I love Ina!
Laplus Dia Highest Death Thirteen Daina Art of Impact Sign Emperor Road of the Darknesss-sama my friend
Swuimsuit time
That image was really nice, I gotta find that
>Make a drawing>Mirror it>Add water riples>Instant kino
How do you even judge these arts without bias?>Winner is the one that shows everyonelol
>>OPEN3 in a couple hours
>no homosbased
Does someone have the winner full in hd?
watame post
hope the one that won is a string bikini
I love Mori!
anyone have sauce for that big picture that won? is so fucking sweet
ARE YOU READY? pee talk
Matsuri is cute!
>>45425961I GOT YOU
Subaru's original outfit should be damnatio memoriae imo
Okay but seriously what the fuck exactly IS Hololive City?
>Belly dancer Soda
i love towa
>>45426553I can't see shit, what am I supposed to look at
>>45426575do you constantly think about men? sounds kinda gay bro
>>45426605 NO!
Stuffs when?
Reminder that this will be 3D at summer live
>>45426585Why is she allowed to not wear pants?
>>45426553That's cute
>>45426629>Holo metaverse
-1 image
Post the bae webm
>>45425961Pochimama can't catch a break... also is she on the expo I thought she cant attend in person
>>45426651cute and seiso
New 3d swimsuit
/hlgg/!!!!! WE HAVE A LITTLE MORE THAN AN HOUR LEFT BEFORE THE SECOND DAY OF HOLOFES' GRAND STAGE STARTS! IS YOUR HEART PUMPING AS FAST AS MINE RIGHT NOW? If it is, please be careful because I don't know if your ojisan body can handle the increased heart rate I'm experiencing right now. MY OSHI IS GOING TO BE PERFORMING ON THIS STAGE YOU KNOW! DID YOU SEE HER PERFORM AT THE DECO STAGE? WASN'T SHE ULTRA MEGA CUTE?! Oh oh oh! Brats! Your oshi's 3D was INCREDIBLE! And now you'll get to see her again, this time in an IDOL OUTFIT! AAAAAH!!! Merakyats! Melhomies! Kronies! IRyStocrats! Saplings! You're about to witness your oshi in official 3D for the first time ever! Are you shaking in your boots right now? You nervous? You shouldn't be! Your oshi worked insanely hard on this and they're going to have an absolutely breathtaking performance, trust me! THIS IS WHAT BEING A PART OF HOLOLIVE IS ABOUT! THIS IS WHAT BEING A FAN OF HOLOLIVE IS! GOD BLESS HOLOLIVE! GOD BLESS HOLOFES!
How thick will Fauna's neck be on her 3D?
>>45426652i think shes allowed to but she just chooses not to occasionally
fuck i have to shitthank god i didnt eat those cream puffs during the concert
>>45426645nah I just think its based to exclude them
very sus that there is no watchalong
I hope the EN girls will get this swim suit too
>>45426660>>45426629Mori confirmed it's something that has a physical place in Tokyo though
>>45426674This is way better than those copy-pasted white swimsuits
>>45426669She's there today. She decided it'd be worth it even if she dies.
That's just basically Mel's outfit
>>45426674>>45426651>not barefootgay
I only ask for wage slightly above what's needed to sustain myself, an annual coupon for a free merch of choice, and some form of monthly personal acknowledgement from my oshi, even if it's as simple as a "Good morning" as she passes me by while I sweep the lobby.I will gladly dedicate my life to Yagoo and HoloLife.
>>45426673Maybe they'll be allowed to actually use them
>>45426674There's a skirt version on the top.
>>45426677Oh god I'm trying to hold back tears, they're starting to form and it's an hour out.
>>45426669she tweeted "if I die, I die", so...
>>45426407Gura is the second best dancer, obviously don't need to tell you that dancing is an art form and you can be a good dancer without being 'a sexy' dancer
>>45426695Vagina... has bones..?
>>45426708They're probably going to pull everyone in for the final number, SSS, maybe
>>45426702just do what i do and hole up in the bathroom for the night
>>45426728goddamnit Pochi. her beauty fat tits and her height will make her stand out
Gozaru's gozarus
>>45426731based and same except i also want a telescope and a place to look at the night sky without light interference
>>45426751with my oshi's fluids? That's by design
>>45426652Because Robots dont wear pants silly.
>>45426707you brought them unprompted so clearly you're thinking about them, gay boy
>>45426755This man got Fat Ass Titties on his Ass
>>45426768me about to go nin nin on those jakins
>>45426755are they fucking
>>45426708>>45426761Kobo is supposed to host one for ID3 but it's not up yet
>>45426753Explain my cock twitches, nerd
No...I just wanted to enjoy Hololive watch my other red/black/white oshi with my favorite zoombie...
>>45426731>accept a lifetime of servitude at your HoloJob>your oshi graduates a month later
>>45426755lol ass boobs
>>45426629The sequel to the acclaimed video game HoloAsylumI heard they will make a prequel called HoloOrigins
>>45426760Yeah, mine.
Mori's Holo*27 Performance:'s MC segment after, had to lower resolution to get under the file size:
>>45426753>impying this isn't pure sex
>>45426755they should be holding hands
>>45426621What were they even thinking with this fucking background
>no ollie for day 2nooooooo god damn it
fes cat
>>45426708Cover wants everyone in both days on standby for the final day, what could it mean hmmm
>>45426677im ready to cry
>>45426794>>45426761>>45426708scratch that
>>45426768Gozaru's gozarus are NOT that big.
Here's your watchalong
is this a girllook at the pants
>>45426779>look at drawing that won that has everybody except the homos>bring that up and call it based>this is somehow unpromptedDo you even watch streams anon?
>>45425391BASED WAWA
>>45426755>kronii's tits look like that dude's ass cheeks
>>45426761Doubt. Ollie didn't even know so she didn't practice.
>>45426805I just want to have sex with ollie
If Suisei invaded day 1 then Mumei can do a group song with all of Council.
is the robocoanon still alive?
>>45426755This makes Kronii's boobs look like a ballsack
>>45426819But what about Holo Knight?
>>45426768TOO BIG
>Pekora tweeted THIS
Wait did I seriously miss the holo27 concert? THAT WAS TODAY? WHAT THE FUCK WHY
>>45426760Of course, how would women get boners without them?
how come robocosan is always so smug
>>45426854hehe her cleavage looks like a butt with that positioning
pekomiko from earlier
>>45426877it was a fakeout
>>45426755nice ass boobs
>>45426853ah... I guess I'll be hanging out three jabba the hutts...
>>45426677>IS YOUR HEART PUMPING AS FAST AS MINE RIGHT NOW?There's only one way we can find that out, Ayamefriend.
>>45426850>>45426853wtf Kobo's new song???
>>45426811>acquire new oshiEz
>>45426883A machine cant die.
>>45426893I don't think she did.
Watame is a sexual harasser...
>>45426761I could see this happening
>>45426893wtf jill that's kinda gay
>>45426839SO COOL
I want Kiara to sit on my faceRyS....
>>45426665sexual intercourse with rodents
Someone explain the cumpedo vs ceo joke I missed that part
>>45426755KROMEI LOVE
>no EN doing a watchalong Why?
>>45426883yeah but he went to bed like 5 hours ago
>>45426893wtf he's autofellating???
>>45426922Actually really fucking excited.
>>45426725>It's a whole building that serves the purpose of a hotel like>Quickly expands to cover a street, offers permanent residency plans
>>45426677I'm starting to feel nervous
>1 more hourBROS
>>45426761yea bro, they're totally flying everyone to japan as we speak
Where's the ghostrule catbox
>>45426898She was designed that way.
>>45426896>he missed rrat sexbro...
>>45426893JILL-KUN NO!
>>45426860why would i be thinking about the homos when i watch a hololive stream you queer
Do >we go to the sticky?
>>45426962they are all doing a 10 person song todayThe people from day1 will suisei-in
>>45426985i hope they make it in time
Alright when does the concert start proper? I want to go for a shower.
>>45426830Her little run is so fucking girly
Wait brosIs that it? There's still an hour more of fooling around at the expo right?RIGHT?
>>45426962could be a coincidence, I wouldn't expect anything extraordinary happening
>>45426962Moom and Kiara were busy with a concert today, Ame and Ina are busy all the time, and everyone else is in day 2
>your oshi>username in holoplus>how are you feeling at this exact moment
>>45427010go ahead but don't come back
>>45426753>Second bestLol
the wait begins
>>45427026Technically yes.
>>45426985>he doesn't believengmi
>>45426925My Towa will make me proud today!
What's wrong with japanese niggers? They have plenty hags but no one willing to breed them...
>>45427009Because Cover wants to keep up the illusion that people still care about them.
>>45427039the FUCK is a holoplus
>>45427022an hour from now but it'll go live right now with a loading screen
>>45427039Is that holoplus shit out yet?
>>45426665>>45426956sorry I posted the wrong one
>>45427010of course
>>45427007uuuu five more minutes mom
I am humbly requesting a holopro to sing and dance vampire kyun live on stage
>>45426943I'm making soundposts of that performance as we speak.
