Gura cute Gura cute!
i love towalisten to her new original metal song ufo her semi-new original song raimei with a mv
do you realize that pekora is about to die
>>43541556She knows Jenma reads her Tweets
Matsuri is cute! took out BVOs/brominated vegetable oil since 2020 in mountain dew it is legal
>>43541556She's officially dating Reine and it violates the love ban does it mean
>Bae's heart sank, her voice dropped and she actually thought she was going to jail after she read on the internet that Mountain Dew is illegal in Japan
>>OPThe best original outfit bar none
>>43541452kek, reminds me of an exchange I saw on a fucking /toy/ thread earlier today>so I enjoy reading comic boo—>THERE HAVE NOT BEEN A SINGLE GOOD COMIC BOOK WRITTEN IN THE PAST 20 YEARS>NTA biut yeah I agree. That's why you should just read boo—>THERE HAVE NOT BEEN A SINGLE GOOD BOOK WRITTEN IN THE PAST 20 YEARSThse fucking hipsters, man
>>OPcute wiener
narratives stat
EN3 needs a retro hag
Lapsama my friend
gau guwa
>>43541592brominationbros..... not like this.....
>>43541556>intentionally torturing Jenma when it's already late at night thereWawa is sadistic today!
I LOVE HOLOLIVE I LOVE YOU FRIENDS!!!>>43541591She is!!!>>43541579LOOOOOVE!
I feel bad for Gura. There's a very real possibility that she won't have any guests at her 3D showcase.
>>43541595Good thing there is no ban between members
>>43541556All that futa porn made her pregnant
That was genuine nervous terror by Bae kek, I've never heard her like that before
>>43541592What's the point in drinking green piss if it doesn't cause lasting brain damage.
>>43541592Why is there a wiki for Mountain Dew
>>43541595askhually the love ban is between cover staff and talents, talents can date each other as they please
This thread belongs to me now! Praise me!
>>43541667watamate is it true that wawa and watame sat around a computer and ate thousands of calories worth of chips in under 2 hours? i was asleep so i couldnt watch...
>maybe we should date one guy and one were the chosen one...
>>43541556She made one of the ID girls pregnante
>>43541678why not?
>>43541673>>43541686she's officially dating Jenma and it violates the love ban
Poor Kronii is really concerned about her surgery. Get well soon Kronii
>>43541670t. guy farming for his own grudgeposts
Lol, the Ame boss got bugged
>watered down mountain dew is still crazy sweet for japsburgerbros, are we in the wrong?
amerifats your sugar content???
>>43541694Go to bed, iRyK, you fucking siscon
>>43541670something something marine kiara, something something shion aqua something
Are Kinder Surprise eggs allowed in Japan?
>>43541556I can't believe Kiara is now siring multiple bastard children with women Holo, Niji, and indie.
>Japanese dew is still too sweet for them to the point they would rather eat cookiesMountain piss fags....
>>43541730yes>>43541739WE'RE ALL DYING LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO
>>43541556She can't finish the chips and is trying to foist them onto Jenma
>>43541670Compared to everyone else in myth she hasn't made a single meaningful connection to any jp. She's always been on her own in that regard. She doesn't care
>>43541693wrong mention fuck >>43541556
>>43541639Unironically this. I hope that not a single member of EN3 plays apex valo or league.
>>43541779reine is also an acceptable mother tho
>>43541771Must be an inside joke between them
>>43541771Can someone explain to me the Reine Kiara Mori dynamic? It's too real and strange to me.
The studio is shutting off the internet connection to make them go home...
>>43541556I swear to god if it's about nijishit again
>>43541695The legends are true!! And they had lots of fun too. Sounded a bit ”too chill” for some but its not because it was awkward it was because they were busy eating potechi
>>43541809were back / 10
>>43541771Cute dorks
>>43541834the bastard children technically count as half-holos legally
>>43541803FIGHTING is a common cheer in Japanese and Korean
A jap can't squat 500lbs. Why? They don't drink American MTN DEW. Why do you think they are so short and scrawny. Drink you dew anons. Get big and swole.
>>43541705It's been 9 months since the Maldives vacation btw
>>43541824>Mori want to fuck Kiara>Kiara want to fuck Reine>Reine want to fuck both.
One again i run another ds1 playthrough... Kanata should take the responsibility
>low hpngmi
Holy fuck Did the Jap Feds get Bae? stream keeps crashing
>>43541745while the usual JPs that gura tends to interact with are nice I'm hoping for a surprise in her showcase, maybe lui or miko
>>43541850Unless it was born in holo soil that doesn't count
>>43541639How hard is it to just find a single mom that is willing to be herself and just stream some fucking Gothic 2, or a janky ass old FMV game? Or the old licensed games like Robocop NES?I don't even care if its nu-8bit games, just get me a retro mom that doesn't pretend to be cute.
>>43541798>Retardant>Makes you stupidNaruhodo
>KiaraMarine, Pekora, Ayame, Subaru, Nene, Korone>MoriSuisei, Boogey Voxx, Lui>GuraShion, Aqua, Okayu, Miko>AmeUhhhhh
>>43541798well that explains baeby
I remember when everyone /here/ used to shit on Kiara, now she's the board's darling, what happened?
>>43541862She usually says fighto in that regard but maybe Idk
>>43541776>>43541670Surely one day this guy will be rangebanned for doing the same shit 10 hours a day, every single dayOne day.
>>43541873I doubt Reine is into Mori. Pokémon arc coming up
>>43541771Yeah, fighting the urge to keep you in Japan forever you dumb bird.
>>43541901wow that sounds like absolute permissions misery
>>43541879Get out of here Mori
Why would Gura retweet this? It looks like a bratty little child
>>43541832it's true though. the shark has always felt completely separate from the rest of hololive.
>>43541798Would the Japanese police arrest a 12 year old?
>>43541824Some people said they're cucking each other but idk three of them are all bottoms, if anything Kiara will do both of them
Za Lamy
>>43541823Please post this gif again in 4 1/2 hours thanks
>>43541988Based futa Kaira appreciator
>>43541556She is cheating on Jenma with another manager.
>>43541947meh, probably just DLC for SV and some more pokemon go crap.
Why is there a rrat that Pekora hates Irys? Where do they get these rrats from?
>>43541943Does Mori have a vagine and breath? Then Reine is into her.
>>43541943She insinuated she would rape her on the bed if they ever met
>>43541917>Kiara inviting Pekora after her sperg out Shit bait
>>43541802Yeah but all her other wives will rape me
>>43541919BASEEEEEEEEEEEEED>>43541947Mystery Dungeon or bust
I can't believe Susan- i mean Neal interrupted my micomet kino
>>43541978I am phoneposting, can't hear it so my point stands
>Flare stream is guruguru'ingSUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN
>>43541888Lui will be at Mori's showcase and Miko will be at Ame's.
>>43541832>>43541942>replying to a botngmi
>>43541987Well that's because it took her forever to collab with Id and jp and even now it's so fucking rare and don't give me its because she can't speak Japanese. Ame gets by just fine
>>43541901don't know if she's a hag but onolumi play old school game.
Why is Kiara constantly jumping ships? This month alone she jumped from takotori to takamori to sametori to pavonashi to some nijishit and now back to takamori.Unironically seems like mental illness.
the cute sporty girl and the giant bulldyke being cute together is the only thing I remember about danganronpa except that I hated it because of their endings
Kek, the blue woman actually did as she promised >>43541099
>>43542046anon.. Susan...
