Airplanes EditionLast thread: >>41680477 Schedule: >Regis Altare >Magni Dezmond >Axel Syrios >Noir Vesper >Gavis Bettel >Machina X Flayon >Banzoin Hakka >Josuiji Shinri >OP Template >Songs playlist
>>OP/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.>1. Why not merge with /stars/?Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?It is not of our concern.>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?It is not of our concern.>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?It is not of our concern.>5. Did you see what /hlgg/ is saying?Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.>7. Hey I bring news from Hololive/Nijisanji!Thine words do not belong in this temple.>8. You guys should split the thr-Thou shalt not.Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.
magmite hate
>>41687593Damn dude this is a blue board
Hermanito LOVE!!!!
Love Maguni
Regina sex
>>41687593>posting gorethe absolute state of this thread. someone stop this man.
>>OPA shame they didnt sing this
I love this birb so much
The playlist rrat…is it true?
>>41688088Yeah altare is pregante
Astel said that something is going on behind the scenes, a change for the whole company. He says that it might prevent him from doing his birthday stream how he wants. He said that if they go through with the changes he hopes they announce it. I wonder if that is related to Axel's "environmental changes"...
Almond Love!
>>41688217I was wondering the same thing when I saw a stars anon posting it... It would make a lot of sense desu
>>41688217they will be streaming mainly on twitch
>>41688263The only thing that makes me doubt that these things are related is that Astel was informed about that a day before the cr cup whereas Axel talked about it around a week earlier. But still would make sense if these were related.
>>41688217I’ve noticed the talents mentioning this again and again the past few months. It must be something company wide that would affect talent input and creativity.
>>41688217interesting, what stream was this?
>>41688536seems to be from the stream that is live right now. I took this from /stars/
>>41688088yes, but not intentionallyaltare just picked a playlist with "fitting songs"what was or wasn't fitting was based in his subconscious mind however, and his subconscious mind is in turmoil due to the conflict with vesper
I don't think I have ever seen a yumejo poster on /MANS/ for a long time. It's always fujos talking about gay sex.
>>41688217well this sounds concerning.
Tempus Love!I didn't even have to edit this
>>41688088What rrat?
>>41688658Can you be a platonic yumejo? I'd like to spoil hermanito with fish and retro games.
I'm now team Vesper full autism anxiety. He's in survival mode and that makes him ignore the boys.Axel and Altare menhera episodes are because of company changes. Projects getting canned or reworked.
>>41688658The yumejos have gone extinct. RIP!
>>41688658Where have you been? There are at least Altare and Magni yumes in every thread
>>41688725why didn't flayon show up...
>>41688758I didn't even realize Flayon was missing...
>>41688808he did show up in chat, but the artist missed him I guess
>>41688536His Subnautica Below Zero stream that turned into a zatsudan. Talk about the changes were in the last hour.
>>41688801Maybe they were hard to notice because of all the fujos.
I was filtered at first, but I guess Flayon is kinda cute. I wish he could read the room better in collabs though
>>41688658Vesyumes are the only ones notably missing
>>41688833oh really? i didn't even see him on the holodex chat
God I hope that Altare is filming himself 1st person POV style slamming into Magni's asshole to send to Axel. Teasing the dingo with what he can't have; Magni's salted fat tears, the pure sight of his lean back twisting and contorting, and the pathetic whimpers that whistle from his throat.Just- making sure to cum inside of him to give Axel a nice good long, hard, look at the white spilling from his hole and down his trembling thighs. Hooking his thumb on the rim to REALLY push the point across. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>41688775Same. I just hope that when he comes out of it, the boys will be understanding because I’ve had the same schizo behavior from the tism, lost all friends, and wouldn’t wish that on anyone
>>41688658we have so many altyumes... and recently magyumes and bettelyumes, wtfdym
>>41688598anon he has simg most of these songs before in karaoke or his guitar menshi streams
>>41688764no, you can't be a platonic yume
>>41688658Vesyume here. I’m just missing my husband…I want him to be happy and with his friends again.
>>41688955Uoohhh ToT One day Axel I believe, you get the ass you have been dreaming off!
Any of the boys into farts just asking haha
>>41688764no you're just parasocial
>>41689089I don't know if he is into it, but leader does make a lot of jokes about that...
>>41688939i'm still here just lurking and waiting for grampire for updates.t. poorfag vesttelhead
>>41688764I think so? That one annual yumejo poll on Twitter listed a girl wanting to be friends with Salami and have karaokes after school together
>>41689096Axel knotting Altare while Altare is balls deep in Magni TwT Leader getting oversensitive after he comes multiple times like this, leaving Axel to fill Magni already overflowing hole with more!
>>41689134The fact that he didn't make ONE during the Beyblade stream makes me think Magni had a talk with him, in which case I kneel to Magni.Those jokes are the only ones of his that I can't stand
>>41688725The artist has a beef with flay.....
>>41689248I doubt that
I want to kiss Bettel’s forehead. I want to make him a nutritious meal and feed it to him. I want to give him a massage after a long day of streaming. I want to stroke his back as he falls asleep in my arms. I want to take care of Bettel so that he has a good life!
holy shit the last few songs of the karaoke were actually so kino
>>41688955Love a toxic Leader
>>41688764No, you are just a fan kek
JWU, how was the karaoke, really?
>>41689883It was the straightest thing I've ever watched.
>>41689927Anon, thats a girlI cant see any outline on that skintight suit that even remotely looks like a cock
>>41689023>>41689174fuck off >>>/vt/vesper
It's been so long since the last Kintama bro collab, they are so fun together I wish for more every day...
>>41688983he is drawn towards melancholy songs which is why he had sung them beforebut because he is drawn to these songs he was all the more susceptible to putting them on the playlist when thinking about vesperit's like it's second nature to him
>>41689883Highest KINO of KINO
>>41689883almond sex
>>41690026there's a cup at the crotch area, duh
Hello /MANS/, the Survival Squad just released a song cover if you'd like to listen since it's dead hours.
>>41689883Almost perfect. They really should've finished Barbie Girl...
>41690053go back to discord you will never have the (You)s
>>41690269>we are!What, gay?
>>41689927do you rike chromatic aberration
>>41690346rumao rumao what the fuck
No gofile for the karaoke?
>>41690346i am confusion how am i supposed to feel kek
>>41690346Dont know much about furen other that she is a cute retard, guess it was true all along
>>41690053Every thread. Kys
>>41690346fucking kek. no one's gonna tell her?
Why are women like this?
>>41690069i wonder what kind of games could they play together. what games would both of them be interested in and have fun together
>>41690346what, how??
>>41690346Dunno who that is but coolio
>>41690346my fucking sides
>>41690346Wtf how
>>41690716Portal was really good, even if it was very heavy on their brains. Honestly would love to see them play battleblock theater or something akin to that or even something cute like unravel 2
>>41690647Thriving, there's no way they'd even interact outside of twitter
i'd give this man the sloppiest wettest leg trembling hands desperately grabbing the sheets legs stretching out again and again waist slowly moving up and down small heavy breath "i can't take it much longer" breaths getting quicker twitching throbbing eyes shut lip biting back arching edging begging for relief warm hot rush bubbling up spit upon spot tongue twisting around tip-tapping against mouth sideways licking spit from the end and lick from the bottom to the top then spit from the top and lick to the bottom deepthroating mascara dripping down my face slower then faster then a little faster then perfect pace twisting mouth around each side spiritually enlightening chakra balancing golden light like a halo around the tip noise from the very edge of his throat for the final release head
Is Nowa streaming today?
