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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 377 KB, 1104x796, @vb321rive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45743557 No.45743557 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Male General, formerly /luxnoc/

This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji EN's male vtubers from Luxiem, Noctyx, ILUNA, and XSOLEIL!


https://twitter.com/yugo_asuma (graduated)



Fic Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ebZ5h4XdzvtoHhgVo4NwIMGvqWEFtwcxVBC1T1ISlJA

Vod Archive Guide:

Our watchalong site:

Guide to finding fanart on Lofter: https://rentry.org/aum8x

Boys Teamup: https://teamup.com/ksj1sm36oa1p146e26

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Fujo, yume, pregposting, and hornyposting is encouraged.

Previous thread: >>45682061

>> No.45743575
File: 159 KB, 1255x698, @chocorocotan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the anchor post for fics. Please reply here for archival purposes. Links to greentexts and old posts from /nijien/ are okay too.

For organization purposes, please feel free to suggest tags for the work you are linking (ie female POV, fluff, noncon, pregnancy, etc)

If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.

Thank you!

>> No.45743610

I am so sorry for starting the thread with this...scat talk below
I feed him nice fancy meals but it's too heavy filled with fats and cream, it is too much for his ana-chan stomach to handle. In the middle of sex he starts to feel his stomach cramping but because he is so nice he doesn't complain. I'm fucking him roughly doggy style and this jostles him around a lot stirring his stomach even more. He cums before me so I put him on his back to and I keep fucking into him as I cum deep inside him the overstimulation along with how deep I am inside of his guts causes him to shit himself all over me, he is so disgusted that he pukes right after all over himself. I clean it up afterwards and I set up a warm bath for him to relax in and make some tea to calm his stomach

>> No.45743664

Anons please I’m already parasocial and attached to this place and you all… I miss you guys while I’m away

>> No.45743671
File: 54 KB, 1024x963, FqsG1wRacAAXBHK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45743743

wuca love! m-mintanon..

>> No.45743711
File: 293 KB, 1393x2048, Fr17SPtaQAAY0pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45743743

it's spoilered and I said sorry!

>> No.45743781
File: 260 KB, 1840x2048, FbZDhWdaMAAZ70m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45743992

hope your work gets easier to visit more when you want to

>> No.45743784
Quoted by: >>45743878


>> No.45743788
File: 209 KB, 379x393, 1678560602247676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45743878

mintfag....unfortunately your scat autism makes you even more cute

>> No.45743878

It's just shit...
(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)

>> No.45743915
File: 110 KB, 961x588, chibi wuca and fuuchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45745137

its okay, i wasnt expecting to be welcomed by scat in a new thread

>> No.45743986
Quoted by: >>45744075

I admit I walked into that one writing a post catering to my achitect fantasies but you're lucky I'm parasocial to you too and fuck stop grooming me to be a scatfag! that's kinda hot but I don't think I can ever bring myself to write/draw about it

>> No.45743992
Quoted by: >>45744066

I hope so too! I have to apply to grad school this month and write a five page application essay for that so I can’t imagine I’ll be here very often anytime soon. 40+ hour workweeks over the summer and then grad school in the fall. No wonder I want to be a pregnant housewife so badly!

>> No.45744036
File: 270 KB, 1200x1267, 1679548373556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love/miss my fatherbrotherhusband! I'm so excited for GTA later, defo one of his funniest playthroughs

>> No.45744066

oof that's a lot, good luck anon! our oshis will make us both pregnant housewives one day!

>> No.45744075

One day you will become a scatfag, everyone will become a sactfag! at first I thought it was disgusting too but suddenly one day it just became hot...I need help

>> No.45744089

cute anon!!!

>> No.45744119
File: 144 KB, 2048x1536, FrmKbhNXoAIOqJg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45744286


>> No.45744146
File: 32 KB, 480x480, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45744224

im so stressed about the last of my finals, the m&g certainly didnt help with my studying although i regret nothing.

