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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.93 MB, 4096x2593, 1655601994807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40044662 No.40044662 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>40049879

First /vsj+/ of 2023 Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any Vtubers frequently associated with them.

Mouse's New Year's stream is still ongoing. Buffpup joined for a bit but had to leave, but we got Geega in return! It's a very low key event compared to the chaos of last year but it feels fitting in its own way. But if that doesn't wet your whistle then Aethel's playing Elden Ring with Nyan, and Giri's being extremely inconsiderate. There's no telling when these streams will end but it's how our 2022 comes to an end so welcome in 2023 with open arms. Unfortunate timing meant that Haruka wasn't able to join but it was a comfy way to end the year and it's time ot look forward to what's coming up next. Hopefully everyone will be refreshed and have cool new goals set or something to make this year even better. Either way keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Vei - https://www.twitch.tv/veibae
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

VShojoJP is:

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/るみな/ for dedicated Nazuna discussion
>>>/vt//lig/ for more focused + and ++ discussion

Previous Thread: >>40036351

>> No.40044783
Quoted by: >>40044866

happy new years you gay sluts

>> No.40044840
File: 1.14 MB, 1541x867, 1656422268734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giri's counting down 1 minute

>> No.40044851

And our year begins with Tob.

>> No.40044866
File: 173 KB, 850x1133, 1655696269381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bestie! Can't wait to get creamepied later tonight!~

>> No.40044869


>> No.40044885
File: 878 KB, 1033x783, 1672540994123778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year slots, first voice you ever hear is Tob

>> No.40044895
File: 228 KB, 1176x1000, 164288483838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink cat sex to bless the new years

>> No.40044963
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Quoted by: >>40047877

Have a happy one!

>> No.40044980
Quoted by: >>40045067

I wanted to count down with Vei and Soda.

>> No.40045017
File: 1.73 MB, 1559x880, 1649446887011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40045142

Giri for me actually. I figure he's not calling at the exact second so I'm watching Giri freak out even though it's still 1 more hour here.

>> No.40045060
File: 36 KB, 591x565, 1656908226604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first voice you ever hear is Tob

>> No.40045065 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 498x278, froot-bsapricot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search "titaniummermaid livejournal" on Google. Now bring up titaniummermaid on Kik.

>> No.40045067

Parasocial faggot

>> No.40045100
File: 92 KB, 894x559, 1640006429449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Years, I hate you all. Hope you have a nice year

>> No.40045142
File: 916 KB, 666x665, 1671243710517106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40045867

happy new year giribro, I loved you coverage of the gingerbread stream

>> No.40045147
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, FiRKclEEr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year anons

>> No.40045161
File: 526 KB, 500x500, 1661659260076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year to my fellow east coasters

>> No.40045169

>clock strikes 12
>Mouse suddenly has to leave
Wonder what that could possibly be about

>> No.40045214

The confession is not for our ears.

>> No.40045228

>mouse immediately goes off-stream
>likely crying because connor wasn't there

>> No.40045246

Crying because Connor forgot.

>> No.40045266

There's something called family

>> No.40045270
File: 440 KB, 1084x610, 1649738349271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to thank God for all those cute and tasty frootposters out there, you da real ones.

>> No.40045283

I had sex with 104 girls so far, this year I will find real love like aethel and nyan or vei and soda.

>> No.40045334

Break down crying why other vshojo members didn't show up.

>> No.40045379
File: 128 KB, 512x512, FfBi2NeUUAA11Lg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40045437


>> No.40045423
Quoted by: >>40045935

Not everything is about the pink rat slut.

>> No.40045437
File: 16 KB, 112x112, 1658169931528809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t o b

>> No.40045447

Stop it, this is giving me alot of anxiety now.

>> No.40045462
File: 16 KB, 112x112, 1650413723578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I was out getting railed.

>> No.40045482
File: 108 KB, 1175x1048, 1657553706968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this year I will find real love
DYRBI? lol
Good luck anon

>> No.40045524

Mouse wouldn't cry about little shit like that.

>> No.40045556

First off, check if your dick doesn't hurt when you pee. good luck anon

>> No.40045571

Tough luck, nyanposter

>> No.40045787

what happened to mouse?

>> No.40045843

Probably getting calls from family and friends.

>> No.40045867
File: 1.68 MB, 1512x852, 1653863129372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lot of fun and she happens to fulfill a lot of dead VShojo hours which is why she should be /in/. As a sub goal Jowol started watching his childhood videos he made when he first started making videos when he was like 13 years old recording himself playing Halo 3 and Giri didn't want to miss it so she's just restreaming it and goddamn kid Jowol sounds so fucking bizarre

>> No.40045881
Quoted by: >>40045946

busy crying probably

>> No.40045933
File: 2.56 MB, 1590x783, 1654668550589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40046095

remember last year mouse and nyan were having a heart to heart at this moment, talking about how much they loved each other

>> No.40045935
Quoted by: >>40046034


Bros... I am getting nervous.

>> No.40045946

True she would be emotional after the confession

>> No.40045953
Quoted by: >>40046188


>> No.40045955

Crying because connor, pink cat, or any vshojos didn't show up

>> No.40045964
Quoted by: >>40046049

>random faggot starts talking on mouse's stream

>> No.40046012

hasan vshonen confirmed

>> No.40046036

Happy new year anons

>> No.40046034

Maybe worry about your own life.

>> No.40046049

that was mouse anon

>> No.40046095

I remember Pink love.
It was so sweet and innocent.
And then it was impaled, taking the breath out of it. By none other than Aethel's cock...

>> No.40046161
Quoted by: >>40046294

Remember this is how Mousefags started the new year. Shitting on everyone else in the org.

>> No.40046188
Quoted by: >>40046269

What happened now?

>> No.40046251

why is mouse vaguelaughting

>> No.40046269
Quoted by: >>40046439

what the fuck is mouse on about now
Mouse accidentally opened up Twitch and Hasan was playing in her main screen

>> No.40046294

Rightfully so.

>> No.40046297

For reals at least I'm glad some people showed up to be with Mouse

>> No.40046305
Quoted by: >>40046394

Mouse confessed...

>> No.40046326

mouse please stop looking at the ceiling and floor

>> No.40046333
File: 1.39 MB, 484x560, 1671900566584246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year, what are y'all doing? I'm playing some No Man's Sky while watching this thread shit itself because Veifags continue to shitfling

>> No.40046334

wtf happened with Mouse

>> No.40046342

why is mouse sperging???

>> No.40046394

>Candii, I wanna die
And got rejected.

>> No.40046423
Quoted by: >>40046499

I think Connor is going to show up for a couple mins on desktop mode from his laptop...

