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File: 1.56 MB, 2000x1625, IMG_20230227_083833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44084618 No.44084618 [Reply] [Original]

>miComet Moments Compendium Spreadsheet:

>Submission form for spreadsheet:

>Song: https://youtu.be/9yBLZKFKXyg

>> No.44084656
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previous thread : >>43876614

>> No.44084658
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Quoted by: >>44084689

thank you op daichuki

>> No.44084666
Quoted by: >>44085392


>> No.44084669 [DELETED] 

Previous thread:

>> No.44084689
File: 692 KB, 2048x1496, B8D7EA33-B1CC-4F52-866D-4698B4DCA97E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44085310
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>> No.44085392
File: 126 KB, 1113x909, micomet vaccine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no meds allowed here satan
we're immune

>> No.44085845
File: 899 KB, 1300x614, 6th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raft kino...

>> No.44086093

>no micuddle as the op
One fucking job

>> No.44086167

next one

>> No.44086214
Quoted by: >>44086299

we already had one and this one>>OP
is too good and it has Migo's approval so...

>> No.44086299

i don't know why but i really like OPs with micomet's approval (likes, rts, thumbnails, official, etc.)

>> No.44086681
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>> No.44088238
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board will probably explode due to a certain graduation, take care of the thread

>> No.44089843
File: 639 KB, 1740x2048, 0FA727C4-517B-4B87-A753-0C5BF25DA4D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44091385

Miko roasting Suityan lol

>> No.44091395

miko: suityan is an idiot.

>> No.44091412

cant stop thinking about micomet playing with their plushies in bed.. cute

>> No.44091789

Miko said Suisei is as stupid as her
That's why micomet is so good

>> No.44093307
Quoted by: >>44102956

they're even dumber when they're together kek

>> No.44096972
File: 248 KB, 1240x1754, AF026589-B3BD-4E81-91CD-CECC0560BC37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44097423
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>> No.44098142
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>> No.44099195
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>> No.44101995
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>> No.44102081


>> No.44102956
Quoted by: >>44103049

miComet = dumb and dumber confirmed

>> No.44103049

FAQ cops

>> No.44103135
Quoted by: >>44103421

micuddle or micometseggs?

>> No.44103421


>> No.44103697

We should name ourselves miCometh addicts

>> No.44104005
File: 653 KB, 2560x1920, micomeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44104398

Could any n1chad translate what Miko said about Suityan today? She was talking about a conversation she had with her and other stuff I didn't pick on
Timestamp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XEiQqHhSAk&t=7030

>> No.44106029


>> No.44107872


>> No.44109345
File: 247 KB, 922x1630, 0D2A4F40-C879-4AD8-8F0B-966E3514EA3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44109405

Going to sleep
Leaving the thread to other anons
It has reached page 8 in 22 mins
Make sure to bump it regularly in 30 minute interval
Current state will probably last until a few days so be prepared

>> No.44110710
File: 17 KB, 241x241, Screenshot_20220110-213647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44111982
File: 323 KB, 1448x2048, 6DD3AFCB-415B-4D51-9327-95F59905B0B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44168293

>> No.44112661
Quoted by: >>44131136

i think she was talking about travelling abroad and thought that time difference is interesting, as how people in the western part of the world are living in the "past" (compared to JP timezone), do cmiiw TL-anon..

but interesting point is, she's talking about this with suityan, now imagine all the braindead talk they were having behind the screens....

>> No.44112912


>> No.44114788
File: 363 KB, 1065x2048, 7E7CF567-1BDF-40E3-B34B-A6C6B630EEC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44117236
File: 287 KB, 652x1260, F4CB780E-1305-43BC-BC99-C40E8E5B7866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44119202
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>> No.44123570


>> No.44126176

For old times' sake https://youtu.be/ZjVWHLKCr54

>> No.44127536
Quoted by: >>44155866

Sauce? Really like the art style.

>> No.44128475
Quoted by: >>44129878

How do you think the room assignments were chosen?

>> No.44129878
File: 461 KB, 1632x1112, 1636962055725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44131136
Quoted by: >>44131988

>but interesting point is, she's talking about this with suityan
>Migger the baiter throwing bait to Suityan
They will travel aboard together

>> No.44131358
Quoted by: >>44132719

She was talking about timezones with Suityan and genuinely believes other people in different timezones are living in the past/future. When chat tells her "was Suityan playing around with you" she keeps on insisting that Suityan is not, an that their intelligence is at the same level or something. Very cute idiots we got here.

