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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 381 KB, 1669x2048, Ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43214770 No.43214770 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

/uoh/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/can2cy5H

Previous: >>43160515

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.

>> No.43216114
File: 138 KB, 850x1203, __rurudo_lion_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_hanamori_suzu_hkgbkk8__sample-247677ead77f295454468a5e8f493408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retardation: the high cost of living through bumps

>> No.43217183

I pretty much treat /vt/ as the new /l/ at this point

>> No.43217362
File: 3.61 MB, 2894x4093, 105264760_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cast the antifaggotry spell on this thread
Anyone being a faggot after this point will be cursed

>> No.43217475
File: 233 KB, 1736x2375, meemo - 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43218783

>> No.43218339
File: 332 KB, 2048x2044, FUDeWAZaAAEActy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatoba Tsugu

>> No.43218783
File: 421 KB, 646x972, image(90).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Meemo draws more Shondo cunny. I like his style

>> No.43218784

I'm not gonna survive Shondo's break

>> No.43218928

It's 1 week and she's heavily implied she's got a lot of streams planned when she comes back. She wanted to finish all of her games off which isn't looking like it will happen but I think she plans on playing a bunch of new stuff when she gets back.

>> No.43219104
File: 113 KB, 850x1275, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_misyune__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one week bro... you can't even call that a break.

>> No.43219136
File: 2.79 MB, 1150x1987, image_2023-02-16_215931463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43227440

I hope poppy comes back soon

>> No.43219323


>> No.43219529
Quoted by: >>43220371


>> No.43220044
Quoted by: >>43220230


This tiger bout to take off all her clothes

>> No.43220230
Quoted by: >>43220274

She did it, uoh!

>> No.43220249

>guys this is exclusive merch I won't be taking more orders
>giru just gets to sell it at cons

>> No.43220274
File: 18 KB, 167x109, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sure did.

>> No.43220309

Anon it's not the same poster you fucking retard. That's one he did as fanart for her. The one she commissioned for birthday merch hasn't even been posted on social media.

>> No.43220363

I prefer my posters signed and touched by shondo instead of giru, but you do you anon

>> No.43220366
File: 191 KB, 960x1234, 1649256925195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the poster, retard

>> No.43220371
File: 576 KB, 2845x1600, FpGWpJ_WIAAvari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(me) I don't know why the image didn't upload but here

>> No.43220421
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, FYdcrSYXoAAXTPi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43220558
File: 218 KB, 449x463, shondo (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if anyone's mentioned it before but I think it's nice that Marley's on the birthday merch poster. I wonder if that was Giru's idea or Shondo's.

>> No.43220646

I don't really like giru's art, it all blurs together and looks the same. I respect his skill but I don't like his corner cutting

>> No.43220688
File: 140 KB, 1080x1920, Fc5TKlnXEAMJ6ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43220741

I really liked this artist's style for shondo

>> No.43220741
File: 76 KB, 529x680, Fo89lN8aYAEuxvC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree some of it is a little samey but he has some standout pieces that are really great
Didn't that guy go super menhera and get banned? I think his style's sort of ugly, sorry

>> No.43221035
Quoted by: >>43221168

can't really scoff at a quarter of the effort for 90% of the result, painting is really something if you know how to get by with less

>> No.43221168

yeah when he gets it right he gets it right, but those are rare for me. I hope some of the new artists produce something different and skilled. I'm tired of his stuff truth be told
Guess I'm just burnt out of him saturating vtubers I like with his spam, between mocca, lily and shondo I'd much rather see ren's art than giru's, hope some new artists show up that are skilled enough, I think I just need something new

>> No.43221249
File: 212 KB, 1356x2078, FoudIsgaQAA_Wkb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43221479

I'm living in hope a lot of the new artists that Shondo has been noticed by are holding out for redebut. Her birthday last year was an insane barrage of fanart and she's much bigger than she was then and this is a fresh new costume to draw.

>> No.43221301
File: 1.89 MB, 3000x1920, ey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like that if I recall correctly. eh I mean it is definitely armature but still has better stylization than most

>> No.43221449

Girutea would've never drawn a picture like this a year ago, I wonder what happened? I assume he's just been hanging around Goki too much.

>> No.43221479

fingers crossed
yeah but there's so much odd jank that I can't really get into it, I understand Giru produces stuff fast but his jank got grating, I understand why he does it, he's quantity over quality, I'm just tired of it

>> No.43221519
Quoted by: >>43221597

He should keep doing it then

>> No.43221536
Quoted by: >>43221664

I think that's reasonable with the sheer volume all in the same style. He at least doesn't post everything he whipped up in 2 hours to the tag, just to the fanart channel. Though he's also the only one who tends to post WIPs there which seems funny for someone who finishes these in like 2-6 hours. Other people put out more often despite, so it's not so bad. Ren is going for more stuff with less effort which isn't so intricate for the time but I don't feel like it's much a drop in quality considering how much less time he says it takes.

>> No.43221597

>he's quantity over quality
His pictures aren't bad or anything, I don't feel like this fits.

I meant the lewdness of it, to be clear.

>> No.43221603
Quoted by: >>43221664

>>43221301 (me)
im not talking about giru anon

>> No.43221664
Quoted by: >>43221880

Fair. I dunno, man, I'm just tired of it is all, I'd like to see more artists
my bad, I misunderstood

>> No.43221818
Quoted by: >>43221936

I'll stop bitching about Giru, I don't want to shit up the thread, he's a good artist, I guess I'm just giru'd out and would like newer skilled artists to take a crack at it. I'll stop seething now

>> No.43221880

I imagine more will come for redebut but unsure how many will stay. She should be well-known enough by now. I don't think she gets especially little art for an indie though. I think two good artslaves and a dozen bad ones is probably above par, maybe toss in some artist vtuber friends at some point.

