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File: 374 KB, 2248x2966, angel buns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40551652 No.40551652 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>40557731

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▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
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Previous Thread: >>40536316

>> No.40551673
File: 491 KB, 1200x1500, 1656038390809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat sex

>> No.40551681
File: 736 KB, 2200x3508, armpits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40551753

Lia and Lia and Lia

>> No.40551682
File: 297 KB, 835x527, schizchiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40551776

YES pippants!
YES pippanties!

>> No.40551700
File: 248 KB, 846x1248, PIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40551719
File: 182 KB, 566x363, panko manko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40551725
Quoted by: >>40552048

Tt is confusing Tenma and Yuri on purpose for the sayounara (I assume with bad accent) joke and describing how he would clench his anus in order to trap the pegging chuuba, do a backflip, and unclench while in the air, throwing aforementioned (and previously pegging) chuuba flying away from him (hence the sayou-nara).

>> No.40551733
File: 52 KB, 836x595, 1672711113362672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40552561

Lia love

>> No.40551746
Quoted by: >>40553710

Pippa git gud

>> No.40551753
File: 1.18 MB, 768x1216, gym Lia pits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40551788


>> No.40551757
File: 316 KB, 600x385, Everyday every night[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9wf4um.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40551767
Quoted by: >>40555867

Pippa status?
Lia status?
Lumi status?
Divegrass Manager Status?

>> No.40551775

>Hime is racist
God she just can't stop winning

>> No.40551776
File: 81 KB, 850x1275, michiru love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40551788
File: 960 KB, 490x364, Lia Bop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40551913

only 39 hours until Lia

>> No.40551812
Quoted by: >>40551876

I want to hug the Pippa.

>> No.40551814
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1664693370713003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40551818
File: 832 KB, 1140x828, AC922B13-CA54-417F-B154-6CE0ECB2C5B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Wemi, I just want to watch Wemi.

>> No.40551820

what did she say? the stream was boring and I closed it

>> No.40551876

I want Pippa to stop being treated with kids gloves.
Do better.

>> No.40551894
File: 2.92 MB, 1500x2000, Nasa_Kimono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40551902
File: 1.06 MB, 500x500, dance Lia dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he grooving

>> No.40551913
File: 321 KB, 512x512, liapit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need a liker to choke me out so i can timeskip until then (yes-homo)

>> No.40551949
Quoted by: >>40552001

Are you saying she should educate herself?

>> No.40551965

she's a hypocrite, as simple as that
she wants to hang out with the speedrunners so she's ok when they act political but has a problem with people in the company do it

>> No.40551968
Quoted by: >>40554300

something about "Eww french canadians"

>> No.40551975
Quoted by: >>40554300

she hates mexicans

>> No.40551994

Nice samefag, schizo.

>> No.40551996
Quoted by: >>40554300

She wouldn't touch a mexican shota and french people are disgusting

>> No.40552001

Meet quotes >>40551949

>> No.40552004
Quoted by: >>40554300

she hates french canadians and montreal

>> No.40552048
File: 61 KB, 200x195, naruhodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40552089

Just accept that your oshi is a cancer already

>> No.40552120
File: 201 KB, 850x1202, walmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa is subscribed to Nasa, why aren't you

>> No.40552133

She's a woman. Hypocrisy is implied.

>> No.40552158
File: 3 KB, 112x112, 1668826725429123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Lumi.

>> No.40552163

tenma isn't my oshi but calling her cancer is a bit too much
she has more or less contained herself on her own

>> No.40552215


>> No.40552297


>> No.40552302

no she's not she's a crab

>> No.40552322
File: 257 KB, 850x1621, nasanasansasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40552407


Anons it's official. I asked Nasa out and she didn't bother saying yes, she just pulled down my pants and started slobbering all over my cock. She looks so cute and innocent, but she's got a bitch switch whenever she comes near a musky, unwashed dick.

I was actually kinda scared her claws were gonna graze my dick, but she was an expert at being gentle yet seductive. I guess being thousands of years old doesn't amount to nothing.

She even made sure to slurp out the cum still inside my dick after I came literal buckets inside her mouth. She looked absolutely stunning with my cum smeared all over her face, she's the best girlfriend imaginable. I highly doubt any of the other Phase Connect members could compete.

Not only is she cute, but she's also undeniably sexy I get hard just by looking at her backside. You should see her back without her sweater on, it's an absolute site to behold. My dick goes diamonds just by doing so. And you can believe that my girlfriend Nasa is more than willing to give me a JAV worthy blowjob.

>> No.40552370
Quoted by: >>40552459

I miss Lumi
Bring back Lumi

>> No.40552407

nice im happy for you. post some revenge porn up soon on the farms when you get a min

>> No.40552459

She's never coming back please embrace vemie.

>> No.40552492


>> No.40552502

i am late to the hime stream
do we know what happened that made her cry?

>> No.40552506

I love Kaneko 'I felt like a pipe' Lumi!

>> No.40552510
File: 1.65 MB, 3332x4093, Nasa LOVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Nasa to 10k you fucking fags

>> No.40552531

Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never

>> No.40552561

I like sexy krillin.

>> No.40552577

I appreciate the effort but you cannot singlehandedly force an absent streamer into relevance. Already subbed btw for what it matters.

>> No.40552581
Quoted by: >>40552722

so did henri come back but now he attacks other corpos as well as phase

>> No.40552586

Only if I can use her horns in a soup.

>> No.40552591

Pippa make up your time you holo male whore huffing fucker.

>> No.40552643
Quoted by: >>40552725

i'll sub when she streams,ie never

>> No.40552679
File: 164 KB, 1125x512, 846D4AFE-88EC-4660-A2A1-F3165894A4F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uruka is being broken into accepting her role.

>> No.40552722

It's pretty wild that we've had the privilege of witnessing the beginning of what may very well be the greatest vtuber anti villain arc in the history of this board. In three years, Henri will kill Hololive and we will be able to say we knew him before everything changed.

