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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4510426 No.4510426 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>4512478 >>4513710

A thread for the discussion of homeward-bound mistress of mystery collabs, Calliope Mori, and everyone else she's gonna collab with someday soon.

>> No.4510470
File: 750 KB, 1000x1000, 1617320616933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of daughters
love this idiot

>> No.4510490

b s d

>> No.4510627

The 6/6 “special guest” has got to be Mousey, right? With Coco already having taken her holojp virginity, would she bother to hide any holo she got on?

>> No.4510649

This one doesn't have brapshitters so let's go with this one

>> No.4510653
Quoted by: >>4510684

It will be pink Rushia

>> No.4510684


>> No.4510725

All of them are 100% without a shadow of a doubt Mori. Not sure what you deafbeats are on about

>> No.4510750

high on UNITY

>> No.4510767
File: 126 KB, 960x1200, 1600633665224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't hear anyone else either, glad I'm not the only one

>> No.4510786
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>> No.4510798

I just want to bring attention to mori's "baby". I think the way she said in the cover is really cute. Makes me want to have babies with her

>> No.4510805
Quoted by: >>4510935

come on memberbraps, don't jew that schedule

>> No.4510815
File: 21 KB, 322x344, 0F0AD2B2-EE27-48EE-AAE2-F8DF63E8D758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4510978

>When the bean kick in

>> No.4510935

Bitch do your archive reps

>> No.4510978
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>> No.4511025
File: 424 KB, 1431x2048, 1621920524766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4511111 >>4511189

Hanging out in your apartment with Mori!
Laughing at dumb jokes and hitting it off with Mori!
Waking up and realizing it was all a dream with Mori!

>> No.4511111
Quoted by: >>4511153 >>4511527

last time I had a dream about Mori, I was sitting next to her on a long 14 hour flight

>> No.4511153
Quoted by: >>4511377

Did you talk to her at all?
nice quint

>> No.4511172
Quoted by: >>4511207

Shion has never collabed with an EN before so it might be her.

>> No.4511189

I haven't had any dreams about Mori yet. I don't think I'd be able to handle it after waking up.

>> No.4511207
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, 31222222222222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4511523


>> No.4511377

it happened some weeks ago so details are a bit fuzzy, but I remember clearly she kept asking me to stand up for her to go to the restroom

>> No.4511468


>> No.4511499
Quoted by: >>4511595

The third (bweybwy) and fourth (baby~) sound really different from your usual Mori though.

>> No.4511523
Quoted by: >>4511672

Damn, forgot that existed. Another purple / pink holo? Okayu? Choco? Mousey doesn't seem like the person who'd olay shadowverse unless she's been doing her sv reps so that she could collab with mori.

>> No.4511527
Quoted by: >>4511625

Did she tell you about her soap-making business?

>> No.4511595
Quoted by: >>4511650

So does the second follow up baby, she's just putting on a voice so it sounds different from all the rest of them.

>> No.4511625

Fuuuck, she should do another watchalong. Clockwork orange or memento would be kino

>> No.4511650
Quoted by: >>4511734

Hmm. So the special thanks in the end is just for being great genmates, and nor for voice cameos, right?

>> No.4511672
File: 2.89 MB, 2048x1547, 444444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was a senpai she probably wouldn't be secretive about it. Coco's right there on the schedule after all, and she never shied away from it before

>> No.4511734

Yeah, it's a solo cover. She was just feeling especially unity at the time with her asking Savi to throw the other EN girls in at the end and wishing they could have a holoEN band of sorts a bit ago.

>> No.4512478
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>> No.4512666
File: 1.97 MB, 2896x4096, 1621765214848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4512734 >>4513006

What do you guys think of the new schedule?

>> No.4512734
Quoted by: >>4512807

Seems like it'll be a good week to me. Looking forward to all of the collabs though I'm a little over FNF at this point.

>> No.4512807

I just hope she can clear it, maybe she'll use two hands this time?

>> No.4513006

>go to sleep
>wake up
>Mori delayed the unarchived karaoke
>laugh hysterically because I called that shit so fucking hard several days ago
At this point, I'm glad it isn't happening.

>> No.4513168
Quoted by: >>4513222

So wait, is the Gura collab on the 4th or the 5th for Americans?

>> No.4513190
File: 77 KB, 388x462, 1620490126824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-next week for sure...

>> No.4513222

I'm guessing 4th since Mori's schedule came out afterwards and is therefore more up to date
unless there's another collab happening on the 5th as well

>> No.4513439
Quoted by: >>4513495

>glad it isn't happening
Well that's one way to cope.

>> No.4513495

I'm glad because it vindicates me. Plus she was going to sing one of the peepeepoopoo man's stupid ass songs again anyway so until she gets over her obsession with that faggot I'm fine with no unarchived karaoke, even if that means they never happen again.

>> No.4513579
Quoted by: >>4513686 >>4513703

>until she gets over her obsession with that faggot
Never happening, that dude unironically defined her teenage years.

>> No.4513654

What a bitch.

>> No.4513686
Quoted by: >>4513719 >>4514599

Is it safe to say we wouldn't have the Mori we have today if it wasn't for him?

>> No.4513703

And the first wave of Pokemania defined my childhood, I still got over it and learned to branch out my tastes because that's what you're supposed to when you develop as a human being.

>> No.4513710

I want to lovingly squeeze the both of them.

>> No.4513719

As much as I hate to say it, yes.
Bitch is autistic, I thought it was obvious.

>> No.4513814

Except you don't have a career in anything related to pokemon. She literally has the same job as the person she watches all the time. There's no way she wouldn't pick up his style or mannerisms

>> No.4513821

And then you hit adulthood and realize there is nothing wrong with continuing to like stuff you once did. You don't need to obsess over it but you don't need to lie to yourself to seem more "mature " either.
Mori likes his content. It made her laugh and influenced her style of humor. You may as well be telling her she needs to grow up and stop rapping because that's not proper for a woman her age/ethnicity. You know it's not going to happen, and neither should it happen.

>> No.4513839
File: 226 KB, 1356x1911, 1604704275737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4513878

I don't really get the big deal about it being there or not. It's not like we get nothing in its place. I'm just down to see more Mori

>> No.4513878
Quoted by: >>4513952 >>4513955

I just want her to sing some cool shit, man. She said she would sing the entire MGR soundtrack...

>> No.4513941

ill tank an entire mcr concert for mori and ill tank a shitty critikal song for her too and ure a fraud if you wouldnt

>> No.4513952
Quoted by: >>4513979 >>4514814

She already sang their best ones though. She should move on to patd and fob next. Or good charlott if she's into them

>> No.4513955
File: 126 KB, 1200x856, 1622068415281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4514877

I sympathize, but how some anons here get so incredibly tilted about it is unwarranted

>> No.4513957
File: 787 KB, 777x1284, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yasuyuki__a382a0f17c6d8559792ebf05c074c874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4513979

It's Metal Gear Rising, not My Chemical Romance
I hate emo rock/pop punk

>> No.4514122
File: 3.58 MB, 2874x4338, 1615033470797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu. it's just kinda fun to call her out on her bullshit when it's justified cause she actually tends to notice and address it and it's a valuable piece of interaction
makes it feel like we're both invested in the improvements of her content

>> No.4514157
Quoted by: >>4514639

I want her to sing the Star Spangled Banner

>> No.4514537
Quoted by: >>4514689

>open everhood
>think I'm gonna catch up with ya boy in no time at all
>die ten times to the tutorial frog
This is going to be a long night.

>> No.4514599
Quoted by: >>4527698 >>4531628

About as safe as it is to say that about Sandler movies, or the abuse she suffered.

>> No.4514639

Silence, Yankee! She will sing Dixie!

>> No.4514659

Were the fishnets always this pixelated.

>> No.4514689
Quoted by: >>4515331 >>4517434

you could always play on normal or easy mode

>> No.4514814
Quoted by: >>4515154

For MCR there are some songs I still want to hear, but if she ever gets around to doing all of the Black Parade as it's own stream then it would check them all off. I just love that album's sound and concept.

Fair criticism is fine and she shouldn't be immune to it, she welcomes it. It's just it's rare the criticism is justified. How is anyone going to get upset at her postponing karaoke when she said something came up. And it wasn't just ducking out of the one stream, it was a whole week.
Times where Mori needed to be called out were when she wasn't getting any rest or showing up to streams unprepared.

>> No.4514877
Quoted by: >>4514950

I’m just hoping she pushed it to next week so she could schedule it at a good time, like on the weekend so more people can watch. I’ll be a bit tilted if karaoke doesn’t show up next week, only because This is like the 4th, 5th? Delay.

>> No.4514950

Yeah, I could agree with that. It's something she's hyped up and practiced for. Get it done. Next week or the one after at the latest. Then everyone has fun and she doesn't have to worry about being asked for it.

>> No.4514954
Quoted by: >>4517009

Oh, no wonder this thread is relatively peaceful.


Check the deleted posts for some mental illness, guess he got banned.

>> No.4515154

that's why I'm holding all relevant criticisms till she actually streams/has a chance to explain the situation
still gonna clown on her for delaying tho

>> No.4515331
File: 432 KB, 500x394, 827662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And admit I'm worse than her at video games? After all the shit given her for it by everyone including herself? Hell no.

>> No.4516907 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 533x992, 1622675522904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4517391 >>4518068

>> No.4516999
Quoted by: >>4525579 >>4526403

Mousey already has a stream in the evening and (as I was told) does not play Shadowverse (which sounds like a weird game to collab in anyway, especially with Mori not being remarkably familiar with it). This would be at 9 AM in Mouseys time, which isn't impossible, but I'd rather think they'd go for Japanese noon / American evening / night.
My guess is that it is a JP holo like Shion or maybe Aqua, and she might not be 100% safe on whether it will take place with that person, so that if she cancels it, the other person doesn't get flak for it.

>> No.4517009
File: 246 KB, 1464x2048, 1620286579628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's early in the day, anon. That idiot always, always shows up on SEA Primetime.

>> No.4517391

nice crop

>> No.4517418
Quoted by: >>4517481

Where the fuck is holding up the panties.

>> No.4517434
Quoted by: >>4518404

Tutns out ATM, Zigg and Incinerator weren't that bad. I guess frog's wide ass projectiles just confused me, I didn't expect them to cover up to three tiles at once.

>> No.4517481
Quoted by: >>4518088

They're C-string.

>> No.4517745
File: 1.16 MB, 1980x3200, 1620393032499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4518404 >>4518502

Is the list still on?

>Mori killed WWE

to it.

>> No.4518068

How lovely.

>> No.4518088

>that's a thing

>> No.4518191

Anyone else instantly become diamonds when listening to Empress and reaching the part where she sings the chorus in a half-moan?

>> No.4518234
File: 2.07 MB, 2000x2000, 1620285995713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People just realizing her voice is diamonds.
Well, well well.

That training arc will pay off, and Mori will become even better.

>> No.4518404

I relied on jumping a lot during my playthrough, not moving out of the way of projectiles becomes useful later on

its been years anon...

>> No.4518502
Quoted by: >>4518614

"WWE is dead" is the first thing my wrestling otaku friend told me when I asked about it (after watching a ton of holofightz)

>> No.4518614

Major releases happened today, as well as their flagship show bleeding for ratings.

>> No.4519009

Empress has been stuck in my head all day and also yes.

>> No.4519176

Good, I hope the entire Karoke is charlie songs. Maybe you'll end your life.

>> No.4520233
File: 180 KB, 563x1000, 1622583070721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she even watch anime anymore?

>> No.4520334

If she does I imagine she only watches stuff she's watched before and likes enough to rewatch instead of anything ongoing. Keeps herself busy otherwise.

>> No.4520382
File: 889 KB, 3780x2835, EjC3FnRXkAIDEUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's like the main character of one now.

>> No.4520614

I know I don't. I have no idea what's airing or what's come out recently that's worth watching. I only read like 2 manga.

