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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41573877 No.41573877 [Reply] [Original]

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▼Lia 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
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▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
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▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
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Previous Thread >>41567741

>> No.41573902
File: 449 KB, 806x575, FnJd6MhXwAE-nBj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41573986

cat sex

>> No.41573915
Quoted by: >>41575107

yes pippants
yes pippanties

>> No.41573923
File: 307 KB, 855x614, 1650417816938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Panko.
I will always love Panko.
Not a day goes by where I don't think about how much I love Panko.

>> No.41573926
File: 179 KB, 353x352, lia564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Lia! Only Lia! Always Lia!
She's Lia!

>> No.41573950
File: 63 KB, 719x479, bito right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia Love
Liker Love
Bitos please hold me

>> No.41573959
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x769, 1661961846668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41573962
File: 48 KB, 500x480, lia cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574012


>> No.41573977
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>> No.41573981
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Quoted by: >>41574028

never embrace the wontons

>> No.41573986

cat smug

>> No.41574007

I think I like Lia even more now than I did this time last week

>> No.41574008
File: 1.59 MB, 500x500, 1652496222642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574097

Bitos LOVE
Liker HUGS

>> No.41574012
File: 296 KB, 567x624, liafurry2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta wait until the knot shrinks.

>> No.41574015
File: 35 KB, 607x411, 33443344333343434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Lia going to recover without paypiggies and after rejecting her actual path to real career?

>> No.41574016
File: 2.15 MB, 2893x4092, pipkin_pippa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574109

Pippa love~!

Its national foot measurement day pippa. Where are the numbers?

You could save us from the loop if you just gave us the numbers pippa...

>> No.41574026

Remittal of sins require both repentance and penance, it is surprising hearing this wisdom from this girl, let us pray she becomes a member of the one true faith Traditional Catholicism.
I dont approve the imagery of this one but the message is what is important
Obviously do not take your own life or anything close to that, as that would be a mortal sin, but she is wiser than we know.
God bless you the woman behind Lia ch, i will keep you in my prayers as I will keep in my prayers the anons here as well. Do not be afraid for Jesus Christ loves you all.

>> No.41574028
Quoted by: >>41574166

>wontons inspires Lia
>Lia betrays likers

>> No.41574037
Quoted by: >>41574061


>> No.41574040
Quoted by: >>41574066

I want to kiss Pippa

>> No.41574049

lumi news?

>> No.41574051
Quoted by: >>41574068


>> No.41574061
Quoted by: >>41574145

but i'm right here???

>> No.41574066

No you don't, she doesn't have a tooth and her breath smells horrible

>> No.41574068

Mounted on exo cock

>> No.41574069


>> No.41574079

Previously on /pcg/, the Lia yab:
>accepts fag repeated calls
>lets fag hog her stream for 30mins
>"we will do that VA thing together"
>keeps talking about VA stuff to impress her
>calls her a cocksleeve
>talks about the time they play league together
>talks about hanging out together again after the stream
>"You have to come out of your house and hang out with me"
>during her fucking donothon

Send people to this comment when they ask

>> No.41574084

>Lumi news
>her wife ran off
So... a normal day?

>> No.41574097
File: 845 KB, 301x301, 10857686_d58f1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful picmix Bito I'm proud of you

>> No.41574109
File: 351 KB, 245x270, 456475856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would actually give a fuck if Pippa pulled the same shit as Lia? I think most of her donations comes from people laughing at her autism than paypigs wanting to fuck her. Am i wrong?

>> No.41574112

I want to hug the Pippa.

>> No.41574120
File: 5 KB, 233x82, 1674489888705019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I require your best Pipfeet

>> No.41574123

>schedule undecided
It's the filian Collab isn't it

>> No.41574127
Quoted by: >>41574162

I feel like mid blowjob asmr should be included in this

>> No.41574135

I like the other version.

>Lia was doing her lewd sucking-sound ASMR for her coomers.
>Penis-haver discord calls her in the middle of this. (Context: He's a small time VA and vtuber who has met Lia IRL at conventions)
>The interrupting call not only blueballs chat, but also shifts her focus away from chat to himself. Furthermore he's especially threatening to unicorns since he knows her IRL.
>Likers are furious and go fucking ballistic in the thread, including telling her to kill herself, and that she's a whore, they're unsubbing, etc, etc.
>Lia begins sobbing and abruptly takes a break from her stream, then makes vague apologies on Twitter. It's pretty obvious she saw the hatemail on the thread/marshmellows and had a breakdown of some kind.
>Like the cast of a children's TV show, Likers learn that their words can hurt others and promise to think more carefully before calling someone a whore that should die.
>Just kidding. Half of the Likers learn nothing and place the blame entirely on her and/or the guy, insisting they have done no wrong despite their insults bringing her to tears and nearly having her end the stream. They also see no irony in continuing to namecall fellow company talents like Lumi in the same way that caused their own beloved oshi to have a minor breakdown. The other half seem genuinely remorseful and still capable of human empathy, but we'll have to see how long that lasts.

>> No.41574145

Look behind you

>> No.41574155

Anyone has archived the video? She made it private on you tube and we can't listen to it.

>> No.41574162

This. Don't forget to inform everyone that this fat groomer fuck literally cut off the blowjob asmr.

>> No.41574165
File: 202 KB, 403x437, 1672216867103235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holofan discordraiders
you can't make this shit up

>> No.41574166
File: 1.17 MB, 1600x1860, 1665826173143439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574346

this lolibaba mastermind needs correction

>> No.41574169

>your choices are continuing to stream forever or come hang out with me
And she never told him to fuck off? Jesus fucking Christ imagine having Lia as an oshi after this shit

>> No.41574183
File: 327 KB, 1122x760, lia autism smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning schizos, Today I attended my first college english class, and I shit you not the professor said and I quote:
>The best writers are schizophrenic
>(as in referring to voices and tone)
And I swear I did like a quadruple take right then and there.
Liaschizo is a scholar.

>> No.41574184

>cancelled due to Lia hiatus

>> No.41574190

Pippa is not trying to for, she’s not sexual , she’s not farming emotion. She’s just a bro, the actual brotuber, meanwhile Lia is a typical high school white girl.

>> No.41574193

I don't know but I want to see them play Total War games together

>> No.41574208
Quoted by: >>41574227

How do we save Lia?

>> No.41574221

>>41574079 explains *why* Likers are mad, but not really what happened overall like the setup and conclusion afterwards unlike >>41574135

>> No.41574225
Quoted by: >>41574284

Fuck off you fat groomer, the only 'connections' you have in the VA community are probably to some third rate retard who voiced a side character in a netflix anime.

>> No.41574226 [DELETED] 
File: 858 KB, 2902x4096, 20221208_124604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574270

You have made me realize how to love, you have made me learn what love is, there is no love more true, more pure, more gracious than yours

>> No.41574227
Quoted by: >>41574263

thats not our job anymore anon she has her bf to save her

>> No.41574248
Quoted by: >>41574714

Too long and the preaching at the end is retarded. People want the dry facts. I'll include the blowjob asmr next time though.

>> No.41574249
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 34675678586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Pippa is here reposting it every thread

>> No.41574250

She’s the sole reason this happened, don’t be a whore. How fucking hard is that?

>> No.41574255

4chan is dying (numbers wise dying)
Ever since Musk bought twitter, half the shitposters moved there
Others branched out to telegram, poast, odysee and their ilk
Still others to smaller imageboards and nice forums
A rare few use the internet for simple news, work and nothing else
The boards in general have all slowed down

>> No.41574263

I just want her to be happy...

>> No.41574268

>***** ************ *** ******
any ideas what is could be?

>> No.41574270

doremu...your love for wemi is like a shining light in the darkness of these threads

>> No.41574284
Quoted by: >>41576037

Ah, it's been a while since I heard the old "Everyone who agrees is a unique individual, but anyone who disagrees must all be sockpuppets of a single person" argument. I thought that fell out of use a few years ago.

>> No.41574289

>path to a real career
>university (woke brainwash machine)
she'll be fine

>> No.41574292
File: 858 KB, 2902x4096, 20221208_124604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574329

You have made me realize how to love, you have made me learn what love is, there is no love more true, more pure, more gracious than yours
Wemi love

>> No.41574294

>election tourists fuck off from where they came

>> No.41574297

Imagine feeling threatened by some guy that Lia will most likely never want anything to do with again

>> No.41574302 [DELETED] 

>don't have friends or any kind of life outside of streaming
lol? And even if I did that you schizos would probably just berate me for playing Genshin too much or something

>> No.41574306

You can't constantly request and pressure that your fans obsess over you and only you and then be surprised when that they're up in arms when some guy you know IRL flirts with you after you put the stream on pause to single them out. Lia herself realizes it which is why she reacted the way she did. She was about to sink months of work and lose a bunch of fans that she trained to jerk off to her mere presence so that she could entertain some weird faggot that she only recently met at a con. He even tried to invite himself to future collabs.
I don't know why people keep talking about Lia like she's some pure, precious baby girl. She's a fucking degenerate that loves getting all the attention and derives sexual pleasure from being fawned over in a lewd manner. She's as addicted to her chat as they are to her, if not more so. She's ultra-damaged goods with extreme daddy issues and chat is her internet boyfriend that will never abandon, abuse, or ignore her. If either side stops playing their role properly, shit will hit the fan hard, and it turns into a race to see who will reach the point of suicide first.

A psychiatrist would sweat in fear from just hearing about this situation.

>> No.41574329
Quoted by: >>41574418

doremu...your love for wemi is like a shining light in the darkness of these threads.....again

>> No.41574337

Fuck off Desla'ris you know she has a bf

>> No.41574339

today will be a good day

>> No.41574343

Pippa has such a low self esteem after years of being a brony and still not getting laid, that she will never try to use sex appeal or cuteness for views like Lia. She's a brotuber like like MoistCritical or Sseth

>> No.41574346
File: 1.35 MB, 1600x1860, 20230114_000957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41578546

This ocasion calls for the other version

>> No.41574345
File: 309 KB, 498x492, 1671823230972486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574526

What are you trying to ask me?

>> No.41574348

He truly is a scholar, unlike with generic tryhard pretentiousposting, I can actually follow and understand the meaning conveyed by his posts.

>> No.41574358

>insisting they have done no wrong despite their insults bringing her to tears and nearly having her end the stream.
They did the right thing. What kind of brain dead autistic faggot answers a discord call mid-donothon while doing ASMR? There is literally no excuse for why this shit happened and all the blame is on Lia.

>> No.41574361

>request and pressure that your fans obsess over you
Are you... are you fucking retarded? You know that "don't watch other girls" thing was a bit, right?

>> No.41574365
File: 51 KB, 500x587, FnJvaSkXgAAdVaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hime love

>> No.41574377
Quoted by: >>41574597

its not

>> No.41574388
File: 691 KB, 792x739, 1674307979301507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypothetically what would /pcg/ be like if /vt/posters had IDs?
What would /pcg/ be like if /vt/posters had IDs with flags?

>> No.41574389

Not my fault your game choice are complete fucking garbage, and you’re too retarded when it comes to streaming.
Like I said Lia = Typical white whore going from one rave to another. Nothing valuable beyond her cunt.

>> No.41574407
Quoted by: >>41574597

it wasn't

>> No.41574415
Quoted by: >>41574597

You're not her demographic

>> No.41574417
File: 41 KB, 1376x389, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574679

nothing is dying

>> No.41574418

Sorry I fucked up the ritual and had to redo it
Thanks for your appreciation, Wemi love is best love

>> No.41574419
Quoted by: >>41574597


>> No.41574420
File: 88 KB, 756x791, Screenshot_2023-01-23_19-48-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did she mean by this?

>> No.41574431

I would simply use advanced ID baiting tactics I learned on /biz/

>> No.41574437

Lapse in judgment after streaming for 2 days. Everyone makes mistakes.
Now why aren't you attacking the retard who spammed in her chat until she picked up the phone and then acted like an asshole live on TV?

>> No.41574440
File: 93 KB, 567x622, 3254364575867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why? Maybe because actual twitter has posts making fun of trannies while vtubers from Phase Connect are either too afraid to offend trannies and play Hogwart Legacy or they outright boycott it?

>> No.41574444

i would increase my shitposting 100x with my vpns

>> No.41574447

Hi lia

>> No.41574449
Quoted by: >>41574597

>e-everything I said wa-was a bit anon teehee

>> No.41574466

Every day would be "A FUCKING LEAF" day.

>> No.41574476
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, seethe[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs9an6x.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41574477

I'm not mad, just disappointed. Lia's the main character of phase connect for me, and it wont change unless this shit happens again. If it does, I drop her and ignore her existence.

>> No.41574481
Quoted by: >>41574564

>still not getting laid
>he lacks critical info

>> No.41574492
Quoted by: >>41574612

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson faggot? Stop copypasting the same dishonest post filled with a manipulative narrative meant to make the Likers look bad.

>> No.41574491
File: 579 KB, 412x486, MeinFührer[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fp3lahg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41574501

>Sea monkey flags are antis
>Ignore them and the thread gets better
>They realize we ignore them
>They get shitty VPN service
>VPN's already using banned IPs
>Other VPNs too slow on their shit internet
>No matter what the thread gets better.

>> No.41574505

>Pippa LITERALLY befriend Hitler (and then betrays him a minute afterwards)
>now Lia reveals she was inspired by Hitler too
I can't believe it...

>> No.41574506

>Fucking bitch. It's your fault for getting beaten by me because you did something I don't like. Not my fault.

>> No.41574512


>> No.41574522

reminder that all women are whores

>> No.41574526

I'm asking how /pcg/ would react if Pippa was talking to her boyfriend on stream?

>> No.41574528
Quoted by: >>41574615

Please your too retarded to breathe AND breed , just cut don’t the road please. Thanks

>> No.41574530
Quoted by: >>41574587

This, there's a worrisome lack of attacking the faggot in these threads.

>> No.41574550

Why would I who the fuck has that kind of lapse in judgement?
>Oh I'm doing this really intimate interaction for my chat to enjoy let me just answer a discord call from some retard instead of muting him!
Fuck off with that cope no human does that shit

>> No.41574564
Quoted by: >>41574704

citation needed

>> No.41574567

Because his interest is to hurt the talents.

>> No.41574574

This is why we saner fans discourage the
>only Lia no other girls but Lia
shtick she pulled
She's in a corpo aka group, you can't have this attitude in a group, only if you're indie. I'm surprise management allowed her to do this without discouraging her.
Then the backlash of any male yab would be much greater for Lia than someone like Pippa who's known for being edgy and dramatic, or Lumi with her strategy niche she researched & built, or Uruka who is the definition of friendzone.
She shouldn't use it anymore, or ever.

>> No.41574580
Quoted by: >>41575288

>She's as addicted to her chat as they are to her, if not more so. She's ultra-damaged goods with extreme daddy issues and chat is her internet boyfriend that will never abandon, abuse, or ignore her. If either side stops playing their role properly, shit will hit the fan hard, and it turns into a race to see who will reach the point of suicide first.

