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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 250 KB, 694x470, 1673509762146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43420318 No.43420318 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>43420383

Previous thread

>> No.43420344
File: 1.60 MB, 850x1631, 1673670264066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.43420348

/#/ is reclining

>> No.43420376

Ina a cute

>> No.43420383
File: 397 KB, 1700x1700, 1671048436816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply with a short description of the news and a link to the source!

News from last thread:
>Suisei came back from her break

>2 talents from Amber glow graduating

>> No.43420437

I feel asleep last night so anymore info about the Luxiem X KFC thing?

>> No.43420455

This one

>> No.43420473
File: 130 KB, 2523x898, 1671321340624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak median and mean for the first half of February

>> No.43420482


>> No.43420485
File: 404 KB, 789x351, vei and veitwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

important update

>> No.43420493

That entire crew is distancing themselves from anime nowadays

>> No.43420500

thought that was outed as fake.

>> No.43420518
Quoted by: >>43420568

Is there any update about the B2 vup mentioning Oshi is holo?I am interested in that one more

>> No.43420558
File: 193 KB, 1921x1153, 30 days starsen 20230219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* Holostars EN 30 days median of peaks and average *
>hit all time low yesterday

>> No.43420557

Garnt is still doing his anime season commentary stuff

>> No.43420568

It was "Leaked" by some guy on the chinese internet, so it basically has the same credibility as "my dad works at nintendo"
B2 vup?

>> No.43420579
Quoted by: >>43420672

Why is Niji EN losing to both Tempus and Holo ID?

>> No.43420595

kys crossposter

>> No.43420614
Quoted by: >>43420663

So just a fan who did it, oh……

>> No.43420631
File: 148 KB, 344x338, 1676621696428911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should remove holostars and protect the company

>> No.43420634
File: 304 KB, 453x931, 1672366032780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43420647

If you are not #1, then you are irrelevant

>> No.43420652

Nobody cares about your off topic garbage, go back to nyfco if you want to talk about flesh streamers

>> No.43420663

If they really leaked an unannounced collab project they would get sued the fuck up.

>> No.43420664
File: 4 KB, 225x42, 1667129918281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43420672

nijis not streaming enough combined with tempus stealing their fans

>> No.43420673

B2 terminology, Vup = video uploader

>> No.43420681
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, ENgold230219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


63,181: Ina (Hololive)
12,980: Finana (Nijisanji)
7,636: Luca (Nijisanji)
5,855: Mori (Hololive)
5,393: Baelz (Hololive)

1) Baelz (Hololive) - 11,133 - Kinoko vs Takenoko
2) Baelz (Hololive) - 17,434 - Ministry Host Club
3) Amelia (Hololive) - 7,974 - Fallout New Vegas
4) Ina (Hololive) - 8,350 - Acessories Reveal
5) Baelz (Hololive) - 10,184 - Sausage Legend (w/ Subaru)
6) Mori (Hololive) - 9,020 - CHADcast (w/ Baelz & IRyS)
7) Mori (Hololive) - 31,776 - Outfit Reveal
8) Mumei (Hololive) - 14,044 - Unarchived Karaoke
9) Kronii (Hololive) - 13,735 - Unarchived Karaoke
10) Fauna (Hololive) - 8,880 - Minecraft
11) IRyS (Hololive) - 8,080 - Holocure
12) Gura (Hololive) - 42,601 - Return Stream
13) Amelia (Hololive) - 9,724 - Unarchived Karaoke
14) Mori (Hololive) - 11,194 - Unarchived Karaoke
15) Mori (Hololive) - 31,781 - Myth Offcollab
16) Fauna (Hololive) - 11,754 - Minecraft
17) IRyS (Hololive) - 12,370 - Unarchived Karaoke
18) Gura (Hololive) - 30,174 - Reveal Stream
19) Ina (Hololive) - 63,181 - 3D Showcase

19x: Hololive

4x: Mori
3x: Baelz
2x: Amelia, Fauna, IRyS, Gura, Ina
1x: Mumei, Kronii

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
24p: Mori
21p: Baelz
17p: IRyS, Ina
15p: Fauna
14p: Mumei, Amelia
10p: Gura
7p: Kronii, Vox
5p: Kiara
4p: Vesper, Luca
3p: Uki, Magni, Finana
1p: Mysta, Millie

>> No.43420687
File: 74 KB, 480x480, 1662416407270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43420775

Three Hours.

>> No.43420715
Quoted by: >>43420744

Yeah that what those "vtuber" call themselves.they want social distance from other V

>> No.43420717
Quoted by: >>43420858

Yeah i don't know how to tell you this but we don't get very many chinese speaking posters here. You'll have better luck scouring twitter or reddit

>> No.43420730

What the fuck are you talking about sister

>> No.43420744
Quoted by: >>43420843

...so why are you using b2 terms here?

>> No.43420747
File: 156 KB, 1153x895, 1654851591811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43420775

Fuck off, anyone who matters will be watching Ame anyway

>> No.43420789
File: 267 KB, 794x450, image_2023-02-19_161547931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2023 EN GOLDS

32x: Hololive
16x: Nijisanji
2x: Holostars

5x: Mumei, Amelia, Mori
4x: Baelz, Ina
3x: Mysta, IRyS
2x: Vox, Selen, Pomu, Kronii, Fauna, Gura
1x: Ike, Flayon, Alban, Elira, Finana, Millie, Luca, Regis

>2023 POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
46p: Mumei
43p: Ina
33p: IRyS
32p: Fauna, Amelia
29p: Baelz, Mori
26p: Vox
23p: Mysta
17p: Kronii
15p: Luca
13p: Selen
12p: Kiara
10p: Pomu, Gura
9p: Millie
8p: Ike, Finana
7p: Regis
5p: Flayon, Alban, Elira
4p: Enna, Uki, Vesper
3p: Sonny, Hakka, Magni
1p: Meloco, Shinri, Gavis, Axel

>> No.43420794

>niji en lost to tempus
ruru rumao

>> No.43420795
Quoted by: >>43420871

>return stream
>Sub 4k
Now that's a quality GRIM!

>> No.43420802
File: 115 KB, 326x279, 1676582242552799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riro Ron just said that their second EN gen is already selected and there were over 1000 people applying.

Jesus fuck nobody is left for EN3.

>> No.43420843

I refuse to call them vtuber.they can stay as Vup forever

>> No.43420847
Quoted by: >>43421330

Believe in Cover's scouting department.

>> No.43420848
File: 728 KB, 2000x4000, 1676833865720676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>63,181: Ina (Hololive)
>34,557: Marine (Hololive)
>31,486: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>25,112: Mito (Nijisanji)
>22,709: Watame (Hololive)
>20,901: Hayato (Nijisanji)
>20,736: Mio (Hololive)
>20,723: Pekora (Hololive)
>19,789: Towa (Hololive)
>18,544: Kanata (Hololive)
>18,300: Yashiro (Nijisanji)
>16,498: Korone (Hololive)
>15,698: Miko (Hololive)
>15,100: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>14,775: Koyori (Hololive)
>14,202: Subaru (Hololive)
>13,872: Shion (Hololive)
>13,073: Sora (Hololive)
>12,980: Finana (Nijisanji)
>12,366: Nerumero (Indie)
>12,342: Met (VSPO)
>12,327: Moona (Hololive)
>12,145: Chloe (Hololive)
>11,277: Ange (Nijisanji)
>11,275: Lauren (Nijisanji)

>> No.43420849
Quoted by: >>43420916

Homo's return stream would easily hit the cripple tally if not for Vesper overlapping him

>> No.43420858
Quoted by: >>43420899

Like hell we don't. Sisters come here all the time and just last night half the thread was chinks talking about various cultural differences between singapore chinese and indo chinese.

>> No.43420871
File: 186 KB, 715x258, 1659673668702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not a return stream though? He's probably going to do better than his return stream lmao

>> No.43420879
Quoted by: >>43421030

Today might be Niji's best chance to actually win a cripple. No buff streams from Holo so far and quite a bit of them are gonna overlap each other.

>> No.43420889

Nobody joining shilldol corp would ever be good enough for holo

>> No.43420899
Quoted by: >>43421055

Anon, those are not "chink" chink.

>> No.43420910


Already discussed

>> No.43420911
Quoted by: >>43420971

What mental disease makes people hear "1000 people are applying to some small indie corpo" and conclude "yep no one's left to debut for the biggest corpo"?

>> No.43420916
Quoted by: >>43420956

Why do you guys pretend anyone gives a shit about Uki? He was a shitter before and he is still a shitter.

>> No.43420924
File: 1.47 MB, 2429x4096, 1676833947520677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Marine (Hololive) - 48,323 - Drawing stream
2) Pekora (Hololive) - 36,371 - Pebot Minecraft
3) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 85,315 - 5th anniversary stream
4) Pekora (Hololive) - 34,140 - The Karaoke
5) Pekora (Hololive) - 45,516 - Minecraft
6) Marine (Hololive) - 41,228 - The Karaoke
7) Mito (Nijisanji) - 72,930 - Tsukino Mito vs Kenmochi Toya
8) Himawari (Nijisanji) - 57,917 - Honhima king collab
9) Pekora (Hololive) - 28,944 - Hogwarts Legacy
10) Miko (Hololive) - 39,954 - HoloCure new update
11) Gaku (Nijisanji) - 45,052 - Pachinko tournament
12) Mio (Hololive) - 55,820 - SMOK One-Block Minecraft
13) Subaru (Hololive) - 93,949 - Oozora Police 2023
14) Choco (Hololive) - 71,876 - 3D birthday live
15) Toya (Nijisanji) - 38,879 - Hogwarts Legacy
16) Lamy (Hololive) - 54,575 - New outfit reveal
17) Toya (Nijisanji) - 60,411 - Announcement stream
18) Marine (Hololive) - 82,391 - PekoMari mocopi totsumachi
19) Ina (Hololive) - 63,181 - 3D showcase

13x: Hololive
6x: Nijisanji

4x: Pekora
3x: Marine
2x: Toya
1x: Choco, Gaku, Himawari, Ina, Lamy, Miko, Mio, Mito, Nijisanji, Subaru

>2023 GOLDS
36x: Hololive
13x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie

18x: Pekora
4x: Marine
3x: Toya
2x: Kuzuha, Nijisanji, Subaru, Towa
1x: Choco, Gaku, Himawari, Hololive, Ina, Koyori, Lamy, Miko, Mio, Mito, Nerumero, Nozomi, Polka, Roco, Suisei, Watame, Yashiro

>> No.43420923

Did he talk about the offpako?

>> No.43420945

I thought NijiEN was doing well? What the heck happened?

>> No.43420956

But enough about Tempus

>> No.43420962
Quoted by: >>43421054

I bet no one in Idol ever applied to hololive.

>> No.43420968

>Not a return stream
Then why the hell did he titled it like that?
Fucking hell, between this and Millie's 3rd "return" stream I feel like NijiEN is grasping at straws

>> No.43420971

name 5 people for EN3 then?

>> No.43420977
File: 13 KB, 346x339, 1676437612233172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that they have big numbers again I love HoloEN

>> No.43420982
File: 79 KB, 329x272, 1664003760697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43421040

>damn I'm sure there is some heavy overla-

>> No.43420997
File: 205 KB, 816x590, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vesper...how did he got from going toe to toe with Kiara to this

>> No.43421030

The only overlap that seriously hurts Fauna seems to be Ina and Mumei. Amelia starting 2 hours earlier is most likely going to result in a funnel.

