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File: 197 KB, 1159x1079, 1680431979688490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46562568 No.46562568 [Reply] [Original]

>Collabs with a male
>Says she won't do it again

>> No.46562697

What’s your point here? She is menhera, did you expect something different?

>> No.46562695
Quoted by: >>46563392

Based, kson chads stay winning

>> No.46563309

When did she collab with a male?

>> No.46563365
Quoted by: >>46606779

My cock collabed with her pussy.

>> No.46563392
Quoted by: >>46568960

You wish.
Men doesn't like whores

>> No.46563390

Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up

>> No.46563440

There is nothing wrong with collabing with men

>> No.46563508


>> No.46563555
Quoted by: >>46570013

Just like there is nothing wrong with girls who will never collab with males. I prefer these as my type of vtubers

>> No.46563651
Quoted by: >>46573607


>> No.46563872

I don't care about male streams, but you really shouldn't promise not to do them if you're going to be that kind of streamer. It is far more NTR since you're setting up an expectation of loyalty. Without that expectation I don't really get the cuck feeling.

>> No.46564160

One of her cucks apologized to her for being angry and she reposted it without removing all the tags and exposed him for no reason while shitting on him lol. I dont understand how anyone can still watch the bitch.

>> No.46564550

Fuck me now thats the cuck experience

>> No.46564593

Truly vshojo experience

>> No.46564745

And she used to be the GFE queen, unicorns champion lol

>> No.46565261

Cuck deserved it desu. Weak faggots like him are why she feels empowered to do these antics in the first place.

>> No.46565324

First she owns unicorn's opinion than shit on them ?
She is the menhera among menheras, you can't beat this level of broken mind.

>> No.46565429

What collabs? Link them.

>> No.46565588
Quoted by: >>46566975

I don't know how her fans aren't just constantly tired at this point, I feel fucking tired just reading about this menhera ona and her menhera community and I dropped when she acted retarded after the discord meme

>> No.46565836

Why didn't you give her 30.000 viewers when she asked? You have only yourself to blame

>> No.46565871

>trusting a verified, factual liar

>> No.46566000

You must be fucking retarded if you think that. Her PL was very well known when she got into hololive. At one point, youtubes own algo doxxed most of the holo girls by suggesting their PL videos and you could see Rushia hanging out, collabing and interviewing guys IRL. Especially fawning over that one "Ikemen" guy that was sitting on the floor shirtless.
If she was someones "unicorn queen" then he was just a fucking retard in the first place.

>> No.46566181

then why are you watching anime vtubers, i love vtubers but there are objectively more entertaining streamers out there, a big part of the appeal is that they are cute anime girls (or boys), and i personally don't like watching cute girls flirt with dudes all the time, so i don't wanna watch girls who do that. and here's the other bit, if they're upfront about wanting to collab with males from the start then i won't care, it's an issue for me when they avoid men for months/years, develop a fanbase which doesn't want those collabs, and then they turn around and start doing male collabs out of no where, like kronii and mori, i don't give a fuck if bae collabs with tempus cause she made it clear from the start that she would... of course i won't watch her but i'm not gonna hate on her at all

>> No.46566290

ok admittedly, i think alot of western unicorns don't care about PL stuff, and i understand that by definition that means we aren't unicorns but there isn't a better word for it so we still call ourselves that. for instance, i don't care at all that mori's PL collabs with men all the time, it makes no difference to me cause i don't care about her PL, i care about the character she plays, however i do care when calli collabs with tempus and other random dudes because she never used to do that, so i got used to the idea of that not happening, and then she randomly turned around and started doing it after like a year of avoiding it

>> No.46566540

she may be crazy

>> No.46566873

Kson got in her head

>> No.46566975


At this point I think even Nazuna is starting to realize that her fans are even more batshit insane than she is. I don't know what she'll do, but I think the only way she can salvage her career in the long run is to purge enough of the crazies that they stop scaring off normal people.

>> No.46566977
Quoted by: >>46567058

Typing to a vshojo translator employee for less than 3 minutes in a Minecraft server constitutes as a male collab? You fuckers are really stretching for this bait

>> No.46566996
File: 1.05 MB, 2730x4096, 1680479850793418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rushia hanging out, collabing and interviewing guys IRL. Especially fawning over that one "Ikemen" guy that was sitting on the floor shirtless.
source plox? or just what to type in search

>> No.46567058

>she just typed to mafux2 for 5 seconds about her apex tournament

>> No.46567289
File: 769 KB, 1029x1089, 1667806798244881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of words.

>> No.46567469

She hasn't collabed with a male since last year

>> No.46567697

She responded to her translator in minecraft chat
That's it
That's what happened
Some of her fans are straight fucking schizo

>> No.46567768

Did he reply to him saying he came home?

>> No.46567867

This is why I hate (EN) unicorns.
I pray to God Kson was specifically talking about them and them only. EN unicorns. They take the concept of JP unicorns and make a mockery out of them.

