What is /asp/?A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Where it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!FAQ:Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!Where can I find artists/riggers?Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.Where can I learn how to digital market myself?https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/digitalgarageWhat can I find some good games to stream?https://twitchtracker.com/gameshttps://sullygnome.com/Twitch or Youtube?Multistream to both.RESOURCES: General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGKOpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/2mkc8x9P Stay grounded, stay hopeful.Previous Thread: >>3793270
>>OP>>OP>>OP>>OPChecked em and wrecked em
>>OPDayum, /asp/ look like THAT?
So I'm sort of lost on what to do next. I've got some comms being made for a reference sheet for my character, currently writing out lore for the eventual debut (although I'll be limited to starting out as a pngtuber for the time being.) Is it silly to start looking into possible designs for like stream layout and like? I kind of have an idea on the theme of the stream.
>>3889339That's fine, but you'd probably do better sorting out what kind of content you'll be creating.
>>3889514I have a couple of ideas actually going with my character theme, atleast early on, before I branch out what I'll be doing. Appreciate the advice nonetheless.
>>OPHey what's going in this thre- oh my god
>>3889339Practice streams are probably your number 1 thing. You don’t even have to stream them, you can just record them. Good for shaking off nerves and getting you comfortable with the idea of talking into a void. You might wanna wait until you have your concept sketch back before you start putting a lot of thought into the layout.
Asahi Super Dry gonna turn into the /asp/ beer of choice
>>3892809Lucky for me, it's already my favorite beer
>>3892809i'm more partial to sapporo when it comes to japanese beers but asahi isn't bad
how are you supposed to do a karaoke stream without getting copyright striked? i thought twitch didn't allowed it entirely
>>3878067>>that pic>wait... Armain? looks like they were right about vtubing being a retirement home for oldfags...No, it's me. You must be attenborough, right? I knew there were a few of us here but I didn't expect to get called out. You've probably guessed by now but digiflux and I were considering possibly making some rigs for some of the characters so we could do some vtube puppet show shenanagins for season 3 of you-know-what to kind of mix things up a bit. As for Armain, well I actually haven't told him yet. His rendition of Otto kind of ended up being his de-facto "look" but Digi did want to take a crack at it and try and make it closer to his original concept. Since you're basically the target audience for this what do you think? Is it worth doing? I'm finally gonna have my hands free in a few days so I can try and see if I can get something up and running by June but I'm honestly not too sure how people would take this.
>>3895125Twitch bans them, Youtube doesn't. You can get ContentID'd mid-stream but it doesn't seem to happen very often. If you just don't keep the VOD you should be safe.I see a lot of cover channels that use original backing tracks, so saving the songs from your stream might not be as dangerous as it seems. IDK about all that though.
>>3895673so is the answer just to suck it up and use youtube, knowing that your video's gonna be monetized by all of the record holders? i remember Meat from /wvt/ doing a karaoke stream and she has a copy of the stream on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTAnHNoon9w that has a ton of record holders placing a copyright claim on it (pic rel)but somehow her video is still up? so what's going on with that?
>>3895772>but somehow her video is still up? so what's going on with that?They chose to keep the video up but collect ad revenue. I have no clue how it gets split between all of them though.
>>3895825wait, does that mean if just one of them wants to force your video off, they can? i'm mostly asking because i can't be assed to figure out which record label is an ass about copyright and which ones are okay with leaving a video up on youtube. there's just too many of them.
>>3895845>wait, does that mean if just one of them wants to force your video off, they can?Yes. Also any of them can send a copyright strike where if you get 3 of them your channel gets terminated. Copyright claims are not copyright strikes.
>>3895992so does that mean Meat just lucked the fuck out when 27 separate record holders for this specific song decided not to copyright strike her video?
I feel really terrible for frankensteining an avatar out of pieces from character makers, random art, and random clothes photos, but the DIY spirit and, for the most part, acute social anxiety is winning over the more rational choice of just commissioning an artist. I can only hope nobody notices that it's borderline stealing, but if they do I'll just go out in flames and disappear I guess.
>>3896042record holders like free money as opposed to no money
what are the epic new memes for this thread? can someone let me know
>>3896221People will absolutely notice and you're retarded for even considering that.
Do you think streaming art exclusively is a good vtuber option? Or would it be better to diversify and do games as well?
>>3896221If you stick to royalty free art and character makers you should be fine. Otherwise >>3896560
>>3896560Thanks for slapping some sense back into me, I'll scrap everything (and, well, probably won't try again, which is for the best).
If someone asks you something like "Would you join [company]" or maybe "Would you join a Vtuber company" and you actually do want to, should you answer them at all? Would that affect anything at all if you were to apply for said company?
>>3896675While this is not an answer to your question, in the current climate it's probably for the best not to join any Vtuber company, at least if it's not one of the 2-3 biggest ones
>>3896675I doubt expressing interest in a company is gonna be a black mark against you joining that company. Mentioning specific offers or how much money you make might affect your bargaining power if you make it to the contract stage, but just saying "I'd love to join Nijisanji!" probably won't be an issue.
https://youtu.be/DGNqVaiar9gPlease watch her, she doesn’t stream for too long and really loves her chat.Also,this board needs more activity(shilling) for small ones, fuck this hololiver abomination, and fuck retards who spam same shit only to slide others.
Had a scuff-stream yesterday, now I'm onto greener greens! Which VN should I read? >Ever 17>Narcissu>Planetarium>Expression Amrilato (start Esperanto arc)Eventually I'll do longer ones but starting out shorter is better.
>>3897960I feel like as much as I love Narcissu it would be wild to read that on stream. Have you read it before?
