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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 845 KB, 3000x4000, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_festa11307070__420b02165a40b8e7ffa987a64b6a4344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42817309 No.42817309 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?

Previous thread:>>42680691

>> No.42817326
File: 761 KB, 2506x3665, __sakura_miko_hololive_drawn_by_nekorone0222__d2b66dbb9efe26d987f6efc21001a2d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story anchor.
Post 'em if you got 'em

>> No.42817352
File: 1.50 MB, 1052x911, bounty board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.42817393
File: 3.66 MB, 1200x1920, __sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_absent__3e840a26074dd080283def85449ad81f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story recap! There... were two stories posted in the last thread.

1984: Tags: SFW, Comedy, Miko:>>42721288

Cringy Rap: Tags: Mori, songs, Lyrics:>>42800515

>> No.42817436
File: 741 KB, 3137x2438, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_o29sukizero__ae02fc94cbaef5cc654a59f653268121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prompt recap! Last thread had a lot of new prompts. Here they are in case you missed them:

Path of Exile with chuubas, starring Anon and Zaion and featuring an ensemble cast of graduates and terminations from Holo and Niji.:>>42699138

A holo of the author's choice has always been in love with the brave adventurer, Anon. So much so that she was willing to go with him on his adventure in hopes that she will one day win his heart... Unfortunately, Anon has a thing for goblins.:>>42743108

After a long day at work you ride the train back home. It's cramped as always with depressed workers just like yourself. You take a deep breath and decide to open Twitter to try and numble your thoughts with art of cute anime girls. At this point and age, you don't care anymore if other people see what you're watching on your screen, so you don't bother trying to cover it up. As you scroll down you find some lewd art work of that one pirate streamer that you sometimes watch. She strikes an erotic pose, while wearing a tight outfit. Seeing that bottom heavy body was enough to activate your neurons. So you click on her art tag and decide to enjoy more of what the fans drew. Only a couple minutes pass before you notice some quick breathing against your ear, not only that but you can feel something quite squishy pressing against your arm. You turn around expecting to see a fat old man eyeing the screen, but end up seeing a pair of heterochromic eyes right infront of you. A girl with bright red messy hair, glasses and a loose hoodie that barely is able to hide her voluptuous body keeps watching your screen and turning your eyes back to you, while her cheeks blush and her breathing becomes heavier. You can see her swallow before she opens those soft looking pink lips and stammers out one word: Ahoy.:>>42777105

Your favorite chuuba telling you that developing a parasocial relationship with a stranger is really sad and depressing and that you need to improve yourself.:>>42786352

Pekora succumbing to her inherent kemo bloodlust:>>42795468

>> No.42818883
File: 1.09 MB, 832x1280, Mio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42819148

What I would give to smell Mio’s bra. To smell her sweat, her scent. It would be intoxicating. No man would deny me this right, my privilege.

>> No.42819148
Quoted by: >>42821248

No man would, but a feline might.

>> No.42820286
Quoted by: >>42822705

Shit, it's too early to masturbate.

>> No.42821248
File: 5 KB, 243x208, TAIGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42841180


>> No.42822705

Shouldn't let that stop you

>> No.42824599
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x2467, 2daddc105118271813e77734bbd55616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42824766

I love this wolf hag a lot. Nothing would keep us apart. Not a mountain, an ocean, or even a pissed off cat.

>> No.42824710



>> No.42824766
File: 198 KB, 683x362, gwerqgw4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry dude, she's already been used by the whole neighbourhood

>> No.42824835

The whole neighborhood? Me.

>> No.42826384
File: 3.47 MB, 338x720, 1675765672481620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42828286

I want to write but it’s 2:30AM…

>> No.42829339

Knowing that /b*come/ has become a dirty word in this general, I propose... a reverse!
You and the chuuba get isekai'd but it's her RM that's /become/ the chuuba
One of the more schizo concepts there, definitely

>> No.42830251

What's the point of the dual Isekai?
Your not exactly adding more to it since she'd already be a 'knowledgeable outworlder' by way of all of them watching anime and playing games (as is the standard for the genre).
Though if you do want to keep it a second person pov I think (You) being an Isekai world native might be an interesting twist to the formula. Idunno maybe you're some gritty adventurer beaten down by the world that finds a new purpose trying to guide a girl that came from nowhere.

>> No.42830716
File: 85 KB, 1016x555, grimgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42850092

I was thinking that it would be like a Grimgar-esque isekai where the world is a lot tougher and grittier. Sure, they know anime and video games, but has any of that taught them the right way to stab a Kobold before it smashes your skull in? Plus they wouldn't know how to actually act out their vtuber selves: Shion would struggle to actually use magic, Gura would trip over herself using a trident, Pekora would... I dunno, chuck her hair carrots at a slime enemy?
Your idea is interesting too, though! It can focus on both you guiding the chuuba and also the chuuba herself coming to grips with her new form. From entertaining an audience over the stream to having to fight for her life in an unfamiliar world.
You can also have ALL of them get /become'd/ and isekai'd as their chuuba selves, and they'll either have get their shit together or get torn apart

>> No.42832230

stopped reading

>> No.42832790
Quoted by: >>42833117

>Though if you do want to keep it a second person pov I think (You) being an Isekai world native might be an interesting twist to the formula. Idunno maybe you're some gritty adventurer beaten down by the world that finds a new purpose trying to guide a girl that came from nowhere.
This sounds interesting, though it needs some smooth bridging of the unusually big knowledge gap that exists between the self-insert and the reader. Usually the POV character is the one being educated by more knowledgeable people, not the other way around.

>> No.42833117

I mean it is 'solved' by the chuuba being in the position of 'idiot that needs to get shown the ropes'.
To get the obvious fantasy example out of the way it could be them trying to video game their way through a dungeon and needing you to rescue them so you can show them how the world is much more dangerous than what they thought, or trying to get them to be low-key so they don't bring attention to themselves in town, etc.
You'd play the jaded mentor but the lesson/worldbuilding is still getting doled out to the audience... Also nothing is stopping you from making interludes from their perspective if you need that mentor teaching scrub perspective.

>> No.42833151
File: 250 KB, 504x434, 1675043442138979.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42833285

I still want to make a story about chuubas suddenly being thrown into the real world with massive repercussions to society as we know it...

I've gone through several iterations of this idea, all of them could work, I'm just too lazy to write them.

>> No.42833212

That's fair. I'm guess I'm still kinda new to the Second Person style common here, so it feels weird to have the self-insert posess a lot of knowledge that the reader doesn't and which gets revealed bit by bit.

>> No.42833223

Why does the woman always need the help of the man?

>> No.42833285

I have something along those lines worked into the backstory of one of my stories, but there hasn't been an opportunity to bring it up in a way that feels natural. Yet.

>> No.42833542

Anyone got a raw version of Post-Lamy Morning Procedure? The Textbin versions are censored because that site eventually decided to censor all swearing and words like 'sex' because we can't have nice things

>> No.42833663

It's more believable that way.

>> No.42834346
File: 693 KB, 1207x1000, 1676045759467313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42834872

Google docs chads win again.