>> No.43421040
File: 318 KB, 934x888, break in case of low numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43421166


>> No.43421048

How about you name those "2nd gen" members first?

>> No.43421054
Quoted by: >>43421145

I bet all of them have, multiple times even

>> No.43421055
Quoted by: >>43421116

I mean yea, even I know there's a difference but he said chinese speaking posters. I think we have a lot of anons who can speak chinese during certain times.

>> No.43421060
Quoted by: >>43421138

>Ina got a gold before Gura

>> No.43421083

Kill yourself, this retarded scavenging for irrelevant indies to guess who's in EN is stupid, you never would have guessed Kronii or Fauna and they're big. The closes you faggots ever got to a "this is a big name she'll be in EN" is Mumei, and you seem to think Cover is scavenging for every viral egirl of the early 2010s to fill their roster.

>> No.43421093

marine jobbing

>> No.43421114

>toe to toe with Kiara to this
eh, thats a bit of an optimistic view of back then.

>> No.43421116

Chink has like, what, 3 major dialects? AN none of them sounds close enough to one another.
Calling it chink language is vague as hell

>> No.43421133
File: 295 KB, 1137x705, vesper bottom 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming he's not getting a cosmetic raid (and there is no other StarsEN streaming right now) this is posing to be the LOWEST stream by Vesper EVER, and his first below 1.5k.
Pic related has all of his sub 2k streams, with four of them being Outer Wilds and the other two, two other gaming streams.

Can he right this ship and fight back or his days are numbered and he's in the expressway to three views?

>> No.43421138

This is EN hours buddy. Your gold shit is irrelevant here. Now post your Gura didn't get bronze image you've been spamming for 7+ days.

>> No.43421145

I doubt it. You fags act like if Cover ever called them up they'd desperately try to get out of their contracts and join Hololive instead. Most vtubers I have watched have said they never applied to Hololive and aren't interested in it.

>> No.43421156


>> No.43421155

Well it turns out, if you tell your parasocial fans to fuck off, they fuck off.

>> No.43421166

Kronii's OG model is so good, I can't believe she forced Wada to put out that garbage for her casual outfit.

>> No.43421191

nijikek tried to bait vesper with the homo but it backfired so he completely removed the other one instead lmao >43420982

>> No.43421201
Quoted by: >>43421272

Who would have thought isolating yourself in a branch that has built itself around "Unity" and constant collabs would be a bad idea.

>> No.43421208

>350 viewers
that debut buff is wearing off fast. Is she going to be the runt of IdolEN?

>> No.43421214
Quoted by: >>43421397

Vesper needs to find a new Kronii viral clip and comment on it+ get more Kronii colalbs

>> No.43421235

Nope, he lost the bro audience with the collabs with the girls. He lost the sister audience when he fought with the rest of tempiss

>> No.43421236

1) Mio (Hololive) - 43,110 - Post vacation zatsu
2) Gaku (Nijisanji) - 26,176 - Outfit reveal
3) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 85,315 - 5th Anniversary
4) Zeta (Hololive) - 30,725 - Outfit reveal
5) Kobo (Hololive) - 41,734 - Outfit reveal
6) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) - 35,913 - Nijisanji Valorent tournament
7) Mito (Nijisanji) - 72,930 - Tsukino Mito vs Kenmochi Toya
8) Himawari (Nijisanji) - 57,917 - Honhima king collab
9) Mio (Hololive) - 23,914- Takoyaki collab w/ Towa & Okayu
10) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) - 18,600 - Dark and Darker/Valorent/LoL
11) Gaku (Nijisanji) - 45,052 - Pachinko tournament
12) Mio (Hololive) - 55,820 - SMOK One-Block Minecraft
13) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) - 70,447 - Hogwarts Legacy
14) Choco (Hololive) - 71,876 - 3D birthday live
15) Toya (Nijisanji) - 38,879 - Hogwarts Legacy
16) Lamy (Hololive) - 54,575 - New outfit reveal
17) Toya (Nijisanji) - 73,934* - Announcement stream
18) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) - 30,999 - Hogwarts Legacy
19) Ina (Hololive) - 63,181 - 3D showcase

11x: Nijisanji
8x: Hololive

4x: Kuzuha
3x: Mio
2x: Gaku, Toya
1x: Nijisanji, Zeta, Kobo, Himawari, Mito, Choco, Lamy, Ina

>2023 GOLDS
27x: Nijisanji
22x: Hololive
1x: Indie

8x: Kuzuha
4x: Toya
3x: Nijisanji, Gaku, Mio, Choco
2x: Towa, Lamy, Ina
1x: Hololive, Nerumero, Watame, Pomu, Elira, Nozomi, Roco, Kanata, Kana, Hibari, VOLTACTION, Ayame, Sora, Polka, Zeta, Kobo, Mito, Himawari

>> No.43421242

New toy buff

>> No.43421246

>Most vtubers I have watched have said they never applied to Hololive
Most crackhoes I talked with never said anything about sucking dick for crack

>> No.43421267

feels it would be the other way around

>> No.43421272
File: 299 KB, 599x455, holoproCREEP(G)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5lq1o4.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43421316

I wonder if the speculations about his suspensions got to him

>> No.43421277
Quoted by: >>43421344

Return streams are no longer buffs for nijis, aren't they?

>> No.43421284
Quoted by: >>43421313

>Seething chumbro fails to notice that Ina gold an actual gold and not a crippled one

>> No.43421313
Quoted by: >>43421362

Eigo jouzu

>> No.43421316

Performance wise, he's back to where he were before Japan trip

>> No.43421317

how did nijinogs even lose to some 8-man homo group?

>> No.43421324

My theory is his Japan break down gave a lot of his female audience the ick.

>> No.43421328
File: 65 KB, 224x224, 1674700648853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that Ina's 3D debut got less viewers than Risu's 3D debut

>> No.43421330
Quoted by: >>43421407

>believe in Cover's scouting department
Look, I believe in the power of 3 as much as the next guy here, but the same people scouting for EN are going to be the same people responsible for picking Tempiss and people like Kronii and Sana.

>> No.43421335

Council exist, and all of them are not good enough for holo too

>> No.43421341
Quoted by: >>43421432

are the doxxsite sisters still camping /here/?

>> No.43421344

They do them every couple of days.

>> No.43421349

I thought he'd be done with Outer Wilds by now. He needs to do something fun instead like his 24 hour XCOM idea

>> No.43421350

So what left for Vesper is the tourist? Those who knows him threw clips with Kronii and waiting for another mix gender collab

>> No.43421352

HoloID aren't culled.

>> No.43421361
File: 207 KB, 1000x1462, ina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43421400

1) Mio (Hololive) - 43,110 - Post vacation zatsu
2) Gaku (Nijisanji) - 26,176 - Outfit reveal
3) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 85,315 - 5th Anniversary
4) Zeta (Hololive) - 30,725 - Outfit reveal
5) Kobo (Hololive) - 41,734 - Outfit reveal
6) Debi (Nijisanji) - 34,977 -Totsumachi
7) Mito (Nijisanji) - 72,930 - Tsukino Mito vs Kenmochi Toya
8) Himawari (Nijisanji) - 57,917 - Honhima king collab
9) Mio (Hololive) - 23,914- Takoyaki collab w/ Towa & Okayu
10) Lui (Hololive) - 15,852 - Holocure
11) Gaku (Nijisanji) - 45,052 - Pachinko tournament
12) Mio (Hololive) - 55,820 - SMOK One-Block Minecraft
13) Botan (Hololive) - 28,842 - Cooking
14) Choco (Hololive) - 71,876 - 3D birthday live
15) Toya (Nijisanji) - 38,879 - Hogwarts Legacy
16) Lamy (Hololive) - 54,575 - New outfit reveal
17) Toya (Nijisanji) - 73,934* - Announcement stream
18) Gura (Hololive) - 30,188 - Announcement
19) Ina (Hololive) - 63,181 - 3D showcase

11x: Hololive
8x: Nijisanji

3x: Mio
2x: Gaku, Toya
1x: Nijisanji, Zeta, Kobo, Himawari, Mito, Choco, Lamy, Gura, Lui, Debi, Ina


>> No.43421362
File: 218 KB, 1210x1679, FbwnRyWXkAQHOem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43421402

Here, have a today overall gold winner

>> No.43421373
Quoted by: >>43421442

>Flare started streaming Splatoon at 4 am
Is this a good numbers move?

>> No.43421377

This is pure cope. Kyoresu is one of the largest youtubers that became vtubers.

>> No.43421387

Not after you account for the cull. She probably got a number comparable to Moona's.

>> No.43421389

sure, if that helps you cope

>> No.43421390

Anon...... they are all lying

>> No.43421397

That requires Kronii to produce new viral clip which means she would need to stream...
He's doomed.

>> No.43421398

constant dramas, no streams, black company being black
i guess that filters out most of the fans

>> No.43421400
Quoted by: >>43421451

>2x: Gaku, Toya
>removing Kuzuha from the tally
It makes you seem mad about his performance.

>> No.43421402
File: 18 KB, 359x131, 1672607755684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43421465

>have a today

>> No.43421401
Quoted by: >>43421485

If they are self aware enough as Holo fans to realise they aren't good enough then good for them, but most would probably still try on the offchance

>> No.43421407

Say what you want about them but their issue lies not in their ability to entertain.

>> No.43421416

PekoMari have set the bar for the EN with their chaos 3D.let see who can pass them

>> No.43421420
File: 2.96 MB, 2160x1920, Holofes schedule .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43421550


No tempiss in their biggest event, EN truly is healing

>> No.43421432
Quoted by: >>43421539

They've yet to find another place where they can seethe in peace other than twitter, so yeah they are still camping here

>> No.43421434
Quoted by: >>43421728

>20k waiting before starts
>Only 63k peak
Why is EN waiting room so weird

>> No.43421442
Quoted by: >>43421588

Streaming in middle of night is never a good number move.

>> No.43421451

See >>43421236, it's the tally with Peko, Miko, Marine, Aqua, Subaru, Marine, Koyori and Korone removed.
I'm just removing one vampy boy to show how top heavy Nijisanji is

>> No.43421465
File: 3.63 MB, 2500x3000, 1663090250160734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another one, courtesy of the house.

>> No.43421472

Homo too desperate. Does he really need to bait when there's no one streaming?

>> No.43421485

Sana got in. I guarantee you 90% of the small corpo girls are better than Sana was.

>> No.43421516
Quoted by: >>43421615

Suisei was removed too.

>> No.43421530


>> No.43421538
Quoted by: >>43421749

>He thinks shit like Pippa is better than Sana
Fuck off

>> No.43421539

They have two perfectly good sites with "farm" in the name they can shit up.

>> No.43421550
File: 169 KB, 692x720, 6CE986C1-E626-4B6F-ACD0-9AB5EF453EEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43421640

>No En3 to do lines and small skits knowing it’s their turn next year….
I hate them more now than I did yesterday

>> No.43421554

maybe. she just talked about wanting to play genshit so shes not doing herself any favors

>> No.43421567
Quoted by: >>43421615

Marine is so good she needed to be removed twice

>> No.43421588

neither is Splatoon

>> No.43421590

Pure cope.

>> No.43421615

Gomen, gomen, Suisei removed, marine not removed twice

>> No.43421618

Sana is better than Niji talents tho. Also, she is much more accomplished than anyone in that group.

>> No.43421640

Cover wants more female fans. They want them more than anything. They need to show a diversified fanbase. EN3 means nothing if they can get their F:M ratio from 1:9 to 2:8.

>> No.43421655

I didn't realize that Holostars situation was this grim. No wonder Cover is excited about Tempus.

