Filian Monroe Edition>What is /lig/?/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.>Why /lig/?Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.Numbers for 3/16:1: (3,628)2: (3,113)3: (2,912)4: (2,730)5: (1,893)6: (1,868)7: (1,819)8: (1,607)9: (1,349) *Virtual Tie9: (1,342) *Virtual TieNon-English:1: (13,065) *Korean2: (3,461) *Chinese3: (2,236) *Japanese>Wait isn't that one a corpo?For historical reasons, small companies are fine temporarily as long as they have one talent at 500-ish.>Twitch Clips Guide>VOD Archival Guide>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)>Tiermaker>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)>Upcoming Birthdays:March 31st - NinaApril 2nd - Honey GoblinApril 18th - Saruei>Official /lig/ booru>Ducks[Embed] (embed) [Embed] (embed) (embed) [Embed] (embed) [Embed (embed) [Embed]Other useful threads:>>>/vt//wvt/>>>/vt//asp/>>>/vt//corpo/>>>/vt//indie/>>>/vt//vsj+/>>>/vt//voms/>>>/vt//vrt/Previous Thread >>45231702
>Saruei ghosting again today
Orcat <3
Why does Zum's brother have no charisma? Wtf is wrong with males?
>>45247965He seems to think that being loud and obnoxious equals being charismatic.
Girl dm's 2d model is so fucking hotbut her 3d is disgustingly ugly
>>45247965A feminist interpretation is that women (Zum) are forced to do all the emotional labor such as smiling, entertaining and organizing fun activities while that men (zumbro) are merely along for the ride and reap all the rewards.
>>45248096This be exact opposite in every possible way.
>>45248068Any pestos got a mcfucking catbox?
>>45248102it kinda makes sense sisters
When I have children I will, um, sternly encourage them to be entertaining, especially the males. Why do you think Michael Jackson was so good at singing and dancing? It was all because of his abusive dad. My sons will not be stupid boring males like Momo's friends. They will have SPARKLING personalities.
>>45247965>>45248102>>45248237everyone from scandinavia is autistic
>>45247932Did she say something on pisscord? I'm not on it
Sayu LOVE!
Imagine... awake!
shylily tweeting about how she got stuck in a revolving door because shes so small the sensor didn't activate again. thats good shit.
>>45247932With how bad she felt yesterday she better not stream even if she doesn't have to work, even though I do apreciate it a lot that she sat in the dark with her screen and music turned down just to be with us
>>45248303>Anonn doesn't understand ghosting means saying nothingAnd no, liking tweets from the meme accounts you follow does not count as being active on twitter you anti social French woman
>>45248446It would be cuter if she got stuck because her tits and/or ass were too big
>>45248442so cute and tiny
>>45248442What's up everyone, it's ya gal, Lily, and today we're going to be living the 4'10" experience™
>>45248487>ghosting againLast time she ghosted was September after the subathon. She hasn't done a single can elation where she didn't tell us.
I think womanlets should be shamed just as much as manlets.
good afternoon I love my oshi!
>>45248642go back, homo.
>>45248479>deleted the VoD
Fuck, marry, kiss:Lilypichu, shylily, Lily Hopkins
>>45248487She does the streamsl announcements in like an hour you fucking retard
bratty hag namedropping us and teasing paypigs with ankle picsclio needs creampie correction!
>>45248222gimme a few, I can post it and the JNStudio piece of her as well
>>45248642They are, it just takes a different form--namely infantilization. Just ask coqui. People are always patting your head, trying to (literally) pick you up without your consent, talking to you like you're a baby, etc.
I really like Squ's laugh.
>>45248791I really like her in general. One of the better zatsu girls in all of /lig/. Too bad she associates with people who were mean to Saruei.
How do you get good at talking to your computer screen for hours at a time?
>>45248988Sometimes snuffy raids my oshi
Grimmi is feeling good about life
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
>>45249174I'm glad.
>>45249174i'm glad. she's cute and funny.>>45249081i like when snuffy raids another lig person and not just charlie or jerma who don't even notice.