>> No.44131988

I mean Shiraken did talk about going overseas together during the collab but it's interesting only Suityan is mentioned.
>They are coming to America to shoot guns and get married.

>> No.44132719
File: 391 KB, 2048x1398, IMG_20210521_090533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how she drags Suityan for being a dumbo too

>> No.44135413
File: 195 KB, 1471x1254, 1651582769144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute retards

>> No.44137875
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Quoted by: >>44165897


>> No.44139886
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>> No.44140942
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>> No.44144769
Quoted by: >>44146473

Nyaao uu nyao

>> No.44146473

Sha sha sha
Sha sha sha

>> No.44148896


>> No.44148911


>> No.44149473


>> No.44149976
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>> No.44150069
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Quoted by: >>44150393

Oh no no no suitopkeks?

>> No.44150393

Just like some of the unhinged miCometchads have foretold
Miko top shall rise

>> No.44151471

>This Tweet is from a suspended account.

>> No.44151730
File: 320 KB, 2048x2048, 20230302_144553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44152188
Quoted by: >>44155629

what did he do?

>> No.44152744
Quoted by: >>44155629

The fuck is wrong with Twitter

>> No.44154293


>> No.44155629
Quoted by: >>44155956

don't know if you saw but twitter was banning accounts linked to that marshmallow thing
because of the api changes
people needed to unlink their accounts or they would be suspended
spaded made a pixiv account

>> No.44155866
File: 110 KB, 685x768, 19B04DEB-1662-4308-92FE-5A7DAADD4462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here friend https://twitter.com/w2qiq/status/1624357071188799488?s=21
he has some of my favorite micomet fanarts

>> No.44155956
Quoted by: >>44156849

Doesn't that mean all Holos are banned?

>> No.44156849
File: 440 KB, 377x534, 98952FF0-F841-4FB6-AB4A-1F72C4F28A16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44157823

i hope not
i think they're only banned if they happened to use it after the api changes

>> No.44157823
File: 86 KB, 249x249, 1665578357545969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44159261

lol her shocked expression is so dumb, i love her

>> No.44158509
Quoted by: >>44158612

Oh no, not my favorite bocchi artist being suspended. I hope his alt accounts are still okay.

>> No.44158612
Quoted by: >>44159036

link to his alts please

>> No.44159036


>> No.44159261

We know it already Suityan

>> No.44159332
File: 412 KB, 2048x1888, 1E8CAA5E-0119-485F-8C09-FC2E14209A3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44160701


>> No.44160701

I love this artstyle but I can't unsee Suityan's hands as grandma hands.

>> No.44161105

was that the result from all the clit-flicking?

>> No.44162915

dude tf why mention? can't unsee now

>> No.44163269
Quoted by: >>44170743

Does someone have the cute fanart of them licking each other's tongues from a few threads ago and the source? I forgor to save it.

>> No.44165224
File: 43 KB, 600x500, DB647515-B49B-47EE-BD07-DBAD1E05C636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44165897

I'm hoping there was a cuddle but this is what probably happened lmao

>> No.44168120

They were playing together on the bed with dolls. That is enough for me.

>> No.44168293
Quoted by: >>44168593

it went from that to >>44111982
source: i'm the tent
not like they'd tell us they cuddled
or that suityan grabbed miko after miko got on her bed and big spooned her kek

>> No.44168593
Quoted by: >>44176106

Or that Suityan grabbed Miko after she got in her bed and mating pressed her

>> No.44170348

Miko is a sleep grabber
she definitely was cuddling

>> No.44170743
Quoted by: >>44171865


>> No.44171865

Thank you. When will they lick each other irl?

>> No.44172075
File: 1.62 MB, 1969x1125, 92184E97-6C07-47EB-934D-892670B33D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44174009

already happened

>> No.44173799


>> No.44174009
File: 78 KB, 621x101, D76CCF5D-0E66-498A-9C50-D33CB315F838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44175791


>> No.44175791
File: 34 KB, 783x540, 20230303_012340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44175841


>> No.44175841
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Quoted by: >>44175890


>> No.44175890

forgot the sauce..

>> No.44175939
File: 347 KB, 1473x2048, 20230303_012650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44176106


>> No.44178371


>> No.44180073
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>> No.44181474
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>> No.44181589

>Miko and Suisei were talking about how going overseas means you're going into the past or future. Chat goes "that's not how it works" and she insists that Sui thought the same, and when overseas people celebrate New Years earlier or later or have daytime earlier or later that means they live in the future or past.

