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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 800 KB, 1080x1439, LNPV81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41288962 No.41288962 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>41289179

Late Night Princess Veibaeya Part 81

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any Vtubers frequently associated with them.

Bait bad, Bussy good.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Her Royal Highness, Princess Veibaeya - https://www.twitch.tv/veibae
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

VShojoJP is:

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/るみな/ for dedicated Nazuna discussion
>>>/vt//lig/ for more focused + and ++ discussion

Previous Thread: >>41276065

>> No.41289005

ksonfags, don't shit up the thread

>> No.41289006
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>> No.41289017
Quoted by: >>41289211

>haruka comes back
>vei thread
i fucking hate veifags

>> No.41289022

Why isn't pink cat pregnant yet?
(Also get well soon Moose)

>> No.41289030 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 1536x2048, FmbUaRiXgAAGMQR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What spending a week with Vei does to a man

>> No.41289031

It was nice of Haruka to stream from her hotel in the Bahamas, I hope she enjoys the rest of her vacation.

>> No.41289171
File: 802 KB, 1200x900, E8fvSKsVgAIOOQh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41289263

Look at my delinquent wife

>> No.41289179

>vei OP
Thread ruined

>> No.41289182
File: 452 KB, 960x720, Pink Cat Archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) Vod Archive (Starting on 2020-07-17 running until 2023-xx-xx): https://pastebin.com/Eg1Yy3TZ

- Complete Hime Hajime Vod Archive (Starting on 2021-01-31 running until 2022-08-30): https://pastebin.com/28iC7P72

- Ironmouse Vod spreadsheet/Bubivt Vod "Archive" and some other Vods/Vod Spreadsheets: https://pastebin.com/STax22rK
>Some other stuff that might be of use:

- Vod Archiving guide for Twitch/Youtube Live streams that covers the basics: https://pastebin.com/1i8hF902

- Links for the 4chan (#/vt/ and #recanon) IRC channels, Koikatsu Party Character cards from /Vsj+/ and /lig/ and the website to make wordclouds: https://pastebin.com/FiAsYK7e

>> No.41289195

nah bro, the himefags are the real problem

>> No.41289196

Summary of Harukas stream:
>still sick but alive
>she is sad
>something bad happened 2 days ago
>she doesnt watch movies unless they are really interesting because she doesnt have patience for them
>mamabu is ok
Thats it.

>> No.41289211
Quoted by: >>41289267

They're the most mentally ill just like their oshi

>> No.41289213
File: 262 KB, 1000x1000, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was curious so have the word cloud of the previous thread.

>> No.41289223
File: 332 KB, 1366x2048, 1653051537205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41289296

It was nice of anon to have sweet dreams about Haruka having fun and streaming from her hotel in the Bahamas. I hope she takes rests and get better soon. And I hope anon gets his meds and the treatment he deserves.
consensual nonconsensual sex with pink cat

>> No.41289224
File: 869 KB, 756x673, 42342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she still covided

>> No.41289234
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>> No.41289248

don't forget she also said her subathon was not a scam

>> No.41289263

cute delinquent wife

>> No.41289267

>Most mentally ill in Vshojo
Absolutely delusional statement

>> No.41289269

Damn you guys had a lot of fun last thread, it seems
At least you got some news from Haruka. Not good news, but at least something

>> No.41289279
File: 328 KB, 496x663, Silver118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to feed Silver 40 Mcal per day to transform her into a majestic woman.

>> No.41289283

Lmao these two posts made it >>41288073 >>41288110

>> No.41289293

>filian real
Glad to know filian actually exists

>> No.41289296
File: 1.05 MB, 984x1507, 1650515134685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nonconsensual consensual sex with pink cat

>> No.41289308

>discussion faggot
I'm glad discussionfags are finally called out

>> No.41289324

Then explain all her fags who are mentally ill since chat reflects the streamer

>> No.41289338
Quoted by: >>41289386

yeah, we have Zen, Nyan, Silver, and Nazuna who outdo her

>> No.41289351
File: 144 KB, 451x283, image_2023-01-19_021851392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41289382

That's me btw

>> No.41289386
File: 206 KB, 1140x465, menhera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41289402

You're haruka?

>> No.41289423

Pretty accurate desu. Although I don't remember Vei or Mouse ever having a menhera moment.

>> No.41289430

get better soon moose

>> No.41289459
Quoted by: >>41289488

mouse have some meltdown here and there but she doesn't vent it to chat.

>> No.41289460

>Nyan only at B
I will not have you undersell my oshi's menhera tendencies like this. She is at least A tier menhera.

>> No.41289469


>> No.41289484

she used to be, but she fell off after meeting Aethel

>> No.41289488

She gets one guyed very easily though. And of course there's the "emails" she complains about.

>> No.41289489

I wouldn't really count that.

>> No.41289509

oh, well, if we discredit all the times vei was mentally ill, she's actually pretty stable please put her in F tier.

>> No.41289516

>Vei in same tier as Nyan
>same cat who laughs at cats dying by explosions and has most racist mascot
Yeah makes sense that the biggest Vshojo psychopaths share a spot

>> No.41289522

the gringo thing definitely was something, and she constantly gets one guyed

>> No.41289535

>Haruka will never hold you close to her bosom while you absorb her warmth

>> No.41289551
Quoted by: >>41289651

You're overselling Vei at putting her that high

>> No.41289573

What happened yesterday?

>> No.41289580

This is the same girl who had a laughing fit a few streams ago over watching grenades explode on kittens

>> No.41289604

>gets dick
>becomes markedly more mentally sane
is it really that easy bros?

