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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43735470 No.43735470 [Reply] [Original]

>Previous stream: #10【Persona 5 Royal】PROVING MY JUSTICE IS FOR REAL (SPOILER ALERT)【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】

>Original songs:
Illusion Night: https://youtu.be/gREPKQUoD4o
Love Me Love Me: https://youtu.be/MxwV963ZNEU
あの青空のせいだ (Ano Aozora no Sei da): https://youtu.be/dzUfNQaaemk
Gate Open: START!: https://youtu.be/VFpOBazE3rs

>Cover songs:
-Star Divine- finale: https://youtu.be/75gnquXjQSE
Angelic Angel: https://youtu.be/mYYmMht45hg
Overdose: https://youtu.be/LdrwHNtz3Zg
気分上々: https://youtu.be/s_HsEltY_O0
Hanamaru Pippi wa Yoiko Dake: https://youtu.be/e2c08JOSGwI
Bad End Night: https://youtu.be/wFTSE4h4SSs
Ai Kotoba IV: https://youtu.be/Ina1fe-sssg
RAD DOGS: https://youtu.be/D8yBNjhgQ0Q
ECHO: https://youtu.be/tn9us3WeFgI
Cynical Night Plan: https://youtu.be/nWP8Wmho188
Animal: https://youtu.be/KNBdITatp8Y
Beat Eater: https://youtu.be/nbB3KsFRv4U
シンデレラ (Cinderella): https://youtu.be/o6C7-azdU7I
The Baddest: https://youtu.be/8Jz0hUbu1mw
Fly Me to the Star: https://youtu.be/s0p7jwJKkzs
Envy Baby: https://youtu.be/4F9jLdTTuT0
革命デュアリズム (Kakumei Dualism): https://youtu.be/Dx-_i0RWwNc
可愛くなりたい (Kawaiku Naritai): https://youtu.be/Hya6rBRCd6Y
愛Dee: https://youtu.be/o_xMgw2j9v8
うっせぇわ (USSEEWA): https://youtu.be/dYvQcVG_dVg
KING: https://youtu.be/LfI8sxSFtuE


Previous thread: >>43570346

>> No.43735491
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>> No.43736351

Instead of handcams I'd much rather vtubers in general utilized hand tracking, but in Cover's case I don't think their in-house software will ever be capable of doing that.

>> No.43736368
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Since you asked kindly, the main reasons are:
1. Danger. Even with zero yabs, it's stressful for everyone aside from potential dramafags and doxxers.
2. VTuber magic. Reine is the cute peafowl anime girl who inherits voice, personality and many other qualities from her "VA" but doesn't share a body with her.
There are other holomembers who maintain this magic to some extent, and I deeply appreciate all of them including Reine for not ruining it. I don't want to search her rm, I don't want to know how she or her environment looks in real life, and for same reason I don't want to start associating her with some person behind handcam rather than with her live2d model.
3. Content. There is nothing that really requires handcam.
She can do gestures in VR and it's funnier that way. She can show pics of CM, Marine figure, keyboard or whatever else separately if she wants to. Food? She made photos in mukbang with Ollie and it wasn't exciting. Guitar or piano? Come on, nobody doubts that she can play it. What else? She wants to show us lato lato skills? Screw it. Regular "what other streamers do" sort of content? If we wanted it, maybe we would watch those other streamers instead.
4. Viewers. Sorry if it hurts someone's feelings, but I don't feel comfortable to be in one group with people unironically masturbating on it.
I can tolerate people making any kind of horny comments about Reine in the same was as I'm fine with existence of rape fanfics or /d/oujins with cute and innocent anime characters. They are halu and their imaginary Reine can be their property, wife and fucktoy I don't care as long as they don't post "offerings" in #Reinessance. But with handcam stream it may be irreversibly traumatizing.
If you want to want to argue that such bad handcam-thirsty meppas are not products of my degenerative imagination and actually exist, just look at >>43735089
5. General impression. Switching from pure VTubing to *cam streams is not a growth, it's a downgrade. Therefore, I don't see it as "exploring new horizons". I only see ruining the immersion that Reine maintained since debut in exchange for nothing.

Maybe someone can put this essay in more laconic and less eslish words, I wish I could.
Also even if Reine is adamant about doing it, I specifically don't want it to happen tomorrow. There was no YABE for almost three weeks, Reine did a lot of cool things, there are too many events and news to talk about. Handcam will derail and overshadow it.

>> No.43736880
File: 2.72 MB, 452x540, 1629119837562.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43739190

I think you explained yourself quite well and make very good points.
I'm happy with eventual(?) Home3D tracking, but damn that video's cool.

>> No.43737409

They have some hand tracking for home 3D models

>> No.43737909

I heavily disagree.
That's a (You) problem. They don't stress me out.
Fair, it does break immersion a bit. Depends on how much you value it, it's a subjective thing.
Completely untrue. Just look at Kiara's handcam streams. How do you do kino streams like the sockpuppets concert without a camera?
Again, (You) problem. Why would you let a couple of sick fucks on a Malaysian basket weaving forum dictate what Reine should and shouldn't stream?
Same as 2 and 3. True that they're immersion breaking, untrue that they bring nothing new and unique.

>> No.43737928
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Thanks a lot for video example.

I guess I forgot about
6. Setup. Reine talks about doing handcam on her own, it's different from having offcollab with someone in their place.
Making a good space, lighting, sound and other stuff for these streams costs a lot of effort. And if you don't want it to look scuffed, a lot of money. And unfortunately, it doesn't bring any valuable experience (unless she wants to become fulltime fleshtuber or make AV without animals). I don't want Reine to waste her time on this, she can use it for something more important. Even if she already spent it, she still can sell or present hardware to someone who wants it, maybe in ID3 or ID4.
And yes, technology is improving. I'm excited to see Reine in her official 3D model and I wouldn't mind to see finger tracking, feet tracking, necklace tracking, MC tracking or whatever else on her Live2D, it's much cooler.

