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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 201 KB, 2048x1720, 1671394418047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41993399 No.41993399 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>41996567

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Previous thread >>41985139

>> No.41993435
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Quoted by: >>41994027

cat sex

>> No.41993440
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x769, 1658275919552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa LOVE

>> No.41993449
File: 307 KB, 855x614, 1652796504986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Panko.
I will always love Panko.
Not a day goes by where I don't think about how much I love Panko.

>> No.41993448
File: 332 KB, 809x636, machine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41993456
File: 652 KB, 1125x752, pippaexperience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa love~!

>> No.41993477


>> No.41993478
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>> No.41993492
File: 3.44 MB, 800x800, lia bounce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Lia! Only Lia! Always Lia!
She's Lia!

>> No.41993500


>> No.41993527

No sex allowed past this point, sorry.

>> No.41993549
File: 111 KB, 533x589, Fk49OFoXoAElTYd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenma LOVE!
I need more Tenma images.

>> No.41993550

Tbh guys I think it would be best for some of the girls to graduate since I don't see them making it big enough to survive but I also don't want anyone to graduate because I like PC going strong and not cutting anyone loose

>> No.41993553
File: 340 KB, 1190x1680, 1648024326825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hime wife
Hime life

>> No.41993588
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>> No.41993600


>> No.41993606
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Goodnight /pcg/

>> No.41993649
File: 192 KB, 640x640, BLUSHmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41993650

[Tenma news] Tenma wants a man with a big fat urethra that can piss real loud

>> No.41993654
Quoted by: >>41993843

Too bad, I'm going to bed and wed Shiina and there's nothing you can do about it. I am going to marry Meemaw and reinvigorate her dusty womb and create an army of children.

>> No.41993672
Quoted by: >>41993763

Why do they need to make it? Just steam to a handful of people as a hobbie for fun

>> No.41993690
File: 7 KB, 223x64, 1666529270277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom Love!

>> No.41993727

It's fine I'm too old and autistic to get a wife

>> No.41993749

That's I'm going to fly to Italy and I will save Panko.

>> No.41993761

>bannedvtmemes is a Panko shill
>tries to push Lia to breakdown
>Lia doesn't breakdown and instead comes back strong
>Panko ends up going on hiatus

>> No.41993763
Quoted by: >>41993879

that's a weak mentality

>> No.41993774
Quoted by: >>41993959

Penguin Uruka is built for rape.

>> No.41993843
File: 38 KB, 500x650, 12508809_1503038370001747_8108948975583237376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41994000

This is your final warning - no sex.

>> No.41993845
File: 316 KB, 600x385, autism squib.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't use my oshi to shitpost about the other girls, thanks

>> No.41993848

How you have all these femanons out here and still be gay?

>> No.41993857
File: 560 KB, 871x873, pippacute (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stop horni posting about the rabbit when she goes and sees a doctor.

>> No.41993879
Quoted by: >>41993982

Stop taking anime girls so seriously.

>> No.41993933

the faggots are friendlier than the femcels

>> No.41993945

How do you define "big enough to survive"?

>> No.41993957
File: 828 KB, 535x625, 1674865698605052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing Lia is only for cuddles

>> No.41993959

Need a new CB ep.

>> No.41993977

Tenma is going to NOPE out and drop the stream halfway through the mansion. Calling it now.

The /vt/ femanons are hard gay.

>> No.41993982

streaming 4fun and being in a corpo do not mix
it's not a (Me) thing, if it's corpo streaming then it is about the money

>> No.41993987

Like I wrote last thread, Pancho is a nice girl, but she is not a good streamer. She is like that Neo Sparkles from the JewCorp.
Some girls just aren't meant to be streamers.

>> No.41994000 [SPOILER] 
File: 245 KB, 713x237, 1674159712212867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dice.

>> No.41994007
File: 89 KB, 680x671, shypippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41994086

For the same reason they don't have an anon. I don't leave my house other then to go to work.

>> No.41994027

yeah, with miia

>> No.41994030


>> No.41994039

Not gay but most of us couldn't get a femanon, we aren't good enough for women

>> No.41994074

We need more turbo-autist indies

>> No.41994086
Quoted by: >>41994454

Never had a 4/10 fujo show you her boobies on Discord? Rough.

>> No.41994100

I don't care. She's cute and she entertains me, so she's a good streamer and fuck you if you disagree.

>> No.41994144

>streams 3-4 days a week
>needs a break

>> No.41994161

see >>41993778

>> No.41994174

did tenma see the corner raptor yet?

>> No.41994177
File: 445 KB, 423x703, 1654918455028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41994995

I'll stop horny posting about Pippa when she stops being so god damn fucking sexy. She should see a doctor though.

>> No.41994185

she's just like me

>> No.41994202
Quoted by: >>41994236

Not really, stream for fun with the same group of 100-300 dedicated whales and make steady growth over a long period of time.

>> No.41994236

>Not really
not really

>> No.41994265
Quoted by: >>41994303

Gen3 debut is going to be the thing that breaks her. She is going to fall behind.

>> No.41994282

sufficient $$
I don't believe vtubing purely as a hobby is a thing most girls can do. It just slurps too much time in the long run if you aren't committed. There will always be the tension of wanting to become bigger so you can get paid and do ''better''

>> No.41994290

Goodnight, Lia

>> No.41994295

More like she's gonna focus on posting as bannedvtmemes because of the multiple dramas happening right now

>> No.41994303
Quoted by: >>41994779

Isn't Yuri more fragile than Panko?

>> No.41994313

Playing GTA and Elen Ring for a few hours would wear anyone out. Practically a fulltime job.

>> No.41994314

>ahhhhhhhhhh noooombers aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
go back faggoids

>> No.41994352

goodnight, thank you for the cherry crayon

>> No.41994358
Quoted by: >>41994423

why is airi so bad at megaman x3 she beat the first three what happened?

>> No.41994374

I want to hug the Pippa.

>> No.41994412
File: 1.08 MB, 1950x3508, lia77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41994499

I love Lia, Lia is my oshi and I wasn't happy that the twitter faggot was going above and beyond to anti her, but that is not Pankos fault.

Panko and Lia are friends and I hope Panko comes back happier and ready. Breaks are needed sometimes

>> No.41994414
File: 28 KB, 112x112, pet the peepa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41994545

>> No.41994415

you heard the anon from last thread, donate to panko or she's going to graduate

>> No.41994423

x3 is harder

it's gonna suck when she beats 4 in a single stream

>> No.41994429
Quoted by: >>41994621

Why shouldn't it? You can do well with even low amount of viewers and the purpose of corpo is to have wide variety so every fan can find their own favorite chuuba. You can tell when somebody is not having fun and forcing them to stream specific content serves nothing.

>> No.41994454

Sounds like a keeper if she was well adjusted enough to not fall for a cute edgelord and get groomed into showing off her boobs on Skype at 16

>> No.41994499

That twitter felt like he was forced to talk about Lia since the catalog was talking about them being a pcg shill

>> No.41994537

>Tenma getting spooked and we're not even at the hotel yet
Oh lordy she's going to need her heart medication isnt she

>> No.41994544

It's almost adorable how Pancho was a bit shacking when she announced doing a break for a week, like she was worried about it. Cute little panda I want to cuddle.

>> No.41994545
File: 170 KB, 344x344, pippasandyactivated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41994587


>> No.41994547

>sufficient $$
How much is that? Remi and Erina can probably live well enough from what they earn.

>> No.41994549
File: 49 KB, 176x160, 1651057641019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia is a lying whore

>> No.41994565

i can correct panko and make her happy

>> No.41994574

Panko really needs to find her niche. Normal game really aren't for her

>> No.41994588
File: 929 KB, 627x885, 1674619189674990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate women

>> No.41994587

>Pippa's brain after streaming for 3 hours and 1 minute

>> No.41994621
Quoted by: >>41994777

It's nice to imagine that vtuber corpos are just about having fun, but at the end of the day they're still businesses that need to be turning a profit.

