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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.46 MB, 1417x920, 1658384663752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41877393 No.41877393 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and recieve advice related to vtubing

>Can i self post?
Self posting is allowed as long as it's for asking for feedback or starting out, there are other threads for self promotion

>Should i stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos

>Is there an audience for X
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Phase connect (Open until February 12th): https://phase-connect.com/auditions/

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Twitter branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Parasocial guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Previous thread: >>41699637

>> No.41879237

Anybody get a view on their Nijisanji audition?

>> No.41879870

I like this one better, it has a title

>> No.41880293
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 1603674905347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41883813

Finished my first stream. It was much more nerve-wracking than I anticipated, and I felt like I was bumbling a bit, but listening to the VOD I realize it wasn't so bad. I had viewer count disabled while I was going, but checking afterward I peaked at 9CCV which was way more than I expected.

Feeling positive about the whole thing, and excited for the next one.

>> No.41880669

Is there any passion left in this "hobby" or is it everything about being super calculated and just doing things for the algo to blow up and get picked up by a corp, where you just end up doing even more things for the algo, with very limited perms.
I'm not an aspie but every time I wanna check out some 1views, they are all spamming FOTM shit for the algo.

>> No.41881695
Quoted by: >>41882743

New tech for babi's
Probably the best speech synthesis I've heard

>> No.41881704
Quoted by: >>41896079

>My low quality OPs finally got someone else to make them
All according to keikaku

>> No.41882624
Quoted by: >>41889151

I hear you but it's the same in every hobby on the Internet. I was a musician in the past and nothing is different.
You can still find real sincere artists in the Vtuber world.

>> No.41882743
Quoted by: >>41882870

It reminds me of when some anons were trying to use machine learning to make Gura say "nigger" and "I love you". It never went anywhere.
But regardless, voice changers and the likes go against the spirit of the babiniku.
Babis are for closet homosexuals and women who are afraid and intimidated by men. Best audience, amiright?

>> No.41882870

Women dont watch babis

>> No.41882922
Quoted by: >>41882993


>> No.41882993
Quoted by: >>41883034


>> No.41883034
Quoted by: >>41883889


>> No.41883298

Submitted last day, no views yet

>> No.41883813
Quoted by: >>41884020

liiiiiink ill even oshihen for you pleaaaaaaase

>> No.41883889


>> No.41884020
File: 340 KB, 844x883, whereisoomfie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The content is a bit arcane so far, but I had fun.
Also male. Babi, I guess.

>> No.41884144

if you become a non babi and you genderbent your chuuba to a cute male i will gosling

>> No.41884233

In a future stream I will build a cock size calculator based on the current moon phase, which will perhaps cure Babitis.

>> No.41884367

nice niche
lean into lain aesthetics to entice the boomers

>> No.41884372

NTA but I'm about to oshihen hot damn

>> No.41884375
File: 2.97 MB, 350x200, kizuna-ai-fuck-you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41884501


>> No.41884501

fuck (you) i want more cute males, i am tired of having to gosling 3DPD because you fuckers would rather go with a babi than a cute male i can simp

>> No.41884604

You could save a /mvp/ 1 view today...

>> No.41884613
Quoted by: >>41884711

Babis are the best of both words, anon! You can simp for the cute boy behind the avatar without having to look at a m*le.

>> No.41884642
File: 2.13 MB, 300x300, sad crash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else make jokes expecting chat to spam the laughing emote and clip but get nothing?

>> No.41884685
Quoted by: >>41884774

https://www.twitch.tv/freeofme is literally streaming right now

>> No.41884701
Quoted by: >>41884851

There's no such thing as a cute male, fucking pedophile

>> No.41884711

i want to look at a male, males are cute and generic female vroid with male voices arent

>> No.41884774
Quoted by: >>41885516

cute i am going to simp

>> No.41884851

have you looked at yourself in the mirror, cutie?

>> No.41885516

back off though he's mine for grooming i call dibs

>> No.41886705
File: 1.88 MB, 1280x1280, 1666025701157169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41886878

>became someone's oshi
>they show up every stream without fail

Feels good, but also wtf I stream at random times are they just awake 24/7.

>> No.41886878

Neet and the powers of notifications.

>> No.41887502

Sometimes I look at sullygnome to see where a lot of /lig/ streamers started, and so many of them start with upwards of 30 to 40 viewers and I just wonder - how? a lot of past life networking or not streaming related content?
marimari, shondo, grimmi and plenty of others are like this

>> No.41888002

debut buff?

>> No.41888064
Quoted by: >>41889288

The scene was different 2 years ago

>> No.41888256
Quoted by: >>41888724

you already missed the cutest most bestest (unmedicated) male


>> No.41888724

>in reality hes some smelly loser

>> No.41889151
Quoted by: >>41892011

the biggest problem is that they do exist but you'll never find them. I did some surreal / weird storytelling ambient noise streams before with custom 3D scenes and all that jazz but i just threw them into the void where they belong. i stopped using twitter because it's genuinely the most unfun part of streaming for me (I don't use it privately) so I'll be a proper 0 view now.

>> No.41889288

if this is true, then what are the best steps towards growing now?

>> No.41890866
Quoted by: >>41901403

Starting today! But honestly do you really think /asp/ies know how to succeed? Even if you told them exactly how to do it they wouldn't listen.

>> No.41891442

Day 2: Today's stream was spent practicing a boss fight. I only streamed 1h30 because that fight took a lot out of me. I'm not winning as a streamer but I think I can win the fight next stream.
The audio is better than last time but I still don't like the way my voice sounds.

>> No.41891927
Quoted by: >>41901403

Networking with chuubas bigger than you is by far the best way to grow. Most people have the decency to feel uncomfortable doing this kind of thing though, and it can kind of suck getting a reputation as a leach but the benefits of being a massive leach will always outweigh the negatives.

>> No.41892011
Quoted by: >>41894646

I discovered some but most of them are Japanese, it takes time and creative search engine techniques.
Yeah I don't like social media networking, it's dishonest and insane.

>> No.41894019

>a small part of me wants to be groomed
This is unacceptable

>> No.41894524
Quoted by: >>41895069

male or female? what's your astrological sign?

