what do you call this
>>OPMy Kiara is fat let's fucking go
I love Ina!
>>41846880fat moom ass is canon now lets goooooo!
>>41847178You ruined it.
Roboco feet on my dick
Roboco is cute!
>deadhours until Hakos
>1495 no...
How come people only care about IRyS when the tread is about to die, and it's time to fight for the waifus?
>>41846973Hey, me too!
KIARA UPDATE:>vented about how bullshit circles are and how it's so hard going solo to her genmates since no one gets any support>gura said something to the effect of "that's why i'm a rhombus lol" and said that gura probably has the right idea>is extremely bothered by (the implication of investment Cover is putting into polygons) but literally nothing for squares or support for anyone else>Kanata said it didn't bother her because it's nothing new>Is now sniffling, says there's "really nothing anyone can do">it's an "internal matter" and not about the tangents or degrees>says she's just going to play Fall Guys with KFP to cheer herself up since she saw Mori doing it in a member's only stream and that it looks far more fun than playing with randos>wants to finish Yakuza next week no matter what
Bok bok
>>OPwhy she fat
>what am I doing with my lifebeing my wife of course
>>41847194 I…..i kneel
>kfp think this is the perfect life partner
I want to breed Kiara
>>41846880She learned from watching Ina
Finally I can post RBC and her food
>>41847255circles are real
>>41847178you jinxed it
>>41846880bullshit hitboxes
here's what RBC was eating
>>41847266>>41846938>third worlders
Reminder: EN would unironically not exist if it wasn't for /v/ and Japanese cultureTwitter tourists need to fuck off
Gura cute
>where would the non holes go
>>41847324What is that?
>/v/edditor trying to call anyone a tourist
>meet some senpaisWho did they meet?
>>41847276of course
I want kiaras holes
>>41847329Ame invented /v/ and Japanese culture.
sex with bae
>>41847225Why would you do that to Ayamefriend?
>>41847369it was a bit late to meet them so they didn't meet anyone except eugene
>>41847369Go back to school.
Kiara encourages shitposting!
I've been consuming a lot of cowboy themed media lately, then Ame up and decides to start RDR2 out of no where. Our souls are interlinked.
>>41847354Tomatoes, Potatoes and Pork
>>41847326When did I say it was a bad thing
Kromei love!!!
Bros... I think kiwawa is thinking...
>>41847276I don't think, I know
This stream turned sadist. Wew lad.
>>41847411that mole looks cancerous
>>41847385Ayamefriend has been posting too much about Fire Emblem and not enough about Hololive recently.
>does it spark joyIs that women still during her show?
>>41847369Just A-chan and staff. Your reading reps....
no fauna today
>>41847354lotus root
>>41847369god imagine ina and a-chans flat chests rubbing against each otherthats so fucking hot
This "game" has shockingly inconsistent mechanics. It would drive me crazy.
>>41847411>Our souls are interlinked.Within souls interlinked.
subpar ASMR delayed, sorry saps
>>41847462I see ame in a poll i vote ame, simple as.
>>41847482>>41847486something something boyfriend sex
>>41846973Me too!
>>41847500skill issue desu
chumkeks explain this shit RIGHT NOW
how do you feel about gura and her retard helmet
i want kiara to screw me
>( ω ) Brain not working too well today aaaa I think I need to rest a bit, I want to be able to do a good job when I do stream!
>>41847560You got a problem with the institutions I run?
>>41847572Fauna... Your eyes...
>>41847486>brain not workingslammed into the headboard too much
>not hoarding all your nailsngmi
>>41847500it is supposed to simulate you being in a trance and playing with/sorting random objects. it reminds me of what i used to do a lot when i was younger especially the turning the glasses and sorting coins etc
>>41847482>>41847486Cowboy ASMR it is!
>>41847560Shit happens
>>41847411Rdr2 is a better game but rdr is more funThey went too much with muh realism
>>41847629yeah its comfy
>>41847276Yes, that's my wife
>>41847581moom is gonna do sick moves on stage and will breakdance.
I know where to put my nut in kiara
>>41847581I am expecting nothing less than a performance of A New Start with lots of skipping and hopping around the stage.
>>41847623If they bend once they're garbage. They'll sheer or bend again when you try to drive them again.Bolts are good for reuse though, I have half an alternator mount in my junk bin just in case I need a big ass bolt.
>>41847678robots shouldn't have funbags
>>41847581My cute idol daughter
>>41847276whats with the bright sheen on her titty meat
Is Ame going to one and done RDR2?
This game sucks
>>41847773100 hour stream LETSGOOOOOOOOOO
>>41847766Grounded gameplay
>>41847276Yes and I'm tired of pretending she's not perfect.
Towa is here
>>41847658>the argie hates kfp because he was served a wrong order at this guy's place and his autism has held a grudge ever since Naruhodo
>>41847773I hope not but its more than likely
>>41847768My cum
>>41847581>idowlHow did I never think of this before...
the only thing keeping me awake are her milkers
>>41847869your dumb
>no ASMR streamI'm a Fauna anti now
>>41847387haha i'm going to kill myself bros
>>41847773What's the last game she finished?
I don't think robots have tastebuds and Roboco is faking it to "act more human"
>>41847773noshe'll give it two/three streams and THEN drop it.
So why did they separate ina & gura's recording session from kiara & ame's? Studio too small?Same with ORK and kronii
I'm cooking a Salisbury steak and making some miso soup. Are you ready for the weekend, /hlgg/?
>>41847810When will Towa and Roboco collab again?
>>41847773Ame doesn't finish games unless they are indie steam kusoge
Lapsama my friend
>>41847919Katamari, I think.
>ASMR actually lost.Holy shit teamates, this is 2nd time you guys made an awful choice after that time you voted for Wasagoro or something.
>>41847965tfw no kiara housewife
>>41847966whenever towa decides she wants to play valorant
>>41847956No, my sleep has been poor lately and I need to wake up at 2:30am tomorrow. Going to be worth it though
Gura cute!
>>41847956I eat a fuck ton of chicken and got some drinksThis is gonna be a great weekend!Enjoy your foof
>>41848022Post this finished product.
