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39701130 No.39701130 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Kotoka only taking 52 hours off after the death of her beloved pet? Is management forcing her?

Has Nijisanji done this to their other vtubers before?

>> No.39701192
Quoted by: >>39751961

Vtubers and pets are like university students and grandparents. There's always a death/sickness when you don't want to work.

>> No.39701323

Probably threatened to have her Enna'd if she didn't get back to work asap

>> No.39701341


>> No.39701398

Nijisanji doesn't hire menheras and womanchildren.

>> No.39701495

She'd probably take more time off if her cat was horting instead of just dead.

>> No.39701533

>hey boss my cat died so I won't come to work for a month

can you imagine saying that

>> No.39701537
Quoted by: >>39748965

>that fake crying
Acting ability clearly isn't a requirement to become a nijiwhore

>> No.39701665

Damn, I saw the VOD in my reccs but I just thought the short length was weird. Now Christmas is gonna be a reminder of her cat's death.

>> No.39701710

Meanwhile in hololive
>my dog died I'm taking several months off and then graduating

>> No.39702360
Quoted by: >>39703346

How desperate are these faggots for viewers?

>> No.39702596

Because she loves her audience and job, unlike HoloEN and isn't a mentally unstable woman-child.

>> No.39702771


>> No.39703033

Not everyone cares for their pets that much. She could take extra time off but chose not to. Not the company's fault.

>> No.39703233
Quoted by: >>39703438

neko hort

>> No.39703346

Sorry that not everyone is like Sana

>> No.39703438

Think of another word for neko. There's a hidden message.

That's right. Feline hort.

>> No.39703650
Quoted by: >>39707078

Was wondering if this would get used as catalog bait or not. Amazing stuff everyone.

>> No.39703823

is a pet, is not important for any ecosystem, and the most important, is not a human, a few hours is more than enough, they are being nice actually with that 50+ hours.

>> No.39703872

Lmao, you holofucks are mentally broken by your streamers.

>> No.39704049
Quoted by: >>39705447

90% of female nijisanji are menheras anon

>> No.39704428

>girl explain everything in her tweet
>schizo start making the usual "black company desu?"
>Multiple nijiEN members went on month long breaks scheduled
>Some went on breaks due to personal things like Nina moving houses, Enna tooth removal
Sometimes anon, the woman pet owner is actually someone strong enough to continue living instead of using a passing as excuse.

>> No.39705447
Quoted by: >>39717343

Who are the non-menheras?

>> No.39707078
Quoted by: >>39733980

Why didn't you post it for the (you)s?

>> No.39707243

Getting any day off because an animal died is weird. But unlike holos she can't afford to take months off and enjoys streaming

>> No.39707312 [DELETED] 

Riku Tazumi showed up at her doors with the yakuza to demand her to gets back to streaming or else they'll kill her next cat too

>> No.39707413

Riku Tazumi showed up at her door with the yakuza and demanded she gets back to streaming or else they'll kill her next cat too

>> No.39707591

Listen, it doesn't matter when the vtuber does it, they all love it when their cat does. That means they have an excuse to fuck their boyfriends.i firmly believe these women get cats only as an asset to skirt their supposed obligations. Also, literally who?

>> No.39707691

Yes because I'm not a burger flipping, walmart greeting wagey :^)

>> No.39709132

It's the Niji code anon. 'Anyone who falls behind, gets left behind'. They can't afford to take too much time off or they lose their fans and fall to irrelevancy.

>> No.39709377

Damn nijifans sound based. Better than simping for women who never stream.

>> No.39710346

You know that niji never give their livers monthly fixed salary, right?

>> No.39710628

Kototo LOVE

>> No.39710684
Quoted by: >>39714756

>Cat hort
>1 month off
Which company am I

>> No.39710754

Why is the catalog suddenly full of Niji-related bait?

>> No.39710796
Quoted by: >>39715703

Everyone already knew that after Mysta said he only got 1% cut from his merch sales. Even if he was exaggerating, that's terribly low

>> No.39710825
Quoted by: >>39712665

It must be a day ending in y

>> No.39712665
Quoted by: >>39713362

in y?