>Five thousand kindred sitting in front of a screen
>Vox's stream is on
"aaaaAAAAAAaaaaa DaaaDDDYYYYYY UWWWWOOOO!" "DADDY UR SO SEXY" "I love you milord!"
>"Alright, that'd be all from me today, I love you all kindred, here's a big kissy, MWEH."
>All of kindred start spamming supas and making out violently with the screen
"BYEEEE DADDY!" "小盒我爱你!" "TSKR MILORD" "I love you Vox!"
>Stream ends
>One by one, the smiling kindred each blink slowly
>Their eyes all widen as they begin to search around the room, confused
>Already the tears have begun
"D-daddy? Where are you? Daddy!?" "Vox你在哪儿!?" "H-Help! Milord disappeared! waa!"
>Panic sets in, the kindred begin to aimlessly search for Vox
>The search ends almost as soon as it began, with the kindred succumbing to despair
>After a long bout of uncontrollable sobbing, the kindred become manic in their desperation
>Some begin running around the room in circles, others begin pounding the wall with their gnarled fists, deepthroating their Vox Akuma acrylic stands, or masturbating furiously to his ASMR VODs.
>The hysteria lasts as long as the kindred still have energy in their shriveled bodies
>Once that energy is exhausted, the kindred yet again collapse into despair
"aaaaaaaaaaa啊啊啊啊啊啊" "ddd ddadddyyy" "...uuuuUUUUUuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuu..."
>This period of catatonia can last for days on end, but usually triggers after a few mere minutes.
>Hours later, the monitor reactivates
>Vox's Runescape BGM starts playing as his next stream begins
>The familiar sight and sounds of their daddy rouses the kindred from their torpor
"ooo..." "hmm?" "mmm..."
>Vox appears onscreen
"Hello kindred." *farts* "I've missed you."
>The kindred, suddenly reinvigorated, quickly spring to their feet
>Scrambling up to the monitor, the kindred take their seats and Hitachi wands and settle in for the stream
>And the cycle continues.

>> No.45744197
Quoted by: >>45744329


>> No.45744224

glad you had fun at your m&g kindred

>> No.45744273
File: 257 KB, 2192x1482, @zatu_pic.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45744313

LOVE my hardworking cute whore little brother alban ! finishing up crisis core at 8PM JST !

>> No.45744286

ver RAPE

>> No.45744313

alban feet! peroperoperopero

>> No.45744322
Quoted by: >>45744470

the mintchoco gives you mental damage... you'll have to quit cold turkey to integrate back to society

>> No.45744329

shit is inevitable we will all turn into worm shit one day

>> No.45744470
Quoted by: >>45744558

I'm perfectly normal outside of enjoying scat.... it's just my one and only vice

>> No.45744514
File: 725 KB, 2448x1536, 10AAFCE0-2041-491A-91FD-D1F1A456AB8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luxiem UFO Catcher Plushies: https://twitter.com/seganewsnavi/status/1619968811901550595
Iluna x Sweets Paradise Collab: https://twitter.com/SP_collabo/status/1626511177332457473
Ren Bday merch releases March 24: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1636929165080539142?s=20
Fulgur Bday merch releases March 25: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1637287779024420864?s=20
Iluna m&g at GAYLORD WEEBCON April 9th: https://twitter.com/weebcon2023/status/1637983512782405633
Outfit status: 2 weeks

Merch on sale:
TCB Luxiem Artbook: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/fromagee/detail/detail.php?product_id=1627547
Iluna x Ensky Hobby: https://www.enskyshop.com/products/list?character_id=1231
Gm/Gn VPs (ends march 31)
Unit art Vol. 2

>> No.45744558
Quoted by: >>45744697

>perfectly normal

>> No.45744590

>skin care kindred is also the pregnancy kindred
any anons with two or more names around?

>> No.45744670


>> No.45744697

I am...please believe me...
I do but being multiple people is part of the fun

>> No.45744750

luckily I've not had a moniker attached to me

>> No.45744776
Quoted by: >>45745176

Skin care is especially important while you’re pregnant! An abundance of melanin production during pregnancy means that your skin is much more sensitive to sunburn and other blemishes/bruises than usual. It’d be a dream to have Vox rub sunscreen onto my tummy for me…

>> No.45744867
File: 18 KB, 286x350, 1667667021093997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chocokun and menhera baker but it was obvious

>> No.45744936

I hope I'm not recognizeable, I'd still like to continue to onesidedly be parasocial with (you) anons

>> No.45745006
Quoted by: >>45745453

i love you parasocial anon

>> No.45745137
Quoted by: >>45745187

Last thread was opened with vomit, this one it's scat, I don't want to know where we go from here

>> No.45745149
Quoted by: >>45745453

everytime an anon says this, i always wonder who specifically theyre parasocial to

>> No.45745176

ooh, i've never knew that! I've only thought rubbing lotion on you belly would prevent stretch marks. aww that's be comfy having milord dote on you and even massaging your sore muscles while he's at it!

