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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3974378 No.3974378 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone rap up what happened with hololive ch? they all graduated or moved else where? I heard some of them were behind the hate towards coco?

>> No.3974569

Disappeared by the CCP for thought crimes.

>> No.3974670

They'll probably end up in Ichicolors. Youll see. NijiEN and the Chinese branch

>> No.3974677
Quoted by: >>3975283 >>3980895

two or three of them were posting pro ccp stuff on their roommates account
one of them tried to groom a western gachikoi so he would give her enough money to fuck off from china, chinks discovered that and flamed her
the other 2 did nothing wrong
they were supposed to keep their avatars but the CN branch is actually owned by some group from Bilibili I think so the group abandoned the girls because they got pissed at Cover

>> No.3974715

They were all cunts besides Yogiri

>> No.3974751
Quoted by: >>3975210

Spade Echo is innocent, feels like people always forget to bring that up. The engaged thing ended being fake.

>> No.3974940

swiss are all jews

>> No.3974946
Quoted by: >>3976540 >>3983439

Yagoo couldn't save them. Everything else you take with a grain of salt because facts got mixed up with rrats and nobody on this side of the ocean knows the whole truth.

>> No.3975210

can't seem to find any content of them pushing the hate? deleted links here n there, i saw this similar comment on a youtube vid bout them explaining the end

>> No.3975283
Quoted by: >>3977595

damn, they prob homeless now or chopped up and stored in a cooler for organ donations

>> No.3976540
Quoted by: >>3976794 >>3979765

Bitch, there are literally screenshots of Shartia posting anti shit on her roomate account and her doing a propaganda movie watchalong with Doris. Civia had one of the spammer leaders as a channel mod during the entire thing although she didn't spam or incite spam herself, there are also rumors of Rosalyn inciting spam, but there are no screenshots of it.

I think they all reincarnated, but the only ones I'm sure are Shartia and Civia, since discord Tiafags keep trying to make her a thing here.

>> No.3976794
Quoted by: >>3976999 >>3979765

I followed the events after the happening. Civia has done 0 (zero) things to redeem herself. Artia got blackpilled and commented in an Arknights stream how causing conflict and fanning flames is retarded and how good people often fight each other for retarded reasons. Then something happened and now she's kinda confined to bilibili by her management.

>> No.3976999
Quoted by: >>3977475

iirc, the zhangs got upitty about her streaming "too much" on twitch and not enough on bili as they do.

>> No.3977475

I vaguely remember talk about some other vtuber (not a holo or exholo) streaming on youtube lately and getting flak for it too

>> No.3977595
Quoted by: >>3977661

Four of them have reincarnated into new vtubers, the other two are still MIA

>> No.3977661

I thought there was only one who hasnt been reincarnated because she was cancelled by the gachikoi grooming shit

>> No.3977680

For real? Even Civia?
Please don't tell me she wasn't with Artia the whole time.

>> No.3977687

What was the deal with Civia then? I managed to catched her graduation stream and I cried to it.

>> No.3977790


Civia are backstabber bitch even before she joined HoloCN.

>> No.3977836

Sauce or it didn't happen you can't convince me that she was evil!

>> No.3977844

Context, clues, a summary perhaps? Please?

>> No.3977849

I wonder if the chinks hate Civia for not being an asshole

>> No.3977864

Civia didn't do anything actively but she's known to be very nationalistic (retweeting propaganda and such) and modded one of the people spearheading the spam efforts.

>> No.3977869

>hololive ch
There was a swiss branch?

>> No.3978018
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>> No.3978172
File: 135 KB, 850x601, de680318cf4f25abef6b8a5daa3fe4af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bilibili owned them and there were a ton of issues. Cover decided to pull the plug during the Coco and Haachama thing after seeing the success of Holo EN.

People will insist ALL OF THEM are guilty of the Coco harrassement but as far as we know only Artia and maybe Civia stirred shit up.