>> No.41894550

i am going to steal from ai to speed up my art process, hope no one finds out

>> No.41894646

Even disregarding what's actually posted, it kinda is poison for my brain. I am very susceptible for jealousy and twitter is basically the distilled essence of "here look how much fun everyone else is having without you". If i want to do the "just stream for yourself and focus on the fun" then I definitely can't use twitter any more. It's not all bad though, like 15% of my views come from twitter and that makes up 1 and a half CCV so it's not like i'm losing anything. I enjoyed doing fun previews, posting randoms shit about myself or just making preview posts, but yeah the negatives far outweigh the positives.

I'm aware this is just a skill issue and but i have to work with what little mental fortitude I have and not throw myself into a situation where I end up malding for no reason.

>> No.41894773

opinion on having paywalls? was thinking of opening a patreon for nsfw art and asmr in the future

>> No.41895069

capricorn male
I should be the one grooming instead

>> No.41895147

Hello Kaiser.

>> No.41895647
File: 692 KB, 2560x1373, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41897115

>go visit oneview twitter
>get assaulted by this abomination
/asp/ies, just because you can doesn't mean you should.

>> No.41895801
Quoted by: >>41895985

hear me out, a bat chuuba that hangs upside down

>> No.41895985
Quoted by: >>41896753

Moriko already exists.

>> No.41896079
Quoted by: >>41905763

>someone else
i only stopped making the ops because i wanted to see if someone else would in the first place silly

>> No.41896753
Quoted by: >>41902108


>> No.41897115

that thing still exist?

>> No.41897868
Quoted by: >>41899235

What's a good speaker I can plug into my goxlr?
Ideally one that won't get picked up by my SM7B/a cardoid.

>> No.41898756

Interesting insight. I feel you.

>> No.41899235
Quoted by: >>41899446

Damn you got quite the audio setup. What are you using speakers? I just use a headset for my GoXLR/RE20. Though I don't think it picks up noise from videos or anything since it requires quite a bit of grain and only picks up my voice when directly spoken into

>> No.41899446

At the moment I just use some cheap $10 earphones.
But it's harder to tell what I sound like using them so I've been considering getting a speaker.
I noticed a lot of larger streamers I watch use them but I don't know the models they go for.

>> No.41900000


>> No.41901341
Quoted by: >>41901873

Why do you cry little /asp/ie?

>> No.41901403

been goin at this for almost a year
how do you go about this even

>> No.41901802

/asp/ get desu

>> No.41901873

Not sure anymore, it's become a reflex. Sick quints though.

>> No.41901946
Quoted by: >>41918615

is it weird to DM someone bigger than me to ask for advice on streaming or am I just autistic

>> No.41902108
Quoted by: >>41902225

If you can think of an idea today, chances are someone else thought if first

>> No.41902225
Quoted by: >>41902729

but thats no reason not to do it! even if it's not unique, its still yours

>> No.41902412

Recommend me a single XLR USB interface with great preamps that can drive even an SM7b.
I don’t have one, but I have a pretty decent condenser mic and the extra gain/headroom would do me wonders.

>> No.41902524
Quoted by: >>41903003

scarlet 2i2 is the industry standard iirc

>> No.41902729

Of course. My point was that you shouldn't spend too much time on looking for an "original" idea. Instead, look for a GOOD idea, add your own spin to it, and don't feel bad if it's already taken by someone else.

>> No.41903003

That has two inputs which Windows detects as a stereo device and there’s no way to have them separate other than screwing around with Voicemeeter which never worked that well for me. Lots of crackling or doubled audio.

>> No.41903550
Quoted by: >>41922304

What does a useful starting soon screen look like, other than “starting soon lol”

>> No.41903583
Quoted by: >>41908548

What are other sites like skeb?

>> No.41903605

be a female that men want to fuck or manipulate

>> No.41905763

With someone else i meant someone that wasn't me anon

>> No.41905951
File: 228 KB, 309x530, 25B142D1-AE52-4849-8C8D-09FA4916FED8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41922263


>> No.41907695

nothing yet, I really hope they view mine, I think I can bring something new to the table they don't have yet They didn't watch my first audition from like 10 months ago tho, so idk if they will this time either, even though I have socials over 10k and some close to it...

>> No.41908548

Have you seen this new website called vgen?
It's pretty skeb-like but it seems like the artists are more willing to talk than ones on skeb

>> No.41909386
Quoted by: >>41911497

I know it gets a lot of flak but get a GoXLR mini maybe. Do your research but I'm using the full size and it's sick. Both the mini and full size have preamps to drive the Shure SM7B and the RE20 (my preferred of the two).

>> No.41911497

I don't know if a mini could provide enough phantom power for an smb AND a cloudlifter

>> No.41911660
Quoted by: >>41911770

Hmm you wouldn't need a Cloudlifter though. The Mini has 72db of gain just like the full size. The mic requires 60db which you clear with the Mini. The issue then would be your mic placement. You have to speak into the mic.

>> No.41911770
Quoted by: >>41932287

Even if you did use a Cloudlifter it would supply enough power, since the SM7B doesn't use any phantom power itself.

>> No.41913074
Quoted by: >>41914624

Anyone else want to stream but suck at every video game? The ones I don't suck at, I'm not sure if anyone would be interested watching someone be good at a game they've played several times. Though to be fair, the only games I was ever good at were Apex, CoD, RoR2, Hollow Knight, Elden Ring and Yu-Gi-Oh Duelists of the Roses.

>> No.41914624

Self-made Elden Ring challenge runs are always fun to watch (usually). Plenty of mods as well. Even better option is to be entertaining enough to make games you suck at fun to watch.

>> No.41915627
Quoted by: >>41917498

How much impact can an avatar vs your voice or entertability have on viewer retention over the course of a stream?

>> No.41916894
File: 351 KB, 764x1396, Illustration3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41917103

Remove's artist here.
Should I keep the white line? I added it to make the transition between black and grey more interesting, but it kinda takes away from the vulture aesthetic. The actual tassel details will be changed, but the overall shape will remain, is it excessive tho? The main problem I'm having is the palette, specifically the values, I want to keep the earthy color tones, but they always look too dark/bright, main issue is the scarf. Maybe I should add a pattern to it to make it a little brighter, like with the aforementioned white line.

>> No.41917103

Vulture's looking good! Whatever you do, keep the legs like that. It suits him.