>> No.41289630
File: 1.32 MB, 729x1078, neko mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of the few times assplay is not pleasing Mel.

>> No.41289651

Froot and Mel should be switched

She's only there because of her discord breakdowns

>> No.41289675

>mentally sane
>laughed at kittens being murdered
Define sane anon

>> No.41289707
File: 127 KB, 1080x1080, 9433383C-7DC7-4DE5-89B0-181C921BB24B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41289726
Quoted by: >>41289847

That's an improvement from eating kittens so it's progress!

>> No.41289747
Quoted by: >>41299840

James A. Janisse from Dead Meat in SOTD when.

>> No.41289761

Yeah get that vod.

>> No.41289763

poor mel :(

>> No.41289764
Quoted by: >>41299519

did someone grab a vod of it?

>> No.41289847

How do you think she grinded them up to be eaten

>> No.41289849

If anyone has a VOD, I encourage you not to share it

>> No.41289856

Now I believe that she is latina. If she can get that hyped over tekken.

>> No.41289921
Quoted by: >>41290194

Yeah it's not even worth it imo, that anon summarized it perfectly

>> No.41289930

I swear I wasn't parasocial before the moose joined Vshojo

>> No.41289932

That's not insanity, that's just reefer madness.

>> No.41289939

You know what, these suggestions from today weren't that bad.

>> No.41289968
Quoted by: >>41290047

i was going to upload it but the last thread was such cancer nah

>> No.41290008

she really got one guy'd by someone on twitter

>> No.41290010
File: 11 KB, 511x134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41290017
Quoted by: >>41290035


>> No.41290035
Quoted by: >>41290056

Based Mouse. Fuck the haters.

>> No.41290047


>> No.41290056
Quoted by: >>41290105

Next outfit name.

>> No.41290060
File: 402 KB, 514x685, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41290133

while I was checking the @ironmouse tab. Someone responded this to her Bubi tweet LMAO.
also I originally thought that monke told her something because he's watching

>> No.41290105

Vei holds the record now after that fake Soda mom account which one guy'd Vei to literally end her stream in panic

>> No.41290118
File: 21 KB, 751x338, chrome_2023-01-19_01-48-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got one guy'd by a dude with literally no likes or retweets, lol come on. Makes me wonder what all she reads.

>> No.41290133
Quoted by: >>41291798

>nice karaoke mic
For those who know

>> No.41290165

mousespergs stop breaking containment

>> No.41290175

Alright who from here sent this to her?

>> No.41290179


>> No.41290194
Quoted by: >>41290229

>played gentle, sad music
>farmed a few hundred pity subs/donos/bits
>mysterious "bad thing" happened so she can't continue scamathon
>pulled the wool over everyone's eyes again
>threw in a few fake coughs and wheezes
She really knows how to work a crowd.

>> No.41290198

>I don't remember Mouse ever having a menhera moment.
You were saying?

>> No.41290200

Mouse is terminally online

>> No.41290201

>mods actually went trought the stuggle to find the guy who said this >>41290118 and perma ban him
... they actually did that but don't take a minute to search how to actually... you know MOD?

>> No.41290204
Quoted by: >>41290286

>Yeah you like the whole double life thing
Bitch gotta stop

>> No.41290216
Quoted by: >>41290236

i afraid now... Jesus christ. She probably have people she stalks out of boredom kek

>> No.41290225

pink rat sees all

>> No.41290229
Quoted by: >>41290244


>> No.41290236 [DELETED] 

The crippled mexican has all the time in the world, since she literally does nothing.

>> No.41290244

My new favorite response kek

>> No.41290246

>there's a non-zero chance she's seen my big white cock

>> No.41290280
Quoted by: >>41290319

>Tune into Mouse because of what anons are saying
>Literally first thing I hear is just "BLACKS" with no context
The fuck? Lmao

>> No.41290286

I mean, that's his fault. He literally went into knowing her wanting to learn about his real life self while originally simping the vtuber model

>> No.41290290
File: 753 KB, 764x676, 1671843884805112 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All you do is react
>Reacts harder out of spite
Damnit Mouse, why are you like this? I wanted to see more Dead Space.

>> No.41290319
File: 5 KB, 289x46, PreciousFamolyOOC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41290364

not the first time (they're talking about snuffy in picrel)

>> No.41290321
Quoted by: >>41290338

>I will own this guy so hard by proving him right?
Probably her line of thinking somehow

>> No.41290338

woman moment

>> No.41290346
Quoted by: >>41290362

someone tricked her into watching a music video

>> No.41290362

a SICK music video tho.

>> No.41290364

Extremely rare funny mouse chatter moment

>> No.41290424

I just realized that no one refers to each other by their respective fanbase name in VShojo because those names doesn't exist. It's all <VShojo girl>fag for everyone.
Which means every poster in this thread is a fag and thus makes this the gayest general in the entire board.

>> No.41290427
File: 185 KB, 921x1300, 1669854140564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41290467


>> No.41290447
Quoted by: >>41290613

mouse is retard about it. She will do things out of spite just because...

>> No.41290450

They could at least use a bit of creativity. At the very least call Nyanfags Nyaggers instead.

>> No.41290454

Actually, you forgot about VeiChads, we love women.