>> No.40046439
Quoted by: >>40046594

>Mouse is a Hasanabi Head
It's over

>> No.40046445

That's some beautiful stars.

>> No.40046446

>>40046333 (Me)
Previous thread*

>> No.40046475
Quoted by: >>40046624

connor did it didnt he....

>> No.40046489

It seems like she got some kind of message.
Start the rrats

>> No.40046499
Quoted by: >>40046542


>> No.40046505
Quoted by: >>40046752

morning is going to be interesting since everyone made a big deal out of it, I wonder how vshojo will address it or they will pull a silvervale trying to memory hole it.

>> No.40046542

Only Veifags say Mousefags

>> No.40046583

rip rrats, it was just her mom

>> No.40046594

im too drunk to baitpost about how everyones wife is leftist (the correct ideology) so instead i'll say ironmouse is very cute

>> No.40046617

KEK she is so stupid
Why the fuck wouldn't she just mute the mic

>> No.40046624

Nope. Just forgot to mute in VRChat.

>> No.40046625

based on what she just said might wanna un-rip these rrats

>> No.40046639

oh ok, so Mouse was talking to family and she probably thought stream was hearing her, but the girls were hearing her

>> No.40046646

What the hell is Mouse freaking out about?

>> No.40046652

Everyone in this collab is part of a death pact now.

>> No.40046672
Quoted by: >>40046805

Seems more than that

>> No.40046711
Quoted by: >>40046842

Mouse 100% said some verboten shit while she was muted

>> No.40046737
Quoted by: >>40046842

She probably mentioned [REDACTED]

>> No.40046741

So Mouse muted her mic to stream but not to the girls in VR chat, so essentially she had a private conversation she didn't want anyone else to hear but the girls got to hear it.

>> No.40046752

wtf are you talking about schizo

>> No.40046785

Everyone in the collab now knows Mouse's real name, and other highly personal information. They will now graduate at the hands of GunRun. In Minecraft.

>> No.40046793

Ngl this is genuinely the first thing that makes me suspect that Mouse and Connor could actually be more than just bros...

>> No.40046805
File: 482 KB, 729x729, 1656550784886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this a probably awful amount of vagueposting, my bet is just family and she was probably telling more than most girls must known, still what a reaction from her lmao

>> No.40046813

So Tob heard forbidden truths of Mouse, what a time.

>> No.40046837
File: 493 KB, 1023x1343, cdawg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40046842
File: 23 KB, 393x358, 1656755867043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that seems the most logical conclusion, can't imagine why else she would want to "off herself in minecraft" otherwise

>> No.40046850

based on her reaction to not muting in vrc im going to bet it was a call with connor with wishing her a happy new year, with ai covering

>> No.40046881

oh boy liggers have confirmed forbidden knowledge now

>> No.40046887

These girls just learned some satanic truths

>> No.40046893

Mouse went into a very anti-semitic rant. Tob will use this to get /in/

>> No.40046901
File: 235 KB, 391x528, image_2023-01-01_002053612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reaction image acquired

>> No.40046904
Quoted by: >>40047235

i agree with this

>> No.40046923

Tob is now more /in/ than we would have ever guessed kek

>> No.40046925

Boyfriend's cock > Vshojo&friends

>> No.40046944

I think so too, especially with the frantic texting she was doing after.

>> No.40046954

Seriously doubt it was Connor, although there were clearly sounds of Snapchat, but I don't know. Connor would definitely call her for content and on stream.

>> No.40046969

Actually it was Connor drunkenly calling her saying "I love you Mel"

>> No.40046986

It was a call from [redacted]

>> No.40046999
Quoted by: >>40047078

>mouse leaking nuclear codes to her friends
we're doomed.

>> No.40047016


>> No.40047047


>> No.40047053

where......................... is vei

>> No.40047064

It could have just been mentioned in the call.

>> No.40047078

Brothers... /lig/ has the launch codes.. it's over..

>> No.40047103

All these girls are about to learn why they call him the Gunrun after learning some forbidden knowledge

>> No.40047104

How will vshojo address concernfags this morning about vshojo members not joining mouse? Am I overexagerating the problem being that big to cause drama or no?

>> No.40047114

If the people in this VRC didn't know Mouse's secrets before (Candii probably did), they do now

They're doing a great job playing it off like nothing happened
We just witnessed a blood pact

>> No.40047143

Out of that group, people that must know about Mouse the most is literally just Geega and Candii.
Although there's Tob and Meat so that's funny

>> No.40047159
Quoted by: >>40047342

>24 minutes into 2023
Connor abandoned his rat.

>> No.40047187

likely getting dicked down in vr with soda and roflgator

>> No.40047195

She's on Mouse chat right now but it might just be chatterino

>> No.40047225
Quoted by: >>40047326

hi oomfies, are you having a nice 2023?

>> No.40047235

Connor got all those fucking kisses, that’s why mouse is shaking from leak

>> No.40047268
File: 355 KB, 391x555, 1672210650913525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40047273
Quoted by: >>40047358

She probably thought it was Mouse's mom because whoever she was talking to was in spanish.

>> No.40047275

What a way to start the year lmao.

>> No.40047326

They just announced America is going to war

>> No.40047342

He probably called her immediately. Connor typically does what he says he will so if he told Mouse he would call at midnight I believe it.

>> No.40047358

They are probably not retarded

>> No.40047392

Veibae my beloved

>> No.40047452

Yeah I will be crying on vshojo member twitter pages of why they abandoned mouse.

>> No.40047486

>tmw Geega is more of a Vshojo than Vei and Nyan are

>> No.40047507

So Meat and Tob got access to some top secret information. Will the Mafia boss Mouse force them into the family to ensure their silence or are they going to disappear soon never to be seen again?

>> No.40047545
File: 1.49 MB, 1175x1175, monke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw last year

>> No.40047599
File: 188 KB, 341x227, geegaslayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back, foul leech

>> No.40047598
Quoted by: >>40047703

First thread of the year the Mousefag have shat up (once again)

>> No.40047615

I hope the family initiation ritual involves steamy lesbian sex

>> No.40047627

Just enjoy the stream ESL, or dont. Happy new year

>> No.40047632
Quoted by: >>40047985

You got a screenshot of the whole group after the countdown? I need some despair kino

>> No.40047650

What secret info? Mouse is not sick?

>> No.40047667

Lets be honest: everyone knew already.

