I love Ina!
Enma love!Reminder to love Enma while you enjoy your oshi's stream!Any delay or cancel of stream content may not be within the responsibility of HololiveEN management team, please consult COVER corp. for further information
Attention, I come to claim an image slot in the name of the great Mori Calliope.This image slot NOW belongs to Mori.Mori LOVE
Early thread but this one
>>436907I love Tina too!
Alright this message was from a deadbeat to Kiara, you can't even say this was KFP message uses "Mori" not "Calli"https://youtu.be/FJ8Dp3ZNa9c?t=8298>>"Thanks for keeping our boy company all this time I'm glad you got time away from streaming to be honest">>"It was so sad to hear Mori struggling with collabs">Ehh what do you mean, what do you mean with that?>Ah with other Japanese members>>"Any chance you'd use your Japanese skills and holotalk connections to help make her dreams come true">I never heard her struggling because of Japanese knowledge>I guess we did kinda talk about collabing off stream and I guess she was worried that>if people would collab with her if she asked>and I told her "OH MY GOD CALLI, if you would ask a hololive japan member if they wanted to collab with you">"EVERYONE WOULD SAY YES, I told her everyone loves her">I'm like "what the hell calli no one would turn you down">"and also your Japanese is decent enough to have a decent conversation">"so please don't be scared">Everyone loves her what the hell>but yeah I told her if she wants to collab with someone she can make it happen I'm sure of itIf that was true Kiara then why does Mori say stuff like>Nice, ah hmm. I feel like my favorites are always busyK:Doesn't matter doesn't matter>or maybe they don't want to collab with meK:Oh that's unpossible everyone wants to collab with you. what the hell>I don't know maybe we can'tK:Of course, IN HOLOLIVE MEMBERS>I don't know maybe for some reason we can't>ehhh I don't know. This is too hard, this is too hard.K:You can collab with any hololive member>I mean can I? I don't knowhttps://youtu.be/gkH4u_ZUICE?t=1748>>"Homeless Jesus">Oh I wish, don't bother charlie about collabs anymore guys don't bother him about it>I tried I don't think it's going happen though, yeah. >I think it's just gonna be hard for me to do collabs I think>There are a lot of people I want to collab with>It's always kinda like a "no">A lot of people are like "calli doesn't collab very often">Its because it's like "no" everytime>So I kinda gave up>I get it, so hey for the time being I'm going to make great stuff on my own
I love this dork!
Its your fault Mori, why did you KFP in the game
>>436863>>436853The fuck did she say?
For the anon in the last thread who missed this.
Gurame love!
>>436918Jesus fucking christ
>>436912>Enma loveNot now, not ever.
>>436920LOVE MORI
>>436914Beautiful >>436918Why did you do this to my oshi?
I can't believe this
>>436619AmeJershua Feeder MoonKoopersfuck you
I'm going to research ways to make Amelia less cute because my heart isn't strong enough to handle her anymore.
>>436943Not today, not tomorrow?
>>436918Needs to be naked>>436914Needs to be clothed
>>436918Holy fucking cursed, that looks like my 70 year old aunt.
Be honest, did you doubt Amelia during January?
>>436914Cute>>436918Not Cute
>>436920Mori I love you. But I’m fucking dying
>>436928>the haatons have stitches around their neck>Haachama cut off Haato's headHow deep does it go?
Only 20 more hours until the next Ame stream teabros!
I do hope Ame reads some SCs before Sunday, even if she has SC turned off 1M celebration and Valentines stream is going to have a ton of SCs.
gura cute
>>436946I've started just taking random drinks whenever on top of the drinking game.I really should've done some predrinking before this
>>436920Based, this is deadbeat turf now
>>436948she can't keep getting away with it.
>>436950No matter what you think anon, she will give you her love and there is nothing you can do about it
>>436907>>436919Me too!
>>436929She probably meant Coco or the Holostars? I dunno.Also meds.
You ready to throw down with Mori on the mountaintop, deadbeats?
[Sad News] Mori is already over the drink driving limit, we've only just reached noon and she's already admitted to owning 15 Omocat shirts
>>436937Thanks, anon.
Well guys, did I lie about sending Ame an aka for completing Super Saturday? Did I?
>I want you deadbeats to cumMORI?!
>>436972You're gonna regret this decision if you're playing anything but easy mode, anon.
>>436973when will she do a rd2 stream
>>436948I miss you Gura...
Did she just say the same thing two times in a row, word by word?
I will ask this again. Any clues about Bamco permissions?I thought we supposed to get Dark Souls this week and I didn't see any Katamari Damacy in Ame schedule...
>>436918I can't even tell if this is a man
>>436929I ain’t reading this shit nigger
Holy shit omocat came by?
>>436955No, I was annoyed with all the falseflagging did my reps and enjoyed some great streamsA Short Hike was great
>Big OMOCAT fan
Ame is going to move near Gura so we can have offcollab kino whenever they want!
>>435606I think this take has always been retarded. They talk like that because they're narrating everything they do and forcing interaction, which is part of being a streamer. I've never taken an attempt to fill dead air as being patronizing, the fact that you do is on you.
Man I cant wait for my date this weekend!
>>437001Enma fucked it up and they are gone now
https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1359168689245986820>I practiced a lot for this! Mostly English songs today but sprinkled some JP and German ones in too!So how many Hello Project songs are we getting 2? I guess it's fine to have the idol-song tax if it means she's doing majority English and hey chance of more than one German song is nice
>436989Shut up nigger no one cares
>>436984What the fuck is omocat? I just know them from this game but I guess he’s an actual artist or something
>heavy breathingIs she already drunk?
Gura cute!
Gura has a mystery collab tomorrow
>>436955No. If I don't have faith in my oshi, then what's the point? Her streams were still good throughout that period anyway. I will say I'm keeping my expectations for her jp reps, uh, tempered; I don't think that's unreasonable.
>>436966Don't forget the special message for investigators!
>>436982Fighting Mori at the mountaintop and bridal carrying her back down after I win.
>>436955I did but she just had a depression episode so glad it's over
Has no game creator come into Mori's stream before Omacat, or am i confusing that with Gura and Ina?
fatcat in a cubehttps://files.catbox.moe/ifczuz.webm
I just realize that I love Amelia so much bros...
Oranges are coming...
>>437006JESAS she'll hit it overnight
>>436955no, anyone who bought into the stupid narratives about her schedules was ignoring the months they supposedly watched of her before that. Ame LIKES streaming and she just came off three weeks of events in a row. Christmas into New Years into her birthday, each with a 7-8 hour super sunday.
>>437010Oh no mori...
[Sad News]Mori is drinking on a Wednesday morning.[Good News]We're invited
>>437022see >>437010
>>437017Blumenkranz please
>>436955I'm just glad she got over the obvious depression she experiences during that time of year. Ame is a sweetheart and deserve to be happy.
>>436973until we all fucking die
>>437001I'll give it to her soon.
>>437035she had manga artists and translators instead
supa chad destroying everyone's liver.
Gettting our livers to shut down because Mori wants us to become TRUE Deadbeats as she gives the big ups to all these supachatters who won't stop giving her money doot doot.While Coco and Aki, flex their muscles and partner up to kick some dino ass with some powerful Ark play.While Perfect Super Hyper Form CEO Nenechi is being cuter than usual today like every day as she fills our tummies with her sugary delightful voice that contains carbonic acid.So friends, where we at?
>>436968technically the top message is new
>>437017idol songs in a kiara karaoke are a given at this point.excited for the german ones though.
>>436973Posting more Mori art.Mori I love you!
Ina is secretly lewd
>>437006Chama is working hard
>>437028It's with Shion and Marine, Ina will be joining her
>>437002It is. It's some TwitterTranny callled Magical Boy or some shit, sourced from the last thread.
>>437033Oooh, so close.
>>436977AME LOVE!
>>437058Just started, two sips of wine in, I feel nothing yet.
>>436955Ever since she did that dumb schedule fuckery I've been kinda wary of her. Still tune into her streams though.
>>437001Too good to be true.
>>436929I don't care what you just postedBut Mori please collab with her
>>437058Right here Ayamefriend!Mori hurts my ears sometimes!
>>436955I believed in my oshi.
>>437006I couldn't be happier for my oshi! Once she hits 1mil I hope she drops the whole storyline and just keeps being Haachama
She is LIVEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmyHd8YFDkw
>She's already cryingMori, what the fuck. Switch to water and don't tell us or something.
>>437049I knew mori was a fucking shota
>>437028It's with Pikamee and Mamaloni, Jerma will join them later.
>>437036finga shotto!
>>437012i like it when gura talks to me like i am a child, it's comfy
>>437060One day I just hope to get a karaoke with 0 hello project
>>437091She is?
digging through my images and found this, enjoy
>>437010God I wish that were me
>>436965Same, she got ~200 just during this Mario stream. We're looking at probably 1000 SC just from 2x Mario and 2x Nier, and the watchalong. I assume the AmeSame collab will be on Gura's channel because that's Ame's style whenever she can get away with it.1M celebration and the date will get a fuckload, also AI dungeon got ~150 last time.
>>437001assume it's on a per game basis until you hear some actual announcement. If they had blanket permissions they'd be making a bigger deal of it but I wouldn't expect them to get it.
>>437082She needs to go on a short hiatus again, that'll do it.
>>437064>Ninomae "please step on me" Ina'nis>secretly
>>437010Fucking kek
>>437039>>436964It just goes deeper
>>437084I agree collab onegai..
>>437028it's DBD with anya and shion
I love Reine!
>>437101You couldn't hear her tearing up a bit?
Pls watch my daughter https://youtu.be/XmyHd8YFDkw
>>436966I can't handle it...
UPDATE:Ark Coco POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3hZ-lBJMUArk Aki POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq0AWlWebzwNenechi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmyHd8YFDkw
Mori is absolutely precious and a treasure of this world (and of the underworld)She is absolutely going to die during this though.
>>437127Yeah, it wasn't legit though anon.
Do you like Pekora?
Calli is going to die live on stream
>>437117>ywn share that pockywhy live
>>OP>Was playing HK>Spooked by No Eyes' singing/ost>Decided to visit the thread>This OP
>>437010>Mori’s type is angry shotas that she can coddle like children during the day and then fuck her brains out during the night
>>437058Congrats on your oshi hitting 700k!
>>437138She’s ok but I despise her fans
>>437096Eeerrectin dayo
>>436977I don't deserve it, but I guess I'll accept it.
ENTER, the bird.
Why doesn’t Gura’s manager or friends convince Gura to make original songs?Kiara spent her money on two already.
Things I love about Mori!>Her bullheaded resilience and willingness to try and try again no matter how hard it gets>Knows what her passion is and took huge risks to realize it>How she's not afraid to like what she likes and be herself even if others call it cringe>How she's always focused on improving herself and doing her reps>How she's not afraid to open up about herself and say embarrassing things at her own expense>How she's a dork who tries her hardest and looks cool doing it>Mori CUTE>Mori!
>>437135i find Aki's voice completely irresistible.
>>437109It must suck being an M vtuber. Most of your viewers are M and can't give you what you want.
Bros, I can't keep this to myself. About two weeks ago, I went full schizo for my oshi. I just needed to know. I went through every VOD, every twitter post and every archive, read and studied every rrat, and followed every trail of information I could find. After days without sleeping, connecting all the dots, I have finally figured out that, in reality, Amelia is Gura's sunshine!
RIP Callis liver.
>>437096that would unironically be fun
>>437084Remember that moment when she was ending her first unarchived karaoke stream and people started requesting her to sing a Mori song, but when she saw the name she didn't realize they were requesting and just immediately went "Calliope? I really really want to collab with her..."Susie...
>>436995Maybe after she finishes papers please if she feels like pulling her cowboy voice out again.
>>437006>Akai Haato got the 1m>not HaachamaHaato is a whore
>>437162It's in the production, according to Gura.
>>437022She's a fairly popular artist. Her work doesn't do much for me, though.
>RumOH FUCKShe's going back to her sensei today. RIP
Will Mori make it to the studio to record her songs?
It's noon and she has work later but she's getting shitfaced. God bless this fucking retard.
