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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43530823 No.43530823 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>43531368

Goat's 3rd anniv Edition

>What is /warkop/ about?
A place to chill and talk in-depth about behind the scenes of Indonesian VTubers in general. We also talk about the Indonesian VTuber market, whether it be rumors, numbers, demographics, auditions, debuts, graduations, etc.


Previous thread: >>43229526

>> No.43531093
Quoted by: >>43535628


Oppai loli new original song

>> No.43531117

sore warkop

>> No.43531368
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, gambar_2023-02-21_155657401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, our sepuh kambeng will hab her 3rd anniv stream tonight at 7.30pm

Also in other news
>AOI next wave!
To anime and beyond! That's what AOI said when unveiling their next wave debuts this weekend at 8pm, details at picrel

There's 2 things that caught my mind about holos that I want to talk
>Are holoID missing out on brand collabs?
With Sasa performing their 2nd stunt at holoIDmems twitter recently and YAGOO pushing for EN sponsorships at USA, are they missing out to the fact that ID brands are waiting rn to collab with them? I remember an anon said that Riot wanted to bring Kobo to Valo podcast in ID but that never come to fruition, even those that managed to be announced like the one with M&C are pretty much vanished with no more updates nowadays and that concerns me, but wdyt bout them /warkop/?
Kobo got epep perms, and no, it's not Final Fantasy but it's Free Fire, will that work for chuubas? I'm familiar with emel chuubas like Nanarika but epep chuuba is something new for me and idk if it's gonna work well but we'll see I guess

>> No.43531428
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>>43531368 (me)
>details at picrel
Wrong pic damn it
Also saus for that pic

>> No.43532202


>> No.43532501

>Are holoID missing out on brand collabs?
To a certain extent, yes, both ID AND EN. Cover definitely misses a lot of brand deals in ID and EN, they're just now starting to look for potential when both their EN and ID are already past their peak (in terms of virality), which is a massive missed opportunity. It's not over for them since they're still big, of course, but compare to their viral days (both in EN and ID) a bunch of brands definitely love to pay them. Like, i think Kobo said she got a lot of offers in her viral days, including from Scarlet kek.

They definitely is still big and would get some offer, just probably only a logical offer instead of some massive marketing stunt i could see some brands would do if it's on their peak viral days.

>> No.43532722

It's not rare for Miti to cancel her streams due to technical/device problems, but this one is just wild.
>table got fucked ("jebol")
>opened power plug
>PC short-circuited
I think Miti is cursed with how unlucky she can be.

>> No.43533144

Oh, and speaking of Kobo, do any Kobokerz /here/ know any updates on the gift she supposedly got from Riot? Is it stuck in management again like the PC from Gaptech? I haven't watched any of her Zatsu after that, so I wonder if we have any updates. If it's stuck again, then I guess it's another overly autistic decision. Yeah, I get it about the air tag bla bla bla, but surely management can check it first?

>> No.43533417
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>> No.43533661
Quoted by: >>43534265


>> No.43534265
Quoted by: >>43535308

i mean... that explains all of her "behaviour", A LOT

>> No.43535308

You don't need that tweet to know that she has a mental problem.

>> No.43535597

Of course not, we have seen her namedropping /warkop/ in the heat of a drama, asking if the drama is fun. At least she's being honest.

>> No.43535628

She's liv rn discussing that song

Meanwhile her kouhai is checking ASTAF now

>> No.43535827

damn, its been like what? a year now? and nothing has came out ever since it was announced, not even the slightest idea on what the collabs are about. the hype is already dead in the water at this point. i just hope its a good project.

>> No.43536058

>are they missing out to the fact that ID brands are waiting rn to collab with them?
I'd not be surprised if the cause is the enigmatic bureaucracy that Cover has. Japanese companies always has this slow bureaucracy to make sure everything is okay and will not become a problem in the future before they take an action. It may sounds good but that kind of working model will not work in a market where money is tight and things have to be done soon or it will cost more the longer the delay.
Cover might ask too many requirements from Indonesian brands who wants to collab with them, but Indonesian companies are used to do deals fast and do some bribes if needed. The long requirements might not be worth it.

>> No.43536099
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She got a job with decent pay. Probably it's so good to the point she can afford an L2D model from MAIRO (the same illustrator as Oceane, Emma, and Yakumo Beni from VSPO!), then go on hiatus. But, the workplace is probably not enjoyable. Her boss is scolding her. Her colleges are in their world at best or shit talk behind her at worst. The work hours are probably insane, too. It costs your sanity. Not to mention she may or may not have shitty childhood.

