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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 101 KB, 900x900, Bettel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46176590 No.46176590 [Reply] [Original]

>Yagoo's answer to Luxiem

>> No.46176690

None of the Nijimales are funny unless they resort to sex jokes. This guy just radiates comedy. I guess if you've been rolling with improv streamers, you're bound to get some experience

>> No.46176819

>Nijisanji is a faggot yab machine company
>Yagoo hires an actual flamboyant ultra-fag who yabbed so hard he couldn't even stream and had to cry on twitter space

>Still mogging all of nijisanji

>> No.46176831


>> No.46176954

Tempus is by far better and more professional than the Niji males. Especially better than subhumans like Luca and Hex.

>> No.46177064
Quoted by: >>46177098

>actual flamboyant ultra-fag who yabbed so hard he couldn't even stream and had to cry on twitter space

>> No.46177098

Literally listen to his voice
That is the gay accent, there is no country or region that speaks with that accent its 100% associated with american faggotry

>> No.46177158

i guess this is why fujo loves him so much

>> No.46177345 [DELETED] 

Guess that's what you naturally develop when your RM is friends with tomatogaming and his friends.
>his voice sounds like this
>Altare's voice sounds different like an actual softboy
>Both are somehow considered faggotry
So is it Altare or Bettel, no it's not both.

>> No.46177370

I meant the yabbed so hard he couldnt even stream part retard

>> No.46177410

He fucked up obs settings or had shit internet and had to do twitterspace instead.
That's it. It got fixed a couple streams later and he did his streams as per usual.

>> No.46177510

That is not a yab, I fucking hate /vt/ posters, it is a depressing that this place only looks good because discord and twitter are even worse shitholes

>> No.46177592

Ah shit, so that's why I get that vibe from him

>> No.46177680

Altare is a soft boy. Soft boys can be gay. His voice by itself isn't necessarily homo itself
Better's voice is 100% the queer accent.

>> No.46177694

That's not a fucking yab.

>> No.46177792

it's why I like watching him
I only follow a few streamers, tomato, robbaz, jerma, demo, and criken

>> No.46177802 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46178172

Lmfao the fujo troon defense army is at full force

>> No.46177824

No shit it's not a yab, the anon that said it was exaggerating as per usual.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kTHJXpvsDo This is the stream in particular, it only goes for 2 fucking minutes and ends. There's a pinned comment from Bettel that leads to the twitterspace and he tries the same game stream again the next day.

>> No.46177832
Quoted by: >>46178377

Kinda sus thread.
Calling Bettel of all people gay is so bizare to me. We literally have Altare who sounds like a trap or Magni who would fuck a tomgirl, yet Bettel is the homosexual.
Feels like we are mad at his numbers.

>> No.46178038

>alpha BVLL
>makes chudcels and underage kids itt jelly asf

Many such cases..

>> No.46178044
File: 33 KB, 100x163, a fucking bettelbeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another fucking "Nijis try to throw shade at hololive by using the boys to try and generate fake outrage"

>> No.46178133
Quoted by: >>46178180

>This thread
Anons in the last thread doesn't seethe so we are trying new angle here ? What's happening ?

>> No.46178172

>Newfag uses a term he doesn't understand
>Gets corrected
>Spouts every buzzword under the sun

>> No.46178180


>> No.46178273
File: 495 KB, 1200x674, 1678970481779523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46184592

>yabbed so hard he couldn't even stream and had to cry on twitter space
it was a bit

>> No.46178274
Quoted by: >>46178844

Is called being from Boston

>> No.46178301

I watched stream guy for about 3 years but the second Stars was attached to his name, lost interest immediately.

>> No.46178377
Quoted by: >>46179912

Honestly probably nijifags. We know Bettel stole some of Nijisanji's paypigs, and Tempus is getting RE4 sponsorships while it appears NijiEN doesn't even have perms for it.

>> No.46178760
File: 1.05 MB, 1322x854, 1111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riku Answer To Vanguard Tempes
New Wave

>> No.46178835

Holy fucking ESL.

>> No.46178844
Quoted by: >>46178979

he's not even from boston, he lives in pennsylvania

>> No.46178979

The Boston, NY, and NJ accent are all incestuous, you can tell he's from the northeast just by listening to him. I haven't listened to his previous stuff, so I can't tell if he actually has a lisp, or just a weird audio setting.