>> No.39713362
Quoted by: >>39759005

A day?

>> No.39713502

All vtuber corpos are black companies. Rushia exposed them and the damage control was completely off the charts until everyone just forgot about it.

>> No.39714206
File: 1.99 MB, 844x2481, 1655958499985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can't afford to take too much time off or they lose their fans and fall to irrelevancy.

>> No.39714480

>hey boss, i hate my shitty job so i won't come to work for a year. *sips tea* if anyone asks, tell them i'll be riding my bicycle. yyyeeeaaah.
cover corporation sounds pretty strict in comparison tbdesu

>> No.39714756
File: 267 KB, 1536x2048, 1660862124369852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cat hort
>1 month off
>Which company am I
this behavior would make you an indie pngtuber specializing in chinese gachaslop
hypothetically speaking of course

>> No.39715703

You're a retard, Harry!

>> No.39717343
Quoted by: >>39749391

Not a single fucking one.
Stable people aren't vtubers.

>> No.39720664
File: 447 KB, 1181x705, 1672058122850697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numberniggers are seething.
Not like they aren't seething 24/7 anyways.

>> No.39722297

kek pity baiting already?

>> No.39723688

>Is Niji a black company?

>> No.39724578
Quoted by: >>39756094

>Is niji a black company
It's called blackcolor or blacksanji for a reason

>> No.39729487

>Is Niji a black company?

>> No.39731283

Yes anon it is a black company. It's not even a secret anymore how shit Nijisanji management is

>> No.39733854

why is it always Niji EN?

>> No.39733960

Because this board is obsessed with them

>> No.39733980

today I found out about a single, solitary anon who actually has some fucking shame.

>> No.39737940

Chinman reins supreme.

>> No.39738143
Quoted by: >>39740438

Imagine being so mentally warped that you believe taking a couple days off to grieve for a dead pet is unimaginable

>> No.39740438

OP is confused that this vtuber isn't taking days off.

>> No.39740745

>cat dies
>can't bury him until I'm back from work
Life's like that sometimes.
Captcha: KMSSMT

>> No.39741134

Nijisanji viewers have no loyalty and because of that they will leave and not stay with someone if they stop streaming for a few days unlike Hololive fans.
That's why Nijisanji is a black company.

>> No.39748965

Ok Satan

>> No.39749391

This. Back when I was in uni, we had a joke. How many people became insane while getting a degree in maths? Zero, it's a prereqiisite. Samd, here, only the type of insanity is different.

>> No.39749506
File: 26 KB, 559x450, e1ust-hviaahknq-60ad2e3902d4e882778377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this board does not know Japanese.

>> No.39751398

>stop streaming for a few days
>a few days

>> No.39751598
Quoted by: >>39754833

>dead cat meta

>> No.39751961

They set their own hours.

You don't have to be so cynical.

>> No.39754833

Can we blame Alinity for this?

>> No.39756094

So what's the reason anon?

>> No.39757801

If you asked your boss for a month off because of a dead dog you'd get laughed at and told to clear your desk. This is how you do it.

>> No.39758955

>someone not taking off 3 months because their pet died means they're working for a black company
I thought /nasa/ went extinct.

>> No.39759005

A day ending in y?

>> No.39759071

>Improve yourself
>homo collabs
>mori literally existing
alright bro please point me to these loyal HoloEN fans

>> No.39761969

It is

>> No.39762119

>and I would greatly appreciate if you refrain from bringing up this topic until I do first. I would love to make my stream a fun and enjoyable time for everyone and not a depressing moment for anybody.
It's right there OP. Not everyone wants to wallow in their own grief. Everyone has their own way of dealing with death.

>> No.39762712 [DELETED] 

I cannot see mahjong tournament schedule anywhere, when does it actually happen I wanna see wiwa spill her spaget

>> No.39766203


>> No.39766709

Imagine seething when you know that the 88k for the relay is so much more impressive because a big majority of Holo fans won't tune into the streams of girls they don't actively follow. I'd bet like only ~25% of the /here/ holobronies actually watched the watched the whole thing. Niji fans had no choice but to watch Kenmochi.