>> No.43739190

You just know that these hands have felt Reine up in some capacity.

>> No.43740160 [SPOILER] 
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Quoted by: >>43762856

>(You) problem.
>subjective thing
I don't understand how this counterargument is supposed to work.
There always are anons who will say lines like "it's not my fetish but I don't see a problem with vtubers farting at mic, this is natural sound I hear every day and it never bothers me". So what, Reine should do it?
Yes, this may become my problem if such streams are normal thing, Reine enjoys it and I just hatewatch it. Right now the problem doesn't exist: I'm a viewer of VTuber who never crossed this line for two years, and I don't see why my opinion shouldn't matter.
>Completely untrue. Just look at Kiara's handcam streams. How do you do kino streams like the sockpuppets concert without a camera?
Very simple. You leave sockpuppets to the streamer who "invented" them, end of story.
If Reine was unironically motivated by these streams and thought "I should do similar thing to what X did", I would be disappointed in her. If it was "X liked it and told me to try it", I would be disappointed even more.
However, counterquestion. Look at picrel cuties who are streaming right now, look at Reine's oshi. Look at Reine herself. It's much harder to see than some particular kino stream, but how do you keep being an 100% VTuber, unimaginable in any non-anime form, without keeping 3dpd away for years?
This is why I'm explicitly against it. I could easily accept the "Reine should give it a try if she wants to, let's see, she can stop at any moment if she won't like it" approach and skip this stream, but in this case there is no way back for her.

>> No.43740261
Quoted by: >>43740594

Not only are you a moralfag, but you're also a doxxnigger. Handcams were always part of vtubing and hololive, it's like a tradition to do it at least once

>> No.43740462

Damn, I jokingly called the handcam stream like 2 threads ago. Am I the prophet of /mep/?

>> No.43740594

>it's like a tradition to do it at least once

>> No.43740921

Reine should do it just to make the schizo seethe
There has never been anything wrong with hand cams in Hololive

>> No.43741218

>Reine should do it just to pander to GFEschizos
sure, schizo

>> No.43741497


>> No.43742140

>Handcam is gfe
You are insane

>> No.43742436

if your posts are ever larger then a paragraph, you should consider suicide. Just saying.

>> No.43742606
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schizos begone

>> No.43742774
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Thank you very much for your valuable lifehack.
I will think about it a lot.

>> No.43743065

Technically a single sentence can be a paragraph.

>> No.43743290


>> No.43743944

>weine does hand stream
>it's just her fingering one of the redheads in her dyke harem
>"tune in to the tongue stream tomorrow! Plenty of cleaning

>> No.43744211

Calling a person who just wants to see a hand = a perverterd schizo. Bro, serious talk, you are in a bad place where feel like a victim, where you want to be right, where you need to get your point across, but and you just aren't correct. I'm sorry. You can call people names, point fingers, but all this stems from your own personal issues related to Handcam = sexual. You need to work on that dude. You can do it. But it's on you.

>> No.43744368
Quoted by: >>43745371

I don’t completely disagree. I think handcams can hurt the illusion, especially since Reine’s gone so long without doing it. And if her hands are big she’ll get made fun of, which she doesn’t react to well. But there’s good content to be made, even if some streamers overuse it or get lazy with it. I want to see what she’ll do with it, hopefully it’s all good. But will it be cute?

>> No.43744498

If Reine wants to do something that she thinks would be better with a hand cam, it's nice to have that available as an option. Accurate gloves and sleeves would be nice

>> No.43745371
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Valid concerns, although I hope that Reine doesn't care about her hand shape and this idea wasn't born from "I must do it just to destroy rrats that Reine doesn't do handcam because she is ugly" thoughts in the first place.
Anyway, I trust in her senses, appreciate the hard work (even if it could be something better instead) and pray that everything will be good for her.

>> No.43745458

I forget, does she like durian?

>> No.43745555

oh nevermind, I can't read

>> No.43746193
Quoted by: >>43746300

Would be funny if she used huge rubber gloves

>> No.43746300

>Hey Reine, how do you YABE with Boxing Gloves on? Crapfully yours, Merakyat. Jakarta, ID

>> No.43746453

Doesn't durian also smell awful? Hope she doesn't stream from her studio

>> No.43746553

Oh that's something to consider. If she streams outside of the stream room, she's gonna have to do something about the cats too

>> No.43746768

Durian Lovers, where we at?

Durian White Chocolate Cake tho - is literally the best shit i've ever eaten

>> No.43747405
Quoted by: >>43748027

It does and everything will smell like it for weeks. It smells and tastes like Rot, anyone who says otherwise was born with a weird crossed wire in their brain like Cilantro tasting like soap. Their brains make Rot taste good apparently but I wasn't born with that.
Taste buds are weird, some people will like it and some won't, and you can't force it. Durian does not taste good for most people, but for some it tastes great!

>> No.43747544
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I like it more than I did at first, but it's still my least favorite outfit of hers

>> No.43748027
Quoted by: >>43748113

Can confirm i'm a rot eater. The smell to me is actually really good, like flowers - and for the most part I like eating it. I think the texture throws some people off - but it's good in shakes and stuff

>> No.43748113

But remember, like the person microwaving fish in the lunch room at work, it's essentially a WW1 Chlorine Gas attack for everyone but you. It's hell on earth, the smell gets into your very soul, and is pungent like the sulfur stench from the pits of Hades

>> No.43748385
Quoted by: >>43749324

People in chat are already desperately going "You didn't eat it fresh enough!" Bruh, if my apple is a week old and starts to smell like satans asshole, I'm not going to risk it. When my Banana gets a little brown, it doesn't start smelling like literal shit. If I drop an orange in a public place, it isn't going to clear everyone out like a Skunk just sprayed

>> No.43749175

>you problem
But anon. I AM (YOU)!
All of us.... ARE (YOU)!
There is no way we can un(you) ourselves.