>> No.41917498
Quoted by: >>41917697

little to none, the last two matter significantly more

>> No.41917697

Unless you're female

>> No.41917750


>> No.41917958
File: 79 KB, 800x450, 1674945606639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41918615

I happen to enjoy the calculated grind of number go up, but maybe I'm just too much of an MMO cumbrain to view it as a slog the way a normal person would. I do have passion for content creation, though - again, more than strictly sane people tend to.
Little weird, but worth going for. Just don't expect a response if it's a message out of the blue to someone who doesn't know you.

>> No.41918674

i only just realised the cute boy i want to groom doesnt even have a voice channel so how am i gonna groom him? grooming is too much work, how do females manage it?

>> No.41918741

HA Gaaaaaaayy

>> No.41919073

aspies, which is better to go with, a real surname for your avi or just a short joke one for simplicity. I'm not talking stupid shit surnames names like Bokuranoshudaika that nobody can spell though

>> No.41919127


>> No.41919531
Quoted by: >>41923400

Ask him to make a voice channel? Its not that complicated.

>> No.41922034

I have an idea I plan to use for my streams. Anyone seen The Shield? Well after each stream, I plan to go through my stream, and clip 4-6 best moments (I feel like if my stream doesn't have at least that many memorable moments, I shouldn't do it at all). Then I will edit those moments together into a little video. So whenever my waiting screen ends, you will get a voice saying "Previously on the stream", followed by a montage of good clips from last stream. And then we start.

>> No.41922263

its over

>> No.41922304
Quoted by: >>41922497

one with a countdown, idk why ppl even have starting soons, what is there to wait for if you're not even a 2 view

>> No.41922497

I just use it to run like 6 adds in a row so that people joining can come in without a preroll.

>> No.41923400

he might realize im grooming him then its all over

>> No.41923576

Voice channels are gay

>> No.41927292

Any good youtube guides for making vtuber assets like schedules, stream overlays and such?

>> No.41928254

i am debuting in the summer and my goal is to get at least 100 viewers on debut. i will do this by networking on twitter and doing a lot of predebut png streams. what are some good buff games i can spam?

>> No.41928423

Forgot to add ears to my avatar and I've only just realised

>> No.41928572
Quoted by: >>41938967

Good luck anon. That's an admirable goal. I'll be proud of you when you debut

>> No.41928746

Hello schizos.
I could start streaming tomorrow if I had the artistic talent required to create my design and model.

The fact that I am a bit of a idealist will ruin me. It's hard to imagine myself streaming without a model that I really meets my standards.

Advice for this feel?

>> No.41928838

^sorry for the typo

Also I am sorry for calling you all schizos. Only a few here are like that.

>> No.41928965
Quoted by: >>41938967

Best of luck, but I suspect this is almost impossible unless you have a sizeable following already. 100 viewers is within the top 0.1% of Twitch. What's your networking plan? From what I've seen Twitter followers tend to convert pretty poorly into viewers.

>> No.41929186
Quoted by: >>41929331

Get your money up big dawg

>> No.41929331

;_; it's true, you're probably right.

>> No.41930461

I'm gonna become a youtuber first. Get a few k views, and then announce that I'm streaming.

>> No.41930615
Quoted by: >>41936103

Shark teeth, y/n?

>> No.41930780
Quoted by: >>41932118

>It's hard to imagine myself streaming without a model that I really meets my standards.
Stop imagining and just try something on for size. You could resolve any doubt, fear or trepidation from your idealism if you stopped overthinking and started applying it to practical experimentation. Hell, if I were you, I'd probably try a couple streams with a purposely shitty png just to try and shake off this sense of "I could only ever have fun if everything went perfect." You seem to have done all the thinking you need, you just need to put in the work and then re-evaluate from there. Otherwise you will forever be in state of theoretical goldilocks-ing.

>> No.41931144
File: 150 KB, 667x1873, Screenshot_20230129-042853_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about getting one of those free models for a start. My theme will be digital, and that androgynous model looks alright.

>> No.41931774

The SM7B is a dynamic mic doofus. You don't use phantom power with it, unless you want to use some kind of inline pre-amp.

>> No.41931814
File: 880 KB, 3506x1463, 22222~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41936216

I'll be the cutest faggot on the scene.

>> No.41932118
Quoted by: >>41932612

Man, you spoke straight to my soul somehow anon. Thank you man, I think youre right. I'll follow your advice and take baby steps like that.

Whatever stage or current plans you have, I hope they go smoothly for you as well!

>> No.41932287

Wow this second one made me lookup what a cloudlifter is because of how bizarre it sounded and it was worse than I thought. These really are the two stupidest posts I've seen all day.

>> No.41932555
Quoted by: >>41938622

Go on booth and buy a model and start streaming tomorrow. Its pretty much exactly that easy. I did that and never looked back.

>> No.41932612

Thanks, same for you too. Good luck and I hope you have fun with it!

>> No.41932690
Quoted by: >>41933905

hey savvy avenue mind explaining why you are digging stuff up from three years ago? get over it

>> No.41933023 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 337x335, demon king!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shota edition

>What is /mvp/?
/mvp/ is a thread for the discussion of male indies of any size and language

>Why /mvp/?
Male indies have very little overlap with other vtuber audiences and a specific thread is warranted

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mhfpf9f6qckLBgxgOs4lJp1APLcXfQxQBIGMI_EYvic/edit?usp=sharing

Useful threads

Previous thread: >>41713991

>> No.41933905

>schizo does schizo things
who would have guessed?

>> No.41935669

I'm horny...

>> No.41936101


>> No.41936103
Quoted by: >>41936513


>> No.41936216

I think I saw some anon posting about being a cute bunny faggot awhile ago, good to see it came true

>> No.41936334

Cool dress jacket thing, though the hair is abit bland

>> No.41936449
Quoted by: >>41936597

also please be gay

>> No.41936513


>> No.41936597

That was me! I'm happy for myself too.
Faggot. Femboy. Rabbit. Boy.