>> No.41994632
File: 447 KB, 478x691, 1674996632101147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41994740

I love Lumi

>> No.41994643

When will Lumi create some drama?
Its getting boring

>> No.41994681

>Airi literally just walks into spikes

>> No.41994684

Lumi doesn't create drama. Drama happens and we blame it on Lumi.

>> No.41994714
Quoted by: >>41995053

Does she care about anything?

>> No.41994717

/pcg/ fears me, for I am the anti, destroyer of threads.
Stay vigilant.

>> No.41994718

we don't even know how large is fishnig's cut and you guys want to talk about earnings
numberfags are subhuman I swear

>> No.41994723

she's busy drama posting about Nijisanji right now

>> No.41994740
File: 352 KB, 378x564, 1673469977702566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Sunday streams always top up the trust levels.

>> No.41994759

You can't go into a creative field and not have fun while doing it, it's not like an office job where you can turn up, do the bare minimum and vanish 30 minutes early to go binge netflix and fast food.

>> No.41994772

>He missed the Lumi make a big corpo show that random faggots on /vt/ live rent free in their heads
Lumis too powerful. What's next?

>> No.41994777
Quoted by: >>41995177

Yes and? Of course it's business, but you can earn money while having fun. Look at Lumi, she found a nice and earns plenty. As a corpo, you don't want to cannibalize you fanbase by having everybody do the same.

>> No.41994779
Quoted by: >>41994964

nah Yuri and Gen1 have already dealt with the "oh no, will a new gen mean I get forgotten about?" anxiety that always happens. If you survive it once, then you're kinda bullet proof

Panko and Remi seem like the 2 that will get fucked with mentally about a Gen3. Remi has good work ethic tho so she will keep herself in the mix. Panko has a very low motor and she is not really a strong personality, so if a new cunny is added she is gonna be in danger if she doesn't adjust.

>> No.41994785

It's that velvet cloak Henri, very menacing

>> No.41994789
File: 782 KB, 2894x4093, phaseluminotawhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41994796

remember bros
>messy room
>messy womb

>> No.41994826
File: 228 KB, 800x800, Pippa plush hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41994835

They could live off $100 a month

>> No.41994870

she just finished sinking tsun and is now working on niji
give her some time

>> No.41994884

I miss Shiina...

>> No.41994926


>> No.41994931
Quoted by: >>41995033

Yes, we know. It's between 30% and 50%. It's your problem if you don't watch streams.

>> No.41994941

>messy womb
Yea by me

>> No.41994942
File: 88 KB, 128x128, Lia wiggly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41994949

Airi has been hitting on Pancho for like 15 minutes now.
Are you guys just gonna let the wolf get her way?

>> No.41994964

Is panko still working her job? I know she supposedly put in her 2 weeks. But has she actually quit? Working full time than being demanded to work overtime every weekend wasn't doing her any favors. If she still needs to work cuz money is an issue and she wants to move out she should actually find a part time job. Not an entry position where your the bitch and optional overtime isnt actually optional.

>> No.41994981

>so stir macaroni like a pony

>> No.41994986

I have done nothing but miss Shiina for three days.

>> No.41994995
Quoted by: >>41995130

>Goes to see a doctor
>He prescribes daily showers, not breathing in black mold spores, and not eating skittles for breakfast

>> No.41995033
Quoted by: >>41995150

>uhhh we know for sure it's between x and y ecks dee
that's not knowing, retard
now go back

>> No.41995043
Quoted by: >>41995185

Didn't she just stream with Rie?

>> No.41995048

It's longer that 2 weeks.

>> No.41995052

This gif gets cuter everytime I see it.

>> No.41995053

>Does she care about anything?
yeah, thats the problem with Lumi, she dosnt care so she just gets away with everything
fucking Lumi

>> No.41995130
File: 911 KB, 768x1024, nervouspippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge impossible.

>> No.41995137

Panko shouldn't quit her regular job. She is not committed enough to vtubing. She was the same low energy stream 4-days a week girl before she started working.

>> No.41995142

Neo Sparkles? What the actual fuck are you even saying

>> No.41995150

That's good enough to know if the pay is livable. Stop moving goalposts, nigger, and answer >>41993945, >>41994547.

>> No.41995157

I need to take a break from vtubers, they keep reminding me I don't have a cute gf

>> No.41995171
File: 94 KB, 778x1219, 1646865979820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolwut It's not like we all live in the same house and I can just knock on femanons door and go "hey girl, ready for your 2 hour facial abuse session?"

>> No.41995177
Quoted by: >>41995285

There's a difference between having fun while streaming and streaming entirely for fun. If the content you have fun making doesn't do well, you need to try something else.

>> No.41995185

That was 3 days ago..

>> No.41995241
Quoted by: >>41995442

Neo Sparkles aka a low energy ESL with a cute model but really isn't cut out for streaming

>> No.41995253

Work out, go get one

>> No.41995262

she's a now graduated chuuba from Idol corp

>> No.41995266 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 337x704, n5vqlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41995271
File: 8 KB, 321x321, 1651247322330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41995440

>low energy
>think about the money
>they should just graduate
>Idol Corp

>> No.41995285

Yes, there is. But then again, the question
>streaming 4fun and being in a corpo do not mix
doesn't imply that you meant "entirely 4fun"

>> No.41995303
Quoted by: >>41995462

Just quit if you're still interested

>> No.41995352

i wrote it months ago that panko would be the first graduation, and I stand by it. she feels very disconnected from the rest of the company, is low effort and doesn't really have a personality.

>> No.41995387

Why can't everyone just have Wemi's level of diligence when it comes to streaming..

>> No.41995431

Lia streaming?

>> No.41995440

I'm just graduation posting so that if they graduate I can feel like "see I told you so" instead of "shit I'm sad someone is leaving"

>> No.41995442

Except Panko is great, and nothing like that worthless j. Good voice, good jokes, best gen 2 singer, is witty, and being ESL is a buff for her. Keep your retarded comparisons for your favorite reaction streamer.

>> No.41995446

>learns an entire language to become a vtuber
>Isn't committed to it

>> No.41995455

>she feels very disconnected from the rest of the company
Okay but enough about Pippa.

>> No.41995462

Want to quit the internet desu

Why do you think people care what you wrote 2 months ago, you self-important jelly brained insect?

>> No.41995477
File: 813 KB, 936x749, 1645991243728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41995513

why settle for below minimum wage from vtubbing when you can have a real job?
she isnt Lumi, Lumi treats streaming like a full time job, Panko seems to just treat it as a hobby that makes her some extra $

>> No.41995532

Panko isn't any more "low effort" than 99% of streamers.

>> No.41995562

Just because she doesn't scream randomly all the time, doesn't mean she has no personality.

>> No.41995575

and 99% of streamers dont make it

>> No.41995577

>learns an entire language to become a vtuber
wait italians don't have mandatory english class in school?

>> No.41995646

Pancho LOVE

>> No.41995662

Because most real jobs suck, I'm lucky I like sitting alone looking through spreadsheets, most people don't like that

>> No.41995661

Have you ever been in school? No matter where you go, the language courses are shit. You can only learn it by using it. Just like Panko and Tenma did.

>> No.41995664

... you know panko spoke english before right? Obviously she'd get better from speaking so much eigo

>> No.41995666

>language at school
i had 5 semesters of french at uni, i can only say je m'appel

>> No.41995683

Any streamer that isn't on an xqc, forsen, or quin69 schedule is lazy.

>> No.41995696

Basically no one should stream by that logic retard. You any of the successful chuubas just started out making a living wage? Lumi has streamed almost 3 times longer than panko.

>> No.41995731
Quoted by: >>41995761

Nah, I think Panko has a lot of potential. She just needs more confidence, and subsequently, to restrain herself less. She especially shines very well when she has someone else to play off of.