>> No.4521063
File: 641 KB, 3840x2160, 9feeef118510c71fdc27b8894dd4987e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching stuff that came out a long time ago. Either stuff I enjoyed when I was younger and can look at with more understanding, or that I've long wanted to watch. It's still difficult between trying to do adult stuff and watching streamers. Never enough time.

>> No.4521765
Quoted by: >>4521911

Deadbeats... is she coming back? Where is she?

>> No.4521803
File: 631 KB, 1920x1080, 1617453829736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4521865


>> No.4521858
Quoted by: >>4521911

I'm crumbling deadbeats... my bones turning to dust.

>> No.4521865
Quoted by: >>4522171

Is it wrong that I'm more excited for the grudgepost?

>> No.4521911
File: 254 KB, 500x284, ced.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucks gotta get your milk and hold yourselves together, just about 12 hours till the return stream

>> No.4522087
File: 1.39 MB, 959x1200, F5E063CE-87F1-47EA-B421-1C15BF0272B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our boys coming home...

>> No.4522171

Savor it like a fine wine.

>> No.4522314

Same with me there is like one show coming out I am planning on watching and mostly to see how they can fuck up the ending after decades of build up

>> No.4522575

Someone has to post the final list before she streams.

>> No.4524669
File: 1.08 MB, 2400x4000, 1607140475481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more rrats, only Mori.

>> No.4525036
File: 3.20 MB, 1920x1080, Desktop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4525203 >>4527866

Reinstalled my OS a Windows Server 2022 install that I'm testing for the lol

Only Windows 10 Store App I'm missing is Groove Music, rest is shit.

>> No.4525203

that's cool

>> No.4525279
File: 1.78 MB, 663x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4525348


>> No.4525348

Beautiful work.
>All that stuff around her, all the stuff in the Roki video
Is Mori a klepto?

>> No.4525377

She has to keep the memories of all the times past somehow

>> No.4525471
File: 633 KB, 1271x720, NoPeace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4534198

its not stealing if they're dead

>> No.4525579
Quoted by: >>4525655

Aqua is unlikely due to her regular autism and mental health condition atm so I would rather say it's Shion since she's also doing a meme review this week to set her in the kaigai mood.

>> No.4525619

shes just an old school /a/non and they collect alot of shit

>> No.4525655

as an ex-deathstar who experienced the birthday totsu, don't. for your sake.

>> No.4525954
File: 612 KB, 1050x943, 89640401_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My property

>> No.4526013

Is there a sign in this thread that says shit bird storage here?

>> No.4526074 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1622692271511.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4526403

Mousefag here. Came into this thread to see if anyone had any insight but it seems not. Right now I'm leaning towards this not being Mouse because I feel like she would have announced it during today's stream now that Mori has a schedule out and the only thing she's said is that the collab has been rescheduled. If it somehow is her though, then the time is really only an audience problem as it's a time she never streams, but she has played Shadowverse before. How long or how much is unknown since I don't think she's ever played it on stream but she recently expressed regret at missing a Re:Zero event that the game had.

>> No.4526712
Quoted by: >>4526732

What's the actual fanname though?

>> No.4526732
Quoted by: >>4535081

Precious family but that's like 30 syllables and everyone knows what you mean when you say the other thing.

>> No.4526812
File: 38 KB, 300x250, 19ehnx3tuKG7n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the energy running through my bones. The return of our Empress awaits us.

>> No.4526842 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4526886

Didn't Mousey say the collab with the other pink person got rescheduled?

>> No.4526884
Quoted by: >>4527072

Funny you should say that. Whenever I think of Empress, that specific part is what always jumps to mind first. I just love the way she does it. Empress is such a good ass song, I find it gets stuck in my head more than any other song from the EP.

>> No.4526886

Apologies, skipped that part of your post about the reschedule. I doubt it will be a shadowverse related collab. But it will be whatever they decide

>> No.4526997
Quoted by: >>4527214 >>4527223

Anyone who isn't a brain dead retard knew it was coming.

>> No.4527072
File: 245 KB, 1551x1253, EyLF64CU4AASa3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its starting to that for me as well. The last line about "The me that I knew was real all along" sticks out to me the most. Makes me feel things for our boy.

>> No.4527214
Quoted by: >>4527761

>Anyone who isn't a brain dead retard
don't just eliminate half of the thread like that

>> No.4527223
Quoted by: >>4527318

Mori takes pleasure in keeping us on edge

>> No.4527318

I almost prefer it this way. Now we can make Unarchived Karaoke jokes until the end of time.

>> No.4527489
File: 65 KB, 715x574, 1622579182362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doctors appointment/surgery date was moved up
>Family tragedy
>IRS trouble
>Visa running out
>Depression arc part 2
>Covid vaccine
>Actually dieing/graduating
>Suspension because of a recent collab
>Commited a crime and has to get rid of evidence
>Fucked up her reservation
>Graduating, getting deported, and dieing all at the same time
>Kidnapping mamaloni
>Attacked/raped by/raping manlets
>is actually Anemachi
>Mind transfer with a robot body
>Kiara did it
>Just wanted more days off
>Lost her voice
>is getting married
>doing it just to make (you) suffer
>Surprise online tour with Fake Type
>Rematch in person with the tank man
>Moving to a new house
>Ran out of breastmilk from selling too much of it
>Dildocart racing in Florida with the moistman
>Interview with record label
>Working on her WoD campaign
>Writer's block in general
>Blackmailed into flying back to the United States to cough in Iron Mouse's room
>Got into a fight with a corporate Japanese manlet and is still raging about it
>Cartels blackmailed her into being a drug mule
>Mafia blackmailing her into giving them money
>She affronted Yakuza leader Kiryu Coco and must pay with her body in a soapland for a week
>Korean geondals are after her for protection money
>Chinese Triads are copying her music through Chinese Napster
>A week long period
>Undergoing Spetsnaz training in an undisclosed Black Sea training facility
>Addicted to FGO and is using all of her money to get Summer Kiara
>Flying to Italy to buy 5 new horn hats
>Washed away by the tide
>Went on a drunken bender and woke up a thousand miles away
>Left to kill the dad joke once and for all
>Training in the room of spirit and time
>Is bi and is staying at home masturbating to porn of Ame while her boyfriend licks her asshole
>Lost her smile like Shawn Michaels
>Taken out on the town by Watame
>Got Nihongo Jouzu'd one too many times
>Back on her reaping duties temporarily
>Had to take time off to contribute to the 1 million takodachi collage
>Listened to all 6 stages of "Everywhere at the End of Time"
>Is taking a break of that kit-kat bar
>forgot her meds
>Is collabing with Koopa Fortuna from the hololive global threads
>Is eliminating all other Mori alters so she can be The One
>Shadowverse training arc with Mousey
>Is writing her second novel for young adults, "The Powerful Reapers of Destiny"
>Converting to Islam to give the highest of ups to Allah
>Borrowed Watson's time machine so she can redo all of her past yabs
>Is secretly the Gundam SEED Movie's writer
>Is doing a RAP bootcamp for Gen5
>Started to become Yukihana Lamy
>Called Flare a nigger in front of yagoo
>Recording a double demon collab song
>Spilled her spaghetti and lost her poor meatball when it rolled out of the door
>Got a little too into roleplaying on obscure internet chatrooms
>In the process of ditching hololive to sign with Dr. Dre's label
>Cloning herself for the MoriDice collab/CalliMori rap battle
>Slipped into the calliopeople timeline
>Invading the dreams of all the deadbeats who miss her
>went into hiding because she can't stop cringing at herself
>left to search for the Dragon Balls so she can make her one wish that she can't pretend she don't wanna see come true
>she heard her activation phrase and was awakened to the reality that she was a Russian bioweapon raised in the states to be used against glorious nippon
>Finding more subtle ways to put roommate references into everything
>Started to care TOO much about hololive and took off early to distance herself from them
>Busy setting up multiple false accounts with vpns to donate during the all the celebrations happening during her absence
>Had to go into the offices at cover to receive her yearly corporate brainwashing
>Cares more about other vtubers than her fans
>she's learning EU4 after getting Paradox permissions
>Is fighting a losing battle trying to get her gaseous asseous under control
>Appearing as a special guest at E3
>Preparing for constant all night sex orgies with Okayu, Coco, A-chan and Coco
>Training for holofightz
>Watching the Coca Cola 600 in the grandstands of Charlotte Motor Speedway
>Furiously working on the D-side MV to Roki
>tied up in the holohouse's basement
>Flew all the way to Central Kansas just to go to a Golden Corral
>Started smuggling designer clothings with devil like gimmicks and accessories
>Became substitute coach for the Suns to lead them to victory over the Lakers
>Is turning black and regretting it
>Has gotten really into baking
>cucking mousey AND milky queen by having sex with Cali-P
>Visting Mr. Koro in the hospital
>her english school begged for her to sub in when the replacement teacher got covid and she likes kids so she couldn't say no
>Infiltrating cover offices to steal a gaint tako, mission impossible style
>Went back to elementary school so she could beat Gura in "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader"

>> No.4527667
Quoted by: >>4527718 >>4527843

Add the "Instrumental in Braun Strawman and Aliester Black's firings, and is convincing Vince McMahon to sell WWE to Cover"

>> No.4527698
Quoted by: >>4531628

Has she ever talked about her abusive/alcoholic past?

Also, does she drinks alcohol because of a character thing or because she can't leave it?

>> No.4527718

I just re-posted the last version I could find. I doubt it will be posted again since in a few hours it's worth significantly less.

>> No.4527761
File: 434 KB, 1200x1200, 1620132896685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now if only it could be more permanent.

>> No.4527843

With WWE cutting all these talents loose who do you think Cover is looking to sign some for HoloEN 2?

>> No.4527866


>> No.4527891


>> No.4527993
File: 678 KB, 1433x2024, 1622568101891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541369

I wish she could have the Ricky bass guitar as an asset she can hold.

>> No.4528073
Quoted by: >>4528222

These are fucking beautiful .

>> No.4528113
File: 693 KB, 3000x3000, E2DrxFYWUAA9W6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4528152

Lads, I've been gone all day. I have to tell you the most important thing I possibly could and I don't know how I went this long without it.

I love Mori.

>> No.4528152
Quoted by: >>4528161

Great, now take spot #34213 in line for marriage.

>> No.4528158
File: 276 KB, 1080x872, Screenshot_20210602-221412_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4529416

>> No.4528161
Quoted by: >>4528330

Its not spot #34213 if I kill everyone in front of me.

>> No.4528222
Quoted by: >>4528343

The rrat list will now be put in a vault. To be taken out during our boy's next break Probably next month to be reinvigorated with new rrats.

>> No.4528330

You must wait fellow deadbeat. The takodachi are riding high with their Times Square birthday gift. But the deadbeats will give Mori the best birthday present ever, the Deathbeat Match. A fight to the death to determine the strongest deadbeat who gets to marry Our Boy.

>> No.4528343
Quoted by: >>4528399 >>4531905

There are only two tour dates next month, anon.

>> No.4528399
Quoted by: >>4528657

For now...

>> No.4528647

Is this sv surprise guest really going to be one of the jp girls? The only merit left in sv streams is chatting with Mori, if she’s only speaking japanese then it makes the stream even harder to watch. Plus I thought the guest was going to be someone outside of hololive.

>> No.4528657

Those were just the rescheduled dates, Anon. FT need to lie low again and create as solo artists. (that's what they always do after some time)

>> No.4528669
Quoted by: >>4528944

If she didn't grew out of his content after the face reveal she is past the point of no return.
I do wish she would maybe look at different manlet streamer to get more different kind of influence for her content.

