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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 207 KB, 1536x2048, 98346594328759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46718301 No.46718301 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>46718535

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Hololive English -Myth- Gawr Gura 1/7 Complete Figure(Pre-order)

hololive English -Myth- 3D Debut Celebration (Gura shoulder bag)

Previous Thread: >>46706650

>> No.46718308

Sex with a fembud.

>> No.46718321
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1662500285160330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife so much!!

>> No.46718353

is goop goop ztreaming tonight

>> No.46718362

Ahhh I'm just happy to be able to hear my shark wife's voice. I don't need much.

>> No.46718388
File: 253 KB, 1131x640, JEwchuubas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember not to respond to the Idol shill OPs!!! have a nice one!

>> No.46718416


>> No.46718461 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 850x1063, sample_e315a1fa44ef15978374e4b04206c22c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys kiwinigger

>> No.46718479

Soulless fucks

>> No.46718485
Quoted by: >>46718834

Do you not get banned for off topic shilling like this or do you just ban evade?

>> No.46718493

Will feistybuds finally end their existance after realizing Gura does in fact hate them and their "criticism" spam?

>> No.46718535
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, 1675839375586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the view

>> No.46718543

How does she do it bros? All of my doubts were washed away the second she said something in chat. I will regret not criticizing her later but i cant bring myself to do it now

>> No.46718589 [DELETED] 
File: 587 KB, 850x1200, sample_dfb587e7ceec6558e134652bc7dd0ef6 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46718702

Reminder to report kiwiniggers who spam about Idol and other off topic shit

>> No.46718622
Quoted by: >>46718707

She hates yesbuds the most because deep inside she knows the criticism is warranted as seen with her interesting choice of banned words

>> No.46718624

you just KNOW gura goes to walmart in sweatpants and crocs with a baseball cap on
classic americana

>> No.46718627
Quoted by: >>46718723

Shark skin is like a sandpaper...

>> No.46718650 [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 780x1154, f76ba99ac0db30a96592d35ffb687597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that's hot as fuck

>> No.46718651
Quoted by: >>46718773

Really glad she's taking some time for herself. It hurts me to think about how hard she's been working without a break. Rest well sharky~

>> No.46718702


>> No.46718707

Stop projecting.

>> No.46718723 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 850x1246, sample_75c184f50acaf1e4c6cb3f61a711d07a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46718747

I have had it with Gawr Gura.

I just picked up my Dino Gura and backhanded her, told her to get back to str*aming

>> No.46718773

You got me man got a good laugh out of me

>> No.46718790 [DELETED] 
File: 2.22 MB, 2565x2787, 3d6998843bcab9ea19ef5552cb084260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46719010

>> No.46718809
File: 1.46 MB, 1221x1553, 1622149962011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.46718817
File: 201 KB, 375x333, 1655369566666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46718908

Feistybuds got what they wanted, but at what cost?

>> No.46718834

I ain't shilling, just saying that Idol is sending his bots to spam gura threads like when they did back when Yuko shills started shitting on gura.

>> No.46718890
File: 559 KB, 1889x2732, 06407bcfd1a725be78bee6b8a1e28599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot harm me, shitposters. My wife is back, and she is in a good mood.

>> No.46718908

like ashes in our mouths

>> No.46718977
File: 866 KB, 1280x720, rock piles[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmgqrni.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46718981 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 850x1118, sample_72c06f8eac6d7340982258ce2cf6b874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling out catalog niggers shitposting about Idol in a Gura thread
Yea kill yourself kiwinigger
And jannies do your fucking job >>46718388

>> No.46719010
File: 79 KB, 486x720, 1674507786434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46719018 [DELETED] 


Hmmm.... Really makes you think
imagining Gura typing these into her filter is kinda funny

>> No.46719036

ultra super giga based

>> No.46719043
File: 2.28 MB, 1905x1066, 1653734695127060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is going to get me to buy crocs

>> No.46719049
Quoted by: >>46719326

I wonder what will the cope here be when she announces she is going on extended break on this stream citing overworking and burned out as the reason

>> No.46719072
File: 699 KB, 832x1000, 1673062765303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have Crocs

>> No.46719090 [DELETED] 
File: 739 KB, 850x1202, sample_194762fecc7a18ecdd49c66007d7b77b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies do your job

>> No.46719100

Gura should just be honest tonight and finally say she doesn't like streaming

>> No.46719111
File: 823 KB, 543x747, 1666999537590364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel crocsbud

>> No.46719135

where is the fansa poster... he is going to miss the stream

>> No.46719176

I even got shark gibbits or however you spell it to put on 'em

>> No.46719185 [DELETED] 

jannies are making /ggg/ worse on purpose again by ignoring off topic posts and thread shitters and just selectively deleting posts they dont like

>> No.46719207 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46719322

Nice denfending your jewchuubas faggot, your ghost loli is a flop and your bong is as entertaining as you are, stop sending your bots to ggg faggot.

>> No.46719211
File: 41 KB, 640x480, dsw12prod11950027_100_ss_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use these. I had crocs but I ended up stepping on a rusty nail with them and would have gotten tetanus if this were 100 years ago.

>> No.46719213
File: 46 KB, 512x512, 20230204_152328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always tought this was a crock rather a helmet on her head

>> No.46719256
File: 121 KB, 360x360, 2a905fac-83e0-48cd-82ea-74860562fc70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came. Is "Stream" really banned? Catalogniggers went apeshit. Please tell me that it's fake/bait

>> No.46719285

it's real

>> No.46719289

nope, it's real. you can test yourself

>> No.46719295

Gura definitely checks out the "as seen on TV" section from time to time, too, but just to look

>> No.46719322 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 850x850, sample_215bd8b3391c4a94e787b508536b66f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies do your job
Jannies do your job
Jannies do your job
Jannies do your job
Jannies do your job
Jannies do your job

>> No.46719326 [DELETED] 

the cope will be my fat slippery chock sliding into yo mama's ass. now go to bed or you'll get no nuggies nigger.

>> No.46719343

its real
expect another extended break soon

>> No.46719353
File: 1 KB, 160x160, 1653895597291120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46719450

The cunnyposting heroes are here

>> No.46719392

the absolute state, of everything, really

>> No.46719415 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46719502

>Anon posting the truth about the state of Gura.
>Hurr durr bots and threadshitter spamming the thread.
>Spam cunny
>Cunny gets deleted but the truth post are still there

>> No.46719450 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 850x640, sample_074dce3c1218d126410c2bd3530dc21f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you too

>> No.46719489
File: 17 KB, 372x212, FdYyTOaWQAsgA8R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ... But why now??

>> No.46719502
Quoted by: >>46720054

>schizo rambling
>The truth
The absolute state of idol shills, KEK

>> No.46719523
Quoted by: >>46719638

What would sex with Gura be like?

>> No.46719527 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 850x1041, sample_0915dcf736b43937650fbe2ed4a31d2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46719590

Kiwiniggers hate cunny
This is their new board, go ask them about their private raid discord
The password is "opsec"

>> No.46719551

it started to hurt her

>> No.46719590
Quoted by: >>46719655

Not clicking your IP grabber, fucking FAGGOT

>> No.46719618
Quoted by: >>46720550

because Gura unironically stopped caring about streaming nearly a year ago and her ego is tiny and frail

>> No.46719637

sassy shork doesn't like being called a shart. now shut it and let her sit on your face.

>> No.46719638 [DELETED] 

*fart noises*

>> No.46719651
File: 247 KB, 1431x2048, FsrN6QCaUAAD51u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46719701

how many layers of falseflagging in this thread rn?

>> No.46719653
File: 119 KB, 766x820, 1658398493580288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty hyped.

>> No.46719655 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 850x1198, sample_3409c9a633e033f0a2114e0d297af001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiwinigger deflection post

>> No.46719666
File: 3.64 MB, 640x640, 1658614133676236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss your shark

>> No.46719671

It's kind of hilarious to know that if Gura comes here, she's a filterchad for sure. Literally never sees the anti posts.

>> No.46719701
Quoted by: >>46719853

I mean... I believe the cunny poster since thread shitters dont post cunny

>> No.46719730
Quoted by: >>46719965

>word stream is actually banned
enjoy your one zstream for the week chumbies!

>> No.46719732

One more hour until the ztream!

>> No.46719731

Based and same desu

>> No.46719816

Would be kind of based if Gura started the stream by telling off the stream beggars in a rude way. Would be kino if she did it as Gawr

>> No.46719817
Quoted by: >>46719842

I guess we should expect no streams for the foreseeable future

>> No.46719823

She is too retarded to use filters

>> No.46719842

yep, no streams coming up at all

>> No.46719846 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 259x242, 1635726346731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46719884


>> No.46719853
File: 93 KB, 365x438, 1674148266164530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never post cute guras for some reason

>> No.46719854
File: 23 KB, 340x340, 1680547324575809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I'm comfy. Gura's streaming, shitters are seething. Doesn't get much better than this.

>> No.46719878

it really wouldnt though
like not even a little bit
shitting on her fans like Ame is a pretty retarded move and Gura is already in a steady decline

>> No.46719882
Quoted by: >>46720054

>build her entire fanbase as gawr gura fans
>paypig starts migrating
>she denounces gura

>> No.46719884

Smell check

>> No.46719886

ride on chumKINGS

>> No.46719902
Quoted by: >>46720626

She's said it's okay to leave criticism and not to be afraid to do it

>> No.46719920 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46719995

i tried talking about the barbie nendroid but it wont go through, am i banned?