>>4524927690% of her raids are lig or her closer vsj friends, she rarely ever raids jerma/vinny/charlie and I'm pretty sure she got "noticed" by them in every instance
Squ is dick shaming
>>4524897640 minutes late and counting...
it took me a while to realize why snuffy was only playing Green Day music today
>>45249402what did she say?
>>45249402with an ass like that small dicks must be non existent to her
>>45249445did her father die on march 17th?
>>45249445September must have ended
>>45249443what are you gonna do about it?
>>45249353i don't know if thats true. i've seen her raid them a fair bit, but maybe its just confirmation bias because it stands out more. the other part isn't though.
>>45249452She said the David statue has a tiny penis and made fun of some people in her chat by saying they probably have one too
>>45249496I will complement and praise bat until she becomes a whimpering mess
>>45249174Some day Grimmi will...
>>45249610Marry me? Yeah.
>>45249528all of it is true, what you said is likely confirmation bias or you intentionally being a retard
>>45249544rude. i'm sure the sph guy will be glad to get a little shoutout though.
>>45249589Bat woman cute
>>45249718no I want the sph to be from that girl specifically
>>45249718I like sph but I know I don't actually have a small dick, I just like hearing smug girls. Usually you can only hear that tone in sph but they could be reading wikipedia articles for all I care.
>>45249528last time she raided jerma he actually made a pretty good effort thanking her and trying to hear what snuffy was doing, when his chat was too busy doing their usual bit of trying to harass him into showing his armpits or whatever the fuck it was that time
my wife is just like me fr
>>45249844i'm glad to hear i'm wrong with an actual recounting of it. good. glad for trashwife to get acknowledged then.
>>45248068>>45248222Yunii Set: Set Part 1: Set Part 2:
>>45249844I know he isn't technically lig but I have to say I'm so happy Jerma is finally getting so much credit in the larger twitch community. Dude has been around forever and has consistently been one of the funniest content creators ever and has never been involved in any controversies.
>>45248196She hated being taller?
womp womp
Sisters I saw Lucy Pyre in snuffy's chat being obsequious!
>>45249994forgot to explain but had to split the JN one in two because filesizepart 1 is basically just the normal alts and part 2 is the futa alts + psd. this set is unfortunately one of the few recent ones that have no bestiality alts
>>45250008i heard nl talk well about him for a long time, so i'm glad too. anyone that impresses him probably has something worth looking at.
>>45250147Armpit creampie with Lucy Pyre
>>45249718>>45249402>>45249779Ok so the way I restructure sph is that the average dick that a given guy has, and the average dick a girl can get through a hookup app are two very different thingsScience might tell you 5 is perfectly average, but it's small to what slutty (or even mildly explorative) girls are used to where they can literally just ask for proofs a guy has an 8 incher if they're only after a hookup
>>45250360I don't care I just want a girl to insult me (and do it properly)
>>45250360Your perception of reality is very disturbing
>>45249174Heck yea
>>45248068thanks sinder
>>45250147ever since snuffy started her early morning streams, Lucy has sort of made it part of her own pre-stream ritual to hang out in snuffy's chat for a bit, its cute
>>45250539what is it
>>45250360I'm going to let you in on a secret, women don't actually know what 6 feet or 6 inches looks like. Guys who are 5'10" will lie to them and say they're 6' and guys who are 5" will lie and say they're 6".
>>45248676I don't like this question
>>45250554He loves his oomfies' oomfie.
>>45250360Do you honestly think most people are smart enough to actually tell the difference between sizes?
>>45250539The seething when she gets partner here is gonna be incredible.
Jerma is off topic.
wife supremacy
>>45250725God I can't wait for the karaoke
>>45250720but Tob told me he was her mod
>>45250589This is true. A woman I was dating told me she thought I was 6 feet tall and I am 5 foot 7 AT BEST. A lot of women just want you to be taller than she is.Reminds me of a Geto Boyz lyric that goes "the nigga musta been 6 or 7 feet" which is a very odd thing to say until you realize that verse was written by Bushwick Bill, who is a midget. 6 or 7 feet is all the same to him.
>>45250360No woman on the planet cares about dick size as much as you do.