>> No.46179029
Quoted by: >>46179374

he's from boston you absolute fucking mongoloid jesus christ i hate everyone on this fucking website

>> No.46179090

nijis are so mad that bettel is leeching views from the yab machine males of their company that they're resorting to making up bullshit and making falseflag threads disguised as holobronies to stir up outrage. how far they've fallen.

>> No.46179107 [DELETED] 

Isn’t that an offensive and homophobic term according to you homo supporting troons? You could get canceled for that, you should educate yourself!

>> No.46179135
Quoted by: >>46179248

this is becoming so fucking common recently and its driving me insane

>> No.46179197
Quoted by: >>46179235

shut up bitch, never talk shit about my boy Ike and Doppio ever again everyone else is fine

>> No.46179231
Quoted by: >>46179349

Firstly, no
Secondly, no one cares
Thirdly, no one talks like this except for falseflaggers
And lastly, commit to the rope, nijinigger.

>> No.46179235
Quoted by: >>46179602

i'm pretty sure ike shu and doppio are the only tolerable men left at niji because they have abilities other than being a retard or coombaiting to lonely unwashed women

>> No.46179248 [DELETED] 

You were already insane because your tranny ass jerks off to male anime characters, faggot. Go do your ancestors a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.46179349 [DELETED] 
File: 558 KB, 1374x786, 1157982C-EF45-42DE-AFE6-6D17EDF8F03F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic, the homobegging tranny is calling other people nijiniggers.

your people are waiting for you in picrel!

>> No.46179351
File: 23 KB, 200x200, 1661722408280966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46179452

he arrives again. buzzword buzzword buzzword kill yourself. get a new act, retard. enjoy this pacman gif.

>> No.46179374
Quoted by: >>46179591

You're arguing with ESLs who can't ID one of the most common regional accents. Just remember that many people here can't even understand Mumei because of her babbling English.

>> No.46179452 [DELETED] 

Sorry I don’t speak BBC obsessed tranny 41% YWNBAW

>> No.46179501
File: 38 KB, 179x161, 1640410048789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buzzword buzzword buzzword ahhhhh im dying from his repetitive bullshit ahhhhh@!!!!! his retardation!!!!! spreading!!!!! ahhh!!!!!!!

>> No.46179552
Quoted by: >>46179707

Samefag lel

>> No.46179583

Yeah, I’m surprised it took him so long to get a semi stable fanbase, dudes pretty great, I’m mostly talking about when I watched his more chaotic days, I haven’t been able to keep up but I’m glad for the dude

>> No.46179591

i thought everyone could tell hes from boston. i know he's attempted to lie and say he wasnt from the north east before i suppose to protect him from doxxing but in tempus hes one of the members a past life on the more famous side, id argue his PL was more well known than magni's so im just confused as to why these people who wanna rag on him so bad cant do basic research and find out that hes bostonian and also used to rail a rather prominent female vtuber?

>> No.46179602

Sex pest and only streams when he is paid to do so

>> No.46179646
Quoted by: >>46179816

>One dude on cooldown
>Hating homo so much but Ignoring 2 post literally discussing about Nijihomo
Man, you are fucking lame

>> No.46179657

>i know he's attempted to lie and say he wasnt from the north east before i suppose to protect him from doxxing
In his first 2 weeks of streams he mentioned his timezone was EST and then promptly said he had ordered ubereats from Waffle House, not aware that they aren't in every state

>> No.46179668
Quoted by: >>46179816

Anon I don't know why you're dilating so hard. Anons literally just said "that's not what 'yab' means." No one even called you retarded yet when it's completely deserved.

>> No.46179688
Quoted by: >>46179795

He's a carpetbagger too? He's literally me fr fr.

>> No.46179707

Yes, all of those replies are from me. You got a problem with that, faggot? The niji board on 8ch is right there where you can discuss about hex’s latest rape asmr and slit your wrists for him with your fellow sisters

>> No.46179736
Quoted by: >>46179795

god he's so fucking retarded no wonder women love him

>> No.46179766

Link the twitter space.

