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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 118 KB, 1920x1080, kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41541851 No.41541851 [Reply] [Original]

Esto es el fin, Tsunderia Edition

>Official Website
>Official Twitter
>Teamup Schedule
>Jetri Schedules

>Amemachi Hanabi - The golden-voiced mayor of Rainy Town
>Tetsuya Kazune - Insomniac head popper and music dork
>Chikafuji Lisa - The giggling and screaming little sheep sister experience, music nerd
>Uzuki Tomoya - Choir kid, just how you like 'em; fffffflaming
>Tsurugi Nen - Scuffed dream eater and dick confuser
>Amiya Aranha - Itsy bitsy spider mommy and certified retro hag

▼Former Members
>Inukai Purin - Mesugaki dog
>Hoshino Char - Gunpla extraordinaire
>Ember Amane (Formerly Yazaki Kallin) - Tentative tiger
>Matsuro Meru - Sweetest person alive, recovering menhera
>Nini Yuuna - The embodiment of chaos, breadcrumb-sized braincell
>Miori Celesta - Freaky deaky beertuber and your new girlfriend
>Orla Gan Ceann † - Half-toxic, half-wholesome dullahan shut-in
>Umiushi Urara † - Garbage bin waifu, savior of Tsunderia

>/tsunX/ Friends
Prism Project >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
Shabel Tonya & Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
AkioAIR, MYSPACE, and other small corpos >>>/vt//corpo/
Idol >>>/vt//jidf/
Hakos Baelz >>>/vt//rrat/
Onolumi & Retro Vtubers >>>/vt//vrt/
Moon Jelly - https://twitter.com/moonjelly0
Una - https://twitter.com/unamedch
Tsukimi B. Dohrnii - https://twitter.com/TsukimiBDohrnii
Virgil - https://twitter.com/Virgil_KoMETA
Duskward - https://twitter.com/duskward

Previous Thread: >>41521333

>> No.41541975
File: 356 KB, 1920x1080, FlX6nJ9akAUCQQR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41542130

Mio celebrating lunar new year with drinks and stinky fish

>> No.41541986
File: 1.02 MB, 908x706, yeah with me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ami is dreaming about me RIGHT NOW

>> No.41542026
File: 609 KB, 661x659, 1627063409059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41542112

I miss my boyfriend.

>> No.41542104

I miss Tsunderia...

>> No.41542112

Congrats to your boyfriend on becoming the daisenpai!

>> No.41542130

Imagine drunk Mio giving you kisses and they absolutely REEK of fish and sake and you're barely holding it together to make it last as long as possible hhahahaha, GROSS huh, wouldn't want that

>> No.41542151
Quoted by: >>41542363

Hanabi is next.

>> No.41542317
File: 61 KB, 677x489, FnHyA-FaYAAWqlt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anybody missed it, Purin has officially left the company and gone independent

>> No.41542363
Quoted by: >>41542468

hanabi will outlast PPP

>> No.41542400

Yes, that's what OP is about, as well as most of the posts above (You)

>> No.41542459

>PPP graduates himself
>Tsunderia the company ceases functioning and existing
>Hanabi continues streaming as tsunderia
>Hanabi becomes tsunderia

>> No.41542468

God I hope PPP is next

>> No.41542494
Quoted by: >>41544910

Reminder for the poachers in this thread, please understand your place on the totem pole:

Prism, Kawaii, 774, etc
The dirt
The worms in the dirt
HoloNiji's stool within the dirt
Phase Connect

>> No.41542552

>PPP graduates himself
>Tsunderia the company ceases functioning and existing
If anything PPP graduating is just about the only thing that could possibly save the company at this point

>> No.41542602
Quoted by: >>41542718

>Inbox messages to all former staff
>It's me, Hanabi Tsunderia, and I'm putting together a team...

>> No.41542646
File: 531 KB, 573x721, wabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make thousands of babies with this creature

>> No.41542718

Would Hanabi be able to do that? just keep the tsunderia name even when the company collapses?

>> No.41542724

>The mayor becomes the king

>> No.41542814

Legally? No. But there's a 0% chance PPP would go after anyone using the name. Which also means that legally, yes she could!

>> No.41542821
File: 308 KB, 750x749, hanathink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's gonna stop her?

>> No.41542824
File: 642 KB, 641x710, 1665197249910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I freaking love this mothermeowin' spidercat momwife and have faith in her ability to navigate whatever comes next! Ami love! Ami lust! Ami love!

>> No.41542992

>Models are pricy but if you sign this NDA it's 50% off
>Hanabi doesn't know enough for an NDA to mean anything
>Hanabi doesn't get the same offer, only a random haircut
>She refuses to pay and crowns herself with the Tsunderia Logo
This is her destiny

>> No.41543147

myspace is not a part of /corpo/ now btw

>> No.41543391
Quoted by: >>41543496

Hey quick question, are female sheep raised for their wool spayed? Asking for a friend

>> No.41543496

Unless you don't want baby sheep running around I don't see why they would be

>> No.41543543

Can a new agency be crowdfunded?

>> No.41543889

It would take one of the talents wanting to even run that agency in the first place.

>> No.41544097
File: 242 KB, 891x1080, 1674450939627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this spider too much and will stay with her no matter what

>> No.41544222

Dear Jack, PPP, "B" or whatever you go by now,
I come to make a business offer. Let me start by being brutally honest, I'm not your biggest fan, but despite all my biases against you, I can recognize skill when I see it. And I think you can too. I would say this is your strongest skill in fact, being able to tell when a girl has talent, the drive to stream despite hardships and a passion for something.
All the talents you picked for Tsunderia fit the bill, so you have a knack to pick talents with great personality and a desire to stream.
Here's the offer: let the current talents go with their model, their names, rights to their songs, even the company name maybe. Make sure they keep doing well.
In six months of so, start a consulting business, you're the best in the industry when it comes to picking talents, in my opinion. And you have plenty of examples to prove it, don't tell companies how to manage and keep their talents, just who to hire. You other defining trait of having no personality or defining trait makes you a great consultant. Take the money and let other companies put their name on your vision. Maybe ask for 10% of revenue from talents you selected? You'll figure out the money side of it.
Just showcase how much Mio loves streaming still, how no one has more passion for retro games than Ami, how Lisa is a dancing, singing encyclopedia of emo music, etc

Sell your eye for picking talents, get a cut, don't get involved past that. Basically the same as always.

