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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 361 KB, 1079x1206, 1675142948872626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42111892 No.42111892 [Reply] [Original]

What where they thinking?

>> No.42111929
Quoted by: >>42113545

The people on this board that dont understand what is going on with this tournament and how it works? I dont know.

>> No.42111968

> Ollie
> thinking
> not being a massive (kek!) doormat for the boys
You're asking for too much.

>> No.42111989
Quoted by: >>42112041

Seems obvious there were 3 choices: girls only, boys only, and mixed.

>> No.42112041

But who are going to which?

>> No.42112043

The sooner the unicorns go extint the better, ollie is finally doing something right

>> No.42112044

You seem to think Ollie is smart lmao

>> No.42112084 [DELETED] 
File: 832 KB, 910x544, Screen Shot 2022-12-31 at 10.19.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings and good gatherings VT. It is I, the big CWC, coming to yall from CWCville prison. It has come to my attention, that uhh a certain few MALE vtubers are infringing and intercepting my Oshi by collabing and ruining their good name. Worst of, the MALES will steal away the girls from us NICE GUYS. Trust me, I've been there myself, goddang pickleman... *SIGH*


>> No.42112160

How is Magni going to attend if his butt is pregnant?

>> No.42112648

Either way, its going to be another shitfest because of ollie alone. She always tries this shit

>> No.42112649

there was really no need for a holstars segment. Should have just been hololive and mixed. Who wants to watch stars only?

>> No.42112675

anon are you just too much of a pussy to post on kiwifarms where you belong?

>> No.42112680


>> No.42112748
File: 38 KB, 610x646, 1675182314007345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, motherfucker.

>> No.42112757

>Altare and Ame skipping

Are they eloping?

>> No.42112774

So they're gonna play separately and then compare points? Or what?

>> No.42112791

Any Star with a single drop of pride should do stars only, be this being about Leeching for numbers or about beating a bunch of "mostly" incompetent baby girls in Apex.

>> No.42112868
Quoted by: >>42116947

get lost homo

>> No.42112871

I was thinking this. Any boy that destroys a girl in apex is going to look bad and get the girl's fanbase to secretly dislike him.
It's almost like the organizer has no idea how human emotions work and doesn't know the industry she works in.

>> No.42112891

So none of HomoEN is gonna do it, since they don't have any pride.

>> No.42112902

She mentioned in a members stream that only 6 of the girls will be in the mixed tournament, and there’s enough usual suspects that we’re unlikely to see anything that we haven’t already.

>> No.42112974
Quoted by: >>42113291

How do you know this?

>> No.42113033
Quoted by: >>42113898

And you have never seen the apex vtuber scene.

>> No.42113078

>only 6 of the girls will be in the mixed tournament
There are 7 girls attending. That means only 1 will not be in the mixed tournament.

>> No.42113114
Quoted by: >>42113473

Not a fan of this, but definitely more preferable than Ame's "If you wanna play Worms, you must collab with Males" approach. It's going to be interesting to see the viewing figures. Clearly the 6 girls in the mixed collab are: Bae, mori, and 4 id girls. Nothing to get worked up over.

>> No.42113131

>lists six ENLive members.
>IRyS is clearly there

Poor IRyS.

>> No.42113182


>> No.42113186

6 of the girls TOTAL including ID and JP. Not just EN you idiot.

>> No.42113192

Is ID not participating? Seems obvious that it would be mostly ID in mixed.

>> No.42113291

I saw somebody mention it in another thread.

>> No.42113335
File: 283 KB, 1300x956, opshouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What where

>> No.42113370
File: 206 KB, 1810x1192, E__8aMyXoAAwXCj.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42113979

Imagine if Gura is in the mixed tourney.

>> No.42113377

Me. I want to watch Astel bully his kouhai.

>> No.42113390
Quoted by: >>42113517

Can we all just agree that Ollie sucks and she's super loud and annoying.

>> No.42113473

I think Fubuki might be in it.
Not like that change anything.

>> No.42113483

A good amount of JP likes playing with ID.

>> No.42113509 [DELETED] 
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>> No.42113518

Where are people getting this only 6 girls will be in the mixed group crap

>> No.42113517
File: 270 KB, 491x349, u7w5hph2i6361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42113935

I like Ollie. She's cute.

>> No.42113545
Quoted by: >>42113585

Look, I'll be honest and admit I just saw this on the catalog, so how is it organized? mixed gender or stars vs stars and Holo vs Holo?

>> No.42113585
Quoted by: >>42113653

All 3 are separate

>> No.42113597

Only petty bitchess seethe about losing in a videogame

>> No.42113604
Quoted by: >>42113668


>> No.42113606
Quoted by: >>42114206

Ame doesn't care about hololive and Altare has denounced pussy, he's now a man of God.