>> No.43221936
Quoted by: >>43226490

I have to say though ren may have some guro stuff going but giru is still consistently one of the only ones that remotely goes for a disturbing atmosphere with shondo which I'd like to see others pick up, but I'm aware it's probably above the expectations for the less skilled drawslaves.

>> No.43222273
File: 102 KB, 303x301, 1665711058816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what you guys are talking about but look at my daughter isn't she cute

>> No.43222370
Quoted by: >>43222711

I can't wait for artists to discover her so we can get some quality cunny

>> No.43222571

Ellie, make sure you read the guides in /asp/ thoroughly. In particular the OpSec and Don't do this guides. Make a separate Steam account and family share that account. Make a new Windows profile with Ellie or a bogus name. You're smart enough to obscure your timezone, so I'm sure some of this is obvious. But it's worth re-iterating. There's lots of schizos that can and will fuck with you if given the chance.

>> No.43222656

this, I don't want some retard to go ham and risk harming her

>> No.43222659

she isn't going to fuck you bro

>> No.43222711

It's tempting but I don't know if I want to out myself that readily. I'm bad and take forever anyway.

>> No.43222763

Do it anyways

>> No.43222797
Quoted by: >>43222857

Who cares if you're bad?

>> No.43222831

this, oh and for gods sake if you have your real name as your PC name make a new profile with a generic name

>> No.43222857

nobody, just managing expectations before someone thinks I'm anyone of note

>> No.43222884

literally no reason not to, worst case scenario some retard here says a mean thing

>> No.43222941

How the fuck did you know I'm groomer3000?

>> No.43223056
File: 21 KB, 324x231, 1654409053294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horny brat is live

>> No.43223156

she'll sober up real quick once she gets dm'ed something awful over discord, like with rindo
and then she'll be like Gura forever

>> No.43223249

the cutest and funniest?

>> No.43223423
File: 331 KB, 939x797, b32d1701d7d9e50c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the /asp/ posts and guides are intentional sabotage by the other people in there. And I'm going to go on a extended rant with examples:
This one is always pinned in the OP, and it has a bunch of sabotage.

>Do your drop your PNG!!!
The guy who made this guide literally did a bunch of drop your PNG type posts so no shit he would say this
Watch https://streamable.com/tuw8bt

>- Tweet CONSTANTLY. Aim for two or more EVERY day, more on days you stream.
>Keep it relevant. Not "I went and had a haircut today", but "trying to figure out bouncing text like old screensavers in OBS. Anyone know anything?"
Tweeting about vtubing all day every day with no comments about yourself is so incredibly fucking boring and nobody does it. There are +2k CCV vtubers posting about their normal day because surprise, their fans like them and thus like hearing about them regardless.

>I suppose the only other new bit of advice I'd add is copy what Sloth and Leta have been doing
Sloth and Leta aren't even doing particularly doing well on Twitter. They're hobbyists who don't care much for growing and don't do very efficient stuff, so why even? Not throwing shade, just saying.

>> No.43223659

Fair enough and good points, the 2 I mentioned were the main ones I wanted her to check out.

>> No.43223743

>>Keep it relevant. Not "I went and had a haircut today", but "trying to figure out bouncing text like old screensavers in OBS. Anyone know anything?"
kek who comes up with this shit, who are they basing this strategy off of

>> No.43223781

whatever these guides are, from my first impression they're hopelessly maligned
whatever optimization they want you to make just destroys the genuine experience

>> No.43223790
Quoted by: >>43223851

>who are they basing this strategy off of
Nobody. Its crafted to sound like good advice, not to be good advice.

>> No.43223815

Just let the girl do her thing anons, you're all trying too hard

>> No.43223850

The biggest sign to not take these seriously is that if it actually worked 2views wouldn't be a thing. Just keep doing what you want to without trying to be boring and optimize views.

>> No.43223851

it's like the vtuber version of those tiktoks giving insane advice on how to avoid being human trafficked if you're a frumpy white suburban girl

>> No.43223856

you're not my daddy

>> No.43223905

2 views love to make guides about growth its the funniest shit. Just like with those how to get rich quick schemes, if this shit worked then they wouldn't be here

>> No.43223956

>You're smart enough to obscure your timezone
she literally leaked it shortly after saying she "tricked" us

>> No.43223965


>> No.43224030

great, we went from "shondo delivery schizo" to "ellie grooming schizo", I hope you all realize she's not going to fuck or send nudes to any of you, and being this overbearing is a good way to both overwhelm and drive her away. Just let the girl do her thing and trust that she knows what she's doing, yeah she'll make mistakes along the way but that's part of growth, let her be and chill the fuck out

>> No.43224094
Quoted by: >>43224244

I'm sure that someone that already used /uoh/ is smart enough to take shit here with a grain of salt, she's only a bit retarded, not fully

>> No.43224142


>> No.43224244

there's only so much schizo shit one can take, and I don't want to find out what her limit is or have us be alienated or worse, drive her away from vtubing. For now this is fun, just let her do her thing

>> No.43224267

you've really showed >us the error of our ways anon

>> No.43224381

Tbh knowing that she finds us being ojii-sans funny triggers odd parts of my brain

>> No.43224440

this I can agree with

>> No.43224600

Every girl here is cute, I love you all

>> No.43224615

I'm a strapping young lad approach the prime

>> No.43224730

I just didn't want her to get doxx'd cause she's basically a kid. I even purposefully posted it on here so I could be anon. Why am I being called a schizo or overbearing, this is retarded.