>> No.41574585
Quoted by: >>41574625

But if she ignored his call he might have been offended

>> No.41574587

Lia chose to pick up the call, Lia is an adult who can make her own choices

>> No.41574588

Flase equivalence go back hugbox tourist

>> No.41574597

Kill yourselves. Please.

>> No.41574598
File: 190 KB, 307x516, mentalillness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care about this loop. I just want pippa to post a picture of her feet alongside a ruler.

I already assume all the low quality posts are EU or SEA nigs, I dont need a flag to prove it.

>> No.41574603

you’ve been paying attention to the ip counts, right? you should’ve realized by now it’s the same guys over and over
why are you all so new
you give attention to such obvious shit
this wouldn’t happen on old 4chan
you’re all disgraces to the site culture

>> No.41574607
File: 10 KB, 162x157, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41574612
Quoted by: >>41575019

Very much >>41574506 energy here. There's something deeply concerning about how many Likers think attacking her is protecting her. I mean, more than normal channer fuckery.

>> No.41574615
File: 6 KB, 253x199, concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574761

>Please your too retarded to breathe AND breed , just cut don’t the road please. Thanks

>> No.41574625

Thats his problem

>> No.41574634
Quoted by: >>41574674

>the same people post in /pcg/ every day
wait what the actual fuck? Is this true? I thought every thread was filled with entirely new users

>> No.41574637

Since I have the VOD I will transcribe the faggot and Lia conversation. This will slay every rrat and leave only reality behind

>> No.41574644
File: 28 KB, 661x623, 75d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41576474

There is no source video on line and thus Lia did nothing wrong and since nobody made a copy of the stream this drama will die out in time

>> No.41574647

that is uncle ted himself
although i doubt he would have a twitter

>> No.41574652

>"You have to come out of your house and hang out with me"
His actual phrasing was far worse

>your choices are continuing to stream forever or come hang out with me

>> No.41574653

It's not our fault you're retarded

>> No.41574657
Quoted by: >>41575589

She is the only one to blame, she has a brain and deductions capabilities, she’s not a fucking toddler unable to think past 2 minute forward.

>> No.41574662

Watch streams fag, she said multiple times that she gets genuinely sad about that

>> No.41574667

hi my name is ted

>> No.41574674
Quoted by: >>41574713

oh you know what I meant smartass

>> No.41574676
Quoted by: >>41574759

Don't bother likers are some of the dumbest motherfuckers this board has ever seen. When Tenma had her mini heart attack a bunch of those dumbfucks went "hyuk hyuk its liek Lia's drunk stream, Marks getting worked!!!"

>> No.41574679
Quoted by: >>41574763

Funny how you show /vt/ and not the ENTIRE WEBSITE when I said 4chan and not a sign of death that is /vt/ as an outpost for discordfags.

>> No.41574692
Quoted by: >>41574726

be sure you capture the giggles

>> No.41574704
Quoted by: >>41575692

The rabbit breeds and lives with her furry bf what do you mean

>> No.41574703

Nah, I’m still fucking yer mom

>> No.41574713

youre such a genius anon, I'm being serious youve truly enlightened me, I never realized it was the same posters every thread damn this really changes everything

>> No.41574714

It's a bit ironic Likers can be so savage to their own oshi but can't take a teasing back. Kinda thin skinned imo but that's just an outsiders perspective.

>> No.41574724

god speed anon, get this shit over with

>> No.41574726

those were awkward laughs like she wanted to get out of there

>> No.41574736

dont forget the chat interaction of the guy as well

>> No.41574759
Quoted by: >>41574875

They’re literally a bunch of actual fags and tranny.

>> No.41574761
Quoted by: >>41574841

You can smell the esl too, right? I'm not the only one that realizes who comes in here to anti, right?

>> No.41574763
File: 119 KB, 1380x385, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574998

You think you're making a point but you're not.

>> No.41574771

Don't transcribe, cut only the whole intereaction and repost ITT, include the chat as well.

>> No.41574778

>implying all the "QRD?" lazy-ass posters who can't be bothered to watch a clip will instead be bothered to read a wall of text.

>> No.41574779
File: 98 KB, 299x640, A2D8B2DD-715D-4C44-A0F3-4B0A2E006E62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574807

Yeah I'm thinking it's

>> No.41574782

so a good chunk of you are just falseflagging as lia fans now to pretend you’re outraged, am I getting this right?

>> No.41574787
File: 212 KB, 1044x1076, 1674124608429798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let cucked paypiggies vent a bit. Imagine being a thirsty pay pig spending 2K$ to your streamer per month only to get cucked live. Meanwhile, Pippabros give superchats to her making fun of woke retards and 9/11 jokes. She even vented on how she hated Reddit and prefer /pcg/ more.

>> No.41574795

She spent more of the weekend "sleeping" than actually streaming. If I made a mistake this fundamental in my job I would be sacked instantly

>> No.41574801

Pippa and Lia are the nu Cracky chan and Boxxy to me. Attractive freakshows.

>> No.41574807

Hi youmou I love you

>> No.41574808

for the record
everything i say on here is a bit as well

>> No.41574810

>psychiatrist would sweat in fear
They'd get dollar sign eyes looking at all the upcoming appointments they can bullshit through because the girl is just that broken.

>> No.41574841

>da anglesh woz kno goud! Cament thismissed

Anything else Likers?

>> No.41574846
File: 217 KB, 517x600, Lia after the incident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574868

>> No.41574849
File: 8 KB, 317x44, Screen Shot 2023-01-15 at 9.44.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am profoundly mentally ill.

>> No.41574856
File: 1.53 MB, 1261x713, 1660499964094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41574863
File: 29 KB, 630x111, 1674428801891323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was just a bit guys

>> No.41574868

Lia pussy probably looks like a wizard sleeve

>> No.41574875
Quoted by: >>41574909

we might be fags but we are NOT trannies. how many times do I have to fucking say this

>> No.41574876

I actually watch vods in between my oshis streams this shit was just disappointing as fuck to see and I will actively shit on her as such and will bring it up EVERY week to her via maros for the next year just so it lives forever in her head.

>> No.41574887
Quoted by: >>41574952

I hate antis so much it's unreal.

>> No.41574909

Sorry sorry, you guys are fags not troon. My mistake

>> No.41574911

you cant go near any girls besides Lia but she can fuck every man in a 5 mile radius kek Likers are truly cucks

>> No.41574912
File: 821 KB, 789x790, 1659216983249833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have stolen my heart, oh, yeah
Never let it go, oh, oh, no
Never let it go, oh, oh, oh

>> No.41574918

I think a lot of them are, since they genuinely see bowbreating their own oshi is protecting her. They don't even realize they're blinded by their own rage, given that
>"Nooo! Don't hang out with him, he's bad!"
would probably have been an equally effective approach as
>"Litreally kill yourself you cocksucking whore"
Gotta justify it and make it look like it wasn't a knee-jerk reaction.

>> No.41574917

Pippa, is Lia ok? I hope she isn't too upset, she's a nice girl.

>> No.41574925
Quoted by: >>41574985

the real Liker meltdown already happened, the extension of it is falseflagging or anons who were turned anti by the event

>> No.41574927

Everyone would be argentinian

>> No.41574933

Have you been reading the same Liaschizo I have?

>> No.41574952

Anti anti gon cwy ;(

>> No.41574957
Quoted by: >>41575252

if you guys care so much about this, why watch vtuber in the first place?

>> No.41574959
File: 152 KB, 1148x1178, 1623176312658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Pippa

>> No.41574965

Only the superchatters, and just for the 87% superchat discount.

>> No.41574967
Quoted by: >>41575002

Horrible thought just came to me, you think those self-harm holes in her legs lia was talking about are big enough to stick your dick into?

>> No.41574971
File: 50 KB, 560x400, it's because.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Lia.
I will always love Lia.
Not a day goes by where I don't think about her coming home to me full of another man's cum.

>> No.41574977

People would identify me as a neet at 5 am EST

>> No.41574985

The its fasleflaggers and anti cope is the next discord meta naruhodo

>> No.41574987


>> No.41574998

/b/ is pornbots now spamming porn threads on repeat ran on various discords to drown out discussion
/pol/ is bots and shills scamming each other into ideologies
your data can't count these things unless someone like musk buys 4chan and removes the bots
same goes for the rest
surely you would know this if you bothered interacting with people instead of being obsessed with false data

>> No.41574999

i am serbian

>> No.41575002

>self-harm holes

>> No.41575005

You are right. But its that one autistic Sea nig that antis pippa usually. It always gets shitty around this time.

>> No.41575009


>> No.41575019
Quoted by: >>41575101

>holding people accountable for their mistakes is a bad thing
The absolute state of cuckposters.

>> No.41575021

I like how some anons will continue blaming SEA when the general is getting worse the deeper we get into American hours.

>> No.41575032

I hope Lia is ok, I'm not even a like, but she seems so sweet and the thought of her being upset is not nice

>> No.41575044

I hope she bleeds herself dry

>> No.41575048
Quoted by: >>41575237

ogey rrat

>> No.41575054
Quoted by: >>41575147

shes not nice anon shes a manipulative whore

>> No.41575063

So was that lia or a falseflag (I have no doubt it was a falseflag, lia is too menhera to stand here right now)

>> No.41575081

>all lumi fans from EU
>all pippa fans from the americas
>all lia fans from asia

>> No.41575085
Quoted by: >>41575133

SEA monkeys are still here

>> No.41575095

it was a falseflag, I've pulled that same fucking "I" then delete bit before

>> No.41575101

>holding accountable
Yeah, totally. People are discussing what a whore she is and that she should die to keep her accountable. Totally not out of emotional impulse but rational, well-measured accountability. Checks and balances and all that.

>> No.41575108

Yeah what Lia did is bad, but does anyone else think the other girls are just as bad if not worse for coming to her defense?

>> No.41575107
File: 456 KB, 2138x2166, DA5943D1-E911-4DD0-9CB1-CA45FC47216D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41575214


>> No.41575116

Most obvious falseflag I've ever seen.

>> No.41575123

Falseflag. I've done the same thing last year and gotten 30+ (you)s on a deleted comment on the Niji thread.

>> No.41575126
Quoted by: >>41575796

I swear to god he said what he said on stream like he was activating sleeper agents.
I swear he said it intentionally in an attempt to get her to hurt herself.
Because of this I believe Sakana has the right to sue him. I assume there are laws in place about trying to destroy people’s companies with malicious intent he could use.

>> No.41575133

You will never effectively address a misdiagnosed problem.

>> No.41575135
Quoted by: >>41575777

What shocked me the most about the VOD was chat activity, you could see the drop in numbers as things went on. It wasn't that bad until the faggot made comments about them having met IRL already, then it dropped hard again when he pushed the topic trying to convince Lia to hang out with him more. Then he stayed for a while in chat, with some likers even shipping the two of them. Once he got banned the chat slowed to a crawl, meanwhile Lia was sobbing and not saying shit. It was like watching a trainwreck in real time, ackward as fuck VOD, can't imagine being there live.

>> No.41575140

Its also Leafs.

>> No.41575144
Quoted by: >>41575476

this shit is why only followed Pippa. She literally never bait on sex appeal or needy girlfirend crap. She's only attracting memesters. Nobody would give a fuck if she had kids already. From her lifestyle, look of her feet and how people react to Pippa in her stories, it seems she look like a Filipino boy child with heavy antisocial issues.

>> No.41575147
Quoted by: >>41575203

I don't believe that.

>> No.41575162
Quoted by: >>41575211

of course theyre gonna defend their friend no matter what retard

>> No.41575170

Oh shit. I hadn't even considered that.
Since Likers are justifying their harassing of her as "accountability" or whatever BS, wouldn't that mean Tenma and her other friends are basically getting in the way of holding her accountable? Shit, I think you accidentally stumbled across a whole new avenue for antis.

>> No.41575171

She's fine. Most likers already forgave her and now its just antis trying to continue to stir shit up.

>> No.41575191


>> No.41575193

Haven't they been mostly silent? I only know that tenma showed up sometime during Lia's breakdown, and the other accounts haven't made any posts defending random male call ins

>> No.41575203

then you're just another mark

>> No.41575204

Tenma is a lost case, I realized that within three days of checking out PC

>> No.41575207

I wish the Donothon hadn't ended how it did but I still think I like Lia bros. I no longer love her though.

>> No.41575211

If you defend your friend for doing something absolutely despicable then that means you support that thing and would have done the same. It would be one thing if they said "yeah Lia did something bad but you shouldn't be so hard on her" but they're acting like they don't see the problem with what she did at all

>> No.41575214
File: 3.15 MB, 1321x1586, 1639966653687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41575213
Quoted by: >>41575254

No, they are being good friends to her.

>> No.41575216

so, now that Lia is finished, will this be the end of phase connect?

>> No.41575224
File: 486 KB, 681x809, 1651647381767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41575223

she's gonna be upset for awhile but as long as she doesn't take a break from streaming everything will recover. I believe

>> No.41575228

Your one of those giving second chances to a cheating wife, how’s the cum tasting?

>> No.41575230
Quoted by: >>41575432

Continue ignoring all of the criticism and unease. Pretend it's all mindless hate. That'll go well. It's the Likers at fault, Lia as a streamer has zero control or responsibility over her own stream.

>> No.41575232

I wish the same

>> No.41575234

>Its also Leafs.
I will always like Lia you deflecting subhuman.
why tf are you blaming the leafs anyway

>> No.41575237

Correct the Record leaks show how superpacs spam boards. This goes for all of them, ads or agenda, to control discussion. We've spoken about limited chatbots in this very general and how lifelike posts can be. It helps when parameters are limited and there are 1 or 2 topics per general politics or game thread.
Discord raids on 4chan are well documented.
This entire site is a playground for discord. Lumi's old mod proved that.
A fag used discord spoilers in this very general last thread.
4chan is not a place with an identity anymore, it's a corpse to be pillaged or to hide in.

>> No.41575252
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 43545657687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he want vtubers to be his on line girlfriend
here's the problem, too many toasters
I watch Pippa the same reason i would watch SsethTzzentach if he streamed and im a 30 old dude

>> No.41575254

A good friend isn't afraid to admit when their friend has done something wrong

>> No.41575268

>likers are gay and cucks

>> No.41575274
Quoted by: >>41575339

Holy shit it wasn't that bad, she shouldn't have done it, but it's hardly despicable.

>> No.41575276
File: 328 KB, 488x903, 72725339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41575374

I've seen your kind, time and time again. All personal info must be caught, every IRL relationship unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self proclaimed Lia Liker. But in the end, you lack the stomach, to the agony you bring down upon yourself.

I trust you've learned your lesson. in Boyfriend Connect, curiosity could be your cross.

>> No.41575281
File: 476 KB, 680x759, 1664162337242853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41575285
Quoted by: >>41575307

Yes. I'll see you in /ppg/. Don't wait up!