>> No.42113653

>All 3
huh? JP, EN, Stars? Where does ID enter?

>> No.42113668 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 608x662, Screen Shot 2023-01-24 at 11.49.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42113788

>getting triggered by Chris Chan shitposting
Must suck to be a virgin loser AHAHHAHAHA

>> No.42113776
Quoted by: >>42113827

Girls only, boys only, and mixed.

>> No.42113788
File: 7 KB, 299x168, deflect.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42113887


>> No.42113822
File: 440 KB, 377x534, 1659643773800876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42122696

All unicorns will inevitably go the route of becoming trans women because 'I JUST WANT CUTE GIRLS BEING CUTE' but will ultimately only have sex by raping their mothers.

>> No.42113827

And will everyone go into "mixed" eventually or just those that want to?

>> No.42113841
Quoted by: >>42117909

No there’s an all girls round (with it’s own stream), an all boys round, and then a mixed round, but we have reason to believe based on what some holos said that ollie didn’t tell people stars would be involved, because some of the girls said they’re only participating in the girls only round, so there’s no reason to think the mixed round will involve anyone other then the usual suspects like mori, bae and the rest of ID

>> No.42113870
Quoted by: >>42113950

chrisposter wont stop until sea is rangebanned

>> No.42113887
File: 3.39 MB, 2160x1352, Screen Shot 2023-01-16 at 5.00.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42113945

Deflect what you dumbass? Or do you just parrot 4chan jargon when you don't know what to say?

>> No.42113898

Hololive is not VSPO.
Most people in EN came for the cute girls and has zero interest in Apex which, by the way, is only popular among asians (ID/JP)

>> No.42113935

Bad taste

>> No.42113945
File: 362 KB, 423x403, crazycreeper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42113950 [DELETED] 

Wow I get to trigger Unicucks and ban SEA at the same time?

>> No.42113979

The whole industry would burn down.

>> No.42114005

Nene already said she won't be in mixed, so no everyone.

>> No.42114010

ollie said on her members stream that only 6 girls are joining the mixed

>> No.42114030
File: 116 KB, 795x721, 1670285748746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the guy's name really Banzoin? kek

>> No.42114041

>Altare's out?
>I'm in
Why is he like this?

>> No.42114056

Those that want to.

>> No.42114075
File: 113 KB, 800x667, HD-wallpaper-anime-virtual-youtuber-hololive-kureiji-ollie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42114168

Ok, but that's like your opinion.

>> No.42114109

Damn bro that means that even some of the usual suspects aren’t joining, it’s a little sad that they need to organize a third event to include six more people (but i’m fine with it, fuck homostars)

>> No.42114168

Ehh look at her viewership decline… i think that’s most people’s opinion, half of the holostars do better then her

>> No.42114200
Quoted by: >>42114260

chrisposter give me a (you) wont you darling?

>> No.42114206

regis sama i kneel..

>> No.42114251

You’re forgetting the non-EN girls. Fubuki, Roboco, and Choco are possibilities, as well as the IDs.

>> No.42114260
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>> No.42114326
File: 66 KB, 600x600, numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42114529

>le noombers
back to your containment thread

>> No.42114344

Given we know now there is a girls only tournament, and Ollie reaffirmed only 6 of the girls will be in the mixed tournament, there’s really no more reason to freak out about this. The worst part about all this just that Apex fucking sucks.

>> No.42114477
Quoted by: >>42114679

the only problem is that homobeggars will spam the girls once again with their begging

>> No.42114529
Quoted by: >>42114686

> just your singular opinion
> numbers are presented to validate it's the opinion of many
> they don't count
The absolute audacity of homobeggars. Go back to Niji and take the zombie ass with you.

>> No.42114628
Quoted by: >>42114791

The ones in the mixed tourney will be Gura, Fauna, Irys, Mel, Nene, and Choco. It was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.42114679

I hated the homebeggars with gifted memberships (all 1 month members) begging Fauna on members streams to acknowledge Tempiss. Gifted memberships were a mistake.

>> No.42114686
Quoted by: >>42114802

>I need numbers to validate my opinion
beta male mindset

>> No.42114690

>Ollie reaffirmed only 6 of the girls will be in the mixed tournament
Where. Is. The. Proof.

>> No.42114725

Trust me bro, she said it in a members stream that I conveniently cant link

>> No.42114791

She’s played with Astel already.

>> No.42114793

>Where. Is. My. Drama.

>> No.42114802
Quoted by: >>42114843

Your opinion is invalid because it lacks numbers.