>>45250835he actually is her mod
>>45250648>>45250589>>45250852I've heard all the cope before, I would need something new and substantial to persuade me otherwise Word of mouth about someone being hung spreads in college/workplaces for a reason
>>45250628You just know
>>45250895being hung is relative, almost nobody on earth has a dick that is 7" or longer but you'll hear tons of sluts say they've had dicks that hard when in reality they likely have never even been in the same room as a guy that large
>>45250895>Word of mouth about someone being hung spreads in college/workplaces for a reasonThis post is by a woman that gets all her knowledge of men from poorly written erotica
>>45249741Forfeit all mortal possessions to bat woman
>>45250990I should have become a tax accountant instead of going into banking...
I'm going schizo...I miss her so much.....
>>45250990>Nightcore playlist on Youtube>LucyPyre stream startingYep, loooks like it's time to jerk off
>>45250476You couldn't even comprehend
>>45250990stupid Lucy, 60 year old women are the best CPAs.
>>45251075I keep seeing people post Sayu now but I still don't know what her actual content even is
>>45251019Imagine if there was a full time accountant on twitch just yelling at streamers 24/7 how to itemize their returns and shit.
>>45251078wtf are you me?
>>45250990Oh thank god just Hades I can skip thatBeen falling too much for Lucy lately
Maybe card anon will see it for Ninas card.
>>45251075just wait anonI assume she wants things to die down a bit before coming back which is smart>>45251105I used to watch her before she went to Nijishe's fun and really talkative, the problem is that 80% of her content is Genshin
>>45248684Wow anon, you're right, here's the white haired cat girl's tweet
>>45251205nani desu ka
>>45251127Love me love me love me!!!
>>45249994she seems a bit out of her comfort zoneI was expecting a bit more
>>45251158>the problem is that 80% of her content is Genshinshe said (on her twitch chat after the termination dropped) that she'll try to do more variety nowReally wish she keeps the plans to do gunpla building streams...
>>45251252most of Yunii's sets are like that, I'd say she's still getting into the groove of drawing NSFW stuff (especially penetration). I think one thing of note in that set is that those are the best nipples she's drawn to date, which was a really big complaint of mine
what do you want from starbucks anon
>>45251351cock milk
>>45251351>what do you want from starbucks anonwater!of course I want some coffee, retard. IT'S FUCKING STARBUCKS
>>45251407Americano black, medium? Got itAlso they stuff other than coffee
>>45251351Fresh squeezed milkies and 2 pumps in Lucy
>>45251351Tall flat white with hag milk
Holy smokes
Lucy became Irish
Sally pyre my sex
>>45250476>>45250589>>45250648>>45250852>>45250936>>45250940holy cope
>>45251548>>45251576>>45251580how does a simple palette swap make her look so fucking adorable
>>45251351i have never been to starbucks
Finish hifi rush you fat 'coon slut
Lucyfags are disgustingly horny
Wait a fucking minute Lucy's ginger? Cute
When she flails around due to her autism it looks like she has a furry helmet on
>>45251633I don't like this image
>>45251351something cold, refreshing, and not too caffeinated, im very hungover, thanks
>>45251665Wait, she's black?
>>45251626Leave them with their comforting lies
>>45251690me neither
>>45251351What? No, out of my way, I just need to use the bathroom! Pray not some orcat has been there already.
>>45251706Fuck now I want a tanned Lucy colour swap with pale blond hair
>>45251656Her MMO background turned her into a fucking semen demonWe never stood a chance
>>45251626you just know anon is asian
>>45251763how has nobody made a gyaru edit of her?
>>45251828no but i am a white man with incurable terminal yellow fever
>>45251626you're just proving their point you know. that guys care way more about dicks than girls.>>45251652no. its irish day, and hifi isn't irish.
Why are so many chuubas playing subnautica nowDid someone play it recently and everyone else discovered it through them?
Why do manlets and bald people cope the hardest?
>>45251955Haven't seen anyone playing it besides Squ just now.
NEED sph from squ while her fat ass is sitting and grinding on my face
>>45252088How did you grow up to be like this?