>>45426909It really was too early for PekoMiko eh
>>45427010yeah anon, I'll join you over there in a second, you go on ahead.
>>45426992Her performance was one of my favorites from day 1
This is my crackship
>>45427047now predict duos
>>45427043Hello, egg. Sorry but we love Kiara here.
>>45427055But I want to watch it anon.I want to see more footage of people at the expo, having fun
>>45427082will be released after the japanese version
hey im pretty nervous but excited for day 2 make sure you call cheer on everyone itll be fun like yesterday
>>45427035She went twice as Choco? Nice.
>>45426889More like HoloTanks simulator
>>45427010Yes, it's more lively there and you don't have to cycle threads
just a quick nap...
I was starting to feel tired so I knocked back an energy drink and did 50 sit-ups. I am ready for day 2
Your only watchalong for today'm willing to bet everyone else if going to be in the finale song
My Day 2 rrat>At the very end they will pull another speed medley involving everyone in both days as duets, similar to the NYE live
This entry was pretty cool.
Okay I have 1 hour to make dinner before the event starts.Wish me luck anons.
Will rentryanon wake up in time?
Get up, stretch, put something cold on your face and crack open that Monster.
>>45426893>Jill-kun is jacking offpoetic...
>>45427130Rest well, chumbie.
>>45427103Stuffs peko
>>45426607>water worksShe's gonna spray moom juice and pee everywhere
>>45427084I don't get it.
>>45427047>NePoLaBo without PoI know she won't pull a Suisei but man I want Blue Clapper with the full gen
>>45427130no anon...wakeup
>>45427146i sure fuckin hope so, he's my only hope
>>45427063whatever you think they're pushing i still don't pump my fists and get excited when they aren't there. that's the expected default.
>>45427104She is a great singer. Last years end with Sora was awesome too.
>>45427084Bae is doing the Neo because she forgot to close her eyes.
>>45427010sticky always has the best memes
>>45427029Anon it literally say right there on the site when the concerts will start. And there's also the free sneak peek streams in the channel to remind you when the concert starts
>>45427137Mumei already confirmed not there...
>>45427107Stop putting words in my mouth weirdo
>>45427043>best dancer in Myth says so>at worst this makes her third overall if you try to pick a hard spot between Kiara and Bae
>>45427047Better, but no Anya
>your oshi>with holocity and holoconnect out, what are the announcements for today? (no limits, go wild)
what is the combined menhera status of these women
>>45427047Looking forward to see >Towa>Moona>Shion>Okayu
>>45427146rentryanon is my oshi
i hope the sora camera guy is on duty during the mori song
>>45427184Oh well I do. I think it's pretty based.
>>45426679Her neck keeps getting thicker every day, please take Fauna to a hospital!
>>45427183He's been my salvation 2 years in a row now.
>>45426956my dick
>>45427010too many tourists from /jp/ shitting on the EN girls for day 1 so nah i'll stick to here
>>45427140Post link to Twitter so I can follow them
>>45427103jork and stuffs please control your oshi I'm afraid of what she'll do if she ever gets to be on the same stage as Bae
>Kiara was a "MATING PRESS" poster all alongWhy is she like this?
>>45427208Bae said Gura was the second best?
Looks good
And to think this cool fucking cat spent 5 minutes trying to convince her chat that Raditz was both a cool and important DBZ character 2 days ago.
>>45427140Reminds me of Dino but way more mentally off
>>45427106>Ayafubumi>Startend>Pekora+Marine>Shion+Gura>Mori+Kanata>Councilrys>Matsuri+Aki+>Reine+Anya+Moona>Nepolabo with Polka guest star>OkaKoro>>45427218FUCK I THOUGHT I REMEMBERED TYPING ANYA.
>>45427124Holy shit, that's one mature AZKi
>>45427222>what is the combined menhera status of these womenReactor meltdown
jwu, did fauna sing yet
>>45427023You can tell she fucking loves interacting with the crowd like that.
We need to get stronger so we can protect Chumbuds
>>45427267Where'd you get the full resolution art
>>45427140i really liked the ones he did of lapsama
>>45427084This performance really highlighted how sexy Bae is and how unsexy Gura is.I'm sorry but you gotta have brain problems to find Gura sexy.
Come on anon.The pillow is nice and cold.Don't you want to lie down and rest your eyes for just a bit?You'll feel a lot better lying down...
>>45427185That duo last year was great for sure. I think her solo this year just worked so well with the song she chose
>>45427267you got a link to the original file?
>>45427200I went to go do shit after the holospy stuff. Didn't think to look because I didn't think it'd be so soon.
>>45427266>Bae is in MythNews to me!
>>45427084That range of motion difference though
>>45427236yes because you have men on your mind all the time you homo brain rotted mind.
>>45427170NePoLaBo has a scheduled live coming up
>>45427035If i was there, i would have raped her
>>45427268She's so fucking cool...
>>45427124Salt flat mirrors are so overdone.
>>45427239he was around for 2nd fes too, i alternated between him and boxchad
>>45427267is this artist a chumbud what the heck
>>45427309>>45427295NTA but
>>45427319Gura fat
>>45427267What did this even win? I didn't hear the prize.
>>45427319Gura's spine... all locked up
>>45427267Sana... Coco... Ru...
>>45427305surely just a few minutes couldn't hurt. I'll just set an alarm and get back up.
>>45427266>in Myth>retard can't even shitpost correctlyHoly shit, anon, just because you disappoint your parents every day doesn't mean you have to carry that over to us as well.
>>45427296Gura centa
>>45427252saucenao exists>b-but it only links their pixivwhich also links their twitter
>>45427305i guess closing my eyes for a second couldnt hurt...
>>45427304low t post
>>45427305i would be lying down if i wasnt using an ethernet connection on my laptop desu
>>45427256Kiara went full RAT EROTIC jesus
Another good entry but feels like something is missing...
>Gura Flare interacting
>>45427222A whole meds factory
>>45427268Raditz is a great intro villain and tonesetter for the Saiyan Saga
So what did the Nips think of my Ina yesterday?
>>45427278>829Yeah, mine.
>prepared to use living room TV for concert>noisy shit relatives phoned out of nowhere and said they'll be coming over in an hour>relinquish the rest of my house and bunker up to my roomI'm ready for Day 2...
>>45427296>Mori x Suisei>Fauna x Reine>Anya x Matsuri>Okayu x Korone
>>45427282just her usual lullaby to me before I go to sleep
>>45427304if finding this samegaki sexy is being insane I don't wanna be sane
>>45427394The butterfly is literally right there Anon.
>>45427361this machine kills cripples
>>45427236>not just thinking about cute girlsanon...
>>45427319The mold is clogging the joints.
>>45427266Bae isn't part of Myth. You are so desperate to shitpost, you can't even read.
>>45427394Missing mace-kun, makes it all feel bad.
>>45427407Fuck relatives
>>45427383she's just an enjoyer of rrat hips, nothing wrong with that
wait, did I miss Deco*27?
>>45426893I think Jill is a boy.
>umbilical cordcoverchama??
>>45427342>Starts off with Gura picking up shitYeah, that's Gura alright.>That Gura voiceShe trying something new?
>>45427382my laptop can't play youtube videos and chat at the same time :(
>>45427407Just tell them to kill themselves or leech
>>45427140>Omega in the middle
>>45427342>That instant aWhat mic did they use, it's pretty bad
>>45427267Gura riding on Ricky is so cute wtf
>>45427401Okayu can't be trusted. Her favorites are Broly, Raditz, fucking TURLES, and Bardock.
>>45427256Then you also realize, just like with Kronii, she wanted to fuck her mouth and throatbox too. Sex will be inevitable
>>45427305That's right, I need energy to moo
>>45427026 pretty cool
>>45427461Yes, and there was a minor camera yab so now the VOD is delayed. RIP
>>45427407o7 bruh.
cute goombus
>>45427304I can jerk off to either, they’re just different moods. I normally wouldn’t comment but I’ve came to those two more than the rest of hololive combined so I’m something of an expert
That sure was a hologra
>>45427267>cutting off ID1YOU DOUBLE NIGGER
>>45427342Why does she sound like she's cumming when she says "My powah"?
>>45427342extremely cute
I just steamed some pizzaman and cracked open an energy drink.I'm ready to go!
hey uh what the fuck happened to the host club?
>>45426753>dancing is an art form and you can be a good dancer without being 'a sexy' dancerdoes this mean I can be a good drawer?
>>45427408Actually it's Reine x Kronii
>>45427084Bae is just a much better dancer than gura who is mid afnot sure why anyone thinks she's anything but average
>>45427513>bring it around town
>>45427342CUTE CUTE CUTE
>Had to partner up with Gura>ended up overshadowing Gura entirely.How did Bae do it?
>>45427461anon, I...
>>45427490Sugoi anon. You quoted the wrong post, but you still quoted me.
>>45427552Yeah it's really fucking weird how no one has posted images of it.
Adding new rentry links. Help me I want to sleep...#1-5
>>45427222>every bags have some kind of plastic holderIt's modified normal bag right? That's impressive actually.
>>45427342huhaha unchi
>>45427256She will try to mate press Bae, but fail and will mating press her instead. Kiara is built for instant loss sex.