>> No.41995741
Quoted by: >>41995876

>airi talking about mecha anime
>susan has me shadowbanned again so I can't sperg out in chat

>> No.41995761

you niggas sound like Lia Likers

>> No.41995780
Quoted by: >>41995872

Doesn't mean she paid attention, we had mandatory french and art classes, can't speak French and can't draw

>> No.41995778
File: 136 KB, 340x305, 64538976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't use my oshi wife for your shitpost

>> No.41995812

I am a Liacon.

>> No.41995819

Well we dont believe anything anyone says unless there lia here. But panko said shes been speaking english less than a year before she started streaming. Maybe watch streams.

>> No.41995852
Quoted by: >>41995968

nah, she has personality, but is kinda low effort ... which applies to most streamers
also think shes most likely to graduate, pippa is the least as even if she gets kicked out of PC she will be streaming next day as the Moth
dunno about the non english girls, as non moon speaker i can never tell whats going on with them

>> No.41995862

To be fair Panko has made the most la creatividad streams in gentoo along with rie and remi, what the fuck are you guys even saying about her not being committed. On top of that, she fucking learned English just to start streaming.

>> No.41995872
Quoted by: >>41995990

based, personally i do not trust anyone who can draw, sing or speak french

>> No.41995875

She's effectively amateur. She's been streaming for 2 years and learned English properly just before it, as far as we know.

>> No.41995876
Quoted by: >>41996182

>he doesn't have like 4 alts
I found that older accounts have been getting the shadow banhammer almost every time.

>> No.41995891


>> No.41995897
Quoted by: >>41995977

She can quit her day job, as long as she starts going REALLY hard on streaming.
For example Aletta in Kawaii. She completely dropped her main job as a software engineer to do streaming full-time and streams twice a day every single day, and it paid off. Now she averages 200+ every stream without raids.
If she continues to do 3 hour or less streams 4 times a week chances are it wont change much

>> No.41995905

Not even just streaming, most creative and/or entrepreneurial endeavors make nothing for a while

>> No.41995918

Yeah and she sucked at it. Out of everyone in phase panko comes across as the most gratefull to have even been given a chance

>> No.41995964
File: 110 KB, 300x300, hime love letter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41995968

>pippa is the least
No surprise. Pippa has been hikki youtube creator for a decade or so.

>> No.41995972
Quoted by: >>41996503

>I called Lia a boring zoomer
>was told for months by the 2 Lia Liker's iit Lia was good
>was told by Pippa herself on stream Lia has big potential if she can just figure it out
>Lia figures it out
>does well and becomes one of the standout darlings
sometimes people see something in someone that you can't, until one day you see it yourself.

>> No.41995977

Panko averages 200 too and streams way less.
Get lost

>> No.41995990

Isn't that all the talents? Oohhh

>> No.41995999

God, she used to be so beautiful...

>> No.41996018
Quoted by: >>41996074

Without her whale lumi would be fucked

>> No.41996047
Quoted by: >>41996235

pankois closer to 150 on avg, her numbers have dipped

>> No.41996074

The glows?

>> No.41996111

>Panko averages 200 too
No she doesnt.
But regardless, she's gunna need to stream more if she quits her day job

>> No.41996133

not a shitpost, Lumi stream 8 hours a day but also seems like she could quit any day, its like a really fun job, but nothing more
bullshit, streamers should have to sacrifice their life on a chance to make it work in 2 years
if you joing A FUCKING COMPANY with A FUCKING CONTRACT and FUCKING TRADEMARK YOUR VOICE and then work for 3 + hours a day, then its a fucking job
a shit paying job, a fucking a scam job

any chuuba thats not indie who dosnt make at lest minimum wage is getting fucked up the ass by chink jews

>> No.41996159
Quoted by: >>41996315

and to be fun she needs to deal with her sad girl fist
let panko beathe

>> No.41996174

Lumi is very rapeable today

>> No.41996182
Quoted by: >>41996241

Huh, interesting.
Guess I'm gonna have to make some alts now.

>> No.41996224

sad girl company...

>> No.41996231
File: 945 KB, 1383x771, manko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you discussing numbers instead of Panko manko's smell and flavor?

>> No.41996235

she's growing.
sept-oct panko streams' average was 100

>> No.41996240

lazy girl company...

>> No.41996241
Quoted by: >>41996504

Susan must just hate you. I only have my one, very old account that is not shadowbanned.

>> No.41996259
Quoted by: >>41996438

>Panko averages 200
She's really not. Her average has tanked by playing ER and GTA constantly. Her drawing and singing streams are much better. She needs help with her content from somebody who sees beyond the latest youtube trends.

>> No.41996264

I want the key to tenmas foxy box...

>> No.41996276

Sad girl energy is powerful if you harness it.

>> No.41996295

don't we all?

>> No.41996306
Quoted by: >>41996738

The girls should save and invest to forcibly by the company off of fishman, then make hin stream as a magical girl femboy who must collab with Lia and hime once a week

>> No.41996315
Quoted by: >>41996469

I get she's a woman, but she should get better at getting over minor shit or just learn to suppress it

>> No.41996333
File: 115 KB, 1089x667, FlMkvvBXkAI32Zp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41996338

You mean liquor?

>> No.41996355
File: 1.51 MB, 298x298, 1659469753297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talked about people betraying her trust
>"not motivated" to stream and has to "sort things out"
I wonder what happened here

>> No.41996357 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 729x567, 1673930256627454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love yoga pants wearing, student debt-laden college sluts, especially my oshi!

>> No.41996369

I want it to become happy girl company someday

>> No.41996370


>> No.41996388

Go back. Leave.

>> No.41996398
Quoted by: >>41996662

you don't understand anon, when they become happy they graduate.

>> No.41996403

Panko is single now!
Im in bros

>> No.41996412

airi slapped panko in the manko

>> No.41996438
Quoted by: >>41996796

I'd really like to see panko go hard on horror ganes or something like that

>> No.41996469

We don't really know anything about what she's dealing with. Even if you were right and it was minor shit, it might as well not be.

>> No.41996471

imagine the handjob...

>> No.41996501

Tenma feeding off the rrats

>> No.41996503
Quoted by: >>41996739

Lia is still small girl, but she is proof that late bloomers exist

>> No.41996504

It always gets shadowbanned after an hour, but I get unbanned the day after everytime, it's pretty weird.

>> No.41996519
Quoted by: >>41996733

happy girls arent streaming to creeps online

>> No.41996522
Quoted by: >>41997951

retard janny

>> No.41996550

You can't fix autism or daddy issues.

>> No.41996567
File: 502 KB, 618x412, LIA HATES FAGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you should take the Lia pill.


>> No.41996584

yeah my slut

>> No.41996588

why would you post such lewd image
no wonder mods nuked it

>> No.41996612
File: 104 KB, 1091x1394, 1672907235592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want this Tenma stream to ever end. This is the most comfy I've been in months.

>> No.41996623

>6-7 minutes clips
can I get a QRD?

>> No.41996630
File: 527 KB, 640x640, 710C4DA8-FE6D-4CF2-9751-C847C1F25892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41996654

She is a sweetheart but her streams are just not really my type of content. Bad games for streaming and long running series.

>> No.41996662

Yes, to a new company called section attach. With streamers like the blue Hampster, chipkin chippa.

>> No.41996669

one of her best streams, she's having a ton of fun

>> No.41996679
Quoted by: >>41996850

you have a good eye for stuff that should be clipped, just work on your clip times!

>> No.41996691

As of right now: 55 out of 71 unique ips have EXPLICITLY voted AGAINST keeping the phase friends section the way it is in this very thread.
Remember to do your part for democracy and send in your mail in ballots so we can throw away the ones we don't like.

>> No.41996703

unironically, the answer is because jews

>> No.41996715
Quoted by: >>41996954

how does lumi survive?

>> No.41996731
File: 77 KB, 256x256, 1657413015039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want Panko to be happy and successful, but I don't know how to help her...

