Previous: >>46640015
Reminder that Okayu peed on Fauna's bed on her last stream
*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>> sites>>> sites>>>>>> list at
* FINAL TALLY OF THE DAY *>32,268: Chiroru (Indie)>31,269: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>28,630: Subaru (Hololive)>24,208: Calliope (Hololive)>21,702: Pekora (Hololive)>20,328: Korone (Hololive)>18,581: Okayu (Hololive)>17,521: Mio (Hololive)>17,053: Nene (Hololive)>16,667: Kanata (Hololive)>16,342: Koyori (Hololive)>15,379: Koyori (Hololive)>15,123: Yashiro (Nijisanji)>14,237: Rikiichi (Nijisanji)>14,205: Patra (Nanashi inc)>13,908: Laplus (Hololive)>13,803: Hal (Neo Porte)>13,632: Mumei (Hololive)>13,001: Fubuki (Hololive)>12,878: Watame (Hololive)>12,086: Fauna (Hololive)>11,965: Fuwa (Nijisanji)>11,630: Nagao (Nijisanji)>11,524: Noel (Hololive)>11,471: Nerumero (Indie)>11,307: Lauren (Nijisanji)>11,269: Tsukasa (Indie)>10,975: Hayato (Nijisanji)>10,615: Ange (Nijisanji)
okayu kissed kaela better than she kiss onigiri in ASMR
WHEN I SAY "STORY ARC SCHIZO" YOU SAY KNEEL?>Irys Saw Fauna's World Tree For The First Time, But...>Gura's reaction to Fauna's The World Tree>Okayu mistook Fauna's Tree for something else【Minecraft/Hololive Clip/EngSub】> Miko amazed at the size of Fauna's World Tree【Minecraft/Hololive Clip/EngSub】> Koyori Noticed Fauna's World Tree Has Amazed Many People 【ENG Sub Hololive】 clearly set up an arc for herself and the only flaw is that she's doing it only on Mondays so it will be a long drawn arc.With that said, it is already doing the rounds in the server and the audience of the other girls are already aware.>>46648654>Maybe that's why she got such good numbers yesterday.Maybe, did she catch the funnel from any of the JP girls?
>>46648742>APRIL 2023 GOLDS1) Toya (Nijisanji) - 56,531 - Genderbent stream2) Hal (Neo Porte) - 110,960 - VSaikyo 5 landmark lottery3) Pekora (Hololive) - 95,630 - Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 w/Suisei4) Chiroru (Indie) - 32,268 - Hanshin Tigers vs. Hiroshima watchalong>PER COMPANY1x: Hololive, Indie, Neo Porte, Nijisanji>PER STREAMER1x: Chiroru, Hal, Pekora, Toya>2023 GOLDS>PER COMPANY72x: Hololive15x: Nijisanji4x: Indie2x: Neo Porte1x: VSPO>PER STREAMER28x: Pekora9x: Marine5x: Toya4x: Miko, Subaru3x: Hololive, Mio, Suisei2x: Chiroru, Hal, Koyori, Kuzuha, Lamy, Nerumero, Nijisanji, Okayu, Towa1x: Aqua, Ayame, Choco, Gaku, Gura, Himawari, Hinano, Ina, Kiara, Mito, Mori, Nozomi, Polka, Roco, Shion, Watame, Yashiro
*FINAL EN TALLY OF THE DAY*>4/4 DAILY TALLY24,195: Mori (Hololive)13,632: Mumei (Hololive)12,086: Fauna (Hololive)9,290: Baelz (Hololive)7,042: Kronii (Hololive)5,941: Shu (Nijisanji)5,134: Luca (Nijisanji)>EN GOLDS FOR APRIL 20231) Baelz (Hololive) - 10,729 - Unarchived Karaoke2) Mori (Hololive) - 19,768 - Outfit Reveal3) Baelz (Hololive) - 9,749 - Q Remastered4) Mori (Hololive) - 24,195 - Birthday Stream>PER COMPANY4x: Hololive>PER STREAMER2x: Baelz, Mori>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)10p: Baelz, Mori4p: Fauna3p: Luca, Ina, Mumei1p: Kiara, Kronii, Axel
This seems like a really horrible idea that could have extremely damaging algorithmic consequences. I wish Pomu hadn't had this idea.
I just want to say that the only thing that would rival Gura is if EN3 had someone similar. If EN3 had a cute "loli" chuuba the holobox would love and crown her the new king of EN. Also it would make Gura actually try hard again since CouncilRyS had zero competition for her.
>>46648476Not the same guy, but people start chains asking why EN3 is wanted, at all, in other places too. Can't all be attention whores.Reddit (not the main sub, they got sick of stars outside of contained threads) a few times a week. Replies on Twitter whenever the topic comes appear outta nowhere too. The fan Discord is just a circlejerking mess.
>>46648830>2023 EN GOLDS>PER COMPANY65x: Hololive27x: Nijisanji2x: Holostars>PER STREAMER11x: Mori8x: IRyS, Baelz7x: Amelia6x: Vox, Mumei, Fauna, Ina, Gura3x: Mysta, Pomu, Kiara, Kronii, Shu2x: Selen1x: Ike, Flayon, Alban, Elira, Luxiem, Finana, Millie, Luca, Regis, Enna, Rosemi, Hololive English, Ren>2023 POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)80p: Fauna67: Mori65p: IRyS, Baelz62: Ina61p: Mumei53p: Vox, Amelia40p: Mysta32p: Kiara30p: Gura29p: Luca23p: Kronii18p: Selen17p: Shu16p: Pomu11p: Uki, Axel9p: Millie, Enna, Ike8p: Finana7p: Regis6p: Elira, Rosemi, Ren5p: Flayon, Alban, Luxiem, Hololive English4p: Vesper, Fulgur3p: Sonny, Hakka, Magni1p: Meloco, Shinri, Gavis, Maria, Pippa, Nina
How much more retarded can /#/ get, guys? I'm starting to feel like this thread is peaking on just how fucking stupid people are. Last thread might've been the tip of the top
>>46648091While permissions can be an issue I think that is an overstatement of a problem for EN with the big catalogue that they can currently play. Like let's take Pekora for example that made a fucking Puyo Puyo Tetris tournament out of nowhere and decided to make a big Granblue collab. Going back further there is Miko with WWE which Gura took only to end up fucking over it for EN since that game mostly works for an EN "host" and she doesn't streams or have the drive for it. The Q Remastered game that now EN are catching on was started with JPs too and I don't think that a fucking indie puzzle game exclusive to Switch would have been easily discovered by EN if it weren't for the JPs showing numbers for it. Even then now it's almost always up for JP to find some buff games remember also Vampire Survivor? The only notable meta buff game that I can think that HoloEN discovered was Henry Stickman with Gura IIRC.
>>46648853Im sorry anon but as long as EN management has a say EN will never get another loli.
>>46648853>lol, just hired a second Gura
>>46648900You write like a redditor
>>46648513's guro doll
>>46648853There will never be another Gura, just as there will never be another Suisei, another Fubuki, or even another Coco for that matter.
>>46648930should hire nyanners and kyo
>>46649012Enna's wigger boyfriend?
>>46648853Kronii could have easily rival Gura if she wasn't such a lazy ass.
>>46648930>>46648927It's not that hard. Literal copycats everywhere since Guras rise to fame over 2 years ago. And the holobox is stupid strong. It would most defiantly be an avalanche of success that no one is ready for. And this is coming from a hag enjoyer.
>>46649071kyoresu is probably who he meant but she's too ESL and plenty of anons called that before she debuted for Idol
>>46648900>How much more retarded can /#/ get, guys? I'm starting to feel like this thread is peaking on just how fucking stupid people are. Last thread might've been the tip of the top
>>46649106>defiantlyI know what you meant but lol
Pippa the Ripper is almost at 100k views
>>46649001Not EXACTLY like Gura but someone who is similar. CouncilRyS was full of titty monsters and lacked actual variety. EN3 100% would try something different when they do come.
>>46648900It was much worse during Gura's and Ina's absence. Lots of NijiEN spam in the midst of their own December recline.
>>46649206oh it's the song they play on /vt/league
>>46649206What's up with vtubers and making shit music? I swear to god the only vtuber songs i've enjoyed are Reflect and Violet.
>>46649297You just have shit taste
>>46649297Why would vtubers make good music
>>46649297(me)Western Vtubers* i do enjoy alot of JP's.
>>46648900>looking at threads during SEA hours from the past 2 daysNah I'm saying we haven't reached that level of retardation yet, but we're getting close
I fucking hate insomnia, guys. I'm supposed to wake up in 3.5 hours.
>>46648853>cute "loli" chuubalaplus is an example of how yo fuck up even having the perfect model and all the backup imaginable
>>46649260the loli model isnt enough. they need someone that has the voice too. kyoresu flopped in idol corp because her voice is harsh and forced. Mumei and/or Fauna shouldve been lolis and this comes from someone not even super into them; its just anyone can voice a titty model but only a select few like those 2 can voice a loli
>>46649406Turn PC off retard
>>46648919ame invented geoguessr
>>46649461>Mumei and/or Fauna shouldve been lolisI understand mumei but fauna? I dont really think it fits her.