>> No.4528837
File: 77 KB, 715x574, 8979334181268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4528895

Thank you rrat salesman. I offer you the deleted (read: true) rrats from your list:
>Bullied too much by anon for making bad OPs
>Left early to record her off collab with Mousey
>Traumatized by Cocock
>Is breeding literal rats at home
>SHE'S HERE breeding schizo rrats
>Intentionally skipping both Ina's and Kiara's 1 million sub celebrations
>Inspired by Gura to go and find her "Dante"
>Stuck in an alternate timeline
>Buying more plushies/bought too many plushies that she was pushed out of her bed, accelerating her back problems
>Tracking down the AI-poster who made the June 3rd rrat to make the ultimate grudge post upon her return
>FGC Autism and is training to play as Sol, Hardcore in Strive
>Becoming a hardcore gamer by playing Doom, Hollow Knight, and Minecraft off stream
>Is getting a personal nendo made of herslef
>Had to complete the MV for her cover song herself after the original animator backed down
>Lost herself in the music, the moment, you own it
>Needed some extra time to catch up with her backlog of vods of her friends
>Reconnecting with her Americano crew who wish better for her
>Enjoying an absolutely blessed Monday in which she has time to reflect on the past and appreciate the wonderful person she has become
>Becoming the number one fastest hunt and peck typist in the world
>Eating Little Caesar's Large ExtraMostBestest® Thin Crust Pizza to get ideas for her own chain restaurant
>Entering celebrity death pools and fixing them in her favor
>Left early to keep catbeat from succumbing to the coof
>"Preparing" for the bbq stream by treating herself to some yakiniku and cake for no particular reason

t. former listbeat

>> No.4528895
File: 154 KB, 1500x1161, 71aVbh-DKEL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will be added to the vault for safekeeping.

>> No.4528926
File: 48 KB, 720x719, E23dYB-UUAEgsRo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4529067

Here is 3D Calliopog

>> No.4528944
Quoted by: >>4529947

Another Mori Alter, instead of Charlie she becomes smitten by AngriestPat and becomes a Super Best Friends fan and her sense of humor is changed accordingly is it better or worse?

>> No.4529018

Same. Only new anime i am watching this year is new Lupin the Third season when it comes out in fall season.

>> No.4529067
Quoted by: >>4529090

Why does Mori have a portrait of asscheeks behind her?

>> No.4529090

It's art!

>> No.4529353
File: 21 KB, 700x700, 1620644169999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off with their heads

>> No.4529416


>> No.4529947

Angry contrarian Mori sounds infinitely more based but at the same time I can't fucking stand their fanbase

>> No.4530102
File: 1.53 MB, 800x794, E2KBaIlUcAcyweO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4530205

I can't wait for Coco (and Ollie) to drop Mori into submission, willing to do anything they desire in utter humiliation.

>> No.4530178
File: 140 KB, 1181x1181, __mori_calliope_and_shrek_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_peagade__16454ee5366005435a03d9e221b77f91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let a soundpost on /hlgg/ make me go listening to some of her old karaoke when I wanted to go to sleep.
THIS DORK. She goes from captivating me with her voice, to laughing like an idiot when she starts doing stupid shit mid-song. Going to try to sleep and not be kept awake with anticipation.

>> No.4530202
Quoted by: >>4530214


Shit, Rene is onto us and why we like her. It's the singing, not the tits.

>> No.4530205

Mori is going to be whiplashing herself between asserting herself over a kohai and acting like a follower to a senpai. Then all three of their absurd personalities are going to come out and there will be tons of shouting and cursing. It's gonna be awesome.

>> No.4530214
Quoted by: >>4530265

It's also the tits.

>> No.4530231
File: 204 KB, 480x401, Rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lots of daughters
who are you and what did you do with kawaiiope poster?

>> No.4530265

Honestly, I don't even notice people's models anymore unless it's distractingly bad.

>> No.4530322

>【I'M BACK】Mori Returns! Let's Chat and Enjoy Chill Singing!
>Not Calli
Is Mori a Morichad? Does she call herself Mori or Calli in her head?

>> No.4530383
Quoted by: >>4530425

Calli is dead. The Mori arc began with the vacation.

>> No.4530425

The real intent of her vacation was to track down and finally kill Calli, assuming all control.

>> No.4530709
Quoted by: >>4530738

Oh god let's not will another Haachama into existence

>> No.4530722
File: 207 KB, 500x518, wfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4530738
Quoted by: >>4530750

its just in-thread thing anon

>> No.4530750
Quoted by: >>4530885

There is that one time she made a Mori & Calli joke during the Crash endurance stream because she had two of her model on screen at the same time, that was pretty funny.

>> No.4530885
Quoted by: >>4530921

I wish she'd just mess around more like that and have multiple copies of herself on stream. One can be mirrored, upside down, etc.

>> No.4530892
File: 403 KB, 621x733, 190284774728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4530921
File: 517 KB, 866x288, spoiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4530957

The most recent SV stream was fun

>> No.4530957

Yes, like that

>> No.4531096
Quoted by: >>4531117

Tfw Roki has been on loop for two hours

I dont even like vocaloid songs, send help

>> No.4531117

Same desu. But you need to have another song/video inbetween loops, otherwise YT doesn't count your view.

>> No.4531218
Quoted by: >>4531275

I have heard her call herself Calli more than Mori, including a line in Guh.

>> No.4531275
Quoted by: >>4538532

Is there anywhere else where she is called Mori besides /here/? I don't see many calling her that and prefer to use Calli.

>> No.4531398
File: 580 KB, 602x969, 1609544151482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4531423 >>4533625


>> No.4531399
File: 657 KB, 704x1200, EzEisphUYAAs99O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, she calls herself neither Mori nor Calli but the forbidden third name Ope

>> No.4531423
Quoted by: >>4531438

>She is, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, Midwestern

>> No.4531438

ope, missed the clicker there, bud

>> No.4531492

There goes gravity

>> No.4531567
Quoted by: >>4531595 >>4531603

How do I cope with simultaneous desire for Moririn's fat milky tits and Gura's tiny shark cunny

>> No.4531595

shortstack Mori and adult Gura

>> No.4531603
Quoted by: >>4531741

imagine Moririn having a small pussy

>> No.4531628

is this a rrat or there's some truth to it?

>> No.4531664
Quoted by: >>4531694

sauce for the artist anon ? saucenao show nothing

>> No.4531683
Quoted by: >>4532568

rrat. She's not an alcoholic. She's a reasonable drinker. Likes alcohol but doesn't get influenced by it

>> No.4531694
File: 722 KB, 705x1200, EzEiuvgVgAMOSG5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's part of a set

>> No.4531697

So when is the next WoD stream?

>> No.4531706 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4531716 >>4531726

>collab with Ollie and Coco
If only Kiara joined as well, then the four biggest whores of HL who ruined the company would all be united.

>> No.4531716


>> No.4531726
Quoted by: >>4531752 >>4533093

I know this is a joke but I'm glad there's no Kiara collabs this week. Hopefully Kiara will sooner collab with the other girls as well and flaunt her better chemistry with them than with Mori

>> No.4531741 [SPOILER] 
File: 200 KB, 2000x2000, 1622711642244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4531752
Quoted by: >>4531762 >>4531773

It is not a joke. Those four whores made me drop HL.

>> No.4531754

She's mentioned she only ever drinks during streams now.

>> No.4531762

Oh, that's great then!

>> No.4531773

ogey, it's better without you

>> No.4531888
File: 312 KB, 1131x800, laim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4531905

>Tour Dates

Why does she do this STILL.

>> No.4531908

hololvie side job

>> No.4531919
Quoted by: >>4532132

pls andastd, manlet more important than her job and her fans

>> No.4531924

why not? let her have fun

>> No.4531955

Think Mori talk about why she had to leave early?

>> No.4531959


>> No.4531963


>> No.4531966


>> No.4531970

You'll find out in a little more than 4 hours.

>> No.4531973

I don't know

>> No.4532020

I hope so.

>> No.4532115

like you nerds all having a meltdown over unarchived karaoke getting canned wouldnt be at this shit if you could

>> No.4532132

Those are her fans.

>> No.4532229
Quoted by: >>4532307

has it been announced when the next TTRPG stream is? I'm genuinely excited for it.

>> No.4532233
File: 198 KB, 1202x1276, 1622410122519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really wanna kiss Mori when she comes back...

>> No.4532307
Quoted by: >>4532845

we can only wait for shedule with it because the break destroyed the supposed pattern

>> No.4532390
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x688, cks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4532491
Quoted by: >>4532517 >>4532524

Why do all the JP holos think Mori is badass?

>> No.4532517

They don't.

>> No.4532524

Because she's badass?

>> No.4532548
File: 631 KB, 2584x2232, 1619688033748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mopippi please... I need reaper kisses...

>> No.4532568
Quoted by: >>4532601

it's not a rrat, anon is just ESL as fuck
it's not her that was an alcoholic

>> No.4532601
Quoted by: >>4532644

Her sister ?
I don't think she's ever talked about mama reaper or papa reaper being alcoholics

>> No.4532644

she doesn't talk badly about anyone as Mori, really, it's a thing you should've caught on by now

>> No.4532793
File: 72 KB, 560x559, 1618217861050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one last time before her return

>> No.4532845

I don't think she ever planned for one session to be this week. Mori always planned break to start on May, 31. There's 4 Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays left in June assuming they do it at exactly 1 week intervals and not just whenever they feel like it with approximately 1 week intervals.

>> No.4532911

I can't wait to see Mori again...

>> No.4532994
File: 27 KB, 1200x700, 1618038973540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a few more hours bros. You are taking care of yourselves, right?

>> No.4533065

Can't wait to hear her say hello multiple times in her usual cute voice. I can already hear it inside my head.

>> No.4533088
File: 987 KB, 2067x2923, 1622716498523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4533363

Enter ririsya Alter

>> No.4533093
Quoted by: >>4533133 >>4533166

>I'm glad there's no Kiara collabs this week.
Same. I have nothing against Kiara but it's tiring that Chicken is always Mori's go to EN collab partner.

>> No.4533133

Both of them are Vshojo-collabers who belong in the trash next to Coco and Ollie.

>> No.4533166
Quoted by: >>4533248

All collabs are the same to me. I'd rather have her spend more time with me. I'd take another lovey dovey asmr over a collab with the 大統領 himself

>> No.4533242

why not, hololvie isnt gonna her a concert anytime soon

>> No.4533244
File: 165 KB, 2048x2048, 20210603_190433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was browsing twitter for mori pics and damn these artists have been making a lot of holomyth kids

Btw clara's pretty cute in this pic

>> No.4533248
Quoted by: >>4533431

>I'd take another lovey dovey asmr
Anon...it's time to move on. She hasn't done that in ages.
But yes if the option was between those ASMRs and collabs I would choose the ASMRs.

>> No.4533264
Quoted by: >>4535281

Don't mind me, i'm just checking something..again[/ spoiler]

>> No.4533363

crunchy.... my fetishes....

>> No.4533431

I just want a stream where she comforts us and maybe say otsukare or okaeri. I know she's not really that into lewd or romantic stuff but I bet she'd be more than happy to whisper words of comfort or encouragement to her fans.

>> No.4533526
File: 1.45 MB, 1036x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't bring myself to approve of fankids normally but at least the art of them's been getting better at least with how many people are cooking up.

>> No.4533568
File: 1003 KB, 530x899, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4533574

when do they start making schizo fanart kino
i mean the possibilities are endless

>> No.4533625

Mori is a cunny chad. She follows that account too

>> No.4533638
File: 1.11 MB, 560x315, 1621983189956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4533670 >>4539026

Uooh, saliva action!

>> No.4533670
Quoted by: >>4533748

Mori looks... hungry...

>> No.4533732


>> No.4533748
File: 1.63 MB, 1378x2039, Eykm_98VgAAWxmh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4533874

Hello Garou Garou

>> No.4533755
File: 1.40 MB, 1699x957, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4533795

Good looking Mori Koikatsu dropped

>> No.4533795
Quoted by: >>4539104 >>4544092

Any way to rip the model and send it to Cover? Because nothing they give her will be even this level.