>> No.40047684

meat and tob almost certainly lurk this board so they already knew anyways, no difference

>> No.40047703


>> No.40047715
Quoted by: >>40047782

Imagine if she later says Connor already called her, confirming that rrat about AiCandii covering for her
We will see. Her frantic keyboard typing during her mental breakdown was a bit sus, but that may just be her texting one of her mods to confirm whether or not the stream heard anything

>> No.40047717
File: 3 KB, 112x112, 1671160321996313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40047762


>> No.40047742

The only thing that makes thing is Connor is literally the Snapchat noises and the typing, other than that I won't believe that Connor would actually call her personally instead of on stream, I'm willing to believe that it was just family, although if something was being heard, most of the girls were pretty normal to react about any juicy info. Either way, I'm still think Mouse reaction was enough to make a shitty clicklbait clip

>> No.40047746

drinking and getting high

>> No.40047762

Still waiting for proof.

>> No.40047773

Nyan looks very motherly in this pic

>> No.40047782

the keyboard typing could be quite literally anything, I don't see how that's evidence for any point in particular

>> No.40047822

Ironic considering how hard she leeches off of rapists

>> No.40047848
File: 320 KB, 640x360, ironmouse (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe Zen actually joined.

>> No.40047868


>> No.40047877
Quoted by: >>40048023

gib sauce

>> No.40047895

>not as entertaining as vei
>not as funny as vei
>lifeless 1k model rigging vs veibae's 20k rigged model with vbridger integration

>> No.40047981

Joins orca birthday lig stream, joins mouse, why is she so wholesome?

>> No.40047985
File: 510 KB, 2558x1315, newyear2021-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unitybros...it's over

>> No.40048023

IDK, but it's a Koikatsu image so you can find more like that from there

>> No.40048041

>layna next to nyan

>> No.40048047

Unity back on the menu

>> No.40048052

>not a-
>not a-
Literally the same model as Vei

>> No.40048065

That's just sad

>> No.40048076
File: 260 KB, 483x487, Bliss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40048129


>> No.40048117
Quoted by: >>40048149

>plays better games
>same personality as Vei
>more refined than Vei
>10k model, same as Veis

>> No.40048129
Quoted by: >>40048248

numbers now, so I can at least send off this fucking year with a blast anon

>> No.40048149
Quoted by: >>40048267

>same personality as Vei
This is a bad thing, Vei is dogshit

>> No.40048168

When did Unity truly die?

>> No.40048199

I should've

>> No.40048206

When Mouse decided to collab with males

>> No.40048248

Pt1 https://exhentai.org/g/1465172/c72042f61d/
Pt 2 https://exhentai.org/g/1919610/362171eef3/
I really should just have them bookmarked so this is easier

>> No.40048252

So does this mean I can shit talk other members except zen and mouse?

>> No.40048261 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 220x220, Smadging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I don't know about you but I am very upset that none of the girls showed up. It's quite funny how Mousey considers them her friends but they are not there when she invites them. For 2023, I think Mousey should figure out who her real friends are and discard the rest. I would start with the other big 2, Nyan and Vei who are clearly more interested spending their time with other people. As for the rest of the girls, they are also on notice for the chopping block to be kicked out because they offer nothing of value to the team. What a disappointing end to 2022.

jk, happy new years friends

>> No.40048267

Yes, absolutly. Lumi shares same bitch vibes as Vei.

>> No.40048300
Quoted by: >>40048922

When Vei decided she didn't want to be a Vtuber anymore

>> No.40048309

>Look at this photograph
>Every time I do, it makes me laugh
>How did Unity get so dead?
>And what the hell is on Vei's head

>> No.40048337
File: 636 KB, 620x557, 1650479860976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40048364

I hate Mousefags so damn much. Would not suck your dicks

>> No.40048349

This but not jk

>> No.40048355

season finale

>> No.40048364

but my oshi is a mousefag

>> No.40048392

Try harder with your falseflag next time

>> No.40048432

as if this year's crowd isn't superior in every way

>> No.40048434

I'll rail you anon.
I wont enjoy it an it will be completely out of pity but i'll still do it

>> No.40048458

My nigga Buff only became more powerful

>> No.40048496
Quoted by: >>40048660

Can't believe Mouse got lucky that the other people there weren't also streaming. She really lucked out.

>> No.40048599

>geega denied

>> No.40048598

I am a mousefag. I hate all vtubers that are not Mouse and their fans. I love watching her numbers grow. I hate shippers.

>> No.40048615

Are you retards actually being serious with your "muh unity is dead" or are you just bored and shitposting again?

>> No.40048660

Her entire career is based on luck.

>> No.40048673
File: 18 KB, 224x224, 69286902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40048674

I'm 100% serious, Mousefags killed unity

>> No.40048676


>> No.40048685

>joins shylily lig birthday party.
>seems close to nux with occasional posts even when drama happened.
>joins mousenew years stream when other members didn't.
>forces herself to play shitty apex games with froot when other members don't want to.

How can a lizard be so human?

>> No.40048684


>> No.40048701
Quoted by: >>40048749

idk but this year's NYE party was mid

>> No.40048724

It does kinda suck tho. This time two years ago was peak unity.

>> No.40048727
File: 153 KB, 332x383, 1671682042794160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40048730

bored anons.

>> No.40048734

men have to work extra hard

>> No.40048737

Face it brother. Unity is dead, and we killed it

>> No.40048749

but it had Tob

>> No.40048763

It's ok to admit you weren't here last year or the year before

>> No.40048802

Ok Mousefag

>> No.40048810

Actually Vei killed unity

>> No.40048832

nigga that was not Zen how fucking gullible are you

>> No.40048914
Quoted by: >>40048988

Nah it was mouse

>> No.40048922


>> No.40048988

It was actually Aethel who killed unity, with his cock.

>> No.40049024


>> No.40049025

Alright good night bros and happy new years and remember no drama about why vshojo members didn't join mouse.

>> No.40049058

last year i wished all the vshojos except mouse would disappear and be replaced by Tob and her friends, but I was only kidding

>> No.40049105

His cock only caused thirst from silver and nyan along with other ligs,.

>> No.40049126

Ironmouse was the one who introduced everyone to Aethel when he was a 1view. She killed unity

>> No.40049136

the cuntry club have taken over this organization

>> No.40049155
Quoted by: >>40049230

I killed Unity.

>> No.40049156

Tobfags are the worst

>> No.40049198
File: 354 KB, 640x360, ironmouse (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexo with geega

>> No.40049201
File: 325 KB, 1760x2142, 1667608435172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a neutral observer from /lig/, Mousefags have been the most annoying people ITT for months. They melt down anytime she's not the center of attention for everyone in your group. Just look at how they responded to Silver having her episode during Mouse's redebut.

>> No.40049226

I knew it was over when they got a fucking party bus...

>> No.40049230

We know, Mouse

>> No.40049277

Any attack on Vei, her stream, her character, or her relationship is simply motivated by jealousy and nothing else.

>> No.40049320

Other anons are bored and angry because their oshi is getting dicked and didn't join the stream so they're taking it out on mousefags or falseflagging as them.