>> No.46567920

Oh ESLtard.. just work on the basics. Learn a little more english and you might one day be able to make a joke without looking like you're braindead.

>> No.46568008
Quoted by: >>46570182

I should also add this.
Many "Nekofami" falseflag as unicorns and do it unknowingly in front of Mikeneko herself. That's ultimately why she sometimes doesn't bother engaging with overseas fans. Her ability to detect sarcasm is not high.

>> No.46568167

You're either intentionally misleading or going off second hand info. She was playing on Kson's minecraft server and Taishi was online. He was not translating for her at the time. He was playing the game. She greeted him and nobody said anything. 2 hours later she says she wants to go see what Taishi is up to, walks all the way to him, calls him cute, and proceeds to keep interacting until she very obviously noticed people freaking out in chat and left. She drew out the stream for another 4 hours afterwards trying to bury what happened and delay reading the twitter reactions.

>> No.46568960

So your dad fucked your mom without love?
That's sad though that explains why you're a faggot.

>> No.46568980
File: 261 KB, 1119x149, CUTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46569106
Quoted by: >>46570480

Give it to me straight, how big is his cock? She clearly wants to fuck him.

>> No.46569228
Quoted by: >>46569817

She clearly doesn’t want to be this ultra pure unicorn mecca GFE streamer anymore, she just wants to be a normal vtuber who can interact with anyone without her entire fanbase sperging out. I’d feel bad for her if she didn’t dig her own grave.

>> No.46569253
Quoted by: >>46570239

>I'm terrified of being cucked by a 2 block tall minecraft avatar.
Seek professional help.

>> No.46569364
File: 21 KB, 112x112, MELMEDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46569444
Quoted by: >>46570387

Based Nazuna telling unicornfaggots to fuck off

>> No.46569449

Poor little fandead always getting cucked. Don't feel bad for them though, at this point they either like it.

>> No.46569613

Zen tranny

>> No.46569786
Quoted by: >>46569883

Jesus christ unicorns are terrifyingly mentally ill
I am a GFE enjoyer but who the fuck cares about that. As long as she doesnt play the FPS dating game of the day with a dude and flirts with him who the fuck caaaareeees

>> No.46569817
Quoted by: >>46570056

Yes she does. Stop writing revisionist history.

>> No.46569834 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 706x674, The Falseflag King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46569942

It looks like EN Unicorns are more in it for the meme and are getting worse and worse.
As if they're TRYING to get everyone to hate them, but also hurt the chuuba they're supporting.

>> No.46569883

You want to know the worst part about this?
These unicorns are falseflagging half of the time. Do you expect a Japanese girl to detect the 4chan style of ironic shitposting?
That's why I fucking hate (EN) unicorns.

>> No.46569888


>> No.46569942
Quoted by: >>46581038

Yes. It's infuriating. Just last week they tried to pull this shit on at least 5 different female chuubas I like, now they're doing it to another. We seriously need to redefine what a unicorn is so it doesn't get conflated with obvious trolls from the EN side of things.

>> No.46570001

That's actually a mistranslation, unironically. Reads more along the lines of, that cape is cute. I love that cape.

>> No.46570013

Stop being reasonable here.

>> No.46570056

How many yabs has she had about her doing normal streamer things like playing games with guys at this point? It’s pretty obvious she’s not as obsessed with being pure and male-free as her fans are.

>> No.46570091


>> No.46570168
Quoted by: >>46573460

What a nothingburger
They wouldn't be here if meidos properly did their job and put a stop to the retards spamming the catalog. But they're probably joining in the shitposting so that'll never happen. The worst thing is that they're fucking cowards who panic and delete threads when it looks like a real drama is starting, like they did when Mikeneko wasn't doing well mentally after being terminated from Hololive

>> No.46570174

Regardless, she's apologized each and every time. What she wants people to do is stop bringing the past up all the fucking time. It's why EN fans are harder for her than ever before. Her JP fans aren't thinking about it at all. Whoever keeps DMing her screencaps and threads from this website deserves to burn alive.

>> No.46570182

What, this is a massive lie. She's talked about Unicorns seriously and acknowledges a lot are kaigai.

>> No.46570192

I'll be translating your stream soon, mii-chan ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و

>> No.46570231
Quoted by: >>46587754

>youtubes own algo doxxed most of the holo girls by suggesting their PL videos
Youtube only doxed them by algo because videos uploaded by doxfag seanigs and zhangs. she and most jp holo roommates streamed on NND

>> No.46570239

Minecraft is where zoomer women find chads to DP and spitroast them on friday nights.

>> No.46570261

No Unicorns DMed her over this, you retard.
The only DMs she's complained about recently are from people who aren't Unicorns. Do your reps.

>> No.46570346

No one has DMd her over this anon, the 9nly DM she's gotten was from a Korean anticorn schizo talking about tarot cards, unironically. The guy is very schizo.

>> No.46570387

She called out a fan directly because he posted an anti Unicorn clip from Kson to her livetag and he instantly deleted it.
And then immediately made a tweet telling people not to start fights in her livetag.