>> No.41575288

hmm this is the NTR ending of Needy Streamer, where the girl leaves P-chan for a promise of a bigger career by a guy with bigger clout, and marries the guy (who later leaves her) and then she becomes a schizo man-hater.

>> No.41575299
File: 19 KB, 549x127, 1660647006752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paypig making excuses
It's over

>> No.41575303


>> No.41575307

No, I'll be in /corpo/

>> No.41575315
Quoted by: >>41575453

>absolutely despicable
fuck off drama queen

>> No.41575330
File: 25 KB, 600x800, 826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41575484

Liafans....i think she migh commit sudoku after Fishman fires her for angering the pay piggies

>> No.41575339
Quoted by: >>41575481

It was an utter betrayal of her fans and I don't know how she will live with herself after

>> No.41575341

yeah, it's over
she burned paypigs too hard with this. Expect them on other small corpo streamers soon, probably the jews and kawaii

>> No.41575346
File: 49 KB, 676x173, 1646437381555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is happening

>> No.41575353

>discord screenshots
dios mio
la creatura del redditos

>> No.41575360
Quoted by: >>41575448

Love these fanfics where your favorite streamer is a fucked up mentally ill loser (just like us bros!) who believes that chat is her bf just like chat believes she's their gf (it's like a real relationship bros...)

And as always eventually it turns out that she's just a regular bf haver who wants a bit of pocket change working from home

>> No.41575361
File: 1.06 MB, 1100x940, 1672805171518668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of watching vtubers and after a couple of months they fuck up like this and i remember 'oh yeah, they don't fucking care about me', it's the fucking third time in a row this happened, why can't they at least keep the keyfabe? Is it so hard?

>> No.41575362

the end, we are saying our goodbyes

>> No.41575364
File: 238 KB, 336x524, 1673870191921806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lisa wouldn't want you to say these things to Lia, it would make Lisa sad, why do you want to make Lisa sad?

>> No.41575368

>Discord screenshot.
Do I even have to say it?

>> No.41575374

It was shoved in my face, Mr. Vilhelm, I had no other options.

>> No.41575377
Quoted by: >>41576433

Is it Yubi's turn in the washing machine?

>> No.41575381
Quoted by: >>41575481

She's so sweet and I hope that when she cums she thinks of me instead of the obese tub of lard on top of her.

>> No.41575386

Glad to see you keeping up the positivity, anon.

>> No.41575402
Quoted by: >>41575470

Bruh Pippa and Panko are LARPing as Lia antis right now

>> No.41575417

QRD anchor >>41574079

>> No.41575421
File: 1010 KB, 942x940, this leaf is lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its also Leafs
all me

>> No.41575428
File: 48 KB, 1212x763, phaseliadangerously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how yubi feels about all of this

>> No.41575432

Who said it was or wasn't her fault, or if she deserved it? But let's be honest, calling for her death and degrading her isn't for her sake, its for Likers' own emotional venting. Don't pretend it was otherwise. You could have easily just told her explicitly, "I'll stop watching you if you interact with this person!" rather than wishing for her death.

>> No.41575434
File: 611 KB, 600x600, 1674149914458340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41576201

Pippa is extremely cute tho

>> No.41575446

>I watch Pippa the same reason i would watch SsethTzzentach
This is most pippiggers at this point, she doesnt act like a regular vtuber and they would have gotten filtered by z** posting otherwise. If vtubers would like to follow that path they would have to start measuring themselves to the same standards regular content creators do. If they don't they are just a cute girl for otakus to fawn over.

>> No.41575448

Yeah it's either this or Onlyfans for girlboss entrepreneurs. Anyone who deludes themselves into thinking that their favorite streamer cares about them deserves whatever yab befalls upon them. And there will be one, sooner or later.

>> No.41575453

Sucking another’s man sick live is totally swell , yassss queen slay!!

>> No.41575456

There hasn't really been any activity from any of them, apart from Yuri telling everyone to sleep

>> No.41575461
File: 1.30 MB, 896x692, 1672093930485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phase Connect will not end until I have finished discovering every event that Yippee was complicit in.

>> No.41575470

Over the top Lia antis. Easiest way to damage control is to make the other side look bad.

>> No.41575472
Quoted by: >>41575519

keep posting, i've almost figured out who you are. in fact i'm pretty positive

>> No.41575473
File: 81 KB, 792x874, yubi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41575850


>> No.41575476
Quoted by: >>41575837

She does occupy the just like me weird dysfunctional semi-hikki niche, and while I don’t think a relationship invalidates that I can at least understand people who would find her harder to identify with knowing that.

>> No.41575478

Imagine falling in love with a woman you had never seen real face in real life. You can still jack off to her anime avatar even if she had kids, bro

>> No.41575479

See >>41574135 minus spoilers. Actually explains the before and after bits.

>> No.41575481

It's not that bad.

I don't think that guy can make girls cum

>> No.41575484

she wont tho

>> No.41575486
Quoted by: >>41575531

donating is an emotional thing, never rational (unless you're a big company donating to reduce taxes). There's literally no reason to give a random stranger your time, attention, and money if not entirely for the emotional (parasocial) bond you have with them.
Any chuuba, male or female, that forgets it's all about managing the emotions of your fans deserves to slide into irrelevancy.
Lia has always been too impulsive and not the brightest tool in the shed. Sucks for her and her fans but some anons saw this coming a mile away.

>> No.41575491

all right I give in.
I can’t argue with you and convince you Lia didn't plan for that to happen.
I just hope my surrogate vtuber sister is okay.

>> No.41575496
Quoted by: >>41575730

It's called a lapse of judgment because it's a retarded thing you do without thinking properly, yeah. It's not supposed to make sense.

>> No.41575503


>> No.41575515
Quoted by: >>41575563

I’m not angry or disappointed with Lia, just baffled. Why would you do that? I can chalk it up to being tired from streaming for so long, but still, Jesus. The call came in at the perfect time to inflict the most amount of hurt, goals reached, winding down, sloppy toppy time interrupted. She did her best to save the mood, joked about Bito buttsex, and injecting likers with the gay needle, doing karaoke but couldn’t recover. She deserved a better ending. It was a fun 48 hours but I just feel bad for her.

>> No.41575519
Quoted by: >>41575553

who am I then?

>> No.41575531
Quoted by: >>41575740

Or I enjoy the content and want to give them a tip, like a busker playing good music

>> No.41575537

We are waiting for official statement from the fish man regarding this lack of profesional behavior

>> No.41575541

They are unironically just as bad doing having the right intentions but the wrong actions causes just as much if not more damage in the long run

>> No.41575545

>Got to bed
>Wake up, go about business
>Later, check /pcg/ again
>Still all talking about the Lia thing
Did something new happen like Lia siding with the groomer or is this place just bored still?

>> No.41575553
Quoted by: >>41575894



>> No.41575557
File: 587 KB, 500x693, 1649908038272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa is pure sex tho

>> No.41575563

seeing her try to win us back by talking about Bito sex and singing the feels was just sad, it was so fucking obvious she had read the thread and was freaking out so she just wanted to throw something out there to win us back, I pity her honestly

>> No.41575585

No, that's just you and the dog fucker.

>> No.41575589
Quoted by: >>41575676

>the person who acted like a loud idiot before and after putting up an act and forced himself into a livestream is entirely innocent
Tell me, what do you gain from siding with the obvious enemy?

>> No.41575609

>/pcg/ gloats about how PC is inclining
>doesn't want incline schizos
Can't have it both ways.

>> No.41575625
File: 184 KB, 597x397, joy is Lia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia is never finished until I kill myself, because she lives in my heart

>> No.41575627

Who were your past oshis?

>> No.41575629

>yubicraft ads
I better get back and build before the next pippa visit

>> No.41575639

there are no new streams to talk about yet

>> No.41575648
File: 445 KB, 423x703, 1670203784654781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41575690


>> No.41575652

She can use her tears as lube to jerk me off

>> No.41575654

You haven't been here before 2013 and it shows

>> No.41575656
Quoted by: >>41575735

Anime isn't real, they're never going to fuck you.

>> No.41575663

hmmmm I think I will like Lia

>> No.41575676
Quoted by: >>41575956

She enabled him, knew him already, let him in, kept him in.
Stop being a cuck ffs

>> No.41575675

do you think pippa has big milkers or is she a flattie?

>> No.41575688

yeah, it's just sad when they come back with the tail between their legs. Either address it directly or completely ignore it. Throwing malding fans a pity bone never worked for anyone

>> No.41575690
File: 494 KB, 660x609, pippa seeex[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjo5i0l.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41575692

Huh, surprised this hasn't been taken down yet.

>> No.41575703

Carol, Mori, and Nyanners

>> No.41575717

She is a skeleton and so flat she doesn't even try to pretend to not be flat.

>> No.41575724

Get used to it anon. I know in /lig/ dramatic events like this lasts in discussion probably 1-3 weeks. I don't know if /pcg/'s community or population will make that time shorter or longer though.

Doubt it. It could cause magnitudes more damage if the CEO got involved, since the rage could be vented corp-wide instead of just one person. Like how Chinese Antis flooded all Hololive talents' chat, not just Cocos. And that's not even considering antis aside, the fact twitter cancellers might dogpile if he doesn't oppose gender segregation or whatever they'll interpret this penis-haver interruption as. On top of all that is being blacklisted as too controversial by possible sponsors in the future.

>> No.41575726
Quoted by: >>41575770

fucking oshi hopping faggot go kill yourself nigger

>> No.41575730

No one fucks up that badly during ASMR without it being intentional stop coping like this anon its pathetic as fuck

>> No.41575735

It’s about not being a complete retarded whore live.

>> No.41575739


>> No.41575740

It's more like throwing treats to a dog to do tricks as these vtubers all suck at music, even the so-called idols

>> No.41575753
File: 129 KB, 1050x1200, 1667060932244264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41575757
Quoted by: >>41575792

>She's a brotuber like like MoistCritical or Sseth
Average Pippafan, lmao

>> No.41575759

She looks smug af reading about this trashfire senpai

>> No.41575760

What a great day

>> No.41575763
Quoted by: >>41575822

wow bro you changed me

>> No.41575767
Quoted by: >>41575827

Its against the law to have sex with dogs

>> No.41575770

It's not that I hop oshis... it's that my oshis hop me...

>> No.41575777

>with some likers even shipping the two of them
Not i liker but i do this in all chats every time the occasion present it self.

>> No.41575783

Hey, look on the bright side, guys!

At least Henri made a lot of new friends overnight.

>> No.41575784
File: 787 KB, 744x786, PUNISHED LIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent masturbated in 3 days, I tried to jack off last night but the Lia situation upset me so much I couldnt finish

>> No.41575790

Actually no, nothing new happened at all and people (or a few very dedicated autismos) have been spamming about how Lia is Satan nonstop for the past 10 hours. In fact they've actually sped up the shitposting today.
I have to wonder what drives someone to act like this. Everyone gets the point of what happened, who's to blame for it, and knows it was a fuckup, what's there to gain by repeating everything every post.

>> No.41575789

bro you already struckout, step away from the plate.

>> No.41575792

That's not a bad attitude to have tho. Maybe a little gay but there is worse.

>> No.41575796

he must be that autistic to not know what he was doing
or he knew exactly and planned it all

>> No.41575801

>literally Gura, goes missing when her company starts going to shit

>> No.41575820
File: 314 KB, 1766x2048, 1668472289797734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first one was Ame, the second one is an indie who turned out to be too much of a horny bitch to pay attention to her fans

>> No.41575822

No being that sad is genetic I'm afraid your doomed to be a massive faggot for life anon better end it now

>> No.41575823

Are you sure you don't have an unconscious cuck fetish? How do you pick out that succession exactly

>> No.41575825

Go watch Remi, I don't like her type of content personally but that girl will NEVER break kayfabe, it's insane. If she ever breaks it will be your fault.

>> No.41575827

Chasebros....it's over

>> No.41575838
File: 252 KB, 1126x1091, 1144b4_5719631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over...

ALSO apparently entire Phase Connect consist of Lia, Pippa, Panko, Lumi and Tenma because its literally the only names i hear in these threads for weeks WHO the fuck is Hakushika, Utananane Nasa, Michiru or Uruka?

>> No.41575837

the fact pippa survived the Zyab is proof she has value beyond mere waifubait

>> No.41575842

I’ll go at it until she quits streaming

>> No.41575850

this picture talks to me on a deeper emotional level

>> No.41575853
Quoted by: >>41576085

Tell me how many people you know who frequently do ASMR, then get spammed by someone in chat who then proceed to spam discord calls. If your sample size isn't at least a handful, then you can't say "nobody" does this.

>> No.41575856
File: 357 KB, 1440x1519, 1674000097015449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got the VOD with the MALE ON STREAM since I know if she puts it back up that whole segment will get clipped out.

Someone put it up on YouTube or something. Literally just title it MALE ON STREAM.

>> No.41575876

Probably just H---- screaming on cooldown again. Guy seems the type.

>> No.41575880

Tenma news
She sleeps with a Caucasian Shepherd every night

>> No.41575882

I'm uploading the Rumi collab cause that's all I wanted to save

>> No.41575886

Of course JP rarely gets posted, also Uruka was the main topic for several threads when she came back from her break

>> No.41575894
File: 12 KB, 709x224, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are implying what I think you are implying then you are wrong.

>> No.41575897

the power of Lia.

>> No.41575900 [SPOILER] 
File: 248 KB, 598x562, 1663735410037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Italian trains ran on time...

>> No.41575904
File: 736 KB, 902x966, pippaleashed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The holy shit does things to me.

>> No.41575909

yeah, me

>> No.41575911
Quoted by: >>41575993

What a sad use of your finite human life.

>> No.41575914

I already did but i don't really like her content, thanks for the recommendation tho

>> No.41575923


>> No.41575927

Remi is sick but her coomers post in thread every stream she does

>> No.41575926

anyone got some video essays to recommend? I don't care about the topic, i'm not gonna be able to focus on anything all day so I could at least learn useless information

>> No.41575934

This your first /vt/ drama? This is pretty par for the course. Not just here, but across the board. See >>41575724

>> No.41575946
File: 429 KB, 2560x1440, 1664837070511710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A total logistical collapse of daily load reports.

>> No.41575953

Tbf I still waifu her

>> No.41575956

And if he hadn't done any of what he did, nothing bad would have happened yesterday.
Which is absolute proof that he's entirely the one to blame.
The fact that you insist in shifting the blame proves you're either:
1. Exo himself
2. Someone who hates Phase in general (such as one of the famous antis such as H****)
3. A catalog retard
In any case, please go fuck yourself.

>> No.41575970


>> No.41575984
Quoted by: >>41576758


>> No.41575988

same. i'm gonna use the depression to kick my more fucked up porn habits

>> No.41575993

Watching vtubers is a waste of your finite human life, yet your still doing it retard

>> No.41576004
File: 110 KB, 800x800, 1674427298734448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cute women

>> No.41576014


>> No.41576018

Not a Liker, so I can't speak from that level of attachment, but if she did another lewd ASMR stream to make up for the interruption, I'd let it go. The only issue is that it would probably bring up the debacle all over again and make it awkward, so I'd be surprised if she ever does that type of content again. Seeing that part of the donothon getting botched pisses me off more than the existence of the fat faggot.

