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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 116 KB, 595x842, 1618156267147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4695061 No.4695061 [Reply] [Original]

Post-noodlecake indigestion time.

Previous thread: >>4585139

>> No.4695376
Quoted by: >>4726612

HoloID2 collab on Anya's channel tomorrow.

>> No.4698119
Quoted by: >>4700560 >>4700627

Hope we can get some merch tomorrow. My wallet is ready.

>> No.4700248
Quoted by: >>4700715 >>4700878

That noodle cake was extremely cursed

>> No.4700560

That'd be nice but I'm not expecting much from a 6 month anniversary. Maybe a song or voicepacks. Or cheap simple merch.

>> No.4700627

I thought the surprise was Gate Open: Start city pop remix

>> No.4700715
File: 64 KB, 467x635, 1593200736881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4700744

I think the word you're looking for is blessed.

>> No.4700744

That is the word I would use

>> No.4700878
Quoted by: >>4770213

It was just meat, noodles, and cheese. What was really that cursed about it other than the presentation?

>> No.4702967
Quoted by: >>4705175 >>4705744

Do you think she'd be insulted if people named Cramorants after her?
Would she look down on us with a disgusted face because of it? I just think it'd be funny haha.

>> No.4705175
File: 100 KB, 827x827, 1597168982880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a big dork, she'd probably find it funny. Maybe act annoyed a bit for laughs. Gotta go harder than that if you want to annoy her.

>> No.4705744

She wanted someone to name their gjallarhorn after her so I think she'd be fine with it. I've wanted to make a team of exclusively bird Pokemon that don't evolve for a while so maybe I should finally do one and name them all after holos.

>> No.4710847
Quoted by: >>4710946 >>4711050

Just why did she assemble that meal into the form of a cake though...

>> No.4710946

"Celebration" autism and I love her for it

>> No.4711050
File: 422 KB, 627x627, 1604121157278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's her mepversary. You eat cake to celebrate. Isn't that obvious?

>> No.4711347

I wonder how much of the cake she ended up eating. She said she was eating even more of it while watching TV before bed.
hopefully all of it.

>> No.4711399
Quoted by: >>4711749

Isn't a noodle cake just a lasagna?

>> No.4711749
Quoted by: >>4712405

The fact that it was apparently eaten cold is what gets to me. The cheese didn't show any sign of melting, so it couldn't even have been mildly warm.

>> No.4712405
File: 369 KB, 639x881, 1604330697389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might have been warm at some point, the cheese wouldn't necessarily melt if she added it after heating the cake. She was still eating it two hours after the stream started though so it probably got cold at some point anyways. Sasuga, Reine-sama.

>> No.4717443
Quoted by: >>4717565 >>4724650

Was Pavolia's fish nuggets from fish or chicken? Would be really weird if it was fish-shaped chicken nuggets.

>> No.4717565

>Would be really weird if it was fish-shaped chicken nuggets.
I feel like this would be really on brand for Reine, actually.

>> No.4720588
Quoted by: >>4726612 >>4729417

I guess this is the announcement? Or is there supposed to be something else too?

>> No.4724650

>Would be really weird if it was fish-shaped chicken nuggets

actually, it is

>> No.4726612
Quoted by: >>4754690

In chronological order:
HoloID2's cover of Ochame Kinou:
City Pop mix of Gate Open: START! by Farhan, co-writer and producer of the original version:
HoloID2 6 months collab:
If they have more stuff to announce the collab would be a convenient time...

>> No.4728569


Finished version.

>> No.4729417

There could be more I guess, since they teased announcements at the collab stream. A cover is already pretty good though.

>> No.4729577

Schedule later this week. I'm guessing tomorrow will be a break day, and she'll post it then.

>> No.4730256

Very nice. Alt versions are tempting but I'll wait until today's stream. I fear for my wallet.

>> No.4730294

fuck off already

>> No.4730321


>> No.4730329

No need to Reine on the parade

>> No.4730650

Reine it in, anon.

>> No.4731925
Quoted by: >>4732496 >>4732702

What did she mean by this?

>> No.4732496
Quoted by: >>4732587 >>4734519

She's a deadbeat.

>> No.4732545
Quoted by: >>4737817

She asked for these, shut up.

>> No.4732587
File: 297 KB, 359x436, 1599416076077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. She skirted around her j-rap know-how.

>> No.4732702

Excellent taste in home decor

>> No.4733024


>> No.4733340
Quoted by: >>4733598 >>4734893

ID2 voicepacks. Each ID2 has a JP, ID and EN situation voice. They're also very cheap, 200 yen each. Not sure if they have translations, the ID voicepacks usually do.