>> No.42114832

Why would she even leave that kind of information in membership stream anyway and not make it public? I was told that she is not completely retarded.

>> No.42114843
Quoted by: >>42115254

Ok, betamale

>> No.42114915
Quoted by: >>42115327

I’m confused here so the girls and guys will be playing against each other in girls only, guys only, and mixed teams?

>> No.42114924
Quoted by: >>42117547

Who came up with these shitty names??? Literally isekai chunni shit
Also, the hand dude model is ugly as fuck.

>> No.42115002

So what you are saying is that seafags love leaking members posts and clips to shit the catalog up with but the 1 time they struck gold they mysteriously dont have it?

>> No.42115054

>I was told that she is not completely retarded
Who the fuck told you that? Apparently she said it while talking about the planning and getting people to join for the tournament before she made the public announcement.

>> No.42115165
Quoted by: >>42115325

because she will talk about it on her next stream.
also this was the members stream

>> No.42115254
Quoted by: >>42115470

> using incel horoscope to try to insult me.

>> No.42115325

>because she will talk about it on her next stream.
Why not just say it in announcement stream? Why does she have to bait drama?

>> No.42115327
Quoted by: >>42115451

Some teams are girls only. Some teams are boys only. Some teams will be mixed.
They will all be shooting each other but not on the same VC

>> No.42115451

There are 10 members in HoloEN, how did Ollie get 13 of them to participate?

>> No.42115469
Quoted by: >>42115599

maybe because she doesnt have time? also her next stream is a zatsudan anyway so that's more fitting for her explanations

>> No.42115470
File: 98 KB, 425x400, 1675093372842900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to Twitter, and don't come back.

>> No.42115508

Can she just say these things upfront instead of hiding them? She only causes problems. Bite the bullet already and tell us who the next target is Ollie, jesus

>> No.42115534
Quoted by: >>42115742

7 JP and whole ID are included

>> No.42115536

Mori counts as three people.

>> No.42115578

Does that mean she has more voting power?

>> No.42115591
File: 2.91 MB, 384x540, miko-full-belly-laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fb514ks.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42116376

My sides

>> No.42115599

Who does an important announcement stream and doesn't take enough time to do it? Again, why does she need to bait drama. And why are you so hellbent to defend her idiotic ass?

>> No.42115633

I hope Mori doesn’t join, especially not shoehorning herself into the mixed bracket. She’s just such a wet blanket when it comes to Apex. rpr straight up asking her if she just didn’t want to play during their collab with AmaLee was funny.

>> No.42115676

Shes the male collaber, deal with it

>> No.42115695
Quoted by: >>42115815

what do you mean defending? i fucking hate her ass as she did this twice already

>> No.42115726


>> No.42115742

Why am I not seeing them in the OP?

>> No.42115756
Quoted by: >>42115881

When's this scheduled for?

>> No.42115774

Ollie is twitter trannie friendly. They defend her because she makes the unicorns seethe.

>> No.42115815
Quoted by: >>42115912

Do you often keep making all kinds of excuses for the stupid actions of people you "hate". If, why???

>> No.42115816
File: 1.03 MB, 1238x699, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because OP is a dramabaiting retard

>> No.42115842
File: 1.72 MB, 1232x1215, 1234124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42115881
Quoted by: >>42115980

18 Feb, 17:00 WIB

>> No.42115906

I don’t mind her being a unityfag. I just think her joining an Apex collab just because of muh unity is kind of forcing it. She’s made it obvious that she hates this game.

>> No.42115912
Quoted by: >>42116028

do you know english? because you asked those questions thats why i just answered.

>> No.42115920

>no zeta
genuinly shocking

>> No.42115977

Emotional support

>> No.42115981
File: 874 KB, 1240x644, 1111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah she's there as the cum swallower

>> No.42115980
Quoted by: >>42116273

The fuck is wib indo

>> No.42116028
Quoted by: >>42116052

You really are just as retarded as the zombie you "hate". Keep on making excuses for her.

>> No.42116030
Quoted by: >>42116456

>I just think her joining an Apex collab just because of muh unity is kind of forcing it.
You realise thats why she does this right? Thats Mori's M.O

>> No.42116052

i think you are a zomrade LEMAO
keep pushing the goalpost with your twomad looking oshi

>> No.42116160

Between all the IDs, 3 ENs, and 1 Fubuki who could all conceivably be in the mixed tournament, and Ollie saying only 6 girls are in it, I’m curious which of them ISNT gonna be there?

>> No.42116188
Quoted by: >>42116336

>get the girl's fanbase to secretly dislike him.
Bold of you to assume the girls who would actually play in a mixed tournament have such a pussy audience. And besides, Rust was enough to prove you don't need men to have the same effect, there were plenty of butt hurt fans after that.

