I love Ina!
i love towalisten to her new original metal song ufohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBmss54l5zcor her semi-new original song raimei with a mvhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfOx00AOfKo
I hope there are no brats in this thread.
My Ina!
Lapsama my friend
Why is board blue? Does a single daki really has so much power?
I love Mori!
>>43563730They should have gone with Wamy.
I was asleep during the AME spam that time but good thing archive exists
I own this thread now! Praise me and send me images of big boobies!
Hey, don’t look at the catalog ok?
>>OP2023 Ina has been too smug.
>>43563747Why do you care?
where's fauna? its 15 mins past her usual stream time
Gura cute
>Ugh… consider yourself lucky, weakling! I would’ve crushed you easily if it hadn’t been for my mom arriving to pick me up!
it's really hot todaylike 40 degrees hotter than yesterday
How do you think she made it up to Choco?
my friends latest cover song is approaching 12m views, please give it a listen if you havent yet! its her first release of a cover song in a while because she has been sick and this one was really good and fun to listen to, and she worked really hard on it too!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI9wYwAJoOU if you dont want to listen to it dont reply to me because i dont care
>>43563752I will do neither of those things.
>Kaela used to play League 50 hours at a time>She slept 2-3 hours two to three times a week>FOUR TO SIX HOURS OF SLEEP A WEEK>She ate at most every other day, sometimes less>almost died, forced to move back with her motherJesus, Kaela almost became a Starcraft Korean, no wonder she thinks 12 hours streams are nothing.
>>43563752Good job taking over the thread, I guess?
Have you ever smelled a musky woman?
>>43563797Gotta love it
>>43563752hey little tubbyrys you look tubby when you eat your peanut butter
>>43563797Oh great, now your feet are too warm
>>43563774Because community anxiety
>>43563833I hate warm weather, it should never be above 70F, warm enough to heat my house but not too hot to sweat.
Ina's showcase was 4 days ago, no? She's completely done with recordings and rehearsals right? So she should be able to stream daily at her usual time again. Where are the streams?
>>43563886do other takos even want streams? I think it's fine
>>43563752Please tell me I'm not the only one in this thread that wants to fuck Cheebs
Manhandling elfriend
Myth Showcase guests>KiaraSubaru, Nene, Pomu (voice only)>MoriSuisei, AZKi, Lui>GuraMarine, Shion, Kronii (voice only)>AmeHaachama, Mel, Gura
>>43563822Did you see Kagura Nana's new cover, too?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFo6bhp4GGg
>>43563886This is bait but there's still the full gen 3D which likely includes some singing and dancing.
>>43563886sorry the two of us are kinda busy at the moment
>>43563797its so miserable here i hate this place
>>43563822https://youtu.be/ShXmOdYGuG8Slowpokes can't compare.
>>43563920>Myth showcase Myth guestlol no
>>43563920stop using kiara to force discussion of nijishit in global.
>>43563934>this is bait but I’m still going to give him a genuine answer like he gives a fuck
>>43563795She has no right being as cute as she is
>>43563874seeing this just made realize I haven't eaten in like 24 hours and it just kinda hit me all at once.
>>43563886Apparently there's the full gen collab thing so yeah.Hopefully none of myth gets absent in the full gen collab, we don't want another "La+" situation again
Shion is cute, monkey cute.
Don’t click on this.
https://youtu.be/KEe0pzo9rOAReminder that the JP Onigiryaa dropped true kino again this year.
I don't mean to be rude and I somehow relate but are the streams such a big part of your life that you seethe and become an anti when there's a lack of them? I just enjoy whatever the girls do and don't worry too much about hiatuses or if they are friends off-stream
>>43563920pomu would be in the call in pose section, not cardboard or whatever.
Did I miss something? Why is the Catalog all Gura bait?
>>43563874these cookies are great fuck you
>all of the Gura threads in the catalogYou cannot convince me that this isn't an organised raid.
>>43564027We already had that though, Ina was away from the NY performance.
>>43563965>its ok when HoloID does it
I was a fool thinking that gura could change. She'll never change.
>>43564083>>43564090The sisters are angry, let them seethe
>>43564090go make a meta thread in the catalog and talk about it there, no one cares
IRyS is so fucking cool
I am the moom who watches
>>43564027isn't ame already back in the US?
>>43564090>Some nigger spamming>Call them out>They do it more>Call them out>Other retards do it to add onto the spam>Call them out>It's not rocket science retard
>>43564027We already did though lol, remember Ina was gone and people made meme edits of Ina being there in the center
>>43563838Pot calling the kettle black, fatfucks.
>>43564134Did Zeta fly to the US just to meet Ame?
>>43564111Who the fuck are you?
Did Mumei go to Japan? Its not like her to go a few days without streaming without going on some kind of trip.
>>43564049You're surprisingly on top of things, huh? Did you also know about the HoloPlus app that's coming out?
What're you dweebs up to?I was just catching up on the tree woman's trucking streamRySFauna should have been a cunny...
I think Noel and Ina should rub their chests together
>>43564078who are you talking to?
>>43564134She never said that, why are you assuming she went back?
>KiaraSora, RBC, Miko, Azki, Haachama, Mel, Aki, Matsuri, Suisei, Aqua, Choco, Ayame, Subaru, Shion, Korone, Mio, Okayu, FBK, Pekora, Marine, Noel, Flare, Rushia, Towa, Luna, Watame, Kanata, Coco, Nene, Lamy, Aloe, Polka, Botan, Koyori, Chloe, Laplus, Lui, Iroha, Moona, Risu, Lofi, Anya, Reine, Ollie, Kobo, Kaela, Zeta, Ina, Gura, Ame, Mori, Irys, Fauna, Mumei, Kronii, Baelz, Sana, Chris>MoriSuisei, Lui, Boogey Voxx>GuraUhhhhhhhhhh>AmeUhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>43564168did someone say fatfuck?
Can Friday come faster?
>>43564188I can't wait to flirt with Ayamefriend on the holoplus app.
>>43564118>>43564148>board flooded with threads>haha just ignore them it will go away
>>43564150What a comfy looking robit
I think Noel and Ina should rub their chests on my face
>>43564220>Boogey VoxxAnon, they're dead. Its time to let go
>>43564220>RisuWoah woah, we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves here
>>43564148rocket science isn't even hard
>>43564134no you stupid fuck, where did you get that idea you goddamn retard
>>43564078Anon I think you are too sane for this board.
>>43564134I swear to god, I'll really make 50 catalog posts if you guys keep saying the wrong shit again
>>43563921Ayame's mom is a whore.https://youtu.be/6lXJ9mgbDcQ
>>43564224u gonna eat that fatfuck?
>>43564245The fuck do you want me to do about it? Serious question.I'm not a mod or a janny. Go to the IRC and complain about them not doing the thing their paid to do
>>43564188What's HoloPlus?
Why does Pochi's dinner look like hospital food?
IS it just me or as Mori been cuter since she got the sleepy reaper outfit? Not just the design but she has just been acting cuter.
>>43564188Of course I did, who do you think is going to be an editor for it? It's not me.
>>43564245this isnt the board meta thread retard no one here except for antis give a shit about the catalog and i dont even know why im wasting my time replying to you because youre just as bad as they are. go make a post in the catalog or IRC about it, literally nothing changes from you posting it here and you just piss people off
>>43564319>Why does Pochi's dinner look like hospital food?Who's gonna tell him?
>>43564076they're so fucking cool...
>>43564297Yakuza next week, no matter what.
>>43564280Did she do that on purpose?
>>43564209watching the rest of my oshis stream from last night because i couldnt watch it all last night because i had to go to sleep and then i want to play some video games
>>43564245>>haha just ignore themYeah, the catalog is always a bait filled, tourist infested shithole so it's best to just ignore it entirely.
>>43564180The first chumbud.
>>43564245Jannies are dead, just post some cp. That ought to wake meidos up.
>>43564111I would say it's because her design is so iconic, the person piloting it stopped mattering entirely. They can make money off the design without having her actually stream or do much. I unironically believe Gura (the design, not the actual lady herself) could be the first vtuber in Cover that gets recasted once the previous voice leaves the company. Gura could go on forever if they wanted, the design alone is a famous mascot now and they can get away with it even if a few people are of the opinion they can't.
>>43564274Huh? But no one else is streaming but homos
Reminder Ina should rape me
>>43564328What a pity. Well, I'm still gonna add you up when it drops in English anyway, don't worry.
>>43564220>GuraGandalf the GreyGandald the WhiteMonty Python and Holy Grail's Black KnightBenito MussoliniThe Blue MeanieCowboy CurtisGiambi the GenieRobocopThe TerminatorCaptain Kirk>>AmeDarth VaderLo-PanSupermanEVERY SINGLE Power RangerBill S PrestonTheodore LoganSpockThe RockDoc OckHulk Hogan
>>43564297When is this happening?
