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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.07 MB, 2724x4096, 1653224293665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41767999 No.41767999 [Reply] [Original]

Not sponsored by Colgate

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1617602733074440193

STREAM ALWAYS WITH YOU: https://youtu.be/kJ0hczPwSnM


STREAM DO U: https://youtu.be/QI96hnhcr2E

Art Source: https://twitter.com/zeiss_ss/status/1618190924168986626

Previous thread: >>41655520

>> No.41768095
Quoted by: >>41768304

title doko?

>> No.41768304
Quoted by: >>41771273

Stealth threads are better anyway

>> No.41768384
File: 31 KB, 725x674, FU54X3WWYAAz-pw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41806910

>> No.41768558
File: 205 KB, 1536x2048, 1674668457262985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP take care of her until February.
Make sure to get her to the toilet before going to bed.

>> No.41768579 [SPOILER] 
File: 397 KB, 2000x2829, d6cf1192a2e4d87bdd3a7b34edba58fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wawa feet

>> No.41769823

I'm sorry chumbud. Kiara's going to ravage her, and there is nothing KFP can do about it.

>> No.41769905
Quoted by: >>41770094

did kiara actually tweet about that or is it just a rrat?

>> No.41770069
File: 203 KB, 1280x1280, 1660510746536.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41770094

Tweeted what?

>> No.41770355
Quoted by: >>41770625


>> No.41770625


>> No.41770627


>> No.41771031
File: 226 KB, 1440x2215, 1649800716202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41771349

Behold, a self proclaimed lonely woman who can't defend herself

>> No.41771273

It's not a stealth thread when it shows up when looking "Kiara".

>> No.41771349

yabeeeeeee wawa wants to steal my 精子 again

>> No.41772452


>> No.41772510
Quoted by: >>41773033

she means well, she just got baited

>> No.41772643
Quoted by: >>41772723

Wait a minute, did Kiara just correctly guess the Veyle twist? Had to step away for a second.

>> No.41772723

Playing on hard has forced her to engage with the game and activated her brain

>> No.41772745
File: 393 KB, 598x611, 1667011037569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41772894
Quoted by: >>41773705

So Kiara is a footfag...

>> No.41773033


>> No.41773037
Quoted by: >>41773363

So Kiara is a frootfag...

>> No.41773363

Has Froot drawn her yet? I know Saru has recently.

>> No.41773409
Quoted by: >>41773445

>the only guy who makes my heart go doki doki is brown
What did she mean by this?

>> No.41773445

>persian guy
she's still waiting for the prince she sent money to

>> No.41773457

Pretty sure she did ages ago.

>> No.41773513
File: 116 KB, 850x1180, 1649470449153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was her

>> No.41773530
File: 1.10 MB, 758x979, 1660643894578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41773759

Several times ages ago

>> No.41773653
Quoted by: >>41773907

>She sent money to a Persian prince
>I sent money to a Persian prince

>> No.41773705
Quoted by: >>41773835


>> No.41773759
File: 714 KB, 1280x720, 1666812383441314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41773835

>I hate feet
>I can't stand scat
>Rape fetish is disgusting
>are you calling me fat? Not like that would hurt me anyway, idiot!

You sweet summer child

>> No.41773907

Should not have been given internet access as teens?

>> No.41773968


>> No.41774011

Please don’t post tweets from autistic kids. She’s a known case and on mute from basically everyone.

>> No.41774020

That autist is always stalking Kiara on twitter, what about it?

>> No.41774276

>putting Yunaka in the swimsuit
As someone who was rather curious about the uniqueness of the outfits, the swimsuit actually nerfs Yunaka's bust.

>> No.41774969

>I'm persian

>> No.41776053

Qrd? I don't remember this story

>> No.41777554

Kiara is getting smart...

>> No.41777570

It's cute when she's proud of herself for getting more familiar with the game and does the most optimal strategy.

>> No.41778831

ah the Sametori...

>> No.41779068

Made it home just in time for the good part.

>> No.41779374
Quoted by: >>41779721

Just the belt

>> No.41779721
File: 551 KB, 318x300, jealous wanna-cum [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzonl7y.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to unlock that phoenix...

>> No.41779938

Imagine getting paid to molest Kiara.
What a lucky guy.

>> No.41780050

does kiara not realize that was hit dick, not his finger? it's the oldest trick

>> No.41780230

Has there ever been a woman who wasn't in pain?

