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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 349 KB, 491x451, 1612929330730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
462606 No.462606 [Reply] [Original]

Nyanners thread!
The cute, sweet, lovely, quirky, stylish, hilarious, bestest vtuber!!!!!!!

>> No.462662

Death to the cat

>> No.462683


>> No.462701
File: 483 KB, 835x645, nolook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another falseflaggot thread.
God damn it.

>> No.462721
File: 246 KB, 1100x1558, 7455a5048ae1615ee2de0dd7df54ae02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>462804

We need a new thread because the old one is falling off the board, but please try to not provoke shitposters with the op next time.

>> No.462762

She just noticed her dump truck ass kek

>> No.462768


>> No.462792

Wait she's just NOW noticing her ass? I swear she was told about this before but she WAS drunk at the time so maybe she forgot.

Also Nyanners threads going to 400 posts. Haters get fucked.

>> No.462804
Quoted by: >>463010

That's precisely what he's trying to do.
>Nyanners watches the cutest videos, don't you think?
>No Nyanners thread, what's wrong with this board
>The purest, sweetest maiden! Everybody's idol!
And now this.
I'll try to make a thread much earlier next time. This faggot can go fuck himself.

>> No.462820

Fuck nyaggers

>> No.462850

I love Nyanners and no amount of false rrat copypasta will change that.

>> No.462878
File: 340 KB, 468x652, cutecat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live, by the way!~
Very comfy stream, too!

>> No.462880

>small chest
>fat ass
Nyanners is for

>> No.462891
File: 83 KB, 986x645, nyan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This VRchat stream is making me feel things

>> No.462903


>> No.462917

She's like the perfect Western depiction of vtubbing without Japanese producing.

>> No.462926
File: 558 KB, 922x782, nyanners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making dumb jokes with her while eating pizza on a saturday afternoon in the countryside?

>> No.463008
File: 294 KB, 419x577, caramellnyansen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>470800 >>471352

I'm gonna have to turn that into a gif.

>> No.463010
File: 665 KB, 823x609, 1612898766441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>463071

>being ashamed of liking a vtuber on a vtuber board

>> No.463045
File: 1.29 MB, 1302x1249, nyanpose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>463109 >>463480

look at this fuckin cat

>> No.463047

>4chan suddenly likes nyanners now because she became a vtuber

>> No.463062


>> No.463071

Kill yourself OP.

>> No.463087

Her model is extremely cute and she's pretty good at this. I can't help it.
I was never THAT mad at her.

>> No.463090

Oh please, I loved her back then too. I still go back and listen to her old stuff

>> No.463109
File: 100 KB, 599x502, LookAtTHISCAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.463112
File: 348 KB, 600x500, 1612318790756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.463113
Quoted by: >>463408 >>470821

what does wocky slush mean

>> No.463121

I don't.

>> No.463140
File: 290 KB, 829x660, spooked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>463250

Nyanners is a paranoid schizophrenic!

>> No.463207
Quoted by: >>463467

Corrective rape

>> No.463231
File: 12 KB, 257x87, nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>463343 >>463408

oh no no no nyanners bros

>> No.463233
File: 71 KB, 662x659, 952B641E-158E-4B97-8966-EE6B25089CE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.463250

I hope she gets hospitalized forever!

>> No.463330
File: 424 KB, 874x642, date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the comfiest stream...

>> No.463343
Quoted by: >>463375 >>470427

I think CodeMiko is the biggest "VTuber" on twitch. IDK if she'd even call herself that though.

>> No.463375

I wouldn’t. She’s regularly on camera as the technician

>> No.463408
Quoted by: >>463468

TikTok meme. No I don't get it either.

Code Miko is a weird situation and also a fascinating case study of where vtubing is probably going inevitably.

>> No.463422
Quoted by: >>463483

>all these years later and pedos are still seething

>> No.463450

Nyanners is cute. I don't understand the hate even though I know where it comes from.

>> No.463467

collective you mean

>> No.463468
Quoted by: >>463533 >>463664

Miko also benefits immensely from just being a channel where a bunch of other huge streamers come and give her exposure

>> No.463480
File: 222 KB, 484x480, i wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.463483

>all these threads and falseflaggers are still this obvious
You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.463533

The technology is really cool. I just can't stand her shtick during the virtual portions, but I can see why people like it. To each their own. I actually enjoy her irl portions a lot more, and the dude that she often calls is funny as fuck

>> No.463557

I haven't seen much of her but her mouth movements are really weird

>> No.463664

I've never watched her but I have seen clips and I can see what >>463533 means. Like it's cool that the chat can dono and modify her form to usually absurd proportions, which is great for her to make money with and it allows the chat to be involved more directly, but her schtick is not entertaining to me. Then again I would need to see more of her content to judge fully.