>> No.46179787
File: 16 KB, 391x455, 1641360504062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit ahahahahaha WOW

>> No.46179795

he also mentioned the weather at the time of the waffle house delivery i have no idea how he didnt get doxxed

>> No.46179816 [DELETED] 

Everyone here hates nijihomos. The current threat right now however is Tempiss. Tempiss along with its fujoshi tranny fans will bring ruin to Hololive and everything it stands for.
You’re the one who felt that cutting its cock off to satisfy its autogynephilia was a good idea

>> No.46179846
File: 596 KB, 1334x768, SmugGoomba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, all of those replies are from me

>> No.46179851
File: 274 KB, 1536x1536, FbZslXiaQAAXsk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46179882
File: 3.13 MB, 2100x2468, 1652438382568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46179978

>Actually admits to samefagging

>> No.46179912

They have the perms but they can't monetize and NijiEN management has never liked unmonetized streams.

>> No.46179978

Oh look, the homophobic word again that you troons are so afraid of.

Anyway, I don’t understand what you fags mean. All I did was simply reply to each of them. Did you suffer too much blood loss after cutting for hex last night, sis?

>> No.46179987

I'm glad tempiss is slowly killing out nijimales

>> No.46180000
File: 160 KB, 345x417, 1666963304658995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46180050

a quick rundown because the seething retarded esl who keeps screeching about how he's not owned is making up so much bullshit its making me dizzy

>debut week
>bettel debut goes off without a hitch
>first solo stream lags to hell and back and doesnt work
>decides to hold a twitter space
>the twitter space is 20 minutes of crunchy elevator music
>bettel finally starts talking and says he only just realized he was muted the whole time and begins having a nervous breakdown
>space ends
>next stream its STILL not working but has a proper space
>genmates him him figure out that he had his configurations fucked up in OBS so he was streaming via wifi and not ethernet which is why his lag was unreal levels of bad and his streams kept shitting out
>streams regularly and becomes the break out star of his gen due to his incompetence enrapturing the audience of "i can fix him" women

>> No.46180012

May as well admit that you are here in a shitstirring mission anon, you are dumb as hell

>> No.46180032

>Comments about nijis in this very thread
>The nijinigger avoids the posters that are praising his beloved talents and instead focuses on the tempiss posters
At least you're keeping it consistent, nijinigger.

>> No.46180034
File: 93 KB, 714x718, 1640380180039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no way one person can actually be this fucking retarded right?

>> No.46180050

I’m American and whiter than you fucking faggot, the only thing that got owned is whatever’s left of your former penis when you paid 30k for the transition surgery.

>> No.46180092
File: 62 KB, 1000x553, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.46180091

You are such a fucking loser, look at what you are saying. Does it make any sense? Nobody here cares so why are you trying so hard. Get it together, anon

>> No.46180102
File: 65 KB, 1080x1080, 1673373195602699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/MANS/ here, lol lmao even

>> No.46180130
File: 685 KB, 753x579, 1641480240984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46180233

well with your knowledge and inability to communicate or understand im assuming you're from Missouri or some adjacent state?

>> No.46180160

GPT3 post

>> No.46180200

The tog of ike doesn't have any info on new boys yet and without it I'm clueless.

>> No.46180233

I’m from Tennessee, by the way. Our state is full, don’t even bother trying to get in.

>> No.46180277
File: 87 KB, 956x956, 1646435023599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46180336

>bragging about living in fucking TENNESSEE
no wonder you're a fucking retard LMAOOOOO

>> No.46180288

Let’s just ignore the retard for now fellas. What do you guys has caused this recent increase of morons. Twitter? Is it just newfags who are trying too hard?

>> No.46180335
File: 320 KB, 420x420, 1679583337587647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again.

>> No.46180336 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46180408

And which shithole are you from?
>Oregon, California, Washington, New York, etc (some nigger filled ghetto)

>> No.46180343

>I’m American and whiter than you
ay dios mio, el ogro de las Americas...

>> No.46180366

wow you really were from a missouri adjacent state, that anon was spot on

>> No.46180374
Quoted by: >>46180764

If anything you fujoshis are the ones shitting up this board and shitting on unicorns and CGDCT enjoyers for not wanting your filth to pollute this hobby.

>> No.46180408
Quoted by: >>46180489

I actually live in japan and im living my best live, about to get my masters :-) enjoy living in your shit hole while i get to support my oshi in person and afford to go to a doctor mongoloid

>> No.46180470

it's several factors
falseflaggers, spurned unicorns, idiots from twitter, all congealing in this horrid website because they have no other place to go in order to find some fulfillment or reason in their life, because god forbid they would actually watch streams

>> No.46180489 [DELETED] 

HAHAHAHA imagine being a grown “woman” and getting mogged so hard by an 18 year old who didn’t even graduate high school yet. Your life never even began sis, you should tie the noose around your neck already. Have fun being made fun of there for being the obese gaijin you are.