>> No.41780717
Quoted by: >>41780818

Kiara will never watch another anime in her life despite talking about being interested in some series.
Fuckin netflix brainrot.

>> No.41780818

There is no reason why you should actually care about this

>> No.41780863

NTA but I do care about this, what she watch shape her culture and also a lot of her tangent. The show she watch take an active part of the stream.

>> No.41780928
Quoted by: >>41781042

I'd just like to hear her talk about something I care about. I'm still going to tune in, it'd just be nice if she, an anime girl, every once in a while gave a shit about anime.

>> No.41780977

>I don't care if my oshi watches am*rican racemixing woke shit and brainwashes herself

>> No.41780983
Quoted by: >>41781072

>a lot of her tangent
thank god she doesn't watch fucking seasonal anime then

>> No.41781042

At some point you have to accept that she's allowed to have her own tastes and opinions on things just like you do

>> No.41781072

I mean, I'm glad she doesn't watch seasonal shit either, but she's shown specific interest in two of the 10 anime she watched in the members stream and even got an Anya toy she liked.
I know she is, I just want her to watch things she said she was interested in so I can actually connect with her viewing habits at least once in a long while.

>> No.41781168

For sure. But at least, don't promise you're going to watch something and never deliver on it. (Nier, 10 anime first episode, for example, where she said she would watch Violet Evergarden and Paripi koumei).
This is actually one of my biggest pet peeves about her. She talk too much about doing things that will never actually happen. This, Girls Talk, Rap tournament, etc, etc

>> No.41781271
Quoted by: >>41781320

>Paripi koumei
didn't she watch that with marine?

>> No.41781306

>Paripi koumei
Didn't she watch that with Marine while violating her holes?

>> No.41781320

Only a few episodes

>> No.41781322
Quoted by: >>41781415

she just talks a lot in general, you get hung up on the stuff that didn't happen instead of enjoying the stuff that did

>> No.41781379

>She talk too much about doing things that will never actually happen. This, Girls Talk, Rap tournament, etc, etc
Yes men will defend this and crucify you for your opinion

>> No.41781415

I just have no interest in her tangents on shows I won't ever watch is all. I don't mind them, but I do look forward to her trying things I like when she talks about it. So whenever she starts talking about watching TV shows, it reminds me about it.

>> No.41781441

The one that bother me the most is Girl's talk, to be honest. And the news shows.

>> No.41781566

Fuck, girls talk could be so amazing...

>> No.41781602

Obviously she didn't pay attention because she was too busy fingering marines holes.

>> No.41781714

girl stalk was supposed to happen when she got sick. then japan arc happened. and soon japan again. but it'll happen.

>> No.41781746
Quoted by: >>41781765

This. Right after her weekly german streams

>> No.41781765

Watch streams

>> No.41781845

I will hold out hope.

>> No.41781877
Quoted by: >>41785400

>Watch streams
Alright. Gonna watch my german streams now


>> No.41782222
File: 174 KB, 405x468, 1657841684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41782256

i love kiwawa

>> No.41782234

Anon, the most she said about the german channel is that she was working on a german CLIP, not a stream.

>> No.41782256

noman will crucify you for this

>> No.41782273

>Shit talk Buffy
Holy shit, please Kiara...

>> No.41782343

and worst thing about this is, that this is just a clip from an old ENGLISH stream with german subs. It isn't actually german content.

>> No.41782468
Quoted by: >>41782559

>cook at 11:30pm
literally why? Why fuck up your sleep this much?

>> No.41782559
Quoted by: >>41782660

She's working. I know, a foreign concept to you.

>> No.41782660
Quoted by: >>41782789

Then doesn't mean you COOK at this time, yes manchama
Literally eat some random shit like an apple or whatever. banana, I don't care. anything to quickly fill your stomach. you don't need to cook a whole meal at midnight

>> No.41782749

Imagine being terminally on twitter, stuck ruining everything for yourself.
I feel bad for Wawa.

>> No.41782789
Quoted by: >>41782912

Yes, after a full day of work there is nothing better than a fucking apple.
You are pretty judgemental for an eternal NEET.

>> No.41782814
Quoted by: >>41782836

The German channel is a terrible idea to begin with, I don’t care if she doesn’t add any content to it.

