Hair down!
Aki's little sister?!
Melmel's outfit is really cute
I really really like her hips to waist ratio, this is what peak female performance should look like.
I hope Mel can go short hair with this outfit too
>>46042540Marine, Ayame, Mori are all getting outfits in the next week.
can't wait for the paizuri art to come from this
I want to kiss Meru's tummy...
>>46042655>394>Mel is MexicoI don't understand, but it sounds funny
Sorry I’m a little late. So is Ayame’s stream a sponsor related to RE2 and will be short? Or is Ayame playing an actual playthrough of RE2 and it’s just a promotion she has for the stream on the side
ILOVE AME!And her sister-Wife
literally tifa
>it comes offdeadbeats...
It's insane how noticeable good rigging is compared to okay rigging.
Reminder that Mel is a cute holo. She is NOT a sexy holo.
Prove to me that Anya is real.
>Mel getting an ultra super duper cute outfit with a sick hat AND neko ears>My oshi is putting eyedrops into her eye, being enthusiastic about it and then getting jump scared by zombies and has a member's stream after thisToday's a good day.
Good Lord! It looks like she is wearing just a sports bra
Fear me for I am the Tako who sees through time. >>46042416
Suprise moom post
>>46042740she isntanya is an indonesian psypop
>Jacket comes offDedbeats your response?
>>46042765Meru.. not those eyes..
I'm going to spike her drink.
>>46042765oh god
>>46042779gotta give them a year or two to respond
Mel wants you to look at her like a sex object
>>46042756I ate your cookies while you were busy seeing the future
I don't like this art style
>>46042655>CTRL + F SEX>ID sEX>SEX
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>46042779what do you want?It's already off?
>>46042700ur monitor contrast is fucked
Giant Mel...
>>46042832NOW TAKE IT OF—oh wait wrong Holo
>>46042743Right here, Ayamefriend! I can't stay up any longer, though. See you later today.
>>OPMy Mel
Wonderful shirt, Mel
Ayamy is so good
It's literally just her boobs and nothing else on the table, kek AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>46042857>my post made it to 5chi am god
>>46042857>808I literally noticed my hand being on my penis while reading this lmao
>>46042890What the FRICK is that supposed to mean? I'm gonna have nightmares, now.
God, that expression tho
And now, for more sex.
Oh wow, she sounds great
>>46042877>Shion Ayame Laplus Kobo streamed/going to todayOJISANS >WE ARE BACK
Mel can sing?
marine's throat...
>>46042743I am going to scream and break something or someone
Go Meru Goo
GO MERU GO>>46042857>652The average vtuber """fans""" are sub-70 IQ retards
RapeCHADs eating good tonight.
>>46042973you mixed Mel with another blonde
Chloe Lamy and Mel should do an original using their sex voice
>>46042973Oh she can do a lot more than that
>>46042655>>46042655I pictured an oji-san grabbing the moniter and unconsciously thrusting their hips while watching
Alright cover. You just showed willingness to take jackets off. Now can you take Gura’s hoodie off?
mel bobbing
>>46043038you aren't? what are you, gay?
Uh why doesn't she sing with this sex voice more?
Mel's voice is so good
>>46043050FBI san! this person!
>>46042740could a fake keris drink milks from a milker like anya?
>>46043073For the longest time she only uses her cutesy voice to sing. Recently she started doing the lower sexy voice
mel is a proto lamy
>Really hit it with a girl during weekend at convention and even talking about Holos with her>She told that her oshi is JP Pekora and EN oshi Mori, okay>End up at her place for night>She suggests that we'd listen to something while doing it>Songs start up good but at some point Taste of Death by Mori starts playing>It actually becomes harder to stay erect and have to change position for her to be on top, not to embarrass myself>Later check and name of the playlist is "babymaking hits 1.0" Fucking fembeats
>>46043116can she evolve to full lamy?
why is mel wearing axel's outfit? did she stole axel's outfit after they had sex?
Good morning, I love Mori.
>>46043129fuck off, beggar
>>46043127Her line proceeds Lamy. Lamy can become a Mel.
Why have deadbeats been invading other streams lately?
>>46043097Your honor she said she was 9000 years old!!