>>41848029>Crash at last place.Yeah, you guys can't rig for shit.
>>41847999I voted ASMR though...
>>41848016It's 89% steam indie kusoge, yes.
>>41847999more like gaysmr, because your gay if you like it lmao
>leaving her saws in a pile with a pipe wrenchWho is the >>>/diy/ holo?
I wanna fuck this thing
>>41848075Back to /v/ you go
>>41847984your friend looked very cute (and smug) in her new idol outfit.
>>41847999She'll do it eventually
>amelia 1AMlol
>>41847999She's still gonna do it on another day retardmateShe already bought wax and stamps
>>41848061S-she's fast!
>>41848022>reposting it
>>41799805god i fucking hate shippersyou parrot the phrase "fucking bitch", ok that's fine but i will parrot the phrase "autistic ame" just out of spite, better get used to it globalniggers
>>41847964Didn't she finish Elden Ring?
>>41848065You don't get how rigging works, it's not about what I want. It's about you not getting what you want.
KFP, is Kiara going to cuck us with korone's red rocket during valentine's?
i love towa
>>41847329>EN would unironically not exist if it wasn't for /v/>If wasn't for a group of 3rd world autist who spend all yelling about smash brothers and shitting their pants when a video game has a black character, EN would not existWhat the FUCK did retardchama mean by this?
>>41848073chicken breasts
kiara made me yawn
>>41848151go back
>>41848111the chosen one will return soon, i believe
>>41848151I am not interested in your thread thanks
>Ina has to help Gura put her helmet on each morningDoes this bring them closer or push them further apart?
That game sucked
I love this bird.
Kiara blew me
>>41848284Ina wanted a pet
>>41848292you sucked
Why is my oshi such a massive slut?
>>41848164Teamates want longer Ame streams though.
>>41848284>making fun of health problemskill yourself
>>41848312Your mother's clit
>>41848151god i fucking hate crossposters
0th gen my beloved...
>>41847329Reminder: You will die on November 23rd 2054 due to a perforated bowel that will lead to sepsis
>>41848065Deadbeats prefer westerns
bok bok, I love Takanashi Kiara
>>41848361Sora looks incredible as always.
I can't wait for Ame's reaction to American Venom 6-9 months from now
>>41848361Shouldn't Suzy be at the center? She is the most successful of that gen.
>>41848162Elden ring is indie kusoge if it was given a bigger budget.
>JGBFSNot sure how I feel about the ID idol outfits desu
>>41847658One Salchipapa and a Tiki por favor.
she morbed...
>>41848361robosan is cuteAZKi-chan is cutesora is cutemiko is cutesuzy is cute
>I might morb>Stream dieskino
Kiara morbed too hard...
>>41848361Roboco is the cutest in this image
>>41848428two homo gens in a yearoutfits for homos3D for homos
RBC is moaning...
3D live talk made management shut it down
>>41848361the shorts look so much better in the JPs designi wonder if they had a choice
cute wawa
>>41848485Retard, they make enough money on their own to fund themselves. They're pouring it all into Holo Earth
>>41848361irys should have gotten a crown as well
>>41848496She hasn't used this costume in what feels like ages.
Damn Tako's might have to prepare for no Ina birthday 3d live if that's the case....
>>41847954if ina sees kiaras ass and gura sees ames tits, they will go mad with lust and ravish them right there in the studio
>>41848344EN will never be super idols
>>41848361>no waki>shortsThis year's outfit kinda sucks
>will definitely finish Tales of Arise this weekend
>>41848537no they don't, you're just trying to deflect blame from them. Cover ruined EN for homos.
>>41848512Kiara mentioned having a choice in color and weather to have a skirt or shorts
>Finale Part 2the Attack of Titan finale naming system
>>41847255>vented about how bullshit circles areWhat the fuck is a circle?
>>41848412bok bok same
>>41848586KFP better suit up
>>41848571the shorts are good, do not suggest otherwise
>finale (forma de real)
>>41848556It's her elden ring outfit
>>41848611Circles look like breasts drawn by bad artists
>>41848611a shape where every point on the perimeter is of equal distance to the centre
>full pic was never released
>>41847354Jelly donuts.
hoodle doodle
>>41848611I will always find it funny that Kanata never did manage to go in a circle and just happened to have enough health to tank the whole attack in the end
>>41848720whats she smiling at
Saplings deserve not getting a stream today
Kiara has one of the most recognizable designs, when is that ever confused
smart kiara
kaela kimono please be sex
>>41848787this but reine
>>41848638>there will never be a game that's perfect for ame's autism like ER ever again
>>41848666my mind was blown when I realised a door creates a circle when you open and close it (the hinge is the centre) meaning if you know how to draw a cricle in perspective you can draw an accurate door no matter how open the door is
>>41848284This whole thing with Gura wearing a helmet like some sort of SPED kid has been causing me a great deal of sexual frustration as of late.
>>41848787>>41848801There's enough sex to go around
>>41848754that's mean, what did we do?
>Ame streaming at 11pmShe is in Japan?
how does Roboco poop
>>41848615Did thisbartist ever release the full image?
>>41848836I keep getting really horny whenever it gets brought up and it’s making me question my sanity
>>41848861are >We going to do this song and dance every stream now
RDR2 is a very boring game to stream, how did that win?
>>41848840yeah, mine.
>>41848820If MonHun was more compatible to Ame’s retarded playstyle, then she’d probably love World. Probably wouldn’t stream much though since she’d have to grind
>>41848571shit tasteshorts = no void spats = fully shaded ass and moundjust look at how detailed they are
>>41848892Rockstar kiddies
eh shes too hard on herself
>Yagoo trying to pretend Kiara's Japanese is still jouzu
>>41848888I don't know how to dance
>fauna not streaming todayWhy does she hate me so much……
>>41848892triple A
It's okay, your English and German are slurry too
The idol outfits suck ass.
Cute Kiwawa
>>41848963ogey nijinog
>>41848945she ran the numbers and calculated that baes first engage stream would be too big so she is saving herself the embarrassment of having low numbers
>>41848888Yes, until I hear audible Gurame saliva swapping to confirm
>>41848963for ID yeahJP/EN are fine
>>41848914She already said that monhun seems too grindy for her Then again she never actually tried it
>>41848963yeah they look like gacha characters. kiara's excited though so I'm happy.
