Last thread: >>41249655Schedule:>Regis Altare>Magni Dezmond>Axel Syrios>Noir Vesper>Gavis Bettel>Machina X Flayon>Banzoin Hakka>Josuiji Shinri>OP Template>Songs playlist
Vesper... turn up your mic...
/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.>1. Why not merge with /stars/?Thou shalt not override the discussion of thy neighbour.>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?It is not of our concern.>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?It is not of our concern.>4. Did you guys see the boys’ numbers?It is not of our concern.>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!Thy words do not belong in this temple.>8. You guys should split the thr—Thou shalt not.Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.
>come on
Lol he chose to do paperwork rather than the collab. Tempus BTFO
>RecordingThere goes the podcast rrat
hes literally just lazy
Vesper is okay :)
>already derailed due to superchats
>>41256832tbf, he did go to Japan for vacation
>>41256832Sounds good to me.The last vacation I went on was a hectic fucking mess with no downtime. I fully understand wanting a day off.
I can hear him scratch his thighs, lmao
Male Kronii
>>41256879kekI hear it too
>>41256891literally me
>>41256832Yes this is absolute bullshit. He is so selfish. It isn't as if this was his first day in Japan. This has really changed how I feel about him. Watching the live now incase he explains more but I'm not fucking happy
yeah im not feelin it
>it's just another superchat zatsu
So it's another SC reading/responding instead of an actual zatsu, why is he like this
Bettel is my new schizoShinri is my new dadgoodbye ves
What a shitty excuseGoodbye Vesper
Wait, did Vesper move to Japan? I thought he was just visiting.
>>41256709Amen>>OP>No edition
what could he possibly be working on for so long
>>41256988You haven't figured out yet that we've got a few dedicated Discord people trying to make Vesper 'discourse'? You notice the IP count doesn't go up when you see these posts, it's because it's the same 3-4 people bitching.
>literally cant spare 2hrs to be in the very first all-tempus collab>still has time to do another pointless zatsu
>>41257031hes never gonna change lmao its fucking over dude
>>41256832busy getting drunk out of his mind and didn't want to do a yab live
>Gura of TempusAt least he had the balls of straight up saying he was lazing around instead of full ghosting his fanbase
...really nigger?FUCKING REALLY???THIS is his explanation?jesus fucking christ
Y’all some whiny ass babies goddamn
In his eyes: very first 8man Tempus stream <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< being a fucking touristFuck you, Vesper.
>>41257052I was going to make a proper threadbut then he made an early thread, so here we are, again.
>>41257031Seriously he's acting like everything is fine like he didn't ruin the 8 man collab and ruin the vibe of the first supposed to be full Tempus collab what a bastard.
>all these happy birthday beggars derailing the stream
>>41257068you should SC him about it bro
This is bullshit. >spend 2 two weeks being a touristok cool>have to do all the work nowok relatableB-butSTREAMING IS YOUR FUCKING JOB TOO
>>41257068the all tempus collab was on axel's channel so vesper wouldn't be making money. this superchat reading has already netted him $200.
>>41256877>I fully understand wanting a day off.2 hours. 2 hours, then he could have taken all sorts of time off. Complete disdain for his audience.
Hopefully by the time the next full gen collab comes around he won't be so busy with work!
> a fucking nothing burgerokay tourists, you can go back now.
>>41256875After he already took 2 weeks of vacation?
It keeps happening.
>>41257091>instead of full ghosting his fanbasehe does both things lmao
It's lame but it isn't that big of a deal guys
>he prioritized enjoying fucking tourist traps over hanging with THE BOYSFuck this ojisan
>>41257070I miss the old vesper
me and all the tourists itt
I personally think he should ignore Supas during Zatsu's and instead have a superchat reading stream once a week or something
>>41257130I'm so sorry veshrimpie...
I am just really disappointed more than I am angry.Him laughing right now reading SCs doesn't make it better, he barely elaborated what happened yesterday.
>>41257052x edition has been and always will be cringe and I am tired of generals that do that
>>41257091he literally logs off twitter several days at a time
there was time for a mori-kronii collab but not for the boys...
If he doesn't apologize for missing the collab I'm going to be a little sad desu
>>41257096Tempus in the mud. Vesper does what he wants.
>>41256962Exactly my thought! He's too irresponsible its irritating i cant stand watching him anymore.
>>41256988 maybe he said something about the issue but I was busy reading this thread, therefore I need a longer explanation
>>41257130at least one came back....
>>41257128He's fucking lazy, that's a somethingburger
Good thing all that work he was so busy with didn't stop him from joining the monopoly collab, that would have been a huge shame!
unless the boys actually avoid himeverything is fineman is just a procrastinator
>>41257095Would you rather have more 3 month medical hiatuses like Ina had to go through??Work - Time off balance is important.
lame excuses
>that's a lot of people dude...
>>41257175EXACTLY. someone say this in chat, i'm too puss to get attacked by the brainwashed vesties
>>41257153based oji-san enjoying his vacation>Too busy>too many peopleHE'S JUST LIKE ME!
At this rate, if you want Vesper to talk about stuff like the collab and other such things, you're gonna have to to war with the other supa chatters. Perhaps this was his plan all along.
>>41257173Gura hasn't posted on Twitter since November
damn y'all guys are being reasonable for a certain time but you're just a whining bitches now. get a fucking grip niggers, calm tf down
Idk mans this might be hard to to hear but I forgive Vesper
That is such a lazy fucking excuse my dude.
>>41257182He's refusing to apologize for it right now, just giving shitty excuses.
>i was busy being a tourist>why didn't you join the collab?>i was super busy>even if i wasn't busy it's a lot of people?
yeah I was like super busy lolalso there was too many people
More shitty excuses lol
he actually hates them
Then just tell people so they can remove you from the thumbnails and put "full tempus -vesper"
>I was super busy and also it was a lot of peopleOkay, fine, I concede, it's kind of annoying he isn't at least apologetic about it.Like fine, you don't want to attend, but at least pull a "yeah sorry".
So there you have it... he wasn't there for the first one and won't be there for future ones. You either have to accept that or drop him.
>blow upThere you go, schizos. He was gonna cum because of so many people. Can you PLEASE stop being so paranoid for ONE week?
I understand that he was busy and overwhelmed or whatever, but all he had to do was tell any of the other 7 guys that he wasn't going to make it before the stream started so they didn't have to start out by awkwardly saying "Well, Vesper isn't here - can't say why, but yeah..."
We will NEVER get a full Tempus collab
This is just sad now
I'm unsubbing, fuck him
>Collab with my own genmates :|>Collab with my much popular senpai:OOOO
>>41257246literally just making excuses this faggot
... I hate this
>>41257241What should he apologize for?He's stated that he doesn't like huge collabs.
Vespies, he actually hates you, unironically and fr
>has anxiety medication>that he didn't take
Vesper is bocchi...
He needed Risu...He needed his meds....
vesper is officially the most autistic vtuber we've ever seen
He takes melatoninNOT BLACK CONFIRMED
Alright he lost me with the "too many people" thing, fuck off dude
This fucking old man didn't take his meds..
Look at all these 'upset' posts with no increase in unique IP count lol
on one handthis goes to show how he feels about the new boyson the other hand this goes to show how he feels about Magni and Kronii
>>41257270if Kronii joins he will be there for sure
>>41257304That he was expected to be there and didn't show up?
bye Vesper! Bettel is my new oshi!
Is this place a historic site? because there sure are a lot of tourists
I can't listen to the stream, but was his reason for not participating because he didn't feel like it and would rather just go do whatever while he's abroad? Honestly that's the best excuse ever imo. I wish more holopro members just said "listen, I couldn't be fucked sry" instead of "omg sorry uwu my tummy hurts :3" or "omg my pc broke down for the 20th time, what a coincidence sry xD"
>8 is too many people
>anon hates when he turns every zatsu into a superchat reading stream>instead of sending a superchat telling this, they go the other way around and just comment on the VOD>surprised that the men who has been slacking off his work doesn't read the comments>repeat this every week
>>41257273this is the real thing. Not being there is fine, but give a heads up beforehand. The excuses after the fact aren't doing any favors either.
So he simply acted like someone called him to a birthday party and he was "Nah, I'll stay at home.".
I sentence everyone that responds to bait to 15 minutes of browsing /catalog/
>anxiety hortFuck this honestly
imagine needing fucking meds to help with anxietycringers, just be anxious
>>41257273>all he had to do was tell any of the other 7 guys that he wasn't going to make it before the stream startedThey knew days in advance, it was the reason they cancelled the L4D plan.
I thought they were all friends? why does he feel anxiety about collabing with tempus?
>>41257361I love my brave mama!
>muh m-my social battery!!! thats a lot of ppl dude!!But days ago he was carrying and screaming in the monopoly collab zzzz
>>41257369actually the gura of tempus
>>41257361Ever notice how you never see Vesper and Shinri in the same room?
>>41257380if only you had real power anon...
>spending two hours with the boys on discord playing a game>oh nyooo my social batterykek
>>41257380No... no one deserves that fate...
Yeah I buy this excuse, Nowa loveIf he doesn't participate in the 6 month anniversary now that would make me angry
>>41257292For real. I see where his priorities lie, making damn sure not to miss the girls collab but ruining the 8 man collab. I never get pissed about vtubers and I'm pissed about this I can't believe he already got an akasupa
He collabed with a bunch of senpai, which it made it more stressful for him since thats people he admires.Cmon dude, this is such a lame excuse.
It is impossible to remember the difference between "melanin" and "melatonin" if neither of these are words you think about for very longThey're just way too similar with no mnemonic connection to any of their meanings, unless you can somehow relate "to" to sleep or the lack thereof to nigga
You take your meds right anons?
Yagoo's home for broken girls (and boys)
He cares for those plants and the vesties an equal amount.
>>41257361Nowa would never
>>41257396The facade is starting to crumble...
>>41257348well, I guess now we know he's genuine friends with clock and the mag
I don't buy this social battery excuse. I'm an introvert too but no one uses "muh social battery" as an excuse to avoid an important collab when you were just in a big collab the previous day.
>>41257396only with HQ, VG is new ground
I know certain ADHD meds are super illegal in Japan because any kind of amphetamines violate their drug laws.
>>41257354expected by who?you and your phones?funny we pointed out earlier that liveposters were just nijiniggers not even watching the stream LMAO
>>41257361The virgin Vesper who gives shitty excuses because "too many people"The Chad Shinri who goes into the collab anyway despite being too many people
I havent even been listening honestly this shit is pissing me off
>>41257424the priority is making fat stacks on the SC reading streams. this dude is gonna dip as soon as he makes enough money to build his prepper bunker
he literally also said he was busy with shit touristchamas
>>41257445At least tell them beforehand, yeah.
>>41257396They're all friends except Vesper, he's only here for the money.
I'd rather collab with Magni and Kronii than Altare too tbf. I hope he never joins a full collab just for the bit.
this thread is so fucking cringe now, like jeez. y'all are just whiny shits now. i am also disappointed at nowa not appearing at the collab and sad with it but why do you have to be so overreacting to this? watch and enjoy the stream, at least he did stream today
>>41257485>even if I wasn't busy
>>41257380It's not bait if it's unironically exactly how I feel
>>41257422thats why he keeps ghosting you vesties
>>41257469I too only threadhead and get mad at anons schizo delusions
>>41257485and then added insult to injury by saying it was too many people for him anyways. the first fucking HQ/VG collab
it’s managerbut you can call me managga
>>41257424>>41257426that was 4 people and he collabed with them before. Quit using it to shitpost, have some empathy man
>>41257431i'm too based for meds
>>41257498it's just shitposters who are latching onto something.Just ignore them
>>41257469>Literal threadreaderI see the tourists are in full force today
>>41257422The 6 month anniversary is already cancelled, Axel said so in his members zatsu.
>>41257485>he literally also said he was busy with shithe started the stream saying he was busy being a tourist in japan. how is that being too busy with shit? he was able to schedule a monopoly collab with the girls but the first tempus collab ever is not as important as taking pictures of mt fuji?
>wont meet Axel>i uh uh uh uh im too scared to hang out with 7 other men>joins a fucking 3 person collab days priorOld nigga SUCKS at lying
Who cares that he wasn't there for one collabChill out
>>41257402That's still a 4 man collab. Not sure if you saw the stream, but he was dead quiet during the 9 man collab with StarsJP. He is just shy.
>>41257422>6 month anniversaryanon.........
>>41257498its women crying
His membership content was a bit lacking anyway
>>41257498vesties are the saplings of tempus. annoying needy crybabies
Is he drinking?
I'll tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it, my estimation of Vesper Noir as a man just fucking plummeted. To take meds like a white woman? It's a fucking disgrace.
The MANS community has forgiven Noir Vesper.
>>41257095>Just be a yes-man and accept his shitty behavior and enable him to do it again!No need to make a meal out of the boot my guy
I like Vesper. He's a talented storyteller and he's pretty funny. But the dude seems really checked out since the suspension. If he's not the first Tempus to graduate, I'll be really surprised.
>all these accusations that he's lyingokay so then what's the real reason? other than being too busy which he already admitted to?
Man he was in the astroner and weremag collab super quiet and everyone clomplains about it now You hate it because of it? And remember that any of them hace work to do foto cover if he wasnt busy he Will be in the collab but quiet as astroner and weremag
>>41257498>enjoy the stream>another sc reading "zatsu"ogey
>>41257550he was there for monopoly but couldnt make it to a big collab like this because he was busy being a tourist/muh introversion? this nigga is graduating ASAP
>>41257550He said he was busy but he also implied that it was too much people, so it might not even happen anyway
>I'll come back soon, I swear>*audibly drinks alcohol*
>>41257396Only Magni is actually his friend. The rest of that shit is all fake. If, for instance, Axel were actually his friend he'd go drag him out to the bars and calm him down.
>>41257463Last thread I was going "Don't be so dramatic, he didn't show up, big deal" and I still maintain most people shitting on Vesper (and indeed any chuuba on this board) are people that already don't like it and just jump on the opportunity to push their dislike for him.And yet it's still pretty frustrating, literally just a "yeah, sorry guys".The "c'moon" bit at the start about being a tourist is just a bit... how should I put it, too easy going?Like an Anon said, he treated it like a birthday party he was invited to and said "Nah, no thanks"
So was he being a tourist when he was supposed to be present for the podcast?
>>41257594and he was too anxious to deal with itgive him a break
>>41257583>just a bit
>>41257485>take 2 weeks off>take 2 more weeks off>spend a week getting drunk on vacationHmm, I wonder why he conveniently had a ton of work yesterday, but not today.
>>41257598It might help you to take something
>>41257498it would have been better if he didn't fucking stream. then it'd be believable he had actual work to do and didn't just flake on the rest of tempus
the end of /mans/
>>41257607he hates altare and won't be on stream with him
>>41257607I'm not saying he's lying, I'm saying "too many people" is a terrible excuse.