>>45427268Raditz was super fucking important, it showed that Saiyans who are not Goku are fucking tough and Goku is not immortal.
Wait is it starting now or is there still an hour?
>>45427453>>45427471>>45427500I'm dumping the job on my sister and wiping myself off the family record for 3 hours.
>>45427342These Hologra's with EN haven't been as bad as I thought they'd be. Am I wrong?
mfw that gura cosplayer appeared
That was a very cute hologra. The ending montage was especially cute
>>45427555i mean, ONE got popular eventually.
>>45426755>Kr*meiNot based
>>45427278Baesed JOP their appreciating sweet appetite perfomance
>>45427573was it in-person only? i'm a retard i always miss this kind of info
Why the fuck are they’re two paid events in day two?Fuckimg greedy fags in cover i tell you
>>45427614removed due to technical issue
>>45427582>modifiedits a specific bag for otakus specifically catered to hoard merch, yes
>>45427342>gura eating girls and playing with poop is now canon
>>45427304>>45427319>>45427563>She didn't swing her hips far enough for one motionWhy do you care so much about this?
we interrupt your regular fest posting for hologra shenanigans
>>45427342what is this gura characterization as a retarded child
Ok, but why was Mel just doing sex poses?
>>45427576>got a working link first trynice, thank you for your service
>>45427614Sora had a wardrobe malfunction yab
>>45427401>>45427590God, you both sound just like her.>Okayu likes Broly, right? Yeah, she loves him, but she also rotates to Goku/Kakarot’s older brother Raditz sometimes, and Turles after that. She has niche tastes?! Raditz is the main character’s older brother, he’s a major character! There’s no way that he’s niche! He’s just there for laughs, right? No way, he immediately killed that man with the straw hat, right? As soon as the series turned into Z, and Goku grew up, Raditz appears. The impression Nappa left was just too strong? Well that’s because Vegeta and Nappa appear so quickly after him! Even in Toriyama’s other manga, Jaco, there’s an omake with Bardock and Gine, and you get to see shota Raditz there. He’s obviously an important character! Here Okayu is getting all worked up over Dragon Ball the day before Holofes.
>>45427278I couldn't take my eyes off Bae but I assume Gura was cute too.
>>45427268Raditz introduced the space aspect of Z and revealed that Goku was an alien. Goku dying while fighting him was a major aspect of the entire saiyan arc and resulted in some of the most iconic scenes in the entire series.
>>45427342I don't like sand...
>>45427662for kobo it's the other way around
>>45427342SHES NAKED
>>45427323Nah not all the time, only when it's appropriate to mock them.
>>45427664He doesn't have working legs so he LARPs as some kind of dance expert to compensate
>>45427676...are you telling me she isnt?
>>45427664i never said i care so much about that one move. if you just look at them side by side you can tell bae is much more fluid
Gura got a new voice actress?
>>45427466uwu voice
>>45427676>characterizationseems pretty loyal to me
I'm gonna fucking cry chumbiesFuck
>>45427342>My life's pure shit
>>45427267Wtf? Link me that art work
>>45427342>My life is pure shitAlright that's enough of a pattern for me, wth is up with Mori being the only one portrayed cool and positively while the others are straight up jokes?
gura sounded like this after she lost her tooth
>>45427482who the fuck likes turles
>>45427342Being this cute must be illegal
>>45427563She is average which makes her 3rd best in EN by default.
>>45427482>Broly, Raditz, fucking TURLESI don't see what's wrong with these>and BardockHoly shit taste, onigiryaas got some explaining to do
>>45427342>My life is pure shitThis line was amazingly well delivered. I am proud of my shark.
>>45427342>a (of course)>stabbed a lump of shit with her trident and brought it into the main office>lost a tooth>keeps her old teeth in a jar>jar falls into the water full of the shit she picked up earlier>is a fucking retard in generalThat's a 10/10 episode right there
>>45427342Reminder that this is episode 200 of Hologra.
>>45427576Phew, you made it. Thank you for your service.
>>45427342The fuck did I just watch?
>>45427576love you
>>45427342Gura cute
>>45427739mori is an anomaly on hologra
>>45427717sure buddy, this chain is already boring me because it's not about cute girls and your homo obsession and attempts to justify it
What did she mean by this?
In terms of dancing.Goku - BaeVegeta - KiaraPiccolo - Gura
>>45427664It's funny because the one person who rivals Bae's dancing has already sung praises about Gura's abilities.
>>45427666What does furea smell bro?
>>45427648I don't recall them getting close to it this time unlike Holofes3 where they just went everywhere.
>>45427678Why would she do something else?
>>45427614Sorry I was too late, but got my recording set up for the next events.
>>45427084The crowd cheered their ass off when they did that move
>>45427342The story was shit even for Grafit standards
>>45427739*sigh* post the Mori-chan kakkoi image again
>>45427522I couldn't fit the image in the desktop without cutting something. It was either that or the top of Gura's head. Or editing the file, but that's too much work.
>>45427342why does she sound so retarded?
>>45427718>he LARPs as some kind of dance expert to compensateReminds me how chumbuds used to larp as music experts lol
>>45427719There is very minimal difference between their movements. Gura does have the bulky hoodie debuff though.
>>45427676True to life
>water worksheh
>>45427267watcha lookin at Watson?
>>45427342Was the script written by Gura?
>>45426753i still cant believe thats the wording she went with unironically
I'm not sure I understand what a "HoloGura" is but she sure is cute.
>>45427739Mori didn't get an extended ending montage and was forced to be cool rather than cute which led to less screencaps overall
>>45427833i mean i know she doesnt stream alot but gura being retarded is on brand of her.
>>45427794based unity wawa
>>45427718criticism = le antiwhy are chumbuds like this?I can call Ina a low tier dancer and there won't be retarded takodachies screeching
>>45427831Anon...The empty space to the left...
>>45427679Luna confirmed not at Day 2...
>My life's pure shitThis depressed alcoholic...
Were Kiara's sockpuppets really impressive enough that they needed to be on display at the expo?
>>45427835>>45427718There is no Live Action in online posting
>>45427482>Bardock.Based taste and I know that her opinion is correct because I'm latino and we hold the ultimate truth in DBZ related things
>>45427342My daughterwife is so precious...
>>45427708I-is that..
>>45427805you - the fat namek who can't walk
>45427868>criticismlol still trying so hard
>>45427795Anon we both know that that's not true since you always reply the exact same thing whenever someone here mocks your precious homos.
It's that time again
>>45427664I mean, the dancing didn't help, especially with Bae right next to her, but I was mainly talking about the stick legs and the lack of a shapely body when I said Gura was unsexy.And I don't have anything against smaller body types. Shion, for example, can be very sexy. Gura just isn't sexy.
>>45427739How are they going to screw over Ame?
>>45427843Pissmeichads WW@
>>45427267What kind of super ultra wide monitor does ano have
>>45427749Okayu got called gross in school for referring to him as "Taa-sama">>45427757If it was classic Bardock, I'd understand, but she also enjoys the retcon shit.
>>45427342Doing something different with her voice. A weaker episode but the>my life’s pure shitline got a chuckle out of me
>>45427805Who's the Gohan of HoloDancer?
>>45427798Makes it look like Flare is smugly presenting Mel, knowing you'll never get near her like she can
>>45427342She's so fucking cute.
>>45427342meru cute
>>45427839the minimal differences is what separates someone from average to goodit's expected though since Bae did a lot of dancing in her past and Gura is new to this.
>>45427845sharkbussy prime view
>>45427261shes just trying to save face after her brutal mogging
>>45427735>>45427742But Anya, you can't just call an audience of Japanese people a "sea of yellow"
only 50 more minutes
so they can put jp sub in holospy, but no eng sub anywhere else?
>>45427676All Holos in hologra episodes are only slightly exaggerated forms of their real life characterizations.
Go Bae Go!
>>45427739maybe its time to accept mori is cool
>>45427794Kiara coming in estrus and grass ah ah ah
>>45427868>takodachies screechingprobably because they are all asleep
bless you rentryanon
>>45427707She is buried NAKED
>>45427798I can see Mel's asscrack
>>45427342I don't get it
wait what's with the 1 hour gap?
I am rewatching this and getting really excited. you see Risu's performance yesterday bros?
>>45427576W-Where are the links...
>>45427576Added #5-15
>>45427972I am awake
>>45427983I hope that's a woman.
fucking finally got the paid stream in mpv...
>>45427342>my life's pure shit!Goober......
Has Day 2 officially started? Bros I just woke the fuck up.
>>45428008cope, nijiseethe wouldn't be praising bae
>>45427342It was cute, especially the ending vignettes with the beach and stuff, but the story makes no sense...
rentryanon, I love you.
>>45427843>H20 instead of H2O
>>45427267>Artist gave Fauna and Anya shoesBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>45428031My favorite part of day 1.
Is day 2 more hyped?
>>45427852Every holo wrote their own debut episode
>>45427869Yeah but I can't just put the image anywhere, windows has limited options. I'd have to cut the image itself and that's too much trouble
>>45427918>she also enjoys the retcon shit.