>>43563820She can save me
>>43564214>>43564261>>43564269She was radio silent all day yesterday and based on the time of her twitter activity and the scheduled stream it's pretty obvious that Ame went back already.
>>43564280What the fuck is happening here?
>>43564314This https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000900.000030268.html
>>43564297Do the KFP even have their suits anymore?
>>43564245who the fuck gives a shit about the boardthere is one thread on this boardmaybe two if you wanna talk about your oshi only
>>43564117No one gave the sisters chocolate for valentines, now we have to suffer
>>43564408mucho texto
>>43564383>bait filled, tourist infested shithole Gee, that sure reminds me of something
>>435644448am EST
Wait a minute Reine played Rhythm Doctor, that means they DO have permissions to play it and that means I NEED to see Gura play it.
>>43564429holy shit how does cover do it?
>>43564493Is that why ayamefriend has been extra sassy lately too?
>>43564314I can't wait to see "Gura" and "Ame" post on there.
Seeing as Nakirigumi are here. What are your response to the fact that Ayame ghosted Kiara on the shrine date and now Kiara will probably be too insecure about asking her for anything else in the future? A good JP/EN relationship was formed and now its most likely no more, what a shame.
>>43564247Not yetStill time for one last event
>>43564411>Melatonin>The game ame played just a day agoOkay fine I'll watch
>>43564457oh so you're actually retarded, gotcha
>>43563920Mori having an AZKi feature would be grand
Ame hasn't offcollabed with JPs because teamates keep eating random Japanese women thinking they are her collab partner.
>>43564531This is what Yagoo meant by English partners.
>>43564245Yes. Who gives a fucking fuck about the catalog?
>>43563808you know exactly how
>>43564297suit-up, KFP...
>>43564665imagine the smell
>>43564247People should stop talking confidently about things they know nothing about
>>43564554>>43564665>Put this thing on your ramen cup>Open the cup to find all the ramen gone
>>43564325bitches love getting new clothes
Don't forget these type of "people" populate these threads
>>43564700FAT FUCK
>>43564665most retarded merch is the history of hololive
>>43564594teamates are most poisonous fanbase not because of toxicity but because of the SAVIORFAGGING and spamming of cute towards her collab partners
>>43564713I don't care about your deleted post
>>43564665That's how you use it? i thought the tako was like a mini plate for the ramen cup
>>43564220Damn, Kiara's 3D showcase is gonna be lit fr fr
>>43564594or maybe its because there are only 3 or 4 people she could actually do an off collab with and she has already done one with two of them.
>>43564134No, she's Back in the U.S.S.R.
>>43564723That's because ame suffers the most
Kiara WILL sing a song from the album at her 3D showcase
>>43564749she's definitely going to get the highest CCV of all of myth. no matter what, her guest list will be stacked.
>>43564700skill issue
>>43564781does that thing have feet
>>43564297If it wasn't at 5am I'd suit up. I genuinely miss playing with wawa and she might be heard in the background
>>43564794Good, no one cares
>>43564781this is not retarded
>>43564427>>43564328Good, then you fags can jerk each other off in PMs instead of the thread
>>43564781what's that?
>>43564280>"it's me" spama fucking mirror everywhere you look
>>43564794I'm no one and I care
>>43564840A tissue box cover.
>>43564823I'm no one btw
>>43564797The sad thing is, that shit unironically work if its during jp primetime with the guests in the thumbnail.
I doodled an Ayame...
>>43563781>her usual stream timeIt's Tuesday.
>>43564457You just reminded me of that one time someome sperged way the fuck out about "radio silent" for no reason, what the fuck was that guy's problem
>>43564853because the temperature swings are terrible for 4 months and then its just hot for 8 months straight and then my power goes out for a week every year
>>43563781Where is Mumei? Where is Sana? Where is IRyS? Where is Alice?
>>43563781Fucking Gura.
>>43564873Now doodle her getting cucked by Chloe.
Baeby live soon!
Love is just a game I can't complain, I do the same. DO U? DO U? Say You do feel the same.
Surely EN3 is right around the corner.
This thread would be better if we had gotten Aki's birthday live as scheduled.
>>43564935DO U with Choreo SOON
>>43564915IRyS streamed yesterday, Mumei is trying to survive, Sana graduated a fuckton ago and Alice is sucking cocks.
>[Legend of Polka] Committee-Requested Tongue TwistersTalking Skills Improvement Committee Pt. 2!Wha?!Tongue twisters w/ voice changer!Wha?!Legend of Polka, every Thursday!Polka & staff descend into studio recording hell!Miss the latest Legend of Polka? Well now's your chance!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6PFmNylwmghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6PFmNylwmghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6PFmNylwmg
>>43564915>Where is Alice?In my bed
>>43564183Unlikely, because she wouldn't have cancelled the Apex thing last minute if that was the case.
>>43564873It's cute! I know my oshi will love it because I love it!
>>43564909oh i thought you meant /vt/
I miss Fauna...
>>43564183Imagine how shitty it'd be if somebody would post about an emergency as a smokescreen for travel.
>>43564728>>43564778it was a jork you autismos
>>43564963I don't want any specific member's info or anything, but has Moom said anything on there? All I've seen from her since her sudden cancellation is the one retweet and showing up in Fauna's chat for a second.
Did any ID other than Kaela share any spicy details about meeting Kiara?
>>43564873I want to fuck your doodle
>>43565039Nope, Mumei's been oddly silent, which is why the Hoomans have been worried.
>>43565045Iofi said Kiara was cute
>>43565000>>43565053Whoa, thanks!
>>43564183She said she's not going back till at least the Summer I think. Also I don't think she's dumb enough to use an emergency as an excuse to travel secretly.
>>43565059Matsuri is such a bitch
gura thighs
moom hort
>>43565045Anya said Kiara showed her how to say "stuff".
>>43565070didn't she comment in fauna's stream recently?
>>43565115it's over
>>43565039Mumei is fine, hoomans will wait patiently for her return.
>>43565115I hope you mean stuffs
when does a mahjong arc start
>>43565198Why? Why shouldn't I rape Ayame?
damn it Ame Ive gotta wake up early tomorrow
Thinkin about my Ina again. She's probably eating some konbini food right now
Well this was unexpected.
Aisaretai no niAenai yume wo miteru no wa nande??Kaetai genjitsuMunakuso warukuteHigh ni naru
Hoomans are fucking stupid aren't they? Mumei went to Japan and used "emergency" as a diversion. Gotta maintain opsec.
How has Kanata Dark Souls been?I missed the last 2 streams and dont know when I can actually catch up
>>43565233Thanks fwiend!
Is there a way to get Suikoden Remaster perms? I want Kiara to play it
You do know you can't solve any problems with rape and violence right /hlgg/?
>>43565270she got cursed and ran out of purging stonesFun Mode enabled
>Bae got Iroha to drink the banned (in jp) devil's liquid, Mountain Dew.Brats defends this.
>>43565267So you're saying Mumei is a liar?
>>43565138Yeah, she did. Which is honestly kinda weird, because normally she'd always do a tweet or a member's post or something. Honestly wondering if it was management just using the account to make it clear that the situation is under control.
i would like ame to play pizza tower
I've seen people say Botan was drinking but I thought I remembered hearing she had an intolerance to alcohol?So I guess that was bullshit?
>>43565300Iroha would only do it if Bae promised to invite her to her future showcase
>>43565300its no longer illegal after a recipe change
>>43565296There's not a single problem in the world that can't be solved with plain old murder. Prove me wrong.
>>43565296My problem is that I'm horny, and brats exist.It just 2 birds with one stone!
Why is nobody ever talking poorly about my oshi? Why don't I get any drama to complain about?I just want someone to gaslight me.>My oshi is:
>>43565358We're too afraid of melholmies like you
>>43565358probably really cute~
>>43565326can you explain to me why people keep posting about this game here
>>43565263That Mori is far too cheerful for what are very angsty lyrics
>>43565299White lies save lives
>>43565341Ame eats bread
>>43565300*Liquid of the gods
>>43565326Why though
>>435654084chan artstyle
Nothing strange about strayingIf you're true to who you areWhen one story has ended'Round the bend's a whole new startWith this map in my handWanderlust inside my heartSeeking still that out-of-reach great beyond!
fuck I wanna rape Ayamefriend so bad and making her the mother to my future child..
Ame WILL side with Mr. House
>>43565489I don't recall making this post.
Sweaty sex with OLs
Post your most disappointing takes
Why is everything rape?
Get real.
>>43565576Suipubes are gross
>>43565600He said disappointing
>>43565528It's lupus?
>>43565576i didnt think that fauna moment yesterday was that funny, there were multiple moments during the stream that were way funnier
>>43565594Because no one would ever willingly have sex with an anon
>>43565576Popeye's chicken sandwich kinda mid ngl
So much seething over my sharkwife lately...