>>41257606Agreed. I'll keep watching as long as he's entertaining, but I'm letting my membership lapse.
>>41257609bro wtf is this
>>41257498>t. watotodile
>>41257609Jesus christ this isn't even ESL this is like. E4L.
>>41257463Based cuckold gaslighting the vespies
>ummm uhh my anxiety… it’s too many people! i was busy!VS>i got wasted and slept through it which do you think is the truth
>>41257498>y’allGo back to twitter, tranny
>>41257645that's not his excusehis excuse was he was busy being a tourist and work caught up to him so we was unavailable the 8 person is too many people is just his opinion on the collab
I hope this faggot is the first to graduate
>>41257607The worse part is that I believe him, he just doesn't give a fuck.
>>41257606He is, but only at the start. It stopped once he turned his zatsus into SC readings.
>>41257635He's not gonna suck your dick vespie
>>41257598alright i had a giggle
Yeah yeah he hates Tempus, you can go back now, go make your own thread or something.
>>41257517supporting your tempus bros lmfao
used to love his laugh but now it just pisses me off
>>41257547That's because women aren't people so it was more like a duo collab with dez and two holes.
>>41257485and yet hes doing a fucking stream right now. he could have rested today and gone to the collab instead. that was /the/ first tempus collab. that was an important moment. and his decision not only was lame for the fans of holostarsEN but it was kind of a gentle middle finger to the rest of tempus. his excuses make no sense other than him being a self-absorbed menhera who is living an absolute lie. this is a mask-off moment.
I haven't browsed this thread for a while. When did people start hating Vesper? He used to be the most popular one at the beginning of Tempus...
You realize streaming is work too rightI wish he was transparent and just said he's relapsed into being a drunk, I'd have infinitely more respect for him than a literal excuse from a tumblr girl with "im soo shy....."
>>41257607I don't think he's lying, I'm just disappointed that he doesn't give a shit
>>41257635You give him so much credit. hes just a lazy fuck admit it
>>41257626Yeah, I'm not really seething and shitting my pants but it's not like this was just a random collab, it was the first full squad collab. On one hand I kinda really admire the honesty but on the other hand it's like jesus, you couldn't have put it a little differently?
>>41257733He still is, falseflaggers.
>>41257607You want me to believe he didn't have 2 free hours yesterday, but he has time today to collect superchats?
>>41257095Ok bootlickerchan. Nice to see vesties are as much of a yes man cult as atlare's fans.
>>41257733Too many tourists and women ITT
>>41257764lmao maybe a month ago
>>41257626you're being extremely dramatic comparing this to a birthday party. A birthday party is an extremely personal thing that is an event you go to with a well known friend, tempus are just CO-WORKERS. Sorry to ruin your kayfabe but they aren't actually "bros", they're probably friends but missing a collab is not the same as missing a birthday party they've barely known each other for a year or less.
Why are women like this.
The amount of dickriders itt pretending that Vesper isn't fucking up is hilarious. I'm sure he'll fuck you if you keep calling people levying valid criticism schizos.
hope he enjoys licking Kronii's boots!!
Is this the anti-Tempus thread?
>>41257733We don't, we're being raided by angry unicorns from the catalogue. They'll get tired eventually but it's annoying as fuck until they do.
>>41257733probably about ten minutes ago when he explained why he didn't go to the tempus collab
>>41257733when he stopped caring
Yeah, he really doesn't care
>>41257733still my oshihes just a procrastinatoraxel needs to whip him into shape
>>41257797god I wish I were him
atleast vesper streams
>>41257733it's tourists/fujos mad that Vesper isn't gay.
>>41257733>When did people start hating Vesper?no one hates him but there has been a noticeable change for a while. all of his talks of dreams and aspirations stopped meaning anything since he's been coasting off his early success. anons are just curious to know why he's avoiding the rest of the boys and only looking out for himself and fucking kronii.
>>41257623>he'd go drag him out to the bars and calm him downFucking this, but Axel knows Vesper doesnt acknowledge him as a friend and prefers to hang out with his basketball friends in jp
was he sounding anxious on the weremag collab? or the judge magni? or wheels of Tempus? or Monopoly?
>>41257785>consistently highest ccv>makes the most from memberships/scsnice try
Fools. The reason he went to the Monopoly collab is because he can't say no to his senpai. If a senpai invited him to a 20 man collab he would say yes while shitting himself live on stream.
>>41257643He was on stream with him for the memory test thing though? It's not like he'd even have to talk to Altare in a game like Pummel Party anyway, it's all just mini games.
I honestly feel tempted to donate $100 just to voice all of /mans/ grievances to this fuck. If I wouldn't get spreadsheeted I would fucking do it I have nothing to lose.
>>41257833FUCK YOU CHUMBIE! *cums*
>>41257498I am not someone to overreact but I cant enjoy this stream. The fact he fucked up their first full collab is disappointing. Him saying that even if he wasn't busy he would kinda think twice of appearing because is "too much people".I legit just hope he actually participates in a future Tempus collab.
>I didn't do any work for 2 weeks>so I was just way too busy for the collab, like SUPER busy>even if I wasn't busy there's too many people>big groups scare me and I forgot my anxiety medicationis this a reasonable explanation for missing the collab?
Yeah vesper, fuck you i know you are reading this, stop being a drunk bitch and stream for the people that support you. I got the og boys to watch and vg boys now too, and you are even reading super chats? nah dude u got me fucked up
Now he's ghosting his own stream
Well, guess I'm a Vesper anti now.
>>41257800yes, take a seat
>>41257733When he skipped out on the most important collab for the new members, for no good reason. Yet here he is, collecting SCs.
it really speaks volumes that half of the posts complaining about him not being in the tempus collab also complain about him being in monopoly. thread's kinda shit right now
You all know he reads super chats in most of his zatsudan right?
>>41257858do it you'll be based
My oshi is an alcoholic and still doesn't talk about alcohol as much as this old bastard, good god find another topic for 5 minutes.
>>41257843>bringing up kroniiopinion now discarded
>>41257871Not for me
>>41257361He was expecting the full collab. Vesper sprung it on them that he wasn't joining last minute. What the fuck.
>>41257858do it coward
>>41257855Truly the Gura of Tempus kek
>>41257871If nothing else fucks up yeah it's fine really, the stream was still good
>>41257871lol no, i wish he would just say he's been on a 2 week long bender, no one buys his excuse
>>41257871yes.Any excuse is reasonable.
>>41257858do it you'll be cringe
>>41257858Do it anon
>>41257858do it anon
>>41257843>3 tempus collabs just in the past weekgo back nijiniggers, your shitty events need more shilling it seems kek
I can't watch live but I'm paranoid after last time. Is Nowa drunk again? He's talking about alcohol and I don't want the VOD to get nuked when I sleep.
>>41257733We don't hate him it's false flag gers. Their points of contention don't even make sense.
>>41257623I doubt he even considers Magni his friend. Magni is just needy and especially vulnerable since his RM just got dumped so he’s clingy. Hope he sees the light soon.
>>41257908Yeah just like he discarded the chance at a full tempest collab. Lazy volcel faggot.
>>41257797That Kronii's boots? Me
>>41257858I'll call you Based and post your SC here if you do
So he's been drinking so much because he didn't take his meds with him? Is that it?
>>41257852>weremag collabmuted>judge magnionly when magni speak to him>wheel of tempuskronii>monopolykronii
>>41257891>he skipped out on the most important collab for the new membersTHIS is what bothers me the most. You don't do that to the bro's.
>>41257871Sounds fake, but vesties will eat that shit up anyway. Dumb cunts.
>>41257871I would if he had just say this on twitter BEFORE the collab.>>41257894No it's a completely valid complain.
>>41257858Do it
>>41257459And yet he did the Werewolf collab with that many people, many of which were from other branches.
I don’t fucking hate Vesper, I’m just disappointed in him. I don’t feel the need to kiss the ass of a dude in his late 30s who has been putting in the bare minimum of work for the last few months.
>>41257894Because his excuse that he is too busy catching up on work seemingly didn't apply to Monopoly only 2 days prior. The fact that he said he wouldn't have done the Tempus collab anyways is the nail.
>takes superchat money>flies to japan>skimps out on his work>buys expensive whiskey>vesties cheering him onenablers are the worst
>>41257858Who the fuck cares about some idiot yume spreadshitter that only really does it for Altare anyway? do it.
>>41257969you forgot his xcom stream
Brother's sipping on something nice
>>41257745>you couldn't have put it a little differently?Exactly, that's my only problem with it too.First full tempus collab, big fucking deal, it's not a coronation, they'll collab later and it's not like anyone was watching it just for Vesper, and it's certainly not like someone took a day off work just to see Vesper in the collab, no real harm was done.It's the fact he's pretty "lol w/e" about it that's kind of grating.We all figured you'd be attending, you didn't and then you just say "c'moon, you know, I was a tourist :)))"?If I were the sort of person to say "bruh" this is just the right time to say it.>>41257788Do you really not get invited to birthday parties of people you're only sort of familiar with, like relatives? that's pretty sad.
$200 is definitely not enough
>>41257858Accelerate this ordeal anon.
imagine all the fresh cunny he gets to plow through everyday in japan...
>>41257858That's worth at least 20 (You)'s and it's even free if you charge back because this faggot is collecting SCs after hiding from the first full Tempus collab.
>>41257960your point would be more believable if you didn't use unicorn talkling points like bringing up kronii after a collab with her once in a few months, not to mention mori was there the last time too
>>41257858>akaYou need to spam multiple blues you dumbass.
>>41257858Do it coward I wanna see you.
>>41257894>uplifting my bros who just debutedmmm japan tourism>joining a collab with my colleagues who are much popular than memmmm leeching
>>41257957I think Magni cares a lot more about him than he does Magni. Dude didn't even speak to him throughout his whole suspension and Magni was obviously depressed because of that
>>41257858uh no, don’t reward him for bad behavior lmao. there’s no way he isnt aware that at least a portion of the fanbase is upset with him, hes not gonna address it no matter how much you SC him
>>41257852He was quiet in Tempus Mario Party and any collab with StarsJP besides the Astel Apex but that one was just him and Leader.
>>41257894>you live and die with your solo contentdoes this dude follow what he preaches??
>>41258007someone got spreadsheeted from bettel's stream yesterday
Fuck I'm so glad all the rrats were fake and Vesper is back
>>41257858Do it pussy
>>41258012>muting to drink
>He's watched Boochi
>>41257858Fuckin do it, but it's a risk I feel like worst case scenario he'll ignore it or best case he'll take it to heart and try harder
>>41257858Nigger the spreadsheet is a meme
>>41257858Do it that fag isn't going to do anything with the spreadsheet anyways
He went from claiming to be the "streaming monster" of tempus to barely streaming, taking weeks off and skipping group collabs. Dude got blinded by the money, it's sad to see
>>41257996yes and he was more comfortable at home with his anxiety meds, not on the go in japan on a shitty laptop
>>41257957>his RM just got dumpedPlease elaborate
>>41257894I enjoyed the Monopoly collab, but making the full Tempus collab was WAY more important.
His attitude towards the job pre and post-suspension is night and day. That incident jaded him on the company.
>>41257913If he really did flake last minute, that's incredibly shitty.
>>41258040nta, just angry at the faggot collecting SCs without being the least bit apologetic about it.
don't superchat it. it's going to get deleted by mods and he's not even going to address it. don't give him money.
>>41257945This is what I'm worried about. Legit after his suspension he's been drinking and has been way, way more unhinged. It feels like his suspension hit him super hard and he's checked out of the job completely.
>>41257858Do it no balls/ovaries
>>41258095he never claimed that
So Magni's the one that's pulling them apart
>I NEED TO GET THE WHISKY MAN!!!!!>*realizes what he just said*>Oh right! im super busy btw guys!
>>41257858but axel reads this thread already
>>412570532 more months
>>41258011>Do you really not get invited to birthday parties of people you're only sort of familiar with, like relatives? that's pretty sad.Why would I give a fuck about a birthday party of someone I don't really know that well?once again you're being super dramatic trying to compare a fucking work collab to a birthday party.
>>41257797i mean, i would if i was him
yeah he's definitely relapsed into alcoholism
>>41257639Touristchama, he does have work today. He's said that repeatedly. Watch streams
>>41258040unicorns are the only good idol fans. fags like you need to finally fuck off
>>41257871No, he's not taking responsibility and owning himself up for the sake of his boys. My view on this man's integrity has plummeted, he's playing the fucking victim so his circlejerk-cuckold vespies can play up to his ego and it's disgusting to watch
>gura>vesper>kroniiwhat do these three have in common...
I heard some holoen dude sent dickpics to hololive girls? It's just baseless rumor?
>>41257609Anyone please get this fella an ambulance now.
>>41258135>not even watching
>Explore BrazilDON'T GO VESPER!
>>41257897Yeah I recall him doing this since september, fucking tourists man...
So he's just a selfish numberfag boomer after all huh?
No DnD with the new boys..... right after teasing the possibility...
>>41258108I hope he graduates now.
>>41257858do it faggot
>chickens are the most *successful* bird on the planetIf you know what this means about Vesper, you know.
>>41258088No its not, it exists
>>41258169I want to fuck them
>>41258108It was his fucking fault though. Don't be an angry cunt to other people. This guy's old job gave him way too much entitlement.
>>41258109the SC pandering is getting annoying yeah, regardless of anything else it disrupts the flow of zatsus
>>41257858>no delivery
>>41257361Based Shinri. Also because holy fuck would trying to get a word in during those collabs be a little hard for him.
>>41257609are you having a stroke anon?
>>41258169they make people here seethe and are cool people
>>41258159Is he working now? No, he's collecting superchats. Any work he had yesterday could be done right now, but he's a greedy cunt.
>3,4k people watching sc reading streamHOW DOES HE DO IT?
>>41258169The no stream team
>>41258209I desperately want to recruit this person into playing FFXI, a spreadsheet keeping autist will fit right in
>>41258180Cover will send him there whether he wants to or not.
>>41258186he talked about this already newfag
hope he doesnt stream for an entire nother week, literally stream less and less, its all i can wish for for people to realize theyre being swindled by a dude who does not like his employer or his job anymore besides the money
>>41258169>do very little>be successful>stop trying and somehow make more money
>>41258166retarded enabler vesties just eat that shit up only to get ghosted by him again for weeks
>>41257794It's not that we don't think he fucked up, it's that we don't really care. Most of us only watch Vesper and only tolerate the other guys. He's the Gura of Tempus.
>>41258240by it being his only content that he also labels a zatsudan
>>41258240The gura of tempus..