>>3892809I already drank some today don't call me out like this
>>3898010It is the only I haven't read on that list, I am sorry to admit.
Where do babinikus fall on the vtm or vtf side of discussion and advice-seeking?
>>3898470Into a ditch preferably.Western babis are usually boring degenerates that are too openly horny and wear ahegao hoodies unironically
>>3899215This. The only one of note I've found sounds like a girl so it cancels out. The rest though...
>>3898470/vtm/ is generally faster and both males and females use it. I would say go there first and try asking around about /vtf/ on there. Best of luck!
>>3896221> Social anxiety> So socially anxious that can't even do such simple thing as commissioningWhy bother then? You sound like a person who would end up making their mental illness their whole personality... Are you sure you want that?
>>3896627There's no harm in keeping on at it! I wouldn't be able to make your art and rig for you but if you would like, I wouldn't mind brainstorming character design with you and doing some simple scribbles if you would like.Doppelle@waifu.club
/vtf/ is filled with troons.
>>3896627>>3899534Shit, mail server seems fucked all of a sudden. If you care, mail vtuber_helper@yahoo.com instead. Sorry about that.
>>3899688silence groomer
>>3899765There's nothing wrong in liking drawing anon.
>>3899416No, I don't, so having taken this risk into account I wasn't planning to stream (at least not regularly), it's easier to keep that shit out of content when it's pre-edited videos where I can just be a generic and occasionally overly excitable narrator for whatever the video is about. Though removing personality kinda defeats the point of being a vtuber, but oh well.>>3899534Thanks, for now I'll try to strain what little art muscles I have to modify what I have (for what it's worth I'm scribbling lines with a tablet, not literally copy-pasting or tracing, but certainly over-abusing reference material to a degree that I myself find very uncomfortable), in hopes that it'll get to a point of plausible denial, otherwise I'll give up for real. It's just that proportions of facial features and hair that looks like it's actually growing from the head are really hard to get right without developing a decent art skill, but maybe with another dozen of drafts I'll get somewhere. At least reference clothes photos and various Clip Studio assets/assists are fair game, or I'd off myself already...
so anyone close to making it? averaging more than 20 viewers?
>>3899833Okay, Godspeed. I'm rooting for you, don't give up.
>>3899840Odette, Bat, Tiger, Nina, Power Nelson's on a great incline, Slug, Koopa obviously
>>3895293yeah, you caught meyou were my first guess before looking up which specific artist drew that pic you used so i guess i was on the spot>Since you're basically the target audience for this what do you think? Is it worth doing?to be honest? you're probably better off using stills cause it better captures the whole "shitty deviantart gundam fanfiction" thing that /m/SV is supposed to emulate. it's not worth it, especially given how hard those vtuber threads back on /m/ cause anons to seetheit's a shame too, otto or blexar as a chuba sounds like a fucking hilarious idea
>>3898090It’s uh. It’s not fun stream material, very very heavy seeing as it’s about girls with terminal illnesses Might be a bit much
>>3899991Nelson is proof that males can make it and that having it is mote important than anything else.
>>3901837Could you be more specific on what "it" is?
>>3901929What seperates the meek from the strong, the make-its from the /ngmi/: Personality.
>>3901125You are absolutely right. Planetarian it shall be then. Sadness but not quite that....harsh.
who the fuck is domo
>>3903642He's the guy who akasupa'd fubuki to be his wife and spammed hololive's chats and waiting rooms to be a meme so now he has clout as a vtuber interviewer.
>>3903689I thought that guy had a mor substantial claim to fame given the clout he's got....I haven't heard about him recently though so I'm assuming you don't need to be in his clique to incline any more?
>>3906017I'm not sure, he's a decent enough interviewer but he only got there by memeing real hard. I don't think he deserves the amount of clout he has and he's a leech on actually talented vtubers. Basically he was just on the ground floor and was able to ride it.
>>3903326Drop your stream when you do, I love VN playthroughs!
getting ready to stream today too! trying to stream every other day for 1hour at least to get into it. I'm very excited. hope everyone else has a great stream too!
>>3906782good luck anon. starting off 1 hour a day is good. try to raise it up to twitch's recommended 2 hours a day to give time for viewers to find you and drop by. but you can work towards that goal over time.
>>3906394Thank you. I will shill a link probably in /wvt/, if you see the game pop up it's most likely me.I may be drunk of people pointing out my voice is nice but I would still like to try to make VNs, books & manga my niche. We will see of I succeed.
>>3906077decent interviewer is a stretch. He tries really hard and fails to be funny talking to untalented schmucks.
>>3908723I said decent enough. There's enough there to keep people entertained, not that he's good or worthwhile.
How do I use Streamlabs or Paypal without doxxing myself or doxxing viewers? I don't have a business registered with my state.
I started on twitch, opened a YouTube but I'm not partner yet. Is it worth switching over completely or should I stay on twitch where I make actual money?
>>3909708just multistream unless you're affiliate
>>3909739what if I'm affiliate?
>>3909771then you're contractually bound to stay on Twitch and you cannot switch over to Youtube unless you want to risk getting banned off twitch, so it's not even something you can consider.
>>3898470whats vtf stand for?vtubers, tobacco and firearms?
>>3909972Vtuber female
>>3909786Ah, so you stream on both YT and Twitch until you can find somewhere you can settle in and just do that full time?
>>3910491yeah, pretty much
>>3909603Register as an LLC
>>3912340Is registering as business enough to hide the email/phone number?There's also the paypal.me thing which seems to allow to hide such info...
>>3912545Thanks for the link, I'll use a dummy email for PayPal, set it to business and send myself money and see how it looks like later.