I don't get it, why is Mel part of the DEA?
>>46043030i need a hug..
Alright, back to Ayame>41:03 [EN][TL/英語] Chat: "Can eyedrops fix my bad aim?" Ojou:"Ah...about that, unfortunately not."Kek
>>46043127mane-san stopped her acension to lamy prime
>>46043161made for consensual gangbang
>gura house>tanoshimidon't get your hope up, okayu...
>>46043161reminder that her new outfit in a few days will be an OL oneAnd she offered her body to anyone who would come work for her.
>>46043116All life forms sprang forth from the primordial Lamy.
>>46043195thread-reader chama
More Line stamps!
>>46043161>KIMITACHI TASUKETEMusic for my hears>>46043191Based
the ame
Which of the Holoblondes are certified cherry boy hunters?
>>46043220Somehow Lamy's lore is becoming like the movie Prometheus
>>46043257didn't stream
>>46043235>>46043233I don't use Line how do I even use or buy this???
If I use LINE will I be able to get closer to my oshi?
>>46043203>And she offered her body to anyone who would come work for her.And nobody in the chat wanted saggy old tits
>>46043262Which are not?
>>46043235LINE seems a lot more soulful than Telegram or Whatsapp.
do you cha-ing bunny (兎) bun
>>46043262All of them
>>46043277>He doesn't use LINEL nigga moment.
>>46043262every single one
>>46043161>kimitachiYeah, me (literally)
My oshi is not very good at this game. Still better than me though.
you fags go watch sora singing!!!
>>46043278I don't think so, but we can send cute Hololive stickers to each other.
>>46043287Kaela is too autistic for sex
Good bot
>>46043120it could always be worse least taste of death is meant to be sexy
>>46043262Choco has an orisong about that. She's the clear number 1
>>46043326do you gay? or european?
I rarely see this face.
>>46043300She turned her fanbases into a bunch of reptilian babies.
I’m going to hug a watamate and nobody can stop me
>>OPIs she the most underrated holo? I think yes.
>>46043339Iroha would never.
>>46043298>>46043293i can't imagine kaela
>>46043266then what's this
>>46043365Don't do this, it creates mustard gas.
>>46043343Ohh I never thought about her as a Holoblonde
I liked obake-chan better...
>>46043317Why would you buy this game if you know you're a pissy scaredy cat bitch baby babu babu?
>>46043388I thought she already had a mascot
>>46043388cover really is pushing everyone to have cute mascots, huh? it's only a matter of time until we get an official hoshiyomi reveal.
>>46043410The cat looks cool
>>46043421Internet hort
Marine stopped before I could mogu mogu…
>>46043386doesn't count
>>46043277>>46043289I'm surprised more chat apps don't do this. Even Apple has support for stickers over imessage.
>>46043421>30 minutes streamGee I wonder why
>>46043277here you go anon mel a superchat for the 1.50
>>46043406>blurry shit
>>46043425She had a mascot before mascots were a thing. Kind of like bloop
>>46043410Who said anything about buying a Resident Evil game. My mom is the one who's the resident evil fan, she even got the VR Headset for RE7 and it's the worst thing I've ever experienced.
>>46043433>irohasucraftwhat is this shit??? iroha game?
>>46043014>82Naruto Chama…
>>46043425>[en] Mel: So this will be a different existense from Obake-chan aka Kapumins>[en] Mel: so this will be a real familliar for me>[en] Mel: The place holder name is Nukopire for now because I'm already a Nyanpire myself>[en] Mel: There is no gender for this little one so it can be both
>>46043433laplus in the car is funny
The ghost is the fanbase/kapumin mascot. The cat is her personal mascot.
>>46043421Internet completely shit the bed so she unlisted it instead of deleting
>>46043388>MORE catsGoddamnit.
>>46043433Fuck dude I love them.
>>46043120Holy shit it’s the one PekoMori chad!Also what an absolute chad name for a playlist
Why are so many girls playing Minecraft today? Did I miss an event or something?
Moments before disaster
>Minecraft>Pekora>Marine>Okayu>Laplus>IrohaGood job, Flare
>>46043388dont fuck nukopirei know how many vaporeons you guys have been looking at lately
Sora kawaii
>>46043533forsen won
Is Ayame good at video games?