>> No.45745187
Quoted by: >>45745334

i hope it's piss, i can deal with piss

>> No.45745303

>piss, scat, vomit
when are going to talk about dickcheese

>> No.45745334
Quoted by: >>45745360

We always talk about piss

>> No.45745354
Quoted by: >>45745383

what the fuck is dickcheese

>> No.45745360

and that is a good thing!

>> No.45745383

anon, I................

>> No.45745408
File: 191 KB, 730x547, CCD36FC4-3145-4868-BFF0-974955944D00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s talk about breastmilk actually

>> No.45745428
Quoted by: >>45745612

we talk about breastmilk every fucking day

>> No.45745442
Quoted by: >>45745571

I like scat but I draw the line at smegma, sorry

>> No.45745453

aaaiiieeeeeee that's my post, anon LOVE
since the op was asking for multiple nicknames, the only clue I'll share is that I once catalogued all the main fandoms/posters itt. I still do privately. i recognize familiar posters and try to keep up with them even though I don't follow their oshi that regularly

>> No.45745463
Quoted by: >>45745612

feeding my oshi my breastmilk while milking his cock

>> No.45745511
Quoted by: >>45745980

that's sort of sweet, im still hoping im not one of them but cute parasocial anon

>> No.45745568
Quoted by: >>45745980

Do you catalogue me? cute parasocial anon, I am the mint

>> No.45745571
Quoted by: >>45745624

you can excuse literal shit but draw the line at smegma??/

>> No.45745612
Quoted by: >>45745852

I’m not here every day because I’m proud to have a life outside of this place.

>> No.45745624

dickcheese is gross it's a result of poor hygiene and inability to clean your fucking dick, shit is just hit

>> No.45745703

>scatfag trying to say what is and what isn't gross

>> No.45745758

This is like when people ask if you’d rather be shot or stabbed

>> No.45745834

ugh my tummy hurt

>> No.45745852
Quoted by: >>45746031

breastmilk can have a slight flavor to it sometimes, can't it? i think my oshi is curious enough to ask me to eat different things to see if he could taste the difference in flavor.

>> No.45745860

We're polar opposites, I draw the line at shit but like the idea of cute boys being forced to suck nasty unwashed cocks, which can of course include smegma

>> No.45745871

it's just a personal preference that is all feel free to write about dickcheese and I will continue shit posting

>> No.45745980

hope that didn't creep you out! it's nothing malicious, I just want to imagine an 'abstract face' to who I'm talking to. keeps me less shizo and hostile
you are very memorable and yes, you've been catalogued twice iir but your 'image' keeps shifting since then hmm let's just say I enjoy your uhh uniqueness...

>> No.45746031

It can! It’s generally a result of stronger-tasting foods like garlic or chilis— it gives it a bitter sort of taste.

>> No.45746098

>your 'image' keeps shifting since then
what does this mean....why do you sound so ominous

>> No.45746138

you're fine! im just an overthinker so knowing others probably notice when im here or not gets to me. i doubt im memorable so thats good for me

>> No.45746177
Quoted by: >>45746549

please tell us who's in your catalogue in curious

>> No.45746199

Stinky ojisan raping your oshi with their unwashed dick! when they cum and pull out, your oshi is so loose, they're shiting out cum and dick cheese induced diarrhea! imagine the smell! I bet your oshi would end up vomiting and trying to block out the shit smell with their acidic throw up

>> No.45746207
File: 300 KB, 777x1200, 12EB5551-9CDD-4511-A04C-59256655AD28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45746226

Goodnight everyone!

>> No.45746226

goodnighty kindred!

>> No.45746232

This is like every fanfic/doujin trope I hate rolled up into one... I'm impressed.

>> No.45746254

kys at least mintfag had the decency to spoil

>> No.45746258

ahhhh SEX, wife having his limbs removed and he's used as an onahole so he can't even escape it, he's just lying in a puddle of his own bodily fluids

>> No.45746263
Quoted by: >>45746872

Where's the piss?

>> No.45746549

hmm it's more of a mental catalogue nowadays that would be kinda long to write up. if you're really curious, I posted it before but I'm afraid it's probably a bit dated with anons coming and going.

