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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 976 KB, 3000x1805, 1661589888820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41882226 No.41882226 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to Nijisanji EN's longnecked tomboy gamer Dragon/laughing gas addict!
Space engineer edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD Channel
>Her Twitter
>Selen SHIMEJI! Have your own Chibilen!
Previous thread: >>41763817

>> No.41882754
File: 335 KB, 1300x1300, 1647555998910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schedule:

>> No.41882989
File: 1.79 MB, 332x316, 1658707897169784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lagging Selen...

>> No.41883430

Nice optimization EA.

>> No.41883441

She's so reluctant to play on everything low or low fps lol

>> No.41883492

FPS dragon loves her frames....

>> No.41883557
File: 223 KB, 1500x1500, FNAFEBJagAIvKZD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its looks bad for her... she NEEDS them

>> No.41883734


>> No.41883945

Tbh, i cant notice the difference...

>> No.41883975

Because we can't capped by yt

>> No.41883982

youtube only does 60fps

>> No.41884179

>more refresh rate = more gud
why is she like this

>> No.41884221

fps autism please understand

>> No.41884235
File: 74 KB, 242x251, 1233337490045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41884305

Because this is what Selen sees with low frames

>> No.41884305


>> No.41884817

Chuuni boy raid!

>> No.41884895

>was going to buy a new CPU instead of limiting frames
Selen.... why are you like this

>> No.41884921

She fucking knew all the time...

>> No.41884984


>> No.41885098

Selen is the byproduct of a culture that's full of tech-illiterates brainwashed by gamer marketing, who all somehow made it into the streaming market.

I love you Selen but holy shit that hurt to watch. Glad she made a compromise though.

>> No.41885278
Quoted by: >>41885367

I knew she had to leave the Hide and Seek tournament for the 3d stuff

>> No.41885301
Quoted by: >>41885367


>> No.41885367
File: 187 KB, 298x332, 1385245527397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep i love her too but sometimes i want to smash her monitor
That was the reason, she still wanted to play one more match though
Horny for Pomu...

>> No.41885467

>she is waiting for manager san to let her build another PC

>> No.41885490


>> No.41885497
Quoted by: >>41893438

Honestly I wish we got the Nina/Pomu/Selen combo more, I recently re-watched the Pomu Mario 64 and it was so much fun when Selen and Nina hopped into the call

>> No.41885552

the secret hope is she somehow got a pc sponsorship

>> No.41885693

What is with people's obsession towards that Kusoge!?

>> No.41885716

They just want to be funny, they probably don't even watch it or care

>> No.41885727
Quoted by: >>41885855

I hate this faggot, at least beg for something like Silent Hill instead of another Phasmo stream.

>> No.41885799

It's the most normie-bait game for generating the fakest reactions of fear. And since a handful of streamers got some mil-view clips with it, now every braindead viewer wants everyone else to do the exact same thing

I'm more impressed that game hasn't died into obscurity yet desu

>> No.41885809

I think she wants them to pay for it or get a sponsorship of some kind, fair play

>> No.41885855

Throw that fuck into the "if I put my message in an SC I'm more valid and my opinion matters more" list of dragoons.

>> No.41885909
Quoted by: >>41886259

meh Selen is good about saying no to when she doesn't want to do something so good on her for making money specially with how much she has spent recently

>> No.41886092

>caves in to peer pressure for ripper shit
>makes it aka-walled
>literally made a paywall for a gag

where are the loaded idiots when you need them?

>> No.41886160

She's learning even if it's just a tiny bit cause it's not much for each aka

>> No.41886259

True, the las tournament was a nightmare for her wallet and not to mention other shit she is doing behind the scenes
Bet your ass that if it was Phasmo, they would release more akas

>> No.41886713

Selen "I've been streaming for so long I'm going to end it here" Tatsuki going on a huge tangent

>> No.41886741

They'll just employ more foreign labour instead Selen...

>> No.41886810

She's got a quota to fulfill sadly

>> No.41886819
Quoted by: >>41886868

Bye Selen.....
another long stream tomorrow

>> No.41886855

Bye Selen...