>> No.46570480

5.5 inches
Source: my ass

>> No.46570656

She could just close her DMs?

>> No.46570852

No uh well you see she can't do that because uh

>> No.46571043

i never really understood but why do people hate it when their oshis collab with males? Ive been watching vtubers for 3 years now and it still makes no sense. My oshi is pikamee btw s

>> No.46571556

Mental illness

>> No.46571676

Vshojo. Nothing but lies.

>> No.46572058

Based, thanks for reporting in gfechad
Cucks exposed can only resort to name calling kek

>> No.46572290

stop being reasonable

>> No.46572727

Her actions start to make more sense when you realize that she has a pathological need to be loved by everybody.

>> No.46572841

Why the fuck does she need to go there in the first place?
Open a custom server and let all the fans in. The fucking animosity.

>> No.46572852
Quoted by: >>46573728

Why is that I never see unicorns complaining. Its always "Oh Yeah dude unicorns are throwing a fit right now trust me"

>> No.46573292
File: 441 KB, 1536x2048, 1667893357442936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46607537

>then why are you watching anime vtubers
>and i personally don't like watching cute girls flirt with dudes all the time, so i don't wanna watch girls who do that
Sailormoon is one of the most popular and successful anime of all time. I'm sorry you'd rather watch girls pretend to be idols by having pretend LGBTQ relationships with each other you fucking queer.

>> No.46573460
Quoted by: >>46581129

>half the time
that's a huge understatement. You think the Kanata thread getting spammed with "whore!cuck!whore!" all week was only half falseflagging?
sorry, mods too busy handing out vacations for """doxing""" (making vague benign references to a PL), no time to deal with nijisister SEAmonkey unicorn falseflaggers spamming every thread 24/7 and making 50 bait threads a day. They got their priorities straight.

>> No.46573607
File: 341 KB, 852x632, 1657660129454806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were never your gf and if you ever loved them you're a fucking retard

>> No.46573616

jesus christ you people are hilarious

>> No.46573728

>t. unicorn falseflagger

>> No.46573823
Quoted by: >>46574217

Pic unrelated, homobeggar?

>> No.46573903
Quoted by: >>46574072

She gets actual business inquires through DMs

>> No.46573941

Her DMs are open? How is her inbox not flooded with cocks every day?

>> No.46574072
Quoted by: >>46574117

Isn't that what management is for?

>> No.46574117
Quoted by: >>46574255

Nazuna's Dms are closed. Mikeneko's DMs are open.

>> No.46574217

You have the wrong guy, friend. I too find hololive to be bottom of the barrel.

>> No.46574255
Quoted by: >>46574456

Mikeneko said before she had a manager no?

>> No.46574333

how do you guys get past the peaks in her Audio?

>> No.46574339
File: 112 KB, 850x795, 1670567527187403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent freedom for you to go fuck yourself.

>> No.46574344

rushia and her retarded fans will never learn sadly...

>> No.46574456

Her "manager" is more a part time manager who just helps her out with merch and does other things for her.
She handles most things herself as an indie.

>> No.46574507

She has spoken negatively about talent freedom recently.
At least use a different VShojo girl to shitpost about that.

>> No.46574838
Quoted by: >>46574965

ok, but is the manager male?

>> No.46574965
Quoted by: >>46575084

If the manager is who I assume it is, female

>> No.46575084

thank god

>> No.46575251

Mucho texto

>> No.46575262
Quoted by: >>46583123

>they were never your gf
provide source or you are a lying faggot

>> No.46575443
Quoted by: >>46575914

Handling business proposals should definitely be a manager's job

>> No.46575455

>Another cope bait thread over the fact Nazuna is superior to the HoloEN whores
I guess when you finally accept you have a Tempiss onahole for an oshi then pretending that Nazuna briefly talking to a member of her chat is a Mori level yab is all you have left to cope with

Why not just come and watch Nazuna instead of eternally seething over the fact she's not like the Tempiss whores and actually does GFE right?

>> No.46575751

You need to go back to your schizo general and cope there. Don't forget ger tweet about "future collabs" btw ;)

>> No.46575839

Go back to infinity and mald over the fact Kronii is Vespers personal cumbucket instead of trying to drag other vtubers down with you

>> No.46575914

She doesn't want to inhibit people from contacting her for stuff so

>> No.46575985

>taking a menhera lashing out seriously
You've never dealt with women before, have you
She was already pissy and said something she knew would annoy her fans. Which means unlike a lot of vtubers, she's 100% aware of unicorns
Later on that same day, she replied to a JP cuck fan who posted a Kson anti unicorn rant on her livetag and outright told him to take it down. Then made a tweet telling people to not start fights on her tags.

>> No.46576031

Gave off the same energy as her tweet about streaming on Bilibili, solely to piss off her fans.

>> No.46576076
Quoted by: >>46576216

“Stop bringing up my past, let’s just forget about it and move forward“ is the eternal cry of a whore when confronted about making bad decisions.