>>41848284Gura gets to star are Ina's utter lack of tits while she does it, so probably closer together
>>41848966VERY cute
Kiara please just because you have a brain empty moment doesn't mean you get worse at a language, I still mumble over my own English
ame should play doom (1993) or at the very least finish doom 2 in doom eternal
Why is he looking at me like that?
>>41848892about 40% of the viewers are /v/faggotsnotice how they all leave the stream when it's zatsu/superchat time
>>41848982Remind Ame that she needs to show Gura her tongue scar since she forgot last time, that's our best change for Gura to lose control and make out with her on stream.
did Japan have cowboys?
>>41849041he knows
>>41848994Monster Hunter is pretty much pure gameplay. There's nothing else to do other than hunt monsters. That's only a grind if you don't want to play the game.
>only 600 likes on Kiara's membership stream
>>41849037Ame should eat spicy food on stream.
>>41849022Bro she’s not going to read your post you don’t need to write it like you’re talking to her
>>41849067did Mexico have samurai?
shes blowing out her back with sex with me
>>41849042>40% of viewers are not lonely obsessed parasocials and care more about entertainment that pretending the streamer is their gfShocking!
HoloEN Titlets are fucking each other...
>>41849067Cowboys' are American samurai
stop the Gollum posture then
>>41849124go back to plebbit
>>41849139cowboys dont have swords though
Kiara that is not normal
>>41849076All me.
>>41849123fauna is not in japan
>>41849121At least 1
>>41849105boi half of this board is just people venting
>>41849121>Hasekura Tsunenaga, the samurai who led the Japanese delegation to Mexico in 1613.
I wanna be a topper for Kiara
>>41849179Happens to me a lot but that's because I drink a lot of water
What's Fauna stressed out about?
my oshi is a bladderlet...
>>41849067cowboy movies are a ripoff of samurai movies so that's something
god I wish I could be her toilet
that is not a kidney stone
>Fauna cancelling yet ANOTHER streamGuess its time for me to cancel another membership
>>41849210please tell down this post
>>41849179It happens to me but I'm old and grey and falling apart.
>>41849141Anya you're so hot when you say that please do it while riding me.
Kiara has prostate problems.She should see a YOUrologist.
>>41849269I love you Reine
>>41849121El Chapo was the last shogun of Sinaloa
Are the JPs really ghosting Gura even though she's actually in Japan right now?
nice app cover
KFP members are fucking retarded
Question, do people really like Kiara now? Or it's just her discord mimicking their oshi's mememe attitude? Her numbers is still shit and she has the same members who managed to not get filtered by her annoying voice, let alone disgusting attitude.
>>41849164games and movies will never tell you but katanas are just secondary weapons, Samurais were mostly mounted archers
Kidney stones doesn't sound too bad when you have a vagina
>>41849164You don't bring a sword to a gunfight.
>>41849303There's probably at least one general practice doctor in KFP.
>>41849121australia did
>>41849303smarter then kiara
>>41849306anyone who replies after me is Italian
>>41849067unrelated but watch Lone Wolf and Cub
>>41848840wrong pic
>>41849306Question: are your parents proud of you?
the pekomiko sound sounds like all deco songs ot me desu
The new PekoMiko song is...ok?
>>41849306they get tired after a week,
>>41849141Anya is so fucking funny
I'm in coma. Where is that outfit or idol-related video Kiara has mentioned? Or it hasn't aired yet?
Wawa is hella biased lmao
it's great that pekomiko is officially back. i can't wait for the collabs.
>>41847581her fists are clenched and ready to punch me to a pulp
>>41849259She used to be so reliable.
>>41849306I COOKA DA PIZZA
>childish voicesTuT
Kiara just implied that Kanauru costs a pretty penny
I can't believe that Anya is the idol of hololive
>Watching The Hustler with Paul Newman>See name of pool hall>Ame's Billiards>she always wanted a pool table>time travel is real
hes worth it desu
>>41849425streamed earlier at the main channel
>>41849449He's been in demand a lot by Talents/Companies/etc
damn kanauru makes bank
>>41849449Never use that shit analogy again
>>41849336Oh god Chama call me stupid while pushing your toes on my face>>41849375I'm doing my best thank you
>>41849449Considering he started as nobody for the most part just doing fanshit and probably charged pennies at first, he deserves to up his prices after doing so much.
Kaela will never become an idol
>>41849462bonus: cAMEl ad
>>41849425It's WAKE UP on WAKE UP the WAKE UP main WAKE UP channel
>>41849449Well duh
no its the same shit
>>41849306I wanna be Italian
>>41848284does gura have an eating disorder or something? is she just like, not eating and fainting and shit and thats why she needs the helmet?
>>41849449When the deadline is "in three days" he should be
>>41849436Where's her tail?
the final deco video will be a sex tape MV
>>41849539yeah with me
>>41849449I thought she implied he was bargain bin tier compared to actual animators
hololive ISREAL
>>41849528anon that is not korone
>>41849067there's a fungus that turns people into cowboys or samurai depending on where they are
>>41849500she’s not an idol to me the way gura is but I still really like her streams
>>41849259Same shes really starting to disappoint me
>>41847425this is unironically Mori's bodytype
i love kiaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>41849523She does yes, but it's pure speculation as to whether or not that's why she's fainting (It probably is)
I will be the last KFP and marry Kiara in her dreams.
>>41849050Can't wait
>>41849449hes earned it with the shit they make him put up with
>>41849617sametori again soon
Once Yagoo starts calling her Kiwawa it's over
What is Kiara singing?
>>41849554No? She included him with the 2d animators as high budget MV makers
>>41849076that's more than Mori's, I wonder if she actually fell behind Kiara in active member count
>>41848963they're kind of designed to be stereotypical idol outfits, so I guess they fulfil that purpose
I remember her obscene lust for Kisara mainly desu
Who thought that this was a good idea?
>>41849653please do not lick the octopals
>>41849650Now I need Gura to cover this.
please stop posting Gura with a tard helmet
>>41849449Which is absolutely normal considering the amount or work and tight deadlines he has.I worked in marketing and you'd be surprised at how much a professional company asks you for a simple 2 minutes ad of a rotating 3D object.