>>43565576Sui's orange leggings would look better if it were black
cock warming with mori?
>>43565528Ame WILL kill Mr. House in the most comical unintentional way possible
>>43565669Teamates consistently have the worst taste out of any fanbase in this thread. Jesas.
>>43564076JP onigiryas kinda reminds of Haatons in a way.They are just a bunch of batshit insane horny dudes insanely dedicated to their oshi, spending a lot of time and energy to support Okayu in any way they can.I can't help but respect that.And that dedication is also going both way. It's clear that Okayu is very happy with her onigiryas and is willing to work ridiculously hard every day to make them happy.
>>43565671I will find you
>>43563773It's what happens when she goes too long uncorrected
>>43565576I don't think Mumei's as interesting as she was last year.
>>43565707Why did you spoiler that last bit?
>>43565576All holo members should be permanently placed in Japan.
>>43565576Smol Ame is just Ame but smaller
>>43565645My fucking dick
>>43565600I'm disappointed in your lack of heterosexuality.>>43565576Girls with small asses are barely even women.
Are you embarrassed right now?Or blushing somehow?But I am guessing it is the same for you and meLook here, don’t blinkAnd tell me what you thinkWell we both know the answer now, wouldn’t you agree?
>>43565576This off collab/japan trip has been nothing but a detriment even if the showcases are a good thing
In one week from today, the final, Sans-killing Undertale stream will have happened 2 years ago to the day
>>43565594Because it's more fun to have a challenge before getting what you want.
>>43565576I've ended up watching more 2views than Holomem these days. Still love Hololive though.
>>43565782Are Deadbeats the strongest?
I miss Yuul...
>>43565576I expected more from Coco.
>>43565576En could use more members, the streaming situation is pretty fucking bad lately.
I like how well the Onigiryaa did to parody most of the anime Okayu likes. Also the guys kind of mog the girls at singing.
>>43565576The only ones who can call themselves genuine fans of someone are those who can critique their oshi. Nobody is perfect and the girls recognize this so they strive to improve; saying they're perfect as they are is diametrically opposed to the idol journey and to the girls themselves.
>>43565826literally who?
>>43565576I don't really mind male collabs
>>43565784This is going to be the best performance of the show for me. I know Gura and Bae are going to be showing off their sass up there.
>>43565858After FES everything will go back to normal.
>>43565821Fuck off, that was merely 6 or 7 months ago
>>43565576Porn of the holos is gross. You all should know better.
>>43565883>>43565889It's some dude I reported like a month ago, he said some yab bait about Ame
>>43565576Deadbeats are the best EN fanbase
I'm a rat
>>43565896How many months have we been saying things like this now? Nowadays there's always something taking down half the branch at once.
>>43565861it was very thoughtful and quality
>>43565826He just had to delete the tweets to get his account back. It will take s few more before he gets suspended totally.
>>43565874There's a difference between being able to critique your oshi in a place where she can see it and having schizophrenic meltdowns about her in the dark corner of the room for 14 hours a day, 365 days a year
>>43565896I don't see why. Mosts girls in JP can do both fes prep and streaming. >But they live hereSo ? Myth have an house and PC to stream, they could stream, but they're "swamped with fes works" despite the fact that the major participant to the fes, holoJP are able to stream as usual. And most of CouncilRyS isn't even doing fes works, Kronii fucked off for her surgery, but she often fuck off for no reason, Mumei just fucked off, but I assume it's an emergency. IRyS streaming is fucking sparse, it's just Fauna and Bae.
>>43565576I liked Damascus art
>>43565727>>43565979Does someone has the clip of Ame whipping the deadbeat on ER
>>43565687Only for me, the final deadbeat
>>43565576We should stop fighting with the starsEN fanbase and make them our allies against nijiniggers and vshojotrannies.
>>43565576I sort of wish Mumei didn't do superchat readings
>>43565576I don't really like how some of the girls look in the new idol outfits
>>43565576Fauna constantly trying to come off as sexy is kind of off-putting.I think the Gura cookie soundposts are awful and unfunny and I look forward to the day that the catbox links die.
>>43565922Haha imagine not wanting to brutally fuck every single Holo
Is anyone on right now?
I don't really see why people like Zeta and Ame so much.
>>43565995i had 6 successful, responded to reports against him so i presume he will have a lot of tweets to delete
>>43565576I prefer offcollabs to idol content.
>>43565576It's not really management's fault for a lot of things
>>43566067I wanted to support Zeta since she's a tako but her content hasn't been great.
>>43565576Seeing one of the girls start a game that I like then not finishing it then playing minecraft regularly makes me indescribably infuriated.
>>43566053Not until tomorrow.
are we all awaiting for bae to start?
>>43566067They are cute together
>>43565733To keep you on your toes so you don't know what to expect!Like right here: ___________ur a poop___That spoiler could be anything... until you move your mouse over it.
>>43565784>>43565894>I'm asking for another chance, uhthat line delivery is pure sex
>>43566043>Fauna constantly trying to come off as sexy is kind of off-putting.I agree, every single of her attempts to be a sexy older yandere is embarrassing. Her flowery demeanor is totally contrary for the few times she tries to be attractive intentionally.
>>43566040Really? Why? It's one of the few ways to get her to Zatsu, and her Zatsu is great.
>>43566040SC readings shouldn't be done at all. It's such a waste of time.
>>43565576I wish more of the girls played minecraft more often just for the collab potentialI unironically miss KronMei
>>43564823But I care?
>>43566133>I hope you don’t find out the things I’m shy aboutThis one even more so.
>>43566116Wow, what the frick? I wasn't even involved in this conversation and got insulted.
>>43566152What did she mean by this?
>>43565995he has some very reportable stuff already up, especially in twitters eyes
>>43565576>Post your most disappointing takesThe day okakoro fanservice ended
>>43566158Agreed. It's negative content. They rarely even read messages either so your witty response might not even be noticed, and it's basically just a name reading stream. Only a few girls even do anything with it like Kiara.
>>43566050I can't watch Flare because it reminds me of the blonde elf girl in the first episode of Kuroinu and can't stay focused.
>>43565576bandai namco is an awful publisher that should not have both tales and digimon under their horrible horrible grip
>>43565728Well, she still has like, 10 months to do interesting stuff this year before you can call that for certain.
>>43566024How can that be when I'm the last deadbeat?
>>43566218They should have had sex on stream as a power play
>>43565784If you read this in a slow and threatening way it stops being cute or sexy
I'm gonna order a 10 pieces KFC bucket with a large soda and two mashed potatoes.I will eat it all by myself in less than half an hour.
>>43566158This is the most dsappointing take yet
https://twitter.com/inugamikorone/status/1628185489034600448https://twitter.com/inugamikorone/status/1628185489034600448https://twitter.com/inugamikorone/status/1628185489034600448KORONE IN OKAYU'S LIVE
>>43566152Why is Ina such a rapist?
>>43566259who is your oshi (pls be honest I wont make fun of you)
>>43566053gonna start streaming payday right now
>>43566259Fat fuck. I bet you're a tako.
>>43565576I did not care for Coco and was actually extremely relieved that she graduated. Saturdays were always the nights with the absolute worst threads.
>>43565198Chloe bweh is cute
>>43566242You agree that akurone is the best ship right?
>>43566283Spoiling bitchI hope she graduates
I'm bored. I want to train a princess. I want an opinion on which model I should fine tune. Give me a number which seems promising to you. E.g. >steps 40>cfg 9
>>43566152Ina please don't rape my Mori with the takock..
>>43566017>IRyS streaming is fucking sparseSince her return on Feb 1th, she's streamed 10 days from 19.>Kiara and MoriThese girls keep pumping up schedules like if they were still in 2020 and if they don't, they make a notice beforehand>InaBefore her break she was very consistent and after she leaves Japan she will return to that consistency>MumeiShe has been on guerilla schedule for some time but still delivering content>KroniiShe's lazy alright, but at least tries to drop schedules from time to time>AmeComplete guerilla streams but still tries to deliver>Gura...hope she improves herself
>>43565861nice crop shitlord
>>43566259Oh please. Americans learn to eat that much in 10 minutes before they turn 8
>>43566288There is nothing wrong with having a nutritious meal.
Do any of you guys have the Ame Dorito soundpost?
>>43566133Wow I'm not the only one that likes sweet appetite in hlgg??
>>43566259>>43566345>>43566371Fat fucks
>>43566251Because your post, is actually mine
Ok, so people are guessing that Shion and some other will show up during Gura's 3d stream.But what if instead of those, Noel, Flare and Matsuri show up and proceed to correction rape the brat?
>>43565805Why? My oshi Kiara's offcollabs have been super fun
moom post
>>43566338What? What are you attempting to say?