>> No.40552725
Quoted by: >>40552787

if she doesn't stream then you lose nothing by subbing

>> No.40552735

i just want to listen to her play instruments :(

>> No.40552768

I love Uruka! :)

>> No.40552782

she acts like a teenager that goes through puberty for the first time

>> No.40552787

anon,you should never reward negative behaviour

>> No.40552790
Quoted by: >>40553053

>Thread starts jigging
>Nasa streams
>Thread stops jigging
>Nasa stops streaming

>> No.40552811
File: 90 KB, 175x205, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40552827

Any real Uruka fan would know she loathes being know as the music bear and wants to be known for her personality so she's not trapped into a single niche for the rest of her career.

>> No.40552821

i hate zoomer music so much it is unreal

>> No.40552827

idc what she wants

>> No.40552844

Pippa guerilla when

>> No.40552857

I was talking about the bizarre caricatures in the future. Some characters are well-characterised.

Jokes aside, bored malice is very human. You get some of the best and most of the worst of unfiltered humanity, and you call it a caricature

>> No.40552872
Quoted by: >>40552907

Those days are gone anon.

>> No.40552907


>> No.40552908
Quoted by: >>40553010

Pippa shooting up a walmart when?

>> No.40552912

I remember her doing one like one in the last 7 months.

>> No.40552939
Quoted by: >>40553038

More than one invader and soon.

>> No.40552940

yeah my skin flute

>> No.40553010
File: 2.09 MB, 1080x2255, F02510F7-960A-4CE5-95F6-DEEEA644D74B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40555390

she needs to be changed first

>> No.40553038

Going to bet none of them have ever appeared in this thread.

>> No.40553053

>thread starts jigging
>thread stops jigging
>tummy hort, internet hort, job hort, debut hort
Merely a coincidence. :^)

>> No.40553057
File: 119 KB, 693x654, 16720848190762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40553081

I read over the arguments anons have been making. I forgot how autistic this board can be. Here's a rundown:
>Tenma collabs with trannies
>Anons take this to mean she's ideologically captured by intersectionality and loves trannies
>Most of Tenma losing her patience at South Park FBT was not understanding the gender vs sex stuff and just taking the piss by calling herself "cheese sexual"
>Anons take this to mean she rejects it whole cloth and hates trannies

>Tenma has an interest in speedrunning
>Wants to collab with other speedrunners
>Speedrunners she wants to collab with refuse on the grounds that PC has the wrong politics
>Tenma takes this as PC being the "political vtuber company" chasing them away
>Tenma is unaware that most speedrunners are adherent to a particular kind of socialism found only in the USA
>Complains about this treatment during her zatsu
>Faggots from the last two threads argue about what it means while discarding all context that doesn't fit their own point of view

As for her brutal treatment of chat, this is actually rarer than anons like >>40551965 would have you believe and she has let slip a couple of times that she is receiving treatment for anger management. This does not make her a hypocrite. It just means that she's struggling with her temper.

She's not a Westerner. She does not have to face up to many cultural concepts that are shoved into the faces of Westerners through media including the internet. Having her interact with concepts which the rest of us have dealt with for the past 10-15 years must be like hitting a brick wall, especially if she says something which would be innocuous in Japan but is taken as a political stance in the West. She is an outsider and holding her to those standards is unreasonable.

>> No.40553149

Not a bad analysis but people are out for blood.

>> No.40553155

Pippa please tweet something about that new holo hunter man so I can abandon my vtubing dreams and get back to real life.

>> No.40553189
Quoted by: >>40553312

>She's not a Westerner
>he doesn't know

>> No.40553223

>She is an outsider and holding her to those standards is unreasonable
tell that to the trannies that don't want to play with her

>> No.40553231

based and truthpilled

>> No.40553312 [DELETED] 
File: 731 KB, 733x900, romainian_gook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean that romanian girl?

>> No.40553330

there is a reason no american party is invited to any international anything,having said that the simple truth of the matter is that if you hate your job quit instead of this

>> No.40553363
Quoted by: >>40553443

In your mind are you not allowed to bitch about your job? I don't understand

>> No.40553366
File: 514 KB, 701x454, enough shorten it opm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40553923

For anon's who don't wanna read:
>Tenma has no solid politics
>This is because she is Jap
>Jap culture diff than America
>Tenma be sperg

>> No.40553369
Quoted by: >>40553458

explain the world series then
>protip you cant eurofag

>> No.40553443

to the point of demanding your coworkers flagellate while screaming i love the cia so ethicalMAP1984 colabs with you? no,you are creating a toxic atmosphere and you should be booted

>> No.40553451

Pippa is holding the other girls back

>> No.40553458
File: 175 KB, 469x469, Donky Kong retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, go shoot yourself in the foot to physically realize what you typed, and then shoot yourself in the head to cure your retardation.

>> No.40553462
File: 60 KB, 179x227, FkBCBmVXoAEKpgc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40553977

Man, this loop is a strong one.

>> No.40553474

>she is receiving treatment for anger management.
So this could have just been venting without thinking about the implications or consequences.

>> No.40553495
Quoted by: >>40553562

oh shush that was quality bait

>> No.40553511

what part of "WORLD" series don't you understand?

>> No.40553534
Quoted by: >>40553556

cricket is better than baseball

>> No.40553556
Quoted by: >>40553708

Don't redeem. Sir.

>> No.40553562

ah yeah you're right
I should stop engaging in /pcg/ at 1am
In other news, rie just said she shoulda hung herself about 20 secs ago, p based of her.

>> No.40553708

Indians don't even play real cricket, they just play T20, they suck ass at test and always will.

>> No.40553710

You know what? Fuck you. I like the way things are. Pippa has her schedule and I can plan my shit around it. I never have to worry about missing out on content.

>> No.40553822

[Hime news] She raided marimari

>> No.40553846
File: 1.20 MB, 822x831, 1670625285887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hime was really cute today

>> No.40553859

and she gave us a kiss!

>> No.40553870
Quoted by: >>40553934

the hime kiss. it is mine.