>> No.41996733

Yes, I would like them to stop that

>> No.41996738
Quoted by: >>41996816

Are you a crazy woman? Why don't you start a feminist streaming coop with that type A personality of yours?

>> No.41996739

>still small
In the grand scheme of vtubers sure, but she's like the 4th biggest in PC after Pippa, Tenma, and Lumi.

>> No.41996750
Quoted by: >>41996919

Do your part and kill yourself nigger

>> No.41996757

Numberfags and corp antis are gay.

>> No.41996769

I love women so much. Thank you women for existing.

>> No.41996776


>> No.41996781
Quoted by: >>41996919

Kill yourself

>> No.41996796
Quoted by: >>41996975

Horrors could do a trick. She gets new members every stream. If she also mixed in something for European tastes, it could help. Muumi should check out what Lumi played in past and recommend it to her.

>> No.41996815

Lumi please don't fucking die

>> No.41996816

I'm a guy, I just think it would be amusing

>> No.41996827


>> No.41996849

>tenma shortens caninites to cunts

>> No.41996850

One of them isn't mine, I was going to do the Chick-Fil-A clip but I was too busy last night then found someone else already did exactly what I wanted to do.

Plus wasn't sure if that one was really pushing it in case the alphabet people found it and tried to cancel her for her shitting on the gays.

>> No.41996851
Quoted by: >>41997189

she needs a kick up the ass, she's super timid and could really easily make her streams more interesting, she has good angles to be funny and cute but right now there's too much silence and she obviously hates the games she's playing

>> No.41996919

If you didn't want the OP to change, you would vote for the option that says "Do not change the OP"

>> No.41996940

I agree women are so soft, kind, warm, loving, cute, nice, wholesome, fluffy, small, squishy, cute.

They are great

>> No.41996954

Stealing souls from wayward sailers.

>> No.41996953

It's far more important to tell you to kys

>> No.41996958

When the fuck did you become the /pcg/ president

>> No.41996971

Kill yourself. Nobody will use your troll thread, so it's pointless poll anyway.

>> No.41996975

It seems to be her thing. Her phasmophobia collab is probably the best gaming thing she has been involved with

>> No.41997009

You don't get to make a decision. Kill yourself.

>> No.41997011
Quoted by: >>41997198

You said you would abide by the results of the poll, so you have to kill yourself if it wins.

>> No.41997029

she needs happy juice injected right in the manko

>> No.41997070


>> No.41997076

Lumi will never introduce you to her parents

>> No.41997082
File: 423 KB, 1500x2100, pipipistol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippas learned that she enjoys the emotional abuse she puts us through.

That and afraid she might have it confirmed something is actually wrong with her other then her shitty diet.

>> No.41997092

>Constant tummy hort, sickness and random breaks
Was women entering the workforce unironically a mistake?

>> No.41997099

That artist has good taste and good timing. Truly cultured.

>> No.41997109
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1674204030596708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41997162

that's just the vaxx, but also yes

>> No.41997164

That's fine, I'm already her daddy.

>> No.41997166

Say whatever you want but Panko's stream was great today, and all the previous ones were as well. I know /vt/ is a shit place where only screeching chuubas get recognition, but screaming is not what makes you a good streamer, and everyone has their own target audience anyway. Look at Ina, she's hated in here but still pulls the highest numbers in her whole gen right below Gura (who happens to be a comfy streamer too). You guys just lack taste.

>> No.41997168
Quoted by: >>41997253

Don't care, just want you to respect the democratic process faggot

>> No.41997189

>there's too much silence and she obviously hates the games she's playing
Are we even watching the same streams? She dropped Alien already, she loved ER and is obviously having fun with GTA enough to return to it. She's talking a lot, too.

All she need is the kick in the ass and somebody to help her properly plan the content.

>> No.41997198


>> No.41997229
Quoted by: >>41997362


>> No.41997233

>Pankonigger is also a holonigger

>> No.41997236
File: 71 KB, 1000x982, Reddit Frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me why a bunch of racist white boys want to breed mentally ill Asians/hapas? I feel like you guys are all talk and don't actually support eugenics.

>> No.41997240

Her parents are probably a nightmare

>> No.41997242

I want tenma to help me piss... I want her to compliment my stream on how loud and powerful it is...

>> No.41997252

Stop being a woman, that's disgusting.

>> No.41997253

I don't believe in democracy

>> No.41997262
File: 353 KB, 512x512, 1651430182585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any of those AI voice things I've been seeing around for Phase members? You know the ones that make convincing audio clips that sound like they're from the person?

>> No.41997266

I hope next week we get more cruelty squad, vtmb and maybe deus ex next

>> No.41997270


>> No.41997273

>tenma will never help you piss

>> No.41997286

>a fox woman offers to help you piss in a dark alley
what do?

>> No.41997290
Quoted by: >>41997368

What in the fuck are you on about? Go be retarded somewhere else.

>> No.41997300

they sound like assholes and work in academia so I don't want to meet them

>> No.41997311
Quoted by: >>41997510

>/vt/ is a shit place where only screeching chuubas get recognition
Fauna is the single most shilled chuuba on this board.

>> No.41997326

Meanwhile Wemi is sick, in an actual hellhole surrounded by cats, and will still stream off a shitty laptop
>Look at Ina, she's hated in here
No she's not? In fact Gura gets a hell of a lot more hate

>> No.41997329

I'm not racist, tho I don't actually want to sex the girls, I see them like daughters and sisters

>> No.41997337

Didn't tenma say a few weeks ago that panko is too afraid to ask to collab with people?

>> No.41997356

>frog image
>abhorrent post

>> No.41997362
Quoted by: >>41997487

That poll wasn't even mine to begin with. This new one is. I will abide the second result, as I said, so get out there and VOTE

>> No.41997368

anon its a frogposter why even bother replying

>> No.41997370

Does he know?

>> No.41997385

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board, >>>/lgbt/ is 2 blocks down

>> No.41997390

marriage of course

>> No.41997391

I consent.

>> No.41997408
Quoted by: >>41997468

Go make your own.
Also use a burner email unless you want trouble at your door.

>> No.41997421

Don't stick your dick in crazy or you ruin yourself for other girls

>> No.41997426
File: 387 KB, 549x563, slant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooo is Ashelia Rinkou streaming tonight or.....

>> No.41997428
Quoted by: >>41997715

Quitting her job for streaming would be a comically bad decision. She didn't stream enough before she had the job, and her job likely pays her way more than vtubing.

>> No.41997451

Someone was posting stuff from a Lia AI last thread but only like every 5th word sounded even vaguely like her.

>> No.41997468

>want trouble at your door

>> No.41997487
Quoted by: >>41997693

>That poll wasn't even mine to begin with.
>i will abide the second result
this is the most retarded thing ive ever heard.
fuck off and kill yourself already, nobody is going to use your shitty split thread

>> No.41997507
Quoted by: >>41997549

doubt Lia streams tonight she usually doesn't wait until the last minute. Likely the return of Monday Night Lia tomorrow tho!

>> No.41997510
Quoted by: >>41997548

of course she is. if panko was gfe she would be loved too

>> No.41997518
File: 159 KB, 1169x942, canttakeitcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fox girl will never help you piss. I'm so tired of this world so very fucking tired.

>> No.41997525

She did a guerilla this morning. Guess you missed it.

>> No.41997547

i will turn Lias 50% into 25%

>> No.41997548
Quoted by: >>41997606

all chuubas are gfe

>> No.41997549

Alright Lia thanks for letting me know, I miss you and love you

>> No.41997574
Quoted by: >>41997652

This club is giving me flashbacks

>> No.41997606

not hardcore

>> No.41997631
File: 881 KB, 665x605, 1660376632148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to improve Pippa's white trash bloodline.

>> No.41997640
File: 681 KB, 1668x2388, 20221211_130202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41997725

Wemi Time!