>>46043516I had no idea what this was about until I saw the replies
>>46043465That's somehow even more surprising.
>>OPAyame's highscool outfit redux/10
>>46043426Because it’s easy merch and marketing
>>46043357>do you gay? Or europeanAnon, they are synonymous, that's why holoEU will never happen
>>46043465i want your mom
>>46043507Wait that is actually a great idea for scuffed streams. Why won't more holos do this?
Laplus Glassness
>>46043421Internet hort and she wants to reuse the thumbnail
>>46043365I’ll appreciate it
wtf the thread is fucking ded
Sora feels like that girl next door/childhood friend heroine to me. She's great.
why la+ streaming?
>claims to be a samurai>relying on stealth like a ninjakazama-tai, explain
Koyori should stop stealing stuff from her senpaisdisrespecting ollie because of ME ME ME mentality
>>46043581It's a good meme
There used to be 50 more people discussing Hololive here…
>>46043729oh nyo
Look at this cutie patootie /hlgg/.
>Lap and Iroha's models on each others streams>but no VC????????Capcha: PPTW8Yeah, I can't wait until she beats up Owl
>>46043712You should stop spending YOUR ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE dramafagging about virtual anime girls like this is some fucking gossip magazine.You don’t even make money off of this
>>46043642You’re doing great friend and I hope you have a day that’s as wonderful as you are!
Cute banpire
>>46043729All me and my smart fridges.
Iroha "Stalker" Kazama>>46043707A samurai must have a flexible skillset
>>46043729but there is more than 85 poster
Poem time
>>46043753When is she gonna wear that one frilly outfit of hers again?
>>46043706She's been on a roll this entire week between her youtube and twitch account
>superchat reading>13k watchingtsuyoi
>>46043764seeing your rant, you are basically a koyotard who tolerates someone who steal stuffs from her senpai. ungrateful bitch wants to haggle everything to herself
>>46043707She’d a samurai ninja
>>46043729I can't post much, blame my ISP.
what this two dorks doing?????????
>>46043763they said they would turn it on once they meet each other
>>46043800Something must’ve happened during her break I’m guessing. She’s prioritizing Hololive a lot more than before her break.
>>46043766T-Thank you…I hope I can just survive 5 more months and get out of here…you’re a blessing, friend. your oshi is amazing too
Kiara schedule doko
>>46043836Oh no, who would do such a thing?
>>46043861>>46043800jeeeeezzz, it's almost like THE DRAMA AFFECTED HER DURING THAT TIME AND NOW SHE'S PAST IT
hey fren my wife is streaming minecraft please watch
>>46043806Can you PLEASE stop typing like a fucking 14 years old woman
>>46043729i'm busy jacking off to mel
Important minecraft lore developments RIGHT NOW
Uhhhh guys, Pekora said she bought a bomb.
>>46043861>La+ had a mental break>Takes a break to recover>Recovers>Anons are surprised by this???
>>46043706because of iroha
>>46043806>omagush Jessica is SUCH. A. WHORE!!! Omagush, what a slut! “Me Me Me” omagush omagush laaaaik omah guuuud
>>46043904Why is your wife sneaking around like some sort of…ninja?
>>46043906cope disrespectful koyotard
>>46043913>none of them has a LiveTLeh
>2:07:12 [En] i guess i will be flattening the land for next time. this is it for the stream today. I will be reading sc from now onKek, Okayu
let's be real hereiroha is much better than the ungrateful ME ME ME bitch koyohag
>>46043956She’s not even my oshi though, I just fucking hate dramaniggers
>>46043992>ME ME ME bitch koyohagthat's a new onebad bot
remember: ignore the retards
>>46043729but now it's a wasteland
>Mane-san where are you taking me??
Good morning, Meru cute
>>46043861She unironically used that time during that break to detox and came back medicated
>>46043992t. egguardo
Kazama is performing some slight trollery
Ah yes, that one guy who goes schizo over Holos who stream alot.
