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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.47728462

they probably got hit by another CCV cull. vox talked about one happening a while ago.

>> No.47728505

>Why is nijien dying?
Because they’re shit

>> No.47728516

>lets see whos beating vox today
*shuffles notes*

>> No.47728644

None of those look like dying to me op. I'll grant you vox is cratering though and that's satisfying to see.

>> No.47728716

>cull cope
Sister you need to stop using bot, that shit get purged eventually

>> No.47729115

They beat a Kiara gaming stream, and that would never have happened pre-Luxiem days.

>> No.47729165

Be fair that's a very high bar for them to beat..

>> No.47729292

Why does Vox spam content women would have no interest in until his asmr/coombait shit? That is bound to make sisters disinterested overtime. He's not a brotuber. Damn he's getting beat by fucking Elira.

>> No.47729428

Stop botting streams because the next time they get culled, it won't be a cull, it'll be an algorithm shadow ban. You have been cautioned. Your liver organs aren't Kpop idols. Remember that.

>> No.47729500

vox my brotuber come home

>> No.47729646

I assume he stopped giving a shit

>> No.47729702

Hololive has always been more popular except for a short Luxiem honeymoon period, but a big reason why is because Fauna was the only one streaming when she got her 4k while there's always at least 5 Nijis overlapping eachother

>> No.47729759
File: 363 KB, 866x935, all naturale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all natural

>> No.47730145

We warned them about ACCELERATE. We warned them about males. We warned them about drama. We warned them about just being twitch streamers behind an avatar.

>> No.47730329

It's not bots you fucking moron. Nijis actually use the raid function to raid other members when they end their stream.

>> No.47730380

HoloEN does too now anyway

>> No.47730426

this. vox would have gotten 10k+ if he wasn't heavily overlapped. fauna would kill for numbers like that.

>> No.47730474

Is this the holosister deflection thread on why council is doing bad?

>> No.47730509

Not 10k but they would all do better without overlap, similarly to how Fauna's stream had 2-2.5k instead of 4k when Ina was overlapping her

>> No.47730526
File: 985 KB, 1126x923, fauna's streams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Fauna even put food on the table? I feel bad for her.

>> No.47730679
File: 21 KB, 426x435, 1669409086459910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisisters, what happened? Did you ran out of bots?

Perhaps you should've invested all that time you wasted on annoying holodrones into something productive, like saving ''your'' company from irrelevance.

>> No.47730971
File: 25 KB, 530x578, 16265423958868555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive Talents. Hololive Members. Hololive Generations.

>Niji Liver organs. Niji streamers but with anime avatars. Niji zhang botted waves.

>> No.47731059
File: 566 KB, 1039x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47733537

>CCV cull
When I see shit like this I'm amazed youtube hasn't shadowbanned his ass yet. Even if it's his dumbass chink fans doing it.

>> No.47731087
File: 102 KB, 1230x686, niji revenue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47731210

This time for sure.

>> No.47731104

My husband is having a 10k karaoke right now

>> No.47731210
Quoted by: >>47762247

Wasn’t the decline pretty recent? Let’s see if that looks the same next quarter

>> No.47731236
Quoted by: >>47731407

>vox losing to kiara

>> No.47731250
File: 609 KB, 1020x581, ri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first bump looks like a luxiemfaggot joining vc and the second is a raid

>> No.47731287

holy kek

>> No.47731292

>vox would have gotten 10k+
sure anon, he would've when he can barely maintain 5k when other males are not streaming.
With the exception of his coomer asmr ofc.

>> No.47731407

pls understand, drawing autism 2 is a mega buff game

>> No.47731439

This is the part where you nijisisters are wrong tho, since in holo most the fans divide when overlapping because they have almost the same fans watching.
But in niji its divided by males and females dedicated fans, and some are even not the same fan to the other, some are dedicated to just 1-2 there.

Try observing more of the behavior becuase I remember before either pomu or reimu were the only ones streaming and they can barely keep 1-2 ccv.
Not everyone there is interested in other chuubas while in holo mostly everyone is interested to most talents in the branch.

>> No.47731493

>Nijigirls are expected to beat HoloEN now
Am I missing something? Did they incline that hard or has HoloEN reclined massively?