>> No.42834407
File: 757 KB, 1355x1920, SuiseiDarkside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42834575

I wouldn't trust Suisei to survive if she's dropped five blocks away from her house let alone an entire new planet

>> No.42834575

And you're so knowledgeable that you'd nail it, am I right?

>> No.42834599
Quoted by: >>42834837

Because that's how life works, sweetie. Your kind are too stupid to live without male support.

>> No.42834629
File: 209 KB, 850x1296, SuiseiJealous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda rude to call Suisei an it but yeah

>> No.42834701

nta but I have a tremendously big ego, so yes.

>> No.42834837 [DELETED] 

That's a tranny not a woman. The women live in /wvt/ and /MANS/.

>> No.42834872

Yea this was before the Google Docs became the norm. I mean the first was on pastebin of all things. Still trying to scavenge things as the /become/ archive got pastebin nuked too.

Can you edit Google Docs once you pub them or not If I gotta carry this damn archive on my back I want to do it right.

>> No.42835310
File: 412 KB, 1736x1736, 1659414363542072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloJourneys: A Summoner's Recollection (Series Landing Page)

Anchoring this since I think it got missed getting into the archive when I posted it with chapter 18. It also reminded me that I need to update the landing page itself whenever I create a new chapter.
Also wanted to announce that I finished the soft rewrite of chapters 1-3. I am glad I took the suggestions to give them a good hard look and apply some of the skills I've gained since they were first written to them. What might have looked okay when I first posted them looked absolutely rough and unpolished. I had a bit of fun going back to the beginning and trying to paint a better picture of what happened there. It also made me appreciate how far the story has gone, and how far I've come as well since I first started writing again. I hope you other anons know you're also improving and getting better with every story you make. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the result and hope anyone who gives them a read enjoys them.

>> No.42837287
File: 970 KB, 2703x4096, KsonTits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta clean up my image folders, I keep almost doxxing myself with accidentally posting pics of me

>> No.42837879
Quoted by: >>42838335

Why are they even in the same folder?

>> No.42838025

We already know what you look like, Kson, you don't have to beat around the bush

>> No.42838335

I'm just a lazy fuck that hasn't separated folders for chuubas yet.

If I had a limitless supply of Kson ass pics I'd never bother coming here and just masturbate all day

>> No.42839037

I hate this image because it reminds me of slampig kson and how no one took that prompt

>> No.42839103
File: 24 KB, 524x431, 1676142680280336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manhandling Kobo.

>> No.42840632

>Can you edit Google Docs once you pub them or not If I gotta carry this damn archive on my back I want to do it right.
Yes, you can.

>> No.42840670

Alternatively, just don't. Nobody cares about /become/ crap except you.

>> No.42841180
Quoted by: >>42842464

i'm going to drop-kick this smug cunt over the tokyo expressway
>verification not required

>> No.42842464
File: 105 KB, 540x558, i see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fic where taiga gets turned into a hag and she tries to prevent you from fucking Mio so you do the second best thinglock her in a closet and fuck Mio

>> No.42842727 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 463x662, images (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42842884

>slapping noises
>Taiga screaming from the closet, her hand swiping like a paw from below the door

>> No.42843788

Taiga should be a bratty fat lolibaba

>> No.42846299
File: 425 KB, 850x785, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lape Ramy
TAGS: Lamy,Comedy, Rape,

>> No.42849133
Quoted by: >>42853606

>Comedy, Rape
I really doubt it, but I'll give it a read once I have the time.

>> No.42849304

but she should definitely grow a proper bush

imagine that when she does all the bent-over posing on-stream

>> No.42850092
Quoted by: >>42854070

This sounds like an interesting idea. A normal girl suddenly being forced into their character and gaining all the character’s respective abilities has potential. I have no clue why you brought up /become/, though.

>> No.42850195

???? What did you hope to achieve by asking this?

>> No.42850253

My review is that I liked it more than I did not like it. Good work.

>> No.42850732
Quoted by: >>42912137

Wtf she is a twig

>> No.42852778
Quoted by: >>42866756

Only got chapter 1: https://files.catbox.moe/qcbj79.txt
Also an old-ish version of the catalogue: https://files.catbox.moe/8k1owh.txt
Let me know if there's anything else missing. I think I have some files scattered around my computer

>> No.42852902
File: 191 KB, 270x283, 1670738895091410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42854782

Rape do be extremely funny

>> No.42853606
Quoted by: >>42898062

>Lamy gets raped while the Seinfeld theme plays/canned laughter erupts

>> No.42854070
Quoted by: >>42854837

actually may I ask what's the qrd on /become/? I wasn't exactly here for that arc

>> No.42854782
Quoted by: >>42857905

>zaion rape fic where she bitterly mocks Anon's smorgasboard of rape victims during and after the act

>> No.42854837
File: 291 KB, 750x900, 1621954502537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People wanted to be Lamy
>Made a thread called /become/
>Lamys started going schizo and broke containment
>Other people got mad
>Jannies perma nuked /become/
That's the quick run down.

>> No.42856173

Oh damn, so that's what happened...
Well, that's the general idea yeah -- normal girl becomes the chuuba, and it doesn't even have to be an isekai. Just drop them into the world of the character, and they suddenly find themselves in a fish out of water situation
>"It's ya boi... wait, I'm supposed to do WHAT with this scythe?"
>"Why are there only carrots in the fridge...? Oh fuck-- I mean, p-peko."
>"Listen guys, I'm not really a pirate. You can't expect me to make this person walk the plank!"

>> No.42857905

>zaion rape fic
this but unironically

>> No.42863301

>‘’Oh no! A woman!’’
i laughed

>> No.42863549

"I love bugs, I love big bugs."
-Gawr Gura

>> No.42863724
File: 258 KB, 1543x1924, 5775c3fbcde2323150cf72c531c0a40c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863947

Weekends only half started bros. What are you planning to do with the rest of it? What ya writing, reading, planning, editing? What are you hoping to get done before the new week starts?

>> No.42863947
File: 65 KB, 867x521, 1673806354931751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42867053


>> No.42866756

>Also an old-ish version of the catalogue: https://files.catbox.moe/8k1ow
Yea that one tracks with the one I found via wayback. Seems that nothing really updated after that.
And I'm in same boat for only having chapter 1. If I saved the later ones they've vanished into the unorganized mess of files I have stored on this box.

Half truth half rrat. Nice.
From what can be seen its one janny who's got the problem. He's the one who's trying to maximize the amount of money he gets paid working here.
Which is funny as he is paid 0.00 either way

>> No.42867053
File: 1.31 MB, 1151x1050, 1672505714835598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit those books then anon. When you're done you can take a bit to get back to whatever you would rather be doing instead.

>> No.42870201

The only thing that I didn't like was the "I'm raising this child without you", the rest was funny

>> No.42870278
File: 182 KB, 576x755, 1646426078893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the caretaker/manager or assistant of the Hag Football team, your duty is to satisfy the hags needs after and before a match

>> No.42871802

I know this probably refers to soccer, not American Football, but the idea of watching Mio fucking full send tackle someone into the dirt is really funny.

