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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42280393 No.42280393 [Reply] [Original]

You WILL love the brown woman

>> No.42281679

I like the brown woman and want to tribute her caramel skin, mating press, impregnate and then marry and spoil her rotten

>> No.42282057

Brown and black skin are superior biologically. That darker spot in the skin prevents UV light from cooking your skin and causing skin cancer. The darker the better the protection.

>> No.42285128
Quoted by: >>42297864

I will give the brown woman’s delicious dulce de leche toned skin a hearty facial with my seed!

>> No.42285179
Quoted by: >>42287577

is that actual 3d model or just vrchat

>> No.42285264

I have nothing against brown woman so long as they act like they are from a developed 1st world country and aren't hood rats

>> No.42287577


>> No.42287605

>watch browntuber
>get robbed

>> No.42289143
File: 249 KB, 474x553, 20230111_193133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyaru LOVE

>> No.42293192
Quoted by: >>42294038

I need the fucking name

>> No.42293241
Quoted by: >>42299304

cant argue with that. im racist btw

>> No.42293334
Quoted by: >>42303070

anyone got the thigh compilations?

>> No.42293509
Quoted by: >>42297601

What Playstation 2 game is that?

>> No.42294038


>> No.42294084

I'll leave this one to the architectbros

>> No.42295003

I respect her since she told poachers to fuck off. I'll watch her when she doesn't overlap.

>> No.42295039

Fine, but only if she makes her tits bounce again.

>> No.42297601

Buui Aru Chatto

>> No.42297864

>she's the dulce and you give her the leche
That's beautiful, anon.

>> No.42299304

>retards in charge of not being vitamin D deficient

>> No.42302157
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Why do I keep missing the Nyaru threads

>> No.42303070
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Quoted by: >>42322831

The old OP links should work >>/vt/thread/S38904299

>> No.42305164
File: 153 KB, 726x1199, 98465136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42308206

I will love the brown woman

>> No.42308349

She's a brat in need of correction. I volunteer to complete this duty.
In all seriousness, she's a sweetheart and you would be a fucking fool to not check her out at the very least.

>> No.42309278
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, Clean it up Jannie[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwa0i52.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already do

>> No.42311623


>> No.42312329
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Quoted by: >>42312905

What's the matter anon, you don't like your based brown brat?

>> No.42312905

I'm racist

>> No.42314056 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>42314567

She's actually based and /here/, unlike Pipkin. Too bad she hates me as well.

>> No.42314567

Her hatred of me only makes my penis harder

>> No.42315657
File: 165 KB, 1200x1200, nyaru_casual_squibby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42315763

Hideous model and hideous fat fuck

>> No.42316511
Quoted by: >>42318448

Vtubers who are overtly /here/ never ends well.

Regardless I want to see her tits.

>> No.42317178
Quoted by: >>42317444

she suck pippa way too much, fuck her.

>> No.42317444

go back to your thread

>> No.42317663

We need more Nyarutoro fanart

>> No.42317799

Why is this girl being posted so much lately no one wants to watch her give it up

>> No.42317857

>t. me

>> No.42317885
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>> No.42317934

I wonder if her self-esteem has grown after seeing so many anons lusting after her

>> No.42318181
Quoted by: >>42318863

Look! A seething 2view!

>> No.42318330

Because she's comfy, she's dorky, she's /here/ and she's a beautiful caramel idol

>> No.42318448 [DELETED] 

It worked for Pipkin

>> No.42318863
File: 6 KB, 178x48, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Nyaru! When's the next webcam show? Or are you going to piss yourself again on stream?

>> No.42319036


>> No.42319198
File: 24 KB, 384x206, nyaruchuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42319224

why are you on her discord if you hate her?

>> No.42319341

shotacons get the rope

>> No.42320609

My first contact with this chuuba was a thigh compilation some horny motherfucker made, but in the end I stayed due to 2 really big reasons, her cheerful personality and vidya taste

>> No.42320632

too bad she is peruvian

>> No.42320901
Quoted by: >>42320982

Peruvian women are pretty good at breeding and having families, just sayin'

>> No.42320982
Quoted by: >>42330084

They smell like salchipapa and they have man faces

>> No.42321924

Peruvian parents, born and raised in America.
She doesn't know a single word of Spanish.