>>41257897yeah the complaints about it have been getting more prevalent as time passed
>>41258169The most popular members of their respective gens
>>41257463You're not fooling anyone falseflagger
>>41257858>caring about a random anon on the internet who will put you in a vewwy scawwy spweadsheetDo it faggot.
>>41258169That I love them
Nowa felt free to ignore the collab because he knew boys would understand, unlike girls in monopoly collab
>>41258241>>41258255Kronii streams consistently...
Good thing he was only my second oshi and my actual oshi cares about me. I think since most of his fans are holofans that's how they see him anyway, like a second option and that's why they don't care. Once he ghosts most of his fans the ones who'll be left won't care enough about him.
>>41257733It's Discord and Catalog falseflaggers trying to astroturf and stir shit now that they have a (questioneable) excuse and explicit confirmation that Tempus boys browse /here/. It's why this is all coming on so suddenly
what's with all these fuckers talking shit about my man ves?
>>41258288Nah hes just a leech trying to siphon from the girls
>>41258209Yeah, I know it exist but what the fuck is that women actually going to do? She hasn't threatened anyone's personal info or address yet yet so there's no point in having one.
>>41258259The thread literally goes speed when Bettel or Magni stream.
>>41258302and doesn't ghost afaik
>>41258288Vesper is one of those people who treats strangers better than their own friends
>>41257972They aren't bros obviously. His bros are Magni and Kronii.
>>41258159All your replies in this thread are so pathetic, I feel sorry for you.
>>41258169autism trinity
>>41258304hope he enjoys holofags that treat him like an accessory!!
>>41257871He is REALLY busy right now but he is still streaming and probably he will stream over an hour too. I do believe he was busy but not taking a break for 2 hours to be part of a huge collab?It had to be because they were "too much people" in there. Even then he has done many many collabs were they were a bunch of people but just now he doesnt want to participate in his own group collab? C'mon dude.But of course, me saying this makes me a falseflagger tourist. I am just sad at this, man.
>>41258253People will wait literally months for Ina/Gura/Ayame and shower them in a king's ransom of supas when they return. The people who are already in this deep will never let go no matter how poorly they are treated.
>>41258310Women who are mad he wasn't in a stream with the tranny VA and the one they want to cut open so they cant make fujo fantasies.
>>41258325I know a person like that... don't say this
>>41258256why are you seething on behalf of somebody else then? this ain't twitterretard
Rrat: Since all of them are /here/ they're making Vesper do this to force some retarded drama in hopes of manufacturing a fake yab that will get people interested
>>41258339>magnikek, he ghosted magni for weeks
>>41258169lazy fucks
This solidifies my views on never marrying a male. They are too unreliable and selfish.
>>41258105Agree, growing up the holostarsEN branch is more important in my opinion than anything else right now, overall, I do believe the new boys are good for the EN branch, gives everyone more options for the fans and the talents as well
>Vesper already making plans to go to Japan twice a year for work with CoverVesties...............we're safe........
>>41258209what is spreadsheetanon even gonna do with all of those names?
>nikka whiskeyMembah when it was called nigga whiskey?
>>41258339Magni said on stream on MC he hadnt talked to Vesper in weeks
>>41258310He's an unrepentant lazy, greedy cunt.
>>41258284>>41258321Right, what the fuck is she gonna do? Oooooo so scary. Go get fucked bitch
>>41258366I know one too, that's why I said that
>>41258311>suddenlyAre you one? You seem like one.
>>41258105I dislike that bettelhead design, for me bettelheads are, and will always be, silly walking tomatoes
>>41258334he can't really while he's still in Japan
>>41258334He didn't do anything anon, he was busy working
>>41258365>seethingIm just saying how it is fag
>>41258209>CLIPPERS GET THE CLIPPINGThis but unironically.>>41258169I'm horny for them.
>>41258325Fuck. No wonder he reminds me of my father.
>vesper addressing a spammer about it
Is he imagining a spammer? What's happening lmao
>it was never my intention to give anyone bad feelings>proceeds to basically ghost fans for 1 month+ok
>>41258413sounds like a (You) problem
>i don't feel bad enough to change my behavior
>>41257292I didn't expect Vesper of all people to be the one to join Holostars just to fuck one of the girls.
What did the spammer say?
>Best I canDRYBI
>>41258467Someone said "got time for kronii but not for tempus"
>>41258467I didn't see any spammer kek
>I don't feel bad enough to change my behavior this WHORE
>Zatsudan>Zatsudan>Zatsudan>Game stream"Good content" kek
>>41258467He's ITT calling out the deranged schizo
>>41258375Kronii actually makes schedules and streams
kek based brother
>>41258487BASED KEK
>>41258467no there was a spammer saying that he 'got time for kronii but not for tempus, LEACH' or something like that
Did someone from /here/ send an SC and it got deleted? KEK
"i don't feel bad enough to change my behavior"It's literally over
>>41258487Kek I call it Based
>I don't feel bad enough to change my behaviorWow, he's actually an asshole kek
>>41258151>Why would I give a fuck about a birthday party of someone I don't really know that well?You would attend if you're invited and you feel like it, if you don't you don't attend.And if that person asks you about it you wouldn't say "nahh I just didn't feel like it", the polite thing to do was to at least sound apologetic about it.Like "yeah, sorry, I was just X and Y".People invite just work friends to birthdays, it's a thing some people do.I'm not being dramatic, Vesper not being there didn't make the collab worse (and I like Vesper, probably my second favorite to Magni), it's the way he phrased it that's rubbing me the wrong way, it's just common courtesy.
>>41258169The most popular members of their gens, destroyed by cover busywork. Keep an eye on Bettel next.
>>41258487honestly valid criticism albeit a schizo
Vesper should give up on tying to buy japanese whiskey for his friend, they're overpriced and not worth even a fraction of their current price. women, don't bother replying.
>>41258479based, not gonna lie
>>41258501sounds good to me
>>41258501good content is any content where he makes at least $1k in supers
He comes the yes men squad, yep, we're done here. It's past the critical holo mass at this point where he could skin a toddler alive on stream and they'd find an excuse for him
>>41258169all blindsided and broken by the work culture inside a real japanese company. all mentally checked out/moved on.
>>41258487BASED GRAY
>>41258487wasn't this supposed to be a SC?card rejected?>bAsEd
>>41258169The members of each gen with the worst fanbases - I wonder why they seem to hate streaming so much?
>>41258487honestly, while this isnt the way to go about it, is pretty true. Not the leech part but everything else.
>>41258526There is no guilt to feel. You need to cope in some way other than posting spam and then move on.
>>41258518I hate this man now
wtf is the spreadsheet t. tourist
>>41258487LMFAO BASED
>>41258487Holy Based Schizo
So he was actually male Mori all along?
>>41258487based schizo
oh no gramps was a r/freefolk troll
>>41258487based unichad
>>41258533This. Japanese alcohol is overhyped and overpriced.
>>41258581mori ain't this entertaining
>>41258302She is deeply unhappy as a result though
lmao schizos btfo
>>41258151Talking about birthdays wasn't vesper in Risus birthday stream?
>>41258581No, we've already established that's Magni
>my paypigs like me!
>being raided by numberfaggots calling him a leech and bringing up the kronii shittotally organic viewers
>>41258487Basedbros > hoes
So he admitted he prefers playing with Kronii over the boys?
Even Axel changed the way he behaved by being more careful purely because someone pointed out he's being ridiculously reckless. Cmon Nowa.
>>41258572Scroll up
>r/freefolkis this his code for /tv/?
>>41258533can't you buy Japanese whiskey in america? I got hibiki here once and I can still buy it if I walk into my liquor store
>>41258401And then Vesper appeared in the Minecraft Stream. Begone Tourist
>Be me>Male>Only watch Vesper>Skip any stream that doesn’t involve Vesper>Women are somehow mad at my man VesperEh, more Vesper for me
>>41258581He likes to collab with his friends
>>41258518Yeah fuck you vesper, im fucking out, i really supported you since day one for being so honest but nah dude, fuck you
>>41258527you're being dramatic expecting an apology/to sound apologetic. I wouldn't sound apologetic/apologize for not going to a birthday party of my coworker who just randomly invited me (Even though this isn't even fucking comparable to that). Not going to the collab isn't this big deal you're trying to make it. He didn't want to do it so he didn't. end of story.
>>41258636no its a game of thrones subreddit that didnt give a shit about spoiler discussion
>>41258581Mori at least constantly ships projects and has a good singing voice.
He legitimately doesn't give a shit and feels like nothing is wrong lmao
>>41258635Implicitly yes
>>41257733Hate is too strong, but I began losing interest in him since monetization. Superchat reading became his main content and that's just too boring. Not enough free hours in a day to waste them listening to someone telling some random fag he's proud of him for waking up early or whatever the fuck the superchat said.Don't care too much about the current drama, however.
>>41258487KEK Vesper's response made me laugh and hate him at the same time he's an actual bitch
>>41258635Why would he choose dick over clock pussy
>>41258541Let's be real, any boy could do fucked up shit and their fans would defend them for it. That's how stans work, though social media will do its best to convince people that it's just k-pop stans that are that unhinged.
>>41258643Gosh, at least pretend to like the boys even if only for keyfab. It ruins my immersion
>>41258171Vesper accidentally thrust his bare cock into a McDonalds fryer during a bit gone horribly awry. When he tried to ask management for time off for his roasted schlong to heal they reprimanded him for making up such an outlandish and unprofessional excuse not to stream. Enraged, Vesper sent photos of his immolated cock to other Hololive talents to prove to management that he wasn’t lying, but one of the girls reported him to management for sharing grotesque injury porn on the company discord.It’s common knowledge this incident resulted in Vesper’s two week suspension.
41258487>>All those replies encouraging a containment breaking cuckfaggotFucking hell
>>41258581Mori actually works.
>schizo ignored live>discordmites ignored /here/maybe try more phones? KEK
>>41258572Some chuuni femaltventurer's list of containment breakers that she fantasies about torturing to death
>>41258635Well... kinda?
I canceled my membership a while ago, but I'm pretty close to unsubbing too. His behaviour rubs me in all the wrong places, really.
He's just like me fr fr
>i know my social battery is draining >i'll schedule a monopoly collab with bigger girls>i'll ghost a collab last minute with the boys that was in the works for several weeks because it was the first ever tempus collab
he hadn't met any of the VG?
How's this thread turned into the worst of /hlgg/ because of 1 collab stream with girls and another with full Tempus?
>>41258686We're being raided, wasn't it obvious?
wait they debuted so fast they didn't even talk behind the scenes?
>freaks out with new people Just like me frfr
>>41258640this all day long, in all honesty. they've known about our type for a while tho
>>41258707>>41258635He thinks it makes for better content
>>41258533Thislast decade I went to a wedding and they gave me and my friends each a few bottles of hibiki, and it was cheap shit because nobody drank it, so we all just stacked it in our cabinets and like I flipped that shit a decade later and made $300
He met the manager he called a nigger
>>41258686>MUH SEKRIT CLUB
>>41258715How is that possible when Flayon goofed his ass into their vc.
>>41258713>making shit up
>>41258717it's just a concentrated group of shitposters trying really hard.
>>41258717Not showing up for work, not communicating with fans and then not feeling sorry about it turns out to be pretty serious
>>41258686cope straightfag unicorns are taking back what's ours
>i don't actually know [the new guys] that wellBECAUSE YOU'RE MAKING NO EFFORT TO INTERACT WITH THEM
Uh, sorry bros Vesper just dropped to my least fave. Him being anti social isnt cute its immature and him taking a vacation after two long breaks is Myth type behavior
>>41258635How tho?
>>41258713Cool, now spam it in his chat
>>41258734We know that's a lie because of the flaymonke incidentunless that was a lie too
>>41258754Go back
>>41258756axel talked about being hyped for a tempus l4d collab way before he mentioned vesper wouldn't be there and changed the game
>>41258686people praising a fucking gray name bringing up kroniidisgusting
>>41258744okay now I get why he would be so nervous
>the new guys I don't know so wellMakes sense, he's been negligencing Tempus for pretty much 2 months.
>>41258717because Cover thought there needed to be more males
How does he not know them? They've been in his circle for months...
is it still worth it to watch GOT even if the last season shits the bed?
>>41258717This has been months in the making dude. It's always one thing after another with Vesper ever since his suspension.
>>41258769>pretty seriousJust go about your raid, fellow schizo
>>41258713It wasn't last-minute, they knew he wouldn't make it days in advance and that's why it was changed from L4D to Pummel Party. He PLANNED not to make it.
so will (You) follow Vesper when he goes back to his RM?
lol imagine if he had a dedicated chat spammer rumao
>>41258717Not showing up for work to go on a 2 week long japanese whiskey bender isn't exactly what i'd call good behavior
>>41258739He probably worded it bad but that's what I understood as well. Like we prefer to watch a collab with Kronii over the boys?
>>41258734He doesn't know them that well, doesn't mean that they don't talk
>>41258635Yes, he knows her better than the new boys. He just said that he is afraid to meet new people, and he spent all week meeting a ton of new people and wanted a break. And the new boys are still new people to him.
>>41258781Well, who'd think an unmarried late thirties man pretending to be an anime boy for a living is immature and selfish? What a surprise.
>>41258825$10 says /hlgg/
>>41258771>unicorns are taking back what's oursYour virginity? Oh wait...
>>41258100His RM had been in a 5 year plus relationship until they broke up… i want to say a few months ago? Either late last fall or winter. So that’s definitely contributed to his recent mental state.
>>41258819the seasons that roughly followed the book were the best
>>41258825/#/ and hlgg raid probably
Imagine if this was an actual zatsu stream where he talks about his trip instead of SC reading. When was the last time we actually got a zatsu and not just SC reading?What a shit.
>>41257635If he really does end up like Gura I hope you're still licking his balls then too
>>41258819First 5 seasons are pretty damn good, just stop there
>dodges first full tempus collab>yeah I just like don't know them very wellI wonder why
>>41258713if you are so worried about it you should SC him about it
>>41258844mangament do watch clip numbers, and most of his stuff is well...with the clockwoman
>>41258635no just that he doesn't want to stop doing those collabs with the girls
There's so many tourists /here/ that I don't even know which bait to reply to
>>41258862we don't organize like that and you know it
>>41258819I would just go with the obligatory "read the books" but they will literally never be finished.
I find it pretty funny the Pummel Party collab still had the "FULL TEMPUS BABY" graphic on the top of it for Hakka's channel.
>>41258819In my opinion, friend told me it was fine to watch as long as you don't see the last 2 seasons, but it was really unsatisfying.
Superchat reading stream wooohoooo!