>>45251914My Doujin will have the following tags:Mind ControlMind BreakUrinationDrugsPantyhosePaizuriAhegaoNTRBBMLoliExcessive CumThigh JobHairy
>>45252088consider sph where she's sitting on your lap so your cock is completely covered by her fat ass and she goes "your penis disappeared! I can't find it anywhere!"
>I'm going to fuck you so hard they'll put what I do to you in the Geneva conventionWhy are all of lucys threats fucking me, is this what the other side of the bratty relationship feels like
>>45251626>LucyPyre literally saying dick size is the only thing that matters not but 1 minute ago
>>45252088my mom had me too late in life so im autistic and kinda gay
>>45251916>irish dayas if they needed an excuse to drink
>>45252213She's right you know.
>>45252213the only dicks she's seen are from liggermen
>>45252180And now she's making chat beg for her dick
>>45252148>no Moral Degeneration>no Piss Drinking>no Gangbang>no Rapengmi...
>>45252227meant to quote >>45252132 im also retarded
>>45252238It's NTR from the bull/BBM perspective which is you, and chat itself is getting cucked
The things I read about Lucy here make me never want to click on her streams
>>45252213Honesty is based.
Lads, I am Freekin hyped for the match today. We will freekin make it! CAMON LIGGERLAND SCOAR SOME FREEINK GOAAALS!!!
>>45252328That's stupid, it should be an orgy with all of chat
>>45252268BBM gangbang....Also yes include the rest
>>45252148>urination>NTR>BBM>HairyActually disgusting
This bitch is fucking insane.
>>45252062snuffy and someone I forgot played it recently, which is why I'm wondering
saru doko saru doko saru doko saru doko
>>45252364Fuck chat I'm here literally just to cum
>>45252427Last stream she revealed she has autism, please understand
>>45252523What? Like actual diagnosed autism?
>>45252523i can save her
>>45252432Getting correcte (by me (I'm BBM))
Redhead Lucy hits different.
it's autistic girl spring
>>45252523More like cuminsm, a degenerate disorder that can only be treated with vitamin D
I like kid voice Lucy and I'm not going to hide that any longer.
>>45252523no she didn't
>>45252624Me too, but I also watch shondo
>>45252624I like kid voice Lucy because it sounds like she is mocking me.
>>45252687She literally said at the end she has audwism you vtweeter
>>45252720cringe self diagnosis
>>45252617Finally Hiner Bobiner will make it.
>>45252420>>45252471thanks for catching lads. fixed.
>>45252816Nah, I just like higher-pitched female voices. The way she spoke whilst doing it was weird at first but I got used to it
>>45252901You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
>>45252744>gatekeeping autism
tfw no autistic FFXIV gf...
>>45253004gatekeeping is a good thing
>>45252901now you're just being a silly sausage
>>45252617Not until Shimada can play the new Street Fighter
>>45253030Fuck, I read this in Clio's husky voice.
>>45252901what's up my ligglers
>>45252901>The drum with Squ's ass and the hand on the drumstick
third time's the charm. I was definitely being silly and not retarded.
>>45253170Is husky Clio good or bad
I think Lucy cares too much about this video game
>>45253445Right, no wonder I forgot who the other person was.
>>45253334I'm still going to post the Liggelrand version
>>45251955olivia played it recently I think
>>45253170moomer in the lig
i want to put it in olivia monroe's butt
Chibi Totem, will we win our divegrass match today?
>Irish Lucy wonMy bong blood requires I correct her severely
I wish Lucy played an actually good game like hollow knight or blasphemous or dead cells instead of this hadez nuts meme garbage
>>45253662should I do it?
Fang live with an impromptu art stream
>>45253639put what
>>45253445The inner tubes was a cute look
>>45253445I crave the round meal
Lucy sounds kind of... fat in real life.Tell me it's not true
>>45253662>2Smash that fucking totem right now
>>45253662I hate you
>>45253735my weenie
Veener 2 hours late and counting
>>45253334excellent work bro
>>45253662Chibi Totem, should I provide an Extra Hard option for my players and put them in the alternative class if they want it?Amen
>>45253703I hate rogue""""likes"""" where the metaprogression is stat increases like hadeez or vampire surviver so fucking much. Who decided its a good idea to give a game a negative sloped difficulty curve?