>>45427794I really wish she could've done a Day 2 Watchalong
Is it better to record x264 via VLC or OBS screencapture in HEVC?
Time for a coffee run. Being a 9-5 burger is suffering.
>>45427983FemRyStocrats don't exist
>>45428047>but the story makes no senselike most hologra episodes
>>45428059No they didn't? Fauna has ankle accessories you absolute mongoloid.
>>45427983I hope that's a man
>>45427305Its 9am homie. I woke up 2 hours.
>>45427798>consider the following
>>45428037 decide
>>45428065it is for mepicrel
>>45427845Why's everyone looking at gura but bae?
This is useful.
>>45427712>ogey gura-san we need a few more segments, what do you want to do?>MAKE ME NAKED>eh!? gura-san sore wa chotto...>DO IT OR I QUIT>
>>45428019I'm not a big fan of Ollie streams but she's done a really great job performing and her 3d looks fantastic
>>45428031one of the best solo performances yesterday honestly
>>45428047New to hologra?
There's nothing wrong with liking Bardock, he's cool and super good in DBZF.
>>45428047your first hologra?
>>45427749One of the bad guys from Tree of Might
>>45427983imagine the knobjob
anyone have a link to the stream once the free section ends?>For the first timeI thought they got to see eachothers' 3D models?
bros SSS and kirameki rider get me so fucking hyped every time there's a big event
>>45428023 no bully
>>45428167yeah i do
i'm going to take a shitkeep me updated on everything that happensevery single post
>>45428138when's the naked daki coming out?
Naked shark child in public
>>45427794She really loves hololive
>>45427951Ok, ok, you're sucking on that rrat cock a bit too much. They were both pretty average and Ollie mogged them handily on her own anyway.
>>45428035Some say framerate 10, is that normal? I know beggars can't be choosers, but is framerate 60 a possibility?
Looking back at Korone's 3rd Fes performance, while there were cuts to the audience, they at least knew when to do it, either when she wasn't moving or was pumping up the crowd. But whenever she was actually dancing the camera was always on her. This year is complete dogshit with dance moves getting lost to audience cuts or massive zoom outs.
>>45428047anon that's most hologras
>>45428031My favorite solo
>>45428167ding ding ding
>>45428170>excited for CouncilRySSCHIZOCHAMA DONT LOOK
my twi will make me proudweiss schwarz love
>>45428167sent ;^)
>>45428019Ollie really stole the show, I don't think anyone expected her to be that good
>>45428156read my post again
>>45428198Nope unless SPWN themselves actually serves 60fps stream which is unlikely
>>45428167You already missed your chance
>>45428139Same. I wish Apex and collabing wasn't most of her personality. Her default looks really good.
>>45427868Only KFP and chumbuds use the strategy of "every post negative of our oshi is made by the same guy", teamates did this at the beginning with their schizo number 1 nonsense but at some point they swapped over to just thanking you for your feedback, telling you to improve yourself, or exaggerate the scenario to the point of absurdity. While this sounds stupid (and it is) it is much better than KFP/chumbud anti response protocol and hopefully one day members of those fanbases can improve themselves and realise that there may be posts critical of their oshi made by more than one individual.
>>45427794Unity will always win
>>45428170If they showed. Obviously they didn't because what's the point?
I just noticed all the good stuff was reserved for Day 2, I'm hype now
>>45428170Anon there's some kayfabe that has to go with the event. The same way they all pretend they're there live.
Shark nails...eroi...
look at my cute shark wife
>>45427342i thought that it would hit the ceiling, and shower them in shark teeth and broken glass.
>>45428195why would someone with more dance experience not be better? I'm sure gura will get better over time too
>>45428167it's in the usual place
Day 1 had more talents for me but here's hoping for a Startend performance.
He really typed that all out.
a 30min nap is okay right?
>>45427951>muh minimal movements>can't even walk
I'm watching the Holo*27 archive, and, man, Sora is really not that good with the whole idol thing, is she? Poor thing.
>>45428269Cute cat!
>>45428269What did she mean by this?
>>45428167PM is the key
>>45427342The "My life's pure shit" got a good laugh out of me
>>45428263That dude is fucked up man.
Since when did Gura have bottom teeth?
>>45428263(You)ing to help out other anons. This one.
>>45428286remember to put the alarm right next to your ears
>>45428245Because in their case it literally is one guy, as in it has been proven. Hell, /ggg/ is literally being flooded with bots that post same anti shit every day.
>>45427757sounds like she's latino
>45428291is this postmodern bait?
Why am I watching Towa????
>>45427884Pretty sure they had the best memes and reactions than any other art on display, here at least
>>45428167Your retarted if your asking NOW of al times
>>45428286Just set your alarm bro, trust me.
>>45428289Flare holo*27 performance is beautiful
>>45427954You are so desperate. Kek
>>45428139Her hyperactive energy is perfect for on stage. She can be as loud as possible there unlike on stream where you need to turn her down to like 10%
>>45428281You're the worst poster on this board and you've been spamming about Gura for 3 years
>>45428167nvm found it ;)
can someone post that one towa picture that i really like please
my wife is so beautiful
>>45427576You're doing god's work
>>45428245holy cope
>>45428245the only thing more pathetic than samefagging your antiposts is coping that it actually isn't just (You) to make it less pathetic than it actually is
>>45428308she ate shit
>>45428290whatever makes you feel anon, sad you can't offer any reasonable discourse besides some copy paste
What's the start time?
>>45427739Kari-chan kakkoi
>>45428308You know exactly what she meant.
Can't wait for Kronii's idolification
>>45428085Better for what?
>>45428289Thank you hoomanbro
>>45428263> /livestop posting these shitty links mobile users
>holo27 earlier >hologra release>performing soon >still nothing from guraWhy is she like this?
why does Gura keeps making implications of her being naked in official stuff?
>>45428365old outfit but i really like this artist all their stuff is really pretty
>>45428351NOT AS DESPERATE AS quaso
>>45428339We love Towa!
>>45427972I'm eating a shitload of cookies and chugging tea to stay awake
Food coma is going to do me in...
Reminder,This HoloJP vs EN shit?Straight from /jp/They REALLY want to be the last bastion of HoloJP fandom in the West.They love to pretend that >we hate HoloJP.Poor persecution-complex fags
>>45428226Stop it with the ancient memes I'm getting old
>>45428139She has been fantastic, a breakout star. I loved all of her performances. That zoomer energy is way too much for a tired oji-san on a stream typically, but god damn it works so well on stage.
>>45428187She had to compromise on the daki being nude for the ASMR lovenest.
>>45428400why do you insist on telling us you're gay
>>45428332We only post mooms here, not looms
>>45428399>Gura in a concert and hologra>this retard anon didn't noticeAnon?
>>45428073Oh... I didn't know that.
>>45428356faggot, how is saying gura will get better over time a bad thing? are you fucking retarded or do you think she'll get worse over time?
>>45427342Oh, they released it an hour early? Smart. But I swear if Ame's ending isn't Papaya...
>>45427913>Beginning she will inject herself with Watson concoction>It will end with her crawling out of a dumpsterThe middle can be filled in
>>45428365gotchu bro
>>45428365Not the pregnant ones please
I'm awake
>>45428085I hope you're not recording the fes stream anonBecause the VOD is higher quality and you can just feed the m3u8 from the page into youtube-dl
>>45427907I've missed these
>>45428422I love Holo EN except for Mori and Kronii.
>>45428400uoh and sex sells
>>45428235Also #16-25
>>45428399Maybe she's at the studio idk
>>45428387i can't wait to see the PHYSICS
>>45428245this nigga mad heated
>>45428400Anon...We are ALL naked under our clothes...
>>45428446trying too hard
>>45428422Shame /#/ mogs them entirely these days.
>>45428307The womb aches
>>45428427>soundpost>no soundsugoi desu
>>45428085is this THE Hololive Global???
wait tot actually means something...
>>45428446lmao desperate
>>45428354Staff told her to tone down the volume on her singing
>>45428422I love HoloJP except Lamy
>>45428439>Gura sucks at part of her job>(You)Hahaha it's so funny.
>>45428474meds NOW
Is it just me or did this day feel like it went by so much quicker than waiting yesterday?
>>45428372Got Mumei/Kiara part?
anons who paid for stream and want to download using yt-dlp or stream in mpv: start stream in browser -> open up developer tools -> go to network tab -> refresh page page so it logs requests from start -> filter requests by m3u8, the first request you should see is one to "" domain -> look at contents you should see urls to other m3u8 files they will be labeled by quality -> the first one should be 1080 the url and then you can paste that into mpv or any other player that supports m3u8. You can also use yt-dlp to download the stream from that. You will probably need to pass params like `yt-dlp --downloader ffmpeg --hls-use-mpegts --trim-file-names 100 --no-config url_here`
>>45428459There's no reason to hate anyone.I barely watch Roboco's streams. Doesn't mean I hate her.
>>45428245I'm more concerned about getting my glue remover back now, try again later.
What's going on? Are we in intermission?
Feels good being a ukbro and waking up just now. Ahhhh. Fully refreshed for the day!