>>43565805can't relatet. kfp
>>43566345>a chubbudget super big so Gura can ride you like a horse
>>43566158SCs should be read as a jumping off point for conversation, I think it's fine to skim over some. For example (I'm gonna use Ina since you posted her image, I'm not implying anything):>Hey Ina I liked the cover>Hey Ina you rocked the 3D showcase>Hey Ina my favorite song was X, why did you pick that one>My oshi is 3D but she's still flatIn practice, you can save time by just thanking everyone and/or read some.
>>43566085The superchats are rarely good, and there's just a lot I dislike about it, like the cringyness that a lot f them have and how many retards will just try to force their own memes, not to mention how easily schizophrenic shit can just be sent.Mumei can deal with it, and she's got a good wit on what to address and what not to, so it's not too much of a problem.
>>43566361Tch, was hoping I could fix it before somebody noticed.
>>43566035You just want the unicorns and fujos to fuck eachother.
>>43564486i dont even glance at most threads for more than half a second, just click click click into a filter, once 40 to 50 threads are hidden i only see the generals + rarely a good topic and its all clean
>>43566035I agree, honestly.>>43566446I agree, honestly.
>>43566412gura hasn't tweeted anything about it, so there's no chance of her being a guest.
gura doko
I am horny for Ame.
>>43566477>I’m a fucking schizophrenic retardUnderstood.
>>43566445niceI'm glad Okayu evolved to GodAlso, she is pregnant and Onigiryaas will have a solitary end of year
>>43566472... You know there's a search function right?
>>43566317For me it's Luikoro
>>43564486i cant even go to my oshis split to talk about her, every time i go there its either retards or thinly veiled dox posts that stay up until the threads get archived because nobody cares. i hate those people so much and thats why i only post about her here because even though theres a couple of people from discord who target her in general most people are supportive. i think i can count on one hand how many times i have posted there
>>43565576UnAlive and Sinderella are way better than Your Mori
>>43566035I will ally with the more holo-like nijifans before most of starsENIn the end it's about ideology, the company name is not relevant
I enjoyed their Tarkov stream
>>43566504tummy hort or something. nostreams and notweets
I'm watching fauna's void! She's cute there too!
>>43566570>I will ally with the more holo-like nijifansWe found one boys
>>43566506Same desu
>>43566035Doesn't work, starsEN are friendly with nijis and the general twitter pc culture crowd as well as the entire group of people that want hololive to turn into niji. They're dipshits, them and their fans.
>>43565826Same lol.
>>43566334step 34 cfg 8.0
>>43566608>fauna's voidthat sounds creepy
>>43565833Not for long
>>43565576Streams should take priority over anything else.>Holofes>Songs>""""Projects""""all should be done at a pace that never affects streaming output. People only care about (You) because of your normal streams so taking that away to do something else is missing the point.
nice streams
>>43566035as bad as Nijis are NijiEN>>>>Tempiss
So will Ame play The Outer Worlds after New Vegas? It'd probably be a fun game for her, since it's from the same devs. And she did *think* she was going to play it at one point before she ended up playing Outer Wilds instead.
If Reine's song for Fes isn't Love Me Love Me I am going to anti her. For two days or so
Cute Ina feet all over my dick
>>43566641go back nijibeggar. your kind will never be welcome here.
>>43566617That's only because zoomer blueman doesn't want to lose his menhera Twitter/Tumblr fanbase. Orangeman and Oldman are too radical for the SJWs and Nijifags.
>>43566475>>43566499Why? It'd just be boys and girls who bicker all the time hate fucking eachother. The unicorns/incels would fuck the fujos/yumes to teach them a lesson, and the fujos/yumes would fuck the unicorns/incels to make them cheat on their oshis
>>43566035>>43566475>>43566570update: the local nijig changed his strategy, be aware
>>43565576Ames karaoke isn’t SOVL it’s just bad and boring. I’d rather watch her play fucking OW2.
>>43565576I used to like Ame but ever since she first moved ages ago, something about her made me slowly find her voice annoying. Not her personality or her streams, but very specifically the way she talks.I can't watch her anymore because I find myself more annoyed than entertained nowadays.
>>43566615She's just too damn hot.
>>43566531i dont filter for the sake of finding my threads though, purely for appearances
>>43566289I miss KIRA
I hate that I can see the timeloops start live
>>43565576current Ame>2020 Ame
>>43566633>people only care about you because of your normal streamsGet the fuck out of here.
>>43565576Gura can often be fairly cute but she's painfully unfunny.
>>43566608Thoughts on this void?https://litter.catbox.moe/s7b6oa.jpg
>>43566641This is true!
>>43566678Most retarded take so far
>>43566691She should take off her clothes then
>>43566673>It'd just be boys and girls who bicker all the time hate fucking eachother>The unicorns/incels would fuck the fujos/yumes to teach them a lesson>the fujos/yumes would fuck the unicorns/incels to make them cheat on their oshisSounds insanely hot
>>43566617I watch them and frequent their thread. Most of them are against NijiEN, don't know what your source is for saying otherwise
>>43566712whos that? or just random pic?
>>43566723That's true though. Almost none of us would be watching Hololive if all it was was singing and projects.
I didn't realize it would take forever for the amogus merch to ship
>>43566712That may be so. But has your oshi conquered all the chippies?
>>43565576I kinda wish IRyS 2.0 didn’t have a boob window
>>43566770It's every Asian woman
I think it's weird Cover doesn't give free merch to their employees.
>>43566797I do miss the fishnet on her chest
>>43564245If you keep complaining I'll add another thread of my own just for kicks
>>43566762It's probably the Twittersisters. The overlap between homobegging, SJWs, and Nijifags is like a venn diagram of a woman with extremely deep cleavage.
>>43565576Chumbud falseflags are as ubiquitous and successful as they are because a bunch of them are actually just really shitty people.
>>43566641Kys nijinigger
>>43566762You should stay in their thread and get out of here then, fucking faggot
>>43564508Mos Eisley?
>>43566807All employees get is cheap chocolate by the boxload.Sounds rough.
>>43563920Why the fuck would Gura invite kronii over okayu
>hololive>no olives
>>43566807They know their employees will put their salaries back into the company.
>>43566242>Kirby Endurance off collab the following dayIn a move that surprised nobody, Okakoro continued to be the strongest couple, now and forever.
>>43566807From a marketing perspective, it makes sense to have them order like a normal fan and quietly pay them back more than giving it to them for free.
>>43566843kys homobeggar
whats next for him?
>>43566842>Anons get mad when people actually leave the thread to discuss other contentOkay, nijinig.
>>43566807anon, 90% of the girls would throw most of the merch into the trash.
>>43566872sololive, budokan then madison square garden
>>43566798I didn't remember that the chosen undead was moaning so much. Kanata's imitation has been hilarious
>>43566872Can't you eat their brain for powers?
>>43565576Ringo > Rumba > Bure
>>43566762go back manstranny
>>43566915But that's right?
>>43566675I don't get what you mean
>>43566855Feet are silly.
>>43566855Lemme at them toes pero pero pero
>>43566840>successfulThere is not a single person here that believes your horse shit. You use the same smug Gura images for every post you make, you’re extremely transparent.
>>43566842>>43566926I see the shitposters are trying new tactics today.
>>43566903Enjoy your prion disease.
>>43565576One Piece > Bleach
>>43566897>madison square gardenand a ladder match for the world title?
>>43566753you right.
>>43566895in EN, maybe. the JPs actually care about hololive.
>>43566673Man that sounds hot as fuck.
>>43566969im not doing anything and im not streaming either
>>43566955Sorry, "successful" as in they get (You)s, not that people believe them, which is what they're actually after
>>43566955I believe it.
>>43566520Same. I'll let you know when our kid is born.
>>43566931he started pushing tempus and "talking shit about nijigs" just to cause confusion and derail the thread
>>43566976anon, its not just about caring about Hololive, its about wasting a bunch of space in your house for girls you may not care about or merch items you have no use for.
>tfw wmaf unironically makes meido shit hits pants in rage
>>43566334Is it hard to train faces? body looks fine
>>43566897What happened to Enix?
>>43566958What does it have to do with shrimp?
>>43567014again, this just seems like an EN-only problem.
>>43566972After winning the Grammys
>>43566987Your post doesn’t make any sense if you use that metric, you said they were “successful” because it was believable, and now they aren’t?
Hope your oshi doesn't live next to ground zero for Gantz irlhttps://twitter.com/NHKWORLD_News/status/1628008229832720384
>>43564411Teamate confirmed.