>> No.40049366

Go suffer from BPD elsewhere, Saureifag.

>> No.40049370
File: 42 KB, 560x396, 798690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40049396

Retarded coon

>> No.40049407
Quoted by: >>40049707

I fucking hate Tobfags

>> No.40049413

this is cope anon
Mousefags have behaved like this repeatedly

>> No.40049442

For once, based frogposter

>> No.40049452
Quoted by: >>40049530

I knew it was that 1 seething Silverfag from way back
Come to think about it, mouse spergin began when Silver cried during Mouse debut and people didnt like that.

>> No.40049484


>> No.40049522

I wanted all the vshojo BFs to be on this new years stream, or nazuna randomly join with males present to have fun drama but not boring drama about muhhh vshojo unity.

>> No.40049530

Why did Silver cry during Mouse's debut? (I didn't watch)

>> No.40049529

>Ligger likes worst girl

>> No.40049583
Quoted by: >>40049908

Crushing weight of her inferiority manifested

>> No.40049586
Quoted by: >>40049643

Her dad was mean or something, who knows

>> No.40049592

*Yawn* the Mousesperg wasn't getting his (you)'s so he changed tactics to falseflag as a frogposter and of course he was successful.

>> No.40049595
File: 329 KB, 448x448, StI6CW9PX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40049735

I was promised a comfy /lig/ger NYE Stream and Corpo-whore mouse ruined it.

>> No.40049609
Quoted by: >>40049908

she saw mouse having very big number so she had a meltdown about how vshojo does nothing for her and she's forever going to be irrelevant

>> No.40049629
File: 2.51 MB, 818x1080, cute tob dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40049643
Quoted by: >>40049810

Her dad was an abusive cunt so I guess that checks out

>> No.40049707
File: 1.02 MB, 818x1080, fast t0b dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40049735

Mouse has ruined both VShojo Unity and /lig/ger Unity

>> No.40049762

huge mouse tits

>> No.40049784
File: 453 KB, 975x506, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40049803
File: 4 KB, 267x44, mikey de la mama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikey abandoned vshojo and only watches Tob now

>> No.40049810

I will be abusive to silvers cunt with my penis.

>> No.40049879

everyone was so absorbed about unity that no one noticed this absolutely disgusting art

>> No.40049904

Good. Vshojo too abandoned Vshojo.

>> No.40049903

Isn't he banned from Tobs chat? Lol

>> No.40049908
Quoted by: >>40050021

Gee I wonder why she was upset about Mouse getting a big number maybe it has something to do with how her community act towards everyone else in the group. Maybe it's the way they treat everyone else like side characters to Mouse's shit?

>> No.40049922

Everything wrong with vshojo can be traced back to that dumb Puerto Rican whore

>> No.40049935
Quoted by: >>40050011

Nah, he just got banned from every Vshojo members chat thanks to Pendrive

>> No.40049970
File: 108 KB, 249x464, 1672552279489927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corpa tob

>> No.40050011

why? i thought vei loved mikey

>> No.40050021

No one in Mouse community cares about numbers.

>> No.40050020
File: 82 KB, 939x930, 1641507799340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tobheads are the most powerful group

>> No.40050052
Quoted by: >>40050102

It is officially midnight here and the fireworks are so fucking loud I can hear every single dog in the neighborhood having a heart attack. Merry new year

>> No.40050084
Quoted by: >>40050267

Leave Coqui out of this, she's minding her own business tonight

>> No.40050102

happy new year anon, hope you are having a good night.

>> No.40050136

>Aethel finally won, on New Year's CST of all time
Well I'm glad something wholesome happened at least

>> No.40050175
Quoted by: >>40050316

Except for Mouse, that's why no one else is streaming their POV

>> No.40050238
File: 132 KB, 1548x867, giri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Giri :^)

>> No.40050246
Quoted by: >>40050351

>The one person trying to organize and do things as a group
>It's all her fault!

>> No.40050258

Tonight showed who Mouse's real friends are

>> No.40050267

I'm talking about Mouse you fucking retard

>> No.40050282

Oh no.. Another one...

>> No.40050286

oh shit

>> No.40050316

I find it hard to believe. Got anything backing up that claim?

>> No.40050334

UMM...... SISTERS????

>> No.40050340

They only care about Mouse and expect everyone else prioritize her desires over their own.

>> No.40050342
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, last tob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga tob and meat entered a blood pact to what they have learned tonight, ended up being a cool hang out.
hi giri, nice tits.

>> No.40050351

>excludes everyone to obsess over dono money and some random British faggot

>> No.40050364

When was the last time we had 3 vshojo members do a collab?

>> No.40050372


>> No.40050385

Dad shit on her and called her a whore and a failure. Then later in the day she was denied a sponsor deal because they thought they were talking to Nyanners.

>> No.40050389


>> No.40050419

Nyanners's Longest survivor?

>> No.40050425
Quoted by: >>40050499

No BF call...

>> No.40050431
File: 351 KB, 468x572, 62387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40050565


>> No.40050434
Quoted by: >>40050537

Silver, Froot, Nazuna Apex stream.

>> No.40050449

Giri of all people is here?
Well luckily this thread likes her a lot at least

>> No.40050455
Quoted by: >>40050565

fuck off, vei

>> No.40050456

And then Mouse laughed at her misfortune, leading to less unity

>> No.40050479
File: 2.86 MB, 960x540, CryingLesserDemonMouse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mouse streamed too much these past few days and is too sick to remain for PST and MST bros

>> No.40050489
File: 260 KB, 532x590, 1648442181523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40050943

My schizophrenia told me this when she made that fucking black glove tweet. BTW sorry for making fun of your model's big ass forehead

>> No.40050499

I'm willing to believe the rrat now to cope. But even I know that it's probably family

>> No.40050508

I keep forgetting this exist

>> No.40050514
Quoted by: >>40050572


>> No.40050518
Quoted by: >>40050565

I miss firefox schizo....

>> No.40050522

Must've been a shitty sponsor to make that mistake but still.

>> No.40050537

Was that a very weird stream?

>> No.40050543

Based Mouse didn't raid Aethel

>> No.40050553

ligbros, not like this

>> No.40050562

Bet she's one of the Froot posters.

>> No.40050565

>firefox suggests:

>> No.40050570
File: 3.54 MB, 1891x2061, 1665684392417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40050670

I take credit for this by being the most frequent Giri poster here even now.

>> No.40050572
File: 183 KB, 325x321, 1656549004570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40050649

Nobody cares how lazy she is Mousefaggot

>> No.40050670



>> No.40050681
Quoted by: >>40052481

Rrat: Giri is in lesbian relationship with OP that is why OP posts about her so much

>> No.40050703
File: 843 KB, 379x422, 1646723723120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40051176

at least Aethel and Nyan are still on
and giri, which due to the poster I now have her in a corner.

