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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39687572 No.39687572 [Reply] [Original]

Why does she hate her audience so much?

>> No.39687602
File: 134 KB, 243x266, 1613007654905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39691465

Because she's a cunt

>> No.39687653

Because they are pathetic manchildren that can't deal with the real world and use her to cope.

>> No.39687720
Quoted by: >>39689089

I don't live in cuckold fantasies so she doesn't hate me but she does hate those who act like dotards in every fan base. Too bad for you.

>> No.39687766

Anon. It's time to go to bed or something. Your last 3 Amelia anti threads today already made you look like an idiot.

>> No.39687768

because she wants her pay piggies to pay up and shut up

>> No.39687800
File: 83 KB, 494x287, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she is into hippos now, gators just cannot compete anymore. Pic related, it is me, she was soaking wet by the way.

>> No.39687811
Quoted by: >>39687875

*turns off superchats for her last several streams*

>> No.39687875
File: 689 KB, 1619x769, 1641189904180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39687984

What was that sweatie?

>> No.39687964

Doesn't even watch streams

>> No.39687984
Quoted by: >>39688030

I think it was the other streams, not the christmas one. My bad.

>> No.39688030

Now ask them to find you an oshi who had her sc turned off during Xmas bet you won't find them.

>> No.39688188

My personal rrat is that Ame was a big part of the scouting process for Tempus (sort of how Coco was to Myth). Ame was the de-facto leader of EN behind the scenes and was in charge of big projects like Myth's first anniversary as management refused to step in because they're incompetent fucks. The backlash for Tempus made her resent her fanbase because for her this was also another one of her big projects.

>> No.39688549

She loves us

>> No.39688654
Quoted by: >>39688757

Another thread op, this is getting embarrassing. Is this how a person acts when they never receive their fathers love.

>> No.39688754
Quoted by: >>39689089

>ame hates /vt/ unicornfags
>I hate /vt/ unicornfags

>> No.39688757 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39688845

Dilate you fucking tranny faggot

>> No.39688845
File: 532 KB, 1739x1969, 1671022486752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I hit a nerve?

>> No.39688919

Rare instance of spbp

>> No.39689089

trannies seething that they ran out of dildos to jump on

>> No.39689100
Quoted by: >>39689949

Big western chuubas basically believe that they're entitled to success, that they have no obligations to their fans, and that their fans just exist to mindlessly support whatever they say and do. Based on how teamates have behaved over the past few months, she might be right about the second part.

>> No.39689500
Quoted by: >>39689831

Why do you talk about trannies so much? Are you a chaser? Not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.39689831
Quoted by: >>39689984

>Not that there's anything wrong with that
What a faggot you are

>> No.39689949


>Have profession where in your fans directly allow you to live
>Don't even put in 9-5
>Spill cunt juice on them when they don't act exactly how you like

Not just Ame but any of the westoids who act like this are scum, the only people I imagine who tolerate such an attitude are children or unemployed people. Luckily for streamers i suppose there are plenty of trust fund babies and mom's credit cards to keep their carcass alive.

>> No.39689984

Hey I'm not trying to judge you anon. Look, there's probably dating sites you can go to if you want that kind of thing.

>> No.39689988

She's a whore who doesn't understand the Hololive way. It's one of those who hate idol culture

>> No.39690568
Quoted by: >>39696503

>join an idol company
>hates idol culture
I don't understand these women

>> No.39690657

She is literally a glorified NEET roleplaying an anime gamer girl on the internet

>> No.39690767

Literally of EN hate their audiences. They entertain you for the free money you give them and since the end of last year they dont even necessarily need to do that. Theyre rich as fuck thanks to lonely men who donated their life's savings to them.
>b-but my oshi said...
Nobody in EN likes their audience or even the company theyre employed by.

>> No.39690852
Quoted by: >>39691075

latinas are like that

>> No.39690937
File: 1.91 MB, 331x197, d91.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big if true,
Ame cute

>> No.39691075 [DELETED] 

Ame not jew?
>white cohen phenotype(big bitch!)
>"happy holidays", not Christmass
> doesn't name Jesus
>RM family in entertainment/production

Ame cute

>> No.39691202 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39691469

Most latinas are a huge mix.
She's pale so white.
Hispanic ancestry so latina.
Hebrew name so jew.
Blame the fucking race mixing.