>> No.47731517

hell nah, kiara avgs. mostly at 2-3k in ccv, vox is declining harder than her anon, pls understand that.

>> No.47731565
Quoted by: >>47732111

OP was mostly comparing the males to the holo girls anon, don't be retarded.

>> No.47731844
Quoted by: >>47743333

The NijiEN girls seem fine to me. Selen almosy always loses like 1/3rd of her audience if she plays no fps. Elira is about where you'd expect Elira to be. The boys seem pretty substandard though. Besides Ren who is doing way better than he normally does somehow.

>> No.47732111

>You're supposed to read OPs mind and understand he's only talking about the males, when he didn't specify that at all and posted a pic including males and females

>> No.47733418

And beating Vox with APEX of things lmao.
That's what you get being a self-absorbed douche who ghosts his fujos on Valentine's day.
Too bad EN yesmen are worse than CNfujos

>> No.47733537

Pro vtuber and this retard still uses wifi.
Not about the heart monitor but the total drop at 4:40

>> No.47733595
Quoted by: >>47736280

That zero retention rate lemao, who raided him?

>> No.47733622
Quoted by: >>47734206

Whatever you say, voxsister. #cutforhex

>> No.47733642

Gura has 4 million subs and she still uses WiFi.

>> No.47733694

catered to the wrong audience

>> No.47733735

Since when does Ren get numbers like that? Good for him.

>> No.47733814
Quoted by: >>47734097

>not a bot
That a freaking z-bot, not raid.

>> No.47734097

Qrd on this new numberlingo?

>> No.47734206

Learn to read 3rd world ape

>> No.47735463

That incident with Reimu probably had something to do with it.

>> No.47735732

If NijiEn is doing bad then HoloEN is a complete failure, it kinda is though, with how much more revenue NijiEN makes.

>> No.47735859
Quoted by: >>47736984

Anon Gura has a minimum of 15,000 members. She makes like a million a year on memberships alone. She doesn't even have to stream she gets so much merch income too. You would have to be completely delusional to believe the Nijis are making anything close to the holo girls with 5x their viewers

>> No.47736204

Like, I know your corpo had quite the yab season but come on you can't overdose on copium like that.
Do you want a steam gift card?

>> No.47736280
File: 115 KB, 418x673, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47737295


>> No.47736984
File: 149 KB, 1214x973, 1678872614177950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys actually don't know?
NijiEN on its own makes almost half the revenue HoloJP, HoloEN, HoloID and Holostars make combined. They are doing great. Who cares how many dead subs Gura, who barely streams anyway, has?

>> No.47737222
File: 1.02 MB, 1052x938, 1681501097237565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47767335

nijikeks really like to compare their meager SC to the merch queen Gura

>> No.47737295


>> No.47737332

Are you talking about vox?
1M subs with 2k CCV RUMAO
Meanwhile Gura has 4M subs with 20k CCV

>> No.47737485

>They are doing great.
No. ANYKARA is doing great.
The fact that some of your livers are still in shit living conditions proves that they are not doing great.

>> No.47737568

>Shit living conditions

>> No.47737618
File: 59 KB, 960x605, C7264C15-67B0-449A-8316-F6E905D1B192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing great
>taking the bottom of the barrel sponsor RAID SHADOW LEGENDS
lmao low 3 view indies are having a better time than nijis

>> No.47737890

I can't remember who specifically but someone in NijiJP was literally dying and had to beg their fans to buy merch so they could pay for hospital bills.
There was also your ex-liver Lulu who had to go on multiple health breaks on top of literally blacking out mid-stream.
Rion's roommate IIRC was also venting on twitter about the shit she and her peers had to put up with behind the scenes.
The shit NijiKR had to put up with.
Then the current state of NijiID.

>> No.47738004

NijiID also has the tiger lady that had a donothon where she not so subtly hinted at the true stretch goals where getting her bum leg fixed. There is also Bobon that also has something severely wrong with him too

>> No.47738110

NTA, it's a Z. Just graph weirdness that spikes then immediately dips to the same amount below. It tends to look symmetrical, and is not really bots just Youtube tracking bug.
That said that doesn't look symmetrical so who knows.