>> No.463670

We fucked up...

>> No.463741
Quoted by: >>463802

Unfortunately for her, Epic announced their MetaHuman Creator software today that looks like a massive, massive improvement on what she does

>> No.463802

Holy shit, I just looked that up. That's insane.

>> No.463850
File: 26 KB, 1019x485, nyan coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.463926
File: 342 KB, 712x642, night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about cryptids
She's confirmed to be an /x/fag, makes sense

>> No.464004

Jacket + Swimsuit looks really good.
This girl sure is cute...

>> No.464276
Quoted by: >>464446 >>464514

Nyanners basically talking about all the things everyone on here hates her for

>> No.464300
Quoted by: >>464446

Hater bros she's talking about us...

>> No.464391
Quoted by: >>464547

Changing is alright!

>> No.464420

She just pulled a Sora...

>> No.464446

See she still loves you!

>> No.464478
File: 291 KB, 618x649, snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.464508

Her VRchat avatar is cute

>> No.464514
Quoted by: >>464547 >>464607

Like what?

>> No.464547
Quoted by: >>465138

See >>464391

>> No.464577

Am I the out of touch one for not even seeing nyanners as a loli? The whole pedobait thing has never quite clicked for me, I just see her avatar as "small adult," same with gura.

>> No.464607

First she started talking about how changing is something completely normal and how she's not even the same person she was just 6 months ago and how boring everything would be if nothing ever changed.
Then she talked about how much she appreciates all the people that care about her, even the people that give her shit because they still kinda care about her in a weird way because otherwise they wouldn't even engage with her in any way.
Probably wasn't targeted at this board, but almost felt like it.

>> No.464609
Quoted by: >>464757 >>464970

How long until she claims that she was groomed into being a vtuber

>> No.464621

maybe because you will never see a real loli vtuber

>> No.464643

No. Loli avatars would be like >>432938
People will say absolutely anything just to argue.

>> No.464660
Quoted by: >>464775

I think her VRchat avatar looks pretty loli, but it's not like there's an objective cutoff size, so everyone has different opinions on the matter.

>> No.464757
Quoted by: >>464815 >>465331

are you unironically retarded

>> No.464770

>she's getting high off of my fumes

>> No.464775
Quoted by: >>464819 >>464861

Her VRChat avatar was also made by a fan who gave it to her so take that into consideration

>> No.464815
File: 48 KB, 622x622, ce6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>465331

He's just using the pic related technique.
I know it's tempting but you should just ignore it.

>> No.464819
Quoted by: >>464917 >>464953

That fan has good taste. Small breasts and fat ass is top tier.

>> No.464845
Quoted by: >>464933

These are tumblr refugees who think they are welcome here

>> No.464861
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>464928

Is it the same fan that made THAT model?
Did she ever use it again?

>> No.464877
File: 63 KB, 500x427, 1612894072322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.464917

You mean a pedo, right?

>> No.464928

I don't think she has used it again, but she only streamed VRchat twice or so since then. She probably still has it.

>> No.464933

and? what are you going to do about it?

>> No.464953
Quoted by: >>464993 >>465002

So does her vrchat model have a fully modeled vagina?

>> No.464970

The moment the money dries and and she decides to go to bat for the sjw crowd again.

>> No.464972
File: 361 KB, 2048x1893, f7dd2a536dc65a4af032b1a21a34ea57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>465021 >>472031

Since there's at least 3 retards baiting for (You)s...


2x people who actually watch the stream and enjoy it
7x people who falseflag as pro-nyanners and call people pedophiles
20x people who just clicked here to say pink cat bad then leave
5x faggots who will stay for another hour to argue against her in bad faith

Featuring: the same fucking arguments
Enjoy the thread fuckers, I'm out.

>> No.464993
Quoted by: >>465015

Her halloween model has one. Snuffy found that out when she inspecting Nyanners' panties in a VRchat collab. Nyanners didn't know about it and was visibly shocked, she immediately switched to her normal model and hasn't used the halloween model since then.

>> No.465002

No, that was the other model. Anon says she hasn't used it since.