>> No.45746704
Quoted by: >>45747015

is this your old list? >>41742922

>> No.45746763
Quoted by: >>45746828

I can't really understand the imaginations of being aroused by pee and other bodily fluids same as seeing someone be cut up it makes me sad . When I have an imagination it usually is something with hugs idk if this is lame

>> No.45746828

if you step outside, you will see that you are in fact not special or alone in that thought proccess. wild concept i know, people exist outside our niche thread

>> No.45746867
Quoted by: >>45746940

Why did you take the post so personally kek

>> No.45746872

of course, how can I forget! the stinky ojisan shoves his now even more disgusting messy dick down the back of your oshi's throat. all the vomit and acid bile makes his dick tingle while your oshi choaks on it. he uses your oshi like a public toilet and finally releaves himself but with your oshi gagging at the same time, piss ends up leaking through their runny nose. finally the shit smell gets to him and your oshi passes out from an aneurysm and with a nose bleed

>> No.45746916

calm down anon

>> No.45746930
Quoted by: >>45747226

I'm interested

>> No.45746937

I never implied I felt special I was just saying my opinion no need to say all that.

>> No.45746940
Quoted by: >>45746986

sorry ive seen the mystake schizo type the same way the past two days, theyre turning into a schizo myself

>> No.45746943

time for my chocomilk and fanfics before bed good night everyone

>> No.45746986
Quoted by: >>45747171

Go to bed

>> No.45746994
Quoted by: >>45747129

Gn and chocolate milk is delicious

>> No.45747002
File: 372 KB, 2039x2039, Hex_sickling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45747129


>> No.45747015
Quoted by: >>45747080

I'm not that exact post but I have the same list, yes... ok ok no more detectiving! I'll go back to being stalker parasocial anon and disappear at the night, bye!

>> No.45747055
Quoted by: >>45747226

I'm interested!

>> No.45747072
Quoted by: >>45747129

chocomilk is for BABIES
gn anon

>> No.45747080
Quoted by: >>45747226

bye batman parasocial anon

>> No.45747129

it is! gn
well i love chocolate i don't care! gn

>> No.45747171

cant do that but continue on

>> No.45747226
Quoted by: >>45747300

aiiiiiieeeeee stop being interested! I need to go to sleep too!! I can't be out here 2am on a weekday typing out my stalker list when I need to wake up at 6...
byebye gn u u

>> No.45747300

do it tomorrow east coast anon, and go to bed!

>> No.45747498


>> No.45749221
File: 469 KB, 1707x2048, 1679556817231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45750519

Suckling milk from sonny's supple canine teats

>> No.45749453
Quoted by: >>45749807

when chat finds a male character attractive in games, luca tends to make fun of them right after. it's sort of cute, i'm also delusional so it's just luca being luca.

>> No.45749679

I'm the teamup anon but I also also several other anons and I hope they're never linked together.

>> No.45749699
Quoted by: >>45749782

I just read a fanfic about my oshi babytrapping me

>> No.45749782
Quoted by: >>45749881


>> No.45749807
Quoted by: >>45749859

He's jealous that chat finds another man that isn't him cute

>> No.45749859
File: 475 KB, 852x834, 1658561689879382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he does! jealous puppy boy

>> No.45749881
Quoted by: >>45749947

Pre warning its Hex lol

>> No.45749947

this is their only yume fic too, sasuga hex.

>> No.45750052

ChatGPT's attempt at writing Fukuma fanfiction, it seems to think that they're some sort of superhero

Fulgur Ovid and Vox Akuma had never expected to be roommates. After all, they were on opposite sides of the law - Fulgur, the electric superhero, and Vox, the sound-manipulating villain.

But when they both found themselves in need of a place to stay, they decided to put aside their differences and move in together.

At first, things were tense between them. They would avoid each other in the apartment, keeping to their own rooms and only speaking when necessary.

But as the weeks went by, they began to realize that they had more in common than they thought. They both loved music, for example, and would often find themselves humming the same tunes in the kitchen.

Slowly but surely, they began to open up to each other. Vox would tell Fulgur stories about his childhood, and Fulgur would regale Vox with tales of his adventures as a superhero.

As they grew closer, they also began to help each other out with their respective jobs. Fulgur would use his powers to help Vox record and mix his music, while Vox would use his sound manipulation abilities to help Fulgur track down villains.

And when the city was threatened by a particularly powerful enemy, they fought side by side, their powers complementing each other perfectly.

In the end, they realized that they had become more than just roommates. They had become friends, united by their shared experiences and their love for each other. And as they sat on the couch, watching the rain fall outside, they knew that they would always have each other's backs, no matter what challenges they might face in the future.