>> No.42116235

ooohhh nooooo

>> No.42116240


>> No.42116264
Quoted by: >>42117895

It's really telling that only interesting thing about this whole shitshow to anyone is this. Well done Ollie, as always.

>> No.42116273
File: 13 KB, 544x184, googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.

>> No.42116298


>> No.42116312

>3 ENs
who beside Mori and Bae are gonna join the mixed?

>> No.42116336

Exactly why this is a bad idea.
Ollie's creativity in only Apex and Chess. That's it. She's got nothing beyond that. This is her last ditch attempt at being relevant while forcing muh Homounity and those who can see it for what it is are either bracing for the shitstorm or salvating from it

>> No.42116365


>> No.42116376

i love her laugh so fucking much

>> No.42116389

Kronii obviously
Ame has been antihomostar recently for some reason

>> No.42116456

Mori joined because Ollie is her friend you retards, not because of “unity”. They are both in holodeath.

>> No.42116457

>Announce tournament
>Tell who plays where
Two easy steps and there would be zero problems for anyone. Audience or talent. But somehow this is just too hard for Ollie and saying so is somehow controversial.

>> No.42116542

Woops, my bad, Forgot Kronii wasn’t participating.

>> No.42116550

How else would she milk the "teams reveal"

>> No.42116595

It's too late.... Even being involved in something that has males is already bad enough.... We're already cucked....

>> No.42116640
Quoted by: >>42129346

> numbers die
> no numbers = no more greenlit projects
> teamates I live you please buy membership again so I can do stuff with the boys!!!!

>> No.42116683


>> No.42116775

They are Cannon Fodder, Jobber, and Jokers

>> No.42116947

You are afraid that the boys will fuck the girls
You call the boys homos

>> No.42117001
Quoted by: >>42117070

A unicorn's existence is full paradoxes.

>> No.42117005


>> No.42117008
Quoted by: >>42117114

This is going to be a drama shitshow. I am just happy that my oshi won't be there.

>> No.42117070
Quoted by: >>42117180

isn't this just a polite way of saying unicorns are retarded

>> No.42117101
Quoted by: >>42117298

Homo is Latin for man.

>> No.42117114

where is the drama? please explain.

>> No.42117180
Quoted by: >>42117298

I wasn't really trying to be polite, but yeah.

>> No.42117204
Quoted by: >>42117265

Vesper going "fuck these whores" as he elimitates the last of Fubukis team

>> No.42117222

if she doesn't say the girls that will be part of the stream she gets more numbers, I can see some unicorn staying awake until the stream just to see who is in it and then going ''thank God my oshi is not here, well time to sleep''

>> No.42117265

I'm sure the bae and mori fans will be very upset

>> No.42117267
Quoted by: >>42117345

The “drama” is the girls having to specify whether they’re in the mixed tournament and the shitposting accompanied by their answer.

>> No.42117298

man as kin mankind but you mean homo as in homosexual
understandable i did not mean to assume your level of civility

>> No.42117345

everyone already knows which EN girls are going to participate in which tournaments though

>> No.42117353

This is just a good business strategy.

>> No.42117465

also if a girl that is pro unicorn is confirmed to be there she's going to be harassed or at least ''manipulated'' into canceling by some over 1 year members, Ollie wants this collab to happen no matter what and think about the damages latter

>> No.42117472
Quoted by: >>42117925

Kronii hates FPS games, plus she's having TMJ surgery on the 17th.

>> No.42117524
Quoted by: >>42117925


>> No.42117547

They sound like medicine names. banzoindiazipan

>> No.42117553

Honestly, looking forward to the All Hololive matches. Even though the JP/ID girls will dominate. I trust my oshi.

>> No.42117709
Quoted by: >>42117950

Mori is almost always a dumb wet bitch blanket in collabs. She filtered me long before tempiss collabs with her stupid fucking collab voice where it sounds like she’s trying to talk to 6 year olds instead of her fucking genmates. You all know the voice I’m talking about.

>> No.42117787
Quoted by: >>42117929

The thing is. The entire "6 holos" is only spread here because it's apparently under member stream. And if you don't know how many will participate you can't just go with "it will be just usual suspects".

>> No.42117817

Yes, but a “no” means that shitposters can larp as homobeggars, and they’re hoping that someone other than the usual will do it so they can do some cuckposting about that girl. Most likely Mumei, since she did that Gartic Phone collab a year ago, and they’ve been starving for ammunition.

>> No.42117837

I'm already thinking of cancelling just for indulging Ollie.