>>41691125confirmed in membership? istg if he keeps hiding updates behind the paywall after promising to communicating more...
I miss being groomed by an autistic anxiety ridden helpless ojisan.
>>41691337t. Altare
ngl I wasn't expecting much from the almond karaoke since Altare was sober but it's up there with my favorite Tempus streams
>>41690346She's just retarded so she probably did it accidentally.Spam in chat to tell her and she'll change.
>>41691880>Spam in chatDon't actually do this
>>41691880Bettelsisters are the most sanest mans posters
>>41691939>>41691983She's using other people's fanart without permission and it'll be problematic for both sides if she doesn't know. Just say hey Furen you've used the wrong fanart and it's a nothingburger.
I need to see all 200+ messages that Bettel sent during the karaoke
>>41691880some JPniki did already, so doesn't need
Would you kiss the cute Holostars pilot if you had the chance?
>>41692216I would punch him once, just once. Then i am satisfied
>>41692216Headpats only!
>>41691434What about omega?
>>41692092just go to holodex
ohayou /MANS/!hope ya'll are doing your playlist reps
>>41692736I will like to feed you peanut butter
Almond karaoke VOD link doko?
>>41688658You scared them off.
>>41693040thank god
>>41689226Magnuni and Axel overstimulating Leader to the point of tears ToT
>>41689927Man I wonder where that artists gets that texture from? Seems good to use on suits.
Deadhours, share your favorite Almond fics/ art plz because I desperately need more after that collab. I'll start: One of the rare ones with them switching, also buntare cute
>>41693247The karaoke fucked me up and I've been binging almond fics since. one is short and not sweet. It isn't my favorite but I like it a lot and it inspired to sketch instead of sleep...
>>41692823ryona your clown, coward.
>>41693547chained Altare ToT
>>41693628I have this headcanon that magmites has disproportionately size dicks, kinda like turtles.
Any updates on Vesper? Read somewhere a couple threads back that he'll be streaming this Wednesday.
>>41693547ToT Holy shit drawanon thank you so much for sharing chained Altare drooling is too hot
>>41693277This but unironically. I'd make him unable to get away from me without cutting his dick off.
>>41693547man it must be a great feeling when someone is inspired to draw because of something you wrote
>>41693712magnis cookies were to scale
>>41693247I'm okay with switch but I hate it when they do both in one go
>>41693628imagine a magmite with udders
The entire board is spamming my female oshi with false allegations. I need something to take my mind off it. I like a good Vesper stream.Has he streamed anything cool lately?
been vibing with loud leader latelyGET MAGGED>long>short THE FUCK UP >long>short
>>41694905the izakaya stream with axel is good
>>41694964>his mouth is so wide *mag gasp* open *mag gasp* drool coming *mag gasp* out *mag gasp*hot
>>41694964>WAKE THE FUCK UPAaaah based thank you ToT
why does this always happen when shinri is about to stream...
>>41687669you can keep your glasses off my friend.
>>41694964He's hot when he's loud.
>>41695077If this is actually how he's feeling, he needs to go back asap and get back on his meds. I honestly don't want to see him have a mental breakdown, as disappointed as I am at the moment.
>>41693789Looks like it will be Thursday for a stream
>>41688955Not like Axel would care. He's straight. So he's probably more pissed if Altare sent a vid of him fucking Zeta or Nodokek or something
>>41695077I'm glad he finally clearly addressed it.Doing so earlier would've been for the best, but can't change that now so better late than never.
>>41695077He's trying but what a shite tweet, feels like when I take two hours to write an email and then I just write some terrible garbage instead and I stress out until I run out of time and then go "well it is what it is gotta send this now" and send the worst email ever written which just makes me more stressed
>>41690053kill yourself
>>41695077did this little girl man up and went to meet axel?
>>41695077it's so sad seeing him like this. nowa...
Yagoo should stop hiring menheras
>>41695244Probably not
>old autistic man in a country he's never been in with social standards he's never fully experienced and a language he can't speak>for a month>workplace also has a bunch of new people he doesn't know well after having spent months getting to know everyone elsei mean, i get where he's coming from at least
So mo steam since Sunday and no stream until Friday?
>>41695219it's almost like he's not faking his severe anxiety/vt/ sisters what are we gonna do??
>>41695077Better late than never I guess,,,but feels like too little too late to meHe really needs to leave Japan asap
Hello yes I'm not suspicious, I just want to know, are Axel and Bossy finally having sex?
It's so weird that he's not saying anything about the half anniversary.
>>41695318>he's never been inexcept he has
>shark posted about coming back >nowa oji posted about coming backTHEY ARE
>>41695318>He's been to Japan before>He decided how long he wanted to be there>He knows Axel but refuses to meet with him
>>41695338t. Ame
>>41695077Why go to japan then...
>>41695342he implicitly did by saying he wouldn't be a good collab partner
>>41695342His social anxiety was too hard to be a competent collab parter with Alex, Magni and Altare but not Mori and Kronii
>>41695244No, he's probably shackled by management to finish his part of the song project until he can go back home/start collabs again
>>41695077nowa oji... feel better gramps...
>>41693247thank you
>>41695338we all want to know, Ame
>>41695077he should just go home
>>41695388Because retardation
>>41695077What a load of bull, he had no issue collabing with Mori & Kronii about a week ago.
>>41695395magni was at that collab too
>>41695151Cool, thanks.
>>41695395>Alexgo back
>>41695454And their ccv was wah higher
>>41695388He's on missionary duty for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintsno idea, probably wanted to potentialize his career and start making sings reps and connections
I don't care how bad your anxiety is, you can acknowledge the work your friends are doing with a post or even a retweet. The radio silence he has had around Tempus and lack of communication with viewers are issues here.
>>41695458Then Vesper only feels comfortable with Magni. RIP Axel.
>>41695322He ate burgers on sunday. Tomorrow for him is wednesday night. So should be a stream thursday. It's 1 day off his normal schedule.
>>41695395>AlexWe have a holostar named Alex?
>>41695501nah i get the same kind of hangups sometimes with my own friends, he's more afraid of confrontation than he is of the consequences for not owning up and taking responsibility
>>41695538>Tomorrow for him is wednesday night>00:15 JSTWednesday night just ended for him.
>>41695569What a terrible career he has chosen then.
>>41695501I wonder if it caused so much anxiety to simply press that retweet button...
>>41695198I feel so bad for him but also the other boys, he won't be there for Altare's birthday poker.. But this should at least put some rrats to rest, everything is fine between the boys and the management. Hope Nowa is able to calm himself down
>>41695501he couldn't watch their stream when he was suspended because of feeling guilty. surely now too.
>>41695395maybe he was just having a not-off day on the day of the monopoly collab
>>41695576I think anon means that what's tomorrow for him is later tonight (Wednesday) for the majority in this thread.