So, what's her coping mechanism?

She LARPing a so-called villainess or demon queen or something.

How did she do that?

She involves herself in some high school-tier dramas on the internet.


>> No.43536334
Quoted by: >>43537904

She needs a correction. A hard one.

>> No.43537418

Speaking of sponsorships,
>AKA will stream Yakuza sponsored by SEGA starting from tonight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EsecoIzUDU
They'll start with Gema at link above, with Akemi to follow tomorrow, https://twitter.com/AkemiNekomachi/status/1627948553191723008?t=gHP7axWEGoNTLsWC__99lg&s=19

>> No.43537450

HoloID gen 4 will save her

>> No.43537904
Quoted by: >>43538283

What kind of correction is fitting for her?

>> No.43538214
Quoted by: >>43540023

Would it make sense if COVER establishes an Indonesian subsidiary company? Like PT. COVER Indonesia? A lot of Japanese companies in Indonesia do that.

>> No.43538283

Any correction that stops her from being a retarded chuunibyou.

>> No.43540023

Isn't AKA also a Japanese company? But their main operation is in Indonesia so maybe most of their staff are Indonesian. Isn't it silly that smaller ID corpos gets more sponsorships than the giant Holo ID?

/warkop/ has been discussing about that since the first week this general was made. Cover should make a subsidiary with Indonesian employees and management to make things easier to do business here. But subsidiary is a long term commitment and Cover might not be sure if vtubing is still relevant 5 years from now.
I do think in ID it would be more relevant than ever, but it's their loss if they don't want to establish a subsidiary.

>> No.43540396
Quoted by: >>43541433

>But subsidiary is a long term commitment and Cover might not be sure if vtubing is still relevant 5 years from now.

I can see it. Currently, COVER invests a lot in its projects, such as Holoearth (it's a metaverse project awikwok), HoloAlternative, etc. Opening a subsidiary is gonna cost COVER a lot of money. But, I remember someone posted some of COVER's long-term to-do lists and it mentioned kaigai section. Can anyone post it here?

>Indonesian subsidiaries are one of the reasons COVER go public
Go prank 'em, YAGOO.

>> No.43541433
File: 549 KB, 711x748, gambar_2023-02-21_210359077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha, here's picrel

I think cover def learning from nijimerge that expanding too soon can create unnecessary expenses and they def working with "no lead's eternal" principal so I think they might wanna see ID4's impact before deciding further on how to penetrate ID better

>> No.43542290
File: 1.08 MB, 1020x1080, Screenshot (77).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post local chuuba reaction pics.

>> No.43544117
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>> No.43544580
Quoted by: >>43544719

SEGA directly invests in AKA Virtual

>> No.43544719
Quoted by: >>43544969

>AKA Virtual is also the 2nd biggest VTuber talent agency in Indonesia with its 25 VTubers.
Holy fuck AKA, you're not even 3rd yet

>> No.43544969
Quoted by: >>43545439

technically in terms of how many members they have, they are 2nd biggest with 17 ID members while niji ex-ID has 18 (from vtuber.asia)

>> No.43545439
Quoted by: >>43545693

If the pdf said it like what you said, I'd see their point but 25? TF AKA's smokin? It's either
>AKA doing reverse-niji merging pre-expansion chuubas into their ID operations
>or somehow we'll see 8 new chuubas from AKA's idol audition

>> No.43545693

maybe whoever wrote that article fucked up and counted all the talents including non-ID

>> No.43546546
Quoted by: >>43546801

This is a certified Tsundere GF Experience moment. Komandan's fandom do their best to make her submissive and breedable.


>> No.43546801
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>>43546546 (me)
Too bad that Silvia's video isn't available on this channel (https://www.youtube.com/@Liben3012/videos)), probably unlisted. But, you can watch this.


>> No.43548507
File: 252 KB, 463x453, 1654062205740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc picrel is made in /warkop/

>> No.43550141
Quoted by: >>43551827

>Perms for gameburiq
My fucking god why...

>> No.43551827
Quoted by: >>43555781

It's unexpectedly one of the most popular game on YT Gaming so why not?

>> No.43554210

Is she planning a comeback soon?