>> No.45750519
File: 733 KB, 988x1857, 1679557419253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45749221 (me)
How many teats he actually has is up to your imagination...
Anyways the fucking jpeg in the thumbnail, I hate this man

>> No.45750559
File: 1.21 MB, 1600x900, Fr47z6WaQAMnyja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45750589
File: 1.21 MB, 1600x900, Fr47z8RaUAAHuk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45750725

holy cute

>> No.45750728
File: 1.34 MB, 1600x900, Fr470IoaAAAqlKF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45750755


>> No.45750755
File: 1.28 MB, 1600x900, Fr47z9AaMAAfUD-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45750784


>> No.45750771

That's heckin' adorable! Too bad I'm no longer a Luxiem fan but happy for whoever is getting them!!

>> No.45750784

They're so cute!! TOT

>> No.45751428
Quoted by: >>45751502

Luca stream in 3 hours

>> No.45751502

i love him

>> No.45751923

i dont think i have a second name

>> No.45752117

Demon stream delayed because he still sleepy and has had trouble sleeping….

>> No.45752587

i miss alban

>> No.45753191


>> No.45753232
File: 407 KB, 1468x2048, 56911D61-6729-4CDC-8F63-F27C64562A4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tucking my cute demon husband into bed! Petting his head and humming lullabies until he’s fully asleep!

>> No.45753883
Quoted by: >>45755100


>> No.45755064

auban start

>> No.45755100
File: 140 KB, 1200x850, 1679569457555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dummy overslept, starting now

>> No.45755141

Demon probably will b late

>> No.45755170

i'll miss crisis core but i can't wait to hear alban cry

>> No.45755176
File: 2.17 MB, 4096x4096, Huggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat cat

>> No.45755214

no coffee alban please sleep after this stream

>> No.45755294

Sleepy alban...cute

>> No.45755373

i'm not ready for the ending....

>> No.45755575

alban loves incest play

>> No.45755590
Quoted by: >>45755618

One of them is going to die..right?

>> No.45755618
File: 77 KB, 714x750, 1673611894306036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll send the ending here when he reaches it.....

>> No.45755652
Quoted by: >>45756042

albans daddy issues....

>> No.45755663


>> No.45756042

Yeah, he does...

>> No.45756263


>> No.45756843

alban is gaming

>> No.45757019

cissnei TOT

>> No.45757094

I can't blame you auban

>> No.45757209

Dios mio la creatura

>> No.45757439

kunsel is such a good loyal boyfriend....waiting for alban no matter what....

>> No.45757713

Alban this amount of dad jokes are not normal are you trying to tell us something?

>> No.45757744
File: 1022 KB, 1200x2000, FRbRuRSaUAAYj3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my husband is playing planet coaster! glad he still chose to stream today even though he was busy

>> No.45757867

albans boy....friend brother.....

>> No.45758978
File: 1.98 MB, 4096x4096, Sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a comfy stream...

>> No.45759921

Alban has shit taste in ships

>> No.45759958


>> No.45759978


>> No.45760717

cute hiccup

>> No.45760778
Quoted by: >>45760820

I'm falling asleep....but I want to hear alban cry....must resist..

>> No.45760820
Quoted by: >>45761102

stay strong anon....hopefully he'll stop being stuck soon....

>> No.45760996

It's over....

>> No.45761102
Quoted by: >>45761248

I have something to do in an hour...I don't think I will make it uuuu

>> No.45761248

no.....TOT....there's always the archive to watch later......

>> No.45761426


>> No.45761444

this is the run

>> No.45761636

Alban put me out of my misery please

>> No.45761722
Quoted by: >>45761773


>> No.45761773


>> No.45761992


>> No.45762035


>> No.45762134

stupid cat

>> No.45762186

He's so cute even when he's not trying

>> No.45762291

I like how he uses his shota voice to say weird things...he knows what his audience wants

>> No.45762374


>> No.45762496

alban can finally escape the basement

>> No.45762507

Alban you are tempting me

>> No.45762643
File: 58 KB, 240x240, luca pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel bad that he can't be open about those things anymore but it's for the better that he isn't

>> No.45762777

The size difference ToT

>> No.45762948
Quoted by: >>45763028

Shu and Fulgur in Mysta's stream!

>> No.45763010

He did it?

>> No.45763028

thanks anon!

>> No.45763234


>> No.45763267

i'm not ready....