>> No.46180509
File: 1.14 MB, 1999x935, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46190871

Now, why are troons astroturfing the jerma wannabe
>losing to the spic

>> No.46180591
File: 241 KB, 550x463, 1660844949709187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46180699

>didn't even graduate highschool yet
whoops, didn't mommy and daddy tell you this website is for grown ups? hey meidos, i got a clean up over here for you!

the very fact that im living, working, and studying in a foreign language and experiencing the world and life outside of your myopic little country is proof that i'm better than you. enjoy sleeping tonight dumbass, i'm sure you'll sleep fine. since you know, you're not owned.

>> No.46180682

Jannies, we have children in here.

>> No.46180699 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46180742

>you must be 18 or over to post
I know tempisstroon homobeggars are dumb but I didn’t know y’all were this dumb

>> No.46180703

his last stream got 1.6k, mysta's got 8k roru

>> No.46180736
File: 40 KB, 255x219, 1643892765892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46180742
Quoted by: >>46180788

this isnt a tempistroon or homobeggar. it's just a falseflagging retard who cant handle that he got corrected on the internet and then proceeded to pee himself while screaming he wasn't owned.

>> No.46180760
Quoted by: >>46180869

Clean it up janny

>> No.46180764

Anon? Can you read? What in my post insinuated I’m a fujo? Only cause I’m not spouting buzzwords and seething about homos doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy CGDCT. Seriously, what mindbroke so many of you guys? Get off vt and watch streams

>> No.46180788
File: 275 KB, 750x419, 18A1DF1B-C26A-4F32-8077-D3ABDE6D2A44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back already, troon.

>> No.46180820
File: 54 KB, 588x504, 1673091233613184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46180825
File: 1.39 MB, 1449x678, 11111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46180939

BTFO by Flayon

>> No.46180849
Quoted by: >>46180957

best thread on the board right now

>> No.46180869
File: 109 KB, 750x166, 8E34C828-C393-4CBB-9543-D48FD0771E15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no tempissisters!

>> No.46180939

The thing is. Niji talents could have 10times the superchats and still earn less.
I was wondering why someone like Millie kept her job for the longest time, but now i know lol.
They get paid jackshit.

>> No.46180957

unironically true this thread is so fucking funny

>> No.46181196

looks like somebody got the banhammer lol

>> No.46181406

This board is becoming a conglomerate of bots, Twitter dramafags, and SJWs/Unicorn faggots who care more about streamer culture wars than actual entertainment.

>> No.46181433

anon you summed it up perfectly. i love you.

>> No.46181623

You have 17/18 year olds here who are calling you a tranny for not giving a shit enough to join them in a culture war against dudes playing video games on the internet. I wish I could leave this board, but it's too fucking funny.

>> No.46181625

Yeah it got so bad, even Kson is disappointed

>> No.46181645
Quoted by: >>46181825

Oh nonononono. Underage anon?

>> No.46181808
File: 382 KB, 358x298, 1657287700413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46197513

how far we have fallen

>> No.46181825

18 is underage now? AHAHAHAHHAA

>> No.46181949

I don’t care about this guy but bragging about being from Tennessee is the funniest fucking thing i’ve seen on 4chan.

>> No.46182004 [DELETED] 

Let me guess. Californicuck? Jew Yorker? What pozzed coastal shithole are you from?

>> No.46182033

He's probably some /pcg/ schizo

>> No.46182035

He has zero lilt or lisp whatsoever. I don't know anything about who his roommate fucks, but he definitey doesn't have the gay voice, just a neurotic ultra-urbanite voice.

>> No.46182055

bot post

>> No.46182099
Quoted by: >>46182123

>lol tennessee
Damn, I guess Americans really are obsessed with identity politics!

>> No.46182123
Quoted by: >>46182204

its the funniest fucking shit. i can't quit this board. it's too good.