>> No.41886868

We've been having a lot of long streams lately, I can't fix my sleeping schedule but I won't stop watching her

>> No.41886917
File: 266 KB, 936x1200, Fmrn5LJakAMELOd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41887046

Bye Selen...
Had to go to sleep two hours in, but I was glad to see she was still streaming when I woke

>> No.41886930
File: 347 KB, 1200x636, Dragooslingchibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye Selen... i loved the remaster!
Every time, she can talk for hours
Same... i destroyed my sleep schedule

>> No.41886959

>I'm not good at zatsus

>> No.41887046

.... My Sleep schedule is whenever she ends stream at this point
It was nice the whole stream! hope you can catch up!

>> No.41887109
Quoted by: >>41887282

>.... My Sleep schedule is whenever she ends stream at this point
lol same, the rest day I slept at fucking 9pm

>> No.41887282

My head hurts...

>> No.41887394

Our Nightowl oshi has ruined us lol, please rest bro

>> No.41887563

Hope you get better after resting dragoon
Thank god I have really efective medicine for headaches since I get migraines frequently, I was having one midstream as well

>> No.41888837

Vro please don't push yourself...

>> No.41889262
File: 231 KB, 2048x1430, FnfxCqlaIAEl3ta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sisters that will collab (REAL)

>> No.41890707
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>> No.41890897
File: 48 KB, 900x507, Fmo0kd4XwAE4SNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't even invited to Elira's 3D Totsu...

>> No.41891284
File: 256 KB, 1059x1333, 12323121123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone quiet! My wife's GF is pooping! She cannot do it if you make a noise!

>> No.41893129

Future plans
Plate up with Millie Maria Aia
Kotoka date
Maria and Petra CN collab

>> No.41893438
File: 1.61 MB, 802x1348, 1665203260966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's interesting how nina and selen are always group together during pomu's call-ins

>> No.41893658

They are secretly besties

>> No.41893694
Quoted by: >>41900623

Pomu needs the Hag no matter how much she hates her to restrain Selen...

>> No.41896930

All based except the last one, give me an Apex collab instead!.

>> No.41897710
File: 232 KB, 663x900, 455c20ed8f956e45fc39a708cd457087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41903753


>> No.41900609

Need that Kotoka Date to happen!

>> No.41900623
Quoted by: >>41901175


>> No.41901175
File: 170 KB, 850x801, sample-fcccaf6f9c5916ea8c82e2d09320b5b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41901483

Why does Elira HATE Selen?

>> No.41903753


>> No.41904080
File: 565 KB, 1076x1076, 1628041018008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41924456


>> No.41905806
Quoted by: >>41905843

Because of Pomu...

>> No.41905843
Quoted by: >>41906758

Wait, Selen cucked Elira?

>> No.41906462

Because Selen's Dad fucked her Mum, and she is the end product & a constant reminder of that...

>> No.41906758

They are fighting for Pomu's love.
Sadly Pomu is pushing OceanLaw even if has more fun with Selen.

>> No.41907715

They balance each other pretty well, Selen, Elira and Nina are probably Pomu's best friends
I wouldn't mind a collab of these 3 on Risk of Rain 2

>> No.41907909

Bunnylen Sex

>> No.41907953
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>> No.41908011
File: 493 KB, 835x1383, 1703222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Bunnylen so much bros

>> No.41908236
File: 101 KB, 320x293, nya[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl17dsl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41908651

I want to like this but the proportions look so off

>> No.41910507
Quoted by: >>41911865

I like it, he just need to practice the face more.

>> No.41911865

Can agree with that actually ngl, one of the few issues I do indeed have with his work actually.

>> No.41912089

No more sister wars.

>> No.41914373
File: 190 KB, 291x345, 1604170693563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the chuuba who raided Selen yesterday

>> No.41914474
Quoted by: >>41914608

Permissions to raid?

>> No.41914608
Quoted by: >>41915180

Oh nvm, I just remember, that means both are subscribed to each other or something like that, right? Since yt raiding system is more strict

>> No.41914890


>> No.41915180
Quoted by: >>41915219

Correct, it also may be that her corporation is more strict with perms but Youtube being Youtube bugged the raid system (since sometimes it stills bug)

>> No.41915219

I can see that, YT has been shitting itself A LOT recently

>> No.41915344

I have developed a huge crush on Selen but she really reminds me of the type of girl in high school who was always best friends with me but when I'd ask them out they'd friendzone

>> No.41916012

NGL, that was random as fuck.