I'm learning so much with this Snuffy stream
>>45253023get literally any xiv gf and they'll probably have autism from my experience in that game lmao
lucy keeps missing Hades trying to prompt her to unlock the weapon variants when half of them would benefit her style of play using a single type of attack
>>45253760>Doesn't go outside>Can't cook for herself>Plays video games (FFMMO) all dayEh, you can check out her handcam stream. She's an average weight but not thin.
>>45253742i want to fill her inner tubes up with sperm if you know what i mean
Reminder that lucy said if she had a house husband she would dedicate all her time to sucking dick
>>45253832But hades is fun
>>45253956I don't think they'd provide adequate floatation if you did that anon
>>45253875My PC is shit and I am extremely abusive
>>45253832the negative difficulty curve gets pulled back after you actually finish a run once and unlock the Heat stuff to make things challenging again
It will take 40+ attempts for Lucy to escape for the first time.
>>45254020sounds perfect, I believe in you.
>>45253959Anon please, I'm already this close to proposing in her business email
>>45253832You know that's why they're called rogue lites, right?
>>45252523Bullfuckingshit she's one of the most verbally competent vtubers alongside filianStop being pandered to
>>45254334But I like being pandered to. If they're not picking fights with other chuubas or containment breaking/self-posting then what's the issue?
>>45254417Very well...
>>45254417>not containment breaking/self-posting>Lucycome on now
Irish cow
>>45253662Should I do THAT?
>>45254458Largely Insane Gratitude is not containment breaking, containment breaking is when you lead outside people back to the thread
>>45254594Do her tits make Irish cream?
I like how Lucy says prayge
I HATE it when women do things to try and make me happy.
what were those weird little grandma things oli was talking about last night
Saru ghosted us...
Don't know about you but i'm listening to this and feel relaxed and focused
>>45254716Calico Critters?
>>45254658I'll let you know later tonight
>>45254814For me, it's
>>45254751Ghosted how? You know she's trying to get her redebut finished, she just streamed yesterday to check in with us
>Lucy likes emaciated goth boys with British accentsNaruhodo
I didn't know Mint was on the /hag/ team lmao
Olivia in Lucy's stream
>>45255033I love Mongolian throat singing but this is shit
Oli in Lucy's stream.How long will she be able to last here?
>>45255147Oh God Oli might not be ready fo Lucy
>>45255162I just like the scene
Alfi live
>>45255033't beat the strings, even though idk what that 432hz meme is.
i think im gonna masturbate to lucy pyre today
>>45255142She's been on the hag team for a year.
I like when Squ opens her eyes wide and her model's eyes point in opposite directions
>>45255181Seeing as she's a big fan of Hades I could see her being there a while
>>45255315That's a vibe too
Chuubas in desperate need of correction, ranked:1) Geega2) Lucy3) Saru
sexy argie
>>45255486Would you really correct Lucy when that's exactly what she's goading you into doing?
Gentlemen, a second of your attention, please. Squ playing Subnautica is very cute.Thank you for your attention, have a nice day.
>>45255523torpedo tits
>>45255370Those glowing freckles are great I didn't know she could do thatWith this and Momo/Artemis colored parts we really should just genetically engineer girls to glow
>>45255553just the way I like them
>>45255553nothin wrong with some torpedo titties...
>>45255541Thank you for your reminder, good sir. I will consider watching.
Whiskey live too with Starsector, too many eurochuubas I'm going insane
Did Lucy just fucking say "incorrigible"? How does she even know that word?
snuffy going down her nonsensical recommended videos again
Layna and Filian offcollab when ? I want them to physically interact and tickle each other for some dumb challenge
>>45255848Her boyfriend (me) is telling her what to say via teleprompter
lucys chat has no idea what they're talking about for upgrades. poor girl having to listen to them.
>>45255848Read the stream title
>>45255848It's used in some camp scenes
>>45255809God I need a giant dutch wife
>>45255848She wants correction.
>>45255913theyre mostly recommending fated choices but people always say to pick things that are 'meta' without taking into account how the streamer actually plays
when are we playing divegrass
I love my wife! I want to make her happy!