>> No.465015
Quoted by: >>465225

Yeah right she "didn't know about it". Pull the other one it play judas priest.

>> No.465021
Quoted by: >>465063 >>465088

At this point we're at least 4 people who watch and enjoy.

>> No.465063
Quoted by: >>465146

I'm enjoying this stream more than about any other stream I've watched vtuber or not. It's cute and comfy

>> No.465064
File: 56 KB, 457x250, 1596924171768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyanners is very close to Ame in viewers right now. Western vtubbing is going down a dark path.

>> No.465088
Quoted by: >>465193

I guess the updated counts would be something 5x fans, 7x falsefags, 15x anti tourists and maybe just 1-2x debaters.

>> No.465125
Quoted by: >>465183

Best girl in her group.

>> No.465138
Quoted by: >>465195 >>465282

>I wanna be a better person
>That's why this website hates her
... ok?

>> No.465146

Same. I'm way more relaxed than I have any right to be.

A dark, dark path towards catgirl supremacy...
How frightful.

>> No.465164

And Twitch is the less popular platform people use to watch videos, so 5-6k viewers on Twitch may be more meaningful than the same number on YouTube.

>> No.465183

Best garbage in the trash can.

>> No.465193
Quoted by: >>465243 >>465278

The last thread was non-toxic enough that it survived to be rolled over into this one, the Nyanners haters either given up or started to realize they’re eventually going to lose this fight

>> No.465195
Quoted by: >>465252

See >>230668
People like this actually exist.

>> No.465196
File: 20 KB, 1282x451, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>465220

>posting the outdated version

>> No.465212
Quoted by: >>465313

>I don't see her as a loli, more like a petite girl
>lol mental gymnastics I hate her waaah

>> No.465220
Quoted by: >>465712

>posting the retarded version

>> No.465225

She was pretty upset because accidentally showing it on screen could have gotten her or the other girls in the collab into trouble.
Snuffy wasn't streaming, so they were lucky that it was her who found out about it.

>> No.465235


>> No.465243

There's still a good amount of falseflags, don't get ahead of yourself. And don't say shit like "they're eventually going to lose this fight", that helps literally no one.

>> No.465252
Quoted by: >>465390

>see deleted post
Let me hop on my time machine.

>> No.465278

Probably more that Nyanners is actually live so we have a lot of stuff to talk about and drown them out.

>> No.465282

I didn't realise becoming a hypocrite grifter is a being a better person but what else can I expect from unironic cucks?

>> No.465296

How the fuck are those statements at the bottom mental gymnastics?

>> No.465313

"Petite girls" are what unironic pedos use to talk about their inclinations in public

>> No.465331

She's done it before, she'll do it again
You're easily manipulated and need a better "goddess"

>> No.465343
File: 941 KB, 1400x1400, ...please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>465482

Stop replying to bait.

>> No.465375

Of course you wouldn't think that, fish don't know they are in water after all.

>> No.465390
Quoted by: >>465443 >>465827

How fucking new?

>> No.465403

She has been in VR for 4 hours. She's going to have a massive headache.

>> No.465411
File: 125 KB, 1310x1744, IMG_20201018_034335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>465432 >>465589

This stream made me realize that holoEN NEEDS to play VRChat

>> No.465432

Holy shit that's a good model.

>> No.465443

It's the ny*nners thread, everyone here is a newfag

>> No.465452

I have never been in a single one of these threads before, why do you all hate Nyanners so much?

>> No.465460
Quoted by: >>465549

we don’t

>> No.465464


>> No.465481

She dabbed one pedophiles a decade ago. Seething ever since.

>> No.465482

Stop being a pedo

>> No.465491

>makes loli content back in the day
>shits on her original fans by calling them pedophiles
>panders to sjws now
>still uses the loli shtick and monetizes it despite being a hypocrite

>> No.465498

She deleted POMF and "betrayed 4chan" when she had her tumblr phase 7 years ago. Some people here hold grudges forever, others are just using it as a convenient excuse to shitpost.

>> No.465519

shit on people who made her initially popular for clout, decided to come back and pander to the same people when she couldn't milk more clout from the previous group, lying sociopathic grifter

>> No.465530


>> No.465540

This is the most epic speech ever.

>> No.465549
Quoted by: >>465665


>> No.465563
File: 458 KB, 906x788, check'm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.465566
Quoted by: >>465640

>panders to sjws

>> No.465567
File: 167 KB, 1341x753, nyan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>465638 >>465640

>panders to sjws now
Anon, please, that phase is over. She's hanging out with lewdtubers now and the stream she's still doing right now was full of pandering.

