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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.41779207
File: 439 KB, 1024x768, COMMANDMENTS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frtcjvo.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /hlgg/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey I bring news from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.41779209
File: 607 KB, 351x494, 1674530442551914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41779990

catalogniggers really wanted to see this guy commit suicide or some shit in Japan didnt they? lol

>> No.41779231


>> No.41779247


>> No.41779262
Quoted by: >>41779371

sauce: https://twitter.com/SharkFinTempura/status/1618670727523344385

>> No.41779266

>i didn't tell you because muh opsec
is not an apology.
>i'll stream later
is not an apology.
if you think any one of his recent tweets and t3 member posts are "apologies" you are not a tempura. go back to your own thread.

>> No.41779272


>> No.41779283

vesper please show up to altares poker night i want to see the split off thread mald about the fact that vesper does love his job and the boys, hes just a retarded menhera

>> No.41779319

i don’t care about random anons whining in another thread
i just want him to show up for the boys themselves, man

>> No.41779320

hmmmm Birds eating Yakitori

>> No.41779357
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41779371

wait when did anons start putting sauce on bread?

>> No.41779375

If Vesper doesn't mention the anniversary he is then DEAD to me!!

>> No.41779394


>> No.41779406

i'm happy vesper is home. this japan arc sucked ass, hopefully things start to go back to normal now.

>> No.41779419
Quoted by: >>41779771

they usually don’t, guess we just got a thorough baker

>> No.41779423
File: 151 KB, 1000x1156, MachinaxFlayon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you kiss the cute Holostars pilot if you had the chance?

>> No.41779475
File: 398 KB, 1095x1197, a964ad08740ad039b821e8a5c683293c_b86b854c_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41779525

Both can be true

>> No.41779479
Quoted by: >>41779620

Every time you post this I like Flayon a little less.

>> No.41779485

This sounds so odd without context

>> No.41779491
Quoted by: >>41779716

I would give him a kiss on the cheek and hug for playing Hatoful Boyfriend and not giving up after one route. Bless this boy.

>> No.41779500
File: 2.90 MB, 2160x3180, Ff3SFd9UoAAjIbE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually do in threads i bake

>> No.41779505

Why does everyone still have hopes that he will show up to altare's birthday, he literally said in his tweet
>I just don’t have the social energy to be a competent collab partner right now
Just give up on it already

>> No.41779515

its a blueberry sauce

>> No.41779525


>> No.41779533

3 days from now is not right now

>> No.41779543


>> No.41779546

There are 3 days left for the birthday

>> No.41779551

give up vestie. he's not going to collab. he doesn't care about tempus anymore.

>> No.41779555

>>41779500 (me)
wtf. meant for >>41779371

>> No.41779560

Of course!

>> No.41779572

Until Vesper doesn't apologize to HQ/VG and starts collabing with them (not the whole time, but he wanted to do his interviews with the VG boys for example) I can't forgive him.

>> No.41779576


>> No.41779594
File: 914 KB, 1354x1138, 1662987363027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41779638

Leader LOVE

>> No.41779611
Quoted by: >>41779997

i'm assuming with enough rest in his own home and his meds, he can make it to one (1) collab without much trouble

>> No.41779620
File: 152 KB, 1023x1302, Hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine

>> No.41779634
File: 994 KB, 1280x720, ShuuIwamineRemakeICPSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41779637
Quoted by: >>41779723

>he wanted to do his interviews with the VG boys for example
i don't want the VG boys to do any interviews with him until he publicly apologizes for the lack of communication. he's going to host the interview on his channel, rake in the cash and then ignore them from that point on.

>> No.41779638

I LOVE LEADER!!! I’m glad he had so much fun with Magni and they bonded so well! I want him to succeed in his goals of becoming an idol and get to perform for a crowd one day!

>> No.41779643

I honestly don't care altare's birthday will be about altare whether he is there or not is completely benign

>> No.41779673

rrat: leader doesn’t want to mention vesper recently because he just… doesn’t want to repeat the accident.

>> No.41779674
Quoted by: >>41780019

He won't, he already made it clear with yesterday's tweet

>> No.41779699

hate regis altare

>> No.41779712

Thank you for being a really thoroughful baker.

>> No.41779716
File: 303 KB, 1634x2048, FmAjzfgaAAE3MFi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yees, I want him to finish the game, it's amazing

I think psychotropic meds don't work that fast but I only have experience with SSRI, so maybe his stuff can get him back to normal within days, who knows

>> No.41779717

He literally said that he wanted to solo stream at least 1 or 2 months cuz social drain hort

>> No.41779722
Quoted by: >>41779837

vestie's have stockholm syndrome and can't admit the guy isn't what they want him to be

>> No.41779723

kek stop /nowa/ might take this seriously and make another split thread

>> No.41779731

fuck regis altare

>> No.41779737

>collab begging
VG got a funny fanbase

>> No.41779753

Spoon feed me anon

>> No.41779770

Oh. That actually makes sense.

>> No.41779771

nta but i appreciate it thanks threadbaker

>> No.41779772 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>41779818


>> No.41779774
Quoted by: >>41779892

Vesper is gonna have drunk sex with magni after he takes his meds

>> No.41779778
Quoted by: >>41780245

Collab beggars gotta collab beg. It is intrinsic to vtuber culture.
As for me, i don't beg for collabs. Let people collab when they want to and only then. All you do is piss people off with constant begging and by trying to remove a persons right to refusal.

>> No.41779789

>he wanted to solo stream at least 1 or 2 months cuz social drain hort
but he's going to jump at every chanca to collab with kronii. screencap this.

>> No.41779790
Quoted by: >>41779818


>> No.41779796

>vesper distracted everybody from the anniversary with his antics in japan
>now he's going to distract from altare's birthday with his antics back home


>> No.41779813

the stream where he accidentally revealed vesper’s jp trip

>> No.41779818

Altare was the one who accidentally leaked that Vesper was going to Japan.

>> No.41779823
Quoted by: >>41779931

Vesper is going to accidentally overlap Altare's birthday :)

>> No.41779825

When is Altare's birthday poker anyways

>> No.41779835
Quoted by: >>41779867

for someone who doesn’t want to make people worry about him he sure loves making himself the center of worry and attention huh

>> No.41779837

why would I want nowa to collab with some annoying faggots??
let my man do his own thing and let your new toys earn their fanbase, kinda like HQ did.

>> No.41779844

Altare is just as socially awkward as vesper, but in a different brand. I say just let them do whatever they want.
Poker alone is all i need. Fuck karaoke.

>> No.41779864

on his birthday

>> No.41779867

>he sure loves making himself the center of worry and attention huh
money. it makes him money.

>> No.41779877

on his birthday

>> No.41779880
File: 109 KB, 537x844, 1673205414939493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flay would look so cute working in a maid cafe

>> No.41779878
Quoted by: >>41779917

Good. The best streams EN have done in the last year all involve him and Kronii. They should do the psychiatric help one again but this time he's the patient.

>> No.41779892
Quoted by: >>41779960

>mixing alcohol and meds after going through withdrawal
Do you want him to die or something?

>> No.41779897

Does the game have sexy scenes?

>> No.41779905

Ohh, that makes sense. Altare did feel really bad about that

>> No.41779909

On his birthday.

>> No.41779917

that would be kino

>> No.41779922

if you stop talking about him he will go away

>> No.41779931 [DELETED] 

With a Kronii collab. Imagine the seething

>> No.41779929
Quoted by: >>41780520

You mean Hatoful boyfriend? The one with the Doves?

>> No.41779945
Quoted by: >>41779996

this is kinda sad... and on christmas too...

>> No.41779960
Quoted by: >>41780007

Knowing him from his storys, probably not the first time nor the last time

>> No.41779970

he did it on purpose
if it isn't obvious by now, they're not on good terms
altare was already trying to jab him with that

>> No.41779975
Quoted by: >>41780031

wanting tempus collabs is collab begging

>> No.41779984

I want to watch Altare rape

>> No.41779990

Yes. They are baddies.

>> No.41779996

Shouldn't have had a sick mother

>> No.41779997

Vesties sniffing that copium kek. there's no reason he would have tweeted that except for a future collab which is altare's birthday

>> No.41780007


>> No.41780009

I bet Altare was the one that told Vesper he'd get arrested for bringing his anxiety meds...

>> No.41780019
File: 1.72 MB, 3693x4096, 1673274236382661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41780520

But we already know he lies or says stuff for opsec, maybe he posted that tweet and then him manager called him immediately and said "No, take your ass back to US, I'm buying you plane rickets right now"
Who knows anymore with this guy.


>> No.41780020

the guy couldn't be fucked to tweet something what makes you think he gives a shit to rest for 3 days and collab?

>> No.41780031
Quoted by: >>41780302

>begging is begging
yes newfag, you are right.

>> No.41780032


>> No.41780033

Come on Vesper, take your meds, touch your bike, and collab with the boys.

>> No.41780040
File: 186 KB, 1500x1500, Hato-Body-Pillow-MAID-RYOUTA-shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anons are curious about what Maid Ryouta looks like in the human form.

>> No.41780053
File: 98 KB, 331x349, 1667952379310588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41780139

one tweet and all the schizos came back

>> No.41780054
File: 203 KB, 1782x2048, 1672284685638000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41780060
Quoted by: >>41780283

>nice pepe

>> No.41780078

Axel, in a fight for dominance ToT

>> No.41780082
File: 89 KB, 268x303, 1665816170221841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41780084

i know this is bait but for threadreaders altare was literally about to commit seppuku over spoiling vesper’s japan trip. i have never seen him so upset.

>> No.41780089

Vesper will vanish again sooner or later. His behaviour won't suddenly stop. I will laugh when his next suspension happens.

>> No.41780087

still waiting for my almond tape

>> No.41780094
Quoted by: >>41780150

>taking even a single thing vesper says seriously
i dont even fucking believe he's back from japan yet

>> No.41780101

i need a flayon version of this daki kek

>> No.41780104

This story is sad but I can't get over the birds man

>> No.41780115

damn ryouta lookin' good. who gives a fuck about that thing on the left tho

>> No.41780126

Vesper went need meds and skip on the boys collabs. Rushed home to take meds to prepare for the kronii collab.

>> No.41780132

Flay cry acting....

>> No.41780139

it was going to be this way no matter what anon, whether we got a sign of things getting better or things getting worse, the next development was always going to bring them back. just be glad that things seem to be developing in a positive direction.

>> No.41780150

My schizo headcanon is that he was never in Japan. He was so off his meds that he just thought he was there and his manager was running damage control desperately trying to get him to take the pills

>> No.41780158

So he went to japan
Ate stale burgers

>> No.41780167

god his crying makes me hard...

>> No.41780171
Quoted by: >>41780229

Yeah he was literally begging Nowa for forgiveness and willing to do anything to make it up to him, poor boy

>> No.41780184

vesper isn't going to collab with the boys anymore. he's accomplished the dream. started a cult of vesties that are so brainwashed they'd die to defend him on 4chan and is collabing with his oshi kronii because he wants that korean canadian puss. all his talk about brotherhood and friendship was a lie and you bought it all. worst of all that you'll still refuse to listen.

>> No.41780189

Hi Altareschizo, have you deciphered the blue boy’s master plan yet?

>> No.41780195

Recorded his cover

>> No.41780198

H-holy moly....

>> No.41780200

Go hiking as well

>> No.41780205

played Monopoly

>> No.41780229
Quoted by: >>41780258

>literally begging
give me the vod, I'll be disappointed if he's not literally begging.

>> No.41780245

I honestly dont care who collab, but at least address it beforehand, especially if people expected your presence. It makes it a difficult for the other to explain the situation

>> No.41780252

>it's bait
>he says as he makes up some headcanon about altare's feelings that are definitely not some weird projection because you want to cope and pretend they're still besties

>> No.41780258
Quoted by: >>41780505

he didn't he just said he was extremely sorry

>> No.41780281

Went sightseeing for 2 weeks

>> No.41780283
File: 1 KB, 64x64, pobrane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41780301


>> No.41780302

this is ironically the most newfag thing you could say when it comes to tempus

>> No.41780311

Why does altare catch so many strays from his genmate's fuck ups?

>> No.41780322
Quoted by: >>41780382

I'm in love with Regis Altare!

>> No.41780328

Hey, quick question. What routes did Flayon played through so far?

>> No.41780331
Quoted by: >>41780400

Because he's the leader, so he takes responsibility for the group

>> No.41780330

everyone will betray their bros for tight pussy. there are no exceptions.

>> No.41780341

leader debuff

>> No.41780342

that was a depressing ending

>> No.41780343
Quoted by: >>41780404


>> No.41780360
File: 21 KB, 189x137, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of this thread right now

>> No.41780378

Sakuya and now Ryouta

>> No.41780380

Sakuya and Ryota, he got the Bad ending first since he didn't go for one specific route kek

>> No.41780382

I don't remember writing this

>> No.41780389

So far Sakuya best ending, Ryouta and the normal bad ending.

>> No.41780394

He'll tell all during the rundown stream

>> No.41780399

I want a Magchina only collab so hard please

>> No.41780400

Tfw ywn join holostars and pamper leader

>> No.41780404

Sorta. There are canonically bigger than regular birds but we don't know how much bigger.

>> No.41780407
Quoted by: >>41780690

I can't wait for Flayon to start playing real games

>> No.41780416

It's not that bad, keep it away

>> No.41780427
Quoted by: >>41780539

i've seen snippets of this art, but i have no clue what the entire thing looks like. mind giving the sauce?

>> No.41780444

I like Magni but that would be insufferable

>> No.41780465
Quoted by: >>41780508

[Psychiatry Help] Suffering With @OuroKronii

>> No.41780477

interesting duo name.....

>> No.41780481

Nageki my beloved... So glad people will get a chance to see his route.

>> No.41780505

Vesper said that Altare felt really bad and that he would do anything he asked for. I thiiink it was in his impromptu appearance in Magni’s MC stream before the VG collab

>> No.41780508

I actually would watch this ngl

>> No.41780513

>Makitaso Flan
>Banzoin Hakk
>Jisuiji Shinri
Interesting names

>> No.41780515
File: 25 KB, 332x332, chillnoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vesper makes 1 tweet
>enter tourists and baiters

they love us frfr

>> No.41780520
Quoted by: >>41780690


Not even suggestive CGs ?

>> No.41780533

you realize that's not a good thing?

>> No.41780534
File: 268 KB, 560x552, 1674769542158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo nageki kinda cute

>> No.41780535

No, but I'd dom his ass

>> No.41780539
Quoted by: >>41780937

Seach staightbros don't look in the archive

>> No.41780541

i love this art, nowa seems like an actual gramps kek

>> No.41780589

>vesper is the only relevant member

>> No.41780602

And now the koi guy wants to Twitch

>> No.41780605
Quoted by: >>41780641

it's actually the best thing. 100 new people see nowa's content because of the drama and 5 of them stick around because he's based and 5 hatewatch because of the drama.