Comicanon, where's that day 2 unity post?
>>45428125Kronii and Fauna aren't
>>45428399Gura is allergic to twitter
We haven't even made it through the second day and I don't want this to end.. This feeling hits me hard every year, I fucking love Hololive bros
>>45427342the comedic timing on this one is weirder than usual, but the ending sequences were great
>>45428514Don't puke again
>>45428454post more peeking ames
>>45428372GAME ON
>>45428446I think you should just stop responding to them? it's clear they are trying to get a rise out of you
>>45428474next you're gonna tell me there's a deadbeat inside all of us...
>>45428459t. clockbeat
>>45428329I'm not denying that there are people who post regular negativity towards certain holos however they stretch this to the point where any post, at any time, talking about any aspect of their oshi, with any level of grammar is just the same guy no matter what
>>45428446>>45428501stop crying and get a job loser
>>45428501Have another pity (You)
>>45428521I think he's too busy getting ready to see his oshi on stage to draw today
Cease the hornyposting you faggots. My dick's about to explode already.
>>45428516Naptime started, better get to it.
>>45428125they hate each other i guess
>>45428399Did you know she has the fewest tweets out of every single Holomem, and the next fewest has like 1.5k tweets more than her?
>>45428400because she is, at this very moment
>>45428459Yet you're still powerless. Bless
>>45428519>feels good being br*tishbro... stay innocent...
Which solo do you think will be the best? and which do you want to be the best?
>>45428476>>45428494ok i guess i take back what i said then. happy now?
>Ina's holograwimpy, incompetent but well-meaning>Kiara's holograwimpy, incompetent but ambitious>Gura's holograwimpy, incompetent AND smelly>Mori's>pic relatedthere might be some bias within the writing staff (aka. A-chan)
my wife is so beautifulher hair hides the weird twist in her neck
I just want all this to end so Gura can go back to streaming
anyone know what those outfits are on the bottom?
When will people realize that Gura does in fact hate twitter like she has said for TWO YEARS
>>45428422do they even like jpi thought all they did was post roommate shit and call the girls whores
I wanna see shitposting femanons' armpits
>>45428555monkeys in zoo...
>>45428399She's busy with "rehearsal"
>>45427342Mel finally got her Gura interaction...
My oshi put up a free chat for her Holofes performance, did yours?
>>45428574how long is naptime
I love Holo EN except for Mori and KroniiI love Holo JP except for AyameI don't feel strongly about Holo IDI didn't care about Holo CN and then I hated them
Jesus, people are horny as fuck against that Ame cosplayer.
>/who/ is the nicest, most chilled EN general>get to see 3D Mumei in BOTH normal and idol outitsMakes you think, huh?
>>45428601>there might be some bias within the writing staffAll Japs are filthy JOP deadbeats, that's why.
>>45428614theyre probably hairy
>>45428601reminder that kfp had a meltdown over the objective fact that mori beats kiara one on one.
>>45428557this is beyond cope...
>>45428619You mean sitting on her ass in discord waiting for the show to start like everyone else.
so excited
>>45428601Let's see Mori take on this
>>45428551I just don't understand what's so bad about saying something that is key to the idol journey. I think all of EN will be getting better at this shit as the years pass by. even fauna's singing.
>>45428620that + the IRL sex last week
>>45428422I fucking love the JPs
Hey guys check this out
>>45428605Too bad they couldn't hide the weird shoulder joints during the episode.
>>45428607low tier bait tbqh
>>45427884They have a whole exhibition about "art" made by the holos. Haachama put in a badly assembled chair.The sock puppets are one of the highlights of that exhibition as they have actual lore behind them and appeared in several streams while many other exhibits are just things the holos made specifically for the expo.
Kronii will have the best performanceScreencap this
>>45428031This and then the Olliechama duet were the best shows from yesterday
>>45428030the previous rentry
>>45428601I dont know why Kiara had to deal with this but Ina and Gura just had absurdly long breaks prior to them doing their hologras
>>45428446Late night chumbuds are the biggest babies in this thread, might as well not bother with them and their delusions
>>45428676is this like skin colored pants? where are the lines
>>45428656lol get a job cripple
>>45428289Her and Luna were my favorite performances from JPt. hooman
holy shit he's REALLY going hard now that we're so close to Day 2... the writer, this episode was pretty shit in more ways than one
>>45428676Can't see shit with the pants on
>>45428631She has crazy eyes though.
Gura sex Gura sex
should I use this as a desktop screensaver or the shot of her here
Kronii will have the worst performance and actively drag down the mood of the concert. However Kronies are so mindbroken that they will praise her endlessly, that is if they aren't too busy arguing over their namefags.Screencap this or don't.
>>45428632Go back
>>45428621I'm surprised Mori didn't, maybe she forgot.
>>45428704actually crying lmao
>>45428676Very cool trick Aki
>>45428607there's still holo connect for her to make excuses to not stream for
>>45428631cursed with a perfect face
man im so excited
>>45428709My legs are working just fine. I am just having a giggle here mate.
>>45428712He knows his time limit is coming up
>>45428651Ironic, considering deadbeats ban evaded multiple times due to how hard they were seething, eventually just starting to outright shit on Kiara because nobody was agreeing with their point.
>>45427555I have stolen your soul
>>45428711its like they have a different image of gura. staff doesnt watch streams confirmed.
>>45428660Mori loses to Ina on purpose
>>45428621My oshi fucks your oshi
>>45428610You mean this?
>>45428704stop crying
>>45428712All of this just to be drowned out in 30 minutes.
I haven't checked out holo stuff for almost 6 months now. At least I can buy merch and tickets now haha..
>>45428734this looks like the scene of some beautiful romantic dream
>>45428632retardgo back
>>45428660we already know the result of mori vs ina, it wasn't pretty for the rapping reaper
>>45428696I assume it's the one listed as "40" from yesterday since it seems to have new links in them.
>>45428620Kek, fuck you.
so do we all have restream links except me
>>45428735Love it!
>>45428735holy based the deadbeat came alive
>>45428734use the sunset pic for some gosling shark feels
>>45428654Are you suggesting that 100% of the negative Kiara posts are coming from one guy and 100% of the posts that paint gura in a negative light are all done by one guy as well?Do you really believe that every single hololive viewer loves both of them except for two guys, and they are the only two guys who complain, every single other person only ever posts good things and has never once posted anything other than enthusiastic posivity towards every member of hololive?
>>45428726Can you zoom in on that Sora a bit more, maybe until her constituent atoms are visible
>>45428704they're zoomers who spam 3 words and can't understand english so they think anything that 100% positive is an attack
Kronii got Kanye perms btw and she's going to perform this on stage:>sources: trust me
>>45428711>the episode is about shit>the writing is shitBRAVO YAGOO
>>45428776Thanks. I thought they seemed familiar.
>>45428735>The Heimin
>>45428465reminder that IRyS had to record at the studio last Holofes
>>45428441I was just joshing with you, anon. I'm sorry.
Fauna will sing the kanojo song (her cover), not her originalYou heard it here first
>>45428514I'm ready to cheer on the oni, the onion, and the rest of the oni-semble.
>>45428771>dumb silly cutesy nonsensical toilet humorseems on brand for me
>>45428712Well yeah he knows he only has about thirty minutes left before all of his rrats are obliterated so it kinda makes sense.
>>45428735The interpretation of heimin gets me every time.
>>45428805Both of those guys are you, yes.
>>45428756No there isn't. She's already done all the recording for that during this Japan trip.
>>45428798paid for it faggot, it get fucked
>>45428661Yeah but some anons are extremely sensitive, something as implying and wishing good luck on improvement comes across as an anti comment to them, they are like religious zealots so save your time
>>45428745>>45428791whoa rudeq
Just came, ARE WE HYPE
what the fuck why did no one tell me my wife had a hologra episodealso why is she such a cute retard I love her
I hope for a MC section from Kronii
>>45428798Its in the usual discord
>>45428307Thanks for reminding me to make this webm
>>45428658>488they have link beggar too...
I'm going to take a nap for 20 minutes, wish me luck!
>>45428805yes and they employ bots to help make it "look" like multiple people, but its pretty obvious
>>45428828>coffee>not blackpussy
>>45428735>the heimin
>>45428735>brats and shrimpsTHEY ARE
Isn't Kronii supposed to twerk at HoloFes?
>>45428805nta but only retards think it's one guy. both of them probably have tons of haters. it's the price of being the most popular english group
>>45428735thank you for finally drawing a kenzoku without it being a shitpost
>>45428828You still have 30 minutes
I kinda wanna jerk off real quick before it starts
>>45428462#26-30 added
was the pink shit and the bucket an homage to ayame's confession from yesterday?
>>45428877same bro 25m for me
>>45428798archive reps
>>45428805>coping >mucho textokek
I'm so happy and nervous to see IRyS on stage in 3D.
>>45428735I finally made it into a comic!
How about another to kill time faster.
>>45428871She's on the same level as Moom, the both would die
>>45428814Real if true
>>45428601I bet they're gonna make Ame look unhinged drug addict because of the concoction.