He doesn't need to collab to meet Axel. They can just get some food or something and never mention it on stream.
Vesper strikes me as the kind of dude who leaves the "do not disturb" sign on his door permanently at hotels, imagine how gross his room was by the time he left
>>41694964Thank you! I was just thinking I wanted the wake up bit as an mp3
Holy shit. Axel... Well, I just hope nowa gets better.
>>41695569Damn, Vesties are gonna cuddle him even harder now lol
>>41695501doesnt management have access to their accounts? genuinely surprised that they didnt force him to rt the anniversary merch post at the very minimum or step up and do it themselves on his behalf
>>41695638It's not about even watching, just acknowledging man
This man's refusal to exist on the first two days of the week is both impressive and extremely worrying for his future.
I'm so afraid of seeing anything about Vesper atm, can someone here kindly tell me once he's back to his normal self?
And Vesper won't be able to attend Altare's birthday? This is the darkest arc.
if only vesper took a second to research his medsfeels bad for axel to have this opportunity to meet up with vesper only for him to not take his important meds with him...
>>41695493Does he really need to go all the way to Japan just to record some cover songs. Just ask Altare or Magni's connections bruh. And it would have been way easier for him too since they actually speak the same language.
>Not meeting Pops = Meeting Everyone elseI mean, it's a fair trade but still... A drink would've been nice.
>>41695781pretty sure recording covers are not the only reason why he traveled to japan. he mentioned a to do list
>>41695770>can research about tax laws of another land>can't look up whether he is allowed to bring his meds to japan
>can do girl collab perfectly fine>can't celebrate anniversary with his closest bros>his excuse is that being away from home gave him social anxietythis nigga lying harder than gura
>>41695793Face it Axel, you would off-kilter him so hard you bogan ikeman idiot
>>41695770Basically this. As someone who relies on meds, that's the #1 thing you should prioritize...
>>41695777oh mag looks good with the low pony
I am surprised that Axelots dont hate this guy, all he has done is have Axels hopes up on meeting one of the boys after being alone for months, then let Axel plan for L4D then bailed, then left Axel alone for 6th month anniv while he saw Altare and Magni have fun bonding....He has yet to meet Axel by the way and will probably never will
>>41695657You know Axel would definitely mention eating out with Vesper.
>Participate the 1st Full Tempus CollabFailed>Participate/Acknowledge the 6th month AnniversaryFailed>Participate/Acknowledge Altare's birthday streamPending...
>>41695871fucking DON'T
>>41695750He's blamed even on Twitter. I guess he didn't see twitter timeline while he posted these tweets.
>>41695219god nothing will ever please you people kek
>>41695902It's a little iffy to overlook this one anon.
>>41695867yeah as someone who relies on meds that are illegal in many countries, i'm surprised he'd just assume that they were? most anxiety meds are not controlled substances in the states
>>41695869I do, but what's the point of saying anything. I rather just continue supporting Axel and be happy with him.
>>41695870Not if asked to not tell. I really doubt Axel would squeal if his vriend who is in the dumps asked him to.
It’s so fucking plain as day JP corpo has EN supervising this old man until he finishes his idol cover. Doesn’t even take a 5head to see the clear writings on the wall
>>41695979Please learn english before spinning rrats, thanks
>>41695395>alexat least read the OP before doing some tourism jesas
>>41695077I'm glad he's finally communicating, that's a good first step. Now he needs to go back asap to take his medication.
>>41695869I don't hate him, but I'm fucking disappointed and will probably never watch any of his solo streams again.
>>41695902We're approaching 3 digit IPs and there's no EN streamers up you know it's fucking doomed for this thread lol
>>41695979When in doubt push all the blame to the JP side even though they have nothing to do with it. Make sure Vesper is free from any blame.
Shinri streaming curse...
>>41696003You’re the retarded ape mentioned in my post
>>41695979At some point you have to stop blaming management and realize he's a fucking manchild.
>>41695001okey ty
Shinri... the thread won't talk about you again... Onegai...
>>41695869An axolotl had a meltdown on twitter
>>41696034yeah... it's always at this time...
>>41695869I don't hate him, I just don't understand why he ignores the boys' existence and I'd like an explanation one day. So he didn't feel like collabing, that's fine I guess but at least tell people to support the lonely dingo.
>>41696084>"Now, that I fixed the problem.">"Time to see of Kronii is available for February."
>>41696032>>41696050What sort of wizard wants to play Purpurin Magical Girl in Nihongo. This all feels like a fucking chore just reading.
>>41695850>>41695867and even if he did research, if he is staying in japan for longer than 2 months, apparently he would have needed a special certificate for import. So basically if he knew he needed to travel to japan in advance and has important meds, he honestly should have taken his time to make sure his meds are ok to take with him. It's baffling that he believed he could make it without his meds if he is struggling this much.
he's not going to play poker
>>41695869The person who wrote "the list" is an axelotl, anon. And there's more axelotls thanking them anonymously.
>>41695077If he dares somehow collabing with the girls next I'm gonna fucking explode
how hard is it to lose your virginity in japan?we all know he went there for this particular motivejust do the deed and your "mental illness" will go away vesper
>>41695077You never had to be in any of the collabs, you fucking dumbass old man, you just had TO SAY IT IN ADVANCE. Say "I won't be able to be in the collab(s) for personal reasons but happy 6 months anniversary to Tempus", that's all it would have taken. God dammit, dude.
>>41696106Probably trying to bury his head in the sand, possibly using alcohol to cope too. Guy's a mess.
>>41696106Have you ever felt anexity over social interaction anon? It happens to me often, I can't even use the phone to order Pizza and when I try to my chest feels heavy and I feel like killing myselfThat's how Vesper must feel right now
>>41695869I hate him
>>41696150he could even ask his manager/company for help. im sure he's not the first as most vtubers have anxiety.
>>41695077Why is he in Japan for this long anyways? Does he have family there?
/MANS/ Take me back to last night...
>>41695869I don't hate him, just baffled by his decisions and I feel really sad for aniki.
>>41696206God that sounds pathetic
>>41696206That's such an easy excuse anon.
>>41696192kek, just meet up with Axel and have sex like Almond
>>41696106maybe he thought that him saying anything about the half anniv would just invite a lot more questions about his absence further spiking his anxiety.
>>41696206How old are you
>>41696206you can order online beta bitch
Shinri Visage in 30mins
>>41696206I have severe social anxiety as well, ordering food and making appointments can be impossible but I've never ignored a friend when it mattered to them even at the cost of my mental clarity.
>>41696150>>41696212Too many fucking holes. It feels like anxiety is just a cover up.
Only thing I can hope is Vesper's viewership drop, since he is obsessed with numbers maybe then he will "care enough to change behavior"...
>>41696293Is this a 1st experience or a "1st experience"?
>>41696293Not now
Why did Vesper even go to Japan? Especially right after a two week vacation with his family? It just makes no sense.
He still hasn't even acknowledged the six month anniversary or at least left a message saying thank you to his fans.
>>41696265That's just a hit he'd have to take, mental illness is not an excuse to be a shitty friend and coworker.