>>452560413 hours and 20 minutesor4 hoursfrom now
>>45255874I dream of this on a weekly basis but I don't think it'll ever happen. Filian is too much of a numberfag and really only collabs with solid 4views while Lucy is barely there.
I don't even know why I'm working so hard anymore, everything I do is going to be shit anyway
Why wont Lucy commentate for Divegrass?
>>45256050you should make yourself happy first
>>45256158ah.. the absurdity of life
Will Olivia paint Lucy's nails?
>>45256158Just become a fat, balding alcoholic instead.
>>45256179I am pretty happy these days, that's why I can focus on supporting my wife now!
>>45256158its okay. thats part of life too. i hope you can find value in what you do eventually though.
>>45256177Because the other fags will try to get her to say the gamer word. Not good for business.
>>45256177Streamer ego
>>45256214I don't think Lucy even knows who she is
>>45256158what are you working on, anon
>>45256268I'm still salty Filian didn't do a full elden ring playthrough on stream
>>45256313Numbers dictate react andy is the meta
>>45256288of course she doeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee<f
>>45256268I watched this live, sadly Filian cannot quit her entertainer mode and just relax,even when she's offstream
>>45250695I thought 90% of /lig/anons loved her
>>45256288lucy knows lig seems to like her, which is enough for her to talk to her.
cute orcat is live
>>45256093Anon your reading reps...
>>45256394you okay bro?
>>45256396There was one time Layna, Melody and Filian were hanging out and Filian had to end her own pov so she could leave entertainer mode and just chatShe really does see her streams as entirely adhd 12 year olds
>>45250695Why would anyone here seethe about her? Elaborate, please.
>>45256490>She really does see her streams as entirely adhd 12 year oldsIt probably is mostly 12 year old zoomers on adderall, I'm sure she has some viewer metrics that tells her what kinds of people watch her stream.
>>45256498/wvt/ ngmis come here to seethepost every time a new chuuba makes partner
>>45256550moka isn't wvt she was pmg
>>45256490>She really does see her streams as entirely adhd 12 year oldsAre they not? I try watching Filian's streams every now and then, and that's the target audience I feel she's going for.
>>45256498they won't, he's just preparing the thread for when he false flags about her to bait the contrarians into watching her
>>45256423Schizos have been shitting up the thread because of people that have been friends of liggers and gotten talked about before partner way more the last few weeks.When Moka gets in only really ever being tangentially talked about with Mint or meat, but have fans already here that will post about her a decent amount the 0views will explode.
>>45256490Wasn't that literally that stream? They were playing Elden Ring, Filian ended her stream and played for like 3 more hours offline, then Melody joined and they talked about porn or something and Filian left shortly after. She also mentioned wanting to play warhammer with Layna but never delivered. Also even if she's offstream I still feel she's stressed to entertain the other person's chat
>>45256498I think that anon thinks people don't want her here because they hate her and not because she's not partner
>>45256423litteraly who
>>45256615Dunno which stream it was exactly but she was noticeably more chill once her side was off
>>45256569oh, she's pmg? that alone would make me more interested in her.
>>45256686she doesn't make lewd content anymore
>>45256616Honestly I feel like that's the general attitude with those streamers and their audience in general. Like liggership was a question of worth and value, and not just a box.
>>45256594>Already seething Lmao.
Lucy keeps saying 'unironically' because we use that word here.
>>45256682Yeah her balls noticeably dropped, her voice became so fucking deep, like on her alt streams.
>>45256708fair enough. i guess i'll go back to ignoring the conversation about her then unless she has a deep voice.
>>45256725I'm not seething, I actually like Moka but it's exactly what's happened the last half dozen times and it will keep happening because it works
Shondo says she's only putting a "little" Bailey's in her coffee but knowing her that'll be enough to get her tipsy
>>45255809Game oriented vtuber loses her game to hackers, sad
>>45256808Isn't mixing Alcohol with Coffee really dangerous? Like i remember they affected different parts of the brain which makes you all sorts of fucked up and fucks up your heart rate. Shondo is already ill, this might actually kill her someday
>>45256824Tarkov was doomed from the start. The devs don't give a shit about anything but getting a quick buck. Same reason why it's been in "early access" for like 6 years.