>> No.46182136 [DELETED] 
File: 560 KB, 891x891, 102C81F6-EBEC-449E-B672-CF66917E3ABC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46184128

Hey guys, I’m back from my warning. I realized the error of my ways. Tempus gave me the true brotuber experience. Vesper’s collabs with Kronii taught me how much of an incel I was to reject the notion of my favorite vtuber having male friends. Altare taught me all about the cause. I hope my oshi offcollabs with Tempus one day.

>> No.46182164

He's genuinely talented and seems to enjoy his work. I'm not a holostars fan, but just from watching his clips I can tell he's good

>> No.46182204

You and me both anon.
I actually made popcorn for this.

>> No.46182268

good news anon, he is gavis bettel

>> No.46182300

/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.46182323
Quoted by: >>46182399

genuinely the only board worse than this one on this godless site

>> No.46182399

My bad, here at /MANS/ we support The Cause.

>> No.46182470

You do know those states have a lot more to offer than just the city right?

>> No.46182491
Quoted by: >>46184013

>I’m American and whiter than you
i sorry to hear that get well soon <3

>> No.46182552
File: 2.72 MB, 360x270, 1679763610194152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46182554

She self-admitted to samefagging and underage posting, pls andastand.

>> No.46182563
File: 12 KB, 189x189, guntako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46184013

NTA but I'm in Old Dominion, and you're a faggot.

>> No.46182604


>> No.46182611


>> No.46182671

I’m genuinely shocked you can type in legible English. They teach you guys to use computers there?

>> No.46182714 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>46183112

Like high crime rates and large numbers of nonwhites and homeless people? Exorbitant rent prices?
Learn to read fujosis

Anyway I heard a couple indies are doing a fundraiser for trans rights. Maybe you should help them out. Who knows, Altare/Omega might even show up!

>> No.46182771
Quoted by: >>46183589

We are definitely more literate than you californicuck spic/jogger

>> No.46182879
Quoted by: >>46182887

This thread is a new low, even for americans.

>> No.46182887


>> No.46182979

>niggers in header image
like pottery.

>> No.46183112
File: 94 KB, 249x307, imaginemyshock-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this has to be a botted response. I can't.

>> No.46183308

made for ryona

>> No.46183589
Quoted by: >>46184013


>> No.46183833

>First solo stream
>Abysmal connection
>Ends it not 3 minutes in and starts a Twitterspace
>Twitter wait music is scuffed, as in the actual meaning of the word
>20 minutes later unmutes and realizes that he was talking to himself
>Next day
>Starts stream, again
>Again has connection issues, starts panicking and accidentally shuts off stream, again no more than 3 minutes in
>Goes on on Twitterspace again, this time unmutes in time and does a self-deprecating routine
>Third day, does a bit in the start, finally has good quality
>Turns out he was trying to stream from wifi from a nearby room
You had to be there kind of deal

>> No.46184013 [DELETED] 

Judging from this I can therefore conclude that the average fujoshi “brotuber” enjoyer is nonwhite, transgender, overweight, short, homosexual and mentally ill.

>> No.46184113

Judging from this I can therefore conclude that I fucked your oshi

>> No.46184128
File: 7 KB, 262x192, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


welcome to troon burger home of the troon burger can you support the cause?

>> No.46184315

i used to be really into GMOD youtubers back in the day so ive been pretty familiar with Pic related's PL, even his solo stuff without tomato holds up a shit ton better than someone like dacoobers. Hes easily the funniest hire theyve had.

>> No.46184540

He's comedy incarnate. If it wasn't for the fact that I know that management would immediately say no to this I would think it was scripted.

>> No.46184592

Yeah, his life

>> No.46184695

Don't forget that his first cooking sim stream didn't have any audio because he muted it in OBS

>> No.46184946

>best comeback is literally “uh… you’re a tranny!”
Don’t they have upper education in Tennessee?

>> No.46185492

I just took a big stinky dookie anons! :-D

>> No.46186728
Quoted by: >>46190423

Guys please be nice to Tennessee-anon. I'm his older brother and I can tell you he's the best son I ever could've asked for.

>> No.46188721

41% yourself

>> No.46189933

You’re so far behind on his plan

>> No.46190423

Please tell him that im raping his oshi every night for me, father brother.

>> No.46190871

He’s the only one catering to the Latinos, he’s got an untapped market
Better will probably remain top in superchats though

>> No.46192756
File: 585 KB, 1080x1080, 1675507490065168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not watching your homoshits, intern-kun.

>> No.46195509


>> No.46197513

How do we redeem ourselves?