>> No.42322075

What even happened to her general?

>> No.42322831
Quoted by: >>42341958

did that one anon ever finish that third compilation?

>> No.42325983

Nothing in that image indicated shota, anon.

>> No.42326512
Quoted by: >>42329721

Nina is the only good /here/tuber

>> No.42326930

She should dance more, naked if possible.

>> No.42327441
Quoted by: >>42341133


>> No.42328165 [DELETED] 

>you will love brown pickme bootleg of pippa
goysloppery if you ask me

>> No.42329173

i wrote this

>> No.42329352
File: 118 KB, 300x300, 1672083367862689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42330412

https://www.twitch.tv/nyaruchuuu is live

It was mostly one super shrimp who kept them up and he kept on donating throne gifts to her every stream in the hopes he could groom her or something. He disappeared and so did the general.

>> No.42329554


>> No.42329654

She is looking at the asshole pics I sent her or my asshole. And your asshole

>> No.42329721

Ina got some cute accessories today

>> No.42330084 [DELETED] 

do they smell as bad as afroamerican woman or no? if so i need new chuuba....

>> No.42330412
Quoted by: >>42330724

The general was how I first found her, but he put off groomer vibes and his main reason for pushing a constant general was to grudge post /pcg/, so I'm glad he's gone honestly.
Nyaru gave an update on him a couple weeks after he stopped coming by and dropping throne gifts, that was months ago now.
I owe him my oshi, but I don't want her to get more /here/ viewers so I don't bake

>> No.42330518
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I die I wanna be buried in that ass.

>> No.42330724
File: 70 KB, 659x1280, nyaruapron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly you should just bake, the guy is gone and one user doesn't represent all nyaru watchers here.

>> No.42330773
Quoted by: >>42339809

It's really too bad she's destined to age like shit.

>> No.42331059
Quoted by: >>42337569

Reminder that home VR tracking has come far enough that we could have insanely high-accuracy tracking and a full idol concert instead of this webcam vroid shit, but she's too cheap and lazy to set it up.


>> No.42331550

Gosling-kun who had groomer vibes disappeared and I can't take over as a europoor

>> No.42331620

Stop spamming your failed vtuber in other threads retard.

>> No.42332954

Urugula checking out swimmer boys

>> No.42333443


>> No.42333845

Nyaru with that swangin thang

>> No.42334432

NO, it's Weather Hackers

>> No.42334514

I want her to sing Fansa again soon

>> No.42334857


>> No.42335188
Quoted by: >>42335299

>nyaru raids feebee
>she left shirayuri on good terms
>a few months later
>now this is her "final" stream
so who's poaching her?

>> No.42335299
Quoted by: >>42335387

She's switching back to IRL voice acting and idol activities. No poaching

>> No.42335387
Quoted by: >>42335454

aww I was to make a "she's the new vsinger idolcorp teased" wit the magical girl appearance and such, what a pity

>> No.42335454

>indefinite hiatus
>as feebee
>for a long while at least
nevermind I'm rratmancing again

>> No.42337569
Quoted by: >>42340256

>he didn't watch the stream

>> No.42338209
Quoted by: >>42338436

True but it also makes us vitamin D deficient the darker we are. So practically everybody in the world needs to get supplements or food with them in it the darker they are.

>> No.42338338

yikes those nails

>> No.42338436

The white man is just stealing your nutrients.

>> No.42338465
Quoted by: >>42338957


>> No.42338733

holy smokes.

>> No.42338957
File: 3.03 MB, 1500x2000, 1633282372085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka caramel idol
aka thicc brown thighs idol
aka sort-of-indie pomu/kiara idolfag prime
aka TF2 connosieur
aka Red Alert 2 enjoyer
aka Top Gun enthusiast
aka /trash/ and /cgl/ hellhole survivor
aka old school internet weeb expert
aka futa shitposter
aka tradwife idoru

>> No.42339009

aka blue brown woman
aka Eternal Shooting Star Idol
aka the Bane of Jannies

>> No.42339040

aka Rising Storm 2 Vietnam player
aka Fortunate Son singer

>> No.42339123
Quoted by: >>42339943

Has she shown more of her fat thighs and ass since that time?