>>46043891Really,? I think it's so cute. Did she ever show any signs that she wasn't a fan of that outfit? Or is it because its rigging is too outdated?
why is lap and gotalu having a date again
I miss moom
>>46044097The latter. I think she's waiting for it to get a 2.0 update.
>>46044107Are those...?
>>46044023jesas my fucking dick
>>46044115mating press
>>46044107Bro, I think those are...
>>46044115thats me btw
>>46044126a metaphor for how the idol industry uses and discards its women? Yes.
>>46042754she looks like Mori
>Ayame is live now>Ayame is live in 40 minutesIs Ayame going to remind Ayame that Ayame has a stream in 40 minutes or will Ayame cause Ayame to delay Ayame's stream?
>>46044101just gals being pals
>>46043631most usually don't drag out the shitshow for half an hour
>>46044107all me
>>46044011not a bot, just disappointed with how she disrespects her senpais
Mel is for anal sex in the ass
>>46044107>no pubesEhhhh...
I thought Iroha was supposed to be some sort of cool, powerful, samurai, bodyguard. She’s just a big cute dork
Mel tries to be sexy but she is in fact cute
>>46044115The KFP bug unit has infiltrated the shed
>>46044115man i thought my bug drone will come unseen...
>>46044107Those hands? All mine
>>46044153What the fuck are you on about
>>46044115imagine the doujins
Sora is in top form today, she sounds great!
>>46044165eh doesn't matter.It's a Holo*27 watchalong. We're gauranteed >2h with her soon.
>>46044115ORANGE BUG BAD
>>46044165>it's a multi Ayame, Laplus, Mel and Shion with Gura streaming later day
>>46044107A girl casually getting groped by several people is so hot bro
>>46042775expected moom reply
>>46044169A lot of great moments in the stream.
Kazama likes to watch
>>46044115>the orange bug gonna rape bae tonight
Gonna go riot, cya later enjoy the stream
what the Lapupu and Iroher doin'
>>46044264Group shit always weirds me out, cannot imagine anything less erotic than having a bunch of other dudes around
That kapumin is a fat fuck
>>46044277kinda looks like Dinogura is a zombie kind of infection that is turning other plushies into dinogura
>>46044310God speed watamate!
>>46044178You're for murdering violently potentially in minecraft
>>46044310are you a french or a jew
Okayu cute
>>46044336But what if you get to kiss the other dudes and also fuck em?
>>46043433what's their agenda/goal
Alright Ayame reminded Ayame that Ayame has a stream soon so now Ayame's going to drip some eyedrops into her eyes to help Ayame prepare to watch the Holo*27 concert with her nakirigumi. If you all stayed to watch her die to beginning zombies, I thank you for tuning in and I hope you had fun. If you didn't, that's also okay because I'm sure you were enjoying other streams, especially Mel's extremely cute new costume.
>>46044346Mel keeps on feeding it
>>46044371The only time i'm cool with that is if they're like, anime traps or something. female in every sense of the word outside their schmeat.
>>46044346That's Obake-chan tourist
>>46044379HoloX's goal has been pretty clearly world domination
i want to see iroha naked
>>46044115i hope she took a 4000x4000px image and sent it to the holo discord
>>46044413why is she doing a GTO face?
>>46044274I miss moom
Ayame is overAyame will start soon.
>>46044428>comments turned off
ENTER voice chat
>Pekora talks about Gura>no Gura mentionsno...
>>46043348Don't you fucking dare, she also had cbat there a joke
>>46044423I want to see her and Sora make out.
>>46043763>VC onTold you
These two are very cute together
I really appreciate La+'s stream having no BGM, it makes listening to their conversation so much easier
>>46044497I'm watching Iroha x Lapsu
what the fuck just happen
>>46044428 and Fairies, come hither.
>>46044497Watching mel be cute
>>46044523Always are
>>46044277I still regret forgetting to buy the hootsie plushie, shit is like $80 on eBay
>>46044531I wish more holo’s did it because it helps with my reps. Twitter spaces are the closest thing I can find to just talking
Sora... kek
>>46044587Pretty self explanatory: she was talking about gura and she said absolutely nothing about gura
Jeez, my ears, lapchan
harem master iroha
>>46044624>part 7WHAT
>>46044371maybe because I'm into NTR shit that's why I find it hot, I don't self-insert as them I just imagine myself watching them having passionate sex while I watch and masturbate
>>46044624>no reference to gura's episodedidn't watch it but that bad, huh?