>> No.41916426

I never even had irl crushes before and then Selen came and hit me like a truck

>> No.41916605
File: 52 KB, 595x595, Fmo00h2X0AYqtBh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, I feel the same way about her sometimes...

>> No.41916648
File: 419 KB, 560x559, Selen sad Gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the club...

>> No.41916758
Quoted by: >>41922072

If I ever met Selen in real life she would not even give me the time of day, I can tell.
Like if I had no idea who she was, didn't recognize her voice at all and we were in a situation where a normal conversation would make sense she would just brush me off and leave as soon as possible.

>> No.41918035


>> No.41919121

We're finally getting Selen animations holy shit
I'd prefer for it to be edits of existing audio of her but I appreciate someone wanting to VA it

>> No.41919141
File: 706 KB, 1280x720, 0ewtthV6yUhDhEo41ljcVwse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a high quality one!

>> No.41921317
File: 1.50 MB, 1444x3856, averageDragoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41921811

Bro, I never had something similar happening to me but this HURTS

>> No.41922072
Quoted by: >>41925552

All of them would

>> No.41922445

Next Dead Space stream in less than an hour:

>> No.41923077
File: 1002 KB, 404x347, 1630291434166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK... this one is a classic but still hurts

>> No.41924456


>> No.41925068
File: 452 KB, 1280x720, Selen Dead Space3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41925260

>still lagging

>> No.41925552

No I think Pomu would at least pretend to humor me.

>> No.41925556

I enjoy frustrated selen noises and rants

>> No.41925599

>Swapped to Opera
>avatar with priority

>> No.41925816
Quoted by: >>41925900

>With just 4 nodes you can get 3 attack up buffs on the Ripper and it will then slap the shit out of most Necromorphs in the game, and you can combo holding the blade out into launching the blade when its duration is just about to expend to turn it into a flying sawblade projectile.
I now see the way. Selen was simply skill issue filtered out of the Ripper.

>> No.41925900
File: 139 KB, 932x932, 1628048082243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41926007

She wont use your Ripper!
She rather use the flamethrower

>> No.41925981
File: 145 KB, 760x456, 1892272985378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41926007

A shame. A max node buffed Ripper can absolutely destroy one of those big boi gorilla necros in a single sawblade and stasis. It's not even fair to that boss how utterly destroyed it gets.

>> No.41926155


>> No.41926175

I'm getting the feeling it's more the Game's fault than it is her own PC at this point...
Only because most Modern Western Games are just poorly optimised wastes of Space nowadays

>> No.41926223

Remember the sempai that played with no problems tho

>> No.41926290

Fucking m beside the n in the keyboard

>> No.41926393
Quoted by: >>41926495

Yep... Selen has a beefy PC (she plays Apex no problem there)
I mean... she can play Dead Space no problem with low FPS and graphics but you know, that's not fun for her
If i not mistaken, she later discovered that the sempai was playing on console, not on PC

>> No.41926479

the PC port is fucking awful, yes, as is tradition for the franchise

>> No.41926495

Maybe I missed something but she thought the senpai was playing console for the controller, right? idr if it was actually console or not

>> No.41927026
File: 171 KB, 498x446, Selen at da computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2k people watching Saloon deal with Frames
Now you made me doubt, i will watch that part of the VOD later

>> No.41927025

I tried helping but she either doesn't want to do that or she hasn't seen it, I'm just going to laugh at the others, she can play the game with the model at low fps without problems

>> No.41927114

Selen you may as well just play on the settings you want at this rate...

>> No.41927145

Game crash...

>> No.41927154
Quoted by: >>41927321

It's the game, yeah. Along with being a poorly optmized port the PC version needs far more processing power than it should because it features everyone's favorite anti-tamper software, denuvo.

>> No.41927321

Of course...

>> No.41927357
Quoted by: >>41927464

I saw some shitposter saying Nvidia's 4090, the top of the line flagship card, is garbage because it can't run Dead Space at 4K. That was their example game, Dead Space. They couldn't cherry pick a more relevant game.
So I get the feeling it is an INCREDIBLY poorly optimized game.