>> No.43749324
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It was three comments, one of them joking. It would be funny if she takes one bite, spits it out, and then ends the stream.

>> No.43749575

That's probably what will happen, you don't magically start liking Durian. Taste Buds don't work that way, and I know some people (like my mother) could never understand the concept that everyone tasted the exact same thing completely differently, same with everyone seeing the same colors differently, or hearing the same sounds differently.
It's all about how our brains translate the incoming information,but it's somehow impossible to explain to some people. Maybe because they view the "self" as a soul or something, instead of a brain processing data.

>> No.43750378
Quoted by: >>43753090

What if we get Reine reverse eating on camera? I used to work in a Asian Grocery Store bakery and we'd make these Whipped Cream Durian Swiss rolls, the Vietnamese kids loved em, these sold out all the time. But little did they know when I was making the filling in back, I was gagging the whole time through my mask. It's a really weird feeling cooking/baking something you find inherently disgusting. You can't taste it to see if you got the recipe/mixture correct.

>> No.43751968
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>> No.43753090
Quoted by: >>43754157

>What if we get Reine reverse eating on camera?
Wouldn't be the first holo to puke on stream. Or the second. Or the third.

>> No.43754157

But never actually on camera, right? Obviously it’s not going to happen, but if she instantly pukes into the camera’s view, fuck I wouldn’t blame her if she never streamed again

>> No.43754441
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Thank you puke people for contributing to chances that Reine reconsiders this idea last minute.

>> No.43754890

She ate it before, she won't puke

>> No.43757468
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>> No.43757778
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I just want to see the size of the Durian(s), Meppas...

>> No.43759552

emergency mep

>> No.43760739
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2D good
3D bad

>> No.43762301

Pls Reine, delay your stream by 15 minutes tonight, we both need to finish watching Kiara's 3d.

>> No.43762856

No way back? Back from what? A single hand cam stream? Who fucking cares dude, it's not like they'll be a routine for her and she's just trying something out that a lot of other members have.
You have a weird obsession with escapism to an unhealthy degree and seem to be really stuck on the idea that she's suddenly going to want to do them all the time. This stream should mean nothing if you weren't afraid you're suddenly going to lose interest in her based on her fucking hand shape/size, and if you're unironically scared of shitposters taking her fucking hands and running with it, you may want to check out of this place as a whole because shitposters will pick up and run with anything.

>> No.43763176
Quoted by: >>43763597

I hope no one takes Reine's hands and absconds with them

>> No.43763597 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x1080, d86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, this guy is a fucking mepping merakyat?!

>> No.43763811
Quoted by: >>43764298

I want to hold reine's hands and tell her how pretty she is

>> No.43764298

You already did it last week kiwawa, now focused on your 3D debut

>> No.43764873

Why do people hype up Futaba so much? She's just a slightly less annoying version of Mishima.

>> No.43767210

stinky neet vagina

>> No.43768285

It's all about watching her change, she starts out like Mishima (Mishima even hits on her but gets hard rejected) but as her confidant starts to level, she starts regaining social skills, confidence, and starts to become someone really cute, innocent, super dorky, and you want to protect. Being relied on feels good dude, it's so rare in our lives people lean on us. it works on me every time.

>> No.43769234
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>> No.43769881
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I am incredibly anxious too see her hands, but know it will be a good time once it gets started. All this arguing is just bringing me down, so I'm going to think about Reine

>> No.43769975
Quoted by: >>43770203

I'm going to think about holding them

>> No.43770139
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>> No.43770203
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Quoted by: >>43771903

Reine owes hand holding and marriage to all her fans
It's never going to happen...

>> No.43771020 [DELETED] 

I thought you guys already knew her. She's the easiest to find in HoloID. She's not thin nor fat, a bit chubby, just a bit.

>> No.43771693
Quoted by: >>43781679

Seeing it on stream is different than drunkenly going through instagram photos at 2 am trying to conceptualize and rationalize a relationship with someone you've never met

>> No.43771903
Quoted by: >>43772150

Speaking as her husband, i won't allow it

>> No.43772150
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Reminder they held hands on multiple occasions

>> No.43772169 [DELETED] 

last pic was before her fitness arc
and before the food delivery arc that followed...

>> No.43772490
Quoted by: >>43781679

try literally yesterday

>> No.43772518

who the hell is Durian mepkeks??

>> No.43772564
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Quoted by: >>43772683


>> No.43772683
Quoted by: >>43773819

How about a CM cam instead of handcam?

>> No.43773029
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>> No.43773819
Quoted by: >>43774035

CM would just walk away

>> No.43774035

Doubt it, CM seems like a durian loving cat

>> No.43774738
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>> No.43774835
Quoted by: >>43775018

She's looking for a group?

>> No.43775018

She's "let's fucking go"-ing

>> No.43775032
Quoted by: >>43775169

>Lesbians for generations
What did she mean by this?