>> No.43421673

You could call it the curse of Kiara. If 800-2k loser miraculously passes the 4k mark and people start comparing him to Kiara, which means that their numbers will soon roll back into their swamp, while Kiara will still hold its stable 3.5k in a year or two. Selen, Enna, Vesper are all irrelevant again, chicken still strong.

>> No.43421694

HoloEarth will never be successful on attracting a new audience. The best it can do in this aspect is maybe reminding a small part of those millions of deadsubs that Hololive still exists.
The fact that it will definitely be filled with Holo references and inside jokes that is completely alien to audience outside of the holobox means that this game will be an instant no for most people that cover is trying to reach and win over.
And this isn't even considering whether it would actually be good/worthwhile game to play. Everything they have showcased is completely generic other than receiving quests from Holomems as NPCs.
And if by chance they actually came up with a good product with great and unique mechanics/story/setting/etc, it'd still be a solid filter due to the association with Hololive which is just plainly weird at best for a lot of people.
Even for something as critically acclaimed as HoloCure, they still suffer from this and it prevents them from getting more mindshares had it just been a vs-clone without the weird vtuber themes

>> No.43421726

Roberu Vs entire Holostar now,guess who win

>> No.43421728

EN doesn't have tourists.

>> No.43421737

You tried this in last thread too with no success anon

>> No.43421743

tempus is meant to compete with niji homos. as long as they keep that branch in check, it's a job well done for them

>> No.43421749

>pippa the hard worker who ground to 1.5k+ average in a no name dogshit company
>sana could barely hold 3-4k in holoEN hayday leeching off a giant brand name

>> No.43421757

a lot of people look at Roberu and think that stars are doing ok.

>> No.43421768
Quoted by: >>43421834

They on good route to increase ratio. Not because they bringing female fans, but because they pissing off male fans.

>> No.43421772
File: 59 KB, 298x231, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43421877


Holy fuck Myth just minimally above Lazulight. What the hell happened?

>> No.43421771

They can always use Marine if they want to show female fan ratio. Also it’s not like Gura doesn’t have a bunch of female fans too

>> No.43421788

Go away Phasefag, this is the big league game.

>> No.43421789
File: 2.76 MB, 1280x720, watame-headpats.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Holo audience would pay 10 bucks a pop to headpat Watame so ... yeah...

>> No.43421825

Same energy as "hololive gonna die soon" why can't you retards cheer for the only vtubing company trying to advance the industry do you even like vtubers lol

>> No.43421828

it isn't an mmorpg

>> No.43421829
Quoted by: >>43422577


CCV averages mean absolutely shit.

>> No.43421834

Wanna bet that Cover will set a record profit this year too?

>> No.43421837

time to debut tempiss 3

>> No.43421845
Quoted by: >>43421903

at 100 bucks a pat 70% would still take the deal.

>> No.43421873


>> No.43421877

EN viewers realized that there isn't anything special about HoloEN apart from Hololive marketing.

>> No.43421888

What kind of mental illness compels people to post the same bait over and over again?

>> No.43421896


>> No.43421899
File: 34 KB, 512x512, EB5B8CE1-5A8D-421C-9449-FBCAC3045CD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You acting like Pippa didn’t leeched off Hololive lmao. Pippas 1st 1k stream was playing Holocure

>> No.43421903

Watamates have money to burn.

>> No.43421926
Quoted by: >>43421986

Being a nijinigger the worse thing that can happen to a man

>> No.43421928
File: 853 KB, 1514x3236, 134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won't. The stars have mortally wounded them even if they haven't yet noticed they are bleeding.

My oshi needs to get out of hololive fast before it crashes and burns.

>> No.43421950
Quoted by: >>43422074

So you saying JP will still manage, despite Cover going full retard? Not impossible.

>> No.43421965

sure sis

>> No.43421985

I would've agreed with you before if it weren't for Sana's last month where she actually showcased why she got chosen in the first place. Good interactions and banter with the rest of Council. Good chemistry with Kobo. She's always shown glimpses of it with the Horoscope thing and bread review but that month really convinced me that she would have been a good holo if she stayed. Remember that even after Luxiem, No nijigirl passed her in CCV hence the Sana line was a thing.

>> No.43421986

The only people I see shitting up the thread constantly are those complaining about nijiniggers

>> No.43422011
File: 146 KB, 200x200, BF025E00-569A-45B1-9A98-A6E466AF03FF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43422013

Bet your balls against mine anon, we need to honor the time honored tradition of /#/

>> No.43422022

There's also the ocassional vshill, but those are busy doing damage control.

>> No.43422025
Quoted by: >>43422117


>> No.43422030

Why does Nijisanji keep reclining? Both Vspo and HoloID are well above it.

>> No.43422058

That was such a waste and her graduation month only showcased how much potential she had if she actually gave enough of a fuck

>> No.43422071
Quoted by: >>43422582

Koyori strikes me as someone who would leave hololive the second she could since she hates it there. I don't see her in Hololive when her contract is up.

>> No.43422074

If male fans are leaving in droves, surely Cover profit this year will plummet, not to mention it's IPO year.

>> No.43422075

Huh, these are pretty different graphs though - Ina's start-to-finish CCV delta was ~20k, whereas Risu's was ~6k. Ina's already blown past Risu's like count, the VoD's only ~100k off in < 24h (possibly still verifying), and raw live chats is also ~10k higher. I'm not sure if that speaks to a difference in live viewership or a difference in churn.

>> No.43422081

I don't even know which post specifically you are talking about. /#/ is just constant timeloop of baits.

>> No.43422087
Quoted by: >>43422337

She would've been a good Holo if she cared.

>> No.43422117
File: 29 KB, 939x295, 1663043405687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43422136
Quoted by: >>43422201

She couldn't multitask as good as Ina.

>> No.43422144
File: 123 KB, 207x393, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grim. And only Gura gets better numbers than Ina these days. Ame or Kiara are actually going to do worse than Nijis holy fuck.

>> No.43422167

Nah people only pretended to like her because she was graduating

>> No.43422176
Quoted by: >>43422215


>> No.43422180
Quoted by: >>43422215

bacot anjing

>> No.43422187
Quoted by: >>43422312

nijisanji is truly dying huh?

>> No.43422201
Quoted by: >>43422236

I don't think Ina was that good at multitasking either judging by her break, but she at least wanted to overcome it

>> No.43422209

nijisanji keep releasing fillers for their tournaments.
the last 5 gens were all flops.

>> No.43422215
File: 19 KB, 570x100, 1653149763726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43422289

Thats her most recent member post you retards.

>> No.43422219

Pekora didn’t tell her fans on stream to go watch Ina, nor did the official channel shill it

>> No.43422232

>pippa the hard worker who ground to 1.5k+ average in a no name dogshit company
Haha here let me be a hard worker
>troons should kys xd 41%
>i love politic tuber drama, da gunt!
Tell me, what's my glorious future in hololive? Other than suspension RTA and hate from all the holofags for smearing their oshis by association.

>> No.43422236

That's what I mean, Ina's not that good at multitasking but Sana was even worse.

>> No.43422248

Grimgang just keeps winning

>> No.43422266

VSPO got Met and HoloID were playing buff games like Minecraft so yeah

>> No.43422285

It's gotten to the point where I can see the bait coming even when it's new

>> No.43422289

Go to sleep already indog-bros, it's already late

>> No.43422309
File: 148 KB, 743x913, hypocryte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't be a hypocrite. I know you hate ID members, because of their skin color. some even call them N word Indonesian.
>racists will DEFEND THIS!
(protip: if you try you are double racist!)

>> No.43422312
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.28_[2017.09.19_19.56.39].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only male trash and that's great. Girls keep growing. Maybe retarded twitter fujos will finally fuck off.

>> No.43422337

Which can be said for a lot of the girls really. The latter half of 2022 was just an absolute shitshow. I really believe that the reason why the girls are really motivated right now is because they finally got to do some sort of FGD with the main branch and were able to air out their issues. Hence why, the Holopro twitter has scaled back considerebly in their homo shilling and Yagoo now sitting in on their meetings. Even Tranny-chan has laid low. Not to mention all the recent doomposting by the homos

>> No.43422354

>Girls keep growing
stop the overdose of cope anon

>> No.43422362

Fuck off sister, stop trying to make a nothingburger into drama.

>> No.43422370
File: 21 KB, 529x230, Indog speak[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fezouxt.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43422472

I don't hate them because of their skin, i hate them because of their language

>> No.43422386

I'd pay thousands to milk Watame in VR.

>> No.43422415
File: 851 KB, 1920x1080, 1461632766436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet Anykara is making 50% more money than Cover. Almost like average ccv is a bullshit stat that means nothing.

>> No.43422414

shut up Elden ring schizo. You have never made a good post here.

>> No.43422421
File: 144 KB, 850x347, Chigu....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls keep growing

>> No.43422429

both niji homos and sluts weren't doing quite well actually. their return streams were mostly sub 5k

>> No.43422433

I think this guy is projecting

>> No.43422437

Selen…. Pomu, why did they collab with Holosluts bros? They were inclining to the moon and then BAM they weren’t after the colllabs and actually reclined…

>> No.43422440
Quoted by: >>43422580

Anon, if you so much as admit to have applied to Hololive your chances of being selected become expotentially closer to zero depending on how obvious you make it.

>> No.43422472

Those are bataknese, google is being a retard as usual.

>> No.43422480

What's the equivalent of nigger in Indonesian?

>> No.43422483

Bait for your video? Sorry, we only hate fags and trannys here. Most people got nothing against niggers. That's be racist as fuck. You'll have to fish for your racism else where.

>> No.43422521
Quoted by: >>43422756

No 20x for the holos today

>> No.43422520

They finally get to do shit they were meant to do two years ago. And like Gura/Kiara said, working your ass off together as a gen (minus Mori) really made them start bonding.

>> No.43422530


>> No.43422546

The papuan people

>> No.43422570
Quoted by: >>43422659

Anon some people send audition to multiple corpos

>> No.43422573

>Skin color
But aside from Ollie they all have normal skin color?

>> No.43422577

That's sorted by median

>> No.43422580

>Yeah I never applied to anywhere but x corp! I love it here and everyone is my best frtiend :3
>*shows up in hololive*
Now this person will have to answer for her lies!!!

>> No.43422582
File: 288 KB, 1920x1080, 7336485C-0DAF-407F-AE02-9840D2291D40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori would be perfect for Nijisanji and she would thrive there

>> No.43422587 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1122x247, 1655100836113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JPbros... how do we save our branch????

>> No.43422597

Why would anyone want to audition for that black company anyway

>> No.43422648

Do not bring Fuu-tan into this, faggot.

>> No.43422659

>get accepted into Idol or wherever
>Cover calls a day after you sign your two year contract

>> No.43422684

>5 in the morning in Japan

>> No.43422686
Quoted by: >>43422874

Is it normally like this during dead hours?

>> No.43422687
File: 202 KB, 820x445, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save from what? Winning?

>> No.43422689

second anon is actually Risu

>> No.43422697

Burn Splatoon perms

>> No.43422718
File: 2.25 MB, 498x498, 1648657597528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is that easy to get (you)s with the laziest bait, I'll delete my post now

>> No.43422721

QRD on the current scandals in NijiEN
>Rosemi and Luca hung out together in Japan like a couple on a date, whispering in each other's ears and she tried on dresses for him.
>Selen cancelled for streaming Iron Heart a Russian FSB game.
>Finana's outfit reveal gets pathetic numbers.
>Enna keeps flirting with Diego and Kyo on twitter
>Enna promises to give her fans "virginity updates"
>Enna makes anti-white joke on twitter

>> No.43422736
Quoted by: >>43422760

>Bullying the black elf girl
You racist prick!