>> No.44182917
File: 127 KB, 1105x828, 16098454-90C6-4395-AF21-6A3844164A38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44182997

i mean... how is that "wrong"?
in a timezone sense she's right
in a reality/physics sense she's wrong because we're all in the present at the same time

>> No.44182997
Quoted by: >>44184612

>>44182917 (me)
unless she really thinks timezones are real and that there are people literally living in the past/future
retarded suityan.. i will love her anyway

>> No.44184612

It's the latter, that's why Miko said she and Suisei are equally stupid

>> No.44185519
File: 78 KB, 850x706, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suisei truly is "dumb as a rock"

>> No.44189110


>> No.44190155


>> No.44190264

total suitop dominance

>> No.44192224

>time dilation

>> No.44194101


>> No.44199180


>> No.44202913

I required further info on where exactly they lick each other

>> No.44212926
File: 2.16 MB, 1952x2160, IMG_20230302_223550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44214816

Fast board away

>> No.44216402
Quoted by: >>44216932

Remember when Miko liked the pic of her blushing with Sui in her lap?

>> No.44216932
File: 439 KB, 720x1335, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the caption of the picture made it more unmedicated.

>> No.44216980

the caption is what made this really gay yes

>> No.44219290


>> No.44219407
File: 654 KB, 1918x1080, IMG_20230224_131109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44221602


>> No.44221631
File: 822 KB, 1986x1383, micuddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44224366

oh faq
page 10

>> No.44226692
File: 186 KB, 1310x965, 1667641112154217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44227997

>Miko liking every gay miComet art Felutia posts

>> No.44229502

>Description: There will be predictable and unpredictable news
miComet marriage announcement

>> No.44231118
File: 1.83 MB, 1800x2000, 20230303_162340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it finally time for micomet orisong????


>> No.44231897

What if Migo is going to announce Migo top and Suityan bottom

>> No.44233735

i woke up just in time, jesas

>> No.44234707

Stream start

>> No.44235713


>> No.44236001

micomet & business mentioned

>> No.44236094


>> No.44236319

fucking kek

>> No.44236431

everything is just business offstream :(

>> No.44236463

miComet is really just business... They're not even friendly with each other...

>> No.44236525

I think they're in fact use keigo behind the scene but of course in their workplace or maybe in meeting so they're not exactly lying

>> No.44237012

only business sex, business kisses, business cuddles, business dates allowed

>> No.44237462
Quoted by: >>44237605

What did Miko say?

>> No.44237605

they use honorific speech behind the scene and they're just purely business. I think she also mentioned about shitty click bait thumbnail from clippers that makes people misunderstood

>> No.44237618

Probably recording at month 1, due that no suichan

>> No.44237649

>no suisei for Miko's birthday
>no micomet original
Pain.... And so many guests like 10? I guess it was recorded while Suisei was on break

>> No.44237773
Quoted by: >>44237898

Something happened between them. Explains why they were seated on other ends of each other on Polka's Shiraken stream. They're even playing down their friendship off stream and now no MiComet for the birthday stream. It is over. We had a good run. Time to move on to other ventures. I suggest Chloe as a new candidate for Miko. They have cute chemistry between each other.

>> No.44237828

Micomet original should be released during Miko's sololive this year.

>> No.44237891
File: 53 KB, 367x88, miCometTV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kino soon

>> No.44237898

nah I prefer Kaela

>> No.44238011


>> No.44238091

No micomet on Miko's birthday was to be expected since Suisei was pretty much a guest and even had special segments dedicated to micomet only in all of Miko's lives last year except for the outfit reveal one. Miko probably wanted more variety this year, no one from Shiraken is there but Polka as well
Though it could have also been due to Suisei's break
Either way I hope they collab more this month, it's been 2 months since the last micomeds

>> No.44238200

>it's been 2 months since the last micomeds

>> No.44238394

That anon lives in a reverse leap year timeline where there's only 29 and 30 in february

>> No.44238421
File: 363 KB, 2048x1098, FZM3t49XgAExlgJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know they were celebrating privately already

>> No.44238443
Quoted by: >>44243584

Oh right this happened lol too bad Suityan couldn't speak but it was better than nothing

>> No.44238620

Miko said to look forward for another micomet's something something, I didn't catch it so let's check the Vod later

>> No.44239158

Is Miko forcefeeding meds again?