>> No.40553874
File: 197 KB, 640x947, 1656133003471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the old times

>> No.40553879
Quoted by: >>40554086

yeah she's Chinese its standard

>> No.40553894

Where is Pippa?

>> No.40553911
Quoted by: >>40554063

Handsome raid for a handsome fish

>> No.40553921

Guys I really like Hime

>> No.40553923

imagine living in such an orderly society that politics are barely a thing for most
the japanese, even through economic hardship, remain civilized

>> No.40553934
Quoted by: >>40554097

im going to take it from your lips

>> No.40553973

Crank dat hogger boi

>> No.40553977
Quoted by: >>40554009

What gets me is how serious they are about it.
My uncle once said "only ugly people care about politics" and I feel like he might have been right.

>> No.40553986

This. Those anons complaining are fucking double niggers.

>> No.40554009
Quoted by: >>40554442

It's people with no real personality. They fill it in with political ideologies

>> No.40554045

they remain civilized because like most asian cultures, they are very collectivist and don't like anyone who sticks out

>> No.40554058
File: 58 KB, 411x439, Fc3nIqpaAAAjlIZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40554207

>> No.40554063

I really like this sort of small network of chuubas (including indies and smaller corpos) surrounding this small(ish) corpo and how they are really varied yet mesh well with /here/ humor, even when not directly /here/
inb4 they are all /here/

>> No.40554086

Chinese are also chinese supremacists which she doesn't seems to be. This point makes the whole diference.

>> No.40554097
File: 38 KB, 624x351, _74556732_3458103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40554170

Lia liker away!

>> No.40554116

True, having to be schizo and constantly keeping track of guerrillas sounds like a pain.

>> No.40554127
Quoted by: >>40554230

She's a JP girl working two jobs who had to take out a loan to buy a fucking laptop so she can continue streaming. Any breaks she takes is likely for her health due to her presumably living paycheck-to-paycheck and being really young.

Please sub to her anon

>> No.40554129
Quoted by: >>40554493

It's depressing to see their naivete when accepting the progressive narrative of "just being nice"

>> No.40554148
Quoted by: >>40554338

ok, the collectivists can have this one, as a treat
they still suck ass and rape any notion of truth, freedom and justice

>> No.40554170
File: 277 KB, 462x900, Wet Lia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40554245


>> No.40554207

Fucking pool water drinking connoisseur appears when you least expect it

>> No.40554230
Quoted by: >>40554467

wrong reply?

>> No.40554245

is this what men think happens when a woman gets wet

>> No.40554273
Quoted by: >>40554493

No, our countries were also civilized, once

>> No.40554285

lol ikr that is pee

>> No.40554300

Disgusting pickme.

>> No.40554304
Quoted by: >>40554658

some girls are more juicy than others.

>> No.40554329

That’s what she is. She’s a late bloomer. She’s a teenager going through puberty, AND a legal adult.

>> No.40554334

welcome to pickme connect

>> No.40554338
Quoted by: >>40554493

This anon still believes that democracy isn't fake theater imposed by the merchant class.
Cute if a little cringe.

>> No.40554348
Quoted by: >>40554396

Congrats Rie you made it!

>> No.40554381

She started masturbating at 20.
It's all hitting at once now.

>> No.40554387
Quoted by: >>40554449

you'll cum for her won't you bros?

>> No.40554396

Pippa would be proud

>> No.40554404

this is the day
the day that rie has finally been called a pickme
after the mowing stream i never thought we would see this day

>> No.40554442
Quoted by: >>40554672

Yeah pretty much.
Just look at how reflexive and repetitive replies are in here.
It's just funko pops for poorfags.

>> No.40554449

every day!

>> No.40554467

Hand slipped

>> No.40554493
File: 125 KB, 1375x1305, japanvalues.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but makes sense if she is not that deep in those kind of things just as we are not into their particular issues
Just found this. Apparently the japanese are pretty individualistic, but they are collectivist when it comes to tradition (and individualists when it comes to educating their children?
But I do think democracy is fake. I am a libertarian with monarchist tendencies as a bitter compromise.

>> No.40554566

flexibility is -200 on this chart right?
otherwise this would make no sense

>> No.40554567

When is Yuko going to BOO Pippa irl?

>> No.40554617

probably never

>> No.40554639
Quoted by: >>40554862

at first glance it is the other way around, but I agree with what you point out

>> No.40554658

not that juicy... it looks like Lia's water broke

>> No.40554672
Quoted by: >>40554879

If anyone doesn't have personalities it's sheltered rich kids

>> No.40554753

canada is a shithole, especially french canada
with any luck more canadians will kill themselves with MAID and 4chan can finally be rid of the pests

>> No.40554788

I want to see Erina as a pillow princess in a PC post collab orgy.

>> No.40554842

Pretty sinophobic of you

>> No.40554844
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x1139, ezgif-1-3992dfde56[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40554993


>> No.40554862

gonna raven the paper and check it out
this seems to indicate how they educate their children mainly

>> No.40554879
Quoted by: >>40554990

Wagie ragies sheltered rich kids same shit different toilet if you don't fix your attitude someone's gonna fix it for you.

>> No.40554898

>Having her interact with concepts which the rest of us have dealt with for the past 10-15 years must be like hitting a brick wall, especially if she says something which would be innocuous in Japan but is taken as a political stance in the West
Japs also had the LGBT cancer for quite a while now in all their major cities and the feminist agenda is almost as strong as the one in Korea.
Didn't some japanese feminists screech fairly recently over one of their cities putting a Vtuber to do the traffic announcements or something...I think it had to do something with body image if I'm not mistaken...I don't know google it.

>> No.40554924
File: 161 KB, 267x319, tenma8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based mii-chad enjoyer

>> No.40554945
File: 308 KB, 632x704, image_2023-01-08_165306521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40554955

schools in japan suck too for kids who get bullied, teachers straight up dont help them

>> No.40554977
File: 1.08 MB, 891x641, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40554987
File: 1.12 MB, 2006x2832, bunny_airi(tks_(526tks)).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came back. Thanks for that,
>I wouldn't mind encoding it into other resolutions if requested
If possible please do a full resolution or at least a pic with their eyes open as I'm not sure the full art of that has been released. In any case, thanks for that.