>> No.43422756

Let's see what NijiEN has in store for today.
>Elira: A Little to the Left
>Selen: Hi-Fi Rush
>Luca: Honkai Impact 3
>Maria: RFA
>Aia: Drawing
>Scarle: Birthday
Hm, I thinking it's a 20x for HoloEN.

>> No.43422759
File: 155 KB, 1212x267, 1666546334632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess nobody likes Millie anymore, eh

>> No.43422760

She's a half-elf you dwarven cunt

>> No.43422764

>350 ccv
holy fucking grim
And you can tell the jew expected her to be big based on the RM, even giving her a solo debut and letting her use the RM for promotion
When will they EVER learn?

>> No.43422770
Quoted by: >>43422948

It sounds like firing Enna would solve a lot of things, not all of them though

>> No.43422784
Quoted by: >>43422948

>Selen cancelled for streaming Iron Heart a Russian FSB game.
What a pussy lmao

>> No.43422787
File: 67 KB, 856x235, 1675494427903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare has been the runt of her generation since the start.

>> No.43422793

Low numbers isnt a scandal sis

>> No.43422809

>return stream mogged by a boomer

>> No.43422816
Quoted by: >>43422863

she's also streaming at 5 am on a monday for an almost exclusively JP audience

>> No.43422824

It is for nijiEN since this board lives rent free in their heads lmao

>> No.43422855

>Gura released a pedo daki.
There holo lost

>> No.43422858
Quoted by: >>43423168

Who cares, Fuu-tan stream is where I go when I need healing.
Not everyone has to be Pekora.

>> No.43422864

When she took off her hat everyone realized that they'd only been watching the hat.

>> No.43422863

maybe that's the reason why her numbers aren't so good.

>> No.43422865

She's really milking that "I'm back" buff huh

>> No.43422873


>> No.43422874
Quoted by: >>43422905

Depends on if the Niji intern shows up or not. Some days it's pretty chill.

>> No.43422905

>Niji intern
I though they fucked right off ever since the giftcards debacle?

>> No.43422908
Quoted by: >>43423520

They're lacking in chemical X.

>> No.43422916


>> No.43422927

Do you live in bizarro land?

>> No.43422931

Her voice and model are really sexy, in a cool way, like an advanced Kronii.

>> No.43422942

Aren't like half of the IDs some variation of chinkdonesian? So they have the exact same skin color as half of HoloEN and HoloJP.

>> No.43422948
Quoted by: >>43423163

>Millie return-karaoke had pre-recorded audio but she never told anyone it was pre-recorded. Clearly it was mixed by Enna as an apology for ruining her career with her "slumsaint" act. Millie apparently apologized for what she did, but only in members

>> No.43422973
File: 465 KB, 712x597, CBA4F28A-AD5E-4CF3-A041-A92C2228CD95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is massively ESL man, like I make fun of the ID girls because of this but that new idol girls moggs the fuck out of all the HoloID girls in her ESLness.

>> No.43422976

More like 2

>> No.43422993

>13k sc reading at 5am.
Watame is too powerful at late night, someone please stop her.

>> No.43423008

ngl that hat was cute af. once she took it off, she was just another blond flip and those are a dime a dozen.

>> No.43423016
Quoted by: >>43423076

She's worse than Moona?

>> No.43423044

Who is even watching her at this hour?

>> No.43423049

Don't the girls have more female fans than the stars though?

>> No.43423076
Quoted by: >>43423109

By a fucking mile

>> No.43423100
Quoted by: >>43423220

Watame is the Queen of the Night. Nobody else comes even close.

>> No.43423102

Insomniac JPs, and probably some Euros and Americans as well.

>> No.43423107


>> No.43423106
Quoted by: >>43423164

You think Marine has more female fans than, say, Izuru?

>> No.43423113

That's cause most girls watching holo want to watch cgdct just as much as the men.

>> No.43423109


>> No.43423112

Every holo neet a mc stream can muster.

>> No.43423114

If she wanted numbers she would easily boot up Minecraft.

>> No.43423158

>why the girls are really motivated right now
Except Kronii
The frustrating thing is that both Sana and Kronii should be good hires but they did/don't give much shit about hololive, or at least they're treating it like a side job
And Sana ended up choosing her main job over said side job
Kronii still has potential - great voice, great in collabs (when she's being bullied or bullying), great model (though that's Wada rather than Kronii)
Maybe her TMJ surgery works, she fixes her family situation, goes to JP to see what hololive really is about, gain some self-esteem and stop cringing at her own model and VA skills, etc.

>> No.43423163

Wait, how the fuck is this a yab?

>> No.43423164
Quoted by: >>43423213

In pure numbers? Yeah. Probably not in percentages.

>> No.43423166

Fuu-tan don't give a fuck about number

>> No.43423167
File: 233 KB, 1921x1153, 30 days starsen nijien male female 20230219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a different view on these numbers to put it in perspective


Long story short
>NijiEN boys had a sizable lead on NIjiEN girls (about 1.5k) but crashed and burned and the difference now is around 400
>Holostars EN had a massive advantage on NijiEN girls, but crashed and burned and now are BELOW them
All in all NijiEN girls are "winning" by reclining less and letting the male counterparts to crash and burn

>> No.43423168

the numbers thread probably care, but I'm sure that isn't relevant here.

>> No.43423213

Fair enough.

>> No.43423220

Watame is also the queen of sc readings, it basically her most well known content besides Watame Fever.

>> No.43423231

Sana was honestly wasted potential. Her last month when she focused 100% on holo with a collab tour she was actually great.

>> No.43423243
Quoted by: >>43423399

IF Anycolor wasn't making more money despite having triple the roster of Hololive than that would be fucking GRIM

>> No.43423261

If you're expecting big number from her, then you're an idiot.

>> No.43423273

Kronii already does as much as the other EN girls

>> No.43423278

>actually great.
If you had said
>not mediocre
I would be right there with you but, at very best, that was what she was supposed to do in the first place and only "great" in comparison with what she actually did

>> No.43423281
File: 370 KB, 1320x1080, 1658934778963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to release Tempus3.

>> No.43423283

With he amount of talents they have, they better be

>> No.43423285

Nijifags we get in here are mentally ill and want to watch Hololive bleed. They're the same retards that go around warning people about Hololive on Youtube and Twitter.

>> No.43423308
Quoted by: >>43423340

is that true average or median?

>> No.43423306

Bro starsEN looks like a literal crab bucket in action. First tempus a slow boil bringing it down, nijiEN hits a stride up with debut and anniversary suddenly tempus2 hits and that shit craters it all down

>> No.43423312

I'm racist as fuck and hate SEA, but I would marry Kaela and curse my future generations

>> No.43423318

maybe but she never would put 100% focus on Hololive. It's just not what she wanted

>> No.43423332

I liked her kirby streams

>> No.43423337

At least there seems to be one winner in this shitshow

>> No.43423340

>is that true average or median?
My bad, it's the true average. Forgot to change the chart title

>> No.43423354

She was someone hopeful for hololive...

>> No.43423358

6 of them are chinkdo

>> No.43423372

Well there's also doxxsite refugees here still shitting up the place with their stench

>> No.43423380
Quoted by: >>43423429

Luxiem has been AFK

>> No.43423389

Also neck yourself, drama-kun.

>> No.43423397

The only confirmed brown holo is Ollie, the rest are chinks

>> No.43423395

Flare is closest to 1M subs in Holo with 962k subs. Should take around 3 months with this pace.

>> No.43423399

Anon, that's not even remotely true.
Cover got Anycolor beat last year.
Anycolor only won in term of pure profit, but taht's because they paid their talents less half than what Cover paid it's talents.

>> No.43423406

Makes it petty apparent that on the Niji side the problem is clearly chinese fujos leaving en masse

>> No.43423408

I just play some comfy video game, come back here and realize we are all discussing a bunch of women, their numbers to be exact
Not a bad thing per sr, it just feel weird

>> No.43423415

Worse than kobo?

>> No.43423429

It's not just that. NijiEN added six new boys between iLUNA and XSoleil and lost one "boy" when Yugo got sacked.

>> No.43423445
Quoted by: >>43423544

What made you think they fucked off after that? The same kind of low effort shit continued

>> No.43423453

moona is also brown. bleached but originally brown.

>> No.43423476

Moona is worse than Kobo anon. At least Kobo understand grammar and sentence structure.

>> No.43423488
Quoted by: >>43423583

I gave her an honest try but she honestly sounds like a bootleg Kiara, in which case I might as well just watch Kiara (haha no I won't watch either)
Yuko is more talented and entertaining despite having a way smaller RM which just proves that everyone doomposting about OH NO WHO IS LEFT FOR EN3 is fucking retarded because people are just basing their picks on the obvious RMs we've known for ages

>> No.43423492

She can speak sentences fine the problem is she has a super thick accent. Imo she has a better vocabulary than both Kobo or Moona but I'd rather listen to the others talk

>> No.43423511

Does anyone remember how much non reinvested money anycolor paid in taxes?

>> No.43423516

"talent freedom" I guess

>> No.43423520

Chemical X is autism and a crippling self esteem issues

>> No.43423526
File: 1.20 MB, 2036x1704, 1605738838003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, you guys actually care about Holostars EN? I literally forgot they existed.

>> No.43423537
File: 268 KB, 1027x1451, 65BFB7D5-887B-47DD-A8C7-D324DFE69084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get more female viewership on holoEN without more stars? It seems female viewers only interested in two things.
a) men to do horny things for them
b) to watch 2 people flirt with each other (shipfags)

Conclusion: Cover needs to hire actual lesbians

>> No.43423544

Nothing is as bad as last year Luxiem's periode.
Salome comes close scond.

>> No.43423545
File: 30 KB, 360x360, 1663656624358187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than 3x the talents yet only 50%~ more cash. I wonder where Anykara saves its money.

>> No.43423557

You must not be a thread regular

>> No.43423559
Quoted by: >>43423771

You can stop now, nijisister

>> No.43423581

So 50% more with about triple the roster? Not the best earnings huh

>> No.43423583
Quoted by: >>43423615

>yuko is talented and entertaining
r*eschizo your pick...

>> No.43423601

What benefit does these female fans bring?

>> No.43423615

I said more. She's not really my style so I don't watch her, but comparatively she blows the new girl out of the water.

>> No.43423647

i don't know, try asking kpop stans

>> No.43423649

Just appeal to the female Yuri fans

>> No.43423651
Quoted by: >>43423769

Retard there’s only one thing women love more than man: Powerful independent female character, or basically girl ambitions and drive
Debut a girl who said she will and must become the best on debut then actually start putting in the work, even better if she tomboy

>> No.43423682
Quoted by: >>43423775

The graph only shows trends. Even if they don't stream for a week, the trend may still increase as long as the remaining data points are high.

>> No.43423692
Quoted by: >>43424404

Why do you keep asking this? Most of the girls have 90%+ male viewership. You won't get more women because women don't like hobbies that are 90%+ male. Simple as
More yuribaiting just leads to more troons. Real women won't watch

>> No.43423707

More drama

>> No.43423726

Ollie is also a chinkdo

>> No.43423739
Quoted by: >>43423851

Sana was a good center for Council, sadly she doesn't like streaming

>> No.43423740
Quoted by: >>43423830

Supporting HL

>> No.43423759

Niji did that and look how amazingly that went...