>>46044452What is moom scared of?
Pekora just framed Kanata while demanding that Koyolabo should be wiped off the server btw
Okay, this frame is funny.
>>46044690my johny
>>46044647Incredibly vital to the plans of HoloX I promise.
>koyo is STILL on the first part of the krauser fighthow
>People watching streams and having civil conversationshow bizzare
>>46044336just imagine they are your homies and you are sharing the conquest
Iroha...You hentai nin-nin...
>>46044336it's aint gay if the tips and shafts touch. just don't cum too much on me bro. no homo
>>46044727I don't think the game can get any easier on Standard. The adaptive difficulty did all it could at this point.
>>46044769>>46044782it's ok she has pants on
Okayu wants to build 3 onigiris on the server
So will Kronii do a series of offcollabs like Moona or will she just leave Japan unceremoniously?
Peggervza booley
I'm glad she's having fun.
oh no, la+ call
>>46044787don't taint glorious nippon site with our vile filth
>EVERYONE is playing minecraftHome...
>>46044853fuck off ken-sama
>>46044813is there a reason to think kronii is even still in Japan?
>>46044787>its worse than usyeah right
>>46044765that just makes it even weirder. having to squeeze and maneuver your way into having a fraction of a woman's attention in between a bunch of naked dudes just seems miles worse than even just vanilla sex.
>>46044882The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence of something
>>46044837This is what I wake up to every morning by the way. Try not to be too jealous.
>>46044876gomenasai up yours pal
pekochan is pretty sexy, isn't she?
Minecraft server really returning to form.
VC = Joined
>>46044666They've put out tons of those since they're extremely easy to do (you literally just make a high-res image and send it to amazon to print for you)However, I have no idea why they've kept this to the weird hologra t-shirts rather than things anyone would actually wear
>>46044497Happened all the time, I was checking Reine's vod because the thread mentioned she mentioned Ame. Then as it turns out she talked about a lot of EN too.
Now that I think about it,Pekora x Laplus is actually pretty rare huh?
>>46044940>>46044624Anyone actually buy these? What's the print and shirt quality like?
>>46044950Which VoD?
>>46044961Yeah, because Laplus rarely streams.
>>46044856*fucks off before interacting with anyone*
>>46044992Her YABE.
red diamond, green
La+ has a netherite sword now
>>46045018not now, holoxschizo
>>46045020Can you blame her? Gura wasn't on
>>46044671You like to see cocks cum
>>46044961not really, they dogwhistled 5ch together several times in the past. They also performed iiya iiya iiya together during La+'s anniversary live
Good god, these 3 are so fucking chuuni
Gozaru kusai....>captcha:8wkww
>>46044920yes if you remove her coat she's wearing a bunny suit which is lewd
Wait, they removed Krauser's time limit? & I remember he can two shots you even in normal.
>>46045068oh.I thought that this was their fourth interaction since holox debuts, but it's actually only their third one, huh...
>>46045102krauser is pathetic in the original. you can knife him to death in 5 seconds.
>Kanata wants to book the studio to record her 3D Live but can'tWell, you got a comrade now, Mori
>pekora joins VC>rapuchan>rapuchan>rapuchan>rapuchangozaru...
>>46045138Yeah, but my guideless 18 y/o didn't know that.
>>46045166Bruh she joined later and also did that VA bit with them
I heard we are safe from being blacked? is this true?
guys, is netherite OP?
>>46045147Half of Hololive have that issue. Hell Kiara is already thinking of using Studio Ame again.
>>46044787>doesn't know paizuri windowhave they never heard of Nene coining it?
>>46045166pekora saving lap
>>46045198Anon what the fuck are you talking about?
EN3 status?
Lapsama my friend
>>46045215It's a smidge better than diamond
Damn, Lap-chan is brutalNin-nin...
>>46045220How will Kiara pay Ame now?