>>46649266Gura and Ina are still MIA after being back. Ina is sick to it's a little understandable but Gura is not. How can a branch survive if half of them are dead and the other half produce shit content.
>>46649297>Reflect and, you only listen to music from your oshi, just like an otaku who listens to jpop from anime
>>46649406But you don't need to wake up if you're already awake.
>>46649430La+ is still strong even after ALL of the shit she had to deal with. JP box is insanely strong. Obviously she could have been stronger but that's on her.
>>46649548I suppose so, but trust me i tried to listen to the others, they just dont hit as hard.
I only know vspo girls from astel clips
>>46649584She’s basically taking the Towa path
>>46648982Holy numbers
>>46649547You're not wrong. EN is suffering not only because of the best ones are MIA but also with low effort shit content being plastered every schedule.
>>46649406I have horrible insomnia and I don't know how to fix it, I think it's just my chronotype. No matter what I do, I drift towards being my most alert and active at midnight. Modern society just isn't able to accept the night owl master race
>>46649576I could use the sleep. Oh well, I only have morning classes. Guess I'll power through and nap after lunch.
>>46649297The appeal is Pippa in her underwear showing off her armpits and promising sex you homosexual
>>46648900just wait, whenever i thought we were close to peak retardation before it kept on getting worse, it'll get even worse this time too, some time in 2026 /#/ will still exist but it's just literal monkeys smashing their keyboards and posting pics of their diarrhea
>>46649702Father and daughter vibes fr fr
>>46648900Which parts did you find so retarded? Explain further. nobody can improve if you never give specific feedback
Why is this thread going on loops when it comes to Tempus?Since Tempus 2 debuted the collabs with the girls have pretty much disappeared.It's mostly the Mori/Kronii/Magni/Vesper group that does 1 collab every month at most.They stick to collabing with each other these days since there are now 8 of them now.No collabs with the Hololive girls. They even stopped collabing with indies. Only Axel collabs these days mostly because of APEX related events.>B-But the homobeggars...I don't give a fuck, just tell them to kill themselves when you see them and move on.Do you have to fill these threads with your seething?
>>46649762I'm in a sinilar boat. I'm the most active at nine to midnight, but I'm also a morning person so almost no matter what I'll be awake at 6 AM. I don't even use alarms anymore.
>>46649881Why are you using double spacing between your paragraphs?
>>46649881>Ctrl + F TempusI only see your postI assume you're the same person bringing them up every threadFuck off, we don't care, stop trying to force Tempus discussion
>>46649881I don't like them at all. However them staying their lane is fine. As long as I don't have to SEE them physically I don't give a shit. no Mumei outfit tweet or retweet. Aside from Tempus they only really seem to care about Mori, Bae, Kronii, and Ame. I wonder why those four HoloENs in particular...
>>46648845>extremely damaging algorithmic consequencesWhat do you mean?
>>46649881thanks for forcing us to talk about tempus, now you can fuck off
>>46649996Of course not. They only work JP afternoons.
>>46648900>How much more retarded can /#/ get, guys?I mean, we now got a retard that think that just because you stream Minecraft you will get CGDCTfags to watch you. Whatever you think about Mori, most people will at least agree (or concede) on the fact that she is cringe as fuck as a streamer, just like how most people hate Kiara for being "loud and obnoxious" on stream, which led to her numbers hard-stuck at the bottom of the barrel.If it has gotten to that level, you just know that things can get that much worse for /#/.
>>46650031The algorithm is very prone to fucking you up extremely hard, and there's no clear set of guidelines or obvious things to do. Check out the Spiffing Brit's channel for fun algo games.But having a four-day long stream getting low 3view ccv on your channel seems, uh, like one of those things a watchtime AI might really punish you for
>>46650031 if your watch time metric dies, you get ejected from the algo; the video in question is about using ad buys to crater retention metrics. Though in fairness, the only thing the video proves is that the given video with ass watch time gets ejected, not necessarily the whole channel.
>>46648900>sisters raid the thread trying to shill their 3view homoshits>discussions moves to EN3, sisters really trying hard to convince people that we don't need it>sisters now just shitting on HoloEN while pretending to be totally legit HoloJP fans>despite the fact that HoloEN still mogs the shit out of Tempiss and NijiEN
>>46650199GRIM as usual, GRIMnation is winning.
>>46649996There is some doubt that Mumei supports the cause.
>>46650238Why is Laplus playing Apex starting at 6 AM? Is she a morning person?
>>46650049Mumei announced her outfit on a morning.
JP7 on the 27th.
>>46648742>>46648799are the hanshin tigers now the official baseball team of /#/?
>>46650099>>46650119I remember having a similar discussion with Mumei Radio. If the viewers Pomu does get choose to stay for at least an hour or two, it could be beneficial, if it’s judging watchtime by the length of time that viewers are spending, rather than by the proportion of stream, which would definitely negatively impact her.
>>46650357EN3 when?
>>46650289I have a feeling most JP girls pose as morning people but are too ashamed to say they were up all night.
>>46650374Only a few months after Tempuke, if management is feeling generous.
>>46650372Mumei had good viewership the whole karaoke loop. Pomu has niji level viewership
>>46650374They will be next. JP7 right after though to steal the hype.
>>46650365If I were to pick an NPB team the Tigers seem like a fun one to follow. Koshien stadium is their home stadium, and tigers are cool so their logo is pretty neat. Plus, you know, all the history and such. Bonus, they're not the Giants so you don't look like a trend-follower who's just bandwagoning on the popular successful one.
>>46650374Tempus is EN3IdolEN is EN3Zaion was EN3
>>46650372Pomu has been doing this stream for extraordinarily long with really low viewership relative to her normal audience, whereas Moomers does these for like 10 hours and gets a much healthier portion of her normal karaoke box for the entire thing. Those factors might make a difference.
>>46650564Is NijiGaymers EN3? If so that's a lot. EN is being spoiled to death.
>>46650492If it’s around her usual, it shouldn’t make things worse, at least.
I was catching up on vods. Fubuki is not winning this
>>46650564I'm EN3
>>46650687How do I superchat you? Do you do ASMR? Do you have a boyfriend?
HoloRush in 1 hour and 26 minutes
>>46650709I'm the boyfriend
>>46650687Lazy whore. Where are the streams at?
>>46650709My dad is a Nigerian prince, I'll send you his contact info. No. Yes, Towa.
>>46650732Not chuuni enough 4/10
>2 separate ID gens between EN2 and EN3>2 separate JP gens between EN2 and EN3>3 (THREE) separate StarsEN gens between EN2 and EN3Hell, at this point I wouldn't even discount Uproar2 happening before EN3.
>>46650787Holo Eclipse
>>46650732Dox pics for HoloRush just leaked
>>46650667It will be below her usual lows and unlike Mumei, she has to complete with 30+ people putting out new streams/content those days
>>46650806UPROAR is probably going to get counterparts soon like Tempus. I just have a strange feeling...
>>46650822Holo SUN and Holo MOON first.
>>46650732>>46650844>HoloRushnot like this, holobros
>>46650787Holo Deicide
>>46650850Mumei is competing with those 30+ people as well. It just doesn't look like it since Mumei is vastly superior to them.
The real reason EN3 still hasnt debuted is because omega wrote himself into a hole because council is already peak chuuni power level and theres no more room for more chuunis so council will be the last hololiveEN gen
>>46650972Gura slayer in the back with the blue cap.
>>46650972Holy fuck these dudes are still alive?
>>46651031They don't even have to try that fucking hard. It's cute girls man. Do a villain group like HoloX or something. Or time travelers. ANYTHING.
>>46650987Florida death metal gen fucking when, Omega?
>>46651027She is not. Mumei was competition with HoloEN that wasn't streaming and a few JPs. Pomu's is game vods and it currently has 200 people on it
>>46651152Holy HAGFEST batman! EN3 was full of cute hags all along.
>>46651031he is not imaginative enough, the next gen could easily be the lovecraftian outer gods or just reset the universe and make a high school girls gen
>>46651143>Time travellersDo you know how much of a headache it is to write time travel into your universe? Even more so after 1) Amelia decided to piss all over the worldbuilding by saying she's Doctor Who and 2) the creation of Kronii, a character that's supposed to prevent time travel in the first place.
>>46651282His writing could be replaced by a few unpaid interns sitting a room playing around with ChatGPT4 for a few hours until they found some fun concepts and names and it would be just as effective.
>>46651282>high school girl genThis isn't nijisanji sis. We saw how bad iluna and xsoili did.
>>46651031Make them the avatars of genres. That would make them above council level
>>46650374In 5 minutes
>>46648853Wasn't that supposed to be Baelz?
>>46651381No. Bae is not loli
>>46651282Mafia themed gen
>>46651381Doubt it. Bae had everything except the ability to be entertaining.
Okay but where the fuck is NijiEN gamers? They're overdue.