>> No.41576019
File: 306 KB, 426x438, a beautiful mind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Lia

>> No.41576021

Anyone attacking or defending her will need to wait a few weeks to see the real extent of the damage. Drops in numbers: ccv, supas, memberhips, twitter likes. These will show the truth.

>> No.41576022
Quoted by: >>41576239

I dont get why people traded their twitch e-thot streamers for Ooshis. Vtuber stuff suppose to be entertainment, not emtional connection with your virtual girlfriend

>> No.41576025

Someone make a spreadsheet containing the Lia shippers so I can anti them if they happen to watch a vtuber I like

>> No.41576027

And if she hadn't accepted the call and humored him for 30 minutes nothing would have happened. Turns out it takes two to ruin a career.

>> No.41576033
File: 27 KB, 725x221, Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 11-26-14 Uruka Ch. 藤倉ウルカ 【Phase Connect】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41576192

How badly did Covid hit Taiwan?

>> No.41576034

pippa has value in that she's a retarded circus animal that you poke with a stick and laugh at its misfortune. but you are correct, being a schadenfreude e-clown is a different kind of value than being waifubait

>> No.41576037


Is replacing "all disagreers are sockpuppets" with "all disagreers are outsiders" the updated version of this ad hominem?

>> No.41576064

no, she doesn't get my boomer jokes

>> No.41576074

shes not gonna lose any viewers over this, 90% of chat had no clue why she was upset

>> No.41576079

You should kill yourself tho

>> No.41576085

Everyone who does ASMR live streams also more than likely has discord and also more than likely have the forthought to either change their status, mute discord, or mute annoying faggots. There is no excuse

>> No.41576095
File: 103 KB, 723x712, laughing stops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>romanian nuclear disaster
>the nigger of nippon
>pink cat bad
I refuse to believe it's serious, or you have an unconscious desire to punish yourself

>> No.41576096

Lia should pivot to being a clowntuber immediately.
She's halfway there.

>> No.41576100
Quoted by: >>41576209

You think Tenma will develope GoW brainrot in the same fashion Pomu developed MGS brainrot?

>> No.41576117

They knew full well what had gone on

>> No.41576126

Lia posting was so fun for months. it's never gonna be the same again is it

>> No.41576134
Quoted by: >>41576229

You absolute retard, she only accepted the call because he made it. He initiated the entire fucking thing. She was an idiot for not thinking how wrong everything could have gone, yes, the fag could even have doxxed her live or something even worse, but literally nothing would have happened if this one loud fucking idiot wasn't there to start it.
Why do you want to suck his dick so much? Do you want a VA job that badly?

>> No.41576137
Quoted by: >>41576188

I mean you might be right. 4channers act like they're the center of the universe... just like facebookers, tumblerinas, redditors, etc.
In reality the average thread IP count isn't even 1% of her subscriber count. And that's not even subtracting how many IPs are here for other talents.

>> No.41576143

Uruka just need to post her gloveless hands so we can see that swastika tattoo of her

>> No.41576149
Quoted by: >>41576286

shiina crab stream

>> No.41576150

it will
you just have to ignore the bait
unless you want to join in

>> No.41576159
File: 532 KB, 1023x634, 1674121108652594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruin a career
You're so dumb.
You're so fucking dumb.

>> No.41576166
Quoted by: >>41576223

Im a man, who refuses white woman whoring and defending them.

Your A. A tranny
B. a genuine cuck enjoyer
C. A woman

Kill yourself

>> No.41576174

the antis have ammo against us now, we're gonna have to fight twice as hard

>> No.41576182

Give it about a few days or so and it should die down. Then it'll just be the odd straggler here or there.

>> No.41576183
File: 864 KB, 1480x816, imaginary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lia is the first vtuber ever that had a male appear on stream

>> No.41576186

Ame at least indicated beforehand that she was going to pivot her content...

>> No.41576188
Quoted by: >>41576458

Hey chase

>> No.41576192
Quoted by: >>41576287

lmao covid isn't even real

>> No.41576193
Quoted by: >>41576272

This. But I think it will mostly be likers needing to keep her at arms length, similar to how Pippa's fans are, enthusiasm will be down and any "I love Lia" will have that kind of stank to it that capipilists have.

>> No.41576201
File: 5 KB, 250x201, 5456767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her avatar is cute and i can see jacking of to this, but she's not some internet girlfriend personality. She's a smelly NEET girl who is probably a 4/10 half asian autist. I'm okay if she fucks a furfag or a brony although it would be based if her boyfriends was also a based 4chan celebrity

>> No.41576209
Quoted by: >>41576710

Yeah, but likely not to that extent.
Doesn't help that it's 100% overshadowed by her macho muscle man fetish brainrot.

>> No.41576223
Quoted by: >>41576312

So the answer was 3 then, glad to have your cooperation. Don't forget to tag everyone on discord and send a screencap of my post to @bannedvtmemes to celebrate how hard you owned me

>> No.41576224

It'll die down in like a week or two. This isn't as bad as they pretend it is.

>> No.41576229
Quoted by: >>41576292

Why are you such a woman, logic not emotion you roastbeef

>> No.41576236

>She's a smelly NEET girl who is probably a 4/10 half asian autist.

That's my type, anon.

>> No.41576239
Quoted by: >>41576362

>Vtuber stuff suppose to be entertainment
nigga that's some low standards for entertainment

You have an awful taste in anime women and you should stop engaging in this hobby, you are just going to hurt yourself more.

>> No.41576255
File: 150 KB, 242x285, 1673835254158914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a break from this place. Stay strong, likers.

>> No.41576272

They're saving the image of the dude to post him in reply to the "I love Lia" ritual posters.

>> No.41576274


>> No.41576279

I will fight like a dog, rosebud. see you around my beloved

>> No.41576283
File: 337 KB, 443x537, 1674471753181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41576287

What set her off on coughing for months and destroyed her vocals for a year then?

>> No.41576286
File: 3.17 MB, 1164x1875, shiiinasaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41577025

Unironically >>41576149
Watching any streamer gush about their favorite topics is a bit heartwarming. Might be salve for the soul after all this drama.

>> No.41576290

Considering even the fucking Mikeneko fags came back and pretend nothing happened, I think you'll be okay anon

>> No.41576291

>half asian
what about pippa strikes you as asian?

>> No.41576292

>wow why aren't you using logic to explain what happened
>watch as I use logic to disregard everything you said and base my shitposting on my own emotions

>> No.41576297
File: 178 KB, 420x454, 1672807321883958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41576306

I'm still thinking about that Jalapeno Pepperoni Pizza Yuri sent Lia all the way from Canada

>> No.41576312

Ignorance is bliss, but what should one expect from woman’s brain. You’re kind shouldn’t vote.

>> No.41576313

What's with the sudden influx of completely retarded faggots?

>> No.41576340

get you a friend like yubi

>> No.41576343

>Jalapeno Pepperoni Pizza
What the fuck is she me

>> No.41576353


>> No.41576354
File: 396 KB, 200x200, 1654171116747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See ya rosebud, you're a good man

>> No.41576356

bro you changed me this time

>> No.41576362

>movies: capeshit
>music: generic hiphop shit #83820
>video games: goyslop
Where's the high standard entertainment?

>> No.41576365

You are too obvious bleeding slit. Stop being a whore, easy.

>> No.41576377
File: 197 KB, 322x395, 1532313371839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41576726

there's nothing to post about Lia Liking until she does something of some kind
until then, it will seem like everybody is an anti

>> No.41576379
File: 41 KB, 427x441, dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an ESL after all

>> No.41576381
Quoted by: >>41576447

Im going to befriend Yubi for the sole possibility that accidentally sends me pizzas and pays for them.

>> No.41576385
File: 182 KB, 566x363, panko manko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41576398
Quoted by: >>41576464

I don't know anon, have you tried reading a book or actually get a hobby outside of consooming?

>> No.41576406

Will it hurt?

>> No.41576411

Just play the vidya the vtuber plays yourself? it's more engaging

>> No.41576427

Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.41576433
File: 3.64 MB, 1058x1383, 1659633415655184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41576431
Quoted by: >>41576502

I used to like Lia but now I hate her

>> No.41576441
Quoted by: >>41576502

I used to hate Lia but now I like her

>> No.41576445
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, I THINK PIPPA SUCKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41576447

I still think about her crying over the rat in minecraft

>> No.41576455

Im going to befriend PANKO for the sole possibility that accidentally sends me MANKO pizza is fine too.

>> No.41576458
Quoted by: >>41576527

With moderators cleaning up chat, we don't actually know the extent of how many people were genuinely enraged, or how many were going along with it ironically for the lulz. In fact, I'm not even sure we still do know since moderators are probably going to be doing double-duty for her streams until stuff calms down. But even if you assume 100% of her audience at the time were unicorns and a hivemind, her CCV was only a fraction of her total subs. And I think it's safe to assume that like with ANY hobby, the vast majority are just casual enjoyers while only a few (and very loud) number are diehard fans who would care about this stuff.

>> No.41576461

The only emotion I had was while jerking it to her crying, delicious

>> No.41576464
Quoted by: >>41577101

What book? An autobiography about Harry's childhood? Something about the American political landscape? That kind of slop as well?

>> No.41576474
Quoted by: >>41579510

Here's a spoon sized one since no-one wants to go seek through the 2 existing vods.


Don't worry Likers are extra retarded and will forget all about it when the batsu stream happens. Then something will happen again and they'll rinse and repeat forever.

>> No.41576479

I used to like Lia but now I hate her

>> No.41576480

Regardless of your opinion of Lia I hope you can agree that we need to make an example of her now so that other vtubers don't see her actions and think it is ok for them to do this shit too.

>> No.41576487
Quoted by: >>41576973


>> No.41576494
Quoted by: >>41576564

Pippa is a steven colbert type. a liberal who pretends to be conservative. next year she will pivot to a preaching type show with non of the over the top parody we see today

>> No.41576502

There are two wolves inside you one is gay, the other one is also gay.

>> No.41576526

yep I hope this whole scenario shows everyone else in Phase what happens when they have males on stream

>> No.41576527
Quoted by: >>41576570

The chat was literally shipping her and Exo. It was only /pcg/ seething.

>> No.41576533

I used to like Lia but now I love her

>> No.41576564

I dont believe you.

>> No.41576568

I always imagine a 4/10 small Filipipino girl with large glasses and childish face and flat chest. There must be a reason why she's a neet girl and not another roastie and she doesnt sound like she's fat

>> No.41576570

her chat also slowed down and regulars suddenly stopped typing

>> No.41576571
File: 357 KB, 2048x2732, Ff0gAKiXgAAjMK9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41576577
Quoted by: >>41576885

I used to love Lia but now I despise her

>> No.41576588

When I hear a male voice on stream I just start to scream and slam my head into the desk like a complete fucking retard

>> No.41576604

I bet it really did and you didn't imagine this in your delusional retard brain at all

>> No.41576606

Well yeah, the horny stopped. Context matters.

>> No.41576607
Quoted by: >>41576676

Furries have a third wolf inside of them, but for different reasons, there's also a secret fourth wolf, his name is Ferdinand and he's also gay

>> No.41576613

I used to despise Lia but now I adore her

>> No.41576631

>filter Lia and enable recursive hiding
>90% of the thread is gone (nothing of value was lost)
Guess that will have to do for the week.

>> No.41576642
Quoted by: >>41576678

I was a Liker like you, until I got cucked on stream

>> No.41576647
Quoted by: >>41576716

>he didn't have Lia filtered before

>> No.41576651
Quoted by: >>41576730

There's only 89 posters here. And many of those are either neutral or defending Lia. She's going to be fine. She will lose her unicorns but by the looks of it they weren't that many to begin with.

>> No.41576655
Quoted by: >>41576750

who asked

>> No.41576658
Quoted by: >>41576750

4chanx users are weak

>> No.41576659
Quoted by: >>41576786

Nothing actually substantive will happen. If it's just /vt/ sperging out, it means it has no bite. So bad luck to you.

>> No.41576674
Quoted by: >>41576750

cool blog faggot
kill yourself

>> No.41576676

how many cocks can an average furry take honest inquire

>> No.41576678

>Lia cucked Lumi live on stream
>now she cucks us live on stream
we should have seen it coming...

>> No.41576685


>> No.41576686
File: 88 KB, 128x128, lia bop gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm the fuck down and go make a koikatsu card for her to cope or something

>> No.41576710

I actually thought her macho fetish would have her go full on deep into GoW, she finished the first game and saw all extra material on stream so Im here wishing for her to start referencing GoW. That'd be so cute.

>> No.41576716

you wouldn't even see that post if you yourself had lia filtered, which you don't

>> No.41576719
Quoted by: >>41576813

>get proven completely wrong
>i-it's all bots

Just shut up faggot.

>> No.41576723
Quoted by: >>41576859

at once or in total?

>> No.41576726
Quoted by: >>41577028

she unfollowed that moron on twitter at least
Lia trust levels: slowly recovering but it will take time to fill the trust gauge again

>> No.41576730
Quoted by: >>41577051

>There's only 89 posters here. And many of those are either neutral or defending Lia.
Honestly speaking it's like 2 or 3 antis who keep spamming about this. Most likers already got over it and just want Lia to come back.

>> No.41576742
Quoted by: >>41576784

[insert clip montage of Elira Pendora talking about how many raccoons can fit inside an a-hole]

>> No.41576748
File: 190 KB, 861x642, the rib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, brother! No I have not had sex.

>> No.41576750

someone seems upset

>> No.41576751
File: 24 KB, 680x680, Ew1Rg0GXMAEfaqS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think only we are doing this Lia cringe or Reddit is also obsessing over it? Do you think Pippa is dissapointed in /pcg/ now?

>> No.41576758
Quoted by: >>41577504

NTA, but I liked this

>> No.41576780


>> No.41576784

Kek, nijien sometimes (rarely) has nice moments.

>> No.41576786

Man I sure hope she doesnt get more maros and it damages her already bruised up brain

>> No.41576798

this is why we need IDs

>> No.41576802

She's been disappointed in us for a while.

>> No.41576804

why would I care what Pippa thinks

>> No.41576813

melancholic/sei leaks proves you wrong
correct the record leaks proves you wrong
you're naive to see a graph and believe it when anyone can fake a graph
you've never worked in business

>> No.41576819

The sad thing is this one doesn't even realize how deeply insulting this is to Pippa, or any girl for that matter.

Also, the thread is full to the brim by nonna's from lolcow_dot_farm. Expect this to continue for a while. Femcels are vicious and they hate vtubers, and PC as a whole.