>> No.40050722

I mean that's probably why she comes here.

>> No.40050810

I heard aethel say the word propose a few minutes ago and I immediately had a schizo fit in my mind because of that one faggot that kept spamming how he was supposed to propose to pink cat.

>> No.40050838

So she really is pissed. ....don't want to be stupid but how long was aethel streaming? I didn't pay attention to him.

>> No.40050852

She was probably laughing at all the people saying she was the one /in/ when it turned out to be the moose

>> No.40050870


>> No.40050908

Ok Vei

>> No.40050926

ok vei

>> No.40050938

Oh the irony

>> No.40050937

Based Vei.

>> No.40050939

So what you're saying is: Onibro is /here/, not Giri.

>> No.40050943
File: 179 KB, 850x1302, 1660583712657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40051054

I'm surprised more people didn't pick up on that. Everyone was saying the new member had black gloves because of the teaser and then Giri tweeted her black gloves on a new model she was debuting. Wonder if that was a hint for the future or just a troll.

>> No.40050945

For at lot, but Mouse sounded like she was going to vomit so ended up quick. Considering she probably got too anxious over the the unmuted shit + VR

>> No.40050979

>Mouse immediately went afk at the stroke of midnight
>Mouse mutes stream but not VR
>Mouse caught in 4k by the ladies talking to Connor and they tried to talk over it just in case chat could hear it
>Geega makes up the excuse that Mouse was just speaking to her mother while Mouse dies from embarrassment
>Retards accept this excuse even though it’s extremely obvious she wouldn’t get that worked up over telling her mom she loves her since it has happened before and she was only slightly embarrassed then

>> No.40051025
Quoted by: >>40051286

Everyone blaming the girls for things that started a year ago, it was none of their faults. What we're witnessing is the echoes of the past, set off by none other than Lord Nuxanor. That day he dealt VShojo a telling blow that they have yet to fully recover from.

Were it not for he, Nyanners would not have been dragged so low, to the point of suicide, that she would run face first to the only thing that could give her security, a strong man with a penis.

>> No.40051029
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an inch close from sperging at her several threads ago but I didnt
Thank fuck

>> No.40051036

so, what you're saying is onibro is /here/, not giri?

>> No.40051041
Quoted by: >>40051128

Ooooh... that makes sense

>> No.40051043
Quoted by: >>40051243

At least blond Vei was here for us on new years...

Regular Vei was too busy with cock.

>> No.40051046

She actually did raid she just ended first.

>> No.40051054
File: 395 KB, 595x552, 1644726288718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this rrat.
I think this rrat is stupid
I believe it.

>> No.40051066

Hey Onigiri, if you're seeing this. I just want you to know I want to do wall hitting mating presses to you in front of your friends.

>> No.40051067
File: 1.66 MB, 1564x903, 62970378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giri also uses hanime

>> No.40051128

IDK why you'd assume it was him. Streamers often use two PCs for streaming. It's probably her.

>> No.40051176

So why didn't nyan and aethel join mouses party when both are on?

>> No.40051201

Nyan tummy hort.

>> No.40051243

Vei streamed earlier though

>> No.40051281
Quoted by: >>40051393

Because they didn't want to. Probably because they fucking hate Mouse's community treating them like props.

>> No.40051286

>t. Mousefag coping

>> No.40051291

Pussy doesn't hurt apparently.

>> No.40051292
Quoted by: >>40051393

Nyan too sick to join VR, Aethel didn't want her to be lonely

>> No.40051294

Extremely based, what a great site

>> No.40051313

And this kids, is why you hide your browser when you type in url's and searches into your browser when you stream.

>> No.40051318

based. I'm going to claim her favorite tag is /ss/ with no evidence because she's got huge tits

>> No.40051322

Aethel doesn't know about parties, or anything really, he's just a dumb little guy, he doesn't even know what day of the week it is. He's kind of like a child, oblivious.

Nyan was really, REALLY sick, and she knows from experience, that VR just makes it worse, and the only thing that she can comfortably do is watch her bf play Elden Ring.

>> No.40051393



>> No.40051406

lol Mousefags really shitting up this thread

>> No.40051414

Now I want to know which vids she likes the most.

>> No.40051420
Quoted by: >>40051554

Nyan likes Tob, so I like Nyan

>> No.40051454

Uh, friends that are living their own lives and Mouse knew that not everyone could join? I mean Aethel is being a good bf

>> No.40051464

Mouse wouldn't want Nyan to come if she was sick. And Mouse wouldn't want Aethel to abandon Nyan for a party.

>> No.40051493
Quoted by: >>40051633

Mousefags are off to a strong start for the most dogshit posters. It's a long year though so still anyone's game.

>> No.40051529
Quoted by: >>40051561

She freaked out a bunch so it had to be something personal so she either called Connor babe, her mom said her actual name or REDACTED. We will never know which.

>> No.40051554

Tob likes Nyan, so I like Tob

>> No.40051561

whatever it is, is funny that Tobs knows kek
damn skunk got lucky

>> No.40051573

Some are making a big deal that other vshojo members didn't join mouse, while I am laughing like an idiot from it.

>> No.40051632
Quoted by: >>40052281

I'm gonna guess Mouse invited everyone last minute that's the reason almost no one showed up and kind of guilty pressure some people into joining today
She's horrible at planning things

>> No.40051633
File: 84 KB, 1080x1080, 1645785743728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40051843

Vei bros... our title....

>> No.40051654

I hope Mouse dies so you Mousefags shut up for good.

>> No.40051658
Quoted by: >>40051773

Ok, at this point the list of who isn't /here/ is shorter then who is. Seriously wtf?

>> No.40051670

Must be pretty lonely, starting the year seething at a fanbase and trying to pull (you)'s. Anyway I suppose its morning in Jakarta, happy new year sir.

>> No.40051736


>> No.40051773
Quoted by: >>40051997

I just assume everyone is. Or have atleast lurked once or twice.

Not haruka though

>> No.40051785

Internet explorer anon...

>> No.40051802

Thanks Mousey. Happy new year to you too

>> No.40051834
File: 1006 KB, 250x250, 1646361789261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, have a happy new year faggot.

>> No.40051843
Quoted by: >>40052156

I agree, that mousesperg is actually more annoying than veispergs

>> No.40051887

Happy new years!