>> No.4533811
Quoted by: >>4535337

Next stream already up, tankman goes down tonight

>> No.4533874

>that vulnerable pose
Not a furry but ngl that's kinda hot. I can kinda self insert as the wolf

>> No.4533887
Quoted by: >>4533920

That's probably never gonna happen.

>> No.4533920

Not with that attitude.

>> No.4533935
File: 1.81 MB, 3860x2160, 20210603_195425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the farthest bottom right

>> No.4533993
Quoted by: >>4534027

I'm guessing this is from the discord
>"Welcome back dad" right up front
yep, seems about right

>> No.4534015

I wish she could revolutionize parasocial relationships as in it would be more geared towards life coaching instead. She has what it takes. The current general view of parasocial relationships is that it's always unhealthy, for menhera streamers or lonely viewers

>> No.4534027

i forgot which platform but my friend told me to illustrate somethin for mori's comeback and i did

>> No.4534033
File: 88 KB, 195x366, 1601773832558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welcome back collage
>for a week-long break
Why are people like this?

What the fuck.

>> No.4534061
Quoted by: >>4539270

huh. would have expected more random kiara references
/u/schizos are reclining...

>> No.4534069

is it bad? lmao

>> No.4534081
Quoted by: >>4534093 >>4534119

a lot of these people are probably doxxbeats so its probably a thinly veiled present related to that

>> No.4534093

anon every deadbeat is a doxxbeat how new are you?

>> No.4534119
Quoted by: >>4534829

even more so if they're not doxxbeats and just had this whacked image announcement that raised more concernfagging than it was meant to prevent

>> No.4534198


>> No.4534230

What is this cancer

>> No.4534263
Quoted by: >>4534303


I hate this trend of posting actual videos to Twitter instead of Youtube, but have a snek singing Let It Be.

>> No.4534303
Quoted by: >>4534365 >>4534619

youtube doesnt reward short videos

>> No.4534365

Drives engagement to your channel, and Youtube has the entire #shorts feature now to get around that. It's actually just Japanese autism about wanting to overly curate their content and not have something simple like that be viewed as representative of their content by someone who stumbles upon their channel.

t. follows a bunch of vsingers who do this and even go further by privating their streams so you have to find them through a playlist they make

>> No.4534480
Quoted by: >>4534695 >>4535028

Do your roki reps. She said she's going to post lewds if it hits 2M within a week

>> No.4534619

>youtube doesnt reward short videos
Youtube has a "shorts" feature now. NijiEN has been using it recently.

>> No.4534695

Lewds or no lewds I've been blasting this cover for the past few days now

>> No.4534803

>I bet she'd be more than happy to whisper words of comfort or encouragement to her fans.
I fantasize about Mori giving me encouragement throughout the day. Knowing that she'd be fine with it makes it even hotter.

>> No.4534829

You'd think something small and stupid like this is to get people's mind off that announcement, no?
Even if it wasn't anything, shit did look ominous, everywhere i looked people were kinda worried and trying to explain it away. Just like this thread decided to make a rat list to keep it light and not concern to death.

>> No.4534900
Quoted by: >>4534925

How are you guys coping? The last few hours have been the longest hours I've ever experienced. Waiting for an hour feels like a lifetime without her

>> No.4534925

You're joking, right?

>> No.4534928
File: 249 KB, 818x1200, B3267EF4-66AC-4E0C-BD4D-7438AEE2CC35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4535407

ORAAA HEY YOU FUCKE-.. F-WORDS BETTER WAKE UP AND WATCH MY LIVE... I mean if you want to I guess. You don’t gotta...

>> No.4534945
File: 781 KB, 1600x1200, TheLittleMori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost time DeadBeats, hope you've been doing your reps.
I did some art reps by finally coming back to fix this up a bit. Still think its a W.I.P. but I'm thinking about posting this under her art tag since some anon last week told me I should start posting my doodles to twitter and I figure I should at least put something decent up before I upload all my bullshit

>> No.4534972
Quoted by: >>4535069

Where am I supposed to stick my dick?

>> No.4535028

Anon. T-That post wasn't real..

>> No.4535069

your mouth

>> No.4535081

>Precious family
Jeez that's sweet

>> No.4535191 [SPOILER] 
File: 36 KB, 1200x675, 1622725526218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4535211

>names the EP Your Mori
>signs off as Mori
Well shit.

>> No.4535281


>> No.4535337
Quoted by: >>4535357

Pff unless she's been doing offstream reps

>> No.4535357

For some people downscroll is all they need. Easier to parse for some reason.

>> No.4535373
Quoted by: >>4535430

>he says in the thread where people literally go mad without her

>> No.4535407

Imagine putting your name under things
Don't mind if I do!

>> No.4535420

That looks great so far . In my case I wrote to her she inspired me to draw again and posted wip before . I still gotta finish up the final touches and color etc .

>> No.4535430
Quoted by: >>4535661

We actuay did pretty well for the last week except for that one time hornybeats went absolutely crazy at someone saying that there's a possibility she might be a bit bi.

>> No.4535661
Quoted by: >>4537115

can we leave that faggot in the past?

>> No.4536103
Quoted by: >>4537284

Deadbeats... I can't make it to the final stretch. I am fresh out of milk.

>> No.4536284

Mori's sister is really cute. She was so happy for reaching 100 members. Her japanese is pretty easy to listen too

>> No.4536600

>Approach the Morimaid
>Expect "Part Of Your World"
>Get "Poor Unfortunate Souls"
And that's how I lost my soul. No regrets.

>> No.4536767

Deadbeats... please........ where is she............

>> No.4536965

RIP to all those who couldn't make it. Your sacrifices will not be forgotten.

>> No.4536985


>> No.4537018


>> No.4537028

Let's go

>> No.4537088
Quoted by: >>4537112

A tiny preview of the things she will be doing on a 3D stage.

>> No.4537095
Quoted by: >>4537119

Damn that animation is cooler than cool.

>> No.4537112

>Mori throws a prop scythe up
>Juggles in, Falls on her ass

>> No.4537115

>leave ur embarrassing past behind
yeah thats cool if that's what you want

>> No.4537119
Quoted by: >>4537180


>> No.4537150

Cute and cool!

>> No.4537174


>> No.4537180


>> No.4537198
File: 584 KB, 1754x1754, 1619444793874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4537223

Mooori we're out of milk again!

>> No.4537226

Drinking Mori's milk...

>> No.4537235

>Goblet of Souls

>> No.4537250
File: 1.05 MB, 856x1178, 126468a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mommy mori's mammary milk

>> No.4537256
File: 1.85 MB, 2133x3636, EtJnCZxWMAM_NPW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the milk....

>> No.4537284

Anon, are you still there? She brought the Mori Milk

>> No.4537285
File: 347 KB, 1500x1800, 1aa7ebc143ae842d32f34367b622dccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She owns that hat
>She owns that cup
My fucking sides

>> No.4537289

Gonna need a bigger cup

>> No.4537298

Damn the cup is cool

>> No.4537304
File: 113 KB, 622x734, Edv1m0BXkAE4Frn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I caught that one in my mouth~

>> No.4537306

She said she made this herself didn't she?

>> No.4537315


>> No.4537340

hang yourself, migrant

>> No.4537343

you will never be a nigger

>> No.4537365

>My cup runneth over...

>> No.4537385

We don't take kindly to your kind around here

>> No.4537388

>fighting to assert your dominance in the cup

>> No.4537397
Quoted by: >>4537442

So why did she take a break

>> No.4537412

What color is your soul, deadbeats?

>> No.4537413

The dad joke is not welcome in it's prime form here.

>> No.4537415

The Big Guhlp

>> No.4537434

Ame lives rent free in her head just like both Mori and Ame lives in mine.

>> No.4537442

>everyone here tells her to take a break
>she actually takes a break

>> No.4537454



>> No.4537484

>it's fixed and over
Cannot wait for the next unexpected break.

>> No.4537501



>> No.4537505

I want Mori to leave the pattern of her boot's sole imprinted onto my face.

>> No.4537512
Quoted by: >>4537561


>> No.4537516


>> No.4537529

>another month of waiting
>lmao i have "sudden" thing and have to cancel again

>> No.4537539
Quoted by: >>4537581

Taking Bets

Unarchived Karaoke being pushed to next month.
How much are you putting down?

>> No.4537551
File: 31 KB, 510x380, 1618440168501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had nothing going on the previous day
>Pretty sure the family is supposed to have people over that week

>> No.4537561


>> No.4537565
Quoted by: >>4537762

At this point I can't even be mad about the unarchived honestly, I'm just wondering how many times she can delay it at this point.

>> No.4537566
File: 146 KB, 827x1281, 1614116215963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4537855

I love my Mori

>> No.4537578

Cool, so, unarchived karaoke in July then? After the next delay, I mean.

>> No.4537581

Put me down for 2 (yous) against.

>> No.4537587

Yeah that's about what I expected. The whole reason we knew about the first one so early is because she wanted to give us plenty of time to prepare so we gotta wait again.

>> No.4537614
Quoted by: >>4537711 >>4537794

What's so good about an unarchived Karaoke stream?

>> No.4537635

....so she just found last minute cheap ass mountain trip offer and decided to just give it a go?

>> No.4537686

>Hey guys I need to do reaper stuffs so unarchived karaoke will need to be moved again. This time I want every single nigger in the world to plan ahead so it will be on August

>> No.4537688

Mori Calliope vs Wild Insect

>> No.4537698

>tune in
>Mori is talking about how she's never seen one that big in Japan before
>In her bedroom
What... what did Mori do on her holiday?

>> No.4537711

At this point its not about the Karaoke, its about it being too big to get cancelled so it just keeps getting pushed back until the end times.

>> No.4537750
Quoted by: >>4537768

biting... screaming...

>> No.4537754

See a monster

>> No.4537762

June - lost her voice after screaming at DOOM
July - tour
August - 3rd EP work
September - 3rd EP release live takes the slot
October - 3D debut
November - collab karaoke
December - year end party (archived)

>> No.4537767


>> No.4537768
File: 520 KB, 554x554, 1614635894866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slapped in the face

>> No.4537785
Quoted by: >>4537891

>Be Salaryman
>Finally be given a break
>Peaceful, tranquil hotel up in the mountains
>Pleasantly resting in bed, about to fall asleep
>Feel small earthquake as the beast next door gets out of bed
>Tranquility ruined

>> No.4537791
File: 129 KB, 344x342, 1615509765855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4537849

Do you guys think she'll ever curse again? I really like the way she says fuck

>> No.4537794

At this point, unless she plans on singing every single thing people have been asking for, nothing. It's more entertaining to watch her find reasons to push it back than it could've ever been to see the stream go through.

>> No.4537809
File: 52 KB, 643x884, received_336708757974930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's never seen a hamburger like that before in Japan

>> No.4537849

It comes out sometimes, she said it earlier.

>> No.4537852

damn i really missed her autistic way of speaking

>> No.4537855
Quoted by: >>4537935

Our boy is one in a million...

>> No.4537859

calli is cuter than usual today

>> No.4537884

>Calli Maji Tenshi that's Fubuki-senpai's thing, right
Did I hear that wrong

>> No.4537891

Fucking kek

>> No.4537911

she said it's what FBK says, deafchama

>> No.4537919


>> No.4537935
Quoted by: >>4538020 >>4538239

that means there's at least 7,6 thousand of girls like our boy, which i don't believe, so i call your bullshit, anon

>> No.4537978
File: 44 KB, 1080x436, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image--1619165077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone superchat this to her

>> No.4537989

Mori is unityfagging again...

>> No.4537990

The one mile-ion millstone...

>> No.4538020

>there are enough girls like our boy to completely populate a small town

>> No.4538038

No, but it IS Fubuki's thing considering she's the one who started calling Mori that.

>> No.4538055

Where were you when Lucitan's SCs started WW3?