>> No.41544568

>mfw PPP is the George Lucas of vtuber companies

>> No.41544740

I know you can read this, ppp, since you check this place before making any major decision (when you do). Listen to this slug, she knows better than you

>> No.41544846
File: 11 KB, 524x444, 1652422308254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw the news and I feel nothing. This company isn't a tragedy anymore, it's a comedy. Please just end it all, let everyone go indie, and put this walking corpse to rest.

>> No.41544910

That list makes a decent amount of sense if you ignore wactor and read it from the bottom to the top.
Bit weird that you are a Vshojo fan, though.

>> No.41544914
Quoted by: >>41547224

>assuming ppp is the one even picking the talents and it’s not any of the managers

>> No.41545019

If you don't have enough money to pay your staff for 2+ years at 0 income don't even bother.

>> No.41545501

I am a phasenig

>> No.41545539

How tight is your butthole?

>> No.41545609
Quoted by: >>41545691

Do you remember? Gen 3 just debuted, the Tsunderia official store was opened, all of Gen 1 and management were still with us, things were finally looking up...

>> No.41545691

That lasted a whole two months.

>> No.41545942

First she'd have to realize the company collapsed.

>> No.41546337
File: 1001 KB, 1280x720, 1673288081810633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how it would feel against your dick

>> No.41547051
Quoted by: >>41547177

It still surprises me how much you guys lewd the sheep. Is this general mostly Welsh?

>> No.41547177

No, just incestuous

>> No.41547224
Quoted by: >>41547692

same anon

>> No.41547692
Quoted by: >>41555897

Well, he isn't wrong. It was Urara who got Kazu and Tomo into Gen 3. She wanted the male talent.

>> No.41547837 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>41547970


>> No.41547970

Multithread chama...

>> No.41548048
Quoted by: >>41548486

Mio is a dog fucker and a cat fucker... and a plant fucker... and a frog fucker... holy shit someone get this girl some dick.

>> No.41548486
Quoted by: >>41548637

Don't worry bros, I'll sacrifice myself

>> No.41548631
File: 246 KB, 388x515, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping a bucket of movie slime on myself and ambushing Mio!

>> No.41548637
Quoted by: >>41557212

It's not worth it, chubby Korean pussy will ruin you, I know from experience

>> No.41549071

This stream better inspire a lot of #celestussy art.

>> No.41549276

Alright, I'll be the guy, what else is op trying to depict besides a really toned buckethead ejaculating feces?

>> No.41549656


>> No.41549680

no, you got it right. It's just a candid photograph of PPP.

>> No.41549806 [SPOILER] 
File: 598 KB, 1000x667, hiPPPo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I finally figured it out. I figured out who PPP actually is.

>> No.41550053

>Purin keeps her model
I'll give PPP one fucking credit. He hasn't tried to keep the models of any talents yet. If Purin can keep her model, I'm sure any of the talents can. Not sure what happened with Kallin exactly though.

>> No.41550326
File: 167 KB, 2560x1440, 20230123_145323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please save purin from PPP, Virgil
Invite her into your company

>> No.41550343
Quoted by: >>41550542

At least purin has a good head on her shoulders. Wont be like how yuuna got taken advantage of by maria purin will be ok now matter what her future is

>> No.41550356
Quoted by: >>41550905

I get the feeling Kallin didn't want her model. She said herself she wasn't vibing with the character anymore.

>> No.41550509

/pcg/ here. I hope Hanabi+Dream can continue to hold on. I'm still amazed at their strength to keep it together after the previous batch of departures. I'm hopeful they can continue push through. Please take care of them.

>> No.41550542
Quoted by: >>41571405

>good head on her shoulders
LOL, in what fucking world?

>> No.41550609

I hope you die

>> No.41550905

That was my feeling as well. I think a rebrand fit her well.

>> No.41550980

not sure if sincere gesture of goodwill or another phase poachtard trying to get our guard down...

>> No.41551032
Quoted by: >>41551612

>sincere gesture of goodwill

>> No.41551043
Quoted by: >>41551536

At this point, it's just random people pretending to be /pcg/ or actual /pcg/ just looking to troll the one guy who flips a table at the mere mention of phase.

>> No.41551237

>implying anyone on the mongolian basket weaving forum actually has any say in what the companies end up doing

>> No.41551309

They announced the managers leaving on the 19th solely to spite me, the 20th poster
no i'm not going to take my meds

>> No.41551399
Quoted by: >>41551524

They probably need to buy them out

>> No.41551411
Quoted by: >>41551612

Phase-cunts are not capable of goodwill, only shilling their soulless sluts

>> No.41551482

The soccer fans aren't the ones playing the game either but they will still literally kill each other over some guys kicking a ball

>> No.41551524

Probably, but he must not be selling the rights for insane prices. If everyone, including Purin, is able to purchase them, they must be somewhat reasonably affordable.

>> No.41551536

The former.
I wasn't aware there was a resident sperg. I only announced my origin to let it be known that your company, its talents, and even as our neighboring thread is still held in high respect there.

I'll take my leave. Good luck out there.

>> No.41551612
Quoted by: >>41551964

At this point, I hope every tsunderia girl gets poached by /pcg/ just to spite you.

>> No.41551615

>accidental reddit spacing
FUCK I'm retarded

>> No.41551740
Quoted by: >>41551837

Never come back, faggot

>> No.41551837
Quoted by: >>41552024

He is why I said what I said. >>41551740

>> No.41551890
Quoted by: >>41551997

Before I go to bed I want to announce how much I love Lisa, I will follow her to the ends of the earth and always cheer her on no matter what happens. She deserves the world, and while I can't giver her that, or even any considerable amount of money right now, I can at the very least cheer her on with all my heart, wherever she finds herself performing.

>> No.41551934

Braindead tribalfagging is almost as retarded as poachbegging.

>> No.41551964
Quoted by: >>41552108

Enjoy the sellout bunny and the blonde whore

>> No.41551989

What I learned from this stream: Two shots and Mio will fuck you as long as you're not "small and cute".

>> No.41551997

Thank you for your positivity, anon. We need more Lisa love and sex posting in these trying times.

>> No.41552024

You were talking about me, I'm not engaging this round because I don't need to.

>> No.41552038

Stay in your lane, phase-cunt

>> No.41552108

Enjoy caring more about a company than the talents themselves.

>> No.41552188

You're company froze out a member for being too successful until she backtracked on what made her successful. Talk about caring more about a company than talents

>> No.41552320
Quoted by: >>41553981

there is not one single member of tsunderia's "tribe". we're all here for the chuubas themselves.
phase poachers don't give a single fuck about the chuubas, only what they can do for a literal corporation.
that's why they're hated. i mean, you get people suggesting AMI of all chuubas to join phase? c'mon. nobody's gonna fall for that shit.