>> No.41782836

t. slavshit

>> No.41782912
Quoted by: >>41783006

>Yes, after a full day of work there is nothing better than a fucking apple.
Correct. She was eating chocolate and cookies as well as chips all day during her stream.

>> No.41782950
Quoted by: >>41783069

Really don't want Kiara to waste her time in some stupid project like the news show. En barely streams and koyo already have a news show

>> No.41783006
File: 559 KB, 828x1080, KiaraSLURP [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh8b5ol.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41783080

As much as I want to call you a faggot, you're not wrong that she eats like shit while streaming. But if not for that, we wouldn't have gold like this.

>> No.41783069
Quoted by: >>41783318

Sure, but what about setting up Girl Stalk?

>> No.41783080
Quoted by: >>41783204

I don't really care what she eats as long as the fat goes into her ass and thighs. I just want to make the point that it isn't a good idea to cook for 1 or 2 hours at midnight

>> No.41783204
Quoted by: >>41783274

what the fuck do you do in the kitchen if cooking a single meal takes a hour or two, she'll be done and eating in 30 minutes tops

>> No.41783274

SHE is the one who literally just said that. She just said she needs at least an hour to be done (I don't know if she means done with everything or done with just the cooking part) but the point is that eating 2 bananas or whatever (they fill your stomach very quick) and then go to bed immediately is a better idea

>> No.41783318
Quoted by: >>41783556

>setting up Girl Stalk?
Most en girls don't care for collabing
+ Time slot

>> No.41783336
Quoted by: >>41783376

you're boring as shit, bedtimeschizo

>> No.41783376

I may not be as entertaining as smegma anon but I'm still right

>> No.41783418

She also said she would do pasta with pesto, this shit take 10 minutes to make.

>> No.41783424
File: 318 KB, 503x772, 1648716905571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Kiara find this attractive?

>> No.41783494

all this nagging about bedtimes just reminds me of your mom

>> No.41783517
Quoted by: >>41783577

You have never been right in your life, NEET-chama.

>> No.41783520
File: 803 KB, 1566x3392, claude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Kiara find this attractive?

>> No.41783556

A lot of people were really pumped about the idea from all sides and fanbases.
I neeeeeeddddd itttttt

>> No.41783577

I'm employed at KFP you dumbfuck

>> No.41783579
File: 122 KB, 718x437, 6874501258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41783632

I'm not a loli person but exposed tummies always activate my neurons.

>> No.41783763
File: 780 KB, 614x714, _1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41783963

>Cute pose
>Soft face
>Tight clothing
>Abdomen skin showing
About all that's missing is the fucking camel toe at this point.

>> No.41784534
File: 2.73 MB, 1524x720, 1636689722809.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41784783

I want to fuck that

>> No.41785400

I meant that for girls talk, iirc mumei mentioned it during the week Kiara was sick.

>> No.41785481

Listen I'm more of a milf guy (dirndl outfit my beloved) but I would FUCK that

>> No.41786427
File: 362 KB, 456x689, 1641159079372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41786602
Quoted by: >>41786786

4 girls tweeted at, 4 responses. She got that rizz

>> No.41786786
Quoted by: >>41787439

Am I getting old? Wtf is rizz?

>> No.41786988

I'm so happy we might get more Sametori soon

>> No.41787348


>> No.41787439

I think it comes from Charisma

>> No.41789391

Marine translated

>> No.41790418


>> No.41790725
Quoted by: >>41791319

....At least we beat Chloe i guess

>> No.41791319
Quoted by: >>41791500

We're in the lead now

>> No.41791500
Quoted by: >>41792578

yea yea dont bulshi-

>> No.41791833
File: 321 KB, 800x930, 1639183211022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41792404
File: 1.82 MB, 4096x2650, 20230126_191701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41798024


>> No.41792578

We won

>> No.41793053
Quoted by: >>41794093

Did she promise to watch the Nier anime or something? Because the game, as far as I know, she decided she wouldn't play on stream anymore. But honestly, I couldn't care less about that, if she does these things in the future, it wiill be great, if she doesn't, its better to be spontaneous than to force herself. Besides, its hard to get mad at Kiara when she already delivers so much. The only thing that made me a bit disappointed is that she might not play Ryza 3 if she can't monetize it.

>> No.41793847
File: 23 KB, 598x309, 1674102720400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we won...

>> No.41794007


>> No.41794093
Quoted by: >>41794820

>Because the game, as far as I know, she decided she wouldn't play on stream anymore.
Uhhh, Teamatechama...?