>>41849650>Posted a minute after Kiara was humming the same songogey
>>41849568>The mushroom is commonly known as the devil's cigar or the Texas star in the United States, while in Japan it is called kirinomitake (キリノミタケ). This extremely rare mushroom is notable for its unusual appearance and disjunct distribution; it is found only in select locales in Texas and Japan.fascinating
>>41849076>unironically paying to hatewatch
>>41847964Doom is indie stream kusoge now?
>>41849449>has almost single-handedly enabled the majority of EN's 3D content for 2 years, usually working with last-minute deadlines in the processYou would fucking hope so
Who programmed Roboco to speak English?
>>41849721but why
>>41847999I voted waxSMR. But either way she'll end up doing it soon. Once she gets these ideas into her head she can't help but do them. She's already bought the candles and shit to burn it or whatever.
This girl sure is cute.
robots can cough?!
>>41849449well if they keep using him as a replacement for an actual studio he should
>>41847387I don't want to watch Cats
>>41849682They're about the same then
>>41847369Ayame fight club
>>41847479!!! oungah
I always love seeing them draft tweets live
>What are you doing in the mountains?>Hiding from the government?>A very Austrian assumption
roboco needs to stop using that thumbnail. it makes the robosa far too horny.
>>41849067the samurai were military nobility for hundreds of years and cowboys were just cow herders, a job that became 9bsolute in a couple of decades but Italian filmmakers thought they would look cooler as gunslingers
>>41849813Yea, when they get a computer virus.
towa but cute
>>41847999Go fuck yourself. We've gone for months with hardly any Ame streams that reach over 2 hours and you want her to do an ASMR that probably won't even last longer than an hour?It's a friday, I want a long Ame stream, RDR2 is perfect for that.
Kiara helps gura sexually
i know a lot of hololive fans are LARPing idolfags when it's convenient but the costumes are literally meant to be uniforms, with a minor personal touch for the individual to be distinguishableyou can bitch stuff is "soulless" but thats literally how its always been, it has to be the same, theyre not some quirky alt-idols
>>41849852>cowboyscool outfit and cool antiquated weapons>samuraicool outfit and cool antiquated weaponsseems like a perfect match to me
>>41849903Bibi is a WHORE
Risu kimono gonna be sex
Kiara is saying "You wouldn't get it" a lot lately...
>>41849852cowboys literally still exist
moom post
Fairy 3D
>>41849978Forbidden knowledge xD hehehe
Gura on Holotalk?!
>>41849952wrong thread, sister
Who is Pomu?
>>41849978So do samurai.
>>41849852alcoholic Texas rangers btfo’d the Comanche, I think that counts for something. Frontier style guerilla warfare is pretty nasty and doesn’t make for great campaigns and large pitched battles but it’s still interesting
haha its P*mu
>>41849952Nigger the new ones are shit is not about looking the same but that they are shit, the old ones were better
>>41849966have they set dates for the ID kimonos yet? I know it's next month, but I haven't seen anything specific beyond htat.
Kiara is calling called* in 90% positive
>>41850038wrong life, retard
whats the cowboy/samurai equivalent for other countries?
>>41850043uh, that's a ninja
kiara HATES pomu
I can't even remember how much she has left
Please what me?
now I have to watch Pomu's 3D reveal. being KFP is tough work.
>>41850064I guess vikings for the nordic states?
actually with the shit kiara did off screen its hard to tell how much of Arise she has left
>>41850058Yeah they did
>>41850057no they werent lmaoNene looked like she had tits that fucking sagged to her stomach, the vest one was especially dogshit as a variantYou just got used to them after 3 years
>Nijis get debuts and an EN concert >Cover can't even guarantee birthday 3DJesus management are lucky that nobody care about other companies in EN. Absolutely useless.
>>41850096>watching zhang panderers
>>41849993not sexy moom reply
>>41850058February 3, 4, 5
>>41850062doubt it desu but would like to be surprised
>>41850064The knight-errant is the european equivalent to Ronin
>>41847482>>41847486Man, I just got home all happy and now this. Fuck man I hope she feels better. And I hope she doesn't move Penumbra to Monday, I just want her to see the end of Pokemon.
>Niji mentionGreat. Thanks for ruling them up, Kiara.
>>41849952literally who are you quoting, you think you are fixing things when in reality you are just partaking in all the shitstirring
>>41850114Indonesia has YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO music too?
>>41850096Have fun watching that shitI will just tune into Arise tomorrow
>>41849484Why are you a pretty penny anti?
>>41849469>>41849505This is it? Head too big.
>Finishing Tales of Arise Part 3 (Definitely) (For real this time)
>>41849852>>41850046 are cool
>>41850064Shaolin Monk for China
>>41850154>ruling thembased groomer
>>41850180I just hate dumb analogies
>>41850193I will never watch a youtube video like that
>>41850064The Mexicans had their own cowboys called Vaquero
>>41850207put a shirt on please
>>41850073Why would a ninja have such obscene breasts?
>>41850112main quest wise she's no more than a hour or tow from finishingif she wants to go longer she'll need to do whatever side quests she's got left to do
>>41849484that's not an analogy you retard
>>41850207too sexy
>inb4 shes finished everything except the final boss
It's endearing how simple Kiara's love is. Show her affection and attention and she will give it back to you in return almost immediately, that simple, fans and members alike
>>41850237To get any red blooded man to lower his guard long enough to die.
>>41850156Where did that post quote anybodyYou will never be a /jp/ poster
>>41850187thats the design sheet anon
The Arise final dungeon is almost a parody of uninspiring JRPG last dungeons
>>41850228if you spent more than a day in this thread you've already seen an equivalent of that at least once
>>41849449So a penny?
>>41850187it contains many thoughts
Uhhhhh.... Takos? What the hell is this?
>>41850258Well I hate whatever the fuck those are called
>>41850064cowboys for mexico and canada too, knight errants for medieval central europe, russia had their own frontiersmen and cossacks
>>41850282You don't play Tale of Arise for the gameplay.