>> No.41290455

Speak for yourself, I always default to pink cat bros, vei bros, etc

>> No.41290467

God damn it im torn, it looks cool enough but it also look like what id see in a cringelords powerfantasy world

>> No.41290471 [DELETED] 

there's also nyantrannies and mousetrannies (derogatory)

>> No.41290487

back to your pippa thread fag

>> No.41290488
Quoted by: >>41290547

I tried to do Nyanon once briefly but I guess no one else liked that kek

>> No.41290489

Meds, Vei literally calls her viewers "little cucks" at times so either that or Veifag

>> No.41290496

Nobody cares about retard weebshit like that

>> No.41290518

Nyacolyte and Nyanderthal are unironically good imo

>> No.41290523
Quoted by: >>41290928

Only a faggot of low insecurities would call themselves a chad since their oshi won't

>> No.41290537 [DELETED] 

her followers are unironically all trannies here. same with mouse. there is no non-trannies among the pink shitstain collective.

>> No.41290543
Quoted by: >>41290583

I use -fag for annoying fags, I use -bros for the actual fans.

>> No.41290547
Quoted by: >>41290578


>> No.41290558
Quoted by: >>41290581

>5 moras, 3 syllables
>7 moras, 3 syllables
Absolute dogshit fannames, bin them

>> No.41290578
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41290633


>> No.41290581

>Being this autistic about fan names

>> No.41290583

Same, is there any Bimbobros /here/ who also like gyaru Nyan?

>> No.41290613

I don't care if she reacts. I don't care if she doesn't follow her schedule. But when she is literally "Gonna watch a few videos then we'll game", then "Okay meds done just one more video then time to game" and finally "Woops lost track of time guess i'll just do more videos". Like Jesus H. Christ just say it it is react day. It's like stringing the audience mid stream along that gets annoying for me but I doubt she'll change.

>> No.41290621

I am a Veichad and I love pregnant women.

>> No.41290622
Quoted by: >>41290693

I mean, I imagine every pink cat bro likes gyaru pink cat too

>> No.41290633

Literally Me

>> No.41290634

You niggas are lame

>> No.41290652
File: 1.00 MB, 500x500, 271811353_360647185871935_508429856724500339_n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liking Pink Cat means that you like more Nester and Bimbo Cat than Nyan.

>> No.41290660 [DELETED] 

I hope Soda is going in RAW and UNPROTECTED bros, go gettem king!

>> No.41290688
File: 235 KB, 336x495, 1673073609256780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nester and Bimbo Cat
Extremely Rare Bimbo Nester

>> No.41290693

Yes but idgaf about Pink Cat, Bimbo her is my whore

>> No.41290735


>> No.41290740

Candii, who was previously sponsored by AdvancedGG, has switched teams to GamerSupps
Who also recently signed Meat, by the way

Who will win the vtuber bowl?

>> No.41290760

Holy sex

>> No.41290774
File: 502 KB, 1920x2832, Fm0gvKoaAAMtz6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41290886

>> No.41290790

I miss her...

>> No.41290844
Quoted by: >>41290893

There are fanbase names for most of the girls but no one uses them here or knows about them

>> No.41290851

>Nester is Nyan if she was cool
I miss her

>> No.41290853
File: 1.01 MB, 994x632, 1673128433686309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41290952

and that's how she never finishes games. I will watch anything anyways.

>> No.41290855
Quoted by: >>41290888

Team Gamersupps
Team AdvancedGG
>Mouse who can't even drink her own product

>> No.41290863

Tomboy Mel is perfect. This is literally the ideal woman.

>> No.41290886
File: 415 KB, 1366x2048, 1643727264128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short hair silver sex

>> No.41290888

Does anyone here even drink this garbage?

>> No.41290893
Quoted by: >>41291039

>most of the girls
>it's literally just nyan and the japanese thots nobody watches or talks about ever

>> No.41290892
File: 305 KB, 517x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why they finished early
Aethel and Nyan went into a Persona launch Party.
Reminder that tomorrow (or today), he's gonna play Persona 3 for two hours and maybe continue.
AdvancedGG has two fanbases that waste a lot of money on them (Zen and Mouse) but GamerSupps has a lot of vtubers under his codes: Silver, Aethel (+Nyan), Shylily, Tob, Layna, etc. So it's fair to say that Gamer Supp has a lot of creator under them.

>> No.41290925

>Mouse raids Pete
My oshi Pete is so /in/

>> No.41290928
Quoted by: >>41290968

>y-y-y-you n-n-n-eed p-p-p-p-perm..m...m-m-mission f-f-f-from your o-o-o-o-oshiiiiiiii
Spoken like a turbo faggot.

>> No.41290934
Quoted by: >>41291029

>Aethel sponsored by Atlus
Damn, he made it

>> No.41290944

Goddamn, good for them

>> No.41290952
File: 71 KB, 459x279, 1671249177029340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41291045

I don't know why she wants to play the new Fears to Fathom, they're garbage and she didn't even beat the last one. She got frustrated and watched a YouTube video for the ending. Just finish Dead Space Mouse.

>> No.41290956
Quoted by: >>41291029

>for two hours
It's Persona, and it's one of his favorite games
It'll be the whole stream

>> No.41290968
Quoted by: >>41291132

You sound retarded with all that stuttering

>> No.41291029

Also another little update, tomorrow he's gonna share pics dunno if he took some of Nyan and videos they took from the party. There's one where he's sitting on a couch similar to the ones of the P4 limo.
According to Aethel his manager is insane. He pull something from PC company that's making something special for him (I don't know if it's Ironside) and also gave him a powerful one.
Well most ads run for 2 hours and it's up to them if they want to continue, it's definitely the full stream but the sponsor shilling is that. Hopefully he does the full series.