>>43541917>Boogey Voxxarent they done?
>>43541865>>43541940oh i get it, you squat, and shit out 500lbs
>Susan graduates>Every stream stops workingI miss that bitch already
>>43541941Korean = HwaitingJapanese = Faito
>>43541824It reminds me of Betty and Veronica with Archie except nobody actually hates each other
How is this image making you feel?
>>43542081you bloody bitch bastard
>>43541954Why do you guys keep making it sounds like Kiara is surrounded by a bunch of sexual predators. No one is gonna rape or kidnap anyone.
>>43542024Pekora made fun of IRyS japanese twice. I think that's it's birthday countdown!
>>43541978Their outfits make them look like a rich auntie and her chav nephew.
>>43541984Gura retweets this artist pretty frequently.
>>43542085>Jenma will raise the child as her ownJenma...
>>43542102Who in hololive is actually a sexual predator?
>>43541947I hope pokemon ranger comes back from the dead
>>43542061While you are complaining she's drowning in pussy
>>43541771>I love and miss Kiara>good for you Calli, keep working hard on your recordings
>>43542100Built for tiny shark cunny
Is Japan getting hit with an EMP or something?? I’m missing suityan >:(
>>43542081she pulled the plug before she left, she's a spiteful cunt, let her go
>>43542061She's just addicted to pussy just like me fr fr
What happened to the return to streaming that Gura promised after valentines? Is 2 days gonna be the a month gonna be the new norm?
>>43542085Jenma is an angel....
>>43542133the sound engineer guy
>>43541824Mori is into Kiara by being as close in her life as possible but also being too nervous to make it flirtacious, while Pavonashi is just full gay for each other
>>43542057>Ame gets by just fineRoru rumao even. Ame literally hasn't met a single JP this trip and she's been in Japan for several weeks now.
>>43541947almost certainly just SV DLC/expansion and some mobile crap
>>43541824Just 3 girls all too afraid to explore their feelings and desires in fear of what it might revealWell they’re just friends but goddamn does it make for banger fic material
I stabilized the connection
>>43541943Fuck you, deadbeaks rules
>>43542125reburst got memory holed by everyone not even fantranslators want to touch that shit its dead jim
>Today, Ikki Offline END~~~~~~~! ! ! ! ! See you soon~~~~! (LOL)My sides
>>43542157She'll be streaming your suicide soon, get hype
>>43542109cute catto
>>43542170I'm the sound engineer guy, btw
>>43542085oshi no ko...
>>43542061More like attention seeking
>>43542133IRyS, potentially, if the stories I heard were true
Cute cookie trio
>>43542080>>43542095I only know this because of Star Craft
>>43542072And the end of the month that's why mori said 1 time
>>43542206If only, she's too lazy to hit go live.
>>43542061She's got more pussy in 2 months than you'll get in 3 lifetimes
>Sui-chan showed up in MIko's stream>Immediately, a wild LiveTL appearedKek
>>43542157Why did she stop streaming in the first place?
>>43541947Finally doing the Home update, I hope. But anyway, I hope they get permissions for the expansion down the line. Arceus and BDSP didn't have one, so who knows how it'll work.
>>43542061It's called being a harem protagonist, and she's not jumping she's just feeding everyone equally, except for one person
>>43542133The closest one is probably mori considering she was a teacher and is almost definitely a pedo. You've seen her shota shit
>>43541824>Mori invites Kiara to Bali>Kiara Accepts on the spot, but doesn't know how Reine will take it>Kiara invites Reine, who accepts, but is worried how she'll juggle between the two girls>Kiara will spend the entire trip worried about giving each of them equal affection, and be worried how jealous either Mori or Reine will be without her >won't realize what's going on until she walks in on both of them groping and making out with one another, and they'll both invite her to join, wondering what took her so longHarem end is inevitable
>>43542253omg another hilarious Japanese comedy bit! look out sides!!
The Hoshiyomi and their oshi are getting uppity again
>>43542266at this nobody knows, best guess is burn out
Didn't Ame promise to stream yesterday?
>>43542102Shutup cuckbud Kiara is doing the raping in ID and JP
>>43541720I hope everything goes well and a swift recovery
>>43542236Same, actually.
Those cookies sound crunchyI don't like crunchy cookies
>>43542302imagine replying to the samefag schizo
I love Kiara....
>>43542152tune into miko
>>43542177Nigger I wasn't isolating it to this 1 trip I'm talking about her entire career
>>43542282God, I wish I was mori
>>43542300ogey nijisis
>>43542133Korone is a serial groomer.
This upcoming Apex tournament is weird
>>43542320*crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch*
>>43542320>I don't like crunchy cookieswhat kind of cookies are you even eating then?
>>43542085I think she broke a piece of equipment or dumped a huge load of work on her last minute
What da wamy doin
MiComet are being really cute right now
>>'re replying to samefag schizo, retard.
>>43542227Egg not being MEMEME mission impossible kek
>>43542349it's just an event to sell tickets moreso than anything else
>>43542300do you really just never get embarrassed at how pathetic you are as a personlike, do you enjoy living like this
I think Kronii isn't actually getting jaw reconstruction surgery instead she will be getting gender affirmation surgery
>>43542358I think she dumped a huge load on a pice of equipment.
>>43542355Soft, chewy and gooey
>>43542355soft moist ones?
I miss ina...
>>43542330pink woman....good?
>>43541943Reine is a doxxbeat
Miko is so smug about her houseThen again, it IS a super nice house
>>43542302How is it possible to burnout when you just had a 6month break. I mean it's gura so it's understandable she has never been the same since her original break 8 months ago
Bae is being a dork
Cheeze Pizza of the day
>>43542249Actually most likely literally true shit
>>43542355soft cookies like the ones at Subway
>>43542282God I wish I was Mori's student back in March 2020
>>43542203Ngl I just love the concept of pokemon trainer combine/fuse together with their pokemon, sounds like your typical magical girls but hey it would be a great game mechanic
>>43542336Why does Ame refuse to meet JPs tho? Even Gura met Miko, Polka, Koyori, Marine, Pekora and Subaru.
>>43542312>Kiara>Being able to rape anyoneShe's the one getting raped willingly
>Live stream offlineMigo...Suiyan...
SOON Sora's new original MV
>>43542450Ame can barely collab with ENs what makes you think she could manage a JP
SEA hours are really the worst
>>43542437Jesus that's nerve-wracking
>>43541824Kiara destroys their waistlines and they both say thank you.
Suityan stop destroying Miko's stream!
Is it just me or does all the random sounds Luna makes sound like sexual noises and why hasn't 2ch spliced something together?
Reine likes watching AV (animal videos)
>>43542384I see. I guess it doesn't take up much time without scrims at least
>>43542324I'm a tourist, not a samefag schizo
>cries when she watches movieI can't believe Reine is a woman...
>>43542482meh, it isn't even that bad right now
>>43542049miko's blonde loving heart can't handle being near ame so she'll take gura instead
>"I'm back!">shills merch>gone againWhat is this?
>>43542479She could at least meet them
>>43542450watch streams fagget
>>43542532I'm apparently a woman too? today just keeps getting stranger
The Micomet bantz is so good
Meimei a cute!
is my baby boy awake already?
>>43542437Oh damn, that's a full arena. Capacity is definitely over 10k
thoughts on hnk?
Suzy just committed sudoku...