>> No.41780622

I'm glad that i wasn't brainwashed and dropped him immediately

>> No.41780641
Quoted by: >>41780665

this is Nowa not VG tho

>> No.41780664
File: 13 KB, 586x112, 1661766674991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget Vesper outrage, let's be mad about something even more trivial

>> No.41780665

10% retention is better than whatever flayon's got going for him right now

>> No.41780690
File: 251 KB, 541x680, FmkrKTHaEAAOlU_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Actual Hatoful Boyfriend spoilers]
It's my favourite route besides Hurtful, but I wanted Flay to take a break from sad routes

Nah, but it has something better later on

he played MegaMan Zero yersterday, you can watch that

>> No.41780692

i hate shinri forever now

>> No.41780707

Not really bad thing. More drama means more views and more relevance in the algorithm, and if he stays monetized he can also make more money.

>> No.41780712

ever heard of sarcasm, retard?

>> No.41780716

>he's home now
thank fucking god

>> No.41780740

vg is filled with numberfags he wont do it for long

>> No.41780744


>> No.41780750
Quoted by: >>41780866

im curious about what type of content he'd stream there, maybe games with twitch integration?

>> No.41780767

Same, but I guess looking at the poll results it was better to have this over Shuu. Too much of an emotional rollercoaster of a stream if he did go Shuu.

>> No.41780785

I own this in real life and I have no idea what to do with it. I want a Bettel pillow.

>> No.41780789

Vesper is home now. What a relief, hope he takes good care of himself
Tempus love

>> No.41780792

How about I post a fun Vesper rrat for a change: After watching the Almond karaoke he booked a ticket that night back to Elysium because he was reminded of how killer that magussy was and needed another round

I hope you magmites are ready for Magni to be laid up for 2 months with a broken pelvis this time

>> No.41780819

kek print bettel's face and stick it to the pillow

>> No.41780832


they don't have the en suffix

>> No.41780834


>> No.41780837

let him
sisters(SEAniggers) didn't let vesper stream over there so maybe we can still save shinri's mental state

>> No.41780838

Altare should collab with girl dm?

>> No.41780845

what's wrong with this?

>> No.41780847

Most of HQ boys said that too and have any of them really streamed there since?

>> No.41780851
File: 338 KB, 1972x2160, FmoI6-YWYAE1W5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, but why? What advantages does twitch have over YT? Or is Shinri just used to twitch better?

>> No.41780857

you good anon...??

>> No.41780858

literally never

>> No.41780866

Twitch is more forgiving for profanity and dumbfuckery. Swearing on YT is big no no. On the other hand, Twitch is full of grifters and trolls, so he'll have to watch his back more carefully.

>> No.41780883

nothing, /mans/ just went full retard when the twitch takeover was going on for HQ

>> No.41780905

hes way more used to twitch, yeah. he might be able to fuck around with obs more there im assuming

>> No.41780908

Axelussy needs love.. pounding mane-chan while mane-san takes him...

>> No.41780913

Imagine if he went into Nanaki's route right after this

>> No.41780916

I think he already did once

>> No.41780921


>> No.41780925

nothing really twitch just makes some people seethe

>> No.41780926

the ui is way the fuck better, but that's not a valid reason streamwise insofar as its better for the user

>> No.41780929

My poor oshi is cursed with a ass so good he will die because of it

>> No.41780931
File: 38 KB, 989x701, FmUsnvhXoAEsc8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41783110

How many people will Bettel kill on his bus route today?

>> No.41780935

I don't have a Twich account and never will

>> No.41780937
Quoted by: >>41781079

oh god wtf.....

>> No.41780949

i wouldn't care but he decides what he does

>> No.41780956

No me

>> No.41780958

i agree but twitch also has more chat support and shinri seems tech savy enough to set up bots to help with that

>> No.41780978
Quoted by: >>41781050

more money

>> No.41780986

he did like 5 times but it was with magni because magni planned a bunch of collabs

>> No.41780991
Quoted by: >>41781231

his shinri voice is way off kek

>> No.41781002

He should do it weekly
Multiple times probably

>> No.41781024 [DELETED] 


>> No.41781044

I like tempus Twitch streams, lots of people hate that so there is less viewers than normal and theys can actually read my coments. Its confy there.

Untill some fucker starts doxing shit

>> No.41781050

with the new creator 50/50 split on subs, not really
especially because #s wise it's going to be a natural drop

it's hard to swap any platform, and that goes for literally any streamer both chuuba and rl, you have to basically cultivate (partially) a new audience

>> No.41781079

These reactions make me laugh so much that just thinking about that picture makes my day better, thank you to whoever drew it

>> No.41781083

Because they made the accounts before the announcement, the en was used because the HQ names were already taken.
It's why Nowa's twitter handle follows a different standard than the others

>> No.41781093

altare's solo streams there were pretty nice and so was magni's smash stream but otherwise they are pretty boring and a waste of time

>> No.41781101

this route looks pretty tame so far... im scared...

>> No.41781106

twitch on mobile is aids. Also I don't care to see other channels emotes, plus I have emotes on YouTube

>> No.41781120
Quoted by: >>41781282

I liked those ones a lot and the first axel/rpr collab

>> No.41781128
Quoted by: >>41781249

he already did multiple times...
in the future? if its what leader wants sure

>> No.41781137

Twitch mobile lets me do picture in picture or audio only but youtube requires me to have the app in the foreground with my phone unlocked.
I hate youtube mobile.

>> No.41781187
Quoted by: >>41781332

twitch on mobile is so much better than youtube imho

>> No.41781205

you know, this is actually a pretty good visual novel playthrough

>> No.41781231

It would amaze me if he did get it right

>> No.41781244
File: 77 KB, 512x512, 1672353707865718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JWU just saw that gramps finally escaped Japan, hope he feels better soon and gets his shit together in time for poker night.

>> No.41781249

why are you so beta huh
what if leader wants to rape you? would you also go "ummm i-i-if that's what leader wants then s-sure..."?

>> No.41781250
Quoted by: >>41781299

WTF you can subscribe already?

>> No.41781259
Quoted by: >>41781332

you might get the ocassional ad mid-stream but on youtube you might accidentally click another video and get ads there and when you click back

>> No.41781277


>> No.41781282

oh that was decent too but otherwise all the streams were extremely boring

>> No.41781299
Quoted by: >>41781382

they probably have some deal being corpos. nijisanji accounts were already affiliate when people found out too. only thing is that they can never partner because the contract fucks up with their youtube partnership streams.

>> No.41781304

If you don't want to go down the Vanced/root route, just download Firefox and login into Youtube through it. You can lock your screen and the audio will continue playing without issue.

>> No.41781310

nta but yes

>> No.41781309


>> No.41781332

Yeah but I've got YouTube Revanced so I get all the good features

>> No.41781342

nigga he isn't going to collab with your ligger move on

>> No.41781349

please yes yes yes yes

>> No.41781363

Actually, yes, hes fucking hot

>> No.41781366
File: 512 KB, 1920x1080, magmite_timbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Magni react to those Magmite edits already? Or did he forget... :(

>> No.41781382

not anymore, twitch got rid of the exclusivity clause for partner

>> No.41781403

He posted that just before he got raped for a week straight

>> No.41781413

God I hope he would

>> No.41781420

He said he wanted to do that stream other day, he may forgor

>> No.41781451

character growth already!

>> No.41781452

worry not little mag, he has it pinned on twitter. he'll probably do it next week(or soon) because he'll need to pin his schedule later lol

>> No.41781461

even new save files have that icon? what is happening?

>> No.41781463

He has it as his pinned tweet so he will probably do it some day

>> No.41781473

Probably next week, the almond collab just finished

>> No.41781536

>purple and green

>> No.41781557
File: 64 KB, 677x750, 1674525079665024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41781590

I love Bettel but I do wonder how long he can keep a selection of games this horrible entertaining. Is his taste really this bad?

>> No.41781561
File: 161 KB, 207x450, purp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41781599


>> No.41781580

That's just... Sheldon?

>> No.41781590

like dad like son, this is all building up to the halo collab. mark my words

>> No.41781599


>> No.41781604

What are you talking about? I saw people enjoying the anniversary on the streams, on the thread, twitter, etc.

>> No.41781632


>> No.41781648

Clock woman LOVE

>> No.41781654

twitch is a better straight up user experience, which makes sense afterall since they've been the streaming titan for a decade+ now and youtube only got into it within 5 or so years to any serious degree, but it always strikes me as odd that they choose to do some half effort trial streams for twitch

you really can't stream both platforms, it just doesnt work that way. they have different users and userbases, with different sensibilities on how to watch streams or (and very importantly) treat the streamer. and trying to maintain both audiences invariably fails
if you're gonna be a youtube streamer you should do that full bore, and likewise for being a twitch streamer

>> No.41781675

I've always thought Twitch has better discoverability especially if you play a popular game. There aren't as many people opening up the streaming category on YT and watching random 4view streamers.

>> No.41781677
File: 1.11 MB, 800x1200, 1662592424368065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41781692


>> No.41781716


>> No.41781718

Im not mad if it gets me content.
I want content.
I want to see the boys while i'm working my office job.
I want to have merch to buy because ive never bought any vtuber merch until tempus came along.

>> No.41781745

there's a streaming catagory on youtube?

>> No.41781758

my poor oshi ToT

>> No.41781769

>you might get too tight

>> No.41781783

discoverability and user-friendly chat interfaces are the two things youtube greatly lags behind in
all other things between the platforms is not that disparate, but those two are glaring

>> No.41781834

Altare's solo Minecraft stream was okay, but the collabs with girl_dm were some of the most boring content he's ever made. I genuinely hope he avoids Twitch because if he goes back there she's going to pull him into playing League of Legends, and watching the two of them play that is basically like watching paint dry. And I say this as an Altventurer. It was painfully bad.

Magni's Smash casino was actually a lot of fun though. It'd be funny if he does that again with Bettel or Axel, actually.

>> No.41781860
File: 777 KB, 1051x636, 1644037606183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41781896


>> No.41781903

do you think his short-lived career and reputation flashed before his life?

>> No.41781921

agreed I actually would like all the boys to come in for smash once

>> No.41781924


>> No.41781940

that was perfect kek

>> No.41781958

god i love this clown so much

>> No.41781959

Who let the fucking clown drive?

>> No.41781960
File: 78 KB, 1005x744, FmXX4olWQAEtFec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarder (male)

>> No.41781963

i missed the magcasino, i managed to net -1000 magcoins, but man that was worth. fuck dk tho

>> No.41781966
Quoted by: >>41782220

>don't forget to give me all those superchats though

>> No.41781968


>> No.41781975

what did he mean by this? psychological operations?

>> No.41781980
File: 13 KB, 564x116, 1664699780154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41781983


>> No.41782001
File: 268 KB, 378x475, Retarder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41782004
Quoted by: >>41782080

B-but the superchatto rrats....

>> No.41782010


>> No.41782064

30 MIN

>> No.41782080

don’t worry, they can still send them in the free chat

>> No.41782086

kek perfect

>> No.41782131


>> No.41782135

Seems like he took the entire bottle of meds

>> No.41782136
Quoted by: >>41782293

Goddanm the meds are already kicking in

>> No.41782149


>> No.41782163
Quoted by: >>41782266

>Superpowers talk
>Human fucked up talk
>Alien talk
What is going on?

>> No.41782184

Flayon's weird hyper-fast tangents are cute

>> No.41782201


>> No.41782220

I was literally just thinking about this. He's the only one out of the boys that sets the chat of his twitter spaces on youtube. He's really hungry for that cash

>> No.41782240

but... you'll overlap VG...

>> No.41782262
File: 109 KB, 683x878, 1658978002706225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41782265
Quoted by: >>41782342

>Itsa me, Josuiji

>> No.41782266

ADHD on full blast, you'll either find it endearing or annoying.

>> No.41782293
File: 798 KB, 4096x2341, FhxpQoTVEAEwL7O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41782550

So this is the power... of Meds!

>> No.41782291

vesper does not care about any of the other tempus members

>> No.41782292
Quoted by: >>41782401

Where the fuck do you want to chat then?

>> No.41782321

he went back multiple times after to play valorant and CoD he just doesn't seem that interested in collabs

>> No.41782327

But but I am already watching Bettel and Ina...

>> No.41782336

Overlap is a meme, do you think the JPs give a fuck about it?

>> No.41782341

VG seethe
keep watching the stream flop sister

>> No.41782342

Josuiji is looking a lot shorter than before

>> No.41782378
File: 82 KB, 333x288, 1673822612381575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bettel is a bully to the disabled.

>> No.41782385

the only reason it matters is because he said he wouldn't overlap them

>> No.41782401
Quoted by: >>41782460

Hashtag or comments on twitter, just like the other boys

>> No.41782421

No but I'm sure JPs care about talents lying right in front of their faces.

>> No.41782423

oops, exposed as a threadreader

>> No.41782427

Rosario + Vampire mention, sheesh.

>> No.41782445

he said he wouldn't do a lot of things. he has never stuck to his word.

>> No.41782459
File: 34 KB, 299x340, beatle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41782460

Bettel is the only one who has done extensive Twitter spaces and he also used YT as the chat

>> No.41782467

He's definitely in his early 30s.

>> No.41782476

So where do all the shitposters come from? They just like a little heeheehaha or are some of them actually seething?

>> No.41782489

meh, who cares

>> No.41782501
File: 28 KB, 518x381, sI6tGdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Put it in H!

>> No.41782500

He didn't even use his own chat in one of them

>> No.41782507

Might have been just for the hour limit period. Now, all of Tempus is tripping all over each other. Yesterday was particularly chaotic.

>> No.41782508
File: 86 KB, 1080x507, Screenshot_20230126_172145_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overlapping the boys
This filthy bitch

>> No.41782518

>So where do all the shitposters come from?
Do you know what site this is?

>> No.41782527

Yeah but he used Hakka's chat.

>> No.41782544
Quoted by: >>41782623

based anime taste

>> No.41782545

>So where do all the shitposters come from?


>> No.41782550

Do you think Nowa feels sad after he stops seeing the glowies

>> No.41782568

flayon really is an ojisan pretending to be a shota

>> No.41782576

I am less than 25 and I know what Rosario+Vampire is

>> No.41782591

Just curious what threads are their usually habitat

>> No.41782601


>> No.41782612


>> No.41782616
File: 259 KB, 1157x1730, FmCBljyagAE_cxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shotaoji ToT

>> No.41782623

you mean the same one that retconned the MC's spine? lmao

>> No.41782636

its a shame that no anons have used that image recently...

>> No.41782653

I didnt catch up to his twitter space so i dont know how it was managed. I was purely referencing the HQ boys

>> No.41782654

I wonder if he couldn’t make it to the anniversary stream because he was flying back to America. Probably had to cut his trip short because of his anxiety getting worse.

>> No.41782656

numbers or global

>> No.41782670

You mean schizos? They hang out in discords and then spam the catalog, then they cross-link the drama from other threads. Once a drama thread is in the catalog, the catalog dramafag tourists always come check out the main general. It happens with every drama and every general

>> No.41782672

That would make his cutesy baby act actually repulsive...