>> No.465589
Quoted by: >>465635

Knowing some of their lack of technical expertise they’d accidentally join a public world and have to immediately shut down the stream

>> No.465630

She's a boomer pretending to be a loli.

>> No.465635

I wouldn't be surprised if their agency just doesn't allow them to

>> No.465638

Once an sjw always an sjw

>> No.465640
File: 454 KB, 691x691, 1607979489290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die nyanner shitter

>> No.465644

You're worried about Nyanners when there's people like CodeMiko

>> No.465647
Quoted by: >>465734

That's based though.

>> No.465659


>> No.465665

yes, we don’t, sorry you’re numbered, get the fuck out

>> No.465664
File: 1022 KB, 900x1200, EewsdezU4AEe5hX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>465716 >>465722

Replying to obvious bait only ensures they'll do it again. Everything you see and everything you could say has already been said before and there's zero point in repeating it. She's streaming right now you fucks.

>> No.465681

No she's not a loli, if you like loli you're a pedo, she's just petite and flat and childlike which is totally different from a loli

>> No.465700


>> No.465712
File: 70 KB, 2675x448, every nyanners thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is the retarded version.

>> No.465716

Have you considered finding a hugbox somewhere else?

>> No.465718
File: 1.58 MB, 1222x2845, 77CE6B8A-4CEA-44D1-AB08-99B9E77CBDE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>465748

LoOk aT mY gRaPhIc! iT pRoVeS iM nOt a pEdO

>> No.465722
Quoted by: >>465780

You're right. I'll just enjoy her stream.

>> No.465734

You're lusting for a woman with a wrinkled face making fake cute noises, just saying.

>> No.465745

>talks about Tom Green
I don't even remember when the last time I heard anyone mention Tom Green

>> No.465748

>he fell for falseflagging THIS OBVIOUS

>> No.465753
Quoted by: >>465807 >>465862

She's a loli you mongoloid. She looks like one, acts like one, and in the past was the biggest pedotuber in existence. She is probably a pedo herself and the larp as anti-pedo is just her cover

>> No.465780

Yeah just close the thread and never come back, there's nothing good here for you

>> No.465807

This, and yet her simps still deny it.

>> No.465827
Quoted by: >>465864

Fag, I don't give enough of a shit to look past a click, not everybody has autismo to the max

>> No.465843
Quoted by: >>465877

The amount of samefagging from this one Nyanners hater is astounding

>> No.465847


2x people who like/watch her
2x anti debaters
20x falsefaggots

>> No.465862

The question is... why do you care so much?

>> No.465864
Quoted by: >>465949

The absolute state of the nyanners thread

>> No.465877

The amount of samefagging from all 3 nyanners fans on the board is astounding. Fuck off

>> No.465885

She just talked about Emilia from RE:Zero and now she's talking about the musical Cats.

>> No.465897
Quoted by: >>465935 >>466032

You've done it, anon.
I'm convinced.
Pink cat IS bad.

You can now leave this thread, your mission is complete.

>> No.465935
File: 920 KB, 2894x4093, 1611957277269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to admit it too. This cat? Hate her now. She sucks, and I realize that now thanks to that anon.

>> No.465949

Keep trying harder, if whatever you want demands more than one click from me it's not worth it, unless you post some tits I don't really care

>> No.465961
File: 46 KB, 491x625, soooiiiiiiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>466523

Pink cat bad

>> No.465966
Quoted by: >>466014

i like her

>> No.466003


>> No.466014
Quoted by: >>466032 >>466143

What's it like being a pedophile anon?

>> No.466016


also I don't really care about the virtual avatar fad

>> No.466032

See >>465897
You're a hero, anon. Get some rest.

>> No.466034
Quoted by: >>466178

It does in fact only require one click, but even if spoonfeeding isn't bad I wouldn't feed anyone posting in the pink cat thread so fuck off

>> No.466067

Imagine spending your life desperately trying to convince online strangers not to like a pretend pink cat with a cute voice.

Personally, I love her.

>> No.466082 [SPOILER] 
File: 272 KB, 700x1050, 1613004175382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.466106

Is she drinking alcohol?