15 minutes left, panicking cat!There's apparently also an announcement soon
>>43542563L O N D O NONDON
>>43542473>soon>14 minutesanon thats ages away...
>Suisei fell into>Miko: Ahhh truly this is Wii Wii WooHeh
>>43542532OK TOUGH GUY
>>43542574It's 15k
>>43542554Did you mean to post this in the catalog?
sex hag sex zoomer sex samurai
>>43542586what does wii wii woo even mean?
>>43542524it's not a serious tournament or anything but it is gonna take all fuckin day
>>43542558And do what? Talk about rocks and moss in broken Japanese?
>>43542479doesn't stop gura of all people
They are gonna leave a note near the hole saying "Baelz was here"
>>43542610Ambulance, meaning emergency/urgent
>>43542437who is making the "so myth didn't perform as hoped" bait thread on the catalog?
>>43542437>>43542574>>43542595>>43542615>>>/#/Fuck off.
>>43542482I hate papuans
>>43542624They could probably get Bae to sign it then sell it as merch at the con.
>>43542611i love apex events that take the entire day that i'll have to sleep through most of
I am legend
>>43542611So is mori performing at all 3 or just 1
>>43542617Gura offcollab list>
look at this cat
>>43542633Rat stronk
>>43542615>>43542595That's using the normal stands, it'll be a bit lower with a concert stage setup
>>43542611Okay yeah, I'll skim through it the next day
>>43542676just 1
>>43542660t. dicklet javanese
>posting the same bait 16 hours a day for the past 3 days>faggots still reply
>>43542676I think it's the last one
>>43542651Anon.... how brain rotted are you
Guys, I think I want to have intercourse with Hakos Baelz of Hololive English: Council™
>>43542630Gura has neither
>>43542676just one of them i think, based on the order she's probably the first one but i don't know for sure>>43542674i love that it's gonna be a loud chaotic shitshow instead of anything watchable
>>43542586This image might be useful in the future
>>43542676Just one I'm pretty sure
>>43542630But gura has neither
I love Kronii!
>>43542736What happened to SUISEI_HONMONO?
>>43542736SUISEI SIMATI...
But when will Holos show up for the Superbowl?
>>43542630She needs to stream first
>>43542720Hakos Baelz of holocouncil is strong enough to smash skulls in with a candy
Do you think Kiara is nervous about appearing on stage with Marine and Pekora?
>>43542733>>43542715Well which is it
>>43542815the middle one
>JP hours >Gura seetheWhat is this? Did /hlg/ finally die?
>>43542630do you believe in holistic shit too? cuz that's what gura is, a really small quantity of quality diluted over 365 days. It's better to be consistent
>>43542816Only Pekora
>>43542554Gura's "streaming" schedule
>>43542816Probably not since that's unlikely to happen
>>43542815theres no mention so you'll just have to watch all of it :)
>>43542713This is the bait biting generalWe LOVE shit bait here
jwu uhhhh why are menshis disabled for soda-chan?
>>43542805Candy is another word for AMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEE
Is Okayu buffering like crazy for anybody else?
>>43542835EU hours
>>43542816>Kiara >appearing on stage with Marine and PekoraPffffft
>>43542835still mindbroken over chumbies winning
>>43542720I metaphorically made this post.
>>43542125How nice of Conquest to just hand you Darumaka in the tutorial since Darmanitan just melts things with Fire Blast.
>>43542554don't forget that it's also when her members would stop auto renewing(around 3 months)
>>43542796The suberb owl has already collabed with holos, while being one herself.
Luna is making sex noises again...
>>43542856/qa/ lost
>>43542895>winning are chumbies the easiest fanbase to please?
>>43542856kys avatarnigger
>I'm such a dirty litle slut, UH! How did they manage to release the song with lyrics like these?
>>43542895what did you win?t.former chumbie
>>43542878I thought ame is rain?
BREAKING NEWS:Kaela is being autistic
>>43542889rent free
>>43542911>goes away in december>comes back in febraury>3 monthsanon...
>>43542950don't look at the lyrics for unison or treasure box
>>43542024She made a joke about IRyS' japanese whilst playing rust and pretended to be IRyS to fool Koyori, Koyori played along and they killed eachother. They literally HATE EACHOTHER
>>43542956It depends on the intonation
>>OPSorry, my kfp friend, completely missed your post >>43528503 (Cross-thread).I'm quite confused though: there's no banter at the timestamp you sent me. It's just Kiara being confused about stupid shit for like a minute and Ina finding it unreasonably funny. It's not a terribly bad interaction - in a sense that it's not a pain to get through - but that's nothing to write home about either. As for your argument in general, I can't say I agree: chemistry very much can be seen through clips and it often is, just never when I watch clips of Kiara.
>>43542895Winning what ?
>>43542970LEMAO copebrapbeats with their fat wigger discord group really ruin this thread
>>43542880Better for me now.
>>43542950What did you expect from an jap writing lyrics who doesn't understand
>>43542973I said 'around' for a reason you fuck
>>43542571The cutest
>>43542911>lap+ came back after 3 months to avoid losing membership>gura came back after 3 months to avoid losing membershipTHEY ARE
>>43543012gura gets a dinner with towa
Reine went to sauna with Kiara, but they were wearing swimsuits (actual phrasing)
[Reine news]her and Kiara went to a sauna together
I'm still watching Lamy. Even if she's offline, zutto.
>>43543004go back
>>43543017Ayyyyyyyyyyy there's the discord mention I want looking for. Hey denvor fag how come you stopped doing your creative writing study?
>>43543038>>43543039Kiara's fault just get naked already you damn bird
>>43543037In need of steady income due to their cocaine addiction!
>>43543028>around 3 monthsit's not how it works dumbass
She just stood there...Menacingly...Not saying anything...
>>43543004Takotori have the best chemistry in EN and it's not even close
Is Ame streaming today?
>>43543037at this point I think it's something management strongly pushes them to do unless they want to see their monthly pay greatly reduced from no memberships
What's with all the gura seethe? New nijiyab?
>>43542950It's really unfortunate that da baeby's 3d model not being available yet sentenced this mv to the unfitting kanauru chibi hell
>>43542955>a nice valentine's date with my wife>a pretty catchy song>uooh daki of my wife >3D showcase next that my wife is training her hardest forfeels good man
>>43543039>>43543038>swimsuitsThey didn't go to an actual sauna then.
>>43543038>>43543039Think this must have been from the Maldives
>>43543056>ayyyyyyyyya fucking fagbeat LEMAO
>>43543057It wasn't, it was an open pool setting with a sauna attatched
>>43543004holy shit, kill yourself
>>43543037treating hololive like a side gig
People really think this shit wasn't scripted?
>>43543071Myth is chemically inert
J*W*U*How the streams goin? Anything I miss?
okayu is making sex noises again
>>43543087I was thinking the same but maybe they had a pool date since it was so hot and Kiara loves to swim?
>>43543081>date cut short and boring>shit song>shit art on the daki>this is good but everyone is getting this and they also stream
>>43543028>2 months is around 3 monthsmight as well call every weekend someone takes "around" 3 months
>>43543010reminder that all lava is fauna's property
>>43543088Enjoy the on topic posting while you sit there and cry like a little bitch. Enjoy ruining threads yourself are active in and ruining your own enjoyment like a chimp. Go the fuck back
>>43543076anons realized chumbuds will literally reply to every piece of bait thrown their way
>>43543103But enough about mori
>>43543038>>43543039>Another unnecessary swimsuits mentionBut why, is she afraid of getting stoned? I thought she's above the law
>>43543122>Does...Doesn't count!