>> No.41576822

if you couldn't tell all it would take was one thing for the likers to snap you clearly weren't reading their insane drivel

>> No.41576827

Kill yourself

>> No.41576835
Quoted by: >>41576916

>Do you think Pippa is dissapointed in /pcg/ now?
I hardly watch Lia but I have been spending Pippa's off day with defending her because I know that's what Pippa would want. Am I retarded?

>> No.41576838

I am half expecting Pippa to tangent about this at some point this week. Pippa and Tenma seem very protective.

>> No.41576840
Quoted by: >>41576972

It's still less likely to be real than EnnaKyou, you'll be fine.

>> No.41576848

if youre too retarded to decipher whats bait and whats genuine then you should go back to twitter

>> No.41576857
File: 1.47 MB, 863x1113, 1628376545356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41576941

if Pippa can't discern real posts vs bait then she shouldn't be here

>> No.41576859

at once

>> No.41576867

>Do you think Pippa is dissapointed in /pcg/ now?
Pippa is anon I'm sure she can understand that the funny clover website has a lot of purityfags, vanillafags, etc. (including me of course)

>> No.41576871

No, we cannot have objectively good improvements. We must swim in shit.

>> No.41576874

Why would that stop anyone? From samefagging we live in an age with cheap data plans and even cheaper internet capable phones

>> No.41576883
Quoted by: >>41576921

Pippa would never be disappointed in us.

>> No.41576885

Hope you cancelled membership if you had one

>> No.41576891
Quoted by: >>41576904

I coudnt masturbate for 8 days now because i can't find a job and im depressed

>> No.41576904
Quoted by: >>41578482

take the NEETpill

>> No.41576916
Quoted by: >>41576960

I think some of the Likers said defending Lia is basically being a Lia anti because... something about not holding her accountable. So congrats, you're a Lia anti.

>> No.41576920

who is this zach faggot that keeps popping up in Phase Connect clips bitching about pippa being a yahtzee?

>Lia Licker

do you fags unironically call yourself this?

>> No.41576921

There will be a company-wide /vt/ ban after this.

>> No.41576931

>pipigger frames everything in relation to Pippa

>> No.41576941

She can't. Autists have difficulty understanding sarcasm from others, even when they are often sarcastic themselves.

>> No.41576959

I'm disappointed in Pippa for not stepping in. She knows Lia has brain problems and should have been lurking.

>> No.41576960
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1670175548261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry Pippa, Lia, I failed you

>> No.41576961

so, what corpo are (You) jumping to after this?

>> No.41576965

She's the only one that matters. Talk about Pippa.

>> No.41576966
Quoted by: >>41577566

not me i'm a girl so i call myself lia schlicker

>> No.41576967
File: 97 KB, 527x680, Fk6oPokWQAEGe3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes just a Liker

>> No.41576972
Quoted by: >>41578585

Honestly if they ever had any kind of a romantic relationship he just burned it by crashing into her biggest event stream to date and crashing it with no survivors. I doubt Lia wants to ever see his face again. If she wasn't single before, she is now

>> No.41576973

watch the doom GOD speedrunning shit on nightmare 100%

>> No.41576974
Quoted by: >>41577174

zach is an unironic autist who will snap at random things

>> No.41576979

Capips had to put up with dox drama for months, just give it time and don't go sperging out or falling for bait.

>> No.41577005

Remember when Pippa said that we are less toxic than Reddit?

>> No.41577006
Quoted by: >>41577244

If Lia can't comprehend that what happened was on her end and all she had to do was not answer a discord call mid-stream, much less mid coomer ASMR stream, this is on her, not us. This would have been final-yab tier if it were a Holo and fairly-significant even for a Niji because it's some rando groomer. She ain't shit, she should go back to school.

>> No.41577011

...Wait so why isn't anyone doing anything about that guy who made the discord call? You'd expect such a concentration of autism to have so much resentment for who's now the #1 public enemy of Lia's fanbase to be capable of at least trying to scare him into hiding for a while, but instead everyone's just angry at Lia.
This is very suspicious.

>> No.41577025

yea gotta go with this one. felt like we were back in school with the teacher that is actually good at explaining stuff teaching us some useless but fun info.

shiina gravitates a bit towards the normie side but pippa keeps the standards of edgy comedy low (or high?) so sometimes she does go into the funi dark humor.

>> No.41577028

Aletta also unfollowed Alban only to refollow him a few days later when things calmed down.

>> No.41577033

just Lia post and don't respond to bait like a rube

>> No.41577036

We hate Lia.

>> No.41577045

To be fair, Likers should've been exiled a long time ago. Everyone else is chill.

>> No.41577051

I just want her to be okay. Hopefully she didn't self-harm too much...

>> No.41577061

hi shondo

>> No.41577070
Quoted by: >>41577140

she chose to bring him on and answer the call, hes just some random autist

>> No.41577076

102 people signed up for the Lumi mate & grate.

>> No.41577083

I think blaming the guy is retarded. Every vtuber with a decent sized audience is going to have a bunch of male orbiters trying to do this kind of shit. If Lia doesn't know how to handle them and lets herself get groomed like this (on stream even!) then that's on her.

>> No.41577088

Because that could easily backfire and negatively impact both Lia and Phase Connect. The best thing to do is to have Lia directly apologize and for Fish to have the guy quietly assassinated.

>> No.41577101
File: 209 KB, 1968x1537, 1674333672701796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, I'm not sure if Lia just had a mountain of moderators or seething Likers were grossly exaggerating events, but chat seemed basically... well, not mad at all. I'm starting to seriously think it may just be a very butthurt /pcg/ minority that's enraged and not actually most of her fans.

>> No.41577103
Quoted by: >>41577134

Lia's already very friendly with the guy and while yes he's a faggot it shoud have been the most obvious choice in the world for Lia to just not bring him into a stream. Seems spiteful / intentional on her end and it's just fucking alligator tears from her now, there is no fucking way she didn't know exactly what she was doing and it feels like she hit Likers in the face with a crowbar. They're not gonna take that sitting down.

>> No.41577104

Yet no one bought he cut out

>> No.41577115
Quoted by: >>41578101

That's a lot of dicks to suck

>> No.41577120

When Jehova's witnesses come to knock on your door and you answer, are they to blame or you?

>> No.41577134

She doesn't regret what she did, just how we reacted to it

>> No.41577140

hi exo, innocent as always aren't you

>> No.41577146
Quoted by: >>41577307

Shit, meant to reply to the VOD link of "THE EVENT" that one anon dropped earlier.

>> No.41577153

I don't even watch Lia. Probably never will either.
In any case, I hate Lia!

>> No.41577173
File: 695 KB, 1200x1200, skykings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41577514

Lia IS to blame for it. Lia has apologized and seems extremely remorseful and is shook.

I like Lia and am proud that she finished the marathon with the best karaoke of her life; a lesser chuuba would have quit.

>> No.41577174

lol I see so many regulars in those yootoob comments, there's lots of good discussion ironically. Most of the guys are chill so I'm assuming its most of you sane bros. But that Zach guy unironically shits things up when he gives his smoothbrained opinion.

>> No.41577182

...I really need to get the fuck out of this hobby for my own mental health

>> No.41577187

Why would she publically apologize to a mob? We've seen again and again that doesn't work

>> No.41577200
File: 34 KB, 612x408, 474767589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically would beleive if she said that she has Japanese grandkids helping her with playing games and that she and her husband look like this

>> No.41577211
File: 287 KB, 368x360, 1628009171629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is bad... I am not even 5 mins into their first interaction before the call in and it already has all kinds of redflags. It unironically feels like I am writing an NTR fanfic.

>> No.41577223

She's gonna have a very sore throat afterwards.

>> No.41577222

she already apologized

>> No.41577232

It worked for Pippa

>> No.41577241

no one in chat is gong to act out other than yelling "male on stream"
if they were it probably didn't even show due to automod
Likers were blindsided and have a right to be upset especially with it happening in the middle of blowjob asmr

>> No.41577240
Quoted by: >>41577329

kek, youre doing God's work anon, please continue

>> No.41577244

>This would have been final-yab tier if it were a Holo
Imagine if Rushia's discord message was instead a call and she brought that guy on stream while Miko watches dumbfounded

>> No.41577250

That would be bad for Lia and the company in general. Unless he's talking shit or gloating about it, there's not much reason to (for now).

>> No.41577268
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, 1660748290981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41577274
Quoted by: >>41577329

Maybe you should rest and think about if you wish to continue this work another day

>> No.41577291

harassing him is a great way to force Lia to yell at her fans

>> No.41577293

she never needs to address it again. she already said what needs to be said and hopefully she takes measures to not repeat this with this bozo.

>> No.41577299
Quoted by: >>41577431

>102 dudes in a row
sounds like a normal weekend for Lumi

>> No.41577302
Quoted by: >>41577326

What's Kamara drama?

>> No.41577307
Quoted by: >>41577485

>Chat significantly slowed down
>maros exploded
>only a few fags on twitter bothered defending her action on now deleted maro posts
And you are here trying your absolute best to memory holes the entire thing by posting this shit every 80-90 posts

>> No.41577326
Quoted by: >>41577444

none, he just gave literal thousands to Lia

>> No.41577328

Stay strong anon, you're doing a great service to us retards.

>> No.41577329

Your mothers should've swallowed you.

>> No.41577332

Because that could easily backfire and negatively impact both Lia and Phase Connect. The best thing to do is to have Lia separate herself from the Transcendent One and for Fish to volunteer to serve in the Blood War in Ukraine.

>> No.41577335

>I think blaming the robber is retarded. Every person with enough money is going to have a bunch of criminals trying to steal his possessions. If you don't know how to handle them and let yourself get shot then that's on you.

>> No.41577341
Quoted by: >>41577771

At this point, I think anons are posting to inflate the thread's activity and there's no serious discussion going on at all. Reply to this post to prove me wrong.

>> No.41577344

Let's hate Lia!

>> No.41577355
File: 2.70 MB, 1500x2000, 1673414205039683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will continue to sisterwaifu Pippa.

>> No.41577372
Quoted by: >>41577409

what show is that?

>> No.41577375
Quoted by: >>41577518

This is true if you don't have basic home security it is on you.

>> No.41577397

Lia's /pcg/ presence grew a lot over the last 4 months, my guess is she siphoned off some of the more retarded members of the other communities.

>> No.41577395
Quoted by: >>41577648

>aggressively looks up trains delayed for more than hour at the time of 2:00pm jan 23

>> No.41577400

>lia defender wants this place to be like reddit

>> No.41577408
File: 61 KB, 680x626, 1652486613144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41577433

This, Pippa is sisterwife-bait and nothing will prove me otherwise

>> No.41577409
File: 59 KB, 265x375, ln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41577469


>> No.41577420

I hate Lia! Only Lia! Always Lia!

>> No.41577422
File: 401 KB, 525x568, FjgiTyBWIAAWhqo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Pippa and Tenma the only vtubers who don't try to groom their SIMPs? Everyone else seem to pretend to be an online girlfriend for donations rather than entertainment. Why is it this business the same as Twitch e-thottery but with anime filters?

>> No.41577425

Because it would only give a bad rep to Phase Connect and a headache to Sakana, and the kneejerk reaction would be something stupid like public apologies and "pls stop harassing the poor seanig vtuber".

>> No.41577428
Quoted by: >>41577527

In conclusion, we can all agree that women cannot be trusted in any capacity. Paradoxically they're also never held accountable for their deeds and it's essentially impossible for them to fail. Impossible. They truly do live their lives on tutorial mode. I now understand why they were historically only used as currency and breeding stock. There's genuinely nothing behind the facade of a person and there's nothing they can say or do that has any meaning.

It's my own fault for getting suckered into vtubing.

>> No.41577429

The vast majority of the audience aren't upset or even care. Just see what happens when she streams. Not that the schizos here care when even their precious noombers prove them wrong.
/vt/ does not have the ability to influence things on its own, so it alone being upset, never mind one general, is pointless except to annoy the rest of us.

>> No.41577431

It's over two days.

>> No.41577433


>> No.41577434

Men will always try to score. It's up to the girl to set boundaries and turn them down.
Lia is 100% at fault for answering that call, and for running with it.

>> No.41577435

I wonder if Vtubers like when their fans get this jealous. It must feel pretty validating.

>> No.41577444

Kek, what a cuck

>> No.41577459

Likers on the PC discord coping so hard, trying to make theories about copyright and other issues as for why the VOD is private and not mentioning at all the final yab, what pathetic retards

>> No.41577457

I like Lia! Only Lia! Always Lia!

>> No.41577463

Lumi is some weird fucked up in between.

>> No.41577469

thank you anon

>> No.41577472

time stamp?

>> No.41577485
Quoted by: >>41577745

Literally said I watched the VOD. But I didn't realize the elite hacker known as 4chan had access to her marrow account. Got a link to a source for her marrow hate, or is that just speculation?
>Chat significantly slowed down
Based on the VOD, chat was practically at a crawl the moment before he appeared (probably due to jerking it or enjoying the moment), so actually sped up -- not slowed down. Before you call me a sockpuppet shill or whatever, blame the guy who provided the VOD if you think he's a secret spy or something.

>> No.41577495
File: 1.73 MB, 500x500, schizophrenia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still love Lia, and I won't stop

>> No.41577503

Dedicated likers arent going to lose their shit in chat and cause a scene, but maybe we should have. That dude seemed like a massive leech.

>> No.41577504

what is this reddit speak

>> No.41577514

We karaokegods appreciate pre-karaoke yabs. Soul and raw emotion become cranked up to eleven. Same thing happened with the karaoke immediately following the /b/omu event, it's the best pomu's ever done.

>> No.41577518

No amount of security can protect you from the wrath of God when he decides its your time to suffer

>> No.41577522
Quoted by: >>41577597

>he's on the discord
anon i'm sorry you have to find out this way, but that makes you a nigger.

>> No.41577527

all women are whores, they are all manipulative, they are all untrustworthy, they are all sluts

>> No.41577530
Quoted by: >>41577583

Elaborate you faggot

>> No.41577534
Quoted by: >>41577609

it's some retarded /pol/teen slang just ignore it

>> No.41577543
Quoted by: >>41577772

because they are all women, even your based "pippa" does it, like a couple of streams ago she said herself that despite making anti parasocial videos she herself is with her oshis and that he sometimes stalks her chat and chatters too.
it's their nature as a woman, literally every single woman streamer is like that, no exceptions

>> No.41577547
File: 46 KB, 521x382, 96395ADD-D7DC-4125-A079-861AE87B79C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an indie
I've been through three indies in the past five years. Each of them, I become their "confidant" because I'm always there and they trust me and call before and sometimes after streams, would run most decisions by me and ask me what to do with their streams frequently, but eventually it turns out they have a huge personality thing that turns me away.
I've come to the realization that indie vtubers are possibly indie vtubers because they're incapable of maintaining normal social relations, so they're using streaming as a way to NOT get close to people and experience the negative repercussions of it. They've all been 5 foot asian NEETs in their early 20s, and although I know it's a small sample size I still feel it's a telling statistic.
tl;dr abandon indies, take the entertainment pill, the kayfabe will never hold up and you'll get hurt, because even if your dreams come true and you grow close to them, they're probably shitty people with issues that they were purposefully protecting you from seeing.