>> No.42872449
Quoted by: >>43001590

Thinking of soccer made me imagine a version with football hooligan holos running their fanbases like firms

>> No.42872536

You can tackle someone in soccer too, just once time per meach though

>> No.42874374
File: 443 KB, 2480x3508, RisuDetroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but it's ice hockey

>> No.42874740 [DELETED] 
File: 358 KB, 1448x2048, 1674623598720141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a lurker, i don't really write shit. but that prompt from >>42777105 lit a fire under me that i couldn't ignore. i doubt this will satisfy you, but i hope it will at least tickle your belly.

Today was horrible.

Just like yesterday, and the day before that, and the one before that, too. Just like every day in recent memory, come to think of it.

Work has left you hallow, drained and lacking any energy or emotion. Riding the train back to your home, your hand hangs loosely to the ceiling hanger to keep you in place, your eyes idly wandering around the car. Everyone looks just like you: depressed, distressed, and miserable. Just another day.

With a silent, heaving sigh you pull out your phone and open up Twitter, hoping that the algorithm will show you those cute anime girls that manage to soothe your soul. That website is a trash fire to be sure, but it does have its uses sometimes. Plenty of cute girls, cute animals, and a plethora of easily accessible porn for when you're feeling in the mood. Your mind flashes a warning thought through your brain, warning you that you shouldn't be doing this because of what others might see and think, but you dismiss it quickly; you're 3X years old and you don't care what anyone else thinks. You're an adult, they're strangers who you'll likely never meet again, and it just doesn't matter in the end.

The train jostles as it travels along, up and down, side to side on the rails, as your thumb continues to swipe your phone from bottom to But as you're scrolling, your eyes catch something...a rather salacious artistic image of a red-haired, twin-tailed girl. You immediately recognize her as a streamer you've kept your eye on for some time. A girl who stylizes herself as a pirate captain, yet she looks like she would instead be ravished by the same pirates she would associate with.

The artwork your eyes are affixed to is rather lewd; while she's in her iconic outfit, the artist positioned her in such a way that you're given a tasteful view of her from behind. Her outfit is tight and form-fitting, and definitely shows off her ample assets, which consist of a pair of clevage that you could drown in, to say nothing of what her lower body offers. Your eyes start to follow the curves of her thick thighs and ass, slowly switching to her beautiful hips, and then to her chest, drinking in the details at every moment. Whoever did this deserves praise, if not a slap on the back and a few free beers. Your addled brain has been shaken out of its work-induced stupor, and you click on the art tag to see more. Some are rather tame in comparison, some are...more explicit. But you find yourself continuing on and on, searching for more of this girl to satisfy your needs.

It's only after a while you notice that someone is directly behind you, pressed against you in the cramped confines of the train. You can feel your arm enveloped by fatty tissue, and the hot breath from their lips against your ears. You briefly pause and fight off a cold sweat. 'Is someone watching me?' 'Who could it be?' 'He feels like a sweaty old man.' 'I should turn around and confront them.' 'I bet it's a fat ojii-san with a massive belly.' You take a deep breath to steady yourself, and turn around to face them.

What your eyes are met with is not the embodiment of the cuckold king, but a pair of piercing eyes. One yellow, the other red. A girl stands pressed against you, dressed messily in a hoodie that cannot hide her bright crimson hair nor adequately conceal her heaving chest and ample body. A pair of fogged glasses hang loosely on her nose, as if they're about to fall off at any moment. As you stare at her, she stares back at you, her eyes quickly darting from yours down to your phone -- which is frozen on an image of her in another lewd pose and outfit -- and back again. You try to summon your courage and say something, but no words come out. Your gaze is fixed on her face and those eyes.

This continues for what seems like hours, but could only be seconds, as she keeps looking between you and the image of her. Her chest rises and falls in quick bursts as she continues to look back and forth. Her cheeks become as red as her hair as she looks, and finally she stops to look you dead in the eyes. She swallows, her throat visibly bulging from the effort, before she opens her mouth and utters a single word.


>> No.42874791

imagine the smell

>> No.42875019
File: 358 KB, 1448x2048, 1674623598720141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a lurker, i don't really write shit. but that prompt from >>42777105 lit a fire under me that i couldn't ignore. i doubt this will satisfy you, but i hope it will at least tickle your belly.

Today was horrible.

Just like yesterday, and the day before that, and the one before that, too. Just like every day in recent memory, come to think of it.

Work has left you hallow, drained and lacking any energy or emotion. Riding the train back to your home, your hand hangs loosely to the ceiling hanger to keep you in place, your eyes idly wandering around the car. Everyone looks just like you: depressed, distressed, and miserable. Just another day.

With a silent, heaving sigh you pull out your phone and open up Twitter, hoping that the algorithm will show you those cute anime girls that manage to soothe your soul. That website is a trash fire to be sure, but it does have its uses sometimes. Plenty of cute girls, cute animals, and a plethora of easily accessible porn for when you're feeling in the mood. Your mind flashes a warning thought through your brain, warning you that you shouldn't be doing this because of what others might see and think, but you dismiss it quickly; you're 3X years old and you don't care what anyone else thinks. You're an adult, they're strangers who you'll likely never meet again, and it just doesn't matter in the end.

The train jostles as it travels along, up and down, side to side on the rails, as your thumb continues to swipe your phone from bottom to top, but as you're scrolling, your eyes catch something...a rather salacious artistic image of a red-haired, twin-tailed girl. You immediately recognize her as a streamer you've kept your eye on for some time. A girl who stylizes herself as a pirate captain, yet she looks like she would instead be ravished by the same pirates she would associate with.

The artwork your eyes are affixed to is rather lewd; while she's in her iconic outfit, the artist positioned her in such a way that you're given a tasteful view of her from behind. Her outfit is tight and form-fitting, and definitely shows off her ample assets, which consist of a pair of cleavage that you could drown in, to say nothing of what her lower body offers. Your eyes start to follow the curves of her thick thighs and ass, slowly switching to her beautiful hips, and then to her chest, drinking in the details at every moment. Whoever did this deserves praise, if not a slap on the back and a few free beers. Your addled brain has been shaken out of its work-induced stupor, and you click on the art tag to see more. Some are rather tame in comparison, some are...more explicit. But you find yourself continuing on and on, searching for more of this girl to satisfy your needs.

It's only after a while you notice that someone is directly behind you, pressed against you in the cramped confines of the train. You can feel your arm enveloped by fatty tissue, and the hot breath from their lips against your ears. You briefly pause and fight off a cold sweat. 'Is someone watching me?' 'Who could it be?' 'He feels like a sweaty old man.' 'I should turn around and confront them.' 'I bet it's a fat ojii-san with a massive belly.' You take a deep breath to steady yourself, and turn around to face them.

What your eyes are met with is not the embodiment of the cuckold king, but a pair of piercing eyes. One yellow, the other red. A girl stands pressed against you, dressed messily in a hoodie that cannot hide her bright crimson hair nor adequately conceal her heaving chest and ample body. A pair of fogged glasses hang loosely on her nose, as if they're about to fall off at any moment. As you stare at her, she stares back at you, her eyes quickly darting from yours down to your phone -- which is frozen on an image of her in another lewd pose and outfit -- and back again. You try to summon your courage and say something, but no words come out. Your gaze is fixed on her face and those eyes.

