Get the fuck out of here with that gross shit. Kiara diminishes any collab she is in.

>> No.484505

>She brought the EN market to hololive
I'm glad you understand.
Based EOP redditor.

>> No.484518
File: 2.88 MB, 273x510, 1609443213076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just keep winning

>> No.484522
File: 8 KB, 339x62, 1601634988480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.484533

Things that are easy for someone naturally talented like Kiara seem hard when those lacking such talent see it.
Running a mile seems hard to someone fat but for a gold medalist it is no sweat. Kiara is an Olympic gold medalist at vtubing and being an idol.

>> No.484564

oh thank God, I was actually kind of upset about this lol

>> No.484565

I am in the room you takofag.

>> No.484570
Quoted by: >>484673 >>484699

And Ame as an additional comparison

The thing is that averages always lie. Ina has around the same avg live viewers as Kiara (and around the same VoD views), but her streams are pretty consistent, with only a few strong outliers mostly in the "high" direction with first streams of games while Kiara's streams vary massively in terms of audience, with obvious examples being her long JRPG streams and Holotalk as low/high streams respectively.
Other things also play a part, for example Ina doesn't read SCs on stream so her avg will obviously be higher compared to someone that does.
Take Ame's page as an example, her average viewership is below both Kiara and Ina but for her you have very regular negative outliers in her watchalongs or SupaSunday with much rarer positive outliers.
Statistics are my passion, they are all massively successfull

>> No.484571 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

kek. the only thing she's talented at is whoring out her body

>> No.484576

Stop posting

>> No.484603
Quoted by: >>484640 >>484879

Wow, I finally found a post that made me hate Kiara less. I'd take a dozen Kiaras over even one Hime Hajime in hololive, fuck.

>> No.484621
File: 198 KB, 390x380, 1607422046650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, anon for me she does cares about her chat but handling/react to it poorly
That much is evident

>> No.484640 [DELETED] 

What's so bad about Hime? She seens much better and more genuine than Kiara

>> No.484645

>83 IPs
>Some people are actually replying seriously
Good fucking lord. This shit is surreal.

>> No.484660

An interesting take, but even for a gold medalist running a mile is still work. Or at least that's how I see it. So while Kiara may be, as you said, talented rather than hardworking, does that really diminish the work she puts in?

>> No.484672
Quoted by: >>484753 >>484763

Kiara has a fatal flaw of being extremely extroverted, competitive, autistic and unironically stupid. She wants to be liked but it's obvious she has no idea of how to do that.
To some (mostly fellow extroverts) this can come out as charming but to introverted social failures this can feel like a personal attack which is why she garners so much hate.

>> No.484673

Statistics are cool when they are considered for themselves with no ulterior motive but they can be so easy to manipulate or misconstrue that they get a bad rap.
I like you. Keep being cool, anon.

>> No.484685

You sound like a cheated husband in denial.

>> No.484691

>Why can't KFP admit she is a try hard retard? Other fanbases celebrate their trainwrecks.
thats why enjoy her

>> No.484694
File: 734 KB, 3020x1072, psycho indog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>484898 >>485208

ITT butthurt indoniggers

>> No.484699

ah you linked it for me - thanks anon, I was going to wait till they at least proved that they actually wanted the conversation.

>> No.484753

So insecure people are seething? Weak.

>> No.484758

>better than Kiara
Man, takos are really delusional

>> No.484763

I think some of it comes from the emotional baggage and damage from being a failure idol for 10 years. She overcompensates since hololive is her first success ever.

>> No.484781
Quoted by: >>484847

Why are takos so obsessed with big tits? It is really bad.

>> No.484797
Quoted by: >>484860

Hime's lore was, no exaggeration, her getting impregnated a couple thousand times, getting bored of her homeworld, and coming to earth to get impregnated a couple thousand more times. She listed 'having children' as one of her talents. I'm not some delusional weeb purityfag crying about the superior morality of the East, but there's only so much bragging about poorly rendered tits I could take before I just closed the stream.