>> No.43423769

So, we need EN version of Suisei then?

>> No.43423771
File: 20 KB, 599x139, MooESL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43424086

Like look at this shit, she's supposed to graduate from uni like next month.

>> No.43423775

>The graph only shows trends
>we've got a GENIUS here!

>> No.43423799

Watame has a stranglehold on the Japanese Salary man audience.

>> No.43423801

That's the beauty of Hololive, you never know who's gonna get it.
Council's biggest problem was that they picked established talents instead of picking hungry 2views. That, more than myth telling them to chill, is the reason why "council didn't do as well as expected".
Myth being established talents was mainly because it was a new venture and they had no idea how big HoloEN would be.
Council SHOULD have been more traditional holo recruits, but they simply followed the Myth method, and got half-assed talents out of it (some of them seem to have improved over time though, always happens with holo).
I hope to god that EN3 doesn't pick established folks again and we can actually see a legit diamond in the rough 2view shining after getting into Holo.

I have a feeling this is how they'll go as well, because that was how ID branch went.
ID1 : cosplay circle girls who were close (nepo hires, similar to FBK gen).
ID2 : More established talents.
ID3 : Utter 2views who were complete unknowns before debut.

>> No.43423803
Quoted by: >>43423884

what motivated her to continue speaking english?

>> No.43423810

I actually fucking bet you Mori have a bunch of female fan

>> No.43423824

Hell yeah.
We need more Stacies in Holo.

>> No.43423830

Based, didn't know they also liked valve's games

>> No.43423833
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


5,393: Baelz (Hololive)

1) Baelz (Hololive) - 17,434 - Ministry Host Club - Day 02
2) AZKi (Hololive) - 11,847 - GeoGuessr - Day 16
3) Baelz (Hololive) - 11,133 - Kinoko vs Takenoko - Day 01
4) Baelz (Hololive) - 10,184 - Sausage Lengends (w/ Subaru) - Day 05
5) Baelz (Hololive) - 9,930 - Unarchived Karaoke - Day 09
6) Mori (Hololive) - 9,020 - CHADcast - Day 06
7) Baelz (Hololive) - 8,728 - Valentine's Roleplay - Day 14
8) Baelz (Hololive) - 7,109 - Offcollab (w/ IRyS) - Day 08
9) Baelz (Hololive) - 5,695 - Delivering Hope - Day 17
10) Baelz (Hololive) - 5,636 - Holocure - Day 11
11) Baelz (Hololive) - 5,393 - Zatsudan - Day 19
12) Baelz (Hololive) - 5,341 - Holocure - Day 13
13) Baelz (Hololive) - 4,937 - Minecraft (w/ Sora) - Day 03
14) Baelz (Hololive) - 4,502 - Zatsudan - Day 15
15) Baelz (Hololive) - 4,370 - Persona 5 Royal - Day 04
16) Baelz (Hololive) - 4,332 - Zatsudan - Day 05
17) Baelz (Hololive) - 4,303 - Learning Harry Potter Spells - Day 07
18) Baelz (Hololive) - 3,796 - English Duolingo - Day 16
19) Baelz (Hololive) - 3,691 - Persona 5 Royal - Day 10
20) Baelz (Hololive) - 2,772 - Kureiji Arcade - Day 18




01 -- 02 -- 05 -- 06


>> No.43423851
Quoted by: >>43423934

No way she had too many debuffs even without the lack of streams

>> No.43423854
Quoted by: >>43423885

Not a genius. This should be elementary.

>> No.43423861

This is a widely known fact anon.
Just look at her concert audience.

>> No.43423880
Quoted by: >>43424153

>Myth being established talents

>> No.43423883

I would put money down that Mori has the highest female % in EN

>> No.43423884

Dollar akasupa

>> No.43423885

if not trends, what should be in those charts then?

>> No.43423889
Quoted by: >>43424482

yeah but that place socks
its 40% bait 50% real retards and 30% people who can't do math with a 1/10000 chance for a good post appearing

>> No.43423894
File: 388 KB, 1000x716, 1660104733359802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I fool to think EN3 is going to be as talented and polished as Tempus2 was? With all of the homo hate aside they had months to prepare. EN3 should be the same and have an amazing debut.

>> No.43423915

I just realized that a total nobody that i'm following might be trying to apply for EN3

>> No.43423918
Quoted by: >>43424671

>Established talents

>> No.43423934

I said she was a good center for Council, not that she was good at streaming

>> No.43423943
Quoted by: >>43424089

are you the chart anon? can you do a 3-day rolling average for year 2023?

>> No.43423942

Speaking of Gura, it's interesting that she has the least to worry about Tempiss
Apart from the lack of EN3, I don't know how much damage Tempiss did to holo EN
but Gura has her own box that's even more disjoint from Tempiss than the rest of EN
and Gura herself just casually ignores beggars and drama

>> No.43423994
File: 11 KB, 602x289, 1649462690659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43424009


>> No.43424059

She created her own walled garden within holoen

>> No.43424070

Can we get much lower

>> No.43424085
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1071, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43424089
Quoted by: >>43424236

>3-day rolling average for year 2023?
I could but that doesn't bring any benefit over simply picking the daily average, the chart would just be a jagged mess of the biggest peak on eventful days and the lowest valleys on debuff days
I almost gave up doing 30 days average in favor of 60 days because of that, and only got reeled back because the second half of Tempus is not 60 days old yet

>> No.43424086
Quoted by: >>43424132

so what?
>durrrrrrr she shit at eNgLis!!!
Why are you so mad lol

>> No.43424090

Bro... You might want to look at the "Day - " labels at the end of each entry.

>> No.43424094
File: 290 KB, 727x815, 4stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of global is past
The age of numbers is now

>> No.43424105

I don't even know what qualifies for this is Ame an established talent? Does Bae? Or do you want them to only hire literal one views?

And what do you mean "more traditional holo recruits" when Cover early on was just yoinking NND girls,

>> No.43424115

There are no possible rags to riches stories in HoloEN since the riches start day one. HoloJP too, nowadays. The expectations are too high. No HoloEN member actually had any visible adversity as a holo.

I think making a good, transcendent hololive member is impossible now. There is literally no adversity once you are handed a crown. No hololive member will ever seem like she didn't have a massive spoon in her mouth even if she clawed and grabbed at anything and everything her entire life up to that point. Holos must be forged, from the shitty cesspools like twitcast and NND, and join when there are many companies bigger. They must grow together. Collectively boom and bust together.

>> No.43424119
Quoted by: >>43424937

The girls share no audience whatsoever with tempus though.

>> No.43424123

kek, imagine being this dumb!

>> No.43424125

Until next 3D showcase, that its.

>> No.43424132
Quoted by: >>43424409

It was a discussion about the ESLness of different vtubers, retard

>> No.43424142
Quoted by: >>43424227

>more traditional holo recruits
Full nepo Hires I assume, HoloGamers style

>> No.43424145

Why the fuck is there 2 globals what type of /vg/niggerdry are they doing

>> No.43424153

Umm they were? 1mil subs,long term rapper with decent following,a actual professional artist,long term idol, another decently established stremer

>> No.43424154

smartest /#/poster

>> No.43424162

>recycled thread

>> No.43424185

>Niji that high
what yab happened now??

>> No.43424201
Quoted by: >>43424339

cover introduced the boys so that EN woudl recline and EN3 could then have a rags to riches story, taking the branch higher than its ever been

they're just the weight on the catapult

>> No.43424205

IF Tempus have a Roberu,who you want him to get close to?

>> No.43424211

>long term idol
and pro wrestler

>> No.43424225

only sisters care

>> No.43424227

But he keeps talking about "hungry 2views"

>> No.43424233

Apparently some of the girls met with Kiara in JP so i guess they are seething about that

>> No.43424236
Quoted by: >>43424368

or perhaps a 7-day if it isn't too much of a bother.
we're tracking numbers on a daily basis and 30 days is kinda long, don't you think?

>> No.43424244

So 2view indies? Plus you have to take into account Holos are super restricted so they can't unleash their true potential. They get molded into the same boring streamer and shoved into a no perms box like everyone else.

>> No.43424245
Quoted by: >>43424324

wrong thread faggot

>> No.43424294


>> No.43424303

/mans/ is over there ma'am, you can't miss it

>> No.43424306
Quoted by: >>43424328

Wait what happened to day 12? Am I blind?

>> No.43424308
Quoted by: >>43424550

>"long term idol"
>"established streamer"
bro by your standards JPs were all established talents too, a lot of them had long internet careers

>> No.43424312
Quoted by: >>43424391

Anon for the one millionth time, THE DOXXSITE IS FUCKING DEAD
understand who you are currently sharing the thread with

>> No.43424316

My cute European 2view is singing her Jazz specialty. You could help her as she's just a dozen viewers or so from being a 3view!

>> No.43424322

hey there sis

>> No.43424324

Accept it,Tempiss and Tempuss is shut,need a Roberu to save this sidebranch.

>> No.43424328

Members' stream.

>> No.43424333
Quoted by: >>43424487

Kiara is in ID now, and if she did she would be the first to tell in her streams since she is the "unity"

>> No.43424339
Quoted by: >>43424401

EN girls where on a massive recline all of 2022 though. I mean tempus didn't help but they weren't the main cause.

>> No.43424353

Sisters spamming their shits

>> No.43424355
Quoted by: >>43424489

no, you and the homos need to die as soon as possible

>> No.43424368
Quoted by: >>43424468

>we're tracking numbers on a daily basis and 30 days is kinda long, don't you think?
The reason the interval is long is exactly because it smooths out the daily ups and downs. These charts are only to measure trends, not instant results or absolute values.

>> No.43424386
Quoted by: >>43424448

eh, pretty okay, does she have a child?

>> No.43424391
Quoted by: >>43424673

This shit happened way before the doxxsite died.

>> No.43424393
Quoted by: >>43424624

>So 2view indies?
Yes. The era of Hololive is dead. We had the 4 heavenly kings era, the acceleration era, and the establishment era. Hololive is no longer the driving force in the industry.

>> No.43424401
Quoted by: >>43424497

no they weren't

>> No.43424403

She had dinner with Rosemi/Elira/Nina/Petra

>> No.43424404

>Mori and Kiara have the most actual female fans as evidenced by any convention cosplaying
>Only two to have a company mandated ship since day one

>> No.43424405
File: 931 KB, 1200x1720, 1676838662489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43424458

my cute wife playing new vegas soon

>> No.43424406
File: 148 KB, 1200x400, Fo6_ld0XsAAOeU8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fuck Saruei and make a vyugen harem

>> No.43424409

You make fun of their ESLness like a nijinig

>> No.43424413

Anon, pretty much all JP holos had some previous careers. Noel still has a very successful rm channel.

>> No.43424430

>nobody slid in and made HoloEN slip for once

what the fuck, watamage?

>> No.43424432 [DELETED] 

I mean tempus has like 3 people that out perform roberu numbers wise in every way.

>> No.43424446

Listening to her sing the Jessica Rabbit song.
>10/10 for hunting outside the usual hunting grounds
>5/10 for the vocal performance
>7/10 overall, would want the same on Hololive

>> No.43424448
Quoted by: >>43424512

...what does having a child have to do with anything?

>> No.43424452

kek, back when Suisei was an INNK runt

>> No.43424458

>playing with my dick soon

>> No.43424468
Quoted by: >>43424542

that's a no then. okay.

>> No.43424471
File: 246 KB, 857x649, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numberchads, I kneel

>> No.43424482

are you idiots drunk or something?