>>41696316Most of Vesper's viewers don't even watch the other boys and openly shit on them. Good luck with that pipe dream kek.
>>41696316>Only thing I can hope is Vesper's viewership dropNope. Not gonna happen. Vesties will support Vesper no matter what. It's not even a problem in their eyes.
Has Ina ever commented about the Bad End Night cover?
>>41696333Tourist purposes but then management hunted him down with a tranq rifle and pulled him into the recording studio
Oh boy I sure hope fujos won't star talking about how Leader probably didn't let Magni to go to bathroom after one of the streams and made him soil himself
>>4169626629>>41696240>>41696256I thought people here would understand, I have been on this forsaken website for 15 years for this reason. I can't even handle social media, /jp/ and /a/ agrees with me>>41696276That's what I do and never look at the delivery boy in the eyes
>>41696206NTA but I get more anxiety when I try shrinking away from responsibility and troubling others. I will rather bite the bullet than to go AWOL and troubling the whole group.
>>41696321I'm not a doxxfag so I don't know. Not that it matters to me anyway.
>>41696333His suspension and vacation created a backlog.
>>41696360Yea, after she came back
>>41696360I'm pretty sure she did. I remember some info coming from her that the cover was originally her idea but Axel offered to take over when she got sick or whatever.
>>41696336 i agree with that, just saying i can see that being his own line of thinking
>>41696360She said like two sentences about it in her comeback stream but she's talked about it less than Kiara did
>>41693547I love Altare bottoming because he'd definitely never stop resisting
>>41696360Yes as soon as she got back from her break
>>41696360Barely, people brought it up in chat in her return stream and she acknowledged it but seemed pretty eager to change the subject
*Cover Corp*Vesper: …. What’re you in for?Gura: Head hurty Vesper: same dude same
>>41696399Maybe just stay there anon.
>>41696430They're fucking for sure
>>41696381sorry but i'm not into piss or scat but hopefully other fujos will take this up
>>41696381should i post the ABDL Magni? jk, fujoposting doesn't work.
>>41696381ELABORATE ToT
>>41696333rrat is that it's for 3D model debuts in the summer, he himself has said that he's currently getting help for a music projectthings being related to a music project would explain Axel's lack of fucks to give about meeting Vesper irl as well
>>41696399Oh pal I understand alright but I still think it's pathetic
>>41696408Fair enough. Time to watch a grown ass man get surprised... again...
>>41696477>Axel's lack of fucksDo you even watch Axel
>>41696293Why did Shinri have to be a horror streamer
>>41696465Actually please do, the reaction last time was priceless
>>41696206I imagine you wouldn't decide to become an internet streamer as your profession, right? That's something a person with crippling social anxiety would typically avoid. Much less one that specializes in chatting and collabs.
>>41696381Fujos and fundans - including some well adjusted yumes, don’t even fuck with that cum diaper shit. There is a fetish fag in /MANS/ and they need to fuck off.
>>41694964i want to make WAKE THE FUCK UP into a soundpost, what should i pair it with?
My neurons activate so hard whenever Magni goes ‘get your hands off me’ or ‘don’t touch me’ in the offcollab… He’s a slutty minx who will tease you endlessly but go ‘Ah-ah, hands off the merchandise’, I need Altare to catch him off guard and grope his ass, making him gasp lewdly and squirm to get away though his body actually loves the touch…
How do I filter all fujo/yumeposting
Almond twitterspace onegai
>>41696587You go to /nowa/
>>41696587Closing out of the thread, usually.
>>41696587by kys
>>41695077>>41695077He collabs with Mori and Kronii on the same week he doesn't show up for the full Tempus Collab, doesn't sound apologetic in his next solo stream, and doesn't even announces he will be missing on the half-anniversary. I'm not buying this. I hope he gets better but holy shit sending a tweet before the shitstorm was easy.
It's really hard to believe him after what's happened all this time. It just feels like a flimsy excuse. I wish he'd go the fuck home instead of all this shit. I don't even see the point of him doing all this recording shit in Japan when literally everyone else usually does it in their own home.
>>41696601You make a strong case for split threads
>>41696561you dont need to call out magni like that, he's part of /mans/
>>41696598almond SLEEPY, JUST WOKE UP, twitter space onegai ToT
>>41696570someone link the clip of vesper touching magni’s ass
>>41696587They usually shit those out in spoilers so I'm thankful for that
for every unprofessional and wrong thing>oh, he has anxiety leave him alonedidnt know Vesties are the snowflakes of the internet
>"I did nothing wrong"
>>41696570magni is basically this guy
>>41696106Vesper probably doesnt want to involve his coworkers into his internal problems. if something goes wrong it could really ruin their relationship, so i get not wanting to talk with the other Tempus boys for it. but on the other hand, trying to deal with it alone won't get him anywhere. I wish him best of luck, hope he can get over it soon.
>>41696695i cant stop looking at that dumpy
>>41696695Anon... why do you have this in your memory?
>>41696587Go to another thread about female vtubers.
>>41696732He's part of a group. His internal problems are automatically their problems too.
>>41696764no.. don't do it
>>41696764women were a mistake
>>41696764was pretty hot ngl im not ashamed to admit it fired some neurons
>>41696587Don’t come /here/ during dead hours. Most of them spoiler shit during stream hours.
>>41696764You got 15 minutes sister then it's not off-hours anymore.
>>41696764Please.... spare us
>>41696764I only saw that picture for a spilt second and yet I hate it with all my being
You know what? If Vesper sweeps this under the rug, I'll respect him even more but won't see him as lovable dork as I used to.
>>41696764this is completely magni's fault
>>41696764i’m going to kinkshame magni for this
>>41696764The reactions this picture draws really makes myday
>>41696800if that pic fired any neurons, you're a pedophile, male or female is irrelevant
vesper just doing some gig with 2b, dont you worry vesties
>>41696857why would u respect him more for ignoring all the trouble hes caused, vesties baffle me
>>41696764was it a menshi stream where he drew himself as a baby?
Vesper, disappointing, yeah, he's going through some stuff, I'll cut him some slack for now, until he addresses it properly. Almond, on the other hand, hell no. They sung for 6 hours? And only shared 2 with us? They gave us 1/3 of what we were owed and flaunted it on twitter. Pretty unacceptable. Don't know why we aren't talking about this. I wish there was a vod for me to leave a very long comment on.
>>41695501I'm tired already of this bullshit filling the threads, man. May Nowa fix his stuff before it hurts him further, last night made it clear we'll be alright whatever happens so I have no desire to shit on the dude.
>>41696764why did i have to see this again
>>41696930Because he got away with it and to me, that's impressive.
>>41695767It’s really sad, but at least him acknowledging the collab thing can put to rest the rrat that he is being bullied out by Altare (at least for rational people)
>>41695077This is 100% managerspeak, Vesper himself doesn't care at all.
>>41696950Good thing it was unarchived.
>>41696950true, this is the biggest issue here and it's being swept under the rug
>>41696512what should he have been? he always asks for comments on vod so tell him.
Kek I'm laughing so hard reading all of Bettel's comments during the Almond collab. He almost sounds like he was chatting in the wrong account.
>>41696988Maybe they wanted to fuck while singing
>>41696950Same discmite. They should see psych.