>> No.41291037
Quoted by: >>41291076

>gets puss
>becomes markedly more mentally sane
is it really that easy bros?

>> No.41291039

>Precious Family
>Science Team
>Petal Pals
And Zen's used to be the Red Knights but I don't know what they call them now. I don't know Haruka's and Hime never made one for hers.

>> No.41291045
File: 56 KB, 618x694, 1673922815470611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41291064

she probably watched someone played and thought "hey it's looks fun". I hate how much she loves this unity trash but still i will watch everything she do.

>> No.41291053
File: 1.52 MB, 781x514, 1674054772989694.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse can you introduce me to Silver

>> No.41291064

I can feel the "Connor, there's a cinamonroll there, win it for me pls".

>> No.41291066

... yes yes.... There's no cult under haruka name.... yes.... yes.

>> No.41291076

but seriously:
1. Yes, it helps.
2. No, it's not that easy.

>> No.41291100

I love how probably Silver and Mel do make sense (and Dragon Zen) but I don't know what is going on with the others to make some sense according to their character.

>> No.41291101
File: 222 KB, 1080x1611, 1658991568785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, cock knocked her down a solid 2 rows. Maybe three

Unironically getting dicked makes me feel so saner. Couldn't tell you if it works for pussy.

>> No.41291132

I accept your concession.

>> No.41291166
File: 697 KB, 1112x625, 655693718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41291256

So, this is leading to a reverse harem ending for Mouse right?

>> No.41291194
File: 19 KB, 112x112, nyannCult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyacolytes actually make a lot of sense for Nyan given that she's an eldritch horror. Basically pink cat bros are a cult

>> No.41291256

Actually, kinda seems like it but not otome bullshit.
Seems that MilfMouse actually is in Corpse and probably pulling Sykkuno side.
Bubi wants OG Mouse back, that's why he's fighting.
Who knew that the older and hottest is actually a huge bitch?

>> No.41291257
Quoted by: >>41291403

Mouse has talked at length about what Precious Family is and what they mean to her. You're clearly new.

>> No.41291278

i fapped to silver's tits :)

>> No.41291309
File: 877 KB, 840x751, 1662083458711653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose that the unofficial veifag fanbase name be Veiginas for no particular reason at all.

>> No.41291317

I'm so proud of you, you did a good deed

>> No.41291324
Quoted by: >>41291382

what image of them

>> No.41291325
Quoted by: >>41291384

from a lore perspective, but nyantrannies don't like being misgendered as "bros"

>> No.41291348


>> No.41291382
Quoted by: >>41291422

dark red top

>> No.41291384
Quoted by: >>41291483

I liked the idea of that one Nyanon who proposed "Nyanonymous"

>> No.41291403

Oh yeah, that makes sense.
To the character, dingus. Not the person behind it. I know why they are precious family, Petal Pads makes sense with Silver's whole Nature/Sakura Blossom style, Mel is an AI, so a Science team makes sense. Nyan, I was wrong on this one and this guy got it right >>41291194, Dragon Zen and Red Knights goes into the medieval idea. But FrootCakes to a lich? Family to Satan?

>> No.41291422

doesn't narrow it down very much but I'm glad you had fun bro

>> No.41291483
File: 375 KB, 565x409, 34235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41291554

Nyanon is looking kind of cute today...

>> No.41291545
Quoted by: >>41292379

>Hime Harem
>The Herd (The Cult)
>dunno about Kson, is something in JP that i'm too dumb to understand
not VShojo but still worth mentioning
>The Castle

>> No.41291550
File: 634 KB, 1151x647, 847966718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Corpse will be on Ironmilf's side considering her goal is apparently merging earth, heaven and hell and he wanted to reclaim that last one. Bubi probably just looked at him the wrong way.

>> No.41291554
Quoted by: >>41291575

stay away from my dick, nyanposter

>> No.41291575
File: 82 KB, 1200x816, 1640755142091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late

>> No.41291615
Quoted by: >>41292073

I got hit by covid exactly the day she started the subathon and I still haven't fully recovered. I'm mostly fine, but I get tired quickly. So I feel her pain. I hope she gets well soon

>> No.41291798


>> No.41291817


>> No.41291895
File: 532 KB, 549x592, 1649097462653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41292990


>> No.41291956

You're an actual idiot for spending time on making this

>> No.41291976
Quoted by: >>41292043

Too Vei already calls her fanbase little cucks
>who's my cuck? Yes you are good little cuck -Vei

>> No.41292038

You're an actual genius for spending time on making this

>> No.41292043

>Too Vei already calls her fanbase little cucks
>"How it going fellow Engrish speakers?"

>> No.41292073
Quoted by: >>41292572

The tiredness sucks, especially when your boss expect you to work at 100% capacity immediately after coming back. Just a general lower tolerance for things and desire to crawl into bed all the time.

>> No.41292217
Quoted by: >>41292274

I legit hope Haruka gets over what ever is happening to her and finds happiness again. But in the meantime, I want to ductape Zentreya to the ceiling.

>> No.41292274
Quoted by: >>41292422

Why can't you just be normal?

>> No.41292379
File: 159 KB, 1196x668, 1636653994247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dunno about Kson, is something in JP that i'm too dumb to understand
Shin'eitai (bodyguards)

>> No.41292384
Quoted by: >>41292399

would bubi be able to survive a 2v1 fight from MilfMouse and corpse?

>> No.41292399
Quoted by: >>41292444

You didn’t hear the final line in the trailer? He lost

>> No.41292416
File: 1.40 MB, 910x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41292422

It's for safety reasons.