>> No.44239195

no, she's joking but anons are too autistic to understand jokes

>> No.44239321

it's going to be another micomet business baby

source: believe me bros

>> No.44239466
Quoted by: >>44240349

When in the timestamp did she say that?

>> No.44239619

No you're just being trolled by schizos
Apparently while talking about the keigo thing she mentioned something about going out to eat with Suisei before stuttering and correcting what she said because she realized it contradicted what she was saying about business lol

>> No.44239712

Micomet has always been business. It's the one and only answer when asked.
Don't stop them from always flirting with each other thoug.

>> No.44240349

N1chad please help

>> No.44240675
Quoted by: >>44255493

>"not long ago, I had a meal with- ah"
kek she slipped it

>> No.44240782
Quoted by: >>44241595


>> No.44241595

>I had dinner with Suityan the other day
>mention Anemachi
She invited Miko to her house again wasn't she...

>> No.44241824

Help pls

>> No.44242215
Quoted by: >>44243203

She just said look forward to micomet future business supplies or sth

>> No.44243203

oh I thought it was something that will come soon

>> No.44243226
Quoted by: >>44243340

I'm surprised there are purists who really believed the honorifics story...

>> No.44243340

Anon they're trolls...

>> No.44243584
Quoted by: >>44243712

>better than nothing

It was fucking KINO, you ain't gonna be happy until they stream their fucking wedding won't you?

>> No.44243712

>you ain't gonna be happy until they stream their fucking wedding won't you?
Yes please

>> No.44244205
File: 751 KB, 1204x701, Screenshot_20230303-074339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44247693

>> No.44244241

>we're getting more stories of offstream micomet in exchange for less on stream micomet
I'm fine with this to a degree

>> No.44245399
Quoted by: >>44246467

>gaslighting fans with business meme for over 2 years now

>> No.44246467

don't kinkshame

>> No.44247693
Quoted by: >>44248059

>we really do business together, seriously
Is it the sort of business that I think about?

>> No.44248059

It's immediately what I thought about...

>> No.44248247
Quoted by: >>44248625

Thinking about it Miko said she recently ate with them? Does that possibly mean Suityan met the family? And did they spend the 27th together?

>> No.44248625
Quoted by: >>44249295

Migopis, does Miko have any irl friends in Tokyo to spend her birthday with?

>> No.44249295

I think she doesn't care about her real birthday that much since the vtuber community celebrates her vtuber bd and it's become a more special day for her
I mean instead of staying on call with shiraken she played hogwarts for like 5 hours after the collab

>> No.44250900
File: 727 KB, 913x343, mikochan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44252433
File: 761 KB, 1140x583, she's an idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44252679

>> No.44252440


>> No.44252679
Quoted by: >>44252727

Clip link?

>> No.44252727

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv68t26E7IE kek

>> No.44253386
File: 117 KB, 1000x1079, FqUCPt4aMAAjGEh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44253445
File: 493 KB, 2048x1781, FqT6Bm5aYAAV_ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44253718
Quoted by: >>44255270

Why are Micomet hiding behind a bear.

>> No.44255270

i was too focused on their pets
probably some skyrim au idk
also the bear is probably (99%) dead kek

>> No.44255493
File: 283 KB, 816x816, Screenshot_2022-10-25-21-36-42-828_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44256856
File: 186 KB, 1200x962, 6ABA2759-B8E3-430C-BB16-E3C26F013730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44257005
Quoted by: >>44257544

Looking forward to the Micomet performance on Miko's birthday stream.

>> No.44257544

they're gonna perform Kimagure Mercy

>> No.44257940

Schizo seething because Miko went to the Hoshimachi house to eat with Suityan again kek

>> No.44259229

simmons bed doko
i need business details

>> No.44259242
File: 254 KB, 1051x1488, micomet 179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kino soon

>> No.44261878
File: 211 KB, 448x500, IMG_2921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need answers. Why did Miko stop herself from talking about her recent date with Suisei (at her house?) What did they do besides having dinner?

>> No.44261882
File: 408 KB, 2000x2850, 20230224_021523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last bump bros i'm going to sleep

wii wii woo

>> No.44261943
File: 218 KB, 1920x1200, 20230211_205245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what did they do

>> No.44262022
File: 118 KB, 209x237, straddled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did they do besides having dinner?

>> No.44262083

remember when miko was still awkward being touched by suisei on vark?

>> No.44265037

they did business.
very intense business.

