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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.48 MB, 2560x1440, 1670915820174559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46478632 No.46478632 [Reply] [Original]

What do you mean I "need correction"... ?

>> No.46480211
File: 880 KB, 763x763, 009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the rat cornered bros

What now?

>> No.46480291


>> No.46480710
File: 528 KB, 911x875, 1680011634692890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite it all, I want to Sniff Riifu's butt!

>> No.46480755
Quoted by: >>46482200

>5 hours early

>> No.46480855


>> No.46481846
File: 363 KB, 523x521, 1679447439987143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this retarded thread? Eien bros, i'll make another one when the streams start to pop up. I won't link this trash. Shitpost this shit into oblivion. Bye

>> No.46482037

I miss Riifu I wouldn't even slap the face of this CEO with my dick if she begged.

>> No.46482130


>> No.46482200
File: 45 KB, 704x323, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46482296

resident seanigger came home from work
and yes, he works on weekends

>> No.46482296
Quoted by: >>46485986

Why are skyelights like this?

>> No.46482772

Gives me a place to hornypost, i dont mind onw way or another. And was anyone else kind of into the fishing with stanley skylight bit? Would be kindq comfy honestly

>> No.46484927

I just realized I completely forgot to watch Riifu's ASMR yesterday, how was it?

>> No.46484994

30 minutes long, she pranked us...? Actually, with everything that happened last night, I am still not sure what the real circumstances of her ending it so early even were.

>> No.46485153

The video itself was good? As the other anon said everything after was a bit uncertain :(

>> No.46485172

>thread almost dies
>a fucking riitard resurrects it
I fucking hate riitards so much

>> No.46485255

Shut up I'm lonely, and want to talk to random people not in other places. There isn't much value in any of the other boards to, it's all a shitfest just pick your favorite.

>> No.46485352

Sorry, my bad

>> No.46485639
File: 11 KB, 352x104, Screenshot_149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fucking over

>> No.46485768

How the fuck can you not afford the few dollars to tier 2 from a gifted sub???

>> No.46485836

>zow is gonna be able to afford two t2 memberships....

>> No.46485969
Quoted by: >>46486741

Please get Kiki's and riifu's please

>> No.46485986
Quoted by: >>46486407

the talent reflects the audience

>> No.46486362
Quoted by: >>46486440

Can you imagine this fag showing up in Kilia's members ASMR and completely ruining the GFE

>> No.46486407
File: 134 KB, 374x334, 1680410791027631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46486478


>> No.46486440
Quoted by: >>46486559

God I hope so, I will encourage him to shit up every fucking memberstream just to get back at the furry mod

>> No.46486478

just like me fr fr

>> No.46486559
Quoted by: >>46486641

>I will shit up Kilia's member streams to get back at the Skye mod who abused his powers on a riifling
The absolute state of Shay

>> No.46486641
File: 1.32 MB, 3278x6027, ef70c38b11fec133c4f1fd0128c50eba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46486722

Not shay, here have some booba instead

>> No.46486664

waiting for Riifu's schlick-ing ASMR announcement. hope it will be soon!

>> No.46486722
Quoted by: >>46486912

Confident you're a riitard still

>> No.46486741

My guess would be Riifu followed by Kilia if he can get two

>> No.46486912
File: 323 KB, 1080x1891, Fstw7ataIAIhfAV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course why else would I be mad at furry mod, I just sat silently on the sidelines because I knew that I was on the losing side

>> No.46487599

Please let it be Kilia and Riifu

>> No.46487722

Should I include https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2ENeSdgocE in the op? It's kind of a joke song so idk

>> No.46487846

I would just post the link in one of the first replies to the thread

>> No.46488027

No let it be a ritual if anything

>> No.46488377
Quoted by: >>46488494

I constantly think about filming my masturbation and sending the video to an anime girl on the internet. I'm insane.

>> No.46488494
Quoted by: >>46488772

Just wash your cock first, I don't think they care as long as it's clean. Kiki will give another PSA about hygiene if you don't wash before sending it to her.