>>41258691Yeah these schizos seem to be going full melt down cause they're spamming got called out
he keeps rubbing his thigh
>>41258635i mean - your buddies wouldn't mind if you chose pussy instead. Girls are an opportunity, boys are always there
>>41258825>almost as many as yesterday's collabi'm 100% sure /MANS/ is being raided
>>41258853Hasn't he known the VG boys for a few months though?
>>41257871I think it would be pretty reasonable if he just said it before the collab, even on twitter or membership community post or whatever. People were already tense because of Axel's doomer stream, everyone expected the reason for him not showing up to be something actually serious, so people are understandably upset.It would be a good enough reason if it was never sold as a "Full Tempus" collab, but the fact that he was still there in the thumbnail says it all about how reasonable the others found it.
>>41258831>RMyou aren't fooling anyone niji using RM instead of PL, hololive people say roommate they don't shorten it.
>>41258821>>41258836Oh right, I forgot this thread was full of women and sissy men like you
>>41258800Axel talked about an l4d collab literally fucking on stream with Vesper, did Axel specifically say that they changed what game the first collab was, or are people just assuming that was the same collab
>>41258713If they spend weeks planning THAT they should just graduate
>>41258717Vesties are the worst fanbase since they have the most crossover with the girls. That's why. It's the same people.
Dude is muting to drink
I am pretty sure we have a lot of tourists right now. I mean the thread is fucking zooming.But man I am kinda angry at nowa, like this shit really is leaving a bad taste on my mouth but I hope shit gets better and this doesn't repeat itself.But yeah, I guess I am a tourist too for voicing any negative feedback.
He INTENTIONALLY didn't bring his meds? Is he a fucking retard?
I'm starting to think Axel's menhera moment was related to Vesper becoming an alcoholic and becoming toxic behind the scenes because of it>something we'll notice gradually>environmental change>Affected the tempus collab and still affect the 6 month anniversary
>>41258819watch 4 seasons or read the books
Vesper didn't bring his ADHD meds because it's illegal in Japan
>>41258914Kind of hot....
>>41258713are you a retarded monkey that can't understand 4 vs 8 or that 4 of them were new to him?
>>41258905>wego back
Just fucking debut Regulus/Vsinger already and kick Nowa from HQ
>>41258948Well yeah, he sounds drunk
>>41258853What a bitch
>>41258936Self inserting as Vesper doesn't make you a macho man
>>41258884>When was the last time we actually got a zatsu and not just SC reading?just before monetization. ever since then he realized he could bait superchats and make $500 an hour. he's not even making content at this point. he's just reacting to superchats, giving one or two comments and then moving onto the next superchat. this is just react content but instead of tiktoks it's superchats.
>>41258889does he think they werent also nervous? lol my god. what a manchild.
i can't believe /MANS/ is raiding /MANS/its fucking over bros
You've been at it for 6 months. A good 2 of those you've been pretty much absent lol
>>41258963>we exactly >we don't do shit
>>41258819The books are kino. I stopped watching Vesper when he said they were shit.
>>41258950>But yeah, I guess I am a tourist too for voicing any negative feedback.You guys called me a trolling catalogue-goer for being pissed Magni collabed with a racist, now you're getting your comeuppance lol
>>41258944It is not vesties who have gone full schizo anti for the past 2 days.
>>41258953Same. I'm actually watching it right now and it makes so much sense now when he talked about his weakness "change of environment" and about "something happened"
>>41258853They've been in discord chat for MONTHS
>>41258868>virginityunironically more important than talking to whores
Lmao anons. If he had showed up to the full tempus collab he wouldn't have had to interact with the new boys at all, it would've been a Left 4 Dead versus against them.
>this dinojay lesbian fuck, its obvious she doesn't know anything about having to deal with anxiety properly, she's a fucking twitter fag.
>>41258965imagine if the vsinger debuts before EN3 kek
No mention of the 6months collab. Whatsoever. He probably doesn't even remember
>>41258936Lol, I'm not gonna get talked down to by a faggot caught dickriding.
>>41258953I legit think Axel hates Nowa.
Gonna go play Apex and come back when another one of the boys is streaming. You shat the bed hard, gramps.
>>41258948Well yeah hes been salivating trying to not talk about a fucking whiskey
>>4125853380% of Japanese whiskey is made in the states anyway, and 70% of American whiskey is owned by Japanese companies. So it's definitely not worth.
>>41258903Flay was in a group call, not a one on one call.You've seen how Vesper just sits their quietly in group calls, it doesn't at all mean he knows flay that well. Also he said he feels comfortable around 2 of the new boys and 2 of them he still barely knows
>>41258954Yes. He just assumed he wouldn't be able to bring them instead of making calls or emails and finding out. He also seems to be using alcohol as a coping mechanism so im worried
anyways cant wait for Bettel's collab with Magni and Hakka later!
>>41258998Honestly, this only shows that /MANS/ is growing more powerful. The golden months are coming.
>>41258963Anon, half of /mans/ consists of /hlgg/ anons...
>>41258998>162 IPYeah sis, I can't believe it
nowa oji rrat>loner for most of his life>found his closest friends in tempus HQ>is the happiest he's been in his life>VG debuts and changes the dynamics in his friend group>feels outcasted in group chats and callswdyt /MANS/??
>>41258652The point is that he was expected to be there, it was advertised as a full tempus collab, so he was expected to be there.He wasn't there, fine, shit happens whether it's because he had to make up for slacking off or because he didn't like these big collabs.It's common courtesy in a situation like that to sound apologetic, I'm not talking about a naked dogeza, I'm not even talking about lying, he could have said exactly the same thing but start off what he was going to say with>Yeah, sorry I couldn't attend, I just had to catch up to work and to be honest I'm not very comfortable at all with these large collabs.Same thing but instead of being dismissive he's being apologetic, it's common courtesy stuff.Not liking large collabs is legit, him having to miss it because he slacked off earlier and had to catch up is not great but perfectly understandable (literally everyone has and will be in that position), but if you were expected to be there you should do the polite thing and at least throw a 'sorry' in there, if not because you're sincerely sorry than because it's the polite thing to do.
>>41259029holy shit kek
Vesper unironically has lancer luck in game collabs.
>>41259055I love boys that actually make an effort and try hard in their job.
why did he even go to Japan
>>41259062This pic is cute I want to own a little Aniki puppy
>>41258989>ignore all the other context of why
Every 10 minutes we get a new excuse, if this stream goes on for another hour he'll start talking about the moon cycles
>>41259055I love purple boys!
>>41259055I haven't been excited for a non-full generation collab in awhile, this one I'm very excited for.
>>41258853Literally all he had to say was "guys, I don't think I can do this" anytime before the actual day of the stream and the others could have told everyone in advance he wasn't going to be there instead of letting his menhera fans freak out.
>>41259098Vacation touristchama
>>41259098work stuff
>>41258953We all thought it was about management, but it's actually about Vesper numberfagging
>>41258981>he's not even making content at this point. he's just reacting to superchatsthis
>>41259073well he's not going to apologize so get over it
well you did it catalogscum, you ruined /mans/. Im just going to sleep.
>>41259073Dude, that sucks. That really sucks that he wasn't there. I hope you're feeling okay now and that it didn't get you down too much. Hopefully things can get better from here on out.
>>41259048That's even worse. Oh boy two new people I don't know compared to 6 people I'm comfortable with.
>>41259071Just like me fr fr and I hate him more for it
Is Vesper in Japan specifically to apologize for what led to his suspension? It sounds like everything he's been doing that isn't tourist stuff has just been apologizing and kowtowing to Cover.
After hearing his shitty excuses, I'm done with him. I've cancelled my membership along with unsubscribing from him on YouTube.
So, Bettelfags huh? Not so bad anymore...
>>41258717It's like when the magmites shitted on magni all over again except thus time instead it being magni were they just fold and say they'll never talk about they're personal feelings again, it's vesper so he just tells them to fuck off cause he's too internet jaded to be hurt.Tho I wanna see the schizo severely regret their meltdown
Oh. Vesper has been having to go on an apology tour of Japan. That kinda sucks. I didn't think of that aspect of it.
>>41259009You might not have been a catalogue-goer but just a dumbass lol
>>41258874nice try nijiniggersliterally only (you) missing over theregrandpa numbers keep rising tho...weak ass raid on top of that
>>41259098but overpriced japanese whiskey
I can't believe the falseflaggers can't even afford a SC much less an aka
>>41259098Japanese employer?Makes learning Japanese easier?Unironically nicer living than being Florida Man?
are their actual vesties here who are genuinely disappointed and considering dropping him??
>>41259040They just had a collab and were friendly with one another. Meds.
>>41259109So where's Gura excuse chubby?
>>41259132things are just getting started
>>41259029Holy shit.
Remember when Nowa told us a story about him leaving his work and just biking for months? I feel like that might have not been a funny story, but a foreshadowing
>>41259144Bye bitch
>I see axel in me, i want to protect him and make sure he doesnt make the same mistakes I did when i was his age>proceeds to become an alcoholicKek he's just like an actual dad
>>41259120They knew he wasn't going to make it. They all knew. It's specifically why they played a game that didn't require 8 players.
I don't know why but... I feel pretty sad and hurt. I miss Vesper drinking tea and chatting before monetization. I miss feeling like he cared.
>>41259147never have been
>>41259144See you in two weeks aftee the d&d stream.
>>41259073That's why white males can never be good vtubers, they are too proud and individualistic to understand basic courtesy.
>>41259150Vesper the atomic bombs were a long time ago...
>>41259132you gave up after 1(one) raid?weak
>Doesn't mention Altare in his introvert dream team
To any of you fags that are defending his behavior I hope your oshi does the same thing and see how you feel about it.
>>41259098Japan was the only place he could find a cosmetic surgeon to repair the extreme damage his dick suffered when he accidentally thrust it into a McDonalds fryer during a bit gone horribly awry.
>>41258884maybe go clean up those ears, cuz he's been doing that anon
>>41259153what? i hate niji too
>>41259163not considering dropping him but disappointed yes
>>41259163yes, its a perfect storm of Vesper shitting the bed and new boys debuting at the same time
>>41259163No. We legitimately don't even know what you're talking about.
>>41258325I'm like this. The reason is that I feel like treating people nicely will make them go away faster.
>>41259144See you next stream lol
>>41259173Well they're definitely gonna give him his job back at the end so I'd be okay with it. He'd have so many new, interesting stories to tell.
>>41259163i'm not continuing my menshi
So his plan right now is to do minimap streaming because he has a lot of work piled up, and then after dealing with it go back to just enjoying the vacation and not streaming again???????????????/
>>41259173Same thing with the story of going out during a hurricane without telling his friends.Dude legit just coasts through life and uses being an introvert as an excuse.
>>41259163man just needs to stop putting off work and get his medsand take them
>>41259208nah,ill come back when they get distracted.
>>41259215The ones defending him ARE Vesties. They are done and can no longer be reasoned with.
>>41259173It's likely but that's part of the appeal
Yup, I'm a comfykoi from now on.
>>41259098literally the same reason half of fucking holoEN is/was there recently, has to do shit there for work and taking the opportunity to also make it a vacation
>>41259163Maybe stop listening to the voices in your head that compell you to be a bootlicker and label everyone else who is so much as disappointed antis.
>>41259213>still doesn't accept that vesper hates altare
>>41259247at this point he's just streaming for booze money and hotel fare
>>41259163yes who would put up with this bullshit?
>>41259163Yes. Vesper was my 2nd favorite in Tempus.
If Vesper """not caring about Tempus""" means less women in chat, then that’s a win for me.
>>41259178>>41257583me too, btw
Never thought I would dislike this guy so much. He started off so good.
>>41259163Not dropping him but I'm disappointed
>>41259062yes but they at least are well behaved most of the time
>>41259163Disappointed but still not considering dropping him
I hope none of the new boys is white like Vesper
>>41259163Me, but its been gradual. His content hasnt evolved, hes getting rewarded for half assing it. His content is primarily reading SCs. I feel like behind the scenes hes way less put together than his, 'mature' persona trys to give off
>>41259163Yes, most of us
>>41259132>people with criticism are all just catalog viewerscope retard I've been in MANS since day one and I always hated boy/girl collabs
>>41259215There's just a lot of tourists here today who are taking the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon. So complaining about him and his behavior is going to get you pulled into the tourist group. Even if that isn't your intent.
the people "unmembering" must be in the fake membership tier cause none of you fucks are posting his membership posts. If you were genuinely upset with him why aren't you leaking his posts?
>>41258325I used to be like this. I ended up losing a bunch of friends. At least with the ones I have left, they're the ones I never want to lose and they stuck with me through my toxic phase. Hope vesper goes through his too
>>41259264koipanion, anon
Well, I'm glad Vesper's safe because my oshi Magni cares about him. I still like him and will check him out when convenient, but I'm pretty disappointed. I wish he at least tweeted a quick "sorry, I won't be able to make it to the collab" so I wouldn't have spent the first half of the collab worried something was wrong.
anons are biting bait like it's tempus cum...
>>41259215People are flawed - it's better to accept them as they are
You think you want an autist oshi because “he’s just like me”, but you forget that will also mean stuff like the collab dodging.
>>41259272but EN was there to record HoloFes stuff. what the fuck is vesper working on?
>>41259303Let's see how he does on merch sales then.
>>41259163We have no idea what these 2 or 3 people are even talking about.
>>41259215I'm an astella.
>>41259264Way to out yourself as a tourist.
>>41259303But not caring about your coworkers is woman behavior
>>41258944>vesties are watching the stream tho...who are (you)?
Tempus VG feels very directionless right now. I think Vesper should have been in the collab but they also shouldn't have done a huge 8 people collab before everyone collabed with everyone and got a feel for what chemistry they have if at all but I also think Tempus should never have been allowed to collab with the Holos because that only causes yabs for both parties
>>41259316There's no way bettel ain't white
All the women's rrats about Vesper being submissive is slain in a single stream.
>>41259200Oh wait nevermind you're right! I can't wait for Vesper to play DnD with the boys offline again so I watch the editor's shitty clips brb gonna member back xD
>>41259313What's keeping you from dropping him?
>>41259163Extremely disappointed but don't know if i'm ready to drop him yet. Who would i even watch?
>>41259163I mean, I disapprove of him not throwing a "sorry" in there but I'm not going to drop him for it.
>>41259333shhh he is just a shitposter
>>41259316bettel... but he's one of the good ones
>>41257972Well apparently the hoes are more important. Nice "bros" you got there.
>>41259327What posts. He hasn't posted in days.
>>41259163I mean I think he's doing the best he can, people dont seem to be empathetic enough thinking about being in his shoes>family gathering drained him>still adapting to being in a new country>has to do an embarrassing IRL apology tour with management>nervous around new peopleI think he's doing his best to keep a stream going while mentioning these things but also trying not to dwell on them
>>41259163Actually yeah. I was a day one, but I've always been more about what I get out of the membership. And his paywall content kinda isn't that good. I dropped Gura for the same reason.I'll probably put vesper in the 'member for a month a year just to catch up' tier.