>> No.41997652
File: 2.87 MB, 256x415, ISOLATED [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvgvkm7.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking love that

>> No.41997660
File: 1.56 MB, 1062x1199, my name is lodsofmanko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Panko is the Lia and Yuri of her generation

>> No.41997663
File: 1.25 MB, 720x662, rieappp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41997699

>> No.41997662

*sad accountant noises*

>> No.41997676
File: 133 KB, 450x450, 668875234156336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41997693
Quoted by: >>41997777

They will now they see they're the majority and you and your ilk are just seething about nothing.
Bitch and moan all you want, yours is the split thread.

>> No.41997699

can you draw Hime getting beaten to death with a pipe

>> No.41997707

being a kanpainiki in this thread is always a surreal experience

>> No.41997715

It's lowest Italian office job with forced overtimes. With the supas and members it probably is not much better than what she earn right now.

>> No.41997725
Quoted by: >>41997784

>more wemi truck kino
>nobody noticed it until now
/pcg/ HATE

>> No.41997765
File: 214 KB, 450x450, chinese10ma [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4tw7vo.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41997788


>> No.41997777

the majority want you to kill yourself, which is just the same thing as saying leave it the fuck alone, shut the fuck up, and stop baking

>> No.41997784

We don't watch Gen 2 or Tenma.

>> No.41997788
File: 102 KB, 450x450, IMG_8569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41997861


>> No.41997809

It sounds like /pcg/

>> No.41997814

We also don't watch the JPs.

>> No.41997837

please honor your two polls and kill yourself, thanks.

>> No.41997840

based and checked

>> No.41997843

I want Lia, Panko, and Yuri to do a Omega Soccer stream

>> No.41997859

She's the Uruka

>> No.41997861
File: 1.82 MB, 1500x1500, Tenma_chinese[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F59i5jt.mp3]i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41997865

I would if someone posted the links, but I often watch Holos during JP time

>> No.41997885

Fish better hurry up poach the tsun girls. We need more chuubas to not watch.

>> No.41997890

based and checked, quad 7's prove its true

>> No.41997924

I know, you're gay. Go have some orgies again.

>> No.41997936

how so?
I say Lia & Yuri because
>frequent breaks
>has high potential
>inconsistent schedule

>> No.41997938

Which chuubas does /pcg/ watch?

>> No.41997940
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1080, tenma flip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41997947

Fuck you kek

>> No.41997951
File: 972 KB, 179x192, tumblr_nnagarGlgd1qmdxsco1_250[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2e1uxu.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41997975


>> No.41997976

If it was the same thing, why didn't you also vote for literally exactly that?
How about you stop baking your spam threads that almost everybody else in this thread agrees are not the real ones?

>> No.41997994

Pippa sometimes Lia

>> No.41997995
File: 459 KB, 2365x2207, 1658884034785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41998006
File: 56 KB, 677x623, 1653418977746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said Anon

>> No.41998011

currently tenma
normally lumi, yuri, pippa and lia

>> No.41998022
File: 264 KB, 2048x1152, 1673067897871995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia cleaned i'm proud of her! https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia/status/1619836345056378880?t=iae7aa_ynOzLkDOgjf3dUg&s=19

Also I miss her

>> No.41998029

But yuri has zero potential

>> No.41998039
Quoted by: >>41998192

It's the same thing. How would you post new threads if you're dead?

>> No.41998042

Do you ever worry that the vtubers hate us and think we are cringe and creepy?

>> No.41998061
Quoted by: >>41998192

nigger i voted for the multiple option of kill yourself and just leave it as it is, what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.41998071
File: 429 KB, 248x140, PFyz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41998073

If they don't think we are creepy and cringe then I'm a little worry for their social graces.

>> No.41998078
File: 238 KB, 282x502, 1660773686299117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41998080
Quoted by: >>42000287

Pippa literally said we are the best

>> No.41998087


>> No.41998090

yubi, lia, tenma, shiina and panko

>> No.41998104
File: 313 KB, 448x468, 1673318591428051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being so fucking cute Lumi. I just want to be mean to you without feeling guilty.

>> No.41998131

i like Lia

>> No.41998138
File: 2.74 MB, 1624x1058, 1628864209769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quad sevens prove that the OP is sacred and immutable until Gen 3 debuts

>> No.41998150

>frequent breaks
Except she doesn't take frequent breaks.
This is the first one since last month (literally new years, everyone took a break) and it's because something happened in her life, not because of tummy hort or some other shit.

>> No.41998153

Better than turning tricks innit

>> No.41998177


>> No.41998192

Why didn't you vote for both?
Congratulations, you did the bare minimum and your vote was counted. Unfortunately you're one of the only ones, if I'm to believe that everybody voting kill yourself also wanted to vote for leave it as, but chose not to completely for self-sabotage purposes.

>> No.41998256

she streams the least of gen2.

>> No.41998264

i don't i know i am cringe and creepy very well and it doesn't bother me at all

>> No.41998261


>> No.41998263

>Tenma says Women in suits are the best, as she is a tiny fox in a suit at the moment
Tenmas so cute.

>> No.41998276
Quoted by: >>41998294

>How would you post new threads if you're dead?

>> No.41998286
Quoted by: >>41998427

stop doing mental fucking gymnastics and recognize the results of the poll and kill yourself

>> No.41998294

>Why didn't you vote for both?

>> No.41998295
File: 5 KB, 160x121, 1655470979666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41998315

I just realized something...
Vox participated in /vt/ satire stream, making him a stealth /here/tuber. So does that mean that his "whore" tweet was a reaction to Lia's yab, not a coincidence?

>> No.41998324

wait you guys ACTUALLY watch vtubers? I thought it was a joke...

>> No.41998341


>> No.41998361

Thank god. I'm so proud of her. Our little girl is becoming a somewhat presentable member of society.

>> No.41998363

Always Lia
Pippa when she's not overlapping Lia
Usually Uruka or Erina during the overlap hours after Pippa streams

>> No.41998367


>> No.41998388

>Vox is a liker
Y'know this makes more sense the more I think about it.

>> No.41998387
Quoted by: >>41998498

It's possible, but women out there are being whores at any given time so who knows.

>> No.41998395

yellow Veibae

>> No.41998409


>> No.41998408

ok but literally actually unironically who?

>> No.41998418


>> No.41998419
Quoted by: >>41998564

You are in such denial of Panko. You would have told me an hour ago everything is fine for her, when it's not. She is struggling hard and is likely second guessing things.

>> No.41998426

>the wipeys

>> No.41998427
Quoted by: >>41999483

dial ate

>> No.41998431

literally who

>> No.41998446

pippa and tenma mostly but i give everyone a watch if im free

>> No.41998471


>> No.41998476
Quoted by: >>41998563

The hardest part about being a vtuber manager must be keeping the talents from killing eachother or themselves

>> No.41998483

I want to lick Lia's butthole clean after she takes a stinky poo

>> No.41998498

And he's a "personality" so he 100 has hoes to stress about irl

>> No.41998500
File: 308 KB, 1660x1707, pippadisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia news


Likers yet again I am reminded how useless you all are.

>> No.41998536

Pippa, Lumi and Lia in that order

>> No.41998547
Quoted by: >>41998717


>> No.41998563

Probably not that much different from being an obasan

>> No.41998564

pankofags are the most deluded fans. it's always "she's gotten so much better bros" but she is still vtuber ambien.
panko is so much better now compared to 6 months ago that she is unmotivated and going away after having a poor week of streaming

>> No.41998573

huh? wat u mean?

>> No.41998600
File: 24 KB, 510x108, VOX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3view Connect going "who?" on anyone

>> No.41998606

Wemi and Lumi so I can anti her better lovingly

>> No.41998607

Pippa, when she's still alive anyway.

>> No.41998611

Lia, Lumi and Tenma

Speaking of tenma she's about to get spooked

>> No.41998627

10ma arraived at the hotel

>> No.41998635

go back nijifag

>> No.41998641
Quoted by: >>41998721

Why would I ever care about males?