>> No.46488649

Skye finished her drawing https://twitter.com/SkyeShinryu/status/1642558340210520064?t=YfvlIsf2rIoz-0NXICL8aw&s=19

>> No.46488772
Quoted by: >>46488935

I wash daily and shave as needed, my cock is in perfect condition. Does zinc actually help? I masturbate every day so my loads are not really huge.

>> No.46488781

Riifer's left tit looks kinda weird. Besides that, cute.

>> No.46488873
File: 256 KB, 365x369, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking onahole tempts me

>> No.46488935
Quoted by: >>46489086

Just don't fap for a few days and drink a lot of water, this will already double your load

>> No.46489086
Quoted by: >>46489589

easier said than done, but then my cum will be pretty liquid, I think that's even worse than a smaller load
I need zinc consoomers here to answer if zinc will help with that

>> No.46489241

It's a full song and it sounds good so I think it should be in the OP even if it's a parody.

>> No.46489285

Skye made Riifu generously bigger than herself in every way

>> No.46489589

It actually does but you really shouldn't use it you can cause yourself real issues. Drinking plenty of water and just not masterbating is huge in its own. There is also an affect where men cumming to the same thing overtime you'll produce less so take a break from her audio or use a different one from her every so often. Yes it's a real thing.

>> No.46489886
File: 57 KB, 601x569, 1679493270469723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46490509

What about other shit from the list? Everyone usually talks only about zinc, but this other stuff has its own good effects and probably won't kill your kidneys.

>> No.46490120

And it's funny that I actually have a problem with my spine and all this constant hydration shit helps me a lot. Riifu helps me stay healthy by coomerbaiting

>> No.46490263

When you become T6 for all girls, you get to chose one every month

>> No.46490509

You don't want soya lecithin as a man it's will increase your estrogen which is bad. L-arginine long term I think actually causes you blood pressure issues as well short term it increase blood flow so obviously more blood to your dick? Shouldn't do much to cum I would avoid taking it. The celery thing is fake I've tried it years ago it was made up. Kegal is obviously good for the good blast if you're recording. Again be careful with random advice online before taking things.

>> No.46490759
Quoted by: >>46491059

Eh, ok, so water and self-restraint then, thank you for the advice.

>> No.46490861

What games would you love to see Riifu play, but you know she'll be possibly filtered?
Nier Replicant and Nier Automata. Maybe if she really ended up liking Yonah in Replicant she would stick with it.

>> No.46491059

A good healthy died does help with it. Avoid shitty processed foods. Increasing your testosterone also helps but you will have to fight urges even more. Good luck anon I'm sure she'll be happy with it either way.

>> No.46491127

Doesn´t both games have auto battle and easy mode? I think she could play it and use it if she get filtered, but I don´t know if she would want to keep replaying the game to get the endings
I want her to play MHW so I can carry her AGAIN

>> No.46491131

Nier Automata has that assisted difficulty or something like that, when your character dodges and heals automatically, so it can be good. Good music and beautiful (slightly graphically outdated) locations. She won't play it 3 times obviously, but one run is possible.
I bought the replicant but never played it so don't know about it.

>> No.46491841

I wanna see riifu play more apex and watch her get better at it

>> No.46491888
Quoted by: >>46491964

I'm glad Skyelights dont post because everytime they do here or somewhere it's almost always absolutely insufferable

>> No.46491947

I feel like Bugsnax would be a nice game to watch Riifu play, but I can also see her getting filtered trying to figure out how to catch certain bugs or the small puzzle segments.

>> No.46491962
File: 383 KB, 517x601, 1679875920190576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bait? I'm just waiting for the new thread

>> No.46491964

t. Skyelight

>> No.46492055
Quoted by: >>46492509

Youtube can't handle Bugnax's graphics anyway. The compression would ruin it.