>> No.4733344
File: 99 KB, 768x768, peahen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4733493 >>4758160

Premiering now

>> No.4733493

That was pretty neat, I liked it.

>> No.4733598
Quoted by: >>4734067 >>4734893

>Situational Voice 1: "Rayne and I share the only stuffed animal we have" (Indonesian)
>Situation Voice 2: "Rayne is working at a bar" (English)
>Situation Voice 3: "A chance encounter with Rayne at a bookstore" (Japanese)
The ID situation voice sounds especially cute...

>> No.4734067
File: 429 KB, 1641x2048, 1618269841921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Situation Voice 2: "Rayne is working at a bar" (English)
Hey, that sounds interesting.

>> No.4734101
Quoted by: >>4734316

>The year is 2031
>There are now several thousand different remixes and arrangements of Gate Open: Start! by hundreds of artists worldwide
>A full version of the original is still yet to be released

>> No.4734316

Getting Red Heart flashbacks...

>> No.4734519
File: 127 KB, 750x1000, 1615611579548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Deadbeaks

>> No.4734533

>want to learn Bahasa Malaysia

Can somebody tell me in which stream said this thing? Holy shit she's even more based than I thought. Truly the Queen of Nusantara.

>> No.4734677

Fake news

>> No.4734816

I don't think she's studying seriously any of these languages, she just brought them up a few times, usually to talk about the similarities between SEA languages because she finds it interesting. Or something like that, I don't speak any SEA language. She also said she wanted to try learning Spanish or French so she just seems interested in languages in general.

>> No.4734890
Quoted by: >>4734921

You only get the transcripts if you buy the full thing. That sucks. At least it's cheap.

>> No.4734893
Quoted by: >>4734921

Anya just confirmed that everything has translations

>> No.4734921

I hope she's right, the tweet says it's transcripts.

>> No.4735600
Quoted by: >>4735821

Voice packs never stop being available, right? IDK if I want to buy it right now but I might at some point down the line if I can.

>> No.4735753

Reine confirmed that there will be two language classes this month. The first is next week and she'll reveal the guest's name in the schedule

>> No.4735821

Some of them are only available for a limited time, but if there's no specified date then they should be available forever.

>> No.4735871
Quoted by: >>4735898 >>4738133

Another full member HoloID + Holostars collab is happening on the 10th of June and it's not Among Us

>> No.4735898

and the language will be mixed

>> No.4735907

Is Reine collabing with the homos too?

>> No.4735925

Looks like it

>> No.4735932

Read the two posts above yours also she's done it before

>> No.4736585


>> No.4736635

Don't start that shit here

>> No.4736693
Quoted by: >>4736743 >>4736801

I'm not sure if it's news, let alone good news, but IDs can send superchat in rupiahs: >>4736517

>> No.4736743
Quoted by: >>4736801

>1 million for an akasupa
What the fuck is this monopoly money, kek.

>> No.4736801
File: 37 KB, 720x291, 1598961822316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I doubt ARSniggers will go away

>> No.4737379
Quoted by: >>4737788

She plays with the Pichi family males all the time. Being fine with that and not the stars collabs is illogical.

>> No.4737633
File: 82 KB, 250x226, 1592860212442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4737722
Quoted by: >>4737756

Friendly interaction with maletubers is fine but I draw the line at flirting

>> No.4737756

That's Iofi and Ollie. Reine is better than those two.

>> No.4737788

>Pichi family
>her uncle and brother

>> No.4737817

I still choose to believe she said that as an actual joke, I just don't want to see, let alone use my oshi as a dopamine burst jack off material. Got plenty of other women for that.
Yes, she has collabed with males, even Nijisanji males, you massive newnigger.

>> No.4738019
File: 271 KB, 541x546, 1618562971929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pavolia "walk Iofi home gently" Reine
Come on, anon.

>> No.4738133

stop it loafy!!

>> No.4738186
File: 293 KB, 474x468, 1616603866455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4740060

>I still choose to believe she said that as an actual joke, I just don't want to see, let alone use my oshi as a dopamine burst jack off material. Got plenty of other women for that.
Saying that Reine asked for lewds is up to interpretation, but she did literally say she doesn't mind them as long as they're not on her art tag.
If you don't want to see them then that's fine I guess, but I do want to see them, and I'm not alone in this, so I'm going to keep sharing them if I do find some. Just stop being a retard and stop clicking every link on this thread and you won't see them.

>> No.4738213
Quoted by: >>4738391

Not exactly learn, but she wanted to compare bahasa malaya and bahasa indonesia since she already gets flip comparisons.

>> No.4738225
Quoted by: >>4754892

Reine is a sexually repressed ojou

>> No.4738391

It was the last brunch stream, I believe, the SC reading.