>>41850237when she is captured in battle, she has to ensure the enemy would rather breed her then kill her
>>41850269How she's gonna kill someone if she gets beaten by the cock?
>>41850290what the FUCK
>>41850288Yeah, where it should be. Breaking containment has never not been gay (not the fun kind)
>>41850290This is not my Ina
>>41849675Really curious about her reaction to the ending.
>>41850290>covers anti-symmetry autism has progressed so far you cant even have matching shoes
>>41850064A Medjay for EgyptA Misthios for Greece
>>41850064mexicans literally have their own mexican cowboy called a vaquero
>#FineFaunart #Faunline>Faunart Faunline>Swordart Online>FAunaRT FaUNline = FART FUN
>>41850193Clint Eastwood makes everything cool.
>>41850341That's not the issue here
>>41850279keep having imaginary arguments
>>41850336does anything crazy happen?
>>41850237She's a Kunoichi
>>41850306no, the gameplay is probably the only redeeming aspect of Arise. It's not my favorite mothership system but it has it's own satisfying flow.
>>41850287One of those super expensive rare pennies
Are JRPG games a debuff?
>>41849721Okay retard
Tales does have consistently better writing then Fire Emblem, I'll give it that.
>>41850290>Ina with Boobs is finally canonAT LEAST! EAT MY ENTIRE ASS, YOU FLAT-TARDED TAKOS!
>>41850368lurk 100,000 years before you respond to me ever again retard
>>41850064South American Gauchos. This motherfucker could be a fire emblem class
>>41849076>>41849682Who the fuck gives likes to member contentYou're not even algo-boosting
Please do not do Symphonia 2, has she played Abyss yet?
>>41850423but i liked the stream
>>41850391Sure, a D is better than an E
>>41850377A cunnyichi?
JWU what did Kiara do for her members stream?Has it just been chatting for 3.5 hours?
Ames poll>Crash bandicoot is the mori option for obvious reasons>Red dead is the mori option because of Mori's sheriff bit>Waxing is also the mori option because Mori spread erotic rrats about her being unshaven and hairy predebut
>>41850423I do it when I want to add it to my liked videos playlist
>>41850395Mika, 3D modelers, and Cover accounting are hacks
I wanna supersonic thrust inside Kiara if you know what I mean
>>41850321jerking off to 4chan even on it has always been cringe, it's means, not an end.
bla bla blah...TIDAL WAVE
>>41850381>It's not my favorite mothership systemThe whoseawhatsit? Why are you talking about Iofi all of the sudden?
>>41850391Tales story is consistent in how it always fumbles the ending.
>>41850341The homos idol outfits are symmetrical except for accessories, do all idol outfits are asymmetrical or it's just cover being like that?
>>41850134>those feet>not sexy
>>41850290you have to wear a bra to wear a dress like thatyou guys want her nipples to chaff and bleed?
why did Kiara just ban that dude
I hope I get back in time for Demon's Souls.
if I don’t have sex with ina soon I am going to shrivel up and die
>>41850465a little to the left until she got cranky from thinking too much
>>41850472Sounds like you’re just mad that Ina isn’t as flat as a board anymore, Takodummy.
>>41850465the puzzle little to the left game while chatting in between
>>41850230Vaqueros are cowboys, the whole thing started in Spain and became more prominent when they required more suckers to handle their cattle back when they conquered Mexico
>>41850392>fauna>mumeilol. lmao even
>>41850398No one is making genuine complaints about the outfits, they just want to start shit, all you are doing with the original post is encourage more shitstirring, I don't even know why I replied to that initial post if that was probably all you were trying to do anyways
>>41850518you don't badmouth the disabled girl
Kiara timed out a deadbeat from her chat
>>41850529Gura you can just go in the next room and ask...
>>41850499>We Were Here>not kusoge
>>41850518He rightfully said that Colette is the worst girl of Symphonia. Presea best btw.
Noel mention? Good enough for me!
>>41850480hurricane thrust was better though
whats the modern day cowboy equivalent (as in the cool thing people in a few hundred years are going to still think is cool)
Tales as a series peaked here
>>41850533I'm a merakyat, I want more breast options
I'm back from my 3 day vacation and I love love love Roboco! you all for posting so much of her while I was awaystop lewding her though
>Soulstrannies UNIRONICALLY ruined Elden Ring for Kiara (and scheduling)
>>41850601I N D I G N A T I O N
>>41850529Here, let me help with that.
>>41850620What did you do
Why is she so obscene and erotic?
>>41850620Tell Roboco to stop being so Lewdable then.
>>41850392But what if... it's the reverse?
>I have to go guys>tangents about fire emblem for 20 minutes>I have to go>tangents about elden ring for 10 minutes>well, I said I'd go>oh she's starting RDR2?
It feels so surreal seeing EN with idol outfits.I hope they get to sing Shiny Smily Story, Kirameki RIder, and Prism Melody with the JPs.
>>41850064What this anon said >>41850140There are loads of old medieval tales of lordless knights just kinda showing up to a castle and challenging people to duels for shits and giggles.
>>41850649The same thing I did last time!But I'm gonna be a good boy this time
>>41850620>stop lewding her thoughNo.
>>41850670I heard Anya loves Ina. Can you post any evidence of this?
>RDR2 with Kiara
>>41850600Anti-poachers in Africa.
>>41850688You better be
you ever stop and think where the fuck did anya come from
Is Mumei streaming today?
>>41850586This stinky sexy cow of a woman
Why is this thread obsessed with low tier jps like rbc, soda, aki, and polka, but ignores most of the big ones? Is it a saviorfag complex?
>>41850678What did she say about ER? I'd love to see more Fromsoft autists in EN.
>>41850718I promise!
>>41850678Didn't she say she was going to read SC's?
>>41850720No but I think that about Kobo.
>>41850600We don't do as much killing and raping as before, so nothing. There's a reason people still love all the old stories about crazy Kings, Emperors and Pharoahs.
>>41850720she just exists
>>41847276She's perfect in every way except that she hates her fans speaking German to her
>>41850698no chance she'll like it as much as GTA5, much slower pacing and less zany writing
Is this a hot take that I think last years idol outfits look better than this years? I like that these ones are more unique between each other though.