>I'm out of Don Perignon>Gin it is!this girl is a wonderful disaster
>>437137She's not that good an actor.
>>437162Gura said she's working on multiple just because she is slow doesn't mean it ownt happen
>>436955No, she never let me down before unless it was something completely beyond her control. If you don't have faith in your oshi you're weak.
reminder there actual bugmen posting here in broken englishGo give aki and coco a SC to make them madhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3hZ-lBJMU&feature=youtu.behttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq0AWlWebzw&feature=youtu.be
>>437162Why are you so retarded? Answer that first
>>437109Ina is the kind of girl who keeps bondage rope and gags hidden in the back of her closet.
>>437064>Wanted Ame to step on her>"AME NEEE-SAMAAAAAAAAAA">Understood Kiara's feet size to tentacles analogy"Secretly"
>>437138I really enjoyed her playing Monster Rancher
>>437162good things come to those who wait
>>437102>he doesn’t have an alt he uses specifically to reply to his oshis withngmi
Mixing drinks, ending lives.
>Going straight for RumWe might actually see the first EN vomit on-stream tonight
>>437102not seen that in a while, here's some random shit from my screenshot folder.
>Rumthis woman is going to regret this
>BacardiMori's going to fucking die.
>>436955Only for like an hour between when she posted the schedule and when she explained that she just needed a break but didn't want to go on hiatus completely.
Does anyone else feel like Gura would be really nice to hold in your arms while she sits on your lap? In addition to being small I bet she's really warm like a child. She probably wiggles and squirms around a lot too.
>>437102If you're gonna cheat with anyone you could do a lot worse than Coco-kaichou.
>>437135Aki was smart enough to start with member's only chat on.
>>437189I think you're naive, but I don't care enough to convince you otherwise.
>>437118>ShionSo she managed to curb her depression again? That’s pretty niceAnd if it’s with Anya, then they have a perfect translator. Even Roberu said Anya is better than actual Japanese people
>>436955I didn't doubt her but I was annoyed with how she handled the whole thing
[Sad News] Mori has to record two songs and do an ASMR stream after this
>>437186Oh my, no. She's going to be hurling on stream and crying.
>>437135oh greatarkmy favorite
>>437001Bamco mad Hololive decided to get sponsor from Bushiroad last fes
>>437151I'm so proud of her. I hope she streams soon again so I can congratulate her on 700k.
>>437212That’s all I think of 24/7 anon
>>437162Why do you pretend to care? You'll just shift to calling the songs shit as soon as they come out.
drink up, deadbeats
>>437188Gin: For when you want to get drunk right away and you don't care how fucking shitty you're going to feel the next day.
>>437207>>437208Is... is she gonna be ok?
>>437051Did you fuck up your "free bait" soundpost here, anon?
What did Mori say about Mamaloni?
>>437221Yeah none of that's happening.
KFP. Please god my liver, don't do this to me
>>436929None of the EN girls have trouble collabing with JPs. No, not even Gura. It's entirely based around scheduling, and if Gura / Ame can't even get up during EU hours without struggling, there's no way they'll do it for JP hours.
>>437212She sits motionless as she waits for her chance to sucker punch you and attempt escape from your sex dungeon.
https://youtu.be/hf3hZ-lBJMUhttps://youtu.be/lq0AWlWebzwAki Coco ark now
>Here lies Calli>Drank herself to death from cult donations
Ina is a whore.
>>437138I think she's ogey
>>437240"Mamaloni! *kazoo noises*"
>>437221She already said she might cancel ASMR. I think that's pretty much a given now.
>>437237Anon, I don't drink and even I know this is a bad idea.
>>437206>i beleb
>>437255What did she mean by this?
>>437214There is a special place in hell for people who try to mess with Aki's streams.
>>437028Gura will just post her mystery schedule tomorrow and nothing else.
>>437242Drink up, brother.
Do we know which streams she has left? I'm getting nervous for my boy.
>switching to shots in the stream with a bunch of KFP membersClever Mori
>Calli mixing the drinksThe last time she got super drunk she unironically almost dropped the n-word, I'm not sure if she wants to thanks supachats while drunk.
>>437193I'm half convinced this sort of bait is JWUposting in a new form.
>>437206Im looking for this for a long time. Saving this one though Im pretty sure Lain was played during the 4 hour long afterparty but it isn't listed here
>>437192Oh Coco's streaming, guess time to go away from the threads
g-guys this is going a bit fast
>>437239I was too lazy to add the link to the filename..
Fuck you KFP faggots for making me drunk.Fuck you Ame fags for making me scroll more while I am drunk.And FUCK you Takos just becauseMori LOVE my liver.
Sorry I can't drink with you guys My meds don't allow me to
>>437251Heh, that looks like the back of my head last year
>>437248>Aki's chat is members onlyFUCK YOU WEST TAIWAN BUGMEN, Hope your Xi dies from the worst Diarrhea ever
>>437289What the fuck?
I finished my bourbon...
>Nearly 6k for dated SC readings>All because of a drinking gameImpressive
>>437069Shion is MIA
>>437221>Getting this shit faced >It's only noonThat shit ain't happening tonight family
>>437272Song and release party, I believe. Those are big earners, though.
>>437218Are mesugaki cursed? Is Gura fated to become depressed when the high from having the job wears off?
>>437287here, scroll some more faggot>>>>
>>437172It really is a tragedy. She's constantly frustrated, pent up and horny.
>>437233>>437285Ple-please... we have to stop, i don't want our allies to die again
i want fast food so fucking bad right now
>>437287Where’s my fuck you, you skele fuck?
I wanna go to Whataburger with Mori...
>wataburger is dang good i tell ya hwat
>>437307SHES HERE
>>437287we chumbuds once again dodge antoher fanbase wrath
>>437303Is that really all she has left?
So anyone want to order?
>WhataburgerDon’t you mean WataBurger, Mori?
MORI MY LIVER FAILED, LETS GOOOOO @ 68 minutes for clipping
>Mori my liver failed let's goAlright fuckers, which one of you was it?
>>437033All me
>Mori my liver failed lets gooooolmao which one of that was you?
Mori and friends go to Whataburger
>Let's goooooooSHE'S HERE
>>437237well, considering how fast she's going, she might skip the "I should stop drinking" phase straight into the "drinking as if it were water" phase
>>437278it's not my own, I got it from the threads during that super sunday, the whole thing was /a/ radio as fuck with mostly anime OSTs, video game soundtracks and hololive music. Can't remember if we had Lain that week or in one of the subsequent bubbabot streams though.
>>437278That screenshot is the song list during the stream. It was hard to document the afterparty especially when everyone involved didn't know how long it was going to go. About an hour into the afterparty I just accepted that no one recorded the whole thing and enjoyed it in the moment.
Soundpost when?
watame burger sounds good but yall never got plastered and ate a burger from Lou's Lunch (invented the hamburger)
>>437339I'm ordering a sheep burger.
>reaction video
>>437306maybe, but she frequently amazes me with her resilience and her ability to keep a positive attitude when things go wrong. even though she goes through some low times it seems like she always bounces back before too long.
>>437244Ame usually just stays up until JP hours when she has a collab.
>>437172Gura draws a blank when asked to act dominant. Someone should ask her to act submissive and how quickly she responds.
>>437240What is it with Mamaloni and pacifiers? Is that a kink or something?
How the fuck is that retard getting a bigger shoutout than SFJ? Mori I love you but not like this.
>>437362We don't sell those, we do sell Chicken burgers.
KFP...why are you doing this to us...our livers...think of our livers...
>>437339yeah i'll have a fuckin'uhhhhhhhhhh
>>437331Maybe one more since she doesn't count them as two separate streams.Also, Mori, you can't fucking shout out a guy who's reacted to half of your roommate's catalog. Jesus christ!
That wasn't even a super, she picked that comment out specifically and read it. Stop breaking containment, Moririn.
As the Wataburger manager I have talked to my superiors about Mori's mention and we shall seize this opportunity
>>437307>>437320>>437323>>437324Based liver failure
Is Mori going to graduate on stream
>>437172>>437310I want to be the S to Ina's M.A gentle loving M.
Mori's got good taste in fast food, Whataburger is actually good.
>>437287>And FUCK you Takos just becauseno, fuck YOU, man
I love Calliope Mori!
>>437339i NEED a big hamburger and large fries and chicken mcnuggets PLEASEPLEASE
>>437377Less complaining, more drinking.
>>437375He SC'd her
>>437376Those are horrid. Fillet Sandwiches are better than actual chicken burgers
>>437317we love chumbuds here cause Gura is our oshi's lil brot. deadbeat
>>437394I don't actually know where people got the idea of Ina being an M came from. She hasn't shown any tendencies since her very first game stream but has regularly shown her sadistic side to both her takos and genmates.
>>437375SFJ doesn't actually break down nearly as much, and he hasn't thrown her money. He just has the bigger audience.
>>437394I mean gentle loving S.Fucking Mori blowing her kazoo in my ear.
>>437379I should probably replace Enma with Jenma for this one, right?
>>437331There's GOI but that's going to be a whole thing
>>437379what retard did she shout out? I cant watch the stream I'm charging my headphones for the karaoke in 10
fcuk kfp bitch sass jacasses ggeitng everyone fuckin drunk with ahtier du
Is Mori using alcohol to cope with her crippling autism?
>>437401You guys are just as oppressive as your boss.
>>437414Clip it Anon, I want to see this
>>437339a kiss
>>437395>My country doesn't have Whataburger, 5 Guys, In n Out etcIt hurts
k..kiawa....i feewfl funny....i cant dwink anymor.e..
>>437339Fuck you bitch, i ordered a sweet and spicy bacon burger, and all you fucks gave me was a cheeseburger with nothing but ketchup on it.
Fuck I finished my beer, what now?
Risu love
I've been drinking water since the stream started and I have to piss like a fucking racehorse now. Also, timewarp check, it's been 72 minutes.
>they aren't taking a shot for every KFP memberngimi
>>437431She uses it to cope with a lot of things.
>>437422Probably better to do the Hololive guy, since Jenma doesn't manage Mori either.
WataMori offcollab to a Whataburger when?
>>437431It works
>>437339One happy meal, please.
>>437401Fucking mastermind chimkin and her cult
>>437422>I should probably replace Enma with Jenma for this one, right?Jenma isn't Mori's manager
>>437214Aki's willing to put her chat in members only just to play with Coco.I fucking kneel
how based can the holos get?
>>437428RoarTheRapper, a dude who made reaction and breakdown videos to all her songs, including the roomate's
>>437379just try and fucking stop her then
>>437418Read the reply chain anon.That said she's probably just a normal girl which is to say she has M tendencies but isn't fully M.
>>436929It sounds like she tries to collab with people outside of Hololive, people who're not even vtubers for some goddamned reason. Most of her viewers, even the ones that watch only her, would most likely prefer any of the Hololive girls before anyone else, especially someone like fucking cr1tikal.
hehe yeb
>>437418Because it's completely obvious, it's coming off her in waves.This girl needs domination
>>437431Unironically yes. There are a lot of aspie girls that go to nightclubs, bars and concerts because the drinking and music help them bruteforce through their social disability. It's a thing.
I know everyone is drunk right now but Kiara's Unarchived Karaoke is starting soon. Please get ready.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tdg7ykTqbrU
>white rum
>>437449Suppressed lesbian feelings for a certain bird?
>>437447I started in and its too late to get out leet's gooo
>>437467please post the catbox
>>437476You fucking wish, Kiara.
I wish I still drank, this would have been fun
>>437476Stop posting and get ready for your stream, Kiara.
Bros.... what do I do when Ame takes a week break for moving? I might die from that....
>>437398Mori LOVE>>437401You cannot defeat ME!
>>437428RoarTheRapper. I honestly think he's fucking HERE since he shilled his first video back when he was nobody and fits the bill of a stereotypical anon but I have no proofs
>>437473Can't wait, my boys going to be a drunken mess in her chat too
>>437466I think part of it is just that she has very little confidence in her Japanese even if it's fine.
>>437458I think it was common knowledge that Aki's made of stuff stronger than iron.