>>41696950can't believe they got away with this because of Nowa drama. I wonder if they orchestrated it all for this very purpose.
>>41697025he and magni were both so wasted. it was cute
>>41697072Magni Bettel drinking stream when ToT
>>41696945I don’t remember, but he drew himself as a baby in one of his public art streams…
>>41696950You are speaking the truth brother, I'm so disappointed that they would tease us like that, they were having fun singing their hearts out and we missed out on probably the best bits
Can the americans stop being such whiny crybabies Shinri in 5
Vesper was at the Monopoly collab because it wasn't an off-collab and his nigga Magny was there.That's all.
Astel is finally collabing with Towa
holy touristchama
I won't lie, I watch Vesper the least out of HQ, mostly because I like the others' content more and not because I don't like him. But I don't think I could ever give up on him, he's a little too much like me, and if people who have supported me till now hadn't supported me when I was at my lowest point, I don't think I'd still be alive right now. I hope he books a flight back home as soon as he can, and take his meds if they can help alleviate his issues. I hope he communicates properly with the other boys and those around me when he can muster up the courage to, and I hope he can do that soon. I think the boys are understanding but there's always a limit to someone's patience. I've lost friends and a job because I've been like that and the former still racks me up with guilt at times because of all the trouble I caused them. This is on him, to fix or avoid, if management isn't the one behind all this of course.Man I hope Shinri can help me take my mind off of things, ever since this situation happened, many painful memories have resurfaced. I probably need to take a break from here too, specially catalog. Legitimate criticisms are one thing but people just like kicking someone when they're down, don't they? Also, visited the split, I hope to God that most vesties don't shit on other boys like they like doing there. But then again looking at the stuff they post, most just look like baits.
>>41697040That's a possibility. But they already did it after the cooking stream. They were on the couch resting and catching their breath.
>>41697108hes also done that weird baby voice multiple times
>>41697003I'm not going to tell him to stop streaming a genre he clearly loves because I'm too much of a pussy to watch it. Besides, it's a roulette on when I can watch his game streams since I'm off random days.
>>41697200Altare was getting pretty touchy though... he wanted more of that Magni dumpy
>>41697245understandable... hope someday axel gets to experience handling the magass too
Magni did right by him
>>41697245He wanted seconds but Magni only does it once per visit. He has to clean up every time.
>>41696950I'm just angry at the copyright mouse, Altare's voice suits Disney songs and Magni is a full-on performer, we would've gotten even more kino this day but fücking hell
>>41696950this... has to be a shitpost right?
>>41697282Princely Mag!Almond got each other the best birthday presents
>>41697338of course it is.
>>41697275My boy deserves to witness the legendary booty with his own eyes and hands. Never stop dreaming Axel o7
>>41697332Stars will always be on topic, no matter what some american incel says
>>41697338lmao anon
>>41697108Magni every time he brings up Fern Gully unprompted
>>41697338It's obviously funposting, anon.
>>416973554bsabsABSA B S!!!!
>>41697332JPStars is welcome here, don't worry it's not /nowa/ material.
time to take your meds schizos
>>41697410>>41697376towa is a star?
>>41697288Quick Q before shinri's stream starts who's the strongest Holopro Apex player purely off of ranking? Do we have any Apex Predators?
>>41697332stars is on topic during dead hours
>>41697442Astel is one, now stop posting
>>41697453That’s a newfag cope that only newfags are repeating
>>41697453that's some weird rules some random dudes came up with
ive never watched bleach so i dont know what he means
>>41697586That fat koi? Me.
I got Vesper pregnant that's why he can't take his meds right now and is more schizo than usual sorry. He will be taking a 9 month break soon
>>41695198>>41695077Wait. Is he back home or back in his hotel?
>>41697448I'd say Botan, but currently the strongest holos are Astel and Aqua
>>41697605wtf I dont remember writing this
Shinri's fav Bleach char
Shinri, you literally trigger warn every time you stream a horror game, you might as well just tell the trigger easy americans to just not watch your horror streams entirely
>>41697633That checks out
>>41697644That will never happen, he's too nice.
>>41696113meds are cheap in japan
>>41697519>>41697535i hate hlgfags so much its unreal
Is this the game Leader wanted people to play?
what are the chances of almond zatsudan?
>>41697753>New IP>bait posthmm
>>41697644caught 4k
>>416977910, they stayed up all night singing and Magni got fucked up on three sips of alcohol.
Good game to start the day kek
I don't think I've ever paid attention to this game before, that's an interesting start
>>41697840I wonder how many songs we didn't get to hear
>121 IPYou guys aren't even here for Shinri. Fuck off.
>>41697857Its true, I'm still here from last night.
>>41697847same. i only watched clips of chuubas screaming
I love the strong contrast between Shinri's vibes and these games he plays.
>>41697847I think it was the first one to go hard on the "PT inspired game" heat back in the day
wonder when he will learn comfy does not mean boring as fuck. cause constant warnings, no reactions, and explanations are the opposite of entertaining
>>41688217Rebranding for all branches. They will become Holopro Global
>>41697927wonder when you will fuck off
>>41697917shinri is cute i love mama
>>41697857I anti'd council for a year before accepting them as part of EN, I'll do the same for the new boys.
>>41697927If you want constant screaming an overreactions to horror content could I interest you in a woman?
>>41688775>>41688976I've got a friend that has the exact same issue. Frankly looking at Vesper just hurts because I know someone like that. I've had my share of anxiety too, but I managed to mentally push through.
>>41696206> I can't even use the phone to order Pizza and when I try to my chest feels heavy and I feel like killing myselfWhy do people still pretend this shit is special, the vast majority of people fucking hates phone calling unless they are giga-extroverts.I've known people in office jobs who have to phone call every day who still get anxiety when they have to call a stranger.
>>41688217kiara mentioned it toowhat the hell is going on...?
damn Im late to shinri's stream
I'm trying to hard to like Shinri because he's a lot more sane, loves us much more and his fanbase is much more civil but he just doesn't click.t. Vestie
>>41698043>the vast majority of people fucking hates phone calling unless they are giga-extroverts.zoomers were a mistake
>>41696217He is there to work on shit for his birthday, not sure if that's the main reason or just a reason he's there but it is part of it
>>41698064i dont think a shinri fan and a vesper fan can exist. theyre vastly different from eachother
>>41688217Didn't Cover announce something about them going public or whatever that means, maybe that?
>>41698108he's releasing a cover retard what the fuck do you think that's for?
>>41698123Nigger you spam your shitty headcanon in every thread. It will never happen. Shut the fuck up
>>41698064Shinri and Vesper have completely different vibes from each other dont be fooled because theyre both old men that do zatsus. You'd probably enjoy Bettels streams more if you're a vestie (some of them like Flayon too from what i've seen)
Magni has really charmed me this past few weeks, he is now my tempus oshi
>>41698043You cunts are not normal, if you can't have basic interactions with strangers without suffering then you are in the bottom 10% of human functioning.