>> No.4739679
File: 651 KB, 3000x3455, 1595601724377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, did anyone buy the voicepack? If you did, what are you thoughts on it? And just to confirm, does the transcript include translations?
I'll probably get it myself after I got some sleep, since it's surprisingly cheap.

>> No.4739712


>> No.4739959

I’m gonna buy them when I go home on my lunch break so I’ll let you know in a couple hours.

>> No.4740010
Quoted by: >>4740060 >>4740582

I did, but just have the files, I don't know where I could find the transcripts

>> No.4740060
Quoted by: >>4740861

>stop clicking every link on this thread
Didn't even have to, SS has been linked to hell and back in /hlgg/ and his Enma drawing (and artstyle in general) is too recognizable there even in a meme format unless you're too new for that. And seeing how we've gone almost 6 months without posting Reine porn here, you now probably reckon that won't stop me from telling you to fuck off with it again, either. Contain yourself.
I heard the translations are available, but only if you buy the entire set for 17 bucks.

>> No.4740582

Haven't bought it yet but the tweets say you have to buy the full pack for the trasncripts.

>> No.4740861
File: 2 KB, 179x97, folders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4741087 >>4746604

Samefag, just bought the set, and yeah, there's a separate folder with 3 PDFs with transcripts and translations.

>> No.4741087
Quoted by: >>4741837

How much is all three?

>> No.4741837
Quoted by: >>4742327

$16.47. I said 17 bucks before, because somehow I misread the number as $16.87. This weird pricing implies it's based on current exchange rates (dunno if that's the case, never bought anything from geekjack before). And if you mean the size, everything included weighs 197 MB.

>> No.4742327

>This weird pricing implies it's based on current exchange rates (dunno if that's the case, never bought anything from geekjack before).
It is. The original price is 200 JPY per voice file, or 1800 JPY for the full pack. As a yuropoor it’s nice that I don’t get fucked by the pricing for once.

>> No.4742822
File: 425 KB, 870x900, 552ACAE9-A352-4A45-A19B-91A9F67ED749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4745381
File: 526 KB, 2048x1152, 0EFA5D8B-FC6D-466B-892D-E6A001215539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4746604

Thanks for the confirmation, I'll buy the full pack when I can, then.

>> No.4746995
Quoted by: >>4747723

Reine......... the schedule.

>> No.4747640
Quoted by: >>4747831 >>4748506

According to Temma's schedule, the IDStars collab is Mario Kart and it's at 22:00 JST:

>> No.4747723

Anon, it's 2am in Indonesia. She'll probably release it during the day. You should also expect it to be a break day.

>> No.4747831

Well, that game will surely make it funny

>> No.4747936
File: 98 KB, 1000x667, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pill me on birb

>> No.4748278
Quoted by: >>4748525 >>4748836

She can draw:
She can sing:
Assorted clips:

>> No.4748506

Eh, it's alright I guess. Mario Kart is always fun to watch but MK collabs are kinda weird due to the nature of the game. We'll see how it goes.

>> No.4748525
Quoted by: >>4748836

I saw the 6 month song today and just watched the King cover, really liked her singing in both.
Think I saw one Minecraft stream of her's awhile back, and I liked her vibe. Plus her bgm slapped.
Maybe I'll give her a watch soon if she's streaming something I'm interested in.
Thanks anon

>> No.4748836

>updated the pasta

If you like story heavy games, you should definitely take a look at her 999 streams, they've been some of her best streams recently.
Another thing to note is that she only speaks English in her solo streams, so don't worry about not understanding the streams if you don't speak Indonesian.

>> No.4750875

Sunset skyline Reine set https://files.catbox.moe/8sqlce.zip

>> No.4751289


>> No.4751484
File: 20 KB, 490x380, 1593963177330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, that's a good way to make sure he doesn't draw Reine again, I guess.

>> No.4751815
Quoted by: >>4752358

Just gotta do your own reps to make up for it!

>> No.4751982

Reine lewds should not exist

>> No.4752043

I shall draw more just for you buddy

>> No.4752201

That's quite a roundabout way to announce that you're a faggot.

>> No.4752212

The dude posts here. He should know what happens when you paywall content.

>> No.4752295
File: 511 KB, 1447x2047, 1620434962698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4760105

t. gayest fag on earth
She's literally designer by a person known for porn.

>> No.4752358
File: 822 KB, 778x642, 1595938646812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4752400 >>4756213

I wish, I've never drawn anything in my life. I'm supposed to be a programmer so I could maybe make a shitty little game or something, but even then I've never made a game before so that would take a while.

>> No.4752400
Quoted by: >>4753423

I'm assembling a team. Reine R18 Date VN.

