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45665082 No.45665082 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so proud of the 4 members of holo X!!! nice return laplus!

>> No.45665694

I know you are probably making a joke here, but HoloX are all so forgettable that you could erase any member and no one would notice.

>> No.45665932

Mongoloid retards.

>> No.45666250


>> No.45666441

this but EN

>> No.45666524

are they forgettable or are you just a filthy eop

>> No.45667491
Quoted by: >>45667582

Lui, WHO, WHO, and WHO?!

>> No.45667568

I genuinely don't even accept them as Hololive members. They feel so weird and disconnected. Even officially, they seem like 'that branch we don't talk about' to Cover.

>> No.45667582
Quoted by: >>45667665

eop opinions don't matter

>> No.45667665
Quoted by: >>45668103

ESL opinions don't matter, learn to capitalize your sentences, you retarded faggot

>> No.45668103
Quoted by: >>45668264

forgot how to punctuate? you don't even know your own native language?

>> No.45668264
Quoted by: >>45668400

do you know japanese?

>> No.45668400
Quoted by: >>45668468

>learn to capitalize your sentences, you retarded faggot

>> No.45668468
Quoted by: >>45668704

oh I am not that anon, I'm also an ESL. Now please answer my question

>> No.45668508
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I would notice if Koyo was gone because my penis wouldn't be hard

>> No.45668704

fair enough. yeah, i speak a decent amount japanese. wouldn't say i'm fluent yet but definitely getting there. english is my first language.
to be clear, being eop or esl isn't a bad thing as long as you aren't being a faggot about it like OP and that other anon were.

>> No.45668818

what the fuck did I do about eop or esl fuck off.

>> No.45668825
Quoted by: >>45669063

I don't know anon, you shouldn't be calling other people EOPs if you're not actually fluent in Japanese

>> No.45669030
Quoted by: >>45669641

this group making EOP seething so hard

>> No.45669063
Quoted by: >>45679459

for reference; i'm at the level where i can pretty easily follow okayu speaking, but not marine. I can hold a conversation pretty well, just slowly. & my pronunciation still needs work since i've never lived in japan. if I were just texting someone, I'd appear to be fluent.
and again; being eop or esl isn't bad. just being a faggot about your eop or esl nature.

>> No.45669458
Quoted by: >>45672831

Seriously this. Only Koyori has something going on and that something is 'she streams a lot' but a lot in Hololive is nothing when there are plenty of people out there who stream 70 hours a week.

>> No.45669641
File: 587 KB, 1444x2048, 1679238251044650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing isn't it?
One of the reason i like them so much

>> No.45671614
Quoted by: >>45679952

>cutting out gozaru
>leaving in lapiss

>> No.45671780

>shitting on holox

>> No.45671953
File: 171 KB, 850x861, 1656589680731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45672067

What a shit thread

>> No.45672067

This, bunch of troons.

>> No.45672409

I'm an EOP and even I immediately noticed that Iroha was missing.

>> No.45672773

Maybe if it's Lui or Iroha yes.
La+ if you change it to "people would be willing to forget her"

>> No.45672831

In Hololive? Not even Kaela.

>> No.45672977

Where's Pokobe?!?!!

>> No.45674018

Every single member of holox has better and more interesting streams than any member of holoEN.

>> No.45679459
Quoted by: >>45686318

Did you also spend your time studying the blade, you dumb weeaboo fuck?

>> No.45679552

lapiss is only good for bratty corrections

>> No.45679952

4/4 retarded op

>> No.45682166

>nice return laplus!
she did a really good job

>> No.45685865

I enjoyed it

>> No.45685970
File: 268 KB, 629x479, 412542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice return laplus

>> No.45686090

Laflop Dorkness doesn't deserve to be in HoloX

>> No.45686318
File: 192 KB, 850x1200, nakirichad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is into Japanese stuff
>but looks down on people learning Japanese
sour grapes

>> No.45686525

Best performance of the weekend for me. Laplus had maybe the best overall Fes performances, if only she wasn't a total menhara