>> No.484825 [DELETED] 

What did takos ever do to you anon? All they do is spread do is spread positivity, do good OC and are generally pretty supportive of everyone. And yet you're here shitting on them. Hating on KFP, I understand but takos? C'mon

>> No.484842
File: 425 KB, 1242x988, 1612130221121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>484901

If anyone's wondering why these indonesians seethe every day about Kiara

>> No.484847 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 335x335, 1613053578583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>485014

They want what their oshi can never have

>> No.484860 [DELETED] 

Hmm that is bad but Kiara has done worse with her disrespectful acts to her peers and senpais

>> No.484879
Quoted by: >>484894 >>485104

Hime really isn't too much different than kiara, both are western whores

>> No.484894 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

Yeah but Kiara is worse

>> No.484898
Quoted by: >>484920

Is ina really popular with indos? Is it because she talks slowly enough for dumb esl like them?

>> No.484901
Quoted by: >>485037

Pretty sure it's the buergers

>> No.484912
Quoted by: >>484959 >>485088

Did anyone actually feel offended or disrespected by any of these "acts" or did that only happen in your head?

>> No.484920

She's a real Asian, which indogs wish they were, so yes.

>> No.484933
Quoted by: >>484985

Read the thread. Takos are the ones always attacking kiara because they are jealous of her success.

>> No.484959 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

Retardchama... why would they ever admit it publicly? Just look around the things, everyone involved with Kiara never talked with and about her after they interacted with each other with matsuri being the prime example. It's clear that her senpais shun her

>> No.484963

Takos only spew fake positivity. They shit on every other fanbase every chance they get while acting pure and innocent. At least KFPs are honest.

>> No.484970

Hime is a bottom tier twitch thot behind a vtube avatar anon. Boring and her only content is "Muh tits"

>> No.484985 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

Those are not takos, but everyone not in KFP as a whole.

>> No.484987
Quoted by: >>485058

You chickenshits are idiot EOPs. Of course it's an act. That's the point. She's an adult RPing a bratty child. So glad Luna is the newfag filter of Hololive.

>> No.485014
Quoted by: >>485250

virtual voldemort...

>> No.485022

Is Tako their new bogeyman? Where did it come from?

>> No.485023

t. Kiara

>> No.485032

why did i even bother responding

>> No.485037 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

I compiled a full list of all the followers of that discord doxfag's twitter. 90% are indoniggers.
Here's the list: https://pastebin.com/2Zf8msUP

>> No.485058 [DELETED] 

I'm not a chickenfag. I just said what I've heard from these threads. And apparently Kiara called Luna cringy. Which is pretty rude to be honest

>> No.485069

Retards have been trying to force the Tako/KFP hate each other since Kiara's channel got banned and reinstated.
Just literally no one bites anymore in /hlgg/ so they do it in threads like this.

>> No.485088
Quoted by: >>485109 >>485120

Yes, fubuki and pekora's JOP fans don't want them to collab with kiara anymore, after the kiara/moona incident, pekora had to delete the follow up stream where 100's of JP's got banned in her chat for demanding her to never collab with kiara again

>> No.485104
File: 191 KB, 1280x1515, hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty obvious which of you haven't actually seen Hime's debut. Don't get so caught up in your hatred for chicken that you forget how much worse things could be.

>> No.485109 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>485457

Wow JOPs are pretty based.

>> No.485120
Quoted by: >>485212

It's crazy how you can just say anything on the internet without proof.

>> No.485190 [DELETED] 

Also Kiara, the two-faced bitch called Marine a pedophile and said it was pretty creepy during one of her superchat readings. Marine was so supportive of her too...

>> No.485208
Quoted by: >>485429

I hate that he's a 35p.

>> No.485212

see >>485120

>> No.485247
File: 326 KB, 720x705, 1612892666165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You droped this champ, dont forget next time.

>> No.485250

She's never coming back...

>> No.485274

>54 posts deleted at once
Man that guy was busy shitposting

>> No.485305
File: 10 KB, 124x122, 1612483207747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, that's some next level samefagg

>> No.485342

Looks like chicken really broke the sanity of some people here.

>> No.485352

Imagine if a SEA rangeban existed. 95% of the posts in this thread would disappear.