>> No.41998650

No one uses twitter

>> No.41998653
File: 58 KB, 601x680, Fnq_o0-aMAEDNXb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41998781

>> No.41998663

m'am we only watch pippa in here

>> No.41998682
Quoted by: >>41998874

Remi the stalker

>> No.41998694


>> No.41998717
File: 19 KB, 720x547, yippiepippie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41998754

My bad somehow didn't notice that post when I skimmed.

>> No.41998721
Quoted by: >>41998765

>Why would I ever care about males?
Because the original discussion was about Lia.

>> No.41998730
Quoted by: >>42001627

I don't care about things outside of my little bubble

>> No.41998731

Never heard of her. Is she popular in China?

>> No.41998740
File: 48 KB, 351x520, 1674435623633571[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-Lia yab
>"Why does Tenma never get discussed in these threads?"
>post-Lia yab

>> No.41998754


>> No.41998762

>no 【Phase Connect】
literally who?

>> No.41998764


>> No.41998765

And why should I ever care about males?

>> No.41998775

i still have no clue who that is

>> No.41998781
File: 98 KB, 960x960, 10108909781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41998850


>> No.41998796
Quoted by: >>41998881

tenma will die today

>> No.41998801


>> No.41998806

Once again,

>> No.41998845


>> No.41998850
File: 106 KB, 960x960, 10108909781(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41998897


>> No.41998867

can we poach her?

>> No.41998874
File: 68 KB, 208x165, 1652618210116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41998918

Yandere Remi...

>> No.41998881

Hotel time?

>> No.41998893


>> No.41998895
Quoted by: >>41998960

Is this your Genshin OC?

>> No.41998897
Quoted by: >>41998947

Is this a bot?

>> No.41998918

>femdom these animals
You people kept telling me she was brown...

>> No.41998935


>> No.41998938

It's currently ongoing.

>> No.41998947
File: 129 KB, 1001x1247, FikTkbrWIAIOmhT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41999010

No I just think its funny

>> No.41998960
File: 463 KB, 728x656, 1674673528245493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41999105


>> No.41998977

>Worried singing intensifies

>> No.41998998


>> No.41999010
Quoted by: >>41999088

Post the one about suicide. That one always cracks me up

>> No.41999088
File: 152 KB, 640x541, 1674857659367380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41999089
File: 19 KB, 440x118, enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to shitpost about tenma singing scooby doo. >Pippa RTs.

Pippa you jealous shit its your day off I'm allowed to watch other chuubas in order to cope with my soul crushing loneliness.

>> No.41999105

kill yourself

>> No.41999107
File: 254 KB, 1920x1580, FmdQG9EXoAIXkiN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41999131
Quoted by: >>41999483

I voted explicitly for you to kill yourself in both polls and it won both times. Why are you ignoring the results?

>> No.41999151

kek thanks

>> No.41999206

She loves us! We're incels and she still loves us!

>> No.41999234

Phase connect anonymous hater parody stream when? NijiEN's was funny but I don't even watch them

>> No.41999273

what the hell even is that

>> No.41999272

phases don't know each other the way the nijiens do

>> No.41999287
File: 451 KB, 575x726, Oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep being cute, 3view Connect.

>> No.41999328
File: 84 KB, 1089x946, 1671861663538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41999347
File: 633 KB, 360x600, 1666940267525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa is a 4view

>> No.41999386
File: 279 KB, 850x1076, 1672408122918005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41999917

I remember the Pippa and Lumi phasmophobia collab where they just spouted /vt/ memes to each other the entire time

>> No.41999389

who the fuck is that and why is he a male

>> No.41999396

???? I'M SORRY, WHO?

>> No.41999411

Why do you shill him/her here?

>> No.41999420

Sorry, this is a female only corpo. We do not know who that vtuber you speak of is. Kindly move on

>> No.41999424


>> No.41999427

isn't that the company that has the gossip discord?

>> No.41999426

Oh Tenmas at the hotel.

>> No.41999444

10ma would shutdown the idea

>> No.41999483
Quoted by: >>41999755


>> No.41999507
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, stop falling for bait[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fw7bfd8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41999586

>> No.41999530

>Vox means voice
She clearly has a type.

>> No.41999586

this is a bait biting company anon
we bite the bait so hard that even the antis lose interest because it is no challenge

>> No.41999595

Yuri awakens something deep within my male mind that just screams breed breed breed breed breed

>> No.41999641
File: 72 KB, 625x626, Sakanabait_v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likers love bait, it's irresistible to them.

>> No.41999647

This but Shiina.

>> No.41999659

>n*ji niggers have to shill their trash chuubas in a small corpo thread

>> No.41999688
Quoted by: >>41999763

i would watch lumi but i dont trust her, so pippa

>> No.41999698

This but yuri x2

>> No.41999726

Tenma is taking this better than I expected

>> No.41999755

I'll do whatever you want after you stream your suicide.

>> No.41999757

Guys? Airi is streaming...

>> No.41999763

>not trusting lumi
>watching pippa
your mind works in mysterious ways

>> No.41999765
Quoted by: >>41999804

>Help me
I respect the hussle Tenma.

>> No.41999779
Quoted by: >>41999902

Sheath cleaning pro

>> No.41999793

That's great Anon!

>> No.41999804
File: 510 KB, 709x869, 1674944109269213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was wondering after the FAITH incident.

CEO Grindset.

>> No.41999802

Why are femanons such terrible and annoying people?

>> No.41999822
File: 14 KB, 328x270, 1663645515686773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41999887

I'm edging to her tits retard don't bother me

>> No.41999825

This but Uruka

>> No.41999843

yeah, with miia

>> No.41999859


>> No.41999863
Quoted by: >>41999959

i trained her by following her at night

>> No.41999868


>> No.41999887

Cowtits are gross

>> No.41999902


>> No.41999909

big if true

>> No.41999911

we already told you to go back nijinigger, we don't know your streamers

>> No.41999917

I just went back to watch this and in the first minute
>soft, airy Pippa voice
>"I'm from cyberlive"
>3 of the 4 models are different
>bird prisoner screeee every 10 seconds

Times have changed

>> No.41999943
Quoted by: >>41999961

this but (You)

>> No.41999959

>She is now the thing she fears, now she fears nothing.
If Faith protagonist was a autist vampire Tenma would beat it no problem.

>> No.41999961
Quoted by: >>42000024

I am a man anon I cant be bred

>> No.41999970
File: 367 KB, 1384x2048, 1669956715439330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42000063

Actual homosexual
Seek help

>> No.41999995
File: 327 KB, 1080x1380, 1663973370658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42000044

I want the pippussy on my face so bad

>> No.42000019
Quoted by: >>42000260

>55 out of 71 unique ips
That's not even how it works. There's no guarantee it's the same ips.

>> No.42000024
File: 347 KB, 220x183, 1655340026455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42000044
File: 190 KB, 307x516, mentalillness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42000060

ur gross

>> No.42000063

The bigger they are the worse they sag

>> No.42000065
File: 592 KB, 1200x1500, 1675021784257182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but with goth yuri

>> No.42000126

tenma noooooo....

>> No.42000155
File: 1.61 MB, 480x536, TenmaOnMeds[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5tuo3c.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insists on playing in 3rd person because horror
>gets fucked up by the awkward control scheme in 3rd person
>gets shoved back 70% through the hotel
This is what happens when you're a little bitch, Tenma.

>> No.42000162

Dontsavema ignored chat and paid the price.

>> No.42000164


>> No.42000177
Quoted by: >>42000364

Thats the sexiest part. What are you, gay?

>> No.42000205
Quoted by: >>42000364


>> No.42000219

Just because Lia's my oshi doesn't mean I know who all of her 2view friends are.

>> No.42000235

VtM should have forced you to play through the hotel in first person.

>> No.42000260

What are you even trying to say eslchama?

>> No.42000287
Quoted by: >>42000365

the competition was reddit.

>> No.42000337

She got spooked pretty hard. Can't blame her for being a coward.