>> No.41927427


>> No.41927464

Oh yeah, I remember seeing an article thaat the 4090 can't run this game at max settings, but that says more about the game than about the 4090

>> No.41927582


>> No.41927650
Quoted by: >>41927712

>Reading isn't helping anymore

>> No.41927712
File: 213 KB, 375x431, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over... for her FRAMES

>> No.41927917
File: 3 KB, 124x32, 1651073391737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41928172

This guy is getting really annoying
Just let her play like this, the game is ok it's just the model

>> No.41927946
File: 133 KB, 500x500, 1669009753967778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think selen is broken...

>> No.41928003

Her fps autism broke her

>> No.41928172
File: 856 KB, 719x586, 1788515346925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, i don't mind the model lagging
Laglen has it charm!
At least now she is actually playing the game

>> No.41928219

Animation dropped but it's paywalled, since it's animation and with sound I won't even complain this time

>> No.41928374


>> No.41928491
File: 308 KB, 2160x2160, 20220514_034042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41928644

>Selen suddenly getting animations

>> No.41928644

Just got it, it was alright I'm pretty selective with this stuff
I won't share it cause I want to support the artist hoping we get more animations in the future
ikr, hopefully this engourage others to do animations too

>> No.41928655
Quoted by: >>41928955


>> No.41928841

>Size up

>> No.41928937

All I want in life is for Selen to read my comments, consider me a thoughtful and helpful person, and enjoy seeing me in chat.

>> No.41928955
Quoted by: >>41929350

It has 0 nodes invested into it so it does shit all, like every other Dead Space weapon does. She's absolutely getting skill issue'd.

>> No.41929014

>Runs into a corner and dies.

>> No.41929115

I manage to do that on memberships, i spam emotes on normal streams.

>> No.41929178
File: 31 KB, 144x144, Selen YAY2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is using the Ripper now!

>> No.41929350
Quoted by: >>41929675

nah it's always shit, people just selectively remember the times they managed to use it successfully and forget all the times it fucked them over.

>> No.41929423
Quoted by: >>41929556

>In comments
>In SC
Can get annoying depending on how you do it

I usually get read more when I'm really into the game she's playing which makes it way better

>> No.41929556

Also, this >>41929115
I love emote spamming since it's non intrusive at all with the flow of the stream, I like emote chains specially

>> No.41929653

I provided a helpful comment on the MGR stream that she clearly read and that made the fight easier, and it gave me a warm feeling to think that I helped her. I just want to be of assistance to Selen and make her life a little bit easier/better.

>> No.41929675
Quoted by: >>41929833

I'm not getting into an autistic argument about DS weapons, but your opinion is wrong. That is all.

>> No.41929684

Why is she now letting her FPS go higher?

>> No.41929707
Quoted by: >>41929804


>> No.41929804
File: 57 KB, 263x224, 1648561900405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41929958

She stopped giving a fuck about her avatar

>> No.41929812
Quoted by: >>41929958

Because she has embraced the 2fps on her model and she might as well go with higher settings

>> No.41929833
Quoted by: >>41929928

>no better than plasma cutter at long range
>terrible at short range
you do you

>> No.41929912
Quoted by: >>41929958

Because it obviously doesn't matter at the end of the day...

>> No.41929928

You can't stunlock enemies in close range with most weapons anymore. The Ripper still keeps that trait.

>> No.41929958

Ah, I see. Based.

>> No.41930034
Quoted by: >>41930093

Selen... *tips fedora*...

>> No.41930093


>> No.41930238
File: 81 KB, 240x240, 1636442020358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they are going to do the same with Dead Space 2... and skip Dead Space 3, that game never existed, or make a proper 3er game

>> No.41930278

>Game crash

>> No.41930280


>> No.41930291

The Dead Space curse grows stronger.

>> No.41930324
File: 106 KB, 401x359, IMG_20220527_164857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41930354

It's because she disrespected God, fr fr.

>> No.41930945

Who tf raided
Did she thought it was the ID bonbon?
I'm so confused rn

>> No.41931125

Me too, we all thought it was the Fisher but it was this chuuba
She is getting raided by a lot of unrelated vtubers lately, wtf its not a bad thing though, i wonder if they are Dragoons just like the girl from the Jew Idol company

>> No.41931147

Sena Bonbon from Flavr

>> No.41931228
Quoted by: >>41931382

>Jew idol company

>> No.41931382

idol corp, their general is /jidf/, Astel was in Juna's chat earlier today

>> No.41931406

Im laughing at the thought of Youtube having a bug, making Selen the only one having permissions to do a raid.