>> No.46719940

well yea Kiwis hate cunny so they hate Gura
of course they would never post her

>> No.46719965

Bro, you're like 3 hours too late slowchama

>> No.46719974
File: 678 KB, 964x1200, 91280744_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why i filter non-picture posts

>> No.46719986
File: 179 KB, 468x399, 1658781800857489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura returns to streaming
>threadshitters actually increase the spamming

>> No.46719995
Quoted by: >>46720080

honestly I never checked if my comments are banned or not. Just log out and check it?

>> No.46720037

Feels good to be a true chummie and just laugh at all the morons.

>> No.46720054 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46720138

off topic posts
listen to the cunny poster everyone

>> No.46720080

No, type in chat, close chat, reopen chat. If your message is there it's good, if not the message is shadowbanned

>> No.46720082
File: 8 KB, 186x186, SadsharkOFFICIAL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46720208

I don't want to associate cute Guras with shitposting.

>> No.46720118

>no streams
>increased seething
Its amusing for sure.

>> No.46720138 [DELETED] 

dont deflect you jew

>> No.46720182 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46720258

There's no real point in member streams now that she's encouraging gifts. Soon greyniggers will be a chunk of them and spam GURA SPIC VIETNAM

>> No.46720208
Quoted by: >>46720279

then stop shitposting

>> No.46720255
Quoted by: >>46720502

Yeah wow wouldn't it be ultra based if she told her fans to stop being ENTITLED
That's always had a positive response every time it happened.

>> No.46720258

anon, members chat is still like 90% tridents
gifted members don't really pay much attention, since if they actually liked her, they'd get membership.

>> No.46720279
Quoted by: >>46720351

How can I not shitpost when she banned stream and streaming? You're asking too much. I love her, but that shit is asking for some shitposts.

>> No.46720282

Her ego can't be that hurt by it can it?

>> No.46720297

Reminder that the IRC has told people to use 4chan.org/feedback as much as possible if reporting is not working
Go do your part

>> No.46720351
Quoted by: >>46720449

get another hobby

>> No.46720449

I have several. This is still funny.

>> No.46720452

>Gura finally streams
>at the exact same start time as the concert info stream
God DAMN it Gooba...

>> No.46720466 [DELETED] 

>shitting on her fans
she wouldn't be shitting on her fans, she would be shitting on subhuman monkeys that should kill themselves

>> No.46720502
Quoted by: >>46720944

That's why doing it as Gawr would work, because appease the fans and herself because it could be played off as part of her "character"

>> No.46720512
Quoted by: >>46720565

>member's only

>> No.46720519

She can just focus on other things if she hates streaming so much. She just needs to put the projects into fruition.

>> No.46720546
Quoted by: >>46720739

Why do you care? You can just find out the news from the announcement /here/ without the cringe game show shit hosted by a bless her heart, extreme ESL MC

>> No.46720550
Quoted by: >>46720603

this is what a true chumbud would say am i right

>> No.46720565

>Poor as fuck

>> No.46720587
File: 267 KB, 1878x2221, GuraHuh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she hated streaming then why is she streaming tonight?

>> No.46720603
Quoted by: >>46721245

yes actually
because i still watch and support her despite her never showing us she actually cares anymore

>> No.46720610

there is not a single streamer out there who likes beggars
even r*ddit flipped on itself during the great homobegging arc because of it

>> No.46720613
Quoted by: >>46721150

the concert info is actually premiere. it probably just 15 minutes long. oh yeah, you better standby on ticketmaster if you want to buy those ticket

>> No.46720626

spamming her chat and comments with the same buzzword isn't criticism

>> No.46720629
File: 25 KB, 278x329, 1680317684378200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46720630

appease chumbies obviously

>> No.46720633

Sweet, I thought I was shadowbanned but it turns out I just used a no no word in a comment. She must have added those words yesterday

>> No.46720678
File: 64 KB, 480x320, 1665375961026456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tickle her head

>> No.46720696
Quoted by: >>46720822


>> No.46720713


>> No.46720714

stream is a buzzword now holy shit

>> No.46720729
File: 1.23 MB, 3500x4000, 1659565336079934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just happy I get to hear her again today

>> No.46720738

Brother, heed our glorious goomba; its ztreaming now!

>> No.46720735

Would be nice if she just straight up said that she doesn't enjoy streaming anymore instead of doing this shit

>> No.46720739
Quoted by: >>46721130

I've just been waiting for news for the concert for a long time and getting anxious as today kept getting closer without any news at all despite them saying they'd sell tickets today, plus A-chan interacting with EN is fairly rare so I wanted to see it live. I guess I can just watch both tho.

>> No.46720744

"streamer" is also banned
maybe she did because of that superchat she received last time

>> No.46720749

I think I'll stay away from the thread during the stream. Last time it was filled to the brim with shitposts.

>> No.46720784
Quoted by: >>46720855

I never read threads during streams and I'm better off for it. Just use chat. Gura reads it.

>> No.46720805

hey, reporting works
reminder for myself to not visit this site when she is streaming

>> No.46720809

Then you would shitpost the catalog with that instead

>> No.46720822

Hello from Sweden

>> No.46720824


>> No.46720842

Getting real nutty in here. Doesn't matter though, shork soon.

>> No.46720855

nah, thread is actually got better during the stream

>> No.46720896

You promise?

>> No.46720907

This is why a chuuba that starts at the top will always be unwelcomed by the rest of the Vtubing world. They will think they are entitled to everything because they started with everything given to them on a silver platter. Someone like that will never appreciate fans as anything more than ATM and if you criticise her for it, you will be banned

>> No.46720944

The only people who would fall for that are normalfags who don’t watch her.

>> No.46720966

k but what does that have to do with gura

>> No.46720967

offtopic, calm your jealousy woman

>> No.46720974

cunny poster scared some of them off

>> No.46720986
File: 601 KB, 2479x3148, 7253a97719ff268a09879c79cde4be8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care
gura cute :)

>> No.46720985 [DELETED] 

So will she ban any word that people spam enough in her chat? What words should we try to get banned next?

>> No.46720988

I want to know where these people are coming from.

>> No.46721004
Quoted by: >>46721041

>Is "Stream" really banned
Banned where?
In her comments section?

>> No.46721016


>> No.46721019

Unironically most people migrate to global for more attention and it leaves /ggg/ pretty dead during her streams

>> No.46721021

post tits, woman

>> No.46721041

comments, live chat, and superchats. anywhere you can type it on her channel.

>> No.46721048
Quoted by: >>46721307

can we ban the word here too?

>> No.46721057

love since she never tells us that she loves us anymore

>> No.46721060

next will be "welcome back"

>> No.46721064
File: 17 KB, 459x444, post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46721080

what happens to old comments that have a word in it that gets banned later?

>> No.46721109

they aren't affected by it. it only affects newly-posted comments.

>> No.46721111

calling for a raid

>> No.46721115

I think what Cover’s giving her to stay, they also attached with the stipulation that she can’t say that. When I hear a vtuber say “I don’t enjoy streaming anymore”, I immediately think “graduation imminent.”
At the moment, only people who watch Gura or follow HoloEN closely care enough to notice this. If she admitted that out loud, it would be firmly embedded in the normalfags’ brain. And Gura’s biggest value to the company is being a mascot to show how international Cover is and how definitely not struggling HoloEN is.

>> No.46721124

They stay up

>> No.46721130

>I guess I can just watch both tho.
The A-chan one is a premiere, so a VOD. Watching it live is not required

>> No.46721150
Quoted by: >>46721218

>you better standby on ticketmaster if you want to buy those ticket
They already tweeted out sales will be delayed to another day

>> No.46721157

Well they aren't from /ggg/ thats for sure

>> No.46721166

I'm assuming Gura doesn't read the YT comments at all and it was actually a decision from some manager that also has access to the account

>> No.46721178
File: 245 KB, 1382x2048, 10ae556493c0ced8bb423e43e41f25c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is a lot of posts without images here.
Could it be that they don't have any Gura images?

>> No.46721193
File: 486 KB, 512x512, guranuma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shark noise in 45min!

>> No.46721195


>> No.46721208

not from the vtuber fan sphere, that's for sure
tourists ramped up massively last year during the collabs shitstorm, they were so retarded it was like having to explain the basics of vtubing to complete normalfags

>> No.46721218
Quoted by: >>46721298

today is already another day on Japan, so...

>> No.46721221
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, 1651174175843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46721329

what ebi emotes do you want?

>> No.46721222
File: 239 KB, 1200x1200, 1679224661798310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hungwy. Need to eat before it starts!

>> No.46721246

This is definitely not a manager decision lmao. Why the fuck would a manager want the word banned?

>> No.46721245
Quoted by: >>46721365

if you really believe that you might want to check a psychiatrist for that stockholm syndrome and possibly more, you clearly have mental issues

>> No.46721298
File: 31 KB, 909x313, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today is already another day on Japan, so...
Learn how to read retardchama, it's still the 6th in Japan

>> No.46721307

Sounds like a good idea, hope you are looking forward to the ztream fellow chumbud!

>> No.46721318
File: 28 KB, 1080x383, goomba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my goob pics are on my phone which is a pain to post from because my pass is expired and I don't want to ever renew it. I have my receipt for my daki though.