Okay, guess the two track makers of the two songs
>>437450>>437457wait what, she manages Kiara and some other JP talents then? Who the fug is Mori's handler then
>Mori is a clip watchersasuguh
>>437449>Mori is still coping with tfw no short manly bf.
>>437419Disagree I learned much more from SFJ than whatever that retard has put out. And no it's not just reading lyrics and trying to explain, I can do that on my own. Rhyming schemes are more important to me because I don't notice that shit.
>>437476>Karaoke in 7 mingo back boss
>clip maker>"thanks for the hard work"Moririn...
>>437476Prep for your karaoke you dumb bird
>>437469Helps me as well desu.
>Clipping>Hard wordBeing a little generous there Mori
>>437388Where the fuck are my fries?!
Anons, reply with romantic greentexts/fanfics. I’m going to read them out for Valentine’s. Yes, even the long ones.
>Mori's always watching clipsAlright, that's the last fucking bit of motivation I needed. Fuck my other projects, I'm becoming a Mori-only clip channel. A GOOD one too, one that shows off Mori's cuteness instead of dumb memeshit.
>>437294It's fine, it just gives her more members just like all the other times the holos enable membership only.Honestly if I were cover management I'd just have coco make the rounds collabing with everyone in hololive just for the explosion in new memberships every time that happens.
Why can't we deadbeats retaliate and invade the Karaoke Stream?
>>437489I'm actually going to go insane
I am just waiting for deadbeats drunk posting
>>437489Good, die then
>>437466>Most of her viewers, even the ones that watch only her, would most likely prefer any of the Hololive girls before anyone else, especially someone like fucking cr1tikal.wrong her viewers would love a Charlie collab your forget just how many of her fans came from Trash Taste >>437494Kiara said the japanese skill wasn't the issue
Does Ame switch Hard mode back on during her second attempt at Titanfall? I couldn't finish Ina's due to how braindead the combat was.
>>437500Still unknown at this time, and we'll never know if they're not an attention whore. Could actually be she's managed by what'shisface that manages the Homos, or one of the more music facing ones who manages Sui and AZKi.
>>437489Do your reps
>>437491All deadbeats are HERE. And also drunk
>>437488KFP HATE
Thoughts on Kureiji "GraphicDesignIsMyPassion" Ellie?
>>437522You better do it, anon. I'm fully on-board for that shit.
>>437524THEY ARE
>>437532s-stop! it's gonna be the same as normal, it's not gonna be any different just cause i had a couple of glasses of wine!
Why is chicken spending all her money on making songs instead of more practical things?
>>437526I don't watch Kiara.
>doble drink
>>437462I mean, I saved that image. I'm hardly innocent of being a doxxbeat, but it always amuses me when she's one as well.
>>437523>Cover management>Competency>>437522Ganbatte, anon.
>>437547Pretty sure she said her little sister made her thumbnails for the Minecraft videos which is actually incredibly adorable sounding to me.
>>437547unending levels of soul, especially for an dead girl.
>>437522I’ll watch you if you’re good
>>437535Mori said that she'd introduce her manager to us at some point.
>KFP pole dancerheh
This cute chicken brings more drinks for the deadbeats
>>437355Lain was definitely played. I still remember that I spammed LETS ALL LOVE LAIN in the chat>>437357Man reminiscing that moment still fills me with joy. Newfags will never understand why people on this thread fell in love with Ame
Fuck I can't handle it anymore. Please spoonfeed me on which holos are actually here, I've spent the last 3 nights unable to sleep thinking about it
>>437524WHY AME
>>437522Go for it anon, just don't be a clickbait faggot
>>437500Jenma manages Kiara and 2 others who Kiara said it was on them to say Jenma manages them not her
>>437522Ganbare anon, Mori loves any content creators, I don't think she cares if they're good or decent.
>>437522Fucking do it. The rest of you fuckers do it for your oshi too. I'm sick of bad clips.
>>437547She's up there but she's no Iofi
>>437531It's got nothing to do with her actual skill and everything to do with how confident she is, and she's already showed a ton of insecurity in general. She's mentioned before how she gets anxiety with her tutor because she's worried about looking dumb even though they're supposed to teach her and wouldn't care.
>>437547>LET'S GOOOOO
Okay I've pulled out the good scotch. Cheers, boyos.
>>437036missing 75% of the threads today and every time I catch one there's a fat cat. Keep being fat, cat.
>>437524Would you let Ame fart in your face?
>>437526Fuck that man, I've got better places to be than watching Kiara.
>>437573they're all here but only occasionally
>>437339I want shark fin soup with shark cunny on the side
>>437573All of them, but Azki and Flare are HERE the most, in fact this post was made by them.
>>437547fucking adorable
>>437573None of them, it's easier that way.
>>437547Pretty good.
Mori, that's a brap...
>>437506Roar goes on about the internal rhyme structures as well, OWTH was kinda shit since he tried to break down the lyrical meanings instead of talking about the technical side like he normally does.
>>437565Elle is her living sister DO YOUR LORE REPS>>437566He said Elle not Ollie
So is Gura bi, or is she a full-blown lesbian?
Alright, I'm grabbing the coffee. I'm not gonna fall asleep just because of one glass of wine, even if i did basically drink it all at once.
>>437573your least favorites are all here and they see the mean things you post about them
>>437489Die, then. I'll make sure to treasure the love she'd have given you.
>>437445Show us your tits treerrat
>>437579That rapper she shouted out literally has vids with 7 fucking views. She's out there for the literally-est of whos?And why wouldn't she be? She was one of them.
>>437522>one that shows off Mori's cutenessI NEED IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>Lord Cow Cowmori your ROTK reps...
>>437573DU YU RELY?
>>437610Anon is a cute cheap drunk!
>>437524>amesameguess she doesn't mind the tag
>>437431No? It just calms her nerves after a stressful day and helps her sleep. God, if you antis are gonna keep obsessing over her until the end of time, at least watch her streams so you aren't just attacking a strawman.
>>437609Until she's at least been in a position to get some good dick she won't know.
Anya reading all the Dead by Daylight tutorials before her first game is content I didn't know I needed. It's a soothing balm for hours of watching Ame be a stubborn idiot.
>>437573All of them except Gura who frequents 9gag instead
>>437568>Mori promiseAnyday now, anon. Just like the COVER THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO RELEASE DURING THE HOOMIEMOON.
>>437573mori's a nasty containment breaker, and the rest of EN are at least aware of a few memes, though whether or not they visit is another question.every risu post is made by risu.
>>437621I used to pronounce it the same before watching DxD
>>437579As long as they're producing they're doing it and she respects the hustle.
>>437524Oh God. The NUKE
>>437535>we'll never know if they're not an attention whore.https://youtu.be/YRKZnRale5g?t=32592>Manager-chan>No not Jenma, not Enma either>I'll share her with you guys someday
>>437533No, we told her she started the game on hard, and she didn't believe us.
>>437631Not the first time she's liked shit tagged #amesame or #gurame, on its own it's just a name.
>>437621Sadly that's how they pronounce it in most of the DW english dubs.
>>437609bi, she appreciates bald men with beards but if if there's a blonde with big boobs you stand no chance
chat HATE
>>437642>oh no
>>436918Would you still want to marry Gura if she looked like that, Chumbuddies?
>>437627I'm not!!! I have more than this all the time it was just faster than I'm used too! And I even have harder stuff usually! I'm not even drunk yet I'm just a little caught off guard!
>>437522Posting Mori clips Fuck you anti clippersMori LOVEGuitar solohttps://youtu.be/YRKZnRale5g?t=35545Mori's perfect match up classhttps://streamable.com/kamqshEnding creds singinghttps://streamable.com/f8aj90The Disaster Sandwichhttps://streamable.com/fiwutcMori bansheehttps://streamable.com/n1tfhnMori's kazoo autismhttps://youtu.be/oXq1otYc6IYCute Morihttps://youtu.be/YxEd041kOl4Holding handshttps://streamable.com/ar88puGuh compilationhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X4ck-1gKIXYMori... Cutehttps://youtu.be/77h6vCH9_j4Mori remove themhttps://streamable.com/4lissaMaternal instinctshttps://streamable.com/ct5j2dI am ready for a childhttps://streamable.com/ekefdeBread (w)raphttps://streamable.com/mrtvr0Mori giggleshttps://streamable.com/s8uv7nTony bones https://streamable.com/bj0hf4Ass is grasshttps://streamable.com/2z3d8gFeelin' greathttps://streamable.com/ce46z1
>>437621That's how I thought it was pronounced until I read DxD and got told that it's not.
I think (you) SUCKS
>>437634>Still getting defensive over dumb shitCome on deadbeat.
>>437573IT SOUNDS LIKE IT"S TIME TO REMIND THEM Roommate shit removed from Mori and Kiara>Ame-Amegeddon is probably the biggest evidence of this.-Her shitting specifically on "Goslings"-Her doing the Joi shit post movie watchalong, which an anon had predicted she'd do well before the stream was made but well after it was announced.>Kiara-Using a screenshot from HERE on her meme review.-Using 3 fucking arrows on twitter-Her saying ON STREAM how she "used to go on BOARDS that talked about her but stopped. There's no other site that uses "boards" this way other than chan sites. Maybe back in 2009 when smaller forums where more popular she could've meant them, but that's not the case. And no one uses "boards" on Reddit, she'd just say subreddits-Her acknowledging the "She hates Gura" rrat which was only being talked about here-Talked about lurking in places that were doubting and shitting on the EN girls before debut during a SC read, and the only place on the entire internet AT THE TIME relating to Hololive that isn't a fucking hugbox was were? /hlg/.>Mori-"Haters typing sell"-AKA shit-Stopped reading AKAs during streams when /hlgg/ was the main place of complaints about it-Called /jp/ a "special place" during SC read-Dropping "Narratives" not once, not twice, not even three times, but 5 times on separate streams (Kiara has done this too 6 times on separate streams)-Doing the Calli Mori meme on stream TWICE and doing a whole bit on it the 2nd time>Gura-Accidentally calling Mori "Mori", then quickly switching to Calli with them both giggling like fucking smug retards-Apparently "UOH" blocks
>>437654>ever having chat open
>>437654He's not wrong why bother doing SC reading like this? Just read the Aka's live and skip the rest instead of this
Mori eating more chocolate... Architects incoming
>>437654Look at this fag mad that his 5 dollar dumb shit isn't being read out to the world.
>>437573all of them, except pekora, she browses 5ch
>>437587i've been slacking on my fatcat reps today, but i bought a whole buncha monsters. I'll make up for it.
>>437621Let's not forget his son, Cow Pee.
>>437609let this song explain her for you anonchama >>437174
>She's actually making chocolate for KiaraC-Cute
i forgot to eat along with my alcohol and i'm now fucked off my fucked, just shit me like a truck at one time
>friendship chocolateKiara...
>>4373391 ひつじ smile please :)
>>437547>Big sis gives you money that people simped to her.>Use that money to simp for her senpaisShe's good people.
>>436912if you're gonna make this a ritual post, the proper word is "cancellation" not "cancel"
>eats the chocolate she bought for kiarathis BITCH
>>437631>>437648She follows that artist, so the tags were irrelevant.
>>437634But I'm not an anti... and I am watching her stream right now!
>>437654grey opinions literally don't matter.
>>437642fuck you, i dont have time to post all post about me
>>437596>Azki and Flare doubleteaming that keyboard to post thisGOD I WISH I WAS THEIR KEYBOARD
>>437654>seaniggercolor me shocked
>>437555I actually wish she wouldn't pump out songs like crazy and instead take her time since there's alot of room for improvement. I don't how involved she is with the production process, for all I know she could just sing and pay for everything else. But she can at least work closely with the lyricist or composer that knows her strengths
>>437621>when Mori first met Kiarahttps://youtu.be/S8H-ZccYhPU
>>437673>GuraMoris in game name was Mori and she made a mistake
>>437138yes, but I HATE numberfag nousagis, can't enjoy her streams bc every time I look below the video there's numbers and I know that at least one of them is shitting on the thread
>>437573My stealth pick is Gura. Think about it, Gura coming here to vent and call everyone a faggot to let out steam while collecting a bunch of UUUOOOOOOOHHHs. Imagine if she's the one posting her fanart.