Do you guys think I should open a bitcoin wallet? Do people actually donate?
>>3913515There's literally no downside to just trying it.
I did it anons. I lost my voice after streaming. It's like some hidden milestone that I wasn't expecting.
>>3914533Oof. Are you puting up a voice?
>>3914533screaming, singing or just talking a ton?
>>3914625>>3914642Nope, just talking.
>>3914654Jesus, must've been talking a ton for that to happen.
>>3914702Uh... just non-stop talking to myself for over 2 hours as I stream to an empty chat box, if that counts. I'm still pretty early on in streaming, so I guess it's just a muscle I need to work on over time.
>>3914654You know the drill.Hydrate, no alcohol/coffee. Avoid talking. Definitely do not whisper. Inhale some steam, maybe offa hot tea.And probably look into getting a humidifier, as far as I've heard it can give you a lot of extra mileage.
>>3914754blessed. its really fun once you get better and can go for longer! keep it up!
>>3914754And that's where you're half-right.You have to practice, but if you get to the point you lost your voice, you did it wrong. Maybe look into the materials for training your voice and take it easy from there.
>>3914754True, but you also need to recover when you use it heavily. keep on doing it, you could really hurt your throat, which really sucks.
>>3914779Been hydrating like a fish in a desert. And yeah, I did some googling after and they recommended the humidifier thing to, so I'll probably order a small personal one I can sit on my desk.>>3914793Thanks anon.>>3914841I've been reading a bunch of stuff about voice training, but I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for. I'm not that aware of my vocal cords so I'm not too sure if I'm overly straining them until it's too late. And I figured since I'm just talking in my normal voice, it wouldn't be too bad, but here I am.>>3914864Sipping on some warm water and inhaling the steam right now.Thanks for the responses, anons. Gonna take this time to rewatch my VOD and take notes on where I can improve.
How do you pay for a commission via paypal without doxxing yourself?
>>3915035Nevermind, just saw it in the thread.
>>3914915Supposedly "Complete Vocal Technique" by Cathrine Sadolin has a lot of info on a lot of ins and outs, but good luck finding a book or PDF.The idea is simple, if you're practicing something and it feels painful or uncomfortable, it's probably wrong or you're doing it wrong. It should feel "natural". If it feels wrong, it's probably wrong. Trust your body.
>>3915066Are there any horror stories about people paying for commissions and the artists being trouble over it...?
>>3915068I see. I guess it's because I was too busy multi-tasking (playing games, filling dead air, checking my OBS/stream, etc.) that I didn't notice my voice starting to strain itself. Guess it's just something I'm gonna have to add as a sticky note remind myself.
>>3915136Do some vocal warmups as well. If it works for singing, it also works for talking.
Finally in talks with the artist I was on a waitlist for, so should get the commission slot for June. Huzzah, progress. Now that it has begun, time to start proper work on preparation.
I know it's technically against Skeb's rules, but I'm on day 51 of waiting and I want to try DMing my artist to see if they're close to being finished or I need to prepare to cancel. How badly could this go for me?
>>3918353artist contacts skeb, you forfeit the deposit, get banned from skeb, and don't get your art.
>>3918353I had one commission delivered on the last day of their deadline. You already waited 50 days might as well just wait the last 9 days instead of getting banned from the site
>>3918401>forfeit the depositLiterally the one thing I wouldn't want to happen. I'll wait it out then, thanks.
>>OPWhile someone convinced me to make a discord server, I'm starting to re-think it. I'm still pretty small and even the person that asked for the server has left, so I'm considering dropping it. I know this sounds like a dumb idea, but I'm actually considering making a "Announcements only" discord sever, that can provide some fun emotes for people who have nitro and stream notifications for everyone else, but where I don't actually need to bring in mods to manage it. That way I also don't really need to deal with the usual problems that come with a discord server. Is this a bad idea?
>>3918914just use your twitter at that point
For the skeb users, is it fine to have an imgur link for all reference images, since there is a 1000 character limit
>>3918914Honestly if I made a Discord it would be something I would do
>>3918944Yes. I used an image post I put up on Twitter as my reference.
>>3918944A lot do that. Or link a tweet with the references
>>3919050>>3918974Thank you, I'm just getting a sketch done, so just attach "Will use for commercial purpose" or something at the beginning as well?
>>3919078Yeah, something to that effect will do. But clarify it a bit more. Are you just using it for youtube videos? clips? twitch background? "Commercial purpose" for commissioned art pieces can range from just using it on a monetized youtube video all the way over to mass printing as keychains or stickers and selling it wholesale or even including it as video game art that would be sold on Steam. So you want to make sure the artist is aware of what kind of "commercial purpose" you're looking for.
There was something where you could do reactive pngs based on expressions. I don't remember, I think it could do face tracking for it (don't quote me) but I cannot find it in the archives. Anyone remember?
>>3918914Discord attracts a lot of people you probably don't want around and history has shown that it's really never good to try and befriend a non-chuuba fan. It's teeming with attention whores with agendas. While it's important to talk to your viewers, I really don't think Discord is the way to go; you should only use Discord to talk to other VTubers. Unless you're okay with performing routine tard wrangling, I don't think it's worth it. I'm pretty sure Nijisanji bans fan interaction in these ways for these reasons. They're just scandals waiting to happen. The announcement thing sounds fine but at that point you're probably better off just using Twitter.
bros, I'm liking the lobster. she's too cute.
>>3921593She IS very cute.
god damn i want an iphone and a 3d model with fofamit's rigging work
>>3918914As someone whose moderated and even hosted a few smaller end discords a lot of problems once you grow past like 25-50 people because it attracts dumbasses who spam cheese pizza and gore just for the fuck of it to get the server nuked. That on top of how easy it is to bot the fuck out of servers it's cringe. Discord is only worth it for personal friend group servers imho.