>> No.46721329

ebi dab

>> No.46721355
File: 26 KB, 408x408, don't get any ideas [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0smbpr.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46722242

>> No.46721365
Quoted by: >>46721593

If you believe that Gura cares about her fans than you actually need to check a psychiatrist for stockholm syndrome and possibly more, you clearly have mental issues

>> No.46721408
File: 450 KB, 1920x1244, 1678385685200235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46721411
File: 66 KB, 231x180, 1677986439889211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just filter non-picture posts

>> No.46721426
Quoted by: >>46721526

I'm just gonna start using "ストリーム" in place of "stream" when ever I spam the chat and comments now

>> No.46721438
Quoted by: >>46721655

I don't like ztreams, 5treams looks better

>> No.46721443
Quoted by: >>46721628

That doesn't make much sense. Unless she doesn't read the comments at all I mean

>> No.46721526

You have to do your whole comment in Japanese or you're a faggot.

>> No.46721561
File: 141 KB, 680x694, btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm care to explain threadshitters?

>> No.46721573
Quoted by: >>46721634

I wonder if Goobs is interested in the Mario movie. I just got back from it.

>> No.46721593

this is a real chumbud btw, and totally sane of mind

>> No.46721598

are you retarded or pretending?

>> No.46721606

try stream now chud

>> No.46721615

holy thread shitter....

>> No.46721628
Quoted by: >>46721993

It was banned yesterday. She was reading the comments for sure.
Stream and streaming are banned. We've been over this, and people explaining it are less of a threadshitter than you are.

>> No.46721634
Quoted by: >>46721727

She said we were going to do a watchalong

>> No.46721643


>> No.46721655

Personally I'm feeling chuuni tonight so I might go with Xx_zstreamz_xX

>> No.46721727

That'd be sweet.

>> No.46721730

Streams = OK
Stream = X
Streaming = X
Streamer = X

>> No.46721743

european keyboard

>> No.46721747

I prefer delivery tbhdesu

>> No.46721766

feistybuds in absolute shambles, watch them anti their supposed oshi now because she banned their spam

>> No.46721802

>watch them anti
They already were

>> No.46721824

Hold on, has anyone even considered what this stream is supposed to be?

>> No.46721869

It's a chatting stream. Because she knows we miss her.

>> No.46721896

Seems like general chatting stream that may or may not have singing.

>> No.46721909

sex stream

>> No.46721916
File: 53 KB, 545x287, 1680260131789648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46721987

>> No.46721917
File: 10 KB, 363x163, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46721918

zatsu + possibly singing. read the description

>> No.46721921

The word streams is not banned. Stream and streaming are. How many times do people have to explain this to you retards

>> No.46721923
Quoted by: >>46722035

I don't member to EN on principle but hope shork is ogey

>> No.46721958
File: 219 KB, 1428x2048, 1652051144881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chatting with singing once she runs out of things to say

>> No.46721985

Shark Update
She wants a new Luigi's Mansion or else she'll play LM3 again

>> No.46721987

I mean cool but... you dont stream enough to start replaying games already Gura
you dont even finish games as is

>> No.46721993
Quoted by: >>46722028

How do you know the word was banned yesterday? She didn't stream

>> No.46722018

The first Luigi's Mansion is still my favorite. Its also the only one I played.

>> No.46722028
Quoted by: >>46722180

It's also banned in comments.

>> No.46722029

Never. Crocs are shit Gura.

>> No.46722035
Quoted by: >>46722160

dont call them feistybuds just call them traitors
dont get a false impression just because of a few shitposter

>> No.46722039

Guys I just wrote an amazing new story tell me what you think

Chumbud: I want to see your cunny, Gawr Gura!
Gawr Gura: *shows cunny* huhaha
Chumbud: SUGOI!

>> No.46722063

new intro art is done, but still has to be animated

>> No.46722062

Read the description retard

>> No.46722128


>> No.46722151
Quoted by: >>46722261

I think she means her switch layout, looks like she responded to Avril.

>> No.46722160

Good I hope she's happy. I would love for her to collab with Senchou someday.

>> No.46722172

sex with gura

>> No.46722176
Quoted by: >>46722221

>I'll play 3 again
Nice cope, you don't play games Gura

>> No.46722180

I know but you said it was banned yesterday. Did you try to comment with the word stream yesterday?

>> No.46722186

Needs more cunny to be completely honest with you.

>> No.46722198
File: 43 KB, 527x238, 1670299811874268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46722261

>> No.46722197

cant wait for it to be the same quality as the Refiect "MV" that took months to finish for zero reason when it was just a sliding picture

>> No.46722221

I'd prefer the first luigis mansion. Is it on switch?

>> No.46722241
Quoted by: >>46722402

umisea related stream soon dont worry anon

>> No.46722242

You're replying to a shitposter, the feistybud thing was immediately taken out of context >>46721355
style. She is hopefully ogey though, seems to be in good spirits.

>> No.46722246

Did say this in chat or are you just guessing

>> No.46722261

oh mb, I didn't know about that

>> No.46722283
File: 24 KB, 364x283, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46722311

Nevermind I see it now

>> No.46722322
Quoted by: >>46722428

She was talking about the switch layout.

>> No.46722331
Quoted by: >>46722454

remember with mr.bean crashed his mclaren

>> No.46722348
File: 11 KB, 364x162, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46722380

Imagine Gura being doted on by Senchou, Okayu, and Fauna. I don't know who to be jealous of...

>> No.46722401
File: 140 KB, 1008x1200, EjLrRxwVcAAOFbF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46722826

>while they argue and reply to each other, i chat with gura with my limited english capability

>> No.46722402

Yey, I was gonna say Akutan and Sakamata are the other girls I hope she collabs with some day too

>> No.46722428

The switch layout? I thought they meant her opening art on her stream. How can we see her switch layout.

>> No.46722454
Quoted by: >>46722647

I was crying when the tank flattened his VW

>> No.46722465
File: 10 KB, 364x162, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredible descriptions

>> No.46722524

Why is she talking so much in chat... This is super weird.

>> No.46722539
File: 92 KB, 1041x956, FqgYFjSXgAAg_k2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why cant I install Hyperchat on youtube app. The chat moves too fast I can't read her stuff
can't watch it on browser at work imma cry

>> No.46722541
File: 11 KB, 364x183, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46722561
File: 36 KB, 552x213, 1675325410348587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty hard to navigate what she's responding to sometimes but I caught this one at least

>> No.46722580

>Gura just fucking type in chat
>I can't leave my PC for a second and smile like a retard
Why am I like this...she is healing me and I feel terrible for being mean to her...I am sorry Gura I love you...I think I can never escape from the shark...

>> No.46722614

shes really nervous for whatever shes going to talk about

>> No.46722617

she's not paying attention to a meeting

>> No.46722619
File: 21 KB, 364x264, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46722647

i cant believe a centurion mark.7 just flattened his mini cooper....

>> No.46722685

I hope archivers are archiving prechat now that Gura has decided to use it all the time forever

>> No.46722715

>bold and true
thought it was a movie title ruru. i missed her other chat

>> No.46722716
Quoted by: >>46722776

I looked up Mr. Noseybonk. He just has a big nose. I don't get why that's not innocent

>> No.46722747

she is so horny

>> No.46722753

yep shes still gura

>> No.46722757
File: 411 KB, 846x1200, 1659715181242812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura entertaining the lobby chumbies.
The seethe rises.

>> No.46722776
Quoted by: >>46722954

cus its like a dick i guess ?

>> No.46722789
File: 14 KB, 364x206, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46723669

I missed
>Boobah big
because I closed chat on acccident

>> No.46722797
Quoted by: >>46722904

where is this comin from? I don't see a room?

>> No.46722816

Fuck she's cute

>> No.46722826


>> No.46722858
File: 10 KB, 364x159, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46722915

>> No.46722857
File: 299 KB, 2048x2048, 1680674641863287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I am joining them. Sorry guys.

>> No.46722870

So she only responds to paypigs in the chat

>> No.46722899
File: 10 KB, 364x162, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46722975

>> No.46722903


>> No.46722904
File: 262 KB, 3000x2500, FsuTfURaQAA-SQg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46723045

Bruh everyone else in here are already membered or gifted what are you even doing?

>> No.46722915
File: 138 KB, 1000x1150, 4563473421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear lord.....

>> No.46722924

So why can't she do this on twitter like once a day?

>> No.46722936

Gura does not like current gen horse show and wants to openly shit on it.

>> No.46722938
File: 15 KB, 364x194, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46722947
File: 22 KB, 500x253, signal-2023-04-05-21-40-56-646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46722954

Eh it didn't look that much like a dick to me but I guess that's how Gura's brain works

>> No.46722964

she responded to me

>> No.46722968

yes, she only cares about money anymore.
what tipped you off?
twitter doesnt make her any money

>> No.46722970

she has specific favorite names that she filters out into the chat she reads

>> No.46722974

I'm glad Gura clarified that she does not want to literally shit on ponies.

>> No.46722975
File: 3.99 MB, 540x540, 1646865737166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting on current gen

>> No.46722979


>> No.46723003

chumbies why does this weird clear slippery stuff come out of my peepee whenever i think about gura

>> No.46723021

Gura no...

>> No.46723026

she responded to a hairpin member

>> No.46723034
File: 15 KB, 364x175, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46723045

Ooh this is a members thing, thank you anon :3 I don't really can afford to pay monthly the usd us a lot in my country.

>> No.46723049

I always miss pre chat Gura cause I never go in there. Thanks for posting these

>> No.46723052

Fuck off homobeggars

>> No.46723066


>> No.46723071

Because she hates tourists and she hates social media

>> No.46723073

Gura pls

>> No.46723082

i'm sick to death of beggars

>> No.46723101
File: 425 KB, 1097x1071, 1654114289926828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nyo

>> No.46723132

>reads out greys constantly in public streams
Just stop with the money narrative. It's beyond retarded and only the most delusional anti buys into it.

