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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43885434 No.43885434 [Reply] [Original]

Gura… just what happened to you? This proves she can stream but only doing member-only stream. I can already predict her upcoming streams:
>march 2, showcase stream
>march 5, shills her merch on twitter
>no stream for 2 weeks

>> No.43885491
Quoted by: >>43885590

>just what happened to you?
She realized membership money > everything

>> No.43885590

Also she’s gonna sing the same songs she’s already sang like fucking 50 times.

>> No.43885732

She likes to stream for her members more than the general public. Shocker. Maybe the masses shouldn't let their brainrot show so much if they don't want streamers to steer clear from them.

>> No.43885768

I knew you faggots would immediately go for another angle as soon as she announced a stream. You're so predictable.

>> No.43885832
Quoted by: >>43885953

99% of supas come from members anyways, so members only streams make them feel more 'exclusive' and thus encourages even more supas.

>> No.43885851

>She likes to stream for her members more than the general public.
>1 stream in 3 months

>> No.43885953
File: 192 KB, 1200x960, FoujOjBaEAESV4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43886128

>muh SCs

>> No.43885973

Need more money for my honey and I on our stay in japan

>> No.43886075

“Hey guys, I’m going to do a str-“
>MEMBERs ONLY she only cares about MONEY
>UMMM ONLY three streams this month she hates us
>waaaaah waaaaaah waaaah

>> No.43886128

I'm going to tell you something that's going to shock you.
Vtubing for most of these girls is a job.
I know that the concept of a job is likely foreign to you, but the point of it is to make money.
Let me know if I'm going too fast.
Supas make money for Cover. The more money she makes for cover, the more she gets paid. The more she gets paid, the better her overall lifestyle.
To simplify: Money = Good.
I hope that wasn't too much for you.

>> No.43886141

And chumkeks will still keep falling for it and keep paying her for it. God I wish I were in her position. I could do the bare minimum and get paid a bunch for it. She's living the dream life.

>> No.43886189

Financially she realized you guys are cucked beyond belief and she can bully you into buying a membership for her streams.

>> No.43886726

Really? To those losers (except me) ?

>> No.43886875

don't project your cynical whore oshi's behaviour on everyone else, chumkek

>> No.43886977
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, merch-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43887030

> gura "fan"
> posts outside of /ggg/

>> No.43887089

what a bitch

>> No.43887171

>call It gura unplugged
>as if 95% of her fanbase would catch the reference

>> No.43887269

The GOAT vtuber is back LETS GOOOOOOO