>> No.4538062

>collabing with indies
/vt/ will rage again

>> No.4538077

I'm late, did she mentioned anything about hunter the vigil?

>> No.4538097

Mori is a numberfag...

>> No.4538123
Quoted by: >>4538162

>mousey rrat dies

>> No.4538124

>Indie collabs


>> No.4538162

but she just mentioned a collab being moved

>> No.4538185
Quoted by: >>4538389

So there's a chance it actually IS Shibuya Kaho

>> No.4538195

>that's how it has to be

>> No.4538239

350 in the US which I could believe

>> No.4538241

If the mystery collab is with Giggcuck I'm going to give it a hard pass

>> No.4538256
Quoted by: >>4538316

Shush..let him live his own fantasy

>> No.4538269

yea but its not shadowverse with mouse

>> No.4538272
Quoted by: >>4538347

>We have to announce collabs as close as possible to the time
>That's just the way it has to be

That's fucking stupid. Her manager deserves to fucking burn for this bullshit.

>> No.4538279

Eh. I appreciate her making the shadowverse collabs more fun for her and her hopes to make it more fun for others.

>> No.4538282

Because /vt/ loses their shit anytime Mori wants to collab with a non-holo, probably.

>> No.4538302
Quoted by: >>4538337

it will be those rapper friends, like yutori

>> No.4538306
Quoted by: >>4538547

>more indie saviorfag shit
This was cute back in October, not as much now.

>> No.4538307


>> No.4538316

Pretty sure he's just saying that Mouse collab isn't something shit like shadowverse

>> No.4538318

>suffering from success

>> No.4538337

y2r is pretty based but does he even play shadoba?

>> No.4538347

It's so you can't send bombs in their mail, anonchama

>> No.4538362
Quoted by: >>4538400


>> No.4538371

shes back but theres something very different about the way shes talking.

>> No.4538384

>over 30 talents in the company you could talk to
>at least 20 of them would kill somebody just to speak 5 words with you
>"I need more friiiiiiiiiiiiends"
I roll my eyes.

>> No.4538389


>> No.4538392

Probably allowing wiggle room for in case something pops up and schedules change. A mystery guest being moved is alot less shitstormy than one you were looking forward to.

>> No.4538400

this but unironically

>> No.4538408
Quoted by: >>4538453 >>4538525

so the schizos don't chimpout the entire month before a collab

>> No.4538428
Quoted by: >>4538522

She already collabs with lots of JP.

>> No.4538444

ancient japanese onis whipped and dicked her to shape on the mountain

>> No.4538445

Centipede venom coursing through her veins.

>> No.4538453
Quoted by: >>4538562

How about announcing it more than a fucking day before it happens?

>> No.4538470
Quoted by: >>4538503 >>4538540


>> No.4538477
File: 60 KB, 1024x642, 1618344177671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4538503 >>4538540

It's King, isn't it

>> No.4538478
Quoted by: >>4538503 >>4538540

Goddammit it's a King cover.

>> No.4538496

is it King? Or that one that Reine did recently

>> No.4538501

>already covered by holos
>excited about the art

>> No.4538505
Quoted by: >>4538550 >>4538580


>> No.4538503


>> No.4538510
Quoted by: >>4538850

>I'm too good for Hololive: the stream
Dropped like a sack of potatoes.

>> No.4538514
Quoted by: >>4538533

She's not exhausted or maybe she's been replaced?

>> No.4538522

She has less JP collabs, and with fewer JPs, than Ame and she doesn't even speak Japanese.

>> No.4538525
Quoted by: >>4538559

Possibly. Maybe not here specifically, but less warning gives less time for people to go scouring for reasons to object to it. And remember, it's all cleared by Cover beforehand so it's not going to change anything.
Of course that won't stop people from making rrats or trying to blame Mori for anything they dislike and "corrupting" others.

>> No.4538532

If I'm not wrong, "Mori" is used only /here/.

>> No.4538533

Take your fucking meds

>> No.4538534

Mori numberfagging...

>> No.4538540

But she said a couple, not everyone and their dog

>> No.4538547
File: 97 KB, 1200x1000, 1621309934916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4538661

>ywn be a shota indie jp rapper trying to make it big who has to suck up to the weird gaijin woman who has all the industry connections

>> No.4538550

I'm betting king, doubling down

>> No.4538559

I hope it just means the backlash is even more vitriolic during those 24 hours.

>> No.4538562

what would it matter anyway? its not like knowing who it is in advance will change much

>> No.4538572

>[Message deleted]
lmao based

>> No.4538577

A skinwalker ate the Karrot

>> No.4538580

king is already covered as Empress on the EP2

>> No.4538586

Shadowverse sundays will be a hard pass for me. Not particularly worried other than a day in certain weeks not being a stream I look forward to.

>> No.4538600


>> No.4538609

I'm praying for Ussewa cover. I wonder if she'd do her own lyrics for that one too, would be amazing.

>> No.4538618

Mori is Bassed

>> No.4538622
Quoted by: >>4541015 >>4541369

>Mori is a Bass Guitarist!

>> No.4538643
File: 852 KB, 840x1090, 235425245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she wants non-vtuber collabs
Are you ready for her gushing over cr1tikal when she collabs with him? Are you ready for Ollie-level yab?
It's clear she never wanted to become a vtuber. She just wanted to do it to boost her popularity. She thinks she can use hololive as a popularity boost and just go back to her old persona.
HoloEN is such a fucking shitshow
>Mori wants to gush over critical and other shitty streamers but doesn't want to make friends with her coworkers
>Ame doesn't finish one game she starts because she doesn't give a fuck
>Kiara attempts to leech off anyone and wets herself over veibae and nyanners of all whores on the internet
>Gura loses interest in anything and just streams as a chore
>Ina is the only one who actually does her job and tries to make it fun for everyone

>> No.4538651

This, the fuck is wrong with her?
>uuu I got too many subscribers I cant collab with anyone

>> No.4538661
File: 181 KB, 828x448, 1620743486235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sucking Mori
why do you say that like it's a bad thing, anon?

>> No.4538704
File: 246 KB, 1920x1152, __mori_calliope_bloop_tako_crewmate_bubba_and_2_more_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_kuroi_enpitsu__c065ba54de7c2801264a81a7c3d733a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4538742 >>4538786

HOLY SHIT. MORI HOUSE. Good going, girl!
>No pets
Aww. Maybe someday.

>> No.4538717
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4539557


>> No.4538735
Quoted by: >>4538891

Mori moving to the holohouse...

>> No.4538738
Quoted by: >>4538756 >>4538908

Isn't it practically impossible to get a house in Japan if you're not Japanese?

>> No.4538742
Quoted by: >>4538799

does she just sleep on the floor or what

>> No.4538756

She's moving in with me

>> No.4538764


>> No.4538765
Quoted by: >>4538827

I was with you until you described Ina as anything but "boring as fuck"

>> No.4538775
Quoted by: >>4538817




>> No.4538786
Quoted by: >>4538991

no, she says its not that much bigger than her current apartment

>> No.4538799

That's just the recording studio you baka.

>> No.4538814

if ghost rider is leaving, someone suggest her to do a watchalong like with S*ndler

>> No.4538817

Japanese landlords are probably more than happy to break the lease of some gaijin to get her the fuck out.

>> No.4538823
File: 71 KB, 828x603, ElKQDyuVgAAfhF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4540344

>being this pessimistic and negative over cartoon women

>> No.4538827

I mean, personally, I find her boring as fuck, and I cannot watch her streams for any purpose other than falling asleep, but she still does her job.

>> No.4538850
File: 40 KB, 679x392, 5425345345234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye bye, hope you're less of an ass to your next chuuba/oshi

>> No.4538891

you can keep pets in the holohouse though. Kanata has a rabbit

>> No.4538895


>> No.4538896
Quoted by: >>4538950

>Mori will do anything for charity
Kissing sex ASMR for charity?

>> No.4538898

That's really cute. Thank you!

>> No.4538908

she's already married to a Japanese man called ぎむり

>> No.4538915

>and if it doesn't work, we'll play something else
Cool, so it's Minecraft again.

>> No.4538945
Quoted by: >>4539006

Where's the chill singing Mori?

>> No.4538950

Anal suits here better

>> No.4538960

Mori... make Gura install it so she can collab with other people in Japan...

>> No.4538965
Quoted by: >>4539027

Holy fuck the concernfags in her chat need to fuck off

>> No.4538986
Quoted by: >>4539020

When did Mori get moderation?

>> No.4538991

Hmm. She said no neighbors to worry about. I doubt she will leave a big city and move to some tiny country house.
Who knows? If she's excited then I am too.

>> No.4539006

Mori's been replaced by someone over the break, they're still practicing sounding like her original VA

>> No.4539020

>rrats out

>> No.4539026

Is there more of this?

>> No.4539027
Quoted by: >>4539060 >>4539089


>> No.4539060
Quoted by: >>4539082

I would rather have shorter, fewer streams if they are better quality.

>> No.4539067


>> No.4539069

Oh shit Kaynimatic made that intro?

>> No.4539082
Quoted by: >>4539144

I wasn't asking a question.

>> No.4539089
Quoted by: >>4539162

now you know how you all sound like just months ago. Oh how the turntables

>> No.4539095

Alright, I kneel Morin...

>> No.4539103

this animation is actually really good, woah.

>> No.4539104


>> No.4539141
Quoted by: >>4539182 >>4539286

Oh, looks like she has a mod, I got put into cooldown. No swearing, deadbeats, don't get too excited.

>> No.4539142
Quoted by: >>4539259

Once again I'm reminded that I need to do my reps so I can make Mori starstruck
and then impregnate her

>> No.4539144

Who cares. If you don't want people to react, don't post here.

>> No.4539162
Quoted by: >>4539282

When I told her to take a break I meant do it once to get her affairs in order so she could stop splitting her time, not every other month to catch up on her stupid other shit.

>> No.4539167
File: 136 KB, 1080x1080, Ogeymorphs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4539182
Quoted by: >>4539427

It's a improperly configured bot, so just don't all caps, maybe.

>> No.4539205

>Actually addressing the CUNT rrat

>> No.4539224

>CUNT is a TTRPG reference
Uh huh

>> No.4539243
Quoted by: >>4539319

>I threw in a couple ideas
Doxxbeat Prime

>> No.4539259
Quoted by: >>4539294

shoot for the moon

>> No.4539265
File: 231 KB, 472x376, Smug_Mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Mori's been replaced by Calli

>> No.4539270

Do (you) have any examples?
Thank you.

>> No.4539282
Quoted by: >>4539336

A life of a busy musician is difficult for a NEET to understand

>> No.4539286


>> No.4539294

I'm shooting for her ovaries

>> No.4539309
Quoted by: >>4539437

Calli and Mori are no longer at war within her

>> No.4539319

yeah, remember when she had a screenshot of her discography during the german stream? she sent that to SAVI.

>> No.4539336
Quoted by: >>4539382

Yeah. Hey, what are you doing watching a stream at 10 AM? Get back to work, productivebro. Hey, here's where you say "timezones exist" with all the lacking of self-awareness to realize that you're not the only one in a different timezone.

>> No.4539382
Quoted by: >>4539396 >>4539502


>> No.4539387
Quoted by: >>4539418 >>4539465

I swear to god I'm going to reap the next vtuber to say the word shenanigans.

>> No.4539388

no one can be as stupid as my boy is being atm

>> No.4539396
Quoted by: >>4539502

Glad I called it.

>> No.4539416
File: 113 KB, 1000x1414, 1621561863947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4539479


>> No.4539418
Quoted by: >>4539431


>> No.4539421

oh no no no she's thinking about quitting concernbro's

>> No.4539427

Could be. I wasn't spamming, but all caps is probably ng.

>> No.4539429
Quoted by: >>4539528

That break must have filled her with lots of ideas. Let's see if any of these gets through first.