>> No.41292444

ah I wasn't watching when mouse was live but i'll go through the vod rn

>> No.41292505

>Zen's used to be the Red Knights
before that when she was commander Zen her community was known as the ALA or anti-lewd Army

>> No.41292537
File: 821 KB, 1231x1080, 1672363072013821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41293193

>> No.41292572

>especially when your boss expect you to work at 100% capacity immediately after coming back
Kill him

>> No.41292921
File: 679 KB, 1488x855, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41292962
Quoted by: >>41293013

Fuck I won't be able to watch either of the Mouse collabs on Saturday, at least I'll get to see what all the "secret Sunday collab" is, even if it's probably just Sykkuno in a VTuber model, I really lucked out for like the past month and a half with no Mouse streams on Saturday, I guess getting hit with two in one day is just karma.

>> No.41292990


>> No.41292996

We haven't had a /pmg/ vs /vsj+/ war in a while

>> No.41293011


>> No.41293013

she is collabing with a new dude from hololive

>> No.41293034
File: 184 KB, 371x384, 1643326466657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was beautiful...

>> No.41293051
Quoted by: >>41293087

We have /pcg/ war arc now

>> No.41293087
File: 665 KB, 843x851, 1671920453475784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41293088

What the fuck is /pmg/?

>> No.41293117
Quoted by: >>41293127

Do we have actual newfags in here right now or are you dorks LARPing again for unknown reasons?

>> No.41293126

there's never any war with pmg just some retards flinging shit and pmg wanting nothing to do with /vt/

>> No.41293127

>are you dorks LARPing again for unknown reasons?
probably this if I had to guess

>> No.41293159

that's saturday i think

>> No.41293193
Quoted by: >>41293379

Bad news anon, Christmas was a month ago

>> No.41293379

I will cum inside you now.

>> No.41293406
File: 562 KB, 822x924, 1674089722806419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41293455


>> No.41293455

They're very good together.

>> No.41293526
File: 1.37 MB, 1488x855, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More accurate (from /lig/)

>> No.41293537
Quoted by: >>41293855

No she's collabing with him on Saturday just before the Vein gang collab.

>> No.41293593
Quoted by: >>41293732

>a new dude from hololive
No, Hex is a Niji. She did mention Hakka as a SOTD guest though, so that's probably happening sometime in the coming months.

>> No.41293684 [DELETED] 

What ever happened to filian's family feud game show?

>> No.41293732
Quoted by: >>41294372

Fucking hell there are so many new niji/holo members. It's so confusing.

>> No.41293848
Quoted by: >>41293924

we need another wholesome collab with mori those were always kino

>> No.41293855

>collab with that weirdo from niji that'll be shitty into a rat pack darktide date night
the worst of streams immediately into the best of streams

>> No.41293924
Quoted by: >>41294018

Well, there is that special collab on Sunday Mouse is being secretive about..

>> No.41294018
Quoted by: >>41294545

dont we already know its with one of the new Homostars?

>> No.41294372

XSOLEIL and Tempus Part 2 debuted within like two weeks of each other so if you're not following along it'd be easy to mix 'em up

>> No.41294545

No, you're thinking of Saturday and that's a Niji not a Holo. She hasn't dropped any hints about Sunday.

>> No.41294656

I thought a homostar already put it on his schedule

>> No.41294742

i remember reading here "why is she saying mystery guest or something the homostart already confirmed it/had it on their schedule"

>> No.41295070
Quoted by: >>41295099

sunday is vein gang

>> No.41295099


>> No.41295114

sunday too

>> No.41295146
File: 72 KB, 1024x1024, 1670117659625810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double vein gang

>> No.41295877
File: 157 KB, 848x1200, 70F999A5-9F2C-44DE-931F-DDD8720ED578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t beat her. She’s too powerful for a boss character

>> No.41295981

What's wrong with silvervale?

>> No.41296365
Quoted by: >>41300040

Did Nazuna even had a menhera episode or is just based on her past?

>> No.41296657

which vsj+ would have the most social credits if they lived in the glorious people's republic?

>> No.41296660

whos gaming with mouse on saturday?

>> No.41296691

Not enough tit play makes a silver go crazy

>> No.41296859

Zen, since she's actually one of their agents

>> No.41296955
Quoted by: >>41296988


>> No.41296965


porn is prohibited in china right?mel out
Kson out of obvious reasons.
Froot out becouse rrats
Zen is too PC to have positive social credit
Aethel/Nyan/Snuffy, drugs
Mouse would be dead.
Haruka would probably unknowingly make a anti ccp joke or be friends with kson

>> No.41296988
Quoted by: >>41297126

your mama

>> No.41297033

>lack of meds
>lack of father
>lack of dick to ride

>> No.41297126


>> No.41297268
File: 269 KB, 1000x1399, Hime_Hajime_29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41297276


>> No.41298383
File: 696 KB, 1280x720, ironmouse-2023-1-19-124153.651-720p-streamshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one edgy lore video

>> No.41298400
File: 69 KB, 716x562, a409dec298d86c7e83abdff0e7c35a859fe8a426r1-716-562v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41300422

>>someone in Mouse's chat asked her if she's heard of Hong Kong '97
>Why the fuck would you bring that up
The game itself sucks, the meme is funny though. And the backstory is interesting:
>Install Fightcade

>> No.41299195
File: 599 KB, 2267x3189, FhkduJNUcAAqdSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41299378

My eyes look horrible
But at least my moose is alive <3
What's wrong with me seND HELP

>> No.41299519

seconding this

>> No.41299550
File: 316 KB, 1507x2048, 1668446921843978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41300216


>> No.41299840

After Hasan.