>> No.43224791
Quoted by: >>43224905

>she's basically a kid
Anon she knows boomer shit.
Its a act. You're infantilizing a entertainer.

>> No.43224897

giving her advice on how to protect herself is good
giving her advice on how to fucking post on twitter if retarded and overbearing, don't try to push her into anything, you're right we do need to protecc, but don't try telling her how to run her ship, just let her find her identiy and have fun with it

>> No.43224905

she's probably getting off right now to being infantalized

>> No.43224909

the irony that this is the least chill post about her here kek, relax I'm sure she doesn't give a shit

>> No.43225022
Quoted by: >>43225057

>she's probably getting off right now to being infantalized
i wanna give her headpats with my cock

>> No.43225020
File: 157 KB, 317x472, 1670749005182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

groomer3001 here, I won't be stopped

>> No.43225057

not before I can, anon

>> No.43225201

>she's probably getting off right now to being infantalized
Fuck I want to get into her DMs and act like Justin Roiland

>> No.43225414

Yeah, she's gonna fuck me

>> No.43225725
Quoted by: >>43225846

prepubescent, child or infantil-esque

>> No.43225846
File: 2.88 MB, 2250x2400, veal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smaller the better.

>> No.43226114
File: 120 KB, 850x1200, __la_darknesss_hololive_drawn_by_ray_peng__sample-1a7d47d8d86e04e036a76ae278d586d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The unending discussion of groomers vs concernfaggers is good and all but don't forget to attach cunny. We'll judge the winner by their collection.

>> No.43226160

>groomers vs concernfaggers
those are one in the same

>> No.43226234
File: 503 KB, 2867x4096, 1648805224374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a moot discussion because I've already won the groomwars
>t. groomer3000

>> No.43226490

I'm really hoping when the lore accurate Shondo drops we get a lot more dark art. She's implied she's going to have goop tentacles. It's going to be schizo kino.

>> No.43226549

honestly goop tentacles sound fun to draw I should do something with it

>> No.43226664
File: 193 KB, 2048x1536, 20230216_215649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatoba Tsugu.

>> No.43227058
Quoted by: >>43227176

This isn't /c/ or /h/, retarded samplenigger.

>> No.43227160
File: 26 KB, 408x408, 1663930239369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43227176

fuck off tourist faggot

>> No.43227251
File: 181 KB, 1200x1600, FgX0ogRVUAAiUxr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43227295

i shall try to learn the ways of the dark arts

>> No.43227295
Quoted by: >>43227725

Does Kiki have any lore beyond being an aussie lolibaba?

>> No.43227440

i hope she does too

>> No.43227629

I hope my penis comes back too, I mean Mr. Hard

>> No.43227689
Quoted by: >>43229062

whos this little retard

>> No.43227725

having more yabs than even a nijisanji member

>> No.43228229

Aruru showing off the hat from her new costume.

>> No.43229062


Latest /here/tuber we're gonna groom

>> No.43229237
File: 251 KB, 545x920, 1672468262613605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon where have you been in the last 5 threads or so?

>> No.43229408
Quoted by: >>43229474

I just realized that I'll probably end up missing most of Ellie's affiliate stream because Shondo is starting just a bit earlier, I hope she goes long enough so I can at least say hi

>> No.43229433
Quoted by: >>43235460

HMMM sounds slightly brown

>> No.43229474

skill issue

>> No.43229602

Why do /we/ like this 2view again
I tried watching her but she seems pretty dull

>> No.43229680

groom potential that is all

>> No.43229765

she's not entirely there but nobody is starting out, it's fun to watch someone get their start I guess
if she doesn't really have the chops people will leave but it's fine

>> No.43229767

I think her chat interaction is good.
The rant on bluey was kino and she likes calling us ojii-sans which makes me feel weird.

>> No.43229842

Cute girls are cute, simple as

>> No.43230051

She's cute, she's /here/ and she's a brat. So what's not to like? I think she's got promise.

>> No.43230741

tell me how to improve

>> No.43230836

Open up your DMs and let me groom you.
>"I-I'm not actually E-Ell-"
Don't care. I'm gonna groom you.

>> No.43231312

get groomed

>> No.43231620

>grabs you by your buttcheek dimples
us ojis will show you

>> No.43231814

I don't know what you're lacking but for vtubers usually its being more deliberate
Just usually doing things "Better" like,
Talking more often. Checking chat more often for better chat interaction. Making jokes if possible. There are also other things that could apply depending on how you're vtubing. If you do character acting or singing or whatever improving at that is obvious.

>> No.43231950

any updates on what poppy did to get suspended?

>> No.43232031
File: 73 KB, 528x947, 1656797798273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically just "bee urself". The best chuubas are the ones that just let themselves flow naturally with minimal filtering. Also don't make it too obvious you're /here/, lest you wish to attract autists in your community like Pippa did.

>> No.43232082
Quoted by: >>43233537

menhera moment from what i heard last thread

>> No.43232126

I'd like to think shondo has the advantage that most of the speaking she's done in her life prior to this was talking with herself
so I guess it's an advantage if you talk to yourself like an autist a lot

>> No.43232204
File: 1.62 MB, 1783x2048, 1675280575506353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43270786

NTA but to improve you need practice, reflection, and introspection
Seriously think about your goals as a streamer, they should be concrete and at least somewhat measurable, and make sure that every thing you do furthers those goals
Watch your own VODs and analyze them, write down what you did well and what could be improved, again in pursuit of your goals
Watch other streamers and analyze them too, figure out what you like about and what you don't, and learn from it
Streaming is just like any other discipline in that regard, just like sports, arts, competitive gaming, or whatever, improvement is an active process that takes place just as much after the activity as during
Keep doing those things and you'll definitely improve with time
But also remember to have fun and know your limits, lest you burn out

>> No.43232224
Quoted by: >>43232263

>lest you wish to attract autists in your community like Pippa did.