>> No.41938622

NTA but how do you find a model that fits your voice? I'm American spic

>> No.41938967

well i’m a female with a nice voice and a nice model so i don’t think it’s impossible. i’ve seen female vtubers similar to me debut with 100 ccv then they drop down to 20-40 ccv average, that’s pretty much what i expect for myself

>> No.41939071

find a fictional character thats sound similar to you and base it off that

>> No.41939606

An L2D artist I'm interested in has opened for commissions, but I feel like I would waste the opportunity for an audience that is the debut and should try to improve my vtubing-relevant skills first. I was planning to wait much longer before debuting, but I don't know when they will be available again in the future. Am I just overthinking this? Idk could use some advice. (I have streamed before so the usual 'just start streaming' advice doesn't apply here)

>> No.41939815
Quoted by: >>41940494

Why wouldn't you ask for the commission? Most L2D artists can be asked "hey, do you mind keeping it under wraps until I finish X/Y/Z" without much issue. I think I saw one guy once being like "I charge extra if I can't post shit" but w/e.

>> No.41940054

i will have sex with Marburg

>> No.41940260
Quoted by: >>41940419

you know what you're problem is? it's not that you don't have a gf or any friends, it's that you think women are whores for having relationships
now stop dming me you freaking incel! leave me alone!

>> No.41940325
Quoted by: >>41940494

just start streaming

>> No.41940419

try and keep me away from those feet

>> No.41940494
Quoted by: >>41940773

Oh I didn't even think about asking the artist to hold off on posting the model, I would feel kind of bad but that's a good idea. Thanks for the advice!

: )

>> No.41940773

Again, sometimes it sucks, but it's also tons of VTubers prepare a big reveal for the model thing. So a lot of artists mostly posts WIPs and reveals of their own work, or stuff they ask to post beforehand.

>> No.41941169

Almost every single other person looking to commission something is at a similar skill level to you and will only think about themselves. Even the artists themselves are probably more concerned about making bread than anyone's specific intentions or motivations. It's nice that you're trying to be considerate to other people, but it's absolutely fine to be considerate towards yourself first, especially when exchanging goods and services. At the end of the day, as long as the artist gets their money and the client is happy, then you shouldn't have to force this game of "who deserves it more" on yourself. It's the kind of reasoning people generally use to dissuade themselves from making a big leap. As long as you yourself want it then you shouldn't have to guilt yourself out of the decision.

>> No.41942409
File: 162 KB, 1024x576, 7c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41945172


>> No.41945172

you're the worst

>> No.41945315

If you want you can post a vocaroo here and ask for ideas on what sort of character you might be able to play.

>> No.41945432
Quoted by: >>41945644

What are your thoughts on System Specs?
I've been seeing streamers like Kotoka using 12900k + 3080
then of course, you have the likes of Ame with her 3090 back then and Moona having a 3090Ti.

So probably one question to ask:
Would you prioritize RAM over the GPU?

>> No.41945644
Quoted by: >>41946440

Depends entirely on your streaming setup. What are you gonna use for mocap?

>> No.41946288
Quoted by: >>41973675

any pro female vtuber grooming strats

>> No.41946440
Quoted by: >>41950019

Oh no this not for Vtubing.......but more like into general streaming (e.g. micstreamer, live DJing)

I did ask another forum if I could get away with 16GB RAM.
Some said yes.....but a few said no (e.g. YouTube / Twitch + OBS + Discord + game)

Of course, outliers like Komori Met with her 4090 or Ange Katrina with her 128 GB RAM setup are way overkill for any scenario

>> No.41946520
Quoted by: >>41947182

I don't think I can react hard enough to be a vtuber even my laugh is weak

>> No.41947182

I think some calm VTubers is a nice calm of pace compared to some of the more eccentric and expressive ones. Though I'll probably just turn you on for background noise uuu

>> No.41948805
Quoted by: >>41949051

I'm using a double computer setup and it's only a matter of time before I dox myself from the screen capture

>> No.41949051

Consider using a separate Windows account that's just for chuubing

>> No.41950019

>not for vtubing
>asks the question to the virtual tubing board
Did you take a wrong turn from /g/?

>> No.41950717
Quoted by: >>41955924

>Ange Katrina with her 128 GB RAM setup are way overkill for any scenario
Someone must’ve told that hag to download more RAM, so she downloaded ALL OF IT. It might need 64GB for her home 3D but the extra overhead is likely in case she runs into a game like early-launch Cyberpunk 2077.

32-64GB is a safe bet for live streaming a DJ set. Unless you’re doing video editing and rendering during your stream, you don’t need a 12900k. 8 cores is on par with all current consoles, so I guess they’re REALLY into future-proofing.
I’ve hidden a genuine answer to your potentially bait question under my sarcastic one. You’re lucky I’m super pedantic.

>> No.41953704

practicing roleplays and reading.
want feedback
I know i fumble a lot..

>> No.41954738
Quoted by: >>41957079

You sound really trans

>> No.41955658

im thinking about becoming an en meattuber. which platform has the laxest tos?

>> No.41955924
Quoted by: >>41965095

my setup eats GPU because I'm rendering an entire 3D scene for my model so its my bottleneck, it really depends on what you are doing, the best way to figure it out is just go live with whatever you plan to do and see if anything caps out.

>> No.41957079
Quoted by: >>41958523

You sound like a schizo Savvy.
Reverie you sound really hot, always.

>> No.41957336

I finally have two dedicated viewers but I don't know how to get more
The life of a PNGtuber is... very hard...

>> No.41958133
File: 150 KB, 1242x1200, FniKmglWAAEuRNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about a vtuber whos setup looks like this but at the side there's a mirror with a pepper's ghost illusion for their model

>> No.41958523

I'll strangle your cock with my fluffy paws!

>> No.41958905

The only way to tell Reverie and Kitsura apart is Kitsura always sounds like she has a stuffy nose

>> No.41959628

Reverie sounds way better though, even before the stuffy sound. Kitsura doesn't even come close.
Also Kitsura sounding stuffy is worse than Reverie sounding nasally, and Reverie doesn't sound nasally anymore.
I want to BFE Rev and make her happy.

>> No.41959907

ok Reverie

>> No.41961594
Quoted by: >>41972376

I used to like listening to my own voice to a narcissistic degree but lately the more I listen to it the uglier I think it is.

>> No.41963892
Quoted by: >>41964059

onion pls

>> No.41964059
Quoted by: >>41964259

Strawberry Cat / 10

>> No.41964259
Quoted by: >>41964749

is that good or bad?

>> No.41964749

Why would you think it's a bad thing?

>> No.41965010
Quoted by: >>41965375

because I have no idea what ur implying even after googling a bit

>> No.41965057
Quoted by: >>41965375

Because that's another insane tranny

>> No.41965095
Quoted by: >>41965607

What’s your GPU?