>> No.41577562

I caused this

>> No.41577566

based dykechama

>> No.41577578
Quoted by: >>41577609

Hello newfriend, you must be fresh from reddit! nta is common slang for "not that anon".

>> No.41577581
Quoted by: >>41577848

> my wife cheated on me. It's the guy's fault and totally not hers for breaking her FUCKING VOWS.

>> No.41577583

no, I got a 3day for shittalking vshojo last week

>> No.41577597
Quoted by: >>41577614

it's fine, I'll take the niggerfaggot pill to laugh at them

>> No.41577609
Quoted by: >>41577784

back in my day we just said "not op"

>> No.41577614

kek what a niggerfaggot

>> No.41577617
Quoted by: >>41578017

Gumis forced Lumi to pivot into a gamer to survive after the event of divegrass 1. Wanting to is irrelevant. She had to act. Lia will go on a similar journey now or die trying
Pippa and Tenma tried gfe in previous incarnations (not owl, older) but failed

>> No.41577625
File: 380 KB, 1920x1080, 1662424597164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41577677

Define cuck in your best English in the next 2 minutes or you're 1). Argentinian 2). Gay (permanently). Yes I will be checking if you copy pasted the first Google result.

>> No.41577648

Look for ones going into genoa

>> No.41577659
File: 11 KB, 239x211, 5667678798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa definetly has some waifufaggots who would eat her sweaty armpits just like they would buy the NEET girlfriend video game but majority of her audience are Pepe posting incels who care as much about her having a BF as about Tenma actually being 60 year old

>> No.41577675
Quoted by: >>41577730

You realize they're in this thread discussing it anonymously, right?

>> No.41577677

cuck is short for cuckold, I believe the word was invented by Shakespeare, meaning a man whos wife cheats on him

>> No.41577714
File: 18 KB, 800x450, 3525252646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait was it Vee who fucked Lia? Taht guy from Romania?

>> No.41577720

that game is free you dumb nigger

>> No.41577730
Quoted by: >>41577986

quit exposing the business

>> No.41577732

Based anon.
Only thing I slightly disagree with is to abandon indies 100%.
That mainly applies to EN indies. You can find some genuinely great JP indies if you know what to look for.

>> No.41577745
File: 37 KB, 781x604, 1650629672237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41577795

Make of it as you want

>> No.41577749

doesn't help that Pippa is very very slowly sanitizing her content for more normie audiences, shuting up about things she would've talked about before, soon she will just be a sanitized "edgy" vtuber for normies

>> No.41577759


>> No.41577771

Sorry, I would like to reply but I'm actually a bot

>> No.41577772

A woman's role in a tribe is to understand and regulate social interactions, this is why they all love crime stories, stalking, and psychopath documentaries, they literally evolved for it.

>> No.41577784
Quoted by: >>41579268

retard nigger

>> No.41577786
File: 110 KB, 343x262, 1668078034923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41577841


>> No.41577795

>you were right, it's on me
this is why I forgave her

>> No.41577796

she does it but tricks the simps into thinking they aren't simps

>> No.41577798

>why aren't you talking shit on main
That's the last resort, when all relations have broken down and you are ready to drop her. Everyone knows you're supposed to harass your oshi anonymously on 4chan and through maros or through Twitter alt accounts before proceeding to blow all your good boy points by using main.

>> No.41577837
Quoted by: >>41578179


>> No.41577841
File: 84 KB, 359x199, panko sux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute whore.

>> No.41577848
Quoted by: >>41578005

>has never seen women beating up the other woman and calling her a homewrecker
>has never seen a man shoot or stab the other man or an ex-husband killing the new partner
You're way too wrapped up in your autism to understand how the rest of society actually addresses this behavior. It's about removing competitors. Changing desires is basically impossible.

>> No.41577859

>Remember when Pippa said that we are less toxic than Reddit?

Pippa's fanbase is, yes. She's a brotuber so she auto-filters out anyone looking for a GFE.

Nowadays we spend time bullying her with $1 superchats about the mold and her excessively high doses of Benadryll.

>> No.41577922

Who told you that? It was me who fucked Lia

>> No.41577935

all me

>> No.41577939

Lumi keeps winning

>> No.41577959


>> No.41577967

chances Lia killed herself?

>> No.41577966
File: 267 KB, 422x535, 1665158213311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panko is no whore, she's just Italian

>> No.41577971
Quoted by: >>41578667

>She's a brotuber so she auto-filters out anyone looking for a GFE.
It's not a secret that if you attract that audience you're going to end up with a fanbase full of completely insane genetic deadends of whom at least half should probably be institutionalized. It's a shortcut to popularity but it's going to blow up in your face sooner or later. The alternative is being talented and funny like Pippa and make it clear you're not looking to act as chat's surrogate gf but that's not something everyone can achieve.

>> No.41577972

I seen a bunch of Filipino or indonesian-American girls in a Brony fandom since i also was there since 2012 and they had similar voice like Pippa. That is unless she completely changes it outside of streams.

>> No.41577978
File: 231 KB, 547x857, 1672376203699053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't believe what I heard about her shit earlier anon

>> No.41577986

I'm tired of pretending. (You) are not the exception, anonymous. (You) are still the newfag retard that bumbled his way here from SA/ED/internet aristocrat/reddit however many years ago. (You) aren't without sin.

>> No.41577991

This is such a retarded take, I have to wonder if you are a woman.

>> No.41578005
Quoted by: >>41578294

This is how serial cucks think. That's why they'll keep getting cucked and the only thing their partner learns is how to lie better and that there are no consequences if they fail at it.
Your loss, cuck.

>> No.41578006

chances Lia is still Lia?

>> No.41578007
Quoted by: >>41578037

Not likely. (Very unfortunate)

>> No.41578017
Quoted by: >>41579563

Lumi stopped doing GFE long before because it made her uncomfortable. And like it or not, her stunt on divegrass and the ensuing meltdown was some of the most kino content produced by /vt/ to this day.

>> No.41578020
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, panko fall bratty panda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, and Italy is for women what Thailand is for men.

>> No.41578024

none, being menhera is just her meme persona, she is probably laughing at all the money she got and enjoying a self imposed punishment (vacation), while talking to the same dude on discord or playing games with him as she usually does

>> No.41578034

>Italian (derogatory)

>> No.41578037

I'm still holding out some hope that shes dead

>> No.41578039

No, depends on the audience.

Anyone who wanted a GFE will get filtered out by Pippa after one stream. Nothing beats having massive autism as a gatekeeping method. Using the Rekieta/Jim model.

>> No.41578042

I'm Lia.

>> No.41578049
Quoted by: >>41578173

the smartest thing lia can do and probably does is not touch social media until the next stream

>> No.41578068

this, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocodile_tears

>> No.41578071

yep this makes sense, I almost forgot shes a woman, I actually thought she would feel some regret or shame but shes busy swimming in all her cash and laughing at the paypigs

>> No.41578076

>lia's radio silent
>pippa's radio silent

>> No.41578081
File: 242 KB, 634x508, 1666852224219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41578109


>> No.41578082

This Lia "yab" is nothing compared to the Vera Vee situation

>> No.41578101

all mine

>> No.41578109
File: 1.74 MB, 720x1243, 1668652170983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41578111
Quoted by: >>41578234


>> No.41578113

With me.

>> No.41578119
Quoted by: >>41578163

it's nothing compared to anything. niggas acting like there has never been a male voice on stream before

>> No.41578127

The Vera Vee situation destroyed an entire company
Not sure what your point is.

>> No.41578146

Cuckers keep taking the L.
I've zero respect for them now (not that I had much to begin with)

>> No.41578147

They're having an emergency meeting and Pippa is in charge of training Lia into becoming a brotuber now that she offed her unicorns in a tragic accident

>> No.41578150
File: 72 KB, 676x676, pippa gets trolled tgt face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41578194

Jesus FUCK what the hell happened to wikipedia's formatting
Shits fucked worse than a sober barber.

>> No.41578164
Quoted by: >>41578227

This Lia “yab” is nothing compared to my personal 9/11 (every time I have to miss a Wemi stream)

>> No.41578163

fr bruh niggas be wylin on a stack NO CAP

>> No.41578173

you know she is too dumb to do this

>> No.41578175
File: 406 KB, 625x519, 1644726990785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lia begins sobbing and abruptly takes a break from her stream,
>meanwhile Lia was sobbing and not saying shit.
holy shit how the fuck did I miss this.
I NEED to see this.

>> No.41578179

is this like saying LONDON but for asian people?

>> No.41578192

Exo is a Pippa orbiter. She had him get close to Lia and kneecap her career to protect her position as the company ace.

>> No.41578194
Quoted by: >>41578244

Phones were a mistake.

>> No.41578201

Having a mental breakdown

>> No.41578207

this is gonna be the 6th thread in a row that does mega numbers. I didn't know little Lia was such a lightning rod of controversy

>> No.41578227
File: 250 KB, 500x500, 1672255104381831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, except my personal 9/11 is any time I get a mean (you)

>> No.41578229

Lia is a whore

>> No.41578234

Ex-cyberlive whore that groomed some lonely guys through her discord, flew out to and fucked multiple of them, all the while she was married

>> No.41578244

I mean that's why there are different versions of a website for different devices. Not sure why they've done this for PC.

>> No.41578250
File: 8 KB, 197x255, 25364747584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im listetning to that stream right now. Why does this Exo sound like a mixed faggot? I hear half niggerish and half white. If youre going to cuck your pay pigs, at least do it with a White Chad.

>> No.41578251

Been a while we had some good drama

>> No.41578257
Quoted by: >>41578893

yeah, this is the biggest PC drama in a while, at the very least Muumi is talking with them and telling them not to do shit on social media for a while

>> No.41578264

Lia is a stupid whore

>> No.41578274
File: 45 KB, 617x433, bito hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute bito

>> No.41578288


>> No.41578294

You're a soft romantic at heart, many autists are. But you have to defend what you have, otherwise you really will become a cuck. Never put the responsibility of defending something you value on the item itself.

>> No.41578306

You are the least cute of all the Bitos.

>> No.41578308

New Wikipedia layout is objectively better and you'll adjust within a week.

>> No.41578310
Quoted by: >>41578373

>one of the 2 girls that /pcg/ obsesses over 24/7 does a minor yab
>threads go insane

>> No.41578320
File: 531 KB, 700x1035, 1662997627783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a rare few day break from /pcg/ and Phase
>see the wasteland
>do some reps


Sorry Likers. If nothing else, at least it's not the worst case scenario.

>> No.41578328
File: 25 KB, 111x125, 1661537272122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you forgetting someone?

>> No.41578337

Lia is still my oshi

>> No.41578349

I dont watch Lumi, have never watched Lumi, will never watch Lumi, and have no interest in Lumi

>> No.41578348
File: 19 KB, 96x93, 791729711851503626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will post the first interaction shortly, probably this will be it for a bit as this is going to take a while and I am taking NTR damage.

>> No.41578353
File: 882 KB, 1400x1000, 1644429432347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a positive (You), just for being a cute little bito~

>> No.41578352

It's artificial. Drama-tourists. They always have the same way of speaking, say the same things, and insult people the same way whenever a vtuber they only half-remember exists has a yab.
Probably here from some discord.

>> No.41578360

Who this? Show your identification fangs.

>> No.41578358

See >>41575724

>> No.41578364
Quoted by: >>41578397

My love for Lia is the kind of love that never fades away

>> No.41578368

Honestly I'm just here for Tenma because she's playing god of war, I sincerely can't give a shit about the rest of the girls.

>> No.41578373

>>threads go insane
The thread went insane when it happened. And maybe the thread after. Since then it's been shitposters fuelling the fire.

>> No.41578383

You'll adjust to breathing underwater in a little under 7 minutes, please do so immediately. You'll be able to be underwater for the rest of your life!

>> No.41578397
Quoted by: >>41578538

fucking based, I dont care about anything else I just love Lia! I'll drink all the cum out her pussy and ask for seconds!

>> No.41578400
Quoted by: >>41578905

posting this song is just mean bro :(

>> No.41578417

It's a giant nothingburger. 15 minutes of an autistic manchild didn't ruin the stream.
If anything, he helped us by filtering the weak unicorns in the community.

>> No.41578419

Why would I care if Pippa feels anything other than disgust for her whore friend?

>> No.41578440
Quoted by: >>41578493

haven't seen pure unfiltered cope like this in a while

>> No.41578450

stupid shit like this can single-handedly knock the wind out of PC's sails. why support a company where the talents do shit like this. don't give a fucking cent.

>> No.41578453

This is semi-right but at the same time every other social media site is more astroturfed than 4chan is.

>> No.41578466
Quoted by: >>41578500

Lumi is a pure virgin idol

>> No.41578482
Quoted by: >>41578494

I'm a Microbiologist with a master degree. I will never convince my mom to sustein me with NEET bucks

>> No.41578484
Quoted by: >>41578811

Pippa won't say or do anything for the same reason Tenma only made a post saying she loves Phase connect and her coworkers, they can openly antagonize their own audiences and scold them, but it is a different issue to start shit with another talent's fans, specially paying ones.

>> No.41578485

Kill yourself and take your wrong thread with you

>> No.41578486

>muh boogeymen

>> No.41578493
Quoted by: >>41579234

I'm sorry you feel betrayed. Take this as a learning experience and realize you're the problem.

>> No.41578494

then why dont you have a job nerd?

>> No.41578500
File: 280 KB, 480x480, lumi toblerone bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41578506

>Transcribing cringe
Good luck anon. I summarized a particularly cringe 10 minute Mori clip for a thread once and I could feel my braincells frying themselves out of desperation, I can only imagine the damage that shit's doing to you.

>> No.41578508

I watch Lia because I find her funny and engaging I could not give 2 fucks about any of this. I have other chuubas I watch for my GFE

>> No.41578509
Quoted by: >>41578542

Old cute lumi is indeed forgotten yes, you have the Vei knockoff now. Makes me think sooner or later Lumi will pull her own Soda situation.

>> No.41578513
Quoted by: >>41578591

>Not grooming her simps
How much of a fucking newfag are you?

>> No.41578514

Now that we've lost Lia, is there literally anyone in Phase we can trust wholeheartedly? I am sick of allowing myself to be vulnerable for a moment only to immediately get stabbed to the chest

>> No.41578538


>> No.41578540

Its literally a Pippa general by this point now that we had got rid of waifufags simps

>> No.41578542

yeah with me

>> No.41578546


>> No.41578564
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1662573969936657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lia Donothon Part 8
Interactions and Discord call in by ExoVerseVT during Lia Donothon.
Starting at 4:47:21 of the privated VOD, as Exo shows up in chat for the first time.

(Chat)Exo: “How goes the neverending stream?”

