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44184231 No.44184231 [Reply] [Original]

Because Tenma and Pippa give a rats ass about these subhumans. They have to go for the smaller, easier prey. Shame.

>> No.44184700

>Trying to bandwagon on the other two bandwagoners
Jesus Christ, Shit Connect has to be the most miserable "rise" of any vtuber agency

>> No.44184753
Quoted by: >>44190935

Phase Connect getting themselves black-listed hard any% speedrun.

>> No.44185075
Quoted by: >>44197896

You're retarded. She's not going to unfollow anyone. She's saying to send things other than threats, for example why she should unfollow them. She won't, she would rather get dms of schitzos being stupid than death threats

>> No.44185132
Quoted by: >>44185326

Is this more stupid shit about the wizard game?

>> No.44185326
Quoted by: >>44186036

does a catfish have a backbone

>> No.44186036

I don't know much about catfish, but I'm going to guess yes.

>> No.44187346

Henri's going after her and seducing her.

>> No.44190692
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Quoted by: >>44194751

Reminder that anyone complaining about based connect is a [Janny-word]

>> No.44190935

Blacklisted by who? Hololive wouldn't collab with them as they were anyway and the rest of the relevant VTubing scene has spoken about their support for Pikamee and their sadness / anger regarding what has transpired. Lopi herself is aware that the people spouting death threats are the retards in this situation, not Pippa / Tenma. There's bigger reasons people wouldn't collab with Phase Connect than this, they were entirely justified in telling these "allies" that they should kill themselves, and I support that sentiment as a faggot myself.

>> No.44191279
Quoted by: >>44192304

Damn, people must have completely fucking ignored the stream she said outright, "I'm not playing Lego Harry Potter because controversy."
Leave her the fuck alone, she's on our team retarded Twitter trannies.

>> No.44192304

> our team
They attack each other on the regular. Ms Blaire White is a trans woman who gets hate constantly from the troons because she doesn't accept everything they say as gospel. One of the few good trans out there and the others are vicious towards her.

>> No.44192812

>give me reasons instead of threats
They're just trigglypuff screaming at her in DM aren't they...

>> No.44194751

Kill yourself bannedvtmemes and fuck leech connect

>> No.44196984
Quoted by: >>44197896

>please give me reasons instead of threats
the fuck?

>> No.44197896

Because she's probably (like most people, I'd wager), okay with a cancellation for good reasons.
Like a rapist, or someone calling for genocide via twitter and showing up in people's feeds through the follower-of-follower bullshit (goddamn, Twitter is absolutely fucked for having that).
But not some weak shit like "playing wizard game".
Also this >>44185075
>she would rather get dms of schitzos being stupid than death threats