>> No.485384

It is extremely rude and Luna deserves zero hate. She puts on a happy face despite being in pain constantly from her wrist. She just had surgery and still has stitches in and is still streaming. Seriously Fuck Kiara.

>> No.485418


>> No.485429
Quoted by: >>485504

Having a maymay profile picture doesn't make him 35p.

>> No.485434
Quoted by: >>485504

Hey retard. the person you replied to didn't post any proof at all that Kiara said anything about Luna.

>> No.485446


>> No.485457

This is the face of insanity

>> No.485485

Kiara you need to stay the fuck off 4chan. I've been here since 2005 and know from a CP addiction that took me a long time to get over that this place isn't good for anyone for very long. Yes, I'm a loser vocel who still lives with my parents but IDGAF, the truth is the truth. Go to reddit or FunnyJunk or something, get your ego stroked.

>> No.485490

Well, at least he didn't lie in this post.

>> No.485503
File: 327 KB, 707x677, 1612103347752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got jebaited lunatio, no hard feelings.

>> No.485504
Quoted by: >>485627

I'll stop falling for rrats.

>> No.485627
Quoted by: >>485687 >>485700

It wasn't a rrat, Kiara says so much yab shit we need to actually make an index for this, the issue is KFP's report all this shit
It's 100% true that she talked shit about marine, haachama and luna
It was mostly just subtle jabs like when she said
>I will always work hard and never oversleep
tweet after coco overslept

>> No.485629
Quoted by: >>485902

>She's acting like a normal living person with an avatar
Nigga surely you jest. Mori is basically the one one attempting to put up a different personality. The other girls have keyfabe, but they're all still just effectively themselves.

>> No.485682
Quoted by: >>485775

Sydsnap for hololive would be one of the most unbearable motherfucking things to happen. Sad part is that the sydsnap holo would be just as if not more popular than gura. The reddit hivemind would come in full force.

>> No.485684

Kiara understands the language, but shes not up to date with lingo and references. Lofi has the same problem, where she can understand english fine, but the moment someone does a reference or joke she takes it literally and its so damn irritating.

>> No.485687
Quoted by: >>485763

If it's true then surely you would have a timestamp for when it happened.

>> No.485700
Quoted by: >>485763

Give me some evidence. I do know Kiara says inconsiderate things a lot but I hsven't heard her shit on Luna or Haachama, only Marine and FBK.

>> No.485763
Quoted by: >>485846 >>485897

When haachama was doing the tarantula stream, whatever stream kiara was doing at the time
I am not some obsessed nigger, how do you expect me to have timestamps for 100's of yabs from someone who can barely go a week without making a fuck up

>> No.485775

I knew that Kiara anti is just a vjnigger

>> No.485846
Quoted by: >>486066

>When haachama was doing the tarantula stream
>I am not some obsessed nigger
Of course, you are.

>> No.485853

Some of those posts were mine, was a butthurt janny who I'm reporting asap

>> No.485897

In what world is this "shit talking" or yab?

>> No.485902

If mori didnt put up a different personality maybe id actually watch her streams. I do respect her grind though and her songs show her personality perfectly

>> No.485985
Quoted by: >>486129 >>486217

are we watching the same thing? that's incredibly rude of her

>> No.486006

>She ends her stream on that
Ok that made me laugh

>> No.486066

Who sounds more obsessed, the one who brings up when some one is a shithead, or the one who deflects constantly and demands evidence?
There's a followup somewhere, can't remember what stream it is, but she criticizes haachama for doing extreme things for views

>> No.486113
File: 224 KB, 626x360, 20200817_051135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>486323

>5 Kiara threads
And you wonder why people hate the chicken

>> No.486121

>she criticizes haachama for doing extreme things for views
Kusotori did? Man what a fucking hypocrite.

>> No.486129
Quoted by: >>486155 >>486158

Are genuinely autistic?
That is literally the intended reaction to Haachama cooking and eating a spider.

>> No.486133

I reported you janny, hope you are happy lmao

>> No.486155
Quoted by: >>486217 >>486230

Haachama tries her best to do good cooking videos. Sometimes she tries eccentric or offbeat recipes. Kiara doesn't have to be closed-minded about it just because she personally finds it gross.