Lia: *screams and gets up* “OH MY GOD! NO! WOAHHH!!” *giggles and whimpers*,,,, the last time y-you came into my stream I was so humiliated! You… you pick the worst fucking time to show up to my streams! I swear to God you could not have picked a worst time… *giggles*

(Chat) ExoVerseVT: “Lia I’m convinced I’m just your jumpscare LMAO”

Lia: “You seriously are! Wah! What timing was that I swear to God… *laughs* I can’t have normal friends because you guys come to see my fucking streams!… Oh my God… *giggles*
Bro… it does not get more fucking embarassing… “

(Chat) Random: “No, you could still have freddy on stream”

Lia: “I don’t want to have Fre,,, No, I am not mentioning it anymore. I am not gonna mention it anymore, okay?”

(5$ Superchat) ExoVerseVT: “Here Lia, you can hide your shame with this. I love you despite your degeneracy don’t worry”

Lia: “Thank you Exo! I mean, it’s not like you are much better than me okay??? NOT LIKE YOU ARE MUCH BETTER THAN ME!”

(Chat) Random: “yeah everyone knows you are batshit crazy”

Lia: “No! No! Because the very first time Exo and I met in person he was like – Lia, you look so innocent, you are so cute like a small bee – and the whole time I was thinking like – He has never heard anything that comes out of my mouth, this is perfect. I can have a normal friendship. Like literally, I can have a normal friendship and this person will never think that I am weird – “

“And a couple of days later he shows up to my stream when I am talking about getting railed by Thresh and he messaged me after and he was – I see, so it was a facade, like you are really not like that, you are fucked up, you are seriously fucked up -”

“I WAS HOPING! I was hoping this entire time I would be able to gaslight him into thinking that no, it was a one time fluke, right? Just a one time fluke… but NO!” *giggles*

(Chat) ExoVerseVT: “Lia is literally the cutest and most precious bean I have EVER met – and if anything ever happens to her I would destroy the world. But also, I fear - “

Lia: “No... shut the fuck up! No I am not, no I am not… I wasn’t admitting to gasligthing either ok??? You are just fucking hearing things!”

>> No.41578569

>She's a brotuber
I have no idea what your goal or retarded psyop is, I just wanted you to know I'd like to piss on you.

>> No.41578574

Post membership badge.

>> No.41578584


>> No.41578585

Exo i stuffing her mouth with his dick right now

>> No.41578591
Quoted by: >>41578709

Pippa is known for personally interacting and actually making chats during streams with people as long as they are talking via superchat, I don't understand why so many people think she is "le based anti parasocial vtuber" when she does it the most

>> No.41578593

No, you should go back to whence you came

>> No.41578621
File: 40 KB, 450x622, 1647570026603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41578686

Everyone shut the fuck up, Phase friend and cute spiderhag Ami is playing Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.

>> No.41578636

i'm having a PTSD attack

>> No.41578659
Quoted by: >>41578839

The worst part is she felt extremely guilty, probably people in marshmallows saying she waited until the end of the donothon goal to do something like this. She removed the dono bait heart after first offscreen segment when she realized what she did.

>> No.41578658

i-is this fucking real? Please tell me this isnt real, I dipped out of the stream the nanosecond a male voice uttered a sound, please tell me you just came up with this anon please dont tell me this shit is real

>> No.41578656


>> No.41578660

jesus christ anon, go play some videogames or take a stroll so you don't kill yourself for having to endure doing this.

>> No.41578663

In one of her streams she said her dad's side of the family was like iberian spanish. She isn't asian at all.

>> No.41578667

Go back to the farms Nonna.

>> No.41578683

it feels like yesterday...

>> No.41578686


>> No.41578709

>1$ SC: triggers huge tangent or reaction
>akasupa: oh thank you thank you *immediately moves on*
big think

>> No.41578719

I will never forgive Lia

>> No.41578726

you did good leaving, because it's way worse than that post.

>> No.41578727
Quoted by: >>41579273

>*Anon cringes at the use of *action* asterisks*
>Randomly change spacing and even how you spell the names so there's no consistent pattern
Oh god. Why would you even transcribe that. The VOD is probably bother faster to peruse, takes up less thread space, and is (obviously) harder to doctor for factional fighting.

>> No.41578730

I forgave Lia

>> No.41578731

she took the dono heart off screen and said after what she did she doesn't feel right having it on screen. she was and still probably is sorry, most Likers forgave her

>> No.41578773

>strongest bito

>> No.41578782
Quoted by: >>41578829

I won't forgive Lia
but I never watched her to begin with and had no intention of watching her, but I'm still deeply hurt and demand naked dogeza

>> No.41578802

I hope Lia is dead right now

>> No.41578806
Quoted by: >>41578839

this is not even from the discord call, Exo is just in chat during those lines.

>> No.41578811
Quoted by: >>41579550

I'm not expecting the girls to throw Lia under the bus as that'd just make whoever did it look pretty bad too, in a different way. However I think it'd also reflect poorly to defend it because that makes it look like they're all siding against anyone who dislikes the prospect of some retarded obvious groomer faggot coming and completely ruining a stream and sticking his finger into the fans' eyes.

So probably, it's actually most-wise to say exactly literally nothing, don't support or condemn it. Let her cook.

>> No.41578813

No one. Fans will always be a stepping stone to get what they want.

>> No.41578821
File: 22 KB, 750x375, christian squint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The outrage is a little justified.

>> No.41578824

I hope Lia is alive right now

>> No.41578829

This is perfectly reasonable

>> No.41578836
File: 213 KB, 576x1024, 1666814625138.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41578839

meant to reply to >>41578659

>> No.41578874
Quoted by: >>41578936

>is there literally anyone in Phase we can trust wholeheartedly?
Uhh...literally any one of the 90% of phase who aren't as mentally spaztastic as Pippa/Lia? (And maybe Wemi; I can't trust anyone that uses toddlerspeak)

>> No.41578885

Notice how the drama-baiters keep bringing up Pippa. This is because she's the only one of the girls they know anything about. Watching the segment with the con groomer yesterday was probably the first time any of them have even seen or heard her. They know absolutely nothing about Phase, much less Lia.
Sure signs of tourists looking to 'fun'-post.

>> No.41578886
Quoted by: >>41578967

Is this going to be the final unicorn purge of /pcg/?

>> No.41578891
Quoted by: >>41578979

I'm a tourist and this is funny

>> No.41578893

Muumi telling Pippa not to do shit is like telling one of you fags not to do shit and you know it.

pippa always does the "i know i should not be sharing this but" and it's always some funny ass yab shit about the internal workings of PC.

if pippa is silent she's probably still fighting the cough-aids she got from last week.

>> No.41578892

I like this rrat. Expect lia pippa collab in upcoming weeks.

>> No.41578905
File: 80 KB, 976x548, 1648161911397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The VOD got privated and people are being stingy with the archive right? Sounds pretty something
I meant it in a "you'll be alright bro" way.

How about this one instead? https://youtu.be/LSAMO3Ucsfs

>> No.41578913


>> No.41578917

>the last time y-you came into my stream I was so humiliated!
So this is not the first time?

>> No.41578936
Quoted by: >>41579066

Yeah I don't know about this

>> No.41578964

Yeah I noticed it too, some of the Pippa posts itt are incredibly retarded and just scream newfag

>> No.41578967
Quoted by: >>41579155

>implying Lia has any unicorns in the first place
They've all been filtered during the League arc.

>> No.41578971

he popped in once before. I can't remember the date but it was weird since no one knew him and he brought such a strong reaction from her.

>> No.41578979
File: 114 KB, 600x456, pippa pcg welcome get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based catalogfag

>> No.41578999

It's all up to 10ma now

>> No.41579028

>this is perfect. I can have a normal friendship. Like literally, I can have a normal friendship

>> No.41579036
File: 318 KB, 467x557, 1662355894241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a pankophile

>> No.41579047

That would have been based actually. He is a right winger

>> No.41579054
Quoted by: >>41579267

please stop it hurts too much

>> No.41579053
File: 202 KB, 684x364, FhPEVSeXwAAe5yr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lack of images to the posts gives it away
it's just a huge surge of drama starved faggots jumping to the freshest corpse

>> No.41579057
File: 712 KB, 632x526, 1669092361800414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God every time i remember this i want to end my fucking life

>> No.41579066

Nah, the thread already calles Lumi... well, basically what they called Lia. So she's probably got no significant unicorn presence. And Shiina hardly seems unhinged. Or maybe Gen 1/Invaders just makes the whole of Gen 2 seem more sane in comparison.

>> No.41579074
Quoted by: >>41579353

>I didn't know little Lia was such a lightning rod of controversy
One of the main reasons small corpos began to incline was because everyone was sick of what HoloEN had become due to Tempus and Niji was unwatchable by default. PC is now vulnerable to the same maletuber disease and Lia's yab was something of a wake up call in a general sense rather than pertaining exclusively to her. The main question underneath it is whether or not it's worth sticking by PC, or vtubing as a whole. You can even see the changing of the guard in the thread as well - the OG fans are being pushed out by newfaggots, and femcels from the farms are helping to shit it all up. Once you start making excuses for maletubers, male collabs and such things it means actual fans of vtubers have become a minority and that the corpo is starting to decline into full normalfaggot territory, and as such isn't worth supporting or watching anymore. This links up with the general sense that vtubing as a whole has begun to decline into general streaming bullshit, which again appeals to normalfaggots but has no appeal or meaning to actual vtubing fans.

And again - Nonna's from the farms are shilling and shitting up the thread as well. Their lingo excessively uses kek, lmao, brotuber and other garbage terms like that. These femcels hated PC for a long time, and they're using this opportunity to attack it.

>> No.41579078
File: 97 KB, 504x470, 1670511557116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41579102

>he lacks critical knowledge

>> No.41579141

the point of that anon's post is that other girls like Lumi and Shiina aren't trustworthy either, even if they aren't unhinged like Lia or Pippa

>> No.41579155

>4x her ccv over the past few months
At this point most likers are newfags

>> No.41579161

In chat, not on stream.

>> No.41579174

No woman is trustworthy

>> No.41579185 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 600x529, 292428021_2257815821040722_7436693316886003348_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time hearing Lia. She has such a "White pampered Daddy's little Princess" voice, there is no way she isn't already fucking Tyrone or his dog

>> No.41579221


>> No.41579228

Same but with lumi

>> No.41579234

They're femcels from lolcow_dot_farm. They've been low level raiding the board since its inception.

Fuck off back to the farms nonna!

>> No.41579238
Quoted by: >>41579270

I trust Lumi

>> No.41579257


>> No.41579267

Wasn’t one of her deleted jellyfish tweets about “friendship” as well? She’s sad we didn’t like him.

>> No.41579268

We also said that too

>> No.41579270

Based trustbro

>> No.41579273
File: 294 KB, 641x642, 1611232387716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41579470

and it's not even the discord call section, it gets worse...

it's just a quick pastebin, I will fix it and put it in word once I am done with the whole thing. It is cathartic process for me.

>> No.41579274
Quoted by: >>41579299

You are now aware she didn't even introduce him when she answered his call.

>> No.41579285
Quoted by: >>41579650

Phase Friend Reina exercising on 3D

>> No.41579299

Is that good or bad? How should I react?

>> No.41579303


>randomly dropping capitalization (OR USING ALL CAPS INSTEAD OF EXCLAMATION MARKS)
>randomly dropping punctuation (or adding extra!!!)
>*Anon describing actions through asterisks*

If this really needs to be transcribed, can we get at least someone who graduated high school to do it?

>> No.41579312
Quoted by: >>41579373

I'm an anti now.

>> No.41579334
File: 236 KB, 514x765, Reminder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one for good measure

>> No.41579336

post nose

>> No.41579345
Quoted by: >>41579441

Pippa please stream tonight. save us

>> No.41579353
File: 346 KB, 534x623, pippa amaze 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're kinda right, especially with how big corpo is declining.
>The main question underneath it is whether or not it's worth sticking by PC, or vtubing as a whole.
I'm a faggot for saying this but I'd say you can stick by both and it'll be worth it, just fucking mind yourself while doing so, you know, like how you are """supposed""" to do with literally anything else in life.
I'll personally stick with PC because I like it here and /here/, and while Niji has moments rarely, them and Holo are on decline, and I'm not particularly interested in Kawaii, Prism, idol, or the now defunct Tsunderia.
For vtubing, it's still worth staying since the concept is still cool and there are good (jp) indies to watch. Simple as.

>> No.41579373

Antis are the ones defending her. Likers are the one attacking her (something something punishing and accountability). At least according to some Likers/trolls here.

>> No.41579390
File: 915 KB, 1350x444, phaseliaworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41579430

Tonight at the Magic Theater For MADMEN only
Price of Admittance your MIND


>> No.41579397
Quoted by: >>41579477

Falseflaggers trying to shape PC into something it isn't are happy to take the ammo to try to gaslight people, people who know how PC has always been see it for what it is as a mega-yab.

>> No.41579408
Quoted by: >>41579644

Sounds like they're trying to have their cake and eat it too.
Anti'ing is fine if they deserve it.

>> No.41579430
Quoted by: >>41579576

the great filter is upon us

>> No.41579441
File: 49 KB, 203x197, 1665535736721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41579805

>pippafags have a good time with their oshi while Liafags continue to tear each other apart

>> No.41579443
Quoted by: >>41579708

some shit the fags at kf pulled up - she's white as snow and looks like a stick.

she's the opposite of what a gfe vtuber girl would look like. she looks like a loser like us, so it works

but she's funny which balances it out

>> No.41579454

transcribeanon please make this a pastebin!

>> No.41579470

Godspeed Anon

>> No.41579474

Tourist here, but this sounds almost malicious. Like she was thinking "why the fuck am I doing lewd ASMR shit for these losers, time to get some passive aggressive revenge"

>> No.41579477

Phase was never about GFE/no males, it's literally just seething holotourists mad about Tempus shitting their pants here

>> No.41579486

It is funny how many of the newfags are unaware that all of gen 1, invaders and even Rie have already collabed with males

>> No.41579490

Pippa is still someone I can trust wholeheartedly right guys?
Haha right...?

>> No.41579503

I am in stitches thinking about her coming in to the thread and having to read this
godspeed anon

>> No.41579510
Quoted by: >>41579823

>60 day subathon
huh? Who is this guy?

>> No.41579512

Still trying to figure out how you guys misconstrued the dude talking about how Lia only gives him attention between ARAMs and that he will never play League when that clearly shows he isn’t playing games with her. Listening comprehension doesn’t exist on this website and antis just make shit up for fun.

>> No.41579514
Quoted by: >>41579593

Pretending nothing happened or that Lia is in the right, and trying to attack her fans is just going to aggravate those fans. Aggravating her fans may make them leave. Making her fans leave is what an anti would do. I think what Lia did was dumb and forgivable, but it wasn't admirable.

>> No.41579527

Someone upload the Lia VOD to bitchute or something, I missed it.

>> No.41579544
Quoted by: >>41580133

>but eventually it turns out they have a huge personality thing that turns me away.
Could you be a little more specific on what kind of personality thing?