>> No.41931871
File: 296 KB, 888x888, 1663934896404930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41932230

Just dont get hit, Selen...

>> No.41932679
Quoted by: >>41932768


>> No.41932768
File: 598 KB, 490x596, Before you buy - seleranx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if my PC will explode if i buy this Remake... maybe if i don't give a fuck about low Frames and graphics

>> No.41933912

I've got a 3060ti and I'm not even going to TRY to play it.

>> No.41934133


>> No.41934699
Quoted by: >>41935477

>Runs to a bench in the same fucking room as the Hunter and expects to be safe.

>> No.41935477
File: 123 KB, 404x356, 89fa8be125bd9fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is suffering a lot right now...

>> No.41935942

Scaredycat in action.

>> No.41937231

>no ammo
>just "money"

>> No.41938847
Quoted by: >>41939396

>Has money.
>Doesn't even invest it in nodes for more weapon upgrades so her ammo is naturally more efficient.

>> No.41939396
File: 59 KB, 162x160, af915cf05281c04706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen... I like how they added more lore and interactions with Isaac, while i miss the silent protag, this isn't that bad

>> No.41942013

>that big enemy
I would shit my pants if i played this game at night, actual horror game unlike those Phasmo and Phasmo clones.

>> No.41943034

She is wasting so much ammo...

>> No.41943222
Quoted by: >>41943288


>> No.41943227
Quoted by: >>41943288

Selen pee!

>> No.41943288
File: 135 KB, 291x245, 1861437680434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roasted pee!

>> No.41944291

Reminder that this is selens response to your marriage proposal.

>> No.41944980

That boss was a pain in the ass on her first Dead Space experience.
That wont stop me.

>> No.41945380
Quoted by: >>41946269

she wont complete all those side missions

>> No.41946269

That's a shame too, the side missions are were the game actually utilizes its AI director to throw random spooks at you. The main story path is all scripted encounters.

>> No.41947623
File: 26 KB, 112x112, Selen Panic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He ripped his limbs (No pun intended)
Metal as fuck

>> No.41948801

Nicole is really creepy on the Remake.
>tab out

>> No.41949130

3er pee of the night

>> No.41949173
File: 192 KB, 290x269, 1182853012525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41949218
Quoted by: >>41949336

Wait, third?

>> No.41949336
Quoted by: >>41949367

Second, mistake.

>> No.41949367

I thought I missed one lol

>> No.41950236

More 2 view raids, wtf is happening

>> No.41950261

>5 hours already
WTF where did the time go!
>MIGHT keep going till she finish the game
So we're going until degen hours aren't we....

>> No.41950290

Just migrants from twitch thinking raid culture is a thing in YT

>> No.41950370
Quoted by: >>41950619

Well, so there's the answer, new feature and she enabled it, good to know she doesn't care

>> No.41950393

Idk, im confused.
Yep, we might have a rest day after this.

>> No.41950619
Quoted by: >>41950706

Another stream at degen hours...
>WTF where did the time go!
It happens with Sewen
Yep, apparently everyone can raid everyone now... basically Susan copying Twitch
Imagine if Mumei raids Selen in the future

>> No.41950706

At least it can be disabled so I won't complain
Actually nvm, why keep adding shit when yt has been runing like shit for a while

>> No.41951182

>try to upgrade
>a wild Necro appears
Ahhh just like the old times.

>> No.41951973

>Force gun blows all the flesh right off the necromorphs, leaving just sinew and bones left.
>They're still capable of movement because necromorphs are THAT hardy.
>Kinesis can actually yoink their bones out because there is barely anything holding their bones in place.
I like this upgrade to them.

>> No.41952083

I agree, the game is more challenging
That last Necro was tanky as fuck (mostly because Selen aimed at the body, but still, on the original game that Necro would be already dead)

>> No.41952120

NGL, it makes me want to play the game but i dont want my pc to explode.