>> No.46723135

Why does Gura hate being a shark nowadays. She's constantly calling herself a fish and using fish emojis instead of sharks

>> No.46723137
Quoted by: >>46723309

she got baited into talking about homos..
gura heartrate check?

>> No.46723147

can someone explain what "clopbot" is

>> No.46723156

using diminutives is cute

>> No.46723171
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 1673943072212648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh... I don't like the sound of that.

>> No.46723176


>> No.46723181

Sharks are fish.

>> No.46723184


>> No.46723195
Quoted by: >>46723266

homo april fools joke

>> No.46723221

Must be a zoomer thing. My old ass had no idea either

>> No.46723228
Quoted by: >>46723287

The fucking homobegger made Gura stop chatting

>> No.46723248

Tempus april fools alter ego

>> No.46723249

... Anon sharks are fishes.

>> No.46723256
Quoted by: >>46723292

I didn't know it was a homo thing, I feel dirty now

>> No.46723266

That's not what it is, get homos off your brain. It's either a discord bot or some fanfic thing idk either way it's ponies.

>> No.46723281

How is 'clopbot' a homo thing? Isn't the word 'clop' is like wanking but for horses?

>> No.46723284

Magni's alter ego April Fools persona

>> No.46723287

All we can hope is instead she's looking up MLP lewds

>> No.46723292

It's a ponyfucker term first and foremost
Which doesn't make it much better but still

>> No.46723309

Where? I didn't see any gura comment about the homo's. Unless it's some cryptic shit

>> No.46723324

I hate those Tempiss homos so much

>> No.46723338

I thought it was some obscure thing related to mlp, people really baited her into homo talk

>> No.46723341
File: 138 KB, 1280x1280, 1676108668873058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46723440

Why the fuck do you fucks know it's a homo thing.
Can't seem to make up my mind about whether that's better or worse than what I thought it was though.

>> No.46723340
Quoted by: >>46723419

searching for it will result in magni tempus

>> No.46723350

Is a homo thing because clopbot was the "character" the pruple gen 1 guy used.

>> No.46723355

it was one of the homos april fools persona

>> No.46723369

It literally is. Why do i know? I saw it on the catalogue on the day of. Disgusting homobeggars

>> No.46723384

So what faggot made her ask what a clopbot is?

>> No.46723397

Someone in chat literally was talking about the homo april fools before gura asked what it is

>> No.46723415

and now she wont chat again

>> No.46723419

Uh, no. I looked it up in incognito and I got this bullshit

>> No.46723420
Quoted by: >>46723609

It's fucking not retard go look it up.

>> No.46723425
Quoted by: >>46723631

>gura immediately shuts up after the homo thing
shes so based

>> No.46723428

the homobegging scared her off..

>> No.46723430

Why does Gura feel the need to clarify that she is not actually and literally shit on ponies?

>> No.46723432

Someone was talking about Tempus April Fools shit and Gura picked up on it and asked what it was about, an indirect comment about them.

>> No.46723435
Quoted by: >>46723508

Herself. She was talking about ponies and asked what clopbot was

>> No.46723440 [DELETED] 

nigger, it was retweeted by hololiveEN twitter account

>> No.46723454

Almost 10 minutes!

>> No.46723455
Quoted by: >>46723575

This is why simply being a member doesn't automatically mean you're a proper/good fan.

>> No.46723472

quick google search says its one of two discord bots
either an automatic youtube linker or a porn image spammer

>> No.46723473

Because she knows her audience.

>> No.46723491

Have you seen the posts in this general? People take literally everything she says or does and claims she has some sort of fetish because of it

>> No.46723492

I saw "CLOPBOT, CLOPNATION" chat, 6-mnth badge. forgot the name tho

>> No.46723508

Then how did she just think of that word if she didn't even know it?

>> No.46723517

Let's ignore this disgusting homoshit and instead talk about how Goob should do the watchalong with Fauna and have her do her Fluttershy impression that was genuinely perfect.

>> No.46723519

i was having fun with my wife

>> No.46723531

Fucking homobegggers...

>> No.46723535

the 1st time she acknowledges a homo and she thought the context was brony r34 art

>> No.46723537
File: 305 KB, 1638x2048, FeT87kCUUAIIsWU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute shark soon!

>> No.46723562

one of the chat said that

>> No.46723563

How is that any better

>> No.46723575
Quoted by: >>46723820

No shit. The retards who gift memberships made sure of that. Although there are homobeggars with 1 year+ member badge

>> No.46723585

>the day anons get mass nuked for breaking the heckin site rules

>> No.46723592
File: 100 KB, 513x486, 1459911956164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dearly hope this cements it in that Fagni's head he's truly unwanted, because i'm sure his fan wouldn't fucking shut up about this BS

>> No.46723606

someone in chat said it

>> No.46723609
File: 135 KB, 685x883, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46723682

I just did retard

>> No.46723617

it is better yes since pony stuff is meme status now

>> No.46723631

what happened, is there someone talking about RE4 perms and brought them up?

>> No.46723669

she forgot an h

>> No.46723670 [DELETED] 

she likes to look at weird things on the internet and then chat fucking baits her with homo stuff lmao

>> No.46723672 [DELETED] 

likely saw clopbot and, knowing what clop means, thought they were on about pony shit

>> No.46723677

I'm nodding off. Gonna hit this 16oz redbull

>> No.46723682

wow goodreads has really fallen since I last used it

>> No.46723694

it's a shame because half of prechat did too, we can't even enjoy regular cringe anymore

>> No.46723697
Quoted by: >>46723833

ah the discord @ing people again

>> No.46723705
Quoted by: >>46723795

>Goob and holos>>>>Pony porn>>>>>>>*Massive powergap*>>>>>>>>>>>>>*Even bigger powergap*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dog shit>>>>>>>>>*One more huge powergap for good measure*>>>>>>>>>> homoshit
So it's significantly better

>> No.46723747
File: 18 KB, 367x314, Ev6gL8dU8AAoco6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46723764

degenerate internet culture is much better than homostars

>> No.46723773

Why is Red Bull so expensive?

>> No.46723795
Quoted by: >>46723842

>He prefers horse porn to literal dogshit

>> No.46723796
Quoted by: >>46724013

Is she really not gonna chat anymore? Just ignore the homobeggars. Dammit. Oh well. T-minus 6 minutes

>> No.46723811


>> No.46723814

This shit is more disturbing than just looking up bouncing tits.

>> No.46723816 [DELETED] 

gura doesn't rub her cunny to pony porn

>> No.46723820

Watching homos doesn't make you a bad fan, just as much as being a unicorn. You just need to shup up about it, which you are incapable of it seems.
You are the bad fan if you ever bring up your unicorn shit on her.

>> No.46723827

why are they spamming banans

>> No.46723833

Yes they love eachother more than Gura

>> No.46723836

Homobeggars are fucking everywhere aren't they..
That's why we can't have nice things

>> No.46723842

They eat better.

>> No.46723845
Quoted by: >>46723908

I'm pretty fucking pissed that her own chat tricked her into acknowledging them. And now those same fags are shitting on anyone who complains that she's gone silent.

>> No.46723872

sometimes i think she only gets motivated to stream after seeing fanart she can use to make a funneh thumbnail

>> No.46723877

She's going to be in a down mood now....

>> No.46723905

cancerous discordniggers

>> No.46723908

It's a 10 year old pony meme you fucking threadshitter.

>> No.46723914
Quoted by: >>46723982

well hope you enjoyed the prechat chat, cause it's gonna be a while until we get one of those again

>> No.46723928

Pony shit is
1) "haha oh god no not ponies" meme
2)Targeted at women. Getting mad at Gura for mentioning ponies is like getting mad at her for mentioning barbie. Or a gaggle of women sperging out at some guy bringing up Dragon Ball Z

>> No.46723950
File: 1.05 MB, 481x571, 1653897025373034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46723982

Beggars deserve to be genocided, massacred and executed.

>> No.46723999

Fauna would soak herself if she got to do a watchalong with Gura

>> No.46724004

good job ruining her mood homobeggar

>> No.46724013

Please gura need some time to pee okay?

>> No.46724034

Thanks homo lovers...

>> No.46724036
File: 60 KB, 1000x1000, 1680720518455857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no talk she angy

>> No.46724051

More like she left to continue prepping for the stream. Stop being dramatic.

>> No.46724061

You people are so far gone Jesus

>> No.46724065

Do you honestly believe a chatroom full of holo fans was not referencing a homo april fools prank 5 days ago to something from 10 years ago?

>> No.46724089

this show is literally her childhood

>> No.46724111

>literal homobronies invading members streams

>> No.46724130

Yes. Ponies were on topic.

>> No.46724131

This is likely the case, but also fuck the homofaggots.

>> No.46724138

I thought chumbies were 90% male. What are they doin watchin the dudes?

>> No.46724145
Quoted by: >>46724223

i guarantee you guys gura doesn't like the annoying discord people either

>> No.46724148
File: 192 KB, 1354x1164, Fsv_wKxWAAUHGID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shark hype!

>> No.46724146


>> No.46724159
File: 409 KB, 2479x2655, banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46724170

Seethe homo

>> No.46724189

Actual trannies

>> No.46724195
File: 1.15 MB, 498x280, 1667755062976801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46724200

99% yeah, but also fuck beggars

>> No.46724202
File: 444 KB, 1100x1085, 1653394925506342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shart time

>> No.46724223

Gura just spent an hour talking to the discord people.