>> No.42117895

Imagine being excited for APESEX gameplay. It really is all about potential drama.

>> No.42117909
Quoted by: >>42119010

>ollie didn't tell people stars would be involved
Is there a reason to know if there's a STARS only division?
The girls that don't know are in the LIVE only division, not the mixed.

>> No.42117925
Quoted by: >>42120290

Too Much Juice?

>> No.42117929

I will bet money that only bae and mori participate in the mixed tourney

>> No.42117950
Quoted by: >>42118320

Right, I'm sure you're very used to being talked to like a 6 year old.

>> No.42117963

The collective freak out about this is hilarious

>> No.42118015
Quoted by: >>42124906

can you specify who is freaking out

>> No.42118026
Quoted by: >>42119126

All Ollie has to do was being clear and say which girls were Holo only and which girls were chocksleeves. She's not doing that so there's room for speculation and drama.

>> No.42118170

Same reason we call people on this board faggot even if we know they aren't gay. It's an insult not an orientation description.

>> No.42118218
Quoted by: >>42118325

Lol I’m a unicorn and I just won’t tune in regardless. Males involved in any way and I’m out. Simple as.

>> No.42118320

Good one sister. I’m sure you actually enjoy when she puts on the fake bitch voice too. Sound a little like you’re, maybe?

>> No.42118325
Quoted by: >>42118453

This + I don't like Ollie

>> No.42118350

If this was organized by anyone else but Ollie, people might not be so cynical but everyone knows how and what she is so expexting worst is the baseline.

>> No.42118433
File: 1.20 MB, 608x7666, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys are so upset, why don't I see your angry comments in the VOD? If you want your voice to be heard, then go ahead and let it be heard. Crying on anonymous message boards will do nothing.

>> No.42118453

Especially true. Any hope of viewership dies when the Indog 3 view roastie twomad looking whore is involved.

>> No.42118679
Quoted by: >>42118741

no one's upset
Nijiniggers are just trying to distract from their recent yab

>> No.42118741

Which one? They got a couple this month

>> No.42118805

I dont think anybody upset here especially after the clear segregation you retard, its just the dramafags and the usual whores antis

>> No.42118967
Quoted by: >>42119798

Youtube, Twitter, Reddit, giving anything but positive feedback gets you blacklisted, banned, silenced, and discredited. Even if we win a tranny mod (T-chan) will lock the thread. This we have plenty of evidence for.

>> No.42119010
Quoted by: >>42119265

Because some girls might have dipped out early if they knew a male was involved, even though they aren't in the same part at all?
Ollie might not think it's a big deal since she doesn't care, but it might not be the same for everyone. The fact that Nene said she didn't know about it was rather concerning.

>> No.42119126
Quoted by: >>42119201

>All Ollie has to do was being clear
Well, even if she was clear about who is going to cuck their fans. There would still be people sperging out and threadshitting/cuckposting.
It would just be targeted instead of this blanket carpet bombing of every talent involved.
Although beggars are still targeting gura regardless because they desperate for a real gura yab

>> No.42119201

>desperate for a real gura yab
She can't yab if she doesn't stream. 5000 iq shork

>> No.42119213

Ollie, Kobo, Mori, Bae, Fubuki and RBC or Anya would be my guess

>> No.42119265

They should sue Ollie for entrapment.

>> No.42119579
File: 74 KB, 610x611, 1666751219376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you such a woman

>> No.42119612

Tempus killed HoloEN. The rest is just a prolonged obituary.

>> No.42119718
File: 173 KB, 356x434, 1659736343042229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be 18+ to post here

>> No.42119798

>why don't I see your angry comments in the VOD?
Because "giving anything but positive feedback gets you blacklisted, banned, silenced, and discredited." as >>42118967 put it. And youtube doesn't even allow criticism. Why do you think they removed the dislike button functionality? The only winning move is not to play, meaning not to watch or support garbage. And HoloEN has become precisely that because of Tempus. The only entertainment value in HoloEN is to see how low the branch can fall as they try to cater to normalfags and whatever grifter audience they can pull at this point.

>> No.42119987
Quoted by: >>42120045

I never seen men cry about other men quite like /vt/ does

>> No.42120013

Retard shitposters don't even realize JP and ID girls are in this too

>> No.42120026

Toxic positivity culture.

>> No.42120045
Quoted by: >>42120194

Dont forget to close down the Hololive reddit again like you did last time you were told to fuck off

>> No.42120088

Anyone else considering this might be Ollie's big farewell party? Considering many talents involved with her have stated something sad was going to happen a few months into this year, along with Ollie's piss poor performance the last fucking eternity, makes me think and hope she'll be graduating soon after this.