I'm scared to get too into the new boys. Everyone changes after money and success.. it's all fake. Not even the parasocial stuff, but they stop trying. I'm scared Magni will burn out and go down this path next.
I'm just watching cause I'm curious and he hasn't said a single interesting thing so far
I love the great irony of people who superchat him "nice to have zatsus back!!!!!" when theyre literally the reason why it's not a fucking zatsudan
>>41259316Bettel and Shinri are confirmed white. Flayon is Canadian but ethnicity still unknown
>>41259327I would if he didn't gatekeep all of his membership posts to T3 and above.
>>41259373Oh no, Ryona fags need to turn him Asian fast
>>41259373>>41259394>>41259409Isn't Bettel lactose intolerant?
The OMG ITS BAIT ITS RAID retards are 10 times worse than actual baiters
>>41259163dropping my membership I'll watch clips from now on
>>41259348>Tempus are joining too for HoloFes
>>41259316Bettel is whiter than a paper sheet
>>41259409was the canadian thing on screen knowledge?
>>41259373Quite possibly the whitest EN vtuber in existence >such and such British vtuber Brits aren't white
You are all stupid person i eat corn chi[p anbd laugh at you
>>41259370>Tempus VG feels very directionless right now.You aren't watching Shinri, are you?
>>41259215I think the problem is Tempus lives and dies by unity. The new boys have stepped up and seem like teamplayers.Vesper on the other hand is to "lol XD im an introvert" to care about unity.
>>41259382The fact that it's not that big of a deal on the long term for me to drop him? If he keeps dodging full tempus collabs then maybe
>>41259373>>41259409They've been doxxed /here/
>>41259215Vesper is my broshiSana is my OshiI'm defending both of them, they can do whatever they want and I'll still love them.
>>41259439Anyone who isn't American has a high chance of being lactose intolerant because the US is run by Big MilkBeing lactose intolerant is actually more normal than not
>>41259163lol no. what the fuck are people even crying about?
>>41259375This, lmaogoes to show fujo are literally living in their own fantasy delusional version of realityThere's no way you can force this man into doing anything
>>41259370>It only cause yabs for both parties>It's just schizos schizoing and nothing X or Y said or did on stream
>>41259403magni's already experienced success as his pl
>>41259029Wouldn't HQ have to interact with the VG in the interludes when they're not playing the game?
Vesper is still the best thing about Tempus, idgaf. That collab last night was cringe anyways with Flayon fujobaiting damn near the entire time.
>>41259163No, I would never drop him, I just feel a bit dissapointed but that will fade soon enough
>>41259348>what the fuck is vesper working onAxel mentioned something about July/their year anniversary in the context of wanting to sing a song for a friend who committed suicide in high school so potentially 3D
>>41257797These replies are proof that we're getting raided by kronii niggers white-knighting vesper.
>>41259448On screen? No but you can easily tell from his accent.
>>41259498it was most likely Oga
>>41259401No, I would give him another chance if he had say this BEFORE the collab.
>>41259163No. I'm just disappointed, that's it.
>>41259370Vesties finding a way to offload the problem to others again. Axel's and Hakka's idea to collab was good, especially because there's supposed to be no gen barriers so they need to make an effort to display that. They just forgot to account for the menhera drunkass called Vesper.
>>41259448he said "primary school", that's non-US wording
>>41259458I do, his morning zatsus are nice and it's nice he uses them for post-game zatsu stuff along with regular zatsu
kek, the amount of samefagging in this thread. /mans/ is going to great places. who would have thought.
>>41259468Lactose tolerance was developed in Europeans hundreds of years ago, like 90% of white people are tolerant.
>>41259523>>41259498does that mean he also met bae?
that's actually disrespectful as fuck, vesper
>>41259444The anti-anti raid raiders are worse than the raiders.
>Vesper providing the best Dad experience>Vesties complains when he go missing Why? You guys signed up for this.
>holostarsEN>their managers are all Japanese
>>41259370>should never have been allowed to collab with the Holosbased and correct
Nowa reminds me of early Mori with all the excuses now.
>Vesper met a JP Stars senpai>Doesn't even know who it was because he was too scared to askMy sides.
>>41259130He shouldn't anymore because doing it now would blow it up to be a bigger deal than it actually is, the ship's sailed.I'm saying he should have said sorry, not a heartfelt, teary apology, not him bowing in front of investors, same tone, same words, but with a "yeah sorry" at the start, it's really a no brainer social behavior for most people.It's not like I'm going to stop watching him or anything, I still like him, but he WAS being tactless with how he phrased it.
He's actually meeting Axel!!
if you were ever a vestieyume you only have yourself to blamevespers always been like this
What pisses me off is that magni was being a hardworker yet he got attacked for that, but when this guy is being obviously lazy he gets praised and forgiven. They got the wrong fanbases
>>41259563>surprised we have tourists itt
This might be the most annoying Tempus stream that I've ever watched. Listening to this shit is making me mildly angry
>>41259163I am a vestie. I won't drop the guy just because of this but goddamn I am just sad and upset. Ever since he got suspended shit went downhill because then he got busy with family and now busy in japan. Now getting busy to participate in a collab or how is too much to meet the new boys.I still like the guy but he is really making it super hard to continue giving a shit. I truly hope he actually gets better though.
>>41259444OMG its not a raid GuYz
>"cat island">"bunny island"sounds like sex to me
>>41259577Because it's a lie
JESASWhy are american hours so fucking terrible.
>>41259490>fujobaitingbetter than talking with whores
>>41259545Reminds me of early /hlgg/, we're going to go to fun places.
>>41259184That's even more baffling of a decision then. Why would literally no one think it would be a good idea to tell the audience he wouldn't the there beforehand?
>>41259577which jp cunny did he fuck
>>41259593>magni was being a hardworker yet he got attacked for thatWhat? When was he attacked for that?
>>41258209Holy based
>>41259488>didn't watch the previous L4D streamnot obvious btw
>MILF island>Vesper loves itsorry yumes
>>41259593Really puts Magni's>Why am I going the extra mile, whenInto perspective
>>41259636clearly miko
>>41259571At least we knew what Mori was busy doing.
Based, he was busy trying to see cats and bunnies, rare animals only found in Japan.
Vesper DEVOURED by Rabbits...Wait no... is this secretly about his Vore fetish isn't it...
>>41259577How did he know it was a StarsJP senpai then? Did staff just say "this is your senpai!" and leave it at that?
>>41259163I think he has horrible communication skills and is way too impulsive. He's still entertaining to listen to and unless he changes his content I'll still be here, but this has made me reconsider how invested I want to let myself be.
>>41259593Mags... my beautiful mags... he deserves the Astolfo redesign he truly wants...
>>41259653he got attacked by a car
>>41259653discmites led by a schizo called 'skycompass'
I'm sorry that I'm really new to vtubers but...what does spreadsheeted mean...
>>41259503there is no way they get 3D so soon
>>41259671fucking magmite hate, he deserves better
>>41259653See his last members zatsu
>>41259635That's Vesper's job. Why the fuck would anyone else, but the person who actually can't make it announce that?
I wish I was fucking dead
>>41259322>catalog viewerskys newfag
>>41259653When he lied and hid the fact he had covid because he didn't want to be stopped from streaming.
>>41259715holy newfag
Genuine question for everyone:If Vesper has been invited to Japan by Cover, and they haven't given him ANY sort of itinerary that works for them, and have told him he can vanish for two fucking weeks as long as he gets his work done while he's there, is management not at least partially responsible for being useless and letting him have an excuse to miss a big PR collab for them?
>>41259653El no sabe
>>41259715Already too late for you
>>41259715it means you'll get raped if you comment on a stream
>>41259055me toooo
Based hag appreciator Vesper
>>41259593What pisses me off the most is how hard Altare works only to have his passion projects continually undermined by lazy people and people who can't control their emotions.
>>41259316Bettel is the whitest man alive
chances altare told him to get his shit together because he’s fucking everyone else over and that’s why vesper hates him now?
>one more hourSo he has two hours today but not yesterday?
>>41259635It wouldn't be kosher to outright announce he wouldn't make it and that it was his fault.
>>41259715Lurk moar
what the fuck is this retard talking about
>>41259785after missing the podcast recording, very high
After all these excuses, even his laugh is so irritating now...
glad altare doesn't talk about vesper in his streams anymore
axel put me in the screenshot. i want to be on your discord
>>41259199>BettelI don't know man.
>>41259715>admitting he's a newfaglurk moar
sorry to get in the way of the doomposting, but is shiny spicy today? thanks
>>41259751>>41259805I'm sorry, I only got into them relatively recently because a friend showed me clips and then I came here for advice on who to watch. I'm sorry!>>41259758>>41259762I see...
>>41259624they'll get bored, eventually just ignore the troll posts
>>41259752Nice fantasy. It has to be something else, it just can't be the dude who already set a precedent of ghosting and ignoring stuff.
>>41259772Honestly hearing VG talk about how helpful Altare, Mag and Axel make me appreciate them even more.
>>41259409>>41259448flayon is absolutely canadian. his mannerisms, accent, and inflections are too obvious. my question is, do we have enough to deduce what part of canada?
>>41259832Shiny spicy monhun is today, yes
Vesper is really craving a MILF....
>>41259832In an hour
>>41259700kek and checked
>>41259839I'm sorry friend, you're already in the books
>>41259669???They did right at the start and the end. I know it's been months, but your dementia is kicking in.
>>41258487do it in red super chat you coward
>>41259832in an hour!
>>41259839this anon is cute
>>41259163I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, missed when he actually talked about the reason why he didnt do the collab, hoping anons here are not twisting his words but if it was "im overworked and i cant handle so many people" that seems like a shit excuse. Reminder Vesper is the guy that always goes "tempus are my bros, i love the guild, i wish good luck to the new boys" but after what happened here it all rings hollow. Im not dropping him but he seriously fucked over the collab with this.
When's the zatsudan starting?
>>41259785Leader openly said he tardwrangled Axel after the Wheel of Tempus situation. Axel's abscence made it a better stream and he still scolded him for oversleeping.So chances are high.
>>41259832yuh. they're hoping to be valkhana this time
>>41259839what kind of friend sends someone to /vt/ for vtuber recommendations well, you're in the frying pan nowbe quick to adapt
>>41259369Vesper is my least favourite member of Tempus. I find him boring, so I only watch him in collabs
>>41259448He talks the same way as Millie
>>41259858Inb4 he’s secretly french canadian
>"i had a panic attack guyz sorry">menhera vesties instantly forgive himHow do I get a fanbase this blindly faithful and parasocial bros?
I need a vestie edit of the discmite, to properly convey my disgust
>>41259163I unsubbed though I wouldn't call myself a Vestie. He was my favorite on Debut but his content has not been my cup of tea for awhile now. This just pushed me to hit the button.
I don't even expect him to meet Axel anymore despite having 2 weeks to do so and this being the perfect opportunity that may not come again for a long while or maybe everAt this point I'm not even bothering expecting that
>>41259839it's ok. they'll be gentle cuz you're cute
>>41259925>french canadiani would anti immediatelyt. anglo canadian
not sure why anyone would try to get into holopro without the expectation of having to interact with multiple people at once.
>>41259935who caresit's free entertainment
>>41259529hes been talking about this for a month newfagyou are not even trying anymore? lame
Axel is going to correct Vesper's behaviour when they meet. Trust in the plan.
>ghosts full tempus collab>comes back one day later drunk and rambling on about nonsensewhat the fuck dad
>>41259795social battery hort
>>41259892>Axel's abscence made it a better streamExtremely questionable take.
>>41259839cute newfriend
>>41259163I'm mostly worried about his drinking desu.
Curious, the members who actually stream never bitch about being behind on work all the time. Does Nowa have bad work ethic or what
>>41259163He’s the only STARen I’ll watch.
So if Axel and Vesper are meeting for the anniversary, why is the cook off cancelled?
>>41259839Don't apologize, just lurk moar, that's what you do when you try getting into a new community, site, board or what have you.When I was looking into buying a bike and didn't know shit about them I went to /n/ and lurked.We were all newfags at one point or another, don't feel too embarrassed, just lurk moar.
>>41259785Based leader
>>41259967You wanted the Dad vtuber experience, you're getting the Dad vtuber experience.
>>41259935Be mentally ill
>>41259935>Calling vesties menhera for being reasonableThe people still bitching about it are the ones being menhera.
>>41259951He literally auditioned as a bit and did his video in a single take not expecting to get in.
>188 IPsyeah totally not raided.guess i'll back when tempurple collab starts.
>he was a larperoh no
>>41259987What the fuck even IS the "work" that they have to do?
>>41259858As a Canadian I don't hear anything Canadian about his voice. Is it like a west coast thing?
>>41259439There are lots of lactose intolerant white people. The one guy I knew that was lactose intolerant in school was one of the whitest guys in my class.
>>41259445shut up axelthis nigger bots are stuttering already
>>41259627Like you?
>>41259839welcome to the only place decent enough to discuss Tempus. Pro tip: don't visit this place during dead hour
>>41259987>goes missing and informs no oneWhadd'ya think anon?
>>41259935Give me the link to your chatroom.
>>41259903They didn't, I usually go to /vg/. I never really liked female vtubers and the male Nijis are really offputting to me for some reason. But I liked the Magni clips I was shown so I came to /MANS/ to ask for other clips/recommendations for the other boys and now here I am.>>41259948>>41259874>>41259980Oh, thank you!>>41259868Oh no oh no>>41259995Okay, thank you!
>HEMAsounds based>boxingbased
>American>does EUROPEAN martial artshmmmmmmm
>>41259967at least he ain't molesting you......yet....
>>41259464Can we use you to sniff out future problem candidates?t. Cover vtuber recruitment
>>41260038West coast is the last place you would look for a stereotypical Canadian accent.
>>41259935Panic attacks happen, they suck shit and I hope you'll remain ignorant on what it feels like
>>41259987altare has a insane sleep schedule so I wouldn't really compare him to be fair
>>41259987I'm starting to think that's what his suspension was actually about.
>>41259163I'm an axelotl but the whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Mostly because L4D, which Axel was hyping ever since the new boys debut, got cancelled. Fuck they were talking about how excited they were to collab with the boys during the yakinuku stream to yeah?
RPR's back in the bowl, baby
Vesper ran around in the forest with his nerd friends yelling lightning bolts and fireball
>>41260064Americans didn't get to that each other with swords anon
>>41259978Why? It was a really fun and unique situation, it made it more memorable than just a regular tempus game collab. Axel is my oshi, too. Even gained him common ground with the woman by treating her as "the other me" in his totsu.
>>41260037I've often wondered this.
