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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39752140 No.39752140 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.39752218
Quoted by: >>39757288


>> No.39753400
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Quoted by: >>39771769


>> No.39753572
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>> No.39754628

You only have yourself to blame. This is why you avoid all GFE.

>> No.39754675

>anon discovers GFE

>> No.39754861

and then she sucks homo dick 2 weeks later

>> No.39755621

Wait until Miori gets into EN3. That's when the fun begins.

>> No.39755737
File: 92 KB, 782x781, 1666745524824642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to fucking God, if Miori didn't actually go to med school and lied about her break to go to EN3 I would be very pissed for a few weeks and then ship her new incarnation with Bae

>> No.39756135
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>> No.39756178

That fucking menhera had a panic attack because of a minor audio problem in a karaoke

>> No.39756290

>Homo lover prime casually puts out the most explicit GFE content in the branch

>> No.39756366


>> No.39756438

That homo? All me.

>> No.39756467
File: 2.86 MB, 2837x1359, 1671396401969485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ara ara~

>> No.39756665
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That black shirt guy? Twas I
This picture was taken before I slipped my hand beneath the sheets.

>> No.39756725
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39756803


>> No.39756741

>a chuuba to surpass even Uruha Rushia
>barely does any GFE streams

What the fuck is her problem?

>> No.39756763

Is she not aware the majority of her fans are lonely depressed men? She can't do this shit and then just pretend nothing happened

>> No.39756778

The good ol' double-grift. Shameless.

>> No.39756792

she thinks it's cringe and prefers to collab with males

>> No.39756803

Not worthy

>> No.39756900
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>> No.39756944
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She is occasionally a cruel mistress but I love her all the same

>> No.39756979

Bae doesn't want to cater to insecure mentally ill men. Only neurotypical chads get to appreciate her GFE.

>> No.39757054

>Only neurotypical chads
Wasn't there a brrat that literally got tackled by the police because he wanted to fight randoms over Bae?

>> No.39757064
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The best occasions.

>> No.39757100
Quoted by: >>39757137

true gfe

>> No.39757121
File: 202 KB, 281x309, 1665470511105518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although her GFE skills are great, she still has a lot to learn before she's ready to save chuubas.
>But I believe Bae can save the world.

>> No.39757137

Is there anything you wanna talk about, anon?

>> No.39757202

Cuckold fetishists are not the norm.

>> No.39757238
Quoted by: >>39757379

Someone explain to me how you can hear Bae talk like a retarded teenager and not lose all attraction to her

>> No.39757265

This is the only thing I don't like about my wife Miori She should have more confidence in herself, her community is really supportive of her but she still keeps bringing herself down.

>> No.39757288

The preferred sex position of virgins

>> No.39757298

Byron / James Dean brat is just a little on the deranged side sometimes, don't mind him he means well

>> No.39757350

Did you also feel cucked when your mom showed you affection (questionable premise) because she was fucking your dad?

>> No.39757379
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>> No.39757458
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Quoted by: >>39757900


>> No.39757526

That’s a pretty weird analogy.

>> No.39757640
Quoted by: >>39757972

Because you have a weird outlook on life, so he needs a weird analogy to pierce through your absolute stupidity field.

>> No.39757863
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>(questionable premise)

>> No.39757875

Anyway i am hardwired to feel revulsion if someone i have romantic sentiment for is having on screen chemistry with another male that isn’t biologically related to her. Id also feel revulsion if my daughter were flirting with creepy dudes and wouldn’t want to watch that either.

>> No.39757890
Quoted by: >>39758030

Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it would have been better if I said "Do you feel cucked because your social worker has a boyfriend." I really don't know how to get through to retards like you that don't understand what cuckoldry is at all.

>> No.39757900
Quoted by: >>39759242


>> No.39757972
Quoted by: >>39759119

It is normal for heterosexual males and your attempts to shame them for their biology won’t work.

>> No.39757988
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>> No.39758030

Again you are ignorant of biology and think you are clever.

>> No.39759119

Counterpoint: It is not normal to have that "biology" trigger for an entertainer who plays videogames while wearing a cartoon rat costume

>> No.39759198

Hey buddy that cartoon rat is my wife

>> No.39759216
File: 16 KB, 288x264, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking jej

>> No.39759242

>That leg hair

>> No.39759271
File: 91 KB, 728x541, wfgfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Counterpoint: It is not normal to have that "biology" trigger for an entertainer who plays videogames while wearing a cartoon rat costume

>> No.39759277
Quoted by: >>39759864

>invoking "science"
You really do need to go back

>> No.39759311
File: 27 KB, 512x384, Paw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39759784

>does amazing gfe content
>her regular streams are shit

>> No.39759350

Sound like you problem pal.

>> No.39759736
File: 307 KB, 989x900, we-live-in-a-society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, there's a fair amount of lonely depressed women lurking HoloLive too.

>> No.39759784
File: 610 KB, 874x785, 1661223046464658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her regular streams

>> No.39759864
Quoted by: >>39781578

I was here before you idiot. Biology is a thing and people were never tabula rasa and thus your ability to shame people is limited.

>> No.39760221
Quoted by: >>39760330

>People complain about her doing rare GFE instead of it being rare to hear her deep voice
Priorities. Deep voice chads got shafted with Towa, fucked over with Kiara and even Bae now spits on us. All of these girls need the same doctor as Suisei.

>> No.39760330

But she uses her morning voice every member's stream and occasionally regular streams she doesn't wake up on time for

>> No.39761024
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Quoted by: >>39769408


>> No.39761054

You could get a girlfriend in real life if this is something you want, just saying.