>>46651479They are waiting for EN3
>>46651104Yeah, surprised me too since I heard they disolved like a decade ago, but apparently they reunited over a year ago.
>>46649106>Literal copycats everywhereAnd each one of then suck dicks
>>46651360fine, how about a 5 hags that look like hags but they wear high school uniforms
>>46651313It doesn't have to be that crazy bro. Hell just combine concepts. Like HoloX as time travelers. Evil or badasses from across time. Mobster girl, Gunslinger bandit, Sukeban bully girl, Cyberpunk assassin girl and probably a Rockstar from the 80s. Boom time travelers gen done.
>>46651664Sounds pretty kino actually
>>46651031Superhero gen, it's not that hard to make another chuuni group.
>>46651635I know we technically have no hags in EN but that sounds boring as hell bro. How about one of them being a cute hag librarian. I'd take that.
>>46651739I think it's a bad cultural moment for a capeshit gen. The movies are dying, the MCU is flopping, the DCEU is dead, everyone just thinks Homelander when they think superheroes these days.
>>46651739The next JP gen should be a super hero girl theme to compliment the HoloX girls
So... what happened to Gura?
>>46651822>cute hag librarianThat anya anon.
Or just don't have a theme at all just like Holo ID, they just puts a list of words on to get the new girls themes>magic squirrel>moon>painter alien>dagger>peacock princess>teenager zombie>secret agent>water shaman>blacksmithyou don't even need chat GPT to generate this
>>46651892>>46651739I actually thought about that too. In my head I called them HoloY or Holy. Like a super hero or divine being gen that messes with HoloX.
>>46651925took them long enough.
>>46651925>not towa babyI feel scammed
>>46651925Fucking finally
>>46651925wonder who did she have to pester for them to bother with a non-homo collaber
>>46651973I think the counterpoint to secret society HoloX would be like, HoloNato. A spy, an analyst, a soldier, a white-hat NSA hacker, and a commander.
Somehow this place becomes even more retarded. What is with the mindbroken state?
>>46651873Add a rider and classical hero. Don't have 5 cape heroes
>>46651938I thought ID3 fit well enough together. Like a agency that helped solved crimes or something.
>>46652048no interesting numbers are happening right now
>>46652048Gura withdrawal, I need her to stream to calm my shitposting down
>>46652039So a bunch of cute girls in uniformed suits? I dig it. Make one of them a traditional spandex hero though.
Kronii gave 30 minutes to Bae.
Don't forget to grab Kronii's merch!
No wonder kronii barely sells merch, she doesn't give a shit about it
Now I understand. Omega wants to write a background story of every EN3 member in Game of Thrones style. But the official books aren't fnished. So we have to wait for them to be finished.
>>46652239Wow, her enthusiasm is infectious. I'm going to run out and buy that stuff immediately, she's so excited about it
>>46652239She really dosent care
>>46652239>>46652264She hates her merch...
>>46651914Got soo embarassed at how she interacted with Lui and Okayu on stream that she went into hiding out of shame.
>>46652360Why did she make it then?
>>46652360The acrylic burger box or whatever it's called is weird but the neck pillow is nice...
>>46652360She hates the fact it didn't make her enough money.
>>46652394She didnt make it, overworked chinesse children made it
>>46652360And her fans. And her job.
>>46652441They designed the merch.
>kizuna ai anime predicts vtubers will become virtual artists
>>46652407The pillow is great excellent item.Is unfortunately fucked by shipping than any otjer holo shop item
>Do reps>Mori with 3D, karaoke, guests, JP, and birthday buffs all stacked on top on each other couldn't even reach 25kChrist that's pathetic
>>46652497Skill issue
>>46652495I didn't even know this anime was out yet. It's about girls at a school training to be the next Kizuna Ai? I wonder if they want to actually debut a vtuber based on this anime if it succeeds
>>46652592korone playing tetris in absolute silence was better
>>46652592Owari da, cover should focus on growing in JP so hololive events will have 200k ccv
>>46652366this is a cute scenario so I believe it completely
>>46652641It will just funnel them to Hololive
>>46652617I don't get it.I haven't watched Kaela or Watame, for the record.
kronii 20k tonight
>>46652693Watamw news 100 sea lantern, Kaela gave her over a 100 stacks
>>46652641Already way ahead of you
>>46649881I don't care about homobeggars. I don't care if the girls want to collab with them. I'm sure they are decent people but they are not for me. I will not watch them or collabs including them. I mostly hate management for investing more resources into them instead of the girls.
>>46652762too many, also the ones with dark skin are doa
>>46649089Gura is also pretty lazy just doesn't feel like sabotaging herself at every step.
>>46652673She practically beat herself up during it then did a reset when she caught herself. No doubt he was screaming inside after the stream.
>>4665276215 vtubers? And wow, they debuted in February apparently.I'm going to guess that went about as well as could be expected.
>>OPtfw no fantasy fae dragon knight vtuber ;(
>>46651925>>46652172>More likes on the JP tweet than the EN oneIs this normal? Isn't that bad because it means the English twitter is fucking dead?
>>46652495>predictsdamn, was it made in the 90's?
>>46652641Is that their answer to resurrecting Ai?Would literally be the "make it a game show!" suggestion made on this thread before.
>>46652264they fucked her desu
>>46652854EN doesn't have a culture of obsessively liking and retweeting things on twitter.In al seriousness, why would any fan of the girls follow that twitter?
>>46652693>>46652760It's a factorial joke
>>46652804The difference between Gura and Kronii is that Gura had a solid 1.5 years of good frequency and very good content before starting to falter.There was a time, which seems like a distant memory now, when there were like 4-5 Gura streams a week. Seems difficult to believe these days even though I was there for basically all of them.
>>46652800I hate them for trying to gaslight us all into thinking Tempus is just as good and exciting as EN3. No, they’re not. No, there’s nothing wrong with that. Yes, you want to capture some of the male market, that’s fine.But it means your core audience got nothing this year. Face up to it. Don’t tell us we did get something when we didn’t. They’re doing it to cover their asses over being too cheap to invest into HoloEN properly.
>>46652668>korone playing tetris in absolute silence was betterI like when something good happens and she whispers "okey, okey, okey".
>>46652969She did give her a shit ton stacks
>>46652762is that a boy?
>>46652641Yes, Kizuna won the chuuba awards for 5 years straight
>>46652992It's weird because the homobeggars keep on purposefully antagonizing the same audience they're trying to convince to watch their homos.
What the fuck happened to NijiEN?Did all their male fans abandon them?Even Tempus is mogging them now.
>>46652854They constantly and blatantly shill the homos and rarely talk about the girls anymore. It's not surprising that even outside of here fans would eventually get sick of it.
>>46653099This is what they look like without raid propping up their peaks.
>>46653099Every yab reveals them to be genuinely shitty human beings to more people.
>>46653094I think a lot of them are Nijisanji fans playing pretend as super-secret agents sowing discord in the house of the "enemy". They don't really want to watch Tempus, and they don't even really want you to watch Tempus, they want you to stop enjoying Hololive entirely and promoting Tempus is their way of achieving that. That's not all Tempus fans, mind, just a particular subset.
>>46653099>200So will this fuck Pomu in the algorithm?
>>46653202the problem is that some actual tempusfags are too autistic to notice they'll just hurt their boys if they keep pushing for collabs
>>46653099will the new nijien wave flop?
>>46653094It’s because their head is so far up their asses they think the only reason you’d be mad is if you’re a unicorn. Why do you think Ame and Kronii and Mori were so aggressive to the people who were complaining? They thought their audience would understand that they were only talking to the schizos.The problem is, this is a parasocial medium, whether we like it or not. You’re the only one in the room watching the stream. When you see a vtuber chewing out their viewers, it still feels like anger is getting targeted towards you even if you’re just a bystander who doesn’t have an opinion on it.If you hate the schizo unicorns but you find Tempus collabs annoying, it still feels like you’re getting caught in the crossfire even though you didn’t do anything wrong.
>>46653099I feel like i have to check the graph everytime a post like this is made
>>46653099>200 Just take him out back and put him out his misery
>>46653364Cope more Axel.
>>46653099>Only have one guy streaming>Everyone watches him Now add all the viewers together and realize that if only one Niji was streaming they would destroy your blue boy
>>46653028No, factorial, as in the math function
>>46653094Homobeggars don't care about male vtubers. They're only care about male x female vtubers collab
>>46653430>this is what nijipajeets believe
>>46653099>given a great model >doesn’t interact with chat and is a legit fuckboya waste of a model
>>46653286>parasocialIt’s weird, I suppose every piece of entertainment will cause a viewer to potentially become parasocial, especially streaming content. But adding coed collabs has only made a group even more parasocial than the unicorns. Like come on, it’s weird to ship two real life people into a hetero relationship. With yuri or yaoi shit, most people understand it’s fake. But the male-female shippers are very much hardcore in their attempts to push people together. It’s creepy.