>> No.41782705
File: 225 KB, 849x735, 1674673798217253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, I'm just as old and it feels nice to know there are men around my age that are just as cute

>> No.41782714

he truly is altare's favorite

>> No.41782718

now that is pure cope

>> No.41782728

When he faces the back of the bus it looks like he's literally sitting in the bus driver seat

>> No.41782738
Quoted by: >>41782847

Anon, trips to America don't take 4 days

>> No.41782745
Quoted by: >>41782960

>collar x malice

>> No.41782754

what the fuck is flay even talking about

>> No.41782767
File: 15 KB, 300x168, images (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41782811

I can't listen in so you guys better transcribe it

>> No.41782847

He delayed the announcement because of opsec autism.

>> No.41782859
File: 49 KB, 299x362, kurumu_kurono_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Kurumu enjoyer, too.

I'm 25 and I watched it

I don't mind, I like my boys older

>> No.41782873
Quoted by: >>41783101

random tangents. i can't keep up most of the time desu

>> No.41782884

He literally drives like a crazy man.

>> No.41782888

There's too many people streaming to worry about overlapping. Plus Vesper doesn't share the same audience as VG by this point

>> No.41782960
File: 308 KB, 475x536, FmzL74SaMAISEuj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has such good taste, I'm sold

and he read the manga too, I love him

>> No.41783021

are we getting the archive takodachi for the twitter space?

>> No.41783033

Flayon do a fighting game stream already

>> No.41783061

take your meds grandpa

>> No.41783070 [DELETED] 

Why is the old man overlapping Fauna doesnt this irresponsible retard know that they share 99% of the fanbase why would he do this shit maaaan.....

>> No.41783101

He was talking about his idea for an otome VN he once thought about making/had a dream about and the protag for it. He likes VNs

>> No.41783110

The bettel bus has no stops, it's a one way ticket to the carnival of pain

>> No.41783132
Quoted by: >>41783325

My brother I am currently watching Bettel and Ina, Vesper is starting soon and Fauna in 30 minutes. I can't do this

>> No.41783139

this twist though

>> No.41783165
Quoted by: >>41783215


>> No.41783175

I wouldn't trust bettel to drive a tricycle

>> No.41783189

why does their senpai hate them so much....

>> No.41783212

That reverse maneuver was pretty clean

>> No.41783215 [DELETED] 
File: 762 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20230121-181111_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceres Fauna from HololiveEN Council

>> No.41783216

Who, im a Vesperonie sorry

>> No.41783230
Quoted by: >>41783272

If Vesper doesn't address his fuckery I will continue to anti him.

>> No.41783245

nageki ;_;

>> No.41783255

don't shill your indies here anon

>> No.41783267
Quoted by: >>41783325

this is a holostars general

>> No.41783272


>> No.41783298
File: 286 KB, 836x670, 1673834700201104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking pigeon game

>> No.41783300

She cute and has good taste but i really really cant watch her. I get bored easily

>> No.41783308
File: 470 KB, 795x812, 1659408803208671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy, Daddy, please stop fighting....

>> No.41783313

why is this pigeon game so deep

>> No.41783322
File: 128 KB, 1200x721, Ffb1inXUcAAddtR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you anons understand now. Now buy and play Hatoful Boyfriend and Holiday Star.

>> No.41783325
Quoted by: >>41783385

Idc, I watch all EN

>> No.41783329

Never heard of her

>> No.41783367

do all of the characters have fucked up storylines?? i thought this was just a kusogame??

>> No.41783385
Quoted by: >>41783438

make a holopro general then

>> No.41783391
File: 997 KB, 1280x720, 1665920637591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41783495

Tempus love

>> No.41783397


>> No.41783407

It's a bait and switch

>> No.41783416

Can you believe it gets crazier?

>> No.41783420
File: 387 KB, 960x960, FauFau2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41783669


>> No.41783428


>> No.41783433

Sakuya's wasn't as bad

>> No.41783436
Quoted by: >>41783491

What kind of anxious person would stream on a whim especially after doing all these questionable things

>> No.41783438

Not happening, sorry

>> No.41783456

thats how they get you

>> No.41783481

damn that’s the only ending for nageki???

>> No.41783491

He took too many meds and is going to stream his death from overdose

>> No.41783495
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, real tempus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed but only for the ones that are loyal and honest

>> No.41783498

dont give the ryonafags more ideas please bettel

>> No.41783513

Do i have to be a twink now to groom altare

>> No.41783563

no he’s kind of a whore

>> No.41783575

I think you just have to be rapable

>> No.41783582


>> No.41783581
Quoted by: >>41783754


>> No.41783628

Sorry anon, I voted Nanaki for the keks.

>> No.41783641

Take altare out too then
Actually axel too, leave only magni

>> No.41783649


>> No.41783660

Do you think he will apologize?

>> No.41783669


>> No.41783682


>> No.41783692

>for the keks

>> No.41783705

So did Nowa meet Axel even once when he was there?

>> No.41783711
Quoted by: >>41783905

At this point I just hope he graduates.

>> No.41783725

record the twitter space, he's going to "forget"
if he did, they didn't tell us

>> No.41783736

It's not a kusoge, it only looks like that at the start. It's clever in a lot of ways

>> No.41783738


>> No.41783742


>> No.41783743

no since magni is an alpha

>> No.41783754
Quoted by: >>41783807

We're 100% BLACK!

>> No.41783777


>> No.41783782
File: 51 KB, 1080x286, Screenshot_20230126_174415_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41783796


>> No.41783804
Quoted by: >>41783854

Magni is a sugma at most.

>> No.41783807

> We
Vesper, your meds...

>> No.41783811

alpha magni is hot and underrated

>> No.41783815

someone hasn't watched the wolfquest stream. magni is a certified alpha(wolf)

>> No.41783821


>> No.41783823

>oh no, help me, i'm an omega
his words in raft

>> No.41783854

Sugma ballz

>> No.41783857


>> No.41783861

Jetlag hort please understand that I'm not going to change *cackles*

>> No.41783862


>> No.41783863
File: 524 KB, 1009x567, firefox_nzPua51OPB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41783869
File: 299 KB, 2000x2000, nowa nyoron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a few days break
>Nowa got a split thread now
What the hell happened here?

>> No.41783870

I don't know anymore if people complaining about Vesper are funposting or dramaniggers

>> No.41783884


>> No.41783885

let me dream

>> No.41783895
Quoted by: >>41783956

Imagine thinking Magni Dezmond isn't an omega

I know barely nothing about ABO except stuff you degenerates have taught me and even I know that much

>> No.41783901

vesper's life falling apart makes him relatable and if he fails to apologize that makes him more relatable and makes me like him more desu

>> No.41783905

Me too

>> No.41783921


>> No.41783935

vesties are insane

>> No.41783941

the question we've all been asking...

>> No.41783942
Quoted by: >>41783960

At least he's back now.

>> No.41783956
File: 168 KB, 480x480, 1673403549803337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41783960


>> No.41783970
File: 52 KB, 514x652, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41784427

from the traitors at /nowa/

>> No.41783973
Quoted by: >>41784044


>> No.41783976


>> No.41783985

Ppl doomposted and rrated to hard after he missed the 6 month celeb, so they separated till the jp arc is over

>> No.41783986
File: 89 KB, 1200x543, __noir_vesper_holostars_and_1_more_drawn_by_pako_pakosun__78d028f1ec9e31ccb40bb401836aeadc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41784330

i'd give this man the sloppiest wettest leg trembling hands desperately grabbing the sheets legs stretching out again and again waist slowly moving up and down small heavy breath "i can't take it much longer" breaths getting quicker twitching throbbing eyes shut lip biting back arching edging begging for relief warm hot rush bubbling up spit upon spot tongue twisting around tip-tapping against mouth sideways licking spit from the end and lick from the bottom to the top then spit from the top and lick to the bottom deepthroating mascara dripping down my face slower then faster then a little faster then perfect pace twisting mouth around each side spiritually enlightening chakra balancing golden light like a halo around the tip noise from the very edge of his throat for the final release head

>> No.41783988

I legitimately hate him now. He's brought this drama upon us, none of this needed to happen.

>> No.41783998
File: 7 KB, 352x42, 1673158035683061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41784135

It's not a real split, it's a Discord psyop, please ignore

They also sometimes time to make bait MANS threads with Vesper removed from the OP so watch out and keep a close eye out

>> No.41784022
Quoted by: >>41784065

But I'm a vestie and I think splitting threads is just stupid.

>> No.41784044

Fuck off and stop promoting your shitty thread

>> No.41784065

My dearest vestie, please stop replying to low quality bait

>> No.41784072
Quoted by: >>41784135

ikemen voice... i like yuuya now...

>> No.41784073

Within the week, there will be - old men - running the world.

>> No.41784082

vesper doko

>> No.41784093

He just can't stop fucking lying and disappointing huh

>> No.41784101
File: 2.39 MB, 1626x954, Unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love all seven members of Tempus!

>> No.41784106


>> No.41784118
Quoted by: >>41784255

Can you guys just stop biting bait for 5 minutes?

>> No.41784135
File: 451 KB, 4096x2304, Fad9JbEUsAA9omO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They also sometimes time to make bait MANS threads with Vesper removed from the OP so watch out and keep a close eye out
I hate this so much.

I love Machi's ikemen voice

>> No.41784136

Wrong, I'm the only sane person here.

>> No.41784142


>> No.41784145
File: 160 KB, 480x360, SchizoAltare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41784155


>> No.41784156

You guys know Betsy is streaming, right?

>> No.41784167


>> No.41784169
File: 2.95 MB, 2000x1552, 1674345380876482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tempus love <3

>> No.41784197


>> No.41784201

Sorry, hatewatching Vesper takes priority.

>> No.41784206


>> No.41784214

I am watching his stream right now at work in fact

>> No.41784216

>vesperia salami

>> No.41784238

Hikki nowa...

>> No.41784248
Quoted by: >>41784300


>> No.41784246

I'm glad he feels better already!

>> No.41784249

Sorry, gotta support the shota when he's playing a game dear to my heart.

>> No.41784253

>I'm just gonna stream

>> No.41784255
Quoted by: >>41784290

Ppl doing baits on /MANS/?
This person is insane, ever single post in /MANS/ is 100% real

>> No.41784259


>> No.41784266
Quoted by: >>41784321

What about the biking though...?

>> No.41784268

ok, that's based. fuck the outside world

>> No.41784281

>want to watch bettel shenanigans
>but vesper space

>> No.41784282

i cant listen to top of the world because i start laughing recalling on top of your girl instead

>> No.41784289
Quoted by: >>41784426

>i'm sorry but i dont think i'll be around for altare's birthday either, i'm just not in a good place for collabs atm
are you FUCKING kidding me

>> No.41784290

certified and truthpilled

>> No.41784293

Stinky Hikki Uncle Nowa...

>> No.41784296

I'm listening to Vesper, sorry.

>> No.41784300

he's gonna quit then?

>> No.41784320

>wants to install uber eats and never leave his house
just like me frfr (if I could afford it)

>> No.41784321
Quoted by: >>41784421

Biking was a psyop to sell the "bro" persona.

>> No.41784330


>> No.41784340

The nigga found a way

>> No.41784377

Wow I love super chat thankings in my FUCKING TWITTER SPACE. Yeah this faggot can fuck off.

>> No.41784382

Wait, what chat is he using?

>> No.41784384
File: 87 KB, 1000x994, Fl7q9IqXwAAI75R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Machi takes priority


>> No.41784386

Did he leave for Japan in a hurry or something? He left everything like he wasn't planning to leave

>> No.41784388
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that fucking Tomar as half the NPCs on Bettel's bus?

>> No.41784391
File: 167 KB, 752x699, vesgao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was actually a schizo from the beginning
Entering kino here

>> No.41784406

There is nothing this man values in life more than money

>> No.41784416


>> No.41784418

Been a thing since his first twitter space.

>> No.41784421


>> No.41784426

Would somebody do that? Just....go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.41784427
File: 592 KB, 1080x1783, IMG_20230126_175507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Male audience"

>> No.41784432
Quoted by: >>41784492

the schedule chat on his channel

>> No.41784434


>> No.41784439


>> No.41784462
Quoted by: >>41784504


>> No.41784461

He said that he planned to stay in Japan for 4+ months, but that was probably always a lie.

>> No.41784484

chad at the very top-right

>> No.41784486

Scheduled stream on his channel

>> No.41784487

men don't use twitter, we are all listening to him as anons

>> No.41784488

Yes but that's not a good thing, I hate myself and I hate people like me.

>> No.41784489


>> No.41784492


>> No.41784494

remember to scroll down and groom little vesties with 0 followers ToT

>> No.41784502

gura is there, can't have the rapist of tempus there

>> No.41784503

i mean, it's twitter

>> No.41784504

what's with anons doubleposting so often, seems like there's a lot of gay anons here that want kisses

>> No.41784536

>I get a border...
And he makes Xenokuni pay for it.

>> No.41784538
File: 350 KB, 842x579, 1674068324499907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catboy nowa
yes please!

>> No.41784555


>> No.41784589

Unironically yes minus the part where I don't require medication, I'm just like this normally

>> No.41784591
File: 604 KB, 600x600, meow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think i can get tired of flayon's shenanigans his voice acting is so fun

>> No.41784590
Quoted by: >>41784648

you just looked behind you, didn't you?

>> No.41784593

>do I still have hands

>> No.41784595

the same concerfags that want vesper terminally online and demand he apologizes for every step he makes begged for that free chat, watch streams before running your mouth.

>> No.41784598
Quoted by: >>41784695

what nowa's describing.... doesn't sound like an anxiety attack, sounds like something... else....

>> No.41784603

i have not heard a single apology from him yet and im quickly losing my patience


>> No.41784605

the more I listen to him, the more I dislike him, but I still have that little hope that he will talk about the anniv and the boys...

>> No.41784622
Quoted by: >>41784653

Why didn't he take his meds with him in the first place? Going without that shit will really fuck you up.

>> No.41784631
File: 1.27 MB, 3072x1728, 1674443735110562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Nowa might have DPDR because I have it too and it's miserable

>> No.41784641

everyone knows the rapist of tempus hasn't left the US

>> No.41784645

>We're behind you
>I don't believe you

He sounds like he was actually serious kek

>> No.41784648

Yes I did

>> No.41784649


>> No.41784652

>Flayon is supporting Nowa

>> No.41784650
Quoted by: >>41784753

Has Vesper mentioned the anniversary? I'm watching Bettel.
I'd normally watch him, but I'd probably just feel angrier at him.

>> No.41784654
Quoted by: >>41784694

Reminder that this is always pathetic, get a life

>> No.41784653
Quoted by: >>41784745

Because despite going to Japan many times in the past he didn't know if ti was allowed

>> No.41784664
File: 85 KB, 828x828, 1673159165536210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triple overlap

>> No.41784665

He wont do that, I have no idea why you're waiting for it.

>> No.41784682
File: 65 KB, 525x435, 1674422468891134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41784684


>> No.41784683
Quoted by: >>41784767

>chat is sub only mode
of fucking course it is lol

>> No.41784689
File: 86 KB, 900x900, 1673318111037366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK this clown

>> No.41784690


>> No.41784694

Kill yourself.

>> No.41784695
Quoted by: >>41784957

I'm not an expert on mental illnesses, explain.