Pako just settled watching the homos, as no daughter 3D debut... NICE JOB SANA
>>45428735perfecto bro
>>45428735Don't tell me that's supposed to be Anya's fans.
>>45428798>he's not in the /hlgg/ discord server
>Ame is the worst dancer.Why thank you, that is part of the idol journey. Others started from zero, Ame started her journey from a minus & I will be there right behind her in every single step. will stop breathingi can't save her
>>45428854source? even if she is done she'll just use the kayfabe of the usa concert to take time off
>>45428877Don't do it. You'll just feel groggy.
>>45427342That was cute, but I feel like she didn't really get that many spoken lines which kinda sucks.
>>45428865That's right, hoomans are the scariest posters around.
>>45428660>ina has the ness jabbetter watch out for jab lock combos
>>45428735How is the sapling holding the lightstick?
>>45426962the rest of EN got swallowed whole by suisei, who will be standing in for them during the group EN song
>>45428735That's me holding my penlight in my mouth! I'm so goddamn excited to once again cheer for my oshi! I seriously wonder what songs she's going to sing today, she was being very vague about it but it's probably just going to be the original song she recently released an MV for. I hope that another AyaFubuMi original is revealed during their group performance.
>>45428735hah you did that chumbud's suggestion to be drawn with a brat on top of the deadbeat's head
>>45428735very nice
>>45428956It's over...
Thanks again, rentyanon.You cutie.
>>45428805>>45428890>more than a minute apart
>>45428920Go back to a thread that cares
>>45428735W-why is the shiokko eyeing that aqua crew?
>>45428735Based, thank you comic anon.That fucking heimin though, kek
>>45428735Based where's the day 1 comic? I missed it
>>45428735based and saved
>>45428870Gura will retweet it sometime in the next 48 hours.
>>45428735>moments before disaster strikes
>>45428651>everyone having fun with semi-serious powerlevel discussion>egg suddenly joins the convo and forces random kiara seethe and starts posting doxBut the KFPs had a meltdown, lol sure
>>45428956the weak should fear the strong
>>45428798All you had to do was just lurk. Now you get nothing. Dumb cat.
>>45428986ogey i guess i can't reply to him unless it's within 60 seconds, you dumbfuck
>>45428735thanks for drawing kenzoku in a nice way for once based
>>45428994anonchama it's in his post
Whatcha doing while waiting for fest?
>>45428798Just get a job
>>45428877chug some water right after you get up then a energy drink
>>45428976He did, and he is based for that.
>>45428918But that is the normal Ame.
>>45428972>715same desu did Flare ever react to Gura's DMC reference in her showcase?
>>45428798I know of 5 different options for restream... try doing reps, other than outside sources you can find links in previous threads
>>45428920Why do you retards like him again? He is just a bootleg Huke
>>45428906God bless, monseigneur
>>45428735>>45428928We are not that damn moko fox.
Kiara is not going to do a watchalong?
>>45428877Are you crazy??????????????????
>>45428760Pure kfp revisionism. Deadbeats were plainly stating the facts on Mori's power level while you insisted that certain feats "didn't count" because of the medium in which they occurred. Kiara is a jobber and you should learn to accept that fact or get a better oshi.
>>45429027watching sg1
>>45428735>>45429003Oooohhh that was the HoshiyomiKek
hello from nijisanjido you want a restream? because we dont fucking care about hololive and restreams should be shutted down then go to mikoboat(original filename) website
>>45429027watching the ads
>>45429027I'm going to go have some frozen fruit in greek yogurt
>>45428735>deadbeat>light pink glowstick* - subject to change
>>45428939Silly billy
>Still 30 minutes left until HoloFesSo if I wanna play PS2 games, the best way to play them is a CRT TV, right?Emulators are nice but some games are just too tiresome to deal with, like Yakuza 2.
>>45428735Finally my comicanon 2d debut
>>45428972Mumi cute
>>45428735THERE I AM GARY
>>45428994literally click on the link dumbanon
>>45427267that's a lot of yuri
>>45429018>doesn't deny he's a samefagholy shit I'm dyinyou're really falling apart here in the last lap, aren't you?
>>45429051Right? It's not even a mascot, why would you choose that?
>>45428906can some bong go to this chuch and put a towa plushie in the middle of the altar already
>>45429041i don't think the JPs really watched those...
>>45428446>people love bae's performance>chumbies are having a meltdown over it???
Kronii soon...
>>45428497you really thought i wouldn't see this
>>45429052Ah shit I need that. Can’t search for unlisted.
>>45429059Absolutely based
>>45428972I also liked it when the crowd sang along during the chorus
>>45428805Considering they got consistently get caught samefagging multiple times? I wouldn't say 100% but it's definitely very close to that.
Relax. You do not have to share it.
>>45428960carefully watch it, and Baelz looks fucking amazing
>>45429024Gomen, I thought it was just a higher quality version and didn't click it
>>45428867kinda cringe tbdesu fampai
>>45429103Because he is unware and I dont fault him that much for it. Anya doesnt care much about fan representation anyway.
>>45429101i think you have problems understanding english if you think anything i said is wronggood day, esl-man
>>45429040He's okay when he talks about the girlsNo idea why anons post him here when he talks about the males though
>>45429143sorry im busy posting
>>45428972Man they really like Ghost Rule huh?
>Both Gura and I think Flare looks fucking DELICIOUSWE ARE
So...... group predictions???? Watching the EN list is probably Gura/Mori Q and councilRyS or Bae/IRyS and Fauna/Kronii random songs
>>45426805I was wondering how Ollie was able to do one if Kiara couldn't. Wonder what the issue is.
>>45429055She "can't"
>>45428972>670that random-ass Suisei drawing really did wonders for Mumei's reputation, huh?
>>45428735Gee Hoshiyomi, how come your oshi gets to be in three concerts?
>>45429141Can clippers make clips from paid concerts? I thought that was a no-no.
>>45429105Bruv that is the other side of London in the city I do not have 30 minutes to get there
>>45428891Believe me or not that's not me
>>45428845Aqua Crew! Manjigumi's revival! It's gonna happen! Believe in the 1% Draw instead of the 99% Draw! EEEEEYOOOOOOWWW!!!!
>>45429128you think someone as popular as them only has 1 anti in the sea of the internet? really?
>>45428920Ame and IRyS weren't in the 27 show.
>Mori>Suisei>TowaReminder that there's going to be a lot of cute girls in the audience today
>>45429171Chadcast + Snot minus owl
Im not even that drunk
>>45429120here frend!
>>45429185they were in the free section.
>>45429027Trying to beat this motherfucker Genichiro. I was feeling all smug getting the second deathblow on my third try then this nigger has a third phase
>>45429051To be fair Anya hasn't had the chance to actually draw us yet.At most people can only assume we're some goblin knife fighter, as that's the last thing Anya described us as.
>>45429185Their performance was in the free section, so it's all good.
>>45429143search the fridge for anything edible that you can snack on quick
So after today, is EN going back to streaming as normal?
>>45429185they performed on the free part
>>45429027About to cook two burgers
>>45429183Selfishness of a starSorry
because niji concert gets canceled, time to report mikoboat website to cover to FUCK THE SHIT UP
>>45429201I prefer startend over swastika group, not gonna lie
>>45429229everyone except gura ye
>>45429141who is Baelz?
>>45429027WtA VODs because I want to play and I have no idea how to roleplay something with Rage
>>45429183She needs one holofes appearance per confirmed sololive
>>45429183The pride of hololive does what she pleases
>>45429051>>45429103I actually asked and looked around, it was that or the toaster, but I was told she no longer does the toaster joke.
My internet went out for a minute, and I almost got a heart attack.
Still half an hour until it starts. It should be fine if I close my eyes for just a little bit
>>45429041Yeah I don't think JP cares about watching EN debuts, unless they were invited to them.
>>45429202Did you even read my post?
I had to skip holo 27 because it was on at retard o'clock where I am and I couldn't catch both it and day 2, was it good?
>>45429229 RUMAO
>>45429004>Her manager will retweet it sometime in the next 48 hours
So what do people see live? Do they use like holograms?
>>45429027I'm gonna piss and brush my teeth
>>45429271Had that happen yesterday during Ame's performance.
>>45429027playin rdr2 and thinking of my gura
>>45429243Yes, you're the bearer of arcane knowledge and Cover totally doesn't know. Retard.
Even if I sneeze you happy all day
>>45429286they see the girls themselves
>>45429276Rat thighs are plump and delectable
>>45429271don't worry, I waited for you
>>45429276if you're a brrat or hooman yeah
>>45429274holy newfag
Did you guys watch day 1
>>45429286Big screen
EN3 in three hours
>>45429027Still waking up from my awkward backbending napJust cracked open my first energy drink to make it through this last stretch so I'm wired and ready to goI've also yet to properly sleep since the day before Day 1 so I'm ready to go the fuck to bed once Day 2 is over too
So who's going to sing Astrogirl?
>debut>had been in HoloGra beforewhy are they trying to bury the UmiSea HoloGra episode?