>> No.466124


>> No.466141

my nyigga is hammered every other stream

>> No.466143
Quoted by: >>466227 >>466229

I'm not a pedo I just like girls that look like small children that doesn't make me a pedo no siree

>> No.466178
Quoted by: >>466208

>it does require one click
>it's too hard for me
see? even you don't give enough of a shit, what's more, I bet you don't even know yourself how to whatever the fuck you want me to do, but whatevs kiddo, meme your way to the top.

>> No.466187
Quoted by: >>466215

she seemed stoned when she started but I don’t think she’s actually drinking, just been in VR for 4 and a half hours

>> No.466208

Where do you fuckers come from?

>> No.466215

She also took medicine that makes her drowsy to help with motion sickness caused by VR

>> No.466227
Quoted by: >>466339

>he thinks that's how little girls look
Have you ever seen a child? the malformed creatures have no notable features, children look like retarded potatoes until puberty hits.

>> No.466229
File: 122 KB, 625x626, 33976D32-F957-4E45-8769-4B02E9766ADF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.466241

Nyanners antis have resorted to posing as newfags to get (You)s and it's working.

>> No.466257

>he doesn't know this is how it's always been
Talk about newfags.

>> No.466269
Quoted by: >>466278

Listening to Nyanners is enough to make me want to hurt something.

>> No.466278
Quoted by: >>466298

try hurting yourself

>> No.466292

In case you didn't notice this place is practically a tumblr colony.

>> No.466298

Watching nyanners makes me want to, trust me

>> No.466302
File: 182 KB, 384x408, 1603120780781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>466350 >>466493

Can we stop with all this retarded shit and talk about how we get that fat cat ass on our faces instead?

>> No.466328

You'll find out when you're older.

>> No.466332
Quoted by: >>466413

She's either drunk or 4 hours of VR have gone to her head, kek

>> No.466339
Quoted by: >>466381

>implying pink cat doesn't look like a retarded potato

>> No.466350
Quoted by: >>466466

have a vagina

>> No.466381

Her avatar doesn't and that's the only thing I care.

>> No.466413

if you watch the streams where she says she’s been drinking, she’s much less coherent and slurring than she is now

>> No.466445

she's nailing this bit rn

>> No.466463

Is she having a crisis about eventually having a midlife crisis?

>> No.466466
Quoted by: >>477787

Can I get away with cross-dressing?

>> No.466493
Quoted by: >>466756

Ah yes because we really need to talk about China in this thread too. Fuck off.

>> No.466494
Quoted by: >>466562

God you can hear the ever increasing aging woman panic. She's gonna find some dude and vanish soon.

>> No.466517

Nyanners public ban when? Hypocrites should be shot

>> No.466523

>pro-Nyaggers niggers are wojack posters

>> No.466531

>"Why do they turn horses into GLUE!?"

Nyanners asking the tough questions.

>> No.466541
Quoted by: >>466574 >>466754

I don't understand what's going on at all

>> No.466545
File: 375 KB, 734x670, point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good bit

>> No.466562

>She's gonna find some dude
She didn't after all this time, it won't happen now.

>> No.466572
Quoted by: >>466601

Sometimes when she reacts quickly to something or speaks quickly her voice slips up and she sounds normal for half a second.

>> No.466574
Quoted by: >>466626 >>466650

Nyanners is RPing a drunk boomer being a boomer about boomer stuff. Also possibly midlife crisising but she's too young for that.

>> No.466601

I know, that's fucking disgusting, her high pitch voice is the thing that makes my prostate tingle.

>> No.466608

She's so cute right now

>> No.466618

Yeah I hate it when I'm in a bar trapped next to a girl who can make Minecraft noises. I don't know how many fucking times that's happened to me. Fucking Minecrafters.

>> No.466627

Nyanners is cringe

>> No.466626
Quoted by: >>466755

>Nyanners is RPing a drunk boomer

>> No.466647

she knows

>> No.466650

She's halving a third-life crisis about having a mid-life crisis.

>> No.466671
Quoted by: >>466730

This is a great moment

>> No.466681

fucking zoomers

>> No.466730


>> No.466754

She was talking about being the teacher that showed her class around on this VRchat field trip, so she got the idea of playing the late 30s unmarried female teacher that drinks in bars every night.

>> No.466755

Here’s a (You) because I’m actually started to feel bad for you antis

>> No.466756
File: 148 KB, 371x353, 1554210338290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>466783

Tf are you on about

>> No.466783
Quoted by: >>466927

her ass is as big as china

>> No.466837
Quoted by: >>466884

This whole thing reminds me of >>285929
>Why would Korone be one of the most hated holos? She's never in any controversy.
>Old NND drama.
>I see. Thanks
I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what JOPs are saying about Nyanners on 5ch.