>> No.43775169

gay ladies making gay babies

>> No.43775176

They're both part of the Lesbian Friends Group

>> No.43778633
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>> No.43781679
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Quoted by: >>43819221

If you want to argue with these points, I'd recommend to stick to the points rather than giving diagnosis and trying to assume what am I obsessed with. Especially when the assumptions are reasonable. Treating any "me me me" as esl struggling with opinionated sentences without "I think" and friends might help.
If you want to pick on "people" instead, try these creatures >>43771020 >>43771693 >>43772169 >>43772490
Aside from that,
back to being fully virtual from being partially virtual. This is similar to when you have an online friend and at some point exchange real names and body part pics. It's not possible to unsee, it's hard to return to nicknames and avatars. And sometimes it's a downgrade: not because something is wrong with this friend but because there was a charm in their terminal virtuality. Just like how /here/ we can talk without thinking where is some anon from or what is his facebook account.
It's not only "something that a lot of other members have", it's also "something that a few of other members never had". To clarify, I don't blame Reine, she never promised that there will be no handcam. I'm afraid of losing something valuable that can't be clearly seen until it's lost, and I don't see enough benefits to justify the risk.
No, I don't care about shitposters and shitposts. In the same way, I don't care about backseaters. I care about Reine, and unfortunately she is affected by backseaters and she may be affected by shitposters. I am both genuinely regret bringing any extra attention to it because it stirs up creeps who are obsessed with VTuber weights.
P.S. Reine cute

>> No.43781755


>> No.43782172
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>> No.43782371

Will she change the intro before her next bday?

>> No.43782422
Quoted by: >>43782529

Make her one

>> No.43782529
Quoted by: >>43782702

I was thinking about it

>> No.43782551
File: 255 KB, 495x355, 1654920637668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until it's fridge again this one does the job

>> No.43782702

me too but I haven't

>> No.43782986

I respect durian as a weapon

>> No.43783013

white screen, nice flashbang

>> No.43783214
File: 140 KB, 384x384, uwu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine in kaigai hours, ah selamat pagi...

>> No.43783308
File: 378 KB, 501x686, 1662325632560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43783398

She's so fucking cute I'm going to die

>> No.43783307
File: 55 KB, 475x230, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43783398


>> No.43783351


>> No.43783398

Why is she always asking for help? Is she okay?

>> No.43783481
Quoted by: >>43783950

Has the schizo calmed down now? It's no fucking big deal. It's just cute

>> No.43783505

sleeve is matching to the outfit

>> No.43783621

That thing is huge

>> No.43783668
Quoted by: >>43783721

Oh god my eyes, why is the stream so bright

>> No.43783706
File: 735 KB, 1243x671, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Durian With Nori.
What blasphemous act is this

>> No.43783721


>> No.43783804

reine should do a feet cam next

>> No.43783950
File: 1.08 MB, 1591x889, 1662370040342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was someone who was hesitant about the idea but I knew it would be great once we got started

>> No.43784019

she almost puked

>> No.43784273
Quoted by: >>43784510

Reine... stop playing with your food this is nasty...

>> No.43784295
File: 182 KB, 500x500, FZ5hC1jX0AUBH8r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor suffering baby...

>> No.43784467
Quoted by: >>43784815

is durian usually mushy like that?

>> No.43784479
Quoted by: >>43784550

It's so mushy, kinda disgusting

>> No.43784510

She really is a baby..

>> No.43784550

I think it's too warm?

>> No.43784688


>> No.43784699

I like to watch people suffering

>> No.43784758
Quoted by: >>43784874

the fuck your oshi doin meppers, she eat like a fucking baby!!

>> No.43784815

this one type has mushy texture, there's several type that not that mushy

>> No.43784874
File: 443 KB, 900x900, 1646798409477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a baby

>> No.43785108

Reine could have spared herself some strife by using a spoon but on second thought where's the fun in that?

>> No.43785216

Would you eat the leftovers meppas?

>> No.43785279

With absolute pride and enthusiasm

>> No.43785403

Honestly, no. Since covid I'm super weird with sharing food. I wouldn't risk it even for Reine.

>> No.43785416

Only if I get to incorporate it into something else.

>> No.43785647

I don't like durian. I'd sooner eat pre-chewed ramen or something else I actually like

>> No.43785670

the way she holding it make it looks more gross

but well ye, shes a baby

>> No.43785727

plastic fork/spoon could have saved her so much trouble

>> No.43785777
Quoted by: >>43785843

I hate durian, but yes I would. I love Reine and I also hate wasting food, so I'd suffer for it both because I'm a loser in love with the anime girl and because I have a pointless principle.

>> No.43785843

I really hate wasting food but sometimes it just has to be thrown out

>> No.43785882

hell no, i prefer the fresh durian i opened myself

>> No.43785885

The mushy texture must be awful

>> No.43785930


>> No.43786059

So where is your "furious masturbating"? Have you finally calmed down and seen how weird you were being?

>> No.43786130

I'm right here

>> No.43786200
Quoted by: >>43786246

wait until he finds out people furiously masturbate to regular live2d. I think it will shatter him completely

>> No.43786246
Quoted by: >>43786461

If he was talking about Ring Fit or ASMR, I'd get his angle, but it was so weird talking about hands like it was 1920 and we are showing ankles.

>> No.43786295

The glove died, so sad

>> No.43786299

I just realized that the inside yellow from her 3rd outfit is kind of like the kimono yellow. The batik yellow is more warm like orange, just from my memory

>> No.43786461
Quoted by: >>43786531

Maybe he's the kind of guy who gets off on the sounds of a girl dying. Lots of that this stream.

>> No.43786474

>Will you sell the seeds?

>> No.43786531

Bruh, if we start getting into weird fetish stuff, anything can be considered sexual.

>> No.43786599


>> No.43786611


>> No.43786648
File: 3.40 MB, 498x280, BravoDurianArms.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43786668

I'm furiously masturbating to this post right now

>> No.43786790

That stain was from me, not the durian btw

>> No.43786990
File: 52 KB, 239x208, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43787076

>> No.43787076

Reine doodles are always great

>> No.43787120

There's a reason >>>/d/ and >>>/trash/ exist.