>> No.43424487

bro just look at the archives or /NijiEN/

>> No.43424489

That what I been saying,the faster they disappear the better for ENTIRE HOLOEN

>> No.43424497

Sana graduated and the first ever Myth off-collab didn't do well. Those should have been 80k stream minimum but most were barely scratching 40k.

>> No.43424500

It's only Gura's curse. No other HoloEN are afflicted.

>> No.43424504
Quoted by: >>43424717

the only way to save homoEN is to fully move them to twitch and make them leech from twitch streamers where they will make their own box and never dare to say the name hololive again
the name Hololive is poison if you want the fujo audience

>> No.43424507

>Only time she played Minecraft was the Sora collab

>> No.43424512

so i can groom her and provide her child some fatherly support, if she has a daughter the better, we can oyakudon

>> No.43424514
Quoted by: >>43426381

I still have no idea what any of the gen2 tempusfags sound like

>> No.43424517
Quoted by: >>43424732

You say that when Hololive basically thrives on restrictions because it forces them to get creative and work around their "limitations". The closest thing to innovative the entire indie industry has ever done was being Vtuber camgirls, reaction streamers, and that one extremely embarrassing ONA pilot done by Fefe.

>> No.43424542

It wouldn't be any bother to make a 1 day, 3 days, 7 days chart but it would be a jagged mess. Even the 30 days is a jagged mess unless grouping a whole branch

>> No.43424550

This >>43424308
bro Ame was barely a 3view before. By the standards you're using this chick >>43424316 is an established streamer

Sure SOME of EN were bigger and more established but it's silly to try and act like HoloEN only goes after big names for clout

>> No.43424562
File: 20 KB, 353x384, koyosmug02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no possible rags to riches stories in HoloEN since the riches start day one. HoloJP too.

>> No.43424590
Quoted by: >>43424727

good streams

>> No.43424601

>2020: Gen 5 (Aloe)
>2021: Gen 4 (Coco)
>2022: Gen 3 (Rushia)
>2023: ???
You have a choice to make: Gen 2 or Gamers?

>> No.43424616

Bros I'm worried about Kiara, Mori, and Ame 3D showcase.

>> No.43424624

Yeah. They just need to relax on what the Holos can do. How many times have we heard from the girls they got ideas rejected? Like thousands of times they complain about ideas being scrapped. It's dumb. Also JP seems to have no problem doing whatever they like. Like they are purposely shackling EN.

>> No.43424631
Quoted by: >>43424772

isn't she a stealth indog?

>> No.43424645
Quoted by: >>43424691

Laplus is already waiting for so long,why are you so cruel to ask her wait longer?

>> No.43424652


>> No.43424659
File: 575 KB, 1280x720, wakipai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43424670
File: 461 KB, 626x609, 1670044761849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are mentally ill

>> No.43424671
Quoted by: >>43424965

IIRC, out of Council, arguably only Bae wasn't an established talent and only had a couple months worth of small corpo vtubing experience
Both Mumei and Kronii were a bit similar to Gura in having a successful YT channel with meme videos among other content, though smaller (Gura > Mumei > Kronii)
Sana is an accomplished artist
Fauna was a relatively accomplished ASMR vtuber though I don't remember the numbers
I figure Bae was chosen as the obligatory bilingual in convenient timezone that also showed some promise but was otherwise unspectacular

>> No.43424672

Wait was Kiara at the Luca offpako? Maybe that's why she hasn't mentioned meeting the Niji girls yet.

>> No.43424673

but now that it's dead, this thread will be far more shit than usual

>> No.43424691

Shut your whore mouth about Laplus.

>> No.43424708

pfff "unicorn champion" my ass

>> No.43424717

twitch takeover...

>> No.43424722 [DELETED] 

50k-60k is good enough for them, I guess

>> No.43424727
Quoted by: >>43424828

>good streams

>> No.43424732
Quoted by: >>43425155

No I disagree. It causes burn out and desperation. The limitations if anything causes stress. Gura and Ina fled for awhile due to stress not being able to do normal content and keeping fans satisfied.

>> No.43424734
File: 358 KB, 1361x972, pink brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEED /b/klackup!
Seven niggers, click this to push this jazz chick into 3 digits!

>> No.43424741
Quoted by: >>43424875

Holy shit tempiss graduate before 6 months in

>> No.43424756

>ever unicorn anything

>> No.43424772


>> No.43424788
Quoted by: >>43424894

Rosemi said just dinner with her, Elira, Petra and Nina.
So I'm not sure how you translated that to what you said

>> No.43424827
File: 28 KB, 351x204, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43425168


>> No.43424828
Quoted by: >>43424888


>> No.43424833

>kiara invites a niji to her 3D showcase
you just fucking know.

>> No.43424836

I don't think you are, faggot.

>> No.43424844

OH nononono kfpcucks...

>> No.43424860
Quoted by: >>43425168

what the fuck is happening with her eyes

>> No.43424867

>"unicorn champion"
you come from bizarro /vt/ anon?

>> No.43424869

Pomu? That's the only one I think she could.

>> No.43424872

Isn't Kiara pretty much a redemption story? She's basically a riches to rags than back to riches arc where she was a foreign idol who got chewed up than spat out by the IRL idol industry treating her like dirt.

>> No.43424874

Kiara had a private room ready for Rosemi, they talked about months ago to meet together, they wanted in paris but i think they were busy

>> No.43424875
Quoted by: >>43424947

homobrain this is a pattern going backwards each JP gen.

>> No.43424877
File: 844 KB, 665x803, 1658426483478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the next relevant 3d debuts is in 2 weeks...

>> No.43424888
Quoted by: >>43424929

the numbers sure don't reflect that though

>> No.43424894

>So I'm not sure how you translated that to what you said
Gotta breed those rrats because that's all those retards have while their shitty little branch implodes.

>> No.43424908

A 3-4k powergap from HoloEN to HoloJP and a 2k powergap from HoloEN to everyone else

>> No.43424929
Quoted by: >>43425005

they never have

>> No.43424931
File: 28 KB, 355x215, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43425168

草 they're tabbing out

>> No.43424937

Half of them collabed or interacted in some way with the homos, and they share a box, even as shriveled as it stands
Meanwhile Gura only completely ignores the homos, and out of all EN she has by far the largest audience devoted to her rather than the rest of EN, aka the "Gura box"

>> No.43424942

I don't think she ever got beyond the blowies and humiliation stage of her idol career for a first riches phase

>> No.43424947
Quoted by: >>43425048

It's still a second gen who the fuck cares which side it came from it still works

>> No.43424963
Quoted by: >>43425218

Rich girl have idol dream and saw the dirty side so she back off.that all

>> No.43424964
Quoted by: >>43425037

>sub 30k 3D bday stream

>> No.43424965

10/11 of the Holo EN hires were bigger/more successful in their field than anyone who's joined Niji EN in it's entire run. Bae's the only one that would be qualified for either. Magni was bigger than anyone who's joined Niji EN too. The rest of the Tempus guys fall squarely inside the Niji EN hiring range, and a few like Axel and Altare probably wouldn't even qualify for that.

>> No.43424976


>> No.43424986


Her 3 month hiatus come back stream she couldn't even get podium.

>> No.43424995
Quoted by: >>43425237

>Who is Ren Zotto

>> No.43425005

i don't know about you but that scuffed mocopi stream by senchou reflected how good the stream was

>> No.43425010
Quoted by: >>43425082

Btw, i heard that Mori's secret guest is billy eilsh

>> No.43425037

it was unannounced, scuffed and culled. I predict 68k for the 3D showcase tho. More than Risu less then Moona.

>> No.43425042
Quoted by: >>43425501

>and they share a box, even as shriveled as it stands
Take a week and watch the graphs and then come back and say this.

>> No.43425046

Sucks because Pomu missed her chance to meet Kiara. But she also missed her chance to meet Luca so ultimately, it's for the best.

>> No.43425048

stop thinking of homo cock bro... it's unhealthy.

>> No.43425058
Quoted by: >>43425289

Ame beating Ina?

>> No.43425078

I hate to say this but apparently I notice the bannedvtubermeme account qrt Panko Phase 20k sub celebration with “Pregnacy test”
What the fuck did I missed?

>> No.43425082

Its snoop dogg

>> No.43425094


>> No.43425101
Quoted by: >>43425304

apparently you notice?

>> No.43425107
Quoted by: >>43425138

Truly the Romeo and Juliet of our time

>> No.43425123

no this seems like something different

>> No.43425127
Quoted by: >>43425168

i saw it tick to 100 then closed it, thank me

>> No.43425134

let the balls betting begin

>> No.43425138

When will they die?

>> No.43425147

I don't know bro. Most of the time we see posted here that Tempus gets no funnel whatsoever when one of the girls end a stream. Not even a tick on the graph even with Tempus tiny shit numbers.

>> No.43425149
Quoted by: >>43425240

Amelias chat still disabled with 13 minutes to go, shes fucking sleeping

>> No.43425150
Quoted by: >>43425410

Ren was bigger than pretty much everyone except Gura wasn't he?

>> No.43425155
Quoted by: >>43425322

Tell me the most impressive thing the indie industry has done. The limitations in Hololive is what caused Ame to go full la creativad making things like the smol series, home made concerts/3D lives, etc.

>> No.43425157

Ok so the explanation might have been a bit weird, so let me try again.

Early HoloJP gens : Nepo hires from the same circle because that's the only talent pool they had access to.
Later HoloJP gens (4th, 5th and 6th) : More opportunities given to 2views and ex-chuubas, only a few established talents in different fields.

ID1 : Nepo hires
ID2 : Mix of nepo and unknowns
ID3 : All unknowns

EN1 : Mix of established and 2views (3:2 ratio)
EN2+Irys : Mostly established talents in various fields, with only Bae being an ex-chuuba representative.
EN3 : All unknowns?

>> No.43425168

This chick will 100% be someone someday!

>> No.43425175

I'm still kinda mad about the collab month. That shit was so obnoxious and retarded that I almost quit Vtubing as a hobby for a month. I'll always remind sisters how fucking dogshit their homoflops are.

>> No.43425187

>But she also missed her chance to meet Luca
Calculated dodge, all part of the plan

>> No.43425194

Well she probably can't dance with Pomu but yeah you're kidding yourself if you think there won't be a call in

>> No.43425205

>If you are in hololive and fucking Suisei is better than you, you have majorly fucked up.
Kek, those were other times...

>> No.43425214
File: 23 KB, 582x165, 1674376577812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another round for /#/eggs to seethe again lololol

>> No.43425218

Uh she did a bit more than just see it

>> No.43425234
File: 27 KB, 347x215, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats, she got her 3 as she does her mouth trumpet

>> No.43425236
Quoted by: >>43425266

truly one of the vtubers of all time

>> No.43425237

Forgot about that guy. I guess he counts. His channel was mostly dead at the point he got picked up and he was fairly dependent on someone else's fame for his own content.

>> No.43425240
Quoted by: >>43425477

I honestly never expected her to make it for a 6 am stream. I don't know what she was thinking.

>> No.43425243

Bae can be consider nepo since she close to ID1 in PL

>> No.43425245

Ame will probably be 50-55k anon tops

>> No.43425266
Quoted by: >>43426183

She's clearly the vtuber of her day!

>> No.43425281

Panko Manko

>> No.43425289

yup. Ame is right after Gura

>> No.43425304

Well that account is quite popular among Vtuber artists I follow, well, the normies one
It just randomly popped into my TL through RT

>> No.43425322
Quoted by: >>43425448

Ame it worked out for awhile but even with all of that she can't keep doing it forever. The last thing she did for a branch wide creative collab was Halloween and that bombed hard. Even the fans got sick of that shit.