Rosalyn, Yogiri, and Spades did nothing wrong as far as I know and were just in a shit situation.

It sucks because watching some of Rola (Rosalyn's reincarnation) streams I feel like she could have gained a following here. She sings mostly oldfag anime songs and watches conspiracy videos. Would have been interesting to see her develop. A new outfit like Yogiri's would have done wonders for her since her outfit was kind of a filter. Pic related.

>> No.3978224
Quoted by: >>3979897

Was that it? I'm sure there's more; I'll just do my archive reps on her. Thanks for the info.

>> No.3978305

Yeah, more was definitely at stake, and we don't usually cover them as much.

>> No.3978326
Quoted by: >>3978660

Rosalyn was egging on spammers on her roommate account, she deleted it after a while

>> No.3978660
File: 253 KB, 850x1195, d13b41dcf397057ff56efc3d53d0c9c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll believe you but I am skeptical without proof. I stand by my point that Rosalyn could have had a fun following here and her design was probably one of the best in Hololive and it is a fucking tragedy we never got a 2nd costume.

>> No.3978702
File: 2.35 MB, 2321x1242, 1614485310661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this one.
Did nothing wrong. Dropped with the rest of HoloCN because bb's policies forced Cover out of the market. They've since clamped down on Vtubers with additional regulations.
She came back a while ago, and streams regularly on bb. I caught one of her utawakus just yesterday.
Didn't have any involvement with Cover drama. Instead, someone uploaded messages from a conversation implicating Echo in sleeping with an American, pissing off his wife/girlfriend, who was some kind of celebrity.
Redebuted with just a gif of a cat in a French Fry container. Later got a png of what her avatar will look like, with that same cat on its head.
Didn't involve herself with the drama. One of her mods was involved, and anons with too much time on their hands interpreted a fairly generic songpost by her Oshi as a Call to Arms against Coco. I've read the lyrics. It wasn't.
Cover cut CN, and she was the most disappointed of them, since she never got to collab with her Oshi.
She was one of the two who came back first. She maintains a slideshow I don't know how to turn off whenever she's away, so I don't tend to catch her streams anymore. I don't know her schedule either.
Neutral on her Hololive account, but tried to get support through her personal account. (Despite what some anons here will say, Wolf Warrior isn't the dog-whistle flick they think it is. It's just Chinese Rambo. Had a normal stream with Doris.)
Backfired and she got flack from both sides.
Reappeared with Artia later, streaming on bb and setting up restreams on Twitch. Was good for a while, but her managers thought she was doing too many English streams, so she's restricted to bb, usually either APEX or Gacha.
The only one who actually supported the CCP outright with this. She's a loud nationalist at heart. HoloCN got axed, and she reappeared afterwards. She's the most consistent streamer of the lot. Always easy to catch.
Watched Wolf Warrior with Artia, then entered the Echo Mini-Arc. Supposedly, the incriminating posts were fabricated by her, and she's some sort of serial back-stabber. Groomed an old viewer (40s oji) to get an iphone (no-no in China), and attempted to charm an American and leave the country through marriage. We haven't heard a peep about her since that last bit of news dropped.
For a time, fans of the CN branch huddled together in a corner of /vt/, sharing info about the streamers and helping anons record them. (/Tia/)
One of the fans, a Viet, was particularly vocal about Artia's new character and how much he loved her. Would talk about her constantly, keeping the thread afloat. Some anons decided to change the name of the thread to /ogg/ (Our Girls General), since 5 of the 6 girls were back, and the last was expected to return soon. He disagreed vehemently, and wouldn't show up to any of the new /ogg/ threads. The lack of activity caused them to be drowned out by the usual /vt/ spam, and Tatsunokos kept coming into the threads to troll. The name was changed to /Tia/+/ogg/, but Tiaschizo wouldn't come back. Eventually, it died down since the only guys who knew how to clip bb vids left.

I think that should be everything.