>>46653099Imagine a pie, you get a large portion when there are only a few of you, then more people come, and you have to slice the pie thinner for everyone to have then even more comeExpert 2views from NijiEN once the next wave arrive
>>46653461I know. But that's based on what happened in the stream. Kaela gave her a shit ton, more that watame needed
>>46653430>it's the combined ccv cope again
>>46653430keep coping
>>46653518Why not get a bigger pie
>>46653408watch streams tranny, she didn't want to shill her merch in her birthday stream. for some reason she hates it
>>46653491Anon, that's not a vtuber-only thing. It happens to fleshies too.
>>46653552They don't have an oven big enough to bake it
>>46653025the telepathic stream part was also great
>>46653621Then get a bigger oven first
>>46653518This is why yagoo really hesitant about HoloEN 3
>>46653491Maybe some people want to see romance story but it is still weird as hell
>>46653654But first they need to install a fume hood up to code, and get new gas pipelines run to the commercial kitchen.
>>46653556>for some reason she hates itYou might have a point there.
Retard using the term parasocial without actually understanding what it means again? Check.
>>46653654not as easy as you think. unlike jps, westerner doesn't care about vtubing anymore
>>46653709Charitably this could be interpreted as a joke. Kronii is a very post-irony chuuba.
>>46653789This, you need to have a very high iq to understand and enjoy Kronii
>>46653718What does it mean, then, rationalchama?
>>46653224I hope so
>>46653518Once the whole pie become ruined because the slice is too thin, it gets thrown away (disbanded and merged with NijiJP), never to be heard again (see NijiID and NijiKR)
>>46653659>This is why yagoo really hesitant about HoloEN 3They need EN3 to replace a lot of the Myth members that don't stream.
>>46653789Kronii’s “irony” is her trying to make her doomer personality not boring as shit by passing it off as a bit. So if we put it really charitably, she’s just playing the character without any idea of what gap moe is, because “depressed anime girl getting excited over something” is classic kino.Even my nicest interpretation of this tweet makes Kronii a one-note, uninteresting bore who can’t be assed. And this shit is over something that directly impacts her income.
>>46653709Which dunno why isn't she one who fucking designed this merch?
>>46653518The pie is getting smaller because nobody streams
>>46653968And the ones who do stream are useless runts
>>46653951I've been conditioned to assume that every 4view stream in this image (aside from the ASMR) had a raid peak.
>>46652495>Virtual ArtistIs this another faggotry like niji calling themselves virtual livers?
>>46653968>replaceI would argue we need EN3 to refresh and motivate the older gens. They are dying out here.
>>46654038I miss food analogy
>>46654068A reminder that using "livers" to refer to vtubers is absolutely retarded.Calling them "virtual artists" is hardly better.
>>46653968Yeah, but if that’s all EN3 does, it’ll make the (presumable) indie hesitation to apply to HoloEN even worse. Myth has enough mindshare that they can sit on their asses and phone it in and still make money off merch. EN3 would not have that. They would have to do a lot of the work.Meanwhile, Cover will always let Myth get away with it because they’re popular enough that they can keep EN afloat through shocking levels of neglect.Imagine EN3 gets fewer views and merch sales as Myth, while they get threatened with the Sana treatment. Imagine if all their collabs get less than Council’s.It would still be a decent income, but you’d be dealing with JP perms autism, red tape and no hype, coworkers who don’t stream, AND side branch treatment within a side branch.That’s the big danger. EN3 needs a reason to exist other than just compensating for Myth’s underdelivery, or else this is just going to stem the bleeding for a bit. And that has diminishing returns.
>>46653911By definition one party has to be unaware of the existence of the other party. Streaming is a friendship simulator sure but it's absolutely not parasocial.
>>46653990Some anon mentioned Kronii isn't using her original model anymore. I think she might hate the previous to the point she doesn't even care to the merch that has the appeal of her old model.
Eating big pie is not healthy, sweetyYou need to take your veggieHere open wide
>>46653491Streaming, virtual or not, is parasocial by nature. Heck, become a normal youtubet and interacting with your fanbase directly in comment sections or social media is already counted a parasocial.
>>46654173This isn't nijisanji sis. A new EN gen would never go to being instant runts. EN3 happening would be incredibly massive no matter what. It could change the EN scene that's how massive it is.
>>46654180A chuuba in HoloEN doesn't really know their audience, in the same way a tv star doesn't, outside of a few paypig names they might memorize. But you could say the same thing about a TV show star, who might know a few specific members of their audience's names from fan letters but in general doesn't know who their audience is. Even for paypiggies, the chuuba doesn't really actually "know" them unless it's a Discord groomer type situation. I think you're mistaken on this and googling around, your definition seems too restrictive and doesn't match how the term is generally understood or used.
>>46654211She hates that people just sees her as a sexual object or something which is exactly what her old model did. I think her quote was something like "Oh, I thought you guys liked me for more than just my ribbon" around the time the homo collab arc started.
>>46649881Because it's 2023 EN3 is nowhere in sight and it seems like we have Tempus to thank for it. Feels like we old, male hololive fans got suddenly abandoned in favor of some stupid failed experiment to get women and normies on board and it's not clear what they're even planning to do next, last time we heard they were still looking for more homofaggots.
>>46654269Both the examples you just listed cannot be parasocial you dunce. Holy shit.
>>46654173I wonder how many girls have applied for HoloEN but got ignored because they were too obsessed looking for guys. It’s got to be frustrating as a woman who has a hard enough time as a streamer, and to think vtubing looked like such a nice turn around, an equalizer so to speak. And over the past year it’s become incredibly hostile with NijiEN and Cover EN management focusing on an already oversaturated market. It’s bullshit, especially considering how badly that bet the major corpos have made with male vtubers crashing over the last few months.
>>46653556Kronii and tempus again?
>>46653789>>46653831>>46653975if you watch her first birthday stream you can look she was happy whin her merch, she was explaining the desing of the kronies, the body pillow and the mousepad, but whit this new merch she was uninterested as fuck, even /∞/ was talking about it
>>46654317The sad thing is they don’t appear to be over their little experiment. It would still not shock me if Tempus 3 comes out before EN3.
if Kronii get big Minecraft number will (you) forgive her?
You know that the girls won't be happy if they hire more gens because they're gonna have less share of their already small audiences, right? Same goes for homos.
>>46654328>he thinks current management doesn't want girls that are hungry for their homos
>>46654304I don't give a shit about you trying to rationalise the fact you're using the term incorrectly. If they're aware of the existence of someone it's not parasocial. Get your name read? Not parasocial. Get a heart? Not parasocial. Stop applying a phenomenon that has decades of research into it to a completely separate situation and use a more accurate term. That's all I'm saying.
>>46654441We like kronii here
>>46654318i accept your concession
>>46653759Thats because there are no big numberfag events in EN. Like it or not normalfags are numberfags and they want to see stuff that are quantifiably popular. And yes I blame holoEN for this, especially management, because they are currently the only with enough pull to make those numbers.
>>46654408Tempus 3 coming before EN 3 would be the final nail in the coffin.
>>46654441If she gets +30k
>>46654508that's too much 3 2 view...
>>46654444That's not how it works retard. A new gen announcement is incredibly hype. If anything it would bring MORE traffic for at least a few months till the dust settled in. Overall it would build a stronger box.
>>46654441I'll forgive her if she does more than 150k USD of sales in holoshop in one merch run.
>>46654384She probably wants that vesper call so bad instead shilling parasocial merch
Next holoexpo will how a orgy room to help with japan's birth rate.
>>46654408If they actually hate tempus, they will release new tempus3. I don't think Tempiss themselves want another competition
>>46654555Yeah that really worked for nijiCN and Tempiss
>>46652854I actively avoid giving engagement to that shitty homobeggar account, why the fuck would I give them visibility when all it'll do is result in more homogarbo getting shoved my way?
>>46651938Isn’t Moona just a normal girl and she added all the moon goddess shit?
>>46654212just like every fucking plant based food it causes cancer
>>46654554>I am here for your lore. Give it to me. (I play sad games and horror games just to feel something...)
>>46654663>every fucking plant based food it causes cancerTempiss is cancer but that's not true.
>>46654700Everyone who eats plant-based food dies
>>46654662Moona didn't know what Vtubers where and just typed her RL info in the lore section
>>46651031>council is already peak chuuni power levelOnly way is down then. They already introduced the goddesses. Now it's to bring in the mobs, the NPCs, your everyday (wo)man. EN3 will be a band unit formed for the sole purpose of cashing in Bocchi the Rock's massive popularity. And they will be singing japanese punk rock music of course. Call em Rolling Girls or anything. There won't be a Gura Killer because they will be the entire HoloEN, nope, the entire Western vtuber killer.Cast em Yagoo.
>>46650199GRIM as usual
>>46654649Nice one anon. Comparing that shit to an actual Hololive gen is beyond hilarious
>>46654445EN management hasn’t even shown any interest in wanting to hire more girls, period. They’d rather hire more dudes. But they’ll have a hard time finding girls who even like HomoEN. Maybe some Luxium sisters who think getting into Hololive would get them closer to the NijiEN fags. But finding Bae was a miracle enough for them.