I think Bae should play on Hard/Classic
>>41850736she hates it, it isn't fun, she appreciates people who say they like watching but it's a bitch to schedule and she'll never finish it
>>41850737I wish you numberfags would die unironically
>>41850736The reason many didn't finish were because perms were a bitch. AoEII is worse
What now?
>>41850720she is an enigma wrapped in a mystery locked inside a box at the bottom of an indonesian burial ground and i prefer it that way
>>41850737Low tier girls put out.
>>41850720No I think that about Risu though
>>41850736She won't play it again because many things about the game made her miserable.Also scheduling it was a bitch since each stream needed extra perms.
>>41850737the only low tier thing in this thread is your whore mother choking on my dick
>>41850777midnight idol meetings/10
>>41850767They’re attention whores, the proper way to get her attention is to pretend to be Japanese.
Kiara forgot to read the superchats, and I didn't remind her.
>>41850756next week
>>41850600drug smugglers/anti-drug smugglers, kind of like prohibition era mobsters but modern
Another Tales of like game that Kiara should try is Skyrim
>>41850792Don't worry she will forget way down the line
>>41850792This is the deadbeats fault
>>41850777chill/10twas cute hearing her excited about the outfits
>>41850777cute wawa cute game cozy chat/10
>>41850798I wish EN would play AoE2 multiplayer...
>>41850839You'll get her someday, Todd.
Select your Pokémon.
>>41850600Nigger gangsters, drug dealers, mercs, etc
>>41850839SHUT UP TODD but you're right
>>41850123Here's a 'fun' fact. The Homos have their own studio separate from the holos, which means there's a non-zero chance that Tempus gets their 3D Debut before the EN girls.
Will Miko appear at Ame's 3D showcase?
>>41850737because Polka is cute and cool and smart and pretty and awesome and i want to fuck her and a fennec and a clown and silly and fun and pretty and cute
>>41850777She's too fucking cute and smarter than usual!/10
>>41850792pls no i don't like that game
>>41850600Rappers unironically
>>41850777I love wawa / 7.375
>>41850777very nice/10
>>41850902im pretty sure the old man has ruined any chance of them getting more favouritism
>>41850777I love this dork so damn much / 10
>>41850720From my womb
Roboco is the cutest girl in the universe just btw
>>41850961post tits
my oshi is a WHOREbut thats okay with me
>>41850961pls be in jakarta
>>41850971robots can't be cute
>>41850883Flareevee about to choke a bitch.
>>41850961A D E L A I D EDELAIDE
>>41850902Orange homo already strongly hinted at them getting theirs in the summer.
>>41850777A bit late and a tad shorter than her usual member's streams. If I didn't open Twitter today I might've missed it.
>>41850777Brain expansion/10she was exceedingly cute
Kiwawa's idol mentions>En idol outfits are the coolest, ID are the cutest, JP are a mix of both, Kiara chose the shorts design for being the dancer>Baelz mommy designed the new idol outfits>Sora's artist always design the past 3D outfits>Looking for the 3D promotional image like Mori's>CouncilRyS 3D being casually revealed>Reine (kkiyaaaaaaah) excited for her 3D and her colors>IRyS 3D looks different than her 2D>Needs to see Anya and Kronii's movement in 3D>Ina looks more small and cute now that her platform shoes are gone>Mori, Fauna and Kiara are the elegant oneesan group>Saw Flare senpai struggling with a part of the game>The puzzle that broke Kronii, Kronii is in shambles>Achan called her Kiwawa, Yagoo reassures Kiara's Japanese>Kiara loves the PekoMiko song>Gura thanked Kiara on helping her>Will watch Pomu's 3D debut, not like Kiara likes her or anything *hmph*>Ame playing RDR2, Kiara may watch
>>41850991but look at this
>>41850600>In the USRappers, ESPECIALLY irellevant/hood rappers that're local-only.>In EUNothing compares>In SAThe cartel>In AfricaGangs>In AsiaMilitaries?>In AustraliaNothing
>>41851027Fantastic, definitely earned.
>>41851051>idol mentions>Kronii
>>41851051>Gura thanked Kiara on helping herWith whatever she was messaging her about yesterday?
>>41850902wellyeahtheres only 13 stars talents ahead of them instead of 37 so theres a lot less competition for it
>>41850902Well wtf why not get the EN girls to use their studio then if the Hololive studio is so packed
>>41851067Crocodile Dundee was not a documentary?
i wasn't buying the JP designs at first but now looking closely the shorts are very detailed and look pretty sexythe skirt version still sucks tho
>>41851067no one in two hundred years is going to look back and think a bunch of niggers killing each other over $250 of heroin sales in chicago was badass
>>41851079they all got 100k subs soyeahit is
>this thing will wear an idol uniform
>>41849821>two weeks agodire
>>41851108Ya it was, Kiara has been one of Gura's close Japan contacts it seems even though Kiara isn't even there atm
>>41850794She will get hard filtered
>>41849943ASMR has a lot of replay value though. You want another unfinished game instead?
>>41850720No one cared who she was until she put on the mask.
>>41851151I assume he's talking about groups of people who can be compared to "modern cowboys"He was just 1 dude not a group, but yea of course him too if that's the case>>41851178Yea because they're doing it right now
>>41851179gura has 42x that and cover won't give her a 3D showcase
Why isn't Ame playing Minecraft, why does she hate numbers and boring streams? Fuck this bitch. I can't play her stream in the background and not pay attention whatsoever and play something else because I have severe ADHD. RDR2 demands too much focus on the stream, I may have to actually watch it.
>>41851234>le disingenuous argument that blames le evil corpo and not Gura's laziness
>>41851186Kaela will re invent sex when she gets 3D
>>41851200Just making sure before I threw it in my log, thank you, KFP.
>>41851200Kiara seems to want to make sure Gura has good first experience in Japan. She's hoping to take her places after she gets back there.
>>41851220Since people are more in their feelings about tempus than the JP holostars then it may be fine even if they interact with just the JP
>>41851178>no one in two hundred years is going to look back and think a bunch of drunk hics killing each other over $250 of alcohol in Texas was badass
>>41851262eat a bullet, bootlicker
Imagine not watching Kronii, how does it feel to have shit taste? Kronii is literally the most entertaining woman in all of Hololive, not even just EN.