>> No.41965306

Day 3: I got my first viewer! Well, sort of. I linked twitch to my discord account and he's someone I worked with on some non-vtuber projects. He didn't comment or follow so I'm not sure it counts, I didn't acknowledge him since I don't stalk the currently watching list ahaha...
I tried removing the expander and compressor from my microphone, it doesn't seem to sound worse. Maybe filters are a conspiracy. I'm still running out of energy after 2 hours but I won against a hard boss so yay!

>> No.41965375

You should kill yourself if you think that.
Nekuma VT. Look at bilibili.

>> No.41965599

Thought 1 viewer raids were jokes until I got one...

>> No.41965607
Quoted by: >>41966112

It's a base 2060 i got back at it's release for about 320€ (imagine that price for a current gen gpu...) and since then I haven't been able to convince myself to pay the premium. Unfortunately the way i set up my scene is very unoptimized and drains a lot of GPU due to rendering an entire unity scene at 60 fps. I settled for 40FPS for the time being but I'll probably be forced to upgrade eventually (probably later this year) My older Ryzen 5 3700X isn't even close to being capped out, current gen CPUs are very powerful for stuff like streaming and editing.

>> No.41965631
Quoted by: >>41965670

>why even live
thanks though Anon. Sounding more or less like her makes me happy :D

>> No.41965653
Quoted by: >>41965793

You're fucking, he actually streams on bilibili now? kek

>> No.41965670
Quoted by: >>41965749

Either go loli chuuba or go all out and go cunny chuuba and you can't go wrong.

>> No.41965749

Cunny locked and loaded. Find me if you can ;3

>> No.41965793

She is, and she's a 4view on clipping channels alone so you should kill yourself retard.

>> No.41966112
File: 143 KB, 1021x670, 7A827496-C371-46E1-A294-9B2BE21FB806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy a 3060 (Ti or otherwise) when your current one gives out, since it should give you a bit of a boost in rendering performance.
>My older Ryzen 5 3700X isn’t even close to being capped out
Really? And here I was, putting the Ryzen 7900 (non-x) in my shopping cart when a 7700 could probably do just as well.
Then again… pricing for most 7000s are up in the air right now. Probably not smart to buy anything in Winter

>> No.41966189

NTA but the only thing I don’t like about them was how rude they were when leaving aspcord.

>> No.41966554
Quoted by: >>41967147

I knew the chinks were pedos but I had no idea they liked trannies too. Weird how ERPing on vrchat paid off.
I'm going to trust you because I can't be arsed to look him up.

>> No.41966984

The white of the shirt is too bright.

>> No.41967147

Whatever you say Troonfy.

>> No.41967169
File: 24 KB, 112x112, purismug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypothetically, if you were to engage with a "virtual writer," so to speak; a vtuber who engages primarily with longform posts and perhaps even text/image lets plays instead of streams; what would you prefer the optimal wordcount or density in such posts to be? Short (200-400 word) sort of posts about ones thoughts on typical VTuber subject matter (games, shows, art); longer (500-1500) posts that speak more at length about broad topics rather than specific mediums. Or would you actually find a VTuber that does extensive text/image lets plays (the sort of thing that used to be popular on SA) to be interesting?

>> No.41967331

I’m a writer but this shit sounds insufferable.

>> No.41967373

i'm not reading that

>> No.41967455

At that point, why write a let’s play when you can write a review?

>> No.41967523

Couldn't anon just get a second cheap gpu to run the model/scene independently?

>> No.41967576
File: 1.38 MB, 498x280, agonizer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is such god awful sabotage its painful to see.
Here, look at this crap in the OP: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
I'm sure some people think this is a good guide because it says things like "You should hide your powerlevel" and the autists think this is a great revelation, but actually take a look at it.

>Keep it relevant. Not "I went and had a haircut today", but "trying to figure out bouncing text like old screensavers in OBS. Anyone know anything?"
Immediately makes posting a huge hassle. This might come as a surprise to the newcomers here, but if you have people dedicating the time of their day to watch you then they might be interested in you as a person.
Who even follows this advice? I pinged some random vtubers I know are doing well and none of them seem to think this is good advice. Look at what this 1000-2000 CCV vtuber is posting: https://twitter.com/GeneralGEEGA/status/1619023148099473408
Random hololive vtuber: https://twitter.com/machinaxflayon/status/1619405272442892290
Random Vshoujo: https://twitter.com/LichVtuber/status/1618394764604506115
I scrolled down like 5-6 tweets and those were immediately here.

>- When you see a 'drop your PNG' thread. do it. Leave whatever comment they say to
Watch the entire video, just do it.

>- Look for people saying something like "I'm so nervous to debut", either in response, or in the tags
>=> "So was I, but you can do it! Look how much effort you've put in so far to [your shifty MSPaint pfp]"
>- Look for people with an obvious high effort design, and that they say they've done themselves
>=> Compliment them on it. "Wait. you created the design. did the art, and did your rigging all by yourself? I had to commission each of them! That's amazing!"
This will all make you look boring.

>I suppose the only other new bit of advice I'd add is copy what Sloth and Leta have been doing
What? Those two are just doing whatever they want, they're not trying to incline.
Hell you even comment on it later in the guide, they have better traction on twitch than on twitter because of that.
>Leta has 2.6k on Twitch, 1.4 on Twitter (odd one out again)

If this isn't clear sabotage then what else could it be?

>> No.41967594
Quoted by: >>41968963

Dual-GPU setups are so 2013

>> No.41967958

The only genuinely useful thing i've gotten from the OP is learning steam family share is a thing. Other than that it just seems like endlessly parroted info and downright incorrect statements.

>> No.41968144
File: 35 KB, 1018x333, mgeL6GCud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a rough cut of my "usual" zatsudan scene, albeit at 60 FPS (it throttles to like 50FPS with my GPU). Generally, going live instead of just doing a recording that i did for a test in obs isn't that much different, it just drains bandwidth but the CPU impact remains very low. CPU used to be a problem (i used to stream back on my Core2Duo E6550) but not anymore, not by a long shot. The upside of a fast CPU is insanely fast rendering time for offline content and generally smoother preview experience in the program. (rendering now is literally 20 times faster than my older i5 2500k that i retired a while ago)

My setup is very fringe though, if you don't use VNyan to cram an entire live unity scene into your stream my GPU would sit at like 30% comfortably + whatever a game is adding, although I don't play the most demanding games either. But yeah a cheap mid-range CPU is gonna do you good and mid-range these days nets you way more than I already have.