>> No.41784711

vesper is all bark

>> No.41784714

Me neither, delusional

>> No.41784721

Excuse me, you're gonna have to go around

>> No.41784725
Quoted by: >>41785312

Imagine being a literal psycho

>> No.41784727
Quoted by: >>41784797

I hate myself, but if someone is like me I can't hate them because I understand what they're going through want them to get better

>> No.41784731

im so happy he came back now rather than later

>> No.41784741

He didn't "ruin" anything dude, the anniversary was amazing.

>> No.41784745


>> No.41784753

>Has Vesper mentioned the anniversary?
You already know the answer to this. It's time to give up on him.

>> No.41784761

>This Sunday
>Still not mention of Altare's bd

>> No.41784767

Isn't that standard for Hololive?

>> No.41784778

Hoes mad

>> No.41784781
Quoted by: >>41784888

>he feels bad about not streaming
based, he's coming back bros

>> No.41784782

He's retarded

>> No.41784796
Quoted by: >>41784876

He won't talk about the collabs because he already addressed it in his tweet, guys.

>> No.41784797
Quoted by: >>41784872

I hate Vesper for being like me fr fr. A friend I made a year ago stopped talking to me because I ghosted him when we were gonna meet irl.

>> No.41784798

He hates the boys...

>> No.41784809

>>41784665 (me)
Don't get me wrong, he should acknowledge those stuffs, but he won't.

>> No.41784813

Because meds are just an excuse to be lazy.

>> No.41784821

he will mention them any second now

>> No.41784832

wtf this creep pigeon

>> No.41784837

don’t expect it.

>> No.41784838

So Vesper is this thread's Mori? Why are there so many schizos against him? Go touch grass you fucking freaks.

>> No.41784844
Quoted by: >>41784936

>nothing about the anniversary
>nothing about altare's birthday
>not even apologizing for the mess the past weeks
fucking yikes

>> No.41784847


>> No.41784854

he says the same thing every time and i always believe him

>> No.41784867
Quoted by: >>41784977

Shuu or Yuuya?

>> No.41784868

Why does he drop empty promises like that just all of a sudden
He won't follow up on them, we all know that, he knows that
Yet he still does it

>> No.41784872

I don't blame them, that's a shitty thing to do.

>> No.41784876
Quoted by: >>41785012

The tweet was bullshit and you know it.

>> No.41784878

Then talk about the fucking shota instead of letting bait consume the thread, you slut.

>> No.41784885

This but unironically

>> No.41784888
Quoted by: >>41784936

His wallet feels bad, he should feel bad for fucking ruining the half year anni.

>> No.41784908

Betsy is unhinged

>> No.41784909

compulsive liars literally cannot help themselves, it becomes a psychological tick for them

>> No.41784916

You have no idea, anon. Find out next stream unless Flay keeps playing.

>> No.41784918

Fuck off to your own thread, Vestie. Your oshi is shit.

>> No.41784920
File: 95 KB, 256x327, 1674446200333243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Vesper have a fidget toy?

>> No.41784926

he ran out of money thats the only reason he came back

>> No.41784932

he is manic

>> No.41784936

You are why the split exists. Way to go sisters

>> No.41784937

He killed/is killing UNITY, the one thing that made Tempus stand out

>> No.41784940

Catalog niggers

>> No.41784957

I'm not an expert either but I had a friend who suffered from panic attacks, vesper's story doesn't match what she described at all
My friend was like hyperventilating and panicking and struggling to breath, over what would normally be minor socially stressful situations
I feel like the thing Vesper's talking about with looking behind him, dissasociation, "I had to check to make sure I still had my hands" sounds a bit more..... like the kind of psychotic break I've seen in people online with schizophrenia
....But again I'm not an expert, maybe panic attacks really do just vary that much

>> No.41784959

Go to your safe space then.

>> No.41784963

Good. Get him out of here.

>> No.41784964

He's doing the routes mostly in order... hmmmm

>> No.41784967

I know man, Bettel never keeps his promises.

>> No.41784977
Quoted by: >>41785079

both are creeps. but yuuya is creepier

>> No.41784983

>Why are there so many schizos against him?
Because women can't just call him retarded and tell him to stop being a moron and take his meds, he clearly RUINED the anniversary and SLAPPED ALTARE in front of YAGOO and now they HATE each other.

>> No.41784984
Quoted by: >>41785019

betsy is speedrunning bus sim

>> No.41784997
Quoted by: >>41785049

t. cuckvestie

>> No.41785012

Cry some more please

>> No.41785014
Quoted by: >>41785174

Vesper exposed himself as a LARPer who doesn't actually give a shit about growing holostars

>> No.41785019

Built different

>> No.41785022

its the exact same people anon

>> No.41785028
File: 278 KB, 2000x2000, 1666928582710214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuses fucking galore
this is so insufferable to listen to

>> No.41785049

Oh no Vesper is cucking me with another man! I can't believe Magni would steal him!

>> No.41785059
File: 51 KB, 720x1059, liva_action_kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me.

>> No.41785065
Quoted by: >>41785178

>no Altare mention

>> No.41785073

panic attacks vary a lot, I've had friends who disassociate a lot during their panic attacks.
paranoia is also a symptom of anxiety, i used to think i was genuinely schizophrenic until i got on anxiety meds

>> No.41785078

woot outer wilds!

>> No.41785079

Yuuya is mostly just a flirt, Shuu is who you have to watch out for

>> No.41785087

The "panic attack" he used an excuse to miss the anniversary didn't happen, because the collab game was changed a week in advance when he told the boys he wouldn't participate.

>> No.41785092

Parasocial to the extreme, yeah. When he doesn't do something, it's a personal slight instead of just that of an entertainer.

>> No.41785101


>> No.41785108
Quoted by: >>41785221

Yeah about that..

>> No.41785109
File: 1.15 MB, 1309x735, firefox_POe4iSaiwq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41785120

He is a autist schitzo

>> No.41785123

Lol, those aren't women. Vesties on /vt/ are 80% male, and 50% of the ones in this thread right now are just shitposters from Catalog thirsting for drama.

>> No.41785130

>I don't think streams drain me socially


>> No.41785131


>> No.41785142
Quoted by: >>41785161

I think someone a few days speculated that anxiety meds were code for schizo medication, which would be fucking hilarious

>> No.41785144

He is just not gonna say anything about it huh

>> No.41785153

>I don't think streams drain me socially
so then.....?

>> No.41785154

>Hand-holding virgin
Who wrote this?

>> No.41785161

I genuinely believe this

>> No.41785164

Winter of Passion is based

>> No.41785167
Quoted by: >>41785242

imagine being a hand-holding virgin, literally hold both your hands

>> No.41785174
Quoted by: >>41786023

Man stands on the shoulder of giants and can barely provide for those who come after him. He better fucking kneel on the ground Magni walks for holding down the fort while he was gone and actually supporting the new boys to take heat off of him.

>> No.41785178


>> No.41785179

this bird's a WHORE!

>> No.41785181

>when the split thread brags about being men

>> No.41785182

Solo streams, of course.

>> No.41785198
File: 77 KB, 900x699, 1673333917984291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41785204

at least he admits hes being stubborn and stupid

>> No.41785211

>Faggot vultures still here
Fuck off back to your catalog with your bait, this is a unity thread for all.

>> No.41785213


>> No.41785212

he is probably talking about solo streams

>> No.41785221
File: 199 KB, 359x361, 1673152209056951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a man here taking personal offense at Vesper instead of just calling him retarded, go clean your room or start your taxes early or something. You clearly have too much time.

>> No.41785242
Quoted by: >>41785274

I'd think that just counts as masturbation and you're still a virgin

>> No.41785247

I need a tldr of the twitter space

>> No.41785257

It's ALWAYS men that do this shit anon.

>> No.41785274
Quoted by: >>41785972

who decided that?

>> No.41785275

>no no no you can't just criticize (justly) vesper for causing a bunch of unnecessary fucking drama for the past month, which took away from a lot of stuff

>> No.41785279
Quoted by: >>41785532

>bank over $10k/month in superchat dosh
>MUH $1500
Did he lose all his money in crypto?

>> No.41785284
File: 230 KB, 446x446, Fa8vN_nagAEkkkc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pen click*
*pen click*
*pen click*

>> No.41785286
Quoted by: >>41785363

Bettel is hype for poker

>> No.41785297

He doesn't need meds. He didn't take it when he was with his family. Lying.

>> No.41785312
File: 532 KB, 1468x824, 1660070565215699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41785574

No, it's more like being a pseudo-psycho, where you know what's happening isn't real and all mental but you can't grasp reality at all, so you're permastuck in this uncomfortable state of being in between both. Like sleep-walking while awake and suffering from sleep paralysis simultaneously. It's manageable but it fucks you up when you don't know what it is, fucks you up harder when you're drunk, and fucks up your anxiety when you realize you can't shut it off.

>> No.41785326

Small stories about losing money on tickets and anxiety so far

>> No.41785328
Quoted by: >>41785407

So far I'm pretty satisfied with how this is going. Dramafags don't @ me

>> No.41785336
Quoted by: >>41785383

>he was manic in infamous drunk stream

>> No.41785337
Quoted by: >>41785657

Hasn't addressed fucking everything up at all, just thanking people for superchats

>> No.41785353

Please... Vesper....... Altare's birthday.......
show up.................................................................

>> No.41785363

Lol, I feel like we're gonna see that MAX LUCK

>> No.41785380
Quoted by: >>41785472

>mania causing unproductive stubbornness
>mania causing weird dissonant behavior on stream
>mania probably causing the japan trip in the first place
it's all starting to make sense
if it's true, vesper is genuinely the most mentally ill person in holopro

>> No.41785383

yeah, that was obvious at the time too KEK

>> No.41785385

>Streaming lowers my stress!

>> No.41785389

>Thank you for the super chat I'm back.
>Thank you for the super chat I'm back.
>Thank you for the super chat I'm back.
>Thank you for the super chat I'm back.
>Social battery lmao
>Thank you for the super chat I'm back.

>> No.41785390

>No "welcome back" reply tweet from any of the boys
It's over, they hate him

>> No.41785399

He said specifically that streaming solo doesn't affect him because he has more "control". I'm guessing the monkey parts of his brain don't register his solo streams with chat as social encounters with people. He did admit on Twitter for not being a collab partner.

>> No.41785407


>> No.41785411

Oh god they're breaking in

>> No.41785415

thats me in the background btw

>> No.41785417


>> No.41785427


>> No.41785433

It's me, I'm Optimus Prime (bottom)

>> No.41785435
Quoted by: >>41785470

Not even Magni liking his tweets

>> No.41785442
Quoted by: >>41785547

breaking into his house to correct him right now. thank me later vesties

>> No.41785452
File: 26 KB, 858x945, 1670909850883101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't hate this guy.

>> No.41785454

those noises genuinely scared me, I dunno why but this twitter space has a general feeling of subtle dread layered over it like something bad's going to happen

>> No.41785458
Quoted by: >>41785509

I'm sorry /mans/ I love him. If he only ever does streams by himself for the foreseeable future I'm ok with it. I'll support the other boys but I won't give him shit anymore about not joining Tempus streams.

>> No.41785464
Quoted by: >>41785531

>what the fuck is that
>do you fucking hear that
>sounds like two autobots are fucking on my lawn
I miss debut Vesper...

>> No.41785470

chill sisters

>> No.41785472

>vesper is genuinely the most mentally ill person in holopro
>currently talking about autobot sex
I think you might be right

>> No.41785480

so hes really collab banned kek?

>> No.41785484

transformers, robots fucking dry!

>> No.41785493


>> No.41785498

Vesper is a clinically insane person
That's what a 40yo virgin looks like

>> No.41785508

He wasn't gone and isn't closer to them now. They exist over discord bro.

>> No.41785509

>If he only ever does streams by himself for the foreseeable future I'm ok with it.
Yeah we're ok with it too that's why the split exists. Here you go.

>> No.41785527

just go to sleep dude

>> No.41785531

>I pretty much never swear
well that was a lie

>> No.41785532

Is that after taxes and youtube/cover's cut?

>> No.41785533

what did vesper get axel and magni for their birthdays?

>> No.41785540
Quoted by: >>41785604

tummy hort. goes on the plane the same day.

>> No.41785547
Quoted by: >>41785637

I would love for someone to break into his house and just go to town with baseball bats

>> No.41785552
File: 550 KB, 1251x880, Axel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people complaining about Vesper instead of enjoying schizo kino as you try to figure out what he's actually perceiving as reality and playing competitive question dodging about social situations

>> No.41785560

Stop plugging your Discord psyop, we're not going there, deal with it

>> No.41785558

He's speedrunning graduation anon...

>> No.41785564

>Ignores the latter part of the post

>> No.41785570
File: 25 KB, 188x76, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41785574

I googled this and this sounds exactly like what my boyfriend suffers from, thank you anon. This is really useful.

>> No.41785585

Higher CCV by killing off the VG boys numbers. He's welcome.

>> No.41785596

Stop promoting your split Vepie

>> No.41785599


>> No.41785603

You're an infidel, get the fuck outta here. Anon already said he's supporting everyone.

>> No.41785604
Quoted by: >>41785799

Would you miss a fly over stomach pain? Don't be retarded

>> No.41785609
File: 285 KB, 2048x1873, 1674338468615006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vesper is 100% bipolar and picked it up from his dad. He's just like me fr fr.

>> No.41785616
Quoted by: >>41785660


>> No.41785613

I wonder what the excuse is going to be if he actually misses Altare's birthday, social battery doesn't work anymore

>> No.41785631

vesper was suppose to treat axel at japan to the best steak. never happened.

>> No.41785632
Quoted by: >>41785730

Literally nothing

>> No.41785637

You WILL be caged and leashed by the end of this decade, inshallah.

>> No.41785640

I like eating cold pizza :)

>> No.41785639
Quoted by: >>41786019

Are air fryers just a weird NA meme or something

>> No.41785651

>airfryer culture

>> No.41785657
Quoted by: >>41785763

Holostars is LITERALLY over! Nobody will ever succeed now that Vesper Noir fucked up everything for everyone!

>> No.41785660

aren't all the HQ boys airfryer chads? not sure about VG boys

>> No.41785667
Quoted by: >>41785722

>doing anything for his coworkers
wouldnt even dare to call them friends either

>> No.41785673
File: 991 KB, 708x753, 1673312749608354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41785724

Enjoying the bird game so far, hope he's able to get to Yuuya's bad end eventually.

>> No.41785684


>> No.41785689

vesper LOVES B00B!

>> No.41785693

he won’t attend, won’t say anything, and neither will the boys. it’ll just be a thing everyone pretends not to notice.

>> No.41785698

When will something good finally happen to Axel. I'm begging

>> No.41785701
Quoted by: >>41786492

The schizos are out in full force rn

>> No.41785716
Quoted by: >>41785909

axel never got to see vesper while he was in japan ;-;

>> No.41785718
Quoted by: >>41785811

it's kinda unfair, if vesper didn't have mental illness problems then none of the drama he had gotten in over the past months would have happened
vesper would be the perfect lovable oji-san everyone always thought him as if it werent for his stupid mental illnesses

>> No.41785719

Won't even address it, he's just here for his paypigs now

>> No.41785722
Quoted by: >>41785771

I've met people like Vesper, they treat strangers better than they treat their own friends.