>> No.486158
Quoted by: >>486242 >>490658

A lot of the other girls have eaten bugs anon, matsuri, miko, fubuki and korone etc

>> No.486217
Quoted by: >>486275 >>486366

hahahahh holy shit you have to be negative IQ to not understand haachama's sense of humor

>> No.486225
Quoted by: >>486404

The one posting bullshit they heard from someone who heard from someone instead of actually watching streams on a board for discussing said streams.

>> No.486230
Quoted by: >>486366

Haachama isn't stupid, she knows exactly what reaction she gets from using a literal tarantula as the main selling point of that cooking video

>> No.486242

I don't think calling Okayu a bug is very polite, anon.

>> No.486275

t ESL, but still smarter than some of the people itt

>> No.486323
File: 194 KB, 503x503, 1602091822610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>486584

There are only two. One of them is on page 9 with the bump-limit.

>> No.486365

>Who sounds more obsessed
You tell me.

>> No.486366

do I really have to educate you people? "Fried spider" is a Cambodian recipe that rose out of desperation during a time of extreme poverty. It's become more a delicacy in recent years. It's not a "joke video" it's an actual legitimate kind of food that people in the world eat.

If you find it disgusting then that's fine but you don't need to express it in a closed-minded way like Kiara did.

>> No.486404

I've personally seen these clips, but they were almost 4 months ago and you can't expect people to hold onto these clips for that long

I'm not going to spend 30 minutes looking through the waruso archive just to give you a link and have you say
>pfft, literally nothing, you anti's need to take your meds
It's not worth it

>> No.486480
Quoted by: >>486682

Ah yes, sasuga SEAnigger

>> No.486584 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 270x270, 1613057146914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>486663

>Only 2
Fuck off Lunatard
Falseflagging is my thing

>> No.486596

Imagine actually putting some effort into your shitposts, but end up looking like an absolute autismo.

>> No.486650
Quoted by: >>486683

lmao this cambodian retard over here eating spiders because he can't afford to just go to mcdonalds

>> No.486663
Quoted by: >>486822

Anonchama, most of those are shitpost threads, not Kiara threads.

>> No.486682
Quoted by: >>486991

why do you guys always resort to racial slurs when you see something posted that you don't like?

>> No.486683

They literally have a dollar menu lmao

>> No.486713

This was talked to death on the the /jp/ threads newfag

>> No.486822

>Chris picture
>took it seriously
Anon I...

>> No.486991

lurk more

>> No.488309

Stay out of other EN chats KFP retard

>> No.488331

Why don't people watch Kiara? I tried not watching her but she seems like she has a "magnetic" personality. She's also super entertaining and in collabs she always carries them to keep them from getting bland.

>> No.489326

Not really. Seems like a falseflagger that latched onto the schizo >>485457 talked about, probably related, given they haven't talked since then. Hell, they even seem to have stopped posting on >>475272.

>> No.490572

Someone said it was Takos that keep attacking Kiara. Likely due to anger that Kiara is more successful than Ina.

>> No.490658

Everyone forgets Mel's abomination.

>> No.490675

Coco is perfection incarnate, if you disagree you're a chink.

>> No.491297
File: 391 KB, 4252x1344, the face of an anti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>491439 >>492428

How did this orange chicken get so powerful that people can't stop thinking about her?
Literally living rent free in her detractors heads.
Her mere presence is causing a global schizophrenia pandemic.
Is there anywhere we can be safe? not our shitty mudhuts are hiding us from her.
How can we put stop to this madness?

>> No.491439
Quoted by: >>491957

Take the fight to them. Find out who they like and keep them so busy defending their favorite that they can't attack Kiara.

>> No.491957
File: 362 KB, 850x1276, Kiara master plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i mean im ok with them frothing at mouth like rabid dogs just by her mere mention, it`s enough to make them aware of how retarded they look for seething at an anime girl while she makes more money than they can dream of.
They don't realize that by doing so they are involuntarily kneeling to Takanashi Kiara, impotent, powerless like peasants wasting their lives away while she enjoys her success.
Isn't that great when you think about it?

>> No.492428

That's pretty sad, Anon..