>>437634Please, Deadbeat....
>Drunk Mori eats all her chocolate and doesn't end up making the friendship chocolate
>>437654What is it with SEAmonkeys and hating Mori specifically?At first I assumed it was just a couple of /jp/'s endemic general autists that were stinking things up and just happened to be SEA, but no. It's like a widespread thing. What's up with that?
>>436948she was so small that day
>>437573I always knew Mori was here but I was doubtful about the rest, until the orange thing... Now I actually think they might all be here, otherwise that whole incident doesn't make ANY fucking sense, it CANNOT be a coincidence.
>>437702Not saying she searches the tag. Just saying the tag wouldn't put her off or something weird.
>>437522Unfathomably based!
>>437679Do you have ANY idea how many SCs Mori gets? This shit would literally never end.
>>437673Ninomae 'Mr. Snowman' Ina'nis...
>>437664Have mine as well, though most of them I keep because they're relevant to this thread.I kneel - https://files.catbox.moe/6k5jyi.webmThe special place - https://streamable.com/78e3cdAra Ara (Oct 2020 T3) - http://hmm.bz/files/araara.mp4Call me whatever you like - https://files.catbox.moe/5s93rx.mp4Do you like yourself? - https://files.catbox.moe/bpuxch.webmTake your meds - https://streamable.com/q1jqquThat deepthroat guh - https://streamable.com/gupla1Very cute guh - https://streamable.com/lyemreBased, wow - https://streamable.com/pa41znTonight lads, we guh - https://streamable.com/ek1ecqYou fucking piece of shit - https://streamable.com/064qxcMori's plan to make us suffer - https://streamable.com/yekxodNice narratives man - https://streamable.com/sbj6b3Are the rrats ogey? - https://files.catbox.moe/vaxwqu.webmAre the rrats ogey? Probably not - https://streamable.com/8u2kaeTHERE WAS A FIREFIGHT - https://streamable.com/zjhn05Crash kawaii - https://streamable.com/ygplscBeing Busy Isn't an Excuse - https://streamable.com/m2xs0oOgey - https://files.catbox.moe/ae1znw.mp4One power is that I don't give up - https://files.catbox.moe/5lu2m0.mp4Oh, no. Not the narratives - https://streamable.com/w998lpThis is like if the narratives were real - https://streamable.com/41kb1eYou WILL follow your fucking dreams - https://streamable.com/xicx4pMori Banshee - https://streamable.com/n1tfhnDeadbeat War, Not Mine - https://streamable.com/4h2axeOne Oshi - https://files.catbox.moe/n6l8qy.webmDeadbeats for Life - https://files.catbox.moe/pn9f0o.webmPeak character design - https://streamable.com/kyipz6You insolent fuck - https://streamable.com/deaqmf
>>437679Because unlike Ollie, Mori actually gets SCs.
>>437673>InaThe Annoying Orange bit in the collab
>>437673Is kiara talking about oekaki boards worth mentioning or too ambiguous?
>>437673Ina ina ina...Mentioning timeloops out of nowhere in her minecraft guerrillaFucking orangeposting live on stream>>437717>Gura is the "Gura liked this" poster
>>437489you can start by not being a faggot and posting crinch shit
>>437722Dangerously based.
>>437722It's okay, she'll give Kiara a white day gift and the panties will drop like you've never seen.
Moririn drunkenly eating all of her chocolate ingredients!
>>437737>>437733I'm saying she should stop reading them
>>437739also Gura and Mori being the ones who caught onto it
Time for emo chimkin
>>437634I was gonna say that Deadbeats are pretty thin-skinned but then I realize that they don't' have skin at all!
Kiara, pls no idol songs
>>437722The absolute state of takamori shippers
>>437673you need to work in a bit about them all groaning about the offtopic orange
Live right now>Cocohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3hZ-lBJMU>Akihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq0AWlWebzw>Nenehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmyHd8YFDkw>Morihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKv1yn9k4II>Kiarahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tdg7ykTqbrU
>>437489You can all die until I'm the last one left
>>437763We eat the flesh to taste the bone.
>>437735>>437664Someone really ought to just put up a youtube channel to upload all the streamable clips we end up making here.
Alright boys, place your bets, will Kiara finally stop holding back this time? Current odds are 18.9 to 1.
>>437757Mori is too Jewish for that, she needs to milk every single donator as much as possible Luckily she said my name wrong so I have no interest in donating againThank god
>>437673>InaSpinzakuPlus the two this anon mentioned >>437743She also references old /a/ memes from time to time, but it goes through the head of newfags (coincidentally, the ones who desperately want their oshi to be posting in the same shithole as them because they think it's cool)
>jesus crustShe knows...>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Do70nztRNE
Did Ame delete her chat for the Mario Galaxy stream because of the suicide SC or is it just not loading yet because of youtube bullshit
>>437757She appreciates all her fans, and this is how she can give something back. She tried reading them all at the start before it became impractical, but now they at least get their name read out loud and she reads the message off stream.
>>437780all in on doubt
Callie's angry big sister voice makes me scared but also makes me feel a little funny inside.
>>437714Those are not even nousagis, just shitposters who use Pekora to fuck with the threads.
>>437743>Fucking orangeposting live on streamwhat the fuck when?
does anyone actually sing along with gura when she asks them to?
>>437739that's a pretty common troll in the community though, it did the rounds on reddit before /vt/ was even formed, that's why people rallied around it when /vt/ was made.
Watching Kiara on mobile while getting fucked up with mori let’s gooooooo
>>437647Fuck. Maybe there's a chance Mori will play it in the future instead.
>>437758>>437728In classic Mori fashion, she was enthusiastic about it until her brain caught up with her mouth, then >oh fuck
>>437757I'll let Mori know she should rewrite her personality and stop trying to express thankfulness for the support she's received and continues to receive.
>>437673>InaSpinzakuLeekspin added because I just rememberedPlus the two this anon mentioned >>437743She also references old /a/ memes from time to time, but it goes through the head of newfags (coincidentally, the ones who desperately want their oshi to be posting in the same shithole as them because they think it's cool)
>build new PC>download youtube-dl>try to download kiaraoke stream>forgot to download ffmpegWell fuck, I hope someone else is archiving this...
>>437799And she don't mind doing it for free
>>437673Remember that time Ame played Gerudo Desert as an after party surprise after Super Sunday because someone here posted her asking her to?
Realling loving these youtube features
>We're made fun of by Reddit>We're made fun of by 4chan>We're made fun of on Twitter>I tried to escape this place, but all the other boards told me to fuck off.>Nobody wants us.
>>437789>appreciates all her fanswow 5 seconds of ear rape sure is fantastic appreciation
>>437773i know we're drunk but the fuck does that even mean?
>>437802Don't be silly anon she doesn't actually expect anyone to do that, it's just a mental trick like pretending everyone is naked when giving a presentation or w/e.
Kiara karaoke, or listening to Nene not knowing what she's saying.
>>43766190% of the cringe is the lighting, colors, makeup, props, photoshop, pose and slight chubbiness, so yes, I wouldalso if whoever cosplayed that is here, good try anyways, you put a lot of effort into that and that's more than you can say about most everyone
>>437489gotta look forward to the future my manwhen she comes back she will be stronger than ever before. it may be painful but if you give up at minor absences then your ngmi
>>437711She said that's what she does, but she does talk about the song with the composer/lyricists since she wrote the English parts to Hinotori. She just has shit taste, which is why she loves classical idolshit.
>>437743Didn't Ina also mention "Amegeddon" in one of her replies to Ame?
>>437809While your at it, you might want to let Amelia and the JP's know too
>>437800He's talking about Ina suddenly bringing up annoying orange in the last collab.
Cute stage!
>>437636The girls that do their reps are pretty endearing.
>>437741oekaki boards used to be a lot more popular so it's not exactly a hard confirmation
>>437800during the drawing collab on ina's channel
>>437822It's alright JOPfag, we love you.
How come you guys care so much about these shitty youtube graphswhy cant you just watch the stream
>>4378225ch is hilarious.
>>437800she drew a shark with human teeth, and then they started talking about how it looked like AO
>>437784youtube bullshit, it's normal for it not to load for a while
>>437815>not using a package manager that takes care of dependenciesngmi
>>437654>Mori won't even see it let alone read it
>>437822They are just like us...
>>437815Since when does ffmpeg take hours to download and install?
>>437846Numbers give me life.
>>437800The collab, nigger.>Hey, this Bloop sort of looks like that one talking orange>Gura: Uh oh.>Mori: Yeah yeah!...oh fuck.
>>437824Get what you pay for :}
>>437822Tell them to do their reps and come over here. Their bantz can help dilute the SEA hours.
>>437822>jap gets mistaken for seaniggerthats actually really tragic, jop come back
>>437846Stats are cool.
She J**
>throat game
>>437815someone always is. i think.
Its time
Kiara's throat game...
>mostly english songsLETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO>throat game
>My throat game KIARA NO
>15 songs IKUZOOOOOO
kiara's throat game...
>>437828See >>437072
>JWUeven one german songnice
>>437857Well I have it now, but I missed a few seconds of the stream...>>437851I'm on Windows and I don't use Chocolatey
>mostly EnglishChimkin!!!!!
>>437822They are there forever... Just like us...
15 songs 4 are jap, well shit I expected more, you win chicken
Reminder that this cute shark smells like roses!
throat game huh...
>>437713>>437734>>437739>>437741>>437743>>437770>>437785>>437812>>437819Will update
>15 songsFuck yeah.Worth staying up to 4:30
>1 german song
>>437835Do you mean like in a minecraft screenshot? Cuz that was most likely edited and originated from here.
>>437775Plenty of anons have thought about doing it, but anon is lazy.
>>437853One of the few benefits to having a huge chat is that the worst garbage from the grey-name niggers quickly gets pushed out.
I wonder if this chad will ever get topped
>90% of my alcohol consumption tonight has been from KFP namesJesus
>>437522Assolutamende basado, we've been waiting for this. Godspeed, clipbeat.
>>437822>horoanIsn't that an anti? ofc nobody wants that people
>>437822I like you, 5chFriend. Dumpster dives are one of my favorite posts.
Did Kirara get rid of her inhibitors yet?
>>437883>>437879Throat-swabbing my boss!
>>437822Just stop being stupid if you don't want to be bullied
>>437836yes and Ame did awkward laughter after she said it
>>437826ah, i figured as much. i can't even sing when i'm all by myself because of my autism.
Any anti-numberchads here hide all the numbers on YouTube videos by blocking the elements via an adblocker?
>get my throat game goingThat was a genuine ESL moment
>>437822Learn eigo and come here buddy. Your better than any SEA nig by default
>>437824What do you want her to do? Give you a kiss? if you want your message to be read. Save up til you reach a red supa
>>437822like a mirror...
Kinda cancer?
>>437673Kiara and Mori's presence here is blatanly obvious by now. They may come from time to time.Also we have that pastebin of Ame>>437819I remember her asking the name of that song on the stream and the chat simply told her
>>437609that's not of your business
>>437822Someone get on a VPN, call them a faggot, but also tell them they're welcomeand also use DeepL, maybe with the original Japanese in the post
AaaaaaaaaaaaaaAgain???Fuck you KFP
Well she certainly named it correctly
>>437822[Sad news]
>>437822he probably did something stupid, fuck him
>>437901Sup eurobro. Uni life sure is fun during the pandemic.
>>437822Convince 5ch to stop shitting on Towa's voice, and we'll love you like our retarded brother. Until then 5ch HATE
>>437824If you don't like it, why are you watching the stream?Stop being a nigger and whining about it
>>OPi hate this chicken
>>437822>ホロアンmaybe I need to do my 5ch reps but isnt he saying hes an anti
>>437859Ina did that on purpose because she knows Gura and Mori browse here the most and wanted to get a reaction from them. She may even had us in another window to watch the reaction here
>>437700Thanks, I'll probably think of something new though, ritual post like ina's works because there's a large enough fanbase.I just want to post Enma while having some text with it.
why did she react like she put all her songs on a fucking randomizer and just pulled one she liked wtf
>>437822ホロアン is short for Holo Anti so that guy can go get fucked
PFK chickens where you at?