This continues for what seems like hours, but could only be seconds, as she keeps looking between you and the image of her. Her chest rises and falls in quick bursts as she continues to look back and forth. Her cheeks become as red as her hair as she looks, and finally she stops to look you dead in the eyes. She swallows, her throat visibly bulging from the effort, before she opens her mouth and utters a single word.


>> No.42877653
Quoted by: >>42879414

Depressingly enough they don't want sex. Despite the recruiter strongly implying it.

>> No.42879402

cool ficlet bro

>> No.42879414

Some peple get horny after exercising

>> No.42880366
File: 2.25 MB, 1680x2388, MioShirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first half of Botan/Mio Ringo is perfect sweaty post exercise hag smut

>> No.42880567
Quoted by: >>42881433

When I first started working out, whenever I left the gym, fucking was the only thing in my mind on the walk home. But nowadays that doesn't really happen anymore

>> No.42881433
Quoted by: >>42882137

For me it usually happens while I'm lifting. I actually get boners too. Good thing I'm homegym master race

>> No.42882137

If you're getting boners while lifting you're not lifting hard enough

>> No.42883742
Quoted by: >>42901775

>i don't really write shit.
Are you for real? You should definitely have a go at something longer. Though short, this is far better quality than the majority of first attempts at writing I’ve read here. Well done Anon.

>> No.42885535

I still get random boners.

>> No.42886415
File: 252 KB, 533x800, 1676182351043024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, I'm not saying I personally like cumming on my figurines, but if it's official Cover merchandise of Botan with hard nipples, then maybe...

>> No.42886480

Wow, those are some prominent nips.

>> No.42886795
File: 3.11 MB, 2900x3700, BotanDrunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42887410
Quoted by: >>42931726

Gonna act out Cascade of White with this

>> No.42888368
File: 973 KB, 888x1242, 1676190237975013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm willing to bet she specifically asked for that detail.

>> No.42888772

I hope so. That would make it 10x hotter

>> No.42890479 [DELETED] 
File: 2.87 MB, 2197x3052, kronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42890742
File: 211 KB, 491x339, me_and_marine_are_the_same_person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42892215


>> No.42892140

vouch i was the neighborhood

>> No.42892215
Quoted by: >>42894083

Thinking about that grooming Kobo story now...

>> No.42894083
Quoted by: >>42936504

Man, it's such a shame that that fic skipped through the 'content' of the grooming to effectively only showing the prologue and epilogue of the concept. There was at least a three chapter mini-series in there. I really hope that author comes back to that concept

>> No.42894865 [DELETED] 

kill yourselves indogs, nobody cares about your shitty gura ripoff

>> No.42895027

burger here, I care about indo rip off gura

>> No.42895205

indog here, i know i'm a parasitic leech on the underbelly of the wealthy anglosphere and that i have literally nothing to say worth listening to, but i'm going to continue shitting the thread up constantly because i need the gift cards to play hogwarts legacy

>> No.42895292

finally, some honesty

>> No.42895349
Quoted by: >>42895591

why don't you get a job and buy it yourself?

>> No.42895591
Quoted by: >>42895701

because i'm a terminally online work-shy peasant with delusions of grandeur that likes shitposting on 4chan only slightly less than i like harree pooter

>> No.42895701

start at a job as a janitor. more often than not you're on your own minding your business, then gradually you can come more and more out of your shell.

that's what helped me anyway

>> No.42895704
Quoted by: >>42903773

by the way, you guys should try out this delicious traditional indog cuisine i'm eating right now called pagpag, it's so good basically everyone is eating it

>> No.42896361

>chumpedo's egot gets hurt because another streamer is blue
>shitposts the thread
Well, Gura sure is back, now all he needs is to pull the numbers table

>> No.42898062
Quoted by: >>42898442

Laughtracks are so overused and defeat the entire purpose of comedy.

>> No.42898442

[background laughter]

>> No.42899260
File: 786 KB, 2418x3465, koyobirthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyo has a pretty unique way of speaking, but I have no idea how to replicate it in written English prose. I don't even know if I could express it in Japanese written form.

>> No.42900778
Quoted by: >>42971562

Doesn't matter. No-one here watches streams so we won't know if you mess up.

>> No.42901775

first of all, a sincere thank you for the kind words. secondly, i know i have some writing talent but i hate the writing process. i'm more of an idea man and editor desu. in that capacity, i've been working closely with another anon here on his work, and i'm proud to say i've been instrumental in helping him produce an amazing story. some day i might to try my hand at a full length piece, but for now i'm content with what i've got.

>> No.42902114
Quoted by: >>42903522

You also have a lot of potential as a critic, I think. Great work

>> No.42902257
Quoted by: >>42903522

I'm deeply curious now. But thank you for the short tidbit, was nice.

>> No.42903504
Quoted by: >>42918815

Well tell the thread your observations/notes. Maybe talking/writing it out will help you think of how you'd transcribe it, or it could also get another anon to point you towards an accent/way of speaking that already exists in English that you could use

>> No.42903522
Quoted by: >>42903778

again, thank you for the positivity. i did enjoy writing that short fic, since marine is one of my oshis. i might do it again if i see another prompt that strikes my mood.

as for your curiosity, i want to explain more but i haven't asked for permission from the writer anon to explicitly name him. the best i can say is that it's a multi chapter story and that it's good enough to cause someone here to become so booty-blasted he has to shit on it at every opportunity; most likely because he can't create something of its caliber.

>> No.42903773

Pagpag is Filipino in origin.

>> No.42903778

I find it funny that this description somehow fits two series + a smut fic here

>> No.42905656


>> No.42905668

>Koyori still hasn't gotten a gokkun fic

>> No.42906137
File: 122 KB, 850x1191, foob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partners in crime, chapter 2: Lunch with the Kami
Tags: Kurokami, Fubuki, Ayame, Iroha, SFW

As always, feedback is deeply appreciated

>> No.42906165
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x1024, 1676007516238133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn! I was looking forward to this! Gonna give this a read later after I'm back from playing some weiss with my updated holo decks.

>> No.42906553
Quoted by: >>42983722

This story feels like it was written by an ESL who's trying his best. And I don't mean that in a derogatory way. It's clunky and the dialogue feels weird in places, but it has SOUL. I want to see where things go from here.

>> No.42908653
File: 1.21 MB, 1032x1437, IrohaGrab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42909596


******teru* *idegogiruyo!!!

>> No.42909832
Quoted by: >>42909976



>> No.42909976
Quoted by: >>42910284

Translate it, weebs

>> No.42910284
Quoted by: >>42910410

>"Kazama has less than everyone thinks!"
>"Please confirm them well!"

>> No.42910410

Thank you

>> No.42912137

The rrat I heard second on /vt/ was that she had some sort of digestive health issues while growing up and it stunted her growth. Also, some people are just naturally tiny.

>> No.42912477

>every single concept I come up with inevitably devolves into porn of bitches with hairy pussies
How do I stop this?