>> No.3978787

>Reappeared with Artia later
*Reappeared with Civia

>> No.3978902
File: 307 KB, 599x424, kuri257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Rep info right there, good to see there still some ogg anon around.

>> No.3978996
Quoted by: >>3979116

>She was one of the two who came back first
Does she still do singing streams? I'll watch her if she does

>> No.3979001
File: 450 KB, 1280x1280, 1617031548426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3979116 >>3979545

I miss ogg... I was thinking about how I hadn't seen it in a while yesterday. It would get bumped off the board badly these days Niji EN hype is strong.

>> No.3979116
File: 50 KB, 579x512, 1434366863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3979545 >>3979957

Always glad to see you, man.
I think so. I can't imagine she'd drop it. Everyone loves those. (Although, managers might pressure her to do more Chinese covers.)
As silly as it sounds, ogg is a /jp/ thread more than it's a /vt/ thread.

>> No.3979283

So this is now the ogg revival thread.

>> No.3979320

Basically Cover did what all international companies should and ghosted Bugland.

>> No.3979322
Quoted by: >>3979545

Good news: As luck would have it, Artia's on right now!

>> No.3979545
File: 57 KB, 697x926, kuri308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3979609 >>3980110

Same here bro, I managed to find a archive channel that has all chestnut stream to date also the chestnut image archive passed 300+ this week.. Sadly the Niji EN hype would kill the thread during american hours.. Here a image of chestnut playing around with her 3d model to make you feel better

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I havent seen you in a long time!!!!! It's good to see you still around.

>> No.3979609
Quoted by: >>3979977


>> No.3979765
Quoted by: >>3979834

Civia never did anything against Coco. She's nationalistic and posted that stuff on her weibo but harassement and that stuff never happened with her. It's bizarre how she was put in all of this just becasue she unfollowed coco.

>> No.3979834
Quoted by: >>3980544

All the CN girls except Yogiri were essentially treated like they are actively harassing Coco themselves.

>> No.3979897

post anything you find here plox

>> No.3979935
Quoted by: >>3979976 >>3980110

So what exactly did artia do?

>> No.3979948

My rrat was is that HoloCN branch got roped in by bilibili. Antis were shilled to hate on any foreign vtuber that is not pro-China.

>> No.3979957
Quoted by: >>3980110

civia doko...
I'll install bilibili if I have to

>> No.3979977
File: 2.41 MB, 828x1653, kuri260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got a 3d model on May 2 before going on vacation.. She hasnt done a 3d model stream yet ( i think ) but been teasing on her page... It fucking cute

>> No.3979976
File: 196 KB, 500x500, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit i thought artia was the blonde, obv the most chink of the bunch would stir up sht

>> No.3980110
File: 500 KB, 1920x1080, 1617459819612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D so soon? Hot damn, gachikoi love gets things done!
>I havent seen you in a long time!!!!! It's good to see you still around.
Yeah. I forgot to use the name for >>3978702.
I still have the OP ready, in case the board slows down.
Eager to try out the new Streamlink Patch on bb, but I'm currently trying to get Temako's name out there. Top-tier GFE. >>3935057
Unfollowed Coco, watched Chinese Rambo with Doris, then tried playing both sides to come out ahead (and taking the hit for it).
You don't need to install bb to watch. It's just a browser thing like YT. I'll make a /Tia-ogg/ thread, just for the heck of it.

>> No.3980235
File: 1.06 MB, 1677x2271, temako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, i been lurking on her threads and watching Temako whenever she up. Been gathering all her lineart and hope to color them one day.. so far i got one done

>> No.3980246

>gachikoi love gets things done!
As a Delta Dog I can attest to this statement. It is absolutely terrifying what a former holos gachis can and will do to support their oshi.