>>41695077>randomly decides to go to japan for no reason in an ebin impulse decision>decides to not take his anxiety meds with him because he fears getting thrown into jail for drugs or some dumb shit when he tries to pass customs>his brilliant solution is literally "lol i just won't take these anxiety meds that I need, while in a foreign country">AIIIEEEEE I DON'T HAVE MY MEDS!!! *spergs out*I want to fucking beat the shit out of this faggot.At least he finally semi-addressed the fact that he's too schizo to be comfortable with collabing currently, instead of continuing to ignore the obvious elephant in the room.He's still a cunt for not acknowledging the anniversary at all and ghosting his genmates constantly.In the most charitable interpretation he was maybe too ashamed to admit it or whatever the fuck, but that's hardly an excuse, he's still a bitch and needs to grow the fuck up, unprofessional manchild.Also he needs to shut the FUCK up about his song cover bullshit already. It's such an obvious deflection from the drama.I keep getting baited into raging about this faggot fuck, god.
>>41698048>kiara mentioned it tooNo she didn't retard
>>41698064The vibe of his stream heavily depends on the games he plays imo, because he's very gameplay first and tends to very much focus on the game itself rather than break away into more interpersonal talk or zatsu-ing. I want him to try some games he hasn't played yet, get a little outside his comfort zone, his streams feel very controlled currently which is fine but formulaic.I agree with the anon that mentioned Bettel, they're very much using the game as a background to use themselves as the entertainment.
>>41696417Not quite. He came up with the idea independently and put out an open invite. Since she had wanted to do it anyway (but fell sick), she offered to join.
>>41698138He had already said that everything for the cover was ready and only his part was left before. They are probably gonna release it on his birthday, but it was not the original plan
>>41698138>>41698160>>41698198Calm down
>>41698167I enjoy both but then again, I enjoy everyone in Tempus
M-MUH SOCIAL ANXIETY. Fucking retard.
>>41698198....she literally did though??? what.
>>41698242Proof or stop being retarded
>>41698248That's his best angle.
i see there is an anti schizo in the threadallow me to rectify this
Don’t bother replying to the american incel, just let him seethe by himself
Tourists I get that you just had 9 hours of off-peak hours to shitpost after the karaoke so you think that's how things work around here but there's a stream going on and we usually calm down when that happens.
>>41698064Because Shinri's overlap isn't Vesper. It's Altare.
>>41698288nobody is reply to him, he literally just replies to himself, and sometimes his incel discord group joins him
I got a notif for this tweet but didn't open until it got deleted, anyone know what it was?
>>41698075Ehhhh?Are you a boomer or something? The majority of us are young here, you know! Does that... excite you or something? You must be some kind of pervert to want to be around us! Kimoi~
>>41698186if you kill yourself you won't get baited anymore
>>41698173Same, he's really stepping up for the VG boys and also holding down the fort for the HQ boys. He's living his dream making art and music for hundreds of thousands of people but doesn't forget the people that come before and after him. Great guy.
How do I trick the algorithm so that Shinri's streams get recommended by ManlyBadasHero fans
"I forgot my meds at home" sounds like a suspiciously easy excuse to me. If it's this bad for him without them, it would've made more sense for him to make sure he brought them.
>>41698048My guess would be a managerial clean-up/change. With the complaints about game permissions in the last year being only the tip of the iceberg, it wouldn't shock me to see an extensive overhaul of the EN branch in terms of management.Assuming they want a more global approach for the EN branch, they would need to change things to make sure that someone that is accessible would be available 24/7 for any problems the talent might have: see Vesper's issues with accessing his YouTube account for example. Having all of the talents in one country (Japan) makes it easier to manage things, it doesn't work that well when your talents are scattered across the world.
>>41698186Not to mention he collabed with kronii and mori anyway, but with the boys it's suddenly "muh anxiety"
Ah, he's played this before as well then?
>>41698425>not towa babypathetic
>>41698186This is how the managers felt resulting to his 2 week vacation
>>41698425Honestly kind of too much
>>41697619Airbnb maybe.
>>41698186touch grass
>>41698430yeah. he also talked about not having perms for newer horror games.
>>41698326He accidentally tweeted the video off Magni's ass that he meant to send Axel
>>41698430Yeah he’s currently trying to get perms for games he hasn’t played but he hasn’t gotten them yet
>>41698425That's pretty cool, too bad it won't happen anytime soon
>>41698410It's a total bullshit excuse, he was well enough to stream and collect superchats but not well enough to send a tweet apologizing for missing the collabs?
>>41695395He was already off his usual self in that collab. The dick joke and the awkward half insisting that they play another round really felt weird.
You know forget about Vesper, why none of the boys has replied to his tweet?
>>41698425Literally RuneScape trimming
>>41698425Runescape ikz
>>41698491>>41698504Ah ok, unfortunate
>>41698368Yeah, he's been a great friend and brother figure to all the Tempus boys in collabs, and his solo contents are getting better too (especially his Loopstation streams), also his relationship with magnation have improved so much recently kind of insane to think he hated his fanbase before.
>>41698307non Tempura wouldnt understand this simple truth
>>41698430based off his zatsus, he's probably played all of the horror/cute games holostars has perms for. he's flooding his managers inbox with perms
>>41698553please learn english
>>41698553Because they are sick of his shit and want him to graduate
>>41698064That's because Vesper's overlap is Bettel, not Shinri.
>>41698431one of my favorites
>>41698585oh no! i can't believe it! anyway
>lucy, you good?Doesn't feel like a Shinri line lmao
>>41698580ohhh i really like the idea of magni's gloves/arms taking on lives of their own...
>>41698589Same, something about Axel rutting into Magni desperately really does it for me
>>41698450The thought that his manager hates Vesper's retardation as much as >we do is amusing
>>41698632That's Magni's lore for them.
vesperschizo has been being fed well lately. good for him
>>41698586That is very false
is the live JP translator a tempura? i think I've seen their name before.
Anxiety caused me to drift away from my bros years ago. It's me who abandoned them and I still regret it even to this day. Don't be like me Vesper. You still have a chance.
>>41698632I think there was another drawing like this, I don't have it though
>>41698744it's never too late to reach out
>>41698676Vesties are the real vesperschizos
He got spooked
>>41697644His whole personality is being kind and inclusive, if you're edgy and this doesn't sit right with you Shinri might not be the streamer for you
>>41698710yeah ive seen them around chats too but its the first time theyre doing live translations
Uuuuh sisters stop. I think the schizo is gone…? Please I’m already erect just from listening to Shinri’s voice.
>>41697917Did he draw those koi himself?
Everytime I watch Shinri I get more horny for him and I've never yumed in my life
>>41698820im sorry i just kept posting because i wasn't surei love you anonchu~
Always remember that the Nowa split was made by falseflaggers and is not a genuine offshoot of /MANS/ and anyone who admits otherwise is a either a catalognigger or unicorntranny. That will be all.
>>41697927Watch flayon if you want to see someone overreact
>>41698398>recommended byRecommended to?
>>41697644it's not his fault, if you grew up in america you either become sensitive fag or you learn to pander to them
>>41696206Yeah phone calls give me anxiety bad. Having to make them or answer them is one of my least favorite things. I hate talking to people on the phone too.
>>41698215I love this face so much. It's so unapologetically creepy that I can't help but burst laughing every time I see it.