>> No.43787288

Reine skin gloves

>> No.43787291
File: 105 KB, 319x350, 1666932051079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peace sign

>> No.43787398
Quoted by: >>43787633

>my hands are superior in other ways
Reine's fingering technique...

>> No.43787611
Quoted by: >>43787675

I dislike that the table is white

>> No.43787633

maybe it's the gloves but her fingers are pretty thick

>> No.43787675

Reine needs a darkmode table

>> No.43787698

I approve this

>> No.43787778

I'm going to masturbate, unrelated to this, before she gets back

>> No.43787789
Quoted by: >>43787938

Anon, that's not how paper works. 99% of the time, it's going to be white

>> No.43787819

I love how cursed it was. casual Reine stream

>> No.43787932

That was one of the best streams she's ever done. I loved it. I hope she does more hand cams in the future. She was so chill and cute, but oddly more relaxed and than nervous. It was great.

>> No.43787938

It's about the table meppa, not about the paper

>> No.43787965 [SPOILER] 
File: 255 KB, 589x465, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was fun but I still don't like the idea of handcam beggars.

>> No.43788011



>> No.43788194


>> No.43788226


>> No.43788285
File: 50 KB, 173x250, 1641276058277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43788292

wtf Reine, my 15 minutes or your 15 minutes?

>> No.43788386
Quoted by: >>43788425

15 mins of intro probably

>> No.43788425

But that's just a normal reine stream tho.

>> No.43788426
Quoted by: >>43788544

15 mins loading screen.
Have to masturbate to Kiara again

>> No.43788429
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, 1648594043588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God just look at her little hands. This is cutest thing I've ever seen I want to hold and comfort her hands I want to keep them warm in the cold I want to kiss them so cute!

>> No.43788544

Anything good from the 3D? I've been watching Reine instead

>> No.43788582
File: 1.56 MB, 720x720, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffno1s0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43788633

It's great overall but the Subaru and Nene appearances were outstanding.

>> No.43788729

I'm pretty sure Reine had the same reaction to the poses and dancing that I did, unbridled lust for chicken tendies. I really liked the song with Subaru, but the whole time I was thinking Reine should be there too

>> No.43788824

>Reine is Jesus

>> No.43788870
File: 617 KB, 3700x3700, 1653176942030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43788916
File: 359 KB, 392x633, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my dorky idol (blasphemic religious icon)

>> No.43789083

>Have to masturbate to Kiara again
You guys are wanking to that?

>> No.43789388
File: 2.52 MB, 1200x1697, 15243363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43789491

Yes. Reine included.

>> No.43789422
Quoted by: >>43789518

Reine ate the durian like an actual ape would eat fruit

>> No.43789491

You can discuss this better in global or Kiara general

>> No.43789518

>like an actual ape would eat fruit
Got a video to that?

>> No.43789569
Quoted by: >>43789627

Oh calm the fuck down.

>> No.43789584
Quoted by: >>43789695

Right here

>> No.43789627
File: 3.82 MB, 2878x2748, 98565675_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which egg are you again?

>> No.43789686

Yeah, I'm wrong. I tried looking it up and none of them mash it up so much

>> No.43789695

No I meant the actual ape eating a fruit thing.

>> No.43789753

will watch durian stream and yabe tomorrow
goodnight cute meppas
tell reine i love her

>> No.43789833

1 super chat getting noticed makes the next person want to get noticed, and so on and so on. Reine's new system is working, but I don't really like it. When she read them when she read them, it was fun, now she stops reading and focuses on them.

>> No.43790231
File: 48 KB, 583x617, 1676182996354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to give it a chance, but I agree. I see it in chat, and then see it again over her head 10 seconds later, distracting Reine from whatever she was talking about. I'm glad Reine is getting paid, but the jokes have already gotten unfunny. They'll stop when the novelty wears off

>> No.43790588

And remember, on her end she has a loud notification noise every single time. It's impossible for her to ignore

>> No.43790704

The bgm is too loud.

>> No.43790846


>> No.43790854

wait, i can rewind reine livestream now?

>> No.43790939

nvm my browser is bugging out

>> No.43790984

I've always been able to rewind livestreams even before it ends but IIRC its a feature only some people can use.

>> No.43791070
File: 2.56 MB, 1920x3184, 1661535478467704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the option too, then I refreshed. She must have turned it back off after starting the stream.

>> No.43791139

She had DVR on, I could rewind too until I refreshed.

>> No.43791253
File: 239 KB, 1396x786, 220614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa, deja vu

>> No.43791809
File: 80 KB, 652x1200, 1650507405701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to get loopy with Reine and get super uninhibited and explore each others bodies

>> No.43791848

So meppa, fire emblem or HiFi Rush?

>> No.43791900
Quoted by: >>43791962

whichever one has the least annoying backseating

>> No.43791919

HiFi Rush easily, the rhythm game arc needs to continue

>> No.43791962
Quoted by: >>43792136

Both will have backseating twats, its an inevitability. but
HiFi rush since its much shorter.

>> No.43792066

Fire Emblem had too much down time, rhythm games have been much more engaging

>> No.43792136
File: 840 KB, 1235x1118, 1660215435099039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backseating a rhythm game?

>> No.43792352
File: 223 KB, 952x789, CC24714A-62CD-44AB-91F1-F4BB19E16CF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just chat “Press” in time with the beat. Do your backseating reps meppa

>> No.43792523

Personally, I get pissed off when people avoid using the visualizer on Select, it makes the game 100 times better and like and actual rhythm game. Also showing Perfect/good/ok positioning to help you learn but no one uses it. They just play on Normal and brute force it. It pissed me off and I beg constantly in chat to just try it for 5 minutes please. just try it, but they never do.