>> No.46724238

same soon

>> No.46724242
Quoted by: >>46724315

5 loud discord trannies

>> No.46724245

please gather for shark delivery

>> No.46724252

K stfu and focus up.

>> No.46724261

let's see people will 100% sure try to bait her again into talking about it asking if she searched, if she ignores she didn't liked giving homobeggars attention

>> No.46724265

It's more on topic to talk about the content banned by General Rule 15 than it is to talk about your faggots now fuck off.

>> No.46724264

What would a chatroom full of holo fans have to do with those fags?

>> No.46724270


>> No.46724281

I don't give a fuck if it is or isn't. It was made specifically in reference to the homos and now she's gone silent for 20 minutes.

>> No.46724295

I would agree if it was merely 'Clopbot' but when they also talked about 'Clopnation', that was a direct reference/quote from Tempus and AF take on 'Magnation'

>> No.46724305

Not the chumbie war again. Just shut up for gura's sake.

>> No.46724315
Quoted by: >>46724345

There were alot more than 5 trannies that responded when she asked tho....

>> No.46724317
File: 198 KB, 1536x2048, 1671094476972845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The penis has arrive at a destination.

>> No.46724329

It would be based if she pulled a bait and switch by turning this into an NTR stream 15 minutes in.

>> No.46724331
File: 11 KB, 364x146, ytcFilter-UH76nSzXfPs (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46724396

>> No.46724345
Quoted by: >>46724538

we can round them up, its from that same discord

>> No.46724346

homobeggars infiltrate other fanbases to shill the sharts

>> No.46724347

See you after the stream, nerds.

>> No.46724350
File: 283 KB, 804x1080, 1668707480360465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46724390

Looks like she is softening up the yesbuds for future Homocollabs

>> No.46724396

Oh no delete this.

>> No.46724401


>> No.46724404

She spent the last hour making this.

>> No.46724407


>> No.46724410

...Fucking Gura.

>> No.46724411

I think ill buy crocks

>> No.46724415

My god..

>> No.46724438


>> No.46724441

i will buy crocs

>> No.46724450

she sounds different, they actually changed her VA

>> No.46724453


>> No.46724463


>> No.46724476

i will buy the crocs

>> No.46724475

jesus i had the window open on another tab and forgot about it didn't know where the voice was coming from

>> No.46724479
File: 3.13 MB, 2844x1610, 1680291137850293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46724486

I'm starting to think I should get some crocs

>> No.46724488

this shark

>> No.46724538

Alright. After the stream tho.

>> No.46724545

I will sell gatoraid

>> No.46724552

the voice of the shark is healing the soul

>> No.46724559

My body just uncleanched
Feels good

>> No.46724583

>Gura wears velcro shoes
Actual child

>> No.46724593

>Gura just spent few mimutes making a funny gif
>Sisiter cried about how homo shit stop her chatting
fuck homo too but you guys are just retard

>> No.46724602

she's louder but still quiet at my usual volume
and she sounds slightly distorted

>> No.46724614
Quoted by: >>46724709

crocs, velcro shoes, and spongebob references all of 3min into the stream.
Literal, actual, child

>> No.46724633

management hate..

>> No.46724670

this was clearly planned from the start

>> No.46724709
File: 2.02 MB, 498x371, squidward-daring-today.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46724714
File: 115 KB, 1280x1127, 1635535337135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy the ribbon is back

>> No.46724729
Quoted by: >>46724769

Gura is an old man confirmed

>> No.46724737
Quoted by: >>46724813

Trying to listen to Gura and this concert announcement at the same time is difficult

>> No.46724739


>> No.46724745
File: 12 KB, 363x163, 1662487827185220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46724794

she made it in the break between these messages

>> No.46724750

she did that earlier anon when she said that she will change your mind and left chat for 2h

>> No.46724765


also cute hairbow

>> No.46724769

duude she's like 9000, we already knew

>> No.46724775

gura is unaware of when her model gets updates

>> No.46724794
Quoted by: >>46724874

There was like a 10 second break between those messages

>> No.46724798


>> No.46724813
Quoted by: >>46724987

It's at the same time?? Fuck what's the news so far?

>> No.46724823

Okay homo defender.

>> No.46724840

I'm a trident but I'm not watching, is she apologizing for her fuckups?

>> No.46724842

no decoration on your lolis hair and she will die
but can there be too many decorations on your lolis hair?

>> No.46724859

Homobeggars have no place in Gura's membership, they should end it, NOW.
What are they even doing here? I bet Gura herself never imagined there would be homolive fans lurking among her members.


>> No.46724874
File: 1 KB, 67x64, 1661811029561695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46724878

Man it's so weird how there are zero questions about where's she's been in chat

>> No.46724888


>> No.46724903

Man, I've had sunburns that bad. It's so painful

>> No.46724902

Gura has skin cancer…

>> No.46724913


>> No.46724928

>eating guras peeling skin off her body

>> No.46724935

>wah wah management this
Fuck off you basically do nothing as is anyway

>> No.46724941
Quoted by: >>46725002


>> No.46724939

Absolutely no way she didn't go to the beach or pool or something

>> No.46724942

Consequences of being a hugbox fanbase of yesmen

>> No.46724946

Only schizos here care

>> No.46724952
Quoted by: >>46725017

How many days outside do you need to get blisters?

>> No.46724957

I'm going to duel the sun for hurting my daughter...

>> No.46724966

I hope someone is archiving this, I'm very sleepy.
t. yurobud :(

>> No.46724980

Im going to concern

>> No.46724982
File: 298 KB, 665x574, 1650701856229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has she never been sunburned before?

>> No.46724983

poking holes in and sucking the shark juice out of gura's blisters...

>> No.46724984

How much will you pay for those skin?

>> No.46724987

I muted it, I can't listen to both of these, Gooba more important

>> No.46725002


>> No.46725017

Depends on how much sun you get but just a few hours for me

>> No.46725024
File: 237 KB, 978x561, 1662612587498904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bastard

>> No.46725023

It's almost like we are just excited to see her.

>> No.46725074


>> No.46725078

Jesus Christ she got so burned she blistered.

>> No.46725086

How pale is she if Goob gets sunburned in April weather?

>> No.46725095

asking about that makes you an anti

>> No.46725100

I've had the kind of sunburn she has now
Not streaming because of that is completely justified, it was horrible and everything made it hurt

>> No.46725109

Do it! Pull the trigger. Do iiiittt

>> No.46725128

Yeah get him anon.

>> No.46725136

She banned the word stream and it variation.

>> No.46725168


>> No.46725196

I had a second degree sunburn once, also by neglecting to use sunscreen.
It didn't itch, but jesus fucking christ just touching the air was diabolically painful. Putting medical cream on it was literally torture.

>> No.46725230


>> No.46725236

Shark on the telly :)

>> No.46725241


>> No.46725243

Eurobuds wtf

>> No.46725253

I think blisters means you have sun poisoning

>> No.46725256
Quoted by: >>46725340

has she talked about why she didn't stream?

>> No.46725262

>cream the sun

>> No.46725264

Man I don’t blame her for not streaming. I had a burn that bad before and it was hell.

>> No.46725268

>Now he finally realize that those muh upset people in comment section are just 0.01% of her members

>> No.46725269
Quoted by: >>46725438

Anon was mad
His oshi'd been had
So he shot at the sun with a gun
He shot at the sun with a gun
He shot at his wily one and only friend

>> No.46725271

Was she in the Sahara desert?

>> No.46725303

In Britain they cream the sun

>> No.46725312

>hello belly

>> No.46725329
File: 110 KB, 528x516, 1627274201756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bri'ish buds getting hit again

>> No.46725340
Quoted by: >>46725455

Watch the stream man…

>> No.46725341
Quoted by: >>46725388

Gura increases gain on mic
>louder gura
tummy noise much louder

>> No.46725358

...I'm counfused, what is this stream about?

>> No.46725364
File: 167 KB, 1064x1263, 4937a647f6e2e7295029e294c8ca29d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rub sunblock over every nook and cranny of guras tight little body.

>> No.46725373

Because no one actually cares about Gura's personal life, most people just want to know when she will return

>> No.46725388


>> No.46725401
File: 1.49 MB, 2480x4047, 1654224833994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46725500

>wifi sucks
>blisters on skin
do u forgive her?

>> No.46725417

my wife is so white

>> No.46725420
File: 75 KB, 240x240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

premium? I'd say creamulum

>> No.46725425
Quoted by: >>46725582

That's not important
croc buying hypno

>> No.46725423

her engagement with me (not you) (you didn't make this post)

>> No.46725430

Britbong why did she hate you guys so much

>> No.46725438
Quoted by: >>46725557

Good reference
Now that songs gonna be playing in my head

>> No.46725455

>bean and burrito flavor
Gura why>>46725340

>> No.46725464

Not reps bud here again, funny how I posted yesterday about beginning to workout after heart damage, I did cardio today and I'm in the hospital again
Nobody to share this with and I'm alone here

>> No.46725462

>bean and burrito flavored chicken sausage

>> No.46725465

ur mom

>> No.46725500


>> No.46725510

It's a con to gura when she finds out

>> No.46725534

My sister got sun poisoning once and she had blisters all over like Gura. It looks really bad. She probably looks horrid

>> No.46725543
Quoted by: >>46726032

oh my god, get well soon chumbie
dont die yet please

>> No.46725552

its one of the few things that gura is actually uncomfortable about

>> No.46725557

welcome to the club i've been singing it for the past month

>> No.46725572
File: 14 KB, 387x387, 1680619441997764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46725662

>still shops at walmart

>> No.46725579


>> No.46725582


>> No.46725586

Gura is finding beans in my sausage

>> No.46725588

that fucking sucks but at least you can pleasure yourself with this fish

>> No.46725646


>> No.46725655


>> No.46725658

Depends on where you're at as well, I got fucked real bad by 90 minutes of Florida summer once. Not enough to get blisters but enough that I looked like a god damn candy cane. No idea what Gura did to get it that much worse.