>>45428601I see your hologra favoritism, and i raise you Gura's rearm in Counterside (debatably because Ame's character is still a god tier support) being the best of the five
aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub20zdGN3LmNvbS9yL2hsZ2c=restream link because fuck you
>>45429276Yeah it was cool. Bae, Ollie and Mumei got to show off their default outfits.
>>45429216Thank you so much. I’d kiss you if I could
>>45429027I wish this game wasn't ass now. I'd love to fly around in old zones during down time like this, but I don't want to give them a cent anymore.
>>45429286If it's the same as last year, all they see is a big ass screen
>>45429027Some good old Garand.
>>45429201I believe it! It's gonna happen tonight!
>>45429293Mate I'll miss the FES, and the church might be having a service or shut because it's Mother's day AND a Sunday
>>45429229Not gura lmao
>>45429229Even better, EN3 will debut and start streaming NEXT WEEK.
Im gonna post screenshots of restreams without the link just so i can rub it in the faces of all the fags who couldn’t find one on time.
>>45428621My oshi has had a Free Chat since day 1.
>>45429229At the very least IRyS, Bae, and Mori have streams later.
Based editor
>>45429276Okayu was amazing.
>>45429229We don't actually know how long some of these girls are staying. Only Kiara has kind of confirmed that she's leaving soon, meanwhile Ina has mentioned working on a 3D live and doing early practice for the LA concert.
>>45429272oh nyo, you'll settle for the torrent, right?
>>45429027fear and hunger 2
>>45429266That was you right?>>45375201This is the best answer>>45375518
>>45429019That ain't me
I miss ad-kun...
>>45429266Should've made it a balding ojisan
>>45429325En3 will be announced at the end of the EN concert.
rainforest offcollab soon right?
>>45429334thanks for the dolphin porn
>>45429276ID stole the show (again), rrat was the best EN we've had so far, Mumei did her best!
>>45429334thank you for the free restream, i'm going to mirror it on twitch
>>45429369Ame said she needs time to sort things out, that is how she said she is preparing to go back to NA.
>>45429394fuck that's way too long
>>45429027I was looping the Hibana rip while posting here
>>45429348They're having service right nowget over there and spread the good word of Towa
>>45429382He's still there, he just got 1% quieter and is now fully imperceptible to human hearing
>>45429334Hahah your so funny
>>45429216You have one for Day 1 and Deco?
>>45429361Uhhh can I get a timestamp?
I took my hour nap...I'm so tired
>>45429276It was good. On the shorter end and obviously a bit more samey than a typical day's setlist but the crowd was super into it and we got some excellent performances.
>>45428735Based. Enjoy your day, everyone. :D
>>45429075Cover says light pink
>>45429027breakfast and having a chat with my dad for Father's Day
>>45429276It was entertaining but you made the right call by skipping it for day 2. Definitely watch it later
>>45429266The toaster would have been just fine. It still gets fanart and has actually been brought up more recently than in the past. Or a dagger, cactus, or just a small person with Anya's twintails.
>>45429318poor kfp, stuck with yet another trash 3d performance. I'm starting to think Kiara's showing at 3rdFes was a fluke.
>>45428798This the last time i will spoonfeed you newfags
>>45429353EN3 isn't even in the cards until EN Connect
>>45429027 Thumb talking about Modern 45-70 Govt. Lever Action rifles.
Good thing nijiAR wont be restream which is a huge win for Nijisanji
>>45429342Im playing on private server,free, WotlK expansion, everything like on OG
>>45429482What a manwhore
>>45429361love me some zeta simple as
>>45429482i laugh every time at these
>>45429446Fans say otherwise.
>>45429458lol nijisis
Quick post your timezone>MST
i have the link of the "legal" version but can someone give me the youtube link i want to save the vod in my list
>>45429171At the very least Bae and IRyS will be together and Kronii and Fauna will be together. Either 2 different songs or they'll be a 4 person group.
>>45429514>JP7, ID4 and EN3 is the same gen
Just woke up from a quick nap, guess I've got time to check out the new hologra>>45428735Ayyyyy lets fucking go!
>>45429451Kinda weird to think about a vocaloid producer and a professional wrestler interacting because of Hololive
>still no stickyDay2fag mogged
>>45429482Highlighting for poorfags. Here.
>>45429534grab the vod later from torrents retard it'll be higher quality
>>45429554As long as they keep the wigger away from IRyS I'm happy
>>45429496Shorty lever actions with big suppressors are the gayest "new" thing since PCCs and I fucking hate them.Lever guns should be 20" at the minimum. 16" if you're hiking.
>>45429534just go to nyaa if you want to get the vod later retard
>>45429027Just finished taking a cold shower
>>45429526Oh please. The only standout performance was Bae. It's an easy skip in hindsight, especially if you have to choose between it or the proper day 2.
im thinking about towa a lot right now
>>45429575why not both? combo
>>45429570double retard-chama?
i have 3 restreams surely nothing will go wrong
>>45429519I've thought about that, would have to convince a buddy or two to join me.
>>45429591me too
>>45428735>can hold three penlightsKronies are the strongest fanbase
>>4542959120 minutes to go
>>45429558it's the zodiac signs5 en 5 jp 2 id singers
>>45429514If there's a titty monster in EN I will approve it.
>>45429255#36-40 added
are there any holo*27 archives?
>>45429591Same, not sure what she's going to sing.
>>45429533>>45429564>>45429587retards, daylight savings time is activeits CDT
>>45428735>the kronie is just a clock piloting a man-suit
>>45429171Suisei + Mori, Gura + someone, Bae + IRyS, Kronii + Fauna if EN gets more then 2 group performances. Chadcast + SNT if they only get 2
>>45429575i dont want to download it
>>45429171>EN getting more than one group songLMAO
>>45429446I think it's just JOPbeats being retarded. It made sense for when she did the song RED, but anyone that pulls out red sticks for anything else is just trying too hard
>>45429619Robot body is cheating.
>>45429027Not much, just listening to that Kirameki Rider instrumental in the SPWN stream while drinking coffee and posting here.I absolutely, genuinely fucking LOVE the excitement and anticipation (mine and in the thread) right before a HoloFes live so I want to enjoy it.
>>45429276yuro?i woke up at 5 AM for it and while i can't say i'm disappointed, it's definetely something you can watch the VOD forif you want the thread reaction, use the chumputer with the free portion and sync SPWN to that
I still love Gura and will always love her.This cannot be changed. Sorry not sorry.
>>45429514Remember how far holo9 went?
Thoughts on either JP7, ID4, or EN3 having a pair of sisters?
>>45429577Wood and steel only when it comes to that kind of thing, no bullshit on it other than a scope.
Hololive store's shipping prices are so broken that somehow adding Ame and Gura's 3D idol acrylic stands lowers the overall shipping cost to the point that my entire order is $2 cheaper than without them.
>>45429673nah, it's just them feeling her passion
>>45429689Would you love Gura if she was a worm?
There will be a full Myth group performance.I believe in this.If Suisei can do it, so can others.
Since the last fes I got interactive RBG lights that add atmosphere for my computer monitor. Sitting in the dark and having my entire wall colormatch the concerts has been incredible so far. I never thought they'd work so well
>>45429673no it's more like Cover just doesn't know what color to give Mori.
>>45429610good luck had 5 yesterday and still had to search for more midstream
>>45429651i have a feeling it will be raimei but i think sanvatalia or midnight runaway would be cool
>>45428167sent :)
>>45429676That's part of us.
>>45429718What kind of fucking stupid question is this?!
>>45429610spoonfeed me pls
>>45429670you underestimate the power of the shark mascot
>>45429689you don't need to justify yourself to a handful of schizos on /vt/ dumbud
Just ate dinnerall ready to go
>>45429689I agree.>>45429718NTA but yes.
>>45429590Mumei & Kiara, Luna
>your oshi>prove youre not gay
>>45429706amogus collab broke them apart...
I'm gonna go pee RIGHT now so that when my oshi shows up, I don't get too excited and accidentally pee my pants.
>>45429601>>45429608>>45429615>>45429622>>45429637Then why this thread is so shit?
>>45429730my only one worked the entire time, skill issue.
>>45429559Well that was awful
>>45429616Warmane(Lordaeron) is kinda ok for it
slept for 90mins, I'm ready
kirameki raidaa~yaaay~~~~
>>45429707I miss them
What app do you guys use to make your pretty webms?
>>45429736True, probably is raimei. I just hope Towa has some fun choreography this time.
>>45429650there's a temporary one up on mega until the site processes the final one and that can be downloaded
>>45429787I shit my pants reaaaaaaal good.
>>45429229Reminder that Koyori had a concert just a few days before Holofes in addition to this and she still managed to stream like crazy.
>>45429710So fucking true, brother
>>45429768TowaI am sexually attracted to Tokoyami Towa
>>45429276Kiara used her deep voice and was sex
>>45429784Good, I'd call you a peepee pants if you did that.
>>45429714They can't tell passion from a cowboy gag because they'll piss their pants in fear regardless
>>45429673Red is Mori's image color in general and was in fact even the color of her background visuals for HibanaThey called the right audible over the official one, it looked better than having the pink would
>>45429724For me it's ps4 controller
hlgg cytube got shutted down LEMAO
>>45429784I predict you will still pee your pants
>>45429758Oh I know.I just picture some retard clenching their fist in rage when I post shit like that.