>> No.4753423
Quoted by: >>4754712

You're joking, but a VN would probably be a decent place to start. Besides, it would basically be a fanfic, and Reine loves fanfics.

>> No.4754690

>Ochame Kinou
god not again

>> No.4754712
Quoted by: >>4754847

The next Katawa Shoujo is going to be a game about keyboard shopping with a rich dork.

>> No.4754847

kek, that actually sounds pretty fun. Maybe I should start taking notes.

>> No.4754892

This. Take away the influence and money and she is your typical /u/fag

>> No.4755883
Quoted by: >>4756271

When will Casino draw Reine feet?

>> No.4756213
Quoted by: >>4758330

You can be decent at something in two years. Start now.

>> No.4756271
Quoted by: >>4768586

Doesn't he take commissions?

>> No.4757351
Quoted by: >>4757892

The city pop version of Gate Open: Start! is really good

>> No.4757892

You just reminded me that I hadn't listened to it yet so I just did and it's pretty neat.

>> No.4758160
File: 752 KB, 1143x768, Peahen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4760163 >>4761825


You guys need to use the right kind of peafowl. Reine is a glorious green peafowl, native to Indonesia.

>> No.4758330
Quoted by: >>4758459

Thanks mr. deadbeat. I need to brush up on my programming reps anyways since I've been neeting it up for months now so something like a game or a VN might be a fun way to do it.

>> No.4758459
Quoted by: >>4758929

If you get far enough I'm sure some drawfags floating around here would be willing to pitch in

>> No.4758929
Quoted by: >>4759109 >>4760105

Yeah, I know, but so far it's still just ideas in my head so I'll cross that line when I get there, if I do get there.

>> No.4759109
Quoted by: >>4759376

>tfw no Fate/Hollow Ataraxia Hololive-styled VN
Take me back to Fuyuki City...
Good luck and I'll meet you on the art side if it becomes a thing.

>> No.4759122
Quoted by: >>4759376

Watching Ame's stream and I kinda wonder how Reine would like a game like Obra Dinn. It's not quite really mystery game per se but it does have a bit of a mystery element to it.

>> No.4759376

>tfw no Fate/Hollow Ataraxia Hololive-styled VN
Tell me about it. This reminds me that someone was making a SoL/romance VN with all the holos and routes for each but he dropped it. https://svsh.itch.io/holovn
And thanks.

I wonder. I feel like Reine is more suited for story heavy games with mystery/puzzle elements, rather than pure mystery/puzzle games without much story. I'm sure she could still make it work though.

>> No.4760105

Not him, but so? Just because Pochi is known for this stuff doesn't mean I or other anons want to see it here. Go jerk off with others in the horny thread when its next edition is up again.
I wish I could help, but the only thing I could provide is translation to a language that basically doesn't exist in terms of market demand at all. Best of luck, either way.

>> No.4760163

I searched 'peahen', so that might have been my problem

>> No.4760206
Quoted by: >>4760471

>Gay and speaks a worthless language
Your opinion was not needed.

>> No.4760292
Quoted by: >>4760471

Have you tried learning indonesian and translation TO english?

>> No.4760471
Quoted by: >>4760834 >>4760915

>can't refute being a coomer so calls the other guy gay instead again
Amazing. Now fuck off.
No. Indonesian seems even more irrelevant than my native language. If anything, I'd probably pick Spanish, German or Japanese.

>> No.4760834
File: 576 KB, 1050x750, 1620134345327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4760915
File: 591 KB, 654x718, 1619777682086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay away

>> No.4760923
File: 837 KB, 3508x4000, 1606409229906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope you guys sent SC's that actually add something to the conversation instead of just telling her to hydrate or join in Villian's schizoposting.

>> No.4761257

I think all my SCs have been just some variation of "thanks for the stream". I'm sorry anon I just don't have anything interesting to say. Not that I SC very often anyway.

>> No.4761309

I did, but
>not sending the money via streamlabs so they will get a better cut

>> No.4761825
Quoted by: >>4762104

She's obviously an Indian peafowl (male) but this would make a cool basis for an alternate outfit

>> No.4762104
Quoted by: >>4763193

Reine's a male???

>> No.4763193

Anon, what part of peaCOCK is hard to understand?

>> No.4764348
Quoted by: >>4769219

Anon, I'm sure Pochi has a massive pile of drawings of Reine molesting shotas.

>> No.4768586

I don't think so, at least not right now

>> No.4769219 [SPOILER] 
File: 210 KB, 282x428, 1623124162406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4769596
Quoted by: >>4769748

>I sure hope you guys sent SC's that actually add something to the conversation
I'm not here to take the spotlight from Reine or make a desperate attempt to get her to notice me. I'll just drop a no comment SC as show of gratitude.