>> No.41552331

Isn't PC management so incompetent they let some rando jump into a VC with one of their talents and fuck with her until she had a panic attack?

>> No.41552493
Quoted by: >>41552575

You seem to know a lot more about phase than I do despite hating it so much

>> No.41552497
Quoted by: >>41556148

Someone please just fuck mio...

>> No.41552575
Quoted by: >>41553886

Fishman made Pippa cry live on stream, this isn't some secret knowledge

>> No.41552630

And that rando ended up getting banned in chat for being a creep. By another one of the talents because PC has no mods.

>> No.41553886

Sorry for Fishposting, but you are fucking retarded.

Pippa didn't cry over being ostracized, she cried because she was worried that she might be in the future because she was getting more lenient treatment from management when it comes to yab topics. A woman doing woman things.
Pippa crying on stream wasn't all that rare in the past. She is actually a lot sweeter and softer than the average bait thread might make you think.

>until she backtracked on what made her successful
She didn't backtrack on anything and has only grown since then. You're being dishonest on purpose aren't you?

>Lia invited someone she knew on her stream
Yes, she did.
PC management is so incompetent that they have 0 graduations after ~2 years. Including management.

>> No.41553981
Quoted by: >>41554152

They wouldn't be "begging" for a menhera 2view/low 3view if they cared about making Phase big. Get off your high horse, you self important cunt.

>> No.41553985

if you're trying to keep the thread alive, hornyposting is better than phaseposting.

>> No.41554065 [DELETED] 

Go back.

>> No.41554152

Go back.

>> No.41554199
File: 87 KB, 602x565, 1664818392735523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41557056

She cried about being afraid of being ostracized because Fishman said very explicitly that she would be. She also said directly that she was stepping away from edgier content shortly after all this. Stop making excuses for emotional abuse of chuubas

>> No.41554299

>Lia invited one of her fuckbuddies on stream during an ASMR
Incompetent management, this is dumbass indie/Niji level shit

>> No.41554480
Quoted by: >>41554790

>Nah, she cries all the time, who cares if her boss made her cry
Literal abuser talk, are all Phase-fags this scummy?

>> No.41554729
File: 15 KB, 119x118, laterhater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41555114

AMI is going to say hello to me in a little over ELEVEN HOURS AND THIRTY-FIVE MINUTES.
later, virgins

>> No.41554790

I'm sure there is at least one sane Phasefag, we'll just never meet them because they don't invade a mourning thread to make a scene

>> No.41555114
Quoted by: >>41555467

Ami literally kissed me the other day, so

>> No.41555414
File: 394 KB, 1600x900, 1658132074665474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41555467

she didn't hold hands with you, doesn't count

>> No.41555897

Pretty sure Urara got everyone for Gen 3, which ironically would make her the sole reason the company stayed afloat even after she left thanks to Ami and Lisa carrying it

>> No.41555998
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, FnIRchoacAojiDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41556620

>> No.41556128
File: 543 KB, 570x604, sojubnnuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like waking up to my girlfriend still streaming

>> No.41556148

I volunteer.

>> No.41556253

Mio's going to be the death of me

>> No.41556346

He is preparing to jump ship, my guess is he is trying to get in Holostars or simply stop vtubing
Purin triggered the chain reaction now

>> No.41556498
File: 152 KB, 692x564, She should have done it for real (in Minecraft).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's buff Slugma crushing PPP's head like a grape and spraying blood everywhere, from her debut intro.

>> No.41556538

He will be in the upcoming Prism mixed gen

>> No.41556620

>leaves company
>makes actual schedule
Good show dog, get that money.

>> No.41556683

>Lisa 1 week hiatus
>Tomo 2 week hiatus
>Nen indefinite hiatus
>Kazu shows up like twice per week
>Hanabi still getting milk

>> No.41556697

I hope things work out for the boys. I can't say I watched them much, but it's still a damn shame that one of the few small corpos that was willing to give dudes a chance ended up completely failing them (and everyone else). Tomo especially was way overqualified for Tsunderia in terms of his vtubing skillset, I hope he actually does go for one of the big corpos because he'd probably do well in either of them.

>> No.41556738
Quoted by: >>41557364

>jumping from one sinking ship to another

>> No.41556899

the new prism gen isn't mixed, all the guys that auditioned bailed

>> No.41556937
File: 370 KB, 570x570, PyonMio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my girlfriend
All my children are inside it

>> No.41557056

That isn't Sakana saying he's going to ostracize anyone. That's Sakana saying that reality isn't black and white. What might seem unfair on a micro level can be fair on a macro level. He's not wrong.

How the fuck you got ostracization from that is beyond me. Pippa is constantly praising Phase Connect and Sakana now. If she really, truly hated him, she could tell him to fuck off and pull a KSON easy. She has enough of a loyal audience, enough name recognition, and friends that can blast twitter with her alternate self.

Pippa doesn't have to take shit, she chooses to stay because she prefers it. And she knows she can pull a KSON whenever she wishes.

>She also said directly that she was stepping away from edgier content shortly after all this.
You mean the very thing that you all bitch about her doing? So she's trying to do the thing you'd rather her do and you STILL bitch about it?

>Stop making excuses for emotional abuse of chuubas
Emotional abuse is what PPP is doing. What Pippa is experiencing is standard fare for a company. I don't even watch Pippa, but this thread is so unbelievably dishonest about her and Sakana.

>> No.41557148

>go off and work alone
>where did you get ostracized from
God I hope the fish doesn't actually pay you retards

>> No.41557174

reddit spacing

>> No.41557212
File: 640 KB, 640x640, grab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chubby Korean pussy will ruin you
I'm already ruined, I have nothing to lose

>> No.41557235
Quoted by: >>41557578

>if you don't like working for me, you can leave
Wow, so I don't have to work for the company I hate? Thanks Sakana. Maybe you people are too use to PPP and his black company.

>> No.41557330

>a team doesn't revolve around one individual
>people have to make personal concessions when working with others
I thought the average age of tsun fans was older then 16?

>> No.41557364

Prism doesn't seem to be sinking, it's just not really going anywhere.