>> No.39691340
Quoted by: >>39692445

interesting rrat, fits in with the wanting to become part of management rrat rather than being an idol

>> No.39691465


>> No.39691469

Hello Ame!
Nice cope, did you know Judaism is creedle?

>> No.39691479
File: 283 KB, 2225x2045, pippa bench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39691731

You unicorns have been extra pissy this whole week. Being alone on the holidays much fucking sting, huh.

>> No.39691731
Quoted by: >>39691809

Who do you have, fellow 4chan /vt/ user?

>> No.39691809

My wife, try tinder or something and maybe you wont feel the need to constantly make these threads,OP

>> No.39691885

She knows that without them her mom will walk out on her again with no money to give her.

>> No.39691921

How did you get a wife? Asian arranged marriadge?
>Try tinder
No, no i don't think i will.

>> No.39692017
File: 339 KB, 2037x2114, 1b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make him feel too lonely, please. It is not too late for him change his life for the better.

>> No.39692047

whatd she do now?

>> No.39692129

Nothing. Just look at catalog, op forgot to take his meds today

>> No.39692149

>Trannies jumping 9n dildos
Projecting what he watches on his phone at night onto others.

>> No.39692195

She exists

>> No.39692232
Quoted by: >>39692875

Oh its ver late. Its too late for 80% of men. Unless you want to be the 'settling' guy with sloopy seconds. Were in the end game. Dont test me.

>> No.39692246

She said merry Christmas too, retard

>> No.39692445

Nice fanfic
>fits in with the wanting to become part of management rrat rather than being an idol
Proven false, please watch streams

>> No.39692555

It's true, Tinder facilitated getting one-night stands a lot. But there are also plenty of lonely people on there who simply have no avenue to meet anyone outside of their workplace (people do not go outside as often anymore, you don't shit where you eat etc.).
Just because you chose to be lonely all this time does not mean every girl and boy with as little experience as you has to wait as long before they realize they do not want to die alone. So maybe, if you're already so fond of online gaming and online fangirling and online shittalking, consider online dating for your own sake.

>> No.39692726
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, pippa smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39693687

On tinder, not a fan of social media but decided to try it, and ive been better off since.
Just giving advice that worked for me, if even half of the unicorns reading this gave it a shot the board would be a much better place.

>> No.39692872
Quoted by: >>39693322

I don't know why ame tried to give advice to narcissistic retards. They are incapable of accepting that they are flawed, advice is an affront to such people.

>> No.39692875
File: 58 KB, 636x900, 1640375255481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late. Even 80 year old widows enter new relationships.
>the 'settling' guy with sloopy seconds
It's rude to talk about your parents like that. Whatever they did I am sure they don't regret having had you.
>Don't test me.
hahaha okay, you too friend

>> No.39693065

its a double doozy because its the first of her projects to be a massive failure.

>> No.39693086
Quoted by: >>39693166

It's amazing that people here are retarded enough to think that the talents are scouting other vtubers

>> No.39693166

hence >personal rrat

>> No.39693322

Imagine accepting advice from a roastie streamer.
That's really pathetic

>> No.39693465

These two threads have almost identical ip count. How strange...

>> No.39693573
Quoted by: >>39693605

Why so many Ame threads today, did she do something?

>> No.39693605

She created KINO by spending her Christmas stream shooting stuff. So it probably upset the japs and libs who can't handle seing guns.

>> No.39693687

You mean well and I think you are right about them. I suspect we just have a considerable overlap with some parts of /r9k/ which have simply gaslit themselves for years into being doomed already.
Personally I was going to try a similar app next year and see who I find. I broke up after 8 years of long distance and now I am more scared to try dating in any form than I would like to admit. I know three people for whom it worked out just last year. Let's hope I'll make it.

>> No.39696503
File: 1.34 MB, 384x464, Ame idol duties[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fg18aw5.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch streams