>> No.4769748

Just drop it on streamlabs anonymously. You're helping her by giving her something to bounce off to.

>> No.4769905

you guys don't actually masturbate to your oshi r-right ?

>> No.4770082
Quoted by: >>4771884

I avoid fapping to holos except if the art is really good and I fucking wish Reine's porn was even just good. There are only like 2 or 3 lewds that have good art and aren't some degenerate shit. Most of them are just fine or straight bad. Even her ecchi pictures are more breathtaking that any of her lewds

>> No.4770150
Quoted by: >>4771884

I don't masturbate to anyone but I like looking at the porn.

>> No.4770213
Quoted by: >>4791991

>It was just meat, noodles, and cheese.
so a lasagna in a different form?

>> No.4771758
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, E3Vd-83VUAAdYg_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunday language class with Polka!

>> No.4771813

Polka, huh? Don't get why the birds of Hololive are so extroverted man.

>> No.4771829
Quoted by: >>4781318

>no day off

No members stream either, that’s a first.

>> No.4771849


>> No.4771884
Quoted by: >>4771965 >>4773081

yeah that's the thing with less popular holos there aren't many good lewd arts, also same I don't usually fap to holos but I still remember that one image of reine from the drawfag thread that shit is just magnificent

what's the point then ? you just keep blue balling yourself or what

>> No.4771965
File: 70 KB, 750x937, 1604894307599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admire the art, of course.

>> No.4772009
Quoted by: >>4772382 >>4773432

It's probably one of her least liked games but the New Genesis update drops for PSO2 global tomorrow that updates the engine, I hope Reine knows about it so there are no tech issues

>> No.4772146

Stacked week, poruka oruka...

>> No.4772382
Quoted by: >>4773432

Reine prepares for streams so she will see it needs a update before Friday.
I wonder if she will shill the NGS content or continue with the base game

>> No.4772473
File: 291 KB, 449x377, 1619238257029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Pavolia only needs one member of gen 0 and 1 to complete her collection of language spreaders.

>> No.4772734
File: 222 KB, 1294x1446, 1599708132155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4772764

I’m gonna be honest I was kinda hoping she’d take off Tuesday so I wouldn’t have a VOD to watch after work and I could just play some Guilty Gear but I’m not gonna complain about more Reine. No members stream is a bit of a surprise though (and may be a wee bit disappointing since they’re unusually such good streams) but it’s the first time without one so it’s fine.

>> No.4773081
Quoted by: >>4790108 >>4790169

Give us that Reine pic then anon

>> No.4773432

I'm interested to see it

>> No.4773869
Quoted by: >>4775041

Hi, newfag here. Did Reine really said she's autistic on Mori-Reine collab? I just learned that one from another thread.

>> No.4774252

If the art is good enough anything goes. Sadly Reine is suffering from the ID Debuff.

>> No.4774750

I watch vtubers because they're funny and they simply play no role in my sexuality.

>> No.4774964

>moralfags ITT
go back

>> No.4775041

She said something along those lines, but it was waaay back now. It's not like it's not obvious anyway.

>> No.4775150
File: 185 KB, 420x386, 1592209140565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4775169 >>4778371

>sent SC's that actually add something to the conversation
I'm not interesting enough to do that. Most of my SCs are just gratitude SCs, things like thanking her for a stream or congratulating her on her anniversary.
Most of the SCs she gets are fucking cringe, they all read like wannabe comedians trying to make Reine laugh with the cringiest and shittiest jokes imaginable. Worst offender probably being that faggot Zoobi, pic related is the kind of shit he was sending her on her anniversary of all places. God I hate that faggot.
So yeah, I might not have anything really interesting to say to her but maybe at least I balance out those cringe SCs with some normal, thankful ones.

>> No.4775169

Yeah, it still helps the mood. So thank you.

>> No.4775225
File: 232 KB, 768x768, E3U2Ic2VkAMMg16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4775247

I only aske Reine to marry me every month

>> No.4775321

>no member stream
>no day off
>but also only one stream per day except for saturday
That's a weird schedule. Was hoping she would take the day off today, would have given me a chance to properly listen to the voicepack.

>> No.4778371
File: 14 KB, 327x135, 60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point it's really just this one guy. Throughout the celebration stream he's been sending retarded SCs with references to what has happened in her past streams, but in such a chaotic and confusing way that I have completely no idea as to why or what even is his goal besides being a massive attention seeker and abusing the fact that Reine eventually catches up with all SCs. It feels like an unironic, genuine autist trying to "paint the picture" of past events and/or his "favourite moments", but the only way he can even remotely accomplish the task is spamming the chat with barely coherent ramblings.