>> No.43425333
Quoted by: >>43425394

A whole day after though

>> No.43425339

would you rather she do it on the showcase or whatever her next birthday/anni live is?

>> No.43425381

You think she put that in her audition tape or somehow the girls are consulted about new hires? Somehow doubt it

>> No.43425385

EN1 wasn't hired for their streaming. Ame was the only one that was ever primarily a streamer. Kiara did stream a lot also but that wasn't why she was hired. Council really wasn't either. A lot of people in both gens dabbled in streaming but their numbers were irrelevant to why they got the spot.

>> No.43425394

unlike mori's debut which is like in 6 days or so after ina

>> No.43425405
Quoted by: >>43425962

No funnel it’s the next day. Probably worse since for all intents and purposes the 3D reveals end when Gura takes the stage l. Nothing after matters

>> No.43425410
Quoted by: >>43425445

Technically but it's iffy since he was riding off the coattails and leeching off his girlfriend's popularity.

>> No.43425430

You know how many indies and small corpos Ollie interacts with?

>> No.43425445

He would be perfect in holostars then.

>> No.43425448

Anon just tell me what's the impressive thing the Indie industry has done.

>> No.43425452
Quoted by: >>43425516

I don't care

>> No.43425457

Since this /#/ why don't we guess how many country KIARA will visit this year.

>> No.43425467
Quoted by: >>43425480

>council really wasn't either
then what was fauna hired for?
she can't dance and she definitely cannot sing.

>> No.43425477

5 minutes to go and she just enabled the chat. neat

>> No.43425480


>> No.43425495
Quoted by: >>43425548

Ollie not ID1 anon

>> No.43425501
Quoted by: >>43425782

To clarify, when I say "box", I mean the holo EN box among the girls
Obviously the girls have their own dedicated audience, but they also share that EN box that's willing to watch any EN (with caveats depending on stream content)
Gura's own dedicated audience is just so much larger, arguably dwarfing that box

>> No.43425508

Not as a holo.
Trials and tribulations must be made as holos.

>> No.43425509

>Mostly established talents in various fields
Want to know what you're using as a metric for this. How do the later JPs compare to this?

Sana, established talent with no streaming experience IIRC
Mumei and Kronii, established youtubers, but were 2view chuubas on twitch
Fauna, established asmr youtuber, 3view on twitch who regularly hit 4view territory for her asmrs
Bae, ex-corpo chuuba, 2view I'm assuming

My first time looking at the numbers myself and I'm actually surprised that Fauna was the most experienced streamer in Council, but it makes sense in retrospect

>> No.43425516

Then don't say dumb shit. "Someone had one interaction with someone else who interacts with dozens of vtubers every month, totally a nepotism hire."

>> No.43425525

Is he still not interacting with the other boys?

>> No.43425541
Quoted by: >>43425763

Sounds like a lot of you haven’t supported the cause today

>> No.43425548

He's talking about Ollie. He's forgotten what Gen she is or forgot which person was supposedly doing the nepotism hiring.

>> No.43425562

Here a question since the VSPO girls will be having their 3D debuts this year what are the odds of Towa inviting them to her 3D lives

>> No.43425585

That's how you find a new job in real life you fucking loser. Someone who knows someone from 1 interactions. It's called networking.

>> No.43425591

Wtf is Ame going to do for her showcase? She can't dance or sing

>> No.43425596


>> No.43425613

Seems more likely they would invite Towa to theirs.

>> No.43425618
Quoted by: >>43426001

Some are generally very interesting with bold ideas if you watch them. That's all I really have to say. The real problem is management and perms to even try new exciting stuff.

>> No.43425629
Quoted by: >>43425748

We just gonna forget that most of Iluna had more subs than everyone outside of Gura and Mumei

>> No.43425636


>> No.43425664

She's going to shoot stuff like she did for thanksgiving

>> No.43425680
Quoted by: >>43425744

Tbf I don't want to put words in Cover's mouth on their application process because at the end of the day, all of council were all vtubers. Yes they did other things and were way more known for that, but I don't know if there are many people out there these days like Fauna, Kronii, or IRyS that have a good thing going on and start streaming separately. Most of the EN scene isn't like that anymore

>> No.43425685

her best

>> No.43425691

I'll say this without any hint of irony: thish chapipi you guys linked here is blowing IRyS out of the water with her karaoke

>> No.43425744

Sana was not a vtuber.

>> No.43425748
Quoted by: >>43426153

That's not really true, a lot of ILUNA were just over the 100k sub mark which was why the "100k sub mininum" rrat was so convincing in the first place.

>> No.43425763

Abe's? With every fiber or my body I do and will accomplish that with some hags

>> No.43425767
File: 457 KB, 1828x367, 1670207951151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget the kino outfit reveal? She has a plan like always.

>> No.43425782

This whole coversation started about the fact that Tempus and HoloEN don't share audience, which they don't. You seem to agree so what are you arguing again?

>> No.43425793

Towa has only ever invited one person outside of hololive to a 3d live. It could happen, but i would not hold my breath.

>> No.43425806

Shien guest

>> No.43425840
Quoted by: >>43426486

One of the Cyberlife refugees. Seems to be Indonesian. I guess she could try for Holo ID.

>> No.43425842

That's like 2 years ago. She fell off since then

>> No.43425881
File: 2 KB, 125x113, 1659846839284997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43425961

EN3 is ready to be sucked dry of their hard work to help fund JP7 every wish. I can't wait kek

>> No.43425884
Quoted by: >>43425952

"nepotism" is one of the most abused words on this board, retard children apply it to everything.

>> No.43425886

Oh really? sweet. She should apply to Hololive and I'll listen to her if she makes it in. ganbare!

>> No.43425952

Who has the monopoly on nepotism?

>> No.43425961
Quoted by: >>43426360

god I'd love to be sucked dry by japanese hags

>> No.43425962

Still pisses me off that Myth's 3D debuts de facto happened a year ago, and that for half of them, they've already had a "showcase" in the forms of 3D lives or sololive (albeit one was a kanaeru live)
Imagine the numbers they could've had if they had official 3D showcases last summer

>> No.43425968
Quoted by: >>43426247

Id rather they didn't, but Tempiss have EN have audience overlap even if it's minor at this point in time. Mumei for example can bleed and get funnels from the homos

>> No.43425987


>> No.43426001
Quoted by: >>43426114

Having bold ideas isn't exactly a selling point if they can't act on them and execute it. I'm not completely adverse to indies but the EN indie industry in particular just doesn't do anything interesting or impressive based on my time watching them. And I'm going to be completely fair I don't entirely blame them because the Twitch meta for popularity is quite honestly absolute garbage.

>> No.43426005

He has no point. He really just can't stop thinking about homo cock so he berates them here trying to convince himself he's not a faggot.

>> No.43426016
Quoted by: >>43426108

Isn't the that the one where she just took a twitch feature and it got hard stalled because chat were being faggots?

>> No.43426026
File: 153 KB, 1011x664, image_2023-02-19_160544290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the Flagon Sonic stream, 900 ccv. of very little interest to the general Holo EN audience, I think most people would agree. Still 50% Holo EN viewership, 30% overlap with Mori and 20% Kiara/Bae. So yes, a substantial part of their audience still overlaps with Holo EN even though that has diverged quite a bit since early Tempus 1.

>> No.43426038

Unironically Mel.

>> No.43426051

how you gonna get them into the country in 2022 summer?

>> No.43426101
Quoted by: >>43426179

What went wrong KFP bros...

>> No.43426108
Quoted by: >>43426169

It's always fun to see anons who don't see behind the curtain and realize how stuff works
The world must feel so magical to you. I really envy you

>> No.43426110
Quoted by: >>43426263

50% is still only 450 people who may have at one time recently chatted in an EN chat

>> No.43426114
Quoted by: >>43426530

They don't have funds to do so. If they had holo money and audience they would be more inclined to do so. I'm just saying they have fun and good ideas. Indie industry is hardly a term. It's just people trying their hand at it as a side hobby. Nothing more.

>> No.43426132

Magic like in Harry Potter where they fly into the chimney.

>> No.43426153

Most holos were nowhere near that when they were hired

>> No.43426169


>> No.43426179

First they were molested. Now they're gay.

>> No.43426183

Ye she's not bad. Thanks for the rec, if you're initial anon. Her game streams any good or she's best at vsinging?

>> No.43426193
File: 56 KB, 427x669, 1668941983501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43426234
File: 44 KB, 680x615, 1659849749442614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real rrat is they probably could have done it sooner. But Myth was so out of shape and unprepared they delayed it themselves.

>> No.43426239

I know logistics and JP govt retardation blocked the 3D showcases, but it's still frustrating for numbers
Well, they could've avoided the 3D debuts last holofes and delay them until now, but that would satisfy no one except us numberfags

>> No.43426247
Quoted by: >>43426340

Well, if I am around this week to take samples, I will grudgepost you about this next weekend and you can revel in semantics then.

>> No.43426260

Waiting room for EN actually recovered pretty quickly these days huh? I remember when it used to took them 10 min to do that

>> No.43426263
File: 169 KB, 1002x739, image_2023-02-19_160838666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the most recent "buff" Tempus stream. Gavis LOL with Girl-DM. Overlap stats are almost identical, except Kiara falls out, probably due to the time difference. it's clear they have their own "box" and also clear they get a fairly significant amount of Niji EN fans, but their secondary audience is still Holo EN watchers.

>> No.43426340
File: 772 KB, 1815x1214, 1675640934351064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43426508

Here. I'll save you the effort. If there was zero audience overlap, Mumei would get zero funnels from the homo.
You can even see movement from vesper to Ame right now even if it's small.

>> No.43426360
Quoted by: >>43426414

Why can't EN get proper hags? I want a 30+ year old woman being absolutely lost in the world of vtubing and it's terms. Bonus having a crying baby in the background and her doing filing divorce papers ASMR.

>> No.43426380

Dead hours surprisingly alive with three (!) Hololive streams.

>> No.43426381

If you put them in a line up with the most recent Niji males, I wouldn't be able to tell you which is which.

>> No.43426384

teabagging the faggot on her way up

>> No.43426387

Where's Fauna

>> No.43426393

ID 1: moona and risu were friends before joining holo, iofi was a literal no one. All three of them have no experience in streaming
ID 2: Ollie was a big 3 view indie chuuba, Reine was a famous ID utaite and also a chuuba, Anya still unknown
ID 3 : zeta was a twitch 2 views chuuba, Kaela was a famous moba and mobile fps streamer and also an ex-pro player, and Kobo was a literal no one

>> No.43426395

Hard to believe that tiny overlap of audience is why EN management pushed the homo so hard. They want THAT part of HoloEN audience to watch the Homo too

>> No.43426414

wishing for EN hags is how you get a Nina.

>> No.43426436

>This is cope hours we like to ignore the fact we're irrelevant here
Nice of you to admit it

>> No.43426443

Well that explains why Reine's poverty 3D live was actually pretty good.

>> No.43426444
File: 33 KB, 308x308, 1631743317922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43426539

EN3 really has homobeggars shook, huh?

>> No.43426471

What happened with fubuki and iroha's streams?

>> No.43426480

She's a fake hag but she has good streams

>> No.43426482

Wait, Kaela has does credentials to her name? Explains a lot honestly.

>> No.43426486

Do Indonesians typically know Dutch?

>> No.43426507

better a Nina that the rest of her cuntish wave

>> No.43426508
Quoted by: >>43426593

Nah. I look at trends, not anecdotes. Week is proper time.