>>43566955>its all falseflaggers trust me bro
>>43566842>>43566869>>43566926You kys nijifaggots
>>43565576I have an neverending autistic urge trying to figure out the mind of your average catalogkek. The best conclusion I can come up with is that the catalog is actually the ungodly birthchild of 4chan, reddit, and twitter in its entirely and (you)s are equivalent to karma points/retweets and catalogkeks only care about the end result of getting attention it doesn't matter if what they type sounds like it could be from a bot.What's worse is that you end up with cases where you find someone steal a post from global, then it gets posted on bannedvtmemes, then THAT screenshot gets posted on the catalog with practically everybody involved not even realizing what they're doing.At least giftcord raids offered some sort of monetary reward, the "reward" here is literally a (you). All the cuckposting, doxxposting, and all that, there's no rhyme or reason for it at all except for (you)s. What we are looking at here is unironic late stage election tourism. And it is pretty much here to stay forever. Enjoy.
>>43567072cope and seethe
>>43566979I really hope she takes off her coat during her 3D showcase
>>43567045They're successful at getting (You)s from people because they just have to act like a slightly more schizo version of what many chumbuds are actually like
>>43565576Outside of watching my oshi, shitting up the thread is more entertaining then any other hololive stream.
>>43567058Why didn't bomb squad approach the device first?
>>43566915Hey, dont talk shit about Bure.
>>43567091I hope she gets to hug mikochi
>>43567065This is something a falseflagger would say.
>shitposters realize that fanbase wars aren't working tonight>start using Tempus vs. Nijis to fight s proxy shitpost war nowIt's so tiresome.
>>43566994I am the same anon, wasn't my intention.
>>43567026>>43566334No it's easy. But training both together and getting the AI to do it well is hard
>>43565576I let my autism overtake my judgement too often to make retarded shit and really should stop, but I have fun making it
>>43567058They're going to open it and find this
>>43565576Faunas ara aras are good, they make my heart flutter
>>43567058That's a buoy btw
>>43567111>it works because they sound like real Chumbuds bro>nobody believes it but they’re after replies>okay but really it’s because that’s how Chumbuds are and people believe that
>>43567153always depend on homobeggars to shit the thread up
where moom?
barely any streams ever actually keep me entertained anymore....
>>43567190>>nobody believes it
>>43567198See, I can tell this is a shitposter because you're replying to me completely out of context.
>>43567153THAT WASN'T MY INTENTION FFSIt was just an idea. But I see now that unity in HoloPro is fucking impossible
>>43567211just stick to JP. neverending kino.
>>43567184baba buoy
>>43566969Fauna usually has stuff to do on Tuesdays I think.
>>43567173As long as it's not hurting anyone, that sounds like a fine way to live.
>>43567217You should pick an opinion and stick with it, you’ll sound less retarded if you don’t switch up mid reply chain.
>>43567246Nobody wants dudes in unitycute girls from other companies are fine
>>43567288BUT I WANT IT NOW!
>>43567190>>>okay but really it’s because that’s how Chumbuds are and people believe thatI mean.....
Thread was comfy and smelled good but someone just had to fart
>>43567293Anon, it's not complicated
>>43567246Stop listening to shitposters nigger, it's no coincidence that somebody days >ACTUALLY >we LOVE Nijis here because >we hate Tempus instead>>43567294Quit shitposting, nigger.
>>43567294rope yourself nijibeggar. the "cute girls from other companies" regularly offcollab with males.
>>43567246>company loyaltyCRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGEEEEEE
>>43567275Yeah it looks pretty old, the enamel wore off and the eyelet for the anchor(s) rusted right off.
I hate (fanbase)!
>>43567314Sorry, I've been eating beans.
>>43567246>people have different threads to talk about different topics>let me go into one of the threads to talk about things that are off topic to try to support "unity" because i think its a good idea even though the established threads have been around for multiple years and there are no merged threads that have ever come outgood plan
>>43567294Nah bitch, fuck Nijishits and Vwhores.
>>43567324>>ACTUALLY >we LOVE Nijis here because >we hate Tempus insteadthis is true though
Why are the nijisisters raiding us this time?
>>43567039Marine and Aqua have both spoken recently (a few months ago at most) about not getting holo merch because of a lack of space.
I hate Shion
>>43565576Fauna Truck Simulator stream wasnt great and her two-parter of hunting the shiny Sinistea was some her best streams ever, top zatsu
>>43567314Bae hours soon, thread was going to be shit anyway.
>>43565576Used to be a resident back in 2020 and just got back to this hobby now, so i can't understand most of the references you guys make
>>43567322>it’s about playing a believable character>it’s not, it’s about the replies, nobody believes them>it’s about playing a believable characterPick one.
Calm down and pet this big cat. You'll feel better.
>>43567246Hey retard, the unity is whatever is on-topic.
>>43567369>(You) hate Tempus>This means >WE love NijisThis shitposting template is not working, friend.
>>43567215stupid people that use the "personalities" of fanbases based on 4channel posts as a basis of shitposting aren't actually people
>>43567365>new IP
>>43565576Not enough Ame blowjob art
please just post more cute women
>>43566729>Gura>unfunnyWho do you think is funny then?
it's been 24 hours with no Faunasend help
>>43567380Because the other shitposting isn't working.Also, pretty sure most of their company is still imploding.
>>43567065No one would ever bother replying to that post except a false flagger trying to defend himself
>>43567443nah, it's the nijizhangs. this is a classic tactic.
>>43567460This outfit is so bad
>>43567414deadbeats are the nigger of the earth
Ame soon
>>43567464Here's a pick-me-up
>>43567350It is I, (fanbase).
>>43567380No idea but I assume they're involved in some sort of drama again and coming here to deflect.
>>43567456My Ina the cutest
>>43567467is this real?
>>43567463Mr. Squeaks is the funniest talent in Holopro
>>43567467Country Gura
>>43565576I don't give a shit about karaokes that aren't my oshi's
>>43567537if i zoom out it looks like gura shaped like mister krabs
>>43567462A shitty plot can ruin memorable scenes.NTA and I'm not talking about Fauna, I just think you brought up an interesting point.
>>43567491people missing fauna on tuesdays are big dummy stupids
>>43567485>Soon>Still 4 more hoursSTOP LYING TO MEEE
Any other EN streams before Ame aside from Bae?
>>43567467I hate when people use non-Hololive music to make soundposts.
>>43567388that's one less rival for me then
>>43567581EN3 announcement in 78 minutes
https://youtu.be/ycSEqG2-BbsStrongest chemistry.
>>43567485Those are nipples.
>>43567472>>43567493>>43567466Motherfuckers I just gave my point about stop fighting with the other branch inside EN when the ones who anti the girls are mostly nijishitters and vwhores. Nijiniggers coming from the sewers is just a collateral, my bad.
>>43567485Looks fine to me!
>>43567485i see areola
>>43567485why are her nipples farting?
>>43567475Fuck you, I love it. Who knew that hiding the eyebrows can turn a kusogaki face into a perpetually high on opium face.
Wheres Mumei
>>43567485It's not Ame if there's no boob mole
>>43567622I see no Naples
>>43565576Violet is not a good orisong.Ina needs a new orisong.
>>43565576A lot of these aren't even takes.
>>43567663shitting dick nipples
>>43567691It's just a different timeline Ame
Are we really supposed to believe that Gura is spending 18 hours a day in the studio? What the Hell is she recording?
>>43566394Stop samefagging
>>43567658It's okay friend I understand, I'm a Holopro supremacist.
>>43567714What do you mean? She does have another original:https://youtu.be/wNZpysHzjr8https://youtu.be/wNZpysHzjr8
>>43567789holofes, holo*27, 3d showcase, connect, umisea live, and her next birthday live
>>43567789It is obvious that she does not spend all day in the studio, she herself mentions that she has been playing several games offstream
>come home>prime time>no streams
>>43567841good for her. i hope she enjoys her down time
>>43566807Are you shocked when supermarket workers don’t get to shop for free?
>>43567841>several gamesI heard she played some of HiFi Rush and watched a LotR (might have been separate from the time in Japan), what else?
>>43567789She has 0 stamina and probably takes 3x longer than most to do things.
Are we really supposed to believe Ina is spending 18 hours a day sucking tits? What the HELL is she drinking?
>>4356785210 more minutes brother, be patient
>>43567841You have examples other than briefly trying out hi-fi rush when it came out a month ago, right?
>>43565576I DON’T want to become Lamy.
>>43567852Welcome to Tuesdays. It sucks how it's wholly reliant on Fauna because Ina has fucked off to Japan and decided that even after her showcase is over she just doesn't give a shit about streaming >b-but she did the watchalong with Moriogey
>>43567852>come home>prime time>no wife
>>43566807It makes sense to give them a discount so they only pay cost, anything else is charity and that gets murky when you're dealing with so many individuals without a specific cut-off
Don't ask about the Mio yab of 2021.
>>43567963kiara is offcially a JP now, right?
>>43567921Spiked milk.
Holochads, let's have a toast for Hololive thriving
>>43567961Ina is in Japan?