>> No.41557578
Quoted by: >>41558039

I'm glad you can finally admit that Fish's bullshit was the thing that Pippa was crying about. Now go back to your thread so you can damage control Lia bringing her boy toy on stream

>> No.41557741
Quoted by: >>41557869

Can the two of you please either fuck or kill yourselves already?
Assuming you arent just replying to yourself in which case im going to fucking find you and cut your fingers off slowly and carefully so you never post again you fucking retarded cretin

>> No.41557795
Quoted by: >>41558175

>Pippa is constantly praising PC now that she sold out
You're so used to how fake the average PC slut is you don't even know how stupid that sounds. Eat a fat Canuck dick, scumbag

>> No.41557829
File: 433 KB, 630x615, bunfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio seems happy, and therefore I am happy

>> No.41557869

The average psycho /tsun/ poster, he thinks everyone he doesn't like is the same person

>> No.41557908
File: 311 KB, 496x321, ForbiddenTits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squeezable and milkable

>> No.41557935
Quoted by: >>41558124

Has there ever been a time Purin brought anything good to a /tsun/ thread. Jesus Fucking Christ

>> No.41557988
Quoted by: >>41558106

either you're a phase tribalist and you're too stupid to see that your shilling is REALLY offputting or you're a phase anti who's too stupid to see that we already don't like phase.

>> No.41558039
Quoted by: >>41558127

>admit anything
>completely misses the meaning
nigga, are you retarded? Are all tsun fans esl incapable of understanding English?

>> No.41558106
Quoted by: >>41558163

NTA but he's right. /tsun/ posters are always acting like it's just one person. No wonder this company is dying. Shit CEO and stupid audience

>> No.41558124
File: 136 KB, 455x324, concerned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41558345

I hope you don't think it was anything Purin did that brought the /pcg/ shitposting here. That shit has spread to basically every small corpo thread and a load of related ones all by itself simply because the company's fanbase is so overwhelmingly cancerous. There's a reason why /pcg/ has a bad reputation across the whole board and why most threads prefer to avoid associating with them at all if possible.
Now please for the love of god go back to hornyposting, or at least post some entertaining rrats.

>> No.41558127
Quoted by: >>41558214

dude will you please just fuck off back to the catalogue already?

>> No.41558129
Quoted by: >>41558343

Miori is a crazy clingy sex-starved menhera FREAK

>> No.41558163
Quoted by: >>41558324

Hey I think I heard your League queue pop.

>> No.41558175

>Pippa sold out
Funny, she's still making edgy content. She even talked about Andrew Tate. I thinking you're confusing "not acting like an uncontrolled sperg" with "selling out"

>> No.41558214
Quoted by: >>41558236


>> No.41558236
Quoted by: >>41558902

I don't care how many phase retards there are. I'm sure it's more than one. I want them ALL to fuck off, including this ONE singular phase retard that I was replying to.

>> No.41558253
File: 109 KB, 1079x1245, 1656189817278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is not nearly enough talk about my spidermomwife's sexy sweaty flabby ass in this thread.

>> No.41558308
Quoted by: >>41558354

I'd lick the sweat off Ami's ass, if you catch my drift

>> No.41558324

Fuck, Fish is gonna beat me if I afk in spawn again.

>> No.41558343

The only thing that keeps me sane is knowing this woman is far, far too good for me.
And also that she'll probably snap out of it once she's back at college interacting with real humans on the regular.
I just hope she doesnt regret the gf arc once all is said and done, it was fun.

>> No.41558345
Quoted by: >>41559418

All her fans have ever brought to these threads is retarded drama, this is barely any different from every time that John creep went to war against some viewer he didn't like. Unironically the worst fambase in Tsunderia

>> No.41558354

drift? anon she is not car that or i need you to explain further.

>> No.41558355
File: 211 KB, 2400x2400, 248941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please understand, it's SEA hours and they would rather falseflag and have inane arguments than appreciate a nice juicy dumper

>> No.41558476
Quoted by: >>41558639

Sorry anon, not really in the mood.

>> No.41558489
File: 93 KB, 896x1014, FmkCbgWWIAEfIAz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her ass is nice and all but there's not nearly enough talk about my spiderwife's cute titties in general.

>> No.41558492
File: 1.26 MB, 1218x1437, SPOILER_amivalentineNB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes the discord is alright

>> No.41558495
Quoted by: >>41558851

Is shitting on phase fags some sort of last resort attempt to appear a united front for this shit of a company? As much as you try to shit on phase and its talents and its management, it’s the only small corpo with no graduations and is still growing. How many grads does tsunderia have? Stop the desperate attempt to struggle tsunfags. It’s fucking embarrassing.

>> No.41558605
File: 145 KB, 474x347, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take it

>> No.41558639
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1649043208379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41558681

It's alright, anon. I perform the ritual simply because I must.

>> No.41558681
File: 842 KB, 906x906, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41563446

I love you, Squeezable and Milkable poster (Squilkable poster for short)

>> No.41558695
File: 588 KB, 799x762, 1674469741837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41558723

>> No.41558723

im going to pet that cuties head

>> No.41558764
File: 1.08 MB, 1701x1060, export202210180035300560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the tourist. imagine ami's thighs wrapping around your head. imagine her choking you to the point of asphyxiation. when you wake up, you find yourself tied to a chair with a severe amitoxin withdrawal. but she won't give you any. she won't spare a single drop for you until you satisfy her desperate need for affection.
What do you do?

>> No.41558851

It's some people obviously trolling the thread to make the one or two spergs sperg out for hour. Way too easy. It's also a lot of tsun fans going through the stages of grief as they watch their company wither very slowly. Also the reality that it's always been a black company, despite the best efforts of Slugma and RMJ. Phase is just a very easy target for them to direct their anger at.
>it’s the only small corpo with no graduations
While true, I think that is slightly unfair to Kawaii and Idol. The two girls on idol seemed to have left for personal reasons. Although Neo is a bit odd. Kawaii had the unfortunate luck of hiring two people who ended up not wanting to stream and one person who had a shit but manipulative personality. Could have happened to Phase, they just got lucky.

>> No.41558902


>> No.41558940
Quoted by: >>41559124

Call me Himeno the way I'll give her my everything

>> No.41558948

if I'm in full withdrawal and stuck to the chair not much I can do but muster what little strength i have to shout to the heavens, AMI CUTE, ONLY AMI ONLY AMI

>> No.41559117 [SPOILER] 
File: 855 KB, 1000x1000, Ashelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41559178

You're right that you can't really do much if you get the wrong people, but I don't think it was just luck oh the part of Phase.
They for example put a lot of effort into making sure that Lia felt comfortable back when she was even more of a sad girl and unhappy with her original model. And with how many streams she was canceling back then it wasn't like she was a big money maker either at the time.

>> No.41559124
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x1400, amiShieldLadyzzRzW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it, anon. Say exactly what you' give her.

>> No.41559125
Quoted by: >>41559283

Most people quit without saying the real reason, and not all real reasons lead to the company being black. Shit doesn’t work out for various reasons. But graduation is graduation.