>> No.42339738


>> No.42339809
Quoted by: >>42340097

She's an actual peruvian not a white girl spaniard or eu white girl.

>> No.42339943

She recently tweeted about hating coomers so I don't think she will

>> No.42339958

Blessed Amerindian genealogy

>> No.42340097
Quoted by: >>42340430

Actual Indios are even worse. She's a Mestizo like 95% of the entirety of Latin America.

>> No.42340256

I watched the stream, same trashy tracking where she rocks left to right and waves her arms with the limited tracking she has. You can literally put on a show equivalent to a Holo or Niji concert in your own home with, Reiny did one just to prove it's possible.

>> No.42340430
Quoted by: >>42341032

She’s brown as fuck. You can use all the race mixing nonsense you want but her blood is Indian

>> No.42340502
Quoted by: >>42341375

If you actually watched it, she used a vr headset and not the webcam. Go schizo somewhere else.

>> No.42341032

I'm sorry anon but I had to cuck your genepool, it had to be done. The natives weren't gonna christianize themselves.
t. Manolo el Conquistador

Tech-complainer anon, you are usually harsh, yet I don't mind someone pushing her to improve. She has the potential and I want to see it unleashed as much as possible.

>> No.42341133

Christ, I didn't see this, she's fuckin stacked, I would totally drink from those, goddamn.

>> No.42341375

and she rocks left to right and waves her arms every so often, hell she barely does that. what part of what I said was wrong? look up any VRChat dancing video and tell me why she can't do anything even remotely similar but with idol songs instead of just swaying side to side?

she knows what she needs to use, she was asking as far back as 2021 about the tracking.

>> No.42341424
Quoted by: >>42341892

You didn’t conquer shit I’d be surprised if she was even 1% euro. Race mixing actively made the continent worse. Luckily people are starting to wake up

>> No.42341726
Quoted by: >>42342090

Really? Damn, thats a shame.

>> No.42341786
Quoted by: >>42342090

It was obviously a joke tweet anon. She made coomer jokes today

>> No.42341794

Jesus she's stacked.

>> No.42341892

I'm incredibly tempted to bait a classic spaniard+portuguese vs southamerican natives shitstorm but I'll refrain for the sake of the caramel thread.

>> No.42341958
File: 123 KB, 297x298, 1669670112870396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42357261

no he was killed in a gang related incident and nobody else bothered to make one, nyaru also became a prude

>> No.42342090

Nyaru hangs around the middle point of coomer pandering, kind of like traditional idols giving fanservice but nothing beyond that, I think she likes the occasional lusting comments but not to be known as mere coomer material.

>> No.42342120
File: 113 KB, 907x720, Spongebob judgement fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hears bussy and his mind goes to shota

>> No.42346361
File: 1.51 MB, 1600x900, 1642366752737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42355761

>> No.42348252

What do you think "bussy" means?

>> No.42350038

Bare mocha legs are perfection. FUCK GRANNY STOCKINGS AND PANTYHOSE. No better than being a cuck enjoying covering up them juicy legs/thighs/feet.

>> No.42350455

I wanna suck her fat fucking titties and drink her chocolate milk

>> No.42351533
File: 578 KB, 704x512, 1657748499189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to ascend her Peruvian Heights and make her get on her knees, begging for my Ivory Rod to be placed in her mouth.

>> No.42354763
File: 46 KB, 610x541, 312312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based brownie

>> No.42355761
File: 1.51 MB, 1908x2565, 8941651465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the spats and the optional paizuri window

>> No.42357261
File: 16 KB, 297x298, 5456656565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gang related incident

>> No.42358575
File: 119 KB, 112x112, 1666013742709154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice list

>> No.42360280
File: 3.21 MB, 2500x2200, 786532456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