>> No.42120120

They don't watch streams what did you expect

>> No.42120143
File: 380 KB, 1172x1684, 1644305081166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read the thread, but I love Mori! She's so cute!

>> No.42120194

Nigger I don't even know what you talking about

>> No.42120227

We're not that lucky. Gura or Ina have a greater chance of graduating while the girls that keep destroying the brand stick around forever like Mori and Ollie.

>> No.42120252
Quoted by: >>42120376

I don't watch either. I watched HoloEN and small corpos. Now I'm only willing to watch Gura and the above mentioned small corpos. The rest is horseshit and Hololive is just another Nijisanji. Tempus killed HoloEN. It really is that simple.

>> No.42120275

Good. I hope the same for all male enablers (except FBK) as well

>> No.42120288
Quoted by: >>42120410

I'd usually say FBK but would they really put her in a group with a bunch of nihongo jouzu's?

>> No.42120290

temporomandibular joint

It's the hinge of your jaw that opens your mouth. Mine pops out on one side all the time and gets dislocated. Really hurts. If it happens a lot you need to get surgery on it to stop it happening.

>> No.42120306

It's free money, why would she graduate

>> No.42120342


>> No.42120376

Is Tempus responsible for some of the girls just straight up not streaming and ghosting there fans

>> No.42120410
File: 47 KB, 1600x900, Untitled-design-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she does have experience with baka gaijins..

>> No.42120415
Quoted by: >>42120488

fuck I wish, but I learned that talents that could make a portion of the fanbase celebrate after a graduation will never leave

>> No.42120417

The girls can't stream or tweet while having constant 12 hour sex marathons with Tempus, duh.

>> No.42120464

>hololive will never even get to see holostars members on their screens
Why are we mad again?

>> No.42120488

What about the orange reddit dragon?

>> No.42120532

Can't wait for Drama fags to pretend this post doesn't exist

>> No.42120555
File: 31 KB, 600x600, dfg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42120635

>unicorns and gachikois seething over a nothingburger

Just business as usual huh?

>> No.42120617

No idea. The 3rd post in this thread already said what is in that tweet

>> No.42120635

nobody is seething lol

>> No.42120666

I'd rather them not stream than collab with males. I would be better for vtubing to not exist than to be polluted by maletubers. Each and every single one of them needs to die, because maletubers shouldn't exist.

>> No.42120693
Quoted by: >>42120745

of course not :)

>> No.42120699

seanigs and catalogfags are, but they aren't people

>> No.42120720

This but unironically Satan-san

>> No.42120745
Quoted by: >>42125333

making up headcannon to make yourself feel good is kinda cringe !

>> No.42120764

>don't blame me, if your oshi wants to be in the mixed part is her fault as a homolover

>> No.42120785

Ollie is commentator only. Replace her with Iofi.

>> No.42121069

That's her goal, though? Her being so unclear about it ensures it was talked about for much longer even past her announcement of it.

>> No.42121154
Quoted by: >>42121425

> clarifies out of the blue after all the seethe /here/
Are holomems/staff /here/??

>> No.42121272

Plenty of them stream while ignoring males?

>> No.42121425

But she did nothing in that tweet. The only thing she said is that she will give more details later.

>> No.42121911
Quoted by: >>42122286

Which is days of holoEN fans discussing whether Gura and Ina might participate in the mixed branch Apex tournament.

>> No.42122286

We already know she isn't, you might be confusing them with schizos/homobeggars that make threads like this and >>41908577

>> No.42122442

Totally agreed.

>> No.42122533

If only. That would be nice tho. Dumb pig woman only fucks herself and others over.

>> No.42122625
Quoted by: >>42122759

Can they take the hardcore Homobeggers with them, those fuckers are just as annoying

>> No.42122661


>> No.42122696

Basically, all unicorns are just like Chris-chan... Yes, I agree.

>> No.42122759
Quoted by: >>42122834

>those fuckers are just as annoying
More annoying infact, unicorns do nothing until something happens.
Beggars try to get things to happen. They literally want to instigate the drama on purpose

>> No.42122834

Either way I just want both groups to piss off, it should be the performers choice of who to collab with, for better or worse

>> No.42122934
Quoted by: >>42123263

I'm out of the loop. What's this about then?

>> No.42123259
File: 63 KB, 367x377, 1674307224240988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42123467

Alatre would mop the floor with a lot of them and that would make the girls cry so he wasn't invited

>> No.42123263
Quoted by: >>42123565

There's a JP/EN/ID/Stars Apex tourney. There is a Hololive only bracket, a stars only bracket, and a mixed bracket. People are shitposting about the mixed bracket since no one knows the participants although there are a few troglodytes who don't even know there are separate brackets or that JP is involved too.