>> No.46492103
File: 2 KB, 125x106, 1679629794602619s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46492106

Is that a kid's game

>> No.46492223
Quoted by: >>46492393

I want her to play My Friend Pedro, and I don't even think it would filter her.

>> No.46492243

It's kid-friendly. But if that's your only limiter on what a kid's game is, then 90% of steam is kids' games

>> No.46492324

It's a psychological horror with a kindergarten cartoon art style.

>> No.46492393

>I don't even think it would filter her
My Friend Pedro is similar to Hotline Miami and she already said that she didn't enjoy it that much

>> No.46492451

I want to see all of them play to the moon

>> No.46492509
Quoted by: >>46492608

Really? I've only really watched Vinny play it through archived twitch vods so I didn't realize that was a problem on Youtube.
It's framed as a kids game, with ominous undertones to it. The characters all have their own depth to them as well so it's still enjoyable for all ages.

>> No.46492547


>> No.46492566


>> No.46492608
Quoted by: >>46492685

... Anon it's just a joke Dunkey made. I even wrote Bugnax, not Bugsnax.

>> No.46492679
File: 1.31 MB, 1103x946, 1654610307782747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46492837

Is Skye's recent zatsu worth a listen whilst waiting for Kilia?

>> No.46492685

oh... pls forgive I haven't slept yet because I'm trying to pull an all nighter and fix my sleep schedule.

>> No.46492687

I tried all three, felt tingly when i came, sorta like pre workout. I think short term its perfectly safe and i did double my output, but i also did the 4 days nofap.
Aint no medical person so the following may be hearsat, but the estrogen eddect from lecethin may be true but a healthy body balances that out by producing more testosterone which is likely why it works. Recall hearing thats why girls get mustaches since their body tries to offset all the estrogen

>> No.46492837

Yeah, it's an experience.

>> No.46492841

Actual general in 35min right?

>> No.46492870


>> No.46492916


>> No.46492953

I always try to make the thread 1 hour before the stream if nobody made it already.

>> No.46492968

I have faith in Kiliaposter/AngrySkyeposter

>> No.46493224
File: 490 KB, 1280x1816, 1680115047182692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As this is a throwaway seanigger dead hour thread:
>your eien oshi
>the vtuber you've coomed to most (outside of eien)

>> No.46493262

>outside of eien

>> No.46493362
File: 3.28 MB, 1756x2479, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, loved jerking it to her asmr streams

>> No.46493368

Just gonna say, whoever keeps skebing Cougar for Eien ass art, good on you.

>> No.46493390
Quoted by: >>46493441

riitard your reading comprehension

>> No.46493405
File: 179 KB, 412x371, 1660976320701041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Subaru, but if it included inside of eien, then 100% Riifu

>> No.46493418


>> No.46493430

>None because I unironically have never been turned on by anything vtubers have done until Riifu.

>> No.46493441

I'm riitarded...

>> No.46493479
File: 437 KB, 1818x2418, __nekoma_karin_kemomimi_refle_drawn_by_kuyukian3__0c749e40fbce903376848511d2345182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46493803

Sorry me again, if we include AVtubers then of course it is my horny sex cat wife

>> No.46493493
File: 972 KB, 766x745, 1666337796797313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, she's probably my #2 after Roboco and I've archived a lot of her member ASMRs. They were honestly some of the best I've ever heard.

>> No.46493588
File: 211 KB, 850x1493, 98C1EA72-1991-4CC5-98B9-42BBDC89CAEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green woman

>> No.46493593

Skitty, if she even counts, since she streams once a year

>> No.46493657
File: 133 KB, 812x1080, karin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Karin (pic related)

>> No.46493723
File: 73 KB, 596x578, 1665547746564489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46493790

>None, never fapped to chuuba before EIEN, what horny cunny does to man...

>> No.46493790

>never fapped to chuuba before EIEN
your coom reps kichain...

>> No.46493803
Quoted by: >>46494400

Sex cat is really good, but I prefer less screeching and more quiet moans and breathing, can you recommend something?