>>46045220Offcollab at Ames again
>>46045220>>46045147Tokyo studios are pure suffering. 24/7 open but they're still booked for months/years ahead
Kazama needs to be brutal-er in this doggy dog world
>>46045215better durability and slightly better stats than diamond. it's more of a pain to replace your gear if you mess up and break it though.
Are holox Pekora's favorite kouhais?
why is iroha's micra name is kazama 168 not 169
>>46045285as long as gura doesn't ruin it this time it'll be kino
Iroha...You're too nice for this short brat...
>>46044926starting fresh was a good idea and making it a mixed server was an ideal justification
>>46043530wait a second, it wasn't you was it?
>>46045318her name is iroha not iroku
>>46045312>number rabbit loves the big number geni'm shocked.
>>46045318I(chi) - 1Ro(ku) - 6Ha(chi) - 8
>Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!t. Pekora
>Laplus Darknesss is regaining her power of flight right before our very eyes
>>46045358>>46045385oh thanks!
iroha got NTR'd by pekora and is in yandere mode...
>>46045391Holy kino, unironically take my like button
>>46045391koyori should destroy pekora
>>46045433She's gotta defend her harem
Sora karaoke cute and good as usual
iroha and lapsama are so much fun to listen to together
Kek, Iroha is good at following up a cue
March 27, my birthday 3D Live is forgotten...
I want to eat Okayu's roasted beef
>>46044982I just bought one so I’ll let you know in 2 days
>Soooo about those horns on Pekora-senpai's Tower>I don't wanna talk about it. They don't depict me correctly enough.Heh
I wanna lick Iroha's monotooth.
>>46045523see>>46045147She's not the only one
Lui's house looks so modern
>>46045551they could be bigger
>>46045566That's our dinner for tonight.
>>46045589Is that the holoanti thread or something?
I love when Sora sings this song.
>>46045566Okayu usually gives Onigiryaa something to eat in the end. Sometimes it's nothing edible. It's like Korone's "Ending Making Time".
>>46045234Small corpo drama. Jew Gura rip-off has a black bf.
>>46045620Most screenshots are from the anti thread
>>46045355I have a cock so no
i will never get over how awesome those terrain map advertisements look
>>46045654But that’s… not true?
Gura's atlantis landmark
>>46045684The fact they were actually made block by block is cool
If your name's Mike, you might enjoy Koyori's stream right now.
Prisuner spy here, I will keep you updated with Risu members deetsYou should join
Oh hey, Pekora found Gura's landmark
>>46045679be like your oshi and hold your head high with your thick neck
>>46045708even if you had unlimited blocks and stuff it still takes tons of time and is really easy to mess up i think and they all look so cool and came out amazing
Is Fauna ogey?
>>46044115u rite
I love Sara Gutenberg!
>>46045684They're pretty good
>>46045800i think that one is my favorite
>48k people watching Gura's weakass trident I would embarrassed if I were her.
hah, Pekora found Aqua's "secret" tunnel>[Eng Sub] OKAYU wants to sit cross-legged and sing EN girls should learn how to talk calmly about little things like Japanese people like Okayu and Subaru does
>>46045838so true sis
>>46045838bad bot
Has Aqua been doing a lot offstream?
>>46045854>EN seethe out of nowhereyeah, it's SEA hours alright.
>>46042743I actually got a membership to your oshi since I wanna see her reaction to Hibana
Does kobo have hands
>>46045654What does that have to do with hololive?
>>46045854bad bot
>>46045896>EN seetheI admit I have no idea what seethe meansI want more EN zatsus
>>46045921heeb fans love to insert hololive into everything they do
>>46045896America's never gonna recolonize the Philippines no matter how much you suck their cock, pinoy friend.
>>46042743Also, your oshi managed to get that "2 PC" setup going let's not talk about that audio delay for now
Is it the Philippines or Indonesia that is the sex travel country?
guess who's hanging out on an off day again
>>46045721I want to drink Koyo's stream
>>46045954>nobody talks about something>you, an anti of that thing bring it up even though it’s off topic>OH YEAH ITS FANS LOVE TO BRING IT UP
>>46045991Not the two that are in separate continents
>>46046020Do they also have the traps?