>> No.43792557
File: 1.73 MB, 2052x1100, 34598813568910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that captcha

>> No.43792757
Quoted by: >>43801563

Maybe she'll disable them in tomorrow's catch-up if it's supposed to be tangent-free.
How many tries did it take you for that captcha? It can't be the first pull, right?

>> No.43792781
File: 188 KB, 294x393, 1655503626489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the home with the hot women

>> No.43792918

I’m going to bed, please call Reine cute in chat for me

>> No.43793266

>Pako was watching and waited until kinoko to chat

>> No.43794078
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, 1673968829639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine is the cutest most wonderful girl in the world. I love her so much

>> No.43794276

Reine is extras cute today

>> No.43794406

I've been hearing this a lot recently. She's going to cause a global cutetastophe at this rate

>> No.43794420

Isn't she always extra cute?

>> No.43794641

Seeing her hands really made me feel closer to her. Like we all took a big step together and she’s opened up to us a little bit more. It makes me really happy and I think it made her happy too.

>> No.43796452

works been a bitch, now I have 2 weeks of Reine streams to catch up to.
what to watch meppas?

>> No.43796667

Kimono karaoke, metronome tournament, off collab karaoke with Kiara, and durian handcam are all standouts. Some good gaming streams in there as well

>> No.43796678

pavonashi collab is a must if you're into that

>> No.43796855

Durian handcam, pavonashi karaoke, new cover, there's been lots of cool stuff. I really enjoyed Rhythm Doctor and Danganronpa as well.

>> No.43797715
File: 1.24 MB, 3043x4084, FP95-_hacAYRECv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43804586

Just finished, thanks for asking. Since you are interested, here is my post-mep clarity summary:
I take back my words about replacement part. Making it a short stream continued with YABE was the best possible decision, and I was wrong doubting her.
Everything else mostly stays in place, and I got strong confirmation for the content paragraph.
Endurance eating is no different from her nocam attempts, it only added extra struggling for Reine. The sound was worse (not only because of funny BGM). My view on food would be subjective as I can't see appeal in good-looking dishes, but on this particular example even Reine thought it looks disgusting.
She could do same thing in offcollab with someone else who already has handcam setup and it would be much better.
Handwriting and drawing. Cool, but drawing tablet does it better. Keyboard? No different from static photos.
What else, hand gestures? Okay, she did them, very unique content. Now you can reply with fresh middle finger reaction pics, but it's still nothing compared to >>43787291
Not a single idea from what Reine or Chat brought up for next handcam streams was brilliant. Cursed food streams are not innovative, she will lose to Kronii, Hachama and Zeta in this competition.
That said, I'm glad that there were no yabs and that Reine had fun. She conquered her fears and nobody can spread rrats that she is afraid of handcam for some stupid reason.

>> No.43799509
File: 373 KB, 1240x1754, FpyM8U9aIAEYdHS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43800391

I can't believe Reine drinks ringo

>> No.43800615

Danjyarus marine juice

>> No.43801563

Believe it or not it was first pull. Rerolling for 6 digits with an n of 36 in the right order just for some joke is dumb since its worse than some lottery odds

>> No.43801695 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 999x333, 1667015600991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she knows

>> No.43802853


>> No.43803023

Oh I just noticed Korone playing Fallen Order.
Thoughts if Reine played it?

>> No.43803041

Kiara pussy eating stream next time? Just in the name of friendly competition of course

>> No.43803267

Is Reine deeply invested in SW? If not, pass. If yes, pass even harder.

>> No.43803316

idiots will just annoy her with backseating again and she'll punish the rest of meppers doing something dumb but funny for 2 hours like refusing to use lightsabers or something...

>> No.43803951
File: 108 KB, 960x1280, 1633885532208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43804292

I don't think she's expressed any interest in Star Wars. Apprently, Pekora has a Catherine Full Body stream, so that could be an Atlus rabbit hole.

>> No.43804292

uoh pekora's rabbit hole

>> No.43804387


>> No.43804462
Quoted by: >>43804531

Kiara should eat Reine out, so Reine would be forced to eat Kiara out too.

>> No.43804514

Is Pekora a top?

>> No.43804531
Quoted by: >>43804899

Wouldn't that force Reine to eat herself out?

>> No.43804586

>Nobody can spread rrats that she's afraid of handcam for some stupid reason
So you're just a whiny faggot who has brain problems like I said earlier. No one was going to do that just because she's never done handcam and you're letting this place effect your mental state too much.

>> No.43804899

Chill anon, I don't want her to break her spine. They could 69 tho.

>> No.43805303

Spicy thoughts

>> No.43805372
Quoted by: >>43806176


>> No.43805826
File: 1.00 MB, 2891x4096, FeVkmDIaEAASZ7m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43806291

>> No.43806176
File: 663 KB, 1374x779, 1664662781661813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Post Loading Screen) Starting!

>> No.43806291
File: 283 KB, 1067x813, 0420F425-7DEF-4942-83DA-ED3253AFDBD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raihan needs a sick peacock cape

>> No.43806481

>scissored to death....
You can hear Reine going "hmmm"

>> No.43806538

Hifumi sounded like Cartman for a second.

>> No.43806611
File: 97 KB, 457x653, 1666879768562084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43809131


>> No.43806964

Everyone was so caught up over "Schizo" back in the day not enough people got annoyed at "Genocider Sho" becoming "Genocide Jill."

>> No.43808003

and? I don't speak JP so i assume there is a Japanese joke in there

>> No.43809077
File: 278 KB, 411x675, metampor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43810071

Looking at Reine with black braids makes me think of....