>>3920878Found it, had to go through somewhere else cause dead thread link, but it turned out not to be what I remembered. Here it is though. https://96enu.booth.pm/items/2495966
https://farfin.itch.io/horsewifehas anyone done an AC-esque chuba yet?
>>3923518As an animal? No. But my current model is a weird mix of AC kind of and South park (not on purpose, my friend just drew it that way)
Text 内で公開範囲に関する指示が見つかりました。作品のすべての権利はクリエイターに帰属しており、作品の公開範囲を制限することはできません。詳しくはクライアントガイドラインをご確認くださいAny help with this fellow anons? Pops up on my description on skeb
>>3925049here's translate from DeepLlooks like a confirmation agreement for you>all rights to the work belong to the creatorthe artist will maintain the IP rights to the work itself>we cannot restrict the scope of publication of the workyou can't prevent the artist from publishing the piece themselves (for example, as part of their portfolio of works, or on social media as a commissioned piece they're working on) both of these options, if i'm not mistaken, can be adjusted when you put in the Skeb order. for example, there's an option to make the piece private or you can request ownership of the IP (though it may cost more), etc. these look like the default general guidelines when putting in a skeb.
Do your Trimble reps.
>>OPWhats the best editing software for both audio and video and what has the least impact on fps when doing game capture??
>>3925194Is stating this will be used for commercial use and listing the reasons enough then?
>>3925390that's more up to the artist, and not skeb. Skeb's default agreement is only personal use. by putting in that you want Commercial use into the request text, you're leaving it up to the artist to decide whether they'll accept the skeb or not.if they do, then you can go ahead and take that as the artist agreeing to give you a commercial license. if they don't, then they're rejecting it. but it's got nothing to do with skeb as a service. (hope that makes sense)
>>3925460Yes, exactly what I was looking for, I understood that Skeb can't really do anything in the matter, but was wondering if that line would make sense to the artist
>>3925531yeah, it should be fine.
>>3925341Any exercise of his you'd recommend in particular?
>>3920911You're off base, 100%. A discord these days is vital for community building/engagement, all the biggest vtubers have had one and it's one of the main reasons Zen made it this far. Before they blew up they were insane close to their community via Discord and VRChat
>>3926319>VRChatthat explains a lot
>>3926319VRChat VTubers =/= Western VTubers
>>3900351>you're probably better off using stills cause it better captures the whole "shitty deviantart gundam fanfiction" thing that /m/SV is supposed to emulate. it's not worth it, especially given how hard those vtuber threads back on /m/ cause anons to seetheHmm, in that case, what about if we did it "Kano-style"? as for the vt-related seething well, I'm actually kind of curious if they would even make a big stink about it and ngl kind of want to go ahead with it just to see their reaction. After all it won't be "not /m/" if the whole character is literally created from an /m/ fanfic and only covers /m/ content.... right? >otto or blexar as a chuba sounds like a fucking hilarious ideafunnily enough digi actually wanted to try portraying blexar. We haven't really moved that far on this front though since he's still got outstanding deliveries for the Getter robo opening and I've got my own shit to deal with.
>>3900351>you're probably better off using stills cause it better captures the whole "shitty deviantart gundam fanfiction" thing that /m/SV is supposed to emulate. it's not worth it, especially given how hard those vtuber threads back on /m/ cause anons to seetheHmm, in that case, what about if we did it "Kano-style"?as for the vt-related seething well, I'm actually kind of curious if they would even make a big stink about it and ngl kind of want to go ahead with it just to see their reaction. After all it won't be "not /m/" if the whole character is literally created from an /m/ fanfic and only covers /m/ content.... right?>otto or blexar as a chuba sounds like a fucking hilarious ideafunnily enough digi actually wanted to try portraying blexar. We haven't really moved that far on this front though since he's still got outstanding deliveries for the Getter robo opening and I've got my own shit to deal with.
>>3921769with the next VTube Studio update, 2d models will be able to do the mouth thing toohttps://twitter.com/Oykelichanx/status/1392948291890032644
>>3921593she's really nice! DM her! I chat with her all the time
>>3926926Why, they basically do the same thing. It's not like all the Apex streamers diversify into other games more than VRChat streamers do.
>>3928524Sure, but if you take same skin succubus/cat girl model you get 90% of the VRchat Vtuber community
>>3921593>>3921687>>3921729waowao i didnt expect to get posted here!! you are too sweet and i appreciate you all so much, anons! >>3928396i enjoy talking a lot with you too, friend! very nice comfy talks ^__^
>>3928572Same deal with the Vtuber community.
>>39287341. Trannies are all over VRChat because Second Life Electric Boogalo2. They all look like
>>3928871First one applies to Vtubers as well. Second doesn't since most Vtubers use Live2D and it's super limited in application.
>>3928871>1. Trannies are all over VRChat because Second Life Electric Boogalo>all overI don't think I've ever run into one in VRChat.>2. They all look likeIt turns out making avatars is hard, so people just frankenstein existing stuff together.
>>3915111Sounds like a great way to never get another client, probably hurts you more than them. So I can't imagine it?>>3922312Thanks, looks useful maybe. How is it different from what you thought? Can you not calibrate to match a png to certain expressions?
>>3921593>>3928645lobster chan!
I've had a realization. What if I design a vtuber model based on my tastes in music and the way I feel listening to some of it?There's probably some sort of psychological meaning but that's gonna be a distraction to research.