Gozaru is a top
>>46045990Just look at which country bald white travel vloggers visit the most and you will know
>>46046024very yellow skin
>>46045991me and a kenzoku
>>46045990Both are sexpat hives, most SEA countries are fleshpots though.
>>46046020>ThailandThat's if you want to fuck trannies
Kobo is being extra bratty today
>>46045991>stop acting like a crackhead>i don't like it
>>46045198>see narrative on 4chan>decide to immediately believe itBet you also think Ayame hates Koreans
>>46045990Indonesia has Bali, which is the sexpat capital of the world.
>>46046097It's true, Bald and Bankrupt is essentially a blueprint for sex tourism.
>>46046017chumpedos always getting cucked lmao
>>46045991Me and your mom
>>46046115Wait, didn't Indonesia make nonmarital sex illegal
GuysFauna's giant, tall, thick minecraft treeThink about it
>>46046115Pattaya exists, Bali's the shithole dickhead backpacker capital of the world. It or Byron.
>>46046098where do you think we are
>>46046148>it’s just Gura antis attacking a vtuber because she’s a Gura fanAHAHAHAHA FUCKING KNEW IT
>>46046185yes. because as we know prostitution is totally gone in countries when it's not legal
what the fuck is that
>>46046201stop replying to yourself
>>46046098Guess I’m going to Thailand
Kobo is cute and funny...
>>46046201>>46046148If you don't stop replying to yourself I WILL call your mom.
where is that gattling gun pointed at
>>46046115Bali is overrated, if you want sex expat try Bandung or Surabayat.Indo
>>46046229the lapcock...
pekora, you can't give you penis tower a penis. that's too much
Pekora's tower packing heat
>>46046229A cannon amd/or dick from the looks of it
>>46046228>>46046237I am not replying to myself. I just fucking hate antis
>>46046229looks like the commander got a chaingun
What kind of woman would sell her body to any foreigner for a quick buck? Selling her dignity like that is... How can any culture be okay with that?
>no translators in any chatsIt's over for me
>>46046267The tower's penis will have its own penis and there's nothing you can do about it.
>>46046098If it's good enough for Sharky it's good enough for me.
>new MC server is already extremely soullessIt's all so tiresome. Almost 3 years later and EN server still remains the only aesthetically pleasing one.
>>46046229gatling cock
>>46046308Just make it up as they go. It's fun that way.
>>46046308Koyori has a translator in her chat, I think.
>>46046308Kobo has multiple translators in her chat
>>46046298Japs did it post war
>>46046298Since when has dignity last been worth more than a few bucks?
>>46046327You could probably discover a new STD over there
>>46046229the forbidden four shafts of laplus
>>46046308Join Risu's membership, she's speaking english right now
Sora gone...
>>46046254As much as I like to prattle on about sex here, I don't actually wanna lower myself to being a sexpat for easy poon. Thanks anyway though.
Mori literally shown Moona her pussyTsukiYomi chads, we're on the rise
Kazama's laying down some stairs for La+
>Luna referring to Miquella as a girlLuna... didn't you learn anything from Tamaki?
Do you love your oshi in a romantic way
Risu is being sexist on members
>>46046498No. She's a fucking dork and I just want to see her cry at the ending of Sonic the Hedgehog games.
>>46046494Wait she beat Mogh already? And she's using the Bloodhound fang?!
>>46046498i love them in a i would prank them in minecraft until they rape corrected me way
>>46046444>TsukiYomiWhat does that mean, all I got is Moon goddess? And isn't that just Moona?
Why do they always build some dumb shit like giant beetles or dick towers with gatling guns instead of something cool like a giant authentic castle or something
How come JPs never play minecraft when ENs play it and vice versa anymore? Did management disallow casual interactions between branches or something? And don't give me that muh timezones excuse
>>46046494Doesn't Miquella have something akin to Radagon and Marika with St Trina?
>>46046444this kinda reminds me of Kronii's lesson on how gooks flirt>hey wanna come over and see my cat?>there was in fact, no cat.
>>46046444 one is better because Moona talks about how she ate a whole pizza
>>46046498dunno I want to fuck mr koro tho
>>46046552Hmm, I have heard a weird rumor that some places in the world have different times. I still don't believe it, personally.