>>437609I will not say his name
Chimkin got a megaphone effect, brace for impact lads.
Kiara my photosensitive epilepsy lets goooo
>Kiara's got that throat game going on>Mori canonically doesn't need to breatheJust imagine the double blowjobs...
>>437932>>437933Eye Cancer mind
>>437609Here's a hint from schizo anon few days ago.>Good at cooking>Bald>Bearded>Gura wants to make an angel cake while there's an episode of Angel Cake at certain Food Channel two days before.Babish is her Oshi.
>>437822Just stop being faggots to my clown wife and we can chill
>>437822>This place has absolutely no influence at all on the internet.>We only have a few dozen regulars, maybe 500 max during a happening.>4chan has tens of thousands of users>Twitter has literally millions>None of you have any influence at all.
Very energetic chicken today
>>437927Throat is not an inappropriate word unless you've spent far too much of your adult life on pornhub.
You can always count on Kiara to jolt you back to mid 2000's holy shit.
>>437673"I KNEEL"
>>437822These faggots hate Polka. He can get fucked
>>437929>Give you a kiss?Not him but if that option's on the menu I certainly wouldn't object...
>>437959Based, Horoans can get Grave of the Fireflies'd
>weird audio filter making debuff voice betterHOLY FUCK
>using effects to hide her buff voiceWHY
>>437978>tens of thousandsI wish....
I don't like this song.
>>437978kinda self-aware actuallythey're getting there
>>437971I learned how to make pasta from Babish.
>>4379785ch is significantly larger than us
>>437978Few postersmind...
star star star star
Okay Kiara, this is a real fucking strong start.
>>438000>buff voiceAnon...
>Its another episode of I don't know any of the songsFuck, I'm still gonna enjoy the shit out of this though
>that fucking slurpjesus Mori, you're doing your best to become my 2nd favorite
>>437522Do it, anon!
>>437673I’m gonna throw this rrat into the oven
>The veronicasHoly shit I haven't heard that in almost 10 years, god damnit I'm geting old.
>>437981There's never nothing appropriate about Kiara.
Have I missed any spicy new Mori lore in the last hour and a half?
kiara's sexy voice
>>437673i wish haachama was hereif only she knew english
Everyone agrees that Haato stole the idea from Fubuki, but in a better way?
This song is shit but I like the filter making her debuff voice tolerable
>>437724Seething about her success.
>>437641>Just like the COVER THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO RELEASE DURING THE HOOMIEMOON.dont forget>it was supposed to release un january in her roommate channel after being denied by cover>it was supposed to release back in december before wah wah world>it was supposed to release in november as that month's song
Paramore when? I want more scene girl Kiara is
>>438000>>437999>don't know how the song goesGet out underage fags
>>438022no, just spicy Mori
>>437968kiara choking herself to death on your cock, resurrecting and starting again until you cum oooaaarrrrggh
>>437835>>437904No, it was a real twitter post.
fix da faking view count youtube la
>>437956With how well she draws? I can buy this rrat.
I'm surprised Kiara hasn't done all the things she said considering her yuribaiting.
>>437978surely he must understand that 4chan users stick to certain boards and dont visit everything, just as 5ch does.... right?
>that voice with the effectHOLY SHIT
>>437822That's a guy making fun of Holo Antis for being ineffective.
>>438001Reminder that more than half of 4chan's userbase is lurking. There should be an old news post still up showing some data for that.
She sounds really good tonight
>>437707Show us your tits squirrel bitch
>>438001>he doesn't know
We need some bongos to accompany this poetry
>>438042I'll be surprised if Kiara doesn't sing a Paramore song this karaoke stream.
>>437968Didn't Mori say that she has excessive saliva as well?>>437988Polka Love!
>>438037thats pretty supportive of you, Gra gooHi!
>>437908Should of bullied them out the thread when we had the chance
>>437956giga rrat I kneel
Very nice, I'm digging it
Why does this song sound familiar?
>>438041I've forgiven all of those because it was Cover permissions autism, but the release during the homiemoon was all on her.
>>436918HOLY SHIT
>>438030she nebver wanted to do a split personality thingin fact when she changed channel name to Haachama and reddit wouldnt shut the fuck up with 'Haato is dead' jokes, she got reallysad on stream and didnt know why people hated Haatoeventually she started to run with it because it's good content
>>438005Maybe /hlgg/ but 4ch as a whole way bigger than themThis website gets set on fire anytime a HAPPENING happens
>>438014You are not alone anon...
holy shit Kiara
I have listened to this song so many times....
>>438037THEY ARE
>>438037Based, stand up for your friends Gura!
anyone have that video of ame in ryan gosling's car?
Good shit, chicken!
https://youtu.be/_pS-JaHb8OMGOD THE NOSTALGIA
>>438067>Didn't Mori say that she has excessive saliva as well?She did, and she forgets to swallow sometimes.
Was Kiara a scene girll? Paramore, The Veronicas, Avril..what's next? Fucking Flyleaf? Please sing Flyleaf
Kiara keeps sounding better after each Karaoke she's improving
>>437822Do they read our posts?
>>437988Yeah good riddance. This feels like looking back at Sodom as its scoured from the earth. I savor this salty flavour.
https://youtu.be/chBRFpaViVA?t=2340Who are Gura's enemies?
>>437999>>438000the duality of "chicken voice" schizos
>3h30 stream>95k viewsjesus christ ame is fucking reclining. gura got 600k views on a 4h minecraft stream. LMFAO
that was pretty fucking good Tenchou
any non Kiara fans watching? or is it only fans?
>Sounds better than last time>Limit breaks are noticable>Yet she is still holding back overallI want to kneel. But this ain't it chief. Not yet.
>>438067Yes, she was built for oral.
My kusotori is such a songbird right now!
Kiara won't be untouched if I ever got near her if you understand what I'm trying to stay
>>438101Wanted to be one but never went all the way because her town bullied them
>>437978yea haha... we have so much influence...
Wait, is Mori defending the song? That takes away a bit honestly.
>>438047Ah, no. That was Armageddon, the normal spelling of the word. Could've been a dogwhistle but if so it was significantly more deniable than the snowman, timeloop, and orange incidents.
>>437909That guy was based
Mori explaining her lyrics for the dumb fuckers who can't understand them.
>>437896She smells like piss, sharks pee through their skin
>>436918do chumkeks really?
>>438022She used to go to Whataburger while drunk with her friends.
>>438078The Veronicas were in Sims 2 but in simglish
>>438065>Mori had a "deep poetry" phase
Why is Mikochi so cute, you guys?
>>438101probably, she wanted to dress like one but everyone made fun of them back in the day
>>438109Dolphins and Barracudas.
>>438133That's kinda yab bro
>>437978>like looking in a mirror
Go chicken go!
>>438101>Was Kiara a scene girll?Didn't she admit to such? She even said that she used to cry to WoW AMVs.
>>438121I'm watching cause I like karaoke in general.
>>438135Fucking austrians and their germanic autism, scene girls were the shit.
>>438141I wonder how much backlash she actually got from that song now
>>438121I'm a teamate and don't watch too much Kiara but i'm working late so i'll have it on in the background.
>TBA tubers are roleplayingFUCKING BASED MORI
So Kiara sang a song called untouched, does that mean the homiemoon didn't go as she planned?
>>438101Kiara said her mom wouldnt let her dye her hair and be a scene girl
>>438121What do you mean non-Kiara fans? Like they aren't members, or she isn't the person's oshi? It's unarchived so people will tune in.
Youtube chat straight up makes my CPU hotter than most steam games do
>dragon maidLet's go
>>438161How so?
>>438082/hlgg/ managed to defeat /pol/ with the power of hypernenechi but /pol/ was only at a fraction of its true power
>>438092>>438120Where we going anons...
>>438101only on the inside, mom wouldn't let her dye her hair
>>438105they used to not really care, but when EN debuted theres been a sharp uptick of "what does 4ch have to say about this" just like back in the pre-/hlgg/ days we had anons saying "what is 5ch saying about this"
Explaining the lyrics is pussy shit.t. deadbeat.
>>438138She's explaining it to the people who thought she was targeting people who are just fucking around and aren't chasing fame, it's just a thing they do on the side.
Are you familiar with Amelia Watson of Hololive EN?
>>438176buen meme anon
>>438158Cute is so superior to sexy.
Dragon Maid kino
>>438170I don't think much. And those who were trying to raise a stink, weren't even worth addressing.
my jam
Damn, loving the karaoke background right now
>>438101She wanted to be one really badly but her mom said no and she's a giant mama's girl
>>438178it's ok anon sometimes chrome with just youtube open alone takes up 3gb of my ram for some reason
this anime is so fucking overrated
This song is probably perfect for debuff Kiara to be honest.
>>438121Tako here. Apparently there's a sizeable amount of us that watch kiara so idk if we count as non fans
>>437846Numbers are objective, it's the shitposters that use them for no good.
>>438185we're goin' booza wiff da gurls
>>438164Mom wouldn't let her dye her hair and those that did were bullied >>438182This is the kind of song that fits Kiara's voice not those shitty 2000s idol songs
>>438217nah it's fine
Moririn, your rhyming reps...
>>438121I mean, I'm a "Kiara fan" but my oshi is Ame, but yeah I've got it open.
>>437978It's all the same shit everywhere forever, comforting in a way.
>>438217the song is great either way
I've really come to enjoy Mori
>>438217It's gotta be when it's an 11
>Dragon maidbased
>>438217it's straight up fire
>>438221really? I thought Takos were the main Kiara antis.
>>438184We managed to beat peak /pol/ during EN debuts, which I still think is fucking insane.
>that's you guys, that's you guysMori gets so excited when she's talking about deadbeats. It's cute.
What was she saying she fucked up with?
>>438197Why of course, shes my lover
>"this is technically the same word"COMPLICATED FAGGOTS BTFO
>>438134>You didn't return your books in time Mori
>>438220same, it actually fits the style and original rendition
>>437822>>437862Fuck have we chased away JOPs thinking they were seanigs?
>>438217Sure but I'm glad it's coming back, I'm just happy to see Kyoani back
>>438217>anime is overratedyes. yes it is
>>438217what are you fucking gay
>>438217i like it but I agree
>>438234i fucking love m,y oshi and im not gonna force anyone to love her but yeveryone better fuckiong love her becuaste she great
>tfw never watched the anime yet only know that song from gachi remixes
>>437673Is UOOOHHH only around on 4chan? I can't think of any other major sites that like loli
>>438119Ame hates Gura because she's a typical woman that's jealous at her friend's success.Gura said that Ame instantly started bantering with her when they got to know each other, so clearly Ame was already setting up her leech tactics since Gura was the biggest name pre-debuts.Then, Gura ended up mogging everyone in EN in terms of popularity and Ame probably was extremely mad. She tried leeching off of collabs but it didn't work, so she stopped collabing with Gura for like a month. Now she's back to leeching off of the collabs.Ame doesn't see Gura as a friend. She's using Gura and manipulating her. Ame is a massive numberfag that is extremely upset and envious of Gura's success and wishes harm upon Gura. She wishes she had Gura's success instead.
>Mori talking about her old albumsDOXXBEAT PRIME MORIRIN
>>438217Why are you such a contrarian?
>>438217it is, but I still like it
>tfw Ms. Calliope’s Phoenix Maid never
>>438237wait no not like this i didnt mean it
Kiara really needs to work on her timing
pretty weak Kiara
>>438260honestly this is almost always more based than having seen it
>>438169Fucking god tier taste anon, the scene girls in my HS were ridiculously hot and to this day I haven't felt the same way about an urban trend.
>>438217nah, it's great actually
>>438237I felt that burn
>>438121Chumbud represent. Tuning in for unarchived karaoke cuz for some reason I never watch the mega archives.
>>438217Fuck you, I liked it
>>438246Mori? rhyming Tired with Retired, it's a pretty lazy rhyme
That means me!