>> No.41299929

There's some kinda feeling in my chest when I think about Haruka, explain

>> No.41300005
Quoted by: >>41300330

And people say Keyfags are the only parasocials left in /vsj/

>> No.41300040
Quoted by: >>41300143

brother she has an episode every 2 weeks. she just keeps it on her mike account

>> No.41300143
Quoted by: >>41306901

So no?

>> No.41300216


>> No.41300330

I'm not parasocial I just feel weird

>> No.41300422
Quoted by: >>41301689

Someone could make a good Kson meme by replacing the image with something VTuber related or maybe bugs, making the year current and changing "mainland" to "catalog". Too lazy to do it myself right now. Maybe later.

>> No.41300909
Quoted by: >>41301183

That's pain, from feeling betrayed and scammed.

>> No.41301183

It's not a bad feeling

>> No.41301689
File: 22 KB, 716x516, shitto meemu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41301716


>> No.41301716
File: 73 KB, 224x224, 1651761457649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41302100
File: 179 KB, 926x1280, 1673574646136992.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41302189

>> No.41302159

Not sure what could cause that, but it's definitely not that thing that can cause it.

>> No.41302189
Quoted by: >>41302369

He still hasn't suffocated, has he?

>> No.41302369

mouse will fill the jar in a minute, just wait

>> No.41302370
File: 12 KB, 556x97, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41302696

>> No.41302404
Quoted by: >>41302448

Mouse's fanbase has to be one of the worst, if not the worst, fanbase out of all vtubers. And I'm not just talking about this thread. Her Discord is dogshit, her chat is dogshit. But if you really want to torture yourself, read some Mouse YouTube clip comments.

How did it end up like this? It wasn't this bad in 2020.

>> No.41302448
Quoted by: >>41302564

Someone has never seen Holofags

>> No.41302564

But I have. I'd probably rather hang out with some Indonesian teen who barely speaks English and likes watching Kaela on a 2012 iPhone he found in a dumpster while looking for pagpag ingredients than ever talk to a nu-Mousefag.

>> No.41302628
File: 207 KB, 527x470, 1673915565527603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41302690

They are one and the same

>> No.41302696
Quoted by: >>41302837

My Queen...

>> No.41302801
File: 435 KB, 800x441, 2qafd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41303677


>> No.41302837

Rainhoe will kill the usurper. She's been growing the welshman for nearly a decade. This rat cannot come in and steal her harvest in 2 years.

>> No.41303187
Quoted by: >>41303532

Guys I think I'm in love with the moose
How do I make this stop

>> No.41303194

Twitter trannies already going after Mouse for wanting to play the Harry Potter game

>> No.41303291


>> No.41303360

>Tweet deleted
Transphobe bros... We lost again...

>> No.41303375

What did she say?

>> No.41303406
Quoted by: >>41303538

"cant wait to play the new harry pothead game"

>> No.41303414
Quoted by: >>41303538

"cant wait to play the harry pothead game"

>> No.41303423

>I want to play the new harry pothead
Or something

>> No.41303532

Just stop, that easy

>> No.41303538

...Whats wrong with that

>> No.41303611
Quoted by: >>41303758

jk rowling

>> No.41303629

JK Rowling has been canceled by the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities and their allies for her transphobic comments and apparent racism in the Harry Potter series.

>> No.41303659

Supporting a TERF by buying her games is obviously bad

>> No.41303677
File: 264 KB, 1024x689, hermie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41303758

Welcome to twitter btw
They are doing the same to Atomic Heart

>> No.41303778


>> No.41303952

Twitter being based yet again

>> No.41304110

i miss moose

>> No.41304532

I dont see the problem with big nosed greedy money fuckers being the evil in the new game.

>> No.41304559

Can’t believe Vei is transphobic… actually no scratch that

>> No.41304784

>Atomic Heart
I hope Zen streams this
Or will western content creators go the "russia le bad" route?

>> No.41304917

I hope mouse doesnt go fake woke over this fucking game. She is woke enough she can play the game the "problematic" creator doesnt get a single cent from.

>> No.41305004

I think its funny that mouse is like one of the most progressive and woke streamers out there yet she still immediately got shit for even mentioning harry potter

>> No.41305043

What a shame that almost no one is gonna stream the game because the game looks fun

>> No.41305060

She actually wanted to play it, I believe she said that before, now, probably not so much

>> No.41305110

Giri live

>> No.41305141

Mouse did mention on stream the other day that she pre-ordered the game. Also, doesn't JK Rowling get royalties from the sales?
Mouse has also been pretty critical of weird woke shit in the past, without going full-on political streamer.

>> No.41305143

I will sound like a /pol/tard but that sadly is what happens when you take one step "they" dont like.

>> No.41305228
Quoted by: >>41305491

This Harry Potter shit is why nobody likes millennials, that series sucks dick regardless of your political stance. Hope Mouse skips.

>> No.41305229

Mouse since you are here, I'll give you a loophole in order to play the game on stream.
When you play it at the same time run a trans charity on the side for it that way there is no way people would get pissed

>> No.41305230

Why is Vei so perfect?

>> No.41305291

Can you believe that bitch named like the only asian character "cho chang" lmao

>> No.41305307

>there is no way people would get pissed
Oh, if only it were so easy

>> No.41305375

And made all the first romantic couples in the series interracial. Of course in the end they all married white.