>>41260069I wish he would molest me... at least I'd know he cared...
>>412601169th member
>>41260064He's a scholar
>>41260116LET'S GO RPR
>>41259776He's one of the good ones!
>>41260098Bro just don’t panic lmao
>He ghosts his new genmates
>>41259490Lol, holy cope. The last collab was great the good ol days
>>41259925>french canadianif true, he needs to graduate immediately
You know I believe Vesper when he explains it's his anxiety when doing a big male collab. Especially after spending so much time with family he doesn't like to hang around too often. Then traveling immediately to a new country and going into a Japanese corporate work environment like Cover IRL for work. I can also understand that he probably finds women less threatening to be around, which is why he did the Monopoly collab. Magni, Mori, and Kronii being very familiar collab partners also likely helped him get on board. I can tell he would have been wigging out at Pummel Party considering how that went. That was a shitton of male energy. Heck, Axel IRL alone might be intimidating for him. As another anxious person I understand these things to an extent.That being said, Vesper does need figure out how to work around it. I get the suspension and sudden holiday plans before a big trip is chaotic, but missing stuff like this sucks. I can only imagine how bad his anxiety is, but when you want to do jobs as big as this then you got to face it from time to time.As an anon on 4chan, I can't tell him what to do. As a viewer though, I would like to see him follow through on things like the collab and other such big projects. I understand the chaos, but I hope it we don't see more things fall through. At the very least, I hope his time with Axel irl and future smaller collabs with VG will warm him up for larger male collabs.
>>41260116no… he’s so lonely he’s responding to RPR…
the fuck is going on here.
>>41260095But his accent isn't stereotypical, I've lived in Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Ontario and it doesn't sound like any of those regions.
I am kinda upset at him. Of course I am not dumb to drop him just for this but the influx of tourists pointing out every single detail of what he is saying is not helping.I will just leave and come back when the other collab happens. I really hope nowa doesnt keep dodging future full tempus collabs though. Take care.
>>41260118god that woulda been amazing
>>41260098If you're over thirty and still having panic attacks, you need therapy
>>41260037no idea, all I hear is "work" as if they are developers in an Indian IT company working for 70 hours a week
>>41260116Rpr plz go to Japan and hang out with Axel. We all know Nowa won't.
>>41260116Altare tweeting at rpr instead of dropping by Vesper's stream...
>>41259839cutechama please get out of here.If you want to find who to watch, go to the Holostars website, look at them amd pick some that you like, then check out clips and watch the ones that click with you. frequenting this board will only sour your experience with vtubers.
>>41260037>Reviewing birthday merch>???>getting mad about perms>reading updates from management
>>41260136i thought the 9th member was girl_dm?
hes just like me fr fr
>i'm trying my best>ghosts a collab with the new boys after a collab with the girls just before
>>41260177shitposters from the collab are still lingering here
>>41260058I'd recommend you watch Judge Magni and their first L4D2 collab
Girldm is going to fuck altare!
>>41260202He's mad at Nowa, deservedly
>>41260121the only memorable thing about it was that she used his model otherwise it was just whatever
Forcing VG to be apart of Tempus has ruined the group dynamic. You cant change my mind.Massive mistake on management that will end up biting them in the ass.
>>41260116This is also a good advice for some of the anons in this thread
>>41260202When was the last time either one appeared in the other's stream?
>>41260116you're doing this on purpose, you're trying to drive me insane. UNBELIEVABLEfix the chromatic aberration in your browser right now
>>41259439He claims he thinks he is. He also eats nothing but sugar. I wouldn't be surprised if he just has awful gastrointestinal problems regularly.
>>41260116RPR is a leech don't enable this shit
>>41260034Well >we are twice as fast as Global right now
>>41260116COLLAB WHEN
>>41260202He hates him...
Ok, which one of you sent that Canadian superchat?
>>41260167he won't do anything and he will make more money than you while doing no work
>>41260167I ain’t reading all of that
whether you drop him or not vesties, looks like it has actually created a crack between the different fanbasesnot sure how optimistic I am about the future
>>41260282god help us
well he talks to Bettel at least
>>41260256The group dynamic was torched when Vesper chimped out and ruined multiple projects. All we can do now is hope to organically foster a new group dynamic.
Stop blaming catalouge niggers, the reason people are mad is because this is the tipping point for giving him the benefit of the doubt
>>41260256>Altare gets along with them>Axel gets along with them>Magni gets along with themHMM, I WONDER WHO THE PROBLEM IS
No, No off collabs with w*men.
>>41260216Girl_dm is a girl so she can only have "honorable VIP of the tempus guild"
>>41260202could you blame him? he’s probably seething. you know how seriously he takes tempus if you watch him at all
>>41259163Canceled my membership, not dropping him or unsubbing but just really disappointed. There was quite a bit of time to not only get to know the new boys, but also prepare for the big collab. Like these guys are your coworkers going forward, people you'll be working with for the long haul if you plan on doing this for any real amount of time. I'll keep watching when he does games/collabs and stuff like I normally have.
>>41260304I love futas...
>>41260269When the world needed them most, they vanished.
>Please do an off collab>No way fagBeggars BTFO'D
>>41260058from the new boys the bettel and shinri We Were Here collab was pretty good.
>>41260269I AM a fujo and I HATE Nowa
Ok, I cooled down. It was my mistake to like Vesper so much. I'll just enjoy what he wants to give and not get too much into it. Still unmembering, I'm giving my membership to hermanito because I bet his karaokes will be cracked.
>>41260198>If you have emotional problems that affect your life negatively you should see a therapistNo shit.Even before your thirties therapy is the logical conclusion to suffering a panic attack."Therapy" isn't a bad word, there's no shame in going to therapy.
>talking about magni, mori, kronii offcollab
>off collab with w*menits over
>>41260321yep that's essentially what he said
>>41260313he's literally explained his reasonswhat else do you want him to do?
>>41260297>Tempus member with the highest male to female ratio gets hated by womenoh no...... anyway
>>41260275he isn't under every reply and acts pretty normal its fine by me
Add Eggbert to the spreadsheet
>>41260304Your futa-on-male only makes my penis harder
>Doesn't care about antisbased
>>41260269I'm at work and I'm listening to the stream you motherfucker, post porn yourself!
>that one
>>41260297Oh I'm doomposting I'm a doomer I'm selling my vestie stocks everyone sell now
>>41260339>spoilersGood, hermanito needs all the money he can get to scape LATAM.
>>41260253sure, that's enough for me. it adds to "the lore". it doesn't have to be too deep, just "remember that time axel overslep and we got the woman to use his model?" makes it memorable.
>>41260363There's a difference between reasons and excuses
All this talk about him ignoring boys or not is cool and all, but let's talk about real shit for a moment. Where is the next DnD session old man!
>>41258831only if he collabs with kronii RM
>vesper gets doxxed>horny anon goes to his house>gets stabbed by his boar spear
>>41260321I don’t believe him. He’ll definitely have a drinking offcollab with mori sometime in the future
Damn. He's really close with Kronii now huh?
>>41260297dropping his ass for Shinri and Bettel
>>41260377I'm on my work laptop. I can't save porn on there!
>>41260363>what else do you want him to do?change his behavior so he stops ruining things for the rest of the boys.>i feel bad but not bad enough to change my behavior
>>41260376you show up to his house to try and shout some stupid shit, you're getting a bird shot in the face.
>>41260216shes in XSOLEIL now
>he does a little trolling Vesper is preparing the punji sticks and IEDs for when the veaties finally find his house
>was afraid to say popemobile
All these tourists are actually making me worried. Am I retarded for not being mad or dropping Vesper?
does he actually like kronii kek. He reminds me of middleschoolers that insult their crush for attention
Omgosh vesperonii sisters he's spilling tea!!!! drink up!!!!
>pope mobile
>>41260398>scape LATAMBro', sácame de LATAM también, no mams.
>>41260442you're smart for having your own opinions
>>41260404i'm sure he'll continue (with or without the new guys) after his vacation ends.
>>41260424There is nothing to change.
>>41260442no you're sane.just enjoy him.
>forgot to mute the audible swig of whiskey>mutes the next time
>>41260256I disagree. There's nothing about "more people joining the guild" that makes any difference from how "gen 2 holostars EN" would be treated. The problem is that Omegatranny is autistic about EN not being allowed to be senpai/kouhai, so he had to add the retarded shit of "two of them were members all along". Just make the lore "the boys needed more members, held auditions, here's the four they picked"
>>41259163Not dropping, just disappointed. He desperately needs to start make actual REAL content again soon. This 1 paid zatsu a week shit is grating. I just want solo comfy streams, remember factorio??Not to get tribal, but I've been full binging Bettel instead and am way more entertained.
>>41260445He just likes the bit, that's about the extent of it.
>offcollab with women>no mention of meeting altare whatsoeverKek you thought it couldn't become worse, yet it did
>>41260366We bros are gonna take care of him
>>41260409Zagreus has a black eye?
>>41259862Soon enough, he'll even lie about his wizardry
Can somebody go call the Hakkitos to come spam the thread with ES memes, I love those glittery Facebook memes
>>41260368>acts pretty normalOnly with Axel. He's very different when with the other company
>>41260442no they're all falseflaggers espcially the ones that namedrop kronii
>>41260442I mean, I'm not dropping him, just removing my membership since I don't like paying for nothing.
>>41259772Yeah, it really sucks. I hope he'll be able to do some projects with just members of VG and Axel, since it seems like they're all really hungry to try some new things and willing to put in the work.
>>41260442maybe a little but its fine and your own call honestly
>>41260496because that's actually on the table.
>>41260445I mean, he did prioritize collabing with her over the VG boys so…
>>41260377Woah chill sister, but based.I laughed way more at your post than i should.kekt.straightbro
>>41260442>touristsNo, but you're retarded for lumping any negative post as tourists. Who are we getting raided by? /hlgg/? They love Vesper's cock.
>>41260445he probably likes her as a friend but he's made it very clear that any kind of romance with coworkers is bad/not interested at all
>>41260316Management forcing the bois to have dynamics with strangers that they havent had time to acquaint with? Glad you agree with me.
>>41259892>>41259978It's because, while funny, it's only something that can be done once before it gets old
>>41260269>Ohhhh fucking fujos leave my bros alone!! my broshi is fucking every hologirl at this moment haha gotcha stinky fujo! >Ohhhh but the trolls! we can't handle the trolls by ourselves! please come back fujosisters we need your protection!
>>41260442You are smart for not giving in to a retarded discord raid.
Hey Magni, think you can get Altare to show up?
Fucking wish a could get a hand on you internet niggas, would be fucking Marco Funky Town tier.
>>41260442donmai, simple as
>>41260416When you consider how much of an introvert he is, she must really like him
What was the game?
>>41260409>filenameWouldn't it be easier to post his sister?
>>41258487Spammer I KNEEL
Looking forward to the interviews in 2024 when he's finally done recharging I guess
>>41260167I actually agree with this. I agree and see why this happened. But he really needed to join for 'first' events like that. Even if he stayed silent during it.
>>41259986genuinely curious. is there medication that mimics the inhibition blocking nature of alcohol? Introverts with social anxiety self medicate with booze, and it becomes a vicious cycle of getting loaded whenever you have social obligations, since it's the only thing that works
>>41260514Why the fuck would you want people spamming DBZ memes and repeating one spanish word over and over?
Lmao>"a week recharging"Hahahahha vesties hes going on another break after the vacation
>gonna get home>gonna spend a week recharging before streaming againKEK
>>41260442You'll notice few people are talking about being mad at him or dropping him.He's in the wrong, he was tactless, but a sensible person doesn't go from "I LOVE UNCLE NOWA" to "HE BETRAYED US AND I'LL HATE HIM FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE".You can be disappointed with him and still like him, if you hadn't liked him you wouldn't be disappointed, right?
>>41259806They wouldn't even have to say the real reason why though? Even just "Vesper can't make it to the Tempus collab - just some technical issues, nothing to worry about" would have instantly quieted down all the panicking.
>>41260517good thing this is the tempus general and the other company isn't relevant here
>>41260565kek is that real?
>autism hortI'm done
>I've done a little trollingHe's literally /here/.
>>41260442I unironically don't even know what people are mad about. As in I genuinely don't even know what the shitposts are, much less what could even be twisted into being a yab.
>>41260442i'm the same with you. just sad he didn't join the collab yesterday. that's it. if you are bothered with these doomposters, just get out /MANS/ and comeback later.
Just a reminder that it was Kronii who approached him first
>>41260442All that means is that you like Vesper, but didn't really care that much about Tempus unity, which is fine. Most vtuber gens aren't that close, but Tempus seemed like the exception, and that's why people are upset that he doesn't seem to care.
magni is a vesper defender
>>41259581is your skin made of paper?go back to twitter tranny
LMAO he didn't even watch the collab
>>41260514is this glittery enough?
>>41260532My son, I'd even take some genderbent Tempus porn spam at this point, post 'em if you got 'em
Magni PLEASE fucking save Vesper. PLEASE.
im more inclined to believe that the damage control janitors are the real discordfags than people voicing criticism of his laziness
>None of the boys are upset about him not being in the collabso why the fuck are you guys still bitching about it?
>>41260545Flay has been in group chats for months you fucking retarded threadreader
There's no bad blood, you guys can relax now
it just keeps getting worse LMAO
>>41260607>>41260609And then he'll have another excuse to get another breakLiterally the Gura of Tempus
>>41260664Not Christian enough
>>41260656the cliques are aligning
What are you guys freaking out about?
>>41260675you think they're going to bitch about vesper ghosting them in public?
>>41257310The wrong Bocchi...
>>41260672Magni can't even save himself.
>>41260657Magmites know who Dez loves most among the boys.
literally normal bro conversatinocan you fucks calm down now?
For those who care about such things, Vesper wiggly is next apparently
>>41259150that was for the nuke joke to management
>>41260664Needs more Christian scripture
>>41259772all of those were dropped cuz the editor he hired shitted the bed, you would know this if you watched streams
>talent whose only talent is talking>/MANS/ seething when the only content is talking
>>41260713Inferior bocchi
>>41258909Vesper kicked from the guild... Altnowa will never recover.
>>41260675you're retarded if you think they'll start drama in public
>>41260442You're not retarded anon, I'm not actually mad at him either since his reasoning is understandable considering we've known he is extremely autistic since debut. He is trying is best, as a socially stunted person that is.
>>41260727Don't post the rat while the thread is being raided...
>>41260038Yeah, I don't hear it either, and I'm also on the East side of Canada. I don't know where people are getting that from.
>>41260675Tourists and meido is missing anon. What can ya do?
nah bro that's a legitimate response. bitches have low standards
>>41259173he will lives tempus for riding kronii
>>41260675It's 2 people.>>41260607>>41260609Note how they post immediately in sequence when vesper says something that they think validates their position.