>> No.42123369
Quoted by: >>42123825

she probably saw the comments saying she tricked Nene into joining the tournament or be close to stars, now it's pretty much ''If Nene feels like joining the mixed part it will be her decision, they won't even be in the same stream if she decides to be in the holo part''

>> No.42123410

It only causes problems for the schizophrenic.

>> No.42123467

he's still mad at Vesper

>> No.42123523

You don't seem to understand. /vt/ simply MUST be angry at something at all times.

>> No.42123565

>People are shitposting about the mixed bracket since no one knows the participants although there are a few troglodytes who don't even know there are separate brackets or that JP is involved too.
She never mentioned that its separate until this tweet
Which was posted an hour ago

>> No.42123825

She put the girls in a position where they're forced to explicitly make a choice. Won't really matter for JPs because they have little to zero homobegging fans, but there's a lot of homobeggars in EN sphere and they will brand the girls who don't join the mixed tournament as bitches who hate the boys or think they're too good to play with them. Ollie created an event where they have no actual excuse, they already joined, they already made time for it, so if they don't play with the boys it's explicitly because they don't want to. She trapped them. Accidentally of course, there's no way she's smart enough to do this on purpose.

>> No.42124228
Quoted by: >>42124282

i bet you couldn´t even organize a hangover without peeing yourself

>> No.42124282

Disgusting roastie hands typed this post.

>> No.42124335

Are we REALLY gonna have these threads every single time there is a collab between the female branch and the male one? This is getting tiring

>> No.42124379

Gura will solo five of the guys.

>> No.42124393

Yes. If you are tired then take a nap motherfucker. This is the new normal.

>> No.42124400

Agreed. The best solution is to brigade them until they stop doing mixed collabs at all.

>> No.42124499

a necessary evil. Just ignore them if you dont like them. I couldn't be fucked seething and schizoposting aboout it but I appreciate those that do as without them cover would think they have a greenlight to go full nijisanji. thanks for your service 'no male' schizos

>> No.42124627

Yw. It takes a lot out of a guy to call Tempiss a gaggle of faggots you know?

>> No.42124873

Ollie was covering her name.

>> No.42124906

this entire thread

>> No.42124973
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>> No.42125084

>Just ignore them if you dont like them

>> No.42125333

like what you are doing about "nobody is seething"

>> No.42125347

She said it on stream when she announced the tournament, threadreaderchama.

>> No.42125408
Quoted by: >>42125592

The branches are doing their tournaments on separate days

>> No.42125418
Quoted by: >>42125589

>Tweet literally says "I've mentioned this on my stream"

If you bothered to watch the fucking stream instead of being a shitposting thread reader you'd know she did say it from the very start on stream.

>> No.42125491

>Just ignore them if you dont like them
you could also just ignore the streams if you don't like them, if that's not astoundingly clear

>> No.42125496
File: 760 KB, 828x811, 1655343578470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I see apex or valo in a debut stream

>> No.42125553


>> No.42125589

Don’t only like 20 people watch her stream now? Why would you expect one of her 14 viewers to also post or know about that here? Lol

>> No.42125592
File: 441 KB, 717x594, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based jop
Implying it can stop the zombie from shitting things up

>> No.42125695
Quoted by: >>42125757

>Caring about 4chin

>> No.42125745
Quoted by: >>42130639

>Are we really gonna have these new threads everytime a male and a female Collab
Yes because it's funny seeing faggots on this board get assblasted about it.

>> No.42125755
File: 25 KB, 640x320, 1516727089-korath-the-pursuer-who-guardians-of-the-galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42125757
Quoted by: >>42125846

t. cover's employee

>> No.42125801

You're so fucking retarded its unreal

>> No.42125841
File: 110 KB, 333x266, audience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42125953

One single bird brave enough to voice his opinion and stop this woke tr0n inclusive rrat crap

>> No.42125843

/vt/ thinks "oh they shall hear my fury" and cover is saying "yay social media mentions in our social aggregator went up QoQ!" Funnily enough 4chan data is super easy to scrape and is included as a "high quality forum" in all the major social data reporters (sysomos, netbase, etc)

>> No.42125846
Quoted by: >>42126150

Did the voices in your head tell you that?

>> No.42125871

You guys are acting like there's anything wrong with homo collabs. There isn't and I think Gura recognizes that. Especially in this context, she would love to kill the boys in a tournament. Imagine Gura teabagging Vesper.