Too late, I'm already following her.

>> No.43232263
Quoted by: >>43232581

Autists as in the type that bring her up in literally every chuubas chat. That's the bad kind of autist.

>> No.43232581
Quoted by: >>43233796

I fucking hate that kind of autist
Anytime I see someone doing that it makes me want to never watch whoever they're bringing up
There's one guy that does it constantly on a vtuber's chat that I watch, but no one says anything to him because he's legit brain damaged from a car accident

>> No.43232699

>bee yourself
shut up olivia

>> No.43233537

Someone must have reported her then because most of these girls are menhera and don't get bant

>> No.43233796


>> No.43234011

heh foreskin

>> No.43235460
Quoted by: >>43236343

she called herself a white woman when she was eating orange chicken and said it was spicy

>> No.43236343
Quoted by: >>43236550

you're playing right into her deception

>> No.43236550

At this point I'd rather live a sweet lie than an ugly reality, and boy is reality looking ugly these days

>> No.43239082


>> No.43239648

hello my friends I enjoyed loli vtubers today
good night I hope I dream about loli vtubers

>> No.43240306
File: 33 KB, 270x228, 5723984259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43240592

Click under your own risk

>> No.43240592
Quoted by: >>43240860

That voice don't fit

>> No.43240860
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1620429741597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aghh it was a prank, I saw the thumbnail while she had 7 viewers, I wanted to trap some of you in there for the lulz but she ended the stream.

>> No.43241942

I am the last chumdorkellite

>> No.43243149
Quoted by: >>43243954

babis will NEVER be cunny

>> No.43243954

>babis will never NOT be cunny
fixed that for you

>> No.43244989

not yet

>> No.43246688
Quoted by: >>43269660

Why isn't this cutie posted here?

>> No.43249310
File: 1.08 MB, 954x1379, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43249570
File: 317 KB, 1448x2048, FpDwRuHaYAIgoO7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43252569
File: 2.60 MB, 2388x2829, 99244484_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43253972


>> No.43254317
File: 477 KB, 429x680, 1669913869661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli demon doing a long stream today https://www.twitch.tv/pixywixy

>> No.43254525
Quoted by: >>43254880

every other advice is insignificant in comparison to practice anyway. Shondo had like 5 years of experience before she started getting successful. gura had been ctubing for 4 years before gura. you're not suddenly gonna get good by reading a single post. just stream more

>> No.43254880

Shondo streamed for only 1 year

>> No.43255049

so her youtube streams and asmr videos don't count?

>> No.43255253

And you're dumb. She's got at least 4 to 5 years on youtube alone with videos and streams. She started on Twitch in 2020.

>> No.43256959
File: 149 KB, 483x322, 1676415010793756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43258233
File: 1.77 MB, 1414x2000, 105468278_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43260693


>> No.43258824
File: 402 KB, 800x941, tsugu bap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatoba Tsugu

>> No.43260693
Quoted by: >>43261675


>> No.43261675
Quoted by: >>43261927

remind me what animation this was from

>> No.43261927

It’s actually from an audio situation that sounds similar to La+
Source is RJ354196
There’s a sequel to it now with a christmas theme after you become lovers, RJ434342

>> No.43262047

It sounds nothing like her and I've seen people pretend its marine for months

>> No.43262177
Quoted by: >>43263016

hm, I could swear I've seen an animation somewhere using this same voice acting.

>> No.43263016

For those who add sounds to animations is not unusual for them to "borrow" them from H games/works. Shitty ones take the sounds from western porn instead.

>> No.43266017

If you're going to cast something do a fucking cool incantation that's copy paste worthy.

>> No.43266953
File: 27 KB, 128x128, MenoCross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43267632
Quoted by: >>43267696

I want Meno to see this

>> No.43267696
Quoted by: >>43267883

her being a bad dragon?

>> No.43267883
Quoted by: >>43267969

Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen her react to anything lewd before.

>> No.43267969
Quoted by: >>43268533

She never does, not even to the nudity scenes in junji ito
Even that Giant Insect island anime with nudity she didn't react

>> No.43267994
Quoted by: >>43269557

vtubers used to be about CGDCT. you've watched too much vshojo or something, expecting them to appeal to your zoomer brain. she's a gem in a world of garbage and we've got front row tickets to see her growth

>> No.43268089


Just Chatting

>> No.43268105

you're gonna get lots of conflicting answers to go with whatever resonates with you the most i suppose. regardless, i think the most important part is to do what YOU think is fun and interesting. that stuff is contagious and will make for more fun streams. pandering is okay, but try to keep it within your sphere of interests or it'll just become a soulless grift.

>> No.43268313

This image triggers me way too much. Never post it again

>> No.43268450

I appreciate the edit, but it kinda sucks

>> No.43268533

She did a watch along for that? That's funny thinking she's sitting there with a straight face.