>> No.40554990

What is this schizo word salad? You specifically brought up "poorfags," which is absurd to anyone who has been around both

>> No.40554993

lmao it just needed some countries near the hands and it would have been perfect

>> No.40555034
File: 436 KB, 1080x1015, 1667489250756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that I sometimes fantasize about Pippa collabing with two beautiful girls and first when Pippa arrives at their hotel room they are all like "huh she really is an ugly as fuck autist irl" and Pippa is all skittish but then they suddenly get all handsy with her and start to grope her butt and nonexistent breasts and Pippa is all like "AAAAAA" but they just tell he it's normal skinship between girls and it Pippa kinda calms down but before she knows it a finger slips and and 5 minutes every hole of hers gets fingered and tongued

>> No.40555084

please stream pippa

>> No.40555109

>two pretty girls turn poor autistic pippa into their sex slave
I'd listen to that asmr fr fr

>> No.40555172
Quoted by: >>40555219


>> No.40555219
Quoted by: >>40555281

don't listen to him, it's a fine fantasy

>> No.40555281

i didn't say it was bad, i was just saying it is weird

>> No.40555309
Quoted by: >>40555329

The weird part is that you told us.
The fact that Pippa doesn't pull a gun on them and tell them to put their clothes back on so they can look at scale models of horses seems very out of character, though.

>> No.40555329


>> No.40555390

This but Remi

>> No.40555447
File: 2.89 MB, 796x522, Pippa Feet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody post a tribute to this so i can pretend to be the cuck on foot cum cleanup duty.

>> No.40555520
Quoted by: >>40555574

I forgot she is japanese born in japan has only ever lived in japan because she is from japan and lives in japan.

>> No.40555550
Quoted by: >>40555650

Weird toes

>> No.40555561

This. Imagine trying to stream for Indians but you have no idea how the caste system works which is a big part of their culture and your just offending peoples sensibilities left and right with no knowledge if how anything is supposed to work.

>> No.40555574

and totally not romania or anything like that. wouldn't that be weird?

>> No.40555595

>canada is a shithole
is it any worse than america? I went to america a few times in my life and it was probably the most disgusting trash heap ive ever seen

>> No.40555604

i kinda want to anti racist tumblrina but can't convince myself to care help me

>> No.40555632
File: 28 KB, 410x461, 1667466884446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your honest thoughts on current lumi?

>> No.40555650

perfect for sticking up my peehole
>imagine the burn

>> No.40555678

Remove fangs, I will never get used to them and prefer when her mouth is closed.

>> No.40555742

She has the most disgusting feet ive ever seen on a woman, no exaggeration.
Foot is too long, flat soles, orangutang toes, toes all squished together, abnormal bumps along the top of the foot, etc.
Even a footfag wouldn't be able to cum to these feet.

>> No.40555771

Still my yellow whore

>> No.40555773

yellow veibae, all I think about is whores anytime I see her

>> No.40555797
Quoted by: >>40555843

I came multiple times to her feet

>> No.40555808
Quoted by: >>40555855

WTH is that bone going down the center
that isn't strictly human

>> No.40555837
Quoted by: >>40555910

i could make an attempt

>> No.40555839

Her new model is shit and I fucking hate it.
The shape of the eyes is less expressive and has a more limited range, it doesn't really convey Lumi's fake innocence.
The cat eye is fucking stupid, she's nothing cat related.
The fangs are likewise very fucking stupid, she doesn't need those.
The hair is not as bad as the stuff I mentioned before but it's a fucking veibae copy.
I like the new outfit, it feels more space themed, like a very slutty outfit loosely inspired by fictional space suit aesthetics.
The boob window is too big, it was fine before now it's too overdone.
Her dark version is cool but I honestly prefer just regular Lumi with black hair and eyes instead of a fully dark skin dark eyes mode.

I'll be honest and admit that I wasn't a Lumi regular but I'd tune in to her sometimes, it depends on the other streams going on.
But now I find myself less likely to watch her because I can't fucking stand looking at her.

>> No.40555843
Quoted by: >>40555903

Cause you attribute them to pippa, and you're probably a pippigger.
Looking at these feet objectively, they're fucking deformed monstrosities.

>> No.40555855

thats my penis in there literally fucking her foot

>> No.40555860


>> No.40555863

Do you think that Pippa secretly likes that people cum to her feet?

>> No.40555867
Quoted by: >>40555980

>Pippa status?
Schlicking to male vtubers.
>Lia status?
Using a double ended dildo to have sex with Uruka.
>Lumi status?
Becoming a lewdtuber.
>Divegrass Manager Status?
At risk of being forcefully suicided if we do poorly in vtl.

>> No.40555903

You haven't seen many feet if you unironically think those are particularly bad

>> No.40555910
Quoted by: >>40556042

wanna race?

>> No.40555940

I enjoyed Tenma’s Human Centipede trilogy review in the same stream that everyone was sperging about.

>> No.40555942

I've seen many feet, and they're definitely on the bad side for a girl.

>> No.40555980

>with Uruka
cute blue bear moans!

>> No.40555985

Hime shared the story of a acquaintance she had who liked to say she didn't wear make up because she preferred to be natural and said she was a pickme and she's glad she doesn't have to interact with her anymore.
It was the first time in my whole life I actually hear someone use that term.
Very interesting that it came from Hime.
The term is a meme around these threads and people joke only femanons use it and now I'm starting to see how that can be true.

>> No.40555987

I'm not sure that I've ever seen a pinky toe that long before

>> No.40556004

Fuck dude get help, or at least a better fetish,

>> No.40556015
Quoted by: >>40556721

of course she does. she only started to pretend to not want to show her feet to have a little grace, but she legit was gung-ho about it at the beginning. why do you think she made the offer? Also, why would she live stream them a few days later again at the first opportunity?
women love feeling desired. it's their greatest weakness.