>> No.41559165
Quoted by: >>41559263

It's so fucking over. Orla.... Slugma.... I'm sorry PPP failed you so hard...

>> No.41559178
Quoted by: >>41559294

I think that was luck. Lia almost quit for the same reasons. Phase just got lucky she pushed through long enough to grow. I'm honestly surprised Iori/Michiru/Nasa haven't quit.

>> No.41559263
Quoted by: >>41562520

Orla the tranny queen, I'll miss her so much

>> No.41559283

I agree, but a graduation because a talent just didn't like streaming or being part of a corporation and leaving on good terms is completelt different than a talent leaving because they broke a contract or because the company was shit. The former can't be prevented and is just a result of personal differences and opinions to no fault of anyone. I won't hold a black mark on a company or talent over that. Kana and Ria were not tsunderia's fault and I don't hold their graduations against tsunderia. Everyone else though?

>> No.41559294
Quoted by: >>41559386

Your point on the JP just proves it’s not luck. We don’t know what goes on behind the scenes but there has to be a reason for them to stay. And if he’s doing it for the dead JP branch, what do you think happens to the others?

>> No.41559386

Sakana isn't a great CEO though. He's pushed Pippa and others pretty fucking hard and almost started a tsunderia spiral. He's just competent enough to not fuck it up and retain Mumei to keep the ship together. But it's still luck. I bet if Pippa didn't explode after her drama stream and Lia rose on her curtails, Lia would've left around the one year anniversary

>> No.41559403

still thinking of yuuna's yuunas

>> No.41559418
Quoted by: >>41559532

If you think it’s actually John then you’re fucking retarded. Doubt some phasefag is her fan either.

>> No.41559490
Quoted by: >>41559574

Ask her how im supposed to do that if if im tied up, and cant touch her, dummy

>> No.41559532
Quoted by: >>41560141

John has confirmed he posts here so many times and who the fuck else would mount a crusade against someone who shit-talked him in her discord but the creepy groomer in chief?

>> No.41559541


>> No.41559573

Phase is in the OP under friends its on topic

>> No.41559574
Quoted by: >>41561049

use your words anon.

>> No.41559635
File: 59 KB, 605x1043, 1660783576078061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does Meru smell like?

>> No.41559656

Sweat and farts

>> No.41559662

you may not believe me but, blueberries

>> No.41559679

coom (mine) and farts

>> No.41559710

Cheap wine and sweat

>> No.41559807
Quoted by: >>41559842

How much dick do you think Purin had to be taking in that Apartment in the city for her brother's to drop the hammer and demand she return home?

>> No.41559842
Quoted by: >>41559922

It's because (You) failed to get her pregnant by cumming into the ocean, anon. Take responsibility.

>> No.41559922

One day I'll be strong enough to turn Purin away from her whorish ways, I believe!

>> No.41560141
Quoted by: >>41560201

How has he confirmed? He shows confusion whenever people make /here/ jokes in chat. DYRB when people claim to be who they are? Would you believe me if I said I was Sakana? kek

>> No.41560201
Quoted by: >>41560519

He posted his gay little Rock here back in the day, you're so fucking gullible

>> No.41560380

You forgot the biggest indicator
>Ami taking one day off on Saturday instead of Sunday

>> No.41560519
Quoted by: >>41560661

A-Anonchama… he posted that picture on twitter…

>> No.41560581

It takes about two weeks to change what bank account superchats and membership money goes to.
Odd that Tomo is taking a two week break and suddenly has "technical issues".

>> No.41560603

Cat musk and Filet o Fish sandwiches

>> No.41560661
Quoted by: >>41560807

What a mundane lie, but I guess when you're making excuses it makes sense

>> No.41560665

>Changes to payment information must be completed on or before the 20th. Changes made after the 20th of any month won't take effect until the following month's payment cycle.
oh lol

>> No.41560679
Quoted by: >>41560728

>Tomo knows how electron microscopes work enough to know how to call out fake footage
Holy cow secretly biggest brain in Tsunderia. Could Tomo be taking time off for his PhD?

>> No.41560728

>>Tomo knows how electron microscopes work enough to know how to call out fake footage
Dude, this is literally first year high school science class shit....

>> No.41560788

>first year high school science class
You think anyone actually remembers that shit?

>> No.41560807
Quoted by: >>41561155


>> No.41560822

You are thinking of regular microscopes which are very, very different things.

>> No.41560943

In my distress I cried unto the SLUG, and she heard me.
Deliver my chuubas, O SLUG, from idle CEOs, and from a disproportionate income cut.
What shall be donated unto thee? Or what shall be do unto thee, thou empty wallet?
Sharp words of the graduated, with tweets of seethe.
Woe is me, that I sojourn in the Catalogue, that I dwell in the jungles of the Phillipines!
My wallet had long dwelt with her that hateth PPP.
I am for graduation: but when I speak of graduation, they are for poaching.

>> No.41561049
File: 184 KB, 384x384, 1RTSYbSiL92Q8wSpspO4Dw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41561330

I'm very stupid and very physically affectionate please understand

>> No.41561155

The mundane lie was a person randomly pretending to be John at that time, doesn't make sense to me whatsoever

>> No.41561273
Quoted by: >>41562380

I miss Buta.

>> No.41561330
File: 1.27 MB, 1080x1243, 205_20220810002231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright, anon. Learning to express your affection is a difficult thing. If you need to take things slow and express your affection to Ami by feeding her cake and bucko-flavored ramen so that you can better squeeze her highly squeezable (and still fertile) region, I'm sure she'll understand. That being said, you should never stay stagnant in your efforts to express your consideration for her. Your capacity for amitoxin is only as large as you let it grow.

>> No.41561539
Quoted by: >>41564445

What’s a great CEO anon? What’s considered not lucky anon? Do you have to be the one doing it?

>> No.41562380

real ones remember FIFTEEN STICKERS

>> No.41562520
Quoted by: >>41562996

Kill yourself before I find you irl and take care of it myself

>> No.41562680
File: 344 KB, 507x529, 1674477834058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Resident /tsunX/ tranny defender logging on

>> No.41562889

>Look forward to our next announcement about our new managers!
Actual next post is purin leaving.

>> No.41562996
Quoted by: >>41563119

Is it any wonder Orla chose a model that looks like a fucking alien, of course Orla is some new fancy form of faggot

>> No.41563119

Im pretty sure Orla had basically no control over her initial character concept or design at all

>> No.41563174

Oh, they just lucked into a model as shitty as they were. Happy day

>> No.41563399

It's unfair to Prism too, as weird as that sounds. For as bad as the company management looks, the girls who are still there seem happy enough, while Sumi was the most obvious candidate to leave since her debut.