HIKAKIN MENTIONOh no no catto talking about her favorite e-celeb again
>>43543076chumbies lashing because they're frustrated with no streams. i'm one of them
>>43543120I'm pretty sure she talked about a sauna in the Maldives before but she didn't clarify. Possible.
30 seconds!
>>43543137why are you seething wheelchair deadbeat? cant stand? LEMAO
>>43543120Thanks to that one clip Kiara and Reine definitely spent some extra alone time together at some point
>>43543182yes anon
>>43543146It's pretty sad that mori does more on her rm than gura has ever done within hololive. I couldn't imagine being a chumbud with 0 content and minimal social media presence. Being a doxxbeat is great
>>43543164Fuck off deadbeat
>>43543182who else is going to reply to the same stale gura bait for 16 hours a day. Hell the retards were giving them extra (you)s by linking every previous shitpost yesterday
>>43543155if winning shit counts, sure.
>>43543039>>43543171Wait Kiara went to see Sana????
>Kiara schizo, Mori schizo AND Gura schizo all at this hour
>>43543190it's a deadbeat samefagging because their wigger got called a land whale live on stream
>>43543188perfect sizenice
yeah im thinking okayu is cute and my wife
>>43543122>d-doesn't countI liked them, specially the date, it was peak comfy and she was really comfortable with us, but I'm pretty sure you didn't even watched it so I'm wasting my breath here
>>43543213Yes goombuh, yes.
>>43543179>chumbud blames the boogeyman discord for the 700th time today
My cat is the cutest in the land!
>>43543126There is no property. There is only the power to hold versus the power to take.
>>43543213No she went to see Sana and Fauna, thats the name of their ship.
>>43543216It’s the same 2 people, if not 1
>>43543146B-But.. Mori did more shit in hololive than Gura...
>>43543230I did watch, it was low energy because she woke up early and she rushed to cut it short.
Things Women Could Never Understand
>>43543237>chumbudsorry i'm a takochad
>>43543039>>43543038Kiara is a never nude
>>43543218Jesus mori has been yab free for so long this is the best you could come up with. Meanwhile.....
>>43543209>who elseHimself duh
>>43543197Why do we still tolerate deadbeats here? Fuck off to your doxx split, you fucking subhuman trash.
>"How old are you now?">"27"Never change, Okayu
>>43543261Is this a boy
>>43543261hey, this is NTRnice
Reine voicing this
27 years old cat...
Very pretty
>>43543301Make me fag. Be my bitch while you fucking cry in the corner
Reine should join one of the genderswap collabs someday
>>43543318her voice acting adds a lot to the playthrough and I don't even like DR
>>43543269>the same 2 peopleI think they should kiss!
>>43543273>I did watch
>>43543273>and she rushed to cut it short.Yeah because stupid fat wigger scheduled that shitty offcollab at abhorrent time.
>>43543273>I did watch it>proceeds to lie about it
>>43543004Damn, you actually followed through with the KFP split calling you retarded and telling you to post here instead.
>>43543292She was when Reine got them tendies
hagbrosso close
>>43543081>a nice valentine's date with my wifenot even one hour long>a pretty catchy songit's pretty shit let's be honest>uooh daki of my wife looks like bootleg chino>3D showcase next that my wife is training her hardest foreveryone is also doing it
>>43543336Delicious cakes
>>43543273When has gura ever done a high energy stream in the last 9 months even her debut she didn't wanna be there
>>43543388>Does...Doesn't count!
Will Kiara's 3D showcase get higher CCV than Gura's?
Happy Birthday Fatto Catto
>Schizo started his totally not obvious falseflagging warsPredict what fanbase will he use next
Okayu just remembered she had an announcement.
>>43543209himself, dumb fuck
>>43543357>Faun and Reihan are both princes
>>43543370Ah yes and look at the content you've been getting after. Jesus how do chumbuds keep up. It's insane how much is being done. Fucking kek enjoy it chumbud I'm sure your use to being ignored
Sora is singing for me!
>>43543146Why chumbuds always shit on others to defend their oshi?
>>43543431He's doing the chumbuds vs deadbeats for three days, I am guessing the deadbeats vs teamates next
>>43543004>rapes you mom
I've never played Minecraft. Would it be autistic of me to learn how redstone works just so I can understand how Holos are messing up their redstone contraptions?
>>43543388>doesn't count lmao, also that hour is more than any myth did in rrgards to an actual valentine's lmao
Sora was great a always
Reine de-stinking fujos
First announcement: Birthday live!
Will Gura appear during Okayu's live?
so why did okayu take towa's sama?
>>43543316How is this NTR
>>43543122>They also streamIna and Ane haven't been streaming much either.
>>43543261Where did this boy's shirt go?
>>43543468ESL retard.
>>43543486>>43543497gura will crash this livewith no survivors
>>43543468>ESLbeat tries to be chuunieverytime
>>43543528why would she? shark is "busy" with her 6 minutes of holofes footage.
>>43543476I meant to add to it but auto reply posted it
Nice Sora song.
>>43543528Very likely
Gura has an equal chance with Okayu as she does Aqua
>>43543380>>43543368I even gave it a like out of habit but she owes us a karaoke part 2 or else it was shit.
>>43543431Where's my Manotomo vs Sanalite fanbase war?
Oh Kamisama Nekosama's MV is finally finished. She was talking about how good it was looking like the day after her sololive.
Second announcement: Kamisama Nekosama MV!
>>43543552Freaking goodPowerful songSmooth 3D captureVery nice visuals
>>43543573So, 0%? She said she wouldn't get to meet Aqua on this trip (probably a nice way of saying that Aqua didn't want to meet her).
I like Sora
Kaela making monkey sex sounds
>>43543552Lovely and clear as always/10
Chumbuds are in full meltdown mode today I see. Not getting the attention from your oshi? Isn't that the norm for you guys
>>43543292Yeah she leaves her thigh highs on. For sex. With Reine
>>43543431i feel like we could use some fauna numberfagging in the thread right about now
>>43543370how is it her fault that stepped up to shill the showcases? It's not like Gura could've hosted it on her laptop.
>reine very reluctantly trying to romance boysIt's okay Reine, we all know.
>>43543555I expect a naked dogeza if she appears
Jfc Kronii is so worried, I hope she manages to calm down a little before the surgery
>>43543639Make your falseflagging less obvious
>>43543292That hats STAY ON during sex
>>43543602Thats an entirely different artwork you fucking cuckbrain
>>43543602bussin inside suisei frfr
>>43543533Gura only streamed twice this monthLet that sink in
>>43543639what no streams does to mfersno, not having a POV during apex doesn't count as a stream since we got nothing out of that
Are you a risk taker?
>>43543620i want rizuna to sit on my face
Sora is quite scary...
>>43543731English doko?
>>43543692It's part of the same fucking doujin you dimwit, do you consider the single pages of a doujin as stand alones, you fucking retard?
>>43543639I was fucking creasing when they all got hyped up when she came back for it to all come crashing down yet again. Roru
>>43543639It's hoomans that are in meltdown rnThis is normal for chumbies
>>43543755go to bed grampa
>>43543697thrice actually, don't worry anon she'll stream some more once her recordings are over you don't have to cry about it
Remember when Gura acted like she was going to offcollab with Subaru and then called in to the stream via discord?