>> No.45763307

Nooo....everyone is dead

>> No.45763329

dads dog........everyone is dying...

>> No.45763483

Four years? Zack.....

>> No.45763577

Alban is going to die next..it's over..

>> No.45763698

god alban is so fucking cute

>> No.45763702

It's happening!

>> No.45763799
Quoted by: >>45763868

you can start at 9:35

>> No.45763819

Alban please cry already

>> No.45763832

bye bye wife see you in franbow!

>> No.45763868
Quoted by: >>45763981

oh he's not muting the fight....?

>> No.45763912

Demon you can tell us if you need rest, it’s ok…. Wanna pamper him so bad

>> No.45763981


>> No.45764048

alban when are you supposed to mute..........

>> No.45764245

fuck i'm crying

>> No.45764318
Quoted by: >>45764689

oh is this part

>> No.45764447

never thought i'd be happy to have audio muted.....

>> No.45764484
Quoted by: >>45764740

wife finally back! i miss you so

>> No.45764689

Noooo i missed it

>> No.45764740

wife HATE! he's late starting! I bet he's scarfing down his breakfast cause he got too distracted playing with the boys, unmute you WHORE

>> No.45765022

alban winking to thank supas while holding his tears.......

>> No.45765048

I already know this collab is gonna have a game change

>> No.45765087
Quoted by: >>45765119

Is alban crying?

>> No.45765119

yeah, crisis core ending is heartbreaking

>> No.45765690
File: 52 KB, 657x657, Fp_A4OdaMAESCe-.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye alban.....thank you for the comfy stream and omurice tears, hope you stay healthy and happy always....

>> No.45765839
File: 179 KB, 1490x1716, 1679581564010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45766399

Otsonny!! Uee GTA was a lot of fun today I'm sad it was a short stream... idiot thought he could get away with not setting an alarm for a nap and overslept, I truly do not understand him sometimes. This is the episode where our heroes' paths finally converge to help the FIB after he starts as trevor my oshi getting hammered before getting behind the wheel to meet up with the others. Lots more runnin' and gunnin' this stream, he finally started Trevor's rampages which I still believe are just a representation of sonny's reality on a particularly bad day. The helicopter sequences were fucking cool but maybe he enjoyed interrogating/torturing their hostage a bit too much... or maybe i just wish that was me. He also did the side mission with the bad trip and aliens that was pretty funny, and someone in chat taught him about ragdolling which he was really entertained by. It was a good stream, I only wish it was longer... his reactions to the deplorable characters and dialogue in this game are always hilarious, but it's almost the perfect amount of ultraviolence for him. Truly, endless fun to be had by the police committing crimes. There were also some mildly-questionable-but-very-funny comments made, but it's fine if you specify in game, right? Right? I know GTAV is a very non-committal game for him but I hope he plays it next week too, it's too good. I am also glad to hear he's been working on his house in MC a bit offstream, although I forgot how stressful it was to be on high alert in case he's online and hop POVs trying to spot him on others streams... maybe I'll just wait for clips next time. Thanks for a fun stream taichou, even if you don't know what you're doing tomorrow as long as you go live I'm sure it will be fun. Sleep well and see you soon! o7

>> No.45766039

No...I want to lick alban's tears..

>> No.45766399

otsonny kadet o7

>> No.45766494

This is why we test play game

>> No.45767023
File: 41 KB, 711x711, FB3413A3-0EB5-4E8C-9DFE-F9D1823176D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45768258

>> No.45767463

That tan joke rofl

>> No.45768258

hex has become muslin

>> No.45768730

cute wife woohoo

>> No.45769010

wife rapebaiting and flirting with ojisans!

>> No.45769223

Vox with Mysta and Shu in Valorant!

>> No.45769625

aster is divorced

>> No.45769813
File: 376 KB, 1448x2048, 08198708-1ED8-43CA-8771-52000F4FBCFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have just played by-

>> No.45770050
Quoted by: >>45772272

I can't wait to watch Alban later, not being able to watch live makes me sad but I enjoy seeing everyones reactions in thread when I get off work as a preview for what I have waiting for me

>> No.45770222
Quoted by: >>45770308

shota wife having to get ojisan aster hard cause he can't get it up for his divorced wife...

>> No.45770308

ojisan aster...not a combo of words i thought i'd ever read

>> No.45770510

Will wife be able to finish the game today, How much left has he got of to play?