>> No.44266458
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>> No.44267866


>> No.44268022

>Anemachi says Suityan is a liar
>Miko said when she saw the clip of Suisei saying they speak in keigo and the comments were full of people being all coping and "I'll still support Miko even if it's business", she showed it to Suisei and they had a huge laugh about it
The fucking meme of Micomet being the ones to shitpost about business to divert Micomet attention for fun is actually real. Micomet cuddling in bed and laughing at anons being tricked by their master business plan might have actually happened.

>> No.44269816
Quoted by: >>44274091

Imagine micomet laughing at the schizos here after sex

>> No.44270938

They are great friends

and even better lovers

>> No.44272851

i always knew they were /here/
suityan is the one mikotopposting
mikochi is the one suitopposting

>> No.44274091

It's miComet MO
>Being gay
Rinse and repeat

Do your schizo reps
They are the schizos

>> No.44276134
Quoted by: >>44279352

The best part of their deflections is when they are out of step with each other, for example in https://youtu.be/6T8U7ylxDEk
Suisei sound genuinely taken aback by Tadokoro's retelling of Miko's words and quickly overcorrects.

>> No.44278239
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Quoted by: >>44279537

>> No.44278274

I love when they do cute shit together... like when Suichan played Sakurakaze for Miko in Rust

>> No.44279352
Quoted by: >>44282373

And now Koro ships them
Imagine being so gay even a seiyuu who doesn't know shit about hololive and vtubers ships them

>> No.44279537

10 hours of raft...

>> No.44282373

micomet too powerful
that's why business is always thriving

>> No.44290525
File: 367 KB, 1632x1846, 1643870570242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these two look like they have something more than just a business connection? Be honest with yourself.

>> No.44290627

I remember suichan saying that she enjoys to do obvious lies
cant remember which stream it was

>> No.44292393

They look like they do business every day

>> No.44297533

>page 10

>> No.44300866
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>> No.44302214

it's always
>business *giggle*

>> No.44304872
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>> No.44305172

so basically business means seggs?

>> No.44306150

Almost looked like the lizard is fucking the bear.

>> No.44307163

Life of business

>> No.44309058


>> No.44309511
Quoted by: >>44309822

>Suisei not invited to Miko's live
Is it finally dead?

>> No.44309822

no your mother is dead roru

>> No.44310972
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Quoted by: >>44311896

I miss leak like this

>> No.44311896

But now we have line stories

>> No.44314083
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>> No.44314085


>> No.44316674


>> No.44318169
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>> No.44318689
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>> No.44319108
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>> No.44319363
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>> No.44320262
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>> No.44320866
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i love this artist so much

>> No.44321038

Miko talked about why Suityan is not a guest

>> No.44321266
Quoted by: >>44321348


>> No.44321294

I knew I heard business friend a couple minutes ago.

>> No.44321348
Quoted by: >>44321415

Wanted variation in guests this time plus Suisei was busy

>> No.44321415
Quoted by: >>44321556

What anyone could've guessed.

>> No.44321556

But sisters told me they hate each other now...

>> No.44321723
Quoted by: >>44321891


>> No.44321891

Suitop supremacy

>> No.44323182

Suisex put on a bit of weight apparently
what are the implications?

>> No.44323482

Breast milk is high in fat.

>> No.44323955

business pregnancy

>> No.44324459
Quoted by: >>44328552

She needs to stop sucking on Miko's tits if she wants to lose the extra weight.

>> No.44326146


>> No.44327777

suisei and miko sitting under a tree
doing business

>> No.44328064
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>> No.44328552
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Quoted by: >>44330206

can't blame suityan though, i mean look at those

>> No.44330206

god i wish i were suityan

>> No.44330496

Would you rather be Miko and get fucked by Suityan? Or be Suityan and fuck Miko? Or neither and just watch the sex?

>> No.44330660
Quoted by: >>44330969

I would rather be Miko and cuddle and kiss Suityan and make sure she feels happy and comfy

>> No.44330969

Me too, anon...

>> No.44331307
Quoted by: >>44331651

Frankly, it's not really a big issue
Content wise, the variation is great this time
Got some Holomems who rarely collab with Migo and there's senchou
Migo and senchou combo is kino a pity that the bl book issue happened
And last year we got miComet in Migo's 3D live for her birthday and anniversary

Another miComet baby

>> No.44331651

Miko is the bottom she's the one who gets pregnant

>> No.44332219

I hold the belief that miComet's business should be observed, appreciated, and preserved
I want to be the cameraman
And you forgot another options

>> No.44332285

i wanna be babysui and sucks on migotits

>> No.44332515
File: 3.12 MB, 710x562, 1647814222011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44332631

>Miko bottom Suisei top
>Suisei is the one who got preganant
>Similar to seahorses' pregnancy

>> No.44332573
File: 73 KB, 1000x1000, 20230305_023244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44333857


>> No.44332631
Quoted by: >>44333837


>> No.44333837

Suityan impregnates Miko to steal their child's milk...