>> No.46725657

oh god

>> No.46725662

Its good to be frugal

>> No.46725668

she's 12...

>> No.46725672
File: 74 KB, 1000x1000, FeUafueagAAu9qc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beans equal stinky shork oh my god

>> No.46725675
Quoted by: >>46725817

The only 2 things I like about a spic is my glorious beard genes and sun immunity.
I hope my angelo friends are not using expired sun screen.

>> No.46725676

>beans rhyme
she really IS A FART SHARK

>> No.46725678


>> No.46725680

Did she put baby oil on her skin or something?

>> No.46725687

>fart shark

>> No.46725698

Gura's fart buttons work

>> No.46725704

Anon, you're doing it wrong. You should doing light exercise instead

>> No.46725715

you're not supposed to full throttle cardio from the beginning anon start with some brisk walking next time

>> No.46725718

Fartshark deniers... I think it's over. Pack it up, we're done for

>> No.46725744
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, fart shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46725759
File: 120 KB, 368x657, damn brat fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46725766

I'm set for the night. Gura already read 2 of comments

>> No.46725817

Hello me how are you today?

>> No.46725824

Chumbuds, is your oshi a child?

>> No.46725829
File: 63 KB, 635x474, C O M E D Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46725925

>> No.46725849

What is she even talking about

>> No.46725853

Gura is really fixated on farts tonight

>> No.46725872
File: 359 KB, 666x656, 1650994765552489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46725890


>> No.46725896


>> No.46725904

I'm going to pull some plants out of the ground tomorrow

>> No.46725925

I gotta get this shirt I keep forgetting.

>> No.46725937

Yes, you jelly?

>> No.46725950

Hope you get well better bud

>> No.46725954
File: 582 KB, 1620x2524, 1680083090044849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is literally a child...

>> No.46725972

She's been fixated on them for the past year. It's only intensified since.

>> No.46725982


>> No.46725986
File: 24 KB, 640x368, 1651091058426721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plants die when they are killed

>> No.46725995

>anon live-acting katawa shoujo
You gotta take it easy, bud.

>> No.46726003

She has the brain of one.

>> No.46726032

Thanks bud. Having gura to watch helps a lot
Fucking sucks when you try to do something good for yourself and your body just screws itself over anyway

>> No.46726084

Gura's ears are full of poop and downplayed farts

>> No.46726085

>my wife is going deaf and blind

>> No.46726098


>> No.46726103

>feet got out of hand
Yeah, they got in my mouth

>> No.46726109

Gura's stupid, she's gonna be saddled with the fart shit until its ultra cringe. Doesn't she know better by now?

>> No.46726129

damn /ggg/ really does slow the fuck down when she streams

>> No.46726157

You mad over how perfect she is?

>> No.46726159
Quoted by: >>46726198

Feet are more attractive than farts.

>> No.46726167

BRAAAP chads stay winning

>> No.46726172

how new?

>> No.46726178

Gura finds farts funny

>> No.46726181

Damnit bud you need to start by walking or chill cycling. Get well soon.

>> No.46726188

I was lying down and listening to her

>> No.46726198
Quoted by: >>46726348

She'll have you singing a different tune soon enough...

>> No.46726201

Shitposters go away when she streams because chumbies won't bite

>> No.46726207

it's a bizarro thread

>> No.46726206

>where's my pad aaaaa

>> No.46726225

dredge was ok, can't see it being a really interest game to stream though

>> No.46726230
File: 119 KB, 512x512, 1669670917148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a pacifier for us

>> No.46726239

>writing it down
gura pls you're not even gonna remember it in a couple of minutes

>> No.46726245

to be honest I appreciate the recap anon for the things I miss.

>> No.46726265

This is a chat heavy stream so a lot are trying to get noticed. Also apparently the threadshitters migrate to global for free (You)s

>> No.46726282

she secretly likes being cringe, it's kinda like exhibitionism
That's why she didn't join in on the cringe noises in the offcollab, because she knew that the others would catch on to her arousal in person

>> No.46726286

i'm busy watching stream

>> No.46726287
Quoted by: >>46726381

>was gonna get up and clean while gura Zatsud
>wanna just lay here and watch
This happens every fucking time

>> No.46726298
File: 26 KB, 193x143, 1668726339060550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make funny joke
>she doesn't see it
>someone repeats it later
>she sees it and laughs

>> No.46726313
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, 1650985496214497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura is like a sedative

>> No.46726348

Gura's butthole will be the one singing the tune

>> No.46726367


>> No.46726381

this is literally me, my fucking room is like a landfill now

>> No.46726387
Quoted by: >>46726446

>actually worked on the pc
well I'll be damned

>> No.46726405
Quoted by: >>46726483

As it should be, the posting speed of the last few days is unusual

>> No.46726427

If she's only replaced thermal paste once how did she build this pc?

>> No.46726424
File: 89 KB, 985x833, 1647561487928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is so cute

>> No.46726446

she's doing her best

>> No.46726457

I stopped typing in chat because this happened every single time I came up with something good.

>> No.46726462

No stop STOP stop making me happy! I was so mad earlier WHY AM I SO HAPPY

>> No.46726464

Feels bad. Unoriginal people do that to me alot as well in other chats

>> No.46726471

uk bros...

>> No.46726474

She cracked open her pc case and taped a box fan next to it kek.

>> No.46726483
Quoted by: >>46726709

>the posting speed of the last few days is unusual
Not really, the threads always get like that

>> No.46726496
Quoted by: >>46726707

britbongs, did you have a problem with her parents????

>> No.46726531


>> No.46726551
File: 793 KB, 1513x1513, 1672767602963538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.46726554

Uoohhhhhh yeah that's the stuff

>> No.46726574
Quoted by: >>46726674

>gura found the piss shirt
>it was never washed

>> No.46726587


>> No.46726591

The shirt she wiped her piss with...

>> No.46726598

Yellow stained gura's tanktop......

>> No.46726597

Throwing Ina under the bus.

>> No.46726601
Quoted by: >>46726685

>cute little laptop with lace on it
>on her floor
>big yellow stain

>> No.46726608

Fuck I need to goom now

>> No.46726638
File: 356 KB, 1080x1321, FhdHbioUYAEx3fE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura is the clean one
How the FUCK

>> No.46726650


>> No.46726670
File: 172 KB, 700x1208, 1654141524383693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

member zatsus are my absolute favorite gura content

>> No.46726674

>pre Japan trip panties still crammed in the corner

>> No.46726685

you mean tank top?

>> No.46726696

ina is that filthy...

>> No.46726707

I am currently in a 5 year long grand strategy game with her father, the stakes of which is gura's hand in marriage.

>> No.46726710
Quoted by: >>46726802

please remember that she left broken glass right by her feet at her desk and she's still calling ina out as worse

>> No.46726709
Quoted by: >>46726843

no not really, especially there's 5 threads in one day out of nothing

>> No.46726712

Gura is very self conscious about her stink

>> No.46726727


>> No.46726748
Quoted by: >>46726826

Oh god she retroactively canonized the piss shirt

>> No.46726767

So potato chips stained her tank top yellow? lol

>> No.46726771
File: 104 KB, 696x363, damn bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46726829


>> No.46726780

amesame fags in shambles

>> No.46726789
Quoted by: >>46726929

She read my comment! I feel great

>> No.46726791
Quoted by: >>46726941

>Didn't go to Ame's room much

>> No.46726802
File: 511 KB, 998x857, 1680418887696933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she likes to live on the edge

>> No.46726806
File: 1.11 MB, 456x532, Ants [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frv60ib.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46726826

Didn't she admit to using her clothing to wipe when she had the coof?

>> No.46726829

I can fix her

>> No.46726843

You're just new. Not saying it's a good thing that it is like this by the way, but it's been like this for a while now

>> No.46726855
Quoted by: >>46726902

I want to clean Gura's room..
maybe keep some souvenirs

>> No.46726887
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 1663946891630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent more time with Ina and Kiara than ame
oh nyo

>> No.46726902

Clean it with your tongue

>> No.46726921
Quoted by: >>46726988

more chat photos chumbiees plsss I'm at work

>> No.46726929

Feels good bro nice. She got me last members.

>> No.46726931

>I didnt go into Ame's room that much while in Japan
AmeSame bros just got BTFO

>> No.46726933

She cares about what other holos think of her

>> No.46726937
Quoted by: >>46727033

don't let the amesame schizo see this

>> No.46726941
Quoted by: >>46727024

>its full of MAGA merch and nazi stuff
yeah i wonder why

>> No.46726943

Gura is an actual fucking child holy shit

>> No.46726953

The Rust incident genuinely fractured Gura and Ame's friendship

>> No.46726988

Nice try, grey

>> No.46727026
Quoted by: >>46727169

The mold has her now.