>>3899534I'll be surprised if this isn't gonna turn out to be a character design stealing scam like what happened with that one vtuber and her friend who copied her and stuff.
>>3926810>>3926926They kept doing it even after VRC. Deny it all you want but building a community is extremely important as a vtuber and unless you're just really good or have corporate backing, which I doubt anyone here is or will have, the traditional way is building an audience and then funneling them to a discord. The only time "drama" starts is when you literally talk shit and get caught talking shit. The only reason you'll get caught for something is because you did something worthy of being caught for. Engage with your community, host movie nights, let them have a place to post art, etc. Almost all the biggest ENVtubers all have and actively participate in their discord to some degree.
>>3932068Many VRChat VTubers are stuck in VRCHell
>>3899289you do know the point isn't the sound like a girl, right? That's not what a babiniku is.
>>3928396>>3928645DM how? I don't really use twitter
are any of you guys streaming right now? this chuba i know is looking for people to raid but i always end up shilling paperbag
>>3932508blew my voice, can't stream. Odette is streaming though. https://www.twitch.tv/balbc_odette
>>3932508Finished my a few hours ago, but it was mostly me meandering and talking as I wrapped things up.
>>3932124It's not about VRChat. Non-VRChat vtubers do the exact same thing.
>>3932531>>3932593nonononono, she already raided odette in the past but has like 10 viewers at the momentlooking for someone closer in count so that it's not leeching
>>3932686ah, that's understandable. none come up in my head or recommended list right now, sorry anon.
>>3932704cool beans, i'll just suggest bluestar_ubu or egg if they're still on thenalso if either of you were shiloh, i'm sorry for not showing up to your streams. you're pretty cool
Regarding Dova Syndrome for BGMs, is there a catch to how you could use their music?As far as I've translated, they want their sources posted in the video description... am I wrong?
>>3935184that's basically it
I can't draw for shit but I CAN do 3d modeling. Which 3d vtuber software do you guys think is the best? Also all I've got is a webcam, so either something that'll work with that, or the cheapest other solution would be optimal.
>>3935406Just use Blender for modeling and either VSeeFace or Virtual Motion Capture for software
>>3928396Lucky. I don’t know how she will respond if I talk to her randomly though.
>>3936340just don't be a weirdo and send a tribute picture or something. just chat with her like a normal human being and everything will go smoothly!
>>3931998I have a character design I love that I'm going to crash and burn with once I'm done preparing. I am sorry if I gave a poor impression, I legitimately just like coming up with designs and want to make friends.
>>3931998Don't have a design worth stealing anyway, I'd be much less depressed with life if I had the skills to make designs worth stealing.
we're all gonna make it even if we're small right now
>>3938321I want to feed it caramel popcorn
Is there any way to have expressions have texture colors change with them in vseeface or an alternative? I'm working with a character design with an LED screen face, so I'd like to be able to make that change color with expressions.
>>3938321I believe in your encouraging words small fluffy chuuba
>>3939820i want to share it with you, anon!>>3940446believe it! harness the positivity and turn it into an energy beam!
>>3896221>acute social anxiety is winning over the more rational choice of just commissioning an artistYou really sure you want to stream?
saw this appear on my timeline and it looks like this artist is doing really simple live2d commissions for an undecided but probably low price point if anyone is looking for a model that moveshttps://twitter.com/rice_deity/status/1395210325872545793
>>3938321VERY CUTE
how do I stop procrastinating
>>3947115How fast can you acquire praise? You'll get hooked fast.
I still have an incredible fear of streaming and don't know how to get over it. I'll be all excited and think up the things I want to talk about. Then we get closer to it, I get worried and feel nausea. Would anyone know of methods to deal with that fear or even books that go indepth?
>>3947816Do recordings instead to get yourself more used to the idea
>>3947816Really the only way to get past it is to just do it. I would suggest doing fake streams for yourself until that feels comfortable. Is there a specific part that you can identify that makes you so nervous?
>>3939954I don't know about other programs but if it's a VRoid model you can import it into Unity with UniVRM and add a property to a material in a blendshape to change its color
>>3947170Two days, I'm working on a picrew so I can have something that has some permanence if people enjoy using it before I start streaming. It's only a small one, but if someone uses it for their pfp, that's already a win.
>>3947855>>3947871Recording would be a suitable training-method, thanks. The specific issue would be (and this diagnosis is flawed seeing how it's coming from the patient) the fear of delievering a lackluster performance. I feel like I'm in elementary school again getting scared of Show & Tell. Something something keep your expectations low but low expectations are no excuse for a garbage stream and wasting people's time.
>>3948371I totally feel that. I stream sometimes and get zero viewers so I end the stream after a hour and feel bad. Unfortunately you'll just have to accept that you will fail sometimes, but it's only a failure if you let yourself quit. Also to live is to be scuffed so don't worry as much about it, just try and improve each time.
>>3948371>low expectations are no excuse for a garbage stream and wasting people's time.the reality is that you will never waste anyone's time. if they stick around, it's because there's something there that gives them value. if there isn't, they'll dip out.with so many streamers out there, viewers have the power to just stop by and leave at any time as they want. don't worry about them and just focus on making you the right type of entertainer you want to be. after that, you'll start to pull in viewers who want to watch your content. and those that don't won't be sticking around anyway.
Yo. I have two things on my mind.I seem to have a very large delta between viewer numbers when I’m doing different things on steam. I’m wondering how I can experiment with various topics and games and discover what works while still keeping my core audience entertained.Second is that I tend to lose steam whenever I see those large viewership drops. Do you guys have any tips for a fledgling VTuber?