>> No.42912674
Quoted by: >>42913011

Clearly you need to write about bitches with hairy pussies to let it all out. I'd recommend Korone and Mio.

>> No.42913011
File: 317 KB, 2108x1142, doog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hard time thinking about Korone sexually. I mean look at her. She even has that dopey expression of vacant contentment that dogs get when they're happy.

>> No.42913945

You're not trying hard enough, then. Her ASMR drives my dick into a feeding frenzy and while her character model might look dopey, she knows what's up. She is far from innocent.

>> No.42914007
File: 679 KB, 2653x4096, KoroShirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might be a bit fruity

>> No.42914224
File: 2.02 MB, 568x838, 1663441428673724.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just gay

>> No.42914343
File: 784 KB, 2361x4096, e3cdznytzaz51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea sure whatever you say bro

>> No.42914676

I was browsing Korone porn to prove you wrong and I found some extremely hot artwork so thanks for that

>> No.42916963
Quoted by: >>42983722

Another great hit.

>> No.42917961

Don’t worry Anon, while I do want to sex the dog, I understand what you mean.

>> No.42918815
Quoted by: >>42922621

If we were face to face I would be able to imitate it, but trying to write it out is hard. A lot of the time her voice escalates as she speaks and as a result the end of the sentence is louder than it was at the start. She also extends her vowels a lot, though I guess for that you could just use “~”. Again, it’s overall hard to explain.

>> No.42919791

You could commit suicide and remove your disgusting hair fetish from the world

>> No.42922621

Using things like "~" in the right spots is a good tool. You can also do things like elongate the vowels via typing the vowel itself in the world more than once.

>> No.42924036

Add a Chekov's razor somewhere in the first act.

>> No.42924627
File: 303 KB, 1536x2048, 1676179747808987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ollie has to hold in your cum when you creampie her right before a ninja mission

>> No.42925173

There's never enough time to fit in a full body workout god damn it

>> No.42928551 [DELETED] 

Cute Zombie.

>> No.42928733
File: 2.24 MB, 2121x3000, 1672677309047512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42983722

So I got around to reading this, and I couldn't help but feel some whiplash from what I remembered of chapter 1. The grammar compared to the first chapter felt a little clunky in places, but not so much so that I couldn't get the gist of things. I also feel like there is a lot of background information being thrown at the reader in regards to the setting and characters, but I still feel like I'm just making guesses and inferences.
I think your story would benefit more from glossing things up a little scene wise. I also felt like there was a lot of instances where Anon reacts to something in a way where there is some background context to him doing so, but it's not really touched on so far. The scene with Iroha was pretty fun! Dorky samurai doesn't get enough love, so I was pleased to see her included. Overall, I'm enjoying the interactions and the relationships as they get fleshed out and explored. If the scenes themselves can get more color to them, this story can really shine. I also think the angle of a person getting into relationships with servants of gods and such is a cool one. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

>> No.42928838

We haven't gotten an Ollie fic in what feels like years.

>> No.42929006

What the fuck am I looking at? There's an arm reaching across the table that I assumed was Kobo's, but there's also a body in the foreground. Is this a yab?

>> No.42929370

It is. Her prosthetic hand fell off and somehow that moved the camera I think maybe the hand was attached to the camera for some reason?? but yeah Kobo says something like goblom calmly and then covers the screen of the camera with her other hand.

>> No.42929431
Quoted by: >>42929757

>>42929370 (me)
Goblom = stupid, or the classic Japanese baka. She was berating herself

>> No.42929534

That's her body btw she weighs like 39kg

>> No.42929757
Quoted by: >>42929851

I have a certain amount of respect for people who learn Indonesian.

>> No.42929851

It's called Google translate. But we do have an Indonesian in this general besides shitposters. He helped me translate something once

>> No.42931726

Not going to lie, maybe it's time to live out that urge if I end up getting this one. (I wrote it)

>> No.42931917

>prosthetic hand
The fuck? She’s missing a limb?

>> No.42931983


>> No.42932101
Quoted by: >>43015002

Not a limb, just her hand.

>> No.42933120
File: 267 KB, 598x484, dough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of IDs, I think it's been several months since I last even saw someone mention Zeta. It's only Kobo and Kaela. Jesus Christ, even Iofi at her lowest was more talked about than Zeta

>> No.42933400

Zeta is strong, but like say Fauna or Mel, she's better at supporting someone's bit or streaming in duos
by herself she's pretty cute and decent, but not that memorable and she fades into non-existance in bigger collabs
That and some trannys here try really hard to force her with axel like they force vesper and kronii

>> No.42933604
Quoted by: >>42933810

I searched for the last Zeta thread on /vt/, they clearly get to bump limit at least, but it takes them about a week. Also, I found this in there which is pretty hot

>Zeta's r u 'avin a wank m8?
>Zeta's who cares it's just a wank, whatever
>Zeta's bad boy

>> No.42933810

She collabed with my oshi some time ago and i liked her, but i already have my hands full
I sometimes go to their threads and bump it for them, any friend of Bae is my friend

>> No.42936504
File: 780 KB, 1233x465, KoboCreampieCropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I kinda dropped the ball on that one, was too horny to realize it's full potential. I might go back to it sometime

>> No.42941458
Quoted by: >>42950246

I've got something like that in the works, though the ninja mission is "Showing off the outfit to her mother"

>> No.42944195
File: 509 KB, 608x733, 1676229034210044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42947483
File: 109 KB, 1170x1125, PolkaLoliTweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42947856

>> No.42947856
Quoted by: >>42950503

I find it pretty crazy how well engrained loli and shota are in Japanese culture to the point where Vtubers making actual advances on little boys is played off as a gag

>> No.42949145
File: 596 KB, 712x657, 1676228772540844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard it here first folks. Fubuki prefers her sex to last for around an hour and a half, maybe an hour if she's feeling tired. So don't go overboard!

>> No.42949382

hah, jokes on her, I'd probably last 5 minutes

>> No.42949386

She's getting 2 minutes or 5 if she's lucky and I'm tired

>> No.42950246

I like the sound of that

>> No.42950503

When has a chuuba ever made advances on an actual child?

>> No.42951047

I thought that people were shipping him with his manager now, especially after he decided to delay their A Way Out collab indefinitely.

>> No.42951986


>> No.42952523

I don't know, Iofi could be basically gone from the board for long times while Zeta is mentioned in /hlgg/ when she's streaming. She's also grey Lamy, mentioned when Axel comes up, and /who/ used to talk about her. Plus /V7/ is much more consistently there than /pagi/. Plenty of holos don't have their own 24/7 general.

>> No.42952536

her face is oddly circular there

>> No.42952597
Quoted by: >>42952704

That's very doable with foreplay.

>> No.42952704

If you count foreplay as sex, I guess. Which it isn't, although the original post didn't specify what kind of lewd activities Fubuki enjoys, just "sex" which could mean anything as long as long as sexual gratification and one or more of her holes are involved

>> No.42953253

Marine and Noel

>> No.42953288

Use someone unexpected to have one instead of a kemomimi hag maybe one of the Holo Elves?