>> No.44333857

>bunnies breed like crazy
run migo run! suibun will not let you rest!

>> No.44334446
Quoted by: >>44335689

>Implying suisei didn't spend the night celebrating miko's

The time for public friendship is over, all is private now...they moved onto the next stage

>> No.44335689

It's okay, I got to observe their business
I am the black Simmons bed for today

>> No.44337104
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>> No.44337412
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Quoted by: >>44337582


>> No.44337582

Should I make a summary of micomet moments from February? I did it for January and might do it for every month to have a quick-to-check compilation besides the compendium

>> No.44337627

did not mean to quote anyone

>> No.44337894

that would be great anon!!

>> No.44339995

A nice compilation https://youtu.be/SkMcnZRdcM4

>> No.44342000

the title is so cute, what the hell

>> No.44342480
Quoted by: >>44343236

Post the Miko version too

>> No.44343236

Sure https://youtu.be/Gqgpn0kdLCg
Also, anyone got a clip of Miko's failed new years totsu?

>> No.44343994

Pretty sure Yuna clipped it

>> No.44344331


>> No.44346689


>> No.44347927
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>> No.44349337

fast board

>> No.44350420
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>> No.44351661
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Quoted by: >>44352994

>> No.44352200
File: 907 KB, 3026x1786, teetee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44352919

>> No.44352919

Sucks that neither of them do birthday totsus anymore. I'd love to see how much things have changed since this totsu

>> No.44352994


>> No.44354982


>> No.44355599

yt rec lol

>> No.44355647
Quoted by: >>44369179

add him to the list

>> No.44360152

Fast board hate

>> No.44366426


>> No.44369179

The end made me laugh.

>> No.44369671

Suityan comforted Miko during the sports festival, called Miko right away when she was lonely, and cooked breakfast for her while glamping.

I wonder if Suityan fusses over Miko in private. "Mikochi, how's your week going? Any troubles? You know you can always talk to me if anything comes up!"

>> No.44370209
Quoted by: >>44371706

She also cleaned up for her on Christmas while she was streaming. Suityan is a good wife to Mikochi.

>> No.44371706

pregnant woman needs to be spoiled

>> No.44372766
Quoted by: >>44374004

The way that Suisei sounded super nervous when she called up Miko and was caught on stream is still one of my favorite miComet moments of all time. They don't want us to know how close they really are, but they hang out together all the time and push the boundaries (swapping positions so their models can be intimate) and get nervous around each other. Business is booming

>> No.44374004

Love that they can't stop themselves from giggling when they say they're business
And now we even have confirmation that they laugh at comments that believe them

>> No.44375048

I just notice that we can narrow down when was the dinner at Suityan's place happened. Miko said that she shows the keigo clip to Suityan during the dinner so it's obviously happened after Suityan's last stream because the clip is taken from there and also before Miko's minecraft stream because it was when she mentions about the timezone thing she discuss with Suityan. So basically the dinner happened between Feb 26 - Mar 1 there's a chance it was happening on Miko's RM birthday, but I guess it's weird because they celebrated it on Suityan's place

>> No.44375419

I mean it's possible they invited her for dinner specifically for that.

>> No.44375636

during that period of time, she only took a day off at Feb 28 and coincidentally wrote "wii-wii-wo" on her Tweet so I think you have a point

>> No.44376911


>> No.44377162

wii wii woo means sex

>> No.44378418

>Feburary 28th happened to be on Tuesday
>Suityan wanted to give a surprise Migo for her birthday, so she invited Migo to her place with some random excuses
>Migo arrived
>Suityan opened the door with a cake in her hand and sing happy birthday to Migo
>Migo eat dinner at Suityan's place
>Suityan invited Migo to her bedroom for her "birthday present"

>> No.44378629

I could see it being like
>Happy birthday Miko how are you doing, did you plan anything
>Eh not really I'm just staying home
>Wtf you inkya baby come over tonight or else

>> No.44379723 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.44381161

this is what I thought too damn

>> No.44382191

miComet sex