>> No.43555781
Quoted by: >>43563391

I just don't want those bocil epep to force my oshi to play that game again

>> No.43557541
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>> No.43557724

Hey what's with Nirmala Yumeria?
Never watched her but I stumbled upon her channel, and I noticed that her numbers are so low.
I remember her as one of the older vtubers (debuted 2020), she interacted with HoloID, NijiID, and Maha5 even. But what is wrong with her numbers? That seems awfully low for someone who've been 3 years in this industry and not really a no one.
Has she done fuck up or something? Or she's just bad at networking?

>> No.43559272

Morning bump.

>> No.43559502

735 VOD views, you waste your money Sega

>> No.43560227

>Or she's just bad at networking?
Her networking gud tho, she's kinda like Epel when it comes to that, it's just her game choices tho that's unfamiliar for common IDviewers

>> No.43561388

Sometimes I wonder if we should treat corpochuuba brand building as a short term or a long term goal? Especially when you build it from zero like what AKA does. Just how much and how long it's gonna take to bring a corpo like them to their top form?

>> No.43562313
Quoted by: >>43591826

If she can interact with big agency vtuber that mean she's not bad at networking. maybe she just bad at branding, I mean I never heard anything about her except she's one of the OG's

>> No.43563391
Quoted by: >>43603748

thats is the plan, hope kobo be ready with the mentality

>> No.43564731

Have you tried to watch her? Perhaps she's not really entertaining on stream that's why she has such low numbers but if she's entertaining, congrats you just found a hidden gem and prolly her branding or/and marketing that caused her numbers to be so low

>> No.43567483
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Quoted by: >>43576446

>> No.43569758
Quoted by: >>43576658

>This tweet out of nowhere
Real talk, who are "you" in this context? And what exactly is she trying to achieve by tweeting this kind of tweet?

>> No.43572061
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>> No.43573685
Quoted by: >>43584047

I wish I was Miti...

>> No.43574052

That small art in the top left is so good dayum I love big horns so much

>> No.43576446
Quoted by: >>43584047

Tie me up oppai loli, tie me

>> No.43576469

>She still believes that this shitty community is all she needs to keep herself from going totally insane

Enough daydreaming Mine, we can't save you. Time to review that documents again for the billionth time. And also, don't forget to remind your boss that he has conference call with an important client tomorrow

>> No.43576658
Quoted by: >>43576908

"Fear me, for iam the dark lord"
kinda based

>> No.43576801

When was SEGA not being an idiot and wasting money when it came to investing?

>> No.43576908

Nah, that's just cringe for someone who has no relevance in their community anymore except when it comes to dramaposting

>> No.43578423
File: 315 KB, 499x588, SPOILER_hana_its_over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43585814


>> No.43579923

She's positive...

>> No.43580294

with my child.

>> No.43581095

Karaoke night with Zoey at 9 pm tonight.

>> No.43583889


>> No.43584047
Quoted by: >>43590882

Btw has Miti said she will have a offcollab with Kawi tonight? I just tune in Kawi's stream and she said she will come to her place
We really need more Alenka NSFW arts goddamn

>> No.43585726

I hope it's a tamer variant. Get better soon

>> No.43585814

That reaction is me when I found this
Something's happening to our oppai loli but idk what that could be, does anyone know what her announcement is?

>> No.43586901
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>> No.43587680
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Quoted by: >>43589059

Does anybody still remember her? Where the fuck is she now?

>> No.43589059

Gone like the wind. Possibly reincarnated as some pre-debut "VTuber".

>> No.43590882

>3 minutes ago

>> No.43591019

They normaly don't talk about it but is it known what way to donate gives the streamer the most? i doubt all 3 options are the same.

>> No.43591487
Quoted by: >>43593514

Trakteer/Sociabuzz only have 5% cuts from donations.

>> No.43591826

To be fair back in 2020 there was no cliques like now, every ID vtubers knew and interacted with each other.

>> No.43592097
Quoted by: >>43593514

For corpos we will never know, the cut that their company takes can be different even among the vtubers in the same company.

>> No.43593514
Quoted by: >>43593672

well then SB it is.
yea i don't know her rm so corpo tax it is. It just feels wrong sending 100€ knowing she only gets 30 out of it if she is lucky.

>> No.43593672
Quoted by: >>43597532

If you're not ID based, just use streamlabs, it shouldn't be any different to SB in cuts afaik

>> No.43595634
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Quoted by: >>43597285

>> No.43596130

Here's Akemi take on that Yakuza game, seems like the game's a debuff if it wasn't for the fact that it's sponsored? Then again, game wise we're not exactly the market who gonna play that game aren't we?