>> No.43269557

VTubers should be about CGDCT, you're right. But also they should be interesting and engaging and fun, and amateur chuubas don't tend to hold my interest. Oshis are Gura and now Shondo.
I'll give the herechuuba a try in another week or two and see how she's doing, but even say Neppie is a lot more interesting than her as an example. Maybe she's just not for me.
I've learned most of you only care for a chuuba you can groom though so it's nice to know I share a thread with a bunch of coomer groomers who don't give a shit about the quality of content as long as there's some sort of female behind it

>> No.43269582

>Neppie has been impregnated in Minecraft

It's fucking OVER

>> No.43269632
Quoted by: >>43269670


>> No.43269660

I've never seen anyone talk about her on here, I found her randomly a few months ago and she's v cute

>> No.43269670
Quoted by: >>43269894

It's past tense in the Gura case

>> No.43269724
File: 87 KB, 677x1200, 1667260999323158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh it's the retard that complains about lewdness in the child sex thread
been a while

>> No.43269894
File: 201 KB, 515x497, 1673913182807393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43269932

Based anon moving on to from one cunny to the other. Wonder how long you'll stay interested in Shondo before you move to the next.

>> No.43269932

Well it's been a year and I love her more than ever so I don't fucking think I will.

>> No.43270169
File: 164 KB, 305x311, carl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43271073

CTubers shouldn't be about CGDCT or any of that seiso shit at all.

>> No.43270171
File: 182 KB, 363x328, 1670429749008226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43270212

You will, you've already proven to be able to do it. It's not a problem though, Shondo herself said she understands people eventually lose interest. It can happen in a whim.

>> No.43270212
Quoted by: >>43270666

I don't think so the only reason I dropped Gura is because she doesn't fucking stream.
Not everyone is like you

>> No.43270505

Once a whore, always a whore

>> No.43270666
File: 419 KB, 883x930, 1670430085546885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to be an asshole to you, but I've been where you've been. You'll remember my words when the interest starts to wane.

>> No.43270786
Quoted by: >>43270894

you've just started streaming, don't worry about it. Just keep having fun and if you want later you can start thinking about things to do to 'improve'.
Right now I'm really enjoying the time you're spending with us on stream so I don't think you need to go full tryhard like >>43232204 is suggesting, just have fun.

>> No.43270894

>how to improve
>don't lmao
thank you very helpful

>> No.43271073

Wish this goblin would have spread her ass on stream at least once before quitting

>> No.43271260
Quoted by: >>43271337

having fun is fun anon, she's been streaming for a week she doesn't need to overthink things

>> No.43271337
Quoted by: >>43271536

she didn't ask how to have fun, i think she's got that down already

>> No.43271533
Quoted by: >>43271953

>shondo makes joke about money
>gets money
every time

>> No.43271536
Quoted by: >>43274128

thanks for the clarification anon glad you're here

>> No.43271841

i like loli not shota ya nerd

>> No.43271919

he's right tho

>> No.43271953

they can't help themselves

>> No.43271962
Quoted by: >>43274368

This but unironically, no one got better by hyperfocusing on being better

>> No.43272695

Ask yourself: "What do I want to do?". There's no point in vtubing if you arent enjoying it, but if you are then simply maximize the things you're good at and dont do much things you're bad at. If you are struggling keeping a kayfabe then it would be better to drop it and get others to like you by being yourself.

>> No.43273907

>How to improve
If you're asking this, you're legit not gonna make it. You're born an entertainer, not made into one.

>> No.43274033
File: 1.80 MB, 1200x1600, evqpcr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one gets better by trying to get better
>people are just born being good at things
Jesus, the copium in this thread

>> No.43274123

>>no one gets better by trying to get better
This is true. Keep doing the same thing and over time you'll naturally improve at it, lest you wish to become one of those retards on /ic/ stuck in practice hell.

>> No.43274128
Quoted by: >>43274160

>She's having fun
>She literally asked how to improve at streaming
>That's cool
You really are infantilizing her, aren't you

>> No.43274160

Theres no proof its her. Who cares

>> No.43274183

your spell failed

>> No.43274348

crab spotted

>> No.43274368

he who binds to himself a joy does the winged life destroy
laplus was born sexy

>> No.43274430
Quoted by: >>43274766

I mean, look at all the two views who've been streaming for a while with no success. Some people just won't get "better" no matter how hard they try.

>> No.43274586
File: 2.61 MB, 1987x2410, 1655803907357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43278150

Why is Ollie ass at Apex despite playing a shitton of it?
How did Matsuri actually get decent at it in a way shorter timeframe than Ollie's been playing?
It's because Matsuri actually tried to actively improve at it while Ollie just did it over and over, where's her natural improvement?
People at the peak of anything will tell you the same thing, real improvement is an active process, not something that just happens
You really think Shondo and other top ctubers aren't spending time improving their streams off-stream?

>> No.43274702
Quoted by: >>43274760

basically none of the fags itt know how to be successful at anything, they're all losers IRL. Take every post with a grain of salt

>> No.43274760
Quoted by: >>43276226

Correct, this discussion should fuck off to the dedicated thread over at >>>/vt//asp/

>> No.43274766

sometimes its not about being better as much as it is happening to have something in demand or that can mesh with the algorithm/current memes, to varying degrees

>> No.43274810

hello fellow lolichuuba enthusiasts how are you enjoying lolichuubas today in this day full of lolichuuba streams

>> No.43274858

salt and olive oil

>> No.43274911
File: 576 KB, 850x1202, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughterwife is tired today, its very cute

>> No.43275256
File: 734 KB, 518x693, 1676584093558354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At work; can't watch streams. Will watch this brats vod though. Interested to see how well she ends up doing.

>> No.43276226

Nobody in there knows how to be successful either.

>> No.43276252

From what I've seen it's one of three things
>mass reported (unlikely)
>her manhera moment was reported for self harm by some dickless faggot (likely since she was banned after posting vocaroo links)
>her posting way too many vocaroo links in a row triggered twitter spam filters (also likely since she was banned immediately after posting the 3rd link)
This sucks, I want poppy back.