>> No.42953747
Quoted by: >>42955207

I’ve edged myself for 6 hours straight before. I can handle her.

>> No.42954439

Marine and Fubuki

>> No.42955193

Write about the ones who are confirmed to clean shave even on their spare time, and the ones who find pubes gross, like Nene, Moona, etc

>> No.42955207
Quoted by: >>42957163

Now try it again without any breaks between strokes

>> No.42957163

But that's just regular masturbating.

>> No.42958778

Good to hear.

>> No.42959105

90 minutes sex with Fubuki but the experience is so mind blowing that you can't get enough of it and you continue to fuck her brains out as soon as you become horny again.

>> No.42959595
File: 521 KB, 2403x3473, I aint into yuri but....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever dropped two individual stories at once?

>> No.42960056

People have dropped multiple chapters at once and people have also posted multiple stories in the same thread before.

>> No.42960520
Quoted by: >>42960641

Our cures was dropped all at once and Holojourneys has dropped multiple chapters at the same time.

>> No.42960641
Quoted by: >>42960857

>Holojourneys has dropped multiple chapters at the same time
Speaking of, just a quick reminder to the HJ guy that your stuff is garbage and nobody reads it.

>> No.42960857
Quoted by: >>42961233

Imagine a story being so rent free in your head you feel the need to shit on it every time it is brought up

>> No.42961233
Quoted by: >>42961314

Imagine continuing to write such garbage even though not a soul in the thread cares about it. Are you just lonely?

>> No.42961314
Quoted by: >>42961394

Anon, your reading reps...

>> No.42961378

I wish my fics could live rent free inside of a schizo's head.

>> No.42961394

You don't even have a clue what you're talking about. Sad and pathetic

>> No.42961467

I get tingles on my dick when I do abs

>> No.42961523

I have posted multiple stories in the samr thread before

>> No.42962573
Quoted by: >>42967679

Are you thinking of posting two fics on Valentine's day?

>> No.42967271

I need to keep reminding myself this isn't /hag/ with the OP

>> No.42967679

Not really, I was just curious.

>> No.42968642
File: 1.55 MB, 1418x1750, 1676296493841255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42968961

To be fair, there's quite a bit of overlap. We've got our fair share of hag enjoyers around these parts.

>> No.42968961

Agreed. Of course there's always the forbidden Hag Prompt...
Futa Lamy x Botan
After all pretty much if there's Futa art of them it's almost always Botan with the Magnum and in control.

>> No.42969047
File: 3.34 MB, 1447x2047, 1674269393355479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some hags. Love writing about blossoming romance with hags.

>> No.42969087
Quoted by: >>42969883

>Lamy is a premature dicklet but botan still likes it
>Lamy has insane dick game and is constantly domming the lion
>Lamy getting a footjob
that's one hell of a prompt

>> No.42969105

Which is weird because Botan has called herself a sub.

>> No.42969347
File: 476 KB, 1920x1080, 1676297690064840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone sees her as a cool and confident older woman who would step on your balls without a moment's hesitation
>in actuality she just wants you to pin her down, manhandle her lioness body and have your way with her until she can't walk straight
I have the most understandable boner right now

>> No.42969388

It's that her design her choice of games and personality is often is a bit more 'masculine' than most, especially with her reactions towards them. After all Shooters and horror are ""Boys"" games and people expect girls to not only suck but get scared by them.

Lamy of course is a bit lower key personality especially with the ShishiLamy horror streams having Lamy effectively clinging to Botan's arm. during them because of how scared Lamy was.

We also get Botan being the more dominant personality with ShishiWata streams and the overall relationship especially with the Predator-Prey connection with a Lion and Sheep so her being the 'sub' in that relationship would feel unnatural.

That said I could really see Botan as a bit of power bottom DESU

>> No.42969539
Quoted by: >>42969979

Of course you gotta be brave enough to break through that guard to get her to go from phase 1 to the second phase.

>> No.42969576

>personality is often is a bit more 'masculine'
Anon, I think you're gay.

>> No.42969653

>That said I could really see Botan as a bit of power bottom DESU
we had this discussion before, Botan IS a power bottom. She just looks dominant because she hangs around ultra-subs

>> No.42969883

It's being worked on, had a little bit of kidney stone to occupy the mind these last few days, but I'm alive and the footjob will come (and hopefully so will you), don't worry

>> No.42969979
File: 547 KB, 1287x2000, 1676298666626453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a crush on Botan, the toughest girl in school
>way too intimidated to try and make a move, convinced that she'll eat you alive if you play your cards wrong
>get talking with her friend Wamy one day
>she confides in you a way that you might be able to get Botan's attention
>it sounds utterly insane, but she swears that it'll work
>fuck it, not like you had a better idea
>make your peace with God, walk right up to Botan and kabedon the wall while looking her directly in the eye
>she cums on the spot

>> No.42970025

Im not your biggest fan footguy, i was just entertaining the idea of Lamy fucking Botan's feet
with that being said, sorry you had to deal with that and i will read your fic

>> No.42970485

Great to know. I need my elf feet fics

>> No.42970564

That sounds super fun

>> No.42971430

dear HJanti,

your ceaseless and unending spergout over holojourney is one of the most hilariously pathetic things i've seen on this website. please continue to waste your time and energy shouting into the void about how bad you think the story is, while simultaneously not providing any concrete examples of why you think so. maybe you should pop out a story of your own if you have any ability to do so, so we can all laugh in your face. i look forward to your next needlessly angry post, because i always enjoy a good laugh.

marine shortfic anon (though you'll probably just think it's journeyanon trying to jab at you)

>> No.42971486

If he's the saddest thing you've seen on this website then you haven't been here very long.

>> No.42971511
File: 57 KB, 320x320, 1663299378291507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i NEED this

>> No.42971562

There is always going to be one retard who claims that they watch the streams and it's out of character even if the fanfic was written by Koyori itself.

I'm honestly starting to think that (outside of the popular EN and ID chuubas) people just say out of character to be spiteful

>> No.42971629
File: 1.20 MB, 2480x3508, 1676299573232458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42973398

>once you know what buttons to push, you can get her wrapped around your little finger
>start calling her Kitten when you're alone together
>sometimes 'accidentally' call her that in public, just to see her squirm
>one day she wears a collar to school 'as a fashion statement'
>she and you are the only ones who know about the leash you've got stashed in your bag for later
>though she manages to uphold her tough reputation, it raises a few eyebrows that you've started hanging around with her so much
>the general consensus among your classmates is that she roped you into being her errand boy
>those fools have no idea
okay I'm done now

>> No.42973398

Goddamn I love girls looking aggrieved about sexual acts. Not even rape, necessarily, more looking like you coerced them into doing something uncomfortable for your pleasure.

I am tired of all the willing and enthusiastic footjobs and pitjobs. I need more women submissive and uncomfortable with these fetishes

>> No.42973587

100% agree.

>> No.42973669

Next time drink more water dipshit

>> No.42973835

Botan as a calm and cheeky sub sounds fun. That's a combination we don't have yet afaik

>> No.42977134
File: 104 KB, 850x1133, kurofeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuro giving you a footjob

>> No.42977839


>> No.42979930
File: 3.29 MB, 2480x3508, ReinePit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reluctant pitslut
holy based idea

>> No.42979933

Kissable feet.