>> No.43597285
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>> No.43597532
Quoted by: >>43615418

Well, we don't know to whom they want to send donations. ID3 doesn't have Streamlabs because they debuted after holos started accepting SB, and I'm afraid ID4 would ditch SB too since they will debut after IDR SC is a thing.

>> No.43597570
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x800, 1663653662566506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kepak sayap """keadilan"""

>> No.43599919


>> No.43600776

It's time... It's FuReModel time!

>> No.43600895
Quoted by: >>43601897

This is indeed a Puan level bullshittery.
Keadilan my ass, Nijisanji is a rotten dystopian corpo, praising and milking the top gainer and doesn't give a shit about the lowest.
"Why would you invest in a non profitable branch?" This question only make sense in a developed market like JP, but in a growing market like ID short term profit is the one that doesn't make any sense, it's all about investment.

>> No.43601897

Sorry anon, but you are taking a meme ad too serious.

>> No.43602109
File: 313 KB, 644x360, gambar_2023-02-22_192731241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this looks like something where you can rip justtt a bit of that cloth and you can put your dick in her or something

>> No.43602270
Quoted by: >>43603113

I'm torn between watching Kawi-Miti off-collab or Fure's new model. I know what I'm going to do, I will take a bath instead.

>> No.43602587
File: 471 KB, 1000x1000, kawiogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43605461

This is an actual sticker in Kawi's membership.

>> No.43602687
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1080, furenewmodel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face of sex.

>> No.43602856
Quoted by: >>43602950


>> No.43602950


>> No.43603113

Multi-view exists, anonchama

>> No.43603209
Quoted by: >>43603420

>cried when get hugged by Kawi
What's up with your oshi, Simpthias?

>> No.43603420

That's Wednesday for us. I swear, she's getting better now.

>> No.43603620
Quoted by: >>43604138

>>43603420 (me)
Clarifying that this is more like every third Wednesday of the month. Doesn't sound any better but yeah.

>> No.43603748

I'm not a Kobokerz tho

>> No.43604138

Nah if anything, it was cute anon but it has anything to do with her menheraness? Glad she's better now

>> No.43604313

Come here before it's too late, happy 5k Naya!

>> No.43605461


>> No.43605788

Leone's menkrep and chill

>> No.43605826
Quoted by: >>43608604

Utada Zoey LIVE

>> No.43607892


>> No.43608604

Her membership is open.
Come, some richfags are gifting memberships.

>> No.43611800
Quoted by: >>43612192

no big id vtuber drama this month huh, even tho shit happening outside id sphere

>> No.43612192
Quoted by: >>43614872

Isn't it because there are too many dramas in the western sphere in succession that almost no dramafags pay attention to ID sphere? Even the reason why we know Oceanea's drama was because she was a part of a western corpo

>> No.43614872
Quoted by: >>43619209

The pre-debut VTubers starts to quit. The Facebookfags never cared about anything outside of Hololive. Valrius is now a horse girl. Maybe some VTubers are very conscious of /warkop/ and don't want to be mentioned here. Or simple, there's just no drama material. Maybe all of the above, who knows.

>> No.43615418
Quoted by: >>43619186

>I'm afraid ID4 would ditch SB too since they will debut after IDR SC is a thing.
That'll be up to our locals to decide, but afaik SC isn't as convenient as SB rn isn't it? So maybe some could rage at cover for ID4 SBs if they felt secluded by SC dono methods

>> No.43617893
Quoted by: >>43617962


>> No.43617962

>gayanya sama
Holy kek lmao

>> No.43619186

It's not up to locals, Cover is extremely conservative and they'll try their best to lick Youtube's ass. The reason why ID got Streamlabs was because Indonesians can't send SC, but they don't realized that Streamlabs is still too inconvenient for average Indonesians so they finally opened SB. Now that Indonesians can send SC there are no reason why they must have SB so i won't be surprised if they stop offering SB as an option.
>SC isn't as convenient as SB rn isn't it?
Nope, it's as convenient as SB, if not more. You can use every big e-wallet, pulsa, or even buy the vouchers from minimarket.

>> No.43619209

>Vtweeters quit
This is a good news
>Valrius becomes a horse girl
Wtf? Qrd?
>/warkop/ becomes ID chuubas' tardwrangler
Kek this is funny but it's somehow reasonable

>> No.43620802
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