>> No.43277771
Quoted by: >>43277844

how to be successful:
You need SOVL and Je ne sais quoi and jouissance,you need to be kino, and based, you need to be bussin and most of all, you need to

>> No.43277833

I want to fuck her so your correct

>> No.43277844
File: 365 KB, 850x1200, 1668102207619172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this
Follow those straightforward steps and you're guaranteed to succeed

>> No.43277890

Rindo...gone to soon

>> No.43278021

If she comes here, she knows exactly what shes in for. Were a bunch of mentally ill perverts she'll be ok. That being said ellie i want your cute little feet

>> No.43278062

Hot i wanna fuck her like my future daughter

>> No.43278118

Just let her know that it's just a certain jealous rabbit whore who can't stop getting groomed that will be seething at her and she'll be fine.

>> No.43278150
File: 683 KB, 944x1200, Gura nurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because one thing is mindless playing for fun or to win, and another is playing to improve by identifying flaws and working on them until you eventually overcome it, also learning from experience.

The same applies with vtubing, if you self analyze or ask for someone else to evaluate you, you might find what are your flaws and then proceed to work on them.

>> No.43278220

you can't improve if you don't even know what you're bad at

>> No.43278346
Quoted by: >>43278390

Sniffing loli pussy

>> No.43278390
Quoted by: >>43278549

what does it smell like

>> No.43278535
File: 232 KB, 1536x2048, 1674922669403327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43280063

That's exactly my point, that improving isn't just something that happens passively with practice and experience if you don't direct those to actually learning and improving

>> No.43278549

Ramen noodles

>> No.43279194

I love Shondo but I wish she would stop being such a little bitch about some games. So much complaining

>> No.43279239
Quoted by: >>43279485

Her being stupid is the best part

>> No.43279422
File: 168 KB, 480x480, 1675579234203936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you have a lot in common with her huh

>> No.43279485
Quoted by: >>43279899

nah I get where he's coming from, her being stupid is one thing but it got really annoying that she spent so much of RE2 bitching about the "bad game design"

>> No.43279675
File: 236 KB, 1536x2048, 20230217_163213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43279899

I gave up on that stream, it was more annoying than entertaining

>> No.43280063

what makes the difference is if the player/vtuber can stop and think what to do or will be tilted and keep face smashing against a wall until something happens.
And there's an outstanding number of people who do the latter.

>> No.43280147
File: 802 KB, 1632x2316, 1676670156282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43280263

>> No.43280182
Quoted by: >>43281005

>And there's an outstanding number of people who do the latter.
evidently considering how many people advice doing that in this thread

>> No.43280263

I love this brat vtuber. Would fuck until unconscious.

>> No.43280305

> keep face smashing against a wall
someone post THAT shondo webm/video

>> No.43280819

shondo for the love of god

>> No.43280820

that wasn't very gamer of you shonshon

>> No.43281005
Quoted by: >>43281153

Dont get me wrong, they have a point. But as I have said before if you are not smart about it then it is meaningless and it will get you nowhere.

>> No.43281153
Quoted by: >>43282656

>they have a point
what's their point?

>> No.43281155
File: 342 KB, 1571x2048, 20230125_123536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43281327

I hope poppy is ok. she had just announced her return to streaming and her Twitter got nuked. I can't find a new account by her so I assume she isn't coping well. this probably utterly crushed her

>> No.43281327

It doesn't even make sense. She's nearly as seiso as Lily unless she was calling people nigger in private messages

>> No.43281470

You have a very loose definition of nearly
>unless she was calling people nigger in private messages
She was in my DMs but only because she knows it's my fetish

>> No.43282624

I highly doubt she was, and I can imagine she's saddened by this, I hope she's ok and this doesn't effect her too hard. Khaz if you're /here/ just tell her to create a new account. It sucks but she can recover

>> No.43282635

shes in that mood

>> No.43282656
Quoted by: >>43282791

That doing the same thing overtime will eventually make you git gud. This point is partially correct, but depending on the focus of the person it may apply or not.

Pay attention next time, retardchama.

>> No.43282791
Quoted by: >>43283351

>doing the same thing overtime will eventually make you git gud
>if you are not smart about it then it is meaningless and it will get you nowhere
which one is it then? it can't be both

>> No.43283292
Quoted by: >>43283405

Is Shondo okay?

>> No.43283351
Quoted by: >>43283509

>play chess without thinking will only get you so far until you hit a wall, effectively making you go nowhere if you just keep focused on doing the same thing
>play chess and thinking your next move will get you around that metaphorical wall and increase your odds at winning against stronger adversaries
It's not rocket science, the TL;DR is just to use your head and plan rather than turning off the brain and keep doing something that it's not bringing you the results you want.

>> No.43283405

Still sick and bad sleep. She's just tired.

>> No.43283509
Quoted by: >>43283853

>just to use your head and plan rather than turning off the brain and keep doing something that it's not bringing you the results you want
i understand that part, what i don't understand is what point that's correct do the people saying you should just turn off your brain and keep doing the same thing that's not bringing you the results you want have

>> No.43283853
Quoted by: >>43283999

>what i don't understand is what point that's correct do the people saying you should just turn off your brain and keep doing the same thing that's not bringing you the results you want have
In the sense that yes, repitition can make you good. Until this moment their point is correct.

However, repitition without learning from the failures you experience will not make you improve.