>>41698327all straightfags are in /nowa/ now, shionposter
>>41695077Damn. That all but confirms him and Altare are not on good terms anymore. I wonder what caused the friction in their relationship like that.I mean I get it it. I've had coworkers I've not gotten along with, but that's usually only after I've gotten sick of them for a very long time. They've not even known each other for more than a year at most at this point.
>>41696206>>41698915Were you bullied too much or not bullied enough? As a society we need to make sure the next generation doesn't turn out like you.
Clown man was extremely fucking cute last night
His little jumps are so cute
>>41698710person is an axel regular and is active in his chat and also a pemaloet. fellow active axelotl
>>41698974???????????????????????????????? literally how tf
>>41698064Turns out menhera is the secret ingredient to kino
>>41698781That looks so simple and yet so incredibly good. What a great pose.
>>41699041Take your meds.
>>41696950Copius amounts of Correction is in the order, for the three of them.
>even the fujos betrayed shinri, they would rather spam images than sit down and watch his streamsmama, don't worry, me, the last straight tempura is still watching you
>>41698974axel is the one in japan
Listen to Shinri: take your meds!
>Stop, I'm trying to solve the lore hereKEK
>>41698819They've been doing live TL for Shinri for a while, anon...
>>41699061Can you literally not understand subtext at all?It's literally so obvious.
Fuck you I didn’t jump
>>41698974>Not feeling like a competent collab partner>This somehow confirms he has beef with Altare Nigga how the fuck?
gofile karaoke DOKO
>>41695759He learned it from Kronii who does the exact same thing. What's weird is that he doesn't use those days to catch up on work. But I guess he's trying to really force a 5 day a week work life balance, and those 5 days may not necessarily be streaming. Which something I think only Kronii really does.
>>41698425Man, Altare is going to be SO happy
woke up late, did shinri cover the karaoke?
>>41699254Just use Mega, it was posted a thread or two ago
lucy got him...
you've done it, he's gone
>>41699275Fuck you, I thought he said something about Altare’s birthday.
>>41699201Then he must have problems with Axel too bc they are on the same country and doesn’t collab with him. What subtext are you even looking at?
Susan you bitch
>>41695454What a retarded answer, a trip cannot start great and go down terrible, EVERYTHING IN IT HAS TO BE BAD
Not like this....
>>41699192sorry i meant shinri's the first person they've done translations for
>>41696355He'll get a slight knock because he was still getting spill over from the Tempus box that he won't get now. That amounts to probably 1k. So instead of being a 4k-7k streamer, he'll drop to being a 3k to 6k streamer. Which would still have him comfortably at the top of Holostars, I think. Depending on Magni's future growth.
>>41699290if you mean talk about, nope.
>>41699377No he doesn't, and Axel has referenced him multiple times within the past week. As has every other member save Altare. Also "social energy" is a frequent poignant term Altare uses on multiple occasions. That was a very specific pointed jab.Some of you are so bad at this.
it's goneeverythingNo more Shinri
Oh no
>>41699447Altare has mentioned him though, cute schizochama
>>41699416>So instead of being a 4k-7k streamer, he'll drop to being a 3k to 6k streamer.Touristchama...
mama doko...
Wait, did Shinri just suffer a power outage? Damn, we got ludonarrative at work here
>>41687557Isn't the /nowa/ general kind of splitting the thread? Also, when did that happen?
>loud popjust go flip your breaker Shinri, it's not hard
Where are the Shinri lewds?
Maybe Vesper just needs to drink more
>>41699473>>41699476I assume he meant loud pop? I think this is not the first time it happens, I wonder if he has a good PSU.
>>41699487ACTUAL WHORE
>>41698398go watch MBAH after shinri streams, like typing the name on the sesrch bar and all that
>>41699575Lucy is ruthless
>>41699447He literally mentioned him in his MC and FF streams Altareschizo
>>41698167I cant stand flayons voice and speaking topics for more than 15 minutes, I want to like him si I have more ppl to watch, but its not even a lack of click, is like a conversation with a random 5 yeo in a park that screamed at you WHERE DO BABYS COME FROM, and when you try to walk away he follows you and screaming harder, bettel clicked instantly as a vestie too yep
Mama is back
We back
>>41698553don't use my deceased oshi for you bait post you sick piece of shit bastard
>>41699480>>41699613That's not what I'm referring to you idiots. I swear it's like none of you can actually keep up with a conversation.
>>41698410He didn't forget they are banned in Japan, its both covers and his fault, this kind of meds can be approved by Japan for your personal taking but takes time for them to be approved, cover didnt act like a real company covering for the needs of his talent and vesper was negligent as fuck to just say "yeah ill be good witouth them for god knows how long, better suffering than doing paperwork" (kinda based but retarded)
>>41699670If you can stand Flayon he probably has the most knowledge of anime and VNs and pretty wide game taste too. I'm still trying myself to get accustomed to him because the amount of great stuff he brings up is really incredible
>>41699807tiny chinchin..
I'm sad that the vesper split is actually on its 6th fucking thread
>>41699736>Axel referenced him>Referenced, not talked about his situation or if they have talked >Altare also references him>That doesn’t count ???
>>41699866Just ignore it
>>41699866It's the anti thread, /MANS/ benefits.
>>41699907it's bait
>>41699834Flayon just needs proper human interaction, not internet speak. He'll be fine in the long run.Hearing he talks a lot with people behind the stage is reassuring, even if a lot of it is with Bettel kek
>>41699866fujochan should have tried harder with the gay filtering
>>41699907for some reason everyone wants altare to be deeply affected or involved with whatever is going on with nowa but he seems perfectly fine if not a little giddy from the almond offcollab
>>41699975yeah i trust he'll improve with time, considering he looks up to altare and wants to be like him
>>41699834Ye I want to give him a fair chance, If I like a chubba even for its design I try to watch at least one whole stream of them, but I just can't with flay, he actually repels me, cant even have him in the background, I get bored and change to something else, I'll give him a fst chance after the honeymoon of the first month wears off
Axel is doing Ring Fit next stream. Sisters, do you enjoy those streams just like men do when the hologirls play it?
>>41700027Honestly Altare kinda strikes me as a person who can detach easily, probably due to all his experiences so far.
>>41699866When did it happen
>fags complaining about flayon againchange the channel
>>41700093Not a gal, but I enjoy watching my Broshi stream because he inspires me to continue to work out.
>>41700093i hope magni plays it some day because i know he’d play up the moans, fucking whore
Love me boys streaming
>>41700093I like how much he yells and complains kek
>>41700093it depends not from axel
>>41700165Are you filtering something out?
>>41700027he has been more depressed than usual recently but i genuinely think it’s been about his birthday (which if people reading this don’t watch him he’s been DREADING and was talking about how badly he didn’t want to do a totsu like every stream) and now that he’s figured it out he’s back in pretty good spirits. the almond off collab especially doubled his mood. dude wears his heart on his sleeve
Ok, that was a pretty cool jumpscare
>>41700164The moans during Barbie girl were really something...
that was a good jumpscare lol
>>41700027people do this all the time with altare, a while back femcels tried to push the rrat that he hated kobo because they hadnt collabed in a while but then randomly he mentioned that he still plays off-stream with her. he keeps his off-stream business private which i appreciate
>>41700196No, I just didn't show the top row which is 4 girls. RBC is an honorary boy after that dude fucked up his post about "only boys are streaming" yesterday.
lmao what was that...
why does mag love femboys?