>> No.40556022

Even most dudes have prettier feet than pippa

>> No.40556035

I’ve seen worse, but Pippa’s feet are mid. Talking about nutting to them is funny as a meme, but they’re really not that great.
Also, are we really gonna repeat this timeline again? There were baitposts in the catalog over this, and us longtime footfags were trying to get the ironic footfags to either explain why Pippa’s feet are better than the feet of actual footfag pandering porn stars or admit that they just coomed because it’s Pippa.

>> No.40556042

no way liker

>> No.40556043
File: 362 KB, 455x345, 1673124728422770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock hard/10

>> No.40556077

Face is mid but short hair + glasses is cute as hell

>> No.40556083
Quoted by: >>40556137

she should post her pussy, I cant cum to feet

>> No.40556102
File: 307 KB, 705x666, 1672934869928961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My beloved

>> No.40556132
Quoted by: >>40556185

Could and would, but they are truly unique feet. I don’t know why she would willingly show them off again after the pictures.

>> No.40556137

That's going to be the one billion subscriber milestone

>> No.40556166

Everything but the face is a great upgrade

>> No.40556185

>I don’t know why she would willingly show them off again after the pictures
she found out that she likes the thrill of it

>> No.40556205

its the femoid equivalent to pfff,he's gay

>> No.40556303

Get some toe spreaders.

>> No.40556321

The most FREE disgusting trash heap

>> No.40556350

Anon, footfags are some of the least likely to cum to that. I’m not going to use the word “real”, maybe “long-time” (as in, was a footfag before it suddenly became the “in” thing to do online) is better.
Long-time footfags know that zhangs (like, actual zhangs from wuflu land) make the best foot porn. We know that anime feet was nigh unfappable. We remember the days when Archetype (jfc I’m old) and then Clesta were the only notable feet artists in hentai. There wasn’t casino, there wasn’t damao, the modern masters of the art weren’t active.
With the influx of interest in footfaggotry, the quality of 2D feet has skyrocketed. 3D, it’s still questionable. Unironically, Saruei is the cutoff point for foot reveals (as in, I could fap to hers if I had to). Marimari_en *might* have beautiful feet but she only showed them in tights and for a brief moment, so I don’t know.
In comparison to the 2D artists and 3D models that are generally considered to have the best feet in the game, Pippa’s are very different from the norm. If you actually fap to that, more power to you. But it’s either because you just wanted to fap to Pippa or because you have standards that are very different from the general footfag consensus. Let’s not kid ourselves that her feet look good by conventional footfag standards.

>> No.40556352

The gray form is hot and I want porn of it.

>> No.40556383

I've seen girls use the phrase "pick me" before but they were usually white girls.

>> No.40556405

Nothing is worse than NYC, if that's what you mean

>> No.40556414
Quoted by: >>40557274

Ya know, now that I think about it, Tenma’s english does kinda sound like vee.

>> No.40556499
Quoted by: >>40557671

>zhangs from wuflu land) make the best foot porn
Wait, really? Chinese girls always seem to have bad feet in my experience. I guess they have a huge pool to grab from over there, for "professional" purposes

>> No.40556640

She seems to be escaling up her bimbo self and I don't like that.
Also shit model.

>> No.40556721

I think she originally didn't want to show them but after seeing people lust for them she did enjoy that feeling of being wanted.

>> No.40557150

>chinese feet

>> No.40557153
File: 729 KB, 2880x3840, lezhner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40563850

Also, please use the thread at /wsg/ for the versions with sound.


>> No.40557197
File: 308 KB, 1660x1707, pippadisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40557274

she just sounds like an old chinese woman to me

>> No.40557549
Quoted by: >>40557714

Pippa should start every handcam stream like this

>> No.40557671
Quoted by: >>40557802

Just check the hub, man. It’s fucking wild. And yeah, plenty of zhangs have ugly feet too, but if you look for MMD porn that features feet prominently, a lot of it is made by zhangs.
I think it’s because China has lots of footfags, so anyone who wants to do porn and has decent feet takes care of them. I didn’t notice it either at first, I thought it was just my yellow fever. But no, it’s specifically zhangs.

>> No.40557714
File: 2.15 MB, 2893x4092, pipkin_pippa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should make a heart using both feet too.
I'm joking pippa please don't actually do this.

>> No.40557731
Quoted by: >>40559361


>> No.40557793

Significantly better than the old model but lacks the same soul I guess. It's not the same issue with Yuri which has less soul AND looks worse.

>> No.40557795
File: 3 KB, 640x640, pippa tiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Pippa

>> No.40557802
Quoted by: >>40557900

Well, they did do that foot binding thing

>> No.40557862
Quoted by: >>40558364

That can't be true, you must be embellishing the story.
Timestamp or it didn't happen.

>> No.40557886
File: 123 KB, 320x320, 1672661650936974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40557900
Quoted by: >>40557980

I do think that’s the reason. No, not directly, because those do not look pretty…at least not to us. They actually made manuals and shit about how to fuck those, and I think what happened is that “women’s feet are for fucking” became a mind virus and chinks therefore don’t think of it as deviant or weird.

>> No.40557916
File: 792 KB, 1125x1128, 1664667477397489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40557978

I don't.

>> No.40557978
File: 102 KB, 1000x1200, 1669179136522895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Pippa for me then

>> No.40557980

So are you saying that most of the foot porn I've seen is probably shit-tier?
Do you have any examples of good ones?

>> No.40558364
Quoted by: >>40559828

I'm not gonna bother finding such a minor thing for you but it was near the end of tonight's twitch stream.
I don't get what's hard to believe about this story.
She knew a girl, she said she found her annoying because she would only drink american coffee and criticized her for liking those sugar flavored coffee smoothies girls like. And she also said she didn't use make up to look natural and she said she was such a pickme and said she's glad she doesn't have to deal with her anymore.

>> No.40558610

Even if you lust for pippa feet, never get too parasocial with her. Or do you want to end up like Satan (H*nri?)

>> No.40558691
File: 239 KB, 1024x1452, 1669757764221885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40559312

I am not a retarded SEAmonkey, so I will lust after her as I please.