>> No.43283999

but they didn't just say repetition will make you good, they specifically said only do repetition and do not try to learn
that's categorically incorrect, there's no partial credit for using some of the same words the correct answer has

>> No.43285761
Quoted by: >>43285821

Ellie affiliate stream

>> No.43285821

My daughter wife is growing up so fast

>> No.43285837

*mating press*

>> No.43286040
File: 428 KB, 1200x630, 1676677072941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overalls eroi

>> No.43286196
Quoted by: >>43286384

Ellie wondering why shes all ready got affiliate... Cute, cunny, cunny voice and panders here, ellie you know exactly why

>> No.43286384

You need literally 3 viewers and to stream for a week to get affiliate. Even fucking /asp/ 1view males are affiliate. Come on Ellie kek

>> No.43286408

she did a vertical standing splits btw

>> No.43286467
Quoted by: >>43286613

so, how do you guys eat your pizza?

>> No.43286475

Talking about her 8th birthday, i thought she was gunna admit her age for a second. So close

>> No.43286613

with my hands of course, I'm not fucking retarded

>> No.43286625

>chuk e cheese
she's retarded isn't she

>> No.43286658

thats why we like her

>> No.43286713

yeah its great

>> No.43286729

she walks such a fine line on the edgy that it totally blindsides you

>> No.43286888

Her laugh man, its too cute. I just want to strangle the life out of her

>> No.43286897

>I'm not a schizo
the one shitting up the threads...

>> No.43286974

groomer3000 acts fast

>> No.43287223

>she's into jigsaws
Girutea get ready to groom her

>> No.43287289

>yummy shark tummy
>I'll be the first to lick

>> No.43287301

Why no one is talking about the apex tournament?

>> No.43287322

No one gives a fuck about that trash game

>> No.43287365
File: 164 KB, 1130x1042, hanamabun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than 2 schizos posting on cooldown, post link.

>> No.43287434

I could not care less about that kusoge

>> No.43287442

I see you in there ren

>> No.43287656
File: 313 KB, 647x457, 1657507813998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ren, just draw her already, we already all know you're here

>> No.43287728
File: 2.05 MB, 2268x2852, 1673403888260184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't her model just a stock model?
He's probably waiting until she gets her own design

>> No.43287738

is this girl also a bong

>> No.43287756

Is it? I just assumed she drew it herself and gave it basic rigging.
She sounds American to me.

>> No.43287777

I hope not, i need more cute white cunny

>> No.43287811
Quoted by: >>43288079

he can riff off the design she drew but yeah I think that's probably best

>> No.43287903
File: 218 KB, 1212x2048, FgbOupMakAAxET5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43289275

I've seen a lot of vtubers with the exact same model style and heard it was from a free pack

>> No.43287958
Quoted by: >>43288093

>>43287442 (me)
I didn't mean you should out him...

>> No.43287990
File: 430 KB, 434x574, 1636819599414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

groomers cucking themselves with that one

>> No.43288079
Quoted by: >>43288125

Or he just doesn't want to draw her? Every artist that comes into contact with every single chuuba isn't obligated to draw them

>> No.43288082
File: 995 KB, 1115x1132, 1676679448539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for the new model

>> No.43288093

Making a list of containment breaking shondofags

>> No.43288122

I have plausible deniability, you'll never pin it on me

>> No.43288125
Quoted by: >>43288187

He's not going to fuck you

>> No.43288187
Quoted by: >>43288286

I will groom renpc

>> No.43288285
Quoted by: >>43288387

>brother sounds

>> No.43288286

t. me

>> No.43288326
File: 611 KB, 730x860, 1661066737996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43288407

Nearly all of her regulars are here

>> No.43288336
Quoted by: >>43288449

Nice job cuck, are you happy now?

>> No.43288387
Quoted by: >>43288426

"Brother" i have the rats ready

>> No.43288407
Quoted by: >>43288566

That's fine, I'm just noting the ones that are retarded enough to break containment

>> No.43288426
Quoted by: >>43288450

Biological brother and boyfriend.

>> No.43288450

Yeah, me

>> No.43288449

What happened?

>> No.43288523
File: 1.28 MB, 1600x2048, 1676679915400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the moon and the rat
I have my goons watching you

>> No.43288566

you're stretching what it means to break containment a bit here

>> No.43288652

ojismell is stronger than boysmell

>> No.43289070

Lolis are just built for ojii-sans. Laying their small pipes is a mans job, not a boys.

>> No.43289114

Aussies BTFO

>> No.43289275

it's a software called vtuber kit that allows you to design a simple model much like the character creation in a game. it's pretty neat.

>> No.43289376

>Kiki messaging Ellie

Oh absolutely nothing good can from that.

>> No.43289446

Kiki is cute so I fail to see the issue

>> No.43289485
Quoted by: >>43289587

kiko ruins everything she touches, stay away

>> No.43289537
Quoted by: >>43289566

She might be cute, but her viewers man...

>> No.43289566

Pippa has autistic viewers and I still think she's also cute. What matters to me is the chuuba.

>> No.43289587
Quoted by: >>43289829

Your shitty bait that you spammed across the entire board yesterday didnt kick off?

>> No.43289591
Quoted by: >>43289723

yeah she's definitely on the spectrum but she's cute and talking about gakilive

>> No.43289653

king shit

>> No.43289669

But you're a viewer, not a vtuber doing networking
Unless you are, then best of luck anon, you'll need it

>> No.43289723

irina was in her viewer list earlier if not still

>> No.43289829
Quoted by: >>43289904

Kiki is a massive yab machine and her fanbase is drama filled cancer. Seriously, the amount of drama one girl causes is insane. At least she's not harassing Ellie on an alt like she did Rindo.

You're replying to two people. Not that I expect a Kiki fan to not be a damn schizo.

>> No.43289884
File: 1.89 MB, 2150x3035, smugaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo calling others schizo
Go back.