>>43543760Wow, lots of insults for someone who’s unironically into NTR
>>43543532On that pic she got fugged by someone else, not you anonAnd das NTR or something idk
>>43543784Ah Its understandable that seaniggers don't understand slang so let me spell it out for you. Creasing means laughing
>>43543753Scarily cute.
>>43543460>Prince(real) and prince(fake)
>>43543793>go to bed>10 amOf course it's a SEAmonkey lmao
>>43543639T-This time she'll change for real! I'm so tired of my emotions being played with. I'm a victim of sharkholm syndrome.
>>43543837Learn English
>>43543602ayo he got 'dat zoomer haircut
>>43543817>muh recordingsDYRBI?
>>43543835It's not even the same artist
>>43543853I mean.... there's been a huge change since last year. Streaming minimal hours for 1
>>43543694this suisei pussy is kinda mid ngl
Reine has so much fun with these dumbass VNs
>>43543848If they get married, they can both be real princes
>>43543780>This is normal for chumbiesFucking grim.
>>43543798あいえええええええええええ!!!!!>duolingo>mathhow retarded will this end up
>>43543580I want my melhomie vs finnish hyberwar
>>43543824Yeah it was pretty nice of her to partake in the stream despite something coming up and her being unable to make it there in person due to being sick Based Goobs not letting down the duck
>>43543901Kino if Ollie laughs at her in chat
>>43543849i see the joke missed your dumb fucking head grampa, looks like you have dementia as well.
>>43543905>despite something coming up and her being unable to make it there in person due to being sickvery convenient
>>43543905And then immediately lied acting like she was there. Yeah great
>>43543760it's not even the same artist.
>>43543460Haha what if they kissed
Ame, your minecraft parkour idea...
>not an anti thread btw
>Gura's anti melting downLooks like they still haven't recovered from the daki...
>>43543904What's a finnish?
>wheelchairs melting downlove to see it, but what prompted it? did their catalog threads got ignored?
>>43543901>indoew no
>>43543901doesn't she code? should be easy for Kobo
>>43543905Then why did she lie to everyone about it?
>>43543894, PRINCES of the universe are supposed to fightJust like Highlander and Fate Stay/Night
>ctrl + f gura>34 resultsAh hololive gawr gura general. Home
>>43543888what are the new hours? I thought we were going to get 3x a week.
Dead Space is fucking dull even at 2x speed.
>>43543357Griffith lookin' ass
>>43543753Scary on how she turns us on
>>43543956Twitter troons have been in full meltdown mode ever since the daki.
>>43543901>Duolingo MathWait wha, that's a thing?
>>43543931gura actually hasn't mentioned the collab once after it happened
>>43543853>>43543888>>435439831 to 2 minutes apart
>>43543893her asshole kinda fire though, pissin inside had me trippin
>>43543956Must be the daki
>>43543316>>43543602>>43543760can someone explain to me how this is even NTR? Isn't netorare by definition where the woman is in a relationship with someone and gets stolen away? How is it NTR if there's no one there that Suisei is in a relationship with? Does NTR just mean 'they have sex with a slightly tanned man' nowadays?
>>43543976She didn't. If you can give me a time stamp of her claiming she was there in person after it happened and her in-person appearance fell through for whatever reason, go ahead. I'll kneel to you.
>>43543976>>43543931not the first time she's lied. look at all the streams after her comeback!
>>43544020nah is just the usual guy spamming when he is on a timer
>Multiplicationkek what
>>43543775but chumbies are still hyped up? you know they are happy with how much you are seething and that /ggg/ has been incredibly peaceful lately
>>43543988go play COD or Valorant, kid
>>43543697February is a short month.There's no way she can fit three streams
>>43544031She mentioned offcollab multiple times
>>43543357Only if Akira does
What are >we watching or are >we going to reply to the same timeloop baits?
>>43543853>Sharkholm syndromekek I'm stealing this phrase now
>>43543956They are still seething with the daki
>>43543460I am genuinely curious who she gonna pick if she joined that Ministry bar stream back then
>>43544058a dangerous combination
SHIT jwu how was the kiwawatame collab
>>43544069Should be easy to prove then.
>>43544069Refer to my previous post
>>43544069>multiple timesGive me three timestamps
>>43544080I'm watching Reine play daddy grandpa
Schizo are gonna schizo.Mostly I'm just annoyed that the fucking KFPmeido will never give them a time out.Now try insulting Kiara.
Gura cute Gura cute
>>43544027its tagged NTR, thats it desu.
JWU what did I miss? How was the Takawame offcollab?
>>43544078Kiara will always want to be the girl being romanced
>no streams>no original song>no guests at her 3D showcasewhat exactly is the shark giving us?
At some point, this cat is just going to learn everything and produce her own song from start to finish herself...
>>43544110Meh. Watame obviously didn't want to be there and was very low energy.
>>43544055She looks so afraid.
>>43544058the ultimate chuuba
>>43544130criticizing lack of streams isn't schizo shit. why are chumbuds so thin skinned? The rest of us have to deal with worse shit.
>>43544080The peafowl, of course.
>>43544177ogey nijisis
What is this? Is she a literal child?
>>43544130why would anyone insult kiara? she has never done anything wrong and she's the one carrying the entire EN branch.
>>43544177>rest of usWho's your oshi?
>>43544177>The rest of us have to deal with worse shit.And who are >us exactly?
>>43544148Buy the daki goy
>>43544058>Kiara with the voice of Fauna and added ASMR streamsI like this idea
>>43544080at this point you should know your little posts are not going to derail the shitposting thread.
>>43544177>boo hoo chumbies are spoiled wahh wahhcry some more
>>43544179Hey, me too
>>43544110very cute
Luna did it!
>>43544080Watch the one with big titties
>>43544177>nijifags outing himselflmfao
>>43544144Gangimari sisters were really cute together!
>>43544198I don't understand the math she did...
>>43544238Bowser was a TEAMATE?
>>43544177You forgot your larps nijibros!
>>43544130>this got deletedHeh Kfpmeido actually got offended
I blame Hololive for making me develop a lust for sweaty armpits
>>43544058>the voice of kiara>the fakeness of faunaEw
>Used to only watch Fauna if she was playing a game I like or if there was nobody else streaming>Now I watch almost every one of her streams>Have subconsciously started saving pictures of her on my computer>Miss her when she’s not streamingBros, how do I stop becoming a Sapling? I didn’t sign up for this.
>>43544261how retarded to you have to be to try this in a thread where even porn hasn't been deleted?
>>43544211>>43544213I'm a unity chad so I gotta run defense for everyone including Gura and the shit flinging against her is nothing and easily fixed.(Just stream)>>43544255>>43544244I hate nijisanji
>>43544271you're right. it would be better without the fauna elements
>>43544244I dunno what's with them but the daki legit mindbroke them for some reason, is cunny forbidden there or something?
This thread would be significantly improved if we discussed veganism
>>43544177>Muh being chumbud sucks>But...but...but we are suffering more?
>>43544264Reine has multiple outfits with pits
>>43544294I'm NTA but this just proved his point
>>43544264For me it was Reimu. Also Zeta and Koyori not having any proper armpit outfits is a problem that needs to be resolved ASAP.
>>43544264I blame Hololive for making me develop a lust for sweatyhairy hag armpits
>>43544177Oh right, muh lord still hiding from rabid fujos kek
I'm glad you're deleting that guy but how about also deleting this literal Guraschizo who made about 150 anti-Gura posts in just this thread so far? >>43543976>>43543931>>43543824>>43543731>>43543639>>43543555etc.