>>3952923I guess a good first question is what are you doing that is keeping you up in numbers and what is it that causes big drops?
>>3952923Always always always turn off your viewer count. Always assume you're streaming to a large audience. As for tips for trying new things it's hard to suggest anything but I would look at your number (preferably a day or so after) and try to chart out some trends and go from there. Game choice, length, stream time, etc are all things to look to.
>>3952991It seems like portions of the stream where I talk to chat are the most popular but when I do start to play games, the viewership steadily drops.I’m wondering if there’s an issue with the games I pick or if there’s a problem with the way I interact. I wouldn’t want to be a one trick pony.
Is it better to stream in small doses daily or do longer streams every few days?
>>3953092yeah if you keep peoples attention through chatting then it's likely that a lot of people would want to hear you be able to talk and interact with them more easily, which is hard during games like, say apex where things are happening constantly, or a game like indivisible which is a story based rpgmaybe try more mellow games that are easier to chat over and see how that goes?
>>3953055Are you sure about this? I wouldn’t know when I’m doing something wrong and when I should course correct and do something else.
>>3953213What do you consider something to be "wrong"? Low viewership can be due to many things and sometimes it isn't directly correlated to what you're doing on the actual stream. It could be your advertisement, the time you're doing it.
>>3953213Hi idol hopefulTurning off numbers is the easiest way to focus on topic / game./ the people in your chat.Try having the zatsus relate to the game your playing? Or play games where you can talk about whatever and you don't have to devote much brain power to the game
>>3953092Teru this you
>>3953205Those are certainly some choices for games. Thank you, I’ll try out some more casual games then! I’m not particularly skilled at videogames; I only play them whenever I’m streaming so I feel like I should be practicing out of stream too? Would it be weird if I practiced videogames outside of stream and they’d just miss out on the progress I made?>>3953302I’m not sure. Whenever I don’t understand why something bad is happening, I tend to look inside myself to see what I can do better. It’s a sort of mental trick I practice to keep myself hunble, I suppose. Maybe I’m just not a great entertainer outside of my hastily produced chats. Maybe my meagre success is a fluke caused by a stroke of luck. These are the thoughts that invade me when I see those drops.>>3953355Who?Thank you that sounds like a good idea! I’ll look through my library and find a game that doesn’t require too much mechanical skill!!I shall take my leave for now but thank you everyone for your advice /auds/asp/!!!
when i first started, i kept the viewers count thing up, but seeing it go from 1 to 3 to 2 and down to 1 over and over again made me feel like shit, so i've turned it off. i know it's still doing it, but i don't visibly see it happening in real time anymore, so it doesn't bother me as much (still hurts a little).
>>3953554I would suggest streams that lend themselves to your strengths then. Zatsudans are good and all but maybe something a little more prepared would be good? Kinda more like a video essay or Ted talk that you do live.
i've never done a zatsudan because i'm worried nobody will show up and talk to me...
>>3953668lemme put aside your worries they won'tt. 2view male chuuba
>>3953621I see! That sounds great! Thank you very much anonymous, I’ll plan for that in the coming weeks!
>>3953668They won't unless your established. It's still good to do so as practice. All it takes is a bit more preparation so make a flow chart of what you want to talk about be it a show or anime you watched, or games you're playing offline.
>>3953668i do teaching streams which aren't exactly zatsudans but they're similar that they're both talking streams and both benefit from chat engagementthose are a little easier to do though because its easier to talk to yourself when you're just explaining material so maybe if you wanted to do something like that you could do it on a topic that you could just ramble on about without worrying about a chat?similarly i once intentionally broke out into a impromptu zatsu the other day after i finished streaming a game and ended up having some solid retention for the 10-15 minutes i was rambling on with chat which surprised me
god damn streaming is hard
>>3953554>Maybe I’m just not a great entertainer outside of my hastily produced chatsThat means you are good at talking, not that you're bad in general. A lot of people can't sing. A lot of people can't draw. A lot of people can't play games at competitive levels. A lot of people can't fix a leaking waterpipe which can cause MAJOR DAMAGE. A lot of people can't put two words together. None of these means said people are bad.>>3953092As other anons said, pick games that provides more opportunities to talk to viewers or discuss what just happened.
>>3954007Thank you, that really balanced out my perspective. I’ll try to pick games that play to my strengths more!!
>>3948200if your picrew does get spread around it can easily bring a nice deal of exposure to you/your twitter (and it is rewarding to see people use it as avis), so shill it aroundt. picrew maker
What’s an acceptable amount of time to be pre-debut? I don’t wan’t to debut until I reach my follower goal but that might take a while
>>3954506My plan is not until I reach 5k subs will I debut
>>3954506How far are you into your process? Do you have everything? What's your follower goal?
>>3954506I'll probably start test/basic streaming before I even have my art done (not mentioning vtuber stuff), then pngtube until it's rigged, and never do a proper debut. I'll tweet stuff, but follower numbers wont be part of my content strategy at all.
>>3954506i'm debuting soon with 4 months experience. no point waiting in my opinion
LAST CALL FOR IRON VERTEXhttps://twitter.com/iron_vertex/status/1395499752033185797
>>3956292I’m going to try to get a rerig from them. Really hope my boss accepts.
Are events like 24hour streams worth trying to do to get some traction to your channel when you're a bit smaller?
>>3957690good luck, anon.
>>3956292I'd love to get IV to rig my model, but I've just started discussions with the artist so there's no way I can even guarantee there's art there in time. Oh well, I'll look for other high end alternatives.
>>3957690Don't they have a strict rule about no rerigs?
>>3957791I would say that isn't a negative necessarily, but I don't think it's good enough to be considered a positive boost. I would personally suggest not doing it unless you just really want to do a 24 hour stream. They're harder than they look for sure.