>>41851262I normally don’t pile on cover but not giving your biggest EN star a proper 3D showcase is just poor business
>>41851281Kiara seems to genuinely like being able to be helpful.
>>41851186her hips are so fucking big...Kaela looks like a fanart you would see in deviant art
>>41851127if the boys get their own studio it feels like an easier solution is to just get each branch their own studio when they get double digit members
>>41850499>Obra dinn>We were here>Florence>Not kusoge
>>41851005whoa look at those moonas
>>41850600I mean just look at our modern media and its heroes. So yeah international secret services dealing with crime empires, drug lords, athletes, the military, detectives, celebrities, rags to riches entrepeneurs etc.hard to predict which ones will resist the test of time but then again even those you described are popular because of media like books and movies instead of being inherently cool.
>>41851326Ok? Where are they not?
>>41847369She’s saying they didn’t because it was late so everyone had gone home except A-Chan and Sora who was there to do the idol outfit reveal stream.
>gura played rdr2 once and never again>miko played rdr2 way back in the day and only played a little because she was getting like literally 30 viewers max >ame will probably only play it for 2 hours and never againkorone should pick it up so we can get an actual good gameplay of it
I don't think there will be a call in or anything which would have been cool but regardless I will watch Tenchou's wife
>>41851380naisu eigo
>>41851380I don’t watch gura but I thought her 3D live was a mini 3D live that was like 30 minutes long
>>41851178Clearly this anon hasn’t seen the wire
>>41851314Quit shitposting with my lawfully wedded wife
>>41851407rdr2 sucks ass
>>41851421That is English
>>41848569>super idolsIs this the new cope from the schizos? I missed everything involving hololive and this thread for the past 24 hours
>>41851457literally the best game released in the past 10 years
>>41851424>watching nijizhangji
Ollie love!
>>41851466I think he's just making a joke. The new cope from the insane schizo is that the new outfits AREN'T actually idol outfits at all (yes, that's what he went with).
>>41849523sometimes you'd rather just drink more instead of eating because eating will just make you tired
>>41850281COME SEE GUYS>it's just a head plastered in Paint
>>41851479huh? whuh?
>>41851165Unhinged Anya does things to me.
>>41851477It's a great game but it can never be appreciated by attention deficient zoomers
>>41848569>Super idolsIs that a thing? Are at the DBZ power level creep?
>>41851477awful taste
>>41851527meant for >>41851414
>>41848569 idols?
when are they letting me see Anya's bare feet in 3D?
so, how we feelin?
>>41850499>Celeste>Obra Dinn>We We’re Here>Florence>AAA gamesNigga
>>41851477I like it but lets not get hasty here
>>41851566i bet you watch minecraft streams
>>41851358shes a wide girl
>>41851585I think I have a cold.
How was that Joker watchalong with Miko this morning btw
>>41851407>rdr2>good gameplay It’s a horse riding + cutscene simulator anon
>>41851603name 1 game better
>>41851556Mori will become the Legendary Super Idol after Ame does to continue their rivalry ans keep her 3-0 streak
>>41851637it was okay. too dark for her i think and she didn't react that much.
>>41851346I bet if there ever was a HoloEN house, she'd move in and take care of others without a question in exchange of hugs and praises. And kissy gay sex, of course.
>>41851609No, I just play better games than rdr2, which is a really low bar. There's a reason Gura dropped it.
>>41851585Empowered, ready for the upcoming weeks and then 4th Fes after that.
>>41851366>Obra dinn>kusogei'll kill ya.
>>41851655Elden Ring
>>41851585Amazing, but time to sleep now
can you /v/iggers fuck off?
>>41851637very goodshe laughed at the midget scene and talked about the social commentary after the film
>>41851576Fairy 3D in an hr
love this horny cat
>>41851753go back nijinog.
>>41851715>go into a thread about video game streamers>get mad people talk about the games they stream
I think I could last the longest in bed with gura out of all the holomems because whenever I get intimidated in bed I can never cum
>>41851051How can I be sure that Kiara won't use a vibrator while watching Ame's stream?
If some schizo from /jp/ /hlg/ (>>>/jp/hololive) comes and starts spamming shit here, it may be my fault because I went and grudgeposted them about HoloEN getting idol outfits.Just thought I'd let you guys know!
>>41851583They may be following a slightly different approach this time around. Area15 got their 3D debuts at Holofes followed by proper 3D showcases later in the year, but Holoro looks to be getting proper Idol performance outfits for HoloFes this year, so they'll probably get their 3D showcases for their orginal outfits somewhere between Summer and late Fall.
>>41851585terrible, Mori's been gone for almost 10 days now, Takos and Chumbies can't comprehend my pain
>>41851769make me
>>41851753Wow! How about you fuck off to the Niji thread then?
>>41851855Thx for the warning
>>41851687gura has literally never finished a proper long game. shes not that kind of streamer
>>41851051A lot of the dancers chose shorts it seems. They will make the high kicks less interesting though sadly
>>41851197Here's some more numbers
>>41851806Just choose to be sure she will instead.
>>41850720I still am impressed that Anya remains undoxxable.
>>41851887>gura has literally never finished a proper long gameI miss Bully....
>>41851869>>41851916These are the same guy
>>41851855hlg doesn't care about EN anymore, they only get upset if you start soundposting or say rrat unironically
i've been busy out of my mind with work this week, have I missed any Kronii streams? I know she mentioned there might be collabs and stuff
Impregnanating Gura
>>41851916>>41851869You fags cannot fathom my pain.
>>41851887>soma>dmc3>luigis mansion 3>resident evil 2>resident evil 8
>>41851051>IRyS 3D looks different than her 2DThats a subtle way to shit on her, nice wawa
>>41851655Triangle Strategy
>>41851585I picked a bretty good time to come back from my holo break
I have a confession to makeI hated Journey Like a Thousand Years when it came out but I love it now.
>>41852028Needs to go on a diet.