>> No.41579550

yea, tenma and pippa usually like throwing gas onto a fire but they're still loyal to their own coworkers. main thing is to lay low and let the paypigs seethe for a little while

>> No.41579562


>> No.41579563

and yet she still does gfe to this day, only its doublethink gfe

>> No.41579564

other talents don't have endscreens saying not to watch other girls, it goes both ways and Lia knows where she messed up

>> No.41579573

I still love my Lia. I question the retards she associates with and her inability to put her foot down and set boundaries on them though.
She'll be fine.

>> No.41579575


>> No.41579576
File: 259 KB, 1543x2048, phaseliaruru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41579684


>> No.41579587

Collabing with males isn' the issue you mong

>> No.41579593

You say this as if her fans are a hivemind who all share the same opinion on all things.

During the stream itself basically nobody in the chat was seething. Nobody in the Discord cares. It's _literally_ just this thread and some mean maros that got to her. You can't speak for all of her fans.

>> No.41579597
Quoted by: >>41579614

I trust Uruka, but I don't watch her.

>> No.41579607

This wasn't a collab it was a 4th wall breaking personal call. She didn't even introduce him. It was fucking weird.

>> No.41579614


Of all the phase you could have picked holy fucking shit

>> No.41579616

read the transcript, this is not about collab with males. And that is not even the worst part

>> No.41579635
Quoted by: >>41579711

Would Lia be the type to livestream her suicide?
Would be good to know so I can start recording her streams, the first live vtuber exit needs to be saved.

>> No.41579644
Quoted by: >>41579677

I don't normally pile on hate ever but yeah I mean if someone actually-fucked-up, you don't just stand by and pretend it didn't happen.

If your friend suddenly slapped you in the face and you just sat there and said "nah it's fine you did nothing wrong" that'd be fucking weird. The least you would do is go "what the fuck, don't do that" if you actually see yourself as a normal peer with the person. If you're subservient and worship the ground the person walks on and forgive them for slapping you, if they had the inclination to do that, what makes you so sure they won't just do it again if you didn't tell them to stop?

Vtuber fandoms IMO ironically can kind of develop battered wife syndrome. The stages are:
>Denial. The person is unable to accept that they’re being abused, or they justify it as being “just that once.”
>Guilt. The person believes they caused the abuse.
>Enlightenment. In this phase, the person realizes that they didn’t deserve the abuse and acknowledges that their partner has an abusive personality.
>Responsibility. The person accepts that only the abuser holds responsibility for the abuse. In many cases, this is when they’ll explore their options for leaving the relationship.

>> No.41579650

Endorsed by Tenma now

>> No.41579665
File: 14 KB, 249x249, 1651205710348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no stream
>118 IPs
>800+ posts

>> No.41579666

Phase Friend Reina is doing a "do as many squats as viewers in my stream" and Tenma just raided her with a couple extra hundred viewers.

>> No.41579673

If I were to complain in Discord. It could get me banned from all of Phase Connect.

>> No.41579677

Your favorite streamer talking to a friend during a stream is not "abuse" you fucking nutcase

>> No.41579684
Quoted by: >>41579760

this will only further radicalize me as a Lia poster. you were right. the true way of being a Liker is to embrace the insanity

>> No.41579689

>Nobody in the Discord cares
We're in /here/, retard. No one's going to say anything until Lia comes back, and no one is dumb enough to try and discuss anything there.

>> No.41579692

the rubes got worked

>> No.41579693

The power of Lia

>> No.41579708
File: 429 KB, 512x512, 1664545684499264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured she would be ugly and skinny. I just also imagined asian bug eyes and giant glasses on a childlike face. It's okay Pippa, we still like you. Just not in that way.

>> No.41579711
Quoted by: >>41579779

That'll be rie on nov 24 2023, on ten year of rorochan1999. Lia would be a pale imitation.

>> No.41579728

>ctrl+f lia
>232 matches

>> No.41579736

Every night I dream of mating pressing the Rabbit

>> No.41579751


>> No.41579760
File: 850 KB, 931x1024, phaseliasource.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they threw me in the kennel one of the lessons I learned that I hold dearest to my heart is that jus because you are right does not mean you will be happy.

>> No.41579759
File: 486 KB, 1228x1228, liadidnothing wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41579764

maybe with a bag over that balding hairline

>> No.41579771

I will have her feet.

>> No.41579779
Quoted by: >>41579900

If Rie plays Hogwarts Legacy I'll consider her redeemed

>> No.41579780
File: 103 KB, 680x680, Fj29Wm_X0AEsav1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of a whore-tuber falling when bro-tuber girls have a stable loyal audience.

>> No.41579789

I think she's cute would still marry.

>> No.41579792

spoonfeed me, I forgor

>> No.41579797
Quoted by: >>41579867

Why do you have to grossly oversimplify and misrepresent what happened? This is why you get called anti.

>> No.41579805
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, 1657325324120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LIkers getting their first(second) taste of real hardship
You forget that we've been through far worse for far longer. This is basically a billionaire losing half their net worth getting compared to homeless person who gets given an apple pie for his birthday.
We are not the same.

>> No.41579820

new bread

>> No.41579821
Quoted by: >>41579853

Back to the farms Nonna!

>> No.41579823
Quoted by: >>41579851

Her boyfriend anon, keep up.

>> No.41579829

what do you guys hope to achieve timelooping this for the Nth time?

>> No.41579835
File: 180 KB, 372x442, 1646980530893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I want her in all her glory

>> No.41579836

The only Vtubers I know that openly said and promised they will never have a male even appear on stream are Shondo (popular) and Kiki (retarded, but 4chan vtuber) for anyone else is either implied or they just collab with males. I hope Lia graduates, but knowing she left a university for streaming I think that's impossible

>> No.41579838

dr pavel? I'm CIA

>> No.41579844

>You can't speak for all of her fans.
No, I can't. I will rephrase it to this:
>trying to attack [some of] her fans is just going to aggravate those fans. Aggravating [some of] her fans may make them leave. Making [some of] her fans leave is what an anti would do
You could say she should get rid of those fans, and maybe you are right, but I guess that's her choice and will depend on what she does next.

>> No.41579851
Quoted by: >>41579933

I mean is he actually a sizeable streamer or what. Like is he actually larger than lia?

>> No.41579852
Quoted by: >>41579991

and kissing her red neck lips missing frontal teeth?

>> No.41579853

thats insulting
I'm a /v/ tourist

>> No.41579854

>vandalized OP
>phase friends
>no subject

>> No.41579861

Now that you mention it, I haven't actually seen any evidence of abuse/grooming/powerharassment or whatever else has been gossiped about. I'm starting to think it's all speculative based on armchair psychologists interrogating the transcript until they get the results the wish.
Feel free to prove me wrong though. Does anyone have a source of some kind?

>> No.41579867

Let me rephrase: Literally anything that happens on stream will never qualify as "abuse" towards you. If you get upset over something that's happening you can just close the stream.

>> No.41579871

you bastard we already have enough problems to deal with and your continuing the OP wars

>> No.41579893

what a shitty fucking OP, kill yourself nigger

>> No.41579900

Agreed but depends on her level of engagement.
If she hateplays it then its neutral, but if she engages with it honestly with no brain cells and is based then she's redeemed, and if she is fully based and puts down whatever rebel plotline it has with intent I'll rape her gently for once.

>> No.41579903
Quoted by: >>41579949

If fishman knows what he's doing he will fire her immediately. No graduation, just immediately cut out the tumor before it's too late

>> No.41579933

No he's a literal who with 2k twitch followers or something.

>> No.41579934

This guy is an average Pippa viewer watching this shit drama unfold

>> No.41579949

he doesn't know what he is doing, he is a retarded canadian, probably a cuck himself, god, he might even think this is prime content for the progressive audience he wants so much

>> No.41579957
Quoted by: >>41579998

Why are so many people acting like her passing up a university acceptance was a committal to vtubing? They don't turn around and reject people who have already been accepted, if she reapplied tomorrow she'd be in next semester.
She made it seem like that, but she's Lia and retarded.

>> No.41579975

Why not just provide the full context and let people decide? You seem unsure that others will agree with you if you don't try to skew the events.

>> No.41579982

Hi kirsche

>> No.41579991
File: 167 KB, 1171x1243, 1664887259233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.41579998

doubtful if all the slots are taken

>> No.41580003

I simply copypasted the actual thing and I'm not saying it's 1:1 identical, just that the pattern is similar. People who just accept vtubers doing anything and never going "no seriously, don't do that or I'll stop donating/watching" absolutely openly invite shit to get worse and worse. It's happened to a bunch of indies, very much fucked up vshojo etc.

The discord/twitter environment creates a culpability shield where nobody wants to be the first one to cast the first stone which is unfortunate as it creates a false sense of righteousness for people to go "see nobody else is bitching it's just you" even if it's actually like half the audience. Chuubas can decline and just magically lose like 2/3rds their income/audience yet there were very very few people visibly-complaining outside here. It's no mystery paradox. Whiteknights are eager for a chance to impress their oshis and trip over themselves to try to ban anyone they can to try to prove their worth. They have no power here.

>> No.41580024
Quoted by: >>41580088

This is no different from saying an abused housewife can just pack her things and go move back in with her parents.

>> No.41580026

No streams from anyone today, its shit everywhere.

>> No.41580058


>> No.41580078

>going "no seriously, don't do that or I'll stop donating/watching"
>all the other simps chime in to call you a loser and validate whatever shitty behavior you're trying to prevent
>get banned
>accomplish nothing

>> No.41580088
File: 381 KB, 499x516, 1660896997218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41580090
Quoted by: >>41580137

the reason why so many Vtubers only imply it, but not outright say it like Kiyomi or Shondo is because deep down all those whores will instantly jump on a dick if it means gaining viewers or clout. I apreciate those both examples despite not watching them.

>> No.41580108

Has Lia completely dropped Southpark?

>> No.41580121

A guy that no one knows interrupted a lewd ASMR in and hijacked what was supposed to be a victory celebration for hitting all of the donation goals while aggressively flirting with the person that the fanbase just finished giving over 10 thousand dollars to out of supposed love.

>> No.41580133

Sure, because the thread is about to die.
The first one got mad at me when I was gone for a week, because I couldn't mod her streams, so she "got back at me" by making some annoying guy no one liked a mod and messaging me things like "I can't believe you'd leave me alone you asshole" "hope you're enjoying your fucking trip" "it'd be fine if you didn't come back at all, this guy is such a good mod" then I got home and she called and was crying saying she missed me and wanted me to forgive her, but I said no and that what she did was fucked up, then I ghosted. Then she gaslit the chat into thinking I sent her horrible messages and blocked her.
Second one would call me like five hours a day whenever she wasn't working at mcdonalds or streaming. She was great when we were alone but once one of her friends joined the call, she would get verbally abusive, call me a creepy piece of shit and sometimes would make me leave the call, then would always message or call me after and say she "didnt want them to know I like you so much" so one time I just left the call and blocked her after she insulted me.
Third one had a secret onlyfans. She was a soft-spoken ASMR streamer but in calls she was only ever an inch away from snapping and literally screaming. She'd always apologize a few minutes after, but one time I just decided it wasn't worth the effort and ghosted her.

>> No.41580137

No clearer example of this than Pippa and Tempus

>> No.41580148

Noooo Anon but you didn't get enough upvotes! So you must be wrong! Clearly you are a faceless demon unicorn gosling because you are unwilling to express your opinion on a server controlled by people who get literally paid to damage control for Lia!

>> No.41580172

finally, a genuine summary

>> No.41580196

Of all the retarded tourist shit you could have chosen to say this is what you settle on?

>> No.41580213

Not to mention basically told her she should stop streaming and come hang out with him instead.

>> No.41580220

>"You have to come out of your house and hang out with me"
I just watched it and it really didn't seem that bad. The come and hang out with me just seemed like he was joking about her being a neet. The whole thing seemed pretty tame.

>> No.41580239

Prime bait. Also makes it clear you are a tourist.

>> No.41580287

No offense, but you might be a tad autistic. You also have to look at the circumstances surround it and the timing of it. It's not a coincidence he kept calling her when she was doing lewd ASMR on stream.

>> No.41580301

I am checking it right now and it's way WAY worse than people have been projecting. I'm 10 minutes in and the dude isn't a creep, she seems VERY interested in him. People have been coping like "she's only using him", but I'm now on the "100% interested n fucking" camp. Also her chat was okay with it wtf

>> No.41580374
Quoted by: >>41580452

This thread is almost dead, you might want to try this bait in the new one

>> No.41580432
Quoted by: >>41580500

>Chat: He just keeps talking
>Exo: I'm sorry
>Lia: No don't listen to them it's okay
I don't know why I keep going back to the VOD. It's always worse than I remember.

>> No.41580441

>she seems very interested in him
On a friend level, sure. Can you really not pick up on her becoming uncomfortable as time went on?
>her chat was okay with it
People are less likely to voice negative opinions in chat. A lot, lot less. It was a guarantee the chat would mostly be positive, since the people who are fine with it (or who don't want to hurt Lia's feelings) don't have any sort of guilt.

>> No.41580452

It's not, but I'll post the video there regardless.

>> No.41580500
Quoted by: >>41580590

rewatching it I noticed that Lia is very into him and actually dismissing chat, i'm glad i watched it again despite being so cringe

>> No.41580590

Why are you people rewatching it?

>> No.41580615

It's owari da

>> No.41580617

Maybe it's because I don't know lia, but it just seems like everyone that is angry is just angry because she is talking to a guy who isn't spilling spaghetti everywhere. From my outsider perspective it's fucking nothing.

>> No.41580629

the link was there, and i clicked it

>> No.41580646

Me personally, I didn't know how to feel at the time because it was a shock. Now I've cooled down and can look at things logically.

>> No.41580667

I disagree completely. She was panicking when it started becoming sexual 2/3rds of the way. He got her comfortable with the casual chat and then blindsided her with horniness. She tried to get him to back off without making a scene and failed.

>> No.41580692

I've gone through that with another girl, you want to rewatch it with a cool head just to measure how bad is it and if there is a chance of forgiveness/redemption. It's hard to let go at first.

>> No.41580699

I think I wass shellshocked and annoyed during Live, I watched it again in hopes of not being as bad, but I was so wrong... it's even worse

>> No.41580728

We love cuckolding here

>> No.41580788

I'll probably sit down and rewatch it eventually, to try and get a more level headed read on just how bad or inoffensive it is, but I'm not up to it yet.

>> No.41580860
Quoted by: >>41580936

I see this thread is just as wack as usual. Thank God no one here is having kids.

>> No.41580936

Does that include you? I'm sure Lia will come fuck you for defending her anonymously online. I believe in you bro.

>> No.41581042

Page 11 bump

>> No.41581198

This isn't fair, bros. Lia's lewd ASMR was some of the most relaxing shit I've ever heard. The faggot fuck who called in ruined the entire thing.

Has Lia or another phase girl done something similar of good quality?