>>46654755This but JP7
>>46654755Nice ideal. Make them devils as well, to cash in on Chainsaw man
>>46654441The average Holo (stars/ID included) brings in around 1.5M USD every year according to the financial report.If she can't clear 10% of that on her annual custom merch run than she's a burden and should be treated like one.
>>46654444Nah the girls seem pretty desperate for new blood as well, they constantly bring up EN3
>>46654700t. plant trying to conquer the world by killing all the humans
>>46654771>They’d rather hire more dudesDid they? I think they need to consolidate first. I don't think StarsEN members want another member to make their pie slice smaller
>>46654771I just going to say this. Maybe the bar is way too high. You have to be the most talented banger of a entertainer to even be considered for HoloEN. Since they want to avoid Council levels of failure.
>>46654309Because Kronii’s a menhera retard, who knew? The ones who only liked her ribbon are the ones who aren’t going to give a shit. The ones who stayed despite all her ridiculous bullshit are going to be the ones who seethe when they realize she doesn’t even get why people wouldn’t like the male collabs.Like, the mythical normalfags who enjoy her for more than her avatar and don’t mind male collabs are there…they just show up for vesper and think Kronii’s all right, since those are the only times she’s somewhat entertaining to non-gachi.
>>46654886StarsJP didn't want any more members and they got Uproar and tempus
>>46654877I love this art, it's beautiful. What a great thumbnail.
Here is how to save EN3Debut all of them in loli model, have them larp as retarded, autistic toddler, call this gen Hololive kindergardenHomos will stay away from today or get treated as pedos
>>46654969It's majestic, it's part of the reason Fauna got as high as she did yesterday and you can't convince me otherwise.
>>46652083ID3 fit well enough because they're all human. Actually, if you think about it, no one else in HoloID is.
>>46654877Very good looking Digimon game.
EN3 = tempiss cocksleevesI'd rather watch indie DESU
>>46654999the numbers would be too good, yagoo doesn't dare fly so close to the sun
>>46654848Myth mostly. They know they can't survive long enough without a new gen to spice things up again.
>>46654999Didn't stop em from sucking Kobo's enormous clit
>>46654649No one wanted another Niji wave or Tempus gen
>>46654945It almost two years from last Stars gen before they added new gen. I don't think they will added new StarsEN gen at least in one year
>>46655009Ollie was Human. She would still count as human
>>46655027If that's what they are I want en3 out so the branch can fucking die already and I can stop having this little sliver of hope so I can finally fully embrace GRIM for EN.
>>46654444>small audiencesI wouldn't class anyone as small in holo.If they had released them last year and took advantage of sana graduation buff, irys rework , 3ds everything would have grown. Now we are at the point of playing catchup and repair. There is the chance that numbers go down but it's too late to worry about that now, at some point they will have to release a new gen and deal with the past decisions they made
>>46654444The girls want EN3 just as much as the fans do. They know there's a lack of streams and know how stagnant the branch is getting.
>>46655044When has Myth ever mentioned EN3? I've heard Fauna do it, and Mumei. Kiara probably has at some point in her 200 hours of zatsu in the past few months, I can't keep up with all of that.
>>46655091Kiara/Mori/Bae/Mumei/Fauna have all mentioned wanting more girls
>>46654736I do think she's still clueless about the whole vtubers stuff to this day
>>46655091Mori and Gura hinted at things. Mori said she would like new friends. Gura said something exciting is coming soon that is not her own announcement.
>>46655111Hey, don't disparage blacksmiths like that, they're not all dwarfs.
>>46654898Still saying this when Council obliterated you yesterday, fungus?
Either it's too hard to scout for good girls who actually like vtubing and aren't yab machines like alphabet supporters, or Yagoo wants to dominate the male scene as well and thinks EN is the perfect experiment ground to get successful male branch which if fails doesn't ruin their biggest moneymaker in JP.Or maybe Cover just hates holoEN.
>>46654493I’m one of those normalfags, and yes, I’m a numberfag. I wouldn’t care about the male collabs if there were enough hype events to give me something to watch. I don’t give a shit about Towa collabing with males, I certainly don’t give a shit about Fubuki doing it, and I definitely would be fine with all ten HoloEN members doing it if they all did it like Bae.Just don’t tell me that the males *are* the hype event. No, they’re not. They’re a decent substitute for male fleshtubers at best. I’d rather watch fucking Twitch awards shows than the insipid half-baked events that EN organizes now.HoloEN feels like the equivalent of Garfield. I’m serious. Those fucking comics always hyped up their shit by saying how funny Garfield was and shilling him on merchandise, even though there was nothing there. There’s a reason he’s become such a meme nowadays.
>>46651938id4 idea>stupid indog
>>46655273>stupid indogI thought that's a requirement
>>46655229>1st pointPossible>2nd pointAlso possible with how 'well' (all things considered) Tempus was received at first, but things went south quickly, and Tempus2 was definitely shoved out the door when they shouldn't have been, and has been an utter disaster for engagement for HoloEN fans as a result>Hate HoloENNah, but Cover definitely left EN management to their own devices for way too long for the most part
>>46654651I love how we’ve collectively decided as a board to do the Tumblr method of fucking with the corpo’s marketing strategy so badly they get actively punished for trying anything to make money that isn’t giving us what we want.I’m serious, it’s great. The account is trying to give exposure to the males. If that exposure is through the males being exposed for being unpopular, that just makes normalfags even less likely to try them out. Because normalfags don’t commit to obscure things none of their friends like.
>>46655222Council has a member gone already and currently full of lazy whores and male collabers. Fauna is the only saving grace out of 5. That is bad.
Wait Mori had guest appearances why were people pretending it’s a run of the mill karaoke. This makes the 24k even worst
Forget about incompetent management. The lack of viable candidates. Yadda yadda yadda. Those are bullshit excuses. The real reason they haven't debuted EN3 is because the girls themselves are against it. They'd be forced to stream to prevent the mass exodus of their paypigs. They're so fucking used to streaming once a week and still earn thousands of simp money. They want to keep that status quo. There's a reason the first advice Myth gave Council was to fucking "take it easy". If you want to blame someone for the lack of new EN members, blame the girls.
>>46655171She’s just got the Indo buff that instinctively gives her the ability to act like a vtuber without making it all weird and fleshtuber adjacent. God bless Indonesia. They might be poor and weird, but when they can actually speak English, they’re not so bad.
>>46655189Jokes aside Kaela is a fucking monster streamer. Calling her human is an insult.
>>46655377Anyone who thinks 24k is good number is just cuckbeat coping
>>46655377Who were the guests?
>>46655386Let's be real, Gura's members aren't going anywhere even with 5 new girls
>>46655329I mean these guys just came in and push all the stuff that holo fans join for out the window. Why would anyone stay when the don't get any content that they sign up for?
>>46655386Meds.Gura would also love to lose a few thousand more annoying greyfags.
>>46655400>Blond hair>Red eyes>Has treasure vault>Lack of sleepShe is Gilgamesh
>>46655442I knew some twitter mutuals who switched to Yuko. Well, until the yab that is.
>>46655351what happened to yugo tho
>>46655377I remember people were shitting at Calli doing only ~70k. Now she's doing a third of that number and no one seems to be fazed anymore. HoloEN is doomed.
>>46655377I honestly thought it was a run lf the mill karaoke which is why I didn't wake up at 5 am to watch it
>>46655525Youtube culls my favorite streamer by 200%. Only my favorite though, no one else.
>>46655456Because they think the normalfags who were excited at HoloEN just for existing don’t care about males, and they think people who actually watch streams are either creeps or can be taken for granted.Either way, they probably figured that anyone who was still watching Myth or Council in the year 2022 could be written off as not mattering because they’re too different from the much larger number of people who showed up to Myth’s debut and fucked off.
>>46655525That's more a mori specific issue though. Now if Ina's 3D live also flops then i'll start doomposting
>>46655488That's pretty accurate, she should larp as him
>>46655386I would agree but at the same time they know a new gen would generate crazy amounts of hype. Which means new customers to shill yourself to.
>>46655329My more “normalfag” friends prefer Nijis cause they can shittalk and make sex jokes naturally. Tempus in comparison feels sterile to them. They’re clip only watchers though so they’re largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
>>46655009They're also the only full human gen in hololive
>>46655497I get annoyed at her streaming once in a blue moon then fucking off for weeks on end but I would never switch over to small corp. Even as bad as hololive is right now it is still better than all the other en corp.
>>46652908Nobody in management forced her to become the token Tempiss accessory. That was her own decision.
>>46655632>My more “normalfag” friends prefer Nijis cause they can shittalk and make sex jokes naturallyLooks like there is no hope for EN market
>>46655632Do they actually watch Niji tho?
>>46653286Show me where Mori was “aggressive to the people complaining”.
>>46655509Council being shit and comparing it to nijifailures is retarded. They both suck. My original point was EN3 isn't here yet because they are looking for too much in the auditions.
>>46655768Yeah dude is mixing his reactions. She was aggressive during the lean saga. She was pretty nice overall during the Tempus veggies saga by my recollection.