>> No.43426514

EN3 will kill EN2 numbers or help them?

>> No.43426530
Quoted by: >>43426704

There was like 1 attempt where indies got together for a project and it was again the utter travesty of a pilot that is Seiso Island. I think indies are fine but what they do is basically already filled by 60% of regular Twitch streamers who I watch over them. Hololive, Nijisanji, and quite frankly JP indies on YouTube appeal to me more since they tend to offer more beyond reaction streams and gameplay. A good chunk of JP indies being utaites for example appeals to me more.

>> No.43426539
Quoted by: >>43426603

99% of homo talk here is bashing and shitting on homos. Stop perpetuating and manifesting an invisible fight.

>> No.43426546

Right below Ame, first one the got cut off.

>> No.43426551

Fauna is immediately below Ame

>> No.43426555
File: 117 KB, 300x300, 1672549504840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43426747

can i wish for the real nina hags

>> No.43426562

She's a retired pro, a former e-sports manager, and worked like a 6-12 her first few months of Hololive
She's a machine, someone should study her genetic code

>> No.43426570

What if EN3 ends up being a flop like EN2?

>> No.43426585

I think she was also a pro team manager for a period.

>> No.43426593

Go off faggot. Won't stop you from being wrong in a week's time too.

>> No.43426603
Quoted by: >>43426783

>99% of homo talk here is bashing and shitting on homos.
I have a dream that we can make it 100%.

>> No.43426621

Impossible. All 5 of them would have to be 3views.

>> No.43426628

Hi Fungus

>> No.43426640


>> No.43426645

There has yet to be a gen that hurt the previous group's numbers but they won't help them much unless its a hit that does something to actually expand the box
The worst case scenario I think is the girls like Bae or Mumei who struggle with overlap go down a bit but they'll always have a floor

>> No.43426646
File: 10 KB, 454x191, 1652935184352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Google.

>> No.43426660

Unironically help. Council is stronger playing off other people. Yes I'm saying Council is better when their basically side characters.

>> No.43426671

No. I don't think a single Holo ID knows Dutch, even polyglot Iofi. The Dutch never wanted to truly colonize Indonesia they just wanted to exploit it for resources. She's probably from an Indo-Dutch family, maybe even born in the Netherlands.

>> No.43426676

Wasn't kobo a very famous utaite with 2m sub?

>> No.43426690

What's the EN equivalent of this. Is there even a relevant female EN esports scene?

>> No.43426704

The thing you have wrong here is that indies are FANS of vtubing. They are not the typical twitch thots you see. Well on twitch. The ones riding the wave of top fleshtubers is hardly what I call fans of vtubing. I think you are looking at the wrong indies brother.

>> No.43426718
Quoted by: >>43426937

Are you thinking of rainych? that was this thread's rrat from before her debut but no
Wow, that's nostalgic

>> No.43426743

You laugh but we see now that Nina was easily the best Ethyria hire even with her personality and baggage. Also she has decent game choices.

>> No.43426747

she already said she got no response

>> No.43426752

Depends on what type of streamers they have, when they stream, and how often they do it. If 3 people for some reason decide to park themselves right on top of Fauna's spot then yes it would hurt her. Same with Myth except Gura.

>> No.43426771

Non of holoen streams look strong today. So it will be the firs nijien gold of the month probably for scarle

>> No.43426783
Quoted by: >>43426851

Well you have to kill /MANS/ first. They'll just molest and mock you off of their general so good luck with that.

>> No.43426832

Hire more Moris and Suiseis

>> No.43426835

>Ollie was a big 3 view indie chuuba
Not much has changed then.

>> No.43426837
Quoted by: >>43426885

It's impossible for them to stream much they have too much offstream work, so that won't be an issue

>> No.43426851

Just move it to /trash/

>> No.43426862

Nah I think our boy Doppio Dropkick will take it

>> No.43426864

Do you really think so? It's a b-day stream but Fauna is probably going to pull out her usual 7k+. That's a lot for Scarle

>> No.43426874
File: 166 KB, 1012x1593, 40D44D02-98F1-4F20-AC87-34C7CB1BA757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43426965


>> No.43426882

They would hurt karla numbers first than the other girls

>> No.43426885

Elira literally said she asked to have no wok over the break cause she spent her last one over Christmas working.

>> No.43426887
File: 74 KB, 271x235, 1654562199891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machi... my wife...

>> No.43426892

Your thinking of the person who people thought was going to be Kobo. In actuality Kobo is literally an unknown person basically had 0 online presence until she was hired by Cover to be in ID. I think the closest thing to an online footprint she had was I think a performance advertisement for parties.

>> No.43426895
File: 94 KB, 898x172, image_2023-02-19_162217140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people who were asking about Punkalopi the other day, here she is collabing with one of the Idol Corp girls. This seems to be roughly her average ccv, which makes her one of the top 5-ish non Holo/Niji EN Youtube vtubers. Not a huge bar to clear, but still, something.

>> No.43426920

>Fauna is probably going to pull out her usual 7k+.
This is her 5th time playing Hitman and she's going to be overlapped.

>> No.43426937

Sometime IDK which is real,those SEAanon still claim rainych to be her

>> No.43426936

Scarle will have guest so im giving it to her. No one cares about doppio enough

>> No.43426941
Quoted by: >>43426976

Wasn't he the dude whose Birthday stream didn't make cripple tally?

>> No.43426958

We weren't talking about Niji.

>> No.43426957

I was talking about HoloEN not Niji

>> No.43426961

Probably the fountainhead of toxicity
Literally set the branch back a generation
Seems like an okay lass but not that popular

I guess Nina is the best.

>> No.43426965

I wish Mori had a different personality...

>> No.43426976

Anon Aia is a permanent 3view but got like 3k on her karaoke

>> No.43426995

NTA but I think it depends on how long Watson streams. If she ends early-ish Fauna could get a good funnel.

>> No.43427013

So what the fuck is irys even doing at this time. Why the hell are 3 of the girls that live or are in japan right now streaming this earlier?

>> No.43427017

Nowadays this doesn't says much, consider current state of "family"

>> No.43427037

"Fuck Fauna in particular"

>> No.43427046

Uki needs to do nail painting part 2 right now.

>> No.43427068

Council are better off as sidekicks. If EN3 is filled with girls that can take charge like a Migo, Subaru or Towa then they'll incline together.

>> No.43427081

Nina somehow keeping her previous behavior under wraps is absolutely shocking.

>> No.43427088
Quoted by: >>43427260

Top 5ish? Welp I definitely have numberot.

>> No.43427127
Quoted by: >>43427286

Looks like IRyS got assurances from Gooba that she isn't streaming today.

>> No.43427131
File: 566 KB, 914x521, 1664856435335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43427318

>> No.43427133
Quoted by: >>43427156

>Scarle will have guest
Zaion will show up bros, it's time

>> No.43427140

Overlap tonight in general is gonna be brutal. A lot of low to mid interest streams piling up on each other. Depending on how long Ame goes you could have:
(3-5 Niji EN streams)
All at 8 PM EST.

>> No.43427153

IRyS saw the valentines numbers and she wasn't happy

>> No.43427156

Jeez is she still suspended? I forgot about all of that with the excitement recently. When is she back?

>> No.43427210

Indefinite suspension so no one knows

>> No.43427220

No one knows. Pretty significant chance of never.

>> No.43427260
Quoted by: >>43427353

Pippa is still the only EN youtube vtuber outside Niji/Holo that can even reliably hit 1k. The others that can even touch that can do it like 1-2 times a month if they're lucky. We'll see how Kyoresu or whatever holds up.

>> No.43427262
Quoted by: >>43427451

>But she also missed her chance to meet Luca
lmao, you think that message about her dating Luca during Millie's stream came out of ether? There's reason she jumped the ship at that point

>> No.43427286
Quoted by: >>43427901

She could easily stream at her usuall later time and get all the funnel.
But then again
>still draggin re7

>> No.43427318
Quoted by: >>43427350

>Uki raid
non-compatible fanbases

>> No.43427339

So a complete literal who

>> No.43427350

Inforget noctyx exists sometime

>> No.43427353
Quoted by: >>43427419

>We'll see how Kyoresu or whatever holds up.
She won't, I'm pretty confident of that from what I've seen unless she vastly improves. Her CCV is already dropping faster than the first EN gen did which is a bad sign.

>> No.43427356

I'm genuinely sick of IRyS' bullshit. She needs to pick a fucking timeslot and if she can't stream in the timeslot because she has offline work to do that particular day then don't fucking stream. Like holy fuck it's infuriating as someone who actually watches her.

>> No.43427363
Quoted by: >>43427747

What's a Chapipi?

>> No.43427419
Quoted by: >>43427468

She was always on the short list of holo hopefuls.

>> No.43427451
Quoted by: >>43427576

I saw a reimu clip about luca and seems like the most obnoxious monkey to have around

>> No.43427468
Quoted by: >>43427603

I think people underestimated just how severe her ESL was because they only heard her singing.

>> No.43427492

So, we all agree that Ina has officially replaced Gura as the face of EN, right?

>> No.43427516

ina is the buttocks of EN as it stands

>> No.43427540

Ina has no ass tough

>> No.43427576

Axel would be the Luca of holopro if the fans hadn't gatekept so hard and forced them back in their corner
Source: My alternate dimension vision

>> No.43427577
File: 451 KB, 850x1174, 1652668129484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah she is

>> No.43427579
Quoted by: >>43427638

we all agree that hololive is a failure

>> No.43427580

Ina is the futa cock of EN

>> No.43427603
Quoted by: >>43427661

That is the definitely the reason she was never picked.
I mean people used to pester her and ask her if she got into hololive.

>> No.43427604

basically just "known by the people who are in their field".
e.g. Ina's roommate is known in FGO and other gachas as a prominent artist. Same with Sana.
Gura's PL for obvious reasons.

Mumei and Kronii had very big Youtube channels anon, that's specifically why I told "established talents" not "established streamers".

>> No.43427638

We all agree that versen is the future of vtubing

>> No.43427661
Quoted by: >>43427793

She also seemed to have mental problems for an entire year. So, not great since they already have plenty of talents with that.

>> No.43427688
File: 226 KB, 1208x920, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watson approaching 5k i guess might get higher if she becomes a sapling waiting room

>> No.43427701

we all agree this is agreeble

>> No.43427736
Quoted by: >>43427880

>Fauna was the most experienced streamer in Council,
Could've fooled me with how shit her content is

>> No.43427747

A cute computer virus chuuba

>> No.43427793
Quoted by: >>43427864

That's a baseline requirement for Hororaibu though.

>> No.43427796

Ame is going to have a higher peak than Fauna today

>> No.43427816

My sheep is cute and I won't take any rudeness or slander to her.

>> No.43427864

There aren't any menheras in hololive.

>> No.43427880

What content does Niji have?

>> No.43427893
File: 265 KB, 585x564, 1674891896532002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she joined Hololive she could be HUGE!
But she won't do it.....why? Is she mentally retarded?

>> No.43427901
Quoted by: >>43427971

Don't know why she wants to drag RE7 out because she's getting disappointing numbers on the new RE games that aren't remakes.

>> No.43427924

That's pretty much what she was getting deep into her Elden Ring / Oblivion playthroughs. Not too many people like watching Ame fucking around with no purpose.

>> No.43427927


>> No.43427931

Hand cams and blowjob asmr (males only).

>> No.43427965

Wait for EN3.

>> No.43427971

She has finished Every RE game she started. She just genuinely enjoys them.

>> No.43427993

return streams