>>437978The grass really isn't greener
>>438184>/hlgg/ is the bulk of /vt/'s traffic>/jp/hlg/ is the bulk of /jp/'s traffic>Both boards make almost the same amount of posts in a dayHoly shit
>some of the EN artists I follow on twitter are roommatefagsFucking why... should've just stuck with JP artists
>>438259Eat some bread to soak up the alcohol and drink water. I'm cutting you off.
>>438240>>438249Complicated minds.
>>438185>Kiara in front of the carkek
>>438265wtf, I hate Ame now!
>>438217It's fun. Not groundbreaking in any way but something to watch when you want to turn your brain off. What I find annoying is UOOOOOHHH KANNA THICC
>>437978People forget how many lurkers there are compared to posters here.
>>438252i wonder if japs hate them too
>>438266what did she say direct quote
>>438263chumbuds explain.
>>438259Anon, you might want to do your water reps.
>>436918Nathan Lane? Is that you?
>>437743This evidence is weak as fuck, if Ina is here then she's done the best job at hiding it along with Gura.
>>438176kek, now there's an ancient one right there.
lol this is shit, sorry K
>>437673besides Ame's entire pastebin of evidence, her after parties scream she's here
>>438264Reminder that Ame literally posted UUUOOOOHHH!! during a Gura karaoke and yes, its only a /hlg/ thing.
>>438263Takos are pretty based
Wait a second is Kiara a 30 year old boomer? Because Scene kids were a thing more than 15 years ago
Chicken maid...
>>438245she fucking loves us. What did we do to deserve this love?
>>438264A site for mesugaki doujins had uoh posters. That's the only other place I've seen it used like it is here
>>438197The Haachama leech?
>>437942>>437822I'm almost drunk enough to do this, but I got too drunk to find it.
>>438121I get it
>>438265gura is my oshi but i also upgraded to investamigator today
I used to think Kiara singing in Japanese was the issue now I see the problem was Hello Project just sucks
>>438284Archive anon here; still alive. I basically just do my best to catch all the unarchived karaoke streams, hope I didn't miss any in January.>>437815I've got you covered; torrent link and whatnot up shortly after the stream.
>It's not meant to throw shadeSuuuuure, Mori. Whatever you say.
Japanese songs should be banned from Kiara's unarchived karaokes
>>438243>Wethis board didn't exist then, 99% of the people here were not aware of hololive back then
>>437673>Accidentally calling Mori "Mori", then quickly switching to Calli with them both giggling like fucking smug retardsbecause that's her last name you fucking idiot. that's the furthest reach i've ever heard, you baffling schizo.
https://youtu.be/xcPx-vFDtjE?t=186Pekora sang this during holofes and in that archived stream.Is it just Pekora permissions for the song or something?
>>438217the op is fine, but the best thing to come out of the anime was the hentai, god bless kunaboto
>>437822It gets easier eventually
There is only one good thing in that anime.
>>438335thanks anon
>>438144SHUT IT DOWN
>>438238Definitely not. Ina enjoys tenchou's company quite a bit. And we at the very least tolerate whoever ina likes. I personally enjoy kiara a lot.
>>438245Mori cute!Mori love!
>>438238There was literally one guy back in September with and Ina pfp and a metric fuckload of falseflag shitposting, but there has never been animosity between the two.
>>438252If they were antiposting they deserved it, I've been lenient on obvious ESL posts that are supportive of the girls whenever I see them. I don't even call them ESLchamas.
>>438301>680kYou've got to be shitting me, does /vt/ really have numbers this big!?
>>437822>>437978JOP friends...
>>438265>Ame>Leeching>Almost never collabs on her own channelmeds... onegai... mom is worried about you
>>438328Funded her retirement.
>>438185Why did the chicken cross the road?
>>438263>Deadbeats are in Ame and Gura's chat at the same level/more than they're in Kiara's>Takos are unity chads>Ina Ina Inaaa...
>>438121Teamate here archiving it. Her first song was pretty good
>>438326They keep on cancelling my damn order for this
>>438344UWAAA SEXXWhere are her tits?
>>438328Go back and watch her debut week. She's never lost that level of appreciation and thankfulness, just gotten better at not being overwhelmed by the support.
>>438359Sister fucker
>>438322reminder that that was an edit YOU FUCKING NEWFAG oh my god how do you retards manage to be so stupid? won't anyone end your reign of stupidity???
>>438234It's been incredible seeing how she's adapted to streaming since doing it full time.The obnoxious, awkward scuff has all but disappeared, and has turned into a trait to make every one of her streams become entertaining in the process.
>Hot as fuck scene girl worked at Starbucks near where I worked >I used the excuse of doing coffee runs for coworkers an excuse to see her >I fucking hate coffeeAm I a creepy fuck?
>>438253You just reminded me how long it's been since kyoani has released something new. And how their last release with the Violet Evergarden movie listed everyone who died from the fire.
>>437724SEA monkees don't get the point of supply and demand. They always assume that only people who toils the traditional way deserve success. It's kinda ironic that they're willing to give a pass to soccer players though with how much they worship them over there
>>438351not all songs on this unarchived are songs they dont have permissions
>>438304explain what?
>>438350Nice now do her spelling "Uoh" in a game with blocks then moving on
Kiara...the songs...
>>438121I giggled.
>>438301>20,000,000 unique visitors per monthdyrbi
>there is no prize.kek
>>438328- got her a new crib- got her out of a job she hated- got her on top of iTunes sales list- got her to be one of the most viewed youtubers in the world (like top 10% material)I full accept her gratitude and will continue to do my support reps
>>438265HOLY RRAT
>>438234Same. Used to dislike her and her voice but honestly she's my third favorite now.
>10k viewer karaokejesus christ the recline is real
>>438303She talked about putting out her first album and everyone being encouraging, then getting critique on her second album. She didn't use names but she hasn't put out two albums as Mori.
>>438184The numbers were higher during Hinotori announcement, didn't manage to beat /pol/ that time tho
I summon the Watamage!
>>438351One of the others sung it too, I think either Sora or Azki.
>>438265Whoops, forgot my image.
>>438363the orange & purple combo actually doesn't look like shit, neat
>>438042NOW ANON
>>438344This creature has caused me to lose LITERAL GALLONS of semen
I was watching Towas 500k karaoke and I honestly think that half of the song she sung would be better with Kiara singing it, imagine tenchou singing Kawaki wo Ameku without the chicken debuff.
>>438344>>438359i find it pretty hard into not to think that Coco's Design was not based in Lucoa
>>438346Meant to reply to >>438121
>more paramoreBASED
>>437815The usual torrent guy seems to be here, and I'm the usual mega guy, so I think we'll be good.
>>438205>Orange neckSo glad they fixed this. She looked like a fucking ice cream.
>>438401Unless Hiromoot is lying to the people he's selling ads to, yes.https://www.4channel.org/advertise
>>438344brb donating to breast cancer research
>>438322I'm certain that UOOOOOHHH was in the Little Witch Nobeta threads on /v/, but I can't remember if it's on /a/ or not
>>437978I wanna be drunk with a 5ch JOPfag and watch this stream and cry and hug even though we can barely understand any of what the other is saying
>>438301I don't think those numbers would be accurate seeing as much of /vt/'s content comes from regulars, rather than somewhere like /pol/ where the userbase fluctuates hourly and there are new IPs pouring in all the time. Still an absolute fuckload of people here though, at least 100k at the very minimum.
>>438351Miko sang it for her 850k karaoke stream and it got privated, perhaps it's because of that song?
>>438391Yes. Ask for her number and cut your losses.
>>438323I really try to watch all of them when I can.
>>438408walking filter, baby
>>438410HoloLive EN 3D debut surely would break all records?
>>438238Personally, I don't like Kiara's content so I only watch her when she's collabing with Ina or the other EN girls, not sure if that makes me an anti.
>>437956The shitposting trinity. I find it hilarious 3/5 of HoloEN was at some point HERE.
Ah shit this song slaps, I KNEEL SHITBIRD
Once again, as I still haven't bothered to look them up, I am asking who the fuck is Paramore?I somehow missed them growing up.
>>438365Skewed heavily by having it plastered at the top of every board during grand opening, mindGive it a few months and it'd even out to something still big but more reasonable
I don't get why she doesn't embrace this 2000's alt rock for her original songs
>I already sang it before I can't sing it againMORI DO YOU FUCKING HEAR THAT, please next karaoke don't just sing your EP again
>>438265i buy it. ame is the kind of girl who enjoys working alone and doesn't keep close friendships. it is for this very reason that she turns her followers into simps, so that she can basically do whatever she wants and be in control at all times.
>>438265Why is Amelia so bad at leeching bros? She doesn't even hold collabs on her channel...
>>438308>Gura>UOHposting in baby game>Hiding itAnon, at the time I thought it was just odd because I hadn't come here yetI will agree that Ina is pretty subtle about it, but the Orange reference was the most blatant thing short of Risu literally shouting out the board that she's here.
>>438359Kana's massive thighs say otherwise
>>438393She said it was her favorite anime OP and they don't have permissions for it
PARAMORE YEAHgodifeelold
>>438375Kiara overlaps with Mori more often, so it's harder to be in both chats at once if you wanna watch actively
I can't tell if Mori is taking enormous swigs each "sip" or if she's just being melodramatic because she's a lighter weight than she lets on.
So bao hasnt been posting contents lately, what are the odds that she's the one who got into vsinger?
>Its the gay vampire song
>>438412I miss that
now I want you to imagine Kiara putting out a single where she fucking BELTS like this
I will never stop fucking Enma.
>>438408It's been like this for months, anon. Not really newsworthy at this point
>>438408This is probably why
>>438349>99% of the people here were not aware of hololive back thenPlease... tell me it ain't so...
Kiara sings better in english.
This song was fucking awesome and I hated that people hated it because of Twilight.
the limiters are coming off
>>438322>its only a /hlg/ thingCheck out this retard!
>>438365Probably lower since we have people who post more then the average anon, but I can't prove it one way or another so even if it's half, that's still 350k people.
Name of the song?
>Paramore songsI swear to God, every Kiara karaoke is a trip down memory lane, man I miss those times... getting old fucking suuuuuucks!
>>438408I will watch her after Mori is done.
oh shit she bringin' out the face
Holy shit
>>438408shes at 12k now, that's not bad
>>438346>>438428Thanks anons
>>438304Explain what?
my dream is singing karaoke with kiara
>>438359This pic reminds me of Lucoa's outfit and never fails to make me diamonds.
Voice having a bit of trouble
>>438438Bro it's a new board. A LOT of people visited this site out of sheer curiosity when this was created.
Why is everyone telling us to go? Where are we going to?
>>438455JPs won't buy it.
Anons, was it normal for me as a straight male to love Paramore way more than the females back in high school?
"if you're a man at all"/Cgl/ btfo
I can't take this debuffed chicken voice
>>438449that's just indifference and it's fine. being an anti involves actively expressing your dislike in shitty ways.
>>438456Archived vs Unarchived. I don't think Mori sang a repeated song for unarchived at all.
>>438456>please next karaoke don't just sing your EP againyou will hear her sing her original songs on unarchived karaoke and you will enjoy it
>>438454sometimes I forget that we used to be in /jp/, I guess that's what happens you only visit one thread
oh shit that was good
>>438493Addendum to this, any deficits in our numbers are made up by /jp/hlg/, so I stand by my assessment. Back when we were on one board, it was more reasonable to round down.
>that long noteOh fuck
>>438456she has no time to practice even her own songs
>>438515Paramore is great. Fuck that, enjoy what you want.
>>438487I made a poll post a while ago asking for people who were here for debut, it got 3 replies. We are few and far between anon
>>438481Hey, me too!
>>438460Can someone explain me why is the Orange vtuber bit so important? I've seen that meme be done in Mexican facebook, its a normie as shit meme, why is it a smoking gun?
>>438449just not watching someone doesn't make you a anti, obsessively hating them when you could just not watch them does.
>>438515It's not normal. You might be bisexual
Playing God when? Vampire song sucks
Trannies btfo
>>438396>>438502>only 18% of chumbuds watch ina>highest is 25% for ame
why did that low part sound so bad
>>438460It's not blatant at all. I don't know why you think /vt/ invented "The annoying orange is a vtuber," it's been a shitty meme in western vtuber circles forever (which is why it was even allowed here).