>>45256746Literally true
>>45256807going to add moka to my filters, good luck though.
>>45256862Nah, not really. Caffeine with alcohol just stops you from losing so much energy, so you're more capable of fucking things up. Dangerous for morons with no self control, but Shondo isn't really like that.
>>45256903I'm hoping they'll be cool because she's a fun streamer
Why has she been declining in the last few weeks? She's been streaming for 2 hours and isn't anywhere close to 1k ccv
>>45256986she's boring
>>45256986asmongold buff wore off.
my wife is so cute when she's singing autogenerated lyrics
>>45256986Hades is just thirst bait
>>45256986variety is hard to do. every streamer struggles with it
squ fell off
Shondo is live with karaoke
>>45256986i don't know. this is the first stream of hers i've actually watched properly because its a nice game but i imagine not everyone likes roguelites.
>>45257141yeah, off my dick (her ass is very big)
bros Lucy is /lig/posting live on stream right now
>>45257017my wife is so cute
>>45256944Funny how people still think four loko is crazy juice when it hasn't had caffeine in it for over a decade
>>45257295I hope she gets banned
>how many bullets are in a Garand clipfake /k/ whore
>>45257331video games tells me 5, am i right?
>>45256808Where did she say that?
>>45257303>2010 was 13 years ago
>>45257382all me
>>45257365Eight cartridges in one clip.
why are all chuubas appropriating Irish culture today?
>>45257467thats the whole point of St Patricks Day
I'm finally visiting my wife bros>>45257467they aren't they just really like 4chan but forgot to add the missing leaf
>>45257462huh. must be some other gun in all the games.>>45257467it's appropriate irish culture day.
>>45257467You can't appropriate white people
anyone else ever watch/replay VODs repeatedly but only at specific points when you said something and it made your oshi laugh?
>>45257462>clip.look at this normalfaggot
>>45257516She said it herself
>>45257516wait Garand actually uses clips doesnt it
>>4525754618 hundreds americans just spat out their coffee
>k fags malding because someone didnt use their fag terminology heres another, finna cap your asses with my silencer pistol
>>45257547no, but its still cute.
>lucys chat telling her to take boons that are intended for dealing with crowds of enemies when theres only the final boss left
>>45257492>>45257516Garands use en-bloc clips, nogunschama
>>45257492>>45257516>>45257557No, you fucknuggets. The Garand is fed with an en bloc clip. Dumb /k/ posers repeating memes with zero understanding of anything.You've embarrassed yourselves.
>>45257576yes. liggers in shambles.
>>45257547my oshi said my name once when trying to think of a Pokemon character then got flustered because I was in chat, I watch the clip regularly
>>45257546um sweaty celts aren't white
>>45257609>>45257615Holy fucking cope, so dumb
>>45257640I wonder if that guy that made mari say the gamer word is proud of his accomplishment
>>45257547I hate when streamers say my name it makes me feel funny
>>45257664literally the first image with google search "magazine vs clip" disproves this retard
>>45257615I don't care about guns so I just want to say that I need Zen sex
>>45257744Liggers just love biting the bait
>>45257744That's the joke
>>45257732when they bring awareness to my existence it is truly suffering
>>45257664Reditors who redifine words will argue with this
>>45257780wow so funny i forgot to laugh
>>45257295what's /lig/posting?
>>45257807you are seething and I'm laughing
I am (not) going to bake
>>45257744Yeah sure dude, when actual soliders in real fucking combat say "throw me a clip" that's wrong, but some armchair 4channer who has and will never take a life says "umm akshually it's technically a magazine" I'm supposed to pay attention? Get the fuck outta here
>>45257807You're the butt of the joke.
>>45257808she said she fucked (You)r oshi
>>45257547Only when it's a particularly big reaction.
>>45257759Sneaky zenposting in the dead thread
>>45257991I saw that you rapscallion
lig could use more sextoaster posting
>>45256539if they're 12 y/o today then they're alphas not zoomers
Esto es el fin
>>45258494I miss the laimuposter
Alice will finish the thread!