>> No.41794820
Quoted by: >>41795028


>> No.41795028
Quoted by: >>41796301

Oh, did she even say she would play it in her own time? She's even talked about how that's a big fucking lie.

>> No.41795375
File: 198 KB, 255x374, wawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been having a shit week and Wawa's streams really helped me smile through the pain. Even if just a few hours.

>> No.41796301

No, she did not

>> No.41798024
Quoted by: >>41802894

Kiara's fanartists have such good taste in outfits...

>> No.41799592

Evil Veyle's voice gets my dick so fucking hard

>> No.41802894

I wonder what makes them decide on those designs

>> No.41803291
Quoted by: >>41804556

Anybody got this

>> No.41804556

Wait for it to get updated

>> No.41806173
File: 188 KB, 825x1200, 1647909826404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41806226
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>> No.41806265
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>> No.41806319
File: 893 KB, 2304x4096, 1643895432084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41806910

Weird chicken

>> No.41807595

Am I the only person here that loves Kiara?

>> No.41807732
File: 167 KB, 751x571, 1652861039259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41807746

No, multiple of her wives drop by here.

>> No.41807801
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>> No.41807963
File: 504 KB, 802x946, FBz2p70VUAMJTkQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41809120

I love Kiara a little bit too much.

>> No.41809120

why you wearing nail polish bro?

>> No.41810520
Quoted by: >>41810997

What game full of little girls should wawa play?

>> No.41810997
Quoted by: >>41811787


>> No.41811787

I meant LWN, Little Witch Nobeta

>> No.41812224
Quoted by: >>41812369

Wawa is awake.

>> No.41812369

and cattos are hungry

>> No.41812550
File: 3.74 MB, 4096x2300, 1665275108951031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kiara

>> No.41812686
Quoted by: >>41812716

she's pretty damn great, isn't she?

>> No.41812716
File: 120 KB, 920x896, hgccy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41813162

She sure is

>> No.41813162
File: 897 KB, 760x839, E3adymfUUAI3jXd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41843234

My grandma had a stroke 2 days ago and is in life support. Doctors told my family that her brain pretty much shut down and that they should consider pulling the plug. I don't have my Visa so I can't even go see her one last time while she's still "alive".

Wawa streams and some family are the only thing keeping me sane right now. I love her so much.

>> No.41813556
Quoted by: >>41813569

is the Members later gonna be a watchalong?

>> No.41813569
Quoted by: >>41813588

She explicitely said it wouldn't be

>> No.41813588
Quoted by: >>41815131

what da birb cooking?

>> No.41815131


>> No.41815963

I think wawa was a bit sad Kronii didn't seem to be picking up FE. It'd be something for them to talk about.

>> No.41816038

Kronii hasn't been streaming period, she can't pick anything

>> No.41816214
Quoted by: >>41816380

Why? Were they ever close?
If anything I hooe she's talking to Reiene who is playing it.

>> No.41816380

She wants to be closer but Kronii is flakey even by en standards.

>> No.41816615

Looks like she talked about Sora and A-Chan in pre-chat. Anyone has the chat logs?

>> No.41816645
Quoted by: >>41816715

She didn't.

>> No.41816715

>Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN then iofi, and iofi when asked to scream yelled "SORA SENPAI LETS GO ON A DATE"
>after that i was asked to use a loud voice too so i went with the joke and screamed " CUTE STAFF SAN IN THE STUDIO LETS GO ON A DATE"
>and then achan was asked to speak in a loud voice and she continued the joke and asked "WHO WILL GO ON A DATE WITH MEEE"

This is as far as I can scroll up. After that she talks about chonkers

>> No.41816844

I was very disappointed to find out that A-chan is only in her early 20s because otherwise I would 100% go on a date with her.

>> No.41816919

ah fuck me I missed it too. why didn't youtube tell me earlier

>> No.41817050
Quoted by: >>41817088

Kiara opened her member pre-chat many hours ago. But she didn't post it on the community board or twitter like she usually does. So nobody got notified. It's not your fault for missing it. Only her mods and their discord friends knew about it. I'm sure she will talk about it on stream though.

>> No.41817088
Quoted by: >>41817103


>> No.41817103
Quoted by: >>41817149

Yes. She posted that 2 or 3 hours AFTER she opened pre-chat.