>> No.41952676
File: 75 KB, 720x900, Fg63tDEUYAAYeLw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41952968
Quoted by: >>41953289

>She wont finish the game today

>> No.41953289
File: 228 KB, 1175x1920, FcM2oBjXwAETmG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She wont finish the game today
My prediction was right, her run on the original game was 4 streams

>> No.41953553
Quoted by: >>41953647

Oh hey, they repurposed the Leviathan so it's the boss of the comms array fixing quest. I remember this boss was just some random fuckhuge necro that happened to be on the array the whole time back in the original, which was very stupid.

>It fucking lays mines out too.
Alright, this is a far better boss fight than the previous version.

>> No.41953563
Quoted by: >>41953647


>> No.41953572
Quoted by: >>41953647

How much more does selen have of the game?

>> No.41953647

So far a good fucking Remake
Boss with more than 2 mechanics? BASED
Like 4 more hours but she said she will end it soon, she will have a part 3 next week

>> No.41953889
Quoted by: >>41954052

>The soldiers getting owned by a single necromorph in the comms video is just as corny as it was in the original.
I wouldn't have it any other way. Imagine being trained soldiers and being inable to handle a single fucking necromorph. How bad can these guys be at their job.

>> No.41954052
Quoted by: >>41954483

I will never understand this... Isaac is just an engineer and does better than a professional soldier...
Not to mention on the second game, they got overrun by Necros while having defensive barricades placed in front of them
Even the Guardsmen on Warhammer aren't that pathetic

>> No.41954187

Last part of Dead Space on Tuesday.

>> No.41954351


>> No.41954384
Quoted by: >>41954444

3rd Pee!

>> No.41954405
File: 2.05 MB, 358x200, 1618617052002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41954444

>We had the option to pick between easy, medium and hard dance
>I picked Hard because you guys are paying for the ticket and i want to do my best

>> No.41954444

Now its the 3er.
Selen... i love you.

>> No.41954483

In 2 it makes more sense because the EarthGov station is up against literally all the necromorphs in the shard that made up its mining workforce and then some. It's like expecting a police station to be able to handle an army of undead. And that's on top of them not knowing to shoot the limbs + the regenerator that was on the vanguard that is quite literally unstoppable.

>> No.41954664
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Quoted by: >>41954849


>> No.41954808

I can't concentrate on the stream because I keep thinking of having steamy sex with selen

>> No.41954849

Yep, it was on Steam, not console.
>@ me to yell at me

>> No.41956347

Let Selen play Bomberman...

>> No.41956398
File: 55 KB, 313x262, Blushed Selen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41956528

>7 hours
She really makes the time fly and i love it!

>> No.41956643
Quoted by: >>41956801

this is what selen watch
mini-food for antgoon

>> No.41956801
Quoted by: >>41956884

Mini bento stream when?

>> No.41956884

>Mini bento stream
>Slime ASMR
Handcam soon please Selen...

>> No.41956973
File: 49 KB, 458x669, I must feed her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these minature cooking videos
The dragon is hungry.

>> No.41957087
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Quoted by: >>41957130

I like this tangent, she should do a miniature food stream and then eat the food live

>> No.41957130

>Overwatch cook book

>> No.41957576
File: 621 KB, 561x499, 1672126120984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41957620

>we get to see lolilen again
My beloved

>> No.41957609
File: 11 KB, 321x280, -6154649583997792991_120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's doing such a good job pretending she's bothered by all this free money for a shtick nobody but the loud=funni crowd wants

>> No.41957620
File: 2.73 MB, 1211x1440, Gottem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41957675

>Raptorlen stream
>face track
Fuck them, they are Ripperfags.

>> No.41957780

In this I really don't mind, 4 shots per aka is like nothing but it is still stupid
At least selen gets money

>> No.41957884
Quoted by: >>41957941


>> No.41957941
File: 151 KB, 600x600, 1674703441020126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they actually think this is gonna be like the phasmo aka or beedrill aka

>> No.41958549

Bye Selen....

>> No.41958557

Bye Selen...

>> No.41958576
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, Selen, my Princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye Selen... lot of long streams lately!