>> No.46727024

>he doesn't know

>> No.46727033

i rather have amesame spammer than our current schizo

>> No.46727035
Quoted by: >>46727114

>messy and unorganized by yourself but very tidy and clean around other people so they don't judge you
wow she's literally me

>> No.46727075
Quoted by: >>46727296

it was fractured before that
it was destroyed after that

>> No.46727100

At least she's in a good mood

>> No.46727114

Yeah I'm a mess but if people are coming over and I cram 5 hours of cleaning into 2

>> No.46727128
File: 488 KB, 1280x720, [Big Announcement] hololive English’s First-Ever “holo Trials”! With News About #holoENConnect ..._! 30-30 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46727169

She is the mold

>> No.46727183
Quoted by: >>46727253

Wait what did she say? i'm genuinely working while listening to her so i miss some stuff

>> No.46727190
Quoted by: >>46727242

sorry, i missed the beginning, she didn't stream because she got sunburnt?

>> No.46727221

That's the announcement???

>> No.46727231

Oh right that thing is happening.

>> No.46727237

...yeah probably

>> No.46727242

She got burned so bad she blistered.

>> No.46727245
Quoted by: >>46727451

>Gura that high
>Mori that low

>> No.46727253

nothing, just that she didn't know if ame was messy or not because she didn't go to her room much

>> No.46727254


>> No.46727267
File: 676 KB, 1600x900, a1af76d7976d7dfb933c1616d5afd783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dumb duo

>> No.46727269

I need to get a whiff of Gura's fishe smell

>> No.46727273


>> No.46727280


>> No.46727288


>> No.46727294

WATCHALONGS ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.46727296
Quoted by: >>46727318

Fair enough assessment, but
>it was fractured before that
What was the fracture point before the Rust incident then?

>> No.46727306

Watchalong next week LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.46727318


>> No.46727320


>> No.46727341


>> No.46727355


>> No.46727351
File: 438 KB, 592x586, 1667178159626949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46727434

mon/tue/wed watchchalong maybe???
pls gura im working monday

>> No.46727361

>Then proceeds to go home and immediately self isolate
Roru nice gotcha fag, bleed out on the curb

>> No.46727363

>texas chainsaw

>> No.46727368


>> No.46727387

>just been watching movies and shows
>and going to the beach
h-haha yeah busy/health hort

>> No.46727396

We're so back

>> No.46727404


>> No.46727415
Quoted by: >>46727459

told you.

>> No.46727414

she was in bed all watching stuff cus sun hort
and retard thought she is doing holowork

>> No.46727431
File: 520 KB, 729x720, 1680399688396286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46727434
Quoted by: >>46727566

>he is a wagie
neet with rich parents are the superiror race

>> No.46727447
Quoted by: >>46727567

people who watch movies alone are weird

>> No.46727452
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, [Big Announcement] hololive English’s First-Ever “holo Trials”! With News About #holoENConnect ..._! 34-0 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46727451

why the fuck would zombies bite the grim reaper

>> No.46727456
Quoted by: >>46727614

Link to her saying she was at the beach?

>> No.46727455

I hope we can bully her into watching the original mario bros movie

>> No.46727459

Yeah, sure

>> No.46727506

bad greybot

>> No.46727517


>> No.46727528

Thanks for the ss anon.

>> No.46727529

Gura loves me

>> No.46727538

I like that trio

>> No.46727566

Hardworking son that works for his family business and can take time chads own you.

>> No.46727567


>> No.46727593

You're goddamn right she's the PON queen.

>> No.46727614
Quoted by: >>46727695

This isn't a beach this us a bathtub

>> No.46727651

>Already waiting for Mario to get a home version for a future watchalong
Graduation bros...

>> No.46727679


>> No.46727686

is gura winning every catergory?

>> No.46727695

Every body of water needs a lifeguard on duty

>> No.46727704

I wasnt there for the Thing watchalong....

>> No.46727726

seems like it. everyone on screen thought irys was the clumsiest

>> No.46727777

Do the Lily route while you’re in there bro

>> No.46727790
File: 535 KB, 3634x4096, FkRKg-dUcAEOnlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All horror remakes are bad

>> No.46727793
Quoted by: >>46727824

Is her Thing watchalong good?

>> No.46727797

it's literally just a # contest

>> No.46727804

lmao I actually voted Gura for everything my bad

>> No.46727818

ah nvm, watson was voted luckiest. I'll not post the SS since it's off topic

>> No.46727824


>> No.46727844
Quoted by: >>46728019

>A-chans beautiful flat chest

>> No.46727846

so did i

>> No.46727849 [DELETED] 


>> No.46727851

Same kek

>> No.46727907

they are norwegian, mac

>> No.46727935
Quoted by: >>46728060

I voted for Gura over IRyS on that one because she fucking knocked herself out with her own knee.

>> No.46728019
Quoted by: >>46728131

>lusting after eugene when ina is there

>> No.46728040
File: 60 KB, 638x589, 1662755082273494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're fucking back

>> No.46728060

Where was the voting for this? I completely missed it

>> No.46728106


>> No.46728108
Quoted by: >>46728298

No we're fucking not. She's just gonna vanish again. How do you fall for this every time

>> No.46728120

Gura no longer plays DBD. Please do not assume that she does.

>> No.46728131


>> No.46728140

it was posted on holo twitter few weeeks ago

>> No.46728167

They posted a link to a google survey on twitter a week or two ago, but it was only active for a day.

>> No.46728188

DBD hasn't been worth playing since they reworked pallet netcode and removed Bubba's blackface cosmetics

>> No.46728209

I voted Kiara the luckiest. Remember how easy she got that trident. She has lots of luck

>> No.46728224
Quoted by: >>46728311

We are so fucking BACK

>> No.46728275

Antis on suicide watch

>> No.46728278

>10pm members stream her time
>nobody questions her about it being unusual
spotty streams are the norm now accept it

>> No.46728298
File: 2.37 MB, 480x320, charlieFootball.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumbud dynamic explained

>> No.46728297

>missed 40 mins of stream
I hate my fucking life. I went to sleep early because I didn't think she was gonna stream until next week... I'm trying to catch up at 1.75x but she'll probably end the stream because I reach the current time.

>> No.46728313

She said she still plays survivor

>> No.46728311
Quoted by: >>46728422

we are only back if she actually streams more than like once a week on average

>> No.46728380

she was chatting in prechat for about an hour too

>> No.46728391
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, [Big Announcement] hololive English’s First-Ever “holo Trials”! With News About #holoENConnect ..._! 42-44 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46728619

>> No.46728396

be glad she forgot to sing because this vod will still be up

>> No.46728403

All these empty promises and chumbuds are already celebrating. How many times must you get cucked before you learn?

>> No.46728422
Quoted by: >>46728582

when we're actually back we'll have more or less forgotten about her ever having ghosted us. honestly about a month or two of consistent streams and good communication would be what it takes

>> No.46728428
Quoted by: >>46728566

>he believed what the antis said
you deserve it

>> No.46728464

Gura loves stand your ground laws

>> No.46728529

you deserved it for falling into those antis

>> No.46728538

Look at him struggle for (You)s
Come laugh with me chumbros.

>> No.46728561

you are absolutely seething right now

>> No.46728566

>believed what the antis said
What? That she wouldn't stream? It was correct for like 4 days in a row. Finally getting a charity stream after being ghosted for days isn't the win you think it is

>> No.46728582

even if she comes back for a week or two we arent really back until she actually stays

>> No.46728588
Quoted by: >>46728630

>shark zatsu on headset
>RoN on telly
>chan in the background

>> No.46728589

she really needs someone to talk with about movies (me)

>> No.46728598

Texas Chainsaw Massacre was gorey and rauchy.

>> No.46728619

i dont think any fanabse cant argue with that
im sure the mold is still in guras room

>> No.46728626
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>> No.46728630


>> No.46728654

You deserve your pain, learn from this experiance

>> No.46728677

anons will believe everything she says at the moment, watch them get mad again when the week is over and this was the only stream

>> No.46728678


>> No.46728690

>charity stream
You can’t just attach a buzzword to anything

>> No.46728729
Quoted by: >>46728824

Look, if you believe the antis more than your oshi, you only got yourself to blame

>> No.46728744
Quoted by: >>46729012

>read my comment
Smell yah later virgins!

>> No.46728783

>charity stream
imagine being this salty bc he missed 40 minutes, kek

>> No.46728791

gura likes the honeysuckle and are yummy. Lily is pretty.

>> No.46728802

fuck off

>> No.46728824

Gura's not my oshi anymore. I'm just still membered because I'm not a poorfag and that money is nothing to me. I don't trust Gura at all, she's a habitual liar and mistreats her fans

>> No.46728850
Quoted by: >>46728895

Gure will put anything in her mouth huh

>> No.46728887

>when you're outside, you just eat stuff off the ground

>> No.46728895

yeah, me

>> No.46728897

>honeysuckle and mint
I love her

>> No.46728902
File: 1.40 MB, 3000x3000, FqYXSAZaQAAsYBp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't eat random objects while you're outside

>> No.46728899

Gura was a retard child...

>> No.46728924
Quoted by: >>46729027

>I'm not a poorfag and that money is nothing to me
Bruh is bragging that... he doens't mind spending 5 bucks a month.
pachi pachi

>> No.46728934

As baby, she played outdoors a lot. When outdoors you just stuff just laying around. Chives are tasty. Catmint? It's like onion water?

>> No.46728949

>I used to eat that
i wish we had a full list of things this applies to

>> No.46728956

dedicated onigiriya translating in case his oshi watches gura member stream

>> No.46728965

Did you guys already forget she tasted her potting soil during the gardening stream?

>> No.46729012

She's read 3 of mine tonight. Beat that retard

>> No.46729023

ponkatsu indeed

>> No.46729027

No you retarded nigger, if I didn't say that you retards would have said "not a member, opinion discarded" or some dumb shit

>> No.46729039

tsk tsk tsk, serves you right jewshill

>> No.46729040


>> No.46729051
File: 62 KB, 866x430, 1669965836734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah saw him too

>> No.46729075

>stressing over 5 bucks a month
I mean it's your money bro. She doesn't expect us to member if we can't afford it.
I on the other hand will make fun of you for being poor.