>> No.41785724

who is kity and why is flayon(smol) fucking it?

>> No.41785730

pretty sure he did get magni something. don't recall what

>> No.41785737

Guys... the shota is also streaming...

>> No.41785739

One of you fuckers just superchat and ask about Altare's birthday already.

>> No.41785743
Quoted by: >>41785871

if you were under the delusion that he was actually going to make it to altare's birthday, then im sorry you're actually retarded

>> No.41785760
Quoted by: >>41785854

He WILL fly to visit Magni and get spoiled with food and ass

>> No.41785763

>Nobody will ever succeed now that Vesper Noir fucked up everything for everyone!
Vesper stop posting here during your Twitter space.

>> No.41785764
File: 3 KB, 215x111, 1646072804610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he was also going to neuter him so maybe it was for the best

>> No.41785767

One day anon... One day

>> No.41785771

coworkers aren't friends

>> No.41785770

He made him a drawing I believe

>> No.41785778
Quoted by: >>41785890

This is what happens when you take meds every fucking day for your all your life, your brain get all fucked up.

>> No.41785779
Quoted by: >>41785839

He's currently enjoying Nodoka's and Gorimane's pussies. Isn't that enough?

>> No.41785787

Sorry I only superchat Tempus members.

>> No.41785795

magni drawn as SA1 sonic logo

>> No.41785797

>im commited to beating it

>> No.41785799

Shut yo bitch ass. Literally scheduled on the day of the anniversary.

>> No.41785808

Yes, and?
I'm already giving him LOTS AND LOTS of love and attention!

>> No.41785811
Quoted by: >>41785919

Mental illness is just an excuse for his personal failings. He's not ill, just a shitty human.

>> No.41785813
Quoted by: >>41785903

>Guys... the shota is also streaming...
yeah no thanks
let me know when he gets remodeled 10+ years in age

>> No.41785819

So he has recorded his cover is what I'm getting

>> No.41785832
Quoted by: >>41786405

You guys do realise that one of the boys made a pass at him while he was in Japan which is why he's not talking to them right? Guy was nearly raped.

>> No.41785839

This is why Vesper couldn't off collab with him, he's still soiled with the touch of woman. It's why he could only off-collab with Magni.

>> No.41785852
Quoted by: >>41785984

No one cares about your zoomer twitter faggot 3 view.

>> No.41785854
Quoted by: >>41786068

does he have enough to share? seems like altare had a good time slapping it

>> No.41785862
Quoted by: >>41785923

Don't you remember what happened last time? He pretended to leave the room until the SC passed.

>> No.41785871

seriously. it is very obvious he won’t be there, either accept it or don’t.

>> No.41785890
Quoted by: >>41786027

i guarantee you that their brain chemistry was already fucked up from the get go
god people like you piss me off so much

>> No.41785897
File: 651 KB, 1748x2656, 1674498548690815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry my lovely pilot, I need to see the end of this drama

>> No.41785903

Terrible taste

>> No.41785909

4 off collabs which turned to 0

>> No.41785908

Just do it anons, SC him about Poker...

>> No.41785919

normal people dont have either manic episodes or paranoid anxiety breakdowns, and that accounts for a lot of his behavior
the oji-san without those mental problems would be in perfect top shape

>> No.41785922
Quoted by: >>41786132


>> No.41785924

>a good friend is worth their weight in gold
what does he knows about good friends

>> No.41785923

point is if he stonewalls it again we still get some confirmation he's deliberately avoiding the subject

>> No.41785940
File: 282 KB, 850x728, 38736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not watched any of the other boys since they stopped interacting with Vesper. I don't care whose fault it is.

They will love my menhara ojisan or I will become their most unmedicated anti.

>> No.41785950

Why are modern men failures?

>> No.41785960

>Altare would look good on it

>> No.41785959

he'll just ignore it again by looking for a cable or some shit lol
im not wasting my money

>> No.41785968

>someone chatting with him, he's handsome?

>> No.41785969

fucking roasty flight attendant hitting on nowa-sama

>> No.41785972

Me you fucking hand-holding virgin

>> No.41785973

>a good friend is worth their weight in gold
This faggot really loves the sound of his own voice. He can fuck off.

>> No.41785984

Fuck off faggot, this is a unity thread.

>> No.41785996

he didnt have manic episodes or paranoid anxiety breakdowns, he just didnt fucking want to hang out
how are some of you so naive
he just flaked
he's the type that makes false promises
the mental illness shit is literally just a shield

>> No.41786006
Quoted by: >>41786167

Obvious bait.

>> No.41786012


>> No.41786017
Quoted by: >>41786064

broken people have been allowed to find success in life in recent decades

>> No.41786019

They're handy for making fries and stuff. My oven takes forever to pre-heat, so it's actually been pretty useful. I made sweet potato fries in like 1/3 the time it would have taken if I used my oven.

>> No.41786021


>> No.41786023

THIS. I cant believe that part of the reason Magni streamed while his back was BROKEN is because this selfish retard was suspended, and he felt bad that the tempura will have less tempus watching hours

>> No.41786025

He'll ignore it, he's already all but said he's sticking to solo content for a while now. He may as well never collab with Tempus until he gradutates, no idea why.

>> No.41786027

I guarantee that you are taking some stupid shit for no good reason and giving money to (((big pharma)))

>> No.41786028
File: 40 KB, 126x144, takes a single med.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowa, why are you like this?...

>> No.41786036

>that accounts for a lot of his behavior
No, he's SAYS that accounts for his behavior, and you believed him. He doesn't have manic episodes, he doesn't have anxiety breakdowns, he just says that he does to elict superchats.

>> No.41786063
File: 23 KB, 216x275, 1662184564079500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41786146

Can't wait until things go back to normal and all the schizo antis leave

>> No.41786064 [DELETED] 

We need to put a stop to that.

>> No.41786068
Quoted by: >>41786112

It is a thiccc one, there is plenty to go around

>> No.41786077

you have to realize most people are normal, but you have to be mentally ill to be a vtuber

>> No.41786076

i literally have a schizophrenic sister who was a raging insane mess before she was put on medication, shut the fuck up and go back to watching ben shapiro and sucking your thumb dumb fuck

>> No.41786081

The meds haven't fully kicked in yet, give him a day or two.

>> No.41786089
Quoted by: >>41786167

almost took you seriously there for a second now thats a good bait post if ive seen it

>> No.41786097
File: 75 KB, 824x486, ExK801TVgAIshBk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw he's literally insane

>> No.41786101

>Why are modern ______ failures?

>> No.41786109
Quoted by: >>41786144

you can tell there's one angry schizo anti spamming and replying to every post, it's honestly hilarious

>> No.41786112

ah naruhodo

>> No.41786114
File: 9 KB, 320x180, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41786118
Quoted by: >>41786449

no don't say that flay... ;_;

>> No.41786132
File: 207 KB, 980x551, 60senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hon hon hon

>> No.41786131

so you're saying he's lying all this time? what makes you believe that over what he's saying?

>> No.41786135

source your claims

>> No.41786141

hotpockets do be like that

>> No.41786144

>she says, holding back tears of anger

>> No.41786145

You retards really believing everything this guy says because he's your only friends in your headcanon. This faggot can't even hold down a courtesy phonecall and he's here talking about "good friends" and using his one catch-all excuse.

>> No.41786147

By that logic you should hate everyone for not streaming 100% of their lifetime

>> No.41786146

>schizo antis
Sorry anon but that doesn't happen that's what makes them schizo

>> No.41786151
Quoted by: >>41786238

none of the others have this issue

>> No.41786157

I'll be honest, I don't see how he could have a 3D debut unless he's under heavy medication and travels to and from Japan in a span of 3 days

>> No.41786160

My ass told me

>> No.41786165

are we sure he isnt autistic?

>> No.41786167
File: 2.85 MB, 200x234, 1634332704481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was bait. I genuinely feel this way. I still watch Bettel, but the HQ boys are dead to me.

>> No.41786168

>ate a shitton of hotpockets

>> No.41786177
File: 53 KB, 392x536, ea128193-ea05-46b5-904e-62ab18a76442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41786184

he obviously it’s, it’s just not his only problem

>> No.41786186

>so you're saying he's lying all this time? what makes you believe that over what he's saying?
fucking kek, the fact he has literally lied on multiple occasions maybe?

quite literally you answered your own question
how many fucking lies are you going to be the victim to until you wise up

>> No.41786189

Fully commiting to dodging any interactions with your colleagues as soon as the new gen is out is so fucking weird to me honestly
Like it's legit just such a pants on head move that I don't even know what to say about it

>> No.41786209


>> No.41786231
Quoted by: >>41786321

>slay the spire

>> No.41786232


>> No.41786233

He for sure has autism. The only reason I don't think he's genuinely schizophrenic is because you can really really tell when someone is medicated for schizophrenia.

>> No.41786234


>> No.41786235

Long streams..then let's vesties know he can't because he needs to catch up on work or some other bs.

>> No.41786238

Asians are a domesticated race

>> No.41786248

dwarf fortress kino incoming?!

>> No.41786247


>> No.41786249
Quoted by: >>41786756

He cancelled the L4D anniversary a week ahead of time. He planned to not be there. His "MUH PANIC ATTACK", conveniently after the Kronii/Mori collab, was always an obviously false excuse.

>> No.41786251

Imagine that's his irl the_rapist

>> No.41786253

I'm still vibing with the new filing law freaking him out because of opsec and he's manic because of it, he's good with all the boys, i believe.

>> No.41786255


>> No.41786260

is he going to not mention literally any of the other boys before the stream ends. the off collab. the anniversary. altare's birthday. the four fucking new members.

>> No.41786261

literally probably his actual shrink

>> No.41786263


>> No.41786262


>> No.41786265

jeffreybros is our time...

>> No.41786268

This man has his manager AND his psychiatrist monitoring his streams

>> No.41786269

If Vesper becomes a hikki and streams nothing but Dwarf Fortress I will give him all my money

>> No.41786276


>> No.41786277

your poor menhera grandpa is deliberately isolating himself. go back to the /nowa/ split if you’re expecting everyone to pat his ass.

>> No.41786285
File: 37 KB, 368x353, 1674027837012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41786287


>> No.41786288

not everyone is an americuck like you

>> No.41786291

Dwarf Fortress with kill the fujos

>> No.41786293

dude i think they just want to give him space. why overwhelm him even more?

>> No.41786295


>> No.41786300
File: 13 KB, 351x123, Screenshot 2023-01-26 152529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your service David

>> No.41786308

he's here to save Nowa...

>> No.41786318
File: 95 KB, 982x271, Screenshot_20230126_152544_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41786321

Reminder that all of these fucking promises he's making won't happen lmao. Surely we'll get the next zomboid season and all the other backlog of content right? Fucking clueless drones.

>> No.41786327

Why would he? Why SHOULD he?

>> No.41786333
File: 25 KB, 402x208, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to send a message.

>> No.41786338

you know who else's birthday is in a few days?

>> No.41786342

he won't lol

>> No.41786341


>> No.41786345


>> No.41786356

As real as XCOM

>> No.41786362

Man you must love altare then

>> No.41786375

>I did mount Kobo

>> No.41786377

ikz david

>> No.41786384
Quoted by: >>41786409

he's at lampdevil. dude shouldve donated a lot more to have his message stay up

>> No.41786385

>thanking every superchat
>avoids this
i mean
what more confirmation could you need

>> No.41786396

Humans were always broken messes. They just never used to broadcast as much of their lives into the public so you wouldn't know.

>> No.41786403

Waste of whatever that money is

>> No.41786405

God I hope it was Altare, I want Altare/Vesper non-con so bad.

>> No.41786409

i think he uses a different website to read them even after the superchats expired

>> No.41786408

Vesper is an actual shitty person. I say this as someone who couldn't even sleep properly during his suspension. This 'new' Vesper seems to be who he's always truly been, and thus I've lost all hope in him.

>> No.41786410

aww cute shcitzo
pachi pachi

>> No.41786418

oh shit he gonna expose nowa oji next

>> No.41786420
File: 15 KB, 130x276, Screenshot 2023-01-26 182628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41786484

Seeing what non-vtuber blue check marks are listening is always fun

>> No.41786422

>It's real
What the fuck LOL

>> No.41786432
Quoted by: >>41788885

Don't remind me lol, but some of the stuff like the podcast and soul link are a bit out of his control.

>> No.41786449
File: 1.05 MB, 786x886, FnZ17h7XwAAn23Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna raise his self esteem


>> No.41786454

Kek nice whataboutism. Who the fuck gives a shit about blue fag, we're talking about nowa.

>> No.41786456
Quoted by: >>41786475


>> No.41786473


>> No.41786475

A spy!

>> No.41786484
Quoted by: >>41786569

>twitter blue
but anyway

>> No.41786491


>> No.41786492

Of course they are, Vesper's having activity.

>> No.41786512

casual vestie here, did he do anything else apart from skip the collabs?

>> No.41786513


>> No.41786514

I've never hoped he graduates more than now.

>> No.41786515

good now you niggas can just schizo about him alone

>> No.41786520

... he really skipped it

>> No.41786521

>Vesper is an actual shitty person. I say this as someone who couldn't even sleep properly during his suspension.
Holy woman

>> No.41786526

He's gonna stick his dick outside?????

>> No.41786527

>buy twitter blue
>get put at the top of the space so everyone can see you're a faggot

>> No.41786528

What cypro scam is this account apart of?

>> No.41786535

He's the one that can save him...

>> No.41786538


>> No.41786539

>from Florida
Vesper is the Florida man confirmed?

>> No.41786547

woman, move on with your drama
go watch a hallmark movie or something

>> No.41786550

Hes not addressing shit. Fuck man why... stop being a coward Vesper. Just fucking address the issue.

>> No.41786567
File: 1.98 MB, 2000x1442, 1667848369953206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41786649

>he fucking skipped it

>> No.41786569
Quoted by: >>41786687

man I can't keep up with whatever the fuck the spacefag is doing

>> No.41786571

I honestly didn't know what I even expected.

>> No.41786573


>> No.41786582

I'm not re-subbing to members unless he goes to gym.

>> No.41786580
File: 36 KB, 474x474, 1668233200149241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just so fucking disappointed and sad
vesper really was only ever out for himself
the whole conceit of why i liked him was because he was on of the pillars of unity in the group
to find out that he's a self centered menhera who will ignore his genmates and questions about them at his absolute convenience for his personal and financial benefit just makes me incredibly ill. it makes me sad i was ever membered to him, ever super chatted to him, ever supported him.

i'm just so sad.

>> No.41786587

>apart from skip the collabs?
He lied about his reasons for doing so repeatedly, changing his excuse multiple times. None of them made sense.

>> No.41786597

Dr. Jeff can fix him

>> No.41786603

It's not about not being at the collabs, I don't think anyone here is actually mad at that part alone. It's the fact that he's been completely ignoring Tempus altogether.

>> No.41786608

Well, I was hoping that he'd clear some things up in the Twitter space but he didn't say shit, my membership is remaining cancelled I guess

>> No.41786620
Quoted by: >>41786700

He's made multiple references to where he is from, but /int/ may not pick up on it.

>> No.41786625

There's clearly something else going on behind the scenes. Management is keeping him from addressing it.