>> No.45770539

it's over for wife

>> No.45770616
Quoted by: >>45770823

>wife can't do math
>I can't do math
We are

>> No.45770674
File: 423 KB, 2048x1902, 1679588295311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45772291

>wake up
>no vod
Return to NA

>> No.45770818

Wife did the math without a tutorial! Good job!

>> No.45770823

Reliant on calculators

>> No.45770947
File: 930 KB, 1000x1000, @cirengmentah_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45770973

He said he loves cat!

>> No.45771362
Quoted by: >>45771411

wife's brain...

>> No.45771411
Quoted by: >>45771935

He doesn't have one

>> No.45771935

I can see that

>> No.45771955

ver/hex gonna keep trying to keep make a baby together

>> No.45772046

Ver and Hex are our fathers..

>> No.45772218

Wife's small little brain can't understand colour mixing...

>> No.45772272

I hope you enjoy the stream when you have time anon. I have to watch the vod too.

>> No.45772291
Quoted by: >>45772759

He's chilling with Shubert and Mysta

>> No.45772734

ver thought hex had an actual baby he was talking to on stream ....

>> No.45772759

I know
He could stream during NA and make SEA watch vod if he has sleep problem instead of cancelling

>> No.45773423
Quoted by: >>45774003

piano jumpscare

>> No.45774003

I can't believe he keeps getting startled by a random piano donation alert kek

>> No.45774394
Quoted by: >>45774792

wait it's a donation alert?

>> No.45774455
Quoted by: >>45774792

He's got more freaked out by a donation alert than any horror games he played, wife truly is scared of numbers

>> No.45774554

ver/hex was chill. expected more chaos and death tho

>> No.45774792
Quoted by: >>45775214

Yeah, he said he was messing with some things for streamlabs. I'm guessing it reset his dono alert to some default?
Large numbers of people watching and supporting you is truly terrifying...Poor Fuuchan...

>> No.45774993

>demon stressed and sleepy and swamped with work
>I’m stressed and sleepy and swamped with work

>> No.45775214

He needs to so something for his views to decrease, being a 4view is tok stressful

>> No.45775711
File: 332 KB, 1430x2048, 377E5E8B-6058-48C5-8130-7F8B74296FF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta was doing a lot better today and had lots of fun with his friends. It made me happy to see.

>> No.45776258

Mr. Midnight! what the hell

>> No.45776333

never trust cats

>> No.45776389
File: 144 KB, 1240x1754, @siosioPop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45776439

what about this cat?

>> No.45776439
Quoted by: >>45777449

made for sex only

>> No.45776526


>> No.45776701
Quoted by: >>45777051

today i learned ver's too pathetic even for cats

>> No.45776885

delicious wife sounds

>> No.45777051

he just wants to be loved

>> No.45777207

the way he stares at us when the alert sounds

>> No.45777296

He's stuck with the piano kek

>> No.45777449
File: 290 KB, 1000x1350, @V18407504(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but do you trust him?

>> No.45777505

He's surprised that someone sent him money

>> No.45777539


>> No.45777686

>shit happens

>> No.45778064

wife getting jump scared by money again

>> No.45778085

kek it's back

>> No.45778370

yes wife we are a cult

>> No.45778557

wife thinking about deep throating a cock so deep it reaches his stomach

>> No.45778614

>intestine never be rest'in

>> No.45778889
Quoted by: >>45779034

>rgb keyboard
fucking nerd stupid wife buying overprices stuff

>> No.45778901

>any anons with two or more names around?
I am more than four anons if you include general. Which is which? The mystery!

>> No.45779034
File: 425 KB, 1510x611, Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 12-16-14 K100 RGB Optical-Mechanical Gaming Keyboard — CORSAIR OPX Switch — Black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45779183

wife is willing to buy this but still eats 50% off chicken salad that is expired

>> No.45779183

ugly ass keyboard too

>> No.45779267
Quoted by: >>45779303

Is this what having a schizo auditory hallucination feels like?

>> No.45779303

yes he's finally snapping

>> No.45779516
Quoted by: >>45779552

lambros and their love for goxlr

>> No.45779552
Quoted by: >>45779610

at least wife uses his cinematically and not just for fart noises

>> No.45779610

but i love milord's fart noises too they're funny...

>> No.45779619

wife wants to be haunted by hot ghosts

>> No.45779705

do fulgur has rizz?

>> No.45779931
File: 732 KB, 2048x1754, DEFA1BC4-0EB7-486B-B611-EBCEFEB523D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothers that

>> No.45780017

wife is jealous the artist drew alban.......