>> No.40558723
Quoted by: >>40560756

You shouldn't get parasocial with anyone in the first place

>> No.40558755
File: 560 KB, 871x873, pippacute (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40559312

I think it's okay to be philipino

>> No.40559361

thank you for your contribution retard

>> No.40559464

only if female

>> No.40559530
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, youretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40559792

There are degrees of parasocial. I'd still discourage the behaviour completely, but there's a difference between getting mad about your oshi and shitposting on /vt/ for 5 hours because of it and Henri.

>> No.40559828
Quoted by: >>40561357

I don't think it's impossible, just unlikely. It sounds too stupid and bitchy for even her, and you sound kind of like a seething femanon yourself so I assumed there was extra context.
Are you going to type out the story again?

>> No.40560622
File: 345 KB, 2385x2981, 1673176727952708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm bored
where are the streams

>> No.40560756

Anybody who watches streams regularly is already parasocial to some extent.

>> No.40560829
File: 100 KB, 247x329, 1668218103823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play some videogames faggot, what's wrong with you?

>> No.40560897
File: 196 KB, 295x326, FBIpippa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tragic news for you today friend. Hope you have a hobby.

>> No.40560935

>Play some videogames
May I suggest the critically acclaimed sports video game eFootball PES 2021?

>> No.40561357

You just accused me of being female, go find that clip yourself if you want. It's your loss. I saw Hime's funny story and you didn't.

>> No.40561601
File: 2.99 MB, 2178x2939, smuggamging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggest him some video games oh wise anon.

>> No.40561602

the toilet
when I do a peepee :)

>> No.40561674
File: 418 KB, 839x753, 1657685456225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40561851

That's not how it works, I don't know what kind of games he's into.

>> No.40561722
Quoted by: >>40561982

Considering making the aesthetics of the coffee player Tenma-related so that I can put it in the net as a second keeper.

>> No.40561776

I am eagerly awaiting Lumi's next stream!

>> No.40561851
File: 204 KB, 439x439, pippagapmoe (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anon he's here so he obviously has shot taste.

>> No.40561881

>doesn't want to collab with people who talk politics
>doesn't want to collab with people who do yabai content
>wants to collab with people who do speed runs that she likes
>feels alienated that she is the only gamer in phase and that her brand of content is better
>was denied a collab because phase connect is "politcal hate speech company"
>she is sad phase connect is known that way and has burned bridges
So how do we save her bros?

>> No.40561952
File: 90 KB, 225x225, 1655409180869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has shot taste
How do you know he likes FPS? Are you his wife?

>> No.40561982

Tenma-related how?

>> No.40562102
Quoted by: >>40564952

If this is real and not just a rrat, she would be cancelled for her own streams regardless. She says lots of un-pc things, which makes them entertaining.

>> No.40562140


>> No.40562327

i love pippa so much i wanna cry

>> No.40562379
Quoted by: >>40562760

>Uruka footfucking Lia on stream soon

>> No.40562518

more like coombust

>> No.40562608
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 1648877133228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40562728

>watched that VOD
>it's all real
Well fuck. That... sucks, and certainly puts a bit of a damper on her and Pippa's cover song. Must have been a kick in the teeth for Pippa to hear, but them's the breaks I guess. She made her choice.
I always said this would happen but it doesn't feel good being proven right.

>> No.40562728
File: 53 KB, 320x320, 548975479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cums on you*

>> No.40562760

I unironically would love to see an Uruka X Lia foot fetish video...

>> No.40562794

Honestly if people are scared off PC for "Political Hate Speech company" then they weren't worth collabing in the first place and Tenma needs to realize this. But she's an ESL so I don't expect much.

>> No.40562883

I don't watch Tenma but if she doesn't talk politics like pippa does then I think it's fair to be annoyed at the reputation. Is there anyone other than Pippa who gets the reputation or is it her doing it to the whole company?

>> No.40562946
File: 97 KB, 943x1200, 1672041380082847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40562967

Just teach her that western speedrunners are all sissies and tell her to find Japanese ones if the wants that kind of collab content. The issues she's facing are entirely because people outside are retarded and their image of Phase is entirely fabricated by terminally online idiots.

>> No.40563059

Veibaeface made me drop her, the expressions are WAY too similar to hers and Shilily's, while before she had her own, unique ones.

>> No.40563066

She doesn't understand the people that are offended, are offended at everything, including her streams if they'd watch them

>> No.40563106

I wonder how much money Pippa makes...

>> No.40563157

I don't watch the rabbit much, but everything I have seen of her is quite possibly the most milquetoast bullshit of takes outside of anything to do with the feds. So it can and can't only be pippa because Lia isn't big enough for people to ree at

>> No.40563162

>company is called pc
>ends up known as the not-pc vtuber company

>> No.40563182
Quoted by: >>40564160

If no one in PC ever said anything controversial or political at any point, the same shit would still be said. Because what matters to the tranny cult is that everyone HAS to virtue signal to them, simply not signalling is hateful.

Tenma is just a retard who doesn't understand this and doesn't understand that her content is "hateful" to these people too. Also probably doesn't understand that trying to make amends with the cult never achieves anything, they want you grovelling for forgiveness for the rest of your life as they constantly threaten you with exile.

>> No.40563198
File: 62 KB, 525x700, 1656812360280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically speaking, that's a cope. Pippa's content (and by extension how she's shaped the brand of Phase Connect) does not rest safely in the middle of the Overton window, and in the world of marketing and entertainment, those have real consequences.
One of those consequences is that >we (the people who have become the core audience of Pippa) like the content more and so do certain demographics, but another consequence is people and brands that are trying to remain squeaky clean can't associate. Even people who personally DO like Phase's reputation and image have many good reasons to keep their distance.
Behind the scenes it rarely has much to do with personal feelings, just business. Some people are brand risks, simple as.
Phase does this too btw. A lot.