>> No.4778456

So what did you guys think of the voice pack?

>> No.4779308

I don't, but only because nobody has drawn the specific types of extremely degenerate fetish art of her that I can get off to (even though she's perfect for it)

>> No.4779413


ngl it's a first for me to see people sharing my paywalled content, feels weird but expected desu, most Patreon exclusives get leaked one way or another

at the very least, if you liked the Reine artworks I hope y'all had a good fap ^_^ I love drawing the turkey too much, her design is one of my faves only below Enma -Sunsetskyline

>> No.4779567
File: 189 KB, 352x351, 1616043530048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4779749 >>4782997

Our apologies sunset. We didn't expected some dumb anon would share paywall content here (although there's people who comment members stream stuff in other threads). Please don't hate us for that. I could join patreon, but I can't right now because money. But we can help you with a retweet. Hope you're fine!

>> No.4779749
Quoted by: >>4780377

don't worry about it. Besides, I'll take a 4chan thread as a better place for it to be than somewhere more open like a public discord/twitter page or smth. That aside don't worry about it, I most certainly won't stop drawing Reine just cuz of this. Our turkey meplord is too much of a sexy dork for me to ever stop drawing her :D

>> No.4780377
Quoted by: >>4780447

I'm glad you're taking it well. I'm still looking forward to the wedding dress variant, so I'll probably still sub later this month.

>> No.4780447
Quoted by: >>4781036

much appreciated! I'll make sure that one's worth the wait, gonna be a lot of details for that sweet lingerie feel. Only the best for queen of mep!

>> No.4780560

Haven't listened to it yet. I was hoping Reine would take a day off so I could listen to it that day, but that workaholic decided she doesn't need break days. I guess I'll listen to it tonight.

>> No.4781036
File: 218 KB, 346x329, 1592809799594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice, can't wait to see it.

>> No.4781230

Peacock porn

>> No.4781318
File: 1.83 MB, 849x1200, 1613965901319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine always takes Monday off and at least she only has 1 day of double streams instead of 3. This is actually a pretty light schedule for her although I wish she would take 2 days off a week instead of 1.

>> No.4781398
Quoted by: >>4781795

Chilla's Art's latest masterpiece in 15 minutes

>> No.4781658
Quoted by: >>4781871

Just listened to Reine's EN situation. It has some insides jokes from her streams, references to her official lore, cute giggles, and dare I say not the worst acting I've heard. I liked it, she got a smile and a couple chuckles out of me. I'll listen to the others after today's stream.

>> No.4781795

she's live

>> No.4781830

Cute turkey noises already

>> No.4781871

Also wanted to add, the voicefiles are between 2 and 3 minutes long each. Reine's EN one is 3:12. That's pretty damn good for the price.

>> No.4782710
Quoted by: >>4782760

what the hell is this game

>> No.4782760
Quoted by: >>4783089

FIrst time seeing a Chilla's Art game?

>> No.4782866
Quoted by: >>4782982

>I was undressing
>I was undressing my keyboard

>> No.4782982 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 640x275, 1623159634818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4783020 >>4783074

Warning: lewdest image in the thread!

>> No.4782997

>Our apologies
speak for yourself
>although there's people who comment members stream stuff in other threads
Talking about members-only content has always been fine, you unironic newfag, it's showing the screens and clips (especially to a broader audience like global) that's frowned upon, same applies to sharing other paid content. Lurk for a thousand years or go back.
I'm satisfied, it turned out better than expected. The transcripts could use an art or two for a bit of flavour, but generally if you don't live in a 2nd/3rd world country and/or aren't strapped for cash, it's definitely worth buying.

>> No.4783020

Delete this, that anon who hates lewds is going to freak

>> No.4783074


>> No.4783089
Quoted by: >>4783121

the same Dev that make hanako and that other horror game reine finished before ?

>> No.4783121

Yes. They're all janky pieces of shit but vtubers love playing them for some fucking reason.

>> No.4783156
File: 70 KB, 999x635, 1597725415695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4783189

I find them consistently entertaining to watch

>> No.4783209

They're cheap, short, and get a relatively high amount of views just by being horror games. From a practical standpoint, they're a good return on their investment in terms of having to buy games but that doesn't make them any less shit. Since they're all one-off streams anyway there isn't any kind of debuff from being part of a series, too.

>> No.4783338

virtual haunted house experience

>> No.4783411


>> No.4783432


>> No.4783450
Quoted by: >>4784927

Did Reine slap her stomach just now?