>> No.41958600

She had forgotten about the souls games, fuck, hopefully she plays one in march

>> No.41958635

>Got redirected to an Enna stream
Fuck no, fuck that bitch after how rude she was on wrestlesanji

>> No.41958735

Also, isn't raptorlen a thing of /here/? Haven't seen it outside, the few tweets I saw said Raptor Selen

>> No.41958795
Quoted by: >>41958838

Its mostly here, there is 1-2 fan arts calling her Raptorlen because of that raptor stance.

>> No.41958838

Selen... Don't be so obvious, specially after Millie's shitshow

>> No.41958944

No, people in her comments and clips used raptorlen on stream. It has traveled outside of here so I think she got it from the youtube comments

>> No.41959043
Quoted by: >>41959097

TBF when the model was first used saw a lot of comments on her moving like a raptor but also as >>41958944 said it has been on comments calling it that. Lolilen IS however a /here/ thing

>> No.41959067

I never read yt comments and I don't watch clips since I watch her religiously, mb then

>> No.41959097
Quoted by: >>41959640

That one definitely won't get out of here lol

>> No.41959640

That's probably what Selen calls the model in her head

>> No.41959644
File: 83 KB, 240x240, Selen Notes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41960529

Some things from the Dead Space stream:

>Selen picked Hard Mode for the Nijisanji AR concert since she wants to do something worthwhile for those who paid the ticket
>Selen has 3 singing lessons a week and 2 dance practices a week
>We will have a zatsudan stream soon!
>But with her Raptorlen model, she got permissions to stream with it (with Facetrack and all)
>Next week she will play Mafia: Definitive Edition
>At 700k Subscribers, she will play Jump King until she finish the game
>Even if it takes her more than 12 hours...
>The only confirmed slot is Dead Space part 3 on Tuesday

>> No.41959686
Quoted by: >>41960873

Was tomorrow the rest day or Monday? YouTube started dying near the end

>> No.41960482

I think this one is still my favorite, with the "would you marry a homie" right after it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsMhxB8nGD0&t=14964s

>> No.41960529
Quoted by: >>41960873

>Hard Mode
What makes it hard mode?

>> No.41960873

Not decided, she instantly discarded all the streams because overlap and just confirmed 1 day
Choreography difficulty, she picked the hardest one that's why she is taking dance lessons
I imagine that easy mode is like Ina's dance on the Holofest

>> No.41962737

Ah thanks

>> No.41963851

Gaming with Selen

>> No.41964296

>art style
Holy shit my dick...

>> No.41966213

Haha up

>> No.41968531

Never forget.

>> No.41969368
Quoted by: >>41970682

I wonder if my Beloved Dragon Wife took part in Millie's stream...

>> No.41970682

>Obvious tourist
You know what, I'm going to take the bite, the fuck are you talking about, she was streaming when in happened and it's already confirmed it wasn't pre recorded
Not even main thread reached this level of stupidity anon wtf

>> No.41970730
Quoted by: >>41971735

She clearly is very good at multitasking!

>> No.41971079
Quoted by: >>41971735

What if she can type with her tail, though?

>> No.41971735
File: 19 KB, 307x307, FmOY4j5XkAoZyR_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41995559

She couldn't even have her discord open, thanks to the running of the Game taking up THAT MUCH of her CPU, what makes you think she would even know of that streams existence let alone took part in it!?
Although the image of her typing with her Tail is pretty humorous, arousing even, as established her keyboard was already pretty preoccupied at the time.

>> No.41973958
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>> No.41974692

WTF, literally me.

>> No.41975704
Quoted by: >>41978892

Who was that one? Ike was blue, Pomu was yellow.

>> No.41976771
File: 1.60 MB, 1929x2728, IMG_20230129_170347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41978242 [DELETED] 


>> No.41978243

Maid Sex!

>> No.41978892
Quoted by: >>41984580

This is confirmed Millie.

>> No.41980100
File: 89 KB, 900x900, 1652249584717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Catlen

>> No.41981077

Haha up

>> No.41981817


>> No.41982535
File: 378 KB, 1593x2048, 1656834540052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaty dragon!

>> No.41983538
Quoted by: >>41983772

haha down bad!

>> No.41983772


>> No.41984580

Wasnt Millie the "slumsaint"?