>> No.40563210
Quoted by: >>40563362

michiru is constantly dropping red pills in japanese

>> No.40563232

That's what I mean. I agree, the things Pippa says aren't THAT extreme (bar the feds hate) but I haven't heard of anyone being even comparable. I mostly watch Rie and Panko and they've never even come close. So from the outside it looks like Pippa is earning the rep all by herself, however warranted it may be

>> No.40563243

Aside from the face it's good, but holy fuck the face lets it down so goddamn hard.

>> No.40563362
Quoted by: >>40563702

Yeah, she redpilled me on McDonald's price increases yesterday. That shit is fucked up how expensive burgers are getting.

>> No.40563526

He should play the ww2-themed mod of long live the queen while listening to linkin park then

>> No.40563544

>What you don't want Tenma to collab with a WESTERN SPEEDRUNNER? that's cope lmao

>> No.40563608
Quoted by: >>40563703

Hey, I know most speed runners are suicide inducing, BUT I think she would pick someone like Clint Stevens.

>> No.40563702

must be hard to afford mcdonalds as a 2view

>> No.40563703

You're fooling yourself if you think anybody with a functioning brain in that community was asked to collab and not one of the many MANY mentally ill degenerates.

>> No.40563742
Quoted by: >>40563871

>I know FOR A FACT that it's a WESTERN SPEEDRUNNER who I personally don't like and who is also a TRANNY she was talking about because... I just do okay!
When you resort to shit like this, yeah, it does look like cope.

>> No.40563800

Guilt by association is a bitch and the biggest enemy of phase/niji style companies (streamers with different styles and world views)

>> No.40563850
File: 2.88 MB, 960x540, LumiLoop[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fb01ohk.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15k bitrate mp4:
VP9 encoded webm:
But that would allow the easier sharing of my clips on other platforms. Also the filesize gets way bigger.

>> No.40563871

>Collabs with Artemis
>Thinks I'm talking about trannies

>> No.40563891
Quoted by: >>40564484

>and in the world of marketing and entertainment, those have real consequences.
The most significant consequence from this is maybe getting pulled from a shitty con. For the most part, capitulating to these people would require massively censoring talent, constantly making apology posts and firing talent. And none of that would have any beneficial returns. So all PC has to do is not sabotage itself and the incline will continue. Catering to these psychopaths never plays well for anyone, the idea that "muh marketing and sponsors" requires this act of self-sabotage it is a trick.

>> No.40563966

You know, I didn't realise the jacket was just floating. I thought she had a single arm in it.

>> No.40564027
Quoted by: >>40564195

Nobody in the corpo is “political” in the way people tend to think when it comes to Phase. The most political one literally is Pippa, and she’s exactly like you said. It’s her fans who spread the bad reputation, because a lot of them are containment breaking retards.

>> No.40564160
Quoted by: >>40564360

>simply not signalling is hateful.
This is the key takeaway. Remember these are the same people who will say
>Everything is political
to allow themselves to say whatever they want wherever they want instead of having standards, as well as say stuff like the lgbullshit gender ideology they've been hawking isn't political in the very same breath. They specifically look to make you choose to either join them in their self-righteous crusade or choose the apposing side, that way they don't have to justify murdering your reputation, career, relationships, etc. any further than that. Tenma wanting to be free of politics is a political position to them, they'll never leave her alone like she wants. They'll never let you rest, it's literally what's called a "struggle session", but a perpetual method they've perfected and they can repeat forever on the internet to anyone they want, with a mob of whoever they want, whenever they want.

>> No.40564195

God you people are so fucking retarded. It doesn't matter what Pippas content is actually like and it doesnt matter what her fans think.
It takes 1 clip or opinion that lefties dont agree with to put her in the "too political" category.

>> No.40564247

Stop being bigoted. That simple.

>> No.40564297
File: 190 KB, 499x499, 1672030303246708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think the anons who posted that we should never make another thread again are right

>> No.40564304
File: 5 KB, 155x195, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is raw, but instead of a 3 second looping clip as a soundpost that is <3MB I get 350MB file for essentially the same result.

>> No.40564344
File: 683 KB, 762x396, your here forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40564360

It's also why these same people will constantly say shit like "Trans Rights" in super chats or shove that shit in anywhere possible. If you acknowledge it at all and don't repeat it/agree with it, you're being hateful. If you see it as the landmine that it is and ignore it entirely, you're being hateful. You have to agree with the political stand and reaffirm it whenever they probe you.

>> No.40564365

Tenma simply is very disconnected from western internet culture or whatever you want to call it. From what I have seen she didn't understand most south park jokes either.

>> No.40564471
Quoted by: >>40565164

>15k bitrate mp4:
Twitch only allows 6k bitrate. I don't know why you almost tripled its size for no reason.

>> No.40564484

>And none of that would have any beneficial returns
The beneficial return would be not getting denied for collabs from streamers they want to collaborate with. Pippa, Lumi, and now Tenma have all shared stories of this exact thing happening to them and it's no surprise.
>Catering to these psychopaths
You're acting like a child. Read what I'm typing to you anon: It. Is. Just. Business. Like I said earlier, Phase and even Pippa have been on the other side of this. They have denied collabs to people because those people were brand risks.
You need to break out of this mindset that it's just 'people getting offended' left and right' Also I'm not saying that Phase should switch course or censor themselves, I'm just stating that there are pros and cons to their current approach, and pretending every con was never really a con in the first place is living in a fantasy land.

>> No.40564593
Quoted by: >>40564796

You are a retard tbqh

>> No.40564792
Quoted by: >>40564954

A collab with someone who doesn't understand the company benefits noone and should be avoided at all costs. If people are too retarded to do the bare minimum effort of researching who's asking for a collab actually does, they don't deserve any collabs.
Sucks a bit for Tenma to learn the reality like this, but it's for the better of both her carreer and the company as a whole.

>> No.40564796

Based. I'm sure that line really smooths things over with the cashier when your card gets declined.