>> No.41786631

He already did. Take your hallmark.

>> No.41786636
Quoted by: >>41786688






>> No.41786639


>> No.41786646

aaaaaa same i keep wanting to believe that he will change but he just keeps doing this

>> No.41786649

Should've paid 10 singaporean gold dollars.

>> No.41786648

Holy shit he really skipped the altare supa.

>> No.41786655

He didn't mention
>missing collabs
>failure to acknowledge collabs
>failure to communicate with his viewers
a single time

>> No.41786666


>> No.41786667

Yeah that's the worst part. He'd often talk about "the boys" and all of that, and when things don't go his way he's radio silent and pretends they don't exist.

>> No.41786670

that's it?

>> No.41786671
File: 115 KB, 1115x939, 1660889928521746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41786814

Just gonna say it, the people who keep pestering him about the other boys are no better than people collab begging the girls

>> No.41786674

i just want this man to take a nap

>> No.41786681

Farming SC from a twitter space is scummy as fuck

>> No.41786685
Quoted by: >>41786820

Did you guys expect him to read it and say the truth? Man said he was gonna meet Axel for the anniversary lmao just expect him to not be there and enjoy the rest

>> No.41786687

its simple
>i'm not a journalist but i want a checkmark
>sure here's a free checkmark

>> No.41786688

Go back, tourist.

>> No.41786694



>> No.41786700

I'll be honest, I don't actually watch him that often because he streams when I'm working so I 100% missed them.

>> No.41786705

10/10 jeff is his handler
probably collab ban too

>> No.41786707

glorious drama bait/10

>> No.41786708


>> No.41786711

lack of transparency, lack of streams, suspension, and degradation of zatsu quality are other complaints about him

>> No.41786712

0/10 I'm not mad just disappointed

>> No.41786718

Had a schizo anger episode at management that was bad enough he had to get suspended for two weeks. Ghosted Axel not only once back when the other two were going to normiecon, but twice when he could've just met up with him in Japan and not streamed.

>> No.41786720

Well I wasted my $5, it seems that I got "hide" by the chat mods.

>> No.41786723

sleep nigga sleep/10

>> No.41786735
Quoted by: >>41786760

Only Jeff can save him...

>> No.41786745

Good, rest of tempus should do that more often

>> No.41786753

hates leader/10

>> No.41786756
Quoted by: >>41787020

"conveniently"? are you really this fucking stupid? basic cause and effect, why the fuck do you think he got a panic attack in first place

>> No.41786758


>> No.41786760

Jeff bros...

>> No.41786765


>> No.41786766

How much did he make on this twitter space?

>> No.41786767
Quoted by: >>41786872

>announces he won't be collabing for a while
>skips superchat begging for collab
>"wow he really skiped that superchat"

no shit idiots

>> No.41786770

I hope he gets cancer

>> No.41786774

You tried, man. That's all you can do. Thanks for trying.

>> No.41786787

I want to kiss Bettel’s forehead. I want to make him a nutritious meal and feed it to him. I want to give him a massage after a long day of streaming. I want to stroke his back as he falls asleep in my arms. I want to take care of Bettel so that he has a good life!

>> No.41786791

At least try

>> No.41786799

I'm starting to believe the rrat that management is pulling a Coco on him. He just hasn't mentioned his genmates a single time since the Monopoly collab.

>> No.41786797

Easiest $340 of his life.

>> No.41786800

Waste of time/10

>> No.41786811
File: 75 KB, 827x603, 1e1f65d225559f79000d6d5c382420b9a8a8e9b268c10f8bdea8b04bc220505a_1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's Texan Man, I think

I need a Vesper edit of this

>> No.41786815
File: 152 KB, 974x974, 1660247415984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ you guys are retarded

>> No.41786814
Quoted by: >>41788762

That's wrong and you fucking know it faggot

>> No.41786820

When the four boys were touted as being good friends when they debuted and now one of them just isn't being mentioned when the other three do shit, it just makes the whole illusion shatter. They were never friends, it was all just yet another corporate lie to sell people as a product.

>> No.41786826

Good God, thanks David. It's fine you tried.

>> No.41786834
Quoted by: >>41786887

Dr.Jeffery has the answers.

>> No.41786842
File: 807 KB, 480x360, 1667755334632.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This schizo arc is already entertaining

>> No.41786841

he reeeeeally knows how to milk people huh
god damn the man is more financially savvy than I realized
that black man got hustle

>> No.41786844

Sleepy nigga/awoken whitey

>> No.41786853
Quoted by: >>41786898

he already said that wasn't the case himself

>> No.41786855

my rrat is that he's a nigger/10

>> No.41786858

Ok. So what did he say?
I'm watching Betsy

>> No.41786859

What did you send?

>> No.41786872

He answered the leech allegations though. I feel bad, but not bad enough to change. Clearly he's not above answering shitposts.

>> No.41786885
Quoted by: >>41786942

it's a business

>> No.41786887

Someone here should DM him.

>> No.41786893

Rushia died and reincarnated into a black man, I can't believe it

>> No.41786898
Quoted by: >>41786987


>> No.41786900

literally nothing
he spent 90% of it thanking supas
the other 10% was him saying 'haha ya solo streams only for now'

>> No.41786908


I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed/10

>> No.41786911

nothing of value

>> No.41786914

Damn I just realized I missed a zatsu from leader, how was it?

>> No.41786922

idk guys it doesnt make any sense that someone who dedicated this much time and effort to manage the dnd sessions and who wanted to manage the zomboid server would just have "lied" all along, its too much effort in the past.

what if altare did something really bad and thats why this is happening?

>> No.41786923

altare btfo/10

>> No.41786927

oh kek

>> No.41786933

Jeff is my oshi.

>> No.41786935

no mentions is still weird

>> No.41786942

why are vesties so stupid? I almost feel bad

>> No.41786946

Holostars has other members than Vesper? Never knew...

>> No.41786959
Quoted by: >>41787075

Hey, at least the other 3 do still like each other, we just came of a very good off collab that proved that. Life happens and it sucks, but what can we do?

>> No.41786969
Quoted by: >>41787159

Leader's zatsu is always worth the watch if you want to keep up with what he's been doing. It's short and concise.

>> No.41786970

Welcome to real life, bitch

>> No.41786973

the altare/vesper war rrat has never been more alive
i cannot WAIT until he doesnt show and altare starts taking passive aggressive jabs again

>> No.41786976

Wait Leader wants to do a totsu now? That's great!

>> No.41786981
Quoted by: >>41787046

Altare isn't the one with the unspoken collab ban.

>> No.41786984
Quoted by: >>41787046

>what if altare did something really bad
Axel and Magni haven't abandoned Altare

>> No.41786987
Quoted by: >>41787283

he already tweeted anxiety hort makes him a shitty collab partner, if you take that excuse or not is up to you

>> No.41786990

Peppers are dead, he came back early from Japan, no collabs for a while, nothing about altares birthday, air fryer, uhhhhhhh, thanked superchats? Transformers fucking and anxiety, I think thats it

>> No.41787006

Can dramaniggers fuck off back to the Catalog now? You don't belong here.

>> No.41787008

this is the same guy who said he would happily DM the vanguard boys if they wanted to do their own campaign
his "social anxiety" towards them is a complete 180

>> No.41787016

i really believe that they were all good friends when they first debuted. something must have happened

>> No.41787020

Again, he planned to flake. The collab was going to be L4D. Axel announced earlier in the week it had to be changed to Pummel Party, because Vesper wouldn't be there. The "panic attack" didn't happen, he was never planning to play with VG.

>> No.41787023
Quoted by: >>41787095

>Pulling a Coco
Go back

>> No.41787026
Quoted by: >>41787041

Sooooo how many of these promises will be kept? I personally look forward to a year straight of consistent streaming right on schedule!

>> No.41787037

none of the others liked his tweet
none of the others welcomed him back
none of the others have even acknowledged him

and he to them

civil war

>> No.41787040
File: 7 KB, 362x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am willing to take one for the team, should I?

>> No.41787041

what promises did he make?

>> No.41787046

what if what altare did to vesper was so bad vesper doesnt wanna talk about it and is making himself out to be a bad guy because he doesnt wanna throw altare under the bus

>> No.41787066

the peppers are dead

>> No.41787069


>> No.41787070


>> No.41787072
Quoted by: >>41787232

>Guy who was suspended for anger issues and has ghosting problems
>Guy who still hangs around his he mates and is praised by everyone
Idk bro, seems the other way to me

>> No.41787073
Quoted by: >>41787232

why would he stop talking to everyone if he was just mad at altare? he either fucked up or management did

>> No.41787074

>blaming management for a shitty vtuber
Okay shrimp

>> No.41787075

>at least the other 3 do still like each other
Can you be sure? Can you actually be certain that they really do like each other? What happens when, say, Magni just stops collabing with the others and everyone just straight up refuses to mention him? Are you going to say "at least Altare and Axel still like each other. This is what I mean. This happening with Vesper puts those little cracks in everyone's stories.

>> No.41787079

He wasn't gone

>> No.41787095

What's wrong schizochama

>> No.41787096
Quoted by: >>41787154

Civil war...

>> No.41787106

donmai vestie

>> No.41787105

holy cope, you know this is the guy that got suspended for his temper right?

>> No.41787111
File: 637 KB, 2500x3220, Flwam0mXkAAwNdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41787112

I can see two of them having different ideas for what would be good group content, if things got ugly Vesper might have said "fuck this, I'm not doing a collab with you until you fix your attitude"

>> No.41787114

thanks for trying anyway david

>> No.41787125
Quoted by: >>41787161

Vesper took his meds. Now it's your turn vestie

>> No.41787132
Quoted by: >>41787298

Now Hermanito need to sing dir en grey for Pako.

>> No.41787135

The Vesties have declared independence.
Their sedition will not be forgotten.

>> No.41787148

Exactly. The common denominator is that Vesper is a fuck up. He should just be honest about it instead of ignoring shit.

>> No.41787152

Literally nothing, reatrdchamas here take everything like they were kids on stage 6 cancer taking a pinky promise from their childhood friend
He said he would stream a lot and that wanted to play roguelikes, maybe slay the spire or dwarf fortress

>> No.41787153
File: 759 KB, 760x839, 1590639302988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41787154

Feels like an all out war now

>> No.41787155

He promised to stream for one

>> No.41787157
Quoted by: >>41787347

>you fix your attitude
Why did Vesper get suspended again?

>> No.41787159
Quoted by: >>41787226

Any Vesper mention?

>> No.41787161

I will never take my meds

>> No.41787168

Why does vesper hate altare sisters?

>> No.41787189


Whose side are you on in the Tempus Civil War??

>> No.41787194

I still believe this rrat

>> No.41787199

The vesper altare fight rrat is so stupid.
all of the boys interact with altare
none of the boys interact with vesper. the fact that magni doesn't its the most damning since he supposedly loves him so much.
the only member who has done something so SHITTY he got suspended by cover.

but every Vestie thinks he's some sort of saint

>> No.41787217

He hates (you)

>> No.41787223
Quoted by: >>41787380


>> No.41787227

Because altventurer menheras can't survive without someone hating them

>> No.41787226


>> No.41787232

idk guys i'm just remembering a time when i was made out to be a bad guy because 1 person wanted to get me and then everyone turned on me because i never spoke up about the truth...

>> No.41787241

this. no one knows what's going on

>> No.41787242

Let this forever be etched on the Tempus record.

>> No.41787246
Quoted by: >>41787311

take your meds

>> No.41787253

Altare's, at least he's not a total bitch who can't address his genmates

>> No.41787257

he's psychoanalyzing pigeons...

>> No.41787259
File: 74 KB, 1080x724, Scrn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff on telly!

>> No.41787266
Quoted by: >>41787399

Damn, Flayon really thinking seriously about dating some birds

>> No.41787280

i still think the other 3 really like each other and magni still likes vesper.
no idea about vesper's feelings tho

>> No.41787283

Don't be so blinded, he is too ashamed to admit to getting in trouble again so he is hiding that he got a colab ban.

>> No.41787285

You guys are funny. This isn't as serious as you guys are making it out to be.
They're vtubers for god's sake.

>> No.41787288


>> No.41787296

the 9th member...

>> No.41787298

I'll take almost anything from their catalogue, Macabre to Uroboros is all great albums.

>> No.41787302

>the only member who has done something so SHITTY he got suspended by cover.
>We think shitting on management is bad now

>> No.41787305

Brotubers and boys' collabs. Without them, Vesper is just a random streamer, a mediocre one. How did it turn out so wrong...

>> No.41787311

Hurr vesties bad, hurr hurr altventurers bad. I bet this is a falsflag operation bij magmites.

>> No.41787320
Quoted by: >>41787382

Axel got drunk with Vesper last week and magni impromptu collabed with him twice, wtf are you talking about

>> No.41787322

Nowa smokes cannabis in Japan?

>> No.41787325

>Tempus The_Rapist

>> No.41787341
File: 143 KB, 1000x1000, FnW8SUpacAAfRqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bettel just JILLED someone

>> No.41787343


>> No.41787345

It's only a small faction of Vesties, don't toss all of them under the bus. They're not responsible for their oshi's actions.

>> No.41787347

That's what I'm saying retard, Vesper would be the one to act stubborn and stomp his feet until he got his way

>> No.41787349


this might honestly be my favourite tempus meme already

>> No.41787353


>> No.41787355

Betsy murdering people live

>> No.41787356 [DELETED] 
File: 430 KB, 1080x1200, d1rtyp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41787359

it was cute.

>> No.41787362
File: 449 KB, 2046x876, FnAwJLTakAESil7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much of a "war" when it's Vesper against Tempus.

>> No.41787373


>> No.41787380
File: 238 KB, 346x395, 1674278696094385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a desire to rape you while you are in the middle of screaming at your pc

>> No.41787382
Quoted by: >>41787582

both of those events predate his bullshit behavior you dumb nigger

>> No.41787385

Vesties doing mental gymnastics as to why management or Altare is the reason Vesper is being a lying bitch.
Yeah im really sure they are pulling a coco and its not that this middle aged menhera is unprofessional

>> No.41787386

Im more convinced that altare and vesper had a fight while magni and axel are keeping hush about the whole thing

>> No.41787395


>> No.41787397
File: 81 KB, 1221x954, 1660681322698088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate the catalogue

>> No.41787399
File: 110 KB, 848x640, 1673274633677496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hurts, bc they seemed like good friends. Magni's the only one who even acknowledges him, the rest is being silent.

And I appreciate him for it

>> No.41787401


>> No.41787408


>> No.41787409


>> No.41787410


>> No.41787411

Altare mentioned Vesper literally today during his zatsu, threadreader

>> No.41787413
Quoted by: >>41787519

For real, there could be literally nothing going on inside, and retards here would be talking about how magni is building a nuclear bomb because altare cummed on the inside of the comic he gifted him while watching axel fight yagoo over who would marry vesper

>> No.41787412

Altare is boring and only appealing when he is barely containing his yandere obsession with old men.

>> No.41787427

2/10 you really got me to check if I somehow missed altare’s birthday

>> No.41787438
File: 2.99 MB, 540x350, w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this timeline.