>>46046550Tsuki - moonYomi - underworldalso, they're both gods, so it works on many levels
>>46046498No she's too retarded, she will be my daughter
>>46046328>EN3>another new minecraft servertrust the plan
>>46046552EN brings nothing of value to minecraft.
>>46046539She did use Mimic Tear for Mohg, but she didn't find the flask upgrade to bypass his NIHIL.Also she beat O&S Mk.II last stream IIRC.
>>46046601Is Hololive lowkey 2hu?
>>46046552it's because of timezones
Capcom please... Koyo just had to pull a fucking lever...
>>46046552probably the same reason why nobody here plays minecraft with me
>>46046551Because haachaama is dead anon. I'm sorry
>>46046662No shot, a puzzle is a puzzle
>>46046552>>46046666That's because of timezones
>>46046539yes, she's on the way to Maliketh rn, stream number 10 and she's about to catch up with Ina, bebi is speedrunning this
>>46046603Kiara, Mori, IRyS and Bae could all play at JP primetime with little difficulty and all three of them can communicate with them easily.
Based Jerry
>>46046662just enjoy the gachikoi distance shots
>>46046662At least it adds a weird level of comedy to streams when girls look at a lever and start wondering if this counts as a puzzle or not.
>>46046498Not really. She's fun to watch and listen to though.
>>46046666Because they are busy with work and/or have social anxiety?
>>46046712>Mori>Minecraftshe has the same relation with that shit as Mr. Koro
Kazama is quite the stalker, she's just watching.
>>46046740>anon>not a neetroru
>>46045990Thailand for regular civilians, Philippines is the sexcation capital of the USMC and the US Navy
>>46046760Mr. Koro has been playing more recently...
>>46046712Kiara doesn’t like streaming before 24JST, Mori hates MC, dunno what Bae’s issue is.
>>46046703I saw Chloe beat ER the other day too, Ina needs to step up her game
>>46046760Korone has been playing some minecraft
Wtf Mel is cool?
>>46046760Mr. Koro killed the Ender dragon the other day.
>>46046662what's that Cover? you want me to bring up your sins in 2020 and bring back the Holo-caust? no?follow my pristine flawless rules
>>46046793Being Australian
>>46046712>>46046760>MoriMori DISLIKES minecraft
>>46046836I wonder if Miosaha will try to play the Ghost Trick remaster on stream AH AH AH UWAAAAAAAA GAKIOJISANS TASUKETE
>>46046856Mori dislikes retards in chat telling her she’s not allowed to cut down trees
>>46046873>Minecraft tooBruh
>>46046891>dickheads ruined minecraft for mori>dickheads ruined minecraft for kroniidickhead hate!
>>46046891Mori should learn to respect the people she's playing with like Koyori.
>>46046891She dislikes the game itself Only deadbeats can lead you to the truth
>>46046870>I'm the ONLY anon who wants to fuck that tail wrapped tightly around her thigh>imagine her squeezing it more
>Ayame forgot to start the timerOujou...
>>46046498There was a time but not that way anymore. I can't really listen to Bae (who isn't my oshi) talk, though. She makes me feel like I want to be romantic to her
Now this may bother others, but when I play Minecraft and I see trees, I think they're in the way and I always burn forests down.
>>46046498its more like "damn she's so cute it touched my heart and im crying seeing her on stage" yknow what i mean?
Why can't Mel just become pregnant? ah ah ah ah
>>46046939Please stop wanting to fuck my mom
>>46046979fauna please react gura praising your FFFasap
Kek Kobokers are brutal
>>46046982No fallopian tubes
>>46046987what are the others who streamed earlier preparing for?what the fuck are they gonna do together
she's vibing
>>46046891What's wrong with doing that
>>46046804tbf, Chloe skipped a bunch of optional stuff, including Malenia
>>46046891That was the biggest reason but she explained multiple reasons why the game doesn't click with her. She also thinks it's ugly, for one
>>46046927I think Mori and Kronii should have sex
>>46046987This Pekora looks fucking stupid
>>46046987kanatan is so cute
>>46046957how dare you
>>46046891I mean what do she expect when she had to relearn the game every streams.