>> No.46493847

Also Riifu at this point I've had multiple experience where it's timed up so well with the things she did for us that it feels to good to do it to others.

>> No.46493904
Quoted by: >>46494102

Not sure but probably Choco

>> No.46493966
File: 1.22 MB, 1000x1000, 1679454091322838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these riiflings
I can't wait till we get more girls. I'm tired of sharing a thread with all these disgusting fuckers

>> No.46493999

Riifu "riifling-fucking" Evergreen
None, I've only ever achieved this level of parasocial and lewdness with Riifu. If she killed herself tomorrow, I would unironically probably follow her. That's how bad it is. She could either be genuine or really good at playing people, but either way I'm dancing at the palm of her hands.

>> No.46494019


>> No.46494070

>I haven't decided yet, I just watch anything that catches my eyes
>The Aussie rat

>> No.46494102
File: 2.09 MB, 1907x2976, 1679126380335124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46494515


>> No.46494154
Quoted by: >>46494406

Choco is just japanese riifu

>> No.46494295
Quoted by: >>46494372

I would try and talk you out of it but I envy you. I have a barrier I've put up after getting cucked too many times by small corpos so I can only enjoy them on a surface-level now.

>> No.46494362
File: 1.47 MB, 877x1103, 1666667341898405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tie between Riifu and Skye
>tie between Choco and Inui Toko

>> No.46494372

Holy cuck

>> No.46494393

Didnt somebody kill themselves yesterday thanks to Riifu?

>> No.46494400
File: 944 KB, 738x1091, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt the horny sex dog kinda quiet? And also the horny sex cunny bunny?
Outside of kemorefle I only listen to Pikon (human sprinkler), Luna Neige (love her breathing when she gets on but she does a lot of deepthroating) and her wife Kefilia Neil (yuri sex with Luna otherwise she is loud and quite often 0 distance manko sounds)

>> No.46494405
File: 71 KB, 216x215, 1679354272917605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i should die tonight...
though it be far before my time...
i won't die blue...
because i've known you...

>> No.46494406
File: 299 KB, 720x1280, 1679380659144882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46494451

Choco hates fat poor men, is a dom, doesn't want to live with her husband and is menhera. Riifu is none of these things.

>> No.46494451

>not a menhera

>> No.46494510
Quoted by: >>46494632

Thanks, I'll check them.

>> No.46494515

Anon please I already fapped today

>> No.46494632

To add for people reading
Horny sex dog: Nadeshiko Komae, she plays a lot of western games on her channel and does RP ASMR
Horny sex cunny bunny: Uno Sakura, she does a lot of regular ASMR, she recently got her KU100 and got banned from FC2 for being too much of a cunny

>> No.46494716

actual general baked

>> No.46494792 [DELETED] 

>>46493999 (me)

I might as well dump this in here.
A week or two ago, I said here that my gf and I fought because of how much I watch Riifu and you guys said I "wouldn't make it". "Having a real relationship and watching chuubas, I deserve the fight". And "Dump your girlfriend".
Well, after yesterday's stream and events, she gave me an ultimatum. Either stop or drastically reduce the time I spend on Riifu or the 2 of us are over because over the last month or so that we've known the EIEN girls, I've unironically spent more time with Riifu than with my actual girlfriend. Not impossible given that I've watched every single stream live and the first thing I do after I wake up is check if Riifu is online.
I'm very much well aware that there's nothing happening between Riifu and myself in the future but holy fuck, as I said in my previous post, she's got me dancing at the palm of her hands.
I actually thought "Ok, I'll just be with Riifu" when my girl dropped that ultimatum.

>> No.46494896

Sex seals/bunny is honestly better at being a comfy cutetuber than a lewdtuber. I am not saying she is bad but the other girls are better at the sex part for me while I enjoy Sakura's youtube ASMR streams more.

>> No.46494988

Same bro the more she talks about she loves us, and all that I just feel it more and more.

>> No.46494987
Quoted by: >>46495133

So did you actually choose Riifu and dump your gf then?