>>43544297That's not SpookySoda
I think every building should have wheelchair accessible entrances
>>43544292Fauna will decide when you've served your purpose and can be set free if such a day will ever come
Did the hime beat it?
>>43544312this but towa
>>43544264>Risu in no armpit shown categoryBro she can remove her jacket
>>43544327>i'm NTAdyrbi
>>43544287>infinite gura and fbk for months>suddenly ina
>>43544264I never noticed Holoro is comprised entirely of exposed pits until now.
>>43544264>Suisei: on alt outfit>List literally uses an image of her original outfit where you can see it has armpit windows
Anyone know whatever happened to that Gura 1:1 scale?
>>43544310Cunny genuinely scares shitposters. Not sure why but it really does
>>43543901>elementary mathLET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!
>>43544177bros what's happening, I thought only KFP replied to bait?
stream star divine
>>43544353>DeletedWow, KFP meido really hates the handicapable
>>43544379Her dad bought it
>playing DangitRonPaul dub version and depriving herself of Doraemon MonokumaDammit, Weine.
Reine's voice acting is the only way to watch VNs
>>43541556>Xi Jinping announces offcollab with Putin shortly after this tweetWHAT THE FUCK DID KIARA AND JENMA DO
>>43543381Yeah, sure don't see why I shouldn't have. I don't care about retards. And the guy did put some effort in his post; don't want him to lose faith in humanity.
>>43544379It was exposed next to the Peko 1:1 at WonFes. No idea if they announced the auction yet.
I'm so proud of her
>>43544292Come home chumbieShe will stream regularly for you
>>43544300>a-actually I-I love gura toonice backpedaling anon, but the level of mindbreak the shitposters is plain to see
>>43544446/qa/ lost
>>43544063Dead Space IS for kids. Super kiddo.
I can't believe we let nijifags shit up the thread for this long
Okayu reminding everyone that boobs are the best, and that it's also a great talk theme for a birthday stream!
as someone who likes Gura’s streams I really want more Gura streams.
okayu birthday tits
>>43544446i already watch chumbud prime
>>43544446>random gura seethefauna does not approve
>>43541802need sauce and image search fails me. AI?
>>43544478If she likes boobs so much how come Gura is her oshi and she wants to lick her pink loli cunny so much?
>>43544446>>43544292Don't fall for his bait. Stay strong chumbie, gura will return to streaming any day now!
>>43544463If we all post tits and pits it’ll improve
>>43544442>Design COCO>COCO Store>No Coco
>>43544360Proofs so I can masturbate to it?>>43544374I started from the one Hololive gave her not the one she made herself
>>43544492you enjoying okayu's birthday then?
>>43544498>AIOfc it is
>>43544442>smaller than pekora statuekek
>>43541621>Reading books written within a century of your birth.ISHYGDDT
>>43544497Best soundposts of the month
Okayu ate all the cake in one bite...
>outed ximself>shitposting stopped all of suddenhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Here:s the type of schizos you're arguing with btw
>>43544479everyone does anon, but good chumbies are patiently waiting while she does idol reps for us
>>43544292Relax, just let go. Let it happen. Just enjoy the hugs.
>reading the thread>Kaela making demented gorilla noises in the backgrounda normal tuesday
That's a fucking beeg cat
>>43544379I ate it
What we need is the Gurame Geoguesser room to go up so everyone can be happy again
okayu has become fat (official)
>>43544524But the sovl self-drawn model is her OG oneor was, she accidentally deleted all the source files
>>43544527Yeah? It's 1:1 scale and Gura is smaller than Pekora. Are you dum?
>>43544578>spoilerDoes anyone know if she was able to recover those?
a classic goob retweet, boys
Are you okay Onigiryaa? This is an abusive relationship...
Which member have you become parasocial with this year? I can't get the zombie out of my head I love her so much
Okayu really is the cutest, beyond the shadow of a doubt.
>>43544479But we already have TWO streams this month!Don't tell me you actually want more than that?!
>>43544547these people are not real human beings
>>43544606She got some stuff back from copies Cover had, but not everything
>>43544573This but Gurame having a threesome with me
>>43544527Pekora's 1:1 statue is bigger than Gura's 1:1 statue? Cover must love her 12 centimeters more!
>>43544551I've been patiently waiting since september.
>>43544607thanks mane-chan
>>43544612I wrote this post
>>43544582Oh wow, brb
>>43544551Not a Chumbud, but it feels like she just needs a push, like, big support from management, and then she will be able to do both
>>43544593>>43544636Still smaller even with the pedestal Also the pekora one is the center piece
>>43544544wife has been on a roll recently while somewhere else hasn't go figure
>>43544527Use your brain retard
My cat is leaving... Live tomorrow though! Plenty of guests(though no clues as to who).
>>43544666yeah just push her over and give her even more health issues
I want Okayu to nibble me with her cat fangs
>>43544527>>43544672How many statues does your oshi have, since you seem to care about them so much?
>>43544666>big support from managementmanagement cant force people to eat right, not chug 10 cans of poison every day and sleep properly
Okayu doesn't want me to leave...
Who's gonna be the first to buy a 77" OLED tv for 4.5K USD? and which one of Ame's brothers going to convince her to do it so they could have her other giant tv
>>43544672This is hurt to watch...
>>43544403But I'm watching Reine right now
>>43544547That's some good bait. Shitposters on vt could learn a thing or two.
>>43544711Shitty brat. Needs correction
>>43544666shark gets plenty of support. she's just lazy.
>>43544544>ximselfWhat is this lgbt ass pronoun are you using
>>43544551She said things will back to normal after her birthday concert...
>>43544615Anya's the closest one just because of her voice and ESLisms, mainly because her ESLisms are frequent enough to be charming rather than jarring.
fanservice is goodthank you okayun
>stop shitting your pantsKober... stop talking about shit, you little shit.
I'm gonna concern so hard about ame rn>Myth only mentioned how hard it na, gura and kiara practice, no ame>Ame herself hasn't mentioned how hard she practice>JP never mentioned ame so far, it's almost as if she hasn't been in the studio when JP were present >Ame has been playing game in her room this weekMan... I feel like her 3d showcase will crash and burn somehow...
>>43544766Extremely important last shot.
>>43544666even ame and ina are having trouble doing both and they weren't recently sick so I don't think she can manage it that wellI do appreciate staff feeding my wife snacks and giving her a GOXLR
>>43544666>blaming managementEveryone is having problem with that
>>43544717My oshi is Jesus Christ
Today has been a good day.Tomorrow is going to be even better!
>>43544785I mean the dancing is a meme and she is not going to get good at singing so there is no need to go that hard.
Gura didn't make it off of Zebes in time. She's gone, chumbies.
>>43544632Gurame shouldn't be soiled by males
>>43544806You didn't answer the question. How many statues?
>>43544764>5 am ESTFuck sleep
>>43544764>4amI-I'll give it a try...!
>>43544804>break table>graffiti it>leave
>>43544830enough about gura
>>43544800And what is common between them? Management.