My setup is:
Ryzen 7 3700X (sorry i got that name wrong)
MSI Ventus 2060 (base version)

SLI-chama... I'll eventually upgrade to a 40-series if they get a little lower in price but for now i'm just observing. I only upgrade whenever I really make a huge jump and on top of getting a GPU I want new screens too (I still have 12 year old 20 inch 1080p screens with horrible color accuracy that fucks me over in video editing) and I do have the money I just don't wanna spend recklessly. I'm decent at knowing what kind of performance i'm gonna need and I at least want to be futureproof for 2-6 years (my 2060 has lasted me like ... 4 years now?)

>> No.41968963

They have their uses but anon's is not one of them

>> No.41969840

but consider the following: laptop streamers

>> No.41969866

Yeah, me. I own 5 laptops.

>> No.41969930

>art streamer, takes 4 hours to finish an illustration
>no mic, no pngtuber, only music, draw and chat interactions
>always the same 3 viewers, they think I'm female
I bought a mic, draw a pngtuber... I'm scared

>> No.41970324
Quoted by: >>41971448

Congratulations, you now can come out of your shell sister!

>> No.41970650
Quoted by: >>41974695

I read the OP, but didn’t use my critical thinking and have nobody to blame but me.

>Look at what this 1000-2000 CCV vtuber is posting
It’s very easy to make the argument that most people /here/ won’t get 1000-2000 CCV in their lifetime, so they should not even bother acting like they would (especially since Geega, Machina & Froot all have Iron Vertex models, all super expensive and commissioned by well-established companies. Even vtubers who make more entertaining content than all three of them won’t ever get to smell that sort of privilege). I’ll make the opposite argument and say if you’re not going to act like someone who has 1000-2000 CCV, then you will cement yourself as someone who doesn’t. “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have”.

Slugma Love
I replied to one of these threads when I first started, but my design was legitimately terrible so I shot myself in the foot. I don’t even like the person who made the thread and unfollowed them 2 days after they said to “Follow+Reply+RT”. But I thought it was something I had to do to appear more like a ‘normal vtuber’. Posted my link here and I was the only one who didn’t have my model in the PFP, hashtags or anything that explicitly screams “I’M A VTUBER”, since I wanted to make my account very low-key as a change from the vocaloid/video game music producer scene I know from before, with a very similar mindset among creators.

Imagine a dog that looks like a cat. Even though he wags his tail, barks, and eats dog food, the other dogs see how he looks and think he’s a cat. So in order to prove himself to other dogs, he takes a shit in the middle of the road and eats it.
“Other dogs do it so it must be what I have to do to fit in, right?” Asked the dog before he was ignored and lumped together with the other “boring male dogs”. He learns that the humans around him think “the only dogs that matter are the girls”. So the dog fucks off to do something that DOESN’T make him feel like vomiting.

>Look for people with an obvious high effort design, and that they say they've done themselves
I don’t LOOK for things, it finds me thanks to algos. I never throw out compliments I don’t believe. I tried a couple times and felt so fake, I had to stop.

>copy what Sloth and Leta have been doing
Idk Leta. Sloth is nice but I don’t watch her for “entertainment”.

>If this isn't clear sabotage then what else could it be?
Could be the blind leading the blind.

>> No.41971087

Were you inspired by the Let's Play Archive?

>> No.41971448


>> No.41972376

Weird, I don't remember posting this

>> No.41972839

As someone who will start on a laptop, what's the downside of using one compared to pc aside from processing power? I really don't have and don't want a pc since I'm always moving around and can go on lengthy business trips

>> No.41973675

bee confident and bee yourself

>> No.41973752

It really is processing power. It all adds up.
>a second monitor
>vtuber software
>music player
Also posture might not always be great.

>> No.41974553
File: 117 KB, 300x260, confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41974940

>music player

>> No.41974598
Quoted by: >>41977113

Have you guys tried Nvidia broadcast for VTube studio tracking? I'm wondering how it compares to say, an iPhone 11

>> No.41974695

>All this focus on the model
You still have some latent /asp/ on you, buddy.
GEEGA was inclining for months to up to 500 CCV using a model with a melon head, its not necessary.

I don't even understand it honestly. Iron Vertex models spend too much money on adding special features like "Special X animation on button press wow!" when what matters is first appearances according to here, so shouldn't they be a bad deal?

>> No.41974940

Where do you think the bgm comes from?

>> No.41974982

Now I feel retarded.

>> No.41975019
Quoted by: >>41975322

nta, but you typically don't have BGM and a game at the same time

>> No.41975279
Quoted by: >>41975469

What year are you people living in? Laptop CPU's these days are only marginally slower than Desktop CPU's you can comfortably stream on a regular mid-range gaming laptop these days, but the biggest problem is honestly the screen real-estate. Having only one screen for a stream is really going to annoy you, so if you want a laptop i recommend at least getting a second screen or have an USB-C docking station with proper peripherals for home use.

In fact laptop parts are a lot cheaper than desktop parts in relation than before, so you can almost get the same performance for a laptop that you would get on similar priced desktop.

>> No.41975281
File: 10 KB, 646x194, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has a music player open

>> No.41975322
Quoted by: >>41997872

I'd say it depends on the game, some games don't have a bgm on at all time , minecraft for example. It's eerily silent most of the time. Some games only have it during boss fights.

>> No.41975325
Quoted by: >>41977437

i dont want to be a streamer i want to be the mental outlaw of vtubers only with thrice lack of technical knowledge

>> No.41975469
Quoted by: >>41977076

>What year are you people living in?
2023. Laptop parts are still not as good as desktop's, including GPU. Also I have a normal gaming laptop, I didn't shelf 2k. My bf is not that rich.

>> No.41976397

Does being yab get more people watching?
I wanted to avoid that but I feel like other vtubers like that do better

>> No.41977076

Looking at what's currently on offer, comparing my setup against it, picking the first reasonable I can find is the ASUS TUF Gaming A15 with an AMD Ryzen 7 6800H and a 3050Ti for about 1100 bucks in my funny eurofag money. The CPU is just straight-up better than my 3700X, the GPU is about 30% worse, which is to be expected, but i'm sure i can find a better deal on that if i tried. The 3060 Laptop Version for example is roughly comparable to my 2060 and the Gigabyte A5 Laptop offers that package for a comfortable 900€ with a slight downgrade to the Ryzen 5 5600H, which is about 20% worse than the other two, but still would easily shoulder all load I ever threw at it, from 3D programs, multiple instances of vseeface, vtubestudio and video games while being live.