>> No.41817149

oh so that's why I saw random wawa posts in the chat with no context. I was wondering about that kek

>> No.41817320
File: 21 KB, 522x135, image-70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41817353
File: 7 KB, 382x65, Sin_titulo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41817411


>> No.41817355


Oldest message from her that I could catch was "we are testing audio right now"
I don't know what she said before that. Maybe somebody here has the full chat

>> No.41817388

wait where am I missing chats?

>> No.41817411
Quoted by: >>41817521

Thanks mate. Is there anything else?

>> No.41817521

I think something about chonkers on her keyboard

>> No.41817626

wawa on the official telly

>> No.41817733

One thing I appreciate is that sora streams always have very dedicated chat translators.

>> No.41817982

Are the tickets for the stream available for purchasing?

>> No.41817995

...does anyone else think that Sora's voice is sexy? It's not just me, right?

>> No.41818057

If it's like last year then no. Low bitrate quality and you don't even get the bluray. It's just a rented VOD for 1 month or so. Definitely not worth the 100 bucks or whatever the price is this time

>> No.41818418
Quoted by: >>41818489

Honestly, I don't mind.
I enjoyed the experience of watching the last Fes live. I cried watching Kiara, Risu and Moona.
Also I'm supporting my oshis without also having to give Susan a third.
I didn't buy the DVD, and probably won't. To me it's like any other concert. It's about experiencing it at the moment.

>> No.41818489
Quoted by: >>41818881

You can pirate it though. I agree with everything else you said. It's just that I personally don't want to support them on spending 100 bucks on 1 month, low bitrate rented VOD. If they promised to send me the bluray later, then yea sure. Otherwise no.

>> No.41818507


>> No.41818517

stream quality was great for me last year, vod basically the same. bluray is a seperate purchase, yes.
it's 6500 yen per day/concert

>> No.41818881

Yeah I don't blame you. I have the money to do that now, but I 3 or 4 years ago I wouldn't be able to pay for it.

>> No.41820062
Quoted by: >>41820372

only one hat

>> No.41820372

3 hats between all of Myth. Kiara and her wives Ame and Ina all got one.

>> No.41820546
File: 552 KB, 1439x808, 1667813769095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41820961

>> No.41820932

KFP is real

>> No.41820961

>Kiara head pasted onto the same template as Ina
Also, she's one of the EN's that got shorts/spats instead of a skirt

>> No.41821131

Dancer clothes.

>> No.41821145

Mori has the same template, just them being lazy.

>> No.41821151

Hips movement are a lot more viisble with a skirt, see DO U / Hinotori / 4 Blood / Ladylike choreo, the birb move her hips a lot

>> No.41821364

>You can see the outline of her body much easily
Based. Also, tight clothes that shows off the shape of her body in 3D is one of the only saving grace of her OG outfit.

>> No.41821468

We did it lads, we got one of her goals kinda accomplish with a KFP cafe. No more memes about HoloX hot dog.

>> No.41822285

>guys I need to nap at 3 pm because smoothie woke me up super early in the hecking morning!! (10 am)

>> No.41822803
Quoted by: >>41823447

Do people upload holofes concert after it happens?

>> No.41822847
File: 156 KB, 512x468, 1655146678756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41823082


>> No.41823082
File: 719 KB, 1400x1440, 1674826933019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41825773

Kotoriyu is my last name. We got married recently.

>> No.41823177
File: 27 KB, 940x96, 1674827033653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41823663

>> No.41823447

Usually immediately right after it finishes. They also re-stream it live. Just go to global when it starts

>> No.41823663 [DELETED] 

>eats like shit
>doesn't work out
>later shocked and blames the camera man when she looks fat from unflattering angles

>> No.41823664


>> No.41823717 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>41824209

kys doxfaggot retard

>> No.41823797

I don't even know what new thing you're seething about this time.

>> No.41823833
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>> No.41824209 [DELETED] 

she talked about it on stream you dumb nigger, faggots were even concernfagging about her thinking she's fat and sucking up to her until she said she knew she was absolutely not fat

>> No.41824544
Quoted by: >>41824613

Does Kiara peg Korone or does Korone peg Kiara?

>> No.41824613


>> No.41825025

wtf she's 11...

>> No.41825624

Love this.