>> No.41563445
Quoted by: >>41563511

Her second model was so good though. One of my favourite ones in general.

>> No.41563446

don't play with my emotions like that! ;_;

>> No.41563468
Quoted by: >>41563624

All Tsun talents basically have complete control over their model design. Orla specifically wanted to look like that.

>> No.41563511

Her second model is excellent, still one of the absolute best rigged vtuber models I've ever seen to this day

>> No.41563514
Quoted by: >>41564937

>Muumi keeps being called "Mumei"

>> No.41563624

I don't think talents started getting significant input into their designs until around the time TsunQuest got their second outfits, and then TsunDream got full input from the outset

>> No.41563660

Sakana was right, Pippa was a manipulative bitch about it and made her fans whine till she got her way, the fish ain't the issue the pink bitch and her horrific fanbase that taints her whole company is

>> No.41563795
File: 132 KB, 952x973, 1649323933236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days I'll wake up next to Ami's gentle breathing and just lay there a while listening to it. One of these days...

>> No.41563820

That day is closer than you think

>> No.41563837
Quoted by: >>41563856

God I wish I was that egg

>> No.41563848
File: 1.18 MB, 1330x851, 1673223289745945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days I'll wake up to Lisa's piercings against my cock

>> No.41563856

I wonder what bucko juices look like

>> No.41563960


>> No.41563989
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 1668310710810068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41564803

One of these days I'll not wake up and 4 months later mayor will find my decomposing body and laugh so endearingly I come back to life only to find myself in immense pain and die again of necrosis among many other issues shortly after.

>> No.41564445

NTA but

>> No.41564803

Hanabi's "Hi chat" could warm the coldest of hearts

>> No.41564937

it's tourists from the catalog, not even /pcg/

>> No.41564991
File: 701 KB, 3840x2160, E2mYAqvWEAoiTcI2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Predict the next announcement

>> No.41565013
File: 856 KB, 1167x703, 1645243817339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An an idolfag as well Aviel is based, people act like making decent business decisions that lead to success is proof of jewish conspiracy.
>Rough gen 1 launch
>Learn from it as well as learn from /here/ since it's the core type of audience you're gaining
>Second gen launches to huge success from what was learned, scouting good talents instead of hosting auditions, shilling them and then backing off to let them grow their own communities

>> No.41565279

I am expecting Tsundream to be laid off in the next days

>> No.41565289
File: 918 KB, 775x1013, 1644735517724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41565442

Ami has her schedule already set out so I don't expect something from her, doesn't seem her style to announced something like that in the middle of her work week. This very well might be her last week though, she's pretty much the only tsunderia streamer not on some kind of break right now. Have it all tie together with most of them already not streaming seems like the easiest way to wind it all down.

>> No.41565442
File: 61 KB, 424x454, Fmy9QjbXEAc4ODC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41568033

A few people pointed out that Saturday is her break day this week instead of the usual Sunday, which normally wouldn't be worth pointing out at all, but in light of everything I wouldn't be surprised if it meant there's going to be an announcement this weekend

>> No.41565600
File: 46 KB, 584x228, ami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would make sense to hold off starting longer games and finishing up incomplete ones the week before you go indie...

>> No.41565650
Quoted by: >>41565717

and mem stream after to explain after

>> No.41565711
File: 614 KB, 918x714, AmiyaSmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fear the prospect of Ami unleashed, my heart and cock are in grave danger

>> No.41565717
File: 463 KB, 501x709, 1654701077536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few days ago Purin closed her stream early because people kept donating, which I thought was kind of stupid and womanish, but it turns out she didn't wan the donos getting sent to tsunderia since she'd be indie in a few days, so I apologize to Purin and her flans and kneel. Ami is doing the same thing it feels like, softening the blow we all know is coming.

Yeah you're right, oh shit, that's probably where she's gonna talk about her plans going forward. Oh shit of fuck why am I anxious now.

>> No.41565955

The public execution of PPP

>> No.41566103

I thought the dono thing was a funny "haha bratty dog" bit regardless of her going indie

>> No.41566416
Quoted by: >>41572062

Kinda of went like
>I'm sorta sad
>Get dono
>Don't give me donos to make me less sad!
>Gets more
>One more dono and I'm closing stream!
>$1 rolls in
>Closes stream
She hadn't been streaming long at all, I really think she didn't want one more dollar going to the company at that point lmao

>> No.41566864
File: 425 KB, 1920x1080, FEw0d4_VIAEnkN4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone archived all the video uploads from the main Tsunderia YouTube channel yet? Might be a good idea with the way things are going.

>> No.41567370
File: 958 KB, 1149x591, 1649630562656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41567749

/tsunx/ conveniently forgetting how their precious Ami literally murdered Lisa for a thrill during a sunday drive through the countryside with her cyborg lesbian lover

>> No.41567409

Hold all superchats and streamlabs donos for tsunmembers in case they are preparing to leave. Send money after they confirm they have updated their accounts to work as indies or when they confirm they staying in the company.

>> No.41567487

She really needs to set up a stream safeword for when she wants chat to be SERIOUS serious and not playing along with teasing

>> No.41567534

Rather see Lisa and Ami end up there instead of Phase

>> No.41567749
File: 252 KB, 1796x1796, Flci9WpaEAEBKJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheepy had her earbuds in, she couldn't hear us...

>> No.41567955
File: 303 KB, 651x521, 1671218329235805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(instructively not informatively)

>> No.41568033
Quoted by: >>41568227

There's always one canary in the coal mine.......
It used to be Meru, now it's Ami

>> No.41568227
File: 80 KB, 1778x1080, stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41572121

The canary this time was Purin. There was no obvious reason why she stuck around after the mass exodus considering basically everybody she considered a close friend left the company, yet she did anyway. The fact that she chose to leave now is another huge red flag that indicates things have gone very, very wrong.

>> No.41568303

Dissolution of Tsundream. January 28, 9PM EST.
Hanabi remaining as the last (and now top) Tsunderia talent because she's still out of the loop.

>> No.41568810
Quoted by: >>41569481

Orla was at the very least given "A" and "B" options and she deliberately took the B option. She told the story in debut stream or 6 month stream I think. She was being intentionally standoffish at the time before she warmed up to her goblins.