>> No.40051912

Thanks tob

>> No.40051918
File: 877 KB, 560x560, 1659209010051938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year

>> No.40051957

we didnt get to see dragon vei in vr or sodas model in vr. I only vaguely remember vei showing off toe physics in vr and that might be the only time it'll be seen in vr

>> No.40051979

Hime fags always shitting up the thread

>> No.40051997
File: 310 KB, 600x600, image_2023-01-01_012435902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, are you seriously saying the one who is actually autistic wouldn't come here?

>> No.40052014
File: 142 KB, 776x729, F882D53B-EB1B-4288-8A61-EE167833F4CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year friend

>> No.40052052

connor didn't call at midnight like he promised...

>> No.40052075 [DELETED] 
File: 999 KB, 2591x2628, Ifuckrrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only unity is my dick in mouses pussy.

>> No.40052099

Moose is too precious to be allowed to read this thread

>> No.40052149

She the soft kind of autistic that requires a hugbox. Not shitting on her too hard. Just saying it's how she is.

>> No.40052156 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, parasocial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veispergs would not exist if mouse didn't start collabing with e-celeb fleshtubers. She and Mizkif were the ones that organized that show where vei and soda met.

>> No.40052170

Based and so long

>> No.40052178


>> No.40052196

utterly based

>> No.40052213
File: 160 KB, 497x494, 1672549990917061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40052268

snuffy had big boobies

>> No.40052269

So funny to me that Lacari is the one guy here who actually got a huge glow up since then (got a hot gf and started working out)

>> No.40052271

Kill yourself

>> No.40052276

did you modify the tits?

>> No.40052278

o7 king

>> No.40052281

>Mouse invited everyone last minute
Anon, she told us a couple days ago that she'd invited everyone but she wasn't sure if anyone would come because they all had plans.. Except Snuffy.

>> No.40052333
File: 28 KB, 350x350, 1670118755301111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40052367
File: 227 KB, 678x472, image_2023-01-01_013131240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40052554


>> No.40052428

Veispergs exist since PMG

>> No.40052481

>OP makes long OP's
>Nyan talks about how she likes them
>OP posts about Giri
>Get proof Giri is /here/
Strongest /vsj+/ poster? After Frootposters since Nyan also liked them

>> No.40052492
Quoted by: >>40052545

Finally, based mods.

>> No.40052493


>> No.40052545
File: 254 KB, 600x357, 1656139139087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40052628


>> No.40052554
Quoted by: >>40052595


>> No.40052595
Quoted by: >>40052754

Stop ban evading.

>> No.40052615

There's also that one guy who kept schizoposting screaming about how much he missed pink cat. Both Nyan and Mouse made subtle jokes about him lol

>> No.40052628
Quoted by: >>40052656

You don't deserve Vei

>> No.40052656
File: 691 KB, 747x819, 1652414806581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40052680
File: 587 KB, 951x611, 1660121741723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how much of a ripple effect this collab had.
>VeiSoda relationship
>killed Vei's interest in VShojo collabs
>Veispergs and shit up the thread
>everyone's numbers to balloon from LSF
>new numbers cause Mouse's subathon to go on forever
>Nyanspend a lot of time with Aethel babysitting the subathon
>NyanAethel relationship
>killed her interest in VShojo collabs
>NyanGoslings and shat up the thread
>Nyan now living with Aethel and Vei is planning to move.

>> No.40052691

Fightcade anon.
May he rest in peace.

>> No.40052722

meds and therapy

>> No.40052743

He still pops up occasionally. He told Zen to install Fightcade after she acknowledged us lmao

>> No.40052751
Quoted by: >>40052881

No one played fightcade. He is 2nd weakest poster after Samurai.

>> No.40052754


>> No.40052784

I'm pretty sure he is still alive anon

>> No.40052792
Quoted by: >>40053097

It was probably for off stream

>> No.40052796
Quoted by: >>40052836

what was the last collab (non vshojo forced) most of the girls participated? was it Tectone birthday?

>> No.40052836
File: 723 KB, 658x535, 1646831002190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I still haven't watched this damn VOD

A lot did Longest Aliver recently

>> No.40052881
Quoted by: >>40052905

Even if Katana anon is the weakest poster he tries the hardest and that's all that matters.

>> No.40052905
Quoted by: >>40052998

He is by far my favorite one.

>> No.40052998

I love all the little edits of him

>> No.40053090
File: 138 KB, 500x470, saygs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40053205

It's like if mousie was a mallrat back when the mall didn't have camera hell in the 1999 and it's the bedset department and you have to be quiet with her and or hide <3

>> No.40053097
Quoted by: >>40053314

I'm gonna cope with the thing that this anon said >>40050979 and add that Connor might have just told Mouse that he was planning to call her as away for her to be prepared to mute herself, the only proof is the snapchat noises going crazy. But the problem is that it could be easily explain as her family calling her and wishing a happy new year to everyone for what she was embarrased. Either way the surrounding girls acted pretty chill for what they could have heard.

>> No.40053193
File: 31 KB, 442x420, Silver215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new year's resolution is to be more unhinged and stop filtering myself so much.

>> No.40053205

r/oddlyspecific xDdD

>> No.40053258

I didnt know you like Silver, Connor

>> No.40053314
File: 251 KB, 1024x2047, 1650153499959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40053550

>girls acted pretty chill for what they could have heard
They likely all have their own secret "bro" so that's not that surprising .

>> No.40053365

Take me back


>> No.40053463

>Tob and Meat both go live after spending hours with Mouse
Why the fuck are our girls so goddamn lazy

>> No.40053468
File: 1.10 MB, 946x871, 1649431488230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giri's looking at her old clips and I must have missed this stream. She said this isn't a toggle, she has to make this face IRL to have the model do it.

>> No.40053525

Looks like I found my new oshi's

>> No.40053531
Quoted by: >>40053602

Almost all the girls were miserable off stream during 2020 and 2021 NYE. This year it's mostly just Silver who's miserable.

>> No.40053550

Yeah me

>> No.40053580

Success breeds laziness

>> No.40053602
File: 87 KB, 288x302, 1650412012274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already forgot what year it was bros.

>> No.40053637


>> No.40053674
File: 3.95 MB, 800x450, 1671909717016497.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.40053775

Owari da

>> No.40054030
Quoted by: >>40054143

My new years resolution is to rape your throat and tits.

>> No.40054043
File: 2.24 MB, 498x322, gggoeel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40054050
Quoted by: >>40054101

>Geega makes up the excuse that Mouse was just speaking to her mother while Mouse dies from embarrassment
I'm just doing some reps, were Mouse's parents at home today?