>> No.41825646
Quoted by: >>41825790

4 birds and a cat

>> No.41825773
Quoted by: >>41825850

>Kiara's kitchen
>Babu time with assumedly Luna and others
>Police simulator in an interigation room with Subaru
How many fags on the reddit and on twitter are gonna bitch about the 'police shown in a positive/joking' light?

>> No.41825790

Which one is the cat

>> No.41825850
Quoted by: >>41825957

>getting triggered by reddit in advance
what do you call this?

>> No.41825957
Quoted by: >>41826050


>> No.41826050
Quoted by: >>41826287

Assuming makes an ass of (You) and me. Mostly you.

>> No.41826282
Quoted by: >>41826429


>> No.41826287
Quoted by: >>41829001

Oh no, some guy on the internet is mad I'm laughing at a posibility. Better go kill myself.
Anyways, I'm ready for this members stream. It's been a minute and Kiara seems excited to talk about something.

>> No.41826429

I swear, her and Reine always freak out about this. Wait...
THEY ARE insecure. Maybe they can find security in one another.

>> No.41828695

I wonder if Kiara is going to join the development of the new Minecraft server?

>> No.41829001

Yeah you probably should kill yourself for that reddit ass reply

>> No.41829527
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>> No.41830533

I honestly though she would schedule it for this week, but maybe she burned out on playing alone

>> No.41830693

Sorry Kowkarot, she has little interest in bloccs, little hope in getting "random" interactions, and too much baggage to try and pursue normal interations.

>> No.41832313 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>41832510


Yes men in shambles.

>> No.41832471
File: 278 KB, 1448x2048, 1643545075586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41835342


>> No.41832510
Quoted by: >>41832721

why are you posting your own tweets here

>> No.41832721
Quoted by: >>41832888

There's a concerning amount of autismos posting their own shit here

>> No.41832763
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>> No.41832888
Quoted by: >>41835407

There is a concerning amount of larpers and samefags posting shit here and pretending to be them to stir shit.

>> No.41834545
Quoted by: >>41834594

The overly complex designs make fanart a lot less likely. I get Mika is popular right now but I think she is getting picked for the wrong jobs.

>> No.41834594 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>41834718

The other girls will get fanart. Kiara won't get them because she's not popular, not because the design is too complex

>> No.41834718
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>> No.41834778
File: 112 KB, 1280x1280, 1673321062220222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so happy and proud of wawa, look how far she's come.
I'll admit I haven't kept up with Hololive since Holofes, decided to do my own life reps, but seeing that tweet I just had to say something, that right there is the culmination of it all and you know shes gonna be move like crazy in that dress.
I absolutely love the style to, never could could imagine Mori in the back white one so I'm glad they went for something new.

>> No.41835342
File: 754 KB, 1000x711, kiara 5 minutes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41835402
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>> No.41835407

Nobody gives a fuck about any of the couple autismos that have gotten posted in the last couple days, one of them has never even been mentioned before and wasn't even saying anything controversial.

>> No.41835946
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>> No.41836810 [SPOILER] 
File: 918 KB, 4039x3322, 20220713_201825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41837433

Wawa tent

>> No.41837311
File: 105 KB, 958x1380, 20230127_123328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41837677


>> No.41837433

Yea, wawa making a tent in my pants

>> No.41837677


>> No.41839510

wawa soon

>> No.41840007
Quoted by: >>41840034

30 min delay because tummy hort

>> No.41840034

i'm tommy btw

>> No.41840159
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>> No.41840467
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>> No.41840612
Quoted by: >>41840800

I don't understand. SHE made the schedule. She KNEW when the stream was supposed to happen. Did she not prepare? Surely there must be a good reason. She said her tummy hurts. But surely she would have told us in advance and not at the very last minute. That would be stupid and very disrespectful to her loyal fans. So what is it? did something terrible happen to her? Surely she wouldn't be so lazy and terrible to her fans. Surely she prepared. So what is it? I'm so confused.

>> No.41840800

Bend over and I'll show you tummy hort

>> No.41840855

Let's settle this




>> No.41841142
Quoted by: >>41841225

Is Kiara going to stay up to watch Pomu's 3D?

>> No.41841225
Quoted by: >>41841405

She has to be up relatively soon for the ToArise stream. VOD rep is my guess.

>> No.41841265

If anyone missed it, Kiara will be playing A Little to the Left.