And I found this within 5 minutes, if i kept going I could probably find even better offers or special sales. I'm running a stinky lenovo legion 5 with a ryzen 4000 series and a 1050 Ti which is not gonna handle too much, but i'm sure i could stream on that and that thing was like 500 bucks for what is a pretty good daily driver for productivity.

The thing about laptops is that you need to find the configuration for your use case. In most cases getting a more mid-range specced laptop with a higher end GPU will give you decently priced package which handles your streaming. This obviously requires you to know a little bit about what you exactly need for your activities, which is pretty much easily checked by using your current device, comparing benchmarks and seeing where you end up. It's not exact science but in 90% of cases should give you a satisfactory results. I see so many nonsensical purchases, when in fact PC parts have vastly outpaced whatever the streaming hobby need in terms of performance. The only real problem you are going to run into is if you plan playing triple-A big graphics titles in which case, may god have mercy on your soul and your wallet.

>> No.41977113

While FaceID is better, but it lets you do most of the VBridger stuff and is a lot better than webcam or android phones. Don't buy an RTX if you already have an Iphone. If you have to choose between a beefier RTX or an Iphone for tracking, I'd recommend the GPU, the overhead is not that intensive.

>> No.41977437

Tell me if you go through with this so i become the Luke Smith of vtubers

>> No.41978594
Quoted by: >>41979861


>> No.41978949

get lost chum

>> No.41979861
File: 129 KB, 1280x544, general Kenobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41980905

Hopeful up

>> No.41981863

Hopeful down

>> No.41981965
Quoted by: >>41995657

I don't know how my voice is similar to sura at all..

>> No.41982227


>> No.41982374
Quoted by: >>41982692

Just type in chat next stream "yall know im a dude right?"

>> No.41982428

so uhh, whens your debut : l

>> No.41982692

>next stream
>no viewers

>> No.41983045

I could follow your advice and be somewhat successful orrrr... I could put my convictions to the test and fail miserably.

>> No.41983759

I streamed and I think I like it. Today I will stream again.

>> No.41985906
File: 242 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41987665 [DELETED] 


>> No.41987757 [SPOILER] 
File: 507 KB, 1080x1446, Screenshot_20230129-142150-310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41988220

segs i suppose, i like how the booba reaction just looks like it's in pain

>> No.41988699

Definitely segs

>> No.41989442

>tfw cant post in /asp/ any more because I think somebody trying to groom me browses this threat
Is this what it feels like to "make it"?

>> No.41989464
Quoted by: >>41990439

Post the full pic you fuck.
Also sexo, will nut to it right now.

>> No.41989770

>Make a clip and render it as webm/vp9
>Twitter doesn't support webm/vp9
>Rerender as mkv/h264
>Twitter doesn't support mkv/h264
Why do people use Twitter again?

>> No.41990439 [SPOILER] 
File: 464 KB, 750x1200, RevSex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41990730
Quoted by: >>41990986

What makes vtubing such an attraction for LGBTQ types? No hate, but it's almost a surprise to run across a cisgender heterosexual person

>> No.41990986
Quoted by: >>41997872

For trannies is the obvious appeal of looking how they want to, for lesbians and bi girls is that weeb boys tend to find girl on girl action hot, for gays and bi boys is that weeb girls tend to find boy on boy action hot.

>> No.41992651

Hi groomer chan.

>> No.41992869
Quoted by: >>41993170

Stop leaking you fuck

>> No.41993170
File: 1.48 MB, 1440x2160, SPOILER_Gween_Bodyline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41994478
File: 26 KB, 220x239, 1658011025468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41995657
Quoted by: >>42011364

Ignore him ego searcher, he was being a schizo. You don't sound like Kitsura and I like your voice more.

>> No.41995777
Quoted by: >>42002271

why do you think someone trying to groom you browses this thread?

>> No.41996727

Rebel stay the fuck out of asp

>> No.41997306
Quoted by: >>42016608

so cool, artist?

>> No.41997622
File: 1.28 MB, 1155x902, 1668050463672518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to spite a vtuber
>See they got some unplanned material that the vtuber didn't think they'd get and have no idea what to turn into
>Leak it, turning it into free advertising for a userbase that is horny and likes drama

>> No.41997872
Quoted by: >>42001474

Anon doesn’t feel comfortable in silence? Aww how cute that you can’t be entertaining without background music.

In anime, the gays win.

So should I cum tribute the leak or not?

>> No.42000324
Quoted by: >>42000400

It's not about her, it's about giving people less reasons to be in the groomercord

>> No.42000400
Quoted by: >>42011364

i mean if you post anything on any discord you have to expect people screenshot it and keep track of it, so i half expect rev to kinda be aware or even intended for it to get "leaked".

>> No.42000464
File: 430 KB, 1051x1096, 1643954454599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you better watch out while I'm here, kitten

>> No.42001474
Quoted by: >>42001891

nta but i hate watching streams where they're chatting without music just as much as I hate chatting on my own stream without music. It feels awkward and "empty".

>> No.42001776 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 622x100, b3b4b48cb3mxkl4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first post kinda nervous

>> No.42001891
Quoted by: >>42001969

I streamed an hour of total silence once just starting at the screen, that was a fun experience. It was less empty than i expected.

>> No.42001949
File: 52 KB, 742x116, nj4rgn4nn52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first post kinda nervous

>> No.42001969
Quoted by: >>42002410

>I streamed an hour of total silence once just starting at the screen
Most entertaining vtuber

>> No.42002271
Quoted by: >>42003362

Haha, just kidding. Theres no way they are browsing this thread. Disregard my post.

>> No.42002410

It was actually not terrible, chatters started talking to themselves trying to find out what the purpose was, if i was doing some modern art project or if i had a plan. I actually had my mic on so you could hear me clear my throat and take a drink on hydrate redeems. I put a random timer at the 30 minute mark that counted down and ended up doing nothing. It wasn't supposed to be entertaining, i just wanted to say I did it. I'm suprised some people stuck around for the entire hour, although the viewers had the luxury of just tabbing out.