>> No.40054101

Source: I am Irondad

>> No.40054143
File: 1.96 MB, 1398x1440, Silver128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40054216
File: 262 KB, 441x442, 1668519056927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so gay right now and some of you aren't helping. I really wanna suck a dick

>> No.40054270
Quoted by: >>40054319

You have frootposters's corpse

>> No.40054319
File: 34 KB, 203x192, 1658168555506127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40054397

>frootposters's corpse

>> No.40054397
Quoted by: >>40054489

pump that dick full of formaldehyde and you can ride on it like he was alive

>> No.40054466
File: 72 KB, 853x552, rgsmcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't know how good we had it. Now look at how shitty and divided everything and everyone is. I didn't realised how attached (parasocial) I'd become to these people and now look at the state things are in. Take me back anons.

>> No.40054489

What's up with Mousefags and necrophilia?

>> No.40054510
File: 141 KB, 240x348, 1664972927792996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me that this is the gayest thread in the board. I feel like if I lurk a bit more I'm gonna start sucking some dick.

>> No.40054616

I feel like this makes the most sense, I think it was supposed to be a private call and Mouse wasn't supposed to mention it to the stream. Either that or it was a family member

>> No.40054638
Quoted by: >>40054666

The most ethical way to have sex with Mouse is postmortem. Prove me wrong.

>> No.40054666
File: 173 KB, 1206x901, 1656550650295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40054695

Stop being gay!!!!

>> No.40054744
Quoted by: >>40054903

Vei's boyfriend is schizoposting on Twitter

>> No.40054786
File: 518 KB, 828x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this showed up on my feed and i feel like its thread appropriate

>> No.40054847


>> No.40054903
File: 363 KB, 596x981, 1654711846515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lmao

>> No.40054918
File: 335 KB, 828x893, 1658972229335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40054977


>> No.40054954

They still hang out with groomergator?

>> No.40054977
Quoted by: >>40055050

Nice of Connor to use Twitter to cover for the lack of on stream ship fuel recently

>> No.40055023
Quoted by: >>40055066

Hes in OTK

>> No.40055032

I'm glad that Giri's still streaming this late. She's staying up until every timezone in the US gets to New Years which is a comfy idea. The party was fun and this is a great followup. Also finding out she's here makes me want to start watching her more which is weird

>> No.40055037
Quoted by: >>40055102

Why does Chance have a business verification

>> No.40055050
File: 325 KB, 828x1251, 1659056056295162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40055251

He's a close friend of Soda, I think.
That's was Mouse's twitter.
This is the one Connor liked

>> No.40055066
Quoted by: >>40055193

He's not in otk

>> No.40055092

Do you form your opinions of people by absorbing them from deranged lunatics?

>> No.40055102

he's a living business

>> No.40055116
File: 3.64 MB, 463x400, 1672095932639408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40055137
Quoted by: >>40055381

go back to gator's discord groomer

>> No.40055193

Soda is.

>> No.40055251
Quoted by: >>40056014

I know, I'm just talking about his recent sudden influx of twitter interaction

>> No.40055278
Quoted by: >>40055381

I promise you, we can save you from groomergator. You don't need to stay with your abuser anon.

>> No.40055324
Quoted by: >>40055415

I wish Mouse would groom me

>> No.40055339

she needs to get over her fear of getting cucked and let him at least go to the gym to lose that face fat

>> No.40055369

He looks so high lmao

>> No.40055381
Quoted by: >>40055536

>call out parasocial retards once
>schizos will now start foaming at the mouth just at the mention of your name

>> No.40055415

I wish she'd die

>> No.40055536

I don't care about him calling out parasocial retards, he was right about that. I hate him because he's an asshole that seethes over any streamer who is fortunate enough to escape the VRChat bubble

>> No.40055571
Quoted by: >>40057419


>> No.40055579

sure buddy whatever you say

>> No.40055593
Quoted by: >>40055676

Ah, that explains why she didn’t go to the party, she was babysitting

>> No.40055601

It's true, if she doesn't have an obnoxious amount of stupid looking plushies she aint worth it

>> No.40055676

And she is also probably drunk and high

>> No.40055714

Nyan sounds so sick....

>> No.40055766

My god he looks pretty rough here

>> No.40055900
File: 338 KB, 629x629, 1667548022482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tuned in and they were watching GLOBEHEAD propaganda. Pathetic.

>> No.40055926

The amonut of tangents Aethel took to end up on flat-earthers...

>> No.40055964

If Aethel doesn't make her some chicken soup I will anti him until the end of time

>> No.40056014
File: 52 KB, 533x365, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40056101

It sucks that we didn't get the call if it was private won't complain but at least today we got him getting mentally checked mate by Mouse

>> No.40056064

>GLOBEHEAD propaganda
Pawn stars is propaganda now? I need to do my reps apparently

>> No.40056101
Quoted by: >>40056336

How do we save him bros?

>> No.40056183
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 1672508756943438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat earthes are CIA's inside agency to distract publicfrom conspiracy theories and portray them as schizos
Last time I said that Nyanners was banned for a "nude" model.

>> No.40056336
File: 984 KB, 1439x1866, ConnorDespair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you deal with the devil it is for eternity. There is no escape.

>> No.40056339
Quoted by: >>40056474

Nyantasha Epstein

>> No.40056402

a fantasy island...

>> No.40056418
Quoted by: >>40056501

Geega is on Tobs stream now for any geeg heads who need more GEEGING.

>> No.40056474
File: 150 KB, 800x1131, 1643064318819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazuna was trafficked to VShojo...

>> No.40056501

I'll watch Tob ONE TIME, fine

>> No.40056610
Quoted by: >>40056746

I started watching her when Geega said she likes her, it caused me to end my spite not watching.

>> No.40056660

Do people here genuinely believe Mouse is gonna end up with connor or am i missing something?

>> No.40056719
File: 124 KB, 400x400, toabse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the tobfamily

>> No.40056746

I just dont like Tobs humor

>> No.40056761

of course I don't believe that, they're already together

>> No.40056777

I personally dislike him for the sex slave epstein rp, but to each his own.

>> No.40056783

How was the new years party did anyone from vshojo show up?

>> No.40056832
Quoted by: >>40056886


>> No.40056886

I take that as a no? It's a shame last year was so fun.

>> No.40056911

Yeah the future members

>> No.40056917
Quoted by: >>40057096

Yeah everyone showed up, even Vei and Hime which was surprising
El Jefe also joined at the end and announced that Snuffy and Giri are /in/ next year
Pretty good party overall

>> No.40056954
Quoted by: >>40057379

I dunno about others but it is obvious that Mouse cant enter any sort of intimate relationships besides erp and she is the type who doesnt want to shackle a person. Even if she loves Connor she will never allow herself to be in relationship.

>> No.40057096

>Even Hime

Anon that's a dead giveaway. This thread would be losing it's mind if our queen showed up.