>> No.3980248
Quoted by: >>3980371

Yeah she seemed really cool the few times i watched her, she was very kind with hachama too. Dont know what did she do but its a surprise to me if she really did something

>> No.3980347
Quoted by: >>3980371

I wanna see my chestnut, senpai. Been so busy with life, I forgot to bookmark her channel

>> No.3980371
Quoted by: >>3980493 >>3980639

She didn't. Tatsunokos dramatize everything. She got dropped like everyone else there because her main audience is on a platform that doesn't play nicely with Japanese companies. Them leaving was inevitable.
See >>3980318

>> No.3980493
File: 276 KB, 510x500, satania_happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. It feels great to be able to hear my dorky delinquent again.

>> No.3980512

They were sent to North Korean labor camps

>> No.3980544

That's what happens when you do sketchy shit, people will automatically suspect you. The biggest rule of kayfabe is "never break the kayfabe".

>> No.3980572
Quoted by: >>3980600 >>3980668

When are you guys drawing all 6 girls in their new forms?

>> No.3980600


>> No.3980639

I see, thanks. I need to watch her again

>> No.3980668
File: 1.38 MB, 1860x601, yogiri1837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean 5 girls... the fish is gone

>> No.3980757
Quoted by: >>3981071

I got some ads for bb's app a few days ago
I just hope its actually in english

>> No.3980765
Quoted by: >>3981096 >>3981190

Rola might be a Chinese nationalist who encouraged people to harass Coco. But damnit do I appreciate her for having her new model LITERALLY be Punished Rosalyn down to having the same eyes, eye color and pupils.

>> No.3980776

Thats sad

>> No.3980785
Quoted by: >>3981372

>Tia lost her smile
>Dark Civia
>Rosa is exactly the same
What's up with Yorigi though?

>> No.3980895
Quoted by: >>3981030

>they were supposed to keep their avatars
Wasn't there only one source on that? And it was the ice gremlin with a penchant for lying?

>> No.3980995
Quoted by: >>3981096

>Unfollowed Coco
That was Civia, just fyi. There are screencaps of who both were following on Nov 17 on TheWayBackMachine if you can get them to open.

>> No.3981030

That was miscommunication on management's part and Tia talking about stuff that hadn't actually been decided yet.

>> No.3981071

Translates the UI for you, at least.

>> No.3981096

That's pretty much her personal feature. All of her characters have eyes like those.

>> No.3981190
Quoted by: >>3981358 >>3981372

Did Roslyn get a new avatar from the same artist or is it some kind of chink ripoff?

>> No.3981358
File: 489 KB, 1882x1079, 1617371078821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same artist, I'm betting.

>> No.3981372
File: 3.36 MB, 4606x6260, yogiri1026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know fgo (fate grand oder), well instead of reincarnating it more of final ascension to base yogiri.. Her second model which her wearing the white dress and had white cat ears hinting future model would have her being like white hair rushia.. Basically she went from delinquent tomgirl to the pretty catgirl to cute nerdy chestnut girl if she was fgo servant. Pic is related to what i mean from white hair yogiri

Roslyn new model was made by the same artist. She can change colors like a lamp now

>> No.3981811
Quoted by: >>3981923 >>3981953

>Wolf Warrior isn't the dog-whistle flick they think it is

>> No.3981923
Quoted by: >>3981986

You're aware "Wolf Warrior Diplomacy" refers to something completely different, right? Again, it's an action flick. Just dumb fun.

>> No.3981925

>no one rapping it up ITT

>> No.3981953

Both that anon and the article call it Chinese Rambo tho

>> No.3981986
Quoted by: >>3982181

You are aware that wumaos starred calling themselves "wolf warriors", right?

>> No.3982170
Quoted by: >>3982181

so what was Spade's reincarnation?

>> No.3982181
File: 91 KB, 1194x671, 15432346789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3982198 >>3982646

No. I want to say that's false, but that actually sounds cringe-worthy enough for them to do it.
Pic related.

>> No.3982198
Quoted by: >>3982240 >>3982434

i mean the name

>> No.3982240

Dunno. You might find something on her bb page. We just call her French Fry Cat.