>> No.46576216

For the record, she's never told anyone to stop bringing up her past, the JPs, Koreans and Taiwanese just extrapolate that from God knows where.

>> No.46576268

Perhaps she thought he would be ok with chat because he's a viewer? why were they on the same server in the first place, was it some public minecraft server or do vshojo let anyone on or did the translator just get exclusive access? If its exclusive access then I could see why they're upset, raising 1 fan above all others is bad business.

>> No.46576327

It's Ksons server and she gave him access because he's one of her friends.

>> No.46576463

also I'm pretty sure the guy is a giga faggot

>> No.46576527 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 579x444, damare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike: "I didn't explain myself well enough, so let me say that I was talking about the kind of listeners in my members' only streams... I want nothing to do with the kind of people on 4ch or 5ch who cause me so much stress"

(Western unicorn king Arigathanks says "Let's be happy together, don't leave us")

Mike: "Shut up"

>> No.46576537
Quoted by: >>46576688

It's a Kson server and the TL is Ksons friend. She was discussing creating a fan server last MC stream and there is a fan server but her retards where too retarded to tell her that it existed.

>> No.46576641

Why are you posting the reply she deleted in half an hour instead of the reply she gave to that cuckold Sorairo?

>> No.46576688


is taishi a fandead or regularly in fandead chat? If so I can see the problem. Also depends how long she stuck around, was it polite or was she pretty close.


>> No.46576750

He's one of her VShojo TLs. And no, the interaction was polite, distant and only through chat
Seems more likely she assumed staff would be fine, but her fans begged to differ

>> No.46576789

That's a meme version of shut up anon, means more along the lines of "shut up, not now" but only translates to shut up. Pretty sure she deleted that and many others, only leaving up the original tweet where she was shitting on an anticorn DMing her some tarot shit and a reply dunking on the JPcuck Sorairo, who she also hates. Kinda sad that you stalk her accounts this much anon, after all she deleted this in less than 30 mins.

>> No.46576843
Quoted by: >>46576992

Compared to
which is still up, and made towards an anti-unicorn, I'm gonna say your point lands flat on his face

>> No.46576871
Quoted by: >>46576943

Taishi looks like he religiously watches her streams, he was even watching while in MC. Ignoring the mistranslation above, since it's grossly mistranlsated, the interaction was about less than 10 minutes in which she just saw what he was building and then left, no VC only MC chat.

>> No.46576886

>Whitecock fuck me IN THE EEEEEGG!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.46576943

>Ignoring the mistranslation above,
Do you know how that mistranslation spread? That was how her VShojo TL translated it.
That's the standard being hired to TL her streams. It's pretty embarrassing for the company.

>> No.46576992 [DELETED] 

wasn't trying to make a point other than this girl is hilariously unstable

>> No.46577021

Consider this, her best translator is one of her anti, unironically. Vshojo hired an anti to translate for her and he is the best TL she has.

>> No.46577038

Wait, so you can mistranslate another translator in vshoujo?

>> No.46577097

It's Vshojo, so probably. Also no, that translation was the one on stream.

>> No.46577268
Quoted by: >>46577355

No, this was the official paid translator during her stream. Fun fact: He's an anti who was caught openly shitting on Nazuna/Mikeneko, but Vshojo keeps him around anyways.

>> No.46577355

Nah, it wasn't the anti subbing that stream
It was just another TL who makes mistakes sometimes.

>> No.46578340

>Ksonkeks already on damage control.
The only innocent in thus history are the fandeads. Hope they all go back to anime given time, without offing themselves or anything. I admit that i loathe Mikeneko but i like the fandeads passion.

>> No.46578401

I mean, she literally did not call him cute. That was a horrible TL

>> No.46578458
Quoted by: >>46578714


>> No.46578471
Quoted by: >>46579064

>loathe Mikeneko
Kindly fuck off. we don't need people like you around

>> No.46578646
Quoted by: >>46578895

Is anyone going to share who this was and if they roped over it? This is some cruel pre-Rushia Mikeneko shit LMAO

>> No.46578714

Yeah, she's my wife.

>> No.46578895
Quoted by: >>46580149

She 100% intended to remove them all and deleted the post in about a minute when she realised she fucked up. When that fan apologised to her on stream, she seemed a bit awkward, so likely feels guilty about it.
Compare and contrast the retarded DM, where she made 0 effort to obscure who had DMed her because she's stated multiple times that you shouldn't DM her

>> No.46578899
Quoted by: >>46579743

>calls him cute
Learn Japanese and stop relying on Vshojo TLs, she called the cape cute, since it did have a cute look to it, not him. God at least get that right.

>> No.46579064

But i want you.

>> No.46579065

>Talent freedom
>management ban her from playing the wizard game
the only freedom they have is freedom to be a whore.

>> No.46579282

What did we learn this time, Nekofami?
Still blameless as always?