>> No.4539431

fuck off Risu

>> No.4539437

Thats a good way of thinking it

>> No.4539465
File: 33 KB, 500x500, oCqIEGUxw7tIAU7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's shinigami-shenanigans!

>> No.4539467
Quoted by: >>4539513

>Ollie-level yab

>> No.4539479

I want to summon the beast with two backs with Moririn...

>> No.4539502

here's an (You) for a neet like You >>4539382

>> No.4539507
Quoted by: >>4539618 >>4539638

Is...this a cry for help?

>> No.4539509

is mori a girlboss

>> No.4539513

They're saying Charlie will astral project across the pacific to spiritually finger Mori on stream

>> No.4539527

so depression burnout from the list wins right?

>> No.4539528

Out of 100 Mori ideas, 95 are terrible so let's just hope the 5 are the ones that make it.

>> No.4539557
Quoted by: >>4539592 >>4539636


I tried posting that to see if it would get deleted and it didn't lol

>> No.4539592

It must just be the all caps then

>> No.4539618

she's probably just nostalgic for when she was smaller

>> No.4539636

i saw it lmao

>> No.4539638

It's a cry for more attention

>> No.4539665
File: 362 KB, 1080x788, Screenshot_20210417-131241_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541095

>those 5 people are the reason she's still here doing this

>> No.4539681
File: 2.70 MB, 2481x3289, Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Head_of_a_skeleton_with_a_burning_cigarette_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4539767 >>4539891

>ywn be one of the five protobeats cheering on an inexperienced but enthusiastic Mori at a tiny venue

>> No.4539703

>sometimes 5 people for underworld stuff
>maybe 15 for really big events
that's kinda sad in a way...

>> No.4539721
Quoted by: >>4539747

I love this woman

>> No.4539741
File: 798 KB, 1417x1417, 1621463517759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many of her dreams came true so quickly that it broke her perception of reality for a bit. Now she's trying to share even some of that with others who she wants to have fun with and see grow. While enjoying the friends she's making within hololive. This what the idol experience it.

>> No.4539746
File: 119 KB, 450x456, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support your artists. Be thankful for your fans

>> No.4539747

Based mori lover

>> No.4539767
Quoted by: >>4539915 >>4541462

go find some indie Vtuber and support her

>> No.4539782
Quoted by: >>4539843

>no one's impressed
suzy is impressed with your japanese...

>> No.4539793
Quoted by: >>4539837

She was a double niche (American female) in an already niche genre (Japanese rap). That scene is miniscule.

>> No.4539812
File: 24 KB, 97x90, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4539825

Everyone starts somewhere. It is so incredibly rare that someone just gets picked out and given a big stage from the start, and often it doesn't end very well as they have no time to acclimate.

>> No.4539829

>I can still make Japanese friends
[x] Doubt.

>> No.4539837
Quoted by: >>4539975

Could be worse. She could be a white female performing live wrestling.

>> No.4539843

i love how you call suisei suzy lmao it reminds me of someone i know

>> No.4539857

I almost forgot how much Mori fills me with hope and motivation to practice as long as I just watch her streams and don't spend too much time /here/ obsessing over roommate rrats

>> No.4539863
File: 6 KB, 48x48, CnPsX8qsBs_J-AOM9KKgAg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori, stop doing this to me. How is it even possible for me to love, respect and admire you even more?

>> No.4539868

ok now i understand why indies and not senpai collabs

>> No.4539881
Quoted by: >>4539970

To be honest not really feeling Mori's new Menhera attitude

>> No.4539891
File: 75 KB, 482x427, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4539898

>Mori is encouraging personal happiness instead of mindlessly doing your reps for nothing
oh no no no bros what do we do now

>> No.4539906
Quoted by: >>4539961 >>4540012

Can this chat finally kill the "Mori hates hololive, streaming, and will graduate soon" rrat

>> No.4539915
Quoted by: >>4539994

I don't want some indie. I want Mori. I will never aim for less.

>> No.4539931

>struggling performer Mori
Ah...this is no good
t. struggling actorbeat

>> No.4539941
File: 268 KB, 1087x1500, 1621195392524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I love so much about Mori, she always remembers where she came from and doesn't let all the fame get to her head.

>> No.4539943
Quoted by: >>4540002

why would they do that? are there really Hololive fans who are triggered by gay people?

>> No.4539958

>boosting her friends and talking about previous life
Her manager must be going full YABE

>> No.4539961

nah, it gives it more life

>> No.4539963
File: 404 KB, 1422x2421, 1621146498670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4539985


>> No.4539970

This isn't even remotely menhera, you dunce.

>> No.4539971

I love how she's openly talking about her past and friends buttt...is she gonna sing or nah?

>> No.4539975

How dare you!

>> No.4539985


>> No.4539986


>> No.4539994
Quoted by: >>4540045

some indie might be the next Mori

>> No.4540002
Quoted by: >>4540068 >>4540207

No politics means no politics, you fucking faggot.
>b-but it's not political
When a group representing (you) lobbies the government for anything, you're political.

>> No.4540012

They'll take the first part about wanting to break out of her bubble out of context

>> No.4540019
Quoted by: >>4540076


>> No.4540032
File: 826 KB, 792x1440, 15345345345134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4540170

>tfw cheered on an inexperienced but enthusiastic Mori
The memories, they're never coming back are they?

>> No.4540036

J-Chad is Concernbeat Prime

>> No.4540045

There's never gonna be a next mori, gura, or anyone lmao

>> No.4540046

Hey the navy's back. Haven't seen him in a while

>> No.4540051
File: 226 KB, 512x512, 1613365606131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4540068
Quoted by: >>4540115

I guess thats a "yes" to my question then lmao

>> No.4540076

sorry no fun for virgin deadbeats

>> No.4540078
Quoted by: >>4540181

>he thinks his reps are for nothing
What are you even doing, Deadbeat?

>> No.4540089
Quoted by: >>4540136


>> No.4540107


>> No.4540115
Quoted by: >>4540207

>nooo politics good when it's MY politics

>> No.4540129

corporate probably caved in to take down some yab-barriers after this "i'm fucking off to the mountains for a week"

>> No.4540136

what doxx?

>> No.4540163
File: 224 KB, 324x404, 25435345143.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't do hobby reps

>> No.4540170
File: 124 KB, 750x400, 1617978675814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4540302

You shot your shot with her, right anon? Please don't tell me the universe gave you a chance and you didn't use it

>> No.4540181
Quoted by: >>4540242 >>4540290

In 10 years when you've accomplished nothing even semi-related to your reps I hope you'll back on that time and feel regret over all the effort that went into the void and spit nothing back out.

>> No.4540191


>> No.4540207

you must be triggered out of your mind when Kiara hits on her lmao

>> No.4540242

There's only one way to know, isn't there?

>> No.4540258

oh no she just went full retard

>> No.4540277

The voice pack...

>> No.4540290

See you in 10 years, I guess.

>> No.4540300
File: 902 KB, 785x981, 948598891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori has been so distressed by the pastebin superchat fag she had to make a week break in order to recover
This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.4540302

I'm not that type of ghostling, sorry.
I'm just here to cheer her on, consume her content, and watch her achieve her dreams and happiness.

>> No.4540305
File: 3.75 MB, 2480x3508, f7c80e60564ab7c1be75e50662b08f11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me make sound effects

>> No.4540317

She's so cute

>> No.4540330

You're stronger than me, anon. Based

>> No.4540344

Fucking kek

>> No.4540348
Quoted by: >>4540434

>attractive women? ew, gross, only to be admired from a distance

>> No.4540353
File: 1.07 MB, 3720x3721, 3425bb16637fb536d787502025267ce5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heartfelt talk about how thankful she is for all this and what it's been like during the journey to now, all while shouting out those who helped her along the way... to dork sound effects for the animation

>> No.4540360


>> No.4540368

Dangerously based, protobeat.

>> No.4540390
Quoted by: >>4540421

bro wtf I just read

>> No.4540394

>must have actual talent to be noticed by mori

>> No.4540408

Kys blogshit

>> No.4540421

Split threads really are just newfag central, huh? This board was a mistake.

>> No.4540434

>being a schizo is based
>parasocial relationship is based
>be like me, i think about mori 24/7 a week and our marriage


>> No.4540462
File: 56 KB, 1116x615, 1616433915455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4540515


>> No.4540466
Quoted by: >>4540507

So, she's shilling her friends so they get a boost before she graduates?

>> No.4540468
Quoted by: >>4540590

my reading reps... i'll skip for today

>> No.4540507


>> No.4540510
Quoted by: >>4540576

Aochama why do you trust this woman's word with mixing

>> No.4540515
Quoted by: >>4540705

>Anyone (who already hasn't) looks up AO
>Finds the obvious connection

>> No.4540551

>alla mentioned

>> No.4540570

>Allah was the perfect choice
inshallah deadbeats

>> No.4540572

Jesus she has a shitload of friends
t. sperg

>> No.4540576


>> No.4540579 [DELETED] 


>> No.4540590
File: 267 KB, 1582x1129, Pastebin Ghostling [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbwvcjp.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a listen reps version

>> No.4540622


>> No.4540629
File: 68 KB, 549x583, 1620252612348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based protobeat

>> No.4540660

Cant blame her. Nobody gives a fuck about your blog superchats

>> No.4540674

>Converting to Islam to give the highest of ups to Allah
oh god oh fuck

>> No.4540684

>Milky didn't make it
She can still be a cool indie, I guess.

>> No.4540690
File: 435 KB, 1020x820, 1620532425673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4540695
Quoted by: >>4540744

so this is her Oshi Prime...

>> No.4540703
Quoted by: >>4540880

Hijab Mori

>> No.4540705

At least MJB isn't his pinned tweet anymore

>> No.4540706
File: 121 KB, 328x313, 1613825913777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4540743 >>4540787

I wish I had a friend like Mori

>> No.4540714

i like this

>> No.4540733

I guess milky didn't make it... sad...

>> No.4540743

don't we all

>> No.4540744
Quoted by: >>4540803

We've known since the podcast anon

>> No.4540766

New rrat here. Management said that they would only allow her to shill her friends only if she broke the record for both original songs and covers. She made cover kneel. She can't stop winning

>> No.4540787

I wish I had a sex friend like Mori

>> No.4540803

i only skimmed the podcast and didnt bother checking them out if we're being honest here

>> No.4540810


>> No.4540816

Based healthymindsetcontentconsumerbeat

>> No.4540836

I couldn't keep listening to the vocaroo of this when he reached the rap part. Please tell me she didn't read the whole thing in a members stream.

>> No.4540857
Quoted by: >>4540882

>another fucking superchat reading stream next stream
You are never going to finish these.
You are going to get tired halfway through and schedule another one.
You do this every single month.
I am tired. Just so tired.
>Getting Over It stream
Four fucking months ago.

>> No.4540880
File: 142 KB, 900x767, Modest Mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541163 >>4541320

Join the Calli-phate!

>> No.4540882
Quoted by: >>4541032


>> No.4540902
Quoted by: >>4540976 >>4541036

Why is there so many deleted messages?

>> No.4540903

Ah, that's a classic. It's actually kinda nostalgic now, in a traditional sense.

>> No.4540908

mori....stream for more than two hours...onegai

>> No.4540925

>Read all of the SC

>> No.4540932

>that "take care of yourself, okay"
I think Mori was cuter than usual tonight, guys

>> No.4540971

So I wasn't the only one that noticed this, huh? It sounds like she's thought a lot of stuff over.

>> No.4540976
Quoted by: >>4541036 >>4541268

Pride Month comments

>> No.4541015
Quoted by: >>4541369

I don't know why this fact specifically is so attractive to me but bass girl best girl

>> No.4541032

Every single superchat read this year has followed the exact same formula as I laid it out.

>> No.4541036
Quoted by: >>4541113 >>4541268

Fuck's sake. J-chad, thank you for your service o7.

>> No.4541046

I'm new, what does rep mean? Usually I try to lurk more or Google things but this one's just a bit too ambiguous

>> No.4541095

Are you saying she cares more about me because I've been watching her since day 1?