>> No.42002868
Quoted by: >>42004272

is it still possible to make it nowadays with a design that is "animal-person"

>> No.42003021


>> No.42003362
Quoted by: >>42003478

i got trips you might as well answer i hate vagueposters so much

>> No.42003478
Quoted by: >>42004495

If I give you any more information I will have revealed my identity. Sorry.

>> No.42004272


though if you're gonna go furry you might as well get a 3d model

>> No.42004495

i will literally groom you and theres nothing you can do about it so you might as well keep posting here

>> No.42004860
File: 356 KB, 660x654, 1656677518949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42006956

What makes a character design sex or sovl?

>> No.42005119

Finished my first stream today, even though I got two viewers it went surprisingly well.
Gonna start feeding the beast going forward, it was really fun.

>> No.42006248
File: 25 KB, 112x112, nemublush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42006721

gween's buttplug

>> No.42006721

I wanna put a fox tail plug in her

>> No.42006956

A short skirt and big balls

>> No.42007797
Quoted by: >>42008368

I have a plan of animating my own debut and maybe even making some music for it too, but I have no idea how to network so people watch it. pure pain

>> No.42008368
Quoted by: >>42008826

yea same, i already have a storyboard and i even get my own theme song, but I'll debut to no-one,which i pretty much accepted. the "do it for yourself cope" basically

>> No.42008826

I also need to see who will be my mama, but since I plan on debuting 2/3 years from now i have a lot of time to get prepared. Still, it sucks. I hope until then i'm not so shy anymore. Let's do our best anon

>> No.42009115
Quoted by: >>42016992

>I plan on debuting 2/3 years from now
Jesus, please reconsider this. The market is going to be so much worse in a few years from now. Even now its getting harder and harder to fight for viewers.

>> No.42009132

Is there any halfway decent repo for stream assets like window borders and shit?

>> No.42009256

Nigga I started streaming back in ~2010 and I haven't made it.

Start now. The longer you wait the more you fuck yourself

>> No.42010538
Quoted by: >>42011207

Is it worth it to premiere clip compilations?
I've been doing monthly clip dumps on my youtube channel and they've always performed pretty well, but I'm not sure if it's worthwhile to premiere or just make it go live on the 1st at midnight. I've tried before but it always feels awkward to sit in a premiere chat with 2 people watching and nobody talking.
I'm at ~2000 YT subs if that makes a difference.

>> No.42011207

Premiers aren't really that useful. I would only do it if you are uploading something that you have put a ton of work into, hyped up, and believe there is a large number of people that will want to show up for it. So something like a song cover, an animation, some kind of very high effort comedy video or something like that.

>> No.42011364
Quoted by: >>42011855

I literally posted something last night wanting feedback

... ok

I thought it was safe because i haven't seen discord drama in months. It's whatever.

>> No.42011439

you will find no groomers here. proof is everyone that stopped streaming

>> No.42011454


>> No.42011797
File: 346 KB, 399x823, reccs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I say "Just start streaming" or "Just post content" I really do mean it.

Youtube will just throw you random fucking no view channels, like this one with sub 300 subs that posts massive amounts of raw, uncomentary'd co-op gameplay.

>> No.42011855

>I thought it was safe because i haven't seen discord drama in months. It's whatever.
Uoh cute naïve rapeable. Just ignore savvy. Smheaddu.

>> No.42012007
Quoted by: >>42012212

>metokur and matt ibs at that
I haven't seen a worse feed in my life. Also we don't know what YT did but this is a relatively recent change where they will randomly promote within the first couple sidebar recommendations or somewhere in an end video recommendations a small view video. Very unusual and not exactly sure how it really works.

>> No.42012212

The recommendations are trash, but they've really liked promoting no views within the first few spots lately. If you're worrying about "How do I get my content out there" or "How do I find an audience" literally just upload. Twitch doesn't do shit, but youtube will throw you in front of people without reason.

>> No.42013354

>tried doing reps in nipspeak
>sounds okay
>tried speaking in english
>still sound horrible
Does this have to do with how the language is spoken and you use different muscles for different language? Or is this just esl skill issue?

>> No.42013878
Quoted by: >>42017133

english is hard to pronounce if its not your native language.many languages use only a single letter for i but when you pronounce english there is multiple and shit like that doesn't come naturally if you aren't very used to it

>> No.42015494

They put some random ass channel there while spend hours editing and creating videos watch seo & find good keywords and titles for chump views :l

>> No.42015666

I harass the bigger account on twitter till they repub me?

>> No.42016608


>> No.42016992

It's not because I don't want to, it's because I can't. I still have to get a new computer and all that stuff. Streaming will be more of a hobby/a place to show my art than an actual job

>> No.42017133

I'm getting better pronunciation wise but my voice still has that nasality in English that I'm trying to sand off, while in nipspeak, that nasality vanishes to a minimum even when I'm doing full head voice

>> No.42020487


>> No.42020495
Quoted by: >>42021298


>> No.42021298
Quoted by: >>42024156

Who is (You)

>> No.42022892
Quoted by: >>42024219

You probably sound awful to a japanese but you can't realize it because you're not fluent enough

>> No.42024156


>> No.42024163


>> No.42024219

makes sense, seems like a skill issue and I just have to continue grinding

>> No.42024278

Me first

>> No.42024514

not if I corrected you instead

>> No.42024525
Quoted by: >>42024566

Can a female post a vocaroo? I'm starting to forget what they sound like

>> No.42024566


>> No.42024923

>these bored, monotone voices
I knew females didn't have a single rape correcting instinct in them

>> No.42024984

I can save them...

>> No.42025046
Quoted by: >>42026357


>> No.42025084

>/asp/ies speak so much like robots that AI can replace them
oh no no no no no no no

>> No.42025178

post the same vocaroo boys

>> No.42026357
Quoted by: >>42026395

I long for a woman so strongly that this is fine too

>> No.42026395
Quoted by: >>42026710

At least use it to get custom audios anon, i can't share my custom voices, but that script reading Rev posted was the only sample i fed into the AI for her

>> No.42026429

I want Rev sex

>> No.42026710

I could link it to a chatbot, there's a vtuber like that. My own private vtuber.
Sorry girls, I no longer need to groom you. The future is today, grandma.