>> No.41569256

if that could be the case I might hold off any small donos to Ami and keep it to her throne, sucks since friday is a karaoke and those normally get big donations coming to her

>> No.41569481
File: 681 KB, 1080x840, 16349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orla was at the very least given "A" and "B" options and she deliberately took the B option
The point still stands though, getting a choice between two slightly different design variations for a character concept that's already been picked out for you is very different from having control over most if not all of the creative process. Compare it with somebody like Lisa who got the opportunity to design her character pretty much from the ground up.
That aside, it's not like one of the A or B variants was objectively better than the other anyway. Both looked pretty nice on paper, so it's weird to say she "deliberately" took one option as if it would've made a significant difference. The final model would've probably had the exact same issues regardless of which variation she chose.

>> No.41569657

Not even basic university science students get access to electron microscopes. Those are very expensive to buy and use. And high schoolers definitely don't cover this somewhat niche topic when they are busy covering photosynthesis for the 10th time.

>> No.41569697
Quoted by: >>41570015

>horse skeleton vs chandelier
>slightly different

>> No.41569794

Ah you mean just talk about all the too good to be true shit you do right? You know all this makes him look like is a scammer right? I thought you had some braincells so I engaged in a conversation. My mistake, go back watching Andre Tate.

>> No.41569932
Quoted by: >>41570338

So much growth since botted debut man. They each grew -1500 to -2000 CCV. And the growth isn’t stopping! Even after a ton of investor money went into it! The ROI is off the charts!

>> No.41570015
File: 121 KB, 319x399, mfw i have no face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think her chair being a light fitting rather than a mangled animal corpse would've done much to alleviate the actual problems with the final model, like the atrocious rigging job that meant she couldn't even open her mouth properly for almost a year.

>> No.41570240

This is all Kamiko Kanas fault.

>> No.41570338
Quoted by: >>41570456

>comparing debut numbers to regular stream numbers
>still higher than all other small corpos not named phase connect

>> No.41570439
File: 1.40 MB, 1080x1236, 1659092518592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 180 minutes until Ami, I can make it, I CAN MAKE IT

>> No.41570455
Quoted by: >>41570954

I think both of those designs are beautiful, but the execution of A was definitely lacking. B seems like it would be easier to make work as a vtuber character in general. It's a bit less out there.

>> No.41570456

Actually I think on average they do equal/better numbers than most Phase members not called Pippa and Tenma.

>> No.41570531
Quoted by: >>41570954

She definitely should have went with B though

>> No.41570813
Quoted by: >>41571053

Not even close jewba intern

>> No.41570820

They're both pretty cool but I never understood A's titty cross thing. B is pretty neat, but it doesn't matter much in the end because 2.0 outclasses both by a crazy amount.

>> No.41570837

the bratz style is not really worth arguing over

>> No.41570850

Slug posted a tweet but it was deleted and my notif for it is gone... I'm definitely certain she mentioned a lawyer in it, though. I didn't dream it, right? You guys saw it too?

>> No.41570885

do you not know what NTA is, newfag?

also all of that is constantly backed by the talents on streams, they cant stop talking about how good the management is and how much fun they are having.

see example:

>inb4 they are forced to say that

>> No.41570949

Not-pippa and not-tenma phase do about the same as idol not-gen1. Though it's only fair if we exclude jp phase as well as gen 1 idol

>> No.41570954
File: 334 KB, 449x659, orla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41571085

I really don't think it would've made much difference. Most of the weirdness of the final model was from the over-the-top makeup and how poorly the model was rigged, which would've been exactly the same regardless of which variation she chose.
It's worth noting that the face of the 2.0 model is actually almost identical to 1.0 when you compare them, the only major differences being the subtler make-up and the added bangs, which worked wonders even before accounting for the massively improved rigging.

>> No.41570958
Quoted by: >>41571142

this is the schizoposting i fucking live for

>> No.41571024

legitimately retarded

>> No.41571053

>phase connect gen 2 get 80-300 views
>idolEN gen 1 get 400-900 views
why are you lying phaseshill? playboard exist you know

>> No.41571085

It's just so violently... woman. It's great.

>> No.41571142

I'm not fucking schizoposting I fucking swear on everything that is holy, I swear on my fucking Orla standee (most beloved possession) that this is true
I'm not crazy please someone back me up

>> No.41571197
Quoted by: >>41571217

Almost identical stats. Stop fooling yourself, they're both equal.

>> No.41571200
Quoted by: >>41571279

I thought you were trolling but it’s real holy fuck. Look up her twitter username on google

>> No.41571217

>gen 1 vs gen 2
can you not read?

>> No.41571279

Not seeing anything, post proofs or slugma balls

>> No.41571282
Quoted by: >>41571310

Hi Slugma :)

>> No.41571299

>gen 1 vs gen 2
If we were to include idol Gen1, they'd get crushed as the no-name 2views they are. They're so no-name, playboard doesn't even have live stats for them. But if you want to beat yourself that badly...

>> No.41571310
Quoted by: >>41571338

hello slugma :)

>> No.41571325
Quoted by: >>41571394

Auntie would be disappointed in you

>> No.41571338
Quoted by: >>41571466

hey there, slugger!

>> No.41571345

Yeah something about a laywer, getting the day bc of it, something aboit streaming and "Thanks Tsunderia"

>> No.41571364
File: 1.71 MB, 2015x1125, 1664029609999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still miss you

>> No.41571373
File: 96 KB, 300x300, i'm slugma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41571394

I know she would.... I'm pitiful..... Orla.... I'm sorry...

>> No.41571400

anon... idol en gen 1 is idol gen 2...

>> No.41571405

she wont have any questionable mods like yuuna does

>> No.41571466

please ;-;

>> No.41571506


>> No.41571516

Get off these threads Lisa. Go rest. 4chan isn't rest.

>> No.41571563
Quoted by: >>41571595


>> No.41571595
Quoted by: >>41571696

She has already come back. TO DESTROY

>> No.41571637
File: 192 KB, 590x690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know where slugma's bread is buttered, even if she didn't want to go and be a manager for him.

I do wonder if she has at least told the girls to have a talk with the fish and see if they can work something out. Same with the ex-managers.

>> No.41571663
File: 623 KB, 1040x600, slug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Urara spent the past year lawyering up and getting a case together to tear PPP a new asshole in court
Can you fucking imagine?

>> No.41571696
Quoted by: >>41571760

>the mighty slug makes a passive agressive tweet
>company implodes next week

>> No.41571729

She should stream it too.

>> No.41571753

What the fuck did he have to do to get her to be so vindictive? I need a step-by-step guide

>> No.41571760
File: 97 KB, 911x839, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41571831

>We meme magicked a bit too hard and accidentally turned Slugma into a reality warping god

>> No.41571765

Kill yourself fishman

>> No.41571826

He tried to make her eat ALL the eggs and she did

>> No.41571831

I'll believe it when I check my bank statement and see all my savings were transferred directly to Purin, no refunds.