>>43567985post the mio fart
>>43566807Makes Mori's wall of holo merch more impressive since she had to search out and buy it herself.
>>43567963Too soon, Chikubi and Clover are barely in the grave
I’m going to break into the shed.
>>43567995*IDsee Reine and Iofi
>>43567504The first EN stream in 15 hours
>>43567924Bae draws?
>>43567841>>43567945Guess not. Just same old guy making shit up about Gura 18 hours/day then.
>>43568034May we live a thousand years.
>>43567814That is Kanata's orisong
>>43568066>le loud rabbit
>>43568039Anon how do you think she did the showcase or the off collab that announced the showcase
>>43568034Cheers brothers.
>>43567485Damn those tits can boil water
>>43567961>even after her showcase is overThere's at least still Holofes, connect, and the full myth 3d. And probably even more we don't know about.
>>43568081that's towa's orisong
>>43567658Wrong thread beggar. Not watching your fags no matter how much you insist I’d be “owning da nijiniggers” if I did.
>>43568145I thought this was wrestling, didn't realize that was a race queen until I saw the game
>>43568067Yes, her drawing is very kindergarten
>>43567963>>43568145kys soonposter
>>43568145Tits too small but it's a nice pose
>>43568170That topic is dead, kys and Idgaf about collabs either way
>>43567818HOLO27 is literally part of HoloFes why’d you list it separately?
>>43568214oh yes you do you seething little bitch
>>43568137I like when the cat grabs my penis, but she does it kind of hard.
is bae gonna draw dick and balls again on scribble?
what went wrong?
>>43568245you uh gonna drink all that cheese?
You know what's a total waste of time? Trying to breed for shiny Pokemon. Especially when you already bred TWO of them. What's the point of having a whole team of these things? Do you have any friends to show them off to? I highly doubt it. And let's be real, are you even going to be able to transfer them to the next game? Probably not. So, why bother, am I right?
>>43568226You could assume most people in Holofes (everyone but ID3) would have similar amounts of work, and the people in Holofes and the Holo27 show might have more since it's a different show
>>43566752>>43566981What the fuck is wrong with you?Imagine unicorn-kun showing up to fuck fujo-chan, only for fujo-chan to end up pegging him because despite all his shitposting against her, he's actually timid as fuck and just wanted to watch cute girls.Or maybe fujo-chan would start out as the dominant one who wanted to try some stuff she saw in some BDSM BL book, but that would awaken some masculine instinct inside unicorn-kun, and he overpowers her and ends up aggressively teaching her a lesson
it's depressing knowing Fauna's stream yesterday was the absolute peak, and it's all downhill from here
>>43567608Sorry, I sleep with Shion every night.
>>43568167When I first heard Error live I thought it was a Towa original
>>43568226Not every holo who is in holofes is in holo*27. Additional work.
>>43568330it functionally is, niki said it's hers
>>43568358Wow Towa is just like Johnny Cash
>>43568344you think they regret choosing gura and bae for the holo*27 project?
>>43567683I love this outfit too, Shion simply has that autistic like obsession for her frilly black cat outfit.
>>43568406No, I'm not a malfunctioning retard.
Have you thanked vesper for getting us New Vegas perms yet?If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy this Ame kino
Odds that Bae is actually awake?
"Mommy, that guy drank all my cheese!""Sir, why did you drink all my daughter's cheese?"
>>43568286your dad not use protection and got numbermonkey instead human
Baelz is a rat, not a spider
>>43568296If I was your boyfriend, I'd force you to play shin megami tensei instead.
>>43568296Do something better with the time you have left you hag
>>43568452yup and i also thank the blue one for giving us niji collabs
>>43568307I want to sniff a fujos hairy unkempt bush and lick her armpits
>>435684575/10She probably stayed over at the studio late like the other day so she can have extra fun with them
>no opossum holo
>>43567961I think every main channel appearance Iofi and Reine had were with Kiara, he business wives
>>43568381What have I become?My sweetest friend
>>43568095She's very fast
>>43568307Hot...god I want an (attractive yet gross) unshaved fujoshi GF who shares my hobbies and watches streams with me in between fucked up sex.
We are reaching unhinged levels that should not be possible
>>43568545mumei should have been one instead
Still very proud of my Ina. The showcase was amazing
>>43568452Thanks ojisan>>43568503Silence zoomer
>>43568452Thanks Nowa, but Ame will still make the best NV streams
>>43568583teamates can unhinge their jaws so obviously this is all their fault once again
>>43565576Reine peaked with her 999 series.
>>43567789You're supposed to go UOOOOHHH when she says something sex on stream and then forget her instantly when she isn't around
>>43568562honestly, why not go all out gross? slightly pudgy, unshaven, smelly, bad facethen you just force her to put on Mio or Botan's kigurumi mask and plow away
>>43568457At least she woke up in time to delay 5m instead of sit at the waiting prompt this time
>>43568487>>43568489Wait, I'm not Ayamefriend. My intention was to tease Ayamefriend with that post.
>>43568504Oh my...
Since Ina had her FGO themed showcase. What kind of theme do you think the others will do if they go for a general theme
>>43568661Owada butter soon!
>>43568477who the fuck is Baelz?
Come closer, Okayu wants to tell you how gay you are.
>>43568703>slightly pudgyThat's not all out gross
>>43568742If Mori is fighting something with her scythe, Gura is fighting something with her trident.
SPIDER ON THE TELLYSHE AIN'T NO RAT, SHE'S A SPIDERhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlf2dVxOKjEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlf2dVxOKjE
>>43568716Your post was too effective, I saw pokemon terms and my brain immediately glazed over your post like an Ayamefriend post
>>43568703>Bad faceNo.Everything else is ok.
>>43568742watch that thumb, anon! that's a feral Watson, she could snatch it off at any moment in the blink of an eye
>>43568798Mori with her scythe is going to fight Suisei with her axe.
>>43568742mori's is a shrek musicalkiara's is themed around nazi germanygura's isn't even hers since it's heavily cover corp moderatedame's showcases a new dimension
>>43568742Ame ska time is now
>>43568767Okayu would never call me gayOur tastes are too similar
>>43568788k, more than pudgyalso that opens the Polka and Okayu kigs
I'm going to try and take up a slot and then immediately leave. You can't stop me.
>>43568703Chubby is fine, but a bad face can't be helped. I just want to polish a fujo from coal into a diamond and corrupt her physically and mentally along the way.
Bae was very bratty last night
Anyone have lewd Ogayu's which emphasize her primordial pouch?
Anyone got the spiderBae that she uses in her intro as a gif?
>>43568742>MoriDate night>KiwawaKFP, unfortunately>GuraNone, but it's OK because she's cute>AmeSome Iname-tier schizo shit
>>43568742>Ame carnival date at Watson World with mascots and a shooting gallery. I stress that these two attractions are separate.>Gura finally makes Atlantis
Realistically, can we expect any guests at Gura's showcase? Marine will be at Kiara's, Shion and Aqua won't get a chance to meet Gura on this trip and Okayu is busy.
>>43568742I just hope she starts in her Smol Ame outfit just to pop out of it
what is this fart music
>>43568831she's wearing a mask bro, you'll still get the moans>>43568884the fact it can't be helped gives you way more freedom in what you can do with hershe knows she's ugly, she'll try everything to distract you away from itveiled blowjobs, masked blowjobs, doggystyle for days
Haven't watched Bae since last year
What is this music? bruh
Is this her usual bgm
this bgm
What is this Aqua-esque BGM
>>43568855>>43568941>>43568953So weird.
I like nin nin
could a fat cat do this?
>>43568882All out gross means she can get none grosser. She must be super fucking fat.
This is the BGM of Bae's brain trying to work
>>43568955I love wet and sweaty girls
>>43568970t. Girl with a homely face
>>43565138Yes she did. Hoomans your oshi is ghosting you. She doesn't care about you.
I want a DDR beatmap of this BGM and I want to do hiphop dances to it at the arcade
>>43568452Kill yourself beggar
Bae should just use this as her BGM, it suits her retardedness and I hate the plung plung Japanese BGM she has on lately
>>43568970That doesn't work for me unless they have Ollie's voice
Bae's BGM is turning me into a cartoon
Oh yea, I forgot Bae hulk-smashed the table during that off collab
Baelz murdered James Hetfield last night
>>43569024Okayu was secretly resting her butt on my face, which made that trick easier on her.
how did bae even break the tablethe collab was too japanese for me
>>43563820Hololive once again saving the society outcasts from the gutterKaela started off as the weirdest one from the gen to one of the most entertaining liver in Hololive. I couldn't be prouder of her
>your oshi>your scribbles
>>43569101Yeah, I'm so sick of that song.