>>3957795Thank you.>>3958129Do they? That’s going to be rough. My current model is really really not too great. We paid a premium but didn’t even get different expressions.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vPBluWDdbsour favorite lobster's back at it
Hey /asp/ies I’m back to give advice. I’m an 100ish avg view chuuba and I wanna help. If you have any bugbears eating you I’ll try my best to help for the next couple of hours.
>>3961188Hey! I’m currently looking for someone to rerig me after my agency got duped into paying premium for a newbie’s first time. Iron Vertex doesn’t do rerigs and Keffiy didn’t respond. Do you have any suggestions?Thank you!
>>3961450Okay, so I would still apply for IV, most likely you won’t get accepted but maybe they will pick you up. You’re in a sort of unique situation so I don’t think it would count as a rerig.As for your current modeller, how long have they not been responding to you? Have you told them you’re considering issuing a refund?
>>3961188whats more worth your time? Vtweeting? or Vchatting? Do you have tips for networking in the greater streaming / youtubing scene?
>>3961188What advice do you have for someone with really niche interests? I can't seem to ever feel excitement when doing things that are considered popular and it always shows, but I'm only animated when I'm doing my niche stuff but get no viewers.
>>3961619Okay thank you, I’ll ask my boss to try.My current modeller still replies but has repeatedly told me that it’s not possible to make extra toggleable expressions (even beyond the multiple rigging issues) so it seems like they’re just experienced enough. My boss does not want to cause an issue so no refunds.I also have a second question: Do you have any general tips for growing a channel as well as a userbase? My debut was good but I seem to have stagnated after that. I’m >>3952923Originally I was aiming to get to youtube monetization by 2 months but I don’t think that’s possible at the current rate.
>>3961188What helped you grow the most? A viral tweet, a friends raid? Playing a certain game? Time?
>>3961188What's your stance on advertising yourself as a brand rather than a particular character in order to branch out in different forms of content creation and not be tied to one specific model?
>>3961188Best way to do your reps pre-debuting, so you have some sort of build-up to the debut
>>3961815Vchatting combined with vtweeting but not in the way most people do it. Find someone you want to be friends with. Turn up to their streams and comment on their posts on Twitter. Networking works best when there’s an element of naturalness to it. Also in my experience YouTube sucks ass but your Mileage may vary with this.>>3961861If you have your niche appeal to others in the same niche. Go to discords and subreddits and other threads on this site to get people interested in your niche to turn up. Don’t force yourself to be someone you’re not. Streaming is a marathon not a sprint. >>3962094>>3962131My answer to both these are the same so I will reply to them both.My biggest strength and why I think I have grown how I am has always been my consistency of brand. You want people to be able to expect what kind of content they will receive from your streams. It doesn’t matter if it’s a type of game or a style of content or whatever, it’s important to build consistency so people can tune in to something they want. I haven’t ever caught a lucky break. It’s been slow grinds for me to where I am now. Maybe in the future I’ll pop off and get super big but you can’t rely on viral success.
>>3962850I think this is weak. You have to think about the appeal of live-streaming as a whole verses watching a video. The appeal is the relationship with the streamer and the interaction you can have. When you have multiple characters it really hurts that. >>3963128Stream a bunch so you don’t fuck up your debut entirely. Make some friends on Twitter and twitch. So essentially just become a vtweeter/chatter until you’re ready.
>>3962094Different person but Teru, If AG is a black company then cut your losses and leave.Reincarnate into a teacher themed pngtuber, and do oops all zatsudan. You'll have a lot more freedom as an indie.I want you to be successful but you wont be if you think only about the numbers.
>>3964551I'm not sure if that's a viable option unless the contract had a loophole. There are certain legal repercussions that come with breaking contracts that a lot of indie vtubers can't afford and will end up usually in a worse spot than they started if they don't have any legal backing. It's more viable to make the best out of a bad situation, grow your audience while you can, fulfill the needs of the company, and then graduate with a new gimmick once you have sufficient enough resources to do so.
>>3965946If it's a fairly new black company there is a high chance there is a loophole that can be abused to either A. be terminatedB. force a graduation
>>3964551Don’t name her like that.
Couldn't someone theoretically do some big yabais and force a company's hand?
>>3965946Ah the narrative going around was that at certain amount of cash you could leave with the model, I assumed that at a lower amount of cash you could leave without it.>>3966285Should I delete the post? Im genuinely sorry and also genuinely stupid
>>3966422Yes actually, on the off-chance that it is. I know she usually has a very distinct voice through text but it's best not to call out like that to avoid any unnecessary and unwarranted problems that could tie back to her association here. Also this could be an entirely different person, you never know.
>>3966597im getting i cannot delete a post this old....
>>3966597>Also this could be an entirely different person, you never know.As someone not involved in this, that's what I'd assume. Everyone tends to slap a 'known name' on someone no matter what, like people constantly calling posters Risu in other threads.
Obviously it's teru teru bozu the rain ghost chuuba
>>3961450If IV doesn't work out, you can try contacting any of the green roles in the Live2D server if any are open, they go through a screening process so it filters some absolute newbies out.
Anyone have any skeb recommendations?
>>3959237Yeah, point 11 of their FAQ.https://www.ironvertex.com/faq
>>3963175>Also in my experience YouTube sucks assIn which area? Attracting new viewers? Retaining them? Potential income? Legal stuff?
>>3970136Not him, but to be fair it would be harder to find a way YouTube doesn't suck.
thank you RETSU for introducing me to that bomb-ass song and being a cute pngtuber
>>3970136All of the above. It’s just a bad platform to start on.