>> No.39761194

As always, the only people being "cucked" are you types who obsess over the concept 24/7. That's part of the insecure aspect I mentioned.

>> No.39761521

The last girl I spoke with talked about drug use, being a masochist and how they were pansexual. I don't think you realise how some of us pretty much wrote off women until vtubers came along. Vtubers put more effort into being cute girls and that's really all I want at this point, and no you won't find that IRL because our culture is cynical and gross.

>> No.39761600

Am I fucking weird if I don't listen to GFE stuff from Rrat if I'm afraid I'll be engrossed with her? Im already a casual watcher but I don't wanna depend on any of the talent emotionally that heavily

>> No.39761650

CUTE rrat

>> No.39761824

I had a girlfriend oncex3 and it was horrible.

>> No.39762244

I watched Bae casually for her first year and avoided her valentines video for the same reason before I realized she had already roped me in when she had that 3 week period of not really streaming during the offcollab arc

>> No.39762292
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>is white
It's me lads. I'm fuckin' in.

>> No.39763090

nah GFE is cringe

>> No.39763302

No I couldn't. And if I could, well the girl would suck anyways.

>> No.39763572

She's so fucking cute
Fuck this rat man, this is illegal

>> No.39764006

Every single one of you pathetic cucks deserves an extremely painful death. Christ this board was a mistake...

>> No.39764063

stop projecting

>> No.39764135

Stop crying faggot, there is nothing wrong with appreciating appreciation from a cute girl

>> No.39764185

That wasn't a very nice thing to say sister...

>> No.39764433


>> No.39765581


>> No.39767052

Witch Bae does things to me

>> No.39767510

The aussie accent filters me, I can't take the roleplay serious

>> No.39767651

She can and she does, and (You)r seethe makes it all worthwhile.

>> No.39767977

I can't ignore the tiny arms.

>> No.39769018

It's cringe.
1-2 times a year

>> No.39769306

Bae is a cutie

>> No.39769370
Quoted by: >>39769530


>> No.39769408
Quoted by: >>39769530

Where’s the option to kill yourself, goslingnigger?

>> No.39769530

Schizos sperg out about the weirdest things
Imagine losing your shit over someone posting goslings

>> No.39771769
File: 1.94 MB, 498x278, cb2bd1e53d29b0fcc6d9b739ca08af98.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You spin me light loun baby light loun
Like a neko baby light loun loun loun

>> No.39772151


>> No.39772265

I get banned for making Enna boyfriend jokes, but these posts are completely fine, apparently.

Do your job Jannies.

>> No.39774231 [DELETED] 


>> No.39774580
File: 173 KB, 1048x936, 1667545293993415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else do you expect from queen of menhera. Many of other vtubers whom I support are also like that sadly...

>> No.39774964
File: 75 KB, 1247x720, out there somewhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was worse to be honest

>> No.39775131

Made for roberu

>> No.39776906

yeah me

>> No.39777658

She remembers what happened to Uruha. She is afraid of her own potential.

>> No.39779672
Quoted by: >>39780038

Getting a gf is not hard
Getting a gf that fit your ideal is hard

>> No.39780038
Quoted by: >>39781075

can you really be with someone you don't like?
that's seems like a pain more than anything, unless the sex is worth it

>> No.39781075

It's not rare for people to date someone just because they like the appearances and a lot of people date for the sake of status and free sex nowadays since you will get called names if you never have a gf until a certain age
Depending on the girl, gf can be cheaper than hookers too

>> No.39781356
Quoted by: >>39781708

Even fat chicks are picky these days. Fuck that. I'll just wait til slavery is legal again

>> No.39781578
Quoted by: >>39795413

why do people invoke biology selectively while also ignoring the evolutionary aspect when it's inconvenient for them?
your biology indicates you live a healthy physical/social life and go out to be violent or serve the tribe while raping and eating food to survive.
don't pick and choose with biology if you're going to use it as an excuse, follow all of what biology dictates.
you shouldn't be on 4chan, you shouldn't be on the internet, you shouldn't be playing game, you shouldn't be watching anime, you shouldn't be eating a non efficient diet, you shouldn't be hedonistic, you shouldn't be wasteful yet here you are hypocrite

>> No.39781708

If you can't even get with a fat chick, the problem is on you and you alone. Womens mental health is at an all time low and if you think they won't settle for less than Chad because of twitter yaas qweens then you're as retarded as boomers susceptible to fearmongering.

>> No.39786910

Chill out

>> No.39788879

Actually true, this bit got me

>> No.39793489

seek help

>> No.39794645
File: 1.01 MB, 2625x3375, Bae03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39795102

She is biding her time

>> No.39794842

I forgive Bae yabs because she does stuff like this.

>> No.39795006

>be me
>be happa happy in Australia with big Asian friendship group
>Turn 16
>"Hey anon, your dad just got a big gig in the UK, you're moving to the UK with us"
>move to bong land
>full of chavs and cringey weeb

Bae for me represents the life I could have had. I hate Bong land so much. Fuck Bae makes me hurt for other reasons

>> No.39795080

god she's so fucking perfect

>> No.39795102

What is she waiting for?

>> No.39795413

??? All of this is in line with biology since it's just following the dopamine receptors in your brain retard. If it makes you feel good then yes there is a biological reason to do it

>> No.39795687

That's what makes it special

>> No.39795794

Not even a brat but I've listened to her Valentines gfe over 20 times.

>> No.39796655

She's going to fucking destroy me when we get to Valentine's again
