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42891851 No.42891851 [Reply] [Original]

>K-ON should collab with Free!

>> No.42892349

>Unicorncels be like, that drawing is my copewaifu because I'm a loser who can't score

>> No.42892446
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Quoted by: >>42894039

Tell them sister

>> No.42892504

>has a male oshi
>this is somehow different to the femcel
the faggot isnt going to fuck you

>> No.42892507

Do you have something against fictional waifus? Damn normie

>> No.42892509

that would be kino

>> No.42893008


>> No.42893057

I remember at one time wanting to watch Free, just because there was a cute girl I it. I think it was the sister of one of the characters or the manager? I don't know. Anyway, I never bothered.

>> No.42893174

shut up beavis

>> No.42893284
Quoted by: >>42894019

K-ON sucks ass, and anyone who likes it shouldn’t be treated as a human.

>> No.42893325

Moe trannies deserve the rope.

>> No.42893342

I prefer Girls und Panzer

>> No.42893377

homobeggers and unicorns should just have sex on stream already

>> No.42893625

I prefer Lycoris Recoil, where the boys are LilyBell

>> No.42893659
Quoted by: >>42896222

It's called Hyouka and its good. What's your point OP?

>> No.42893791

they could have kept making fmp seasons instead of this gay swimmer garbage
i'll never stop shaking my head

>> No.42894019

Based and redpilled.

>> No.42894039
File: 127 KB, 680x510, 1658807412534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop appropriating our meme dumb numbernigger. Specially from Magni who likes some NijiEN members and often is in their chats.

>> No.42896222

Kill yourself

>> No.42896423

Tempiss SJW hanging out with pozzed corpos streamers? What a shocker.

>> No.42896587
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It's good as in deserves a 7 for pure quality put into that like most modern KyoAni titles, but I have to admit that the watch's been a trial to me. It took me more than a year to actually get through that.

>> No.42896606
Quoted by: >>42896762

A better comparison is nichijou vs nichibros where you loved nichijou so you try the male version because they're both basically they same show, and you realise nichibros is just better on basically every way and nichijou isn't actually that good.

>> No.42896683

Actually yes, please have Free collab with K-ON and make it a musical swimming drama

>> No.42896687

>not liking Hyouka
kys faggot

>> No.42896762

The funny part is that nichibros also has the girls in it. Too bad the author peaced out.

>> No.42896770

You first faglord. Hyouka is like 6/10 at best. Imagine comparing it to 8/10 that is K-ON.

>> No.42896798
Quoted by: >>42900677

It's not that good, the mysteries aren't that entertaining and for such non-romance to actually not make me feel anything about the characters is an achievement. 2-cours of pure nothing.

>> No.42896844
Quoted by: >>42896975

moefag detected, opinion rejected

>> No.42896975
Quoted by: >>42909210

Stay delusional. Hyouka is mediocre in every way and utterly forgettable.

>> No.42897034

Do you know where the fuck you even are? The homobegging is rotting your brain

>> No.42897221

>Homobeggars be like, that drawing is my brofriend because I'm a loser who can't connect with people in real life

>> No.42898391

Yes, and?

>> No.42900003
Quoted by: >>42900451

>all these free (you)s

>> No.42900229 [DELETED] 

no normalfagsss

>> No.42900451

It's very easy to bait "unicorns"

>> No.42900567
Quoted by: >>42902881

>Sleep inducing moe shit is 8/10
What a fucking faggot you are, kys already tranny

>> No.42900633

Same studio: KyoAni
Same company: Cover Corp
They're basically already together. Don't pander to the incel crowd. They're losers with no money.

>> No.42900677

Its a good show of a combination of beautiful KyoAni drawing and Shaft's uniqueness and aesthetic directed with such good imagery and brilliant of a director

>> No.42900730

You homotrannies are the ones with no money, you only care about owning the incels while not even watching anyone and you throw pissy fits when a chuuba says she just doesn’t wanna collab with males

>> No.42901023

>sleep-ON is 8/10
6.5/10 and this is being generous + slightly improved in season 2
hyouka is still worse than that however, overhyped shit because the main girl is cute

>> No.42901047
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>> No.42901205

what a normie fagg doing here ? or she is a sister with hypocrite shit

>> No.42902881

Don't you have to support the cause homobeggar?
Your fagoshi is a troon supporter after all.

>> No.42904693

I can't wait until their office gets burned to hell

>> No.42904981
File: 43 KB, 624x624, 1666998233820256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they literally aren't. They are from two compeletely different shows you absolute mongoloid. Just because they are done by the same studio doesn't mean they are together in any shape or form. Just like you being a whore doesn't mean your sister is.
Also vtubers should pander only to incel crowds because they should clearly do the exact opposite of what a complete retard like you thinks.

>> No.42909210

I never said that Hyouka is good you fucking mongrel.

>> No.42910477
File: 869 KB, 1280x720, 1669555651464212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42910563


>> No.42910563
File: 2.53 MB, 1280x698, 1673582849258403.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bocchi is king

>> No.42910621

I hate numberfags so much it's unreal

>> No.42913374

I'd watch it