>>46655386Nah, girls like Mori know they're fucked with the current HoloEN audience. She and some of the other girls need fresh eyes on the Hololive product that they haven't pissed off yet.
>>46653430If I’m a chinese woman convinced Vox is actually my boyfriend why the fuck would I watch Maria Marionette just because he isn’t streaming?
>>46655757Niji fans don't watch streams only clips
>>46655757Only clips. They don’t buy merch, watch streams or even discuss them. It’s just “hey look at this funny clip”, they also share Holo clips but it’s mostly CGDCT moments.
>>46655853Mori is literally hated by people outside the community too, there's no saving her.
>>46655768The only thing I can recall that can be considered aggressive is that roommate tweet when kronii is having her meltdown. And that's a reach + roommate faggotry
>>46655386Very considerate of you to post this image so I know not to read your post.
>>46655853>She and some of the other girls need fresh eyes on the Hololive product that they haven't pissed off yet.And I will be there to remind the newbloods of their transgressions, their sins, their yabs. You're not getting away brapper.
>>46655656I believe you that you actually think this, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what HoloEN has that either small corpos or HoloJP doesn’t. If you want English speaking vtubers who do something similar to HoloEN (except they stream), then there are plenty of small corpos that do that. If you actually want that specific feeling of watching Hololive, JP is much better.
>>46653491I have seen more NoelxTenma shipping fics than TempusxEN girls and every piece of TempusxEN girl art I’ve seen was either made entirely to try piss off the girls fans and/or a edit of NijiEN hetship art. There’s more porn of RegisxIndos than all the TempusxEN girl porn combined.
>>46655913The box is forgiving, there's always a path back. It just doesn't happen overnight, and you have to stop doing the stuff the box doesn't like.
>>46654898This doesn’t make sense to me. Hololive offers the money and notoriety that most would rarely receive if they went indie or join another corpo. There is no doubt they have a large amount of talented girls they could hire who may not even stream. They obviously look at their personalities to ensure they will get along with the other members, but that should still give them plenty of options. EN management has basically ignored all the auditions for HoloEN. Dare I say, despite the shit I’ll get for it, it sounds awfully sexist to focus on male hires.
Why did no one mention Bae's stream
>>46655844Yes, indeed I was. I keep forgetting about this. Mori’s aggressive attempts at ownage were not related to Tempus.
>>46656002I only watch HoloEN if there's no HoloJP streaming
>>46656002I watch JP whenever they're on and I'm free at work (don't ask what my hours are) and I also watch JP (NTA). Dunno how indicative my experience is, but that's what it is.
>>46656070>2.7kis it good enough for persona?
>>46656002>what HoloEN has that either small corpos or HoloJP doesn’tI'm NTA but the answer is Gawr Gura
>>46656070>Why did no one mention Bae's streamIt's Persona 5. Everyone knows it's going to get shit numbers. I'm just waiting for Mumei.
>>46655865Chinese women are even more schizo and unpleasant vtuber watchers than western unicorns. They’re worse than western fujos. To be fair, Chinese men are also worse than western unicorns.
>>46655488Who gets to be Enkidu, Inanna, and Utnapishtim?
>>46656002I hate to be a dirty clipwatcher but when it comes to HoloJP I'm good with translated clips. I'm not going to learn a whole fuck language just to enjoy a stream.
>>46655632I’m assuming you aren’t from NA.
>>46656161Western unicorn is literally harmless, the only egregious one is Gabe and he just end up moving to another VTubers and just talk smack in twitter occasionally
So Kronii Minecraft today, right??
>>46656273Kronii gold today.
>>46656273Starting right now. EN gold probably for what that matters these days.
>>46656184I’m a burger.
>>46656273I dunno. I don't give a fuck about when or what she's streaming.
>>46655229>too hard to scout for good girls who actually like vtubingThere are plenty of them out there. I'm more inclined to believe there are disruptions or Cover took too long to respond to application, resulting in potential recruit leaving for other opportunity>aren't yab machines like alphabet supportersIt's almost impossible to avoid this, sometimes their pl doesn't show anything but they actually harbor those views. Sometimes, it may not matter at all if they are professional enough. Like how we expected Nina to bring those kinds of yabs to NijiEN, yet she is somehow really tame>Yagoo wants to dominate the male scene as wellYagoo often look at Anycolor to find potential market for expansion, ID, CN and EN males are all done after Anycolor found success in those market>Cover just hates holoENNo way they hate the cash cow that is HoloEN. It's more like they gave EN management too much freedom and power
>>46656145It is so unfathomably, stupidly easy to watch Gura and also follow small corpos. What’s the worst that can happen, that you switch oshis? If you like Gura, that won’t happen. So what if you end up watching some other cunnytuber more than you do Gura? She streams so rarely that it really doesn’t reflect at all on your love for Gura if you barely watched her streams in 2023 because almost everyone barely watched her streams out of necessity.
please forgive Kronii
Just pull off an American Idol/Survivor shit, let indies/small corpo chuubas compete and top 5 becomes EN3. Better than that VTA shit and way more entertaining. Also Gura gets to be the host.Do it Yagoo.
>>46654600move on sapling, your goblina oshi's getting mogged by bae in subs. focus on that
>>46656363clear that quota first lady
Kronii with a 6k waiting room. Why can she mog Fauna so effortlessly?
>>46656359Yea nah, I can smell the shilling from here. You would've dropped the point but you keep pushing. Get out of here jewshill.
>>46656002I’ve been watching Hololive since between Gen 2 and Gamers. I hare it how much EN has gotten fucked by management. And even if I prefer JP, I love the international interactions between branches. EN management’s obsession with turning HoloEN into NijiEN is basically isolating them from the rest of Hololive. I think that’s awful for the girls and fans alike.
>>46656403Easy. Kronii is blue and Fauna is green.
>>46656403Fauna shouldn't have collabed with the homos
>>46656403Her streaming something that isn't debuff shit is rare. Like, genuinely, unironically rare.
>reactin reacta from phase connect beating selen on her signature game
>>46656426I was trying to call all chumbuds pedophiles, not shill the jewcorp. Cool that you brought them up all on your own though.
>>46656388Sounds good to me, I'd watch that for sure.
>>46656363Can't put the genie back in the bottle, man. She's tainted meat.
>>46655229I always personally liked the schizo rrat that someone in upper management is still bitter about that debut to December 2020 period where Myth took the scene by storm and Gura stole the million subs.
Not streaming is not causing en to die unless you think gura and ina has to prop everyone up with raids. They don’t stream and they keep their fans the others lose fans despite streaming consistently. Streaming is obviously not causing any problems or they would have already collapsed. You are a homobeggar if you think it’s anything but the 2 obvious reasons
>>46655377Ah yes the gigabuffs of Lui, cardboardRyS and Bae and Kiara calling in.
>>46656130Better than what mori gets for her persona streams
>>46652495Isn't that what a good chunk of VTubers already are?
Minecraft OP
>>46656403Kronii has a better ceiling
>>46656437This was the breaking point that made me jump ship. I thought it was cool that we had all these international cultural interactions. Then they did it less and less, and it was just these English speaking girls larping as anime girls.At that point, I gave up. If I’m going to go watch streamers pretending to be anime girls with barely any Japanese at all, might as well go to a small corpo where everyone’s grinding, not a place whose main appeal at this point is being famous for being famous.
>>46656403Blue women privilege
>>46656403Kronii > Fauna, simple as
>>46656621ameway is not the way
>>46656621Ame is the original hyper-queen of contrarianism, the secret hidden final boss of contrarianism
>>46656516Gura couldn't even break 20k with minecraft last time.
>>46656320Your friends must be a rarity. Because NijiEN’s NA fanbase is nearly nonexistent.
>>46656002I don't know what to tell you man. It's just the girls. To me they found just the right girls that hit me perfectly. I want to follow them and see them acheive their dreamsI watch JP sometimes too (if it's slow at work I'll watch Pekora in the morning) and I have also watched my fair share of small corpos. I watch Pippa if I'm really bored and no one else is on. Still though I care about the HoloEN girls more and want to support them.When I see stuff like HoloEN Connect it makes me feel even more dedicated to them, cause it feels like all the hair pulling with management and the years of them being shafted all ends up being worth it to see them sing and dance on stage.
>>46656403idk maybe unicorns should work harder to get Fauna's ceiling higher instead of complaining about Kronii all day
>Gura is sloth>Ame is prideWhat else?
>>46655328>>46655229First point is literally impossible considering holoen just means fluent in English. That means any country in the world where English is the main or secondary language besides indonesia. It’s definitely 2 or 3 but it would be EN management that hates EN. I doubt yagoo has any say in non jp hirings since he likes to meet them afterwards to get a feel for them.
>>46656757>Mori is wrath>IRyS is lustmaybe?
>>46656757Mumei is cute!
>>46656587Most are streamers, these are regular idols
>>46656690I wouldn’t really call them fans, it’s more like a random asmongold/Charlie/xqc clip shows up in your feed and it looks interesting so you watch it.
>>46656757Kiara is envy
>8KGood or GRIM?