>> No.46494991

She wouldn't like reading this...

>> No.46495093
Quoted by: >>46495200

Actually she may like reading this (she won't admit it), women are into this shit

>> No.46495133
File: 18 KB, 437x545, sad_riifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? You're right.
I deleted it. I can't bear the thought of hurting my wife if she reads that.

I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.46495166
Quoted by: >>46495249

can you seanigs stop bumping this shit thread

>> No.46495200
Quoted by: >>46495417

We're supposed to be a hivemind. Fuck.
Do I post it again?

>> No.46495227

what happened

>> No.46495249
Quoted by: >>46495353

They don't know how to post without bumping

>> No.46495353

I guess leaving riitards contained here might not be so bad after all

>> No.46495417

Anon spends more time watching and listening to Riifu then spending time with his gf

>> No.46495583

Since this is just a shitposting thread and I know some of you follow her Mel Nekomata just did a really short "final" stream where she said she'll be selling off all her games, consoles, streaming equipment, and PC to pay for her medicine and surgery

>> No.46495760

Gf gives ultimatum to either stop watching altogether or drastically reduce time spent on Riifu. Anon considers dumping gf because he's admittedly fallen head-over heels to Riifu, and he's aware of it.

>> No.46496046

Worse part is now that she knows it's going to bite him in the ass later. Even if he reduces it and focuses on her if he starts getting distracted from work, or anything else she's going to assume its Riifu. Good luck working through it anon those things are tough depending on the woman they keep these things locked in a safe for years to come

>> No.46496216
Quoted by: >>46499198

This, it's better to dump her anyway. If you got to this point there is no turning back.

>> No.46496900

If it's true that he really said "I'll choose Riifu then", then it is indeed past the point of no return. If I was in her position, man or woman, my pride would dictate that it's over now.

>> No.46498003
Quoted by: >>46499198

He said he thought it. Which is fine to think, but if he says it yes it's a death nail. Everything he does will follow to an accusation of cheating. This is how women work anon. Unless you've got a literal unicorn

>> No.46498457


>> No.46499198


Original anon here.
Took a step back and talked to my siblings about it over brunch. They told me to break up with the gf because it's not the 1st red flag they've been trying to warn me about. I was just too infatuated with her to not see it.
While they're concerned that "it looks like I've fallen" for an anime girl who I have no chance with", they're happy that I actually considered breaking up for the first time in years. They listed all the things they didn't like and I think I agree if I look at it even if I remove Riifu from the equation.
She (soon-to-be ex-gf) basically stopped a lot of things in my life. No boardgame nights, no long gaming sessions, minimized car activities. It was always her and what she wanted. All the time. It was basically a toxic relationship, they said. There was no "we", just "her".
So if you're reading this Riifu, please don't be sad that I'm about to break up with my girlfriend. As my siblings put it, they're happy and fucking confused that all it took was an anime girl to break my infatuation with my toxic gf.
I'm doing it tonight anons. She wanted an answer today. I don't think she's ready for my answer.

>> No.46499357

big if true. If this is the truth, then Riifu can feel both good and aroused for what she has done.

>> No.46499777

If true, absolutely entertaining that an anime girl in the internet would remove the infatuation blinders. Remember anon, Riifu trusts is to improve and take care of ourselves. Good luck on the rest.

>> No.46499937
File: 650 KB, 650x630, 1680399407908487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the name of Allah.

>> No.46500264

If this is true then you're genuinely striving to improve yourself, and form healthier relationships. Things might be hard, but be proud you're taking care of yourself she would be happy as well. One step at a time anon wish you the best.

>> No.46501358

>She (soon-to-be ex-gf) basically stopped a lot of things in my life. No boardgame nights, no long gaming sessions, minimized car activities. It was always her and what she wanted.
One of my friend is in this situation and I want nothing more for him than to dump his own gf. You're making the right decision.

You may never score Riifu, but she was the push you needed to improve your life for yourself, be thankful to her for that. Your feelings for her are pure.