>> No.45780120

uohhh wife's stretching noise

>> No.45780206
File: 505 KB, 1448x2048, @jam8366(9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45780304

no wife don't go...........

>> No.45780354

wife is gone......................

>> No.45780521
File: 231 KB, 1791x1378, @chepoggg777(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45780565

>> No.45780565
File: 337 KB, 1204x2048, @chepoggg777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45781157

miss noctyx

>> No.45781207
File: 1.46 MB, 988x618, Voxxy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45781806
File: 289 KB, 1200x1154, @ItachiS6_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45782585

shoving cat milord up my ass

>> No.45783154
Quoted by: >>45783316

so many projects in the making but waiting feels like forever

>> No.45783316

I feel ya, I’m hoping my oshi’s bigger projects come out next month

>> No.45783529 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 634x477, EC0007A2-F3B8-4C0C-AD0C-775FA6C0D454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vod time!!

>> No.45783710
Quoted by: >>45783970

what the fuck is this image kek

>> No.45783970 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 1125x1125, B7838004-CB02-4A6D-8C50-84F57021A058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must get him before he gets you

>> No.45783974
Quoted by: >>45784375

what game is this

>> No.45784198

i love sicklings

>> No.45784307
File: 11 KB, 248x136, FrQ0pXQagAAkK22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45784468


>> No.45784375
File: 165 KB, 364x273, C0212A11-5A3B-4FD2-AD36-B967A7521E1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45784410

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School

>> No.45784410
Quoted by: >>45784480

KEK thank you anon

>> No.45784468
File: 203 KB, 1600x1586, 56453448-249F-4B79-8611-B47B6D8B67AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45784745


>> No.45784480

ooooh kyo played this one, gotta watch

>> No.45784745
File: 40 KB, 680x603, FrvsFlmWwAIWd3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45785039


>> No.45785039
Quoted by: >>45785150

This vile creature (affectionately)

>> No.45785148
File: 152 KB, 1080x1235, FloM0wTaEAIp2cE.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sisters, as someone who hasn't checked the xsoleil boys at all, what would you tell me to convince me to watch your oshi?

I know nothing about them but I just saw a clip of Doppi and he seemed kinda cute, so I'm curious.

>> No.45785150
File: 155 KB, 2048x1503, Frq5TYNaUAAbVjB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45786083

what about this creature?

>> No.45785381
File: 251 KB, 673x749, FlFdFhbaMAABI_T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45785448
File: 3 KB, 291x388, Frrz2kvaYAADHak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He drew this for us

>> No.45785567
Quoted by: >>45787079

piochan is a cute retarded schizo if you're into that

>> No.45785642

Yeah, I like ver

>> No.45785900

they are all pathetic in their own ways and thats hot

>> No.45786076
File: 116 KB, 230x226, 1658503550478352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Villions, your oshi is....

>> No.45786083

I would vore it

>> No.45786462

feeding my oshi my placenta so he vomits

>> No.45786516
Quoted by: >>45786788

Counter wave tradition is to be horny and have full blown orgies everytime they collab

>> No.45786788

thank you noctyx for paving the way

>> No.45787016
Quoted by: >>45787254

what is this from. I am convinced I want to rape him now

>> No.45787079

I'm a kindred lucub kek

>> No.45787254


>> No.45787258

piochan and piochan's computer are dying today so no stream today. i sleep instead

>> No.45787310
File: 370 KB, 1563x1945, 20220731_220939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew Zack would die but I still teared up a little. I understand why this game means a lot to Alban now and can't help but find adorable how he cried and told us he is happy to be able to share this experience with us how can a man be so perfect? He's sensitive, cute, smart, caring, kind, funny, sexy, exciting and lovable. Thank you for the stream and I hope you play remake soon! Zack love! Alban love!

>> No.45787311

The punishments are timestamped

>> No.45787461

I'm going in, will report back o7

>> No.45788364

I think watching them for a bit will be good for me. The most recent wave is always so full of life, feels like a side thing amidst my stable marriage (with my oshi)

>> No.45788563

cute wife making cute noises

>> No.45790467

I feel like vox has a very hairy asshole

>> No.45791001
File: 125 KB, 1200x1500, Fr5seFAaQAAjECk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you staff for putting seisoxium and foxakuma together

>> No.45791077
File: 228 KB, 1080x635, 1679611558193262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