>> No.46729101
Quoted by: >>46729309


>> No.46729125

based fat cat and shark enjoyer

>> No.46729152

They didn't have paint. They would mash berries. Big, Dark. and Blue? and make paint out of it. Didn't eat them. She sure hopes it wasn't a poison berry. She survived so she must be fine. One of her family members is allergic to this berry? Not juniper. They were shiny. Purply on the inside.

>> No.46729155

based onigiriya

>> No.46729178

Yeah, he's been translating in every Gura stream since she came back from Japan

>> No.46729186

translating gura seems like it'd be a hard task

>> No.46729193

Yeah I made all those. 2 now btw.

>> No.46729287

Gura is into bushcraft. Ultra based

>> No.46729309

1st time?

>> No.46729332

Gura claims to be very girly but all these stories sound pretty tomboyish to me

>> No.46729355
File: 1.13 MB, 3840x2160, Fdd_m5cXgAAIyVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a forest dweller

>> No.46729396

Most girls are tomboyish pre-teenager

>> No.46729403

my image of her is ruined forever

>> No.46729421

Put in hours when she was young. Clearing space in the forest for roofing. She ate blackberries before. told not to go toward puddles or get a disease by mama. Gura got stupid from swimming in sewage water.

>> No.46729467
Quoted by: >>46729637

It's always nice when Gura reads some of your comments early on cuz you can sit back and just enjoy the stream without worrying if she's gonna read any of your comments or not

>> No.46729475
Quoted by: >>46729673

see anon the appeal of tomboys is that they are girly on the inside, even if they do boyish things on occasion they go home and they play with littlest pet shop toys or whatever the modern day equivalent is

>> No.46729481
File: 296 KB, 750x750, 1644467992336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking good.

>> No.46729489
File: 155 KB, 512x442, 1669611541283622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my garbage water drinking wife

>> No.46729567

The trick is protecting them from our shitty vapid culture or getting trannified

>> No.46729572

Imagine slurping up this shit and acting like "she's back" yet again

>> No.46729602

Gura wanted to make actual clothing out of pine needles? Can be quilt with animal fur to toughen it up? Or use dental floss to weave a shirt together? Didn't get that far. She was IRL minecraft when she was young.

>> No.46729637
Quoted by: >>46729896

she's so hard to get to read compared to some holos. she reads the most random shit.

>> No.46729673

For me it's calico critters

>> No.46729680
Quoted by: >>46729821

you mad
we comfy
oh nyo

>> No.46729687
File: 203 KB, 1332x2048, 1670676512915563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much...

>> No.46729724

Gura heard a morning dove the other day as well as the pikachu bird?

>> No.46729791

Oh yeah baby

>> No.46729812

what the hell is pikachu bird
also i love gura so much bros

>> No.46729821

You'll be content starved for the next week or two yet again when you get ghosted, so enjoy it while it lasts. Won't be much longer

>> No.46729831

>new switch layout
This is just her little border shit around the stream right?

>> No.46729837

dedicated anti translating gura's stream in case his oshi, ggg, doesn't hate on gura

>> No.46729852

The best girls start out that way

>> No.46729861

SNOT kino inbound

>> No.46729886

SNOT collab incoming

>> No.46729887
Quoted by: >>46730083

Gura has seen Demonologist. She has a game she wants to play with snot. Like viscera cleanup with ghost hunting. This is her excuse to get Kronii in the collab.

>> No.46729896
Quoted by: >>46729991

Really? She reads at least usually 1 from me unless I'm not really engaging with chat or it's a chat unfriendly game.

>> No.46729991

dunno. she only reads my stuff when I insult her or something.

>> No.46730029

i'm gonna restraint myself and not giving shitposter (You)

>> No.46730039
File: 452 KB, 512x512, 1680706003850844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global said SNOT was dead earlier

>> No.46730083
Quoted by: >>46730151

Stop telling everyone what she says, If they want to know they can pay her for a membership like the rest of us ritchbuds.

>> No.46730091

>mermaid videos
Gura what are you watching

>> No.46730098

Gura's game choice playing has change to more wacky and fun to play on stream? "That's terrifying. It's so deep" talking about the blue hole some superchatter mentioned. People make silicone mermaid tails with LED lights?

>> No.46730141

is this some kind of fetish thing?

>> No.46730148

these mermaids are in bloopholes?

>> No.46730151
Quoted by: >>46730233

Money can't buy intelligence apparently

>> No.46730152
File: 3.75 MB, 480x270, twitter.com_1677922458712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is awesome talk shit right here
Latex mermaid tail is also a pretty hot fetish

>> No.46730194


>> No.46730213

4 now :^)
We're getting married this winter

>> No.46730231

Gura, don't skip jp bros superchat

>> No.46730233

>his name isn't Ritch

>> No.46730260

God I missed Gura chatting streams

>> No.46730299

Gura should get the tail for our cuddly ASMR streams.

>> No.46730345

lol keep dreaming faggot

>> No.46730351

Not really. But i do.

>> No.46730381

her retardation has brainwashed me out of being angry what is this power

>> No.46730401


>> No.46730404

Your dumbass childhood...

>> No.46730405


>> No.46730437

I love my cute autistic sharkwife

>> No.46730440

What is wrong with this girl

>> No.46730450

Gura confirmed for now having gills.

>> No.46730456

if she's told this before I don't remember it, but with that said jesus christ you fucking dork

>> No.46730457


>> No.46730462

wtf I tried that too

>> No.46730465
File: 85 KB, 1280x691, 1678082312113890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46730565

I will marry her and she reads all my chats

>> No.46730484

Gura thinking about buying a mermaid tail. Maybe put it up on her wall. Gura will watch Aquamarine in her silicone mermaid in sewer puddle at the end of the street. Watch enitre H2O series. She was trying to convince herself she could breathe underwater with just her face? Trying to get her eyes to opens to fully open underwater. remember filling sink doing this?

>> No.46730493

Gura no you're breaking the kayfabe

>> No.46730521

Gura is so retarded

>> No.46730523
Quoted by: >>46730610


>> No.46730565


>> No.46730567
File: 610 KB, 1277x1835, Fp2RGgxWYAYjtwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her being a dumbass fish IS the kayfabe

>> No.46730610

her gills are on her torso you dumbfucks. This doesn't conflict.

>> No.46730680

She's a real idol and my real girlfriend.

>> No.46730682

Aquamarine is so pretty to girl. That girl wasn't called Chloe it was Cleo.

>> No.46730686

Who are you people?

>> No.46730706

how new

>> No.46730743

bruh it's just a joke. calm your tits

>> No.46730744

immortal thread

>> No.46730745


>> No.46730764

>haven't moved from my chair in 1 hour
Gura just slays my ADD like a Holy Avenger wielding Paladin killing a lvl 1 kobold.

>> No.46730763

God fucking damn it, do I really have to buy 10 badges for a chance of Gura

>> No.46730782

Gura wants mermaid girl in hololive. Ina mention with the tentacles. Gura will make a big jar for her and keep her on her desk with her own sticky label. In the best jar with drinking water?

>> No.46730803
Quoted by: >>46730890

Gura separates her jars into drinking and non-drinking jars.

>> No.46730822


>> No.46730841


>> No.46730847


>> No.46730857
Quoted by: >>46731253

>Gura hated Nacho's cute mascot from day 1
no wonder her mama disowned her and never talks about her any more

>> No.46730860

>bloop dead

>> No.46730883
Quoted by: >>46731002

Gura says I'm the cutest, chumbuds.

>> No.46730889

>promos coming

>> No.46730890

Literally me

>> No.46730893


>> No.46730903


>> No.46730917


>> No.46730918


>> No.46730926

why does he hate bloop...

>> No.46730932
File: 158 KB, 1500x1500, 1668750524468683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46730943

bloop died. He was an emergency ration from the start. "We are going to have issues, sir." Doesn't eat bloop but just his skin? ebies are much cuter. Promotion art we haven't seen yet? Gura suggest replace bloop with an ebi. Poor, bloop. Bloop on paid leave.

>> No.46730945

shark_mascot HATE

>> No.46730957

gura and I are getting a divorce

>> No.46730997

Nacho is absolute shambles

>> No.46731002

Yeah me

>> No.46731006


>> No.46731010


>> No.46731023


>> No.46731033 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 480x480, 1666490871138706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46731042

>However, cherry blossoms also fall quickly. I find beauty in their transience. And you're still cute today
Based JP bro

>> No.46731047

Just do a Bloop burial stream Gooba....

>> No.46731056

she loves us..

>> No.46731093

Ebichads win again.

>> No.46731125

Gura saw 1 cherry blossom there. One dark pink. It was beautiful and breathtaking to her. One of the silverlings to get her through her trip? Wish we celebrate cherry blossoms more in America like Japan.

>> No.46731135
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>> No.46731167
File: 67 KB, 548x567, Chumbud anger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know what Gura tastes like tonight.

>> No.46731216
File: 3.42 MB, 2838x2882, 1657924136778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46731267

>Mermaid for her next outfit
Could be fun actually

>> No.46731253

Oh I thought Ina did the mascots for some reason

>> No.46731267


>> No.46731293

Americans don't want cherry blossoms. We have pumpkin spice and peppermint mochas. Pumpkin is our cherry blossom. Gura likes fall and autumn. Pumpkin Pie is top tier to Gura.