>> No.41305391


>> No.41305439

Didn't she make Harry marry his best friend's little sister? Typical white woman moment

>> No.41305491
Quoted by: >>41305785

I have always said that the Harry Potter universe is interesting on his own, but the series really falls over the first books. And later projects are just shittier and shittier, regardless on the bitch political opinions

>> No.41305508

Silver's goddess model is finally being rigged right now
Just 'cause of her theming I've guessing Silver's shooting for a spring debut

>> No.41305519
Quoted by: >>41305595

>miss rowling were there any jewish wizards in hogwarts
>yeah there was fucking uhhhh Goldstein? Yeah thats jew enough i guess

>> No.41305521

Or you could do just what everyone else does, just fucking play the game regardless of twitterfags seething.

>> No.41305595
Quoted by: >>41305648

>miss Rowling how do wizards shit?
>uhhh there was magic involved, disappearing shit, that’s good enough I guess

>> No.41305648
Quoted by: >>41305836

But mouse dealing with that "drama" like a pro.
>miss rowling dumbledore wore colorful robes he is gay right?
>yeah sure haha.

>> No.41305655
Quoted by: >>41305724

I'm sure Rowling is crying all the way to the bank over the loss of your support.

>> No.41305724

i mean the lady is constantly seething on twitter about trans shit, whatever money she has cant stop her from being british

>> No.41305773
Quoted by: >>41305925

I bought the game cause I like harry potter and videogames.

>> No.41305785

I've maintained for years that the duel in the graveyard at the end of Goblet of Fire is where the series should have ended.
Hell, I'd argue it WAS the climactic finale at one point. But Rowling signed a contract for seven books.
So she had to find a way to stretch this shit out
>Book 5 meanders about for like 800 pages while the most evil wizard who we absolutely cannot let return just kinda... is around
>Book 6 invents a new collectible that Harry spends the entire book chasing only one of (and it's a fake)
>Book 7 rushes through all of the collectibles AND a set of new ones AND a wizard war with absolutely no buildup, killing characters she had no use for left and right for cheap drama

End it at GoF and suddenly the series is so much cleaner and more satisfying.

>> No.41305836

>miss rowling what about the other magic schools
>yeah uh theres one for the entirety of africa, one for south america, one for north america for just native americans, one just for japan named magicplace in japanese, and three for europe

>> No.41305870

J.K. Rowling is /in/

>> No.41305876

>discussing teen fantasy
my dudes

>> No.41305903

Alright guys take this shit to /lit/

>> No.41305902

nigga you watch animegirls be bad at videogames.

>> No.41305923

we were once teens my dude

>> No.41305925


>> No.41305954

Which is on topic for this thread.

>> No.41306027
Quoted by: >>41306052

the thread police has arrived

>> No.41306047
Quoted by: >>41306340

isnt the game's plot supposedly about helping putting down a slave rebellion of a race of characters who arent still slaves by the time of the books too lmao

>> No.41306052
Quoted by: >>41306109

So uhh... those streams right guys? haha

>> No.41306109

Yeah haha how about I tell you about the shotou stream that is going on and then you tell me he is not a + haha

>> No.41306122

okay fair enough, I admit defeat

>> No.41306198

Shotou is currently watching memes. Now he is talking about a burger and what he does when the burgerpeople make his order wrong.

>> No.41306303

Now shotou is testing what glasses look good on his model. He currently is wearing the retarded mouse glasses.

>> No.41306338

Ok are anon ready for a hot take here we go
I like Vei and I think she's funny

>> No.41306340

No idea, but it doesn't matter
The Harry Potter franchise is so successful and, at this point, larger than the author, that people simply do not care about Rowling

It's entirely the realm of mentally ill Twitter activists who think directly punishing the people working on these games/movies/etc will make some sort of meaningful impact to the woman who became disgustingly rich decades ago and has just been coasting ever since.

Hogwarts Legacy will come out, people will buy it because it is Harry Potter, and just like everything else HP-flavored in the last decade, the outrage mob will get drowned out and ignored by people just genuinely enjoying something

Snuffy will play it
Mouse will play it
Probably a hundred other vtubers will play it
Corpos will get sponsored by it
And in a month's time nobody will even give a shit

>> No.41306396

not a hot take

>> No.41306411

This but unironically and I'm not even drunk rn

>> No.41306459
File: 131 KB, 1169x845, FFCA6DC2-3127-42A8-B5D7-DC0903D92131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41306478

Shouto is currently laughing a lot and talking about tiktok parents getting pranked.

>> No.41306519

I agree

>> No.41306527


>> No.41306550

la chancla

>> No.41306557

Will I get a slap on the butt with this shoe?

>> No.41306558

garbage asset from a garbage fanbase.

>> No.41306587

vei's fanbase name has always been veirgins btw

>> No.41306623
Quoted by: >>41306676

Now shouto is talking about how he wants to make his mom play fnaf or something.

>> No.41306676


>> No.41306697

angel mouse my beloved

>> No.41306860
Quoted by: >>41307057

She now wants a Bubi chancla asset
Funniest shit I've ever seen?

>> No.41306864
Quoted by: >>41306888

After shoto finished the last video meme compilation he started another one and now he talks about armpit hair and if its attractive. He likes it bare but doesnt mind a little bit.

>> No.41306888

Thanks shoto update anon

>> No.41306901

Have you already forgotten the void angel stream which was basically a prolonged breakdown which included her describing in detail how she wants to live in the countryside with her fans in a weird rural married life?

>> No.41306909

Normally romantic love brings me physical pain and yet my love for moose doesn't, what's wrong with me?