>> No.41984805
File: 364 KB, 730x730, FNp3xArVUAABEco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dont know, all i know is that they did a Dragoon parody:
>I only watch Selen
Which is true for many, including me

>> No.41984893
Quoted by: >>41986307

You san easliy tell who is Nina or Ike. Pomu is also kind of obvious. Millie probably typed the first message. There was Vox and some guys from new waves I dont really know.

>> No.41985020
Quoted by: >>41986307

>I only watch Selen
Knowing this (and old fans in general) makes the grifters seethe hard enough to post it on-stream really brightened up my morning. Keep on keeping on, dragoons.

>> No.41985675

Did Selen deleted shorts/tiktoks? I remember she had one with 1m

>> No.41985833

I'm stupid and blind, ignore me

>> No.41985835

How long has Selen been out as a robosexual? I'm so far behind holy shit I've missed her so much fuck the military

>> No.41986061
File: 91 KB, 500x758, 74c79321cbc311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41986128

Those are on the shorts Tag, Youtube is probably shitting their pants again
This one is 2 M
Almost since her debut but she just named her favorite Transformers
Lately on her zatsudans she started to get horny for them (Well we already knew when she was lusting for Gabriel, the angel from Ultrakill) and then she just admitted being a Robotfucker... that was like 2 months ago but i cant remember the specific moment
Picrel is one of the ones she lusted for

>> No.41986072

Wasn't it pretty obvious from the start?

>> No.41986128

I'm really glad the short are soing so well

>> No.41986307
File: 78 KB, 900x635, Fm_ZRDlakAEQoVF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is very much true yeah, I mean for me at least the only one out of all the NijiENs that I still watch frequently and try to catch-up-on the most is in fact Selen. And with few exceptions, outside of Lazusydia anyways, I couldn't really care less about any of the others at this point...
At this point as well I can't really tell if grifters is referring to the shitposters/baitposters on here, or the livers that took part in that 'stream'
I think people have been saying that Slumsaint is infact Enna

>> No.41986399
File: 20 KB, 293x293, FckBshrXgAIFoGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof, hope at least things are going okay there bro...

>> No.41986406


>> No.41986862

i really hate to ask this, but does anyone have the latest privated member stream? it's the only one not in my archive because i was sleeping during it...

>> No.41986964
Quoted by: >>41988285

Sorry dragoon, we all agreed on not sharing it I didn't even record it, the ones that did record it even said they'd delete it, you really didn't miss much if you already know what happened

>> No.41988055

im surprised it isnt on the usual site yet

>> No.41988285

I don't think many people here are too comfortable with bringing that one up desu, let alone sharing it as seen here >>41986964
If I actually saw it for myself, knowing what's been said, I probably wouldn't be either. So while I am a bit curious I have to respect that really.

>> No.41988887

I hope you are doing ok, Dragoon!

>> No.41989904
File: 88 KB, 630x900, 1674636019047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hugs from Selen would feel nice....

>> No.41990614
File: 122 KB, 849x1200, Fnl5DqaakAEJLaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure would...

>> No.41991264
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>> No.41993371
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Quoted by: >>42005821

the warmest....

>> No.41995559

Based Tail enjoyer.

>> No.41997350

Selen is basically the only good NijiEN.

>> No.42001310

Nijibite Lore rewrite short!

>> No.42002290

Nah, Pomu knows not to drink the stupid bitch juice these days as well.

>> No.42002477

Oh I really like this animator's other works as well, this one was really funny

>> No.42002488

That stream was amazing.

>> No.42002668
File: 318 KB, 469x835, 1678784543115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE the art style... her smile is almost lewd...
I will forever be glad that Selen dodge all the fucking drama

>> No.42002770


>> No.42004745

Selen ain't the brightest bulb, but she doesn't suffer from
>I think I'm more clever about getting around rules and social norms than I really am
Syndrome which is the downfall of many, many midwits.

>> No.42004981
Quoted by: >>42005272

Oh we're at bump limit who's baking so we don't make too many

>> No.42005272
Quoted by: >>42005497

Maybe its my turn

>> No.42005497
Quoted by: >>42005651

Don't fuck up like many of us dragoon...

>> No.42005651

fucking up making a new general is part of growing up

>> No.42005821
Quoted by: >>42006156

I wish i was that Dragoon...

>> No.42006156

We all do...