>> No.466884

Makes sense. They're about the same age anyway.

>> No.466892
Quoted by: >>466927

But I want pepto-bismol cats on my face not winnie the poohs wrinkly ass

>> No.466898
Quoted by: >>466946

Gura mogs nyanners so hard it's not even funny.

>> No.466927

>>466783 meant for

>> No.466946


>> No.466977


>> No.467121

>when your crazy catgirl teacher takes the whole class to a love hotel

>> No.467209
Quoted by: >>467270

This is cringe to the max

>> No.467270

Hi Nyanners.

>> No.467367
Quoted by: >>467485

Nyanners is a piece of shit, but I also disregard the opinion of anyone that uses cringe unironically

>> No.467485


>> No.467568
File: 1.50 MB, 1230x1023, PinkPits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slutty pits

>> No.467595

i want to stick my wiener in those pits

>> No.467657
File: 265 KB, 1530x846, Screenshot_2021-02-10 Twitch(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>467667

Look at this cat

>> No.467667

uh, that's a fox

>> No.467729
Quoted by: >>468002

Blender ruined me. Can't enjoy pits because of that shitty weight paint

>> No.467736
File: 1023 KB, 948x845, firefox_fG5ZqRKdoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>468058

look at the ass on her

>> No.467902
File: 340 KB, 617x500, Template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me proud faggots

>> No.468002

Never bothered to look it up but is her model public?
Asking for a friend I would never do bad things with it

>> No.468058

Nyanners ring fit 3D Squats when
With halloween model

>> No.468181
File: 369 KB, 617x500, feed to cats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.468212
File: 248 KB, 617x500, younyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a basic one for (you)

>> No.468216

>becomes popular because her loli voice
>calls her fanbase a bunch of creeps and says she's over that phase and will continue making content the politically correct way
>everyone stops giving a shit about her
>becomes a literal who
>jumps back when the vtuber fad is at it's peak with the same loli voice and now a design too
>"lmao people change xd"
I'm not going to bother making more posts in these threads, people are free to watch what they want.
I just want to tell the whiteknights defending her that she deserves every anti she has, especially on this site. Don't be surprised if this never ends.

>> No.468247

yet you bothered to make this one

>> No.468332
File: 39 KB, 206x178, Picture+1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>468543

This is the only Nyanners thing I know, and she should do more of it.

>> No.468404
File: 406 KB, 617x500, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.468457
Quoted by: >>468549

she at the rest of our shaved ice
this fucking bitch

>> No.468543

>and she should do more of it.
I guess I got good news for you.

>> No.468549
Quoted by: >>468564

this is the worst thing nyanners has ever done
you're a cuck if you ever forgive her for this

>> No.468557

People are retarded, this is not news. People giving attention to this sore cunt called Nyanners deserves her and she deserves her fanbase. All is good.

>> No.468564
Quoted by: >>468636

its true
I'm an anti now

>> No.468631
File: 142 KB, 617x500, Gay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.468636

List of things Nyanners has done wrong:
1. She sat on the slime
2. She ate our shaved ice
I'll be sure to update this if I catch anything else.
This pink bitch can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.468665

How can you watch Nyanners?

Oh, yes. The hypocrite tuber.
Nyanners pisses me off.
>Makes loli content
>Acusses people that consume the content of being pedophiles
>Continues making content and monetizes it.

I fucking hate loli shit; I fucking hate people that consume it.

Seriously can't stand this bitch. The whole vtuber scene is fucking cancerous for this reason too, but at least Hololive hides that shit.

I had to step away from the vtuber scene because of how fucking retarded the fanbase is. I watched a vtuber talking about how she had to fucking cancel a doctor's appointment because she let it slip that the doctor was a male and the fanbase got upset. Separate question, I guess, but how does this not bother any of you?

>> No.468724
Quoted by: >>468754

the vr chat model is so ugly becasue of the shading

>> No.468738

It bothers me greatly!
If only there was some way to hide or filter out Nyanners threads, that would be great!

>> No.468754

I think the model overall is pretty good compared to the other models the vshojo girls use, but yeah, that shading is broken. Also the eyes clipping through the eyelids.

>> No.468783

>the world through the eyes of a C00/\/\3r
take the vitamin C pill

>> No.468878
File: 391 KB, 617x500, LookAtThosePits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.468922
File: 583 KB, 1486x932, nyanpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy stream 10/10

>> No.468930

This stream feels like a date

>> No.468939
File: 779 KB, 1522x894, nyan cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dino picture moments were nice too.