>> No.42000364
File: 2.19 MB, 1200x1200, 1675027561091235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do you i guess..

>> No.42000365
File: 71 KB, 128x128, 1655760043737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42000389

pls undastand last time she had a horror experience she nearly had an actual heart attack.

>> No.42000426
File: 2.77 MB, 1064x604, 1661083931506.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42000436


>> No.42000447
Quoted by: >>42000536

I want to hatefuck Hime

>> No.42000448

Everyone is boring. Any Phase friends?

>> No.42000463
Quoted by: >>42000500

I miss Lia

>> No.42000487
Quoted by: >>42000561

God Airi is so dumb.

>> No.42000500
Quoted by: >>42000540

not as much as I do

>> No.42000510
File: 119 KB, 629x786, pippacooking (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder when she checked the thread after stream tonight and saw all the posts about wanting to fuck her if she had second thoughts.

>> No.42000512

ur boring betch

>> No.42000518
Quoted by: >>42000578

phase friend Tenma Maemi is live right now

>> No.42000524
Quoted by: >>42000578

Phase Friend Tenma is playing VtM

>> No.42000536
File: 261 KB, 1000x1000, hime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As her strongest and most devout Himebito, I cannot allow that.

>> No.42000540
File: 62 KB, 720x691, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will bleed for Lia. BLEED FOR LIA.

>> No.42000561

I know. It's so damn hot.

>> No.42000566

brops! i just understood what tenma said! i think i speak japanese now!

>> No.42000578
File: 34 KB, 317x265, 1663575265150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42000616
Quoted by: >>42000731

i will breed lia

>> No.42000670

>her strongest and most devout Himebito
I remember making this post.

>> No.42000685
File: 78 KB, 828x1104, 1673300253679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. strongest bito

>> No.42000731

Least cucked Liacon.

>> No.42000735 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>42000885

Pippa doesn't mind that we want to fuck her.

>> No.42000746

Phase Friend Bobby Kotick needs your money right now

>> No.42000764
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1645352158479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all the horny posting isn't the main driving force behind the corruption arc

>> No.42000768
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, hime punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begon, propagandist!

>> No.42000770

I hate vtubers for turning into a hag lover. Every single chuuba thats a hag I have an innate need to breed, if they're younger than the ripe old age of haggery I'm not interested in them sexually. Thanks, I hate it.

>> No.42000788

>I should be strong and independent because I'm a man
Gender roles are funny.

>> No.42000815

>killed by pink supa

>> No.42000835


tw: rie x shorta

>> No.42000878

Don't worry anon
i make very sure that she never forgets that we want to breed her by reminding her daily

>> No.42000885
File: 274 KB, 312x343, BHUIloveyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42000910

Good because I'm responsible for at least 5 of the pippa seggs posts a thread.

>> No.42000910
File: 300 KB, 2048x1488, Pippaseggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But not this one

>> No.42001001
File: 106 KB, 850x1511, 1646971834711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to send Tenma your love and support.
She made it through the hotel quest.

>> No.42001004
File: 339 KB, 616x316, close hime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42001019
Quoted by: >>42001147

Understandable anon. I used to fool around with a married 33 year old woman when I was 21 and all the younger girls after her got immediately downgraded in my mind...
Now I am the oldfag and I can't revive any of those moments, so I just fantasize with chuuba hags...

>> No.42001026

not quite the same for me but they do tend to get more entertaining with age

>> No.42001056

time to trust again

>> No.42001113

She'd enjoy it, why do you want to deny her pleasure?

>> No.42001120
Quoted by: >>42001296

Phase Connect is almost entirely sad girls. Anon horniness has probably quadrupled their self confidence.

>> No.42001138

It would probably be easier if he laid her down

>> No.42001147

As someone with crippling mommy issues I won't know this feeling until I'm like 50.

>> No.42001167

UnamedJJJ is a cute name to be honest. Fits a tism furry vampire

>> No.42001203

>spend 50$ to backseat Airi
>gets her killed while she reads it
nice job backseater chan, you just know that she'll forget the supa the moment she finds a pink capsule

>> No.42001226

What kind of total subhuman do you have to be to interrupt karaoke with tts faggotry

>> No.42001244

Some of them yeah, like I think Airi thinks a lot of us are creeps, and Erina got creeped out by the mommy stuff didn't she?

>> No.42001266
Quoted by: >>42001294

I wonder how tenma is going to react about the plot twist about the "sisters".

>> No.42001281

She's perfect for Phase Connect

>> No.42001294

>Woah mama!

>> No.42001296
Quoted by: >>42001470

>Anon horniness has probably quadrupled their self confidence.
This is exactly what happened to Pippa, she thought the feetposting was a joke but it continued after her reveal.
She then happily showed them later in that Yuko collab, zero hesitation that time.

Now Pippa isn't even afraid of handcams anymore.

>> No.42001304
Quoted by: >>42001455

No because Lia unironically loves us.

>> No.42001376


>> No.42001384

This bitch looks like Lumi on a good day.

>> No.42001441
Quoted by: >>42001468

>Tenma is ending already

>> No.42001449

[Wemi news] She has a long schlong

>> No.42001455
Quoted by: >>42001531


>> No.42001468
Quoted by: >>42001504

It's been like 5 hours

>> No.42001470

>everyone says she has cute hands and assumes she got a manicure
That probably made her really happy too

>> No.42001500

I think half of overlap connect is lumi alone. She marathons her streams.

>> No.42001504

She needs to go for at least 12.

>> No.42001527
Quoted by: >>42001695

Well the thread almost over hope you guys didnt forget that lia is a lying whore.

>> No.42001531
Quoted by: >>42001681

Don't reply to me ever again.

>> No.42001554

We all need those Wem

>> No.42001572
File: 492 KB, 849x1200, 1644676627242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42001583
Quoted by: >>42002345

the dopamine you get when you're not used to compliments can really change you for the better

>> No.42001595
File: 145 KB, 1392x1738, stoppedsleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of Pippa reading all the cute hand posts and calling us all dorks makes me laugh.

Fuck tenmas done I guess its back to despair.

>> No.42001607


>> No.42001622


>> No.42001627

If only nijifags have this kind of mentality..

>> No.42001644

I know a semi-popular youtuber in reality and can tell you that they talk about you as if you were cattle
they don't hate you but you are a number
though it's very possible that some of them don't think this way

>> No.42001660

Tenma was cute as fuck and visibly had fun, if only it could've lasted for 5 hours more

>> No.42001681
File: 30 KB, 704x495, 1674141410544959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42001773


>> No.42001688
File: 600 KB, 828x756, 1670119913458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42001831

She did better during the hotel than I expected, although I feel like most of that was due to her insisting on being in 3rd person the entire time, which removes you from the experience a fair amount. Very comfy time.

>> No.42001695
Quoted by: >>42002064

It pains me to think how posters like this might be ex-Likers. But 2bh I'm glad you were filtered because Lia doesn't need people like you watching her.

>> No.42001773

I can't unsee the anime girl face

>> No.42001788

cant wait for next week

>> No.42001796
Quoted by: >>42001978

I think most realize that, which is a large part of the 2view attraction. There was a fairly famous twitchcon panel clip shitting on viewers, but I guess it's pretty old at this point.

>> No.42001804

That didn't feel anywhere close to five hours

>> No.42001810
File: 274 KB, 552x363, 1673373656213486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42001823
Quoted by: >>42002085

VTM:Bloodlines is great and I'm glad she's having fun with it, I can't wait for her reactions to some of the things the game will throw at her

>> No.42001831

Between that and the constant attempts at humor, it's obvious she was trying to make it as unspooky as possible.

>> No.42001845
File: 211 KB, 1840x1750, fawkyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42002034


Missed the start of the stream cause I was asleep so didnt catch the name

Third person is cheating but we didnt need a FAITH rerun

9/10 Curious if shell do a malk or nos playthrough after this run.