>> No.41841377

Member streams seems to give me notifications again

>> No.41841399
File: 23 KB, 688x146, 1651513156838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never would've guessed

>> No.41841405
Quoted by: >>41841477

>>41841225 (me)
Just checked and saw that the 3D debut isn't as late as I thought it would be. Perhaps she'll make an appearance in the chat then.

>> No.41841467

could've sworn she owns two guns though

>> No.41841477
Quoted by: >>41841537

I hope so. It's been a while since I could trash talk her absolute retarded sleep schedule.

>> No.41841478

Oh, I didn't notice that she changed the title.

>> No.41841539
Quoted by: >>41841578

>A Little to the Left
Oh this game. Reine was struggling with some real basic patterns during her mem stream of it and it was killing me. It'll be fun to see how Kiara compares.

>> No.41841537

don't you have anything better to do

>> No.41841578

>struggling with some real basic patterns
women amirite, lads?

>> No.41841693
Quoted by: >>41842309

She better start playing or I'll watch a different European

>> No.41841890

>Kiara shows she is >here yesterday
>gets called by some faggot on eating like shit
>decides to have a salad for dinner today

>> No.41841933

>Kiara shows she is >here yesterday
What did I miss?

>> No.41841969

shizo ramblings

>> No.41841980


>> No.41842054

she addressed a bunch of timeloops from this general
unless she stumbled into some twitter circles that have the exact same table of contents as our resident schizos, then she was here

>> No.41842087
Quoted by: >>41842178

Yeah I know she is here. I meant what exactly did she say? Just curious

>> No.41842178
Quoted by: >>41842249

she wanted to cook somethingn to eat it after the stream and make a salad. then felt a bit sick and decided to eat before the stream.

>> No.41842249
Quoted by: >>41842297

No I mean yesterday. Anon said she leaked that she was here in fire emblem stream

>> No.41842250
File: 141 KB, 447x474, 168721747560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute outfit

>> No.41842280

twitter is like 99% indistinguishable from here if you remove the slurs.

>> No.41842297

Try watching streams, it will do you some good

>> No.41842309
Quoted by: >>41842392

Haha get fucked. Zatsuchads will always win.

>> No.41842338
Quoted by: >>41842397

>go through that 16 hour vod AGAIN to find the 20 seconds of the leak

>> No.41842392

I know it's shitposting, but man I don't know why you'd try to watch Kiara if you don't like spontaneous chatter.

>> No.41842397

search the old thread you lazy mongoloid

>> No.41842401

burden of proof is on you

>> No.41842424
Quoted by: >>41842567

Anon, I'm not even the original anon, and I don't care about spoon feeding some threadreader

>> No.41842567

Ok then just stay out of the convo. Don't see why you're jumping to another anons defence even if it isn't on purpose

>> No.41842791

Is it just me or is the chat busier than usual

>> No.41842834

there were a lot of gifted memberships recently

>> No.41842836

sorry, that's me and my 300 smart fridges

>> No.41842846

>stupid fags spamming 50~ gifted subs every day
Yeah I wonder

Thanks for ruining my member streams

>> No.41842902
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>> No.41843077

Byebye cute, oversharing, sweet, Wawa members streams. We'll never get another one like post-1 year members stream.

>> No.41843128
Quoted by: >>41843852

Oh no, this is the first puzzle where I realized Reine was a dumbdumb too.

>> No.41843234

Im sorry to hear that, I hope somehow you’ll be okay one day

>> No.41843238
File: 470 KB, 762x952, ebil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chat moving to fast
>hers is delayed
>haven't gotten anything read

>> No.41843241
Quoted by: >>41843303

>Kiara refuses to set up a 30 seconds chat cooldown on her public streams
>random greynigs overshadowing my messages so she doesn't see them

oh well there are at least comfy member streams

>it's the same shit there and now they don't even have a cooldown
It's all so tiresome

>> No.41843303
Quoted by: >>41843474

THat's bullshit, there's very few eggs in the chat. Stop trying to make more issues that aren't there. She pulls it back because she knows that there's plenty of people watching who aren't 'dedicated'.

>> No.41843474
Quoted by: >>41843521

Anon most of her 4+ month members are gifted as well. They constantly get gifted over and over again. I don't trust anyone below a 6 month badge. And soon I won't trust them either. Lots of free loaders in pre chats as well.

>> No.41843521
Quoted by: >>41843578

In that case, they're Wawa fans who don't have the money to buy membership if they're around enough to keep getting gifted to that point. That's all I really care about.