>>438456Mori doesn't repeat songs during unarchived karaoke
>>438067Her high saliva production and lung capacity make her the prospective queen of sloppy goth girl eye contact blowjobs.
Raise our fucking hand if you used to sing/play this fucking song nonstop in HS. Oh god I'm getting old aren't I?
>>438457yeah it actually makes sense.why doesn't ame pursue any interactions/convos/commitments with her genmates off-stream? especially gura.she complains about being lonely but doesn't do anything to fix it. she's extremely manipulative and has some sort of god complex. that's why she also buys into the whole "mother/older sister" dynamic with gura. she wants to boss gura around because she knows gura is an innocent little girl that is blindly in love with her.
holy shit kiara
>>438549Take a look at the rest of the board some time
>>438491read the fucking screen
>>438303It's true though. Her latter EPs are better, especially lyrically
>>438449You can only be an anti by doing, never by not doing
>>437971fucking based
>>438478The closest we've gotten so far is the 700k version of jazz Hinotori.
Kusotori, I kneel.
>>438525she technically repeated Cruel Angel's Thesisbut that's a meme by this point
>>438449Not liking does not mean you’re an anti. There’s a higher bar than just that.
>that low note at the endFUCK
why the fuck doesn't she sing like this during her singles?
>>438515Paramore is great, never let other people decide on what you should like anon.
>>438546I'm still here! I think it's more like 10%
>>438546How very unfortunate.Wonder if anyone still remembers the context of this image
>>438263I'm retarded, how am I supposed to read this?
>>438481>>438547Do you think Enma schlicks to these
wow paramore aged well
>>438556She said she can't do low
Kiara, Tenchou, Chicken...I love you, but please try singing in your natural voice, onegai. You are making my ears bleed.
Has there ever been a holo to sing a White Album 2 song?
>>438463Pedos aren't entitled to an opinion.
This is my first time watching a Kiara stream.
No please not Twilight
>>438539Anon, that was when Kiara was being retarded and streaming over the JP karaoke relay.
>>438555save it for dead hours later, I'm listening to Kiara karaoke right now
>>438344Flat is justice. I love flat. My waifu has big boobs, which is odd because i'd much prefer flat.
Chimkin voice is fucking up Kiara's throat, soon she will be obliged to put her limiters off.
>>438598God I fucking hope so.
holy shit thank you chat
>>437950Unironically yes, it's like I'm on vacation. The lockdown even made me realize just how much fluff goes into a course that can easily be skipped without affecting your understanding.
>>438515Its perfectly fine anon. I dont give a shit anymore if people know what music I like. >Watch Mori for My Chemical Romance>Watch Kiara for Paramore >Watch Coco for Backstreet Boys >Watch Gura for literal boomer music
>>438598He sure does
Ok, but what about this?
>>438470She's 1000% better than any shit I've seen suggested as a vsinger in these threads so far, so hopefully.
>Twilight WatchalongAudible kek.
>Should we do a Twilight watch along>>NO NO NO NO >Alright lets stick with The Hobbit
>>438322UOH posting was there forever, anon. All newfag retards who think this is something recent or even contained to 4chan, please fuck off already.
https://twitter.com/achan_UGA/status/1359349900668882944?s=20A-chan please, you're not supposed to be this cute.
>>438609ME TOO
>The Hobbit>Good
>>438535Kiara's unarchived karaoke are pretty interesting if only for her different taste in music and that fact she's pretty good at singing but limited by her in character voice. Last one was great.
>>438563Fucking hell, don't do this to me man. The memories won't stop coming...
I want to take gura to a seafood buffet so she can eat to her heart and stomachs content. Afterword she would be happily stuffed to the gills and crawl into our bed. I would join her messaging her belly while she burps and falls asleep
>bruno marsI stand
god, I couldn't finish the second twilight movie, even when going with rifftrax. It was unbearable, and I love bad movies.
>>438598Enma is a dude anon
>>438456Fuck you, you’re going to get her singing the first verse of RIP four times in a row to test the music delay and you’re going to like it.
>>438546did you make it in the middle of the night or something?
>Tolkien over TwilightBASED
>>438555I dont even watch them live
anyone who says no twilight watchalong is the most basic guy in the world
>Kiara finally singing english songs>its all zoomer shitWhy is it only Gura and Ame have good taste in english music?
Who #TeamEdward here??
>>438608*slight incline
>>438622Coco is backstreet boys and volare....
>>438546I was there for the debuts but actually avoided watching them 'cause I find self-introductions cringe.
>>438609I hate myself too anon !
Moririn's acceptance of my passive lifestyle!
>>438487>>438546>>438593>>438594I don't answer polls, but also where did all the people who were here longer go?
>>438607>>438613>>438628>>438629I've watched Twilight approximately 34 times i worked at a video store that played it on repeat for months
>>438556>>438601She can do low, but the more she does, the more she needs to drop her chimkin voice and use her real one.
>>438410Yeah because the thread was in meltdown and /hlgg/ was being raided by /cgl/ seething at chicken
Oh shit I have weird memories with this bruno mars song
>>438657Did you miss her millennial karaoke?
Mori okay'd my lifestyle of being comfortably lazyfeels alrightt. niggermark
>>438657>Paramore>The Veronicas>zoomershitDo words even mean anything
I'M GONNA SAY ITBruno Mars is an honest to god good singer/dancer, Uptown funk is a straight up banger.THERE I SAID IT.
Kiara let the song fucing play you fucking NERD.
>>438515Yes, especially if you wanted to pin Haley up against a locker and fuck the shit out of her.
>>438563stop it man, it's hurts how the time fly so fast
>>438444I Moved away from there so scene girl only lives in my memories now
>>438408I don't think I've seen a word that makes me dismiss a post faster than "recline" in these threads.
Bruno Mars is my guilty pleasure
>>438660What song besides I want it that way has she done?
>>438561Don't do this to my dick, anon.
C'mon you were starting strong...
>>438657spotted the newfag
>>438684this is true!
Damn this is mega scuffed
>>438515It would be weirder to not like it, Hayley was hot as fuck
>>438684No lies here
>>438657t. Zoomer
>>438684o gey
>>438685she is now m8
>wake up for Mori stream>started streaming 111 minutes agoWhat the fuck? That's not what the schedule said.
>>438684literally a popular opinion
>>438657kiara and amelia sing songs primarily from the exact same era you biased ass
>>438410>Hinotori threadNow THERE was a thread...
>>438684That's not an unpopular opinion or anything, he's one of the most talented artists since Michael Jackson. Too bad he's a manlet.
>>438679>>438664She's just saying that because she doesn't want to hurt our feelings. WE HAVE TO DO OUR REPS
>>438660Did someone say despacito?
>>438546I saw that but didn't reply. Don't take survey posts or poals as fact.
>>438657Anon, your late 00s music reps...
Is her voice being 3x louder than the backing music usually part of the Kiara experience
>>438704THE SOUL
>>438704sadly Kiara lacks Mori's ability to turn scuff into kino
>>437988and people here hate Ny*nners.
this is starting to sound like sex
>>438646Probably, it wasn't that late. I expected a lot more than I got
>>438567yeah, gura's the biggest gosling of them all, if you think about it. ame often acts like a bitch to gura behind her back and sometimes even in front of her, and judging by gura's response from the drawing collab ("you don't want to? you don't have to draw me if you don't wanna...") she's incredibly sensitive to ame's judgment. ame plays volleyball with gura's emotions, calling her her wife or telling her she loves her at times and then being very cold and uncaring to her at other times. it's concerning.
>>438428There was at least one other torrent anon that posts with the description and thumbnail, I think. I'm the one with the concern Ina image.Kiara please stop restarting I keep having to update the setlist times
>>438487Ive been in hlgg since en debut.
>>438657>Paramore>Veronicas >Bruno Mars>Zoomer shitLol
>>438600Most of the popular scene/emo songs from that era were actually good fucking music.
>>438704first kiara karaoke?
>>438680we have at least a handful of faggots here posting from retirement homes
>>438638she means the 70's version, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17kvIcRtMhM
>>438717>he got fucked over by teamup
>>438546I still remember when people here were hating on Ame the most post debut. Changed pretty quickly though.
>>438657>The Velonicas>Paramore>Zoomer>Then names Ame who fucking sang fucking Avril Lavegne
I've stopped watching, out of respect for her.
>>438687Ok yeah you got me anon I really wanted to breed that bitch but I was thinking that wasn't why I liked the music
>>438081Make an entire story arc out of a joke. Why is she so powerful?
>>438524>>438550>>438575>>438583Thanks for the clarification, bros.
>Yes, I would die for youEasy to say if you're a phoenix Kiara.
Any highlights I missed from Ame's stream today?
>>438657>t. zoomer
>>438724she's a true 'live and let live' liberal, my man
>>438684Nah you're good. 90% of radio tier mainstream shit is trash but that's one of the rare good ones that slip through. Like with that one weekend song that fucking exploded.
>>438660Don't forget Nikki Minaj
>Mori shitting on essayfag.Based.
>>438657>Songs from 10-14 years ago>Zoomer shit
>>438697Shape of my heart
>that discordfag is still talking to himselfmy sides holy shit
>Going to watch the hobbit>Still playing fire emblem >is a phoenix. I would pay good money to see kiara try and play TWWH2,
>>438657I concur. I graduated in 2006 and didn't know either of the two previous non-weeb artists.
>>438657>Boomer songs>Paramore>The Veronicas>FOB>AvrilWhat? Are you 14?
>>438738it's called friendly teasing
>Mori loves shitposting to get (You)s
>>438724Yeah she loves all her fans no matter what, I will do my reps for her, got my weights and giving it
>>438684Kinda gay, Anon.
>>438669poor soulI will send prayers to you
Kiara can't sing
>>436929>"so please don't be scared">Everyone loves her what the hellBased
>>438657Made me kek
>>438546I didn’t see it then
>>438745I mean this is pretty spectacular even for her
>>438729It's karaoke night, not a carefully balanced single. We're not here for tracks to rock out to in the car, we're here for good times and memes.
im still convinced that the reason ame is no longer doing her coupon review is because while she was posting her underground coupons here, amegeddon happened so she stopped going here which also made the coupon review cancelled. thanks for ruining what could have been great content /hlg/
i wanna be a good boy for mori but i thinkm i need a drinky break just for a little bit....
>>438733By why?
>>438750changed extremely quickly, Superliminal destroyed them.
>>438738Meds. Now.
>>438775Don't give me hope.
The biggest problem of karaoke is how the karaoke version of most songs sucks.
I missed the first two songs, was there some announcement at the beggining?
>>436918Why do trannies do this? How do they not look at themselves in a picture like this and feel the shame that would prevent a normal person from sharing this trash?
>>438684He's also the same height as most of your oshis.
>>438761Comcast cucked us out of the Valentine's date, we're watching the Bee movie.
>>438749Teamup is correct, she started the stream 2 hours earlier than it says on her schedule
>>438546I don't read polls because they're for faggots.
>>438804nah the snack collab thing was after that plus the afterparties
>>438684But seriously, does bruno mars is gay?
>>438791the baseball scene still makes me laugh myself into an asthma attack so its ok
>>438684I don't think anyone would disagree with that. The credit for Uptown Funk belongs to Mark Ronson though
>>438733She deserves it
>>438769>>438660And didney.
>>438773So not anything pre-Millenium.Such a shame because Black and Blue was the last good BSB album
>>438657Ina ina ina......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHUa6gD5G88
>>438792Then what is she doing right now?
>>438813Just talkign about valentines choco contest
>>438724Nah she doesn't give a shit if you watched her scarface watch along. Just don't expect something for nothing, which I would agree with.
>>438657The Velonicas - Untouched Release Date - 2007Paramore - Decode Release Date - 2008Bruno Mars - Grenade Release Date - 2010
>>438813Shes graduating in a week
as someone who has listened to Grenade on repeat an upwards of a few thousands times during my formative years, yea that was kinda poo poo but good job trying anyways Kiara thank you
>>438755I mean, I liked the music as well, but if you first checked it out because there is nothing hotter then a redhead punk bitch, you've got nothing to worry about your sexuality.