>>43544818>5 am EST, goddamit Kiara why KINO FOR OKAYUS BIRTHDAY
>>43544597Oddly cute
>>43544785She's doing one of these retarded 3D vidya playthroughsAlternatively she sent it six months ago
>>43544744>>43544759I've noticed that the Kiara's tweets complaning and schizo spam only happens during NA hours, really makes you think
>>43544764>5ami slep
>>43544785>Ame just had birthday>Ame doesn't need to push herself with dancing because she doesn't feel the need to challenge herself too greatlyAme's gonna be fine, it's gonna be creatividade and she's not gonna do any complicated dancing
>>43544764>That description MORI WON! REINE IS KEKED FOREVER!
>>43544785It wouldn't be Ame if her 3D showcase wasn't her just trying out weird things with her model and such. It's not gonna be one of those normal ones where she just sings a bunch of songs
>>43544785Ok retard, open up your mouth
>>43544834>shouldn't be soiled by malesThen it's totally fine
>>43544831is she ever gonna finish the metroid games?
>>43544764kek I knew she'd use that
>>43544233Nice I might watch the VOD
>>43544870Onigiriyaa always seem to put stuff like this together for her, it's pretty cool.
>>43544857This but Ame
>>43544896fauna should play nv
>>43544870This is a really high effort video
>>43544887>Kiara invited Mori to Bali with her so they could do Reine together
>>43544887More like its referring to the rest of Myth not wanting to do this stream.
>>43544887owari da reine...
>>43544897post your tiddies
Luna making Harry Potter references
Luna just casted a spell at me.
>>43544885inferior timezone
>>43544785>Posting in /ameg/.>Doesn't have Ame membership.
>>43544647I could wait for her all my life if necessary, I know she's thinking of us while she dances
>>43544896>dancing with everyoneshe's talking about the management mandated full myth stream that's happening after the showcases
>>43544711>>43544718>>43544756>>43544792>>43544800They CAN and SHOULD give them proper psychological and physical help, much like a certain other company does
>>43544887banks in Tokyo should stay extra vigilant until Kiara leaves the country again
>>43544899Metroid games are polarizing though. You either like em, or you can't stand them.
>>43544887She really appreciates Mori doing this with her, unlike the other three...
>>43544870Holy fuck, this is some high quality production, they made an actual MV for this.
>>43544887>throwing shade at trinityheh
>>43544884>burger hours are dogshitwe've always known this
>>43544970which company retard? they're fucking adults, the company shouldn't be micromanaging their life
>>43544955As the undisputed LEADER, Ame will have the full myth in her showcase though.
>>43544887>Myth won't do shit with me, but thanks god Mori is my little slut
>>43544970>much like a certain other company does???
>>43544764>>43544887This is gonna be cute.
>>43544970>Certain other company doesYeah boy and that's going so well
>>43544994Some of them are fucking autists who can barely fucking manage themselves
>>43544764Why only mori and kiara?
>>43544884Well, the spam is also much worse.Only six? KFP is reclining.
>>43544887Kiara not shitting on her genmates challenge IMPOSSIBLE
>>43544870these fucking guys lmaoexcellent work
>>43545000>Kiara's little slutI bet Mori wears that like a badge of honor.
>>43544870Whoah this is amazing
>>43544870Fucking hell, kekThis is great
>>43544970anons WILL get baited into asking about and mentioning other corpos so the shitposter can then try to get them banned for offtopic
Man Tutu is gonna go bananas on those Sock Puppets.
>>43544887That means the other three refused her invitation?Also pretty sure Reine gon accept her invitation if she asked her
>>43545025still not the job of the company to hire babysitters. there's no company in the world where they'll hold your hand and fix your life. you have to have some self responsibility and get your shit together at some point.
>>43544994I think girls like Kaela need a parental figure in their lives.Otherwise they'll just spend all day playing games like dirty neets.
>>43545048she's the top earner for the entire branch. she earned it.
>>43545029The other three think it's too risky. They are cowards.
>>43545048HOW THE FUCK IS THAT SHITTING ON PEOPLE??? Holy fuck you sound like a gossip magazine>omagush a celebrity said they like milk, they must HAAAAAATE PICKLES LIKE OMAGUSH
>>43544999I'LL CATCH YOU
>>43544870Onigirya are too fucking powerful
>>43544764>>43544887Congrats on Employee of the Month again, Mori.おにぎりゃープレゼンツおかゆん誕生日企画2023】「カミサマ・ネコサマ」おにぎりゃー合唱大作戦 ~全力全灰全肯定!~
>>43544930Thank God, this stream would be a disaster with more than 3 people
>>43545029Ame is too paranoid to do a handcam collabIna is too paranoid to do a handcam at allGura thinks it's cringe
>>43545000I hope they have steamy sex after the stream
>>43545048>I like pancakes>SO YOU HATE WAFFLES! FUCK YOU!Why are you being an unironic twitterfag right now?
>>43544666management just to spank the shark
>>43544870Avdol www
>>43544887I'm curious why is it always Mori who time after time is down to be doing all these whacky ideas and adventures with Kiara, what is it about the other three that just aren't into it?
>>43545078>I think girls like Kaela need a parental figure in their livesThe most baffling post i ever heard.
>>43545122my oshi is so beautiful...
>>43545092Congratulations, you're as socially inept as her
>>43544764>>43544887But is Kiara going to sleep the night at Mori's
I genuinely believe that if push comes to shove, Kiara could tap into her primal crazy bitch energy and fuck them all up.
Uh, can someone post Onigiriya fanmade video again? I think those links are broken
>>43545092dramasister is not an exaggeration. better get used to it.
Have a couple of hours free, is Fauna's truck vod worth watching?
Luna seems to be in a really good mood this evening.
>>43545114>Ame is too paranoid to do a handcam collababsolute moron
>>43544870Is this commentary and vtubers are 21st-century living gods?
>>43545088Granted if the camera falls over and shows their face Kiara and Mori basically have nothing to lose, unlike the other 3
Shhhh, calm now friends! Plenty of reasons to be happy
>>43545092>Omg sis did you saw Kiara's description. She's TOTALLY throwing shade at her other friends and NOT just showing appreciation to Mori
>>43545000>Kiara's Bali trip will be with her two slutsH-Hot
>>43545133Mori literally doesn't know how to say no
>>43545109Fuck you, Mori! Jimmy have been working hard the whole year and he even sacrificed his family for KFP! I deserve it more than her!
>>43545171what's that supposed to prove anon
>>43545048Why does Myth make it so easy to shit on them, huh? Can't blame her for that shitshow of a gen.
>>43545074>>43545133The trinity actually care about opsec?
>>43545146You are literally getting offended for people who didnt get offended
>>43545171Kiara actually said that Ame didn't trust her setup anon.
>>43545171Based retard
>Literally built a studio for her.>Being paranoid to stream her hands without a bolted face shield? Not my friend anymore.Ametori is over, Kiara can't appreciate good people.
>>43545150thats hot
>KFP using Kiara as an excuse to talk about nijishitters in the holo thread yet again
>>43545171BASED RETARD
>>43545199It is, thanks for clarifying!
>>43545171Who is she collabing with in this?
>>43545148That's what Mori said she'd do, so yeah.
>>43545078>Otherwise they'll just spend all day playing games.B-But that's her job though..
Shoving the waiter, so cool.
>>43545048Like most situations, if her saying>Mori will do anything with meand your brain IMMEDIATELY goes to>wtf why is she shitting on Ina Ame and GuraDespite them not being mentioned or involved or remotely hinted at, I think it speaks more about the people you’re thinking about than the one you’re accusing(In this case, you subconsciously know that it’s true, that they don’t do shit with Kiara and only Mori would)
>>43545210Hehe Mythschizo arrived
>>43545232More likely nijisisters who just happen to like kiara instead of actual KFP
>>43545172No, just Okayu.