>> No.46579322

I've learned that nearly everyone in the catalog does't watch streams as usual or can't understand Japanese and get all of their info from bait threads

>> No.46579477

Considering the bad TLs and misinfo in some of these posts, no one watches streams or understands Japanese.

>> No.46579579

Both her and her fans are made for each other, they're both fucking batshit

>> No.46579743

Ah kinda makes sense. That' definitely easy to also mistranslate to "he is cute " because she probably just said "kawaii", before she refered to the cape.
With how high context Japanese is it definitely would be better to have a translator who knows her more.

>> No.46580072

another nijifag and their drama threads

>> No.46580149
Quoted by: >>46580385

It was mistake but she also ignore his apology message during the stream and gave cold reaction to the one message she did react. I think he got attack again during her episode earlier too. I'm not sure what he did but she pissed at him

>> No.46580209
File: 238 KB, 336x524, 1674576567911546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a unicorn but For me it's just I only want to watch cute girls doing cute things, it would be like if you were watching k-on or something similar and a guy just showed up for one episode, he's just annoying and gets in the way

Men ruin the comfy relaxing vibe that you only get with women as men aren't capable of producing that vibe.

>> No.46580385

Not really, she gave an akward and silent one. Judging by the way she said it and the formality she used, something she only reserves for showing some respect, she probs felt sorry about it. Regarding the episode, she was attacking everyone but judging from the fact that she deleted all but 2 of her attacks it looks like she only meant those 2 still up. Gotta be honest, from since 2 days ago she's been acting manic, from the start of the MC stream she was acting schizo because Twitch wouldn't allow her to change her name to Nazzy-chan, a nickname a fan gave her, and almost ended the stream right there out of frustration.

>> No.46580549

Men can produce comfy relaxing vibes but the kinds of personalities that can you aren't liable to find in today's streaming because everyone has to be SUPER HYPER AND ACTIVE AND LOL SO FUNNI.
Look at an anime like Mushishi. It's nothing but chill vibes.
You'll never get a soft spoken, toned down personality like that in a male vtuber.

>> No.46580780

I know, but it's not the same as when it's with a woman.

>> No.46581038

This is a falseflag operation and not their own retardation showing btw

>> No.46581129

Surprise surprise its nijiniggers.

>> No.46581210

In that case wouldnt the solution simply be to not watch that particular stream?
In general unicorns feel to me like Karens in their extreme reactions. It's fine to not like it, but don't be an asshole.

>> No.46581497

They probably send her my posts and freak out about how I flirt with her in the nazuna general sometime, she wants donut cock

>> No.46582885

i just wish my future wife would be less distant, well at this rate she wont be my future wife sadly. which is fine, i wish her the best in the endeavors, she was a light in my darkness and pulled me up once. i cant hate the angel for that.

>> No.46582988

she'd probably cheat on me anyway, everyone always does. people just usually dont catch their partner cheating and live unaware

>> No.46583123
File: 2 KB, 120x120, pill_1f48a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46585208


>> No.46583164

infact, why would she be interested in me anyway?

>> No.46583648
Quoted by: >>46607287

still nowhere as chill as an anime like mushishi but he's probably the most "chill" male vtuber who isn't a literal who

>> No.46585208

Don't have one? Cool, let me give you a good source
reading chat: ロリポは彼氏なんだね
>reading chat: Lollipop(the fanbase name) is your boyfriend right
>It is like that!
>You get it
>There is no damn boyfriend other than Lollipop
Skip the next few lines which jokingly ask if she's a man-eater, until 00:18:25
>More than something like 'Gachikoi'
>Ain't it?
>Because it's seriously like that(seriously her boyfriend)
>That (is it)
I can link you the timestamp of membership youtube VOD where she specifically says "It's not roleplay" if you have her membership.

>> No.46586611

Tempiss and the standoffish inflammatory way that certain retarded Holo ENs handled male collabs unironically mindbroke the entire english gfe audience. The months of nonstop fallout, fueled by the terminally online male population's preexisting obsession with cuckoldry as a concept, twitter homobeggers taking up arms for muh feminism, and sea shitposters doing what they do best, has ended up balkanizing everyone as the lines between shitposting and actual mental illness have blurred. Any sign of apparent "infidelity" gets disproportionately blown up by the escalating rhetoric, which preys on GFE enjoyers/unicorns latent insecurity and paranoia and general mental illness, until it reaches a point of them demanding actually 100% pure chastity in order to keep themselves from chimping out.

That said, anyone claiming that EOPs are worse about it are full of shit. Like the jap (or chink? I don't remember) women who attacked the fucking bus during the original Rushia yab, because they were mad about her despoiling their twink fuccboi. This narrative exists entirely because Kson and her retarded rant, since she likely figured she'd have infinitely more of a chance of influencing things in this turbulent western audience/market than she would ever in the japanese one, where unicorndom is infinitely more ingrained and cemented.