>> No.468949
Quoted by: >>469007

>she had to f***ing cancel a doctor's appointment because she let it slip that the doctor was a male and the fanbase got upset.
wow, what a slut. reminds me of when my gf brought me to an appointment at a walk in clinic for her vag. she showed her vag to the male doctor right in front of me. that's got to be some sort of violation.

>> No.468963
File: 405 KB, 862x742, lookit this brat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was really fun and relaxing.
I hope she does more of these sometimes

>> No.468983
Quoted by: >>469030

Wow this was a good stream, sad we can't talk about it on 4chan because of shitters

>> No.468994
Quoted by: >>469080

this cat belongs in a toilet

>> No.469007
Quoted by: >>469285

One time I let a female doctor touch my balls to see if I had any issues. Am I... a whore?

>> No.469017

what a slut

>> No.469030

We can. In fact, if we only talk about the stream these shitters will go away. Orangeshitters fucked off, pink cat bad fags will too.

>> No.469043
Quoted by: >>469103 >>469490

Do she know that most of her viewers are lolicons?

>> No.469080

she fuckin wishes

>> No.469081

Why did everyone suddenly accepted this boomer back with open arms after what she did in the past?

>> No.469103


>> No.469112

See for yourself.

>> No.469117

>How can you watch Nyanners?
Because her hypocrisy doesn't really bother me and I refuse to hold grudges against anyone who hasn't done direct harm to me.

>> No.469122
File: 926 KB, 1402x801, selfie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.469148

Lots of dances in this stream that would make for great gifs. I'll dig the VOD later when it's over.

>> No.469154

>caring so much about a chick denying something most people disapprove
Implying you wouldn't have done the same.

>> No.469161
Quoted by: >>469328

Jesus she's been on for 6 and a half hours.

>> No.469175

People with amnesia fucking enrages me.

>> No.469193
File: 690 KB, 1057x783, she asked for it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not into Final Fantasy but her obsession with it is super cute.

>> No.469207

>points at camera
Fucking cute

>> No.469244

I too, am a boomer who used to be an underageb& on 00s 4chan. How could I stay mad at her when I was just as gay? ;___;

>> No.469285
Quoted by: >>469338

no that's based. you see, a man is a key, a woman is a lock. key that opens many locks is master key. lock that is opened by many keys is a shitty lock. that's why vtubers can't see male doctors.

>> No.469292

She's done it again. Another banger of a stream.

>> No.469328

Probably did it for valentines day honestly. Other VTubers are doing this VRChat fieldtrip/date as a valentines day stream.

>> No.469338
Quoted by: >>469373

Wait, you're supposed to have SEX with your gynecologist? Fuck, I missed out...

>> No.469340
Quoted by: >>469993

probably because unlike most of the shitters I liked her before bandwagoning on with pomf and therefore got over it pretty easily

>> No.469371
File: 1.37 MB, 1996x1100, nyancute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a field trip

>> No.469373
Quoted by: >>469402

Meme answer: yes

true answer: I think there was a male gynecologist who got away for years using his penis to "examine" his patient's vaginas

>> No.469378
Quoted by: >>469432

It's nice when a VTuber is comfortable enough with their audience to peel back the mask a bit and engage in honest self-reflections. If only for a few minutes it's good to be reminded that there's a real person behind the character.

>> No.469402

I see, so women should never see gynecologists ever then. It's not like they're humans that can think for themselves. That does feel like the reasonable response.

>> No.469403
File: 997 KB, 1486x932, Nyahegao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>469446

Why am I like this

>> No.469432

The speech at the beach campfire was honestly really really good. Pink cat love.

>> No.469444


>> No.469446
File: 914 KB, 1194x651, 098w4er5fju5o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you watch nyanners

>> No.469449
Quoted by: >>470346

She discovered that being a huge hypocrite with obvious low effort pandering lets her still keep her fans as most smoothbrains don't care about that drama and just want to see a pink cat with toilet humor acting silly. She does have enough talent that they could disregard themselves being called out, and a large portion of her fanbase being 4chan hating leftoids.

>> No.469483

10/10 nailed the feeling it was going for & was super fun on top of that
If she doesn't do more of these I'd have an actual reason to be mad at her.