>> No.47738324

It's actually amazing how much niji EN has collapsed recently, especially luxiem
The EN scene as a whole may be declining, yet there are a handful of indie & small corpo upcomers, and some holo EN & vshojo have retained their numbers

>> No.47738782

>10 k is a big deal for holo
Have you ever looked at the CCV holos get?

>> No.47738916

What the other guys said, it seems to occur when there is "lag" on YouTubes side numbers return to normal in some time but it seems that it kills some of the CCV in the process, YouTube in general seems to undercount viewers

>> No.47739367
Quoted by: >>47762864

Not really "shit living conditions" per se, but Mysta said he had to pay 21k in tax. You can reverse calculate his yearly income from that and see that he made pretty much the same as average juniors in any well paying career.
He has his 3rd world home country to funnel money back to, though, so he probably doesn't do that badly. Not sure about other NijiEN member, though.

>> No.47739563

Why can't HoloEN do the same for Cover? Because the aren't doing as well as NijiEN

>> No.47739763

Your livers are practically slaves.

>> No.47739969
File: 750 KB, 1920x2880, 1681846373004237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna that low
Yikes, no wonder bronies are throwing shit everywhere.
The first liver you mentioned was Shiba, she had bad health problems and needed help, which others livers provided.
Lulu had to take breaks because anycolor needed her to, it was the only way to deal with her stalkers and build a case against them, iot had nothing to do with her health, she also passed out mid-stream because she would frequently do 24+ hours streams.

Niji KR's issues was terrible management, NijiKR wasn't a unit anycolor recruited over there, they just took something that was over there and rebranded it, management and all, the merger has been very good for them
NijiID killed itself for pandering to a non existent community(Indonesians).
Please stop believing every rrat posted in #.

>> No.47740792

>NijiID killed itself for pandering to a non existent community(Indonesians)
lmao even

>> No.47741204

I blame Cover for putting talents first and giving them generous cuts from merch (not even counting how easily they usually accept talent-funded merch projects which talents get almost full cuts, too).
Fucking Yagoo should try to be a business man for once, not a lucky good-willed IT developer.

>> No.47742229

So according to you:
1. Instead of the company providing financial support to one of their employees who is dying under their employment, it was her fellow employees who helped while company does jack shit
2. Company only steps in when they "needed to" (and potentially extract money from offending party) but are perfectly fine with an employee working herself to death
3. Literally criminal negligence
4. NijiID killed itself because it pandered to the community that gave them 4-digit ccv at one point?
Jesus fuck I hope you're getting paid.

>> No.47742244

goddamn I've never seen someone lose all the raided viewers before

>> No.47742628

That's Lulu on her own... she's an addicted endurance streamer even after reincarnation. She literally only left because Anykara wanted her to stop streaming while they dealt with the stalker.

>> No.47742851

Gotta love how objectively, Nijisanji EN is more successful than Hololive and Holostars EN and they have to go "but muh cuts" to try and divert the fact.

>> No.47742877
Quoted by: >>47749630

Its interesting how Anykara fanboys always mention the company doing great when discussions like these pop-up. But never the individual talents themselves, probably because only the company really benefits after a while for sitting on their ass and being incompetent.

>> No.47742985

i was promised an update from Q3 by anikara's resident shitposter but i haven't seen it

>> No.47743028


>> No.47743089
Quoted by: >>47749188

>Look how cute / sexy our oshis are!
>We love that our oshis are getting more popular
>Isn't it amazing that our oshis are performing well and attracting a lot of people?
>We love these big events that both us and our oshis are looking forwards
>Did you see how many new things the company is planning and trying out to entertain us better?
>See how much our CEO is making! (not even how much our oshis are earning)
Something just never changes...

>> No.47743169
File: 320 KB, 420x420, 1606276823457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit CCV

>> No.47743213

>dick sucking the corpo and not the talents
You arent a NijiEN fan

>> No.47743233
File: 749 KB, 3205x2699, Feb 2023 CCV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47743366

They need to beat Kiara first LMAO

>> No.47743254
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, oo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47743333

Ren and Shu probably get bigger numbers because they both barely stream

>> No.47743340

From observing luxiem sisters and tempus sisters, they are fickle as fuck and will jump to the next new hot trend. Also a bunch of clipwatchers.