>>41259163I literally fell for him on his first week. I was nonstop defending him during the suspension and during the Kronii Yab, but now I'm just tired. I'm too angry and I just don't want to hear about him. I really hope he gets his shit together.
>dont be an assholeself awareness doko
>>41260615true, but if you remember his last zatsu and the discussion in here during and after it, a lot of people were no longer in the "I LOVE UNCLE NOWA" phase for a little while now.The current collab situation actually upsets me a lot less than how shitty his content has been for months. Thankfully the dingo turned out to be really good at actual zatsu, I enjoy his talking streams a lot. His gaming streams also have some really nice zatsu-worthy tangents.
>>41260675We've been having shitposters for the last couple of days. It was fucking awful during yesterday's stream.
>take a shower>brush your teeth>hit the gym>gain test>have sex>get a clue
>>41258169sexy lazy menhera
>>41260675>>41260773that's totally why we should start the drama ourselves, sisters!!
>>41260675They backed him when he was in the wrong for yelling at staff. Clearly they're all cocksuckers too.
>>41260727What the fuck is even a wiggly?
>>41260818Pretty weak if you ask me. I would never drop my oshii just because they skipped a collab with people I don't even care about.
>>41260616Why should they lie?
>>41260652take it from a guy, if a hot girl approaches you, maybe for her its normal but for a desperate guy he will behave exactly like how Vesper behavesHe is ready to throw everything just to have a chance with her
>>41260496He hates altare remember
>>41260727I don't know this rat, but I look forward to the wiggly.
You hear that Femanons?That's how you do it
>>41260825Not that I noticed, but I haven't been keeping tabs.
>>41260652post the fucking dumpster diving comic
nglhes right
females don't do this pls
Absolute fucking kek holy shit
>hurrr durrr am i alone in ignoring all his numerous retarded moves that he himself even admits are bad hmmmm im thinkin im le based??? raid tourists bad btw wholesome updoots to the left
>>41260905are you sure about that, this is very compelling advice
Okay that was good.
Booking a flight to Japan right now with a baseball bat
>>41260905You're right, you need to shower and brush your teeth AND put out the bait
>>41260601I was prescribed antidepressants for social anxiety disorder before. But there are also other medication options I can't remember the name of right now that are more specifically for panic attacks or fast acting temporary anxiety treatment.
>>41260442Nah, you're good. That said, I'm a little surprised by how bad Vesper is with social situations.Yumejos please do that to me.
>>41260545They've been around since at least the Tempus RAFT collabs.
alright that was funny
>>41260751The only content is SUPERCHATS
>>41260751I want zatsu, not superchat reading. I don't need a virtual nanny, it's not the sound of someone's voice that I'm looking for. What he's saying is important, retard.
So Magni's fucking off then
>>41260905Yeah, you have to add an extra layer to it.
>>41260108Yeah, comparing leader to literally any streamer is just unfair since he's an insomniac and basically spends 80% of his days streaming, thinking about streaming, preparing for streams and watching streams.
>>41260949This man has been stabbed twice and one time didn't even notice. He's a unit. You're going to need more than a baseball bat.
>>41260905As a man I have no problem with being on the receiving end of this tactic.FOLLOW HIS ADVICE YUMES
Im going to buy whatever a 30 tea eye thingy is supposed to be I guess, wish me luck!
>>41260938This is an Spain eSports specific meme anon it doesn't apply here
>>41260938they are so kino
Vesper...another victim to big pharma
>>41259871>>41259488>Wouldn't HQ have to interact with the VG in the interludes when they're not playing the game?then>>>>41259871>They did right at the start and the endkys
>>41260167I wonder if he had much direct interaction with VG prior to this. Obviously we know that within his gen they were all already gaming buddies before their first collab, and even then it's clear he has a hard time since there's also performance anxiety to go with it.If he hasn't actual spent much time actually interacting with VG, I can understand why he would be too anxious to do a big 8 person collab with 4 people he's not all that familiar with. When you have social anxiety, the newer a person(s) is for you, and the more people there are, the more anxiety you have to endure. For me, it takes a long time to actually get used to a new person, and stop feeling anxiety around them.
>>41261012>>41260938>>41260664Thank you Hakkitos, I appreciate it
>>41260514I offer 1 retard
>>41261010but it's funny...
>>41260514 y si no quiero que
>>41261048Alright Altare please calm down now.
>>41260869Its not just the collab its all of this >>41252598Also why would I even bother with him when Majin tells me that he loves me, gives me kisses, likes my tweets and does 6–5 streams a week even when he doesn't have a fucking schedule.
>>41258916So bros before hoes really means nothing?
I don’t care about Vesper. Can you guys leave the thread before the Shiny Spicy collab in 30 minutes please.
>>41261026Vesper survived a collab with Axel and four JP senpai even if he spent too much time worrying about how to not mess up a telephone game where the point was there to be mess ups. Collabing with other English speaking people should be less stressful.
He is literally me... wtf
The anniversary collab better be a banger, because HQ unity is in shambles right now.
>another drunk blackout story...
>>41261121when are they adding the crow to monhun streams? WHEN ARE THEY ADDING THE CROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW?
>>41260116rpr finally finding a way to get his attention - mental breakdown and depression talk
>>41261148sasuga maguni
is he actually an alcoholic?
>I'm such an introvert guys!>*story that would happen to no introvert ever*
what's wrong with this guy
>>41259163he's not my oshi but i've been watching him since debut. Not dropping bim but I'm disappointed. He didn't need to show up in collabs regularly cause I get his reasons, but he could at least show up for milestone streams like 6 months and the first full collab. desu he didn't even need to talk much (i know shinri didn't talk much too), i just need him to be there.
is-is my oshi an alcoholic?
>>41260667I got no porn but i guess this will have to do.
Nice introvert you got there
i've never been drunk before but being drunk just sounds like you gain a really shitty kind of teleportation + charisma
>vesper gets so drunk at a convention he respawns in Florida
>>41261195Unironically yes.
>>41261200introversion is just how you react to stimuli silly
>>41261200yeah actually what the fuck
>he got drunk and raged at his manager
>>41260961>names his mate after flayon and tries to have babies with him>suddenly turns around and does thisCHEATER
>>41261241>confidenceoh yea
>>41261185I noticed that kek out of all the shit that he tried to relate to him on it was this.
This guy has alcohol problems.
>>41261200similar stuff happens to me when I'm drunk but I'm super reserved when I'm sober
If Kronii mentions are gonna be a staple from now on I might actually drop him. Don't get me wrong, I'm already annoyed with him mentioning the boys, specifically when he builds on the other's bits (Magmo, what Axel would/wouldn't do) but him doing the same for someone he literally collabed with only 5 times just feels weird
>>41261241It's only a charisma buff to other drunk people, to sober people you just look retarded.
based sane vestie SC
>>41260961trying to make a cute femboy sandwich... I see, I see.
>>41261241being drunk is a charisma booster but if you start teleporting and waking up in different states you are doing it wrong and probably have a problem
I might switch to Magni as my oshi actually. I liked Vesper initially bc he was fun, kinda awkward and streamed exactly when I was commuting to work in the morning, so it was easy to catch him online. But now he's not streaming often, in Japan and I'm kinda disappointed in quality of his content recentlyI'm not dropping him completely, just disappointed. Also that WolfQuest stream was kino, I fell in love with The MAG way more than I was already
>>41261290he didn't mention her once for autists like you
So he gets drunk a lot. That's definitely another red flag. If he keeps drinking like that he's going to get in trouble with the company and end up graduating.
>>41261241You get a memory loss debuff the next morning tho.
W-what's wrong with Ohio?
>>41261290Fuck off then
>tourists are taking advantage of the confession on why Vesper missed the collab>Vesties are assblasted that he missed a full Tempus collab/here/vesties and Discord Magmites are the same and should kill themselves.
This thread is shit now with all these retarded Vesper antis. Thinking its time to bail.
>>41261200introvert just means your social battery get drained interacting with people irl Anon..
>>41261290He's collabed with Kronii more than Axel
>>41261320Enjoy the ride
>>41261327you fucking die
>>41261241I've never gotten drunk before but I got close, I have no idea how people get actually drunk because I felt like shit before I got there and stopped drinking and went to bed
>>41261308The Mag deserves so much more love and recognition than he gets
So the schedule since August looks kinda this way:>1 week of ghosting for literally no reason -> some streaming -> 2 week suspension (lasts 3 weeks) -> tiny amount of streaming -> 2 weeks of family vacation -> enjoying the japan vacation -> oops work piled up time to work off stream -> work is done time for some japan vacation time -> going back home, time for 1 week battery recharging2023 Vesper Noir schedule looking kinda tasty not gonna lie
>>41261300wow actual criticism and not unicorn schizos raiding as grey names
>>41261327Besides it being the most boring empty depressing drugged up shithole, nothing
>>41261290He's clearly at a level of comfort with her where he doesn't mind the mentions and even likes playing into the bit. Also>I'm already annoyed with him mentioning the boysSo you're just a menhera
Many introverts turn to alcohol to turn off that social aversion... just like me...
>>41261308WolfQuest made Magni my oshi. Not that he wasn't close already as he's my 2nd fav
>>41261346He had a better talk with Axel in their izakaya stream than he ever had with Kronii though
I need a Vesper edit of this
>>41261344No, that's fucking normal. Introverts don't get blackout drunk with strangers.
>>41260202I mean, rpr has actually probably kept up with Tempus VG more than Vesper has.
Was is tourism or working
>>41261370Gura has been gone for a bit don't think.....they are?!?
>>41261200I'm an extreme introvert. When a bunch of extreme introverts do shit together it gets weird. I once traveled across the country with 4 dudes I didn't know the names of. We went to this concert and there was a guy wearing puttees and smoking a pipe who helped my friend cut the teeth out of a dead raccoon. Another guy was giving live phrenology exams and everyone was wearing corpse paint.
>he gets into the zone when hes working which is why he couldnt tweet that he wasnt going to be in the collabbut you never work apparently with all the backlogs you have
>i get into the zone when working>there was stuff i wanted to do here [japan]too busy to tweet a heads up?
I vividly remember Vesper saying early on that he doesn't like alcohol because he hates not being in control of his own mind, or something like that. huh...
>>41261336You know Discord Magmites aren't actually just magmites, right? Skycompass is an axelotl anon.
>>41261414Some do
>>41261430you should become a vtuber
>>41261430>I once traveled across the country with 4 dudes I didn't know the names of. You're not an introvert.
>>41261457Yeah kek what the fuckMr. "I hate being drunk" sure has a lot of "I was drunk" stories
>>41261300>Speaking for the vestiessounds like a bitch he should just speak for himself. concernfags are the worst
>>41261308>>41261392alright, appreciate it, would never have checked that VOD without these comments, thanks mates
>>41261300Based, finally someone calls him out properlyAs expected, Vesper addresses it for half a second before moving on
>>41261290>He got a girls attention and i am jealousunbrolike behaviour.
You're never gonna fix his ghosting issue no matter how much you try to correct him
>>41261481hes an ambivert when hes drunk
>>41261457he slipped into alcoholism and the vesties are encouraging it. he probably feels the only way he can be entertaining is when hes drunk
>>41261200>male lamyIT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW
>>41261457Meanwhile he spends his time in Japan getting sloshed
>>41261481I guarantee you I am. I only knew their screen names and we agreed to not use our real ones. Was funny and awkward when a waiter doxxed us with the names on our debit cards
>>41261325Don't forget the Liver Hort health debuff.
>>41261387Like I said, I don't like it when he plays the other's bits when they aren't there. Feels cheap, like stealing someone's joke as your own
>>41261112does not apply here. It applies when you're choosing between ruining your friendship or ruining your fucking opportunity. If missing one hangout with "bros" ruins your friendship i seriously doubt it is a friendship at all. If it was a hiking adventure it would make sense, but it was a fucking game and one you play to meet your job quotas on top of that. It's like your manager told you you're breaking "bro code" if you're not staying after hours in your job for your "bro" co-workers
>>41261300He really is male Gura how do you even get communication shizos that constantly want to hear from you
>>41261414Any social situation involving alcohol I hit it hard because it's easier than talking with strangers
>>41259935>lost to the vesties LMAO
>>41261241It depends on how much you drink. College kids constantly get blackout drunk, and that's where the unhinged stories come fromYou're an alcoholic when alcohol essentially becomes a kind of caffeine that helps you function.
I took the same damage as Vesper at that affordable housing comment.
>>41261506BECOME NOWA
>>41261449is he in high school coming up with lame excuses of why he didn't do his homework?cmon dude, talk like an adult
>>41261457you sure that was him? don't think so
>>41261506He's the true gray Lamy after all...
>14? Oh Altare plays that? Absolutely not then
Just got off work, has Vesper mentioned anything about D&D's OGL bullshit this zatsu?
>>41261457it was coffee, wasn't it? he says it makes his mind faster. he doesn't want to feel either slower or faster, he wants to feel like himself.the logic still applies, but I'm fairly sure the example was coffee.
>refuses to play ff14full party dream is dead
>>41261577kek, he literally said he would never do drunk streams because of it.
this guy is literally never not based
>>41261577it was lol
>>41261408only if the follow up is this
>>41261459And some /here/vesties aren't actually Vesties. They're shitposting tourists and it's evident ITT right now
Hes a raging alcoholic. He reminds me of Nina. Whens their drinking collab?
>>41261481You don't even know what introvert means.
>>41261541Yeah, but not showing up makes the whole branch and him look bad. Plus they had to last minute change the game they were playing because of it.
>>41261613Altare will play with his indie and niji friends
>>41260198if anything you'll get more panic attacks as you get older as you'll have even more responsibilities. Most people getting panic attacks are in their 40s/50s
>>41261506Lamy doesn't even go outside she just sits at home playing video games on her break>t.Yukimin-san
>>41261613It'll be a full party. With Niji
>>41261554Why would you willingly enter a social situation with strangers? And then get drunk alone?
>wants his 1 pounder bronze cannonJUST LIKE THE FOUNDING FATHERS INTENDED
>>41261591Why would he? He already said everything he needs to about this: he doesn't care, staff will care care of it.
>>41261591Why would he? The OGL has zero effect on streaming.
>>41261606no it was literally alcohol he was talking about
>>41259951It's called trying and succeeding you wouldn't know
Spic memes are fucked. They're the only thing that makes me feel a sense of dread and I don't know why.
>>41261613>Magni refuses to play FF14>Vesper refuses to play FF14At least my boy Axel is still there for leader...
who the fuck is luna
>>41261591No, D&D is cancelled so it doesn't matter.
>>41261481No, you're a fucking retard who thinks being an introvert means you're a shut-in.