>> No.469489
File: 353 KB, 617x500, tgwft34etsf45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.469490

Of course she does, there is a reason she's called a hypocrite

>> No.469513

10/10 most based vtuber around

>> No.469592
Quoted by: >>469630

>the one that made nyaners model is a Japanese lolicon that retweets loli cosplay,fanart and dolls.
How does she keep getting away with this?

>> No.469610
Quoted by: >>469691

It's just tumblr tourists and newfags, scroll up if you want to see just how new they are.

>> No.469630 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>469724

Ooh itd be a pity if his tweets get retweeted to the sjw crowd.

>> No.469691

I've been here since the time HoloEN debuted, I've consistently been posting and making OC in /hlgg/ and it's more likely than not that if you browse there you've saved some of my edits and replied to some of my posts. I also love Nyanners and Touhou games. Do with that knowledge what you will.

>> No.469724

He doesn't post anything risky but he follows lolicon artists and girls that cosplay loli characters,he either doesn't knows about nyaners past of he have such boner for her that doesn't care.

>> No.469734

>I also love Nyanners
My condolences.

>> No.469768
Quoted by: >>469812

She was streaming before vtubers though? Your narrative sucks

>> No.469772

I too like Nyanners but you're not helping your case by saying you've been here since HoloEN lol

>> No.469781

Lefties do not belong here

>> No.469812

Look, it's obvious that she's just getting carried by her cute design, her voice, her natural charisma, her sense of humor, her laugh, her singing, her sweet personality, her gaming skills, and her Youtube savvy.

>> No.469844

I couldn't care less about your politics.

>> No.469929
Quoted by: >>470116

election tourist

>> No.469993

sorry I wrote this stupid
liked her before, instead of bandwagoning on*

>> No.470116

r*ddit visitor

>> No.470224

You're a stupid nigger

>> No.470346
Quoted by: >>470381

What's smoothbrained about being able to disregard drama that's no longer ongoing and hasn't been for years? Are we all to just mindlessly agree with a tiny but very vocal subset of oldfag wannabes who rediscovered a chip on their shoulders after Nyanners became relevant again?

>> No.470381
Quoted by: >>470599

Fuck off, I'll never accept this hypocrite bitch. Call us autistic all you want, she doesn't belong here.

>> No.470427

Ash has some big numbers but only when she plays among us with the among us faggots

>> No.470455
Quoted by: >>470506

>Second Nyanners thread today that has hit comment limit.

She's the queen of /vt/. Nyanners rules 4chan once again.

>> No.470463
Quoted by: >>470503 >>470506

if I see that fucking cat one more time

>> No.470478
Quoted by: >>470504 >>470718

Nyanners threads are on the same tier as Annoying Orange threads

>> No.470503
File: 834 KB, 1254x1560, 1611957591747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>470628

how about a slime version

>> No.470504


>> No.470506 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 1200x816, 1613014253286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>470758

Cool falseflag, have a (You)

Do not open!

>> No.470599

>Call us autistic all you want
OK, you're all massive autists. Your aversion to nuance and deviating from routine has made this quite clear.

>> No.470628
Quoted by: >>470713 >>470798

What's this "sitting in the slime" story people keep referring to?

>> No.470713

She, uh, she fucked up. Okay? She apologized and we should move on.


>> No.470718

annoying orange is better than nyanners

>> No.470758
Quoted by: >>470840

I've been called Silvervale, Zentreya, and a Nyanners false flagging anti today. What a ride.

No false flag but definitely memeing. I think the greatest irony of /vt/ would be Nyanners being one of the most popular thread topics. Like she said in tonight's stream, even the negative people care about her in some fashion.

>> No.470798


She even apologized! We should just forgive her for the Slime Incident! Even though Frederick The Slime was Nyander's only friend in the world, we.... we just need to move forward together bros!


>> No.470800

Holy shit, she's more of a Loli than Gura.

>> No.470821

Purple drank.

>> No.470840

I'm starting to see where pink cat bad fags are coming from...

>> No.471352

Totally not a loli guys

>> No.472031
Quoted by: >>472326

pink cat good yes yes

>> No.472326
Quoted by: >>472806

Pink cat BAD.
see >>470713

>> No.472806

She issued an apology that strictly followed the standard youtube apology video template for this debacle. Pink cat good!

>> No.476579

I love nyanners

>> No.476777

they're not

>> No.477787
File: 11 KB, 236x203, A72AA01E-1095-4CC3-BFF2-56203CE33EF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, Klinger. You might even get that section 8.