>>46656621ShitRyS cant even hit 10k with it
>>46656002Because I actually moved from small corpos to Hololive unironically. I just like the Holo girls better with the exception of a few small corpos I still follow. >But x streams moreBitch all your vtubers get blown out by twitch streamers grinding hours, they're not special. I don't need someone streaming 8 hours a day, just a few hours of entertainment per day when I get home from work is perfect. So in the end as long as the streaming hours aren't 0 it's the personality and type of content that matters to me above all.
>8k after 10 minsHoly recline
>>46656690There’s definitely a small group of clipwatchers who say they’re fans but never watch streams.
>>46654211Could be wrong but I don’t think any of the merch has a picture of her on it. I didn’t see the merch just looking at the names and it is her idea
>>46656739It's ok, unicorn still wont buy her merch>>46656757Kronii is gluttony
>>46656990Her playthrough was so shit. No mine, no craft
>>46657032>smallThat’s most of Twitter
>>46657082damn Gura MOGGED
>>46657082>86kHoly recline
Is Kronii pulling a NijiEN early peak?
>>46657003Yeah I don't get this zoomer mindset of marathon streaming freaks. I just want 2-3 hour stream of cute anime girl. That's it. Nothing crazy. Keep it interesting and quality high. Something Nijisanji shits need to learn.
>>46657004Behind her January Minecraft stream by 1k in the same time frame.
is it over for Kronii?
>>46657167It’s the twitch mindset, you grind and grind and grind so people discover you (because you’re basically invisible when you’re offline).
>>46654384Does she want to be a sex object or not. Maybe just maybe she didn’t care because she doesn’t care about her fans. Low energy shill, no handsigned autographs could be possible
She just Z'ed. I wonder if she's still in glorious nippon
>>46657082We are so back
>>46657082Another tornado outbreak?
>>46657183Kronii should still get like 12-14k I think? Hard to tell. She's growing way faster than Fauna but she has less time to peak. Her ceiling in Minecraft should be way bigger though
>>46657232Bro at this point idk if she even wants to be a holo girl anymore.
>>46657110I doubt twitter even goes that far. Not the first anon who mentioned it, but I also have a friend who sends NijiEN clips from time to time. Lately he’s been getting more into Phase Connect though.
>>46657183Yes and I'm happy for it. Love it when whores fail. I'm just waiting for her to crawl back to us unicornchads so I can drop her for the second time.
>>46656846Moom is Mooming. How about you ?
Kronii's last Minecraft had 12.5k 20 minutes in.
>>46657225Hololive girls don't need to do this. They have a box that is already there to lean on.
So Kobo caught up to mr Koro huh
Kronkeks, this is embarrassing
Kronii is inclining
>>46657338Im about to be in 40 minutes
>>46654846It’s also shown to be gravely in accurate because they also showed the top 20 makes up over 60%. She still wouldn’t be a burden as long as stars and ID exist though.
>>46656330>There are plenty of them out there.Yeah, but how many of them like the Hololive flavor of Vtubing? Yes yes, money talks, but this is EN woman we're talking about, not the dollhouse that is JP
>>46657292100% the next person that graduates
Mumei ticked.
>not 10k yetit's over. people will never forgive Kronii
>>46657003>>46657167I’m not talking about that shit. I hate it too. I’m talking about frequency, not length. I want to be able to catch streams without having to keep track of them. I use a schedule for work and errands and chores. I shouldn’t have to do this for my entertainment. I should be able to take it for granted that a vtuber I like is going to be streaming several days that week. And that if they don’t, they’ve already explained why in advance and how long the break is going to be.I only tolerate the ultra long streaming marathons at best. I’ve basically never stayed through a whole stream from anybody in any corpo I’ve ever watched.
NijiEN can only dream of these numbers with Minecraft
>>46657338Yes. Moom soon btw.
>>46657232Did her last merch sale happen before or after her fans lashed out at her rm?I remember there was an emergency members only stream she had last year where she addressed what she’s been doing since her fans got pissy that she had been in her friends stream after weeks of no streams.
>>46657378I love dead subs
>>46657003Same. I like Fauna, and Ina, and IRyS, and other Holos but I don't want to watch just 1 of them for 8 hours a day every day. 5 2-5 hours streams a week is pretty good.
>>46655931Unfortunately, roommate faggotry is par for the course outside of here, so a lot of people will spread this and associate the person to the persona. It's like how anything that you say 10 years ago can be used against you today because of course they will.
I forgive Kroni
>>46657462>soonShe'll probably delay 15-30 minutes again.
>>46657441That was like 12 hours ago
Why did kronii play minecraft? She is not CGDCT faction.I dont want hear near fauna or gura
>>46657441>>46657513For both of you: Mumei did tick both now and a few hours ago, but that was because she was culled and/or going through verification
>>46656642>isolation>Mori did HoloYoi with Lui and Chloe 2 weeks ago>Gura micra with Okayu/Lui last week>Baegemite with JPs this week>HoloTalk soon>Fauna MiCra JP interactions
>>46657513Guess it hadn’t updated for me then.
>>46657446That's fair. Considering holiday 2022 was incredibly empty. We had several days with NO streams at all.
>>46657292>Bro at this point idk if she even wants to be a holo girl anymore.Yeah, if she quits it'll be to the surprise of no one. She already seems mentally checked out.
>>46657483Her work ethic has always been awful.
>crabbingIt's unironically over for Kronii
>>46657583That explains it, thanks.
>>46657583Neal is not nealing over just yet.
>>46657446Yeah, that's understandable, I feel mostly the same way when you put it like that
>>46657704Neal's cute daughter
Quick 10k, my expectations are still 14k
>>46657512Very likey
>>46657763She's got 30 minutes before Mumei takes a bite outta her numbers.
>>46657003>I don't need someone streaming 8 hours a day, just a few hours of entertainment per day when I get home from work is perfect.ThisAlso, this ain't Twitch, if there's no stream, then there're a million more things that's Hololive-related for you to watch (VOD/Clips/Music, etc.)
>>46657446It’s why I hate when a girl drops their schedule and they’re not consistent. At least with JP they basically always start around the same time everyday if they’re going to stream.
>>46657787People aren't swapping to mumei over kronii Minecraft lol. If anything mumei will get raped
>>46657763I think 12k unless some one appears or her project starts taking shape quickly. But she is still sight seeing what was built
>>46657763that's too high for Kronii
>>46657638I remember when they announced Sana’s graduation. I was laughing so hard and joining in on the shitposting. It’s going to be fun seeing the catalog if/when that happens.
>>46657792>BronzeIs she another Ollie?
Oh no no no Nousakeks, Kronii just literally shat on Pekora floating island on stream
Good numbers, yes, but she's going to debuff herself again with yet another tempiss collab so what's the point?
>>46657787I don't think Mumei's stream isn't gonna damage her numbers that much. Minecraft tourists are Minecraft tourists, any bleed is gonna get patched up quick
>>46657792>apex at those godawful hoursI mean fair she needs all the practice she can get, but whew. >>46657822She's getting used as a waiting room and lose a few thousand.
>>46657840>that's too high for KroniiShe rarely streams a non-debuff game, so this is almost like an event for her.
>>46657787she won't bleed to mumei at all today. It's fucking Minecraft
>>46657851Tempus collab is not a debuff for Kronii.
>>46657840Minecraft was her biggest buff content when she debuted anon.
Pippa now above the nijiEN girls.Amazing.
who's getting gold today?
>>46657792next time use twitch menhera-chan
>>46657851Those collabs are not debuffs. But she will play some indie shit next week for sure
>>46657638yea but what else doe she have? She doesn't have a backup, she gonna be a shitty poorly paid va actor? Maybe she can go to vshojo?
>>46657851*correctionShe'll get an EZ 20k+ homo collab and then proceed to play dogshit indies to 3k people for the next couple weeks
who is the queen of EARLICKING ?
>>46657998powerwash pretty much confirmed
>>46657851It's on her channel right? No joke that shit prob get 18k.
>>46657851The point is to give herself a buffer for the decrease in numbers that is Tempus. Do the work of streaming solo and with the girls so you can have financial breathing room to have fun with the males.What, you’re saying that we’re supposed to assume that the solo streams and collabs with girls are fun and that treating them like a chore is an insult to fans? Get out of here! Don’t you know that streaming is harder work than firefighting, brain surgery, and rocket science, and more important to society too?
>>46658024Aki does earlicking?
>>46656034I never understood why her doing stupid things brought so much hate till i got invested in holos. Closest things to yabs are between them and the audience never between talents or people outside. Then there’s mori causing all manner of problems because she can’t be quiet or pick better friends. Her tying to get irys to do an iron mouse collab is what soured me the most though.
>>46658068holy new fag
>>46657928Playing Minecraft soon. No gimmick as far as I know, just normal Minecraft. Will be interesting to see how much of a debuff it is for her. Also her new outfit is the same day as Mumei's but 2 hours later.