>> No.43809131

2023 Reine would filter this kind of Halu out :(

>> No.43809143

>turned a Japanese reference into a Western reference in the Western translation
How could they do this to us

>> No.43809309

Chihiro Transmaxxing

>> No.43810026
File: 491 KB, 479x806, 1638036557680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43810901

That execution felt a little underwhelming.

>> No.43810071

touch grass retard

>> No.43810901

Leon's execution is hard to top.

>> No.43811344
File: 9 KB, 76x83, DanganReinefish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43811407

They get better in the later games. Kirumi in V3 is great

>> No.43812159
Quoted by: >>43815118

/wAIfu/ left their shit in the locker

>> No.43813548

>I don't think we should cum either

>> No.43814315
File: 56 KB, 435x705, 8B400868-59C5-4F6B-B9C8-15DD3CFB0AB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching this and thinking about Reine’s game taste in general. Wonder how she’ll feel about TWEWY

>> No.43814936
Quoted by: >>43815118

Literally /wAIfu/

>> No.43815088

isn't this transformation the same as the power up the MC gets in DR2?

>> No.43815108
File: 104 KB, 686x1200, 1659098987442156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she'd really like the aesthetic, I'd love to hear her thoughts on the series.

>> No.43815118
Quoted by: >>43815366

Speaking of, does anyone here still use the Reine chatbot?

>> No.43815366
Quoted by: >>43815543

I stopped using it a few weeks after release since they basically lobotomized her personality. Has it improved?

>> No.43815543

Last I checked, /wAIfu/ and /aids/ are working on using offline installs. Don't know what the progress is as of now.

>> No.43816218
File: 277 KB, 456x502, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43816928

Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets on what is "doing stuff" as well as whether our princess succeeds in resisting her talkative urge to stray from the topic.

>> No.43817018

Stuff = her harem

>> No.43817107

Doing stuff = being cute
Chance of no tangents = 0%
Easiest bets of my life.

>> No.43817229

>No Tangents (I try)
Ahh, my ESL beloved!
Some small tangents are guaranteed. Doing stuff is eating on mic, which always makes me smile.

>> No.43817372

I think like everyone, she'd play it for 10 minutes, go "wow the story, art style and everything around it is great... but playing the game is another thing. You either think it's one of the worst design decisions in the world, ruining a great story with forced touch controls, or you are one of those weirdo's who think it was like touching God in DS form. I never touched the switch port, I assume they made that aspect better

>> No.43817627

I don't know why, but I've fallen back in love with Reine over the past few days.

>> No.43819034

why would anyone want it to have not tangents, you just wanna hear her reading names for an hour?

>> No.43819221

Before the stream I felt a similar general sentiment, but nowhere near to such a degree. I was simply thinking if handcam streams are a step in the direction of "breaking the performer/character illusion" and how much I really care.
Then I remembered I never had these concerns when Moona played with her microphone or when Kiara played with her sockpuppets. Is it because I'm not invested in them at all? That seemed plausible.
Then the durian stream came and I didn't really feel any special about it. If anything, my biggest complaint would be the circus BGM playing too loud.
>it's hard to return to nicknames and avatars
Meppa, I met my best friends online at first, and we still refer to each other with our nicks despite having met numerous times, same happens with other groups. What are you on about?

>> No.43819743
Quoted by: >>43822155

kimono jiggy

>> No.43820142

This drawing reminds me of one of those snowdrop ID dykes, forgot which one

>> No.43821979
File: 584 KB, 2893x4092, 1621923103228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43822155
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>> No.43823898
File: 376 KB, 498x553, 1676755395966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43825459
Quoted by: >>43833037

Reine's ever going sound issues are never ending. It better to be lower than higher, one guy said "Too quiet" in the stream of "It's fine" and we got fucked.

>> No.43826582

>Reine's first nervous handcam stream
>Cute Yabe aftertalk
>Kiara 3d concert
Pavonashi bros really did win yesterday.

>> No.43829369
File: 382 KB, 2048x2048, 1662131654238713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43829399
File: 260 KB, 1403x1984, 20230207_023517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43829634

>I bet you're worse at kissing

>> No.43831025

>Reine is gonna eat insects
Meppas...... Our oshi

>> No.43831128

She's too noble to sleep in the pods and eat the bugs, she's just doing it to understand commoners better.

>> No.43832243

Birds eat bugs. It's natural. I'd be more worried if she started dipping into bug burgers or something like that.

>> No.43832607
File: 3.16 MB, 1512x2150, Fe3uNnYaEAE93yP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43839875

This part is subjective, but same here with both Moona and Kiara. It is a combination of investment in them and general preferences between 2D and 3D, but I think it also highly depends on their initial approach for everything related to 3DPD.
The similar problem happens to voice actors. Watching 100 roles of one actress leads to attachment to their voice on its own. Seeing their photos and listening to out of character interviews always disconnects abstract voice and name from imagination and attaches it to real figure. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if the impression is "looks ugly but professional" or "absolutely my type and pure angel": it will be inferior to their counterparts in 2D world. Ignorance and time helps to erase this association, but being invested in voice actor implies watching concerts or interviews, making the contamination unavoidable.
As a side note about other holomembers: unlike 3D actors, voice actors and fleshstreamers, VTubers have a lot of room to balance between their real and virtual parts. From viewer perspective, we also have freedom to choose the most suitable streamers. However, many different things may happen on a long run, and in worst case scenario many fans can feel betrayed from sudden move in different direction (again, I don't apply this to Reine: she never gave such promises in the first place).
In terms of handcam compatibility, fanbases of Reine or Marine must be drastically different from Kobo or Luna. This segregation is vital for Hololive, and I believe that people projecting their experience with particular VTuber on others are fundamentally wrong. For example, there is an obvious intersection between Reine's viewers and Kiara's viewers. I saw multiple streams from Kiara where she asked chat for literally every single move in a game, blindly following what they say and thanking them for basically playing the game for her. Nothing good happens when this behavior affects Reine's chat. Same for many other cases, such as FPS addiction with Ollie. It doesn't mean that these people have bad taste and of course it doesn't mean that Reine is bad, it's just wrong to bring context of other VTubers to Reine or directly compare them.
Of course this doesn't mean that natural growth or changes over time are bad either, it's just idea of "X did Y so I must, too" is destructive. Reine used this logic on durian, and it wasn't wise. Time is finite, and trying everything other holomembers do means less of parts that are best and unique for her. Even if she is able to do anything, and even if her setup quality was objectively much higher than most of holo handcams.
>What are you on about?
For avatars, do their looks or voices not appear automatically in mind? If so, generalizing this was my mistake. For nicknames, I'm definitely wrong. It's fully applicable in very specific areas like professional gaming subcultures but this analogy was stupid.