>> No.42981254

That corn? Mine.

>> No.42983722
File: 2.51 MB, 5731x3852, KuroSwimsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42988977

...Thanks I guess? My dialogue still feels weird in my native language tho


Thank you for the feedback! Grammar and in general using words are the great bane of my existence. I made a conscious effort when writing this chapter, and it still ended out weird. But oh well. Little by little we figure stuff out.

Anon absolutely has some background, but I felt like I had no good time to explore it, and that it wasn't strictly needed given what happened so far. That's almost certainly going to be touched on in the next chapter.

As for the background - I have the severe problem of a point of view character that knows more about the setting than my audience. I'm trying to avoid infodumps by adding in little pieces within the narration itself, which at times just feels like I'm throwing information at the reader. Hopefully I can make things clearer from now on.

>> No.42985366

What's the difference between corruption and mind break?

>> No.42985483
Quoted by: >>42985961

Seems rather simple innit?

>> No.42985492

In corruption the participant is still entirely aware of what they're doing and eagerly leans into it, whereas in mind break they're just... not there mentally.

Corruption is a massive fetish of mine and mind break turns me right off.

>> No.42985567
Quoted by: >>42985961

Corruption implies that you work them until they turn into something they are not, but willingly

Mindbreak instead is taking the sledgehammer approach and breaking the mental state so they instantly change, but its non-consensual and fucks with their brain
TLDR: One is telling the girl ''you like cocks'' until she goes ''hell yeah, i like cocks!'' and the other is raping her and screaming ''YOU LOVE COCKS'' until she slurrs something aki to ''yes''

>> No.42985874
File: 63 KB, 194x300, Ok gyro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42987528

hell yeah, corruption is the shit, specially when they get convinced into some decently weird shit and end up loving it
or when the girl starts wearing high heels and slutwear but only for (you)

>> No.42985961

I'm a little on the slow side.
Thanks anons.

>> No.42987528
File: 2.95 MB, 480x360, 1667253847212459.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42994691

>specially when they get convinced into some decently weird shit and end up loving it
I strongly agree with you.

>> No.42988977

Yeah! The grammar will come easier with practice. Just keep at it. I'm also glad to hear some of the background is going to be explored more in the next chapter. Don't be afraid of sprinkling the info you need to across a few scenes, or even have it done via a back and forth conversation. A healthy dialogue is a good way to make presenting that background not feel like an infodump. You can also show what is needed for the situation by an internal monologue for Anon. Just having him recall what he knows internally helps the reader have context for however Anon is going to react next based on what he already knew. I'm looking forward to the next chapter dude. Do your best!

>> No.42992361

Imagine the smell.

>> No.42994691
Quoted by: >>42995465

That gif is suspicious.

>> No.42994764

Wow, give him more attention. What a great idea, that’s totally not what he’s after.

>> No.42995465
Quoted by: >>42996206

WHY is that .gif suspicious, anon?

>> No.42996206
Quoted by: >>42997074

NTA but for me, it smells like trouble

>> No.42997074

Something about it is bugging me...

>> No.43001590
Quoted by: >>43002146

Starting a football riot in order to literally steal the world cup during the awards ceremony after the Hag Football team loses in an upset.

>> No.43002146
Quoted by: >>43005685

There's an argentinian shitty streaming series with that premise kek

>> No.43005204 [DELETED] 


>> No.43005685
File: 198 KB, 394x362, baeby....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

argies baffle me. I watched that 1984 movie they made (that got nominated for an oscar) and it was really fucking interesting but then they make dogshit like that
Its either Kino or shit, no inbetween

>> No.43006473 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43006904

1984 It's all fake btw, It's like our version of the Holocaust, just that instead of jews It's communists. Also one of the director's Father was in the Militar Goverment so they're also hypocrites

>> No.43006506

Well you are talking about a country that lost to a post-Suez crisis Britain.

>> No.43006603
File: 1.81 MB, 1240x1754, 1672096591548706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterfly Bound, Chapter 1
Tags: Rushia, Marine, Coco, SFW, Fluff

It would have been an ordinary party with friends, if you hadn't alcoholized yourself almost into a coma. And if you hadn't woken up in some unknown hotel room. And if you hadn't found yourself handcuffed to a certain green-haired little someone.
Despite what the title may lead you to believe, this chapter features no bondage.

And here it is, after a good deal of rewriting and editing and fussing about this and that several times over. What had started as a simple Hangover-style prompt now arrives as... something along those lines, but with a dose of various other influences. It's an earnest attempt at exploring Rushia as a character outside of the usual same interpretations (ironic time to post this damn thing in several ways, I know, but this is when I got through the finishing touches, so fuck it), and hopefully it won't turn out too horrible.

Feedback is greatly appreciated, whatever it may entail. I'm rather critical of my own work, and I can already imagine some issues that may be mentioned, but I won't poison the well before people actually read the thing (and someone will probably find a new angle from which I fucked up).
Despite that, I sincerely hope you'll enjoy reading through it.

>> No.43006904

yeah, that makes sense
>unironic holocaust denier
yeah i dont believe a word that comes out of your mouth polturd

>> No.43007180

not reading it

>> No.43008618 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43009318

>Post-Suez crisis Britain
To be fair, NATO was involved. And we already won 3 wars against the br'ish before that
OH NYOO Don't forget the 6 gorillions killed in the masturbation machines

>> No.43009192 [DELETED] 

You seriously think the holohoax wasn't a diversionary tactic exaggerated and blown out of proportion to distract from the genuinely horrifying war crimes committed by Allied forces? You're ignorant beyond belief.

>> No.43009214
File: 1.42 MB, 1075x1006, 1650186436062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a fun read my man. I enjoyed the prose, the premise, formatting, and the interactions. I hope that you'll keep giving us little tastes of what happened the night before in the coming chapters. It's always fun to piece together shit over the course of a story. Super interesting to see where this goes. Nice job!

>> No.43009318 [DELETED] 

lol what NATO involvement?
Did NATO troops liberate Goose Green?
Did NATO sink the General Belgrano?
Your post reeks of cope mate which is especially funny considering how disillusioned Argentine troops were once they realized how British the Falklands were.

>> No.43010005 [DELETED] 

Tranny janny's here trying to make sure no-one disturbs his narrative

>> No.43010062 [DELETED] 

Reminder: they do it for free

>> No.43010601 [DELETED] 

Write some cuck black porn fic for the Jannies who are in this thread I'm sure the deadbeats will appreciate it

>> No.43011085
File: 459 KB, 608x861, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im interested in how this will play out, despite rushia not being someone i like.
I do have some problems with it. The first is the setting being a little fuzzy? I dont know how to explain it but it feels like you had the characters and then kept adding the backstories on top?
Maybe its just me, but it feels kinda weird that Marine is her pirate-cosplaying self...which is also a pirate that works for the mafia? is a bit too much but it can easily be my autism speaking
the other thing i wanna touch on is anon's writing? i know that you want to keep everything under wraps and i dont have a problem with him being kind of a wuss, but the way you ''close the doors'' as he opens them in order to not spill the beans is kinda jarring and makes him unlikeable, since he's constantly going NOPE at the plot
Last and Least, i love shitty silly romance movies with handcuffs so im a bit dissapointed you got rid of them so fast, but hey, i can get it.
Overall, nice work man, waiting for that next chapter.