>> No.41843578

You might have a point there but it still doesn't change the fact that it made her member streams considerably worse

>> No.41843799
Quoted by: >>41843824


>> No.41843824
Quoted by: >>41843908

t. freeloader

>> No.41843852

Reine acts like she's smarter but she's really just more verbose, she's just as birdbrained as Kiara.

>> No.41843908

>t. actual retard
>probably obsessive enough to freak her out
don't be like that

>> No.41843966
Quoted by: >>41844312

pay up

>> No.41844185

nta but it's only 5 dollars a month. I get they're being crazy but the stream genuinely feels less cozy. I'm happy Wawa is getting more validation but I wish gifted subs were limited to cheap tiers that are for emotes only.

>> No.41844246

She's going too big brain to show me who's boss.

>> No.41844312
File: 64 KB, 800x800, 1664002779108146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41844421

I've paid for 15 months of membership, around 30 gifted, and every piece of merch that released in that period, what's your tally turbonig.

>> No.41844367

>burden of proof
fuck off with that shit, but also werbear

>> No.41844421

I have called her cute more times and everyone here combined

>> No.41844445
Quoted by: >>41844621

Are we numberfagging our support now. Dude I just wish the chat was cozier.

>> No.41844465


>> No.41844525
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>> No.41844621
Quoted by: >>41845409

If you're sad about anything or notice something change, you can't talk about it because you're a schizo.

>> No.41844649

>game is 20 bucks
I could buy this game
Witcher 3 remaster with all DLC for less money

What should I do lads?

>> No.41844702

OR, you could buy one of the Wawa standees or give her a 20 supa.

>> No.41844716
Quoted by: >>41844788

Granted it was a long time since i played TW3, but why does that one need a remake?

>> No.41844788
Quoted by: >>41844846

1. Money
2. Next Gen console updates

They added RTX, updated textures to 4k, new weather effects, tons of bug fixes, new quests from the Netflix series. Balance changes etc

I think they said they added over 300 mods from Nexus

>> No.41844846

>new quests from the Netflix series
That sounds fucking awful

>> No.41844901

I heard the questline is pretty good, especially considering it's free. also new armor and weapons and shit

>> No.41844968
File: 481 KB, 610x646, Foughts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is being surprisingly big brained about this. I'm proud of her.

>> No.41844999

My first thought when reading that was something along the lines of "Killing Eskel"

>> No.41845409
Quoted by: >>41845526

No that makes you an anti. You're a schizo when you act like a goddamn schizophrenic in an armenian wine tasting bulleting board.

>> No.41845526
Quoted by: >>41845705

No, she's totally as chatty and emotionally open during the newer members streams! Just listen to her, she's gushing her heart out just like she used to!

>> No.41845625

Chickenwife is being cute.

>> No.41845705

She was though. If you're expecting her to have a breakdown then you're gonna have to wait until she actually has something to break over.

>> No.41845983
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>> No.41846904

So Kiara will be home for the next week. She'll be back in Japan in "less than two weeks", i.e. between the 6th and 10th.

>> No.41847081

>will spend valentine's day in Japan
I'm kinda jealous. I really wanna go to Japan.

>> No.41847123
Quoted by: >>41847287

just do it then

>> No.41847166

Why is she even going again? I thought she already prerecorded her fes performance

>> No.41847185

You can't go to Japan, only fly or swim.

>> No.41847244

More to record. Recordings never end.

>> No.41847286

If she hasn't yet done her Holofes mocap yet then I look forward to even more 3D dance appearances

>> No.41847287

No Vac time. I have enough money to blow 5k and still be in the green but I have no time off unfortunately. Maybe if I can land another job, I can put my resignation without 2 weeks notice and fuck off to Japan

>> No.41848369

Kiara will have more performances than most other holos, since she is participating in the Deco show.
Also, rrats that there will be group performances with myth/council, so they'll want to be all together to record.
Its not like she has much say in this anyway. With Fes approaching and plenty of birthdays and solo lives, the, studio must be completely booked, so cover must have already decided when to have each of the girls to record a long time ago. Only thing that doesn't fit is council all being there except for Kronii...

>> No.41848629
Quoted by: >>41848733

jgbhfw did i miss a lot in wawa's member stream today

>> No.41848733

she was cute and had some tangents during the game