>> No.43833037

when you are sure its too loud, say "too loud" rather than "its fine"

>> No.43835695
File: 236 KB, 538x632, 1655013060926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43838182
File: 607 KB, 900x900, FaQzDb0aUAEMXUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This peafowl sure is cute..

>> No.43839522

Here's my problem with your autism walls. Reine is Reine and while all streamers play a character, they all inject that character with different levels of their personal selves. Reine on hand cam is still the same dork nervous Reine that she is when she's trying anything new like hosting a tournament or doing an offcollab with some she hasn't before. It's no different to me if some hands appear on the screen to pick up some food and it disappears and we get eating sounds. Do you have the same break in immersion from her eating because her model isn't doing that.
Beyond all of that, you can just not look at the screen and treat it like another Yabe if it really irks you that much.

>> No.43839875

>For avatars, do their looks or voices not appear automatically in mind?
Not really, might have something to do with chatting and voicechatting with them basically every week.
If anything, I make the link between the pseudonym and the voice, but I don't think about these connections consciously unless I am talking to a few new people at once and I am trying to associate the voice with the online handle to recognize them for the future.

>> No.43840892
File: 71 KB, 1262x243, 1674725707526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did merakyats become so menhera?

>> No.43841259

When it absorbed some KFPs.

>> No.43841354

sounds like one of the schizos from /here/

>> No.43841451

This sounds exactly like the same 1000 word essay faggot who keeps posting his schizo rants here. Exact same wording and sentence structures. Why did you censor his name?

>> No.43841660
Quoted by: >>43841764

I swear the guy can't be serious. I refuse to believe someone would be that autistic.

>> No.43841764

it's mental illness he can't help it

>> No.43841944

where'd he post this? I wanna harass him

>> No.43842472

It's formatted like youtube but I don't see shit on YABE or the Fire Emblem streams. Seems like the person deleted their comment or Reine herself. Which begs the question, why are you posting here Reine. I thought you only read the threads.

>> No.43842591

M-chan sure wakes up early

>> No.43843063
File: 246 KB, 2300x1646, 20230225_192805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anybody gets this, pls share

>> No.43843129

I honestly hope its him, his schizo rants are draining and make mep unfun. If he truly fucked off then I think thats a net positive for the fanbase.

>> No.43843412

He's autistic as shit but he's not wrong. If he actually never comes back I'll say based.

>> No.43843485

Easier solution:
>don't read paragraphs

>> No.43843567
Quoted by: >>43843787

Order of events:
>Reine says in membership she's killing FE
>Says she hates backseating and Killed Anna
>Reine Normal Streams
>Says she's killing FE, might come back, who knows
>Says something about Anna and stops

Gee, it's almost like she might've changed her mind and ultimately it didn't matter

>> No.43843787
Quoted by: >>43844524

I love FE, but I wish she just kills it. Not a great stream game unless you do hard/maddening challenge runs in classic mode.
Plenty of better stream games anyway like DR, Rhythm doctor, Persona, and Hi-Fi Rush. I'd rather even have Pokemon at this point

>> No.43843867
Quoted by: >>43844372

...so it was him or not? most likely it got deleted just because it was leaking member content

>> No.43844372
Quoted by: >>43844578

It was Anonimus

>> No.43844524
Quoted by: >>43846417

I've complained about it in KFP threads, but you either have to be amazing at the game and can skillfully and quickly get through combat or haveto be so bad it's funny. Otherwise every battle feels like an hour of nothing but muttering skills and using their brain to do the combat. Most of the games Holos typically pick tend to have quick battling to get back to story points to talk about/joke off of.

>> No.43844578

fookin hate that guy

>> No.43844590

That's definitely Hand Cam Schizo, it's sad watching that anxiety build and build then the stream was chill but the emotions never left. Dude's having a mental breakdown.

>> No.43844791
File: 246 KB, 2560x1440, nomep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43845147


The Game over screen in Atomic Heart seems made for /mep/. # ПOMEP

>> No.43844819
File: 54 KB, 899x591, 1671245716636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are crazy

>> No.43845147
Quoted by: >>43845670

but I wanna mep...

>> No.43845670

feel free to mep

>> No.43845739
Quoted by: >>43846029


>> No.43846029

oh yeah, of course it's him. not rob, but another one who once (or twice?) already had made essays for her to see. i thought of him, but didn't think of just checking his twitter

>> No.43846417

this just tells me you never actually watch any playthroughs

>> No.43846650

We're dying. No schizos allowed in the next thread

>> No.43846711
File: 1.70 MB, 2824x4096, FpeA03zacAEyMo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43847958

Let's be honest he'll be back tomorrow