>> No.4541099

This would be a moment for you to do your reps

>> No.4541113
Quoted by: >>4541329


Yeh she's doing her job indeed

>> No.4541119

it means SEX

>> No.4541126

>no "guess who's back, back again, calli's back, tell a friend"
she's changed....

>> No.4541135

>I'm new
We know.

>> No.4541151

I honestly wish I could be more like you. It hurts.

>> No.4541163


>> No.4541177

Lurk 10,000 years.

>> No.4541181

Was she rushing or was she dragging?

>> No.4541206
Quoted by: >>4541382

It's a workout/practice term. Basically stuff like "Doing you daily run/art practice/weight lifting/etc".

>> No.4541221

It's how Japs say rape.

>> No.4541239

Can you guys stop falseflagging in global pls. It's getting annoying.

>> No.4541255
Quoted by: >>4541309

It's still stunning that Mori has to do this every fucking karaoke, how does nobody else have this problem

>> No.4541258

Goud. Goud. Goud. Puhrfict.

>> No.4541268
File: 928 KB, 991x745, 8NAc2he.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541731

Putting the chad in J-chad

>> No.4541300
Quoted by: >>4541605

Aaaahhh I hate her, wasted slot. Should've sung literally anything else. It already has 20M views.

>> No.4541301
File: 221 KB, 761x554, moridolfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4541309

The most talented musician in hololive everybody

>> No.4541316
File: 1.69 MB, 1200x1694, 1612581499353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4541318
Quoted by: >>4541430

>nightmod kills non-member all caps

>> No.4541320

inshallah, in the name of the prophet موري I declare fatwa against jannies, cunnieniggers, and most above all, deadbeats

>> No.4541329


>> No.4541348

what did she mean by this?

>> No.4541363
File: 205 KB, 1280x1380, EhuBCFTUcAAe5RP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541457


C'mon Mori. Life performances can't be rewound. Just work through it!

>> No.4541369
File: 587 KB, 600x600, ezgif-2-f06a669a73d1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541473

bass Scythe

>> No.4541382

Wow I'm retarded, thanks alot

>> No.4541393

she sounds like a middle school kid reading off a powerpoint right now

>> No.4541426

>pulls wine

>> No.4541430
Quoted by: >>4541540

members too

>> No.4541435
File: 6 KB, 170x200, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541516

Let's party

>> No.4541450

>it doesnt matter

>> No.4541457
Quoted by: >>4541485 >>4541536


>> No.4541462
Quoted by: >>4541625

>found an indie vtuber I really like from a Pikamee collab
>she graduated 2 months ago
>baleeted fucking everything
life is pain. I can only hope she made some audition for a corp.

>> No.4541473
Quoted by: >>4541509

Does the ricky make you like it?

>> No.4541485
Quoted by: >>4541536


>> No.4541509
Quoted by: >>4541569

ricky ricky make you like?

>> No.4541516
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 1599017593310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541593

I need sleep

>> No.4541525
File: 1.00 MB, 776x881, HimeMori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541566 >>4541639

Red might be my favourite song of hers since soundless.

>> No.4541536
File: 560 KB, 1599x2000, EyI4C8NU8AQJzee hievasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect timing!

>> No.4541540
Quoted by: >>4541597

Hmm, doesn't seem to do that to me

>> No.4541566


>> No.4541569

That's my scythe!

>> No.4541586
File: 32 KB, 750x739, 6o5zv24t8qm21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's voice during Red does things to me

>> No.4541593
File: 27 KB, 545x563, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541817


>> No.4541597

Hmmm, must've been something I said then.

>> No.4541605

That's why she always uses it for sound checks, since whatever she does first is going to be wasted anyway

>> No.4541625
File: 185 KB, 354x203, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541845

This one?

>> No.4541627
File: 136 KB, 634x354, thumbs-up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4541639

Not even tried to hide it
get outta here

>> No.4541693

Back to questioning which track from Your Mori is my favorite, and leaning back towards thinking it's Red.

>> No.4541721
Quoted by: >>4541765

Red vs what?
For me its always Bully followed by Red

>> No.4541731

Fuck, Artour. You've got another tournament to lose.

>> No.4541744

Same, but I'm gonna switch back to whatever she sings next

>> No.4541765
Quoted by: >>4542002

Like a three way tie between The Grim Reaper Is A Live Streamer, Red, and Bully. Could possibly narrow it down to the last two.

>> No.4541773

I'm having more fun listening to Flare singing Pekoland. I guess it's over for me.

>> No.4541777
Quoted by: >>4541861 >>4541863

My Your Mori CD arrived two days after release and I still haven't used it

>> No.4541817
File: 295 KB, 800x735, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4541882


>> No.4541845
Quoted by: >>4541924

Ryuusei Nova, yeah. I just watched the L4D2 stream and I liked her alot, but her accounts got wiped after she retired the character back in March I think, never got to catch a stream ;-;

>> No.4541848 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4542012 >>4542034

Is there any point to doing my English rapping reps if English isn't my native language? I don't think I can make it bros. I don't want to rap in my native language

>> No.4541861
Quoted by: >>4541901 >>4542031

If you don't want to use it, send it to me fucker. I want to listen to Empress

>> No.4541863

Get on that shit, chadchama. Empress is worth it

>> No.4541882
File: 23 KB, 581x528, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4542041

I'm havin fun watchin her stream so far hbu

>> No.4541901
Quoted by: >>4541965 >>4542297

Your nyaa reps...

>> No.4541911
Quoted by: >>4541955 >>4541974

Dammit why aren't there more Bully votes?

>> No.4541924
Quoted by: >>4542123

Uh check a certain member from NijiEN

>> No.4541931

I'm still very much in the "Red is my favorite and always has been" camp

>> No.4541955

Yeah, bit of a shame

>> No.4541957

...what were those popopop sounds

>> No.4541965

Well I haven't thought about that. Ty I suppose. I'll feel a little scummy but..

>> No.4541974

Sorry, I've been looping Empress recently and wanna hear it live again

>> No.4542002

Bully has always been my favourite because of Kiara reacting to it and acting like "its totally about me and Cali!"
Then walking it back when she realized what it was really about.

>> No.4542010
File: 313 KB, 1440x2032, 1603555708136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will do OWTH someday

>> No.4542012

It'll be all worth it my dawg. If you really wanna do it though. If you really can't because of the "artist can't connect to the audience through lyrics" like mori said doing more english reps is the solution

>> No.4542031
Quoted by: >>4542111 >>4542122

I bought it to support our boy, not to use some arcane piece of technology my computer doesn't even have anymore

>> No.4542034

Freea/teaboolliope-chama, do which ever you feel more passionate about, just remember that rap is basically poetry so you need a strong grasp of the language

>> No.4542041
File: 199 KB, 794x993, dancin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4542138

Fuck yeah. You can hear the focus and ambition in her voice and it's contagious

>> No.4542050

LMAO it wasn't J-chad!

>> No.4542062


>> No.4542066

Slow start but she's warmed up now

>> No.4542068

>singing the first line right into my ear

>> No.4542083
Quoted by: >>4542132

Haven't listened to Empress since the EP dropped because no disk drive. This is great

>> No.4542111

I agree, I wouldn't feel bad if I had bought it. The problem is that the fucking shipping is more expensive that the damn thing

>> No.4542120


>> No.4542123
File: 51 KB, 933x753, 1562907839663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4542177

Bro thanks

>> No.4542122

It's like 30 bucks for an external disc drive. Do it

>> No.4542128
File: 337 KB, 1000x1000, 1621662267580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4542207


>> No.4542132

And it's off-beat.

>> No.4542137

Well that was a bust. She didn't sing bully, live again or cursed night

>> No.4542138
File: 31 KB, 442x694, images (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4542519

Indeed she sounds so lively and happy which make it more enjoyable

>> No.4542177

Kek, many such cases.

>> No.4542207

>doesn't look at the chat which tells her she's behind

>> No.4542296
File: 65 KB, 1080x440, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image--190953561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4542337

>> No.4542297
Quoted by: >>4542353

>The voicepack is there too
Ok if I'm gonna be scummy....

>> No.4542337


>> No.4542348
File: 3.73 MB, 8600x8612, 1615661625124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that little "yeah"

>> No.4542353
Quoted by: >>4542510

be careful bro... DON'T listen to AlarmMOE...

>> No.4542421
Quoted by: >>4542551 >>4542564


>> No.4542426
Quoted by: >>4542462

Have you done your gratitude reps, deadbeats?

>> No.4542462

Thank (You), anon.

>> No.4542477
Quoted by: >>4542649

>she has figurines of the extended mori universe

>> No.4542510

Would I need to change my pants?

>> No.4542513

>Discordfags are actually foaming at the mouth because of Mori in the other thread

>> No.4542519
File: 321 KB, 850x1133, 0ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4542688 >>4542848

Not just that, she's got this really audacious self-assured tone. Her doxxbeating and her thanks are more direct and down to earth today

She really sounds like she's driving the bus instead of just being a tour guide on it.

>> No.4542551
Quoted by: >>4542738

mori is an atheist so probably not

>> No.4542552

Mori wants to look cute!

>> No.4542563

>I'll read chat in my own time before reading it out on stream
Because of the pastebin tard she has to review every superchat, in case she encounters the creep

>> No.4542565

The guac gang...

>> No.4542564

t. Didn't buy the voicepack

>> No.4542586

>my irl reaper lady friends

>> No.4542591
File: 857 KB, 800x1422, 98d022f62f68b8e64fe828cc33412058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our boy is back and feeling refreshed. She gave a really honest talk and shout outs to the people who helped her to get here.
She nailed Red & Guh (after a few restarts) and we got Empress again. Truly a treat.
Chotto matte. She has a HoloMyth thing in her actual room? Like a light tree with cutouts of all the girls she put around it? That's adorable.

The past week was long at points, and we had our fun, but we made it.

>> No.4542595

>Mori wants to die

>> No.4542644

>Mori, Ollie, Coco
/vt/ will absolutely explode, there's only Kiara missing to have the holy quaternity of seethe.

>> No.4542649

They have figurines?

>> No.4542652

the transition into the outro always gets me hyped!

>> No.4542680

her awkward dork moments are so endearing god this is my fav idol.

>> No.4542683
File: 73 KB, 1000x1000, 1620053911927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel to the seethe causer

>> No.4542688
File: 27 KB, 352x512, images (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is so wholesome i just can't seem to hate her

>> No.4542736
File: 354 KB, 490x502, 16175441200951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4542761

>Mori returns
>/hlgg/ seething

This is truly hilarious.

>> No.4542738

As someone who also was in [Redacted] School... Most likely

>> No.4542761
Quoted by: >>4542820 >>4543011

What are they seething about? They thought she's gonna graduate or something?

>> No.4542765
File: 226 KB, 581x469, oshinomorelmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes your oshi take another week long break

I'm ready lads, are you?

>> No.4542820
Quoted by: >>4542918 >>4543039

>indies bad
>she not care
>why have friend when you can force snpai to be friend?
>it will be trash taste they profsional at card gaem
/hlgg/ has become everything i hated about /hlg/

>> No.4542844

I'm glad I don't have to see Kiara

>> No.4542848
File: 304 KB, 1920x1080, 1622729079368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4543030 >>4543120

Definitely. She's back and it's like she kicked in the door and shouted "I run this shit!"
Not in an arrogant way. There was a lot of confidence and accepting she's doing what she wants. Through whatever means she's gotten management to approve a lot of her plans. She's doing good work for hololive and they're letting her talk about others she wants to thank. When before it felt like she was scared to step on toes even mentioning some of it.

>> No.4542893

>Milky already raving about Empress.