>>43545118>food analogy
>>43545171So this is the power of the average teamate...
>>43545232lol he seething
>>43545171cute retarded gator
We LOVE Hololive!
>>43545277Women are just food for the cock.
>>43545171holy shit teafags are RETARDED
>>43545088Have you missed the kobo yab?Now that but times five
>>43545172Isn't it great?Personally I'm just waiting for someone to make actual statues of holos or even a temple!
>>43545277>food ANALorgy
>>43545298Me too
>>43545328wtf? All of Myth is flat and tiny?
u haachamachamad bro?
>>43545316you better have that horse ready next time
Why can't everyone just be happy?
>>43545207>>43545219>>43545222>>43545240>>43545241>>43545253>>43545286>>43545289>>43545310>Who is she collabing with in this?yeah, me
>>43545376why can't chumbuds stop replying to bait?
Im gonna go fap. There better be a meido when I return
>Check Fauna's stream since people said it's kino>She read Jurassic Parkwtf is wrong with her
Cute AnyaEla crossing the finish line together
>>43545376Don't use shitposting websites if you don't like it.
>>43544971Anything on my dick
>>43545316give her back her hair tie
I just got notice that Reine is buying a plane ticket to Japan
>>43545335>gesuto mori takusanfucking mori again
>>43545316I miss Sunmoon
>Gura seething stops>Ame and Kiara seething startsReally makes you think
>>43545405One is backwards
>>43545376I don't have enough money.
>>43545376sorry we're allergic to happiness here
>>43545316Bali arc when?
>>43545426It's always the same guy
>>43545430Kaela bumped the Anya player
>>43545426>Ame seething.WHERE?
>>43545402Hey me too! She should read Frankenstein even if it's kind of long
>>43545426>makes you thinkeww, thinking is for faggots.
>>43545420Cool, another training arc, wish she collab with irys again.
>>43545376i'm broke nigga, BROKE!
>>43545410>the purpose of this place is EPIC FANBASE WARS!!! Go back dramatourist
>>43545150>we shouldnt be nervous, we're nijienthat's not the flex she thinks it is
>>43545426I don't see any Ame seethe, just some anons making fun of a stupid post
>>43545470I just checked, it's pretty long! I still think she should do it
>>43545416Can't, she is sniffing it while masturbating
>>43545150She's just asking to get a 1 on 1 hot sweaty roast session with Kiara, Kiara don't back down easily shower twitcast btw
>>43545495Who broke you?
Jenma, Kiara and Mori. Can someone edit this for me?
>>43545354They've got the bar set that low?
>>43545502he's probably one of those fags from that twitter/discord
>>43545426wdym anon, that these super organic seethe posts might not be 100% sincere?
Matsuri shower stream at 1am
>>43545376Not your safe space, bitch
>>43545502Literally every internet community use this place as dumpster.
>>43545517nice, I love her twitcasts
>>43545148>>43545259She won't, she have a stream next morning
>>43545410This website is for porn, niche hobbies, and porn.
>>43545420She actually is planning on returning in April
>you get to smell your oshi's ass>it smells like an unwiped assholeThis is the grim reality
>>43545522A woman
>>43545553>>43545547i knew fucking newfags were ruining everything
>>43545398normally I don't but when they get this mindbroken it's fun to make them dance for a while y'know?
>>43545553And from which internet community are YOU from?
>>43545410>shitposting websites>report button has options for trolling outside of /b/ and low-qualityGee
>>43544253That's Wart you faggot
>>43545451Kobo is NOT coming to Bali
>Lately I've been obsessed with the IRyStocatsFauna!?
>>43544264Koyori has exposed pits on her default outfit when she takes off her coat
I saw two mean posts about Ame in this thread.I suffer the most, KFP will never feel my pain...
>>43545621i miss wart, him and wario should team up
>>43545502Correct, 4chan serves no other use other than to redpill people on the culture war against kikes and shitpost about current events
Again why don't they just wear a mask and costume if the concern is always opsec this and opsec that
>>43544264you shouldn't use a tier list for this when some of the girls fit multiple criterias
>>43545585>MUH NEWFAG RUINED MUH HOBBYGet used to it or fuck off
>>43545517Mocopi shower stream when
I love looking at Luna's lines.
Our biggest mistake was not murdering bannedvtmemes and vt_takes all that time ago
>>43545685i bet you're one of the schizos shitposting
Just stop giving him the attention he craves. It's that easy
>>43545671Feet? Wrists? Hairs? Do you want them to wear full-plate armor?
>>43545685go back
Calm down friends! There are so many good things happening these days!
>>43545699why can't elon do something right and ban then for advertising other social media?
>>43545669Trump lost
>>43541556It's not very cool of Kiara to use Jenma's expensive computer chair without wearing pants or underpants. I don't think Jenma appreciates Kiara's sweat puddle and snail trail from her sweaty naked depilated ass & pussy.
>>43545723body color leotard, wig
>>43545732Pretty hyped for the showcase weekend
>>43545732And there are many attention whores like this who want to be the next abayofriend or something.
>>43545671Some of them are insecure about their bodies
What did we ever do to someone to deserve a dedicated psychopath
>>43545451I think four ID's will be joining the orgy, and the other will be appearing for like once and go back tomorrow
>>43545613That sure is useful!
>>43545578Aqua's smells like baby wipes from her tard wrangler cleaning her
typing go back is literally worse than posting an image with a blank text field
>>43545755Some people care about not being seen with a flabby belly, unlike Mori.
>>43545704I'm here laughing at your hobby slowly burning in your little incel bubble while your holo waifus secretly having an affair with a chads
>>43545840Maybe they shouldn't have a flabby belly ?
Tell me about a stream you REALLY enjoyed the past few days
>>43545857fuck you
>>43545853yea me(i'm the chad)
Ina should have been fatter.
>>43545768But I love watamate
>>43545840I'm not suggesting they wear only a unitard
>>43545853Wow, you actually are the /qa/fag with the cuck fetish.
>>43545862The MarioParty offcollab
>>43545857Then they wouldn't be a vtuber.
>>43545853are all schizos cucks?
>>43545862jew trucking
>>43545888One of the worst posts itt
I FUCKING LOVE PEKORA BROSJust spend an hour thinking about Touhou's politic and economy. The 2hus are actually a bunch of geniuses when it come to managing a country
>>43545914it's minnaaaaaaaaaaaa orunewfriend
>>43545870the correct answer is both
good nighto big luner
>>43545853Yeah, me.
Yeah, with me.
>>43545894How do you hide your round belly? Smough's armor?
>>43545862kiaraID offcollabs were both great
>>43545376>ReiRyS off collab>Myth 3D debuts>Zetame off collab>Sunmoon+Kobo and Ollie off collab>My new phone arrived this morningWdym nigger I'm the happiest person rn
I love vtubers and you wont change that
who's streaming tonight?
my banana wife Ame
>>43545862love my wife's new hairstyle
>>43545959>>>ReiRyS off collabI mean that was nice but it was also 2 months ago
>>43545972not gura lmao
>>43545862Just in the past 24 hours, Takomori watchalong was absolutely great. Fauna's truck stream was hilarious.
ahhhh fuck i completely forgot about the potechi collab
>>43545995Same year, I think?
>>43545862ID offcollabs (all three, with a bit of favoritism for MP)Gura new accessoryKanata dark souls