>> No.43289904
Quoted by: >>43290117

based, I've literally never seen those 4 letters and not have it be some useless drama shit

>> No.43289938

First lesson: dont take random criticism serious.
Especially if it comes from 4chan. 99% of faggots here live and breath to shitpost so dont bother listening. Get one or two friends that can give you honest opinions, or even just DM older vtubers and ask them.
I am just another anon hee so you are free to ignore my opinion as well, doesnt really matter to me.

>> No.43290017

you guys told me women don't want to fuck animals

>> No.43290061

Kiki is shit, and she also have her own thread so you can fuck off there if you want to talk about her.

>> No.43290117

People always say this but I've yet to actually hear about any of this so called drama, it just sounds like people being schizo about her

>> No.43290128

>posts exactly 1 minute apart

>> No.43290221

>I enjoy it's loser energy


>> No.43290326

Art of Ellie being fucked by all 898 pokemon when?

>> No.43290370
Quoted by: >>43290441

She passed on machamp but she has lesbian energy so I'll let it slide

>> No.43290441
Quoted by: >>43290506

She didn't pass on Machamp, she passed on Machop only in that line.

>> No.43290485

ellie is a very easy woman...

>> No.43290506

same thing

>> No.43290580
File: 115 KB, 502x587, 1646499894150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in bros

>> No.43290581

>Smash anything which can grip or lick

>> No.43290632
Quoted by: >>43291264

Any good lolichuba on Youtube other than Yuko?

>> No.43290844

Literally what won't this girl fuck?

>> No.43290880

all of us

>> No.43290903


>> No.43290947

>a literal clown

>> No.43290958

kill yourself

>> No.43291171
Quoted by: >>43291329

pippa herself is harmless, kiki and her cult are cancer

>> No.43291264
File: 893 KB, 1700x2048, ild9ja9e0hga1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43291329

he said in what's basically shondo's general

>> No.43291363
Quoted by: >>43291559

how we feeling unicorns?

>> No.43291370

>boy mention
its over

>> No.43291385

damn I wish autism were half the handicap for women as for men

>> No.43291499

she wasn't role playing that, its literally how it happened

>> No.43291559

>Too autistic to not drop her spaghetti around guys
She's perfect

>> No.43291752

Do you have a script that alerts you when someone mentions kiki?
You clearly didn't read this thread because she's barely even been talked about

>> No.43291893
File: 53 KB, 425x481, 1674461521012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the post he's replying to and I like both...

>> No.43291914
Quoted by: >>43292135

I'm not the anon you were bitching about, but as a fellow shondofag I find it hilarious that you complain about any vtuber and her community given the absolute state of (you)'s

>> No.43291966


>> No.43292017
File: 59 KB, 1242x1241, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43292162


>> No.43292087
File: 110 KB, 343x252, 1646340835730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43292096

School Swimsuit.

>> No.43292118

sobbing chads

>> No.43292135

I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't bitch about anyone, but enjoy the laughs I guess

>> No.43292162

>kiki and her cult
>shondo and her cult
Find the difference I dare you

>> No.43292223

Wouldn't surprise me. There are [certainzone]friends that lurk the archive for any posts mentioning the 3letter zone in a bad light to report

>> No.43292337

holy kek

>> No.43292410
File: 102 KB, 309x295, BoyScent[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftbhz9o.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43292432

go back to your containment general, pyoncuck

>> No.43292461
Quoted by: >>43292888

Ellie put cooldowns on your redeems

>> No.43292636

erogaki holy

>> No.43292888


>> No.43292996
Quoted by: >>43293546

Shondo's fans aren't half as insufferable as Kiki's cucks. Also wake me when Shondo starts e-dating specific fans

>> No.43293165

>shondofags shitflinging with kikifags
This should be good

>> No.43293177

Shondofag's greatest sin is biting every single fucking bait

>> No.43293269

>shondofags and kikifags warring while I get sniffed

>> No.43293546

considering how many people on /uoh/ keep saying shondo general should be a thing you'd think you lot would've taken the hint by now, but apparently your autism prevents you from understanding even when it's spelled out

>> No.43293602

>discord server
I hope when you say wait a little you mean forever
Take Shondo and Lily as cautionary tales about discord

>> No.43293687
Quoted by: >>43293871

>how many people
1 person is not that many, regardless of how much you samefag

>> No.43293858

Gurmbo is announcing her shit

>> No.43293871
Quoted by: >>43294302

Same could be said about the 2 people that try to use this thread as her personal chat room
Why dont you become Bea 2.0 and go make a general for her

>> No.43293893

I'm not a Shondo fan, autist. Go back to your cuckshed.

>> No.43293899

yeah yeah kiki champs are autists, (you) are autists, we're all fucking retarded, stfu and enjoy

>> No.43293910

i'd rather argue with the most retarded pipkin than the most sane pyoncuck, it would be more civil

>> No.43293985

They call my right hand the wood chipper

>> No.43294139
File: 674 KB, 914x758, 1670397420788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura ear reveal

>> No.43294161
File: 850 KB, 1024x956, smalshark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello please look at this child.

>> No.43294207
File: 682 KB, 966x778, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute hairstyle. Too bad we're only gonna see it a bit more before she goes AWOL again.

>> No.43294302

Because unlike you, I'm not an anti

>> No.43294330
File: 746 KB, 900x747, 1671766100582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute bunny child

>> No.43294459


>> No.43294564
Quoted by: >>43294632

its alright, forehead looks way too big tho

>> No.43294632

Kissable forehead

>> No.43294741

Based gentleman. I hope she have read your recommendation.

>> No.43294937

Gura is the first chuuba I've seen that isn't a Slytherin