>>41851887I'd count DMC desu
You can make one Holo instantly learn English, and make another one learn Japanese instantly as well. Who do you choose?
what's the closest thing to gwent in rdr2?
>>41851855Epic own fellow redditor!
>>41851991i assume he means super long stuff like okayu's FE
>>41851655Outer Wilds
>>41852074Noel and Fauna.
>>41851655Vampire Survivors and HoloCure
>>41850502Symphonia was consistent. I think that's it though
>>41852052cringe, it sucked ass back then adn it ssucks ass noww
>>41852074give english to polka and japanese to gura so that she can have kissy gay sex with okayu
>>41852074Irys and Miko
>>41852074Aqua Ame ( so she stops making me cringe with her Japanese every stream )
>>41851655Risk of Rain 2
h-how to buy tickets for fes...
>>41851878Even just answering a simple question has you acting like you've been getting raw dogged by these girls every night anally
>>41852113based thank you>>41852114i assume he likes gargling cocks
>>41852149Can you type that without the tears in your eyes?
i want gen 7 already cmoooon stealth drop tonight please
>>41852052Full gen songs are cursed, you're not supposed to like them. Except blue clapper
>>41852074Miko for both
>>41852074It's about time for fans to finally understand Miko
>>41851655MediEvil Remake
>>41852074Shion and Gura.
>>41852183it'ss actually the cum in my keyboard
>>41852195it'll happen within the next week. that'll give them time for some collabs with their senpai before the holofes watchalong.
>>41852214idk I really like when they played mario kart together and the language barrier was so high they could only get 10 or so words across to each other
>>41852199Kiseki Knot bros...
>>41852143>Sana 3D feet neverpain
Look at my wife
>>41852143Nigga, don't want to be mean but you don't count anymore
>>41852074Mumei Mumei
>>41852074Mumei and Mori
>>41852285loose pussy energy
>>41852285Why’d you post my wife?
>>41851585Hopeful. Ina seems happy to be back and that gives me hope for the eventual Gura return. Ame was very enjoyable the last month. Kiara has somehow managed to be a standout during the JP arc. Mori remains Mori, no strong feelings either way.
>>41852164I'm curious if there is a gaijin pool of tickets or if it's free for all
If KFP are so based, how come they never groomed Kiara into liking Kamen Rider?
>>41852074Miko and Ame
>>41851407If you want someone to play RDR2 until the end, you'd need to convince Wawa once she's done with this latest Fire Emblem kusoge.
>>41852074Nene and Gura
>>41852297anyone made SEX from ollie's voice pack yet?
>>41852306>>41852311proof, she has 2 husbands
>Tsunomaki Watame
cheater cat should be in JP 7
>>41852199Gen 1's was great
>>41852336kiara just prefers mature shows like rings of power.
>>41852336Kiara is too girly. Kamen Rider can only be enjoyed by boys
>>41852336KFP plays the long con into gently coaxing Kiara into liking new things.
>>41852195We're getting HoloES next
>>41852327There's a JP pool and an international pool, but I don't think there's anything stopping JPs from zerging the international pool as well. Good luck.
>>41852398I miss this bitch...
>>41851585It took awhile but I can't believe Myth is healing, and hopefully it doesn't always have to fall on Kiara's shoulders to get them back together again every time
>>41852432don't they check passports when you pick up gaijin tickets?
>>41852388If Kiara is too girly, why did she play Diablo 2, Slay the Spire and Super Robot Wars??
>>41851366>>41851594Real games.
>>41852398I bitch this miss...
>>41852336I prefer symphogear
>>41852375gen 1 only has 1 subpar singer, while most gens have at least 2
>>41851946This artist does a phenomenal job at drawing chubby girls that look like they smell like salty cheese
did any of them holos ever beat S C O R N
>>41852366The second guy was also me.
>>41852336KFP can’t even get Kiara to watch Symphogear
>>41852074PolkaI don't see the value of an EN learning japanese
>>41852477>Real gamesSteam kusoge is what those are
>>41852229This but with brats, saplings, chumbies and irystocrats, nothing personal I don't leak what's inside . I only pay for the Ame one and because I want, I'm sure I would get the gifts, and I leak the content so everyone can enjoy it
>myth is healing>councils yab are behind them>irys got her new modelEN3 is going to fuck everyhting up again
>>41852515meds cuck
>>41852500>benisgameDon't think so. Gura would play it if it didn't have benis.
>your oshi>tell me what you want, tell me what you need
>>41852522>pretty high school girls battle singing>couldnt get Wawa to watchWhat was the pitch
ENs who can't stop playing kusoge:KroniiReineKaela
>>41852565 didn't see what you replied to and I thought you were talking about this
>Ame>11PM streamI see Ame is back to hating me for being an east coaster again
>>41852586MoriI'd like to kill a deadbeat
>>41852549>EN3>happeningcome on, now
>>41852458Ah you're right, I didn't see that
>>41852263>go listen to it again>tear upI have played myself...
>>41852626I love them..
>>41852327i was just wondering where to buy for the streamwhen i tried to buy stream tickets last year i wasnt able to for some reasonso i didnt know if they were availablehilarious though, a lottery for intl fans to attend the event, but no way to buy the stream in USDI've figured it out now
I lost power for like 7 hoursDid the final yab happen?
>>41852626anons with shit taste:(you)
>>41852565cause she's gonna zerk off?
>>41852676the deadbeats have started the offensive
>>41852687999 and Danganronpa aren't real videogames.
>>41852626Kronii should play signalis. I wouldn't watch, but just to know that someone played the game in hololive
>>41852199Rise is fine, it's just cursed since it'll always feel incomplete with it being released after Sana graduated.
>>41852750anjing goblok
KFP, would Kiara like Sopranos?
>>41852549Alice will become the #1 vtuber in the worldYou just wait
>>41852739show me ONE thing that even hints at another EN gen being a possibility.
if last post, I'm sleeping with Kronii tonight
>>41852586NeneMoney, and lots of it. For Nene merch, and rent.
>>41852843No reason to believe there won't be another gen
>>41851887she beat minecrfaft
>>41852869Nay, if nobody replies to this post then I will be sleeping with Kronii tonight
My Ina :)
if no one replies to me i'm marrying ame