>> No.41787442

dude wtf is that

>> No.41787445

I'm glad he's back/10
Schizos will fuck off sooner or later, is not hard to comprehend what is going in the mind of someone autistic like vesper, and accusing him of being an egoistical self-centered liar that only cares about money is nothing but extremely melodramatic, the old man just wants to be left alone, he will collab when he gets back to his usual streaming pace and recharges his batteries, there is plenty of time to bond with the boys.

>> No.41787453

Shitposting aside Tempus without Nowa produces kino after kino these past few days.
Nowa out of Tempus is, in simple terms, a shit streamer.

>> No.41787454
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, FmzKuChWIAEWObO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you at least spoiler it?

>> No.41787456
Quoted by: >>41787535

how can we permaban an image here, just wondering

>> No.41787458

I still like all the boys, fuck this division shit,

>the only member who has done something so SHITTY he got suspended by cover.
With the competence level displayed by Cover's management I'm surprised more people haven't blown their tops.

>> No.41787464
File: 803 KB, 694x1062, magging out of respect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41787466

Shhh let them be schizos

>> No.41787478

How mentally ill do you have to be to draw something like this

>> No.41787479

abayoo anon o7

>> No.41787487
Quoted by: >>41787554

God damnit I missed a vesper twitter space?!

>> No.41787489

welcome to /vt/ where holostars gets only the most deranged of schizos

>> No.41787490

maybe he has a brain hemorrhage

>> No.41787492

Not sure why he can't even tell his mane-san to write something for him if he really can't do it himself. That's the absolute bare minimum for most people. That way at least there isn't hundreds of people confused and writing 'Vesper doko' in the chat.

>> No.41787494

finally a good fucking twitter space

>> No.41787506

I don't, either. I just want everyone to be friends and to have fun and all of us to just watch the boys do fun shit. We're supposed to NOT fucking be /hlgg/ for Christ sakes.

>> No.41787510

It was very good. He talked a lot about his goals and hanging out with Dez.

>> No.41787515
Quoted by: >>41787634

The point was that Nowa is avoiding talking about it or even acknowledging it.

>> No.41787519

would read tbdesu

>> No.41787530

Altare all the way

>> No.41787535

You can filter images with extentions

>> No.41787536

Thats an ugly drawing fr fr

>> No.41787543

Femanon is unhinged today...

>> No.41787544
File: 750 KB, 1125x1475, 2E965D35-6586-4087-8867-52DC65E0E64F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff has antis just like his client

>> No.41787545
Quoted by: >>41787608

>They're vtubers
they're idols faggot

>> No.41787554

I wouldn't say "missed", it's recorded and nothing of value was said anyhow.

>> No.41787557

Man, you guys were acting like he was drawn as an actual baby.

>> No.41787559

>i'm damaged good

>> No.41787560
File: 360 KB, 720x939, 1674652240407617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41787562
Quoted by: >>41787618

>people saying Vesper was the unity member
>it was Magni all along who was the glue

>> No.41787571
File: 1.46 MB, 5581x1200, 10cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41787695

>Flay thought he was damaged goods

>> No.41787575

We'll get through this

>> No.41787580

I'm saying if he didn't say anything about Altare's BD then I doubt he'll be there for his stream at all

>> No.41787582
Quoted by: >>41787776

No, they don’t. The supposed fight happened that same week, prior to that. At least pretend like you know what’s happening

>> No.41787588

Can catalog raiders fuck off already with their civil war.

>> No.41787596

LOL he talked about Vesper for a second
>I was in a space before I opened this one listening to a guy talk about his taste buds and how he prepares food and I was thinking I don't even know if I want to be a human being

>> No.41787602
Quoted by: >>41787828


>> No.41787604

better than vesper zatsu number92015

>> No.41787608

You must be new here

>> No.41787612

>Fruits and vegetables
lol, lmao even.

>> No.41787613

I can't believe people are believing rrats, don't you have anything better to do

>> No.41787616


>> No.41787617

>Is chicken fried rice healthy?

>> No.41787618

>the glove cloak were meant to hold them together

>> No.41787625

Vesper is the one to betray the guild and not dez

>> No.41787629
File: 38 KB, 112x112, 1674335117885405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to give him headpats...

>> No.41787633

>you should be executed8n

>> No.41787634
Quoted by: >>41787747

??????? I haven’t heard the other 7 boys talk about it today either???? What drugs are you on

>> No.41787639
File: 46 KB, 512x512, 1f4a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41787667

I hate this.

>> No.41787668
File: 100 KB, 542x314, hatemagmites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150 ips
god fucking dammit

>> No.41787669
File: 2.03 MB, 1193x1100, tempus civil war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to pick a side /MANS/

>> No.41787675
Quoted by: >>41787750

Flay, you're not wrong, just not in this specific instance...

>> No.41787676
File: 288 KB, 285x449, vespkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41787709

Holy shit really?

>> No.41787681


>> No.41787684

Ppl on 4chan board? On /VT/ out of all of them? Anything better to do? Anonchama...

>> No.41787689
Quoted by: >>41787828


>> No.41787695

Vesper on the left!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.41787701
File: 15 KB, 597x137, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41787705
Quoted by: >>41787733

>bettel read my comment and turned it into a bit

>> No.41787709
Quoted by: >>41787757

I promise you he said that, more or less word for word

>> No.41787710
Quoted by: >>41787828

holy fucking based

>> No.41787711
Quoted by: >>41787828


>> No.41787714


>> No.41787719

>calling viewers "andy's"

>> No.41787717


>> No.41787722

menhera foids forgot to watch their hallmark movies

>> No.41787729


>> No.41787731


>> No.41787732

Betsy schizo rn

>> No.41787733

How does it feel to be living my dream

>> No.41787747

The other 7 boys didn't get superchatted about it.

>> No.41787750

At least he suspects nanaki

>> No.41787756

i pick the back side, their posture game is shit

>> No.41787757

>Vesper giving a shrink existential dread
Amazing. Kino.

>> No.41787776

Akshually, both of those streams happened before the memory collab, when supposedly something happened before. Axel’s was at the beginning of that week and Magni’s was literally the night before the collab

>> No.41787791

I wonder what kinda tweets management will post for Vesper when he does a Gura move of forgeting twitter agian.
"Greetings Vesties, I am enjoying a cup of tea and working on lots of things behind the scenes. Glad to be a member of the guild Tempus"

>> No.41787792

Bettel probably listens to NL...

>> No.41787800
Quoted by: >>41787835

JWU what did I miss

>> No.41787802
Quoted by: >>41787823

no way this is real

>> No.41787815

Just checked and magni liked his return tweet

>> No.41787819

Both at the same time.

>> No.41787823

If this guy keeps his space up after it's over I will post it in the next thread to verify

>> No.41787826

>stops for cows

>> No.41787828
File: 52 KB, 265x246, 1668704483606176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WE hate orange people here now

>> No.41787829

Bettel loving cows is so cute

>> No.41787835
Quoted by: >>41787964

Schizoposting from a Twitter space

>> No.41787843


>> No.41787852

Betsy in a cowkini

>> No.41787857

Just checked and he didnt

>> No.41787858
File: 47 KB, 739x415, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41787926


>> No.41787863

This is a TEMPUS general, take it as you want.

>> No.41787864
File: 597 KB, 732x767, 1585771989435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone archive this shit, and let's hope some dedicated clipper will include this piece of lore into Vesper's saga for prosterity

>> No.41787866

what a fool tbf

>> No.41787870




>> No.41787872 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 225x225, jeffrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeffrey love!

>> No.41787884
Quoted by: >>41787909

an ikemen spy pigeon boyfriend...

>> No.41787891
Quoted by: >>41787925

At least 50% of the vtuber community watches NL

>> No.41787894
Quoted by: >>41787947

yeah, don't understand why people say he didn't like it lol.

>> No.41787909

Why is his BGM elevator music?

>> No.41787911

I ship Jeffrey and Nowa
He will make sure Nowa takes his daily dosage of medication and offer him free talk therapy

>> No.41787920
Quoted by: >>41787937

He hasn't?

>> No.41787925
Quoted by: >>41788154

What the fuck is NL?

>> No.41787926

Who is that guy with grey hair? the leaked vsinger?

>> No.41787932

scroll down anon

>> No.41787933
File: 111 KB, 750x630, 6C1669E7-6582-4B40-A8E4-460A4B1AA89E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41787937

He did.

>> No.41787943

Jef is a "He's like me fr fr" vesty

>> No.41787947
Quoted by: >>41788030

>153 ip
Geez I wonder why, it's not like we're being raided by catalog tourists!

>> No.41787954
File: 2.53 MB, 3456x1944, 1638448510271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love when rrats are killed
or at least in this case, mortally wounded

>> No.41787964

Just checked. 153 IPs, I'm going back to sleep.

>> No.41787974

seems like some anons are just lazy lol

>> No.41787983

people are surprised? this is the same nigga that said the only reason he's staying in Tempus is for his magmites and Vesper?

>> No.41787986
File: 27 KB, 649x638, 1577189025484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41787994
Quoted by: >>41788065



>> No.41788001
File: 176 KB, 545x480, 2780632C-6EF0-40D4-AB00-FAE5E7A7E79D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magni please, you have to move on...

>> No.41788019

the streaming monster of VG...

>> No.41788021

>vesper and magni vs altare and axel
presuming the vanguard boys stay neutral, what side wins?

>> No.41788020


>> No.41788030
Quoted by: >>41788071

tourists in our thread? even if there were, we wouldn't reply to them, right?

>> No.41788033

At least he's back home. Just take your meds and sleep, nigger.

>> No.41788041

The 9th member of Tempus

>> No.41788046

Thanks i didnt want to open twitter

>> No.41788053

So why are you retards keep entertaining the dramafaggots?

>> No.41788065

you'll never get catalogue fucks to apologize for anything
much less anything tempus related

>> No.41788066

I nominate Jeff as the spiritual healer and the 9th member of Tempus.

>> No.41788071

Yeah totally sis, we've never replied to bait before.

>> No.41788072
File: 302 KB, 750x730, 1674299879005106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry schizos, Vesper will say he's gonna stream Outer Wilds tomorrow, that's another chance to spam your supas about Altare's BD then. Have it be an akasupa too, I know at least one you fucks are NEETs with nothing to lose

>> No.41788073

Axel still likes vesper and Magni got over Altare pitching a fit like a baby live in the VG collab

>> No.41788074

A psychologist listening in on Vesper's twitter space for some reason

>> No.41788081

Who is the best member of VG

>> No.41788089

Is Flayon really going to stop streaming now just to start streaming again in one hour?

>> No.41788097

Axel will fuck these dudes

>> No.41788108

because mans and bait are a match made in heaven

>> No.41788124

Can I pick Axel and drop everyone else?

>> No.41788126
File: 200 KB, 480x480, 1667672462587284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i AM the dramafaggot entertaining myself

>> No.41788132

rrats are saying its Vespers shrink

>> No.41788154

nta, but it's Northernlion.

>> No.41788158

Bettel imho
t. Straight male

>> No.41788157
Quoted by: >>41788892

>cannabis can give you schizophrenia
>Vesper has schizophrenia
>Kronnie is a heavy cannabis user
they are

>> No.41788176

To the anons who stayed and watched Flay's stream, thank you. I hope you enjoyed this silly lil birb game and there is still much for Flay to find. It's one of my favorites and his playthrough so far is great. Do consider buying it if the story or lore has you interested, it's surprising how much it delivers.

>> No.41788178
Quoted by: >>41788250

Vesper is home, gonna rest up and get on his meds, and will interact with the birthday in some fashion. If not as a participant, as a call-in or at least a tweet or something. I guarantee it.

>> No.41788185

Flayon is really growing on me, he's cute and nice

>> No.41788186
Quoted by: >>41788235

bro i take a break for like 3 days and suddenly everyone is talking about jeff guterman???
can someone fill me in?

>> No.41788195

Omegas secret. He has the answer

>> No.41788202

Bettel's chat is a mix of Holobros, Nijisisters, Tempuras, and new people it's wild kek

>> No.41788229

I hate to say it but...
That's kinda based...

>> No.41788235

Scroll up nigga

>> No.41788247
File: 181 KB, 1171x1200, 1674015211679325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41788302

Don't let recent events distract you from the fact that this clown hates the differently abled

>> No.41788250
Quoted by: >>41788310

altare is not.doing call ins retard

>> No.41788261

Glad you had fun anon. Too bad Flayon suffers the same curse as Shinri when it comes to this thread.

>> No.41788271
Quoted by: >>41788383

Can I get a final update, did Vesper cut his plans on living in Japan for a half a year short and is back wherever he lived prior?

>> No.41788277

Don't forget who the real enemy are, /mans/. The same people as always, fucking catalogfags.

>> No.41788294
File: 332 KB, 1692x2048, IMG_20230109_015644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41788518

i watched all 3 parts. im gonna play it later. i love this cute boy...

>> No.41788296

>devs could've made a sequel or more games like it
>instead now they're making garbage in fall guys

>> No.41788302

Literally last night he confirmed he has APD

>> No.41788303

Vesper has mastered the art of ignoring things, he'll mentally filter out anything even remotely associated with The One He Hates Most

>> No.41788307

at first I thought Bettel, but his retardation filtered me so Hakka

>> No.41788309
Quoted by: >>41788443

Add this nigga to the power level tiers, pls

>> No.41788310


>> No.41788322
File: 25 KB, 591x313, Screenshot 2023-01-26 155846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If his past spaces are anything to go by Jeff will be talking for a while yet but the good news is he saves them. I promise you all that quote was real.

>> No.41788342
Quoted by: >>41788423

Dr. Jeff please fix potheads

Oh and Nowa too

>> No.41788348

Should I leave a comment about how many routes he has left before the true ending?

>> No.41788350


>> No.41788352

new thread better be a civil war edition

>> No.41788363

I actually liked the game so far but i tend to forget everything so fast...

>> No.41788368


>> No.41788374

I bet you anything Altare himself cares less about Vesper attending his birthday than some of you faggots do.

>> No.41788383

From his Twitter activities, yes he's back. That's the best news you can get.

>> No.41788389

I'm so sad fujoposting doesn't work anymore..

>> No.41788403
Quoted by: >>41788463


>> No.41788408
Quoted by: >>41788463


>> No.41788411

>telling me to kiss myself
how lewd of you anon

>> No.41788423
File: 94 KB, 1080x515, Screenshot_20230126_190006_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41788549

>fix potheads

>> No.41788429

Censored art gets you temp banned now

>> No.41788434

VG... unity... home

>> No.41788439
File: 303 KB, 610x669, almond20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41788541

Eh, I'll do some in your honour anon.

>> No.41788441


>> No.41788443

S tier at least

>> No.41788463

nice vpn samefag

>> No.41788467

yes please do.

>> No.41788468
Quoted by: >>41788512

>Hey Altare, I’m sorry but I can’t attend your birthday stream
>No worries dude, take care of yourself ok :3
Literally how that thing probably went

>> No.41788470

Make it yourself??
>summer in January

>> No.41788477

>Guy has like two bad weeks after MONTHS of hard work and unity
>Thread turns on him

>> No.41788486

he definitely doesn't really care but people want some type of proof that vesper does care so he has to get dragged into it

>> No.41788487
File: 499 KB, 549x610, vesper_laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41788490
File: 176 KB, 351x491, 1673667647526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41788501
Quoted by: >>41788612

>everyone I hate is samefagging

>> No.41788512

>actually think they talked to each other

>> No.41788518

That's great anon! I hope you enjoy it.