>>41261336first time I've seen Applemag angry holy shit
>>41261591In previous streams. He is letting management worry about it.
>>41261726some leech dw
>>41261656altare probably isn't inviting any non holostar to do shit for a long time
>>41261723Magni said he was going to play lmao
>>41261726girl_dm, but you're not allowed to call her that
>>41261647No, I don't see him ever getting to Nina's level of wine consumption.
>>41261726??? His senpai from Hololive JP retard
>>41261556I love the fucked up piolines so much
>>41261613He's used to FFXI grinding hell, FFXIV would likely be too boring for him. It's less hell grinding and more story reading and casual content.When Altare said he wanted to do ultimates, I wonder if anyone let him know that under normal circumstances, ultimates take months to clear for most parties. Best that can be realistically expected is an EX. Even Miyabi did not stream his savage clears during Eden's Promise.
>>41261658>2 canciones originalesNo me digas que el pendejo que hizo esta imagen creyó que Hokori Takaki Idol era una canción original.
>you guys actually believe losers on 4chan?HE SAID IT LMAOSHITPOSTERS BTFO
Heh. I bet I can beat all the boys in any RTS games
>>41261726a cute baby
>>41261675You get forced into it by mutual friends or your job mostly. When among us was popular during peak coof, I was forced into full lobbies with complete strangers that were mutual friends, and I sure as shit wasn't getting through that without boozing up.
>>41261620>>41261637guess he slipped up then
I don't even care anymore, just gonna keep posting ES shit till the collab because I hate you motherfuckers be it /here/ Vesties, tourist and the like.
>>41261723and going on comfy tangents about his favorite songs in the series
>>41261535>>41261648>>41261738>pretending to be an introvert because it's hip and coolNone of you are introverts.
>>41261723For Magni there's a perfectly good reason I think? Didn't he say he'll only join in when a certain race is released?
>>41261726one of.magni's twitch collab partner
>>41261769He literally sucked Alban's cock last month. Don't believe in his lies. You're going to eat crow again.
>POV another full Tempus collab is announced but it turns into a gang rape correction orgy.Vesper is apologetic that he avoided the last collab decides that he needs to man up, so he drinks shots of whiskey to help him cope with his social anxiety. Vesper arrives at the guild hall, but the space is completely dark. He's confused, thinking that might be the alcohol acting up on him and giving him hallucinations, but he's also worried that he's late and missed out on the collab again."Hellooo? Is anybody here?"Suddenly, Vesper feels two pairs of hands seize his arms from behind- It's Magni and Axel."Oh....oh hey Dez, Axel, what's going on? Where's Altare, and why aren't the lights on?"They don't respond, but Vesper could feel their grip tighten."...Uh... Dez? Axel?""So... tell me, why didn't you come to the full Tempus party last time?"Vesper's body twitched the second he heard Altare speak. His tone is calm and airy as usual, but there was an unnerving sense of coldness to it, and Vesper is unnable to tell where Altare was standing."I-I'm sorry Altare. I had work to do. And I just... M-my social battery was just drained completely... "Altare lets out a little laugh."Oh Vesper, that's alright. I'm sure the Vanguard boys aren't angry at you. But... since you missed out, I felt like we should make another opportunity for you to warm up with them! They're already here, by the way."All the lights flash on the moment Altare finishes his sentence. The blinding brightness forces Vesper to close his eyes.When he reopens them, he realizes that all seven of them were naked, with their cocks fully erect. Altare was holding a set of bondage shackles, and dangles them before Vesper's eyes."Let the true Full Tempus collab begin."
>>41261771He keeps implying he doesn't want to get into MMO again though
>more DNDCome home
>>41261841spicchad basado
>>41261658 este meme implica la existencia de una página de memes de Holostars en español
>need to get back home>need to get back into my comfort zone>need to make makes>all before beginning DnD againits over
Just leaving this hereVsingers rejected for HolostarsEN so far:>Aruvn>Dima Lancaster>BrokeN>Will Stetson
>>41261613Flayon plays. He'd be a fun party member if he goes machinist or sage. It looks like he's trying out machinist.
>>41261647Unironically would be KINO
>>41261850Magni desperately wants to play as the female version of the furry race, but I think he'll accept another equally furry character
>DnDthey should play pathfinder instead
>>41260662too busy with met.kronii
>>41261778>>41261810>>41261815>>41261859He's not referring to her, probably doesn't even know who she is.
>>41261863I ain't reading all that but I'm sure the fujos are creaming
>>41261504It's probably this he is alot more forth coming and active when drunk.And to be honest he probably said he doesn't like being drunk on debut BECBECAUSE of all the stupid shit he did while drunk as a kid>getting stabbed >hurricane >whole bunch of other shitAfter all the who wouldn't be a little scared or remorseful about being drunk?But slipping into old addictions is something that frequently happens to people especially when everyone starts encouraging you to do so, and when you as a entertainer are being told that your more interesting whilst drunk and especially when you've been falling behind on things
>>41261863 continue
>>41261873It's been so slow that even Fubuki dropped them
>>41261200I think it's pretty clear Vesper self medicates with alcohol. Things might start sensibly enough, but then he turns to the booze. Gets me concernfagging a little cause he doesn't seem over resorting to that.
who the fuck is esther
>>41261890holopro actually
>>41261873>>41261926Pretty sure nowa is a 3.5 chad so I wouldn’t be surprised at him doing parhfinder
>>41261863HOT..... ToT
>>41261861watch streams
>>41261908They're going to niji. These faggots are irrelevant here
>>41261822That's alcoholism for you
>>41261890Lamento informarte que eso ya existe
>>41260442Pretty obvious this is fake outrage anon
>>41260872It makes it seem like it's less his fault and puts fans' minds at ease rather than making their imaginations start acting up like admitting it was actually "Vesper is off his meds in Japan and feels too nervous around his new coworkers to take part" would. I'd gladly just say something vague like "technical difficulties" and leave it at that in their position.
>>41261926Isn't pathfinder just DnD with more character constraints?
>>41261962She watches leader in the morning while he is playing final fantasy now.
>Vesper graduates>All the retarded Holobrony fans that only like the “literally me fr fr” alcoholic manchild out of Tempus leave tooYeah, I’m thinking based.
>>41261926rorurumaoWhy would he make a bunch of beginners play pathfinder?
holy fuck where's axel I'm gonna cry
>>41260961Chupado...nature is healing...
>>41261392Yeah, I am on the same boat , BOYS!Mag was my 2nd fav, he just jumped places.>>41261493It's so good
>>41262001Stop samefagging
>>41261504He can't even be entertaining at all so why is he so worried
>>41261921He said he'd go for lalafell until he can change to female hrothgar.
>>41261916Nice I would enjoy this especially if magni joins
>>41262027We can only hope
>>41261962will tempus release a cover like fubuki did with her dnd group?
Fuck me, I'm like an abused wife, I'm already forgiving him...
>shots fired at Altare
Think of the hatesex that clockwoman and nowa have every night.
he's becoming unhinged....
I wish I got into MMOs, it feels like I missed out.
>>41262027t. nijinigger
>>41260037>newfag doesn't know the 2 moths they have been fighting for perms>the overwork from the 2 previous birthday merch batches>Leader BTFO of it so hard he will not celebrate hislurk morebot
>>41261200There's a reason why it's called liquid courage.For introverts especially, it turns off the part of your brain that overthinks every social interaction, and tells you to clam up in groups.
>>41262084HOT HOT HOT HOT
>>41262027You do realize most of us are fans of Vesper and at least one of the girls? Vesper has the most crossover of any of tempus with the girls. Mostly with Kronies and Saplings.
>230+ IP’ss-sugoi!
be honest anon, do you really see Vesper enjoying doing the idol performances or 3D chaos that StarsJP do??
>>41262078No, you just moved on.He's in the wrong but not everything has to turn into a grudge, you're fine
Alcohol is like a social battery freeze for introverts. If you start the evening at 80%, it'll stay at 80%. That, plus the fact that you just stop overtinking every social encounter, throw away all shame and embarrassment and just go with the flow. The next morning it'll have crashed to 0 along with many other debuffs tho.
>>41262173holy fuck
>>41262099It's not too late, WoW classic still has some life left in it and then when it's done MMOs will die again.
Goddamn he's made me nostalgic. I loved being the unicorn ele shaman from BC through Cata. Had that shit down to a science.
>>41262160I am aware. And I want you to leave.
>>41262176he's obviously only in it for the money. he's going to come up with every excuse for why he can't perform.
>>41262099The community in an mmo can be nice, but the gameplay is rarely any good.
>alcoholic>barely streams>mentally checked out months agoHe is literally Gura fr fr
>>41262176He'll graduate by then. I can't imagine him dancing let alone singing KEK
>>41262173EN holos are dead rn. makes sense to me
>>41262150I mean, Nowa was absent for most of the VG prep period.
>>41262078i havent forgave him but i cant fucking move on. meanwhile im seeing the VG boys behind his back. feels like a toxic relationship
>>41262099As someone who has been dragged into WotLK classic by a friend, don't feel that way, at times it almost feels like having a second job.MMOs are fun, but keeping up with a raiding guild can get tiring.
>>41262084Furious bed-breaking hatesex that leaves them both with bruises...
>>41262176There's a 0% chance he sticks around long enough to get 3d
The old man is about to imply that he has a history of media piracy and get suspended again
>>41262160nta but that is quite literally what they are implying to begin with
Can you tourists please fuck off. Literally nothing is even happening
>>41262150hey guess what? being able to talk to them doesn't mean they talked a lot. Several of the EN girls have commented that they didn't interact with council a whole lot pre-debut just because they're all fucking busy, ignoring any social anxiety problems
>>41262263that's Magni
>>41262236vesper is a holo too, they're not dead
>>41262246>meanwhile im seeing the VG boys behind his backimagine the example that vesper is setting for the new boys right now.
>>41262173All natural and legit btw
>>41262282this is the new normal now. hope the new debuts were worth it
>>41261863Where's the full fic anon
>>41262236I just realized that... I watch both Tempus and the girls but I don't remember the last full stream I caught for any of the girls as of late.
That's a pretty funny WoW story.But now I can't help but start wondering WHEN HE'LL START FF14 AND JOIN AXEL AND ALTARE HE ALREADY DECIDED WHAT CLASS HE'LL PLAY
I just find the hypocrisy that everyone is fine with Zetaxel but when Vesper gets a het ship everyone loses their fucking minds funny
>>41262176Can't wait for him to drink too much in anticipation for such things only to have the stream end early because he passes out, attacks the staff, or attacks the fake crowd he thinks is monster or something.
>>41262283>because they're all fucking busyGood thing Vesper took a month and a half month off, then
>>41262302Closer to cheating than NTR.
>>41262261>Kronii just gets up after riding him raw, cleans just her crotch in the bathroom, gets dressed and leaves without a word. Vesper cries himself to sleep.
>before the weekendYou better, if you're not going to do the 6 month anniversary offcollab at least show up to the regular stream
>>41262173explains all the autism
>>41262261 Imagine eating her out and swallowing Vespers cum dumped in kronii
>>41262302NTR'ing my ugly bastard alcoholic oshi with the hot clown boy next door...
Bros, have any of you homebrewed?
>>41262350>everyone is fine with Zetaxel but when Vesper gets a het ship everyone loses their fucking mindszetaxel ship never stopped axel from streaming.
>>41262359yes, that's called being busy. and the new boys are also busy preparing for debuts
>>41262282no, I'm waiting for my bro Axel
>>41262348He's said in the past he's not going to play FF14 because he went super hard on FF11 and can't do that kind of thing again.
>>41262337I'm not used to writing smut or 7v1 so I can't make promises, I'll try to continue as I watch
>>41261872Once he plays FFXIV I think he'll calm down. He's used to grinding hells like Maple Story, but FFXIV can be played very casually and there's zero grinding at end game.I don't know if the story will keep him interested enough to play. I see him as being a Limsa AFKer.
>>41262261I'm only okay with it if Kronii is raping Vesper
>>41262387getting caught and turning it into a threesome... ToT
Anything about vesper meeting axel yet or no?
>>41262350ive always hated both and all the posters of both are fucking cancer
>>41262407based touristbro
>>41262407you’re good then, you can stay
>>41262348>WHEN HE'LL START FF14He already said he ain't playing XIV, no Full Party for Tempus. Although I'm sure Magni wouldn't play either, not Bettel. Hakka, Shinri and Flay might be game.
>making D&D content based on King Crimson
>>OPVesper i know you are reading this general so start streaming your lazy ass boomer.
Axel is reading all of this. Is this good for mental health guys?
>>41262378>>41262173All of them are me, actually
Vesper literally devolving into a drunk whore
>>41262350No one cares about the ship. People are just at most mildly disappointed that Vesper gave time for the monopoly collab but not the Tempus collab
>>41262350Because we actually like Zeta.
>>41262415Thank you for your efforts anon *chu*
>Vesper, seconds before the collab.
>>41262423kek, he’s avoiding meeting axel like the plague for some reason
>>41262348If only Classic WoW was still relevant... that's my game
>>41262454>so start streamingwhy would he need to stream when he can just react to supers and make a ton more money?
More vesperonii SEXX
>Wake up>Check /MANS/>Hitting the post limitHoly shit what happened
>>41262325They would have been worth it if Vesper wasn't a lazy shitheel
>>41262294Bettel and Shinri are there. They got meme'd as Niji lite but their approach to content creation is pretty fucking based.
>>41262350Axel does a shitton collabs that aren't with zeta. He literally organized this pummel party collab with hakka.
>>41262389Is that a slang for sex?
>>412624658:49AMhe ain't reading shit
>>41262476>mildly disappointedyes im sure the entire chat for the first time 10 minutes going "where's vesper" are only midly disappointed he flaked on the first true 8 person collab
>>41261908>Will StetsonHe's into vtuber shit?
Axel is awake! I was definitely not worried
>>41262418Women can't rape men
>>41262498I just feel bad for aniki.
>>41262519we do a lil' trolling
>>412625192 discord antis
>>41262473he was always a whore anon...
Tfw Vesper's most popular streams are SC readings, he has no reason to improve
Are they even allowed to do DnD stuff with the current OGL situation?
>>41261670ye, she just accidentally stumbled into Marine's house on the way to the toilet and she looked under the desk to look for the paper but found only panties
>Grimtooth's TrapsNow those were some fuckin books
>>41262535If he understand the concept of /mans/ then he will just click the previous thread
Okay so next is shinyspicy, then machi, then tempurple, right? stacked day!Im excited to see the dynamic between Hakka, Bettel and Magni since it seems like both of them admire Magni a lot Hakka and Axel collab soon onegai...
if graduating means he gets help then im fine with it. genuinely concerned for the guy
>>41262506Don't give him ideas
>>41262292vesper is literally a vampire