>>45429802oh I wasn't even thinking of them but ;(
>>45429787Gura's hologra is literally shit
>>45429809i hope so too she spends a lot of time on dancing and i want her to impress everyone
>>45429784At least you won't be that anon who got so excited he threw up
I can't wait to see Fauna, Kronii and Reine's beautiful 3D tits
What did I miss in the 3 hours I took a nap?
>>45429836It's just overwhelmed with request
>>45428607sorry she has to prepare for the LA concert see you in July
>>45429728how about brown like poop
>>45429673JOPbeats are based and know Mori's favorite color is red
>>45429795I'll check it out.
so we're all moving to the sticky right?
>>45429768MoriI jacked off to women about an hour ago
>>45429874Same, I just hope the Idol outfit does them justice especially Kronii's
>>45429887my penlight doesnt have that color
I am going to take a shit now and raise the volume on my pc to not miss anything.
>>45429836lololol hell yeah.. 1 down... biggest one still up
>your oshi>you love hololive?
>>45429836its fine if you got in early
Its weird that there are no EN watch alongs, i guess this will be the new normal
>>45429895after this thread dies, yeah
>>45429768Mumei.I gave Mumei a gun. Does that count?
>>45429122I really loved the way your oshi's tits bounced when she was singing with Lui during the deco*27 stage
>>45429881Gura's hologra
>>45429887Brown is confusing, it's why nobody knows what to do when Risu and Mumei are on stage
aaaaaaaaa 15 minutes what the heck
>>45427342Dog eats Cat eats Fish (shark) eats Nigger
>>45429768InaI want to jerk off onto her armpits and suck her nipples and hair squishies
>>45429929MumeiYOU BET
Bros...I don't want this to end...
>>45429229No? Kronii will probably still be in Japan in April, Mumei is still dead. Gura and Ina are retired from streaming. Also, IRyS is moving.
>>45429929TowaYes but I mostly love Towa
>>45429881Yagoo announcing the end of HololiveIt's over
who's poop did gura picked up on the street? with how huge it was i think it was mori's
>>45429929GuraHELL YEAH
>>45429768>korone>I have no fashion sense and cannot dance
>>45429929Kiarayes, a lot
>>45429929KanataOf course!
>>45429836It's up for me but if it goes down I'll just use the official one
someone from EN, please watchalong...
>>45429929towayeah hololives pretty cool
>your oshi>get some water and do some stretches
>>45429171I dunno why anyones expecting Q, they already performed that live before and there's tons of different new combos available
>>45429929KiaraHELL YEAH
i forgot to listen to akwatan radioi am a fool
>>45429929TowaI Love Towa
>>45429929MoriHELL YEA
>>45429768KiaraI watched the entire Boku no Pico series and only came twice
>listening to Pizzapapa's watchalong>I can actually understand some of itthe reps are finally paying off bros.
>>45429929KroniiYES VERY MUCH SO
>>45429929GuraYes, in fact.
How was the ID3 watchalong yestesday? thinking about putting them on since ollie canceled
I'm hoping for Wanted, Wasted for Mori's performance. It's an enjoyable song and the hard-hitting arrangements suit a big event like this. It's a shame that the actual track sounds really compressed and flat instead of what it could be. Hopefully, the live band can carry it properly.
We're almost home...
>>45429216this is a restream for Day 2Cover do your job
>>45429768ChammaI had sex with female woman
>>45430027Was that today
>>45430021GuraI'll stretch, but no water.I'll piss if I drink water.
>>45429929InaI like it
I hope Mori sings Huge W
>>45430047she just sang that at the showcase though didnt she?
>>45429929Mumei ye
>>45429929Shubahololive daisuki desu
>>45430047its cool but in her idol outfit? maybe something lighter
>>45429216reported. thanks
>>45429533EDTI want to sleep.
>>45429948What the... why does her voice sound like that
>>45429929KiaraI fucking love Hololive
remember when moona said die die die
>>45429929InaVery much so
So when will they debut an updated version of the "Can You Do The Hololive"? Its been two years since its been updated
>>45429929Ina Crazy how much I do
>>45430073NTA, but having a live band would make it so much better. I personally want Lose Lose Days
>>45430059Godspeed, anon.
>>45429929KroniiIt's pretty cool so yeah
>Day 1 watchalong.Fubuki, ID3, Bae, Anya.>Day 2 watchalong.2 homos & ID3.
>>45430047Sorry anon, it's gonna be I'm Greedy.
want a restream?search "hlgg cytube" on google, the first link which is mikoboat code link is what you want to click
>>45429932>>45429879>was in it earlier>stopped working>refresh >cant connectgonna kms
>>45430093Gura likes to tryhard voice acting. You should know this by now.
>>45429205I dunno, I didn't see more than a couple photos of femzokus
>>45429216reported to Cover
*yawn*... morning everyone. Got a 2 hour nap in there somehow. Ready for the last concert?
>>45430059Very nice
>>45429929Botanhororaibu daisuki dayo
First who rolls a 69 gets to marry her oshi
>>45430021>korone>i'm having coffee, I'm tired as shit
>>45430110that's very true, but I'm hoping for the same as you
>>45430090>announcing reportsUh oh watch out buddy
They should also implement a ticket gifting system so we can take advantage of rich attentionfags got you broke bro
I'm awake from my nap and ready!
>>45430140Same I slept right after deco ended and just woke up.
>>45430047I think Mera Mera is a safe choice
The final Holobird gets their 3d today, finally Holotori can finally become real, lets go!
>>45430093The missing tooth.
>>45430120this is the best restream192.168.0.1
>>45429533EDTThanks Usual site for teaching me that Internet Overdose goes great with Salmon run bonus modes
Wait a minute. Wait one fucking minute. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE NEW ONE COVER?
SSS > Our Bright Parade > Kirameki Rider > whatever last year's event song was
>>45430198RISUI AM READY
>>45430155Kaela is mine
>>45430187Unlucky... tawa...
>>45430198AmeAs ready as I'll ever be. Let's go!
>>45430198>korone>i really wish I had made some food first, too late now
I think Mori and Kiara should hold hands.
>>45430049>>45430090>>45430138fake news
>>45430173based beyond words
Guys if I scream incoherently when my oshi comes on, please don't make fun of me okay?
>>45430127that and i am sure these voice directors don't really know how to give them any effective direction since their Eigo isn't jouzu.
konkon kitsune
>>45430047>>45430118>>45430190It's probably gonna be her most idolesque song, so expect Dawn Blue
>>45430223Maybe next year
>>45430198MatsuriNo! Too damn excited
Thread is kill
>>45430223These are dead dude
>>45429929OllieYes. Anya's feet are cute.
>>45430229Kaela too busy grinding...
>>45428735UNITY FUCK YEAH!
>>45430248Ame was on the first day, you dummy
>>45430248Gonna make fun of you if you don't.
>>45430222Prism Melody was good too but we listened to SSS way more that it's just embedded within me.
>>45430223staff believes that council isnt worth it to update this song
>Random Bae OP on /v/So that's where the brats that hate Kiara come from.
>>45430198MoriProbably I dunno
>>45430243this but each other's penis instead
>>45430294yeah me
>>45430198AmeLET'S FUCKING GO
>>45430244You think I'm playing anon?
>>45430073Kiara performed DO U in her showcase and in Day 1, so it's still out in the open.>>45430190There's a high probability for that as well, but I don't feel any attachment to that song personally.
>>45427563>not sure why anyone thinks she's anything but averagedo you have at least 3 post claiming otherwise?
i had no intention of waking up for this but mu body moved on its own
So day 2 will sing Kirameki Rider and ???
i wish they were selling the weiss schwarz cards this time again too
>>45430222AsuiroClearSky beat all
Just chugged a bang, ama
>>45430314If HoloX isn't worth updating it, then nothing is
>>45430317veetubers are in general not liked and lookd down as cancerous outside of this board.
what happened with mikoboat?
I'm gonna jerk off if Mori sings Mera Mera
>>45430222Prism melody was alright but Parade is way better
>>45430198AmeFUCK YEAH I AM
>>45430198FaunaNo I feel like I'm going to die
Mumei and Kiara Ghost Rule performance.
>>45430198NeneFUCK YEAH
>>45430371They seem to like Bae, mostly just shitting on Mori and Kiara
>>45430337I have 3 other restreams available, I cannot be stopped
>>45430360OBP again
Finally an Aqua crew.
>>45429216Don't share links retard, it ruins it for everybody.
>>45430337based, fuck poorfags
holy shit the crowd reaction when they saw hes a gaijin
>random foreigner againkek they're doing it on purpose
>>45430429Mind linking them please? I'll need them in case this one goes down.
>camera pans to white guy>crowd cheers
>>45430421thanks, you the realest nigga
Cameraman loves showing gaijins
kaigai sukonbu
wtf its 5 mins away wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf
cute ichimin couple and sapling in the back
femsagi spotted
>>45430198>Gura>HELL YEAH
sapling spotted!
kekcute nekko
Nene lets go!