>> No.4783494
File: 134 KB, 640x360, 1423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4783533
Quoted by: >>4783721

>every day until you like it

>> No.4783550
File: 39 KB, 600x600, Sakurafish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4783721

>> No.4783551

Holy shit Reine

>> No.4783721
Quoted by: >>4783770

FUCK I stepped away for like one minute. Did she just say the phrase or did she actually mention it?

>> No.4783762


>> No.4783770

She said all the pictures of the fridge are like an "every day until you like it" kind of thing

>> No.4783854


>> No.4784004


>> No.4784927
Quoted by: >>4785221 >>4785296

she has a package in there IRL

>> No.4785221

Why would Reine eat a package?

>> No.4785296

When she heard the rumbling she said something like "I wish that was just my stomach rumbling instead" and then there was a slapping sound, I thought that was her slapping her stomach but it could have been something else.

>> No.4785749

I want to run through Reine too...

>> No.4785872

Such a blessed laugh.

>> No.4785921

Reine rumbly belly...

>> No.4785959

*lip smacking noises*

>> No.4786538


>> No.4786830
File: 2.74 MB, 3030x3920, 1621880157452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4786922

I am going to pay Reine a superchat to say "In bird culture, this is considered a dick move."

>> No.4786922

Ok Zoobi

>> No.4788010
File: 493 KB, 536x572, 1605086078650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4788149

Glad to see you here my dawg.

>> No.4788149
Quoted by: >>4789169

Hello there, fellow merakyat. Also I membered to her recently so I'm legit merakyat now

>> No.4789169
File: 339 KB, 544x514, 1611643891684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4789345

More than a Merakyat, you're Royaltea now. Welcome.

>> No.4789345
Quoted by: >>4789415 >>4790157

my first order of business as Royaltea will be to ensure our turkey is not lacking in quality lewds

>> No.4789415
File: 61 KB, 237x149, 1617837317952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4790108
Quoted by: >>4790169

I didn't save it, it's that one with the white lingerie or something

>> No.4790157
Quoted by: >>4790293

Yeah, that's cool and all, ensure you post them in the proper containment thread when you're done. >>4788413

>> No.4790169
Quoted by: >>4790652

I got you

>> No.4790293
Quoted by: >>4791590 >>4791635

I do not post my own images or links here unless it's in the drawthreads when I do drop in to ask for requests. In short, none of the twitter links of my stuff here came from me. -sunetskyline

>> No.4790652

So beautiful

>> No.4791590
Quoted by: >>4791828

Apologies, should have worded my post differently to mention others who post this stuff here. Seems like the awareness of >>>/aco/ >>>/r/ and >>>/h/ existing here is at an all-time low.
That aside, have you caught up with some members-only streams yet? Which one is your favourite?

>> No.4791635
Quoted by: >>4791828

Don't reply to the third worlder who by law has to fight back against lewd art otherwise his abusive parents will rrat him out to the authorities

>> No.4791828
Quoted by: >>4792552

I only joined recently but I haven't caught up yet, I watched the talk stream she had (where she mentioned her thoughts on spicy art and all) and then the cute animals stream so far. Am looking forward to watching future member streams.

all good.I understand it gets confusing whenever people post links and I myself am here, makes it confusing which is which. But yeah, I make it a point to avoid posting my own links except for drawthreads. Just a personal rule so I both avoid seeming like too much of a shill while also being pleasantly surprised whenever people do share 'em out in the wild, just like when I discovered all the enma hornyposting, lol

>> No.4791946
Quoted by: >>4792589


>> No.4791991

Lasagna also contains a bechamel-like sauce and actual bolognese sauce.

>> No.4792035
File: 1.03 MB, 4000x3000, E3W8N_MUcAMKcV6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4792443

Anyone want to puck this bird or is it just me?

>> No.4792552
Quoted by: >>4792641 >>4792716

>I watched the talk stream she had (where she mentioned her thoughts on spicy art and all) and then the cute animals stream so far
Nice, glad you caught those, they're great. The cute animals stream especially is my favorite stream of hers yet.
If you have the time, I definitely recommend watching her members only AI dungeon stream, it was basically Reine writing /u/ fanfiction about the other ID holos for hours. It was hilarious, and had Reine at her horniest.

>> No.4792589

Just like the pre-debut tweets

>> No.4792634
File: 129 KB, 596x661, 1613989357473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4792716

You want to what?

>> No.4792641

thanks for the recommendation, I'll watch it when I can!

>> No.4792716
File: 58 KB, 599x900, hockey-stick-and-puck-francisblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4792891 >>4793293


>> No.4792891


>> No.4793293

obviously meant for >>4792443 not the one below

>> No.4794384
File: 246 KB, 1459x2048, E3QwHZqVoAA7hQS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4795086


>> No.4795086
File: 16 KB, 570x538, 161728816371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4796956


>> No.4796956
Quoted by: >>4797484

I'm going to end the goslings.