>> No.47743366

Imagine entire branches of nijien lost to fucking Kiara

>> No.47743944

And they had to leech of her too.

>> No.47744168

What's more funny is that the argument "HoloEN makes less revenue because Cover takes a smaller cut" doesn't hold water, the revenue NijiEN is massive, if Cover doesn't reach it because of that reason, it'd mean they're giving millionaire cuts, it would mean the members earn above 3 million dollars per month each, which isn't happening. That argument is a gigantic cope.

>> No.47744434
Quoted by: >>47745013

They would have been losing without Luxiem anyway
They just had a freak brief period of popularity with a volatile schizo fanbase who never watched vtubers before, were not actually interested in anything they had to say, and all left for the next new thing. Luxiems popularity would never trickle down to the other members or even last because their audience simply did not care about vtuber or their culture

>> No.47744575
Quoted by: >>47745013

why have the boys taken such a dive in CCV?
wha happen

>> No.47745013

Calm down, ESLchama. Too much cope is bad for your health. Drink some water.
There's also the fact that Luxiem's paypigs likely lost their money over the past couple of years thanks to /pol/-related happenings.

>> No.47745943
File: 198 KB, 1209x294, Total SC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47746499

Are you talking about meaningless SC?
Your SC king can't even beat TakaMori LMAO

>> No.47745994

I haven't come to this board in months, those Vox numbers are shocking to me. What happened?

>> No.47746065

Chinese fujos abandoned him for new Kpop toys

>> No.47746499

"This is your king?"

>> No.47746659
Quoted by: >>47747013

Hype's dying. We need the new nijiEN wave

>> No.47747013

How fast will that new wave yab?

>> No.47747780

You missed the Kekisanji yab season.
There was, like a new Nijiyab once every two weeks ever since, what, October or November? until around this March.

>> No.47749046

>Gets raided
>Everyone fucking leaves

>> No.47749188
Quoted by: >>47749271

no one is talking about any of that holo garbage in this thread lmao why you lying

>> No.47749271
Quoted by: >>47749424

Reading comprehension reps.

>> No.47749369
File: 833 KB, 1249x693, selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, have a classic

>> No.47749424
Quoted by: >>47749454


>> No.47749454

I'm guessing that's a Luxiem raid?

>> No.47749630
Quoted by: >>47750079

OP literally asks if nijiEN is dying and financials prove that it isn't. Really interesting how holofags keep deflecting cover dying when their ipo flopped

>> No.47749938
Quoted by: >>47750672

Why are numberthreads allowed outside of /#/?
Why is SEA still not rangebanned?

>> No.47750079
File: 44 KB, 1441x567, 1657845815450130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47750294

>OP literally asks if nijiEN is dying
No, OP is asking why NijiEN is dying, ESLfag.
>Defending pump and dump corpo

>> No.47750294
Quoted by: >>47750579

projection. Guess shitposting nijistocks for months didn't do anything for cover lmao

>> No.47750413

Then why isn't she beating a council superchat reading stream?

>> No.47750579
Quoted by: >>47763220

God damn I can hear you coping and seething from here.

>> No.47750672

Because there would be no Nijikeks here otherwise.

>> No.47750702

They still get bigger audiences than many nijisanji jp streamers

>> No.47751817
Quoted by: >>47753185

No one cares, losing an audience so large is worse than never having one in the first place

>> No.47752860

Hololive > Nijisanji
It's literally that simple
You have to be fucking retarded to even compare the two

>> No.47753185
Quoted by: >>47767531

About Luxiem...

>> No.47753702
Quoted by: >>47760375

Selen doesn't deserve this...

>> No.47756060

they are bad

>> No.47760273

better than most JP

>> No.47760375
Quoted by: >>47760519

You're right, she deserves worse and is very lucky

>> No.47760519
Quoted by: >>47760593

we know Aloucuck
Now go back to your Kyo stream

>> No.47760593
Quoted by: >>47760624

seethe fagoon

>> No.47760624
Quoted by: >>47760678

>said the one seething at Selen

>> No.47760678
Quoted by: >>47760731

>no argument
I accept your concession

>> No.47760731

You lost the moment you picked a Ethyriashart as your oshi

>> No.47760853

>assuming my oshi is in ethyria
lmao looks like the aloupeeps made you afraid of them to the point of becoming a boogeyman for you

>> No.47760975
Quoted by: >>47761274

>same buzzwords and writing style as the Aloucucks
You are not fooling anyone

>> No.47761160

It's like you don't know what raids are
And I'm not a nijifan.