>> No.41571841

Nobody knows. Could be something as simple as his infamously destructive negligence constantly fucking everybody over, or maybe he did something absolutely unspeakably awful behind the scenes.

>> No.41571882

>anon wants to get dommed by Ura
>but also findommed
>but also wants her to take away his freedom
Unspeakably powerful slug...

>> No.41571886
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>> No.41572062

Slut behaviour

>> No.41572121
Quoted by: >>41575997

No Putin (purin Putin same shit) vampired tsunderia and then left because she doesn’t care. Quite the slut

>> No.41572173

Man I wish I could get some Orla merch.

>> No.41572291

I got Ura and Orla keychains, and with everything that's come to pass I'm very glad that I did.

>> No.41572353

The only reason I could imagine for her to do that would be to reclaim unpaid wages.

>> No.41572401
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x703, 1536270002436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've genuinely considered learning to 3D model and borrowing a 3D printer to make myself a keychain or something.

>> No.41572406

I regret my decision to not buy the stickers and now I fully regret not having the full Orla collection :(((

>> No.41572435


>> No.41572471
File: 15 KB, 501x95, 21432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear on my fucking Orla standee (most beloved possession)
You got Ura's standee too, right? You didn't cuck her, right?

>> No.41572474
Quoted by: >>41572523

Wait there were keychains FUCK all I got was a Slugma little statue and a dozen bottle openers.

>> No.41572509
Quoted by: >>41572622


>> No.41572523
Quoted by: >>41572558

Ura and Orla's keychains were from the first merch wave, their standees were from the second one

>> No.41572558

Fuck....I'll never be able to carry a little slugma around with me now

>> No.41572597
Quoted by: >>41572703

I have notifications on for her but I didn't notice one

>> No.41572622
File: 320 KB, 387x512, gc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God blessed me with the knowledge that the perfect woman exists, but cursed me with the knowledge that she would never touch me because I'm a gross yucky boy with cooties...

>> No.41572703
Quoted by: >>41572891

I saw it, she was complaining about having to take a day off from work to talk to lawyer and did in fact say "thanks tsunderia". She posted and deleted a second tweet after, that one I did not see but it looked like just a period lmao.

>> No.41572787
File: 947 KB, 976x549, 12493203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41572816

Is this it? Is the day of reckoning finally upon us?

>> No.41572816

Uwawa is crashing this corp

>> No.41572891
File: 48 KB, 758x426, chrome_S5CrDPTmgW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The period was probably just to stop the deleted tweet from showing up in the google search cache

>> No.41572967

What the FUCK did PPP even do to get a lawyer involved

>> No.41572971
Quoted by: >>41573088

It's been awhile since we've had such a good rrat. Add slugma's lawsuit to the team next year.

>> No.41573088

Bold for you to assume there is gonna be a team next year, beerpals....if this place die where we can lust about Mio

>> No.41573112
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, 1248943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41573417

What we are about to witness may be the most kino plot twist in small corpo history.

>> No.41573208
Quoted by: >>41573277

I saw someone suggest that the thread should just stay the same but be renamed to /EXtsun/, thatd be funny

>> No.41573277
Quoted by: >>41573558

I don't think a renaming is necessary, the only reason we even changed from /tsun/ to begin with was because we won divegrass under the name /tsunX/

>> No.41573317
File: 394 KB, 826x772, OrlaPSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder to take care of yourself

>> No.41573417
Quoted by: >>41573475

It might end up as nothing if they settle out of court

>> No.41573444
Quoted by: >>41573766

/lig/ or just make a thread for Mio whenever she streams and let it die after it's done.

>> No.41573475

Shhh, let me dream

>> No.41573558

Technically it was tsun to tsun+ after the exodus, the X was just turning the + 45 degrees (maybe PES doesnt like non-alphanumerics, not sure)
But also my point is that theres no reason to abandon the shared thread and make a bunch of splits that would either die or get destroyed by catalogniggers

>> No.41573639
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>> No.41573704

rrat: She's not getting a lawyer for herself. She's getting a lawyer for Purin.

>> No.41573736
File: 303 KB, 900x883, 1209473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, this makes it sound more like Tsunderia is going for her than the other way around

>> No.41573766
Quoted by: >>41574035

I would literally rather never post about mio again than throw a mio thread to the wolves every stream, we already saw what happened when she schizos got hold of her the last time.
/lig/ is an improvement but i dunno how theyd take to it

>> No.41573817

No one here actually posts about Mio's streams beyond generic "I love my girlfriend!" posts anyhow.

>> No.41573853
Quoted by: >>41574077

Seriously does anyone have any idea what the fuck could have happened where a former employee would need a lawyer, I've been trying to imagine a scenario where that would happen but I just can't, what could PPP even do that would make someone who's been out of the company for months now need to get a lawyer

>> No.41574035

/lig/ would love her desu

>> No.41574077
Quoted by: >>41574314

Unironically could be what >>41573704 said. Ura letting herself get mistreated without escalating a conflict but going on the warpath when it happens to somebody she cares about seems very likely, especially somebody like Purin who wouldn't be able to stand up for herself in that situation.

>> No.41574082
Quoted by: >>41574197

I'd give her money in a heartbeat just to see her stream again.

>> No.41574197


>> No.41574213


>> No.41574314

Sorry if I sound dumb, but would an American lawyer work just fine for this situation or would that not be the case due to Purin living in the Philippines?

>> No.41574333

Meru recovered from that oopsie a lot better and faster than I expected. Our mail girl is getting more resilient!

>> No.41574378

American jurisdiction for the company so american lawyers and courts.

>> No.41574430

I have no idea how that kind of thing actually works but I imagine the fact that she was employed there puts her under that jurisdiction, it'd be pretty dumb if she was just totally fucked by such a simple detail

>> No.41574434
File: 293 KB, 1884x1080, 1674499791184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41574511

I just want Ami to be happy and not stressed anymore over all this...

>> No.41574511

It sounds to me like she's already accepted it. Amiya out of everyone will be least affected by all of this,

>> No.41574586

New thread

>> No.41575997

>vampired tsunderia
so she finally got something of value from this company? good

>> No.41576248
Quoted by: >>41576581

getting a lawyer for purin and tsundream
hanabi forgotten again...

>> No.41576581

Everybody's doing their best to keep Hanabi out of this, she'd end up invoking some kind of Indonesian death curse on PPP and complicating the case