>> No.4797484
Quoted by: >>4797504

That was to her keyboard though wasn’t it?

>> No.4797504
Quoted by: >>4797597

No, she was talking to Pochi

>> No.4797597

Oh oops. Not sure why I remembered that so portly considering it was only a couple of days ago.

>> No.4799820
File: 139 KB, 1424x2046, 62C0D6C2-B231-46AF-8D96-6B3B5DA49872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4802848


>> No.4802848
Quoted by: >>4808148

>The last thing you see as you're locked in the watermelon room

>> No.4808099
Quoted by: >>4808136


>> No.4808136

what the FUCK anon

>> No.4808148

No, Reine please don't take me to the watermelon room, anything but that.

>> No.4808563
Quoted by: >>4808714 >>4824013

Just finished my VOD reps, she never revealed what was in that package huh? I mean it's none of our business anyway but she's the one that brought it up on stream so don't blame me for being curious.

>> No.4808714
Quoted by: >>4808764

Unironically I think they were key caps, she talked about undressing her keyboard and changing the case and it sounded like caps. Regardless, I hope she shows us some of her gear one day.

>> No.4808764
Quoted by: >>4810574

Reine's Law: Any package received by Pavolia Reine is keyboard related until proven otherwise.

>> No.4810574

Honestly I don't remember the last time she brought up a package that wasn't keyboard related...

>> No.4813146
File: 51 KB, 374x382, 1592262423117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4817870


>> No.4817870
Quoted by: >>4818710

Never take your oshi for granted bros, whether it's Reine or someone else. She could be gone the next day, just like that...

>> No.4818710
Quoted by: >>4820825

Reine wasn't my oshi right away and I was literally watching VOD's I'd missed when I paused for the announcement. I joked that I was an idiot before for missing out on Reine. Missing out on any stream now feels terrible even if they aren't my oshi. Pochi-mama sounds sad...

>> No.4820825
Quoted by: >>4821276

>I joked that I was an idiot before for missing out on Reine. Missing out on any stream now feels terrible even if they aren't my oshi.
At least, they're not deleting her channel or anything like that. Imagine waking up someday and your oshi's twitter and channel are just gone, like she never existed. It kinda happened to Holostars' Kaoru, I can't imagine how his fans felt. The thought is terrifying.
>Pochi-mama sounds sad...
I'm surprised Pochi still decided to stream, she sounded devastated in her tweets. Then again, maybe it lets her think about something else.

>> No.4821276
Quoted by: >>4821389

Coco's channel is gonna be deleted in 3 months after the graduation, but at least there will be time to archive it

>> No.4821389

Not exactly, the channel will stay up. But it will be demonetized in 3 months, which means the membership content will be gone when that happens.

>> No.4824013

Taking a timestamp from a comment, it was apparently a box of cookies.

>> No.4827023

Fuck this hurts so bad...

>> No.4827992
File: 204 KB, 336x330, 1596044377639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE stream delayed by 2 hours.

>> No.4828131

God I lover her design but Indonesian is such an ugly language

>> No.4828214
Quoted by: >>4828346

Good thing her streams are in English, then.

>> No.4828346
Quoted by: >>4829102

I didn't know that. That's such a relief

>> No.4829099
File: 465 KB, 1943x2589, 1608170533597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her Indonesian is actually very soft, even the way she pronounces hard consonants still has an air of grace ib it.

>> No.4829102

Don’t worry, you’re not the first one to think that, and you probably won’t be the last.
Her solo streams have always been in English, so do not let the ID tag fool you and give her a chance, she’s great.

>> No.4829737
Quoted by: >>4829977

I'm this anon and yeah... I like her voice a lot and personality, her laugh is great too. I'm still watching the debut stream but I think I'll watch some more today. God damn

>> No.4829977
File: 777 KB, 738x774, 1618945625171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4830137

Glad you came around. She improved a lot since her debut stream too, so if you like her then, you'll probably like her even more in her recent streams. She's streaming RE8 today, so you can tune in for that if you want. And if you want some VOD recommendations, her 999 streams have been some of her best.

>> No.4830137
Quoted by: >>4830499

I don't think I'll be able to but I'll do some archive reps and try to be in there for the next stream. Also that picture is very blessed anon, she has great expressions

>> No.4830499
Quoted by: >>4832069

I thank Pochi-sensei everyday for giving her those heart eyes and the best kimoi face in all of hololive

>> No.4832069

Let’s not forget about her god tier rigger as well.