>> No.43011432

>Hangover-style prompt
Fuck yeah, I remember the discussion about this and would love to see something like that explor-
Right. I think you may have curbed yourself. That said, I’ll give it a read when I have the time.

>> No.43013003

Lore-accurate Kronii

>> No.43013299
File: 653 KB, 744x1198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything with marine

>> No.43013351

Lore accurate Kroni being fucked by lore accurate Aurelion Sol

>> No.43013560

Color me interested. The banter was fun to read, and the fact that this sequence of events somehow started five goddamn months ago makes me curious where this is headed.
And Pekora being somehow involved put a smile on my face.

>> No.43013580

Didn't she get fucked by a dog recently

>> No.43013635
Quoted by: >>43013984


>> No.43013813


>> No.43013984
Quoted by: >>43014683

That's more than enough Marine

>> No.43014025
Quoted by: >>43014325


>> No.43014325
Quoted by: >>43014983

Look up marine dog

>> No.43014683

no its not

>> No.43014983
File: 1.56 MB, 1680x1120, Chesty_XV_-_USMC_Mascot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43015895


>> No.43015002

...so is it a deformity or did she get it chopped off by something? That is hardcore.

>> No.43015854

I don't actually know I don't watch her enough but given the stump I'm almost sure it was accident related

>> No.43015895
Quoted by: >>43020027

On YouTube...

>> No.43016282
Quoted by: >>43016518

I don't think people get prosthetics for deformities

>> No.43016518
Quoted by: >>43019009

My second cousins arm and hand end at his elbow because the umbilical cord wrapped around his arm in the womb and he's got a prosthesis for it

>> No.43019009
Quoted by: >>43020330

That's neat.

>> No.43019327
Quoted by: >>43022531

>taking rrats at face value

>> No.43020027
Quoted by: >>43024657


>> No.43020330

No it's not.

>> No.43022531

Let him believe a lie, anon.

>> No.43023843

I like the prose, even if it's a bit clunky. (Your sentences all feel like they could use a once over for superfluous stuff to cut.)
Though I do have to say, this is a really good hook for a prologue, and I'm really enjoying the plot and characters. The monologue is a bit much at the start but it got much better once the other characters got introduced.
Hope you make more chapters cause I want to know more about how this happened.

>> No.43024167
Quoted by: >>43024422

Never heard of Rushia before. Is she an indie Vtuber?

>> No.43024422 [DELETED] 

That'd be pretty stupid making your Vtuber name be the same as a country at war

>> No.43024534

Stop trying to bring off-topic bullshit already. Fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.43024533 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43024667

Ahem. “Special military operation.”

>> No.43024657

What a good dog.

>> No.43024667


>> No.43024689
Quoted by: >>43025024

There's an 'h' in there, important distinction. I can definitely see how you mistook the two names, though, they sound quite similar.

Go away, aggro-schizo.

>> No.43024812

This is like their third time. I don't even know why they even bother doing this here.

>> No.43025024
Quoted by: >>43025129

In case you don't know, during Rushia's termination arc Haachama started the hashtag #weloverushia but messed up the katakana so it ended up being #weloverussia

>> No.43025129

That's one hell of an impressively-timed screw-up.

>> No.43026486

I just now realized that I should've mentioned the T34 Calliope in 1984.

>> No.43026800

Damn, Bae's karaoke RP stream was great. Good fodder for the pile as always

>> No.43026906
File: 856 KB, 2822x4096, FH7buNvaQAIjgiV.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD, I love me a nice plump ass.

>> No.43027262

The zoomer rat’s romance game is too strong

>> No.43027333

I really liked this. I think it meanders a bit in the beginning but once Marine enters the picture it gets much better. The thread starting from five months ago is a great way to get the reader interested but be careful you don't bite off more than you can chew, so to speak. I like that you interpreted Marine being a pirate into being a kind of smuggler who cosplays, very clever.
My main critique is that your dialog is a bit chunky and long. It could use a bit of space or spice to keep things flowing.

Overall, great setup, I'm looking forward to more.

>> No.43027557
File: 188 KB, 1080x1080, Fo6O8VYaIAUV8A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's such a sweetheart. It's played up of course but you can tell she's a romantic.
Guess I'll be writing a Bae fic next. Honestly, part of me wants to take that karaoke stream and turn it into a fic.

>> No.43027955
File: 97 KB, 1616x257, scatfagsriseup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43028856
Quoted by: >>43028926

God, I wish that were me.

>> No.43028877
Quoted by: >>43029176

I missed it, was it great?

>> No.43028926

Me too. I'd love to be a cute Sui-chan. I'd probably spend all day masturbating, though.

>> No.43029176
Quoted by: >>43029294

Yeah, a lot of cute Bae moments and some decent comedy as well. If you're not familiar with her "stream lore" you might be a bit confused. It's not "as" good as last year's stream or the recent Christmas one but it's solid.

>> No.43029177

All that mean she’s experienced

>> No.43029294
Quoted by: >>43029449

Fuck it, I’ll watch it when I have the time. Thanks for telling us.

>> No.43029449
Quoted by: >>43029744

Like I said, it's great fodder if you're ever interested in writing Bae fluff. It gives a good window into her mindset, imo.

>> No.43029489

Suisei has suck a slappable ass. Wish more fics focus on that.

>> No.43029744

Nah, I just need to start watching more streams and vods.

>> No.43029841
File: 206 KB, 409x399, 1676365581401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43030705


>> No.43030265

Ok am I going insane or are people celebrating valentine's day like 3 months early?? Valentine's is 12th of June what the fuck is going on??

>> No.43030472
Quoted by: >>43030509

You know its celebrated on 14th of February. Why even pretend otherwise.

>> No.43030509
Quoted by: >>43031664

It literally says 12th of June on Google

>> No.43030535
File: 2.91 MB, 676x720, puffy_cheeks_and_smug_eyes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't broadcast that you're Brazilian it's not something to be proud of and it's retarded that they do it then too

>> No.43030690
Quoted by: >>43030860

Wait that doesn't make any sense. Valentine's Day was originally a feast day for St. Valentine why is it so late in the year. Are Brazilians retarded?

>> No.43030693
Quoted by: >>43030967

Wow ok that makes sense but it's really retarded. Apparently we celebrate it on June because valentine's day would happen right before carnival if we did it now. Crazy to me that they celebrate it now though

>> No.43030705

I still find it very funny how the tone of that fic was determined by the dice mostly being on anon's side.

>> No.43030860


>> No.43030864

make sense.

>> No.43030967

The rest of the world finds it crazy you think the 12th of June is the correct date.

>> No.43031268

New thread

>> No.43031664
File: 346 KB, 1637x917, valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43031961


>> No.43031961
File: 180 KB, 1080x1300, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