>> No.41307012
Quoted by: >>41307125

Shoto got boring I switched to giri and she is talking about balls and how big and hard to handle they were as a kid or something? I am confused. Something about grandpa balls.

>> No.41307057

>Bubi in lore: Toe to Toe with Mouse but somehow her equal, her biggest ally, even if he was an tiny imp he still was second in command.
>Bubi in stream: ahh goofy ass shapeshifter who’s never really here and probably scammed us

>> No.41307074
Quoted by: >>41307199

Shotou is now discussing his deep and vested interest in wearing diapers.

>> No.41307125
Quoted by: >>41307195

How do I unsubscribe from your RSS feed?

>> No.41307195

by kicking out the thread police that show up as soon as something interesting is talked about around one of the talents.

>> No.41307199

I would like to unfollow Shoto update anon

>> No.41307337
Quoted by: >>41307411

i'm sure if you keep posting and crying really hard they'll just disappear and you will be reinstated to post about harry potter the boy who lived

>> No.41307387
Quoted by: >>41307575

I for one and am enjoying watching Giri talka bout her debut on Sunday. It'll be later than normal so she'll go live around Zen hours instead of her normal 3 hours earlier time

>> No.41307411

Giri is currently talking about one piece I think.

>> No.41307558

Now chat wants to VIP a guy named girisflatchest.

>> No.41307575

hope this new model has a even bigger forehead

>> No.41307608
Quoted by: >>41307660

Maybe stay on topic?

>> No.41307660
Quoted by: >>41307741

Giri is currently crying because of an emote.

>> No.41307741
Quoted by: >>41307778

She fucking hates xpp. Geega found out about the emote yesterday too

>> No.41307778
Quoted by: >>41308002

now they are finding worse and worse xpp emotes thats kinda funny.

>> No.41307782
File: 478 KB, 512x896, 00022-272319548-masterpiece, best quality, original, cowboy shot, ((large breasts)), bedroom, 1girl, solo, impossible shirt, impossible clothes,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI Rat

>> No.41307867

oh shit, you are back.

>> No.41307871

I hope mouse does not get sad when the hololive reaper gets canceled soon.

>> No.41307931
Quoted by: >>41307982

Is this based on anything or just a random post

>> No.41307982


She will play it on stream. Same goes for aethel I guess.

>> No.41308002
File: 187 KB, 329x863, 1671552197847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting jumpscared by an emote

>> No.41308030

Holoniggers hate women though

>> No.41308062
Quoted by: >>41308261

I hope Giri dies so anons stop spamming her here

>> No.41308082


>> No.41308098

what level of rent free is this

>> No.41308172


>> No.41308261

kinda rude anon ngl she's just hangin out

>> No.41308541
File: 71 KB, 940x796, IMG_20230119_113753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao Rosedoodle

>> No.41308549

What the fuck is wrong with Giri's family. She said her grandmother was very particular and relayed a story about her mom telling her grandmother at one time that Giri could eat 2-3 hardboiled eggs. One day Giri wasn't that hungry so she just ate 1, and her grandmother immediately assumed there was something wrong with her and had her hospitalized over it at 4 years old. Then she implied this happened several times. China is fucking weird.

>> No.41308614

Chinese parents are something else man

>> No.41308624

Rosedoodle needs beepu correction or something I don't know how the phrase works.

>> No.41308645

Asian parents solve every single issue with food. So when you dont eat food you have issue.

>> No.41308729
Quoted by: >>41308893

If the Reaper goes so does Aethel right since he has that sponsor

>> No.41308893
Quoted by: >>41309027

Yes then mouse gets canceled for harry potter.
Nyan gets canceled for pomf again.
Mel for looking like a "child" on CB.
Haruka for being a scammer.
Vei for being Vei.
Zen and Silver will have mental breakdowns.
Froot for the same rrat again.

Vshojo is over im gonna pack my bags.

>> No.41308909 [SPOILER] 
File: 363 KB, 512x512, 4D5AFBB4-D27E-44FA-BD52-56B0DF5744E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41308990

AI Geega

>> No.41308916


>> No.41308990
File: 407 KB, 1753x3318, 1650925447575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41309033

why cowtits?

>> No.41309027
Quoted by: >>41309075

>Mel for looking like a "child" on CB.
she does CB with mini mel, never catched that

>> No.41309033
Quoted by: >>41309101

why not?

>> No.41309075

I think she got kicked off the hub for looking to childish.

>> No.41309101
File: 760 KB, 3351x4096, 1665435276529351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other tubers for that

>> No.41309171
Quoted by: >>41309272

Zenbros what do we think of the next 2 outfits? I think that the suit is SEX and the maid is pretty cute desu

>> No.41309193
File: 640 KB, 512x896, 00046-809407096-masterpiece, best quality, original, cowboy shot, ((large breasts)), wide hips, thick thighs, bedroom, on back, lying, on bed, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reaper will not be cancelled.

>> No.41309232


>> No.41309272
Quoted by: >>41309544

every zen outfit is sex

>> No.41309273

Silver that high she is the most basic-bitch the ever basic-bitch

>> No.41309313

I think I'm gay.

>> No.41309332


>> No.41309341

You're in a /vsj+/ thread, there's a 75% chance you are.

>> No.41309544

yeah but I love the hair on this one... it's on another level for me

>> No.41309621
File: 838 KB, 831x882, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41309752

new thread


>> No.41309921
File: 517 KB, 1280x2364, 339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femininity isn't just slampigs