>> No.40564902
File: 118 KB, 960x540, 1473305360794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40564935

>pcg suddenly larping as businessman

>> No.40564935


>> No.40564952
Quoted by: >>40565085

This is very true, which is what makes it sad that she must cast the blame to her genmates like lia and pippa. pippa at least is supposed to be a friend. you know what i'd say if someone didn't want to hang out with me because i was friends with someone?
>Fuck off and fuck you. say what you will about me as to why you are missing an opportunity to collab, but leave my friends out of this
instead she throws them under the bus, and has a tantrum. So much for "phase connect is a company effort".

>> No.40564954
File: 324 KB, 1022x731, 1670766440193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40565161

>A collab with someone who doesn't understand the company
Reading comprehension

>> No.40564972

Starting to think is not the answer. Stopping to t-

>> No.40565085
File: 104 KB, 631x654, 1642989582079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it sad that she must cast the blame to her genmates like lia and pippa

>> No.40565161
Quoted by: >>40565273

I didn't even read your post I just wanted to call you a fag

>> No.40565164
Quoted by: >>40565271

Because I can.
Here is the 240k bitrate version.

>> No.40565219

I've been daydreaming about being in a relationship with Uruka... I had a massive boner at work thinking about waking up, walking into the kitchen and seeing her cooking breakfast, only for me to go over, pull her panties down and devour her ass.

>> No.40565262
Quoted by: >>40565279

Time to watch the latest VoD of my wife Shiina.

>> No.40565271
File: 7 KB, 99x76, 1542100262717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40565572


>> No.40565273
Quoted by: >>40565306

>I just wanted to call you a fag
Well then how did you mess that part up?

>> No.40565276


>> No.40565279
Quoted by: >>40565370

Phase weekly?

>> No.40565306

Joke's on you, it was all a setup for a joke.

>> No.40565316
Quoted by: >>40565513

They don't want to collab because their "fans" or twittertards might get offended and create a shitstorm. Absolute garbage post.

>> No.40565370


>> No.40565448

There's no way Airi could be single
>Yesterdays Phase weekly
There's no way Airi could be in a relationship.

>> No.40565513

>He thinks the reason why Fishman won't let Pippa collab with Rekieta is because her fans would get offended
Actual grade-schooler. Keep fighting the good fight I guess

>> No.40565572
Quoted by: >>40565665

Would you prefer the lengthy explanation of I am recording in obs in 15k bitrate and I when I'm editing I do compression and rendering as separate steps and generally I prefer the renders to be as clean as possible regardless of the input file and this was my default setting.
But sorry for mentioning 15k bitrate. My bad.

>> No.40565583

Personally I think any 2d x 3d collab is cringe bullshit, so unless the Nose gets a vtuber avatar I dont see this as a loss.

>> No.40565598
Quoted by: >>40565938

Obviously the company reputation isn't at all affected by it's most popular streamer, and clearly it would never be taken as a slight against that person in a very roundabout but obvious way.

>> No.40565665
Quoted by: >>40565704

>rercording instead of just downloading the vod
oh anon, please
you're killing me

>> No.40565681
File: 731 KB, 733x900, romainian_gook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please explain who she is referring to here. i'll wait.
>"Instead I get people who I want to nothing to do with and I HATE THEM. and I don't want to interact with anyone. People begging me to collab with this one or that one. But I don't want to be associated with that community or introduced further into this circle."
>"We are stuck in the same circle ass kissing each other because of this way of doing content and I hate it.

>> No.40565684

One of Nick's fans would throw a giant animated nose rig together for him if it guaranteed a collab with Pippa, someone did it for Jim despite him not using it.

>> No.40565700
Quoted by: >>40566022

Just go back to twitter you tranny

>> No.40565704

*when I'm recording my own footage
I download the vods.

>> No.40565755
File: 167 KB, 505x305, FlUezI7acAAi8aS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40565785

he could borrow little pudding from Jim

>> No.40565767

"fans" was in quotes. i think you agree with this person, but i understand wanting to argue for the sake of it.

>> No.40565785

literally change out the hat for a nose and it works

>> No.40565801
Quoted by: >>40565876

no a baldo

>> No.40565814

lets hear the REAL reason why he won't then.

>> No.40565849
File: 195 KB, 400x400, 1672556653906030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool

>> No.40565876
Quoted by: >>40565953

You're both wrong, a pope hat.

>> No.40565906
File: 2.41 MB, 3300x2550, 1672460226227560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he'll use that big honking schnozz to suck up all the pippa foot fumes and he won't have any left for himself.
>you're welcome

>> No.40565926

>take a look at the roster
>12 players out of 23 changed
Quite a massive revamp.

>> No.40565938

You're the one making the claim. You tell me who exactly she was referring to in those quotes that are about collab begging.

>> No.40565953

yes i retract the baldo and vote with this anon. keep up the good work

>> No.40566003
Quoted by: >>40566055

i just want to fuck rie

>> No.40566019
Quoted by: >>40566198

Because the lawyer has a large audience of conservative boomers and the phase connect shop had a little girl's ass front and center for over a month.

>> No.40566022

I accept your concession.
You're probably capable of reading up the comment chain where I explained several times already why anon. Probably.

>> No.40566055

She'd hate it. It's either you rape her or she wont be into it. So have normal sex with rie.

>> No.40566129

I swear to god If wemi makes another cringy short....

>> No.40566153

shut up tenma you romanian whore gook. If you make pippa cry henri will very likely come for you full force, despite whatever kind of villain he's larping as at the moment.

>> No.40566198

You don't watch Rekieta much if you think that'd stop them

>> No.40566203

yuri's snorts make me way more horny than they should

>> No.40566225

Nta but kill yourself. You don't know what you're talking about hilariously so, stop shitting up the thread and go swing from a bridge you retarded ape.

>> No.40566291
Quoted by: >>40566327

I need a vtuber gf.

>> No.40566327
Quoted by: >>40566436

>I need a vtuber gf.
sometimes you have to give them candy when young. ask zax how he did it.

>> No.40566335

i need a mankotuber gf

>> No.40566413

new thread

>> No.40566436
Quoted by: >>40566484

*without being a furry paedophile

>> No.40566438

So what are the chances of whenever we can't see Pankos lower half shes in panko panties mode?

>> No.40566484

sorry, thems the rules.