>> No.42125888

>A literal who
>A nip

>> No.42125926
Quoted by: >>42126006

>if they dont have 500k followers their opinion doesn't matter
Why is /vt/ like this

>> No.42125953

Everyone voices their opinion on Twitter. Unfortunately. His voice gets mogged by a hundred others and since he's Japanese, Cover can keep tabs on him

>> No.42126006

NTA but I couldn't care less who the nip is. He isn't verified so no one will care.

>> No.42126020
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Reminder GR15 exists because of one single guy

>> No.42126150
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>> No.42126605
File: 6 KB, 254x46, 1661637353158791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is my oshi going to play with MALES?
No, they're not even in the same game. Hololive Only has its own separate stream and game session. If Aqua playing in the same tourney as Astel didn't bother you this shouldn't either.

>What about the mixed portion!?
Despite what anons like to claim, Ollie has never forced any girls to collab with Stars no matter how much she wishes for unity. The only girls in the mixed portion will be the ones who choose to be there.

>Ollie didn't tell them Stars would be there!
Untrue. Girls have only said they don't know their teams and rules. I can give Ollie a pass on teams since some more members might be joining, but not informing everyone of the rules yet is an oversight on her part. Nene said there are 3 sessions and she was asked which one she wants to be in. Besides, management would not let Ollie organize such a huge event on her own without supervision. She does have to go through them for approval, she can't just do whatever she wants.

>Isn't Astel just going to win?
No guns no hands feet only.
But seriously, it's minigames not normal Apex matches, so others may have a shot.

>> No.42128470

& IRyS!

>> No.42129346

SC off.

>> No.42130639

The only faggots are the ones eagerly watching fujobait anime boys

>> No.42131816

At this point it's impossible to take arguments like this >>42112043 seriously. It's obvious that DA BOYS and girls have completely different audiences and most of the fanbase is only interested in the Holo girls.
Anyone trying to force this retarded concept of "UNITY" is nothing more than a drama sister who doesn't even watch streams and isn't part of the community.

>> No.42132091

thanks for clarification, gita.

>> No.42132132

There is no competition for Altare.

>> No.42135021
File: 241 KB, 420x420, 1657912503248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42136705

>all these "men" complaining about other men

>> No.42136202

seethe more unicorn

>> No.42136705
File: 17 KB, 242x278, 1674122408514305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42143828

>all those "men" begging for forced unity

>> No.42136704

Who are the six people who are going to join the mixed collab? We need to out these traitors. Now.

>> No.42143110
File: 44 KB, 500x500, artworks-000224902054-zkl1f1-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man really did just say "stop enjoying things"

>> No.42143501
Quoted by: >>42143813

>anon tells others to stop enjoying things
a tale as old as time

>> No.42143685

yea, why the fuck they would include them
half of these girls suck at FPS

>> No.42143813
Quoted by: >>42143995

no, i said that no one else enjoys it and therefore they have bad taste

>> No.42143828

Stop self doxing anon

>> No.42143995
Quoted by: >>42144191

That's a cope

>> No.42144077

i agree that the girls have never forced their peers to collab with males... they have however tricked them (not necessarily maliciously but still tricked them) into collabing with males despite them not fully understanding how the fan base would feel about it, easy two examples are bae inviting mumei to a gartic phone collab with the stars without her realizing stars were there, and kronii being invited to the dead by daylight collab despite clearly not understanding that people would be upset about it (a fact that mori and bae would clearly be aware of as this was not their first homo collab)

>> No.42144191
Quoted by: >>42144456

and like I said, check her viewership decline, clearly at a bare minimum, people are tired of her, a decline of that proportion isn't due to the shifting vtuber market... she just became significantly less popular with time, to the point where she has way more subscribers then a lot of id but is one of their worst performing viewership wise

>> No.42144456

Now say that without crying.

>> No.42144625

just one year ago you would've been publicly executed for saying this

>> No.42144894
File: 3.59 MB, 640x480, Unicorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, it is I, CWC with a quick Update. I, like so many Unicorns here have warnings and reservations with ugh, the MALES, starting wars and such. And now Tempiss thinks they can take away my sweetheart Oshi, taking away my dearest Oshi. ERGHHHHH Da MALES make me so ANGRY! RAAUUGGGHHH DAMN THAT YAGOO CASH! They give me SO MUCH STRESS! I'm on 4cent Garbage all day thinking and engaging with RAGE! Yagoo-San, you will PAY! You HEAR ME YAGOO? YOU WILL PAY!!!

>> No.42145675

>Vesper shows up for a collab when a girl asks him to
Holy moly that's transparent

>> No.42146452
Quoted by: >>42148751

I want to watch some SERIOUS gameplay, so yes.

>> No.42148751

It's not an actual tourney but zombie mode and hide and seek.

>> No.42150644

Just Ollie