>>43569182TowaI can't draw
>>43569157She was trying to break a candy but she accidently sent her inner chakra through the candy onto the table underneath instead
>>43565408its good
Oi Takos and drawfags, how do you overcome an artistic block?
>>43569068I remember when they were laughing at saplings when Fauna was radio silent for a few days even though she said she was on a holiday. Karma.
>>43569208so chaotic
>>43569167hello newfriend! we call them kidneys here.
>>43569157she unleashed the power of the god hand
Did Bae fuck the hole at least?
>>43569194>>43569204>>43569228>>43569233>>43569250With onions please
>>43569244/qa/ lost
Did Bae say "how" she put the hole in the table?
Margit, The Fell Omenhttps://files.catbox.moe/jkc3m8.mp4 Godrick, The Graftedhttps://files.catbox.moe/ii1l9v.mp4 Red Wolf of Radagonhttps://files.catbox.moe/jstgw4.mp4 Rennala, Queen of the Full Moonhttps://files.catbox.moe/mz1s8x.webmStarscourge Radahnhttps://files.catbox.moe/jvhfxg.webm Draconic Tree Sentinelhttps://files.catbox.moe/hlph95.mp4 Godfrey, The First Elden Lordhttps://files.catbox.moe/8w6q83.webm Morgott, The Omen Kinghttps://files.catbox.moe/s44hte.webm Loretta, Knight of the Haligtreehttps://files.catbox.moe/v77k75.mp4 Rykard, Lord of Blasphemyhttps://files.catbox.moe/2p61dl.webm >Bonus cliphttps://files.catbox.moe/kuopdt.mp4Malenia, Blade of Miquellahttps://files.catbox.moe/rioxtc.mp4 Fire Gianthttps://files.catbox.moe/vh7w4l.webm Godskin Duohttps://files.catbox.moe/dz9cdv.mp4 Maliketh, The Black Bladehttps://files.catbox.moe/g422bf.mp4 Sir Gideon Ofnir, The All-Knowinghttps://files.catbox.moe/28r8wx.mp4 Hoarah Loux, Warriorhttps://files.catbox.moe/5c54ya.webmRadagon of the Golden Orderhttps://files.catbox.moe/in1gbj.webmBecoming Elden Lordhttps://files.catbox.moe/xt645j.mp4 >liver
>>43569302she literally just did? are you deaf?
Why is Bae showing off her hole?
>check Bae's community tab>I never saw thishttps://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxvLGXDvuExDTfjeAsUJ63jAC5uAVfB7AEman thats cute
Holy fucking holeit's a holeThe rat made a fucking hole in a table
>>43569326She just NOW said rolling pin got it
She loves me....
This music sounds like it came right out of OUT, the rpgm gameI like it
Hololive but not livers
I am a skribble admin. I will backtrace you if you draw a penis and sully my ratto wife's innocence.
>>43569471do you get paid by the hour?
>>43569113I mean...
>>43569471swastikas and taiwan flags it is
>>43569313That's some dedication, yukimin!
Moom mem post! https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxYzNXWb0sJofWbYTPGsdXUbwflkmMd_vhhttps://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxYzNXWb0sJofWbYTPGsdXUbwflkmMd_vhhttps://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxYzNXWb0sJofWbYTPGsdXUbwflkmMd_vh
Greynames btfoMembers get dibs
this bgm reminds me of lavender town
if nobody draws mating press i will be severely disappointed with brrats
Confession timeI got bored of Ina's 3D stream and closed the stream after my oshi finished her message
>I thought the question marks were the number of letters???
Bae...?Wasn't that an extremely obvious face?Bae?Hakos chan?
>>43569167I guess it makes sense for a nijifan to equate hourly output of sparse ESL banter with entertainment value...
>>43569512towa baby
Good newshttps://twitter.com/nakiriayame/status/1628198479494529025
>Baelz XXXshe's asking for someone to draw a penis
KEKThey won't let the hole go
>>43569435This shouldn't have made me giggle as much as it did
I heard Coco is going to be a special guest for Kiara's showcase.
No way that nigga draws with a mouse
>>43569592How is this good news?
Bae is being trolled....
how the fuck????
>>43569659based if true, would be better if it was a message during the group show
>didn't hide the promptdumb rat
>>43569659I wonder if they even plan on meeting up with her.
That was supposed to be Tarzan?
fuck bae
>>43565267No, she's staying with Kronii at the hospital and I won't take my meds.
remove kebab
>>43569747If any of them want to mori can easily set it up for them.
>>43569760mating press*
>>43569760don't worry, i willB)
I will have sex with Hakos Baelz before I perish from this world.
>>43569659the orange connection is not that powerful
>Looks like a TakoyakiGame says it's a kebab
>>43569769Mumei is actually the surgeon
>>43569509yea, that's cool, being australian Bae is already S-tier expert in racism.
>>43569760In the asshole, yes
Bae's cute kiddy burps
I think Bae is very cute
GOOBA TWEEThttps://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1304502516168691721https://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1304502516168691721https://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1304502516168691721https://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1304502516168691721https://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1304502516168691721https://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1304502516168691721
>>43569813At one point it was but no way Coco would make a grand appearance for a showcase
>>OPHey guys
Bae will never win this
Bae's sightreading skills...
>>43569844>Not producing rrat children with herAbsolute sodomite behavior.
>>43569889towa baby
>Atlantic>where Gura livesretardchama...
That was the worst trident I've ever seen
>>43569889Huh, so I guess she always tweeted like this
what a retard kek
Bae's turn
>>43568149Holosummer too.
>call of booty
If Bae didn't draw that giant ass tail at the last second, no one would've have known it's a squirrel
>greys asking where's the linkfucking kek
>>43569822KRONII LOVE
>>43569283Enjoy your hypervitaminosis
>Changing the timer to 40 secondsEnough time to draw sex
>>43569978of course
>>43569747fatty already didhttps://youtu.be/p_BBGx-Rs2Q
Bae's laptop made it into the lobby
>>43566854well yeah, "hol(d the) olive"
>hololive>no pickles or dishwashers or images
omg you get chest and you draw TREASURE?!?!? You had an opportunity!!!
Bae's music is driving me insane. It's like the music in a guessing mini-game.
God I just realized how bad I am at guessing shit like this
>>43570184only chopped liver...
>>43570200but this is a guessing minigame
>absolute bang on prime time>0 overlaps>Buff content>Not even 4K
That's not a fucking cafe, that was a dude holding a coffee
>>43570226jesus, she's kiara-tier now
Bae behaves and talks more like a child than Gura does or ever has
>>43570203You should join the weekly /hlgg/ skribbl.io sessions to improve your skills
Is it just me or has bae been illegally cute recently
>>43570226fuck off kfp
>>43570258She's twelve.
That looks like a giant piece of shit, not a bootThis game is weird
>>43570258no shit
>>43570276actually he's a kenzokuhoshiyomi
Yesterday's BGMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVZzCLXC4SwToday's BGMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlf2dVxOKjE
>>43570257Kiara wouldn’t even break 2k.
>nine pack abs
>>43570257And that's why we have a better community than the chumbuds.
>>43570264It's just you
this is driving me crazy in Bae's bgmhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood_scraper_block
>>43570258Bae acts like a child. Gura is mentally a child.
kiara's culo
>>43570258Gura is a loli, Bae is a BaebyThere's a difference
>>43568645Bro, I'm a gator, not a snake.
As someone who lives with multiple children you guys have a pretty weird idea of how children actually act.
>>43570257Kiara is sub 3k in her JP streams.
Bae's "ugyu"
>>43570415What is a gator but a snake with legs
https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1628031760310349824?s=20when did Mori mori start liking Kiara so much?
>>43570257Bae will always be unpopular.
>>43570451As someone with a child not old enough to have a conversation, I can't really tell.
>You can't take my first position away from meWhat's Bae's first position?
>>43568645>>43570415>>43570469Can Kronii unhinge her jaw?
>>43570476like a year ago
>>43570451>>43570496As someone who legally cannot be close to children, you'd be surprised
>>43570513do you really have to ask?
Moona spacehttps://twitter.com/moonahoshinova/status/1628207709928697856https://twitter.com/moonahoshinova/status/1628207709928697856https://twitter.com/moonahoshinova/status/1628207709928697856
>>43570257Lol, fuck no. Bae still moggs the hell out of Kiara’s viewership.
>>43570226Not sure why this and not gartic phone
That was a fucking DWARF?That looked like a dude committing suicide with a naxe
>>43570460Bae is sub 3k in her NA streams.
>>43570515for BBC
>>43570476Offtopic, take it to the Niji thread.
Cute baeby
>>43570348are you trying to hurt my feelings? Because if so, you have succeeded. Fortunately my feelings regenerate at twice the speed of a normal chickens.
>>43570476https://streamable.com/ii62uyWatch streams
>>43570538W-What did he mean by this?