>>46658036Powerwash is actually a slight buff for her
>>46658024That unfortunately wasn't an earlicking stream for Karin, so not a fair fight. That said, Mare's earlicking stream has beaten Karin's in the past so good money would still be on her.
>>46657937Kronii gold today
>>46656034Mori's used up all of her mulligans at this point. The box is forgiving but it's not stupid.
>>46653286This. People keep asking why Gura doesn't correct her fans. Chewing out 50k+ fans over a few is stupid. And especially don't post on Twitter so it attracts drama; just do it. Most twittards don't watch streams. I'm not a Unicorn, but felt sorry for the abuse they got in the Twitter drama. Called everything from not being real fans, and should filter them, never been with a girl, parasocial rejects, and so on. Somehow it became okay to abuse the fans.I'm still okay with girls collabing with whom they want. Just accept may lose some fans because of it. If okay with that. Good. Work on getting different fans? If not okay with losing fans, then never understood what is Hololive. Its success is built on imitating an idol agency. Otherwise, no different than the thousands of other vtubers. But I do think collabs with males can work, if keep it professional without the flirting and sex jokes.
>>46657851>homo collabThat shit will get 18k. She's always had high ceiling. The problem with her is that she keeps playing kusoges and doing SC readkngs.
Kronii peaked. it's over
>>46658036Powerwash is just zatsu but with a game for background.
>>46657928Hasn’t that been the case for awhile now?
Do you guys know how Niji can make something trash to be profitable? Just spam con appearance iLuna probably appeared 3-5 times already in SEA cons alone the past few months.Con appearance = They can sell their generic merch in bulk so they can bypass shipping fees.Majority of SEA fans are poor so shipping fees are always a no go for them so without shipping fees they can buy merch.There are cons almost weekly in SEA the past few months.The homos can be useful just let them attend those SEA cons so they can bring the girls merch to bypass shipping fees.Since surprisingly the homos are somewhat relevant in SEA in the recent flip con there are homo cosplays and homo booths which didn't exist a month ago. - homo cosplay
>>46657446Meanwhile>Be unitychad>Follow everyone>Just watch whatever the hell appears on "Live" tabLife's that easy
>>46658113Isn't she on a long break?
>>46657998Yeah, it's closer to define the homocollabs as fool's gold. It'll get good numbers but no one within the collab will be better off after them.
>>46658226too based for this board
>>46658199That's like 90% of Holo gaming streams tbqh
>>46658088That's the thing with Mori. Maybe one or two of those types of incidents and maybe people would be able to look past the bad as a one time thing.But after so many fuck ups even the minor things just start to pile up
>mumei's ring thread got deletedhoojannies?
How come nobody talking about ID anniversary we may get a look at ID4.
>>46658226Same. As long as it's Hololive I'm not too picky.
>>46658280New outfit at best
>>46658280too soon
>>46658280ID4 auditions barely ended, they’re not due until the fall
>>46658274Yeah, me
The 20k council box is stretched thin hereMumei will struggle to break 5k
someone check the shipping on stars merchs. You'll be surprised (or not). :D
>>46658216How much is merch selling for at SEA cons though? It's gotta scale to reflect the cost of living in those places or people can't afford to buy it.
>>46658280There is nothing yet other than per gen new keyarts
>>46658274Be honest anon, there's no world where a thread talking about Mumei's ring is a good thread
>>46658280unless they get a triple cunny I wont care
>>46658274Not their fault the schizo can’t handle the news of our engagement.
>>46658274I did it, that was a private moment between myself and my wife.
>>46658228Yeah but she's back now. Her numbers might be on the lower end compared to Necoma but her technique is way better than hers. She's arguably the best in the ear licking business right now, with Ito being the close second.
>>46658274Good riddance
I kind of feel bad for Bae, she's going to get absolute eviscerated if they ever release EN3.
Being highly talented is not necessary for Hololive they hone talents. It’s why most of en are failures outside but blew up in Hololive so that’s not an issue. English is the 3rd most used language in the world and even niji gets thousands of applicants so again not an issue. They just aren’t looking because they want the homos to succeed.
>>46658469who's Ito?
>>46658387Don’t see how it’s surprising, you can fit a pair of boxers in a package envelope.
>>46658500Bae is still the highest merch seller in council
>sub 12kJoewari da...
>>46658500Or elevated depending on if she can find someone to mesh well with. I think it could go either way. Think positive mate.
>>46658500>I kind of feel bad for Bae, she's going to get absolute eviscerated if they ever release EN3.Or she can see it as an opportunity to redebut to the tourists that EN3 will bring.
>>46658232Pretty much. These hetshipfags are absolutely the WORST when it comes to actually being engaged. At least the /u/fags and the fujos actually fucking put their money where their mouth is when it comes to merch(even if they can become cancerous if they're pandered to TOO hard), these fuckers just fuck off until the next collab happens.
>>46658506maybe the issue is they can't find the right type of failures?
>>46658527This semen demon
>>46658548Are you trying to apply the usual Gura strat to Kronii?
>kronii 11klmao unicorns are useless an absolute minority in the fanbase literally has no power over anything at all
>>46658552Miori gonna be a home wrecker and kill BaeRyS
>>46658500Eh, shes in the same position as Kiara where it can't get much worse then it already is.
>>46658575This is the thread for vtubers
>>46658552She'd have to learn to not be an active detriment to collabs and have a pretty significant change in personality and on-stream demeanor for that to happen. There's positive and then there's just being delusional.>>46658583She didn't manage to capture an audience before or since, I doubt reintroducing herself to lapsed fans would help.
>>46658627there's a lot of canacucks
>>46658387I don't even need to check, the shipping is VOLUMETRIC based, meaning a bunch of flat and foldables will cost nothing compared to the ABOMINATION of shipping costs that Kronii's stuff is.
>>46658627she used to have 14k+ on minecraft, even fauna got 12k yesterdayif it's not a recline idk what it is
>>46658627Anon...she got 15.8k last time...
>>46658623nice, got more recommendations?
>>46658469I really enjoy her earlicking. Like, she's really fucking good at it. But her streams are like 90% chatting so I never catch them live and just watch the VOD for the earlicking portion.
>>46654318Both of those do count as parasocial. I bet you take your definitions from Wikipedia instead of looking through research or even read up on articles talking about the studies that are made on the topic.
>>46658583Why the fuck would I ever watch bae over any of her genmates? Kronii has a way better voice. Mumei is 100x cuter. Fauna is way more entertaining.
>>46658009Not famous enough for that>>46657638I wouldn’t be surprised either but cover is a job where she doesn’t need a work ethic because even as a shitter it’s probably a 40k salary while doing nothing
>>46658649I mean for Bae it absolutely can with her relying on a timeslot that's been temporarily vacated by the big draws in EN that's slowly being returned to them.
>>46658397People that attend SEA cons probably got 20-200$ budget. A lot of unofficial merch in cons are overpriced already which is almost the same cost as the official one. So just bring the merch over and people will buy them it's just that shipping fees are a no go for most people in SEA.
>>46654318>Parasocial relationships (PSRs) are nonreciprocal socio-emotional connections with media figures such as celebrities or influencersThere
>>46658690Bae isn't THAT bad anymore. If anything a new friend is all she needs. And I don't think Bae really meshed well with anyone in HoloEN other then IRyS. Hell that whole SNOT shit was pretty fucked up excluding Bae.
>>46658708And like 2-3 weeks ago Fauna had a 9.9k Minecraft
>>46658718When *was* her last time? Do we have an idea of if this also has a rarity buff? I am morbidly curious and want to see the full extent of the GRIM
>>46658708Reclined for sure but according to unicorns she should have lower numbers than bae in MC. it's 12k now
>>46658748I bet you read some blogsticle shite from an (((academic))) and decided their redefining of terms was totes heckin valid and like so true fr.
>>46658770She could be arrogant and prideful enough to think that she can take the audience she's built up into a new life post-Hololive.
>>46658899The last time was back when it was EN server only wasn’t it?
>>46658251Not reallyI follow Star as well
>>46658899Last time was late January. So a little over two months ago.
>>46658189They never got that low before and I’m pretty sure her Minecraft used to be super buff as opposed to fauna level.
>>46658844Bae and Mumei are probably the closest friends in holoEN by a fair margin
>kronii at 12kwtf I though she recline, did unikeks come crawling back?
>>46658718Anon… you’re an honest to god retard. She got 15k when the brand new server just opened. Did you forgeg Iroha and Koyori also got 30k playing MC on the server when it opened too? And wow, look at that! Iroha gets 10-11k nowadays. Why the fuck are you so hellbent on Kronii, who’s climbing up to 13k right now, is not at 15k, but ignoring the 25-30k down to 10-15k dropoffs elsewhere?
>>46658274>multiple anti Kronii threads still upSuffering
>>46658798Bae's in the unfortunate position of being most people's 5-6th favorite, which means any overlap destroys her, unless it's like Mori or Kiara. If 2-3 of the EN3 girls end up ahead of her on the viewer flowchart and also stream evening EST that's going to be devastating for her.
>>46658976And was her first time on the new server.She getting what fauna gets is expected to most people who follow councyl numbers.