>>41700093>do you enjoy those streams just like men do when the hologirls play it?I will once Flayon starts playing it
>>41700296me at 3 am walking to the kitchen to get grated cheese
>>41699866should have thought about that before people shat on vesper for a week straight
>>41700199Altare is just like most holo's, inept in every social situation.Which is fine. His problem is that he's only soft admitting it and then pressuring himself to do things he doesn't want to do when he knows for sure that everyone is basically free to put out what content they want.If there is one thing ive learned about holostars EN fans is that they just want the boys to stream.
>>41700093I want Axel to build up his flat pancake ass
>>41700298femboys are a good straddling line for androgyny which appeals to bisexuals who, generally speaking, prefer fem things over masc thingsdifferent strokes for different folks
>>41700229magni is bold moaning like that with altare right next to him
>>41695077Well for one, the problem has never been not attending the collabs, it's vanishing without saying anything and on top of not saying anything in advance not saying "sorry, I was busy" afterwards.And much more importantly he should figure out how to get his meds or go home to get back on them, this is a ticking time bomb and he can't just force it into working out.
>>41700298It's just a morbid taste, trust met. anon who loves internet femboys but would never date one
>>41700164back broke
>>41700343Im so happy that he managed to come up with something he will enjoy, it was so sweet how he went from dreading his birthday to being excited for it
>>41700377Altare couldn't even take it, he had to stop the whole song kek
>>41700343altare is not inept in every social situation kek he is hard on himself though
>>41700298femboys are hot because they're like women but with a twist, exotic even. they got to have small cute pp's though.
>>41700343>pressuring himself to do things he doesn't want to doif you've watched altare you'd know this is not true in the slighest
>>41700379If he had made this tweet before the collabs the situation would be very different. Ppl would still shit on him for the girls collab, but what’s new?
>>41700408but leader fixed it...
>>41700447>The're like womenKEK
>41700343weak bait, threadwatcher
>>41700377This alchemist and his insatiable cocklust
>>41700457I like to forget the callisto protocol streams when it is convenient to do so.
>>41700414I've been neglecting my Leader reps, is he going to do some Poker thing like Night at the Inventory?
Was Magni's Don't touch me a bit, or was Altare trying to get handsy with the mag
we hate regis altare
>>41700517anon he wanted to finish the game no matter how dog shit it was, did you watch the stream?
>>41700544Magni only wants to let Vesper touch him
>>41700517He wanted to finish that lmaoWay to out yourself, and I'm not even an Altventurer kek
>>41700544It was a bit but we can pretend Altare just couldn't keep his hands to himself
>>41700544A bit if you have a normal functioning brain, Altare getting handsy if you are a braindead fujoshit
>>41700615He only finished it because he was so close to the end, so that he could call it garbage.
>>41700544Altare was actually trying to molest him…
>>41700615He totally wanted to drop that shit.
>>41700544Altare was trying to put his hand over his shoulder why they were singing, they have to be really close to the mic together
shinri is... jobbing...???
If Vesper is suffering this badly in Japan that his ‘social anxiety’ is up to 100 then he should go home because it doesn’t look like staying in Japan is doing him any good.Why is he even in Japan in the first place when majority of his work, i assume, could be done from home because it was never stated this trip was done by cover. He really doesn’t have a use staying in Japan for months when his main content is zatzus and it doesn’t seem like he’s planning do any special streams that he needs to be in Japan for, like Axel’s cooking streams
>>41700603>"Altare HUUH? WHAT ARE YOU- You're too rough! D-Don't touch me... aa.. Aa!! ....A-Altare!? Not there!>"Vesper did you just.... touch my ass~? Ah, you finally getting over *her* huh? Chat you heard it here...! Don't let him deny it! He tried to touch my ass~!
we fuck regis altare
we love regis altare
regis altare fucks us
magni power bottoms altare
what does power bottom mean
Regis altare fucks
>>41700966They have a really poweful ass
>>41700966submitting cock with anal reps
>>41700925Power bottom Magni is the best content
Altare and Magni spitroasting Vesper to teach him a lesson
i am touching magni’s bottom (not gay)
>>41700925this is the real one
>>41701027ToT getting revenge on the man that wont return their feelings... I need this threesome
Has he really played this? He seems too lost
>>41698553because they are faggots while he's the only MAN in Tempus (and EN vtubing in general)
>>41701088I'm pretty sure he mentioned being excited to play it for the first time, people just assumed he played it before because of the way he carries his gameplay
>>41700347Training arc
Shinri's gasp and then soft laugh is such a funny combo
His nonchalant attitude is more funny than constant screaming.
Altare and Axel dping Magni
>>41701113>MAN>no SNot Axel schizochama…
>>41701182>faggots with most of their audience being womennah
>>41701113>Vesper>Mandecent bait
>>41701183he mentioned he'd warn about the jumpscares if he remembers were they are, he probably played it a while ago when it came out or something
>>41701270>Axel and MagniNice, but what is this?
>>41700925hot ToT
>>41701282I dunno anythingneed help indobro
>>41701331telephone game, like the one with ax and nowa
>>41701198Fagiplier in shambles
>>41701331Telephone game like the last one
>>41701302That's their laugh, right?
>>41701305t. broken fujo
>>41701331The description is in English just for you anon.
>>41701270teamup anon onegai
>>41701373t. literal faggot
>>41701373I don't think you understand what a fujo is
>>41699254idk if Gofile vs. Mega matters but I already was partway through uploading this when the Mega was posted last night so here:
>>41701394Me and my wife enjoys Vesper we watch his zatsudans together<3
>>41701355>H: how are you>K: yes>H: I'm fine>K: dumbfuck>H: thank you
God I want to cockwarm Shinri
>>41701207That would mean they are gay because their dicks would touch so not a possible scenario
>>41701282>how are you>yes>i'm fine>idiot/dumbass>thank you>that is a bad word
>>41698553almond are still passed out cold
this has some pretty good jumpscares ngl
>>41701445Yeah that sounds like kobo
>>41701445Thank you kind anon!
>>41699254 only
There are no men in /mans/ because you are all my women
>>41701441nta but thanks anon... mega sucks because you have to pay after a certain point
>>41701479It's fine as long as the balls don't touch
>>41701433Fujos fall in line with the current list of vesper antis = scorned axelotols, cultares, VGfags. Cope, seething, dilating over missed collabs. Get the fuck over yourselves, granpire has planned to collab with all of them after his Japan trip + a week of rest
>>41698882He was shockingly stoic during his Bathhouse stream, actually. Maybe the game isn’t that scary, but I’ve seen other (male) streamers overreact way more when playing it.
>>41701445It's like an auto messaging system where you call it fucking dumb and it replies with "thanks".
>>41701445>>41701491What did he reply? People seem shocked
>wakes up before a shinri stream>it starts >i immediately pass back out from his womb echoing bass