>> No.4542918

They seethe about literary anything

>> No.4543011

1 month old newkeks try to make outside collabs into a disastrouc calamity that will end hololive and start WW3 mostly. The usual "doesn't care about hololive" shit. It's already amazing how people could and still can make and then believe idiotic stories about JP holos. But being able to understand what holo says 100% and still making up shit and believing it is some next level behavior.

>> No.4543030
Quoted by: >>4543120 >>4543217

My gut reaction was to be a little apprehensive when she said she was hoping to focus less on holo collabs because I think there's still people she could hit it off well with, but I can ultimately understand and respect that she has her priorities and things she wants to accomplish because she feels she can finally use this avenue to do so

>> No.4543039
Quoted by: >>4543197

>why have friend when you can force snpai to be friend?
I feel like this is the only one I feel bothered about. It's just for shadowverse stream I think and I don't think any of her senpai or kouhai play them. The idea that forcing yourself to match up with a holo for a game leaves a bad taste. As much as I rather see her do that, I also don't want her to feel awkward when she goes live. Mori's social skills is strange that way.

>> No.4543065

Not a rrat seller, but she's definitely a bit salty that the
most successful song is the one she made first. She's practically saying "I made something even better, please, I improved since then, why you still like that early song so much?"

>> No.4543092

Shouldn't have made it her debut song then. Live Again deserves the views RIP has.

>> No.4543116
Quoted by: >>4543225

its like asking radiohead about creep
its the norm

>> No.4543120
Quoted by: >>4543183 >>4543299

or realized her worth to the management and that she's so far worth more catering to than letting go
after this sob/reflection moment of doing shit for 5-15 people i can see why she wants to focus on indies. after all having 1k+ viewers puts you already at top 10% if not higher on youtube streams

>> No.4543139

go back to global

>> No.4543183

and most of her friends or she had a connection with are indies...

>> No.4543197
Quoted by: >>4543890

>I also don't want her to feel awkward when she goes live.
Considering that's her default state for everything you might as well be saying you don't want her to go live at all.

>> No.4543217

She can also collab with more holos anytime. Nothing she said made it feel like every indie idea she had was going to be dumped at once. Just that she's getting green lights for them in general and that makes her happy.
There's going to be more collabs with hololive, which she is happy to do and I will be happy to watch.

This is like every musical artist. A song they don't like that much but that fans will always associate with them and expect to hear.

>> No.4543225

>Nooo don't play the popular classic song, play the filler track from the new album

>> No.4543258
Quoted by: >>4543542

K’s is just THAT GOOD

>> No.4543266
File: 45 KB, 886x359, 1622736847966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh no no no no no

>> No.4543299

1k viewers is not even 1%, but probably 0.1%. And almost all of that 0.1% is either in Holo or in Niji. There's a screenshot of someone from twitch floating around about how having 250 concurrent viewers puts you into 1%. Most people stream either to nobody or 1-2 people that fuck off in a few minutes.

>> No.4543321


>> No.4543342

Literal mental illness

>> No.4543405

sasuGUH schizos

>> No.4543406

>search myself
>all my comments are based

>> No.4543542

The horn is THAT GOOD
I like RIP's track. It was good BGM in the early days and a good song to slither to.

>> No.4543557


>> No.4543570

How is plugging milky during the gacha event not straight up nepotism at this point kek

>> No.4543743
Quoted by: >>4543800 >>4543805

>search myself

>> No.4543800

Your channel URL reps...

>> No.4543805

put your channel ID

>> No.4543823
File: 3.12 MB, 2611x3834, 20210604_000902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4543877 >>4543892

Mori was extremely cute today

>> No.4543877
Quoted by: >>4543929

>scuffs up the delay on Empress
>still manages to kill it by the end
Mori was extremely cringekino today

>> No.4543890


>> No.4543892
File: 91 KB, 425x425, 1604839908174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4543984 >>4544012

She was dangerously based, too.

Half of global is seething.

>> No.4543915
File: 349 KB, 1778x1778, 1615444225364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Mori

>> No.4543929

How was empress? I skipped that because I was too salty she didn't sing bully

>> No.4543939
File: 372 KB, 1125x1143, 1618126437235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4544007

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I want Kiara to cover OWTH just so there'll be a voice clip of her saying "I'll gladly live inside your head, but who in the fuck pays my rent? " to annoy /vt/ with.

>> No.4543984

Why would you lie about something anyone can check?

>> No.4544007
Quoted by: >>4544063

That would be fun. Sometimes anything that trigger parts of this board is worth it, because the sane people know to ignore something they're not interested in. Those who make a spectacle of their hatred deserve the ridicule.

>> No.4544012
File: 19 KB, 450x470, images (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4544096

A normal day when you see the same faggots seething

>> No.4544046
File: 39 KB, 463x453, 1603902537720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4544078 >>4544271

I can't believe Mori is going to play Shadowverse with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu!

>> No.4544063

it's always fun to laugh at schizos

>> No.4544078

This was NOT the Bibi I wanted to see her collab with!

>> No.4544092

Spread the word.

>> No.4544096
File: 157 KB, 432x652, awaked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4544326

It's been a while since there's been a good seethe over Mori. It'd almost be refreshing to see if it wasn't so cringe

>> No.4544099
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Successfully Installed Zune Software.

I can't believe that this thing fits the whole Fluent Aesthetic that Microsoft is planning with Sun Valley.

>> No.4544135
Quoted by: >>4544170 >>4544895



>> No.4544170

No ma'am, not staring. Just reading the subtitles.

>> No.4544271

futakuchi mana is not gonna like this

>> No.4544273
Quoted by: >>4544313

always love to see schizos here and in global go crazy when they didn't even watch the stream and took all the context from anon's reaction posts

>> No.4544313

that's why i always out for good 2 days after member stream that i dont have access to happens

>> No.4544326
File: 56 KB, 816x979, chill_skeleton_by_funny_horsey_d9j5jof-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its always cringe anon. You just learn to have fub reading their rrats which can be answered if you watch her streams

>> No.4544370
Quoted by: >>4544417 >>4544420

Wow so many deadbeats here today. What happened?

>> No.4544417
File: 396 KB, 1875x2000, E2uV6e5VgAERrlh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori did just come back from her break

>> No.4544420
File: 31 KB, 570x380, af5efeb09f841bb32f370ec8b7aa8856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4544486 >>4544495

The rrat list is dead; long live the rrats!

>> No.4544479

Is /hlgg/ going to be ogey?

>> No.4544486

back to your cuckcave thanquol

>> No.4544495
Quoted by: >>4544901

It's not dead. She never stated why she had to take the break earlier.

>> No.4544517 [DELETED] 

I'm kind of nervous about the non v-tuber collabs with Shadowverse.

>> No.4544559
File: 825 KB, 498x280, Sheep Watamelon Smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[EN] Watame: *crying*
oh lmao

>> No.4544569

Why? Wasn't this mentioned months in advance that both she and Kiara were going to work with pros to train for the tournament?

>> No.4544597
Quoted by: >>4544648

Literally just a Shadowverse pro. They'll be an autist, but maybe she'll learn something for them that can be applied to other things and not just Shadowverse.

>> No.4544610
Quoted by: >>4545039

I bet one of them is Giguk.

>> No.4544648
Quoted by: >>4544723 >>4544793

I really hope she takes notes this time. At least some post it notes that she can stick to her monitor so she doesn't forget

>> No.4544723

She'll probably have pen and paper, but I'm talking about planning things out and playing to your outs as good advice for things that aren't card games or even games at all.

>> No.4544793

>I really hope she takes notes this time.
I think she's done that once for any game and it was during the collab with Gura.

>> No.4544895

Cute Oni.

>> No.4544901 [DELETED] 

Ex-fuckin-cuse me

>> No.4544947
Quoted by: >>4545007

I managed to reply not only to the wrong post but the wrong thread. Impressive dumbassery.

>> No.4545007
Quoted by: >>4545073

well hopefully the /mu/tant you were replying to doesn't find out and start derailing the thread with "muh holobronies"

>> No.4545013
Quoted by: >>4545212

You know hearing Mori talk about performing in front of literally 5 fans makes me respect her more. I don't love all her streams, though her good ones are top tier. But she's paid her dues. She's earned the right to do what she damn well pleases. If the collabs suck she'll hear about in member streams. If she changes well, I'll stream her good songs, watch her TTRPG streams, and there's no shortage of other Holo's I like. I'm not that worried though.

>> No.4545024

>search myself
>all my comments are cringe
still based

>> No.4545039

gigguk isn't a pro, stop trying to put TT in everything.

>> No.4545060

JFC how much is cygames paying cover. It's going to be like what? 5 total streams not including the tournament? She better put that money to good use, get deco / giga / teddyloid to produce her next song

>> No.4545073

No, it was going to be someone in global who said "rainbows are for girls."

>> No.4545132

She's moving to a new house

>> No.4545136

>She better put that money to good use

>> No.4545141
File: 1.55 MB, 1349x1079, she can't keep getting away with it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4545335

I'm pretty happy with the way this thread went. Kept it cool for the most part. Thanks a lot, deadbeats
Not bad for my first OP

>> No.4545212

>If the collabs suck she'll hear about in member streams.
You have too much faith in a fanbase she's cultivated. The collab could be awful, literally Shadowverse + Lethal League combined, and most members would say it was great just because it was more of Mori streaming. And even on the rare chance that they don't, she'll get the wrong message anyway and double down on the problem.

>> No.4545231
Quoted by: >>4545448

Ado collab...

>> No.4545332 [SPOILER] 
File: 401 KB, 419x610, 1622741126824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should understand this by now. She will get away with it.

>> No.4545335
Quoted by: >>4545413

doesnt matter the holos give the money back rolling horse gacha anyway
sick word plays dude, keep it up.
>tfw I made the OP for THAT thread

>> No.4545377
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 1e08gn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4545435 >>4545500

I have a confession to make I took a quick nap in the middle of the stream because I just pulled an all-nighter. I'm so ashamed

>> No.4545403

Wait, someone said she mentioned the C U Next Tuesday thing. But I missed it, what did she say? Can someone give me a timecode?

>> No.4545413

I feel bad I played a part in guacnarok

>> No.4545435

It's OK, get some sleep before Mori smash tankman

>> No.4545448

Practically impossible. Ado is like thr billie eilish of the jp music industry right now. Reol on the other hand...

>> No.4545466
Quoted by: >>4545657

She just said it was a reference to the TTRPG

>> No.4545492 [DELETED] 

She just said it was a reference to TTRPG

>> No.4545500
Quoted by: >>4545620

All good dude. There's a VOD, and pretty much all of stream is worth listening to doe Deadbeats.

>> No.4545522
Quoted by: >>4545657

She said that line was a reference to how tuesday is the designated day for all the ttrpg streams. Can't believe mori would lie like that. What a CUNT

>> No.4545581

Did Mori mention ever releasing Empress to music streaming services?

>> No.4545620 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 251x400, 1622741597213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4545661

I caught the beginning up to when she was talking about moving again and woke up just in time for the karaoke, but I think I'll get some sleep before watching the rest of the vod

>> No.4545621

Pretty sure she mentioned that it would take a while

>> No.4545618
Quoted by: >>4546243

>She better put that money to good use

>> No.4545634

she wants to eventually

>> No.4545657
Quoted by: >>4545970

How the fuck is she that clever? This why she isn't good at freestyle and doesn't have to be. Someone who will stumble over her words when she's nervous, but who will come up with multi-layered lines when she is given the time to think it through.

>> No.4545661
File: 315 KB, 1500x1267, 1603151152177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh... the mamaloni...

>> No.4545923

That's out of her hands until the actual song is released, which it still hasn't, to my knowledge.

>> No.4545970

It's easier to sound clever when you can say a thing, read a million people give their personal interpretations of it, and then retroactively state that one of those interpretations was what you meant all along.

>> No.4546243
File: 438 KB, 1201x1384, HatBeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4546282 >>4546837

Okay, that's enough I'm going to bed

>> No.4546282

good shit doodlebeat, sleep well

>> No.4546837