>>3961188im a vtuber and i was approached by another vtuber interested in an irl relationship, they're fairly successful and i like them a lot but this still feels like it could blow up in my face. do i gamble and take the chance anyway? i don't really care about looks, i just want to raise a family since im the last surviving child of my family
>>3974340can't you decide together to keep the relationship completely private and separated from 'work'?
>>3974340Not the advice anon but do not do that. You're just asking for a shit show.
>>3974340NTA but that just sounds like a lot of red flags, don't do it.
>>3974340>it could blow up in my faceIt will. Don't.
I need to find an artist I can hire for character creation, the struggle is real
>>3974340absolutely fucking not. anyone who is a vtuber has something wrong with them to want to make themselves virtual. that literally includes me and everyone here. you need a normal person interested in you for you, not you for being a vtuber
>>3974340Only if you can find a way to make yourself the one in power over the relationship
>>3974697Don't degens belong to each other?
thanks anons, i think i already knew the truth but hearing it from you helped me decide to do the right thing.
>>3974748no, you need someone who can handle and understand your autism, not someone to make it worse, anon!
>>3974686My best advice is to look at pixiv for things you like the aesthetic of and see if those artist catch your eye. Then see if they do Skebs or have a business email.
>>3974792NO, you want a degen s/o and you know it!
>>3974791imagine the puss puss tho
>>3974791As someone that's in a proper IRL relationship for years that started online, it is possible. But its rare that it works, especially as you are both effectively starting by knowing each other as 'characters'. It mostly has the chance of ruining one or both of you, or just getting shanked by someone.
>>3975037i just want to be loved like pic related :c
>>3967359Can confirm. Am Amber Glow's latest darling.
>>3975354It'll happen eventually, right...?
>>3974411That's way too much self-control for anyone who ever considered becoming a VTuber.
>>3975513Depends. Are you male? No.
>>3975513of course, anon! all of us will find our perfect person someday and we r all gonna make it!
>>3975817Not everyone becomes a vtuber just due to lack of social abilities.
>>3961188How can I tell if I'm the right person for this or not?
>>3976354Do you want to do it? Then you’re the right person for it. Success comes as much as you’re prepared to work for it.
Ok just finished doing my artists DM reps. Wish me luck anons
Shout outs to those anons last thread who convinced me not to DM my Skeb artist about the wait, got my commission back today and it's so good I can't sit still.(No I will not post it yes I can leave you hanging)
>>3977262congrats anon. hope to see you being shilled by a 'viewer' in /wvt/ someday soon
>>3975978Your shining positivity really illuminates the darkest depths within our hearts small fluffy chuuba
>>3961188how the FUCK do i twitter
>>3977583Comment normie things on peoples posts. Post things that are vaguely interesting.
>>3977629 how do i find these posts
>>3977658Follow people who you want to network with. /here/chuubas are a good start
>>3977737how boomer are you
>>3977737go to their streamslook at their aboutclick twittergo to their following pagego follow all the other /here/chuubas
>>3977737Ok so go to the /wvt/ thread and find the ghostbin. It has links to a lot of the chuuba’s twitters. If you need more help maybe you can ask one of the chuubas in that list that belongs in the trash..?
>>3977737Comment on things you are interested also post about things you like to do or you want to show as vtuber, if you have some clips or stuff like that could help you too!
>>3977737watch corpse, she's a great entry point if you want to get to know /here/ chubas
>>3977791i spent enough years homeless that a lot of internet stuff just flew past me, alright
>>3977875It’s okay, I also had a lot of social media fly past me but we can all work at getting better at things!
i have come to the conclusion based on zero supporting evidence that just a normal voice won't work for me and i need to put on a voice.
>>3979221post your normal voice
>>3979221It depends on what you're going for. If you just want to show your genuine personality while you stream then there's no need to put on a voice. However if you're going for a more character driven kayfabe, then the voice should try to match with your presentation of your kayfabe as much as possible.
>>3979462yeah, i don't really have any lore kayfabe, but i think it'll help with the illusion of being 'in character' as a vtuber.
>>3977355i will find you anon and i will hug you
>>3980040No stop I can't take this level of unadulterated optimism I don't deserve it
Is having a boyfriend a debuff, especially if you don't lean into the GFE angle? I live with mine and unfortunately do not have a lot of space to set up, so I'm worried he will pick up occasionally
>>3980589boyfriend? i think you mean roommate anon
>>3980626Exactly. But still, wouldn't a male roommate instigate a similar response (if there is any). I mean stuff like if he were to cough or sneeze, not so much being like 'yeah come gimme some sugar bby'
>>3980660If you're absolutely concerned about the creepy loser angle then you could always play it off as a sibling
>>3980589Yes. Inherently yes. Do you even need to ask this question?
>>3982286Argh, too wholesome! I yield...
>>3980589boyfriend is one of the greatest debuffs no matter what. the best thing you can do is say it's your husband that is much less of a debuff than anything else. except siblings but you got to know how to act for it to work.
>>3980660female roommate's boyfriend
>>3980660>>3980589Just tell them it's me and I'm here to cuck your audience on stream.
This is terrifying. Seeing Nadechama/JPchama crowdsource /vt/ for suggestions on her vtuber model. This can only end terribly. Stuff like this is why posting WIP pictures of vtuber models openly here is a terrible idea.
>>3984115But Anon, her tomboy idea wouldn't have worked anyway. She said her ass elf she doesn't necessarily do any of the traditional yonboy activities and her voice sounds completely antithetical to how tomboys sound. It's an ipgrade, she could lean into her new gimmick at maximum power.