>> No.46587005

Standoffish? By telling you that guys and girls are capable of being friends? I'm sorry if your oshi is the only woman in your life but you're not the only man in hers. GFE is such a stupid thing designed to prey on lonely virgin men who will send their entire life savings to fund anyone who gives them the slightest bit of attention.
EOPs are cancer but don't act like GFE was ever a good thing, I love my oshis but I'm not delusional enough to throw a fit each time they dare speak to anyone of the opposite gender because I know that I'm only attracted to a model and a personality, if I met my oshi irl I'd probably be disgusted by them.

>> No.46587342

rangeban SEA and the US

>> No.46587536
Quoted by: >>46588564

>presents personal take as fact
>presents personal situation as fact
Actually it's me who is correct because I am based while you are gay

>> No.46587754

She wasn't known at all by foreigners and when it was brought up they convinced themselves that it's all out of context, mistranslated, 'she changed for the better' and a number of other excuses.

Rushia is a seanigzhang now? It was her own stream that was getting boosted lmao

>> No.46587925

She's superior to hololive as a whole

>> No.46588564
Quoted by: >>46607032

What did she say that was so standoffish to you? I'm dying to know because I watched the streams, I think the overreaction of
was retarded and still is. Most women have guys they're friends with, chances are your oshi does too. Even in Jp the girls are seen playing offline with guy friends and talking to guys and some of them even have lived with guys.
GFE was always designed to milk lonely losers who seek validation through bankrolling a chuuba who at best might remember your name.
You wanna donate to someone? Go for it. I do, but I don't donate to them because I think they're in a relationship with me because I'm not that much of a lonely loser. GFE is stupid and anyone who gets upset over males interacting with females lives in some fantasy land

>> No.46588796

>is pikamee

>> No.46588974

>I personally don't like watching cute girls flirt with dudes all the time
I do. My god, have you never watched a harem anime? Do you not realize how popular this genre is.
I don't know where all these "girls must never interact with guys" people came from. Probably a bunch of normies who never watch anime, because their opinion is completely antithetical to what anime is.

>> No.46589266

Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice your name must be Rushia.

>> No.46589668

>By telling you that guys and girls are capable of being friends?
We both know that isn't all that was said.
>GFE is such a stupid thing designed to prey on lonely virgin men who will send their entire life savings to fund anyone who gives them the slightest bit of attention.
GFE is absolutely more extreme and/or blatant about it, but the entire streaming industry is designed to do this exact thing. Like what do you think is going through the minds of viewers during a "nooooo don't bully me with free superchats xDDDD" bits? Or like any stream where donation TTS is enabled? It's all the same shit, whether you want to admit it or not.

At least with GFE is actually giving something in return, that being some glimmer of hope for people in a hopeless situation. If you actually read GFE related threads and shit, and not just your imaginary strawman that's extrapolating the behavior of a few loud retards across many people that do not care as much as you think they do (otherwise Nazuna/Mike wouldn't have had any real audience in the first place after Rushia's yab), you would understand that it at least helps as many people by giving them the motivation to actually better themselves, start dieting and working out, getting into hobbies and learning skills, going out to find some real equivalent of their oshi, etc.. Something certainly far healthier and more productive for these types of people than simply vilifying them and treating them like lepers just for seeking a bit of escapism, because you and your kind only pretend to be empathetic towards others.

Also while yes, stuff like this thread's incident is actual mental illness (when it actually crosses the barrier of shitposting), you can't be all "this is exploiting lonely mentally ill people!!!!" and then act like the GFE vtuber in question is a innocent victim for profiting off playing with a fire that they know full well will burn them if they aren't careful. That said, anyone complaining about strictly non GFE vtubers collabing with men should neck themselves.

>> No.46590021
File: 90 KB, 940x170, bvdferfgehtnrfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kson is against those who attack his oshi.
you attack your oshi, anon?
>b..bu...but I'm just giving her suggestions to improve as my oshi, sh..sshhee has no right to say if I'm harassing her.
nigga use your fucking judgement

>> No.46590297
Quoted by: >>46590556

>people watch porn therefore they would enjoy watching their girlfriend get fucked by other dudes
cucks are literal societal cancer that survives without needing to procreate just like trannies and fags and you will be dealt with eventually
also, go back tourist

>> No.46590376

I was specifically addressing her point that the unicorn phenomena was somehow uniquely worse among EOPs that is now being parroted in threads like these, not whatever it is you're trying to argue about.

>> No.46590556

not your girlfriend, she's pixels on a screen

>> No.46590598
Quoted by: >>46590707

go back tourist

>> No.46590707


>> No.46590733
Quoted by: >>46590782

go back tourist

>> No.46590782


>> No.46590918
Quoted by: >>46591017

go back tourist

>> No.46591017
Quoted by: >>46607739

>this is the only response he has
Your brain has been completely rotted. You have lost all contact with reality.

>> No.46591189

Why was her non-streamer translator allowed on the server to begin with?

>> No.46591288
Quoted by: >>46592507

That's cute. Enjoy your lies.

>> No.46592257

I read your text, pretty cool, fuck that retarded anon.