>> No.3982434
File: 48 KB, 321x321, yogiri1829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3982463

it's 一包薯条嘻嘻

when translated in deepL, translate to "packet of fries hehehe"... this why we call her french fry cat

>> No.3982463

she very cute and funny

>> No.3982646

This pink cat looks cute.
I want to eat her fries.

>> No.3982857
Quoted by: >>3982943

So I got a theory you Zhang apologists could help me debunk or not. Since the CN debacle Cover has been more proactive in trying to foster inter-branch relations, and JP members have been more willing to mingle with the ID and EN girls. Having the foreign girls give a PSA before the start of beyond the stage and appearing during the watame song remix with everyone's greetings is the proof from the managerial side.

There's been more collabs happening between the branches since CN than before, hell the Zombie on acid has probably more collab with JP than all of the CN girls combined. It's probably due to China not allowing their chuubas to stream on other platforms besides bili unless they live abroad, meaning that the only time JP and CN could collab with both pov would be when the JP girls are on bili, but then I don't know what could have stopped them from just streaming on two different platforms at the same time (moona and artia's ark on youtube and twitch)

Another factor is unironically Minecraft, I know some JP girls have visited the CN Minecraft server, but afaik none of the CN girls have ever been on the JP one, unlike ID who live there and EN who have visited and gave tours to JP girls in their respective servers. Another one is besides Artia none of the CN girls got in Coco's Ark server during or after the ark craze.

But besides these server based games how many collabs with JP do the CN girls have? (That's where you fags come in) Moona and Artia, Haachama and Civia, Rosalyn in that international stream on subao's channel. Artia could have bridged the gap if she wasn't too autist to collab and so anti-youtube, and Civia barely started her youtube carrier before the yab happened.

All in all it's clear that if you don't want part of your foreign talents to go rouge you actually have to make them feel like they're a part of your overall international family, and not just those weird foreign relative that no one interacts with.

>> No.3982905
Quoted by: >>3982943

not gonna lie I'm surprised the chinks didn't just steal them.

>> No.3982943
Quoted by: >>3983170 >>3985977

I suppose that works, but HoloCN was always intended to be a dedicated branch for Cover's old lifeline. Again, the talents didn't drop out because they didn't feel wanted. They dropped out because their entire branch was cut from Cover, and that was the result of bb's policies driving out foreign companies. Bb making foreign Vtubers wait 6 months to collect any income from China is probably the #1 thing that led to HoloCN being dropped.
Steal what?

>> No.3983170
Quoted by: >>3983393 >>3983431

That's not what I'm saying, what I'm saying is that after Cover got done with CN they asked themselves how they could avoid their foreign branch from going rogue behind their backs and stirring antis in case some shit happened again, and they had the brilliant idea to actually get them to interract with their Jap branch and promote them as part of holo. Maybe Cover would have been more willing to keep the CN girls if the JP girls had been more vocal about them behind the scenes, and they would have done so if there were actual interaction between JP and CN, you think Pekor or festival would let cover cut off Moona or ollie so easily?

>> No.3983393

Not that anon, but I think all of the branches would've started interacting more even if the China situation hadn't happened, just seems like the direction things were going.

>> No.3983431

>Maybe Cover would have been more willing to keep the CN girls if the JP girls had been more vocal about them behind the scenes, and they would have done so if there were actual interaction between JP and CN
Again, the issue is that the sole platform the CN branch can perform on picked a fight with Cover, and that, because they were a Japanese company. The talents weren't a factor. Given 4-6 more months, they would've had to let them go regardless.

>> No.3983439

Kill yourself, Artiafag

>> No.3985977
Quoted by: >>3986446

the models etc

>> No.3986007
Quoted by: >>3986446

>because bb's policies forced Cover out of the market.
What policies? Why?

>> No.3986446

Too closely tied to Hololive
Mainly fiscal (avoid paying if possible) and selectively-enforced streaming policies clamping down on minor character model details.