Ichika: Ame.Nino: Kiara.Miku: Ina.Yotsuba: Gura.Itsuki: Mori.
That's Bae's bed where I press her every night
>>43570515To swallow Mumei's harpy eggs, yes
>>43570597Seethe deadbeat.
Bae's pointing me to her matress...
>>43570476at first sight
>>43570476Always has been
>>43570583Yeah, Big Boros Cock.
Ame is my mom
>>43570610Just saying the truth. Kiara is Nijisanji tier in viewership.
>>43570469Actually snakes and gators are separated by millions of years of evolution and are not closely related. gators have remained mostly unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs and are a distinctly different amphibious type of reptile whereas snakes evolved more recently. In fact, gators are more genetically closer to birds than they are snakes and lizards and in an entirely different clade.faunanerd.jpg
>>43570697Daily reminder this guy is not trustworthy. Always believe the opposite of what he says
>12 roundsThat increases the chances of someone drawing sex
>>43570476She always did and always has, the problem was she got into a habit of getting WAY too busy and letting other stuff fall by the wayside, like keeping in touch with peopleShe made it a point to be a lot better at keeping in contact over the last year, with complimentary rimjobs
I can't get in fuck me
Hey lads, why does this board seethe so much about Asian women preferring white men?
>>43570680that's cool, dude
>>43570645Snakes don't have cocks do they?
>>43570707spread em
>>43570680Bae is the only legitimately sexy one in holoen
>>43570713stop resetting your modem you stupid cunt
I'm starting to think her mama only listens to Hololive Twitter Spaces, how is she in every single one
That's a Dick
>>43570713Because whites are a minority here. This board is full of asians and brown people.
>>43570625what a dogshit manga
>>43570625Yotsuba is Ame it's as clear as water
what the fuck is a liver?
>>43570645dude wtf i was talking about Bacon Barbecue Cheeseburgers
I like the way Bae pronounces Alpaca
>>43570742even if she never watch a stream and just listen to spaces, that's a lot of holo content
>>43570742Maybe she's has notifications on for everyone
>>43570625Nino should have won
>>43570737Keep seething kek
Does this time zone hate Kiara too?
>>43570759Bro's got ban evaded after his post replying to the schizo got deleted only to post the exact same reply to the schizo, you aren't any better than him.
Fucking crawlThese prompts make no sense
>>43570759oy vey buy the daki
need Ayamefriend sex slave...
>2023>Still no Bae doujinshi
she is not a cheetah? well of course not, she is a rat
>>43570625Elvis: AmeGoku: InaShaggy: KiaraWes Anderson: MoriGura: Gura
>>43570713Not sure how this topic is relevant in anything in any way
>>43570713no idea but I hope it's true because I am whitet. tako
>>43570713Im pretty sure that asian men and women overwhelmingly prefer other asians
>>43570860I hate everything about this
These are some hard prompts...
>>43570713You are asking this in the thread that keeps saying they want to take the indonesian girls to their western countries
>>43570851I made this post.
I miss Fauna.
What the fuck is that? a cream filled potato?
>>43570773It should be Itsuki, more helpful than Yotsuba but unrewarded till the end & Ichika is a businesswoman like Mori.But I guess he wants to make a fat joke.
Bae is kinda good at this
>>43570879You would be wrong
What's with the Jp guests schizo? Why does he care so muh?
>>43570722Snakes actually have double cocks (hemipenis). Don't ask me how I know.
Those were... chopsticks?
>bae doesn't know how to spell cockroach
damn that's a nice cockroach
What did Bae laugh at? At "cock"?
This guy ust fucking mogged every other drawing in there
>Bae cant hold back laughter at cockroachthhis fucking girl has to be 12
>>43570937Asians stay with their own more than any other race. Thinking differently is just wishful delusions.
>>43570977Of course
>>43570966>>43570975you mean "cockaroach"
>>43570977She's never seen one.
>>43570645Boros is gay and a bottom.
Mooner's recordingWonder if she's in Japan or still in Indonesia
>>43570476since she cried during the unpacking stream
>>43570946just a chumbud that can't come to terms with reality.
Did Bae seriously struggle to spell cockroach?
>>43570950just looked up, i'm forever traumatized
>>43570813at least i dont wake up every day and have to think about one single person disrupting my home like you and the rest of the failures that you associate do, every single day. you lost and you and the rest of your faggot friends are absolutely pathetic
>Doesn't know how to spell cockroach.This sweet innocent rat...
>>43570825Definitely explains the state of the board today that the jannies are all extremely schizophrenic gura antis
>>43570625Chihiro: AmeElsie: InaHaqua: KiaraKanon: GuraAyumi: MoriTenri: MumeiYui: KroniShiori: FaunaMio: Bae
This BGM is driving me fucking insane why did she think it was a good idea??
>>43571007In fucking Australia? Is Australia that deadly?
>>43570685happened to Reine in Gartic Phone
>your oshi>what sex move would you do on bae
>>43570998Yeah that's why they have declining birthrates all around, right?
>>43570851>>43570906I made these two posts.
>>43570825>>43568953>>43560492>>43558796>>43551954>>43544148>>43508445>>43483479>>43475493>>43478517>>43488405>>43496633>>43502401>>43510942>>43534600>>43541776>>43541670>>43346115Imagine hiring a crippled anti to moderate your vtuber board
>>43570977Baeby laughs at pp duh
>>43570946Either a mentally ill Guraschizo who genuinely thinks Gura will somehow have zero guests because she doesn't speak Japanese, or is some Kiaraschizo creating his own grudgepost in the scenario that Marine isn't a guest in Kiara's showcase. Or just a general shitposter creating multiple different scenarios that he could shitpost about.
>>43565576/vt/ was a mistake
>>43571084Nigga every developed country has declining birthrates
>>43571080Mating press
>>43571075if Ame doesn't do the worm in her showcase i will cancel my membership
>>43571077That was painful.
Bae is gonna win again... Stop her...
I like the way Bae said "it's a poopy"Can someone soundpost that? it was really really cute
>>43571084What a non sequitur
Bae's kind of good at this game
>>43570946New janny
>>43571032Nigga what??? You're mad as fuck, lol
>>43571112Guraschizo is the one posting those in the first place. This guy seems to be a schizochumbud that got really mad about it
>>43571080MarineMissionary for the sole purpose of procreation, with the lights off and holding hands
>>43571077>>43571136wait i was wrong it was Pekora's
>>43571080No oshiMating press
what the fuck is that picture in Bae's stream?
>Bae has never seen a fireplace before
>>43571053>Haqua>the long haired scythe wielding tsundere shinigami>Kiara and not Moriwhat the actual fuck is wrong with you? The obvious comparison was literally right there
>>43571080AmeNone because I do not wish to sex anyone but Ame
>>43571031Now you know the kind of penis a futa Kronii should have.
>Hondathe fuck kind of prompt is that
>>43571080MikoAgainst the wall with her legs wrapped around me, whatever that's called
>>43568953>>43560492>>43558796>>43551954>>43544148>>43508445>>43483479>>43475493>>43478517>>43488405>>43496633>>43502401>>43510942>>43534600>>43541776>>43541670>>43346115Sanest non-troll posts
>>43570685>>43571077>>43571136>>43571194proof btwhttps://youtu.be/gj3REsIa_-Y
Her stomach is rumblingWhat do?
>>43571194Oh I thought you were referring to that time Reine got a holostars prompt
>>43571124Nice cope
>>43571274hmm something tells me it's all you
I'm so horny right now, thanks Bae.
>>43564873Can i have your perm to cum on this doodle ?
>>43568953>>43560492>>43558796>>43551954>>43544148>>43508445>>43483479>>43475493>>43478517>>43488405>>43496633>>43502401>>43510942>>43534600>>43541776>>43541670>>43346115>Unironic schizo janny
>>43571311oh no i forgot about that
>>43571316Nice peko
That was not drawn by a mouse, I refuse to believe it
Bae is good at this game because she's a child
>>43571357brats are rats not mice silly
>>43571353>cope>co pe>pe co>peko
>>43571112Not like there's a rule that there has to be a guest or that every 3D debut before had guests, I mean the whole seethe
>Competitive MS paint
>>43571334Well, if you want to, go ahead.
Bae drew a middle finger
I don't get it, how do you know this guy is a janny?
One of Bae's artfags made it in
>>43571319Does it have something to do with the original posts not getting deleted while the replies do, genius?
I think Scribblio is a very good website for this kinda game. It's a nice go-to when you have no idea what else you want to play with friends.
>>43571394You’re a fucking moron for even entertaining the schizo’s bullshit.
I'm done trying to get in, damn this god forsaken continent
>>43571486better them than me I guess Im IRyS tier
>>43571385What's the difference, really? Gators, crocs, moths, butterflies, fedoras, trilbies, s'all the same.