>> No.46592352

she doesn't use the word harassment here
notice what she does say isn't harassment
the translation is probably the usual term people use which is 暴れる
It's more like "go wild", and the term is applied to so much garbage that should never be counted as harassment.
Basically, nips and kson too apparently call anybody who is "~saying too much"(ネットでは言い過ぎたり必要以上に言ったりするってようなこと、普通に)。with their opinions online (regardless of how they go about it) as 暴れる.
And they're fucking retarded for it

>> No.46592419

see >>46585208
>pixels on a screen
not an argument or relevant for what a girlfriend is

>> No.46592459
Quoted by: >>46592984

>Believing a woman
Kys. Faggot

>> No.46592507

>he defaults to insulting the person saying it when he gets proven wrong
classic cuckold

>> No.46592984

>likes people with the genitals he has more than the opposite
>calls other people a faggot
choose one and only one queer

>> No.46594233
Quoted by: >>46596272

I don't necessarily disagree with your position that it gives people something in return but I can't wholeheartedly agree either. It sucks lonely men into the hobby and sure you can argue the entire industry is based on that but GFE is taking that to a whole other level while only leading people to become more depressed when they realize they've spent all their money for a girl who will only ever see them as a username.
I donate to chuubas and shit don't get me wrong but I see GFE as exploitive and harmful for both people involved because it's almost an inevitably that it will blow up in the face, it happens so often that it's not even funny and Mike/Nazuna had to go above and beyond in order to not lose people because of her "yab" of having a guy's name pop up on stream. Several people were already throwing fits and sending harassment because of it and you can't blame it on eops when the comments were in Japanese.
I don't necessarily disagree that the idea of improving yourself for your oshi is good but you and I both know that half of the people who do GFE say shit like
>It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like so long as you're nice and supportive of me!
I don't think of the people as lepers and I don't really know why you'd think that? I think that GFE is a bad thing and you should respect your oshi for who they are instead of chimping out each time they collab with a male. I don't think GFE vtubers are innocent at all, in fact I think that GFE is one of the worst things in the industry.

>> No.46595975

Anons sure like to write a lot of words

>> No.46596272
Quoted by: >>46597370

NTA but your whole take is useless because you just assume that every single streamer will always match your biased perception when we've had /here/ vtubers say things that contradict what you think. That won't matter to you though, but it doesn't have to, because you claiming your opinion as always true right off the bat makes your entire argument inherently disingenuous
Also, men monetarily supporting women with a partner is incredibly manipulative as a rule of thumb. Your only purpose here is trying to further emasculate "lonely" men.
>they shouldn't be given money ever lol
vtubers who prioritize superchatters and members instead of view count make the best content and its not even particularly close
Also, watching streamers for entertainment is inherently pathetic and has always been so. That's why streamers NEED clips, drama, and parasocial gimmicks to be relevant in the first place.
I agree with you in cases where it's fake and the streamers aren't penalized for disrespecting their audience both on and off stream. But men supporting a woman with a partner doesn't become any less pathetic based on what they do or how they behave. And coping with "it's entertainment" or "I just don't spend anything" makes it even more so. It's fundamentally always cope. But cope that still admits to wanting to have the thing you want is more respectable than coping by pretending that you don't care. Worse too, because people who pretend that they don't care start to violently defend their act in order to convince themselves, which is for example why people who read NTR are usually the loudest, most opinionated, and most self-righteous types of fans online.

>> No.46597370
Quoted by: >>46608831

I'm not trying to emasculate anyone I'm simply saying that I personally don't think GFE is something that you should honestly support. It blows up time and time again and it's revealed that chuubas more often than not have significant others so you're only setting yourself up for failure in the future and for a menhera breakdown because your chuuba chose someone she actually knew irl over a nobody in her chat. I'm not saying they shouldn't prioritize people who send money and their members but I don't think the price of GFE is worth it for either party and I especially think that harassing people who aren't even GFE for collabing with males is retarded because YOU put those expectations on someone else. And I've said several times I spend money on chuubas I just don't support the idea of suckering people in with stuff like
>We're totally dating and this ring is a sign of a promise you're making to me hehe!
when time and time again we see that the same chuubas who do this shit are literally in relationships. Parasocial relationships aren't bad but purposely luring in people with false promises is something I find incredibly shitty. You can have your own opinion but I'll never be able to see it as something that's good.

>> No.46604095


>> No.46606632


>> No.46606779

i wrote this

>> No.46606910
Quoted by: >>46607125

Didn't she literally run into a dude in her first collab with the VSJ girls in Minecraft? There was no freakout. Why fucking now.

>> No.46607032

Don't care, cuck.

>> No.46607125
Quoted by: >>46607611

Bannedvtmemes mob trying to drum up hate against her again for literally no reason.

>> No.46607287

I wish I knew enough Japanese to dive into NijiJP and find hidden gems like him

>> No.46607491
Quoted by: >>46607866

According to her general she just said she will collab with more males if the unicorns keep complaining.