>> No.47761274

fooling who? I'm not the one with the schizophrenia with boogeyman

>> No.47761381
Quoted by: >>47761746

>said the retard making 1 billion Selen threads

>> No.47761420
Quoted by: >>47761746

Off yourself Ennanigger.

>> No.47761746

>still going on about his boogeyman
oh its a fagooncord raid

>> No.47761910
Quoted by: >>47761986

Keep seething Ethyriacuck.

>> No.47761986

>Still no argument
I accepted your concession already, no need to embarrass yourself further with more

>> No.47761999
File: 18 KB, 185x122, Selen cute Fangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47762128

>accusing other about having a boogeyman
>uses the Discord raid boogeyman

>> No.47762042
Quoted by: >>47762128

see >>47760731

>> No.47762128

See >>47761986

>> No.47762247

Not Q1. Vox was the number 2 most superchatted youtube channel this March

>> No.47762286
File: 685 KB, 2048x2048, 1466698610523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, you will be posting on /NijiEN/ again
See you there, retard

>> No.47762309

>still going
lmao, thin skinned just like their oshi

>> No.47762421
Quoted by: >>47784926

You can always post your epic copypasta Ennashart!.

>> No.47762864

That the top luxiem, how would it fair to the lower half of nijien then.

>> No.47763220

Nijifag are mostly seafag and zhang, they default iq are below room temperature, nothing change.

>> No.47763642
File: 14 KB, 227x222, 1613021158574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

?? What happened to Vox?
How did he fall off already?

>> No.47764468

fell of in viewership, still beating any holo in sc revenue

>> No.47764535
Quoted by: >>47787234

No they fucking don't, you dumbass. Most JP members have higher viewership than any EN member

>> No.47764897

Pick one
>Reimu barging in on his boyfriend stream
>Get's gaslit by the other EN members to defend her and castrate his fandom on-stream
>Defended her on stream telling everyone to go to therapy
>Realizes he fucked up and practically dogeza's for their forgiveness
>Calls Sonny's mom a whore as a joke, CN fandom got really fucking pissed about it
>Has another menhera breakdown about his fandom being coomers, tells them to behave
>Has a menhera breakdown about his numbers and starts re-starting streams if they don't perform well enough
>Complained about them donating to him with their fucked currency
>The super yab about how he was literally dating Reimu and cheating on her to boot
There's more too

>> No.47766740
Quoted by: >>47792251

Vox really likes talking about his numbers, huh.

>> No.47767335

I kneel

>> No.47767410

Ironic considering you post one of the biggest failure of NijiEN

>> No.47767531

Yes that's what I mean

>> No.47773322
Quoted by: >>47788954

They lost the mandate of heaven

>> No.47779894

Because pandering to thirsty chink women was killing him inside

>> No.47780748

Fucking A he really deserves to lose his numbers.

>> No.47782167

>>The super yab about how he was literally dating Reimu and cheating on her to boot

>> No.47784926

Nta but what copypasta?

>> No.47787234

What is this cope?

>> No.47788954


>> No.47789024

>/meat/ gets deleted on sight
>tribalist dramamonging numberfaggotry threads like this stay up

>> No.47790444


>> No.47790901

Well being a faggot isn't against site or board rules so...

>> No.47792251

Well considering how NijiEN has a numberfagging culture behind the scenes, especially with management, its not surprising.

>> No.47793563

Did he do something recently to get those boost in numbers?

>> No.47796033
Quoted by: >>47799231

NijiEN gamers not here yet

>> No.47799231

Can't wait to see how hard they flop or how fast they yab

>> No.47800638

They're not dying

>> No.47803194

Well it makes sense if you think about it.

>> No.47805628
Quoted by: >>47806302

Numbers help. /Meat/ doesn't.

>> No.47806302

The only thing numbers help with is being a faggot.
/meat/ is far more chuuba-relevant