>>438798I mean you can literally barely hear the backing music at all but ok, I don't really give a shit
>>438265Amelia Watson posted this to stir shit up on purpose. Go do your Mario reps you fuck.
>>438549>>438558Because, you goddamn newfags, responding to the current state of the threads is how the ENs drive HERE posting. The Kiara HATES Gura was a rrat exclusively mentioned in hlgg shortly before Kiara killed it on stream.Now, in the first days/weeks of this board, Annoying Orange was (still is, to a degree) the go-to for shitposting. >it's been a shitty meme in western vtuber circles forever (which is why it was even allowed here)But Ina doesn't even talk about indies in the Western Vtubing scene. Why would she know its a meme from there?
>>438684I liked 24k MagicJust wondering if Mori likes him
>>438816Unironically mental illness
>>437489Wait, when did Ame say she's moving?
>>438684He's one of the few modern artists I can say sounds as good live as he does in his produced tracks. I guess all the talent is to make up for the fact that he's 5'5
oh i love this song
>Improving a random songTHIS IS WHAT KARAOKE IS ABOUT, fuck practice JUST SING
>>438813shes having a chocolate contest on r*ddit and twitter where people are gonna send her pics of chocolate they've made and she's gonna rate them
>>438657>When fellow teamates are literally children.Please go and stay go.
>>438723>Too bad he's a manlet.and a flip
I unironically hate Bruno Mars
>>438667Who knows? Doing their reps, got burned out from 8 hours of streams and 16 hours of threads, new hobbies, same reason anyone disappears for a while.
>>438853same. I think bruno mars has some bangers honestly.
>>438810Kiaras coloring looks exactly like an arcane phoenix.
reminder that Bruno Mars RIPPED OFF this songhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6okxuiiHx2w
>>438769when the shit did coco sing nicki minaji wanna see that
>>438738agreed.i think ame might be a genuine sociopath or at the very least a schizoid. she has no tolerance or compassion for the feelings of others. this is even more apparent when you consider the fact that gura is her "best friend"not to mention ame has admitted to being a switch but takes her sadistic desires and tendencies beyond sexual fantasies. she's actually engaging in psychological warfare, torture, and manipulation of gura.it's fucking saddening and disheartening to see it happen in real time. gura is so blindly oblivious to ame's true intentions because ame is someone she really likes and enjoys being with. meanwhile to ame, gura is just a plaything.
karaoke is meant to be fun, first and foremost
Holy fuck this is good
>>438761Confirmed a sex off-collab with Gura next week
>that first woohooNice
>>438850she didn't, people inferred it.
>>437927Kiara's ESL moments are very special>>437981but the term "throat game" is inappropriate.
One (1) Roboco for the thread
>>438792why are teamates like this?
>>438850She did not but there's like a 90% chance.She checked her credit score, claimed that she'll be fixing her internet situation for real, and is putting off on getting an aquarium.
Mori's so happy that she's motivating people. This girl is dangerous for my heart...
Even ultra-scuffed karaoke Treasure is better than Bruno's Grenade.
>>438785I mean, duh
>>438749Teamup? No no no, I got this thing right here.
>>436918This is 2/2 irl chumbuds I've seen be like this
KFPbros we're finally getting some SOUL
This is unironically way more fun than 'practiced' songs holy shit just do this all the time
this feels like Amelia singing something she practiced
>>438854Based. Karaoke shouldn't be treated as a concert all the time.
When will EN stop being autists about practicing for karaoke.
>>438835>almost 14 years since this kinda music was popular
KFPbros, I'll be honest 10chou voice doesn't fit to sing Bruno Mars songs... gomen...
I thought this fucker died.
So guys, does Bruno Mars is gay?
>>438684I don't care what /mu/ and their mathrock/kpop circlejerk sayt, I'll blast BM over that shit anytime, he's my favorite manlet and I'll fight for him.
>>438457>>438567>>438738>>438874I wonder if this "person" is aware of how obvious his samefagging is
>>438876Imagine if they played like unarchived Rock Band/Guitar Hero and used that as improvised Karaoke stream
>>438757Because it takes a lot more skill to take control of someone elses idea and take it in a direction you're comfortable with than trying to shut it down completely, often just making things worse.
>>438872She sings Starships every english karaoke, just watch one of them
Kiara... I'm.. kneeling!!!
>>438546i dont click on random polls without explanationbeen on jp since before debut tho
Bros I love Kiara
>>438487I didn't even know here existed before debutI only started using 4chan on the first L.A noir stream, because of the jew line
>>438918holy fuck what a throwback
If your Karaoke isn't fun, what's the point.
>>438874are you freeform writing one of those korean schizo OOC comics?
>>438496Murdering Mori in an elaborate way!Almost getting away with it but getting caught in the end!Dying horrifically after Bloop slams a hammer down!
>>438669that's a worse fate than death.
>>438893How new?
she should sing a better Bruno Mars song, like Happy, or Get Lucky
>>438848Orange is a vtuber started on Youtube, it was mentioned sometimes in /jp/. Obviously it happened as soon as /vt/ started too. Ina could've seen the meme in any other place, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube or fuck, think about it on her own since its such an obvious meme.
>>438915Mori can motivate even a fuckup like him to do his job reps
>>438915He didn't, unfortunately
>>438908As long as she's having fun, we'll be along for the ride.
>>438840What was the name of that user?
>>438245>>438328Mori LOVE!
>>438684My man, Utf is a certified hood classic.
>>438933Go back.
>>438457>>438567>>438738>>438874Big ups for the effort.
You have to understand that Kiara and a lot of the JPs have backgrounds in utawaku
>>438885>>438931designed for tender loving.
I just lost the game
>>438835>2010 was forty years ago
>>438956I refuse
>>438876Now you understand why Noel's karaoke's are so SOUL.
>>438906When will you stop bitching about every little thing
>>438923They didnt even tried changing their typing style . . .
>>438957Ame......stop posting...
>This GameHoly fuck
>>438964Fuck you
>>438958>>438923Anons tell me genuinelyWas it autism?
>>438936you are giving me the urge to write a schizo fanfic
>>438957wtf is sounding....Sounding is the act of inserting a metal rod into your urethra. Sounding tubes are meant to be used medically, but some people figured out that they experience sexual pleasure from the act. The reason for this being that the sounding tube can reach very sensitive parts inside your penis that, if stimulated, can create some very intense orgasms.my god
>>436964i noticed this too... always wondered what it meant.
This samefag is so obvious he doesn’t even change his writing style when he talks to himself.
>>438957Ame stop hornyposting
>>438948The obvious guess would be "-eepee hard", for her to refuse to read it and all.
>amelia gets shit on for not practicing her songs enough>kiara gets shit on for practicing too much beforehandjust cant win with (you) people
>>438907Feels like yesterday, doesn't it?
>>438761She found out her credit scoreShe will fix the internet issues for real this time
>>438951Autistic perfectionist prease andastand
>>438957He's saying what we're all thinking!
this anime is so fucking underrated
>>438470She's active on twitter
>>438951To be fair, most of the jp holos treat karaoke as a mini idol concert and try super hard. There aren't many that do just for funsies karaoke like this
>>438767You mean Blinding Lights? Man that song is so fucking good I was impressed it was on the radio at all.
>this gameActually the first anime I ever watched holy shit
>Your oshi>Your falseflag
>>438933>redditor comes to 4chan because of antisemitismBased but go back
Fuck yes This Game
>>438918The truth come out...
>>438921no you retard
>>438957hi ame
>>438994it's almost like there's more than one person posting
>>438994It's almost like people will complain for the sake of complaining. Just watch and enjoy.
season 2 never ever
>>438994>/hlgg/ is one person
>>436937guys how do I hear soundposts?
>>438957detective hands t/y/ped this post
>>438957Based homo poster
It's been like 5 years since I watched this anime should I rewatch it?
>Maid Dragon>No Game No Lifeah the era of anime after which I stopped watching anime. I kinda wanna go back
>>438994>just cant win with (you) peoplehow new?
I hate NGNL's art. It sucks. I never watched it and reading it was even more unbearable.
>>439002>underratedanon, it was the fotm at its timei fucking hated discussing this anime with /a/ but the anime is fine on its own
>>439013Gura I falseflag as a watamate to boost Watames image here. Same with Pekora sometimes.
>>438981>If I mess up, I am going to dieLETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>438994>Ame stops halfway through songs because she can't just cut loose and have fun>Gets told she should practice to solve that>WHAT THE FUCK BROS?
>>438994>>amelia gets shit on for not practicing her songs enoughno she gets shit on for stopping a song half way instead of finishing
>>438906>>438951By having this opinion you are shitting on Kiara's idol goals. She practices because she wants to get better.
>>438968>the amount of time between now and 2004 is greater than the amount of time between then and the end of the vietnam war
>>439002lmao what
Does Huke actually love Kiara? Not necessarily in a romantic sense but he's in every fucking stream.
I love this song. Thank you Tenchou
>Those budget flame effects
>>438994you cracked the code.
>>438669>video storeShare us your wisdom oh ancient one
>>438983you should try it anon, you will cum harder than you've ever cum in your life
>The midi instrumentskek
>>439011How fucking young?
>>439011>First anime you ever watched>Shows loli pantsu in first 10 minutes>still around.Incredibly based.
>>439022people is a plural
>>438827That's the same shit elevens say about polka, let go of yourhate anon, it will only bring you ruin.
I love you Kiara for singing NGNL song
>>438991i vaguely recall this thread having a reaction to that username
Ame can't sing, but at least she has good taste in music, unlike Kiara. Mori does too, for the record.
>>439033I still haven't watched the movie that came out
>>439026Imagine it really hard.search archives
>>438827if you think so, then you probably know something about her that Polka (who's on the record of saying she likes her btw) or other jops don't. Get my point?
>>439013InaI dont
>>439012This but unironically.
What possesses people to superchat their problems to others? My life fucking sucks but dragging strangers into my hangups feels fucked up.
>>439032those are two completely different eras
>>438994Nobody here is ever satisfied with anything. It's a bucket of crabs.
>>439048He's a very proud papa.
why does she keep trying to sing fast paced songs like this? just sing a game where you get to belt out the long high notes
>>439048Huke is her papa. Every father should love his daughter and spoil her
>>438920I like mathrock though, and I left /mu/ long time ago but they recommended me some good tracks. They actually got me less uptight about liking pop music.
>>439013MoriMori anti
>>439051You're now aware that the chicken on the left has the KFP backwards since she mirrored it and didn't fix it.
>>439013KiaraI sometimes pretend to be a tako during Ina streams
>>439057>noucomeGood, I didn't want to see worst girl win anyway
>>439057Good, that shit would just end up unfinished and we'd be back at the same place we are at now, waiting for more.
>>439048probably his background noise when hes working
>>439059It's a karaoke version. Those are almost always shitty auto-generated midi tracks.
>I'll definitely work more with AO-san in the future>I liked how he mixed my voice>and by work with I definitely don't mean corner him in an alley and shake him down
>>439048He's a very good papa.
>>439087the same reason why old people spill their problems to grocery store cashiers, nobody else to talk to
>>439071>>439083Go back faggots
>>438848She drew a shark with teeth (a topic she didn't even bring up) in her normal chibi style, then noted that it looked like The Annoying Orange, whose name she didn't even remember. If this is convincing to you then I don't know what to tell you. There's nothing out of the ordinary about it.
>>439048Probably. In another note will Kiara let Huke fuck her if they got close enough??
>>438994That's how it is in /kfpg/
NGNL sucks shit
>>439013InaWhen I shitpost I don't use pictures
>>438960>>439004Is it weird that I want a RBC footjob?
>>439060Anon chama I didn't start watching anime untill college because my roommate was watching it
>>439104He straight up said rhat
>>439080is there an archive for /vt/?
>>439054its a chain that still exists actually FYEyou used to buy CDs and Hentai DVDs there but i doubt anyone still does, probably just rick and morty merch and siimpsons branded candy
>>439095>just sing a game
>>4390862014 and 2016, not really
>>439013AmeI pretend to be a tako for the ritualpost
>>439093She's still having fun though?