>> No.40057184
File: 10 KB, 367x58, succ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still finding out new things about early Vshojo, it was something else, huh? I had no idea Silver was the first Frootposter!

>> No.40057223

dunno, they seem too close for the just friends tag, they are clearly up to each other butts over what they are up to, and Connor's twitter right now is literally pink of all the stuff he has with Mouse.
is almost like a case where both of them are into each other but x and y stops them for being a couple, so they live in this limbo, where they are happy, so if they are happy and creating happy, we must be happy for them.

>> No.40057243

Mouse told them all to fuck off

>> No.40057252

Silver would never.

>> No.40057269
Quoted by: >>40057360

Woman cant be a frootposter. Heresy.

>> No.40057360

thank god, i don't think i could handle a woman in our threads

>> No.40057379

I cant wait for the day Connor announces a gf(not mouse) or bf (cause he kinda gay ngl) and see everyones reaction.

>> No.40057419

Confident enough to say that no, very much the opposite in this instance. Even if I don't know and don't care about the details. But I've lived long enough to realize that neither do the vast majority of people shitting on roflgator.

>> No.40057494

They already broke up anon

>> No.40057607
File: 871 KB, 839x622, 1672047767571849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40057652


>> No.40057608

well everyone knows the ship someone day is gonna die like that, most people are just happy for them now and wish they were together but it's impossible. for the most part, the only sad thing would be Mouse slowly getting away from him into him becoming just one more friend and letting him live his life.

>> No.40057638

If I was getting boners at a woman pretending to be a man and having gay ERP with another anon I think I'd give up on living

>> No.40057652


>> No.40057797

i am a woman.

>> No.40057816

Connor's first public gf (bf) is otokonoko, imagine. This thread would instantly disintegrate and hiro would be forced to finally create /incel/ after the fallout

>> No.40057846

>tfw you were there before vshojo
why does this make me feel old, it was just 3 years ago

>> No.40057949
Quoted by: >>40058085


>> No.40058012
File: 1.26 MB, 1066x860, 1657331888983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this

>> No.40058031

Fuck you Mouse, your faggot ass fans ruin every thread

>> No.40058062

my wife kronii

>> No.40058064


>> No.40058085

What does this mean

>> No.40058109

Cover committed a crime

>> No.40058113

That can't be official. Hololive models look stiff and lifeless but they're not that bad.

>> No.40058116

Giri watching Hololive try their best

>> No.40058190
File: 1.19 MB, 1251x867, 1664847360752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never watched Fauna but given how often people act like she's a mommy what the fuck. Her voice is way too high pitched for that shit. She sounds like a less breathy Nyan.

>> No.40058225
File: 66 KB, 749x843, 1644267049602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40058341


>> No.40058288
Quoted by: >>40058341

whos gonna tell him

>> No.40058313

>That can't be official

>> No.40058341

Dang it's really that bad? Yikes

>> No.40058373
File: 3.40 MB, 3174x1808, 1658169299958897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40058665

I'm not even a gosling but stop making me feel lonely you two.

>> No.40058478
Quoted by: >>40058819

You weren't here for the rhombus rumble, were you? The trapezoid travesty, if you will.

>> No.40058561
File: 1.18 MB, 1543x865, 1643742391792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINAL TIMEZONE. Official 2023 in 48/50 US states. Alaska and Hawaii can go fuck themselves.

>> No.40058608

Happy New Years to these clowns!

>> No.40058625
File: 1.77 MB, 498x498, 1671709591532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40058665

We can be lonely together...

>> No.40058819

I was not but Google is suggesting it was gura's face from an angle?

>> No.40058824


>> No.40058843

Which vsj's and +s give off main character vibes to you?

>> No.40058859

Giri says this year is going to be full of a lot of changes for her that she can't talk about. But hopefully through January or February.

Let's get that gamba going. /in/?

>> No.40058887


>> No.40058894


>> No.40058990

Giri would be a great addition and one of a few who could justify getting in before Snuffy because her content is different from all the other girls.

>> No.40059008

>Giri says this year is going to be full of a lot of changes for her that she can't talk about
She is so fucking /in/

>> No.40059023
File: 425 KB, 250x250, 1665278345570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40059220

Just realized how bullshit it is that there's no Mel doujins.

>> No.40059078


>> No.40059120

giri raid tob

>> No.40059124
File: 1006 KB, 1129x665, 1671816102910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Giri's next cooking collab is on Monday, and the guest this week is Kaho. And everyone knows that fucking Kaho is a prerequisite for joining VShojo.

>> No.40059125

Haruka unironically

>> No.40059129

Geega. She knows so many vtubers it's actually weird.

>> No.40059150
Quoted by: >>40059226

>tragic backstory and low point
>works hard to turn his life around
>a chance encounter propels him to heights he never expected
>uses his new lease on life to uplift the people around him

>> No.40059220
File: 511 KB, 1155x487, image_2023-01-01_030828551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your google-fu is weak young grasshopper.

>> No.40059226

Does this mean Aethel is gonna get his own harem?

>> No.40059241
File: 1.40 MB, 981x822, 1644087915069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow the timing. Right as Giri raids Tob she's in a VR chat map that has a section dedicated to Giri

>> No.40059242

Side character vibes:
>Haruka (too much personality to be a MC)


Main character vibes:

>> No.40059343

your mother when i sexed her

>> No.40059353
Quoted by: >>40059638

Awful take
Haruka and Kson should be in main
Mouse, Vei should be in in-between
Zen should be in Side

>> No.40059361
Quoted by: >>40059638

wholesome autism is a stock archetype for shonen MCs

>> No.40059437

Mouse, Nyan, Haruka, Silver, Aethel. And Connor.

>> No.40059450
File: 313 KB, 957x636, in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40059523

>> No.40059523

Tob looks very adorkable here

>> No.40059638

Haruka would make a terrible MC. She has no MC energy. Don't confuse likability with being suitable to be the main character. A lot of the time, likability makes for an excellent side character.

>> No.40059663
File: 588 KB, 687x527, 1651531731438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40059707

>> No.40059707

Nice of Nyan/Aethel to include Literally Me in their New Years photo

>> No.40059720
File: 15 KB, 332x51, 2023-01-01 05_15_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40059723

What a retarded question

>> No.40059941
Quoted by: >>40060002

It's a New Years miracle.
Nyan might actually finish a game tomorrow.

>> No.40060002

New year, New Nyan

>> No.40060057

We're the last thread on the catalog. Someone make a new one already

>> No.40060085
Quoted by: >>40060179

let us die

>> No.40060179

new year miracle

>> No.40060351

kys mousefag

>> No.40060376


>> No.40060414

This is the final thread. We'll be free soon...

>> No.40060418

I made that post. I'm in bed though and don't want to make one from here.