You can tell him next time he streams.

>> No.41788522


>> No.41788528


>> No.41788530

find bridge
jump off

>> No.41788532

Yes, I wuv Flay Flay

>> No.41788540
File: 683 KB, 2500x3000, kintama26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41788541

Thank you anon <3

>> No.41788549

Jokes aside some weed might improve Vesper's condition. It's worth a try.

>> No.41788550
File: 302 KB, 500x500, fish women farm me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41788959

Women are temperamental what can I say

>> No.41788558
Quoted by: >>41789230

Months of FAKE unity is worth nothing.

>> No.41788568

Vesper's, the one and only EN brotuber's.

>> No.41788580
File: 1010 KB, 1380x1350, 1673072757460288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41788592
File: 171 KB, 950x1310, 1644705743850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He forgot Phantom...

>> No.41788594

K y s

>> No.41788599
File: 383 KB, 1442x2048, almond30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41788603


>> No.41788612

>the exact same message sent three times within one minute
>totally all different anons
lmao you fucking gullible retard

>> No.41788613

This is what I've been saying...

>> No.41788623
Quoted by: >>41788690

>doesn't support his "bros"

>> No.41788627

Months of building his house of cards only to reason he doesn't give a fuck and he's out for himself.

>> No.41788632

he forgot his dog???

>> No.41788642
File: 654 KB, 688x688, 1673984204675242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41788643

I love this one, its so soft

>> No.41788650


>> No.41788651

Yeah this thread is full of womans, how did you know?

>> No.41788654

god I wish I was magni

>> No.41788653

kys takes less than half a second to type and parroting is fun

>> No.41788655
Quoted by: >>41788731

Just goes to show how you can't trust people, you give them the world and they'll abandon you anyway when you're in a bad streak.

>> No.41788663
Quoted by: >>41788773

I dunno anon, your brotuber seemed to like the coom in his burgers a bit too much

>> No.41788667

oh i havent seen this one. thanks anon

>> No.41788669
Quoted by: >>41788737

and now they're owned by epic so they're basically just on fall guys for the indefinite future

>> No.41788673
File: 315 KB, 864x958, kintama19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kintama Bros LOVE

>> No.41788672


>> No.41788674

maybe your just that hateable

>> No.41788690
Quoted by: >>41788782

They are actual fujo baiting faggots, they are not bros.

>> No.41788697

>need to bring his dog to the vet
>drives there and go inside, asks the vet about his appointment
>forgot his dog home
Bettel is a cryptid.

>> No.41788701
File: 317 KB, 604x674, MbN_GamesModThreeQuarter1110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41788737

Mediatonic only made the remake/port, the game was made by a Hato Moa and PigeoNation dojin circle.
Also I heard Murder by Numbers is pretty good. Hato did chara designs for it I think

>> No.41788703
Quoted by: >>41788747

Vesper? Ghosting
Altare? Seething.

>> No.41788714
File: 64 KB, 1080x1080, 1674506246762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almond love

>> No.41788715

ESL opinions don't matter.

>> No.41788716


>> No.41788721

Bettel 2 is the smart one, huh...

>> No.41788731

Literally every one of my experiences with women summed up here

>> No.41788736
File: 413 KB, 930x956, rest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kintama bros is next... i belieb

>> No.41788737

oh ignore me then

>> No.41788747

Axel? Fucking
Magni? Magging

>> No.41788762

Collab begging is cringe. Doesn't matter who you try to shill to the old man. Let him collab with whoever and whenever, the consequences are up to him whether they're good or bad. I won't lie though kind of bummed out not to see him in Pummel Party or the 6-month anniversary.

>> No.41788773

Sister I am not gonna pretend to know how you interract with your friends and what you talk about so please stop pretending to know what straight guys joke about.

>> No.41788782
Quoted by: >>41788831

Go back to /nowa/

>> No.41788790

Dude isnt anime supposed to be drama free......what made me come here..

>> No.41788791

Is axel still going to be in japan by march?

>> No.41788802
File: 320 KB, 2048x1442, almondpurple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41788826
Quoted by: >>41789128

>collab begging
>a literal 6 month anniversary of them even being a thing is somehow begging

>> No.41788831

I'm not using your bait thread

>> No.41788835


>> No.41788837
File: 128 KB, 264x261, 1656787572657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789087


>> No.41788839
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, 1648428275834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some collared Altare? I only have this saved.

>> No.41788838

so that's why he can't take his meds in japan

>> No.41788853
File: 27 KB, 1094x384, Screenshot 2023-01-26 190655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't the original poster, I just can't stand when some faggot thinks he can get away with obvious bait unlike you subhuman trash

>> No.41788858
Quoted by: >>41788939

how have i not seen this.... is it not on the art tags?

>> No.41788867

why would magni side with the flaker......
almond just got its legs again...and you betray him....like that.....

>> No.41788868
Quoted by: >>41788943

Is Hakka streaming right now?

>> No.41788871
Quoted by: >>41788974

Not just two BAD weeks, but two unbelievably-terrible-I've-literally-never-seen-anyone-more-menhera weeks.

>> No.41788882
Quoted by: >>41789128

>celebrating with his genmates is "begging"
Fuck off to your thread, Vestie. This is the Tempus thread.

>> No.41788885

>editors he hired
>out of his control
good one

>> No.41788892

made for each other

>> No.41788912
File: 442 KB, 3000x2000, 20221123_042721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41788990


here's the original anon

>> No.41788933
Quoted by: >>41789222

You're being a retard
Wanting Vesper to acknowledge his genmates, with the history they have, is completely different from redditors spamming that he should collab with Gura or whatever

>> No.41788939
Quoted by: >>41789076

A lot of Tempus art isn't tagged

>> No.41788943


>> No.41788959
Quoted by: >>41789027

shut the fuck up moid

>> No.41788968
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1674663962155582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789066

It didn't have to be this way. If all the other holomems weren't having such a good month, I don't think I would be able to bear the falling out of HQ. I'll still be praying for Vesper's return, but if things doesn't work out.

Well... it is what it is.

I'm glad the VG boys arrived just in time to keep positivity among Tempus. Hololive is healing, and I'm sure Tempus can too.

>> No.41788972

This proves that Vesper was better in bed

>> No.41788974
Quoted by: >>41789024

Rushia (no longer) exists

>> No.41788978


>> No.41788983

>why would magni side with the flaker......
Magni might not be around that long, his exit strategy is coming back...

>> No.41788990

Oh ToT ty!

>> No.41788997
Quoted by: >>41789192

Oh well, Vesper not acknowledging the other boys is kinda sad but I don’t really care about him being a solo streamer. I got used to him not being around already anyway.

>> No.41789025

Another exploitable pic

>> No.41789023

Why are you dramafags shitting the thread?

>> No.41789024

I unironically think Vesper is more menhera than Rushia.

>> No.41789027
Quoted by: >>41789428

You will never reach things on the top shelf or open jars.

>> No.41789040

>Tempus is his everything
>Focusing on his music career instead
Seems like Altare is a liar too?

>> No.41789053

JWU and yikes the thread is on fire. At least my hermanito is streaming now

>> No.41789066
File: 100 KB, 866x846, FjHuITbWQAIz16Z_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789101

This would have been a rougher week without priestess. Hope none of the drama affects VG.

>> No.41789076

>even has a hotpot art
was looking for one of those on the art tags..... shame they don't tag it

>> No.41789077
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1648139021758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41789078

I'm thinking the same..... he doesnt deserve it

>> No.41789086

Anon, Tempus is an idol group.

>> No.41789087
File: 164 KB, 325x411, 1669833741574960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41789096

To be fair he's on medication, while Rushia was just a woman.

>> No.41789101

Not as much as Nowa trying to kill them off will be.

>> No.41789107

It's the hottest drama beside /pcg/ getting kek'd, of course they'll be here

>> No.41789109
Quoted by: >>41789172

anon he already said him hakka and axel are going to cook something up, this deflection just doesn't work

>> No.41789112

I just found out that Bettel was responsible for one of my favorite Sea of Thieves videos and I love him even more because of that.

>> No.41789117

>music oriented menshi

>> No.41789118

You really don't remember rushia then

>> No.41789128
File: 2.12 MB, 600x600, 1674629045572657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that disappointed me. I would've given you a reason but your
>Lol lmao rumao
Is just you outing yourself as a catalogniggers
No. I've been here before the schizo split. Catalog is back that way tourist.

>> No.41789136
Quoted by: >>41789158

>gunpla building streams

>> No.41789143
File: 24 KB, 600x300, poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41789147
File: 106 KB, 785x920, altcollar3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789220


>> No.41789158

What we could've had with gramps and Axel...

>> No.41789168

omg cuteee

>> No.41789170
Quoted by: >>41789259

>le idol meme xd

>> No.41789172


>> No.41789176

Nowa said he was going to go to sleep, but his steam profile says he is playing breeders of the nephalem

>> No.41789191

When will /MANS/ heal?

>> No.41789192

Dont worry! He’ll continue to collab with Kronii though. He would never refuse a request from a senpai!

>> No.41789206

No, Tempus is an adventures guild

>> No.41789219

>Altare and Vesper's breakup has been so messy it's literally destroying Tempus
the poor new gen....

>> No.41789220


>> No.41789222

Collab begging and acknowledgement are different. They have been talking to each other behind the scenes and all of the boys bring his name up frequently. Stop dramafagging. I don't accept his "apology" either till he makes up for it

>> No.41789229

When the dramaniggers get a new toy

>> No.41789230

this is why 75% of divorces come from women btw, you have no soul

>> No.41789234

They need their (You)s, they've got families to feed

>> No.41789236
File: 34 KB, 300x274, 1673963303390809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789327


>> No.41789242

>166 IPs
nothing to see ehre

>> No.41789243
File: 1.12 MB, 1609x2048, altcollar2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789280

Here's another one

>> No.41789246

Whenever it starts healing something happens and open the injury again.

>> No.41789249
Quoted by: >>41789518

please, Flayon... just something else entirely

>> No.41789252

The rrats will shatter and fall apart at the first positive on-stream interaction between Vesper and the rest of HQ especially Altare, and the tourists will get bored and fuck off
I think this will be happening within the next week or two

>> No.41789259

Come back when you actually watch streams.

>> No.41789265


>> No.41789269

>unironically liking blue lock

>> No.41789280
Quoted by: >>41789385

FOOD. I've never seen this one..

>> No.41789281

Says the guy who travelled all the way to Japan to do a cover song

>> No.41789288

>he likes superpower oriented sports anime
Hermanito, no...

>> No.41789300

When Vesper finally graduates and Tempus becomes UNITY once more

>> No.41789304

once vesper graduates
his mere existence shell shocks this entire gen when they're reminded of him

he did a fucking 20 minute twitter space that was mostly thanking supas and this thread proceeded to completely implode

>> No.41789305

Just do machimechs or something

>> No.41789325

They want to be machitroons..

>> No.41789327

I'm in shock. I've loved this man for years and I didn't even know it.

>> No.41789341

Quick we need another Almond karaoke

>> No.41789356

Aaaaaaaand droped

>> No.41789366

They like to use this place as a battleground 24/7. And /nowa/schizos like to bite catalognigger bait

>> No.41789369
File: 165 KB, 1484x1069, 1657998838276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789401

Take me back

>> No.41789371
File: 645 KB, 1024x768, 1608429590910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41789383

I don't know if this means anything to anyone else, but he also used to do some wacky nonsense with Criken, Tomato, Bedbananas, and those nerds.

>> No.41789384

>I think this will be happening within the next week or two
Might want to listen to the space, threadreader. Vesper won't be collabing with the boys for months, if ever again.

>> No.41789385
File: 2.97 MB, 2897x3400, altcollar4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got quite a few from when one everyone shared them in a thread

>> No.41789397

>he likes to have fun

>> No.41789399

New rrat: the reason Vesper hates Altare is because Altare has more subscribers than him and Vesper is a massive numberfag.

>> No.41789401
Quoted by: >>41789447

This was 2 days ago

>> No.41789409
Quoted by: >>41789480


>> No.41789425
Quoted by: >>41789461

god no niggers made that about vesper too despite the songs being common picks for our resident sadboi

>> No.41789428
File: 20 KB, 683x527, bitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789542


>> No.41789429

>I think this will be happening within the next week or two


>> No.41789431
File: 50 KB, 624x680, 1644069976925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789528

When Axel slaps Magni's ass during off-collab drunk karaoke, completing the holy trinity of Magni ass-violation and creating harmony within TEMPUS for years to come

>> No.41789438

Once w*mans get eradicated and dramatards get something new to gnaw on

>> No.41789447
File: 782 KB, 1800x2761, 1646832771462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789552

And I want to go back

>> No.41789456

Would explain why he's only interested in leech collabs

>> No.41789459
File: 200 KB, 1136x1376, 20221108_004806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789509

same i saved some of them

>> No.41789461

It was all funposting autistchama

>> No.41789470

He's hispanic, what did you guys expect?

>> No.41789471
File: 1.11 MB, 2200x2200, altprisoner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41789509

This is a pretty popular one, but just in case you don't have it.

>> No.41789480
Quoted by: >>41789620

I'm so happy he's doing well in Tempus, holy shit. What a treasure.

>> No.41789482


>> No.41789483

they have to finish barbie girl this time

>> No.41789496
Quoted by: >>41789610

Why does Gavin mog the other Vanguard guys so hard?

>> No.41789504

What a riveting bus story

>> No.41789509
Quoted by: >>41789579

Thank you!! ToT

>> No.41789518
File: 270 KB, 428x412, 1673474733418885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, you will be a cute little feminine Machiroon and you WILL like it!

>> No.41789525

I wonder if Altare knew his silly bit was going to create such waves

>> No.41789527
Quoted by: >>41789596

If Magni himself doesnt care and still interact with him why would I care

>> No.41789528

The universe isn't balanced until magass has been clapped by all of HQ

>> No.41789535
File: 93 KB, 340x238, BasedJeff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41789542

That's right keep crying tiny

>> No.41789552

cute watch

>> No.41789554

Vesper’s next collab will be with Kronii

>> No.41789567


>> No.41789569

vesper cares about money and altare brings in the least money

>> No.41789577
File: 1019 KB, 1000x1000, Funnyman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then, when the passenger woke up, his SKELETON was missing and the driver was never heard from again! Hahahahaha!
Anyway, that's how I lost my bus license.

>> No.41789579
File: 433 KB, 900x900, Fdt8cMSagAAfdOa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41789591


>> No.41789596

Yeah basically where Magni goes I go, and I apply this principle in all areas of my life

>> No.41789595


>> No.41789610

He's literally just a guy

>> No.41789616

nice kek

>> No.41789620

This Vesper drama, while unfortunate, is really good for him because now the people who watch him truly love him and came from all over the place. No one is going to latch on him and give him stupid stamps like brotuber or homo streamer.