>> No.46607537

Right we need to ignore that VTubers are more similar to Moe Slice of Life than Sailor Moon or harem anime for your retarded arguments to make any sense

Now kys normalfags

>> No.46607567

> there are objectively more entertaining streamers out there
I honestly get multiple hearty keks out of Holo collabs, specifically those involving Botan, Pegor and SMOK.
No fleshie stream can come even close to these holo streams in terms of entertainment value.

>> No.46607611

>No reason
Nah it is likely deflection from Boyfriend Connect yab

>> No.46607739

>This is the only response, he has
You say that after doing this
The absolute lack of self-awareness

>> No.46607866
Quoted by: >>46607974

She's going to lose all of her revenue if she does that, so I doubt it

>> No.46607924
File: 42 KB, 159x163, chinkdetected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just acknowledged Taiwan. All other arguments are irrelevant, she's now based.

>> No.46607974
Quoted by: >>46608058

According to kson and anons shitposting here all of the jp side is fine with it and only the eop are unicorns.

>> No.46608058
Quoted by: >>46611047

All those Japanese viewers on twitch, sure, whatever you say. Regardless of what people say, if your fanbase stops giving you money, you cease to exist.

>> No.46608831

I'm pro gfe, but I will admit that the engagement ring merch level of it is disgusting for several reasons. Fortunately most don't go that far, even if just for logistical reasons.

Regardless, as long as the vtuber keeps all of that shit out of stream (unlike, say, Lia) and maintains a bare minimum of opsec (unlike, say, Rushia), the vast majority of the audience simply does not care. The ones who most often care otherwise and go out of their way to find an ex, a current boyfriend, a male friend or whatever, then blow up over it are shitposter doxxfaggot antis purely out to take advantage of emotional attachment for good reactions as they falseflag meltdowns, and genuine schizos.

Which as far as the latter group is concerned, nothing anyone on either side does matters, because schizos will be schizos regardless. All the most notorious parasocial schizos in western streaming have all targeted non-GFE streamers with even out and out boyfriends/husbands. Dodger, Sweet Anita, the one guy who straight up fucking tried murdering Meg Turney and her boyfriend, etc.. Merely being some form of attractive woman on the internet invites schizos, and I think it's ignorant at best to claim there's a particular draw of big blow ups towards gfe streamers, when for the most part drama that isn't being purposefully instigated by outside parties is contained to forgettable small episodes of petty bullshit, like an autist getting mad that a namefag is getting more attention than him.

>> No.46609279

tourists and their fucking essayposts

>> No.46610602
File: 150 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46610784

Smash Nazuna. Deep Nazuna. Great White Cock crush Nazuna beyond the cum zone. Grand slam Nazuna's virgin infuriation to le petit morte with five deep cock plunges.
Rapidfire Nazuna's lack-of-male-touch button. Feed Nazuna Coffee and dark chocolate. Wine and body massage Nazuna. Strap Nazuna in to the anime machine for an hour.
Gigachad showerlift Nazuna. Clean Nazuna. Force Nazuna to cum 100 more times. Put a belt around Nazuna's neck in a king size bed. Rest Nazuna in the good night's sleep of her dreams.
Awaken within Nazuna the ecchi seiso. Wake Nazuna to ended Federal Reserve Bank and final world peace that you left and did overnight and came back without telling her it was you. Give Nazuna 100 American 1oz golden eagles under her pillow. Indroduce Nazuna to Gigachado 2 in celebration of those two middle fingers. Permanently hardwire Nazuna's pussy to flush wet pink to bedroom safewords. Help Nazuna to spontaneously cum from hand holding. Make Nazuna Le Petit Morte Again from headpats. Lube butler for Nazuna and her two girls. Make Nazuna's every waking moment of eternal life be the girl that boldly goes beyond all radical dream. Be the Atlas you wish to see in Nazuna's world. True love Nazuna eternally. True love Nazuna DFC eternally.

>> No.46610784


>> No.46610936

I hope you faggots are using chatgpt or something and not writing this long ass paragraphs yourselves, because goddam

>> No.46610994
File: 40 KB, 600x400, 1672556067230997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46611590

>Right we need to ignore that VTubers are more similar to Moe Slice of Life
according to who? /vt/?

>> No.46611046

VTubers (women) are surrounded by men (her chat) and all of them are competing for her love.
That's a harem if I've ever seen one.

>> No.46611047

Yes, if you ever look at her chat it's majority japanese. But you'd actually have to watch a stream to know first, which you'll never do, making your opinion irrelevant.

>> No.46611590
Quoted by: >>46616719

>according to who? /vt/?
Yagoo, you stupid fucking nigger normalfag.

>> No.46611910

Anyone who still follows her blindly despite all the things she's said and done up to this point deserves everything and anything that happens.

>> No.46614417

There are worse

>> No.46616719
File: 88 KB, 1076x755, 1676938514934301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46617326

holy cope

>> No.46617192

she embraces unciorns and then goes out of her way to hurt them on the next day. does she have a bpd?

>> No.46617326

From an interview with Business Insider:

