【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com【 YouTube 】https://www.youtube.com/c/idol_corp【 Twitter 】 https://twitter.com/idol_corp【 Schedules 】 https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp【 Archive 】 https://idol.icebox.moe【 HE Original Song 】https://youtu.be/vqSsJM6teG8=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=idolHE 1st Generation:【 Kattarina Qutie - קאטרינה קיוטי 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@kattarina_qutie[Twitter] https://twitter.com/kattarina_qutie【 Nikki Rei - ניקי ריי 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NikkiRei[Twitter] https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol【 Lily Sin - לילי סין 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@LilySin[Twitter] https://twitter.com/lily_sin_idol【 Neo Sparkles - ניאו ספארקלס 】【graduated】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NeoSparkles[Twitter] https://twitter.com/NEOSPARKLES【 Emi Suika - אמי סויקה 】【graduated】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@EmiSuika[Twitter] https://twitter.com/suikaemi=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=idolEN 1st Generation:【 Yuko Yurei 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@yukoyurei[Twitter] https://twitter.com/YureiYuko【 Juna Unagi 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@JunaUnagi[Twitter] https://twitter.com/JunaUnagi【 Rin Penrose 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rinpenrose[Twitter] https://twitter.com/RinPenrose【 Pochi Wanmaru 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@PochiWanmaru[Twitter] https://twitter.com/PochiWanmaru【 Fuyo Cloverfield 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@FuyoCloverfield[Twitter] https://twitter.com/FuyoCloverfield=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=idolSTAR:【 Riro Ron (kyOresu) 】[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@riroron[Twitter] https://twitter.com/RiroRonSTAR=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=【 idol Friends 】Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Previous Thread: >>43648481
Sex with Eel wifeTurning big Eel sis into Mommy EelHaving children with Eel wifeBeing happy with Eel wife and kids
Wait I thought these threads were a meme but you are actually watching them? So many actual good chuubas and you decide to spend your time on this, why?
Pochi Wanmaru is my wife.
I love my tomboy GF Nikki Rei!I miss Nikki...
To the glory of Yuko
>>43661343Pretty sure NA share manager and EU will have a new manager soon to replace the current overworked HE manager.
some of you are cool, don’t come to yuko’s saturday stream
>>43667592post her schedule
Verification not required.
>>43666463you shaddap
sex with yuko while she sleeps
>>43668221you watching us?! how did you know?!?!
hello, pochi wanmaru is my wife. thank you.
Pochi feet
>>43668608Pochi feet mk. 2
>>43668582you're welcome!
Yuko my Booloved 2: Electric Boongaloo
Yuko my beloved.
I need more isekai collab TwT
>>43670072also juna dono is right around the corner, that's basically 1 to 3 collabs guaranteed
>>43670276Is Rin part of peesekai ? >>43670337true, i kinda forgot Juna Pochi and Fuyo are next
>>43670592probably just by association, she streams during overlap hell so i barely watch her
Everyone is live at this time, it's so hard to keep up without falling asleep.
i love nikki rei.
>>43670951hi nikki
>>43670592>Rin in hospital because body no work good>blinks awake>shifts uncomfortably because the sheets are wet and clinging to her legs>tears up a little as she waits for the nurse to finally come round>NHS, so it's long wait for that...||Ughhh, I feel dirty for having written this. But if my brain had to suffer it, you all deserve it too.||
>>43667257rin cute
>>43671035Ah fuck, I haven't had my coffee yet and used fucking discord tags. Alright, everyone get your laughs in.
>>43671088dumb bitch
>>43671035stop using discord and post here instead, ||rin||
I love Pochi
I wonder how girls interact off stream
>>43671448they don't
>>43671448They shit talk and laugh at you
>>43671448they make fun of this thread and fancord
>>43671448Girls in general? They tend to hate each other. They hate guys too if they don't offer anything
>>43671448You can tell Yuko is probably a total cunt off streamI want her to piss on me
>>43671729But they love each other tho ?
>>43671448they fight each other in tight outfits for the fun of it
>>43671818Yuko probably sends porn to Rin and then acts dumb saying she thought it was cute club penguin fanart
>>43671448they organize off collab orgies on the weekends
>>43667592I cum to every Yuyu stream. Good morning jidf
>>43668124Pink child good.
>>43672089how was her slime stream ? I was watching Yuko's members at that time
>>43671448Nikki, Emi and Neo used to hang out and watching anime together, they were watching Spy x Family together back in October. Nikki and Katta used to occasionally meet up for lunch. Lily lived far enough away from the others though.
>>43671859Yuko, send her this.https://files.catbox.moe/fuoe5z.png
can someone give me the timestamps to the good stuff in yuko's asmr please? she has fucked my ears up with feedback 3 times now and i don't want to sit through anymore of it, lol. i don't trust her with an asmr mic.
>>43672815just check the comments on that vod you lazy bum
>>43672644>https://files.catbox.moe/fuoe5z.pngMy ass is now itching what the fuck
>>43672910hi Rin
Pochi peanut butter eating asmr...
tfw you realize you will never have the sexo with Yuko’s butt
>>43673689speak for yourself
>>43673689Maybe you won’t
>>43672644i wish i could RP this with Bin
>>43671448Rin, Fuyo, Yuko and Pochi all try to hide from the kissy gay sex that Juna and Riro try to force upon them. They do not succeed
Just came across a rl menhera on my way home, looking real cute, but suddenly acting strange and mentally problematic (growling, imitating strangulation on her iphone, keeps ruffling her hair, eating like she's been starving and talking with herself.) I now got a new appreciation of Yuko, she's looking like she's doing fine to me.
i just had a little peek at the unofficial fan discordi wish i didn't
>>43673978why are you posting this instead of grooming her?
>>43673990Link? You sparked my morbid curiosity.
>>43673978you absolute fucking buffoon, that was yuko. you just missed out on the chance of a lifetime to meet her in person.
>>43673990something interesting?
>>43674037it's the post on the bottom of her meme hashtag on twitter>>43674058cringe, but not the kino kind. also a tranny talking about fucking literal cats and dogs
Niggers stop falling or pretend to fall for fanbase wars and report tribal niggers already
>>43674017Talking to strangers on public transport would make me more of a weirdo than her. I got no interest in rl menheras.
>>43671448Nikki 100% interacts privately with the other HE girls.I am pretty sure she's still friends with Emi, as she sometimes mentions her.
>>43673978You’re fucking retarded for not introducing yourself, cringe menhera girls are the cutest thing in existence
>>43674106fall for this
>>43673978Where the hell are you people finding girls like these
>>43674152She was having a angy moment, also see>>43674115
>>43674345some have to leave the house sometimes unfortunately..
Finally… I’m alone in my house and I’m gonna jack off to yuko’s shaky asmr stream breathing. I’m gonna moan your name so fucking loudly you stupid blue retard
>>43674548>I’m alone in my house and I’m gonna jack offWhat's the fun in this ? Risk of getting caught makes it better
>>43674345Outside of the front door is a world full of dangerous and mentally unstable women.
>>43674698Moaning under my breath does absolutely nothing for me. And I sure as hell can’t do it loudly if the family is around
Since Riros persona is officially tied to her PL as kyOresu we can discuss her old content right? Cause I have no idea what the lyrics to that I'll be your puppy song are saying but it kinda slaps
>>43674813>Moaning under my breathare you a female ?
>>43675113>we can discuss her old content right?I guess
>>43675150I can answer that. No.
>>43675174I hope idol gets her to work soon, her music is fresh. I need more inside bear too pls
>>43675150>i’m gonna jack off>are you a femaleAnon…
>>43675274nta i sometimes call it jacking off because it's funny..
>>43675274I talked to a lot of femanons before
>>43675174she looks so cute and calm
>>43672910Why not scratch the itch then?
>>43675507I already did, it doesn't itch anymore
>yuko asmr in usual place has 111 downloadshorny ass people...
>>43675564Two of those are me, snagged one copy for my PC and one for my phone so I can listen with earbuds in and once more experience what it'd be like for Yuko to stab me in the ear
Is it true Juna doesn't like her fans?
>barely get started after letting phone charge a bit>put on earbuds>go to asmr>youtube remembers where i last viewed in vod>1:42:33>”i’m pent up, i’ll be honest i’m pent up”>immediately followed up with “hmmumm~“DIAMONDS
You guys think we’ll get a Yuyu twitterspace today?
is it true katta loves me the most?
>>43676241What time did she say the cat nap twitterspace was gonna be if she decided to do it? 3 hours before stream right?
>>43676489I am sure of it anon. Please don't let her wait for too long at the altar.
Would it be ok for a married man to watch one of these girls and feel in love as opposed to feeling anything for their wife?
>>43676955obviously not, fix your life
>>43676955Depends. It would be better to enjoy EN AND have a good relationship with the wife.
>>43676955Whats stopping you from leaving her? Also, I wouldn’t blame you for your situation
>>43676955Just get your wife into it too.
>>43676955I dumped a long term gf after chuubas made me realize how deficient the relationship was, guess it's different if you're married though
i washed my bed sheets earlier yesterday and this brat made me cum so hard i ended up cumming on them again
I'm waiting for la creatura rosa, what about you?
>>43677659I'm never gonna catch her live. This time she streams at is terrible.
>>43677653anon wet the bed..
>>43677659hi riro
>>43676955>ojisan falling in love with a girl much younger than him, neglecting his wife A tale as old as time.
>>43677589i was about to reply this, literally the same bro
I am 31 years old and I have avoided ponyshit my entire life but now I am unironically looking forward to the watchalong later, what the fuck is this brats problem? She lured me in with boomer rock and cunny and now she has me downloading a mlp movie, I even considered making a fucking roblox account and I am sure that is just a matter of time too. What the fuck is her endgame?
>>43677933she will run for the president of the united states.
>>43677933>What the fuck is her endgame?share something she likes with people she loves. watch it or don't, who cares
so where do I get the movie there's nothing in the cykatube
>>43678229yuko doesn't like poorfags
>>43676955It's called transference, anon. You're projecting the feels you want to have into people who you think match up with your ideal. Might as well break the spell now, it's not worth it because none of these girls or anyone in vtubing is going to reciprocate them to you. You will only ever be a number and a name in a sea of them and if you died tomorrow and never went back to chat, your chuuba wouldn't even notice. Your wife probably would though.
>>43677550'Ate me wifeLuv me sportsLuv me royal family
>>43677933>What the fuck is her endgame?to convert the entire world into cunny chads
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz9Q7tP09BE1 1/2 hours until Ronny does more karaoke
Are you ready for more Riro karaoke?
>>43678711Yes, I keep listening to her do 'I Follow Rivers', that and Bad Apple were the best from her monetization karaoke stream
>>43676489As katta bf, i can confirm
It's very cute rewatching Juna's Hi-Fi Rush stream, it is pretty much her jam.
most underrated fanbase?
>>43680280your mom's
>>43680280Fuyobros. Sheebs and Boobros dominate. Fameely are discord shitters. Rincels are male lovers.
>>43680280Fuyobros for surethey are cute and just enjoy Fuyo
i love yuko even more after she made us look so handsome because she hated getting fucked by some random dude in fan art.
>>43680857idk if its the fact that it was a random dude desu, i think she just likes to keep things in theme and with a boo bro it makes a lot more sense in her mindshes a self inserter and if she can look and see a boo bro easily its easier for her to come up with a situation in her mind for it.
>>43680558Princes (female) aren't gay even if it's rough anal of dubious consent.
>>43681081INSIDE HER
Working on my Yuko/Fuyo fic made me realize it's really fucking hard for me to write a short spicy story, fucker's turning out more like a short LN at this point ;-;
>>43680978She’s unironically thinking about fucking us bros…
>>43681402The least we can do is live up to her standards.
>This live event will begin in 28 minutes.
>>43681315I know the feeling. I had to delete mine because it felt cringe, not writting only the sex.
>>43681315i feel you my nigger, mine have reached five digit characters. gotta start uploading them to AO3 too
>>43681402we're her little stuffy
>>43681491Make sure to capture a few more reaction images please
>>43681402Some boobros already made her cum with their fanfics
>>43681502>>43681507I think my problem is I'm a reader, I like plot and stuff, so I end up writing plot which feels weird because I know people just read these to fap/schlick. And you have to have dialogue for plot so that's even more, so I end up with like 2k words before the seggs even starts. I might try to divvy it up and do a series involving all the girls to kinda space it out more.
>>43681571shark hood boobro
>>43681691you can't just jump into fugging like that if want to write a good story, it needs a good build up for the reader (yuko) to be able to get into it and be able to self insert
>>43681796The thought of Yuko getting off to my story is what powers me on. Maybe Fuyo will even get some fun out of it. Thanks for the words of encouragement boobros o7
>>43680558I love Pochi the most but Fuyo is adorable too and probably my close second favorite.But i generally like all of them.
>>43681861no problem, kurt
>>43680558i'm a boobro and i will make some fuyo art now just to be a contrarian
>>43681691I’m no expert but I’ve heard girls like exposition in their erotica while guys usually prefer raw images
I kinda noticed something, Yuko wasn't even NEARLY as horny before the whole fanfic thing started
>eroticaWhy's this placed filled with women? Only erotica I ever read was Lolita and I don't think it even counts
>>43682215the horny was dormant. now she's comfortable being horny with us because we accept and encourage it.
>>43682215this is all cat's fault thank you TuT
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz9Q7tP09BEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz9Q7tP09BEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz9Q7tP09BEGET IN HERE STARCHADS!
>>43682824you’re now aware whenever she mentions wanting an orange cat at some point in the future it means she wants to marry him
>>43677933thx for the reminder, buying the movie rn
>>43682945i am orange cat
Good afternoon gentlemen, it is another great day to love cunny.
>>43683007Looking submissive and rideable there
>>43683110based and same
>>43682945she mentioned that way before he appeared
I love Nikki Rei!
I like pink thing
>alerts during the karaoke
Sorry Riro but I'm busy with a feel other things right now, see you in 10 mins
>>43683360PINK THING SEX
riro has no members enabled?
this fucking millenial kek
fantastic song choice as usual
Everyone shut up, the pink one is singing.
Lily Love
>>43683424not yet, give her a week tops
It's a good day to be a Roricon.
>>43683327Id just wait until the end if you want to donate
I love these little bounces so much
>>43683550yeah, i'm not an attentiowhore but i can't speak for every rirocon>>43683367worry not my friend
sex voice
This kind of Riro is nice too
Did she sing many Russian or Spanish songs in her previous karaoke?
>>436837761 spanish 0 russian iirc
>>43683776I remember one spanish
this baby cute
>>43683813might be misremembering though
I wanted to take a nap, but the karaoke is so good that I will sacrifice my nap.
>>43683867Take a nap with Yuyu later
pink child love
>>43683813>>43683827I'm really digging this one so far, I guess I'll just download the previous one.
>>43683937definitely worth it
>>43683937previous was kino, took me back to my teens
Pochi love
Yeah it's a really bad idea to have alerts enabled
pomf pomf
its the real version, Pink Cat avoided
No way
>>43683999What years would those be, anon?
Clearly the superior Pink Woman
>>436841018~18 years ago
Ollie is here
I kneel for pink womanchild
Idol keeps winning?
its over now holobronies will ruin this place for me...
>>43684145Based fellow ojiisan. Loving these cute girls singing 00s and early 10s bangers.
>>43684223it's so over...
>holowhore ignored>mogs the pink whore with the real songbased
>>43684223>posting this in /ggg/
>>43684179>>43684193Based unity zombie.
>>43684223>posting this in /ameg/
>>43684223>posting this is /jidf/
>>43684223We are a /ggg/ offshoot anyways
>>43684223>posting this in /yyg/
>ignoredHOLY BASED
>>43684223>posting this in /vt/
wow she sings in loli voice so well
>>43684323its a superpower called having no idea who she is
>>43684369first time?
Rin,Riro and Fuyo all live in same timezone but does this mean they talk the most to each other ?
>>43684405excatly this
let's go
>>43684323it was in the middle of the song and immediately drowned out by a dozen stars and moai emotes
>>43684223they already ruined it in November
>>43684448Rin and Fuyo seemed the most excited for Riro so that would make sense
kek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD1J8yQb44c
>>43684223Dude like 80% of people here are ex holo.
>>43684524How low
>>43684532Rin was in every debut simulation of Riro's too
>>43684405If Yuyu doesn't know Korone I'm not really surprised about Riro not knowing Ollie.
>>43684556>exI still watch but just don't mention since it's unrelated
>>43684538es ella
>>43684223>posting this in /jp/
if she does weekly karaokes she might become on of my favorites
Green thing in the chat
>>43684716Weekly karaokes would be awesome
>>43684716same altough she's already one of my favorites>>43684737YUKO COME HERE
>>43684716If she knows enough songs to keep it fresh every single week sure. Otherwise I think biweekly karaokes would be better.
LETSGOOOOOOOOStill waiting for that image of Fuyo and Yuko on the security cameras
Oh shit i just noticed Riro has donationalerts for Russians to donate
No class today, you guys are safe for now
>>43684889>shykidfieldanon my sides lmao
This girl will shoot up a preschool and you can't stop it
>>43684803They are already dominating the donos.
>>43684927i want to shoot up her preschool cunny
Riro is cute as fuck
I am missing the Pink Cunny Kino because of work....
>>43684983Shakira no es ganar mucho que digamos...
How is her Spanish latino bros ?
>>43685067hot as fuck
>>43685060Es cute as fuck bro
>>43685060Old shakira is god tier tho
>>43684778Would be a cool vsinger gimmick, weekly karaokes where she brings new songs into rotation, sings them weekly until she has them down and they become a part of her repertoire, then rotate in new songs to learn. You can have members vote for new songs to enter the mix, do a retrospective karaoke a couple of times a year to recap all the songs she's learned in the past months, and end up with a huge range of songs to perform in karaokes.
>>43685067I'm not latino, but I love her Spanish songs. She should sing more in Spanish.
>>43685108based and same also hi Fuyo
>>43685067Very european spanish sounding, but cute and hot
>>43685096smart idea
>>43685067She's got that funny ass Spanish accent.
it's time for the broskis, do we have any /here/?
>>43685067>>43685080 (me) latino btwher spanish accent leaked a bit and made me feel things i didn't know i could feel
>>43685108based green thing
her Russian is pure sex
>>43685067Isn't she equally fluent in both Spanish and Russian? She's pretty good. Her accent is from Spain, not SA.>>43685096Sounds perfect but I know better than to expect anyone to work this hard.
Бaзиpoвaный Myмий тpoль
>>43685306cyka blyat and vodka comrade
>>43685403I haven't had vodka in like a month...
I prefer when she sings in Spanish, is kino. ES>EN>RU>JPt. russian
>idol en>sings in jpwhy would fuyo do this
>>43685421how are you still alive?
>>43685427I want her to sing зeлeнoглaзoe тaкcи and other songs like that
higurashi bros!
>HigurashiAnd she keeps being based
I am jealous of the attention Riro gives Fuyo.
god damn shes so good
>>43685306Too bad she didn't try for that slurred feel their songs have
>>43685484welcome to the clubt. boobro
It's unreal how those lesbian slav weebs always have the best taste every goddamn time.
>>43685459I usually don't drink at all but the last time i did it was vodka, will buy one in like 3 days from now on, gonna get drunk as fuck and watch Rin or some shit
>>43685427I love her Russian most, the rest are fairly equalt. anglo
>>43685484>>43685513Based Fuyo creating a loli harem
>>43685484Go home Ollie youre drunk
>>43685560shut up fuyo
Okay she is good on my book nowHigurashi can only be sang by based people
>>43685484They are fucking IRL, it's just a short car ride for Fuyo, it's over
I wonder how easy is to speak Japanese if you already can speak Russian, not learn just speak/pronounce
I want her to sing Кyкyшкa or He жaлeю, нe зoвy, нe плaчy...
>>43685484t. yuko
>>43685578Enna loves Higurashi and she's a shitter soo
>>43685526>get drunk and watch Rinexcellent taste anon
>>43685613I've heard that phonetically, japanese is actually similar to spanish.
Imagine her singing я yбью тeбя, лoдoчник. Or anything by lebedinsky. It would either be extremely hilarious or absolute fail.
She noticed Ollie... it's over
>>43685686yeah and i heard it was the same with Russian that's why i asked.
She looks like a child
>>43685736I know ToT
The Higurashi song was really good.
>>43685706>>43685741I blame chat
She should cover that higurashi song
>>43685722cool. It makes sense, since the original japanese are a mix of koreans immigrating from the south and russians from the north
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F-JfWqMG6gso when are we getting an official cover from katta and riro to this song?
i think this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtxjm7ciwmc
I knew that brony cover
we are now officially Idolbronies
>>43685803It could be nice, to attract JP audience and it's a good song so it's only a plus
Damn Yuko converting everyone...
brony corp
>>43685936kino is kino
I watched 2 season of that show to understand why adults like it and i still don't lol
It's over
>>43685960not like this...
>biggest brony eceleb is an Israeli
>>43686025I didn't watch it, but I always assumed it's gochiusa/aikatsu for furries
>>43686025I think they wanted to fuck the ponies
>>43686025You had to be there.
>>43686025I watched the first two as they were airing but didn't quite get why people were so obsessed over it either.Discord was cool.
Dear God please let her singHI Fi - He Дaнo минyc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdT7BQs6YzQnikki starting
>>43686100eh, for me it felt like a show about friendship/fighting bad guys+songs but my interest only lasted me for 2 seasons, i got bored
>>43686025That's fine. It's not for everyone. At least you tried something and found you didn't like it rather than blindly hating it based on other people's perceptions
>>43686135>monster seeking monstermaking up for that collab
>>43686130She would be unfathomably based if she did that one
>>43686025I will never understand.
>>43686215she was asked to do it instead, made a poll and this won
>boku no pico intro
>>43686025good thing you only watched the second season. it gets worse on the later ones.
I'm scared bros.
Riro baby...
We are all gay
>>43686171nta but the series is definitely nothing to shit on. It's very high quality for what it is, and fairly entertaining. I'm really looking forward to tonight's watchalong, since I never had the chance to enjoy the series with somebody else. I wonder if I'll like it more this way.
>>43686341Fuck off tranny
she's too powerful
yuko retweetyuko awake
>>43686223I hope she does one day and i bet the rest of the thread doesnt even know the song
>>43686341i'll fuck a boo bro in the hoodie, but no one else
>>43686407why are (some) boobros like this?
>>43686407if you're fast that would mean Yuko turned on Riro's stream before checking twitter, based
>>43686529idk, but I would rather fuck a boo bro than this pink haired russian gremlin
>>43686569this is the most homosexual thing I have seen posted in /jidf/ and I watched a man jack off here earlier
I like her song choicest. holotourist
>>43686569I'm worried about the boo bros.
LMAO no way.
>>43686595some men simply have standards
o kurwa
>>43686660>standards>boobrost. boobro
>>43686651es ella
Still more intelligible than actual P*lish
Average Russian trying to speak Polish
What did green thing mean by this?
>>43686651>>43686707Es ella
Riro should sing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwA_0N5NyEY&t=0s
Ukraine is pig while Poland is cow?
>>43686749slava brother
What do you do when your oshi has already saved herself before debut?
riro :(
>>43687001watch her
>>43686833What? It's just a Polish meme song.
>>43687001you support her so she doesn't fall back
>>43687001You cheer her on as she takes over the world
At this point I associate Unravel with vtubers more than with anime.
Pain peko
>TU RU RUUUUbased riro
Look at her bouncing man.
>>43687113the only times i ever heard of this show were from black people
My ojisan knees are dust.
>>43687061Ok I just remembered Ukraine have that pig song so I wondered if EU have some kind of animal reps
>>43687310Norway has that cursed fox song.
She's having so much fun.
not this shit again chica
Needs correction
>>43687388>>43687397>>43687406riro rolled
Time to lovingly correct this brat.
It seems some rougher correction is needed...
>>43687419pot calling the kettle brat
https://twitter.com/YureiYuko/status/1628825176698937344nap time with yuyu
I wonder if gen 2 is also full of brats
I have a song recommendation for Rirohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q07dm6lPs2k
>>43687477Fuck I forgot about this
>>43687480Brat Corp
okay, now she's ASKING for itcorrection needed
>>43687480So how long until gen2?
>>43687480I want a big tiddy girl already. I don't care if she's a hag, teen, loli, but I want a girl with the fattest milkers.
>>43687528Is Rin the only one who is not a brat? Even Pochi is bratty
>>43687610Rin is a posh brat.
>>43687587No one knows but auditions were over a couple of weeks ago
>>43687610Rin was being a colossal, entitled kusogaki in the juna teacher collab stream
>>43687610Rin is the brattiest of them all wdym
>>43687600Oppai loli is a thing that we don't have much of yet in vtubing.
>>43687610Rin is a severely autistic kid
>>43687610Rin timed out her own manager
Love Lily
>>43687600Big tiddy loli would be great.
>>43687721Yaia uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
>>43687721i am now convinced
>>43687721but what if it was a small-medium tiddy, petite slender hebe with nice tummy?!
>>43687721SEXO ToT
>>43687733A cute Demon
>>43687721Oppai loli is so good.
Whatcha starin' at?
>>43687001find a way to break her
I want someone with a huge ass for gen2
>>43687992Draph are the greatest fantasy race ever created.
I want someone obese for gen2
>>43688038I will kiss the tummy
>>43688053Juna already has a huge ass or so we're told.
>>43687721Holy fuck that's beautiful. I think I actually got tears in my eyes.
I want someone with a huge ass for gen2 who is not afraid to use it
I want Aviel to start an AVtuber branch
Damn brat already making me horny
I want Aviel to start a fleshtuber branch
>>43688110The model has a big ass yeah, yeah.
>>43688120Yaia is so good.
from now on i will only post positive messages and don't shit on any talents.
>>43688355yeah im sure it will work out for you this time
>This live event will begin in 65 minutes.
>>43688355Only say positive things in the girl's chats. No need to be a Yes Bro here.
>>43688449Most of the girls come here and I feel bad for them.
>>43688355What is there even to shit on? You people don't know how good you have it.t. tourist
Fuyos massive cock....
Fuyos massive futa cock...
>>43688355I don't get it.
>>43688480dont say it
>>43688492Sometimes they need correction, this is where it happens.