>> No.42001846
Quoted by: >>42002238

Oh no she raided tricky

>> No.42001865

Poop thoughts

>> No.42001902

Trust level at an all time high/10

>> No.42001964

By youtuber do you mean someone who uploads videos or someone who streams? There's a large difference between the two kinds of content in regards to what a viewer is.

>> No.42001978

>twitchcon panel clip shitting on viewers
i mean shitting on twitch chat is a given. its way worse with events so i cant really blame em

>> No.42001994

I don't get how she has the energy to not only stream that much but also mald, screech and babble nonstop for hours and then finish with a multi song karaoke.
Love Looms/10

>> No.42001997

I love this retarded braindamaged functionally blind ADHD star like you wouldn't believe

>> No.42002034

Her name is UNAMEDJJJ

>> No.42002064

I don't think anyone who's watched even an hour of her would say things like that

>> No.42002076

Raided a whore/10
Terrible micro, refuse to learn/10
Cute retard/10
Endurance stream LOVE/10
Strategy Sunday/10

>> No.42002083

Why does my brain not work right, asks lemon after beating her head against a wall for 7 hours/10
Karaoke love/10
Great stream/10

>> No.42002085

assuming fuckers in chat don't spoil it for her

>> No.42002120

It's okay newfriend, Tenma can't read.

>> No.42002138

yoga pants/10

>> No.42002143

Genuinely a 10/10.

>> No.42002162

loooong loom/10
better than waarhammer not much for vst/10
was at break/10
went almost bowling and came back/10
I trust but I know I'm dumb, also like the singing/10

>> No.42002226
Quoted by: >>42002259

It was great. Love from /vrt/.

>> No.42002238
Quoted by: >>42003859

I can look past the whore model, it's a good model but I can't look past the reaction content.

>> No.42002259
Quoted by: >>42002364


>> No.42002272

>betraying her trust
when did she do that?

>> No.42002310
Quoted by: >>42002427

is pippa streaming today?

>> No.42002345
File: 199 KB, 590x523, 1654037905324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change you for the better
>fantasizes about looking like some azur lane turbo hoe
>talked before about wanting to get plastic surgery
We should maybe dial down the compliments for a bit

>> No.42002361
Quoted by: >>42002596

I'm speaking from experience, here. Never underestimate the levels a scorned unicorn will stoop to.

>> No.42002364

appears to be a thread for retro game chuubas >>41976064

>> No.42002403
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, officer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42002427

Sunday and Monday are Pippa's break days.

>> No.42002432
Quoted by: >>42003428

Someone will probably have to spoil her on the werewolf fight once she gets to it if she doesn't already know. It's pure bullshit and not in a fun way.

>> No.42002486

Even an undead's mood would be improved by this stream.

>> No.42002492

She had fun so we had fun/10

>> No.42002555

>goes from a mold crack house to looking after herself, taking care of herself and knowing her parents are proud of her
yeah the plastic surgery is just a reflection she had, she never got dental care and probably has a fucked up mouth, she isn't getting collagen and botox

>> No.42002589

new thread

>> No.42002596

Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.

>> No.42002601

I assume you missed Lia's donothon finale and how the thread reacted to it.

>> No.42002610
File: 609 KB, 2070x2937, goodyabbit (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everyone fantasizes about dressing up like that at least once in their lives.

Considering how long its taken to get Pippa to see a doctor I don't think we have to worry about the plastic surgery visit for a while.

>> No.42002640

vandalized op, kill yourself
real thread

>> No.42002703
Quoted by: >>42003028

Just stop man

>> No.42002722
Quoted by: >>42003028

listen to your poll and kys

>> No.42002751

you do realize just calling the proper thread "vandalized" can be easily seen as bullshit when your OP is the clearly vandalized one?

>> No.42002786
Quoted by: >>42003028

Still waiting on the suicide stream.
You DO care about the poll results, right, anon?

>> No.42002860
Quoted by: >>42003028

both poll results have told you to kill yourself, please listen to the will of the thread

>> No.42002901

This OP is the proper thread. That one is the vandalized one. Democracy made the rules, I just bake with 'em.

>> No.42002949
Quoted by: >>42003004

democracy has told you to kill yourself

>> No.42002956

dim star/10

>> No.42002962

I'm not joking. Kill yourself.

>> No.42002975
Quoted by: >>42003278

Bros I am sorry for making the first poll, I didn't think this retard would latch onto it like this.

>> No.42003004
Quoted by: >>42003066

It also looked at keeping the thread the same and went, "No thanks."

>> No.42003019

Democracy spoke and Her answer was your death. Are you going to make Democracy sad? Why are you trying to cuck Democracy?

>> No.42003028
Quoted by: >>42003223

>I literally never watch moi, maple, haruna and kkcyber but I care so much about them that I will never let anyone take them out of the OP, because, because, well, because that is LE BAD!

>> No.42003045
Quoted by: >>42003721

>be panko
>meet guy at lucca & have seggs
>try long distance and take breaks to visit "grandmother"
>visit him and he breaks up with you
>be sad girl

>> No.42003060
Quoted by: >>42003126

and i love Wemi

>> No.42003066
Quoted by: >>42003278

which is why everyone flocks to your vandalized OP after the super serious pol that you made that wass totally 100% honest in its intentions and execution right?
fuck off and kill yourself already

>> No.42003126

based wemi wetard

>> No.42003223
Quoted by: >>42003474

Wherever you came from please don't go back. I wouldn't wish that on them. Instead, kill yourself. End your life. Bite off your tongue, slit your throat, toaster bathtub.

>> No.42003278
Quoted by: >>42003445

Why did you allegedly make the poll if you don't want the results of the poll to be implemented?
Let me guess, you were just going to delete it if it came up a way you didn't want (like it did) but no one was around to enforce it?
I can't account for people being retarded. The poll noombers don't lie.

>> No.42003312
File: 92 KB, 828x793, FkKNFW2VUAAYf3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42003347
Quoted by: >>42003474

kys. nitrogen gas is often overlooked and completely painless.

>> No.42003428

Your supposed to run away and wait for the lift to come back. Killing it is whats bullshit

>> No.42003445
Quoted by: >>42003777

I just wanted to know what /pcg/ thinks about the phase friend retardation. It's why I added the "kill yourself" option because I know a lot of anons hate poll fags for spamming them nonstop some time ago.

>> No.42003474

the overly emotional response only shows I'm right, you refuse the change in a pretentious sense of self righteousness

>> No.42003501
Quoted by: >>42003627

>he says self righteously

>> No.42003561
Quoted by: >>42003627

>people are mad at be for being an annoying faggot... that means I'm right hahaha
you can easily buy the gas from a welding supply store.

>> No.42003571
Quoted by: >>42003627

I'm just going to use the other thread because you are a faggot.

>> No.42003627
Quoted by: >>42003733

>no U
>literally ran out of arguments
>emotional response continues
>out of arguments

>> No.42003676
Quoted by: >>42003790

Did Wemi get a raid?

>> No.42003721

Why are you like this? Stop being so italian ffs

>> No.42003733

If the poll was accurate everyone would move to your fucking split.
>Verification not required.

>> No.42003777

So what /pcg/ thinks about the making of /pcg/ threads just shouldn't go? It should be exclusively relegated to the people that WAH WAH WAH the most?

>> No.42003790

tenma raid

>> No.42003859

For me it's less the model and more the person behind it being into casual sex, and talking about it on stream.

>> No.42004076

that's how everything gets resolved, yes

>> No.42004322
Quoted by: >>42004395


>> No.42004324
Quoted by: >>42004507

Why do you ignore that 50% of the anons tell you to kill yourself? You must have noticed that nobody defends you or uses your threads. Why do you think that is?

>> No.42004395

based retard

>> No.42004507

You must not have noticed that there is more than one person calling you out on your stupidity and stubbornness.

>> No.42004559
File: 236 KB, 300x422, Loomjelly1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Player/10
Pro-Level Gaming/10
Good enought/10
Decent for what it was/10
